#Kuru Mama
vetmundoo · 1 year
Kediler için mama seçimini doğru yapmak önemlidir, çünkü kedinizin sağlığı ve beslenmesi, uzun vadede onun mutluluğunu ve sağlığını etkiler. İyi bir kedi maması, yeterli miktarda protein, yağ, vitamin, mineral ve diğer besin maddelerini içermelidir.
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cilginfizikcilervbi · 2 years
Kuru Hayvan Maması, Yaş Hayvan Mamasından Daha Çevre Dostu
Kuru Hayvan Maması, Yaş Hayvan Mamasından Daha Çevre Dostu
Kuru Evcil Hayvan Maması, Yaş Evcil Hayvan Mamasından Daha Çevre Dostu Olabilir Evcil hayvan sahiplerinin mamaya ulaşmak için yeni bir nedenleri olabilir. Köpekleri ve kedileri yaş mama yerine kuru mamayla beslemenin çevre üzerinde daha az etkisi olabilir. EDUARDO GONZALEZ DİAZ / EYEEM/GETTY IMAGES – Kuru Evcil Hayvan Maması, Yaş Evcil Hayvan Mamasından Daha Çevre Dostu Olabilir Brezilya’daki São…
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nalza73 · 1 month
Terkulai dalam Pelukan Ayah Tiri
– Nama aku Suzana.. Nama manja aku Sue. Dari kecil lagi Mama dan Papa aku bercerai. Aku dijaga dengan penuh kasih sayang oleh Mama yang bergelar usahawan berjaya. Setahun lepas, ketika aku baru menginjak umur 17 tahun Mama berkahwin untuk kali keduanya dengan seorang duda tak ber anak.Nama bapa tiri aku namanya Rafie.. Aku panggil Uncle Rafie jer.. Dia ni ada iras-iras Yusuf Haslam, cuma bedanya dia ni kurus skit dan badannya tegap walaupun sudah umur 42 tahun. Sexy pokoknya pengen aku peluk badannya dan aku jilat – jilat kontolnya. Aku hairan sebab aper la Uncle Rafie ni tergila-gila nak kahwin dengan Mama aku yang lapan tahun lebih tua dari dia. Agaknya sebab Mama ni banyak duit kot.. Tu yang dia terikat dengan Mama. Hai.. Nasib dia lah tak der anak dengan Mama sebab buat pengetahuan korang semua, Mama aku sudah monopos pun. Tak der redeki lar nak menimang anak. Aku pun tak ingin dapat adik. Aku lebih senang jadi anak tungal dalam keluarga. Inilah yang memulai ada kejadian cerita ngentot terkini.
Hubungan aku dengan uncle Rafie pun bukannyer rapat sangat. Kalau aku tak nak tengok muka dia kat rumah waktu cuti minggu, aku pergilah lepak dengan kawan aku kat rumah diorang.. Tak pun aku kunci bilik dan senyapkan diri aku. Memang aku jarang bercakap dengan dia ni. Tak tahu lah sebab apa.. Mungkin aku rasa dia agak muda dari Mama. Uncle Rafie ni memang hensem.. Macho, orang kata makin sudah injak umur 40-an.. Makin tu diorang hebat. Entah lah.. Pada aku tak pun. Makin sudah 40 tu, makin tua lah..
Nak dipendekkan ceritanya.. Suatu hari, Mama terpaksa pergi ke Switdeland sebab ada urusan kat sana yang melibatkan cawangan syarikat Mama kat sana. Aku memang tak penah ditinggalkan Mama lagipun waktu tu aku masih menghadapi SPM kertas terakhir. Aku bukannyer apa.. Tak der orang nak temankan.. Lagipun rumah aku mana ada pembantu rumah. Takkan aku kena tinggal dengan Uncle Rafie kot. Ish! Nak muntah aku bila mengenangkan laki tu.. Last Mama pujuk aku.. Tiga empat hari lagi dia balik lah.. Bukannyer lama pun. Akhirnyer aku termakan pujuk Mama. Pagi tu Mama berangkat ke Switdeland dengan ditemani Unce Rafie ke airport. Aku pula cepat2 pegi ke perpustakaan negeri nak study sebelum last paper SPM petang nanti.
Bila sudah habis exam tu, aku pun lepak kejap kat shopping complex dengan member aku. sudah nak dekat senja baru aku balik. Aku tengok tak der kereta uncle Rafie.. So aku pun lega lah. Terus masuk rumah guna kunci spare dan masuk bilik aku utk mandi. Habis bersihkan badan aku, aku pun lap2 badan aku. Then, aku pun sarungkan baju tidur nipis aku warna merah jambu kegemaran aku. sudah malam kan.. Malas aku nak pakai coli. Cuma aku pakai panti warna pink jer.. Takut jadi apa-apa, naya aku nanti.
Aku tutup lampu utama bilik aku dan buka lampu meja bagi cerah skit bilik aku. Hawa dingin dari aircond bilik aku menyebabkan aku kedinginan. Aku rebahkan badan aku kat katil aku sambil menarik selimut tebal membaluti tubuh aku. Dalam samar-samar dari lampu meja, aku mula menguap dan mataku antara pejam dan tak pejam. Telingakuseakan mendengar pintu bilikku diselak. Terkejut dengan bunyi tu, aku terus bangkit mendadak. Tersembul muka Uncle Rafie di balik pintu. Dia sudah siap pakai pijama warna biru laut. Perlahan, dia hampiri aku dan duduk di tepi katil ku bersebelahan denganku yang terduduk di birai katil. Aku jadi tergamam bila dia masuk macam tu jer ke bilik aku.
“Sudana sudah makan ker?,” tanya uncle Rafie. Suara dia.. Alahai, romantik nyer tanya aku macam aku ni bini dia plak. Aku angguk. Malas nak jawab.
“Mama ada telefon uncle tadi.. Bagi tahu yang dia sudah selamat sampai kat sana,” beritahunya lagi. Aku angguk lagi.
“Erm.. Cam mana dengan last paper tadi? Susah tak?” tanya uncle rafie lagi, membuatkan aku sudah tak senang duduk. Ni sudah melampau lah tanya macam2.. Aku sudah ngantuk giler ni. Penat seharian kat luar.
“Susah tu susah lah. Kalau senang cam kacang, bukan exam nama nyer..” aku menjawab selamba.
Aku ingat dia nak marah lah aku sebab aku macam kurang ajar kat dia. Alih-alih, dia ketawa kecil. Menyampah aku tengok dia cam tu. Mengada-ada.. Nak tunjuk dia tu macho lah tu.. Jangan harap!!, bentak aku dalam hati.
“Kalau cam tu.. Keluar result nanti.. Memang boleh lulus lah ni..” katanya lagi.
“Bukan setakat lulus.. Lulus dengan cemerlang punya,”jawabku.
Tanpa aku sedar, tangan aku tersentuh tangannya yang kasar. Uncle Rafie terus menggenggam erat tanganku. Aku rasa bila tangannya genggam tangan aku yang kesejukkan tu, aku rasa selesa. Tangan dia yang suam-suam panas tu, memberi keselesaan pada aku yang memang kesejukkan. Aku cuba tarik balik tangan aku dari dipegang uncle Rafie. Tapi, aku tak berdaya melawan kudratnya yang lebih kuat.
“Tangan Sudana sejuk.. Selesa tak bila uncle pegang?” tanya uncle Rafie.
Aku geleng kepala, pada hal aku mmang selesa dengan genggaman tangan dia tu. Tapi, uncle Rafie masih boleh senyum lagi. Walau pun dia memang hensem dan gentleman.. Tapi aku rasa menyampah sangat tengok muda dia. Mungkin sebab aku cemburu bila uncle Rafie jadi milik Mama yang memang tak sepadan dengan dia yang jauh lebih muda.
“Uncle.. Lepas kan tangan Sue..” rayuku bila makin kuat genggaman tanganku hinggakan dari rasa selesa, aku rasa sakit sebab genggaman dia terlalu kuat bagi diriku yang hanya gadis yang lemah. Perlahan, dia melonggarkan genggaman tangan ku tapi masih memegang tanganku, tak ingin dilepaskan. Aku sendiri tak tahu apa yang bermain di fikiran uncle Rafie sekarang ni.
Uncle Rafie mula menginjak ke arahku. Dari tepi katil, dia kini duduk berhadapan dengan ku. Dari cahaya lampu meja, aku tengok dia sedang mengamati aku. Hairan nyer.. Aku tak halang pun dia dari berada bersama aku di atas katil. Dalam aku menolak, aku merelakan perbuatannya itu.
Uncle Rafie mendekatkan bibirnya ke telingaku dan aku dapat rasa dadanya yang bidang itu tersentuh buah dadaku yang tak memakai coli.
“Uncle tahu Sudana perlukan uncle malam ni..” bisiknya dengan nada seksi. Baru lah aku faham maksud dia kini.
“Eh! Mana ada.. Sue tak takut pun.. Dan tak perlukan uncle sampai bila-bila..” aku menjawab sombong.
Uncle Rafie tenang dengan jawapan aku yang kasar itu. Aku hairan dengan perangai dia yang begitu tenang menghadapi telatah ku yang nakal.
Tiba-tiba, dia memegang pehaku. Baju tidur nipis aku sudah terselak ke pangkal peha waktu dia datang tadi. Aku tersentak bila dia mengusap lembut pehaku. Aku mengetap bibirku menahan godaannya. Mata aku dan mata dia bertentangan sambil tangannya menjalar ke celahan pehaku yang putih gebu itu. Kaki ku tergerak ke atas akibat usapan yang merangsang aku. Tak pernah aku mengalami keadaan begini. Memang aku agak jahil dalam bab ni walaupun aku sudah menginjak remaja.
Melihat aku yang tak menolak sentuhannya, tangan ku yang digenggamnya dilepaskan lalu badannya cuba rapat pada badanku. Muka kami agak rapat bertentangan. Dadanya bersentuhan sekali lagi dengan dadaku. Aku rasa ada sesuatu sedang menusuk ke perutku. Aku pegang benda panjang itu dan wajah uncle Rafie serta merta berubah. Dia tundukkan kepalanya bila aku usap benda tu. Dia kelihatan menahan kesedapan yang amat sangat.
“Ooohh!!” dia berbisik kesedapan.
Rupanya, aku telah memegang batangnya yang telah lama menegang sejak dia bersentuhan dengan dadaku. Cepat-cepat aku lepaskan, dan wajahnya mendongak semula menatap wajahku yang betul-betul dekat dengan muka dia. Aku yang bersandar di birai katil tertolak ke belakang akibat ditindih badannya yang besar. Pinggangku yang ramping dipegang kemas oleh tangannya lalu dia mengucup bibirku.
Aku betul-betul terkejut dengan tindakkannya itu. Seumur hidup aku inilah pertama kali dicium oleh lelaki. Tanpa aku sedari, aku menendang perutya. Dia tertolak ke belakang, dan kesempatan inilah yang aku gunakan untuk melarikan diri. Aku tak sanggup menyerahkan tubuhku kepada lelaki yang bukan milikku. Lagipun, bukan kah aku memang membenci dia?
Pintu yang terbuka memudahkan aku melarikan diri dari cengkaman bapa tiriku. Entah bilik mana yang kumasuk pun, aku sudah tak ingat. Uncle Rafie mengejar ku ke bilik yang aku masuk. Pintu bilik sudah ku kunci. Air mata bergenang di kelopak mataku. Aku ketakutan bila pintu bilik diketuk berkali-kali. Aku mendiamkan diri di atas katil. Tiba-tiba, pintu itu terbuka. Uncle Rafie memeluk tubuhnya sambil merenungku yang ketakutan. Aku bangkit semula bila dia cuba mendekati aku. Macam mana aku nak lepaskan diri dari dia?
“Kalau Sue nak lari pun.. Takkan lari ke bilik uncle dan Mama?” soalnya sambil tersenyum. Aku baru perasan yang bilik ini adalah bilik Mama dan uncle.
“Please uncle.. Jangan buat Sue macam ni..” aku mula menangis.
Dia mula bergerak ke arah ku, sedang aku cuba menjauhkan diri darinya. Bila dia semakin jauh dari pintu bilik cepat2 aku cuba keluar dari bilik itu. Tapi, kali ni tubuhku cepat disambar oleh ayah tiriku. Aku meronta-ronta minta dilepaskan. Pelukkan nya erat, agar ku tak terlepas seperti tadi. Dengan mudah dia mengendong badanku. Aku semakin liar cuba untuk melepaskan diri. Baju tidur ku terkoyak tanpa ku sedari. payudara kiriku terkeluar dari baju tidurku yang nipis, sedangkan tangan kasar ayah tiriku tersentuh putingku yang tiba-tiba menjadi kejang.
Badanku dihumban ke atas katil Mama dan uncle Rafie. Aku cuba menutup payudara kiriku yang jelas memuncak, teransang dengan sentuhan ayah tiriku itu. Uncle Rafie membuka baju pijamanya. Di hadapan ku kini, tubuh sasa seorang lelaki yang bernama Rafie.
Dia cuba menindih tubuhku yang dua kali ganda kecil darinya. Aku meronta-ronta bila baju tidurku direntap rakus.
“Uncle.. Jangan..” rayuku, namun tidak diendahkannya.
Tubuhku digomol semahu-mahunya. Terasa satu benda panjang menyucuk di celah pehaku yang kebasahan. Aku sudah tak sanggup menghadapi sitiasi itu lagi. Katil tempat tidur Mama ku dan ayah tiriku kini menjadi medan peperangan kami. Bibirku dikucup rakus. Tangannya memegang erat tanganku yang meronta-ronta minta dilepaskan.
Lidahnya cuba membolosi mulutku yang terbuka sedikit. Dijolok2 nya lidahnya dengan melagakan lidahku membuatkan aku kegelian sekejap. Permainan lidah uncle Rafie membuatkan aku semakin layu dalam pelukkannya. Penolakkanku bertukar kepada penerimaan. Aku memegang pinggangnya sambil cuba mengulum lidahnya bagi membalas serangannya terhadap lidah ku. Kami bermain-main lidah hampir lima minit. Ternyata unce Rafie hebat ketika di ranjang. Dari mulut, dia menjalarkan lidahnya ke leherku.
“Aaarhh..” aku mendesis kesedapan.
Dicium nya leherku bertalu-talu membuatkan aku kegelian dalam keenakkan sambil mendongak kepalaku bagi memudahkan dia memainkan peranannya. Leher ku seakan dijerut oleh tali bila dia mengulum kuat isi kulitku pada leher. Mungkin ini lah yang selalu orang panggil “love bite”. Aku mengerang kesedapan yang amat sangat. Kucupan hangat dari bibir nya memberi satu kepuasan yang tak terhingga. Ketika dia mula menjalarkan mulut nya ke dadaku, aku mula rebah perlahan lahan. Badanku yang tadi meronta-rota inta dilepaskan, kini aku terbaring lemah.
Aku rasa macam ada cecair yang keluar dari kemaluanku. Aku berada di celahan kaki Uncle rafie yang sedang berlutut. Dia memandang ku. Aku dapat rasakan.. Dia seorang romantik org nya. Dia menghadiahkan ciuman pada dahiku dengan penuh kasih sayang. Rambut depanku diselak ke tepi sambil mengusap lembut pipiku. Aku usap lembut dadanya yang berbulu nipis itu. Agak kebasahan dek peluh walaupun bilik Mama berhawa dingin. Dia cuba merapatkan badannya ke badanku, dan aku rasa tertindih dek kerana badannya yang sasa dan besar itu. Ciuman di jalarkan ke pangkal dadaku yang separuh terselak.
“Hemm.. Puting Sue sudah menegang..” katanya bila dia menyentuh buah dadaku yang melonjak naik bila tersentuh tapak tangan uncle Rafie.
Aku menggeliat bersama erangan berbaur nikmat itu. Tak tahan dengan erangan aku itu, uncle Rafie terus menjilat putingku hinggakan kebasahan buah dadaku. Aku memegang erat besi katil sambil kepalaku bergoyang kanan dan kiri. Eranganku bertambah bila dia cuba menggigit putingku. Rambutnya kuramas kuat sambil menekan-nekan kepalanya pada buah dadaku yang pejal dan tegang itu.
“Ooohh.. So good..!! Eeerrmmpphh.. Please uncle..” rayuku meminta agar dia meneruskan gigitannya itu. Pengalaman pertama dijilat dan digigit pada putingku menjadikan aku tak keruan dibuatnya.
“So.. Please make me feel so good Rafiee..!!” jeritku bila dia mengentel-gentel putingku dan meramas-ramas buah dadaku yang bagaikan buah betik itu.
Aku kelemasan dan lemah longlai diperlakukan begini buat pertama kalinya seumur hidup aku. Tanganku terkulai layu. Uncle Rafie pegang tanganku dan meletakkan kedua-dua tanganku ke atas bagi memudahkan dia menanggalkan baju tidurku. Aku hanya menurut saja keinginan lelaki itu.
Bila tali baju tidurku direntap sekali, maka terlerailah baju tidur ku dari tubuhku yang selama ini aku tatang bagai minyak yang penuh. Entah kemana dia melontar baju tidur aku pun, aku tak pasti. Kini aku menjadi perhatian matanya yang agak terkejut dengan rupa buah dadaku. Diramasnya perlahan-lahan, sambil membuat pusaran pada buah dadaku yang melentik ke atas. Bila dia memusarkan usapan ada buah dadaku, aku meronta-ronta kesedapan sambil meracau-racau tak sedarkan diri akibat terlalu nikmat. Aku agak, pantiku sudah tak dapat menampung kebasahan yang membanjiri celah kangkangku. Malu pun ada bila lutut uncle Rafie tersentuh pehaku yang sudah basah dek air nikmatku.
Uncle Rafie mula menjilat putingku kiriku dengan hujung lidahnya. Aku tergerak ke atas sambil mengeliat sehabis-habisan. Kepuasannya hanya aku dan dia yang mengerti. Buah dada sebelah kanan ku diramas-ramas sambil mengentel-gentel putingku. Batangnya terasa tercucuk-cucuk pada celahan pehaku.
“Uncle.. Uuuhh!! Noo.. Uncle.. Eeerrmmss.. Hhhaa..” aku memanggil-manggil nya diiringi dengan erangan yang mengasyikkan. Aku mula terasa kesemua air nikmatku seakan-akan menghambur keluar dari lubang cipapku yang berbalut panti itu. Uncle Rafie melepaskan buah dada kananku lalu merayap ke taman laranganku. Usapan lembut menyentuh cipapku kemudian dia merasa di lurah cipapu yang banjir teruk.
“Hmm.. Tat”s mean, u already climax,” bisik uncle Rafie.
Dalam sedar tak sedar akibat menghamburkan air nikmat tadi, aku bertanya.
“Climax tu apa Uncle?” tanyaku kebodohan. Uncle Rafie mencium bibirku.
“Tandanya.. Sue sudah mengalami puncak nikmat hubungan kita ni.. Bila rasa macam sudah terkeluar, bagi tahu lah kat Uncle yang Sue sudah cumming atau climax..” ajar uncle Rafie sambil meraba-raba cipapku.
Antara dengar tak dengar aku angguk jer.. Nikmat yang dberikan oleh uncle Rafie kepadaku malam ini membuatkan aku khayal sekejap. Kemudian, aku dapat rasakan pehaku dikuak perlahan-lahan oleh uncle Rafie. Sedikit demi sedikit aku terkangkang luas yang mana memberi kemudahan pada uncle Rafie untuk becelapak di tengah. Malu dengan renungan nya, aku merapatkan kembali pehaku.
“Kenapa ni..? don’t do this to me..” pujuk Uncle Rafie sambil menguak kembali pehaku seluas yang mungkin. Dirapat kepalanya ke arah celah kangkangku.
Dia menjilat-jilat cipapku yang masih berbalut panties pink. Lidahnya menjolok-jolok lurah cipapku.
“Usshh aarrgghh..” erangku sambil tanganku mulai meramas buah dadaku sendiri dan sebelah lagi mencapai kepala uncle Rafie. Dia mulai menarik seluar dalamku sambil terus mengucup ari ari kepunyaanku.
Dan bila mana terbuka saja panties maka terserlahlah cipapku yang nampak timbul tembam dengan bulu yang sedikit sekitar cipapku. Aku lihat uncle Rafie tersenyum melihat keindahan lurah cipapku yang kebasahan. Tanpa melengahkan masa, dia terus membenamkan muka nya kecelah kelangkangku dan mulai menjilat biji kelentitku.
“Argghh ishhs sisshh uuoohh..” aku mengerang lagi serentak dengan mengangkat punggungku. Terasa air ku bertambah banyak yang keluar sehingga seluruh mulut dan hidung uncle Rafie telah cukup basah.
“Hmm.. Taste really good..” katanya sambil menjilat-jilat baki lendir ku yang melekat di tepi bibirnya. Agaknya, bau airku menyegarkan uncle Rafie serta menyelerakan membuat dia tambah kuat ingin menjilat cipapku. Ini lah pertama kali seumur hidupku cipapku di jilat oleh seorang lelaki dan aku tak menyangka lelaki yang pertama medapat tubuhku ialah ayah tiriku sendiri..
Dia teruskan jilatannya sambil tangannya terus meramas tetekku yang asyik berlaga antara satu sama lain bila badanku menggigil kenikmatan setiap kali biji kelentitku di hisap dan disedut berkali-kali. Nikmat tak terhingga.. Aku puas dengan layanan istimewa uncle Rafie. Dari perasaan benci, timbul perasaan sayang kepada lelaki yang 14 tahun tua dari aku.
“Aaabbngg unncllee.. Aaarrgghh..” serentak itu aku mengepit kepalanya dengan kuat dan tangan ku menekan-nekan kepala nya kuat ke cipapku sehingga aku rasakan hidungnya terbenam dalam lubang cipapku membuat uncle Rafie agak sukar bernafas, tanganku sebelah lagi memegang tangan nya yang meramas buah dadaku dan menekan dengan kuat disitu.
Aku dapat merasakan air hangat seakan-akan melimpah keluar dari lubang cipapku. Lama aku mengepit uncle rafie sehingga aku mengangkat tinggi punggungku. Tetiba aku menjatuh punggung ku dan membuka kelangkangku semula.. Sempatlah uncle Rafie bernafas seketika namun belum sempat dia menarik nafas sekali lagi aku terkepit dan punggungku terangkat tinggi dan menjerit..
“Uuunnccllee!! Help mee!!”
Setelah beberapa saat baru aku menjatuhkan punggungku dan melepaskan kepala uncle Rafie dari sepitan pehaku. Satu keluhan berat keluar dari mulutku “hhaarrhh”. Air nikmatku mengalir lagi dari lubang cipapku. Aku klimaks kali kedua. Aku terkulai layu. Uncle Rafie memelukku unuk mententeramkan perasaan ku yang sudah keletihan. Tak sanggup rasanya untuk meneruskan perjuangan yang entah bila akan selesai. Aku mencium lehernya dan meraba-raba punggungnya yang pejal.
“I love you..” bisiknya padaku. Aku tersentuh dengan ucapan nya itu. Ku usap belakangnya lalu kubisikkan ke telinganya.
“I love you too..” tanpa kusedar aku mengaku yang aku memang menyintainya sejak mula dia sah menjadi suami Mamaku. Rambutku yang serabut diusap penuh kasih sayang.
Dalam itu uncle Rafie menindih tubuhku, kedua lututku dibengkukkan ke atas dan uncle Rafie berada ditengah-tengahnya, taman milikku ternganga menghadap uncle Rafie yang mengacu batangnya ke arah lubang cipapku.
Aku yang tiba-tiba tersedar kehendak sebenar uncle Rafie mula merayu minta jangan dimasukkan batangnya yang panjang 7 inci itu ke dalam lubang cipapku. Aku masih belum sedia menyerahkan mahkotaku kepada lelaki yang bergelar bapa tiriku. Aku takut aku benih uncle Rafie dan aku akan bercambah dalam rahimku yang subur. Kalau itu terjadi, macam mana aku nak terangkan pada Mama? Sanggupkah dia menerima yang suaminya mempunyai anak bersama anak gadisnya sendiri? Aku mula menangis merayu pada uncle Rafie. Perlahan, uncle Rafie merangkak ke atasku dan mengucup pangkal dadaku yang putih melepak.
“Oohh.. Uncle.. No.. Please..” aku menangis di hadapannya. Jelas sekali aku dalam ketakutan dengan tindakkan yang aku lakukan ini. Uncle Rafie mengesat air mata yang mengalir di pipiku. Aku tahu dia tak akan memaksaku melakukan perkara yang aku tak suka.
“Why Sue? Tadi Sue kelihatan bahagia bersama abang. Kenapa menolak permintaan uncle? Please.. Uncle perlukan Sue untuk melengkapkan saat bahagia kita ni, “pujuk uncle Rafie sambil membelai pipiku. Pujukkan uncle Rafie membuatkan aku terleka.
“Sue takut.. Uncle suami Mama.. Kalau benih uncle tersemai dalam rahim Sue.. Macam mana sue nanti?” tanyaku tersesak-esak.
Sebenarnya aku memang ingin merasai kenikmatan bila batang uncle Rafie masuk ke dalam lubangku dan kami mencapai klimaks bersama. Tapi, aku tak cukup yakin dengan tindakkan ku meniduri uncle Rafie.
“Then.. Uncle akan bertanggung jawab. Mama sue tak kan tahu perkara ini.. Abang akan carikan ikhtiar untuk sue. Uncle akan beri nama abang kepada anak kita nanti..” pujuk uncle Rafie. Aku yang termakan pujuk rayunya mengangguk dalam terpaksa. Uncle Rafie kemudiannya merangkak menuruni celah kangkangku yang terbuka luas.
Taman larangan ku ternganga menadah batang yang mengacu ke arahnya, uncle Rafie sengaja menggesel kepala batangnya yang berkilat itu ke arah celah yang terbuka supaya kepala tersebut bertambah licin akibat cecair yang melilih dari rongga ku yang keghairahan, geselan tersebut menimbulkan rasa semakin sedap buat ku. Erangan kuat terkeluar dari mulutku. Uncle Rafie tidak gelojoh untuk menghunuskan senjatanya ke dalam alat sulit ku. Aku mula hilang sabar untuk menikmati nikmat bila dia cuba melengah-lengahkan tujahan berbisa batangnya itu.
“Unncllee.. Pleasee.. Hurryy.. Let it come in my pussyy..” rayuku tanpa sedar meminta bapa tiriku sendiri segerakan menyetubuhinya.
“Come down honey.. We play our game slowly and smooth.. ” bisik uncle Rafie ditelinga ku dengan nada yang berahi.
“Hold on Sue.. Abang nak masukkan” bisik uncle Rafie sambil menggomol payudaraku.
Tanpa lengah-lengah lagi aku menggemgam alat kelakiannya dengan mengarahkan kelubukku yang telah sedia menanti, dengan perlahan uncle Rafie menekan senjatanya ke dalam. Lantas bibir ku dikulumnya serentak buah dadaku diramas diikuti menambah tekanan ke arah lubang yang sempit. Uncle Rafie ketika itu berkerut dahinya bila dia dapat merasakan kehangatan lubuk yang telah sebahagian ditembusi senjatanya walaupun sempit tetapi dapat ditembusi kerana ruang tersebut berlendir dan bengkak, uncle Rafie cuba menambah tusukan, sesuatu telah ditembusi membuatkan aku mengaduh.
“Aduh.. Sakit.. Uncle.. Please.. You hurt me..” lantas aku menolak tubuh uncle Rafie yang menindihku serta merapatkan peha agar tidak ditikam lagi.
“Please open it.. Honey.. You will not feel hurt anymore..” rengek uncle Rafie membujukku.
“Sakit uncle..” balas ku yang sudah tidak dapat menikmati keenakan dibelai lelaki sebagaimana tadi.
Pedih celah kelengkangku direjah oleh senjata bapa tiriku masih dirasainya tapi aku cuba juga membukakan kelengkangku untuk uncle Rafie menambah benamannya ke dalam lubukku walaupn kesakitan dirasai akibat rayuan dan pujukan uncle Rafie.
Kulihat uncle Rafie begitu bersemangat tapi berhati-hati menghunus senjatanya supaya aku tidak terlalu sakit. Dia melakukan aktiviti menyorong tarik perlahan cuma setakat separuh sahaja, sementara itu punggung aku diramasnya manakala kedua buah dadaku menjadi uliannya, mulut ku dikucupnya membuatkan aku bagaikan tak bernafas membiarkan diriku digomol dan dipaku oleh uncle Rafie. Uncle Rafie merasa terlalu nikmat walaupun senjatanya tidak sepenuh meneroka lubang kemaluan anak tirinya ini, nafsu membuak-buak. Aku tidak merasa nikmat sebalik menahan kepedihan celah kelangkang yang dicucuk, walaupun uncle Rafie begitu lancar mencucuk kelangkangku.
Daripada merasa sakit, aku kembali ke keadaan normal orang bersetubuh. Kenikmatan yang dirasai akibat tujahan batang uncle Rafie yang panjangnya 7 inci itu membuatkan aku hilang pedoman, hilang kewarasan ku selama ini dan juga aku lupa yang kini aku sedang bermadu kasih dengan bapa tiriku sendiri. Farajku terasa sengal bila batang uncle Rafie ku kemut dengan rakus, aku harap uncle Rafie faham yang aku tak ingin batangnya dicabut keluar waktu itu.
Mungkin menyedari aku masih berupaya mengemut batang nya, uncle Rafie kembang-kembangkan kelopak cendawannya agar batangnya itu membengkak dalam farajku. Aku menahan kesedapan yang diterima dari uncle Rafie. Aku pejam mata kuat-kuat sambil badanku menggigil-gigil bila kelopak cendawan uncle Rafie mengembang dan mengucup dalam farajku. Aku kegelian. Bahuku dipegang kuat oleh uncle Rafie, cuba menahan aku daripada terus menggigil yang menyebabkan dia hilang rentak. Tapi, aku tak peduli, apa yang kurasakan ini lebih membuatkan aku lebih bertenaga untuk melawan pegangannya yang memang kuat itu.
Perbuatan uncle Rafie itu itu membuatkan faraj ku kian bertambah kuat kuncupannya. Dan kemutan itu semakin kerap dan berulang laju. Kini aku dapat merasa yang uncle Rafie mengeluh kesedapan bila batangnya ku kemut kuat-kuat. Aku takkan benarkan ia tercabut dari tubuhku. Aku dapat melihat wajah hensem uncle Rafie berkerut menahan nikmat yang aku berikan padanya. Kadang-kadang, dia mengetap bibirnya. Akhirnya tubuhnya turut menggigil penuh nafsu sepertiku tadi. Aku sempat tersenyum melihat uncle Rafie kian lemah dengan perbuatan aku mengemut batangnya. Kemudian aku menutup mataku. Kami mengayuh dengan penuh bertenaga. Aku peluk dpinggangnya dan aku menggerakkan tubuh kami atas bawah agar batangnya tak lari dariku. Nafasku semakin cemas. Tapi, orang berpengalaman seperti uncle Rafie membuatkan aku kagum dengan sikapnya yang lebih matang dalam menangani situasiku kini. Lalu, biji kelentitku digentel dengan laju dalam keadaan batangnya masih terendam kuat dan padat dalam lubang farajku yang kian rakus kemutannya.
Tak semena-mena kemudian aku melonjak sedikit. Nafasku terhenti helaan. Kemutku menyepit. Aklu dapat rasa basahnya batangnya uncle Rafie di dalam lubangku. Aku mengetap bibirku. Dahiku berkerut merasakan kemuncak berahi yang amat ladat. Lama.. Hampir tiga empat minit, mencecah lima minit. Dan sudahnya, gelinjatku tenang semula. Dadaku mulai berombak semula. Nafasku terhela lesu. Dan bibirku tak diketap lagi tapi aku ingin membicarakan sesuatu dengan uncle Rafie. Farajku berdenyut perlahan dan basah. Perlahan-lahan aku membuka kelopak mataku dengan perasaan malu. Tadi aku menolak, sekarang lain yang jadinya.
“Got it.. Honey?” Tanya uncle Rafie.
“Yes honey.. I got it.. Ooohh..!! I”m feel so horny..” balasku dengan suaraku yang serak akibat terlalu lama menjerit kesedapan. Kakiku terdampar luas menguak selepas tadinya sewaktu mencapai tahap berahi, ianya terkancing rapat.
Tiba-tiba uncle Rafie mendakapku erat dan dalam keadaan batangnya masih terbenam rapat dalam faraj ku, dia berpaling posisi dengan susah payah sehinggakan akhirnya, kini uncle Rafie pula berada terlentang di bawah dan aku duduk di atas. Posisi itu membuatkan batang uncle Rafie makin terasa menyucuk dan menyenak di dalam farajku sehingga menganjak pintu rahimku yang berbonggol pejal.
Tiba-tiba aku rasa begitu malu sekali ketika itu kerana bapa tiriku dapat melihat buah dadaku yang subur gebu, perutku yang slim, pinggangku yang ramping, dan semak halus di bawah perutku yang kini menelan sepenuhnya tongkol keras batang bapa tiriku ini. Aku sentuh perut uncle Rafie yang berotot pejal itu. Aku usap dengan rahimku masih bersatu dengan batang uncle Rafie yang tajam dan keras itu. Uncle Rafie merenungku dalam. Aku tahu dia begitu kagum dengan keindahan tubuhku yang kini menghadapnya yang sedang berbaring.
“How do you feel rite now? If you really want to give up.. Terserah lah.. Uncle tak ingin memaksa Sue..” katanya perlahan.
Kami bagaikan pasangan suami isteri yang bahagia. Memang aku amat bahagia sekarang ni. Uncle Rafie memenuhinya dengan perasaan yang tulus ikhlas.
“Kalau Sue tak suka, terserah pada Sue.. Uncle tahu Sue memang inginkan perhatian daripada uncle selama ini. Cuma uncle tak berkesempatan bersama dengan Sue.. Kalau Sue tak suka, uncle tak layak menghalang kehendak Sue sebab uncle sudah berada di bawah..” Uncle Rafie sengaja mahu menguji emosiku ketika ini.
Dia tahu yang aku mula menerima keindahan yang kami kecapai tadi. Mungkin dia inginkan kepastian samada ingin meneruskan lagi atau berundur dari medan perang ini. Ku lihat, uncle Rafie mendepangkan tangannya dan meluruskan kakinya sambil merenung tepat ke mata ayu ku.
Dia terus meneran mengembangkan kelopak cendawannya supaya meregang memadatkan ruang dalaman faraj ku supaya aku terus merasakan tekanan yang memberangsangkan. Perlahan-lahan aku mengangkat pinggulnya melepaskan batang pelir yang ditelan oleh farajku. Kelihatan licin kulit batang uncle Rafie itu diselaputi benih ku tadi. Keruh dan lendir. dat yang menikmatkan. Dan aku benar-benar terasa kecundang sebab terpaksa juga aku melepaskan batang Uncle Rafie itu dalam keadaan yang begitu berat melepaskan kepala cendawan bapa tirku yang kejang membesar itu. PLOP! Terlepas dari farajku dan aku terus berbaring meniarap dengan kepala terteleng ke arah yang bertentangan dari bapa tirku ini.
Uncle Rafie tersenyum. Aku nekad untuk mengharungi malam ini bersamanya. Melihat aku berbaring disebelahnya, uncle Rafie dapat mengagak yang aku telah mengambil keputusan yang nekad berhubung hubungan kami berdua. Aku ingin meneruskan perjuangan kami yang belum selesai. Diambilnya minyak baby oil Johnson yang terletak di meja sebelah katil.
Lalu dituangkannya minyak itu ke pinggulku sehingga mengalir turun ke alur farajku. Kemudian digosokkannya minyak itu penuh menyelaputi pinggul ku yang keras dan pejal itu. Dan sekali sekala dia melajakkan jarinya itu ke faraj ku yang masih menginginkan tusukan tumpul batangnya yang setongkol 7 inci itu.
Perlahan-lahan dan berhati-hati dia naik merangkak memanjat ke belakang ku lalu menindih. Batang pelirnya diletakkan di alur pinggul ku yang pejal itu. Aku berdiam membiarkan. Aku ingin dia meneruskan dengan membiarkannya tanpa bantahan. Uncle Rafie gesel dari bawah ke atas. Bila pelirnya mengena celah peha ku, ianya kurasa memukul sedikit pintu dubur dan pintu faraj ku secara bergilir sebelum dilayangkan semula naik ke alur pinggul ku.
Lama juga uncle Rafie berbuat macam tu. Aku menahan kesedapan. Mataku terpejam rapat setiap kali batang pelirnya digesel atas bawah dan memukul duburku dan pintu farajku. Tanpa di suruh, aku tertonggek pinggulku kepada uncle Rafie yang menindih tubuhku. Aku tunjukkan kepadanya rekahan pintu farajku yang sudah basah diminyakkan olehnya tadi dengan baby oil Johnson tadi.
Dengan agak gelojoh, pantas uncle Rafie merendamkan kembali kepala cendawannya masuk melalui liangku yang indah lagi nikmat itu. Berdesup masuk dengan lebih mudah dari pertama kalinya. Aku pegang dengan kuat-kuat birai besi katilku. Aku memberikan tindak balas berlawanan bagi membantu uncle Rafie menelan batang nya supaya tertujah lebih jauh lagi ke dalam farajku.
Uncle Rafie sorong perlahan-lahan, kemudian tarik sedikit, kemudian sorong lagi dan tarik lagi. Pada setiap kali sorongan masuk, aku melonjak ke belakang ke arah uncle Rafie, pada masa sorongan tarik keluar, aku makin menganjak ke arahnya kerana tidak mahu batangnya terkeluar dariku
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semutmerahlagi · 3 months
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[Kisah Benar] Dua Hari
Aku terjaga dari tidur apabila terasa bibir aku dicium dengan rakus.
"Man... burit kakak rasa gatai....miang sangat-sangat, jomlah kongkek...."
Perlahan-lahan aku membuka mata.
Seorang wanita cantik berusia 25 tahun, iaitu 9 tahun lebih tua dariku,
sedang asyik mencium bibirku. Aku turut tercium haruman wangi dari tubuhnya.
Mungkin baru lepas mandi.
"Mama dengan abah dah pergi Ipoh, 2 hari 1 malam kat sana. Kita boleh
berpesta 2 hari 1 malam di rumah. ", kata wanita cantik itu sambil
melancapkan kote aku.
Tiba-tiba kedengaran suara seorang bayi menangis. Disisi aku terlentang anak
saudara aku yang berusia 6 bulan. Wanita cantik itu segera menanggalkan
terus tuala yang dipakainya. Bertelanjang bulat dihadapanku, dan terus
memasukkan puting tetek kirinya yang coklat kehitaman ke dalam mulut
"Kakak.... Man pun nak hisap tetek kakak", kataku sambil memicit-micit
puting tetek kanan Kak Ina sehingga keluar air susu dari puting tetek Kak
"Kesianyaaaa.... adik pun dah lam
Sesekali Kak Ina menjeling manja ke arahku. Dia perempuan tercantik bagi
aku. Segala-galanya begitu sempurna. Dari rupa paras hinggalah kepada tubuh
Sawo matang kulitnya tetapi begitu gebu dan cantik sekali kulitnya. Agak
kurus dan tinggi tetapi buah dada dan punggungnya montok berisi. Kak Ina
meletakkan anaknya di atas katil setelah anaknya tidur semula.
Selepas itu aku terus menerkam dia. Kak Ina terus kangkang kaki seluas yang
boleh apabila aku menghala kote aku ke arah puki dia. Aku merodok terus kote
aku ke dalam lubang puki Kak Ina yang sudah sedia ternganga.
Kira-kira lima minit kemudian.....Creettt.... cretttt....... Aku terus
pancut ke dalam pantat dia. Aku terasa puki dia menyedut kote aku ketika aku
pancut. Menyedut keluar ke semua air mani aku ke dalam lubang faraj dia.
Selepas itu aku cuba menarik keluar kote aku.
"Heyyyy!!! Jangan tarik kote keluar lagi, sekejap saja lagi baru kakak
puas....", Kak Ina melarang aku menarik keluar kote aku.
Tak perlu tunggu lama, selalunya dalam 5 atau 6 minit Kak Ina akan sampai
kemuncaknya. Selepas Kak Ina puas barulah aku cabut keluar kote aku.
"Tunggu sini, sekejap lagi, kita kongkek lagi. Kakak nak kencing", kata Kak
Ina sambil berdiri.
"Man nak tengok kakak kencing.....", balasku.
"Adik tak pernah tengok perempuan kencing? "
"Tak..tak pernah"
“Adik tak pernah cuba intai kakak kencing masa kakak dalam bilik air?” tanya
Kak Ina.
"Apasal tak intai? Ikut kakak masuk bilik air", kata Kak Ina
"Ok, jugak,... selama ni pun cuma tengok lubang kencing kakak saja... Nak
tengok juga macam mana air kencing kakak keluar", kataku sambil cuba
mengelap saki baki air mani aku yang melimpah keluar dari lubang puki Kak
Ina kerana dia sedang berdiri ketika itu.
"Jomlah cepat... Kakak dah nak terkencing ni...", Kak Ina segera menarik
tangan aku.
Di dalam bilik air, Kak Ina berdiri sambil menghala kelangkang dia ke arah
mangkuk tandas. Aku membuka bibir kemaluan dan kelopak puki dia sehingga
kelihatan lubang kencing dia.
Selepas itu air kencingnya yang entah ditahan berapa lama, menyembur keluar
dari lubang kencingnya.
Selesai kencing, Kak Ina mencangkung. Aku mengorek keluar air mani aku yang
masih bertakung di dalam lubang pukinya. Membersihkan pukinya.
"Kak Ina.... mama dengan abah pergi mana?", tiba-tiba aku terdengar suara
Kak Zila.
"Pergi Ipoh, 2 hari 1 malam kat sana." kata Kak Ina sambil bangun berdiri.
Aku mengeringkan puki Kak Ina dengan tuala. Kak Ina kangkang sedikit kakinya
untuk memudahkan aku mengeringkan pukinya.
Selepas itu Kak Ina beredar keluar dari bilik mandi.
Aku melihat Kak Zila berkemban dengan tuala di tepi pintu. Kak Zila terus
masuk ke dalam bilik air.
"Man,.. man tutuh Kak Zila. Cepat sikit. Kakak nak mandi kejap lagi", kata
Kak Zila, sambil membogelkan terus badan dia dengan menanggalkan kain
"Baru saja tutuh Kak Ina.. tak boleh nak keras ni..."
"Tak payah tunggu keras lah, Man jolok saja butuh Man dalam burit kakak.
Cepatlah.. kakak nak mandi nak pergi kerja ni..."
Kak Zila tinggi lampai, lebih tinggi dari aku. Jadi mudah bagi aku untuk
jolok kote aku ke dalam lubang puki Kak Zila sambil kami berdiri.
"Hoi!!!... Raba-rabalah sama badan kakak, takkan nak kaku macam ni saja.
Bila masa kakak nak puas macam ni...", rungut Kak Zila.
Aku pun mula meraba-raba punggung dan tetek dia.
"Kak Zila, Man nak tengok kakak kencing"
"Huh... ada hobi baru pulak"
"Tadi Man tengok Kak Ina kencing,..."
"Oh... gitu,... Jadi.. Man nak tengok Kak Zila pula kencing yer?" tanya Kak
Zila, sambil mula mengemut-ngemut lubang puki dia.
"Yer....", jawabku.
"Tak senonoh!!!", jerkah Kak Zila sambil lubang puki dia tak henti-henti
mengemut-ngemut kote aku berulang kali.
"Sorry... sorry... saja tanya, kalau tak boleh tak apa....tak tengok pun tak
"Habis tu... kalau dia berak pun kau nak tengok juga?"
"Errr..... tak...."
Kakak tak rasa nak kencing,... lain kali jerlah sayang tengok kakak
kencing", kata Kak Zila tersenyum sambil mengenyit mata. Kedua-dua tangannya
mencubit kedua-dua pipi aku. Huh... Kak Zila selalu permainkan aku....
"Man.... pagi ni sejuk sangatla... kejap lagi turun kat ruang tamu.... tutuh
kakak..." tiba-tiba saja Kak Ina muncul di tepi pintu.
"Ya....", jawabku lemah. Boleh mampus aku macam ni.....
Sepanjang hari ini hujan turun dengan lebat. Aku rasa malas nak keluar.
Lagipun aku tak nak tinggalkan Kak Ina kesunyian seorang diri di rumah.
Aku rasa enak betul dapat memeluk kakakku dalam suasana yang dingin begini.
Aku tidur tertiarap di atas Kak Ina. Kami berdua bertelanjang bulat.
Langsung tak berpakaian semenjak pagi tadi.
Kote aku masih lagi berkubang dalam lubang puk i Kak Ina. Selalunya itulah
yang kami lakukan. Membiarkan kote aku berada di dalam lubang puki selama
yang boleh.
Rasanya dekat 1 jam dah aku tertidur dalam pelukan Kak Ina. Aku menatap
wajah Kak Ina. Cantik betul. Hidung mancung dengan bibir yang merah mulus.
Pipinya lembut. Kadang-kadang dia kelihatan seperti budak belasan tahun.
Aku mencium pipi, hidung, bibir dia berulang kali. Seronok betul ada kakak
macam Kak Ina.
Aku menatap tetek dia. Bulat montok berisi susu. Aku membelai puting tetek
dia. Tak
perlu menunggu lama. Seketika saja puting teteknya menonjol hampir sepanjang
satu ruas jari. Kak Ina masih lagi tidur dengan nyenyak.
Cruutttt..... cruutttt.... Aku menghisap puting tetek Kak Ina. Aku menelan
air susu yang terkeluar dari puting teteknya.
Kak Ina mengeliat. Dia membuka mata seketika. Apabila dia melihat aku
menghisap puting teteknya, dia merangkul aku. Kemudian menutup matanya
semula. Sambung tidur agaknya.
Perlahan-lahan kote aku yang masih berkubang di dalam puki Kak Ina mengeras.
mula melocok batang aku. Sambil itu aku berterusan menghisap keluar air susu
dari puting tetek Kak Ina dan menelan air susu dia.
Selepas memancutkan mani aku ke dalam lubang puki Kak Ina, aku kembali
tertiarap di atas tubuh Kak Ina. Kalau boleh aku ingin tubuh bogel aku dan
tubuh bogel Kak Ina melekap buat selama-lamanya. Terasa begitu enak sekali.
Kehangatan tubuhnya terasa begitu nyaman sekali.
Di sebelah malam aku tak berpeluang menjamah tubuh Kak Ina. Dia sibuk
melayan bayinya yang agak kurang sihat. Aku pun tak mahu menyusahkan dia.
Apa-apa yang aku boleh tolong dia, aku tolong.
"Man... dah mandi belum?", tiba-tiba saja muncul Kak Zila. Dia baru balik
"Belum lagi"
"Kalau begitu, teman kakak mandi..."
Nampaknya malam ni kena layan Kak Zila lah pula.
Hubungan aku dengan Kak Zila bermula selepas dia terlihat aku sedang kongkek
Kak Ina beberapa minggu yang lepas.
Di dalam bilik air aku membersihkan tubuh badan Kak Zila. Kak Zila berusia
21 tahun. Kerja sebagai operator kilang. Hari ini dan esok giliran dia kerja
petang hingga lewat malam.
Kak Zila memang cantik orangnya walaupun tak secantik Kak Ina. Kulit dia putih bersih dengan puting tetek merah jambu.
Di dalam bilik air, aku membersihkan seluruh tubuh dia hinggalah termasuk
puki dan celah punggung dia.
"Man... cukur bulu burit kakak. Dah mula berserabut bulu burit kakak..."
kata Kak Zila sambil menyerahkan pisau cukur kepadaku.
"Lumur sabun dulu pada burit kakak. Senang sikit nak cukur bila licin", arah
Kak Zila.
Kali pertama aku mencukur bulu puki Kak Zila. Aku cuba mencukur bulu puki
Kak Zila sehati-hati yang boleh, supaya tak terluka.
Kak Zila pula kelihatan yakin terhadap aku. Kak Zila berdiri sambil membuka
sedikit kaki dia untuk memudahkan aku mencukur. Aku turut mencukur sedikit
bulu yang berada di celah punggung Kak Zila.
Selepas selesai Kak Zila duduk mencangkung dan menyuruh aku membersihkan puki dan celah punggungnya dengan air.
Nampak comel puki Kak Zila tanpa bulu. Aku membuka bibir puki Kak Zila. Aku
menatap puki dia.
“Nak tengok kakak kencing?”, Kak Zila bertanya kepadaku.
“Nak tengok.. Man nak tengok” jawabku dengan gembira.
Air kencing Kak Zila terus terpancut di depanku. Aku melihat tanpa rasa
jijik sedikitpun malah seronok melihat Kak Zila sedang kencing. Selepas itu
aku membersihkan puki dia.
"Dahlah tu...dah bersih dah tu. Lain kali Man tengok kakak kencing lagi.
Kita masuk dalam bilik pulak... Lepas tu Man belek puas- puas burit kakak
yer…", kata Kak Zila.
Aku mengeringkan tubuh aku dan tubuh Kak Zila dengan tuala. Selepas itu Kak
Zila terus masuk ke dalam bilik. Kak Zila terus berbaring di atas katil.
"Ok. Sambung tengok burit kakak", kata Kak Zila sambil terus kangkang kakinya. Bibir puki dia ternganga terus.
Aku melutut antara dua kaki dia. Aku raba dan belek puki dia. Menjolok jari
aku ke dalam lubang puki dia. Mengorek-ngorek lubang puki dia.
Aku melihat ke dalam lubang faraj Kak Zila. Kelihatan basah dengan air dan
berlendir. Sekali-sekala kelihatan otot-otot faraj dia terkemut-kemut.
Aku berterusan mengorek hingga habis basah jari aku dengan air pukinya.
Selepas itu aku menolak tubuh Kak Zila hingga mengiring.
Aku buka celah punggung Kak Zila. Aku tengok lubang punggung dia yang merah gelap itu. Aku usap lembut dan geletek lubang punggung Kak Zila. Kak Zila
suka aku geletek lubang punggung dia. Sekali sekala kelihatan terkemut-kemut
lubang punggung dia menahan geli.
Aku tak tahan dah. Terus telentangkan semula tubuh Kak Zila. Aku kangkang
kaki dia luas-luas.
"Hoii... berapa punya luas nak kangkang. Kakak dah tak mampu nak terkangkang
ni.." kata Kak Zila. Ternganga luas bibir puki Kak Zila. Nampak pelbagai isi
yang kemerahan di celah puki dia.
Aku terus masukkan kot e aku ke dalam lubang pukinya. Kak Zila cuma melihat.
Selepas seluruh batang kote aku masuk ke dalam lubang pukinya, Kak Zila merangkul aku.
Kak Zila menjelir lidahnya. Memasukkan lidahnya ke dalam mulut aku. Aku mula mengulum dan menghisap lidah Kak Zila sehingga puas.
"Hisap tetek kakak", arah Kak Zila selepas aku puas menelan air liur dia.
Aku menghisap beberapa kali hingga puting tetek Kak Zila tersembul keras.
Dalam masa yang sama kote aku berasa lubang puki Kak Zila semakin basah.
Aku melocok kote aku. Nafas Kak Zila tersekat-sekat. Dia menikmati apa yang
aku lakukan. Kak Zila mengemut-ngemut kote aku dengan kuat menyebabkan kote
aku terasa terlalu geli.
"Kak.... jangan kemut kuat nanti Man terpancut...."
"Pancut jerlah.... apa masalahnya?", tanya Kak Zila
"Nanti kakak tak puas tak main lama", kataku.
"Biar jer kote Man dalam burit kakak lepas pancut. Lama-lama nanti kakak
puas la.. ", kata Kak Zila.
Aku tak tahan. Aku terus melepaskan air mani aku ke dalam lubang puki Kak Zila. Sepanjang malam tu aku tidur bersama Kak Zila.
Kami tidur mengiring sambil berpelukan. Aku membiarkan saja kote aku berkubang sepanjang malam di dalam lubang puki Kak Zila.
"Hoiii.... bangunlah.... asyik korang jer kongkek. Kak Ina pun nak kongkek juga", Kak Ina mengejutkan kami dari tidur.
Aku dengan Kak Zila mengeliat. Aku melihat Kak Ina duduk di sisi katil. Kak Ina bertelanjang bulat.
"Giliran Kak Ina pula kongkek dengan Man. Petang ni mama ngan abah dah nak balik", tambah Kak Ina lagi.
"Pukul berapa sekarang?" tanya Kak Zila.
"Dah dekat pukul dua", jawab Kak Ina.
"Hahhh!! Aku kerja pukul tiga.... Apasal Kak Ina tak kejutkan Zila!". Kak
Zila terus meluru ke bilik mandi.
Aku hanya terbaring di atas katil. Kak Ina mencangkung di atas aku dan menggesel-gesel puki dia pada kote aku. Aku memegang ke dua-dua ketul tetek
Kak Ina. Memicit-micit puting tetek hingga terkeluar sedikit susu dia.
"Jom kita pergi kat ruang tamu", ajak Kak Ina.
Aku menurut saja. Sebenarnya, Kak Ina tak begitu gemar kongkek di atas katil. Dia lebih suka buat di ruang tamu, atas lantai ataupun sambil berdiri.
Di ruang tamu, Kak Ina menyerongkong di atas lantai. Punggungnya ditonggek hingga celah punggungnya merekah sehingga menampakkan lubang punggungnya.
Nampak comel lubang punggung Kak Ina.
Aku meramas punggung Kak Ina sambil sekali sekala mengusap lubang punggung
Kak Ina.
"Hoii!!!... Cepatlah kongkek! Macamlah tak pernah tengok lubang punggung kakak. Lepas kongkek kakak sambung tengok balik...", rungut Kak Ina.
Aku segera memasukkan kote aku ke dalam lubang puki dia. Kak Ina terus mengemut-ngemut lubang puki dia. Enak betul puki Kak Ina. Kak Ina betul-betul pandai melayan kote aku.
Aku melocok kote aku. Kak Ina mengerang nikmat sekali sekala. Terasa semakin berlendir dan basah kote aku.
Lubang puki Kak Ina seolah-olah menyedut kote aku menyebabkan kadang-kadang terasa susah sikit untuk melocok kote aku. Tiba-tiba terasa telur aku diusap-usap. Tapi bukan Kak Ina yang usap.
"Ok.. bye.. nak pergi kerja dah ni...", tiba-tiba Kak Zila muncul di ruang tamu sambil mengusap kote aku.
"Ok...bye", kataku.
"Ok. Hati-hati. Jangan lupa beli ubat", Kak Ina ingatkan Kak Zila supaya beli pil perancang.
"Ok", jawab Kak Zila, Aku melepaskan air mani aku sepuas-puasnya ke dalam lubang puki Kak Ina. Lubang puki Kak Ina pula menyedut kote aku sekuat-kuatnya. Sehingga aku terasa seolah-olah habis air mani aku disedut keluar.
Terasa begitu menikmatkan lebih-lebih lagi Kak Zila membelai-belai telur aku ketika itu. Kemudian Kak Zila melepaskan telur aku dan menuju ke pintu keluar rumah.
Aku dan Kak Ina meneruskan aktiviti kami sehinggalah abah dan mama balik ke rumah pada petang itu.
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truetogaia · 1 year
Gimme some jake teaching na'vi reader naughty human things please bae I beg 😩😩
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Im actually going crazy, feral, wild, ferocious, insane, crazed, deranged, mental, loco
pairing: dilf!dom!jake x fem!na'vi!reader
genre: smut, 18+
notes: honestly, I don't have anything to say. This one lowk sucks ass LMAO. anyway: Dilf Jake teaching his mate some kinky human things.
warnings: explicit and mature content, like partner drunkenness, oral (f receiving), fingering, p in v, bondage, mommy kink , daddy kink, lewd and vulgar language, praise kink, spanking.
word count: ab 1k words
It wasn’t unusual for Jake to fall into some sort of depressing state of mind. The feeling of being incredibly different and left out of his surroundings, gnawing at his confidence and at his heart. His bearing, his language, his skills, his personality; they didn’t fit in there. Didn’t go well with the way of the people, the forest. 
He had felt so utterly useless, not being able to help the clan in any way other than as a jester for the rest of the na’vi to laugh at and ridicule. That was until he met you. You were so eager to learn his ways, almost completely abandoning the omaticaya way. 
He adored you so much, loved everything about you. And when he let you know, spilled his tender heart out to you, you soon became a pair, connecting the tendrils of your kuru as soon as the words left his mouth. 
Your mating had been so good, love radiating off of the two of you as you made love so innocently, producing the most loving family. And ever since then, sex became almost a daily occurrence. Jake simply couldn’t keep his hands off of you, always holding you or caressing your soft skin in some way. Gripping and groping at your hips, resting his chin on the top of your head, wrapping his long, strong arms around your middle to feel you against him. Anything.
And then, one day, when your kids were under your grandparents supervision, he suggested something. It made your heart flutter, knowing you would get to see more of his culture. A growing arousal settled between your plush thighs as he whispered into your ear the things he’d do to you. These were very unfamiliar things, things you had never heard of, or even thought about. His husky voice sent a shiver up your spine as he traced the outline of your waist with his hands, his hot breath fanning against your warm, blushing neck.  
The warmth of his hands left a trail of goosebumps on your pretty, blue skin as he ran them up your body. He peppered your warm neck with kisses, occasionally nipping at your skin, marking you. He was pressed up against your back, making you suddenly aware of his prominent bulge pressing into your ass. The warmth disappeared from your form when Jake pulled away from you, leaving you disoriented and dazed. You turned around, confusedly watching him walk back into the room with a rope in his hands.
You were sprawled out on the ground now, on the hard surface of your wooden mat, hands tied together by a loose knot behind your back. Your stifled moans and mewls filled your shared hut, alarming unlucky passerbyers of your business. Jake’s long, slender fingers were knuckles deep into your squelching cunt, making gentle scissoring motions as they delved deeper, hot tongue sucking on your neglected bundle of nerves. Your hands instinctively fought against your restraints, desperate to grab Jake’s hair. 
Your second orgasm of that night came crashing down on you as your hips rolled against your mate’s hand, a hot white blocking your vision as you came around his thick digits. 
“That’s it, mama. Knew you could do it.” His praise made your head spin, ears perking at the nickname. “Yeah? Y'like being called mama?” A deep purple spread across your navy skin. “Now, I have something even better. Y’ready baby?” you answered him with a groggy nod, too busy recovering from your intense orgasm.
 You squealed when he suddenly hoisted you up, turning you around so your back was facing him. Your pointy ears twitched as they picked up the sound heavy fabric falling to the ground. The sensation of Jake’s tip running through your soaked folds made you jolt, failing to suppress a moan you weren’t even aware of. It hadn’t been too long since the two of you had made love, but this was different, you had never been taken from.. behind before. It simply was not a thing na’vi did, because it wasn’t necessary, it wasn’t even a thing. 
“Damn,” his voice was deep as he whispered, almost to himself, “you’re so wet, sweetie. All of this, just for me?” He teased, chuckling lightly before sinking his cock into your tight heat, entering you in one swift movement. Your loud moans were enough to get Jake to move. He grabbed the rope binding your wrists together for stability as he pounded into you, setting a ruthless pace from the start. He knew you could handle it, and based on the volume of your moans, he knew you absolutely loved it. 
“Such a good girl. Y’enjoying yourself, mama?” He couldn’t see your face, but based on your lack of words, he could imagine exactly what you looked like. Eyes rolled back, mouth agape, a drooling, panting mess. “Yeahhh.. I bet you are.” His large hand dealt a smack to your ass, skin turning red at the sudden contact. Another new experience. He relished in how you screamed his name beneath him, how you were too fucked out to do anything but chant his name.  
His cock felt heavy inside you, balls slapping repeatedly at your swollen clit as he pumped his thick length into your pussy. “Shit, mama, grippin’ me like a vice.. Y’close? Hm?” He tugged at the rope, forcefully pulling your hips back to meet with his. 
“Cum for me whenever you’re ready, baby.” Jake angled his hips slightly, his fat tip now grazing your g-spot with each pound of his cock. He hunched over your arching form, gently kissing your neck. His ears perked up as an unexpected word rolled off of your tongue.
“Fhuuck, daddy right there-” You cried out, not being able to stop yourself. You hadn’t thought about it, saying it before your hazy mind could even register the word. Your hand gripped your mate’s wrist, a signal for him to keep going. His cock twitched inside your throbbing heat.
“Yeah? Gonna cum on daddy’s fat cock? Go on.” And you did. You came hard around his girth, body convulsing beneath his large body. Heat spread through your abdomen as Jake followed suit, pumping his seed deep inside your pulsing cunt. 
As you both came down from your highs, sweaty bodies sticking to each other, Jake gently undid the knot on the rope, placing a kiss to your shoulder. 
“I’m curious… Where did you learn that word?”
Jake Sully masterlist ♡
This is the only platform which this work is posted on. If you see this elsewhere, report it immediately! Do not copy or steal.
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liulith · 5 months
Another rec list but this time it's only Radiostatic animatics
(romantic, platonic and one-sided)
Aishite Aishite Aishite 🎵 by I.V.Y
Alastor discovers feelings by @nomifae
Alastor finally gets defeated by @nyipi
Alastor really REALLY hates Vox by Darkcatziward | reverse by @pinksartdump
Alastor rejects Vox by aud
Alastor vs compliments by @kiribiribi
All you wanna do 🎵 by josephbaby20
bad word 🎵 大倭瓜只会来南极养生
Be nice to me 🎵 by Ashed Wings
Bigger than love 🎵 by LEMONCATYU
Bittersweet 🎵 by gatormurky
Bokusatsu tenshi Dokuro-chan opening 🎵 by @kiribiribi
Butcher Vanity 🎵 by 散文幻
Come and dance with me 🎵by spoonyspine
Cure 🎵 by @pinksartdump
Erase me 🎵 by everlasting hiraeth
Fang Zhen (anyway) by 阿波罗落萝洛啰 | voxal的反正 (Anyway) 🎵 by 麦田怪犬
Fear by heyguysitsmekitty
Forget him 🎵 by Chen
Greatest Enemy by Alektoonie
He wants Alastor's attention by @lucdoodle
Hito Mania 人狂热症/人マニア 🎵 by Letranger
Horny angry tango 🎵 by Ratacuache | by zx窒息zx
House of memories 🎵 by Azumi Taragashi
I bet you can't by miruki_tii
I Can't Decide 🎵 by Yi Meng (YT link)
I can't stand you by @kiribiribi
If you win this one I'll give you a kiss by palabokay
I'M HIGH 🎵 by defunoki
is it gay to drunk dial your rival to say you love them? 🎵 by gatormurky
isn't that reason enough? by @yksuna
I won't say I'm in love 🎵 by @pinksartdump
JENNY 🎵 by @angyluffy
Jordan River 🎵 by @flavarrshop
Kamippoi na (God-ish) 🎵 by sm43633294
LOVE LIKE YOU 🎵 by Mikiishui
Mama's Gun 🎵 by 乳制品狂热
Masochism Tango 🎵 by halchui | Masochism Tango by una chamba es vital
"Maybe in another universe" by @flavarrshop part 2
Meant to be yours 🎵 by Phillberry | Meant to be yours by M Shiro | by pinksartdump
Megamind by Sashka
Miseen 🎵 by 炽能果甘 | Miseen by len
Miss you by @kiribiribi
Murder on the dancefloor 🎵 by Morgggart
mutually sadomaso my palabokay
Never getting rid of me 🎵 by palabokay
No I'm hitting on you by palabokay
Obsessed with you by @lucdoodle
Other side 🎵 by cryptidslight | by spaeceymuse | by Crashite
Possibly in Michigan 🎵 by Ram
Punishment Game / Kuru Ringo-sama 🎵 by Yoshida
Rabbit 🎵 by 乌木芥芥次次饭
Red flags (human centipede) 🎵 by @sicgtiti
season 2 leak by @trippyciphs
she wants revenge by @thatoneweasel
SHINY 🎵 by spoonyspine
Shunran 的春岚 🎵 by 兼
Somethin' stupid 🎵 by Mikiishui | Somethin' stupid by Archivisté
STAYED GONE 🎵 by aud
Sweet Talk 🎵 by @mvabank
Target by @colonelcheru
Ten things I hate about you by palabokay
The day after by mallowtownmouse
The Pitiful Children 🎵 by Ratacuache
This guy is in love with you 🎵 by @thatoneweasel
Thrill of First Love 🎵 by Neal
Tongues and Teeth 🎵 by spoonyspine | by Ebonisa
Touch by Mvabank
TWIST THE KNIFE by sheaburger555
Two birds on a wire 🎵 by I.V.Y
USING YOU 🎵 by zar
Vox after he learned Alastor was back by I.V.Y
Vox and Alastor storytime by Maria Quevedo
Vox pranks Alastor by Crashite
"Vox we need to have a talk" by @flavarrshop
Wet 🎵 by Hemiko
"What am I really to you?" by @flavarrshop
What if they became friends? by @cynthesia07
...Which is never enough by Luary
You could call it a rivalry by Lou's dubs, @artofrhues
Your obedient servant 🎵 by momeshi
Your smile is different now 🎵 by palabokay
Zettai Tekitai Mecha Kirai yaa (Absolute Hostility, I Hate You So Much) 🎵 by 禀偶秉也可以是饼干狗 | by Iris | MMD by Futaba Ryo
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luvv4j4ybe11 · 9 months
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✧Summary~your best friend lets your curiosity take over once again. (Continuation of day 9😉)
✧Warnings~ kuru play, brief mentions of y/n, edging(kinda), lo’ almost cums untouched, and I think that’s it. Lmk if I missed anything, enjoy love<33
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It was just you and lo’ak today, he was sitting snuggly between your thighs while you were getting some work done. And occasionally he’d turn his head and nip or kiss your thighs, making you squeeze your thighs around his head tightly to get him to stop. Not like he cared though, your thighs were heaven in his eyes.
But ever since that one night when Neteyam and Lo’ak let your curiosity get the better of you they’ve been a lot more protective and clingy with you.
They’d come to the lab every morning just to wake you up and see you before they had to get to their duties. They’d carry you around everywhere, touch you wayy more than they ever did before, and bring you little gifts they found on their hunts. And let’s not forget the not so subtle times that you’d catch them rubbing their arm or hand against your body, scenting you.
You pause your work to glance down at the gorgeous Navi between your thighs, letting your hand glide down and tangle in his braids. A satisfied purr coming from him.
You rub all along his scalp, eventually getting to the base of his kuru. You stop moving your hand to see if he reacts to the subtle touch, but all you got from him was a slight flick of his ear.
“Can I touch your kuru?” You ask politely, not wanting to cross any boundaries with him. Since you knew how sensitive their kurus were.
His ears twitch at the question, turning around to see if you were serious. But once he sees that on your features he smiles softly, “yeah go ahead baby, just be gentle.” He says as he turns back around so you can continue exploring.
Your stomach is fluttering with butterflies, the opportunity to do something that none of the other scientists have ever had making you giddy as ever.
Cautiously, you move your hand to the base again. Letting your fingers glide up and down it. It’s thick and a little heavy in your hands. But most of all it was so smooth. Almost like it was freshly braided when you know it’s been like that for as long as you’ve known him.
His breath hitches at the feeling of your soft hands touching his kuru so gently, shifting in his seat slightly to ignore the growing throbbing in his loincloth. You fail to notice this though, continuing with your little experiment.
You run your hand down the length of it slowly, making him sit up a little so you can get to the very end of it.
Picking up the end of his kuru, you stare at it completely fascinated by the tendrils flailing around. Desperately searching for something to cling onto.
A deep blush covers his face, feeling so flustered by the unusual touch.
You look at him to see if he’s uncomfortable at all, but all you see is his ears pinned flat against his skull and his shoulders rising and falling rapidly from his uneven breathing.
“Do you want me to stop?” You ask softly, slowly putting his kuru down until he turns around and grabs your hand. “N-no. You can keep going mama.” He says breathily, looking at you genuinely.
You study his face for a moment, taking in the deep purple blush on his cheeks and the needy look in his eyes. But nevertheless, you continue with your journey on his body.
The tendrils on the end of his kuru fly around even more rapidly, mindlessly making you reach out towards it with your finger. Tendrils wrapping around your finger tightly, making lo’ak yelp shoot up immediately.
“Fuck! I’m sorry! I didn’t know that was gonna happen!” You frantically say, trying to tug your finger away from his kuru. The tugging and pulling makes him shudder and bite his lip to suppress a loud whimper. “Y/n..s-stop moving.” He orders lowly, trying his hardest to not cum right then and there.
You follow his order immediately, stopping your harsh movements. He turns around almost immediately after that, detaching your finger from his kuru quickly.
You look at him apologetically, playing with your fingers anxiously. “Lo’ak I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you. I just-“ “Baby, it’s ok. Honestly.” He coos, his baritone soothing your nerves.
“But if you feel that bad..” he pauses to stand up swiftly, making you notice the huge bulge in his loincloth that was now right infront of you. “You can make it up to me.”
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A/N~ no way we’re almost towards the end of kinkmas? (Even tho I still gotta post day 5😤) this was such a good experience for my first writing event, and I definitely can’t wait to do more as time goes on<33 big thank you to @neteyamsyawntu for hosting this event and making it a thing in the first place🩷🩷 love u girlie🥹🩷 stay safe and hydrated bbys🩷
Taglist: @pandoraslxna @plooto @alexxie @somedays-i-just-feel-bad-bitch @rihnnx @koalalafications @marcelruizboba @km-ffluv @urlocalgayblueberry @hotdsworld @blue-slxt @skywonder @tallulah477 @zafrinaxyz @erenjeagerwifee @xylianasblog @xoxopinkluvr
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talonabraxas · 9 days
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The Wish-Granting Wheel Tara Talon Abraxas Chintachakra White Wish-Granting Wheel Tara, unique among the other White Taras found in the 21 Taras, is a combination of all the activities. Imagine white light exiting a prism and separating into the primary colors. White Tara does this. In the visualization during medtitation, we imagine different colors of light emitting from both our own body and White Tara (which are the same if we are self-visualizing with empowerment). Shown here is the visualiztion of Green Light from the White Seed syllable Tam at your heart, a screen grab from the video embedded below with the guided visualization. In the visualization during medtitation, we imagine different colors of light emitting from both our own body and White Tara (which are the same if we are self-visualizing with empowerment). Shown here is the visualiztion of Green Light from the White Seed syllable Tam at your heart, a screen grab from the video embedded below with the guided visualization. She is the prism, and as we practice her meditation, and her mantra, we rays of colored lights emitting from her prism — not just white, but altogether a prism of six lights: First is white, purifying light and intention. Then yellow enriching light and intention. Third, red magnetizing light and intention. Fourth is bright sky blue fierce and wrathful light and intention. Fifth is pervasive green light, the light of Mother Samaya Tara, which is the synthesis of infinite activities. Last, a startling magenta purple light (some translations call it brown), surrounds us in an impenetrable field of protection. Mantra : Om Tare Tutare Mama Ayu Punya Jhana Puktrim Kuru Svaha!
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Fated Mates 3
Ao’nung x Fem! Human Reader
Warnings ⚠️ : No full on sex in this chapter (just a sliver of a flashback for you thirsty ahh ppl), very angsty chapter, long asf. Birth scenes kinda explicit stuff.
As always, English is stricken through.
I do wanna let y’all know idk what the family name for Ao’nung and Tsireya are so I had to make one up.
For Neytiri its the Neytiri Te Tskaha Moat’ite; for her children it’s Lo’ak Te Suli Tsyeyk’itan.
So for Ao’nung it’ll be Ao’nung Te Tswa’ìn Tonowar’itan. “Swahh-een”. I also decided to drop the I from Tonowari’s name since the word for ‘son’ starts with an i and if that shit happens in spanish we change the whole word so I’m trynna make it an easy read.
So it’s just “Tonowar’itan” (toh-no-war’ itan)
Translation Station
Ma’itan: My son
Ma’sempul: My father
Tawtute: Sky Person (used as “human”)
Tsaheylu: Bond (with kuru)
Sa’nok: Mother
Itan: Son
Yawne: Beloved
Tìyawn: Love (my love)
Nga yawne lu oer: Beloved you are to me (I love you)
Vrrtep: Demon
Um’ma: Mama
Pukap: Six (6)
Tsmuke: Sister
Tsmuktu: Siblings
Tahnì: Bioluminescent freckles
Kuru: Braid (neural queue)
Word count: 10.7 K because I got carried away again…
<<Previous | Next>>
I’d been at a loss for words as I stood in the water with a heavy feeling in my chest as I’d clearly made Ao’nung upset, but what pissed me off was how he was talking to me like I was a child who didn’t know anything. We’d been paired up together by his father so he could teach me how to fish, but I’d apparently been casting the net too early, alarming the fish and making them swim away. We’d have to stand still for a while before they felt safe enough to return and we’d start the process all over again.
“How is it my fault!” I yelled angrily, scaring away more of the fish that had felt it safe to swim back. I’d let him finish talking before I began because I knew it would give him another reason to be upset with me.
“I’d already told you to back off on casting the net, but you turn around and do it either way!” He yells back, his frustration is clear as the skin of his brows are furrowed as he yells at me.
“Well maybe you suck at teaching!” I returned his sass back to him, feeling it was unfair how he yelled at me. He knew I was strongest with weaving, singing, and dancing, I was starting to learn a little healing with Tsireya, but physical labor wasn’t for me.
“I don’t, you just suck at listening. And you’re too loud! Those feet of yours have never learned to be quiet, you keep splashing around and scaring these fish back to the other clans!”
“The loudest and most obnoxious thing right now is your voice!” I’d stated with a huff as I turned to pull my body up on the walkway to get away from this conversation, already turned around before hearing him speak again.
“And you think running away is going to help you learn?” He asks angrily while crossing his arms across his chest.
“No,” My voice trembled and I hated myself for it but I turned to face him with tears slipping out of my eyes after being humiliated by his words. “But at least I won’t be yelled at for not understanding.” I admitted and through the cloudiness of my tears could see his face shift, seeing Tonowari coming up behind him.
“Yawne-“ He starts but I shake my head and walk off, not bothering to listen to any explanation he had begun rehearsing in his head.
I’d managed to make my way toward my family’s marui and step inside, allowing myself to be welcomed into a hug by my adoptive mother as I cried in her arms, Jake coming next to us as he placed a hand on the small of my back, poor Tuk was sick today and was sleeping at this moment.
“It’s okay, kid, we’ve got you.” Jake reassures me as Neytiri pets my hair gently. If I couldn’t tell them about Ao’nung I don’t think I could ever tell them why I had been crying so I waited for my tears to stop coming and I’d calmed down a bit.
“Whats going on?” He asks and I take in a big breath.
“If I tell you, do you promise you won’t hate me again?” I asked not looking at any one of them specifically but I’m sure by the way Neytiri had stopped petting my hair that she knew I was talking to her.
“What is troubling you?” She asks as she starts petting my hair again.
“I feel guilty for keeping this from you, but I have to tell you whats been going on.” I admit and Jake lightly rubs the small of my back to urge me to continue.
So I tell them from the beginning about a month and a half ago when I’d been swept away from the current and how Ao’nung saved me but wasn’t aware of the sex pollen in the cave. I’d told them about our attempts to hide our relationship from the group and how Tsireya had noticed, becoming upset that her brother hadn’t confided in her, and how we finally introduced myself as his girlfriend. Then how Spider had become nosey and Ao’nung telling me we’d have to tell our friend group. How the two of us had this petty fight over fishing and how inadequate I felt with learning this new skill. Ending with the inner turmoil I’d felt myself fighting because I couldn’t tell them when in reality I just didn’t want Ronal to find out because I didn’t want a repeat with what happened with Neytiri when she found out.
“You think we haven’t noticed?” Jake asks with a small scoff.
“Y/n, you smell of him quite often.” Neytiri comments while continuing to caress my hair but I jump and look at them, the two were smiling gently.
“You- you aren’t mad at me?” I asked in a small voice, feeling like I deserved to be called out for moving on too quick, or for moving on at all? Mo’at has remained single this entire time and although I’m certain they don’t allow themselves to be mated to another and mourn their entire lives, she had been mated, Neteyam and I had not.
“Why would we be mad at you?” Jake asks but I’m focused on the beautiful omaticaya woman before me, wondering if she’d start yelling at some point, or capture her slip from the calmness she was portraying.
“Because- Neteyam,” I stated as if it were obvious and Neytiri’s face softened.
“Y/n, what I had done before was-“ She pauses as she speaks and looks like she’s trying to find the right words to say.
“I was wrong for what I had said and ma’itan had shown me that in the way he loved you, I have never truly apologized to you but I hope you can forgive me for how I had acted after finding out. I prided myself in having a son who would take over once Jake and I were no longer alive, wanting him to take over with a tsahik of his own and blinded myself in the perfect fantasy I built in my head, forgetting that Neteyam was his own person and had his own feelings.” She stated while looking back up at me, hand outstretched to place my cheek in as she continues holding eye contact.
“I am very well aware of how much you loved Neteyam, you would often look for him and the way it seemed that all of the weight left your shoulders when you found him was proof enough for me. The way you comforted him whenever he’d had an uneventful day or an unsuccessful hunt were the many ways that proved me wrong.” She tucks a piece of my hair that had suddenly fallen loose right behind my ear.
“You, too, are your own person with your own feelings. You are allowed to move on from this and feel love for another. Your life is not as long as ours is, therefore the part where you move on to enjoy life has to be celebrated as well. And I want you to know you have our full support.”
“Neytiri-“ My tears were blinding my vision and I’d started crying for the second time today as she embraces me with her arms, and I could feel warmth spreading all over.
“We want you to be happy, kid, no matter who thats with.” Jake stated as I feel him joining in on the hug and I let out some light hearted laughter at his words.
“When Ronal finds out- and she will eventually- you shouldn’t let her words get to you. She might have choice words to say as this is something new for her, but Ao’nung said he doesn’t care what his mother says, and thats exactly what Neteyam said to me. He will stick by your side and this little argument between the two of you is not the end and I doubt his mothers words will end your relationship, okay?” He reassures me and I nod into his shoulder.
“Atta girl,” He says happily and we all disband from our hug.
“Now if you could help us by watching Tuk while we go do- something, you would be helping us tremendously!” Jake places an enthusiastic smile and two thumbs up as he states that and I could only roll my eyes in fake disgust.
“For being my adoptive parents you guys are gross,” I joke but shoo them away with my hand.
“Go have your adult fun times but please do not make another child!” I whisper-yelled at them and can hear Jake’s chuckle before it stops abruptly after Neytiri had hit the back of his head.
“Don’t rush home either, Tuktuk usually doesn’t need much when she’s sick and likes to rest. I’ll just weave to keep myself busy, I’ll get her some fruit in a bit so she has something in her stomach.” I reassure the two as they thank me before leaving. I once again roll my eyes after they’d left and I could hear their little laughs, finding myself laughing lightly in the marui to myself.
“Well sleeping beauty,” I looked over at Tuk’s form as she slept peacefully. “It's just you and I.” I smile softly, walking over toward where Neytiri kept her yarn and began weaving a blanket.
“That was quite the screaming match.”
I hadn’t bothered reacting to my father’s voice as he came up behind me, but turned to look at him with an unamused face, not really caring how rude it seemed to stare at him in that way.
“I’m sorry for causing a scene.” I apologized to him out of habit.
“No, ma’itan, I’m not the person you owe an apology to. You owe it to your mate.” He stated simply and I nod along to what he had said.
“I just want her to be-“ I stopped myself from continuing as my eyes move to face him, my face unmoved, I’d absentmindedly agreed to what he had said and started an explanation like nothing. I could tell he was hiding a smile but I wanted to scream- the biggest secret I had been hiding and he sniffed it out after an argument? How was I going to continue hiding this now.
“How?” I asked him, I knew he would understand why I had asked that, and awaited his answer.
“You do not think I know you?” He asks with a smirk on his lips. “You disappear from one task and not long after she is headed off in the same direction. I believed my mind was playing tricks on me until I caught your smell lingering with hers. No matter how much you two act like you cannot stand the other, you’re letting the act slip the longer you spend time together.” He says as I wince a bit at having been discovered.
“Is it that obvious?” I asked him while looking away in embarrassment, feeling his hand snake around my shoulders giving me a comforting squeeze.
“No, to everyone else you guys argue a lot, to the trained eye, it’s starting to become obvious. How did this start?” He asks and I can feel a blush building on my face, was this something I really wanted him to know?
“If you want my honesty, I’ll need you to pretend you aren’t ma’sempul for the moment.” I stated and he nods, taking his hand from my shoulder and placing it in his other hand.
“It started when she was swept by the current underwater.” I admit to him.
“That far back?” He asks in shock, it had been quite a while looking back at it but it also felt like this had just happened. I only look at him with an annoyed expression after he’d cut me off and he raises his hands in defense.
“Well two weeks before that I visited Neteyam in the spirit tree,” I rubbed the back of my neck as I tell him. “-without a diving partner, and he told me that he had chosen her as my mate because Eywa said I had a temper-“
And with that he chuckles as if he had agreed with that statement, I turn to glare at him once again and he holds his hands up in defense once more. Letting a small apology out as he looks back down to the water and urging me to continue.
“I took her to my thinking cave, the one with the white lilies, I swear I didn’t know the flowers were in bloom, she’d ended up getting some of the pollen on her hand and she wiped it on her leg, but later used that same hand to rub her face. I had no idea it affected tawtute the same way it does for us, but one thing lead to another and we mated without tsaheylu.”
“According to JakeSully, tawtute mating doesn’t need tsaheylu, according to her and her people, you have already bonded with her.” He stated wisely and I raise a brow at his words.
“Does he share with you from when he was tawtute?” I asked out of curiosity and he grunts, confirming what I asked.
“Some times I ask him as I get curious about his life before he became a Na’Vi. Especially after catching her smell on you the day after the union ceremony.”
“It must have been the blanket I’d given her to use to warm up in the cool night air, she had mentioned that tawtute are sensitive to temperatures and I wanted her to be comfortable for when she was introduced to Tsireya as mine.”
“You should apologize to her with a kind gesture, a gift.” He says and it catches me off guard.
“What kind of gift? I do not know what she prefers jewelry wise and am only able to make armbands, I doubt she’d need a spear-“ I started rambling off as he chuckles.
“Whatever you decide to make, use it to apologize to her, okay? I’ll tell the others you weren’t feeling well since you’ll be a little too busy to go on this hunt with us.” He cuts me off with a smile and I can only nod at his answer.
“I want you to know something, Ao, you will have many fights like these. Some will be easier to apologize than others. Some of them you will be wrong and some of them you will be correct- but apologize either way, even if you are correct. I can guarantee her own apology will follow after even if she was right.”
“Is that what you do when you and sa’nok argue?” I raised a brow and smile widely, not needing to hear his response.
“We are still together after many rotations, are we not?” He asks smugly and I let out a laugh.
“With that being said, women also like it when other people tell their mate they were in the wrong. In this case you wanted to teach her to fish, but you let your temper get in the way. You were in the wrong, itan, you must go make this right.”
“I see,” I nodded at him just as his right-hand-man shows up to ask about the hunting they’re supposed to be starting. My father tells him to gather anybody willing to participate and turns to me once he leaves.
“Make her an armband, she doesn’t wear much jewelry and I don’t think she’s the kind of girl to wear much. I will see you when I get home, okay?” He asks and I nod, turning to head over to our Marui to fix up a quick armband.
I’d managed to find the right materials but struggled to find the correct colored rocks and shells. There had only been one other time that I had asked her what her favorite color was and the answer had honestly shocked me. But I knew I had to incorporate it in the armband I was making and felt giddy once I stumbled upon the colors I needed.
“So what’s your favorite color?” I asked her as I slowly thrust into her, watching her greedy cunt swallowing me whole, whimpering at the sight and feeling.
“Is th-this really the time?” She struggles to think of her words stuttering badly.
“Yes yawne, I’ll let you come if you answer.” I tried keeping my composure but failing to do so with how well she took me, I was on the edge myself.
“It’s you,” she responds and meets my thrust halfway with the loudest moan ever, her eyes shutting at the pleasure.
“What?” I mutter and continue focusing on her face.
“You’re my favorite color-“ She sucks in a big breath. “Can I come now?” She asks as she holds her own hips back.
“Yes tìyawn, come-“
I’d decided on taking my time making my way toward her family’s marui so I could rehearse my apology. I didn’t want to leave anything out of it and wanted to make sure she still felt loved all around. I see half the curtain hanging over the entryway, most of the marui was darker and cooled down, while the other half was folded open to allow air flow into the room and prevent it from getting stuffy.
I can see Y/n sitting behind little Tuk as she took the poor girls braids out one by one. The poor forest girl looked like she had been tired and barely had any energy. She had been taking slow bites of fruit as Y/n finished off the last couple of braids.
“Hello,” Tuk stated with minimal effort and energy, she’d definitely just woken up from a nap, but her voice was raspier. Y/n’s head moves to the doorway and she thins her lips.
“Tuk Tuk, I’m going to step out for a second but I’ll be right there, call me if you need anything okay?” She reassures the younger Na’Vi and it makes my heart swell with pride at how sweet she is to the children, she steps closer toward the entrance and I move back to allow her the space she needs.
“Have you come to finish yelling at me for my fishing?” She asks in a calmer tone than the one she had earlier but she has crossed her arms over her chest and her eyes weren’t even meeting mine. I felt saddened by that.
“No Yawne, I came to apologize,” I spoke softly and although I’m nervous of her reaction I pull the armband out to show her. “I made you something,” I stated with a bit of a waver, she turns her face to look at what I had in my hand, her eyebrows had previously been furrowed in anger but the pop up after seeing the gift, her eyes finally sliding up to meet mine.
“Y-you made that f-for me?” She asks a voice barely above a whisper and she looks back down at it as she smiles. “It’s my favorite shade of you,”
“Would you like to wear it?” I asked her and she looks back up to meet my eyes, her bottom lip tugged between her teeth as she nods, giving me her hand so I can slide it on.
“This is my way of saying I’m sorry for yelling at you earlier. I might not be a great teacher like I believed I was and I hate that I made you upset, I don’t like it when I’m the reason you cry, Tìyawn.” I’d held on to her one hand with both of mine as I apologized, feeling comfort in touching her in any way possible, taking note of how perfect the armband had fit her.
“It doesn’t excuse my own behavior but I didn’t like being yelled at as if I were a child, I already know I don’t know how to fish, or cast the stupid net, but I expected you to communicate with me on how to do it correctly. But I am sorry for raising my voice at you.” She stated tenderly and I couldn’t help but cup her cheek with my hand.
“You are not in the wrong here, it was me, and I hope you can accept my apology, little one.”
“Of course I do, Ao’nung, nga yawne lu oer.” She stated all of a sudden and I could only squat on my toes just to crash my lips onto hers right after she said that.
“Nga yawne lu oer,” I replied back toward her.
“I now see why you continue running off, it’s a shame this is where you hide.”
We both turned our heads in unison toward the person who had spoken, standing before us and I knew we’d been caught. This was the person I had least expected to catch us, the very same person I’d been avoiding and desperately praying to Eywa so she wouldn’t catch us. A few feet in front of us stood his mother, who happened to be glaring directly at me, not once sparing a glance toward Ao’nung, and I would be lying if I hadn’t just felt my knee’s buckle.
“Unbelievable.” The disgust is very evident, dripping entirely within that word.
Instinctively I push against Ao’nungs chest to put as much distance between us as possible, trying to hide whatever embrace we’d had, although I knew she had seen it already. I felt empty right after feeling his warmth leaving me and I had to look down to stop myself from freaking out.
“I was worried about you after seeing you run into our marui but wanted to give you space to collect your thoughts. And when I had decided you might have had enough time sulking on your own, I head to our marui, only to see you making your way here.” She stated as the tone of disappointment stays in her voice.
“You followed me?” Ao’nung asks even though she had just stated that.
“I wanted to make sure you weren’t going to do anything stupid, only to find myself proven wrong.” She yells angrily and I flinch at the pitch she uses.
“Ronal, please-“ I begin pleading but am unsure where my words were going, but am also somewhat thankful for the hiss that cuts me off.
“Silence.” She continues glaring at me and my immediate response is to look down, maybe if I don’t look into her eyes, I won’t feel threatened, but that theory is tossed out the window.
“Have you mated with this vrrtep?” She pointed at me, a disgusted look settling on her features as I peek up and see her looking at her son, waiting for his answer.
“What if I did?” He asked too nonchalant for my liking. His body hadn’t been trying to face away from hers like mine was. I shouldn’t have been surprised since he has dealt with her more than I have, but she was a scary woman.
“She is a disgrace to every suitor you’ve had. She doesn’t stand near any of them. Why would you want someone you cannot bond with, ma’itan?” She asks with genuine concern for him.
“You are right, she doesn’t stand near them,” He stated and I felt my blood run cold. I looked up at him with pure sadness, had he resented me this entire time?
“She’s more than they will ever be. She has single handedly tamed my anger with her kindness. She has taught me how to be careful with someone else and being aware of my words and how much they could hurt another person. She has a strong heart, she is worth it to me.”
“You do not realize the implications of these words ma’itan. If you decide to mate with her before Eywa you’ll be stripped of your status.”
“No!” I yelled immediately as my eyes widened. Ronal smirked at my outburst and laughed a bit.
“You see, she only wants you for your status.” She states as if it was the clearest thing.
“I can’t allow that. It’s all you’ve wanted since you were young, I can’t let you lose your status over this-“ I stated as if I was pleading him, but this is exactly what I needed to do.
“You are confused, ma’itan, you do not even know what you mean to that vrrtep!” She exclaims and I feel as if it was another blow to the chest. This was exactly everything I wanted to avoid.
“Sa’nok-“ He begins before she starts once more.
“Do you not see how this vrrtep has corrupted you? I told your father to not allow them in even if they were trusted by JakeSully, I knew they would eventually mess something up, it was a matter of how. Come to me, ma’itan, we need to cleanse you.”
“Choose someone else.” I stated in a clear and steady voice. Although my heart felt itself break. I could only feel Ao’nung grasp my shoulders gently.
“Please, let me go, choose another. You’ll still have the life you wanted-“ I felt the tears blur my vision so I turned around to stop looking at him.
“Not if I don’t have you in it.”
“I’m not worth it, choose someone else-“
“I’m not leaving you, little one, I’ve said that multiple times.” He tries reassuring me as my tears slide down my cheeks, how was I going to stop them.
“So you can be wise,” Ronal hums at my words as I was trying to get him to leave me.
“No, I only want you, I only see you, I only love you.” He stated as he forcefully turns me around. Tears continuously sliding down my face.
“I can’t bond with you-“
“I don’t care about that, little one, we bond in different ways.” He holds my face with one hand gently.
“I’ll die too fast anyway, we can’t have kids. She’s right, this is only a fantasy that’ll never work. I’ve done this once before and didn’t learn the first time.” These reasons were resurfacing from Neytiri’s previous conversation within me when she’d found out those years ago, reasons to why I was not fit for her son, reasons I am not fit to be with Ao’nung.
“Neteyam told me different, ma’tìyawn, he told me he Eywa needed his help in choosing a mate for me and he chose you as my mate, Eywa agrees with his decision. He told me we can have children of our own and told me your age will slow down with mine after completing our mating.” He explains in a gentle manner.
But the way he’d stated that with ease, he had never told me about that previous to today, and I could feel my head dizzying at his words, when the hell had he been told about this?
“When, when did he tell you?” I asked because I just had to know. He remains silence but face fallen into a wince as if he’d meant to either keep that a secret or expect his words to change my opinion without problem.
“When the fuck did he tell you this?” I asked in a harsher tone after his silence.
“Two weeks before we went to the spirit tree, but I-“
“That was two months ago and you’re only telling me this now?” I pulled myself away by pushing on his chest to let go of me, I knew there was no way I’d hurt him but with the way he backed up as if I had worried me a bit.
“Yawne I-“
“You need to leave.” I stated as I squeezed my eyes shut tightly.
“What?” He asks in disbelief upon hearing my request.
“Leave, go!” I yelled at him and he seems shocked. He looked like he was about to refuse leaving, he held onto hope more than I could, but before voicing his opinion the sound of water suddenly splashing had caught our attention. I turned back to Ronal to see her staring at the space between her feet, a protective hand placed around her swollen abdomen.
“Great mother, why now?” Ronal groans as she protectively places a hand on her swollen belly. Typically when a NaVi’s water breaks you had about thirty minutes or less for when the child arrived, so even if their gestation lasted about a year, their births happened incredibly fast. But with her being Tsahik and going through her labor meant she’d either need the help of the retired Tsahik- who was her deceased mother in law- or the Tsakarem, her daughter.
I glanced over at Ao’nung who was standing with his eyes widened. I could only figure he had never seen his mother in this position and if he had, he was a toddler when Tsireya was born so he didn’t have any experience when it came to these things.
“Agh!” Ronal screams as she holds onto her abdomen.
“Get her into the water-“ I run into the Marui and see Tuk is still awake, half finished with her fruit, I’m sure she’s heard everything that had happened but her face seems unfazed.
“TukTuk, please tell me you’re well enough to go for a swim?” I asked in the most hopeful tone possible and she nods, getting up from her mat, following behind me as I grab a couple things from the marui. I step back out with Tuk behind me and see Ao’nung full on carrying his mother with a worried look in his face.
“Come on Um’ma, let’s get you into the nice cool water, I think you’ll feel better there,” I try reassuring her as I continue to hold her, her weight becoming less as she floats in the water, her groans coming out in short spurts, she’s gritting her teeth and her eyes are looking around.
“What now, Y/n?” I ask as she has Tuk hold the things she was carrying, while she hops down from the walkway onto the stairs and into the water, Tuk carefully handing Y/n everything.
“Let her stand in the water, Tsireya said it helps with tearing, she’ll be on her feet, make sure her lower back is covered.” She instructs and I follow along as I do what she says, my mother sighing in relief, one of her hands grasping mine suddenly and refusing to let go.
“And now?” I ask as she fumbles with her equipment, I can see various towels, a blanket, the knife Neteyam made for her, and a clamp. I’m not entirely sure what these were for but she finally comes over toward me, stepping directly in front of my mother, a hiss ripping through her as soon as she see’s Y/n.
“Hiss all you want but we don’t have much time before your child gets here and Tuk is too sick to get help.” Y/n stated and as I look on over toward where Tuk was, the poor girl had already passed out on the walkway snoozing along and getting her rest.
“If you want I can get another woman from the clan whose given birth before but I doubt they’ll get here by the time your baby is born.” Y/n stated firmly upon looking at my mother before taking a deep breath and going under the water, I could tell she started untying my mothers skirt and I blushed while looking away.
“I dislike how helpful she is, even after I insulted her-“ She manages to grumble between her groans and grunts.
“She is always like this, Um’ma, I love her.” I stated and my mother hisses again. Y/n resurfaces and steps around behind me.
“You’ll need to push her lower back, here, when she starts pushing, it helps relieve pain, or something like that. She’ll squeeze your hand and it’ll hurt you, but remember she’s in more pain than you will be.” She pointed toward her lower back and I could see my mothers tail fidgeting in a similar pattern from when we all hurt ourselves unexpectedly.
“Ronal-“ She steps back around as my mother is hunched over. Her anger from beforehand is gone as she continues breathing.
“You’ll need to spread your legs further,”
“I know how to give birth, child, this is my third- AGH!” She yells gutturally after her half insult, but follows Y/n’s order and spreads her legs further.
“Push when you feel the need to,” She tells my mother just as she’s moaning or groaning, maybe grunting, all at the same time, before looking back at me. “Every time you hear her make that sound, press where I showed.”
“Push Ronal,” She takes a deep breath before going back under and checking for how my mother is doing.
“Please respect her, she’s doing better than I am over here.” I utter just as she starts making that sound again and I push on her back, I could hear the sound lessen as if I was helping relieve pain. She takes a quick break to breathe before pushing again.
“Something feels wrong, it hurts more-“ She gasps.
“Don’t quit, Um’ma, keep pushing.” I encourage her as she starts yelling painfully while pushing.
“What do you see in her,” She catches her breath again as she pushes.
“The same things dad saw in you, she’s kind, caring, compassionate, adorable, and willing to put up with me.” I answered as she begins pushing and yelling again, I pushed on her back once more.
“Stop pushing!” Y/n resurfaces suddenly and my mother looks bewildered.
“Why on Eywa’s life would I do that!” My mother hisses.
“He’s coming out feet first, his cord isn’t coming out like it should and I’m scared its wrapped around his neck.” She stated.
“He?” My mother isn’t asking, more as if she were in shock.
“I’m having another itan.” She stated wobbly as her tears cascaded down her face.
“The next contractions will hurt like hell but I need you to try and not push during them, if you do, the constriction will cut off blood flow to the-“
“Ma’tìyawn, you’re rambling in English,” I stated as she looks up immediately with a blush.
“Try not to push when you feel the need to, I know it’ll be hard-“
“The pain is too great for me, I do not want to lose ma’itan,” Her tears fall down more rapidly as she weeps, her hold on my hand getting harder.
“Don’t say that. You are Tsahik of the metkayina, you fought tawtute mounted on a tsurak while heavily pregnant, you have birth twice before, how is this one any different!” Y/n states and I can see a passion in her eyes as she says these things.
“You are admired by many in the clan and you have been standing before other mighty warriors who have given birth telling them that all would be well. Don’t give me that shit, Ronal, you can fucking do this.”
My mother nods as another contraction hits her, she trembles badly and looks down before her face is picked back up by ma’Y/n with both of her hands.
“Don’t fucking quit on me, Ronal.” She stated as my mother starts yelling through her contraction, I push on her back regardless as it dies down.
“Once the shoulders are out you’ll be done, okay?” Y/n states as she takes another deep breath and sinks down below to check on my baby brother.
“That is why I love her, Um’ma,”
“Maybe I was wrong about her-“ She sucks in a big breath and clenches her teeth. Y/n swims closer to her and my mother yells once more.
Just then a bit of blood fills the water where Y/n and my mothers legs are, her hand has let go of mine as she sighs in relief, Y/n popping up without my brother.
“Where is he?” I asked in shock upon not seeing my brother.
“About to take his first breath.”
First breath, the tradition where, when allowed, the baby is supposed to swim upward after being born to take it’s first breath. The first right of passage coming into the clan.
“The cord was only loosely wrapped around his neck, probably because you held back on your pushes, all I did was unwrap it, clamp it, and cut it.” Y/n stated and seconds later he pops up, the physical sound of him taking his breath bringing us relief in that moment.
I couldn’t help but look at my baby brother in awe at the smallest patches of hair on his head, his little nose, his kuru being naked and small, Y/n is quick to pick him up and turn him to place him on my mothers chest. Taking my hand to place it on my brother’s abdomen as I watched him breathe. My mother started crying out of pure joy upon seeing my brother.
“Let us connect these, huh?” She grasped my mother Kuru gently and connected it with my brothers, creating the first bond any child creates- with their Um’ma. She’d gone at some point to bring the blanket to wrap him around in and I couldn’t help but smile at him.
Spending this time with my mother and brand new sibling was a joyous time, but when I’d turned around to see where Y/n had gone my smile falters as she and little Tuk were nowhere to be found.
That goes without saying that once I’d come back into the marui with Tuk- after helping Ronal give birth- her parents had come back and were wondering where we went. I once again had to fill them in on the situation starting from the moment Ao’nung had come to give me my armband and ending with coming back with a still sick Tuk. They were surprised about Neteyam hand picking Ao’nungs mate and they did have questions to which I did not have the answers to.
After helping the Tsahik giving birth, I’d taken it upon myself to stay out of her and her families sights. I knew the words she had spoken when she had caught myself and her son together were spiteful yet truthful. There was no way that my assistance in her birth would change the way she felt about me. And I would say I’ve been doing well, I’ve avoided them for two and a half weeks by this point, but I did have a little help from the Sully’s. I’d essentially made myself disappear from their lives.
We made sure to always walk in pairs of three whenever we were out. If they happened to catch Lo’ak, Kiri, Spider, Tuk, Neytiri, or Jake the other person with us would tell me to go the opposite direction or hide somewhere to avoid having to make any contact with them.
While I was in the marui, Tsireya had come wanting to talk to me, but due to Lo’ak loudly stating that he wasn’t sure if I was there, gave me the chance to escape by diving into the water and swimming underneath the marui until she had left in disappointment. I was willing to take any measure I could to avoid them, Ronal had made it clear where she stood with me, so I wanted to make it clear to her that I understood her boundary.
“Theres supposedly a banger going on tonight,” Lo’ak stated as we all huddled into a little family meeting.
“What would you like to do, Y/n?” Spider asks as all eyes turned to me.
“You guys make it seem like they’re actively searching for me, the only time anyone came here was Tsireya a while ago. None of them have asked about me so I’ll just stay here.” I stated while weaving a blanket for Tuk, when she was sick she claimed she felt cold and didn't have a comfortable blanket on her.
I told her that if she could find some yarn she felt comfortable with, I’d take it and make a blanket out of it for her. She’d found the right one two hours after I said that and said she spent the entire two hours hugging yarn from the yarn lady, who had been awkwardly staring at Tuk while assisting her- or so thats the story from her ten year old perspective.
“Would you like one of us here with you?” Jake offers and I laugh.
“You guys should go enjoy the party, as long as you have fun thats all that matters.” I admit.
“We could even take shifts, I can stay for the first part and come get one of the kids to cover for an hour at a time-“
“It’s been fifteen days since Tsireya came here, thats half an Earth month, I will be fine, nobody is coming in here.” I reassure him and he only thins his lips.
“Go have fun, just bring me back something sweet, okay?” I asked and they all seemed to agree.
It did take a bit to get them all to leave but they did take their time leaving little by little. It started off with Jake and Neytiri leaving at the start of the little celebration, Kiri had left with Tuk since the younger one had started to get hungry. I had been left with Lo’ak and Spider, the two most stubborn people ever.
It didn’t help that we were mostly sitting in silence so I suggested we played a game. Spider had smiled happily as he remembered Jake had hidden a deck of Uno somewhere around here. Something about him having brought the game over from home in case the kids were bored.
“You definitely have a draw four, Y/n, don’t lie!” Spider yells angrily and I roll my eyes, placing a reverse card to switch the order we were going in already.
“Hell yeah!” Lo’ak exclaims as he places a wild card of his own, switching the color to red.
“No fair, you know I don’t have any red!” Spider states while continuing to draw, having drawn twelve cards before finally placing a red one down. I place my own red reverse down on the deck and try to hide my laugh.
“Uno,” I call out as I held my last card.
“Not funny.” Spider is already pissed and I knew this would get him to leave soon.
“Draw four!” Lo’ak stated after Spider luckily had to draw two cards before getting a red, but I smirk as I pull the draw four my brother said I had and stack it on top of Lo’ak’s.
“Red.” I stated the color and Spider throws his variety of yellow and green cards down angrily.
“You guys always fuckin cheat, I’m out.” He yells as he stands to walk out of the marui while Lo’ak and I laugh.
“Do you think we were mean to him?” I asked as I gather the cards.
“Nah, we’re the dream team, plus the look on his face was worth it.” He smiles widely while handing me his own cards.
“I’m thinking about heading out and meeting up with ‘Reya, you’re sure you’ll be okay?” He asks and doesn’t even bother getting up. Had the circumstances been different he would have started standing up already, not waiting for an answer as he headed out toward his girlfriend.
“I’ll be fine, Lo, honestly wanna get this blanket done so Tuk stops asking me if its done,” I smile as I take the half finished project I had with a grin.
“She has no patience.” He agrees as he stands up.
“I’m sure the others have forgotten but I’ll bring you back something sweet, kay?” He states.
“Thank you, you’re my favorite brother!”
“I always have been,” He chuckles as he slips out of the marui.
It doesn’t take too long before the curtain ruffles again and I’m surprised at how fast anyone had returned but keep my focus on my project.
“Did you forget some-“ My eyes wander up and see the person I’d least expected standing in the marui, before me stood the teal goddess I used to spend a majority if my time with.
“Y/n!” She yells excitedly in a hushed voice and it pained me to see her excited.
“Tsireya-“ I stated in shock, just staring at her, how is it the one night Jake asks me of I’m certain I could handle being alone that Tsireya pop’s back up right when I least expected it, especially after a while of not seeing her.
“Hi sweets,” She says softly while waving at me from the entrance, my blanket project long forgotten, using my term of endearment for her, on me.
“What are you doing here?” I asked in confusion as Lo’ak had just stepped out to meet with her, how long would it take him to notice she wasn’t out there.
“I came to take you to get ready,” She stated as if it were obvious why she was here, but I was still lost.
“Get ready? For what?” I asked her two questions and I notice she’s looking past me with a smile. I turn and don’t notice anything there and look back at her.
“You’re still wearing it.” She stated and I look back down on my arm and the realization hit, I had completely forgotten about the armband being on my arm as it was comfortable, kind of like it was meant to be there.
“Now come on,” She steps closer taking my hand and I couldn’t help but allow myself to be dragged on by her since I’d missed hanging out with her for two and a half weeks, maybe spending some time with her wouldn’t hurt.
She’d brought me to a waterfall I’d yet to see before and made me wash my hair, I was confused at first but thought this was more of a girls-day type thing. As she had waited for it to dry before braiding it intricately, I’d just sat there and waited for her to finish. Just when she had finished, I turned to look at her as she gasps, holding both hands over her mouth in awe.
“What? Do I look bad in braids?” I joke but she shakes her head.
“You look beautiful,” It wasn’t until now that I could feel some of the beaded accessories she’d placed in my hair.
“We need to head back over,” She states and I could only imagine she meant back in the marui which is why I didn’t mind when she grabbed my arm once more.
“Come on-“ She gently tugs as she runs in front of me.
“Where are we going?” I let out a laugh as I’m essentially out of breath from chasing after her.
“You’ll see, come-“ She tugs me again with an excited smile on her features, one that made me forget my surroundings only because I hadn’t been near her in a while, I truly missed spending time with her.
“You need to walk through,” She states as we stand behind some curtains of some sort but I look at her weirdly.
“Is someone killing me if I step through?” I asked, wondering if her mother was on the other side of the curtain.
“Just step through,” She says with a smile and my curiosity peaks finally stepping through the curtains, being placed on a stage in front of the clan, eyes widening.
“Kaltxì-“ I nervously stated, just to see Ronal stepping up, I look down immediately and try backing up through the curtains again, there was no way I am going to stay here.
“Hey-“ I bump into someone and their hands are on my shoulders, I only turn my head upward and see Ao’nung looking down at me, my brows furrow in confusion and before I could say anything Ronal turns to address the clan.
“We’re gathered as a clan today to celebrate the union of my son, and his mate Y/n.”
“What?” I asked in complete shock and disbelief, but my voice only having been a whisper, nobody hearing me as the cheers of the crowd had grown.
She turns to look at her son, arm stretching out overtop of me, essentially being caged in by two Na’vi bodies. Her hand reaches to what I assume is his cheek.
“A mother will always love her son for their entire lives, but your life is only beginning with her, take care of her and love her more than you have ever loved me, ma’itan.” She speaks gently to him and he squeezes my shoulders gently as she looks down at me, I want to look away but she places her hand on my cheek, the sudden act of affection catching me off guard.
“You have shown me that I was wrong about tawtute. You helped me during a great time of need and I can see how you have loved ma’itan. You are strong and capable of many things that I was too blinded by my own prejudice to see. You are a worthy mate for him. Oel ngati kameie, Y/n.” She stated and placed her finger on her forehead, extending it toward me as she said that.
“Now if you are agreeable to your own union, I would like to speak blessings upon the two of you.” She stated as she awaits my answer.
“You said you didn’t want your son with a vrrtep-“
“I know what I have said and I was wrong. I am hoping you can accept my deepest apologies. When I was giving birth, you helped me even after the nasty things I said to you, you were willing to let ma’itan be happy and keep his status by trying to leave him, you were willing to sacrifice your happiness for his.” She stated with tears welling up in her own eyes. “I am not a perfect mother, but I try to be, and seeing how happy he is when he talks about you proves he follows his heart, just as closely as he follows you.”
“You already know how I feel about you, Yawne,” Ao’nung speaks gently, I crane my neck backward just to catch him looking at me with a sweet smile.
“I missed you so much,” I place my hand on top of his, which remained on my shoulder and I give him a light squeeze.
“I missed you too yawntutsyìp,”
“What do you say?” Ronal asks and I give her a small nod.
And she starts letting the many blessings fall from her tongue. Starting with the growth of the clan by the union we were sharing and blessing each of us separately, that Eywa may use us to assist in her workings as well as blessing us with many children- even though I felt that would never happen.
“And before the clan you must speak your vows. As always, the male will speak first.” She nods toward her son as she steps to the side and he steps from behind me, turning to face me- from what I’d seen during the other ceremony’s I follow his steps and face him, to have him squat on his toes so he is eye level with me, our hands holding each other.
“With these words I present my vows to you, Y/n Y/m/n Socorro, as your faithful mate.” He stated the typical introduction before looking right into my eyes with a small smile as he speaks words from his heart, my eyes tearing up as I try holding my big fat cry-baby tears for nothing since they slide down my cheeks.
“With these words I present my vows to you, Ao’nung Te Tswa’ìn Tonowar’itan, as your faithful mate-“ I start my own vows and for the first time I notice the tears collecting in his eyes as I continue.
“Now you may turn, and let Eywa decide your familial fate.” Tsireya speaks loudly and notice the garment placed before us. The biggest shell catching my eye, it was the color of their ocean and I smile.
“Ready?” He asks while squeezing my hand affectionately.
“Get closer to it so we can step on it at the same time,” He gently pushes the small of my back and I feel nervous, looking back at him as he lifts his leg.
“On three,” He reassures me and I nod. I knew it was wishful thinking but I closed my eyes harshly and slam my foot down on the shell as hard as I can, opening them and turning toward him, not even bothering to look at the pieces.
“Pukap!” Tsireya yells as everyone cheers and my shocked face turns to see the shell having broken into six unequal pieces, I look back at my now husband in shock, he’s smiling excitedly.
“Having four children is a big blessing, tsmuke,” Tsireya says as she waits for us to pick our respective pieces.
Having Kiri, Spider, Lo’ak, and even little Tuk on my side on this day has proven effective. They had mentioned how Y/n was wanting to avoid me and I found it devastating at first but completely understood where she was coming from.
I’d planned this entire thing myself but was honestly thankful to Y/n’s tsmuktu for helping me and allowing this entire thing to happen. I was happy to have the love of my life forever now, officially.
Knowing we’d have four children was unexpected but a blessing nonetheless, but could tell that having children was still something Y/n was not expecting. I could tell she was skeptical but I knew it would happen.
She picks up a piece of the shell that I was eyeing myself and felt saddened by it but accepted it, until she turns and hands it to me. I look at her in surprise as she smiles.
“I figured this was the piece you’d like the most,” She stated shyly and I smile, taking it from her grasp.
“Thank you little one, does this mean I get to pick yours?” I asked her and she blushes before looking down and nodding.
Something of this nature had only been done one other time before- I’d heard the stories many times around the fire pit- my own parents union ended like this, but it was not a story Y/n had heard before, which was what warmed my heart the most, looking up at my father I can see him smiling at my mother with adoration.
“This one,” I pick up a piece thats similar to the shape she often shows me with her hands, a heart is what she calls it.
“It’s perfect,” She smiles as she takes it and I couldn’t resist the urge after she’d said that.
“You’re perfect.”
She blushes and looks away before I use my fingers to bring her chin back up to make her look at me, her face looking adorable, it felt warm underneath my fingers.
Before either of us could say anything, many people joined in on the traditional first song sang after the shell being broken, the garment being thrown around us as everyone joined to happily sing. It doesn’t take long for the song to finish and I have another place in mind where we could be.
“Would you do me the honors of following me?” I ask her and she furrows her tiny brows in confusion but takes the hand I had offered her and we start walking toward the beach.
“Where are we going?” She asks once we’re pretty close to stepping into the water.
“The spirit tree.” I admit as I call an Ilu over, stepping into the water, tugging her arm gently to get her closer to me.
“But first,” I settle her onto the Ilu before sliding on after her, placing my arm protectively over her waist. “We need to talk.” I’d sat her backward so her back was toward the Ilu’s head, as she faced me, my arm gently running across her spine to reassure her that it was nothing bad. “We’ll have to go the long way so we can sty above water, okay?” I state again.
“What is there to talk about?” She asks shyly and tucks her own hair behind her ear while looking at the ocean, eyes hesitant to look back on mine.
“A lot of things, Tìyawn,” I stated as the Ilu moves forward.
“Why would you visit Neteyam?” She asks and I’’m glad she does, I’m surprised she’d managed to get the hint.
“I felt guilty for how I’d spent a majority of the time he was here bullying him and your tsmuktu instead of trying to make friends with everyone. And I was lonely really, having two tawtute join the clan when you hate them was hard, he gave me an escape and we talked about anything and everything.” I share with her.
“Why didn’t you tell me about visiting Neteyam?” She asks.
“I didn’t see it as something I needed to share, but I was wrong on that.
“What did he say to you?” She doesn’t have to specify the night she was talking about and I look down with a soft smile.
“He said Eywa came to him to tell him she had trouble choosing a mate for me, and he said the only person he could think of was Y/n,” I tell her, placing my finger gently on the tip of her nose as she smiles at my action. “I look at him confused because that sounds like a word in your vrrtep language, he laughs and tells me thats your name and I am to use it to address you.” I explain and she nods along.
“He says he has chosen you as my mate because of how sassy you are, but that you were very sweet. He said you were captivating in every way possible.” Her eyes are widened in awe as she listens to the story.
“But you know me, I was stubborn, didn’t want to hear it but continued asking questions about how he knew these things and he finally tells me the two of you were courting. I was surprised, because nobody has ever heard of a union between tawtute and Na’Vi, I didn’t want to hear anymore and broke my connection with the spirit tree.”
“Do you regret it?” She asks in a tiny voice but I’m unsure of what she meant.
“If you mean disconnecting my kuru and swimming away from what he said, yes, if you are asking if I regret being with you, never.”
“Do you think you could do me a favor?” She asks nervously chews on her bottom lip.
“For you I’d do anything, all you have to do is ask.”
“Can you connect to the spirit tree and tell him I said thank you, for everything?” She asks sweetly and I nod.
“It should be me thanking him, little one, but I will tell him anything you want.”
“Can you tell him to visit me in my dreams?” She asks hesitantly and seems as if she regrets saying that.
“I will.” I reassure her just as we exit the retaining wall and turn to go to the spirit tree.
Arriving at the spirit tree had planted a smile on her sweet little face. The illuminated space was beautiful during this time of night and seeing her face lit up was even better.
“Your tahnì!” She states as she looks at my chest, smiling widely, letting her hands slide down my arms.
“I want you to sit up here while I dive, okay?” I state as I take her by the waist, lifting her off the ilu and up onto the magnetic rock walkway she had sat on once before.
“Please be safe,” She expresses concern on her beautiful face and I couldn’t help but kiss her, it had been a while since we did that.
“Just for you,” I reply before dipping my head below the water and heading over toward the petals. Grabbing my braid and looking at the tendrils sliding out of it, looking back up through the water and seeing my love’s little feet in the water, I look back at the petal before connecting my kuru and allowing my mind to calm itself.
“It’s nice to see you again.”
I wince as his voice has remained the same. He didn’t sound angered one bit, I allowed my nerves to busy themselves as I observed the scenery before me and it comes as a shock that we aren’t in the forest like we usually are.
“We are home, why?” I asked as I turn, looking at the sky, before settling back on him.
“Change of scenery. I was getting bored in the forest.” He states nonchalantly.
“Neteyam, I want to apologize for leaving abruptly when I did-“
“It appears I was right hmm?” He raises his brows in amusement, smiling wide. “She has humbled you.”
He comments and I’m blushing.
“You had it the moment I told you about her.” He smiles and I’m in awe.
“She is everything you said she would be and somehow even more.” I respond and he nods.
“She is your wife now, I take it.” He asks and I can’t stop myself from nodding as a childlike spirit with no real body runs up to him.
“Neteyam, can you-“ The little spirit cuts itself off from talking as it catches a glimpse of me.
“Hello there,” I wave at the adorable white glowing orb, its body mostly glowing so I couldn’t really make out the gender.
“Ma’sempul!” The little spirit flies over to me and tackles me happily bouncing all over my chest.
“I’m afraid you have me confused with someone else, I’m not your-“
“This is the spirit of the first child you are set to have between yourself and Y/n.” Neteyam says as he gently picks the child up and off my chest.
“Those exist here too?” I asked in disbelief as Neteyam nods.
“Yes,” He smiles at me before turning the kid around and pushing them by the shoulders. “It’s not your time to head out into the world yet, but soon, I’ll be back in a second to play with you okay?” He reassures the tiny spirit and I feel my heart ache at the sight of them leaving.
“For obvious reasons I cannot tell you much about them, only that they will definitely be a handful.”
“As long as I have Y/n, I’ll be alright.” I admit and Neteyam nods.
“That is true, how-“ He cuts himself off and I only smile as he tries fitting the words the way he wants.
“How is she?” He asks with genuine curiosity.
“I would love to tell you, but she told me to make sure and tell you to visit her in a dream. Maybe there you can catch up. Maybe destress together, if you catch my drift.” I stated and his eyes widened.
“Think about it, okay? I’ll make sure to tell her to enjoy herself. It’s the least I could do for you.” I smiled at his shocked face.
“Thank you for coming to see me again.” Neteyam stated pleasantly before the little spirit started walking back over. “But my hands are full at the moment so I will see you another time, yeah?” He asks and I nod.
“I’ll visit you again, and thank you for everything Neteyam.”
“You’re welcome, Ao’nung.”
I opened my eyes as soon as I pulled my Kuru from the spirit tree, feeling a sense of relief flooding through me as I’d finished my visit with Neteyam. Kicking my feet as I floated upward closer to the surface to meet my wife.
I’m not one to write notes at the bottom of the story but I didn’t wanna spoil anything up there^^ but I have a question for y’all if you could answer in the comments
Should I include a Neteyam x Y/n dream scapes smut for the next chapter? She won’t get pregnant off of it but I figured I’d ask to see what you guys wanted. And it also doesn’t help that Doja cats “Shine” was playing in my ear and I got to the part where she says “Yeah I’m fucking Mike, Dick was hella mean, slipped in so nice” 😖😫
This is legit the only reason I posted this chapter a lil earlier, just to get y’alls opinion in how the next one should go… the more feedback I get the faster I can start the next one… tysm
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skylarstark4826 · 8 months
Sometimes, Jake and Neytiri play a game. A competition, more like. They don’t play this game often, and the winner usually gets to revel in their victory for at least a fortnight before the chance to challenge arises. It’s a game only played by the two of them, and while their children may have some inklings as to the nature of it, they are content to let their parents be the sole competitors.
As Polyphemus rises in the sky and eclipse begins, so does Jake and Neytiri’s game. 
Evening meal is being cleared away, and the children romp and tussle around the tent until Jake and Neytiri lower themselves onto their sleeping mats, signaling that it is time to finally settle down.
Neytiri begins at an advantage – Tuktirey is barely a year old, and thus still sleeps most comfortably with her mother close by. Neytiri smiles at Jake with savage delight when Lo’ak stumbles over to her, sleepily rubbing at one eye and laying himself across Neytiri’s lap for the night.
She almost secures victory before Jake can even begin his counterattack, Neteyam approaching her for a goodnight hug and kiss. But that is all he apparently seeks, bending down to kiss Lo’ak and Tuk’s heads as well before joining his father. Jake shoots her a victorious grin as he wraps their eldest in his arms.
Neytiri doesn’t want to give Jake any more reason to gloat, but she can’t help but scowl as Kiri also heads Jake’s way, attention absorbed by the intricate leaves of the flower she has plucked on her morning walk. Jake takes it from her hands and sets it aside gently, whispering promises that it will be waiting for her in the morning when their daughter complains. Kiri grudgingly accepts this answer, and squirms in between Neteyam and Jake.
They lock eyes over the heads of their dozing children. They are at a stalemate.
Their gazes shift to the last of their children still awake as he finishes putting a fresh battery into his exopack. Spider’s jaw cracks with the force of his yawn, and his eyes are mostly closed as his body sways where he stands, fatigue overcoming him.
Jake opens his mouth to call out to Spider, but Neytiri shoots daggers at him with her eyes. The only real rule to their game is that they are not allowed to try and coax any of their children to their side. They must come completely of their own will.
Neither truly knows where Spider may go. For the most part, the family slept together, a miasma of limbs and braids and the soft exhales of sleep. Nights like tonight were rare, and usually only implemented when the children seemed so tired that an accidental kick or kuru tug would send them into tears. 
Most nights, it can be guaranteed that wherever Kiri goes, Spider will follow. But Spider had been annoyed when Kiri had left the tent this morning without waiting for him, and his resentment at being left behind may still linger. But, Tuk still wakes at least twice during the night, and Spider is a light sleeper. He may not want to sleep with Neytiri if there’s a chance his littlest sister may wake him before eclipses’ end.
As if summoned by the thought, Tuk begins to fuss, tired whimpers escaping her mouth as she tries to fall asleep. Neytiri sings to her softly, rocking the babe with one arm and smoothing down Lo’ak’s braids with the other.
If the song Neytiri chooses happens to be Spider’s songchord, that is between her and Eywa.
As if summoned, Spider begins to drift her way. His eyes don’t open as he stumbles across the tent, guided only by his mother’s voice. Tuk quiets as Spider nestles into Neytiri’s stomach, hand intertwined with Lo’ak’s over her navel.
“Night, mama,” Spider mumbles. Neytiri tucks a braid behind his ear, fingers stroking a soothing pattern at the nape of his neck.
“Goodnight, my son,” she whispers back. She soaks in the bliss that is the gentle rise and fall of her children’s chests as she settles herself finally for sleep.
Before closing her eyes for the night, she looks across the smoldering embers of their hearth at her husband. Even as he holds Kiri and Neteyam with love and gentleness, he looks at Neytiri with pure betrayal.
“Traitor,” he mouths at her. Maybe her trick with the songchord wasn’t as subtle as she thought. 
No matter. Both Neytiri’s home and heart are warm, and that is prize enough.
For the record, however, she still won. 
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xylianasblog · 9 months
Our little secret
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Pairings: Agedup! Spider x FemNavi reader
Summary: Having a relationship with a human was exciting, even when exploring each other's bodies.
Warnings: MDNI, kuru play, size difference, teasing, praising.
꒦꒷❀꒷꒦ ❀✿❀꒦꒷❀꒷꒦MDNI ꒦꒷❀꒷꒦❀✿❀ ꒦꒷❀꒷꒦
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Sneaking around was always fun, especially when it was to hide your relationship with the human who was the best friends of the sully kids.
There was something about his pale soft, squishy skin. His small yet fit stature. The painted-on blue stripes always made you think he was a little funny, but you understood his wish to fit in.
“What are you thinking about? I’ve been calling your name for a while now?” Spider stated, your eyes darted down to his face that rested on your stomach. His hands were rubbing and feeling along your body causing you to shiver, his rough calloused hands felt good against your smooth skin.
“You are a strange human, painting blue stripes along your body just so you fit in. It is admirable.” You mumbled just loud enough for him to hear you.
He gave a little chuckle before placing his slightly chapped lips again your stomach, right underneath your belly button. You couldn’t help but giggle as he continues to leave scattered kisses as his hands roamed along your body. You both were so lost in your own world were didn’t feel when his hand brushed against your kuru. The motion caused you both to stop, spider getting on his knees as he stared down at your form sprawled out below you. Your eyes following his as they traced every part of your body, watching as he took in everything.
His eyes shifted over to your kuru, before looking back at your face. “Can I?” His eyes once again trained on your kuru, you let out a small little ‘mhm’ before speaking. “Be careful please my monkey, it’s sensitive…”
The pink tendrils make themselves known, tickling at spiders' finger slightly the tingly sensations caused you to moan out of surprise.
Spiders' eyebrows raised as he watched your reactions to his gentle touch against the pink tendrils, they slowly wrapped around your fingers causing you to shudder from the overwhelming sensation. Your eyes closed as you let out a shuddering breath, your shoulders relaxing on the ground.
You felt him grinding against you, the bit of friction paired with the feeling on his finger gently wiggling about against the soft tendrils of your neural queue had you panting and whimpering, hips bucking up to help grind against you. “Look at you mama, a mess for me.” You couldn’t help but whine as he gave a gentle tug of his finger, the action causing your back to arch up from the ground.
“You look so pretty, want me to fuck you like this?” He questioned as his free hand worked to free your sopping cunt, giving him a full view of your wetness. “So needy for me, I’ll take good care of you I promise.”
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Taglist: @pandoraslxna @neteyamsoare @hiddensnow1 @criticallybella @sunfyresrider @neteyamsyawntu @tiredmamaissy @headsincloud9 @etherialblackrose @strongheartneteyam @blue-slxt @shit-i-say-shit-i-think @justcaptainnoodles @Neteyamyawne @erenjaegerwifee @oakbuggy @hotdsworld @itchaboi-itchyboy @luvv4j4ybe11
131 notes · View notes
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White Tara, a divine mother of compassion and longevity, endowed with seven eyes (look at the palms of the hands, soles of the feet, and her forehead) to symbolize the watchfulness of the compassionate mind.
Her healing mantra: Oṃ Tāre Tuttāre Ture Mama Ayuḥ Punya Jñānā Puśtiṃ Kuru Svāhā
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omnipresentlemon · 2 years
The Little Games We Play
Set in a softer time, with a more forgiving beginning for Pandora’s littlest human. 
Sometimes, Jake and Neytiri play a game. A competition, more like. They don’t play this game often, and the winner usually gets to revel in their victory for at least a fortnight before the chance to challenge arises. It’s a game only played by the two of them, and while their children may have some inklings as to the nature of it, they are content to let their parents be the sole competitors.
As Polyphemus rises in the sky and eclipse begins, so does Jake and Neytiri’s game.  
Evening meal is being cleared away, and the children romp and tussle around the tent until Jake and Neytiri lower themselves onto their sleeping mats, signaling that it is time to finally settle down.
Neytiri begins at an advantage – Tuktirey is barely a year old, and thus still sleeps most comfortably with her mother close by. Neytiri smiles at Jake with savage delight when Lo’ak stumbles over to her, sleepily rubbing at one eye and tucking himself under Neytiri’s arm for the night.
She almost secures victory before Jake can even begin his counterattack, Neteyam approaching her for a goodnight hug and kiss. But that is all he apparently seeks, bending down to kiss Lo’ak and Tuk’s heads as well before joining his father. Jake shoots her a victorious grin as he wraps their eldest in his arms.
Neytiri doesn’t want to give Jake any more reason to gloat, but she can’t help but scowl as Kiri also heads Jake’s way, attention absorbed by the intricate leaves of the flower she has plucked on her morning walk. Jake takes it from her hands and sets it aside gently, whispering promises that it will be waiting for her in the morning when their daughter complains. Kiri grudgingly accepts this answer, and squirms in between Neteyam and Jake.
They lock eyes over the heads of their dozing children. They are at a stalemate.
Their gazes shift to the last of their children still awake as he finishes putting a fresh battery into his exopack. Spider’s jaw cracks with the force of his yawn, and his eyes are mostly closed as his body sways where he stands, fatigue overcoming him.
Jake opens his mouth to call out to Spider, but Neytiri shoots daggers at him with her eyes. The only real rule to their game is that they are not allowed to try and coax any of their children to their side. They must come completely of their own will.
Neither truly knows where Spider may go. For the most part, the family slept together, a miasma of limbs and braids and the soft exhales of sleep. Nights like tonight were rare, and usually only implemented when the children seemed so tired that an accidental kick or kuru tug would send them into tears.  
Most nights, it can be guaranteed that wherever Kiri goes, Spider will follow. But Spider had been annoyed when Kiri had left the tent this morning without waiting for him, and his resentment at being left behind may still linger. But, Tuk still wakes at least twice during the night, and Spider is a light sleeper. He may not want to sleep with Neytiri if there’s a chance his littlest sister may wake him before eclipses’ end.
As if summoned by the thought, Tuk begins to fuss, tired whimpers escaping her mouth as she tries to fall asleep. Neytiri sings to her softly, rocking the babe with one arm and smoothing down Lo’ak’s braids with the other.
If the song Neytiri chooses happens to be Spider’s songchord, that is between her and Eywa.
As if summoned, Spider begins to drift her way. His eyes don’t open as he stumbles across the tent, guided only by his mother’s voice. Tuk quiets as Spider nestles into Neytiri’s stomach, hand intertwined with Lo’ak’s over her navel.
“Night, mama,” Spider mumbles. Neytiri tucks a braid behind his ear, fingers stroking a soothing pattern at the nape of his neck.
“Goodnight, my son,” she whispers back. She soaks in the bliss that is the gentle rise and fall of her children’s chests as she settles herself finally for sleep.
Before closing her eyes for the night, she looks across the smoldering embers of their hearth at her husband. Even as he holds Kiri and Neteyam with love and gentleness, he looks at Neytiri with pure betrayal.
“Traitor,” he mouths at her. Maybe her trick with the songchord wasn’t as subtle as she thought.  
No matter. Both Neytiri’s home and heart are warm, and that is prize enough.
For the record, however, she still won.  
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harapeveco · 9 months
Maybe this is just me but don’t you guys get the impression that newer Eve characters don’t have the same impact as older ones? What I mean is that charcaters like Pattun, Kuru, Bun, Dancer, Seki (tg specifically) and the Okinime desu mama boy are always in fanart I always see fanart of them but newer ones…I only see them on my tl for like a week or two and they just disappear and I never see them again
The only exceptions to this rule I can think of are ofc Tobi and fs Ryuuko but other than that characters from Gunjou Sanka, Don’t Replay The Boredom, Yusei Boushi, Hakugin, etc I just don’t see them like that much compared to when their MVs came out….every once in a while I see the Heart Forecast girls and maybe Raison D’être or Baumkuchen End guy in the wild but it’s very rare…even Akame and Zukin who were really popular when their MV came out are not there that much
It’s funny bc Tohiko came out two weeks ago and I already stopped seeing fanart of it like???? Idk exactly how to explain it but yeh it’s like idk they just don’t have the same impact or charisma? Or maybe it’s that we are so used to fast consumerism we just forget about them after a week or two? Idk does anyone else feels this or it’s only me?
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etherial-moon-blog · 1 year
Ye (satisfied, satiated, full)
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Na’vi dictionary:
Kuru- neural queue, braid
Yawne- beloved
Yawntu- loved one
Tsaheylu- bond
Pairings: Adult!Lo'ak x Adult!AvatarReader
Summary: You and Lo’ak spend some time together 
Word count: 1k
Warnings: spanking, use of daddy, crying, multiple orgasms, p in v sex, creampies, overstimulation, oral fem receiving(brief) If i missed anything let me know!
A/N: Groupchat saw it first lol. I hope y'all enjoy while waiting on part 3 
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You were spread in front of him, face pressed against the mat below you, ass raised as high as it could possibly go. Your hips were swaying slightly and your tail was twitching impatiently behind you as you watched the male behind you. Lo’ak was sitting behind you, one hand holding your waist in place, the other fisting his cock. His thumb gently glided between the folds of your glistening exposed pussy, your hole twitching around nothing. 
Lo’ak loved watching you like this. He loved seeing you face down ass up for him right after training. He loved tasting your pussy like this even more. Moving one hand from his cock, he grabs your waist and leans down to blow a small puff of air against your pussy. A small gasp leaves your lips and you involuntarily jump. Lo’ak is quick to deliver a swift slap to your ass.
“Come on mama, how many times do I have to say it? Stay still for me, I don’t need you moving around while I’m trying to eat.” 
“I-I’m sorry Lo-” A lewd moan is ripped from your throat as Lo’ak’s tongue swipes against your already sensitive clit. You squirmed again and another slap was delivered to your ass. You let out a whimper and gripped the mat harder. 
“It’s almost like you want me to spank you. Would you like that yawne? Do you want me to leave my handprints on this cute little ass of yours?” Lo’ak asks as his hand smooths other the spot where he just hit. You loved it when he rough handled you. The thought of having his large rough hands leaving visible marks on your ass, marking you as his for everyone to see, had more of your slick dripping down your already soaked cunt. 
Noticing this Lo’ak chuckled and palms your ass, his nails digging ever so slightly into your soft skin. “Look at you, getting all wet at the thought of me spanking you. Would you really like that? Wearing my handprint on your ass? Letting everyone know you’re mine?” He’s practically purring in your ear as he says this. You frantically nod your head to everything he’s saying. 
Smack! Yet another slap is delivered to your ass causing you to let out a lewd moan. “Use your words mama, I can’t give my baby what she wants if she doesn’t talk to me.” 
“P-please Lo’ak please spank me” if you had the capacity to, you’d be embarrassed at the way you sounded right now. You sounded like a bitch in heat the way you were moaning and squirming around, begging your mate to spank you like the dirty little slut you were. 
Lo’ak, never one to deny you anything, raises his hand and brings it down onto your ass…hard. The moan you let out was near pornographic as Lo’ak continued his assault on your ass. 
You could feel a cord tightening inside your belly that was threatening to snap as Lo’ak continued his assault. Determined to make you cum again, Lo’ak slips his other hand across your hip and begins to rapidly rub at your clit. 
“Gonna…gonna” you barely manage to moan out as your eyes slowly roll back.
“That’s it baby, cum for daddy.” Lo’ak purrs. That’s all the permission you need and your moans come out as strangled sobs as you cum. Fresh tears rolled down your face, Lo’ak’s fingers slowly as he helps you ride down your high.
Your chest is heaving and your body is still twitching as he pulls his fingers away from your body. 
“There we go, good girl.” Lo’ak says as he watches you, hand pumping up and down the length of his cock. “I have one more thing for you mama, you ready?”
You weakly nod. Your ass was on fire and your legs felt like jelly, it was a miracle that you were still propped up like this for him. He chuckles at your fucked out expression and gently moves your kuru from where it was resting g against your spine. He leaves kisses from the base of your spine up toward your neck. His lips felt cool in comparison to your scorching skin. 
With a final kiss planted against your temple, he grabs his kuru and makes tsaheylu, letting out a small groan as he does. Once connected you could feel everything he felt and vice versa. You could feel the way his cock throbbed for you, begging to bury himself inside your tight little hole and he could feel the way your cunt dripped slick, in response. 
“You ready for me mama?” You didn’t need to respond as you felt the tip of his cock kiss the entrance of your pussy, a thrust away from penetrating. Placing a kiss against your temple, he plants one hand near your head while the other finds your waist and slowly presses himself inside you.
You moan in unison as Lo’ak bottoms out inside you and begins to move. The pace he sets is fast and brutal, leaving you no room to do anything  but grip onto his arm. Every drag of his cock against the walls of your pussy drove you insane. Your pussy was spasming around his cock, signaling that you were close. You didn’t need to be connected to him to feel the way his cock was twitching inside you, letting you know that he was close as well.
His thrusts soon turned sloppy, the increased speed and depth causing the fat head of his cock to repeatedly press against the entrance of your womb causing your eyes to roll back.
“Shit~ yawne I can feel how badly you want to cum. So be a good girl and cum on daddy’s dick.” So you do. You come for the third time that night, this orgasm leaving you more oversensitive than the last.
“Fuck~ Fuck~ Fuuuucccckkkk yawne, I’m cumming” His grip on your waist tightens as he cums. His pace never falters as he pulls your hips back to slam against him as he emptied himself inside your womb. 
After a couple more thrusts, he nearly collapses against you, his head coming to rest between your shoulder blades. You can feel his chest heaving against your back and you smile. After a few moments he moves to pull out and you whine, missing the fullness of his cock almost immediately. 
He only chuckles as he moves to lay down and pulls you on top of him. “You really want my dick inside you that badly huh tìyawn?”
You press a small kiss to his lips. “I just want to feel full again ma’yawntu.” 
He can only chuckle and shake his head as he obliges your request and slides his cock back inside of you. You let out a small moan and immediately nuzzle into his chest at the feeling of being full again. You slowly begin to nod off on his chest, the nights actions finally taking a toll on you. Noticing this Lo’ak presses a kiss to the top of your head.  
“I love you ma’yawntu”
“I love you too ma’yawne”
Sleep soon takes hold and you both drift off to sleep, satisfied.
A/N: Part 3 is taking longer than expected so I'll be dropping small little fics like this until it's done. If you want me to write about certain characters send an ask!
Taglist: @melllinaa @fev0ir @iaratezaewa @zaddyskye69 @kasai-https @darktyrantwinner @doctorswife221b @atxxokirina @iameatingmyhair @thepineapplesimp @lo707 @lyra997 @shadydreamlanddetective
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