#Kurosawa Scenario
boydswan · 11 months
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"There are two après-guerre types."
The Quiet Duel (1949)
Stray Dog (1949)
High & Low (1963)
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cubedmango · 1 year
It’s been a while (1 singular month) since I last watched the movie and I feel insane like I forgot that fishing scene was something that actually happened and not something I just made up like my god they’re so ridiculously in love… the way you could watch as kurosawa’s face set deeper and deeper into a look of pure adoration and wonder (WHILE GRIPPING A FISH BETWEEN ADACHI’S HANDS MIND YOU,,,) and the comment about how he’s so cute while excited oh god they make me wanna stick my head into soil
their commitment to being Like That at all times ever to me is like . deeply respect the grind + good for them but also please the fish. ur here to get the fish. stop looking into each others eyes like that stop !!! dude!!!!! the Fish!!!!!!!
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mino-diabolik · 2 years
60. RESTRICTED ( Varick )
a comprehensive list of scenarios
RESTRICTED :  for both muses to sneak into someplace they’re not supposed to be.
Mystic took a tumble through the window—having been gently urged into the building by a tap to his back—barely avoiding colliding with a nearby bookshelf. He caught himself after a skip and froze; he sighed, springing up a moment after. He snapped around to meet the man climbing in after him.
“Must you be so rough?” Mystic huffed through a contained smile. He crossed his arms and sided his hips. “You brought me all the way here, yet still haven’t told me what for!” After swift sweep of the area, he hummed. “What’re we tryin’ to get into this fine night?”
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wen-kexing-apologist · 3 months
Favorite Kiss Game
I was tagged by @lurkingshan and @he-is-lightning-in-a-bottle
Grrr, this is SO hard.
I know what will happen if I put a certain shows kiss on my favorites list, so I'm going to cut out a couple of my absolute favorites and focus on the following:
Mew, Neo, and Shin- 3 Will Be Free, Ep 6
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gif by @sunsongsa
I enjoyed this kiss as a tension breaker for a few reasons: 1) because it marked the actual confirmation of a polyamorus relationship in a GMMTV show, 2) because we have spent so much time in this show with these characters running for their lives and getting traumatized every other day and it is a lovely moment of broken tension from the fear they have been feeling, 3) because it breaks the tension Shin carries around his feelings for Neo and the tension that was built from Shin disappearing from Neo and Mew when he ran away after seeing them kiss.
Achi and Karan- Cherry Magic: Thailand, Ep
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The tension that broke for me in watching this kiss was 1000% about breaking the tension that Cherry Magic: Japan had built up by never letting Adachi and Kurosawa kiss in the original television show. Achi fully running up to Karan and kissing him, and them having a real, long, active, and enthusiastic kiss was a huge sigh of relief that Thailand was going to treat us right. Also, Karan crying? Killed me.
Cai and Gav- Gameboys, Ep 10
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gif by @save-the-data
Yuan and Qian- Unknown, Ep 6
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Is Qian a willing participant in this kiss? No. But do I love it anyway? Yes. Why? Because it completely changes the nature of their relationship. It force Qian to wake up to Yuan's feelings, it is the culmination of Yuan no longer being able to hold back on his feelings for Qian despite trying for years and years and years to prevent this very scenario. This scene broke me, I'm obsessed with it, and all the air left the room the first time I had to sit through this scene. It's a brilliant moment both because of the tension it breaks and the tension it builds because holy fucking shit the aftermath of this is So Much.
Kevin and Pluem- Ghost Host, Ghost House, Ep 4
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I mean....
I don't think I need to say anything more about this scene. It is one of the most expertly executed sexual tension building scenes that I have ever seen in my entire life. If you haven't seen this show, hell if you haven't seen this scene. Go watch it. You will see what I mean.
tagging: @happypotato48, @ginnymoonbeam, @colourme-feral, and @neuroticbookworm
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sukirofa · 2 months
sometimes a 30 year old gay man romance is a straight highschool shoujo romance
or ways i think cherry magic is similar to kimi ni todoke
lots of spoilers (especially for kimi ni todoke)
sorry if this is all over the place half of those came to mind while i was writing the already planned half
Sawako and Kurosawa are characters that are shown to have fallen in love with their respective love interests because they believe their LI saw something in them that everyone else ignored. When Shouta calls Sawako by her first name, as opposed to everyone else not knowing her real name, he acknowledges her true self and Sawako is moved by that. When Adachi tells Kurosawa that he’s noticed his hard work but it’s refreshing to see him all flustered, Kurosawa is also moved, as his imperfect side is always ignored or seen as exclusively negative by others. Their main motivator for falling for the other person is fundamentally the same and it’s interesting to compare how it unfolds for both of them. Both are inexperienced in a sense, Sawako never having a crush or a relationship before and Kurosawa, while quite experienced in relationships, has never truly had a crush (especially one to this intensity) before. They also both seem to have a thing for bedheads and losers so good for them.
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Sawako and Adachi also let their feelings of admiration for their LI get in the way of realizing their own romantic feelings. One of the most important moments in both relationship developments is them moving past idolization of their LI.
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Kurosawa also shares some thought processes with Kazehaya for his reasons for falling in love. Both Kazehaya and Kurosawa are attracted by their love interest’s hard work that is often overlooked by everyone around them. They like the feeling of exclusivity they get by being the only lucky ones to notice such a wonderful person which later on results to justified or not possessiveness and jealousy. 
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Doesn't help that any attempt Kazehaya and Kurosawa make to get closer to their LI at the start is written off by them as simple kindness that such popular kind beloved person would show to anyone. 
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On the topic of jealousy, Sawako and Adachi experience it in similar ways. While Kazehaya and Kurosawa are shown (at least in the beginning) as possessive and cautious of everyone around their LI, Sawako and Adachi feel jealous under specific scenarios. And since they’re both their respective series’ more dense person when it comes to their feelings, it’s also the main indicator for them to realize their romantic feelings. Sawako feels jealous when she assumes Kazehaya is calling Kurumi by her first name and even more when she realizes she doesn’t want Kurumi to get with him; and that’s what makes her realize her feelings for him aren’t quite platonic. Adachi contemplates whether he’s actually into Kurosawa or if he’s been swayed by Kurosawa’s feelings. But as soon as he sees him with someone he assumes is his ex girlfriend (Sidenote it’s funny how the most jealous Sawako and Adachi feel is because of an assumption they make) he gets sick and then immediately decides to confess (before he’s interrupted by Mari and once again thrown into a thought spiral of what-ifs). 
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Sawako and Kurosawa both having a “it's not a dream” moment after they get their confession answered.
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Before getting together both ships also have a moment early on where one of them accidentally initiates a kiss that is later referenced when it's time for their actual first kiss. When Sawako falls for Pin’s prank and unintentionally makes Kazehaya believe she's expecting a kiss, frustrated, Kazehaya says that if she were to try that again, he can't know how he'll react. When their relationship is in a rough spot Sawako does try that again, but Kazehaya has absolutely no reaction; she calls him out for his lack of affection and he responds with a kiss to reassure her (of course they also talk it out later). After Kurosawa feels guilty for kissing Adachi’s forehead, Adachi wants to reassure him he didn't hate it. So he straight up says that he didn't hate it. Kurosawa (justified) misunderstands and asks Adachi if he's sure what he's saying and Adachi hesitatingly nods. Kurosawa then goes for a kiss but thankfully theyre interrupted and Adachi makes it clear that he didn't imply that. When Adachi clears up Kurosawa’s concers about his cryptic behavior and confesses about the magic and Kurosawa decides to once again to go for a kiss; He asks again if Adachi understands what that means and Adachi this time confidently nods.
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And even though everything seems to go smoothly after their first dates (and the first hand holding) both relationships have a problem looming over them. In KNT the concern is more practical, Kazehaya is mostly afraid of making Sawako uncomfortable and, as every adult around him warns him, not treasuring her (that is, not keeping their relationship appropriate). In CM’s case the problem is that Adachi feels guilty for reading Kurosawa’s thoughts without him knowing. (I also think Shouta’s need to treasure Sawako can also be compared to Kurosawa’s initial perfectionism when it came to dating Adachi, because he wanted to give him a good experience of a first relationship.) If I were to narrow it down both conflicts come down to the fear of power imbalance and creating a distance between the two as a result. In both cases the conflict puts a strain in the relationship. Both Sawako and Kurosawa notice that and call it out. 
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Of course despite the similarities both conflicts unfold completely differently, mainly because of the experience gap and the age difference of the couples (as well as the content of the conflict itself). Adachi immediately confesses when he sees that he caused Kurosawa distress and the emotional climax is wrapped up with their first kiss.
Sawako and Shouta are a bit more intense (rightfully so; the conflict in KuroAda’s relationship happens a few weeks after dating, for SawaKaze this has been an issue for MONTHS) but ultimately, after Sawako makes her insecurities clear and Shouta realizes how wrong he’s been acting they also resolve the conflict by having their first kiss (as a reassurance, as a confirmation that Kazehaya’s change of attitude is not a product of change of heart, but simply a misguided decision). They also have a much needed conversation afterwards.
Some other trope-y similarities that I don't think are worth expanding on (or at least I can't expand on them as much) but I would like to point out are: the confessions being a day apart in both scenarios and involving running, a love letter (two in knt, one so far in cm). There is a blonde guy who is messy. Another guy who is third wheeling accidentally all the time. That one female character who is very invested in the main's relationship. Adachi and Kazehaya are both older brothers with questionable fathers. Both stories also feature a LDR conflict the climax of which is pretty much the same in both stories (the love letter and their first time)
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At their core both KNT and CM are about the importance of mutual respect within a relationship, idolization (and how that can get in the way of a relationship), the importance of communication-that takes time and some arguments and a lot of failed attempts. If you like the one you will definitely like the other.
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biconickyoshi · 7 months
10, 15, 25 for wuko :)
Omggg okay I'm very excited to do this for Wuko!!! Thank you anon! :)
10. Describe their first date.
I think that Wu would try go all out on their first date (I'm literally imagining a scenario very similar to Kurosawa and Adachi's first date for those who are familiar with any adaptation of Cherry Magic lol). He'd probably try to make everything perfect - they'd spend the day shopping for expensive outfits, fly over Republic City on a sky bison/blimp, then go to the fanciest restaurant in town.
Of course, Mako would end up having a shitty time, and afterwards they'd have a talk about how neither of them had much fun - Mako because all of the rich people stuff felt superficial to him, and Wu because he was so focused on everything being perfect that he didn't take the time to truly pay attention to Mako and notice he was feeling uncomfortable. Wu would apologize, and then Mako would take him to a cheap hole-in-the-wall place that he likes (, and they'd do the things Mako likes to do, which are much more low-key (which Wu has never really experienced). From that point forward, they would make an agreement to try and do things they both like to do on future dates.
15. Do they always say "I love you" before leaving?
Wu almost always says it first, but sometimes Mako gets to it before him. This of course makes Wu very happy. Mako of course always says it back when Wu says it first :)
25. Do they have any hobbies they share?
I think that, at first, it would seem like there's not really any interests that they both have in common, but eventually they would slowly start introducing the other to things they like and end up both getting really into them.
For Mako, I'd imagine his thing is watching probending - Wu wouldn't be interested at first, but he'd make an effort to start learning more about it, and eventually become just as big of a fan as Mako (and probably start buying a bunch of merch for his favorite team lol).
For Wu, I imagine him as being a huge theatre kid, so he'd probably start dragging Mako to musicals and operas, and eventually Mako would begin to appreciate them and even look forward to them too.
Also, I don't know if drag shows exist in the world of Avatar, but I headcanon that they do and I 100% believe that Wu would be super into them, either just going to them or being in them. I would LOVEEE to write a fic someday about Wu convincing Mako to let him dress him up in drag lol. Maybe the rest of the Krew could join in on it too.
Gahhh this was literally so much fun to do!! To anyone else who sees this, pls feel free to send me more of these (for Zukaang, Korrasami, Rangshi, or even Wuko again) :)
Link to the original OTP Asks post
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respectthepetty · 2 years
Cherry Magic: A Color Wizard
You already know how this goes:
Adachi and Kurosawa are color-coded boys in love.
Want to take a guess what their colors are?
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If you guessed green and blue, like Semantic Error's Sang Woo and Jae Young, you'd be halfway right.
*Disclaimer: Most images are going to be low quality and rough because this show and the movie have never been available in an easily accessible manner if you get my drift.
Adachi (not Kurosawa like the posters have us believe) is a blue boy. He is sensitive, loyal, and sincere. Kurosawa is a green guy. He is lively, hopeful, and easygoing.
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As the posters highlight, we see this mainly through their ties.
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Since the first time they interacted at that very super important dinner, Kurosawa has been in love with Adachi, and we see that in the opening credits each time he opens the blue curtains.
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However, both men hide their colors well, to the point that Adachi thinks Kurosawa might be a red rascal (due to Kurosawa's ties and mostly when he believes Kurosawa's sister is his girlfriend).
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Yet, when Adachi gets sick, Kurosawa puts all his love, and color onto Adachi, and Adachi wakes up in green.
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He can't function at work because now that he realizes his feelings, he is surrounded by Kurosawa green.
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He invites Kurosawa over but Yuta tags along, and Kurosawa freaks out by how strong his emotions are and is overwhelmed by the blue.
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He goes on a business trip, but finds himself still in the blue and distracted by thoughts of Adachi even in his green tie.
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The two confess to each other on the bridge in their color-coded ties (the screenshot was basura), and start switching colors: Adachi in the green shirt and blue pants with Kurosawa in the blue tie.
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And enjoy being surrounded by each other and their love.
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This love allows Adachi the strength to fully embrace his blue boy status, mostly after wearing Kurosawa's green shirt and remembering how much Kurosawa's loves him.
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Both Adachi and Kurosawa are happy in love by time the movie comes around and letting their colors and feelings show.
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However, they get separated, and Adachi misses his green guy badly. Much like the office scenario, he can't escape the greens.
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After Kurosawa arrives to heal his blue boy's heart, the two decide to move in together in the blue and green door apartment building with their blue and green bikes.
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And the colors and their love surround them once more.
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They decide to meet the parents, but Kurosawa worries. However, Adachi finds strength in Kurosawa's green and gives it back to Kurosawa.
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The parents are color-coded as well, so there should've never been a doubt they would approve of their sons' love. Adachi's dad is in blue sitting on the green pillow, while Kurosawa's parents have a blue table with the mom in blue.
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With the parent's approval, the lovebirds decide to make it official!
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And that's the magic of color in Cherry Magic.
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adachikiyoshi · 7 months
here's a clear the difference between characterization in different cherry magic versions in this simple scenario
kurosawa/karan: let me take a photo of you 🥰
achi: 😳 oh o-ok ☺️
jdrama adachi: 😳stawppp omg ... stop ittt....🤪 stawpppp
original adachi: 😒 kill yoursel-
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cesarescabinet · 2 months
I can totally picture Akira Kurosawa having made an Arthurian movie. In my mind the only cast I can think up would be Toshiro Mifune as Lancelot but your ideas are amazing.
Referring to these two posts.
Thank you so much! Man, Kurosawa would've made a fantastic Arthurian movie---most likely would've been in black-and-white depending on the era but imagining the color palettes he used in Kagemusha? It's nice to dream!
Toshiro Mifune as Lancelot would've been great too! I'm imagining that scenario being made in the early 1950s: Takashi Shimura playing an aging King Arthur, strong-armed into re-marrying for the sake of his kingdom despite his opposition to it (let's say Guinevere's played by Yoshiko Yamaguchi). Toshiro Mifune plays Lancelot as a loyal retainer, and complications ensue when a romance blooms between Mifune and Yamaguchi. Honestly if you cast 1950s!Mifune as Lancelot there's no helping anybody who's cast as King Arthur, hence the different take. (Side-note this gif has the strong Vulgate!Lancelot energy.)
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In the 1960s? Gonna go out on a limb and say he'd make a great Sir Kay--Sanjuro is basically how I picture (and to an extent, write) Sir Kay anyways. Sir Kay gets to be a competent badass, at least in my heart.
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I also think he'd make a great King Arthur in a pro-Arthur take on the story; a king desperately trying to uphold his moral code in the midst of uncertainly, all while the world crumbles to pieces. If that's not quality jidaigeki I don't know what is!
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(Am I just using this post to justify Mifune!posting? Maybe)
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cubedmango · 1 year
AAAAA like honestly I really don’t care for tsugemina but I know they have a decent sized jp fanbase so I get the vol 12 sacrifice once again💔 but kurodachi as parents my God naina… I can see it so clearly like in my dream they’d be the sweetest most loving parents ever like in my dream it was weird cause it was little snippets? But I can just see it… adachi falling asleep with their baby girl already far into dreamland on his chest and kurosawa using every molecule of strength in his body not to start crying (53636 burst shots were taken), kurosawa buying matching pyjamas for all three of them (cherry print I’m sorry I’m a weak, weak person…), that classic moment of them laying together in bed ready to sleep, wedding photos framed prettily on the bedside, when all of a sudden the baby starts crying and they both make a move to get up but then one of them stops the other with a gentle hand with the ‘I’ve got it, rest yourself’ line oh I’m insane. Positively INSANE
ANON DO U HAVE ANY IDEA . HOW SEVERELY THIS ASK CHANGED MY BRAIN CHEMISTRY.??? ive been thinking about ur scenarios all Day. i started thinking of whole ideas and hcs and everything head in hands i never knew krdc being parents could be this powerful...... im choosing to believe ur dreams are prophetic bc i need this to happen in canon so badly its not even funny . brb i need to send sensei a very tearful request letter
anyway thank u so much for this ask i drew u some la kurodadchi in return after taking some inspiration pls enjoy .......
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waitmyturtles · 8 months
Done with episode 2 of Ossan’s Love Returns, and
1) “Does that mean that she accepts us?” got me WELLING, and
2) I may need to request to a gif maker all of the fight scenes between Chief Kurosawa and Maki, because I am HIGH-KEY DYING at them.
GREAT SHOW SO FAR, and I’ll be fully caught up after tonight!
3) Choko-san’s “affair” may be based on a real-life scenario where a wife suspected her husband of cheating. She hired a private detective, and found out he was actually obsessed with a virtual idol. The husband talked about it all on Twitter in 2022, including how he wasn’t “out” as an idol otaku and how he hid his obsession from his wife. What could have been devastating turned out to be not!
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jjsanguine · 1 year
Rules: list 10 of your comfort shows and then tag 10 people
Tagged by @bengiyo . I actually don't rewatch shows very often, or at least not the same ones every time, but here's some shows I've watched a lot of in no particular order.
Alien Biospheres. This is a YouTube series but I've watched it a lot. If you watched James Cameron's Avatar and don't care about the plot but would watch a documentary on how they designed the creatures + plants this is the webseries for you. If you like spec bio then I would also recommend Serina.
Cherry Magic. I write songs for fun and my life is too boring to be great inspiration, so most of them reference scenarios in shows I'm watching that I find funny or just stick with me for some reason. Kurosawa's personality inspired one of my best ones.
Coffee Prince. This got me into kdrama + so much of it still holds up. Like, remember how homophobic the 2000s were? That's a feat.
The King's Affection. This is like the best girl disguises as a guy kdrama since Coffee Prince, and I watched a lot of them before I figure out I was nonbinary. I was glued to my seat. My writing project @the-prince-is-not-a-woman was partially inspired by me watching this so many times.
Mortel. It's like this show was made for me. Vodun, found family, polyamorus subtext, mystery, despising someone but having noone else to turn to, trauma, comedy, banger music. It was made by Netflix though, so of course it was cancelled on a cliffhanger.
Power Rangers 2017. This film is objectively goofy but I love it so much. Billy was the first explicitly autistic character I think I saw ever, and he set my expectations for canonically autistic characters high.
Extraordinary Attorney Woo. Apart from being a good show, Attorney Woo is the only other character on my list of canonically autistic characters that I like, which is funny because both attorney Woo and Billy were played by allistic actors.
The Path. I enjoyed seasons 1 & 2 but I've rewatched season 3 many times for my baby Caleb. I talked about a pastor's son and he's like the perfect example. If the show hadn't tragically been cancelled I would have loved to see what they did with his character, because after leaving his family for his boyfriend and by extension his boyfriend's daddy's apocalypse adjacent cult (which is a positive if you can believe it) socially speaking he was essentially in the same position he started off in, minus worrying about homophobia. He could have blossomed or spiralled, who knows. That's quality side character creation. This show also inspired the list "cheating on your girlfriend with your wife" which has to be the best of my lists of niche tropes.
Triage: time travel and time loop stories can so easily swerve into being terrible when there isn't enough thought put into the time travel mechanic but when they're good they're really good.
Shelter 2007: so many of the queer films I watched as a teenager were depressing, I could have given up on ql entirely if I didn't watch this heartwarming film.
Honourable mentions:
Be My Favourite. It finished airing literally 2 months ago so it really hasn't had time to gain the status of old reliable but yeah. I've watched episode 1 probably 10 times at this point, because I would pore over the whole show waiting for the next episode. I was writing essays.
Nowhere Boys: I love forced proximity + conspirationality. It's one of the reasons I love Mortel. It's a quality teen drama.
Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Chat Noir, aka Miraculous Ladybug. This show is my Riverdale. It's ridiculous and I don't recommend it and I can't watch the english dub because I'd cringe too much so I watch it in French, but I started watching when I was like 15 so I'm locked in forever. It keeps dragging me back.
Going to try my hand at actually tagging people so,,,
@anotherlovr @writerwithoutsound @dudeyuri @irritablebovinesyndrome @gillianthecat @threezoz @sparklyeyedhimbo @respectthepetty @one-ghogh@heretherebedork
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pinkcomputer · 2 years
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Vocaloid songs that turn 10 in 2023
Common Heroes - 150P ft. Hatsune Miku, GUMI, Kagamine Rin, MAYU (12.01.2013)
Electro Saturator - tilt ft. Hatsune Miku (12.01.2013)
Self-Inflicted Colorlessness - nekobolo ft. Hatsune Miku (20.01.2013)
Q - Powapowa-P ft. Kagamine Rin (23.01.2013)
Indulging: Idol Syndrome - Suzumu ft. GUMI, MAYU (24.01.2013)
Dance Dance Decadence - Karasuyasabou ft. Kagamine Rin (28.01.2013)
Coin Locker Baby - MARETU ft. Hatsune Miku (02.02.2013)
Twilight ∞ nighT - teamOS ft. 8 Vocaloids (14.02.2013)
Honeymoon Un Deux Trois - DATEKEN ft. Kagamine Rin (15.02.2013)
Night Talk Deceive - Jin ft. IA (17.02.2013)
Transparent Elegy - n-buna ft. GUMI (19.02.2013)
pet❤me! - Candy-P ft. Kagamine Rin (22.02.2013)
Yankee Boy Yankee Girl - Tohma ft. GUMI (05.03.2013)
World Domination How-to - Neru ft. Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len (09.03.2013)
Tinplate's Dance - Hinata Electric Works ft. Hatsune Miku (10.03.2013)
A Solution for Jealousy - HoneyWorks ft. GUMI (14.03.2013)
Death Should Not Have Taken Thee! - Jesus-P ft. Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len (14.03.2013)
PROMISE∞RING - LettuceP ft. Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len (17.03.2013)
Even a Kunoichi Needs Love - Mikito-P ft. Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin (23.03.2013)
Reincarnation - kemu ft. GUMI, Kagamine Rin (24.03.2013)
Gears of Love - LettuceP ft. GUMI (27.03.2013)
Lost Time Memory - Jin ft. IA (30.03.2013)
Magical Girl Eudaemonics - Tohma ft. Hatsune Miku (02.04.2013)
Even If You Assume That It is Your Happiness - Heavenz-P ft. Megurine Luka (02.04.2013)
Pinko Stick Luv - Giga-P ft. Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len (19.04.2013)
Ayano's Theory of Happiness - Jin ft. IA (22.04.2013)
Idola Circus - Neru ft. Kagamine Rin (03.05.2013)
The Defeated Boy - Kemu ft. GUMI (06.05.2013)
against the world - Yuzuhiko ft. Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len (10.05.2013)
Chilledren - Kurosawa Madoka ft. Kagamine Len (15.05.2013)
Shoddy Utopia Policy - Suzumu ft. Kagamine Rin (24.05.2013)
Raspberry*Monster - HoneyWorks ft. Hatsune Miku (06.06.2013)
Ecstatic Vivace - Last Note. ft. GUMI (28.06.2013)
There's Supposed to Be a Cheat Code for Happiness - Utata-P ft. Yuzuki Yukari (01.07.2013)
Moon-Viewing Recital - Jin ft. IA (02.07.2013)
Today Will Be Cheerful - Fuwari-P ft. GUMI (12.07.2013)
Simmering ZEN Girl - rerulili ft. Hatsune Miku, GUMI (12.07.2013)
First Quarter Moon - WhiteFlame ft. KAITO (15.07.2013)
Sunset Yesterday - Jin ft. IA (04.08.2013)
What Children Are Made Of - Pinocchio-P ft. Hatsune Miku (21.08.2013)
High Pitch Addicts Vocal Range Test - KimurawaiP ft. Hatsune Miku (21.08.2013)
Mair's Upbringing - Diarays ft. Hatsune Miku (22.08.2013)
Holy Lance Explosion Boy - rerulili, Moja ft. Kagamine Len (29.08.2013)
Dance of the Corpses - Kikuo ft. Hatsune Miku (31.08.2013)
ALCANO - Patirchev ft. Kagamine Len, Kagamine Rin (01.09.2013)
Summertime Record - Jin ft. IA (02.09.2013)
I Can't (Mar)read the Situation - CosMo ft. GUMI (03.09.2013)
Delusion Tax - DECO*27 ft. Hatsune Miku (07.09.2013)
Brain Revolution Girl - MARETU ft. Hatsune Miku (20.09.2013)
Beginning's Goodbye - HoneyWorks ft. Kagamine Len, Kagamine Rin, Hatsune Miku (21.09.2013)
Glory 3usi9 - nanou ft. Hatsune Miku (25.09.2013)
It's A Whole World - Sooichi ft. Kagamine Len (27.09.2013)
Ageage again - Mitchie M ft. Hatsune Miku (04.10.2013)
Justitia of Life - Neru ft. Kagamine Len (06.10.2013)
Ai Kotoba II - DECO*27 ft. Hatsune Miku (08.10.2013)
Don't Go - Sohta ft. Kaai Yuki (09.10.2013)
Waiting for a Chance to Pounce - Umetora ft. DIVINE DIVA (24.10.2013)
Embarrassment-Hiding Adolescence - HoneyWorks ft. Kagamine Len (26.10.2013)
Donut Hole - Hachi ft. GUMI (28.10.2013)
Love Song - LamazeP ft. Hatsune Miku (30.10.2013)
Phantom Thief F's Scenario ~Mystery of the Missing Diamond~ - teamOS ft. 10 Vocaloids (05.11.2013)
Headlong Girl - rerulili ft. Hatsune Miku, Gumi (08.11.2013)
Crier - Scop ft. Hatsune Miku (22.11.2013)
Nina - PinocchioP ft. Hatsune Miku (25.11.2013)
Fakery Tale - DECO*27 ft. Hatsune Miku (30.11.2013)
Diagnosis: Lovesickness - HoneyWorks ft. GUMI (17.12.2013)
Aimai Elegy - DECO*27 ft. Hatsune Miku (18.12.2013)
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otomiyaa · 8 months
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Adachi: Ah, Kurosawa... That look on his face. I wonder what he's thinking about now... I guess I'll have to touch him subtly to find out.
Kurosawa: I got to see Adachi smile today. I'm so blessed. Maybe next time a laugh? How do I make him laugh? A dad joke? A tickle? Would he be ticklish? Ah if only.... I want to tickle him, but I'm sure he would -
Adachi: *letting go instantly all red in the face* I'M GOING HOME!!!
or in other words, there are so many possible hilarious scenarios with these two, I love it. @wertzunge 😘
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mostlyponies · 3 months
Star Wars Episode 7 Rewrite
Star Wars: Episode VII – Shadows of the Past
This is a what-if scenario where the Star Wars prequels were never made, and instead George Lucas made Episode 7 in 1999.
Director: Alan William Parker Screenplay: Lawrence Kasdan & George Lucas Story: George Lucas Producer: Gary Kurtz
Setting The galaxy is in a state of uneasy peace. With the fall of the Empire, various factions vie for control, leading to a fragmented political landscape. The New Republic is in its infancy, struggling to establish order and democracy amidst the chaos.
New Characters Jaina Solo: Daughter of Han and Leia, a skilled pilot and Jedi Knight in training. Kara Ren: A scavenger from a remote world, driven by a mysterious past and latent Force sensitivity. Talon Kort: A former Imperial officer turned mercenary, now leading a rogue faction. Darth Varis: A mysterious and powerful Sith acolyte who survived the fall of the Empire. Plot Summary Act 1: The Power Vacuum The galaxy is free but fractured. The New Republic, led by Chancellor Leia Organa, endeavors to bring unity. Amidst these efforts, rumors spread of ancient Sith artifacts that could grant immense power. Jaina, along with her mentor Luke Skywalker, is dispatched to investigate reports of a powerful artifact on the planet Mandalore. They discover Talon Kort’s faction also seeks the artifact, leading to a tense standoff.
Act 2: The Journey and Discovery Journey to Mandalore: Jaina and Luke are joined by Kara Ren, who has her own reasons for seeking the artifact. Their journey is fraught with peril, evoking the spirit of adventure serials and samurai quests. - WWII and Cold War Parallels: The political tension between the New Republic and various factions mirrors post-WWII geopolitical struggles. There are espionage elements as spies from different factions infiltrate each other's ranks. - The Artifact: They discover the artifact is a holocron containing the teachings of an ancient Sith Lord, capable of manipulating the Force on a massive scale. - Character Development: Jaina struggles with her heritage and the weight of expectations. Kara's mysterious past hints at a deeper connection to the Force. Talon Kort reveals his disillusionment with the Empire and his desire for power to create order.
Act 3: The Battle for the Future Convergence on Mandalore: The climax sees a massive battle on Mandalore, drawing on WWII-style aerial dogfights and ground skirmishes. The New Republic and Talon’s forces clash, with Jaina and Kara caught in the middle. - Kurosawa Influence: There are intense, personal duels reminiscent of samurai films, particularly between Jaina and Talon Kort, and between Luke and a dark figure revealed to be a surviving Sith acolyte, Darth Varis. Varis survived the fall of the Empire. Trained in secret by one of Emperor Palpatine's hidden apprentices, Varis has been biding his time, gathering knowledge and followers in the shadows.
Resolution: The Artifact's Power: Kara ultimately accesses the holocron, revealing her true lineage as a descendant of an ancient Jedi. She uses its knowledge to prevent Talon from harnessing its power. - Talon Kort's Downfall: Talon is defeated, but not killed. He is imprisoned by the New Republic, setting up potential future conflicts. - Unity and Rebuilding: The film ends with a message of hope and rebuilding, as the New Republic begins to solidify its foundation. Jaina and Kara form a bond, promising to learn from each other and protect the galaxy together.
Themes and Inspirations - Adventure Serials and Fantasy: The journey to Mandalore and the quest for the artifact evoke classic adventure tales and fantasy quests. - WWII and Cold War Analogies: The fragmented galaxy and political intrigue reflect the post-WWII era and Cold War tensions. - Samurai Films: The personal duels and the exploration of honor, duty, and legacy draw from Kurosawa’s works. - Classic Adventure Story: The narrative maintains the adventurous spirit of the original trilogy, focusing on new heroes while respecting the legacy of the old.
Returning Characters - Luke Skywalker: Now a wise and experienced Jedi Master, guiding the new generation. - Leia Organa: The political leader of the New Republic, struggling to unify the galaxy.
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jacquelinemerritt · 2 years
Dragon Ball Z: Revenge of Cooler Abridged Review
Originally posted December 11th, 2015
Derivative plots can be more entertaining than you’d think.
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This is my second review of one of Team Four Star’s abridged films (because I’m saving Christmas Tree of Might for a very special occasion), and I gotta say, I’m noticing that they might be a tad repetitive.
I mean, the plot for this film is pretty much exactly the same as the last. An evil alien comes to earth with his team of bad guys (a pretty one, a dumb tough one, and one with a weird power, all of which are defeated by Piccolo) and attempts to destroy it, only to be stopped by Goku, who pulls out a victory at the very last second with a power boost (last time it was energy from Piccolo, this time it’s Super Saiyan Kamehameha). Given that clear a formula, you’d kind of expect these films to be pretty boring.
But Team Four Star, as we know, loves defying expectations. As writers, they are keenly aware of the plot similarities shared by all the films, and while they can’t abandon those similarities, they build a very specific story onto that basic plot in order to give us a compelling experience.
To cite an example, Team Four Star draws on the similarities between Cooler’s goons and the Ginyu Force by giving them all ridiculous accents or voices. We get to meet yet another Space Aussie as well as Salza, a Space Frenchman who, like any good Frenchman, refuses to let you forget he is from France by constantly referencing the superiority of his people’s culture. And in one of the coolest moments from this film, Salza, emits energy from his arm which sounds like a lightsaber, and proceeds to attack Piccolo in a chase sequence that looks like Return of the Jedi.
This is cool not only for the nerdy crossover value, but for the fact that man who lavishes French cinema, where auteur theory originated, has an attack in a Japanese anime referencing a series of Western films developed by an auteur who drew heavily on the works of Akira Kurosawa, who is generally considered the greatest auteur in Japanese cinema.1
Cooler himself is also a damn interesting character, and General Ivan does an excellent job of imbuing him with a charismatic professionalism that makes him clearly distinct from Freeza, while still serving as a good foil for Goku. We even get treated to a reaction from Goku just after Cooler shares his entire life story during a brief dip underwater, and it gives us a solid foundation for both Freeza and Cooler’s ultimate motivations: to please their father.
Cooler’s voice transformation and subsequent The Dark Knight Rises reference are also excellent, and what’s more, the comparison to Tom Hardy’s Bane is fairly apt, as Cooler’s physical and mental fortitude is the closest to Goku’s we’ve seen yet in the series.
In addition to the strong characterizations given to the villains in this film, there’s one scene in particular that sticks out as a favorite of mine. It’s the scene where Gohan goes to Korin and Yajorobe’s house to get Senzu beans for Goku. When he arrives, we see Korin and Yajirobe fighting over kitty treats and a clogged toilet drain. This scenario, I imagine, was probably used in the original as a short delay to Gohan receiving the Senzu beans and flying away, with the bickering ultimately being pointless and adding nothing to the story.
Here though, Team Four Star takes the fight between Korin and Yajirobe and elevates it to a glimpse into the complexity of a loving relationship. The argument here isn’t about the treats or the drain, it’s about how two people who love each other can clash when forced to live in the same space for a long period of time, and even after we see them argue, we’re still shown a moment of tender conflict as Korin reminds Yajirobe that he’s not ready to have a child yet. It’s this kind of specificity that Team Four Star uses to elevate itself from the source material, and it is damn compelling to watch.
Rating: 4.5/5
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Stray Observations
1It’s so meta it hurts.
I also don’t want to neglect how Goku and Gohan’s relationship in this film feels like such a natural extension of the development it got in Season 2. Here though, we do get a little evidence that Goku, you know, actually cares about his son, since he takes a hit from Cooler to save him at the beginning (conveniently ousting him from the plot).
Fish: “Halt, stalwart stranger! If you let me go I will grant you one wish.” Goku: “I wish for you to be my dinner.”
Goku: “I am having the worst case of Dijon Mustard right now.”
Salza: “Le suck it, bitch!”
Goku: “Cooler than Freezer? You must be ice cold.” Cooler: “No, that would be my father.”
Goku: “Oh, that’s right Chi Chi. Pour that maple syrup. All over my breakfast. You beautiful lady who lives in my house.”
Piccolo: “Gohan, you know what to do!” Gohan: “Yes, sir!” *runs away* Piccolo: “I meant back me up!”
I still don’t quite understand the Toriyama bird joke. I love the callbacks made to it later of course, but if he’s alive, then why is Goku freaking out about him through the death of a bird?
Goku: “Sun, you grow my food, you kill my enemies. You’re totally worth the skin cancer.” Yet another excellent callback.
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