r0tt1ng-c0rp53 ยท 1 month
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r0tt1ng-c0rp53 ยท 1 month
โ˜† Jeff The Killer x M! Reader; Valentinesโ™ก
โš ๏ธ: blood mention ๐Ÿฉธ
TW: โŒ๏ธ
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It was dark, the wind howling outside as the trees branches scraped and screeched against your gutters.. the rain was spitting down, so quiet you could barely hear it.. that was until you thunder came roaring down, scaring you into staring out your window in a panic, "just the thunder.." you thought to yourself, managing your breathing.. there was silence yet again, everything back in bliss.. until something, or rather someone banged at your window.
You jump yet again, sighing and holding your head in your hands as you peek at him through the cracks of your fingers.. "Come in, Jeff" you sigh, with a slight smile crossing your face.. the window opens gently, with him making his way inside and looking at you with a soft expression, he makes his way over to the next of your bed, you cant tell if hes looking down at you sweetly or rather with a bitter sweet look, he points a sharp knife at you, "no one knows?" he asks, keeping his sight straight on you, "no one knows" you mock, pulling him down on the bed with you in a not so swift but rather a rough tug motion.. "Happy Valentines, my love" you smile, looking at him sweetly, stroking his hair trying to avoid the clots of blood intertwined.. his smile grows before you hear rustling, he starts digging around his pockets before taking out rather a medium sized box, "how does he even fit that in there?" you think to yourself before he lays on his back, putting the box over top the left side of his chest, oddly specific.. you give him a sweet smile before you ask "may I?", he gives you a chuckle and a nod before you grab the box.
The box was a little soggy, too dark to determine if it was rain or blood, perchance a mix of both? He sits up, smiling at you like a cat who had brung you prey, you open the box and cant help but smiling with a toothy grin, it was a heart, a human heart. "Thank you, sweetheart.." you sigh with a smile ear to ear, caressing his cheek.. "You're the one who doesnt tell anybody, you're worthy to keep my attention on.. pretty boy.." he mumbles that last part, discossiating from his love speech to start glancing around at your features. "You'd look so pretty with a bigger smile.." he chuckles, before you can tell him off he banters "but yes i know i know, you dont want to be as beautiful as me just yet my love" he gives you a look, a mix of loving sarcasm and a dead look in his eyes. You smile at him, he looks at you with a cold yet caring look in return before you shove a box into his hands, "You didnt really think i wouldnt get you something, right?" your voice hitching, giving him a sneaky look.. he sighs and opens the box. "A new knife?" he gives the gift a smirk, reaching for it.. "Specifically a 6 inch, leather handled, personal carved design with a double edged end.. made for swift use." You look at him with a small smile, "Exactly what i was looking for huh?" he smirks, "hand crafted" you smile back, pushing his hair behind his ear, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
"Happy Valentines Day, sweetheart"
"Happy Valentines, my love"
The evening was spent in bliss, you had put your gifts on the side table before arguing about what movie to watch, you cuddled, kissed, smiled.. every moment you've been wishing to have with him. He caressed your face in everyway you've been hoping, that way that gives you that feeling that you never wanted to end.. you loved him, and you think you knew that, but him? You'll never know unless he wants you too, but you like to think he does.. as you slowly drifted to sleep laying on his chest, you can feel his heart beat just that little bit faster, "Go to sleep, my gorgeous boy" he mumbled into your ear, giving you a kiss before you drift off.
IM SO SORRY FOR DISAPPEARING FOR MONTHS LOL.... i hope everyones okay and i hope weve all been well, also im basing what Jeff looks like based off some art i saw on pinterest ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿผ
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r0tt1ng-c0rp53 ยท 8 months
Might just write a fanfic abt Jeff The Killer and his boyfriend on Valentines :3:3:3
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r0tt1ng-c0rp53 ยท 9 months
My FULL opinion on transfem Ellie Williams, NUH UH NUH UH NUH UHโ€ผ๏ธ She is a very born woman and a big ol woman KISSER.. SHES A FANNY KISSER. Ellie isn't attracted to dick but this is not me saying "women with dicks aren't real women".. people have preferences and hers is cooch. For example, im a trans gay guy who loves the games and im into men but I have a preference for dick, men with female genitals are still REAL MEN and should be treated like so.
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r0tt1ng-c0rp53 ยท 9 months
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r0tt1ng-c0rp53 ยท 9 months
"The Narrator n Tyler Durden impreg please" -my best friend Lucie @luciejc
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r0tt1ng-c0rp53 ยท 9 months
โ˜† Christmas Eve Leon x Male Reader
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TW: none
โš ๏ธ: cute shi
Short: You and your boyfriend Leon go out Christmas shopping, come home and chillax or something idk
24th Of December 2006, Christmas Eve.. the time of year where couples and families come together to spend the holidays in gratitude.
This year was different, it was your first Christmas with your boyfriend Leon. He wasn't necessarily the biggest Christmas lover but he still enjoyed the occasion, especially now that he gets to spend it with you..
You both had plans to go out Christmas Shopping, buying just some snacks and a few DVDs to watch through out the night together
Holding hands, you both walk into your first shop shortly before he picks out some little raspberry liquorice pack, smiling like a loon over some small gummy type lollies. You on the other hand grabbing a bag of sweet chilli chips, "Happy?" He asks, smiling at you.. but really he was smiling because of the tiny pieces of flavoured liquorice, "Yep, sweet chilli is like the best flavour.. Honey Soy Chicken making a strong 2nd" you debate with him laughing at you, immersed in the few different selections of wine dating back to the 40's in a locked glass cabinet. "Shit," you look in suprise "those must be expensive." You chuckle, "But imagine the taste, the term 'aging like fine wine' is true yknow?" He smiles at you, "Careful, might have to spend the money for another Christmas gift" you chat back..
You both managed to get back home, snacks n movies in hand, you were on snack duty as he was to pick which movie to watch first.. debating between the classics 'Elf' and 'The Polar Express', obviously sticking with The Polar Express.
About half n hour later and your cuddled up with your boyfriend on the couch, eating chips n liquorice together watching a Christmas Movie and slowly getting more drousy.. "Best Christmas ever" you mumble, your eyes getting a bit heavier.
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r0tt1ng-c0rp53 ยท 9 months
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My bad I forgot Tumblr existed
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r0tt1ng-c0rp53 ยท 11 months
Mad as hell because I finally BREWED and it didn't save
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r0tt1ng-c0rp53 ยท 11 months
RE2 Leon x Goth M!Reader โ˜†
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โš ๏ธ: alcohol use
TW: none (I dont believe)
It was just your typical routine, you went out to one of your favourite shops to grab something before leaving yet unfortunantly you bump into someone, dropping your bag..
He looked up at you immediately and started profusely apologising whilest picking up your things off the ground, honestly at that point you were just a little shocked you weren't yelled at to 'watch it'.. "Im really sorry, I didn't see where I was going.." he mumbled, picking up your things and giving them to you, but before he did he looked right at you and his cheeks lightly glowed red, "Woah your make ups really cool!" He cut himself off, smiling.
You chuckle lightly, finally getting a chance to respond.. "Its fine and thank you- uhh" you didn't know his name regrettably, "Leon" he smiled at you, putting his hand out.. "Leon Kennedy" his smile somehow managed to grow wider, "Im Y/N.." you smile back at him, shaking his hand. After you both dropped your hands he speaks up, "Y/N's a pretty name.. but I wasn't lying about your make up can you do it on me?!" He was like a puppy almost, just so full of energy and so excited you could've sworn you saw a tail wagging behind him.. "Im a bit busy today but I can give you my number?" You smile at him softly, getting a sticky note from your bag and writing your number on it and a little bat drawing next to it.. he couldn't stop smiling and took the paper, putting it into his pocket.
"Thank you so much, you're really cool.." he mumbles, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly whilest kicking the ground, "Thank you, but I really do need to head off" you chuckle in response, "Im free Saturday." You tell him before walking off and waving goodbye. He kept standing there like an excited puppy, just smiling hard until you were out of his view so he could make his way to where ever he was headed.
It was Friday, a day before your next encounter with 'Leon'. You managed to rub the sleep from your eyes since it was around 3am before getting a notification on your phone.. It was a new number and all it wrote was, "Hey its Leon, sorry for the late message:'C Is this Y/N?" 'He uses emoticons? Thats cute' you thought to yourself before replying to him saying that it was fine and that yeah its you.
You kept messaging for awhile just talking about the new remake of the game Evil Residence, you were always a big fan of the originals and turns out so was he. You never thought you'd get on so well with a man you bumped into on the street.. but you could definitely say you were gonna enjoy hanging out with him tomorrow. You found out he was a rookie cop and it was his first day TODAY even though it was already 5 in the morning, you laughed at him and told him to sleep for the next hour just so he can have some sort of energy.. 'Actually texting you has made me pretty hyper so im okay(^w^)'... you re-read the message a few times wondering how to respond, 'doesn't matter! You still need your beauty sleep.' You argued, chuckling on your bed.. 'Finee(โ•ฅ๏นโ•ฅ) I'll see you tomorrow:D' he finally agreed, so you both went to bed. You laid there awhile just thinking of tomorrow, smiling to yourself and giggling.. you both kept messaging through out the day when he was on break or just taking a sneaky peek at his phone to see if you'd messaged him, which you always were. You could confidently say you were excited to hang out with him tomorrow, including the other things you both wanted to do.
You both accidently did it again, staying up until 6am calling and messaging.. you agreed he'd come over at 11am with the drinks, you both decided that having a few drinks together and watching a movie would be great.
11:12 am
There's a knock on the door, you already know who it is, you run over to the door and open it, a smile already plastered on you're face. "12 minutes late" you chuckle, staring down Leon sarcastically, "Oh come on, I had to get the very specific whiskey you wanted.. its hard to find!" He laughed at you, holding 2 bottles of Diageo Whiskey whilest you had already stocked up on 3 bottles of Coke. "Diego or whatever it is wasn't easy to find.." he mumbled, walking inside your apartment, you laugh at him before correcting him about the name, "Its Diageo not 'Diego'". After coming in, pouring yourselves a nice mix of Whiskey and Coke you both finally sat down and agreed to watch *Halloween*, Rob Zombies specifically since Leon argued it was the best one, "I love the Halloween movies.." he whispers smiling at the TV, as the day went on and you continued watching more of the Halloween movies before you knew it it was already 9pm, and you both had downed a bottle of the whiskey with only 1 remainder not to mention drunk.. Leon was on the verge of passing put while you were enjoying the movie, you felt a weight shift onto your shoulder.. it was Leon, and he was out cold. You chuckle to yourself quietly before wrapping your arm around him and bringing him in closer.
The movie finished and Leon was still out like a light, you sigh and gently get up.. laying him on the couch and grabbing one of the square pillows and putting it under his head aswell as a spare blanket. You give yourself a quick pat on the back for helping this drunk get more comfortable.
You start to walk off with the idea of heading to bed and checking up on him in the morning.. that was before you felt someone grab your wrist. Leon was still half asleep, mumbling.. "dont.. dont go." His eyes were still shut, and maybe it was the alcohol that made you stay.. you stood there for a few seconds before he pulled you onto the couch with him.. almost immediately wrapping his arms and legs around you with his head digging into your chest.. "Leon?" You whisper, in hopes to not disturb him much.. he grumbled in response, "Do you want me to stay?" You ask again, your eyes drooping due to the long night behind you, he shook his head on your chest. You wrapped your arms around him and laid for awhile before finally falling asleep, with Leon in your arms..
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r0tt1ng-c0rp53 ยท 1 year
I just want to apologise for not uploading in a bit, ive been trying to get the motivation and ive done chunks of some but I just really don't have enough energy to put into anything anymore, once again I am sorry I will be trying harder.
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r0tt1ng-c0rp53 ยท 1 year
Unfortunantly ive just received a few more submissions but im quite literally going camping TODAY and won't have any cell service or internet of any kind. Sorry guys:Cโ€ผ๏ธ
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r0tt1ng-c0rp53 ยท 1 year
omg its cole mackenzie on tumblr and hes gay too!!!!!
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r0tt1ng-c0rp53 ยท 1 year
Its being brewed my lovelies๐Ÿ˜Šโ€ผ๏ธ
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r0tt1ng-c0rp53 ยท 1 year
โ˜† Ghost helps paranoid M!Reader
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โš ๏ธ: None.
TW: None.
You never knew when it started, when all these thoughts and delusions started to make they're way inside your head but it happened. Turning every corner and looking behind you with the feeling of being followed or stalked horrified you, you somewhat knew there was no one there but you slowly started to convince yourself there is..
Your teamate Simon Riley, aka Ghost noticed your paranoia at most, watching you look behind you and almost instantly walking that little bit faster to get away from God knows what, it worried him slightly but felt it wasn't his business to but in at first.
The constant worry and the delusional reassurance you tried to supply for yourself just never seemed to work, you just wanted to crawl up into a ball and make it all go away by crying. Sometimes you did just sit on your bed, your eyes just sore from doing what you wanted to try and make it stop..
Ghost caught on, sometimes just seeing your eyes red and puffy made him worry and he wanted to know what was wrong.. sometimes he'd just hear you in your room when he walked passed, he wanted to come in and check on you but he never did, he didn't know what to say or do.. until he did.
It happened again, he heard you crying silently through the door as he walked passed.. it was around 11 or so but this time was different, he felt different..
He knocked, your head lifted immediately staring at it for a few seconds before aggressively wiping the tears from your eyes and the remainder that ran down your cheeks, standing up and walking the door practising your smile on the way and finally the dreaded moment of opening the door.
"Oh hey! What's up?" You ask, putting on your best smile.. "I can hear you yknow? What's wrong?" He asks, trying to keep that tough look yet his voice seeming somewhat worried about you.. you gulp quietly trying not to just cry then and there, worried that if you do tell him he'll just see you different, negatively..
You try and keep your composure before saying "Oh? Well im fine" you put on the same exact smile as before, he already knew damn well you weren't and he was sick of hearing you upset in your room.
He looks down and sighs loudly, "Can I come in?" He finally asks, breaking the silence.. you look up at him and nod, smiling and open the door wider, moving yourself out of the way as he came in and just sat on the floor next to your bed.
You tilt your head slightly before walking over and sitting on the floor next to him, you look back at the door to know 100% that you did close it and you lightly sighed that you did. "Y/N?" Ghost speaks up, now looking at you through the layers of masks hiding his face.. you look at him without replying but giving him your attention, "Do you think im stupid?" He asks, voice still low and deep.. "What? No!" you respond, a little dumbfounded he'd ask.. "Then tell me why you've been so upset, I get it might be personal but.. im worried." He had to choke out the last part, he didn't want to admit it but he felt that maybe he had to, you sigh deeply before opening your mouth to ramble on about everything..
As you spoke on the verge of tears about absolutely everything you were still scared he'd see you as a burden, he now knew that.. he sighs before pulling you into a hug, a tight one. You stopped talking, you didn't even hug him back because all you could do was lay numbly onto his chest just about to cry..
"I dont think your a burden." He mumbles, that was when you finally hugged him back, you didn't know if he was lying or not but you still wanted to enjoy this moment.. "thank you.." you mumble into his chest, just hugging him back tightly. "You worried about anything else concerning the team?" He asks, wanting to understand everything about how you felt and the impacts it was leaving on you.. you didn't wanna talk, you just needed a hug and he understood that.
You both dont know how long that hug lasted but it didn't bother either of you, without realising it you yawned into his chest and slowly drifted off like that.. you'd expect him to leave after you fell asleep but he didn't, he left you in his arms.
Okay it's finally done๐Ÿ˜ญ im so sorry about the wait ive just been so unmotivated and I got my tongue pierced yesterday so I speak all silly goofy now but sorry again and I hope you enjoy, thanks for the submission!!!
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r0tt1ng-c0rp53 ยท 1 year
Just incase ANYONES curious too see how my school projects going:3
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r0tt1ng-c0rp53 ยท 1 year
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