barefeetwiki · 2 years
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Rei Kuromiya
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kuromiyakun · 3 months
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storytimewithnova · 11 months
Eerie Encounter in Woods
The song woven through this story is
In a small, secluded town nestled deep within the forested hills, Shona Miya and her siblings, Osami and Atsumi, lived a life of quiet solitude. They were known for their close bond and their shared love for exploring the mysterious woods surrounding their family home.
One fateful evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and painted the sky in eerie shades of purple and red, the siblings decided to venture deeper into the woods than they ever had before. Their curiosity had always driven them, but tonight, there was something different in the air. It was as if the very forest itself was whispering secrets to them.
As they walked further into the darkness, Shona's boyfriend, Kuroo Tetsuro, joined them. With his tall and enigmatic presence, Kuroo's arrival added an aura of intrigue to their adventure. The path they followed seemed to twist and turn, leading them into the heart of the unknown.
The night was silent, save for the occasional rustle of leaves and the distant hoot of an owl. It was then that they stumbled upon an old, abandoned cabin. It stood with an air of melancholic history, its windows broken and its wooden frame worn by the ravages of time. The siblings couldn't resist the urge to explore its eerie interior.
As they ventured inside, they found faded pictures hanging on the walls, portraying faces of people from a bygone era. These images seemed to speak to them, as though telling tales of forgotten lives. The cabin was disconnected from the world, and no one had been there for ages. Even the phone, a relic from another era, had gone silent, with a haunting air of neglect.
As they explored the cabin, a sense of unease washed over them. It was as though they were intruding upon a space that didn't belong to the living world. Shona, Osami, Atsumi, and Kuroo felt trapped in a disturbing limbo, and the lyrics they had once heard seemed to come to life around them.
Suddenly, an unsettling silence enveloped the group. In the stillness of the cabin, they heard a soft, rhythmic knocking. They turned toward the door to find three children standing in the moonlight. The children had pitch-black eyes, devoid of any white or color, a stark contrast to their pale faces.
As they gazed upon these mysterious children, the lyrics echoed in their minds:
"It's a thief in the night to come and grab you,
It can creep up inside you and consume you,
A disease of the mind, it can control you,
It's too close for comfort."
The black-eyed children beckoned them with a chilling smile, their presence oozing malevolence. Shona, Osami, Atsumi, and Kuroo felt the cabin's walls closing in on them, their minds spiraling into a disturbed state.
The siblings and Kuroo realized they were trapped in a nightmarish version of the lyrics they had once known. The cabin had become their personal "Disturbia," and the black-eyed children were the embodiment of the eerie force that threatened to consume them.
The group tried to escape, but the woods around them had transformed into an impenetrable labyrinth. Panic set in as they realized they were at the mercy of the dark forces that had surrounded them.
As the night wore on, the boundaries between reality and their disturbed minds blurred. They knew they had to confront the eerie presence that had entrapped them. The lyrics that had initially led them into this strange encounter now served as a guide, reminding them to "be wise" and confront their fears.
But the journey back to reality was a treacherous one, and they couldn't be certain if they would ever escape the grasp of the disturbing "Disturbia" that had taken hold of their minds and souls.
Shona, Osami, Atsumi, and Kuroo gathered their wits, determined to confront the enigmatic black-eyed children and the eerie forces that surrounded them. The lyrics continued to resonate in their minds like a haunting melody:
"Put on your brake lights You're in the city of wonder Ain't gon' play nice Watch out, you might just go under (Better think twice) Better think twice
Your train of thought will be altered So if you must falter, be wise (So if you must falter, be wise)
As they drew closer to the black-eyed children, the air grew heavier, and the cabin itself seemed to pulse with an unnatural energy. The children's smiles grew wider, revealing sharp, unnaturally white teeth.
The lyrics reminded them to be wise, to think twice, to maintain control over their thoughts. They knew they had to break free from this disturbing trance that had enveloped them. Shona, the eldest sibling, stepped forward with determination.
She locked eyes with one of the black-eyed children, refusing to be cowed by their eerie presence. With a strong voice, she demanded, "Who are you, and what do you want from us?"
The black-eyed children remained silent for a moment, their smiles faltering. Then, in unison, they spoke, their voices echoing with an otherworldly resonance, "We are the forgotten ones, the lost souls seeking what was taken from us. You have trespassed into our domain, and now, we seek what we deserve."
As the children spoke, the lyrics echoed in their minds:
"Release me from this curse I'm in Trying to maintain, but I'm struggling If you can't go, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh I think I'm gonna ah-ah-ah-ah-ah"
Shona, Osami, Atsumi, and Kuroo realized that the cabin was a portal to a world of restless spirits, trapped in their own version of "Disturbia." These lost souls yearned for release from the torment that had consumed them.
The siblings and Kuroo knew that they had to help these spirits find peace. They channeled their inner strength, and with each step toward the black-eyed children, they shattered the illusion that had ensnared them. The cabin's walls seemed to crumble away, revealing the truth behind the eerie façade.
The children's black eyes began to change, fading into a soft gray hue. They looked at the group with gratitude in their eyes and whispered, "Thank you."
In that moment, the world around them started to disintegrate, and they found themselves back in the woods, no longer trapped in the nightmarish version of the lyrics. The cabin had vanished, and the black-eyed children were gone.
Shona, Osami, Atsumi, and Kuroo realized they had broken the curse that bound the spirits to the cabin. They had ventured into the darkness, faced their fears, and emerged stronger for it.
As they made their way back home, they couldn't help but feel a lingering sense of unease, knowing that the eerie cabin and its spirits would forever remain a part of their memories. The lyrics that had once felt like a simple song now held a profound significance, reminding them of the night they confronted the darkness in their own hearts and found the strength to overcome it.
In the days that followed, Shona, Osami, Atsumi, and Kuroo couldn't shake the feeling that they were forever connected to the spirits they had encountered in the eerie cabin. The experience had left them with a heightened awareness of the mysterious and otherworldly aspects of the forest that surrounded their home.
They began to research the history of the area, trying to uncover the secrets that might explain the presence of the cabin and the restless spirits within. Slowly, they uncovered a local folklore that had long been forgotten. The tale spoke of a group of people who had once lived in the forest, practicing dark rituals that had left them cursed and trapped in a realm between the living and the dead.
The black-eyed children were believed to be the lost souls of these cursed individuals, seeking redemption and release from their torment. Shona and her siblings, along with Kuroo, realized that their encounter had not only freed the spirits but also breathed new life into the forgotten folklore of their town.
Embracing this newfound knowledge, they decided to honor the spirits by preserving the history of the cursed souls and the cabin. They founded a local historical society dedicated to sharing the stories of the past, ensuring that the legacy of the spirits and the eerie cabin would live on.
The lyrics that had once seemed like a haunting melody now served as a reminder of the night they had ventured into the heart of "Disturbia" and emerged as guardians of the past. They understood that sometimes, confronting the darkness within and around us could lead to unexpected revelations and a deeper connection with the mysteries of the world.
The historical society, led by Shona, Osami, Atsumi, and Kuroo, worked tirelessly to collect and preserve the artifacts and stories related to the cursed souls and the eerie cabin. They transformed the old cabin's location into a museum, a place where visitors from near and far could learn about the history of the forest, the lost souls, and the night that had changed their lives.
Over time, the society gained recognition, and people from various places came to visit. The eerie cabin that had once trapped them had now become a symbol of hope and redemption, and it was seen as a place where the past was honored rather than feared.
Shona, Osami, and Atsumi used their creative talents to document the stories of the cursed souls through art, music, and literature, ensuring that the spirits' tales would live on for future generations. Kuroo, always the protector, volunteered as a guide, sharing the history and legends with visitors and ensuring that the spirits were always treated with respect.
As the years went by, the town changed. The forest became a place of wonder and mystery, drawing people who were eager to explore its hidden secrets. The eerie cabin had transformed into a beacon of hope, a place where the past was embraced, and the boundaries between this world and the next seemed to blur.
Shona, Osami, Atsumi, and Kuroo continued to visit the cabin, and they felt the presence of the spirits around them, no longer disturbed but at peace. They knew that they had played a part in writing a new chapter in the history of their town, one that would be remembered for generations to come.
The lyrics that had initially led them into a night of fear and uncertainty had become an anthem of resilience and transformation. They had turned a haunting melody into a harmonious song, reminding them that even in the darkest of times, there is always the potential for redemption and the power to turn a curse into a blessing.
As the years passed, the historical society continued to thrive, and the town itself began to embrace its newfound reputation as a place of history and mystery. People came from far and wide to visit the museum and hear the tales of the cursed souls and the eerie cabin. The once-quiet town had transformed into a bustling hub of curiosity and wonder.
Shona and Kuroo's relationship had deepened through their shared experiences, and they were now not only connected by love but also by the memories of that fateful night. Their bond had grown stronger, grounded in the understanding that they could face any challenge together.
Osami and Atsumi, too, had found their callings within the historical society. Osami became a gifted storyteller, captivating audiences with the eerie tales of the town, while Atsumi's artistic talents brought the stories to life in vivid and haunting detail.
One evening, the siblings and Kuroo found themselves gathered around a campfire in the very woods where their adventure had begun. They looked up at the starry sky and marveled at how their lives had changed since that night.
Kuroo, always one to infuse humor into any situation, said with a playful grin, "Remember when we first heard those lyrics, and we thought they were just a catchy song?"
The others laughed, for they knew that those lyrics had led them on an extraordinary journey, one that had revealed the hidden history and the restless spirits of their town.
Shona raised her glass and proposed a toast, "To the past, the present, and the future, may we always find the light in the darkest of places and turn curses into blessings."
The campfire crackled and illuminated their faces, casting eerie shadows in the dark woods. The night felt alive with the stories of the past and the promise of new adventures. It was a night they would remember, a night that reminded them that even in the eerie, the eerie could become beautiful, and darkness could be transformed into light.
The night grew quiet, and the group stared into the campfire, each lost in their thoughts. They had come a long way since that eerie night in the cabin. The past had become an integral part of their present, shaping their understanding of the world and the mysteries that lay within it.
In the distance, the wind rustled the leaves of the ancient trees, whispering secrets of the forest. The spirits of the cursed souls were at peace, their stories told, their presence celebrated.
As they sat there, surrounded by the enchanting stillness of the woods, they knew that their journey was far from over. The mysterious and the unknown would always call to them, and they would continue to explore, to seek out the stories hidden in the heart of the forest.
The lyrics that had once led them into "Disturbia" had now become a symbol of their resilience and their ability to confront the eerie and the unknown. And as they left the campfire and ventured into the night, they carried with them the knowledge that even in the most unsettling of circumstances, there was always a way to find light and turn darkness into something beautiful.
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prettycharmingcute · 2 months
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onlyeyesworld · 18 days
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Rei Kuromiya
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asia-japan · 9 months
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spiraling-trap · 8 months
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wanted to make a dn oc then had the idea to take one of the many female characters in dn and make her my oc
so i stole the girl that light went on that one date with and made her my own. She’s inspired by the fact that i want to see light get played by a girl for once
more stuff ab her ⬇️
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she’s so good in the manga… in the anime they cut the scene where she just watches the bus jacking and light is like “well looks like our date is over because of that trauma and all” and she’s like “WYM? we’re still going!” like a crazy person
anyway i have a bit written up for her i think she pretends to be one of light’s friends bc she’s a bit obsessed with him but not romantically at all. obsessed in the way that she wants to be him and like steal his skin and wants what he has. but she’s jealous and kinda hates him too because he’s perfect and has it all/everything’s lined up for him unlike her (maybe she’s got no parents or uninvolved ones). idk. and she feels like no one else can see through light but her— she can see his people suit because she also wears a people suit #bpd #autism. so that makes her want to study him more. and to study him from up close she pretends to be a stupid girl with a crush on him because she knows that to light that makes him a moth to a flame
also she follows light to college so she sees all the Hideki Ryuga shit go down. maybe she starts investigating on her own when light literally disappears and doesn’t come to college anymore
ALSO i don’t know if it’s actually canon but i think she was also the girl that light saved from the motorcycle guys in the beginning. i imagine she was stalking light when that happened and doesn’t realize he saved her until later when the bus jacking happens and she realizes that the dangerous men from both scenarios died in the vicinity of light. so then she’s like Oh he has magic powers too now?! the bastard?! and eventually connects him with kira on her own
does any of this make sense outside of my brain
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emberchii · 3 months
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summer break's rays
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asianhaven4u · 3 months
JAPanese FAPanese idols 🇯🇵 - REIRIE
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2 of the sexiest n prettiest idols in jpop
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a-ntifragile · 1 year
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World ❤️ Princess
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barefeetwiki · 2 years
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Rei Kuromiya
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storytimewithnova · 1 year
Moonlit Dread: The Cursed Voyage of the Miya Siblings"
Summary:The cursed crew sail again for this story in the Run up to halloween. the eerie and macabre tale of "Moonlit Dread," we follow the Miya triplets - Shona, Atsumu, and Osamu - as they are drawn into the chilling lore of the cursed crew, a group of spectral pirates known to haunt the seas under the full moon. While their parents had shared these tales to frighten them, the siblings couldn't help but wonder if there was any truth to the legends.
As Halloween approaches, Shona strolls along the moonlit shore with her boyfriend, Tetsurō Kuroo, and begins to sing a haunting sea shanty. Her song triggers the appearance of the ghostly ship of the cursed crew. To Kuroo's shock, Shona reveals that she is the new captain of this otherworldly crew, and her brothers serve as her loyal first mates. Kuroo, torn between love and fear, makes a fateful decision to join Shona in her spectral adventure. Together, they sail through a world where folklore, horror, and the supernatural merge, becoming legends in their own right. "Moonlit Dread" is a tale that blurs the lines between reality and legend, exploring the enduring power of maritime folklore and the darkness that can consume those who venture too far into the unknown.
In the dark and fog-shrouded legend of the Miya triplets, Shona, Atsumu, and Osamu, the young trio found themselves inexorably drawn into the haunting and macabre folklore of the cursed crew—a group of spectral pirates that were said to prowl the unforgiving seas under the blood-red light of the full moon. These sinister tales had been passed down through generations, a grim reminder of the dangers lurking in the depths of the ocean. While their parents had often shared these eerie stories to frighten them into submission, the three siblings couldn't shake the persistent curiosity that gnawed at them, wondering if there was any kernel of truth buried within these unsettling legends.
As the eve of Halloween loomed closer, Shona took a leisurely stroll along the moonlit shore with her boyfriend, Tetsurō Kuroo. Inexplicably, an eerie melody began to flow from her lips, her voice carrying a mournful, bone-chilling tune, seemingly plucked from the annals of a ghostly chant
🎶"The king and his men stole the queen from her bed And bound her in her bones The seas be ours and by the powers Where we will, we'll roam🎶
Kuroo, shivers running down his spine, couldn't help but voice his unease, "Sho, kitten, what the heck are you singing?"
Shona, her eyes reflecting an unsettling fascination, shrugged, her voice never wavering as she continued:
🎶 "Yo-ho, all together Hoist the colors high Heave ho, thieves and beggars Never shall we die🎶
Kuroo's concern deepened, his heart pounding with a sense of foreboding. "Kitten, are you trying to summon the Cursed Crew?"
Shona laughed, but it was a laugh tinged with something otherworldly, dismissing her boyfriend's fears. "Love, do you truly believe these are just childhood stories?"
Deep within her psyche, Shona harbored a clandestine knowledge, an awareness that these stories were far more than mere tales. She envisioned herself as the captain now, with her brothers serving as her loyal first mates.
Kuroo decided to let it go, trying to convince himself that Shona was right. Unperturbed, she sang again, her voice carrying a haunting weight:
🎶 "Yo-ho, all together Hoist the colors high Heave ho, thieves and beggars Never shall we die"🎶
In that moment, as the moon hung like a phantom lantern above, a ghostly ship materialized on the distant horizon. A bone-chilling voice echoed through the night:
The Crew:🎶 "Never shall we die" 🎶
Ahoy, captain," the ethereal voices greeted.
Shona, as though she had been anticipating their spectral arrival, welcomed them with eerie familiarity. "Took you sea dogs long enough. Where's me brother?"
From the mist-shrouded ship, Atsumu emerged, followed by Osamu. "Here, Captain."
"O-hayo, sis," Osamu greeted, his voice carrying an eerie resonance.
Kuroo stood frozen in shock as Atsumu handed Shona her captain's hat, a relic of an otherworldly realm. The puzzle pieces were aligning in his mind, painting a horrifying picture.
With pride, Shona declared, "Darling, are you going to stand there catching flies, or come with me?"
Kuroo, torn between disbelief and the fear of losing Shona to the shadows of the cursed crew, made his choice. "Kitten, you're a member of the cursed crew?"
Shona nodded, her eyes gleaming with an otherworldly intensity. "I'm the captain now. Salacia passed it to me officially when she met her end. She was a good captain who taught me everything. People have forgotten about us—the Miya siblings—missing for so long. Our parents even forgot us. We became cold cases. Will you join me, Tetsurō?"
Kuroo, consumed by his love for Shona and the irresistible allure of adventure on the high seas, didn't hesitate any longer. He took a resolute step closer and said, "I'm with you, Captain."
With Kuroo's declaration, a bone-chilling wind seemed to sweep across the beach, sending shivers down their spines. Shona's eyes, now darker and more enigmatic than ever, seemed to pierce the veil between the living and the spectral realm.
"Very well," she intoned in a voice that echoed with centuries of maritime history. "Welcome aboard, Tetsurō. The Cursed Crew sails again tonight."
As Shona donned her captain's hat, the moon above cast an eerie glow upon the spectral ship, revealing its ghastly crew in full detail. These were not the swashbuckling pirates of legend but the cursed souls of mariners who had paid the ultimate price for their misdeeds on the high seas.
The Miya siblings, now reunited, stood together as a formidable and otherworldly triumvirate. Shona, with a commanding presence, gave orders with authority. The ship creaked and groaned as it unfurled its tattered sails, drifting into the inky depths of the ocean.
Kuroo, torn between fear and fascination, watched as the world he had known faded into the distance. The stars above seemed to wink knowingly as they embarked on their dread-filled voyage. With each passing moment, the folklore and horror of the cursed crew became their new reality, and Kuroo was now part of it, for better or worse.The ghostly ship sailed onward, its haunting chorus echoing across the sea:
The crew:🎶 "Yo-ho, all together Hoist the colors high Heave ho, thieves and beggars Never shall we die"🎶
And so, the Miya siblings and their newfound recruit, Tetsurō Kuroo, ventured deeper into the abyss, weaving their own chilling tales of horror and folklore upon the shadowy canvas of the night. It was a journey that would test their courage and reveal secrets darker than any legend had ever told.
As the cursed ship sailed on through the eerie and endless night, Shona, Atsumu, Osamu, and Kuroo became legends in their own right. The tales of their supernatural exploits spread through the folklore of coastal towns and seafaring communities, whispered in fear around campfires and tavern tables.
With each passing year, the memory of the Miya siblings and their cursed crew grew more potent, a grim reminder of the perils of the sea and the darkness that could consume those who dared to venture too far into the unknown. Some claimed to have seen their ghostly ship on the horizon, while others swore they heard their haunting sea shanties carried by the wind.
But for Shona, Atsumu, Osamu, and Kuroo, time seemed to stretch endlessly. They were caught in a timeless purgatory between the realms of the living and the dead, their existence defined by the ceaseless cycle of moonlit nights and shadowy days.
In the heart of this spectral adventure, Kuroo found a strange solace. He had joined this macabre crew out of love for Shona, and in the process, he had become a part of something far greater than himself. He had embraced the unknown, the horror, and the folklore that had once terrified him. With each passing day, his fear transformed into a sense of purpose, and he found a strange sense of belonging among the cursed crew.
And so, the Miya siblings and their spectral ship sailed into the ever-darkening horizon, a haunting reminder that the boundaries between reality and legend are fragile and porous. They had become a living nightmare, a chilling tale that would be told for generations, a testament to the enduring power of horror and folklore that lurks in the deepest recesses of the human imagination.
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prettycharmingcute · 2 months
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swittnes · 2 months
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‎𐔌♫ྀི𓈒 ݁⋆ 𝓔u vivo sempre no mundo da lua . . . ☆ ͡
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lunaticobscurity · 6 months
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the idol formerly known as ladybaby - easter bunny
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spiraling-trap · 8 months
i love yuri kuromiyaaaaaa ueue
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a yuri just for you
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