#Kunstmann Sommer Pils
findetemporada · 7 years
Recomendaciones de cerveza?
Ojalá poder cumplir con las expectativas que siento puestas en esta pregunta.
No soy de cosas favoritas, pero por un momento puntual de mi vida diría la 312 de goose island (refrescante, afrutada, lúpulo intenso, color dorado). De paso recomiendo la certificación ipa de la misma marca (fuerte, quizás es bueno pedir probarla antes de arriesgarse).
Pal invierno, solo una opción mentira, la Porter de del puerto (sí, esta es la marca… es de Valpo jiji) que es oscurita y chocolatosa, casi como dar un abrazo y sentarse a conversar/ver series con una mantita.
Pa cualquier día en el que te querís dar un gusto y disfrutar de algo relajado: una dolbek maqui… frutosa, dulce, refrescante, ideal pa compartir con sus papita frita y una conversación.
La red ale del bar de clinic, también es una buena opción como pa relajarse y echarse a mirar el paso de la vida.
La Anwandter de Kunstmann ya es más fuertecita y pa cuando querís algo más amargo, como pa tomarte con un buen plato de comida frita jijiji 
Por último, de Kunstmann la session ipa, la sommer pils, hay unas que tienen piñón, pero que olvidé como se llaman (la de etiqueta naranja, esa, es la rica), guayacán probé la de etiqueta ploma y también es decente y la Kross 5 ojalá sea infaltable.
Mínimo, prueba alguna y seguimos comentando jijiji
0 notes
beerficionado · 9 years
Kunstmann Sommer Pils: A refreshing Surprise.
Gather 'round, everybody and get your beer glasses ready, 'cause the BeerFicionado is here!
Another beer, another review… so let's get down to business right away!
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Name: “Cerveza de Temporada” Kunstmann Sommer Pils
Place of Origin: Valdivia, River District, Chile
Bottler: Compañia Cervecera Kunstmann S.A.
Date of Bottling: Summer, 2015. (Specific date N/A)
Available on: Not available anymore, due to it being a one-off “Seasonal Beer”. May still be found in some supermarkets and specialty shops
Type of Beer: Pils / Pilsener.
What do I think of it? : I was a little bit prejudiced in regards to this beer. Pils or “Pilsen” (as it is known here in Chile) is not precisely my favorite kind of beer, specially when the most despised beer in my home-country (I won't even say the name but you can figure it out easily…) claims to be from this type. So, in my mind, every Pils was pretty much the same.
Boy, I was wrong. And honestly, I'm glad I decided to try this one. For real.
Pours a nice yellow to gold-ish colour that can be very attractive to the eyes and right away, pulls you in to drink it. In regards to the aroma and smell, it gives a flowery and hoppy feel (According to packaging,  it's made with Hellertau, Magnum and Cascade hops. I'll explain the differences in a future post, don't worry) and the taste, while sour and softly bitter at the beginning, ends up in a salty note that stays in the mouth and throat. Points for effort on that regard.
Would I recommend it? Well, here's the deal. This beer in particular, was a special “Seasonal Beer” produced for and during the past-summer season in Chile, and while it proved to be quite interesting in the general market, it didn't had the success that was expected of it, so probably it won't come back anytime soon… which it's a shame really. Wish more people could have tried it while it was more openly available.
So, before the shelves are cleaned up for the winter season, make sure to at least grab a couple of bottles and enjoy it.
Farewell, Sommer Pils. We hardly knew ya'.
And with that, we close up the counter for this BrewReview. As always,  your comments, suggestions and critics, are always welcomed! Now, clean the coasters and glasses! It's time to say goodbye until another beer is popped-open by the BeerFicionado! C'ya around!
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