#Kun-Lai Summit
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Selfie Quest: It's Cold Up Here, Kun-Lai Summit, March 29, 2015.
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Statue of Ren Yun the Blind atop of mount Neverest
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The Hearts of Tenacity Festival ( WoW N-RP Event - May 19-21st 2023 )
The Hearts of Tenacity Festival is coming up fast! Embrace this incredible experience with fellow community members with a passion for performances and storytelling! Talthorn and Konietzko Syl'voran are your captivating hosts for this weekend of magic! ✨✨✨✨✨✨
We host our event at Tenacity Isle, a lone isle that is unnamed in game though we've given it a name! The proxy is located as seen below, within Pandaria near the Kun-Lai Summit!
Please join for our DISCORD the most current info or check out our CARRD SITE! https://www.tinyurl.com/HeartsDisc https://heartsoftenacity.carrd.co/
#hearts of tenacity#HoTFest#Talthorn#Kon#performances#storytelling#KonCert#Talicious#Grand Stage#weekend#rp#wrarp#moonguardrp
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Welcome to Pandaria Kun-Lai Summit (my favourite zone in this expansion), Valley of the Four Winds and Jade Forest
#not my favourite sketches but hey we are going forward#warcraft#environment#wow#warcraft fanart#art#mists of pandaria#wow art#wow fanart#pandaren#pandaria#sketch#study
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Dun Morogh, Durotar, Elwynn Forest, Mulgore, Teldrassil, Tirisfal Glades, Darkshore, Loch Modan, Silverpine Forest, Westfall, North Barrens, South Barrens, Redridge Mountains, Stonetalon Mountains, Ashenvale, Duskwood, Wetlands, Hillsbrad Foothills, Thousand Needles, Alterac Mountains, Arathi Highlands, Desolace, Stranglethorn Vale, Dustwallow Marsh, Badlands, Swamp of Sorrows, Feralas, Hinterlands, Tanaris, Searing Gorge, Azshara, Blasted Lands, Un’Goro Crater, Felwood, Burning Steppes, Western Plaguelands, Eastern Plaguelands, Winterspring, Deadwind Pass, Moonglade, Silithus, Hellfire Peninsula, Zangarmarsh, Terokkar Forest, Nagrand, Blade’s Edge Mountains, Netherstorm, Shadowmoon Valley, Howling Fjord, Borean Tundra, Dragonblight, Zul’Drak, Scholazar Basin, Grizzly Hills, Stormpeaks, Crystalsong Forest, Icecrown, Vashj’ir, Deepholm, Uldum, Twilight Highlands, Mount Hyjal, Tol Barad, Molten Front, Ahn’Qiraj: The Fallen Kingdom, Gilneas, Kazan, Lost Isles, Jade Forest, Valley of the Four Winds, Vale of Eternal Blossoms, Townlong Steppes, Kun-Lai Summit, Krasarang Wilds, Timeless Isle, Dread Wastes, Gorgond, Frostfire Ridge, Tanaan Jungle, Ashran, Zagrand Sea, Nagrand, Talador, Shadowmoon Valley, Spires of Arak, Kul Tiras, Drustvar, Mechagon Island, Stormsong Valley, Tiragarde Sound, Zandalar, Nazmir, Vol’dun, Zuldazar, Nazjatar. (Warcraft: Orcs & Humans, Blizzard November 15 1994. Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness, Blizzard December 9 1995. Warcraft III: Blizzard July 3 2002. World of Warcraft, Blizzard November 23 2004)
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Tiao Jiushi
Race: Human Class: Monk Specialization: Brewmaster Pronouns: He/Him
Tiao is a tan-skinned man with long brown hair, a bushy moustache and brown eyes. Once a Stonemason turned member of the Defias Brotherhood under his birth name, Brandon White, Tiao changed his name and fled the Brotherhood after being convinced to harm people for their cause. He later got roped into a bartending job at a strip club, the owner of which, Tucker Smith, was horrendously abusive to his female workers, and when Tiao stood up to him he was fired on the spot and forced to seek reemployment in Ironforge. He later sought the art of becoming a monk, spending much of his free time in Pandaria once the mists revealed the continent and revering the Grandmasters that outranked him. Now training under Grandmaster Sheefu Misaki and having found a romantic partner in the death knight James Heisenberg, Tiao works at an inn in Kun-Lai Summit alongside his best friends and serves the Shadows of the Faithful, an organization of misfit adventurers brought together by love and a need to survive.
Links: Ship doodles! coldbrew headlock USE YOUR HANDS Together in every universe "You're a pain in my ass!" YIPPEE The Westfall Expedition, Epilogue Every Day Forever Phantom Pains Air conditioner Something About Moths Pride Month 2024 Hinterlands’ Hills Tiao thirst "Things Left Unsaid" art piece Two Days In Binan Village I think we're gonna have to kill this guy, Tiao "Black Dahlia" art piece Tiao body ref Khoretiao (in hindsight, I realize how toxic this ship was. jamestiao is better) Tiao profile piece
Related Characters: James Wolfheart (husband)
<Toyhouse Page>
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I finished glory of the Legion hero today! Got the leyfeather hippogryph, finally remembered to do the second half of the infinite dragonflight dungeon, i think i only have one more week of zskera vaults
Only 3 achievements left for the nazjatar meta. One is for the runelocked chest world quests, so i have to wait for the right ones to pop up. The other 2, mardivas' lab and bodyguards to 30, are gonna take a few weeks
I'm finally catching up and close to finishing the original dragonflight factions. 24/25 for the expedition, less than 5 levels for centaur and valdrakken, and i think like 8 for tuskarr. I've only been to Loamm once, so that might be a focus next week?
I'm really looking forward to warbands. Account wide everything will be so good to have, especially when i have like 20+ characters.
I'm just curious if they'll ever make chromie time to up to max level. I want to level more of my toons, I've only brought 2 of them to 70, but i wish i could just go back to old content and play it through. Currently if i go to pandaria, i might make it partway through kun-lai summit before chromietime ends and I'm sent to dragonflight.
I'd appreciate it if, once you get a single character to max level in the current expansion, all subsequent characters can use chromie time right until they hit max- maybe at a slower experience rate, so the current content isn't empty for people leveling?
It's just been a long time since I've actually finished dread wastes, icecrown, twilight highlands, etc.
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Powerful Pandaren Magic, Kun-Lai Summit, April 10, 2015.
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This one comes with a story for his TRP :)
-The Foothills-
A loud bang rang through the salted air, signaling yet again to the people scrambling about the coast of the Foothills. The boats were so far away, and yet the ships were even further. Rohan looked around back toward the mainland for one last chance to find a familiar face. So many faces, blurry with their speed and his confusion. A knife flew by him, nearly grazing him, and he snapped out of his hopeful stare and immediately waded into the water. The poor Human boy would have to swim.
With every paddle of his arms and feet, he felt he could see the boat getting closer. It was just so loud, and everything was so hard to see with the salt water in his eyes. He choked back a cough as he inhaled more of it. A hand suddenly grasped onto his ankle, and before he could react his head was underwater, eyes burning, limbs flailing.
-The Tree-
When he finally came to, they said it was weeks later. Rohan felt sickly and cold in his cot. He’d never been to Darnassus before, and what a time to visit. The nurses explained it all to him, and he cried for his past life as he assumed the worst for everyone he knew before.
With the weeks he had time to grow into his new self. It was a struggle to go back and forth as the shifting of his sinew made him queasy. Once he was in his Canine form, he stayed put, opting to learn all the details of this new body. He found the strength useful for carrying his own weight at the infirmary, and the other senses great for taking in his new surroundings.
It was there he first felt the call to help. The only thing that felt right anymore.
-The Summit-
With the precise and quick swing of a curved sword, Rohan sliced through the now fragile flesh of the Yeti again; its body riddled with cuts of every size. The giant thing slowly slumped forward, its weight crashing into the snow and tumbling a short distance down the mountain, held in place by a jagged rock. Rohan returned his sword to its scabbard and simply continued to trek forward, seemingly unhurt.
Around the summit of Kun-Lai, some may have come to know the name of a hulking Worgen who's kind deeds drove him to weather the storms of the summit. No yeti would be safe, and no village would be without protection with him around. He wasn't always that way, though, it seems, but no one dared ask questions of their quiet savior.
As N'zoth's forces stormed over the Vale, Rohan tried as he might to fight back. He was no Hero of Legendary Status. He was not even well trained, and the poor man was quickly struck down. The survival of his injuries only hurt him more as the void scars over his body marked him as cursed by those he once protected. With nowhere to go, he began to wander.
The more he wandered, the more the wounds disappeared. Another touch with death and abandonment made his next choice easy: He’d live for himself from now on. There would be no need to be the hero any longer, and he could finally rest. At least, that’s what his mind was sure to whisper at him.
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Ikah The Snowblind in her ingame armor
She’s come a long way since the first time I drew her!
#world of warcraft#warcraft#vulpera#Pandaria#Kun-Lai summit#im art#OC: Ikah#the questing armor in pandaria#at least for mail classes#is so detailed#under the plates theres swatches of fabric#with teeny tiny bamboo print#good shit wow art team
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#world of warcraft#mists of pandaria#kun-lai summit#temple of the white tiger#proving grounds#from gamarai
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