henk-heijmans · 1 year
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Hedgehog miracle, 2019 - by Julia Kubar, Russian
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yourdailyqueer · 2 years
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Risto Kübar
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
DOB: 4 December 1983  
Ethnicity: White - Estonian
Occupation: Actor, voice actor
Note: Publicly came out as gay in 2014, making him one of the first well-known Estonian celebrities to do so
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t-u-i-t-c · 2 years
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Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger
“Don’t mess with this planet!”
February 14, 2016 - February 5, 2017
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nugulover69 · 6 months
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sidewalkchemistry · 2 years
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Lotus Flower Paper Quilling Art (artist unknown)
Quilling is the art of rolled, shaped, and glued paper that results in creating a unified, decorative design. The name quilling is thought to come from the origin of the art; birds' feathers, or quills, were used to coil the strips of paper around.
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pixellangel · 1 year
kurabe rarekko, kurabe rarekko
tokku ni shitteru yo
anoko yori ototteru no wa iware nakute mo wakatteru yo
dakara kurabenai de iya kurabenna
watashi wo hottoite
hidarigawa ga itai kara komaru no yo
[sick instrumental]
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elcorreografico · 1 year
Rodríguez Larreta y Santilli con más de 30 referentes en Esteban Echeverría
Rodríguez Larreta y Santilli con más de 30 referentes en Esteban Echeverría
“Para mi es un orgullo trabajar en equipo con los próximos intendentes del conurbano bonaerense y el futuro gobernador de la provincia de Buenos Aires”, expresó Rodróguez Larreta. El precandidato presidencial de Juntos por el Cambio (JxC), Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, y el diputado nacional, Diego Santilli, encabezaron este miércoles el segundo encuentro con más de 30 referentes “Prepararse para…
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mockva · 6 months
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On the overcoat of the red commander of the infantry regiment of the South-Eastern Front, model 1918, there is a sleeve patch with a swastika. Two “kubars” lower on the sleeve mean the position of “individual platoon commander”, and later the rank of “lieutenant”.
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marierg · 1 year
Of Light and Darkness: Ch. 26
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Pairing: Obi Wan Kenobi X Reader
WARNINGS!: Anxiety, Language, Angst, self doubt, death, mourning, anger, delayed stress responses....yeah it's gonna be angsty.
A/N: Ok we're getting into the meat of the mission, a lot going on here. If none of you have ever been around military or public safety types it's an interesting culture and if you're not getting ribbed or made fun of then its a bad sign. With that in mind there's going to be some good natured ribbing in this. Also along those lines most of these folks are standoffish until new people prove themselves. Once they do though you're stuck with them for life, fiercely loyal bunch. Rizzi is meant to be written as a species that is gender nonconforming, my first time doing this so pointers are always welcome.
Picture Credit: Pinterest, Motorcove.com, artstation.com (Much appreciation)
Song Credit: Roll the old chariot- sea shanty of unknown authorage
General Definitions: LZ- landing zone; Bird- aircraft; CP- Command Post/ Headquarters; Earth berm- a large hill of dirt that encircles a location to provide cover and obstruct intruders; IED- improvised explosive device; Sit Rep- situational report; KUBAR- Karked Up Beyond All Recognition.
Words: 3000 ish.... yeah its a long one
Masterlist Next
The first day had gone smoothly, each team to their task. Obi Wan led security with the flight crew. The runway and LZ overall was poorly protected with only a few ray shields and some wood fencing. To say that he and his team had their work cut out for them was an understatement. Additionally the flight tower had taken several rocket hits rendering it inoperable. By the afternoon though there was a secondary line of hidden mines, earth berm in place, and a proper observation post. Obi Wan fully admitted that he wasn't much for bandaging, but he was very good at what he DID do. A Guardian's primary duty was protection and there was something very precious to him in that Command Post.
It was also Obi Wan's first time getting to know your work comrades, a rather colorful cast of characters. Joe the mechanic was a Dug of unparalleled efficiency and knowledge, though also thoroughly colorful in both Basic and his native tongue. Everyone could hear the mighty battle between the him and the generator until finally the power was restored to the LZ.
Rizzi was a short being of well...uncertain origin? With purple hair and green feather plumage and golden eyes they were the most remarkable and beautiful looking being he had ever come across. They were kind and had been mercifully pleasant company, making him feel more part of the team and less of a nuisance. Rizzi was the ground controller for the mission, it took them a half a day just to get the tower operational again, but when it did get working you could hear the victory squawk across the whole port.
Deek and JC had both taken turns ribbing him for being a “Piddly prim puddle plopper.” When Obi Wan had inquired as to the meaning the two pilots had snickered, laughing at the inside joke, then jutted their jaws at him. Deek had snorted, “Ain't no RIC worth their salt, Jedi or no, shows up in such pretty clothes.”
“I don't think I understand?” Obi Wan was wearing his robes the same as you and Anakin.
JC had chuckled and finally put him out of his misery. “Well your duds are all new and fancy, they're gonna be toast by the time we're done.”
“Oh,” Obi Wan had nodded now understanding, “I see. I'll keep that in mind next time.”
“Eh we just figured you was showin' off for lil Commander Chaos over there.” Deek nodded to where you were overseeing the med tent movement and patient flow.
“One does try to look presentable in the presence of ladies.”
“Oh Yeah...presentable, right.” JC winked conspiratorially.
Deek belly laughed, “That ain't no lady that's a RIC!”
Hours later Obi Wan ventured through the meal line, checking in on Anakin. The boy seemed to be doing well enough, though he was disappointed to be stuck on medical duty and not working the fence line. Obi Wan chuckled, it had been precisely both of your points to keep him away from the ships and out of his comfort zone on this mission. Having talked the matter over he bid Anakin farewell and sought your company.
“That is a beautiful sunset, though not as beautiful as the woman watching it.” He could feel the tension in your signature as he reached his own out. “Credit for you thoughts Wee Commander.”
“This is bigger than we anticipated,” you sighed glancing from the window back at the table in the CP and taking his hand in your own. “I know I'm usually the one teasing you about being a pessimist, but I don't like this Obi Boy.”
“Not to worry Wee One, it'll be alright.” He tried to put your mind at ease, but the set of your shoulders wouldn't budge.
You had grunted and squeezed his hand, “We got a long way to go.”
The Second day the Hutt forces started to test the waters. First trying to infiltrate among the evacuating civilians then attacking the defense lines. They even attempted to take two of your students hostage for information. A futile effort given that one of them was Anakin, who quickly resolved the situation by the edge of his saber. To quote your Padawan, they ran screaming like Porgs. You chastised him for having been caught flat footed. “You need to be more careful. They may be skugholes, but that doesn't mean that they're stupid.”
Master Windu contacted you that evening to check in. It warmed your heart that he still did it after all this time. More than anything it was reassuring to hear his calm voice. You relayed the latest, trying to sound confident and in command, but as always there was no fooling him.
“I sense that you are apprehensive of the situation there.” Those perceptive eyes stared back across the Holo.
“Permission to ask a foolish question Master?” At his nod you continued, “How do you always know what to do? There are so many lives depending on me, I feel...”
“Not up to the Task. Like they put the wrong person in charge? Y/n I still feel that way all the time, it's what helps me to stay grounded. As for the decisions that must be made, only you know best how to answer that. Trust in the Force and in yourself, I believe in you.” It wasn't often that you and your Master had these conversations, but by the Maker he always knew when you needed the words.
You wandered over to join Obi Wan in the observation post for a shift to give the young people a break. “Hey how goes the watch here?”
Obi Wan kept his eyes on the treeline, “Too good and too calm. I think you may have been right.”
Handing him a thermos of stew you took up the watch position so he could eat. Sighing, you grimly sucked your tongue between your teeth, “Believe me when I say I really wish I wasn't.”
The tickle of his beard brushed along your cheek as he deposited a soft kiss, “I know darling.”
The Third day is where the real trouble began. Torrential rain kept all teams sopping wet and miserable while continuing the evacuation. Glitch and Anakin were slogging back and forth through the muck escorting the civilians to the ships. Anakin had a bored and sullen look on his face, Glitch on the other hand was merrily singing in the rain.
“Oh we'll be alright if the wind is on our wings
we'll be alright if the wind is on our wings
we'll be alright if the wind is on our wings
and we'll all fly on all night”
“How can you sing at a time like this?” He was looking at his friend like she was a madwoman.
“The Gods send the rain, who am I to question their will? Besides if it ain't rainin' we ain't trainin'.” Glitch shrugged and continued her singing.
“Oh We'll be alright if we make it past the stratosphere
we'll be alright if we make it past the stratosphere
we'll be alright if we make it past the stratosphere
and we'll all fly on all night!”
There was no way to get completely dry and with the droids and mercenaries attacks ongoing all the teams could do was focus on getting the civilians out. The cold, the damp, the fear, it wore on all of you. In the afternoon that day a group of the Hutts' hired muscle sent a speeder careening into one of the barrier walls near the boarding check point. Before Deek could stop them, a few of the young Responders went over the wall to move people through, only for two of them to be killed by the speeder borne IED.
Arriving from the Command Post you saw the bodies gently carried on the stretchers and loaded onto the transport. Glitch was part of the recovery crew, kneeling over each of the departed in prayer. While the pink haired girl may have been the most unconventional of beings, she believed in her gods with a ferocity not often seen. She came over to give the sit rep, wanting to give the others time. As she finished Glitch glanced at you, seeing a kindred mourning. “It'll be ok Boss. My grandfather will guide them to the halls of victory, the Gods will welcome them home.”
Nodding at her words you continued to survey the scene. Deek was besides himself, JC was consoling him by the little bird. There was nothing you knew to ease his ache, so instead you sat and mourned together. You called the family's yourself that night, it was your duty as the commander for the mission. For what little time was left before the next terrible dawn you tried again to find a reason for their deaths, some meaning to their loss.
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The Fourth day:
Anakin was trying to do the morning checks before the first group of transports arrived at dawn. He was ensuring the medications were running, reassuring the frightened that they would be safe soon. One of the injured slated for the first run was Leena, she still had shrapnel embedded in her shoulder from the day before. They hadn't been friends in class, but none the less Anakin felt a deep pit in his stomach wishing he could do more for her.
“Hey Leena, how you feeling? Ready to get off this rock?”
“Anakin,” There were tears streaking her blue Pantoran face, “I didn't think it would be like this.”
“Hey, don't cry. You got those people away from the crash, you saved them. You did so good.” Anakin held her hand, trying his best to comfort her. “The crew will get you to the med bay and have you fixed in no time. Then you can get me caught up on that Holo series you always tell the other girls about.”
“You heard us talking?” Seeing him nod Leena sniffled a little. “Yeah we can even watch a bit later, got the last two episodes on my data pad.”
Anakin smiled, pleased that he could divert her mind from the situation, even if only for a moment. “I'll get some of Master y/n's snacks for you, deal?”
“Deal.” Her face fell again as she looked at the others in the staging area. “Anakin why did they have to die? Why not me?”
“I don't know.” It was a whisper of a reply, Anakin had never felt so uncertain in his life. Leena's eyes were pleading with him for answers that he just didn't have, may never have. “What I do know that you're meant for something great and I'm really glad you made it.”
“Hey Kid, I'll take over. Boss wants to talk to you.” JC took Anakin's spot by Leena, giving a nod. Anakin wiped his eyes once out of sight, thanking the Force for the reprieve.
They had to be karking kidding...Command had lost it's minds! You had received the transmission and double checked it, but still you refused to believe it. Per the Senatorial oversight of this rescue after tomorrow before mid day (not the evening), there would be no further transports or support; you were to completely pull out. Obi Wan had tried to calm you with little success. You'd raged, cursed a blue streak, sent a chair flying across the room you were so frustrated. In the end there was nothing you could do to change the order, all you could do was get the last of these people off world.
The crews were already taking risks overloading the crafts to the gills and flying evasively to avoid rockets and small arms fire. Even with the hot loads and quick drops from all 4 craft this was going to be cutting it close.
“How do they expect us to get everyone out?”
“Truthfully I don't think that they do. We may also have to face that harsh fact,” Obi Wan was looking at you from across the holo table. “You're doing all that is possible, no one can ask for more.”
“No, that's unacceptable, I gave my word to these people they would be safe soon. We are not leaving anyone behind!” You slammed your hand on the table. “We have a mission and we WILL accomplish it. Just have to get a little creative...”
“Master you wanted to see me?”
Glitch popped in the same time as your Padawan. “Boss Lady, Deek said you wanted me?”
Obi Wan turned to them both, “Ah, just the creative minds we require.”
“Said the spider...” Glitch raised an eyebrow at Obi Wan.
“Oh wait till you fully see the web little fly.” Obi Wan rather enjoyed the sharp mind and conversations that the young woman kept up. It was refreshing at times, especially under present stress. He well knew the sharper edge of her tongue though having caught her ire earlier during unloading when supplies had been damaged.
You shook your head at the whole KUBAR situation that the crew found itself in, “RRC has given the order that before midday tomorrow we are to pull out. We need to find a better way to protect the transports and buy more time.”
“Perhaps I can be of assistance?” A deep voice came from the back of the room. Mace stepped up to the table.
“Master Windu.” Obi Wan bowed greeting the older Jedi, well and truly happy to see him. “Welcome to our little soiree.”
Mace smirked, even in the worst circumstances Kenobi's humor never failed. “Saw that the guests have been making a mess of things.”
You walked around the table and crushed him in a quick hug, “Thank you for coming Master.”
“What is the situation?” Mace saw the deep circles under your eyes. All of the RRC group was dirty, damp and disheveled. When the bird had landed his spot on the drop ship was quickly taken by the wounded. Fear was rife within the ranks here.
Pulling up the map you pointed to the enemy encampment, specifically where they were entrenched firing rockets at your craft. You'd be damned if those kriffing bastards took anymore of your crew, so it was time to take the fight to them, loath as you were to make that call. “We have no choice, it has to be done or we're all fragged.”
“I believe the best course of action would be for Master Windu, Anakin, and I to take out these positions while the rest of the group holds security here.” Obi Wan stroked his beard contemplatively.
“I don't think so my guy,” Glitch stepped up to the table and zoomed the view back to the entire compound. “Look at the topography, how we have two high flanking hills. Even if we haven't seen movement, you can bet those Karkholes are just waiting for us to change flight pattern and put the fish in a barrel. They know we know where they are, this too obvious. I say me and Speedster take care of this. The evac crew need you and Master Windy here.”
Mace chuffed at the young person's tone, “An interesting perspective young one.”
Obi Wan sighed, the girl could be amusing, but had little regard for authority. “Glitch I appreciate what you have brought to the table. However I believe it would be best if this was left to someone...”
“What, you think that just cause I'm young I won't have the heart?” Friendly expression becoming stony.
You saw Obi Wan take a deep breath, trying to gather his composure if not reign in his temper. “It's not a question of heart, lives are on the line.”
“No shit Sir. I put two of our students in body bags yesterday.”
“Glitch calm down a minute, ok.” You snapped her attention back to your direction. “Going out and getting yourself killed won't bring them back. If you still want to go out there then fine, tell me your plan.”
“There's still fuel and some stuff in the ground keepers shed at the LZ. I say we give these Sleamos a taste of home cookin'.” Pink hair hid the expression in her eyes, but Glitch's tone was deathly.
“You can't be serious, you'll blow yourself to oblivion.” Obi Wan was stumped that you might even entertain allowing such a course of action. “Please say you're not going to allow this?”
“She has a background and training in special weapons and tactics, plus HAZMAT. She knows what to do”
“She could die.”
“All of us might if we don't act soon Obi.” Your eyes pleaded with him to understand.
Glitch had caught her second wind, “Look I get you've been at this longer, but those were my students and friends..”
“No.” Obi Wan would not allow this while he thought there were other viable options. “You will not go about mixing dangerous chemicals in the middle...”
“But Master Obi Wan we still have 1500 beings to evacuate and we're running out of time. This can work, we can do this for you.” Anakin tried to break in.
“Padawan Skywalker it is out of the question...”
“Why? Last I checked Boss Lady was in charge.”
“Enough!” The last of your patience was gone, the edge of your voice clearly reflecting that. You were in Command, so it was time to command. “Glitch has a point, I'm sorry Obi Wan. If I though any other way would accomplish the task I would nix this idea in a heartbeat, but I can't. We're running out of time... these people are running out of time. We need the stronger leaders here.”
Anakin had waited for another opportunity to speak, “You taught us well and we will get this done, just say the word.”
Obi Boy and Glitch were still glaring at each other, if not for the scrutiny of others you would have laughed at the abject ridiculousness of the situation. Desperate times though call for desperate measures. “Be as safe as you can and use the protective gear we have. Both of you get back here in one piece. No stupid shit and no heroics, just do the job and get back.”
Looking again at Obi Wan, and acutely aware of Master Windu's presence, you tried to apologize gracefully while still holding the authoritative edge of before. “Obi Wan I'm sorry... I shouldn't have yelled... Commanders shouldn't lose their tempers.”
He nodded, acknowledging but still not wanting to accept that the situation had become so desperate. Heaving a great sigh he came over to stand beside you, “I know Y/n, forgive my insubordination. I should not question your orders in front of the others.”
“I'll let it slide this time Kenobi, but if ya do it again you'll be scrubbin' stretchers till doomsday.” Snorting you gave his shoulder a pat. “We'll make a RIC outta you yet.”
“I suppose I should go check the LZ for any more surprise packages from our friends.” Obi Wan headed out then, leaving only yourself and Master Windu.
“Do you think I'm crazy too Master?”
Mace chuckled in his throat, “Yes, but I've known that for a while.”
“I'm not leaving anyone behind Master. If I have to strap beings to the wings, I won't leave them behind.”
“I know you won't Y/n. I have brought something to help get more bodies up to the Haulers overhead.” He was amused again to find your brows raised at his use of lingo. “You don't think that Melri and I went on all those missions not to learn a thing or two?”
“Some days I forget.” Shaking your head you finally took a sip of the Kaf that had been sitting on the table. It was cold and bitter, a reflection of what you tried not to feel.
@meshlasolus @nurseytypechick @a-rose-of-amber @stanny-uwu @just-dreaming-marvel @aquaamethyst96 @in-a-mellow-tone @songoficecreamandfireworks @acatalystrising @pickleprickle @obiknights @iambored24601 @purplepandora666 @misscamptl @ginger-swag-rapunzel @the-going-merry @iabrokengirl @foxperifoto @annasun13 @moostresskenobi @lovelyxlily
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drrubinspomade · 2 years
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#yana yaushenko #kobrin photo #ekaterina kubar muah
We post pinups daily! If you dig this pic we’ve found  online, u should investigate the creator/subjects of the above work and fan them, follow them, hire them.
If you’d like us to remove, or you know who made this so that we can credit, DM. Thanks. Greetings from Los Angeles.
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This Day in History: September 25th, 1920
🚨 Missing Child Alert: 12-year-old Isadore Kubar from Milltown has been missing for several weeks. A possible sighting in Jersey City led nowhere.
No Trace Found of Milltown Boy Missing from Home Several Weeks. No trace has yet been found of Isadore Kubar, twelve-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kubar of Kuhlthau Avenue, Milltown, who was reported to the Milltown police on Wednesday as having been missing for several weeks. The authorities followed a clue yesterday to the effect that the missing lad had been seen in Jersey City, but were…
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haber71net · 26 days
Bahşılı ilçesinde jandarma ekiplerince düzenlenen operasyonda 400 gram kubar esrar ve 6 kök kenevir ele geçirildi. JANDARMADAKİ İŞLEMLERİ DEVAM EDİYOR Kırıkkale Karaahmetli köyünde gerçekleştirile... ---------------------------- Haberin devamı haber71.net'te.
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t-u-i-t-c · 2 years
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nugulover69 · 6 months
Zyuohger is in the books! Absolutely phenomenal show. I adore the dynamics of the main cast so much, the zyumans are so damn prickly but not so much that they become unbearable to follow. and their prickliness just makes for good comedy (yes even when they're being dicks to Misao, especially when they're being dicks to Misao, deserved bullying). Yamato is a great red; I love how his genkiness is clearly a mask but he still has the patience and empathy of a saint >gestures to him dealing with a bunch of ornery animals and mommy issues AND daddy issues. Misao as well is a great sixth, a character who is both OP as fuck but also the biggest whiniest loser, funniest shit I've ever seen. rip to those two's rotted brains, its a shame therapy was never invented in sentai world.
The villains are a notable highlight. I really love how each member of Genis's crew reinforce just how diabolical Genis is: destroying Kubar's homeworld and finding Kubar's betrayal more funny than anything, reviving Azald just for his own amusement and KILLING Naria bc she dared to offer him kindness even if he wasn't "perfect". theeee final boss, perfect villain. Bunglay was also a great mid season villain, delightfully fucked up power he had, provided some great red ryona.
10/10 gamers and poachers ARE the most evil beings in the universe so true zyuoh
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mytimchang · 2 months
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泳褲們NO:398  這是豹前幾天送我的褲子,他說這是內褲?不過我覺得這款布料根本就是泳褲啊!所以就還是讓他入列!深藍色右半邊有FIGHT字樣配上斜線條,左側邊有KUBAR字樣,穿起來還滿舒適好穿!
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pazaryerigundem · 2 months
Edirne Jandarması'ndan uyuşturucu avı!
Edirne Jandarması'ndan uyuşturucu avı!
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Edirne Jandarması Ocak ayından bu yana yapılan operasyonlarda 50 milyon liralık uyuşturucu yakaladı. Operasyonlarda 70 Gram kubar esrar, 20 bin sentetik hap ve 1 kilo eroin ele geçirildi!
Selçuk GEZER / EDİRNE (İGFA) – Edirne İl Jandarma Komutanlığı Kaçakçılık ve Organize Suçlarla Mücadele Şube Müdürlüğü Narkotik Kısım Amirliği ekipleri, uyuşturucu kaçakçılığına karşı yürüttüğü kararlı mücadelede önemli bir başarıya imza attı.
  1 Ocak 2024 tarihinden bu yana gerçekleştirilen operasyonlarda; 70 gram kubar esrar, 20.558 adet sentetik uyuşturucu hap, 1 kilogram 892 gram skunk, 18 kilogram 573 gram eroin, 325 gram bonzai, 144 gram metamfetamin, 2 milyon 112 bin 842 adet kök kenevir bitkisi, 51 adet uyuşturucu kullanma aparatı ele geçirilerek el konuldu.
Operasyonlarda yakalanan uyuşturucu maddelerin sokaktaki değeri yaklaşık 50 milyon TL olarak hesaplandı.
Ele geçirilen uyuşturucu maddeleri ve uyuşturucu kullanma aparatları ile ilgili 118 şüpheli şahsa yönelik adli tahkikat başlatıldı.
Jandarma Komutanlığı’ndan yapılan açıklamada, uyuşturucuyla mücadelenin kararlılıkla sürdürüleceği ve bu tür yasa dışı faaliyetlere karışanların adalete teslim edilmeye devam edileceğini kaydetti.
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BU Haber İGF HABER AJANSI tarafından servis edilmiştir.
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