7grandmel · 4 months
Todays rip: 08/05/2024
weird hyperflex but ok
Season 3 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume L [Side A]
Ripped by Krizis
Requested by Fezaki! (Request Form)
Y'know, I've mentioned it before, but big medley rips like weird hyperflex but ok can at times feel a bit messy. There's a lot of appeal to that messiness, I talked a lot about that in Man, why does every Bleck actor gotta rap some, but it also gives me a lot less to actually talk about, yknow? A lot of rippers approach things with the simple mentality of making something that purely sounds good, which is fantastic - but I can only say "its fantastic!" to a rip so many times before it becomes uninteresting to read. Not every rip is fit for this kind of coverage, and I was at first apprehensive to cover this one for that very reason - but, like I described with Bramble Blast Collab, these sorts of rips have the ability to tell narratives of sorts through what sources are used in them - meaning within all of the madness. weird hyperflex but ok is comparatively more reserved, but as submitted Fezaki points out, ends up feeling like a big celebration of the whole of Season 3, representing all the big hits and overall throughline to one of the most underrated seasons under the channel's belt.
After an introduction that repeats the infamous opening notes to Megalovania, the rip shows its hand by the chorus - throughout most of its runtime, weird hyperflex but ok is a Grand Dad rip, primarily carried by the tune of The Flintstones from beginning to end. As the channel's most used and over-used joke, its easy to have grown well too tired of the meme at this point, its undergone so many stages of ironic and post-ironic appreciation at this point that its hard to say what the opinion on the meme even is these days - but in my eyes, it was in a great place during Season 3 in particular. Back then, two years after the channel initially started, people were beginning to grow a bit nostalgic for those early days, for that very unique feel that the channel had in its growing pains-days of early Season 1. That feeling was what led to the Nostalgia Critic takeover in the middle of the season, the one discussed in Fragile Snowman (Remastered): After having spent the better part of Season 2 focused on far bigger things than a stupid Flintstones meme, it was really nice to take some time to remember just how much that tune all united us. With Season 3 bringing that nostalgia to the forefront, and like I mentioned in CG Man HD Remastered Edition, the emotions of Season 1 in tow - it makes all the sense in the world for weird hyperflex but ok to headline itself with the funny Flintstone - yet the melodyswap is so natural, it almost feels like a completely original EDM Chiptune arrangement celebrating the channel. Or, well, maybe that's just my unfamiliarity with Hyperflex speaking.
Of course, like I said, its the Season 3 hits that make this rip what it is - its lovely to see Paralyzer be celebrated here so shortly after the Unregistered Hypercam 2 takeover, helping further cement just how much of a legacy the entire King for a Day tournament was going to have way ahead of its sequel being announced. We got Undertale, we got Calamari Inkantation (Off the Hook in KFAD1 reference?), and most importantly - we got SEAN KINGSTON, the legend of Crazy Noisy Beautiful Girls fame himself. It getting an extended 30 second verse all to itself feels special in a way I really can't articulate - as I said back in Take You To The Desert, the Sean Kingston takeover was something purely spurred on by Chaze the Chat's bizarrely high enthusiasm for the guy, and yet all those months after the takeover its STILL being remembered by completely unrelated rippers - that just warms my heart, yknow? It's a lot of the same feelings that Return to Collision Clouds instilled in me, the idea that SiIvaGunner's team members latch onto and care for these small little nuggets of one another's works.
At this point, I do have to fall back to the thing I said at the very beginning of the post and just re-emphasize - weird hyperflex but ok is just plainly fantastic! It is, for a lack of a better word, bumpin', a really celebratory yet fun-loving sound to a rip that is mostly Flintstones - but it EARNS that Flintstones melody through just how befitting its reappearance is to Season 3 in general. Its the kind of rip that exudes genuine love for the channel, and feels like a trip down memory lane on every listen.
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nugothrhythms · 1 year
"Krizis" by Yerevan, Armenia-based underground post-punk and synthwave act No Many Cry off of their 2020 album Kukuruznik
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ozgur-ce · 7 months
Sıkılsam mı bilemedim 😁🌍🌱💚🍀♻️
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kocourmokroocko · 5 months
Tenhle maličkej kádr, co mi tu aktuálně usíná v posteli ze senegalskýho prosa, se jmenuje Šalvěj! Je mu měsíc a uvítal by, kdyby mu někdo vysvětlil, jak při letu vskutočnosťy lítat. Zatím to trochu hapruje i na normální chůzi (noha občas skončí v podpaží, ačkoliv jí tam nezval). Přijímá kritiku.
Vítej, šmudlo popelavá 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🌿
(Květ šalvěje divotvorné pro srovnání divotvorné šalvějovitosti!)
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Celebrating decade birthdays must've been insane if you were a Czech born in 1908
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defnekalbim96 · 5 months
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zuhremelk · 2 months
Baskıcı aile içinde ne yaşamak mümkün, ne ölmek...
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benimsadeceben · 4 months
Sinir krizi geçirmeme 🤏 şu kadarcık kaldı
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tuceninkedisi · 3 months
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✨️karışık dumpp✨️
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Kimine sinir krizi kimine antidepresanım
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7grandmel · 11 months
Todays rip: 23/10/2023
in love with madeon
Season 4 Episode 1 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume AI
Ripped by Krizis
It's hard to put into words, sometimes, just how much a good mashup can do for the soul. Mashups come in all forms and sizes from all sorts of artists, be it the absurd-yet-genuinely-banging quality of putting VGM together with rock and pop music a la Triple-Q and Planet Wisp Mashup Medley, or putting together songs purely for the comedic value they'd hold together a la Loopdeloop Griddy or Dr. Soulja. But amidst all these is the most treasured kind - the mashups that feel meant to happen, like two puzzle pieces coming together to form pure excellence. The rips that are more than the sum of their parts. The rips like in love with madeon.
The music of Celeste already holds a special place in a lot of people's hearts, and is one of the best modern soundtracks in recent memory. Above all of its other qualities, though, part of what draws me to it is just how "indie" it all still feels. They're all professionally produced, of course, but the artists behind them - Lena Raine, Christa Lee, 2Mello, they're all so intimately in touch with the community of players who listen to their music. The composer for Golden Ridge (Golden Feather Mix), in love with a ghost, is no different, and even shared in love with madeon to her Twitter audience upon discovering it. Even though I'm not too familiar with their music, there's a sense of human connection present in Golden Ridge (Golden Feather Mix), one that's only enhanced through in love with madeon.
Really, it is a very simple mashup, its two songs that naturally go together - but even with that, I was shocked at just HOW well they go together. The presence of You're On from Madeon inherently makes the track noisier, of course, more busy in its constant vocals and added instruments, yet the vibe of the original track is completely preserved. Even with their differences, their similarities attract as to form the perfect harmony - the echoing, fading vocals in You're On in particular lend themselves so perfectly to the fading, distant feel of the original track.
Everything comes together so, so beautifully, and I'm so happy SiIvaGunner is filled with people just as focused on making soothing masterpieces like this, as it is with people aiming to make us laugh. The channel's status as a big melting pot truly is just a win-win for all of us.
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bugunbirazleylayim · 5 months
Bir yerden sonra ebeveynlerden daha çok biliyorsun ya hani bunu nasıl anlamaz yaa, bu hatayı nasıl yapar yaa, yine mi cidden falan ?!? oluyorsun ya sürekli bu durum insanı yoruyor işin kötü tarafı karşı taraf bu tepkileri verdiğinde sana sen çocuktun sen bu tepkileri verdiğinde karşındakinin yetişkin olamamış olduğunu anlıyorsun
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elpuppies · 1 year
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after all these years
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civcivwq · 7 months
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teplejtrouba · 2 years
krakonošova nesmrtelnost má skvělý potenciál pro případné další díly s velkým časovým skokem. jakože ano, moc chci znovu vidět Jiráčka, ale taktéž by bylo husté potkat jeho prasynovce či jinou příbuznou osobu v budoucnu, co zkoumá jeho sto let starou knihu. taková pohádka tentokrát zasazená do šedesátých či sedmdesátých let by mohla býti zajímavým počinem.
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Koukám se na oslovení “Pán” (s velkým P, pište si), a ono se z rohu kouká na mě, s trochou pikantnosti ukrajinské historie, biblického významu, českému použití a s trochou odvety. Teď na mě mrklo. Mám slzy v očích.
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