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akisempai99 · 6 years ago
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Yo soy Moana de Motonui, Tú subirás a mi bote navegaras conmigo y regresaras el Corazón de Tefi tí 💚 #akisempai #moanacosplay #moana #cosplay #cosplayer #cosplaygirl #follow #love #motonui🌴 #movie #konekon #like #cocomoras #yosoymoana #merida #photography📷 #followme #cosplays #Disney #disneymoanacosplay #DisneyCosplay https://www.instagram.com/p/BvMe6LchkvG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1fn0m5to6v2px
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mideza · 3 years ago
Nyan Nyan Snack Cooking / HoneyWorks (English Lyrics)
にゃんにゃんおやつクッキング/HoneyWorks feat. Hanon×Kotoha (Video CW: None)
Title: Nyan Nyan Oyatsu Cooking Lyrics: Komiya Mario Composition: Komiya Mario Arrangement: HoneyWorks Vocals: Hanon & Kotoha (Hakoniwa Lily)
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にゃんにゃんおやつクッキング エプロンをつけて手を洗って さぁ  始めよう
nyan nyan oyatsu kukkingu epuron o tsukete te o aratte saa hajimeyou
Meow meow snack cooking Put your apron on and wash your hands Come on, let’s start
甘くてサクサク  クッキー作っちゃお 薄力粉 バター 砂糖  卵をまぜまぜして ハートの形は愛を詰め込んで 焼き加減気をつけて  180°で12分
amakute sakusaku kukkii tsukucchao hakurikiko bataa satou tamago o maze maze shite haato no katachi wa ai o tsumekonde yaki kagen ki o tsukete hyaku hachi juu do de juu ni fun
Sweet and crunchy, let’s make cookies Flour, butter, sugar, eggs, and mix it together The heart shape is filled with love Be careful putting it in the oven, 180 degrees for 12 minutes
にゃ〜んにゃんにゃん (まぜまぜ) にゃんにゃにゃんにゃん(コネコネ) にゃ〜んにゃんにゃん おいしくな〜れ! おいしくな〜れ!
nya~n nyan nyan (mazemaze) nyan nya nyan nyan (konekone) nya~n nyan nyan oishiku na~re! oishiku na~re!
Meeow meow meow (mixing, mixing) Meow mew meow meow (kneading, kneading) Meeow meow meow Ple~ase turn out good! Ple~ase turn out good!
にゃんにゃんおやつクッキング みんな幸せになる午後3時 ぼくと ぼくと 君でいただきます
nyan nyan oyatsu kukkingu minna shiawase ni naru gogo san ji boku to boku to kimi de itadakimasu
Meow meow snack cooking Everyone will be happy at 3 pm With me, and me and you, let’s eat!
さくさくほろほろクッキー 大��きなミルクたくさん飲んで 甘い 甘い 気持ち めしあがれ さあどうぞ
sakusaku horohoro kukki daisukina miruku takusan nonde amai amai kimochi meshi agare saa douzo
Crunchy, crumbly cookies Drink lots of your favorite milk with a Sweet, sweet feeling Bon appetit Come on, eat up
おやつの時間はまだかなまだかな つまみ食いだめですよ あれ〜1個少ないな〜 食べてないですよ 食べてないですよ… ほっぺたについている それは一体なんですか?
oyatsu no jikan wa mada ka na mada ka na tsumamigui dame desu yo are~ ikko sukunai na~ tabetenai desu yo tabetenai desu yo... hoppeta ni tsuiteiru sore wa ittai nandesu ka?
Is it snack time yet? Is it? You're not allowed to eat any yet Huh?~ One of them is missing~ I haven’t eaten any I haven’t eaten any... That stuff sticking to your cheek What on earth is it?
にゃんにゃにゃんにゃん にゃ〜んにゃんにゃん にゃんにゃにゃんにゃん
nyan nya nyan nyan nya~n nyan nyan nyan nya nyan nyan
Meow mew meow meow Meoow meow meow Meow mew meow meow
こ〜ら〜まて〜! うわぁ〜味見だし〜!
ko~ra~ mate~! uwaa~ hajimi dashi~!
He~y~ Come back here~! Wahh~ I was just sampling it~!
おやつタイム集まっちゃお ホイップクリームお口につけて ぼくと ぼくと 君で笑っちゃおう
oyatsu taimu atsumacchao hoippu kuriimu okuchi ni tsukete boku to boku to kimi de waracchaou
Let’s get together at snack time We’ll try the whipped cream With me, and me and you, let’s laugh together
さくさくほろほろクッキー オリジナルトッピングカラフルに 甘い 甘い 気持ち めしあがれ みんなで食べよう
sakusaku horohoro kukkii orijinaru toppingu karafuru ni amai amai kimochi meshi agare minna de tabeyou
Crunchy, crumbly cookies With original toppings and a colorful Sweet, sweet feeling Bon appetit Everyone, let’s eat
プレゼント用にリボンを 大切な気持ちの隠し味を いつも いつも お世話してくれて ありがとう
purezento you ni ribon o taisetsuna kimochi no kakushiaji o itsumo itsumo osewa shite kurete arigatou
A ribbon for the present is This precious feeling’s secret ingredient For always, always Helping me Thank you
にゃんにゃんおやつクッキング みんな幸せになる午後3時 ぼくと ぼくと 君でいただきます
nyan nyan oyatsu kukkingu minna shiawase ni naru gogo san ji boku to boku to kimi de itadakimasu
Meow meow snack cooking Everyone will be happy at 3 pm With me, and me and you, let’s eat!
さくさくほろほろクッキー 大好きなミルクたくさん飲んで 甘い 甘い 気持ちめしあがれ さあどうぞ
sakusaku horohoro kukki daisukina miruku takusan nonde amai amai kimochi meshi agare saa douzo
Crunchy, crumbly cookies Drink lots of your favorite milk with a Sweet, sweet feeling Bon appetit Come on, eat up
Thank you for the food!
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murasakigezigezi · 4 years ago
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mafeavcosplay-blog · 5 years ago
I had a lot of fun this weekend!🙌🏽 Even thought I lost my voice and felt sick, I was with friends and wearing cosplays I really love!✨ I believe it was one of the most fun conventions I’ve been to, thank you for he opportunity Konekon!❤️ • ¡Me divertí tanto este fin de semana!😍 Aunque perdí mi voz y me estaba muriendo en el mero evento, estuve con gente que quiero y mis amigos, usando cosplays que adoro.🖤 Creo que ha sido de las convenciones mas divertidas en las que he estado, ¡muchas gracias por la oportunidad KoneKon!🙏🏽 • | Character: #Rapidash #Gijinka | | From: #Pokemon | | Design by: @fawnina | | Cosplayer: #MafeAv | https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu6opDSjf-C/?igshid=2gns5dfm9pbf
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killerdeathchaos · 3 years ago
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D-Frag! Shaun Konekone is Kenji’s English Literature teacher he saved Kazama’s gang & RaiGaiGar from a burning building.
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starfriday · 3 years ago
KONE India announces the World’s Largest Passenger Elevator at Jio World Centre, Mumbai
World’s largest 16 Ton, 5-Stop Elevator installed at Jio World Centre(JWC), BKC, MumbaiJio World Centre is home to 188 world-class elevators and escalators installed by KONEKONE India displayed its ground-breaking innovations at the IDAC Expo as Title Sponsor of the Green PavilionMumbai, May 05, 2022: KONE Elevators India, a fully owned subsidiary of KONE Corporation, a global leader in the…
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minnastream · 7 years ago
D-Frag!: 1x5
D-Frag!: 1×5
Kenji tries to get out of playing the newest edition of “Quest for Porn Mags in Space” again, promising Takao anything if she’ll switch places with him. Unfortunately, Roka reveals that this edition can be played by five people. Later, Kenji reveals some backstory about his relationship with legendary Japanese classic literature teacher Shawn Konekone.
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requiem-societatis-q-r · 6 years ago
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Question sur le thème des rpg! 
Je me souviens que la classe que j’avais pris sur Miitopia était Mage hahaha. Sini’ lui, il est plus dans le délire des voleurs avec des attaques rapides et des coups sournois furtifs. Konekone, est plus un preux chevalier prêt à foncer dans le tas! Unagi c’est un peu pareil mais avec plus de distance avec sa lance et Pepette préférera rester en arrière avec son arc et ses flèches de glace!
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requiem-societatis-q-r · 6 years ago
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Si vous le voulez bien, commençons avec une question qu’on m’avait posé sur discord il y a quelques temps. Comme elle permet de parler un peu plus sur le lore et qu’elle est super intéressante, je me permet de la remettre ici (et en ayant redonné un coup de jeune à la réponse).
C’est le genre de question un peu tabou comme la question si les androïdes ont une conscience... ah, et les explications de Konekone sont un peu interminable... je l’ai mise de coté le temps qu’elle arrête son monologue...
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akisempai99 · 6 years ago
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Mi debut de Moana :'3 ♥️ #akisempai #cosplay #cosplayer #Cosplaydisney #debut #moana #moanacosplay #moana🌺 #disneymoanacosplay #motonui🌴 #followme #like #love #konekon https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu3G1HZnjx7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1hpotpuqbr21r
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requiem-societatis-q-r · 6 years ago
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Je pense qu’il est important de définir les liens qui régissent entre les personnages principaux de Requiem Societatis! 
Pour récapituler si c’est pas assez clair:
Kara déteste/est détesté par tout le monde excepté avec Konekone qui ne l’aime pas.
Konekone est neutre avec tout le monde excepté avec Pepette et Sini’ qui ne l’aime pas.
Les dragons sont amis entre eux et avec Sini’, Porinu, Pepette et Unagi
Marie et Anne sont soeurs.
Pepette considère Porinu comme une “mère adoptive”, est très ami avec Unagi et Sini’
Unagi aime tout ses camarades.
Porinu est Sini’ ont un lien spécial qui les unit.
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