impala67-aka-baby · 3 years
So @samantha-winchester-and-addyfm here's the edit you asked for... hopefully it meets your expectations....
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Kolmantha Honeymoon Headcanons
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Kol Mikaelson X Samantha Winchester Headcanons
He definitely pulled an Edward Cullen and broke the bed
Sam made sure they stayed by an ice cream place
And a Cheesecake Factory
They got like suite
Or so Sam thought--
Kol got them a literal fucking village
He paid for everything, he made sure it had everything she could ever want, she didn't have to pay for anything going into shops because he already paid--
A list of all the shops in their village: A book shop, An ice cream shop, a sweetshop, a cheesecake factory, and a massage parlor
He made sure Sam was absolutely pampered DAILY
She got her nails done one day, her hair done another day, massages, facials, everything.
Sam of course made sure he got them too
His nails were painted red
And lots of sex
I mean LOTS of sex
They already had a lot because Kol Mikaelson is a FUCKING RABBIT- but- it's their honeymoon--
hey have to have a lot- Pretty sure it's a rule
He took her dancing
They could spend DAYS on the beach
Like they sleep there one night
they have sex on the beach too but-
they point out all the stars and the constellations
A lot of cuddling
A lot of having fun
A lot of eating
Food and each other
Kol made sure they went on the best dates
if it's a big extra as hell date
or small little picnics-
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Hey, Davina… I just wanted to thank you… for helping them find me, even though we both know you didn’t want to… so, thank you.
— Samantha Winchester
*looks up from her bed, seemingly resting while very weak*
... mm. *nods and coughs quietly, looking paler than usual*
*eyes close gently again, breathing slowly as she recovers from the blood loss of the counterspell*
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Samantha: Can you help me with my wedding?
Kol: Oh... you’re getting married?
Samantha *smiling*: Hell yeah I am
Kol *swallowing the jealousy*: That’s… nice. What do you need me to do?
Samantha: Be my husband.
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Kol Mikaelson X Samantha Winchester Moodboards | 1/?
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fandom-family-chaos · 3 years
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Kolmantha | 1/?
If I never meet you, I wouldn’t like you. If I didn’t like you, I wouldn’t love you. If I didn’t love you, I wouldn’t miss you. But I did... and I do...
Last picture totally isn’t from Kolmantha’s wedding
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Pick between "Before the Girl Queen" and "The Legacy Has Gone Rogue"
"Before the Girl Queen" duh- it's Kolmantha
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impala67-aka-baby · 3 years
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• Kolmantha Lockscreens
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Kolmantha (Samantha Winchester X Kol Mikaelson) Moodboards | 2
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I heard Kolmantha is on a break-- You have a chance-
Hm? Ah, that's too bad for them. I thought they were doing well considering their recent kid together. I'm not in the business of getting between people, and I've already got a rather nice man I'd like to see again after a nice... I guess I'd call it a "first date" ^^
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Kolmantha this, kolmantha that, whoever this Samantha is better just make it official or I might just swoop in a steal Kol.
@addyfm SAMANTHA, Enough of this ‘I only like Kol as a friend’ bullshit sorry for my language and make it official before it’s to late—
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fandom-family-chaos · 3 years
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Winchester, Samantha Elizabeth | 2/?
I am the fighter, the one who keeps going and never takes the easy way out. In time, someone eventually gives way to collapse. Just know that it will never be me.
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Will you make kolmantha lockscreens too?
Of course-
What song?
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"deep sorrow, especially that caused by someone's death"
ꜱʏɴᴏɴʏᴍꜱ: Sorrow, Misery, Sadness, Anguish, Pain, Distress, Agony...
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Words(including the title and stuff, because I'm too lazy): 1
Characters:Samantha Winchester, Henrik and Natasha, Kol Mikaeson (mentioned/dead body, as HE IS DEAD *sobs*), Claire (mentioned)
Warning:Sadness, Grief, dead bodies.
𝚂𝚊𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚑𝚊'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅
I drive home, on my way home from Claire's. She'll be okay, she's tough. She's the one who told me to "go home to my fiancé and my cute ass kids". I laugh a little. I'm finally happy...
Suck on that Chuck!
I'm finally happy. All of my family is alive, and I'm getting married in a few weeks.
I pull up to the house, unbuckling and grabbing my bad to walk into the house. I unlock the door and immedately hear Henrik or Natasha crying. Is Kol in there trying to calm them down, or...? So, that's where I go first. To the nursery.
To find Henrik and Natasha alone.
What the hell? Kol should be home... I quickly calm them down, feeding them and changing them, letting them play in their play pen to go find Kol. What the hell would be so important he couldn't check on our own kids? It better be damn important or I'm tearing him--
I turn the corner to find Kol, lying on the ground, white oak stake in his heart, him dead. I quickly run over to his body, and put my fingers to his neck, looking for a pulse even though I already know the truth...
I sit there, not moving. He can't be dead... not now... not when we were so happy.... Everything was perfect.
Well, maybe not perfect, but our perfect...
I let out a sob, reality finally hitting me. I just sit there, on my knees, by his body, sobbing.
He's gone...
It's always people I care about... all started with Mom above my crib, then Jesse, then everyone else. Anyone else I'd ever loved or wanted a relationship with, they died. Leaving me to grieve them, me having to most of the time push it into a tiny box as the world was ending...
But the world isn't ending. I don't have a reason to just push my emotions down. My emotions can just stay at the surface...
I let out another sob, just standing up and rushing away from the body not being able to stand seeing him like that anymore. I packed an over night bag for me and the twins, giving them a sad smile and picked them up, taking them to the car and buckling them in, before driving away from the house.
Driving away from him.
Where do I even go? Claire's? Yeah... Claire's.
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ᴹᵉᵃⁿⁱⁿᵍ: ˢᵃᵈⁿᵉˢˢ; ᴳʳⁱᵉᶠ; ᴹᵒᵘʳⁿⁱⁿᵍ
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𝕋𝕚𝕥𝕝𝕖: Maeror
ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤: Samantha Winchester, Kol Mikaelson, Natalie Winchester (mentioned)
𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕤: 1, 086
𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤: Self harm, murder, death
ℙ𝕆𝕍: 3rd Person
There Samantha Winchester sat, razor in front of her. She said she wouldn't do this again, but with everything going on... it's hard not too. Natalie has gone dark... Sam doesn't know how or why, but she does know it happened. And she does know it's slowly breaking Samantha... She just wants her family.
But, here she is, alone on this beach. Kol should be there with her, after all it is there honeymoon, but because of Crimson he can't be there for her either... The bitch decided now would be a great time to attack. Put a spell on Kol, making us our own Twilight. He can't even be in the same damn room as her without wanting to tear out Sam's throat...
Sam sits there, picking up the razor and holding it in her hand. She puts it on her wrist, but doesn't move it. She just holds it there, wanting so badly to do it and not to do it at the same time...
She takes the razor away, placing it down, and just goes back to staring at it. Sam sits there, bitting her nails but doesn't move. Doesn't put the razor away.
Then she gets a text.
Saying another person she cares about is dead.
She lets out a shakey breath, before grabbing the razor and putting it back on her wrist again. This time she doesn't just hold it there... she slices. For that little moment of relief she gets from the pain. Truth is, she likes the pain... because she feels she deserves it...
Samantha sat there, letting her wrist bleed, not bothering to put anything on it at first. But, after a few minutes, and when she starts to get light headed, she puts a towel on it, taking deep breaths.
"Samantha? I just came her to grab someth─" Kol Mikaelson says, walking into the room, knowing he could only keep himself from tearing out her throat for so long, so he had to get in and get out. Samantha quickly looks up at him, eyes wide, as she puts more pressure on her wound without even thinking.
"Darling what are yo-- wh- what are you doing?!" He stutter, the smell of her blood filling his nose, not knowing how much longer he could keep his veins from showing, let alone before he kills her.
"Y-you shouldn't- You shouldn't be here- I didn't think- think you'd be here-" Sam says, caught in the act. She quickly stands up and pulls her arm to her chest defensivly.
"Samantha? Why, love? Whats happening?" Kol questions, hating to see her in pain.
"I- I just- I-" Sam tries to defend, when the veins under Kol's eyes start to appear, him slowly losing control. The veins keep repearing and then disappering again. Sam presses down harder on her cut, wishing she had never done it now. "I-I'm sorry- I- I didn't know you were- you would sh-show up-"
"Wer-Were you cut-cutting yourself─ Were you cutting yourself because of─ Why were you cutting yourself, Darling?" Kol says, before taking a deep breath and his eyes go completely black, his full vampire face showing, flickering in between the two. His normal and his vampire face.
"Between you, and Nat─ And- and- all the deaths─" Sam gasps out through tears that started to collect in her eyes. Before anything else could happen, Kol quickly starts to talk.
"Darling... I need to go... now... if I don't─ I don't even want to think about if I stay..." He says, looking at Sam, his vampire face not going back. Sam slowly backs away.
"I─ I'll leave─ You said you needed to get something so─" Sam suggests, walking backwards away from Kol.
"No. I'll leave." Kol says, not wanting to cause Sam anymore pain.
"No, uh, no. You're fine... Just, um, uh, text me when you-you're done." Sam says, continuing to back away. Because she was walking backwards, she didn't realize where she was walking and tripped on a table, causing a whole bunch of glass to fall onto the ground, and on top of Sam, giving her a few more cuts, her bleeding even more.
Samantha immedately freezes, slowly looking to Kol who wasn't moving at all. He wasn't breathing, he wasn't blinking... he was just standing there, veins on his face, ready to feed.
"Kol─" Sam says, trying to make sure he was okay. She slowly stands up, grabbing a towel to put around her cuts. She tries to stop the bleeding, eyes never leaving Kol as he just stands there. "Kol? P-Please say something... You're scaring me..." Sam admits, no matter how much it breaks her heart. Kol starts to slowly walk towards Sam, all emotions gone from his black eyes. With every step he takes towards Sam, she takes one back, moving as fast as she can away from him, until her back reachs a wall.
Kol just continues calmly walking towards her, him opening his mouth to show his fangs. He puts a hand on the left side of her head, using his left hand to trail over her neck, locating the arterys and such. Sam lets out a shacky breath, closing her eyes.
"Kol... Please..." Sam pleads, not giving up on her hope that he was still in there, under the curse. Kol just gives her a smile, before slowly moving his head down to her neck, taking in a deep breath, smelling her blood.
Kol harshly tears into Sam's neck, grabbing the back of her head and making sure she can't move too far. Samantha tries to fight him off, trying to kick and punch him, but none of it seems to phase him. He just stands there...
draining every last drop from from the woman he married 2 days ago...
Eventually, Sam's body can't lose anymore blood. So, she goes limp, dead, eyes wide open.
Kol removes his teeth, taking in a deep breath, not yet realizing just who he killed.
That was...
Until he took a step back...
And found the lifeless face of Samantha Winchester staring back at him.
"No, no, no, no, no, no..." he keeps muttering, grabbing her dead body and holding her close.
This isn't real. She's not dead. You have these dreams all the time... his mind tried to tell him, not that he would believe it. He just keeps clutching her dead body.
This is real.
She is dead.
And it's all your fault.
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Kolmantha (Samantha Winchester x Kol Mikaelson)
My OTP in the family.   1/?
(I have more, but I don’t wanna bore you, lol)
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