#Know Allah with Asma ul Husna
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You know before I don't know a single thing about muslim but damn when i read chapter 8 i learn a lotttttt
ahhh im so glad <3 i recently started reading a couple of novels that changed my perspective of how I view Islam and i was like- i gotta do that as well. so, here's to me trying <33 because there's SO MANY interesting stuff in Islam and stories especially, and ughhhh it wasnt until like i graduated that i started to develop a more keen interest in learning more about islam and i started realising just how soft this religion is. How the west has brainwashed into thinking that Islam is extremism and harmful and yadda yadda but like the more i think about it, more i read about it, the more I realise how Allah's commands is so many blessings in disguise. once u start reading Quran, once u start learning about Islam, you'll actually see your life transform for good. Im not kidding. You'll see those blessings, you'll see that one issue that just wouldnt be solved no matter what u did, suddenly be taken care of out of the blue. And most importantly, you'll learn to have tawakul (which is "put trust in Allah's plan" and "rely on Allah for everything") and then you'll have sabr (which is "patience") so even when things seem like they dont work out the way u wanted them to, you'll not be stressed about it. You'll mentally be relaxed. Trust in Allah's plan, give yourself to Him and so if u dont get your desired outcomes for a problem, rest assured- you'll be immensely blessed by Allah in the hereafter. And imagine Allah, the Creator, the King of all kings, being the one who rewards you. Surely, His reward will not leave you disappointed or unsatiated.
“Indeed, the patient will be given their reward without measure." Surah Az-Zumar (39:10)
Sometimes I wanna talk about the Asma-ul-Husna (99 names of Allah) so you guys will know just how great and generous Allah is. Those names are actually His attributes, they speak of His relation with man and all His creations. They help you understand Him better and im ngl, they actually do bring this comfort to the soul.
you guys WILL LOVE Islamic stories and history and Allah being- Allah. Even His blessings, his rewards in this world and in heaven are literally so amazing, but most importantly, His mercy. Like Allah knows how to humble us, for our own good. He knows how to keep us in our limits, how to keep us in our boundaries, for our own safety. Maybe I'll expand on this bit someday.
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Jumu'ah Khuthbah: 17 March 2023
This week's mirror into one's qalb (spiritual heart) were, and Alhamdulillah for this palpable consciousness made even more real because of our Tariqa (spiritual school)... Bismillah...
#1. Shaykh Nishaat placed a magnifying glass to my fear that I may have unwittingly become spiritually arrogant. Where we shape everything into a spiritual experience. We have to be wary of our nafs (ego) that uses every little thing as a sign of advancement.
Allah should be the focus when we experience the good or bad happenings in life. All outer confirmation should be to rely on Allah. As for our inner confirmations, we have to be grateful for the opportunity to see our ills through our spiritual mentors.
#2. What we should aspire for in place of spiritual arrogance is the even more tricky quality of spiritual humility! By remembering these key points:
i. We should remain in awe at everything: Allah, "His" attributes, and "His" creations. Keeping awe externally diminishes self-awe!
ii. We must believe ourselves to be spiritually lowly compared to everyone else, to avoid self-awe! Never should we be content with our level of worship. We must humble ourselves to see the state of our servitude towards Allah, yet heeding "His" commands and striving for more blessings.
iii. We must believe that Allah will, at some point, elevate us spiritually. This is because of the belief that real change in us begins inwardly and becomes manifest outwardly in our actions, as a natural reflex of becoming humble servants, Insha'Allah!
#3. Shaykh Nishaat echoed Dr Abou El Fadl's hikmah (wisdom) - as they both reflected Shaykh Abdul Qadir Geylani's immense wisdom when he said that Allah should be the focus when good or bad happens to us.
Dr Abu El Fadl goes further to describe my reality where Allah has gratefully taken me, to a place of seeing the fortune in my "disability", conventionally seen as misfortune. I, subsequently enjoy a closer relationship with Allah, Subhana'Allah, leaving me in puddles of gratitude!
#4. Our Tariqa's new book project is on Asma ul-Husna (The Beautiful Names of Allah). Subhana'Allah that our work never ceases! Shaykh Taner implored us to identify each Name in three outer and three inner signs.
This is because our job is to observe Allah in our living and learning; to remove "Him" as a part-time reality which is naturally assumed in us, into a full-time one! Shaykh Taner implored that we must find out in ourselves what is and what is not Allah. When we quit being ourselves, we enact Allah. As these Khuthbah that miraculously come together in the enth hour!
#5. In our Learning circle, we discussed the role of Rabita (heart connection) as a component of our inner circuitry and a method of our soul to dynamically link to Allah's essence. For Allah has blown "His" essence into our inner circuitry. When we're in hal (a temporary state of consciousness), it acts as a small connection or temporary station to Allah.
As mureeds (committed seekers), a valve is opened in our hearts in our respective moments of ba'yah (an oath of allegiance to a leader). Here, Shaykh Nishaat explained that the bond with the respective Shaykh or Shaykha is the medium with which the mureed will achieve contact with Allah - as expounded earliest by Shaykh Abdul Qadir Geylani. Here, Raeesa made a colourful analogy of Rabita as a walky-talky and the purification achieved through Zikr in our daily assignments and Wird, is essentially clearing our static sound.
Here, your Rehbir Abbu shared how Rabita eventually becomes a constant feature of our lives. Shaykh Nishaat added that is because we have to be in surrender in every moment of our lives, which is enacting Islam. In our ongoing struggles, we need Rabita to silence our nafs (egos). Through our work, we know whether we have surrendered in life that is if we are brought to sabr (patience) and salaam (peace). The practice of self-involvement makes the illusory nature of our nafs (egos), the veil between us and Allah!
This concludes our Khuthbah, with gratitude that Allah brought your Abbu back after a successful training session in Swaziland. It is where the games of Agricola and Pandemic were successfully navigated, thanks to your elder bhais and bens 😊
Ya Wadud Ya Salaam Ya Jami Ya Nafi
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Discovering the Divine: Exploring the 99 Names of Allah
In the tapestry of the Islamic faith, the 99 Names of Allah, also known as Asma ul Husna, weave a rich and profound narrative of the Divine. Each name encapsulates a unique attribute, a facet of Allah's infinite greatness and mercy, offering believers a glimpse into the boundless majesty of their Creator. From the compassionate Al-Rahman to the merciful Al-Ghafoor, these names are more than mere words; they are portals through which believers deepen their connection with Allah.
Understanding the Significance
At the heart of Islamic theology lies the belief in the oneness of Allah. The 99 Names serve as a testament to this unity, illustrating the multifaceted nature of the Divine. Through contemplation and recitation of these names, Muslims seek to develop a deeper understanding of Allah's attributes and draw closer to Him in reverence and devotion.
The Journey of Discovery
Embarking on a journey to explore the 99 Names is an invitation to delve into the essence of Allah Himself. Each name holds profound meaning and significance, offering insights into His benevolence, wisdom, and power. For instance, Al-Wadud, the Loving, reminds believers of Allah's boundless affection and care for His creation, while Al-Alim, the All-Knowing, underscores His infinite wisdom and knowledge.
Nurturing the Soul
Studying the 99 Names is not merely an intellectual pursuit but a spiritual practice that nourishes the soul. As believers reflect on each name and its implications, they cultivate a deeper appreciation for Allah's attributes and their manifestation in the world around them. This introspective journey fosters humility, gratitude, and a profound sense of awe in the presence of the Divine.
Learning from Bisma Online Quran Academy
For those eager to deepen their understanding of the Quran and its teachings, Bisma Online Quran Academy offers a comprehensive platform for learning. With experienced tutors and personalized learning plans, students can explore the intricacies of Islamic theology, including the profound significance of the 99 Names of Allah.
Bisma Online Quran Academy provides a nurturing environment where students can engage with the Quran at their own pace, fostering a deeper connection with their faith. Through interactive lessons and guided study, learners gain insights into the spiritual depth of the 99 Names and their relevance in everyday life.
Incorporating the Names into Daily Life
As believers immerse themselves in the study of the 99 Names, they are encouraged to incorporate these divine attributes into their daily lives. Whether through supplication, reflection, or acts of kindness, the names serve as a guide for cultivating virtues and aligning one's actions with the values espoused by Islam.
Strengthening Faith and Resilience
In times of trial and tribulation, the 99 Names serve as a source of solace and strength for believers. By invoking Allah through His various names, Muslims find reassurance in His mercy, compassion, and guidance. This deepens their faith and resilience, enabling them to navigate life's challenges with patience and trust in the Divine plan.
Embracing Diversity and Unity
The 99 Names of Allah transcend cultural and linguistic boundaries, uniting Muslims around the world in their reverence for the Divine. Regardless of nationality or background, believers find common ground in their devotion to Allah and His attributes. This unity in diversity is a testament to the universal message of Islam, which celebrates the inherent dignity and worth of all human beings.
The 99 Names of Allah are a profound expression of Islamic theology, encapsulating the boundless majesty and mercy of the Divine. Through contemplation and reflection, believers deepen their understanding of Allah's attributes and cultivate a closer relationship with Him. Bisma Online Quran Academy offers a valuable resource for those seeking to explore the significance of the 99 Names and enrich their spiritual journey. As believers incorporate these divine attributes into their daily lives, they embody the timeless values of Islam and find strength and solace in their faith.
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আল্লাহ্কে জানব কীভাবে?
আসমা উল হুসনা দিয়ে আল্লাহকে জানুন
আল্লাহ তাআলা সকল পূর্ণাঙ্গ গুণাবলিতে গুণান্বিত এবং সকল অপূর্ণাঙ্গ গুণাবলি থেকে পবিত্র। তিনি এ ক্ষেত্রে অদ্বিতীয় এবং অতুলনীয়। আল্লাহ কুরআনে বলেন: (হে নবী আপনি) বলুনঃ তোমরা আল্লাহ বলে আহবান করো কিংবা রহমান বলে, যে নামেই তোমরা আহবান করো না কেন, সব সুন্দর নাম তাঁরই। (সূরা বনী ইসরাঈল-১১০) আর আল্লাহর জন্য রয়েছে সব উত্তম নাম। কাজেই সে নাম ধরেই তাঁকে ডাকো। আর তাদেরকে বর্জন করো, যারা তাঁর নামের ব্যাপারে বাঁকা পথে চলে। নিজেদের কৃতকর্মের ফল শীঘ্রই তারা পাবে।সূরা আ'রাফ ১৮০। আবূ হুরায়রাহ্ (রাঃ) হতে বর্ণিত। তিনি বলেন, রসূলুল্লাহ সাল্লাল্লাহু আলাইহি ওয়াসাল্লাম বলেছেনঃ আল্লাহ তা‘আলার নিরানব্বই-এক কম একশ’টি নাম রয়েছে। যে ব্যক্তি এ নামগুলো মুখস্থ করবে সে জান্নাতে যাবে। অপর বর্ণনায় আছে, তিনি বিজোড়, (তাই) বিজোড়কে ভালবাসেন। (বুখারী, মুসলিম)। আল্লাহর নাম ৯৯ সংখ্যায় সীমাবদ্ধ নয়। এই ৯৯টি নাম ছাড়াও আল্লাহর আরো অনেকগুলি নাম কুরআন ও হাদিসে উল্লেখ আছে। আল্লাহ তায়ালা আমাদেরকে কুরআন ও হাদিসের মাধ্যমে তাঁর নিজের যেসমস্ত সুন্দরতম নাম ও গুণাবলী সমূহ শিক্ষা দিয়েছেন সেগুলো ভালোভাবে বুঝার ও তাঁর উপর দৃঢ়ভাবে ঈমান আনার তাওফীক দান করুন। আল্লাহুম্মা আমীন।
#Knowing Allah by Asma ul Husna#Know Allah with Asma ul Husna#Allah#Al Asmaul Husna#Know Allah by 'Asma Was Sifat'#Asma Was Sifat#Allah;s 99 Names#99 Names of Allah#Allah's Names and Attributes#Allah's Names and Qualities#Tawhid ul Asma Was Sifaat#Al A'raf 180
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Some Atif Aslam song recs plz 🥺
Hellow I'm glad you asked
I know this is an OST but I love it 😭😭
The last one is they're 99 names of Allah swt but I think the rhythm is so so so so soothing I listen to it every time I'm down in the dumps
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Ik it isn't your duty to educate any of us on Islam nor do you have to, but what would you *personally* like people to understand about Islam? I have parents who are islamophobic and it disgusts me to live with that, but I'm trying to make them understand that their religion isn't superior or "better" and bc I don't know much about it it's hard to make them see. From the quotes you've posted, Islam sounds beautiful. Anyway thanks
hiii anon!!! urm. mmm. i'll list 10 things.
that islam teaches you to be a loving, selfless and humble person. when a muslim greets or bids farewell to another muslim, we say "assalamualaikum", which means "may peace be upon you". we wish well, we wish for peace, for others just in our greetings alone.
if a muslim prays for another muslim, the angels say "may what you have prayed for your brother or sister also be destined for you too". there is so much compassion and love to be found.
the qur'aan heals you. just listen to a recitation, and you will be moved by it. whenever i feel distressed, its the first thing i do.
islam gives my day structure. i know i need to pray 5 times a day, and so, everything works around it. those prayers become a break, a reprieve from life. for those 10 minutes, 5 times a day, its just me and Allah.
islam has never once taken my voice away from me or silenced me. its made me resilient in the face of adversity. i'll be okay. Allah will protect me. "wakafaa billahi wakeela", which means, "and enough is Allah as a guardian". did you also know that Allah has 99 names? they're called asma ul husna.
nothing has been more worthy than the investment of my time in figuring out myself and strengthening my bond with Allah and making peace with it. its a daily thing. sometimes i slack, other times i'm burning with passion. but i can pick up from where i left, and truly self reflect and check up on myself, and Allah will always be there, all the time. its on me to make the effort.
that when one muslim says thank you to another, we say "jazakallah khair", which means, "may Allah reward you a better reward (for the favour you did upon me)". we ask Allah to reward that person, in whatever way that may be which Allah decides best for them.
that islam tells us that arrogance and pride are traits Allah severely dislikes. its something we should keep checking up on ourselves on to make sure we're not practicing them.
islam says education is compulsory on every single man and woman. there is no discrimination. that men will be questioned on how they treated the women in their life. that a woman's earning is hers and no one can take that from her. that a husband must give nafqah (financial support) to his wife to help her, in the context of what he earns. that hijab is for men also, not just women. in the times of ignorance, and even today, when girls are buried alive, Allah will ask those who buried her on the day of qayamah (judgement), "for what reason was she buried?". islam has given women many, many rights and protection.
and lastly, that science and islam arent actually against one another. not at all.
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99 Names of Allah (Al Asma Ul Husna)
The first pillar of imaan (faith) in Islam is Belief in Allah. As Muslims, we believe in Allah in accordance with His beautiful names and attributes. Allah has revealed His names repeatedly in the Holy Quran primarily for us to understand who He is. Learning and memorizing the names of Allah will help us to identify the correct way to believe in Him. There is nothing more sacred and blessed than understanding the names of Allah and living by them. How do we expect to worship, love, fear and trust our Lord, The Almighty Allah, if we don’t know who He is?
Allah says in the Quran:
And to Allah belong the best names, so invoke Him by them.. (Quran 7:180)
Allah – there is no deity except Him. To Him belong the best names. (Quran 20:8)
He is Allah, the Creator, the Inventor, the Fashioner; to Him belong the best names. (Quran 59:24)
Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said, “Allah has ninety-nine names, i.e. one-hundred minus one, and whoever knows them will go to Paradise.”
(Sahih Bukhari 50:894)
Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) as saying: There are ninety-nine names of Allah; he who commits them to memory would get into Paradise. Verily, Allah is Odd (He is one, and it is an odd number) and He loves odd number..”
(Sahih Muslim Book-48 Hadith-5)
Allah'ın 99 İsmi (Al Asma Ul Husna)
İslam'da imanın (imanın) ilk ayağı Allah'a inanmaktır. Müslümanlar olarak, güzel isim ve sıfatlarına göre Allah'a inanıyoruz. Allah, kim olduğunu anlamamız için öncelikle Kur'an-ı Kerim'de isimlerini defalarca indirmiştir. Allah'ın isimlerini öğrenmek ve ezberlemek, O'na inanmanın doğru yolunu bulmamıza yardımcı olacaktır. Allah'ın isimlerini anlamaktan ve onlarla yaşamaktan daha kutsal ve mübarek bir şey yoktur. Kim olduğunu bilmiyorsak, Rabbimiz Yüce Allah'a tapmayı, sevmeyi, korkmayı ve güvenmeyi nasıl bekleriz?
Allah Kuran'da şöyle der:
Ve en güzel isimler Allah'ındır, öyleyse O'nu onlarla çağırın. (Kuran 7: 180)
Allah, O'ndan başka ilah yoktur. En güzel isimler O'nundur. (Kuran 20: 8)
O, yaratan, mucit, biçimlendiren Allah'tır; En iyi isimler O'nundur. (Kuran 59:24)
Hz.Muhammed (), "Allah'ın doksan dokuz ismi vardır, yani yüz eksi bir ve kim bilirse cennete gidecektir."
(Sahih Buhari 50: 894)
Ebu Huraira, Allah'ın Elçisi'nin (ﷺ) şöyle dediğini bildirdi: Allah'ın doksan dokuz ismi vardır; Onları hafızasına alan, Cennete girer. Şüphesiz Allah tektir (O birdir ve tek sayıdır) ve tek sayıyı sever. "
(Sahih-i Müslim Kitabı-48 Hadis-5)
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Who do Muslims worship?
People unfamiliar with Islam sometimes have this misconception that Islam is an Arab religion based on an Arabian deity Allah. This is not only such an extreme misunderstanding of the universal nature of the faith, but also of how the concept of the Divine is understood in Islamic theology, and of the name Allah as well.
First of all, the majority of Muslims throughout the world (about 85 percent) are not Arabs and know virtually no Arabic. I'm not an Arab either. The Islamic message is universal and addresses all mankind. Ya ayyuh an naas! (O mankind!) is an expression that is repeatedly found throughout the Quranic text, emphasizing its universal message.
Secondly, Islam doesn't confine the Divine Supreme Being to a single, rigid name. The Divine is understood as beyond space and time, the creator and source of everything, the sustainer, the fashioner, the witness, the supreme being, the power that is guiding and inspiring creation and the universal order and beyond, the uncaused cause, not begetting, unbegotten, beyond the attributes of gender or form. Allah. God. The One.
Allah is the Arabic noun for God, and the name used most frequently by Muslims to refer to the Supreme Existence. Islam is a strictly monotheistic faith, but the one God has many names in Islamic thought. The Quran says:
"Cry unto Allah, or cry unto the Beneficent, unto whichsoever ye cry (it is the same). His are the most beautiful names." — [Q 17:110]
Muslims actually refer to the one God by at least 99 names, known as asma-ul-husna (the most beautiful names.) Some of them being ar-Rahman (the Most Merciful), al-Khaliq (the Creator), al-Bari' (the Maker of Order), al-Musavvir (the Fashioner), al-Latif (the Subtle One), As-Salam (the Source of Peace), al-Mu'min (the Inspirer of Faith), al-Ghaffar (the Forgiving), as-Sami (the all-Hearing), al-Baseer (the all-Seeing), al-Muqeet (the Nourisher), al-Wali (the Protecting Friend), al-Wadud (the Most Loving), as-Shahid (the Witness), al-Awwal (the First), al-Aakhir (the Last).
Some of the names are terrifying, others comforting. God is al-Muizz (the Bestower of Honors) as well as al-Mudhill (the Humiliator). He's al-Qabid (the Constrictor), but He's also al-Basit (the Reliever). He's al-Khafid (the Abaser), but He's also al-Rafi' (the Exalter). The names, therefore, also bring out two important and complementary concepts in Islamic thought: fear of God, and love of God. Both being integral to a living relationship between mankind and God in Islam.
There are also other names (other than the 99 asma-ul-husna) that Muslims use to refer to God.
After Islam came to Persia, "khuda" the Persian word for God, was continued by the new Persian Muslims, even though it was originally a Zoroastrian reference to God, but since the meaning was sound and in line with Islamic thought, the name remained and it's still used to this day by the speakers of that language.
After Islam came to India, Muslims also developed common references to the Divine so as to communicate with their Hindu neighbors, "upar waala" (the One Above), and "maalik" (Master) being some still used today by them. There are many other such examples.
The word Allah itself is etymologically related to "Eloh" or "Elohim" — one of the names of God used in the Hebrew Bible read by Jews and Christians, and thus, directly linked to the larger Abrahamic monotheistic tradition that also encompasses Judaism and Christianity. The name Allah has also been used by Arab Christians and Jews to refer to God and is used in all major Arabic translations of the Bible.
God in Islam, is therefore, known by and through His attributes.
So, to sum up, Islam is a universal religion, not a solely Arab religion. Also, Allah is not an Arabian deity, but the noun for the One God, the Eternal Being in Arabic, and therefore a name that'll always remain dear to every Muslim because of the Arabic nature of the original revelation. But you don't need to be Arab or speak Arabic to be Muslim, you only need to be a believer in God, in Allah. Indeed, the majority of believers aren't Arab and don't speak Arabic.
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Allah’s name Al-Mushin— The Good Doer, the one who does ultimate good— is not mentioned in the Quran but occurs in narrations of the Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. Al-Muhsin is the one who loves and inspires doing good in His slaves and who possesses the perfect good and excellence in all He makes happen!
The Good Doer, the Supreme Doer of Good
Muhsin comes from the root haa-seen-noon, which points to four main meanings. The first meaning is to be and to do good and to pursue excellence The second main meaning is to be beautiful, and the third is to be kind. The fourth main meaning is to be suitable, proper, and fitting.
This root appears 194 times in the Quran in 12 derived forms. Examples of these forms are ahsana (“does good”), ahsanu (“is best”), husnan (“good”) and al-muhsineena (“the good doers”).
Linguistically, hasana is the root for the words hasan (good), ahsan (better), and (al) husna (the best). The Islamic concept of ihsaan, or excellence, comes from the same root. A muhsin (male, plural muhsineen) and a muhsina (female, plural muhsinaat) are those who do good and who when saying someone did well, can say: ahsant (-i or –a), which means “well done” or “excellent!”
Al-Muhsin refers to the One who is perfectly good in His Essence and who does all His actions in the best possible manner, achieving excellence and reaching ultimate beauty and perfection.
The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: Surely Allah is Muhsin and He loves ihsaan in everything; if you kill, kill in a good way and if you slaughtered, slaughter in a good way . . . [part of the hadith- At-Tabaraani and Al-Albaani, Saheeh Al-Jami]
Islam, emaan, and ihsaan
There are three degrees of Islam, which are Islam, eemaan, and ihsaan. Islam means submission, and when mentioned separately from emaan it refers to the religion as a whole, as Allah says: Truly, the religion with Allah is Islam. [Quran, 3:19] When Islam is used with the word eemaan (faith or belief) it refers to outward deeds and words, as Allah says: The bedouins say: ‘We believe. Say: You believe not but you only say, We have surrendered (in Islam), for Faith has not yet entered your hearts…’ [Quran, 49:14]
The second degree is eeman, which means belief committed to submission and may mean one of two things. When it is used without the word “Islam,” it refers to the religion as a whole, as Allah ‘azza wa jall says: Allah is the Wali of those who believe. He brings them out from darkness into light. [Quran, 2:257]
Allah limited the word emaan to those who adhere to His religion in full, inwardly and outwardly, as He says: The believers are only those who, when Allaah is mentioned, feel a fear in their hearts and when His Verses are recited unto them, they increase their Faith; and they put their trust in their Lord. [Quran, 8:2] When emaan is used with the word Islam it refers to inward beliefs, or the actions of the heart.
Thus, when either emaan or Islam are used alone, there is no difference and they both refer to the entire religion. If there is any difference between them, Islam refers to outward physical actions and the word eemaan refers to inward actions of the heart.
The third degree is ihsaan, which in Arabic means doing something well, perfectly, and sincerely. Islamically it may mean two things: when used alone and not with Islam or eemaan it refers to the religion as a whole.
When it is used with either or both Islam and eemaan the meaning is perfecting one’s outward and inward deeds. The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam beautifully explained the meaning of ihsaan: It means worshipping Allah as if you can see Him, and although you cannot see Him, He can see you. [Al-Bukhaari, Muslim]
How can you live by this name?
1. Strive for ihsaan.
Ihsaan is a complete way of life, so let this concept accompany you in all your actions. Strive for al-ihsaan in your relationship with Allah ‘azza wa jall as in being able to worship Him as if you saw Him and strive for al-ihsaan as good behaviour to others, like kindness to your parents, relatives, the poor etc.
When you have a guest, give them the best you have. When you are with your parents, show them the best of your manners. Also appreciate the ihsaan of others.
Strive for al-ihsaan as an act of excellence and in your relationship with yourself, meaning in every deed you do, you try your best! When you are at your job, do your best, when you are at school, try your best. The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: Allah has prescribed al-ihsaan in every matter. [Muslim] SubhanAllah, we are even asked as Muslims to sharpen the knife when we slaughter as to cause minimal distress to the animal.
2. Study the Quran to find out what is good.
On many occasions in the Quran the muhsineen, the good doers, are mentioned. The muhsineen are loved by Allah ‘azza wa jall and close to Him and Allah even describes actions characterizing them, pay special attention to these ayaat. Allah says: And whoever submits his face to Allah while he is a doer of good (muhsin) – then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold . . .[Quran, 31:22]
Make it your mission to find out what the Quran says about what are good deeds and what their reward is, so you can apply them and become of the muhsineen inshaa’Allah!
3. Realize that Allah’s ways are excellent.
Allah is the only true Mushin. He is perfect in His Names, attributes, and actions. Truly realize that everything Allah ‘azza wa jall gives and takes from you, is for your own good, and let this inspire you to complain less and start being more content. Allah’s ihsaan is general with the whole creation; He created you in a perfect way without being asked and His ihsaan is specific. He rewards the good doers with the place of ultimate good: His Paradise!
4. Ask Al-Muhsin.
Allah ‘azza wa jall says in a heart-melting ayah in Surah Ar-Rahmaan: Hal jazaa’ul ihsaani illal-ihsaan – Is the reward for good [anything] but good? [Quran, 55:60] Each day ask Al-Mushin for ihsaan in all aspects of your life, in your inward and outward actions. Do you worship Allah as if you see him or at least as he sees you? Ask Him to bless you with the highest degree of ihsaan: apart from being aware He sees you, worshipping Him as if you see Him!
5. Study the names of Allah.
The beautiful names of Allah are called al asmaa ul husnaa. Study them and most importantly, live by them. https://understandquran.com/99-names-of-allah-asma-ul-husna
O Allah, Al-Mushin, we know that You are Doer of ultimate good. Adorn us with ihsaan in all our aspects of life and make us worship you as if we see You. Include us in the rewards of the muhsineen and make us live by the fact You are perfect and beyond excellence in Your dealings with us. Bless us with good in this life and the ultimate good in the Hereafter, seeing You in Paradise, ameen!
#allah#islam#revert help team#asma al husna#muslim#daily#ayat#allah’s name#revert help#god#quran#dua#pray#prayer#salah#muslimah#hijab#religion#reminder#mohammed#new revert#new convert#new muslim#hadith#converthelp#how to convert islam#convert islam#become a muslim#prophet#welcome to islam
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Jumu'ah Sohbet: 1 November 2024
With the blessing of increased consciousness of Allah, spiritual synchronicity is immediately detected through our worldly existence. This was this week's, Shukran Ya Allah and Bismillah (Divine gratitude and in that Divine name we commence):
#1. Shaykh Nishaat, our heartsmith, relayed how when we look at all scales of being, at the micro to the macro, we see that what is happening now has happened before! Every empire that we've read about is no longer in existence; Persian, Roman, Ottoman, Byzantine, Mongols and etc. Every empire, great leaders, armies, and Pharoahs of the world - where are they? His wisdom is synchronous to political analyst Mehdi Hassan with his guest who say, "Don't be pessimistic about the future because this is your moment to relive history!"
Who is going to prevent us from fighting and being greedy for land, wealth, and resources? There is such wisdom in the Hadith of our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who says that the greatest jihad (struggle / fight) is jihadul nafs (lower-self / ego / soul). Allah neither compels nor prevents us as we follow our cursed nafs with our own free will. It is, of course, uncursed if we follow Allah as khalifatullah (His representatives)!
What is the basic lesson that humanity is not learning? We don't know how we should live as humanity! Allah created us to represent Him, and He wants to see which of us are representing Him. We all know that we will not live on earth forever, yet everything that we do is the constant opposite of that fact! We accumulate as if we will live forever. We must, therefore, have a sense of how we live, where Allah owns everything in our lives and not us. In all the Scriptures, we are told that this earth is in existence for an appointed period.
Allah wants for us what will last forever, that's why He says that the Hereafter is for us believers and not this world! Our nafs make us short-sighted, where we see the world as the be-all and end-all! We aren't after the world's worth, but the understanding of what Allah wants from us in it. We find peace when we know and accept what Allah wants from us. It is just as I have learned to be grateful for every moment of my life as an accident survivor, my beloved family, and our sweet soul of a spiritual sister, whose your Aunty, Tasneem, with us today. Even if we have nothing, materially as I am often humbled by, it is the best condition because it is willed by Allah!
#2. In the morning, prior to our weekly Qur'an Contemplation and Action session with Khalifa Rubina ... I was inspired by verse eight of Sura Ta Ha to contemplate on "Asma ul husna" (The Most Beautiful Names of Allah). Mankind is inclined to claim anything and everything for themselves. However, I found that distinguishing "Asma ul husna" is so powerful!
It highlights why our Tariqa focuses on Allah's Jamal (Beautiful) over Jalal (Wrathful) attributes because they are beautiful! Even the few Jalal names that we invoke are against our very own nafs:
Ya Qahhar (the Overpowering)
Ya Dafi (the Remover of tribulations that we frequently invoked during COVID)
I was left in gratitude to Allah for infusing such immense wisdom and balance in our school of Sufism. It emphasises attention to cleansing one's nafs over the easier path of judging others. The open and mystical secret to Sufism is that the best path of one's self-empowerment is through self-annihilation! It is because Fana (self-annihilation) leads to Fana Fillah (annihilation in Allah).
#3. As you might remember, our Wakil Shamim, who is your Abbu, conducted our last Saturday Sohbet providing a personal perspective on Aqim al-Salat (a system of connection) as requested by Anne (our spiritual mother). He started by reflecting that our Shaykh Taner taught us that Aqim al-Salat is a system of connection in our relationship to Allah. There are, in fact, many ways to do that. In a Qudsi Hadith, Allah says:
If we take that perspective, in order to know Allah, in His generosity, we have been given numerous ways to get to know Him. And, those ways of getting to Him are Aqim al-Salat. In Sufism, the saying goes that there are as many ways to Allah as there are people. Allah has given us humans numerous ways to know and connect with Him.
One of the ways that your Abbu presented was through invocations of Asma ul husna (Allah's most beautiful names). He said that we can consider each of them as Aqim al-Salat when we connect with those names. When we contemplate on any of the 99 and more names of Allah, contemplation is a way of connecting and familiarising ourselves with Allah. These were some of your Abbu's salient points:
- Every name gives us a relationship with Allah, especially when done consciously.
- When we are conscious of our own grandeur in any way, we ought to quickly recognise its Source who is sharing His attributes through us.
- When we come to recognise that we are lacking in a quality of Allah. We can establish a connection to Allah by invoking that specific attribute.
- When we appreciate a quality of Allah seen in others and we invoke it for ourselves ... We recognise a sense of goodness, and our hearts feel happier because of that quality.
- When we invoke the creative capacities of Allah when we are creating something, it infuses a more meaningful result as it acknowledges its Source.
In conclusion, I am left in awe and gratitude for the spiritual synchronicity which makes sense of our worldly existence from the macro to the micro level. It should all point to their Source so that we achieve Fana Fillah (annihilation in Allah)!
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99 name of allah bangla
Asmaul Husna, Arabic Names, English Names, Transliteration, Arabic Sound and Beautiful Video, أسماء الله الحسنى. 99 Names of Allah with English translation and transliteration. As-Samad (الصمد) The Satisfier of All Needs 69. The 99 names of Allah as mentioned in the Quran. He who repeats this name many times, Allah will provide his need. 99 Names of Allah & Muhammad Art by Hafeez Sheikh. 99 names of ALLAH with (bangla & english meaning). The 99 Names of Allah (Arabic: أسماء الله الحسنى, translit: ʾasmāʾu llāhi lḥusnā) also known as the 99 attributes of Allah, according to Islamic tradition, are the . He who enumerates them would get into Paradise" (Muslim). Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said "Verily, there are 99 names for Allah, i.e. 99 Names of Allah with English translation and transliteration. Bangla Naats 2019 New Modinar Bulbul Nobi Rasul Allah Bangla Gojol 2021 Bangla Naats Ashikane Rasool Kalam Bangla Naats Allahr VOY. Allah has said ask from Me through mentioning My names. 99 Names of ALLAH Azza Wa Jul He is Allah, there is no Allah but Him. The Most Beautiful Names Belong to Allah, So Call on Him By Them. Asma-ul Husna with meanings & 99 Names Memorizer, Alphabetical List, more. It is the duty of the sincere and pious servants of Allah to seek help and fulfillment of. Names of Allah are recited to invoke Him (as dua'as) for obtaining benefits. Here you can find the 99 holy names of ALLAH with meaning and fazilat in Bangla. of His 99 beautiful names and qualities like Merciful, Kind, Knowing. Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh. ASMAA UL HUSNA The most beautiful names (of Allah). Asmaul_Husna_Benefits.pdf - freeload as PDF File (.pdf), Text File. Annex 32: ISIL affiliated persons of interest to the Panel1. Ansarallah movement and the leaders of the General People's Congress. The spelling of place names within Yemen is often dependent on the ethnicity of the source or. 99 name of allah holy quran arabic bengali pdf quran sharif in bangla translation dr zakir naik lecture bengali dubbed 99 . Thou shall be saved Thy people To be destroyed To 344 INDEX NPSCN_291.pdf. 68, l26 (See Allah, Creator, Fard, God, Mahdi, Fard Muhammad, Name of God. Filthy, l05, l06 Flag of Islam, 237-240 (See Crescent) Followers, accused of being. The name of the One, Supreme-Being also known as God in other faiths. The 99 names of Allah, also known as The 99 Names of God or The 99 attributes of Allah (Arabic: أسماء الله الحسنى (ʾasmāʾ Allah al-ħusná), are the names of . Meaning: He bestows mercy upon His servants and is compassionate towards them. Meaning: The word 'Allah', the proper name of God, indicates that Allah is the true God who alone. In this book, 99 beautiful names of Allah SWT are listed with Arabic, English and Bengali translation. The fourth category is the names of righteous slaves of Allah - above all the. said: “The most beloved of names to Allah are 'Abd-Allah and 'Abd al. Samad, The Satisfier of All Needs, The Eternal, 68. (click on any number for detailed definition. In the name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful.
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আল্লাহকে জানার উপায় কী?
আসমা উল হুসনা দিয়ে আল্লাহকে জানুন
আল্লাহ তাআলা সকল পূর্ণাঙ্গ গুণাবলিতে গুণান্বিত এবং সকল অপূর্ণাঙ্গ গুণাবলি থেকে পবিত্র। তিনি এ ক্ষেত্রে অদ্বিতীয় এবং অতুলনীয়। আল্লাহ কুরআনে বলেন: (হে নবী আপনি) বলুনঃ তোমরা আল্লাহ বলে আহবান করো কিংবা রহমান বলে, যে নামেই তোমরা আহবান করো না কেন, সব সুন্দর নাম তাঁরই। (সূরা বনী ইসরাঈল-১১০) আর আল্লাহর জন্য রয়েছে সব উত্তম নাম। কাজেই সে নাম ধরেই তাঁকে ডাকো। আর তাদেরকে বর্জন করো, যারা তাঁর নামের ব্যাপারে বাঁকা পথে চলে। নিজেদের কৃতকর্মের ফল শীঘ্রই তারা পাবে।সূরা আ'রাফ ১৮০। আবূ হুরায়রাহ্ (রাঃ) হতে বর্ণিত। তিনি বলেন, রসূলুল্লাহ সাল্লাল্লাহু আলাইহি ওয়াসাল্লাম বলেছেনঃ আল্লাহ তা‘আলার নিরানব্বই-এক কম একশ’টি নাম রয়েছে। যে ব্যক্তি এ নামগুলো মুখস্থ করবে সে জান্নাতে যাবে। অপর বর্ণনায় আছে, তিনি বিজোড়, (তাই) বিজোড়কে ভালবাসেন। (বুখারী, মুসলিম)। আল্লাহর নাম ৯৯ সংখ্যায় সীমাবদ্ধ নয়। এই ৯৯টি নাম ছাড়াও আল্লাহর আরো অনেকগুলি নাম কুরআন ও হাদিসে উল্লেখ আছে। আল্লাহ তায়ালা আমাদেরকে কুরআন ও হাদিসের মাধ্যমে তাঁর নিজের যেসমস্ত সুন্দরতম নাম ও গুণাবলী সমূহ শিক্ষা দিয়েছেন সেগুলো ভালোভাবে বুঝার ও তাঁর উপর দৃঢ়ভাবে ঈমান আনার তাওফীক দান করুন। আল্লাহুম্মা আমীন।
#Know Allah with Asma ul Husna#Allah#Know Allah by His Asmaul Husna#alasmaulhusna#AsmaulHusna#Asma Was Sifat#AsmaWasSifat#99namesofallah#99 Names of Allah#Allah's Names and Attributes#Allah's Names#Allah'sNames#Al A'raf 180#Allah is endowed with all perfect qualities
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99 Names of Allah (Al Asma Ul Husna)
The first pillar of imaan (faith) in Islam is Belief in Allah. As Muslims, we believe in Allah in accordance with His beautiful names and attributes. Allah has revealed His names repeatedly in the Holy Quran primarily for us to understand who He is. Learning and memorizing the names of Allah will help us to identify the correct way to believe in Him. There is nothing more sacred and blessed than understanding the names of Allah and living by them. How do we expect to worship, love, fear and trust our Lord, The Almighty Allah, if we don’t know who He is?
Allah says in the Quran:
And to Allah belong the best names, so invoke Him by them.. (Quran 7:180)
Allah – there is no deity except Him. To Him belong the best names. (Quran 20:8)
He is Allah, the Creator, the Inventor, the Fashioner; to Him belong the best names. (Quran 59:24)
Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said, “Allah has ninety-nine names, i.e. one-hundred minus one, and whoever knows them will go to Paradise.”
(Sahih Bukhari 50:894)
Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) as saying: There are ninety-nine names of Allah; he who commits them to memory would get into Paradise. Verily, Allah is Odd (He is one, and it is an odd number) and He loves odd number..”
(Sahih Muslim Book-48 Hadith-5)
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99 names of Allah – Meaning and Explanation
The Most or Entirely Merciful
The Bestower of Mercy
The King and Owner of Dominion
The Absolutely Pure
The Perfection and Giver of Peace
The One Who gives Emaan and Security
The Guardian, The Witness, The Overseer
The All Mighty
The Compeller, The Restorer
The Supreme, The Majestic
The Creator, The Maker
The Originator
The Fashioner
The All- and Oft-Forgiving
The Subduer, The Ever-Dominating
The Giver of Gifts
The Provider
The Opener, The Judge
The All-Knowing, The Omniscient
The Withholder
The Extender
The Reducer, The Abaser
The Exalter, The Elevator
The Honourer, The Bestower
The Dishonourer, The Humiliator
The All-Hearing
The All-Seeing
The Judge, The Giver of Justice
The Utterly Just
The Subtle One, The Most Gentle
The Acquainted, the All-Aware
The Most Forbearing
The Magnificent, The Supreme
The Forgiving, The Exceedingly Forgiving
The Most Appreciative
The Most High, The Exalted
The Greatest, The Most Grand
The Preserver, The All-Heedful and All-Protecting
The Sustainer
The Reckoner, The Sufficient
The Majestic
The Most Generous, The Most Esteemed
The Watchful
The Responsive One
The All-Encompassing, the Boundless
The All-Wise
The Most Loving
The Glorious, The Most Honorable
The Resurrector, The Raiser of the Dead
The All- and Ever Witnessing
The Absolute Truth
The Trustee, The Disposer of Affairs
The All-Strong
The Firm, The Steadfast
The Protecting Associate
The Praiseworthy
The All-Enumerating, The Counter
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99 Names of ALLAH in English (Al-Asma-Ul-Husna):
What are the 99 Names of Allah:
This post is about 99 names of Allah with meanings. ALLAH Almighty is the creator of whole universe. He is the only. All the praises to be ALLAH. He has ninety nine beautiful names that describe HIS attributes.
In this article, we will try to learn the names of Allah:
And (all) the Most Beautiful Names belong to Allâh, so call on Him by them, and leave the company of those who belie or deny (or utter impious speech against) His Names. They will be requited for what they used to do. (Surat Al-A’raf 7:180)
Allâh! Lâ ilâhla illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He)! To Him belong the Best Names. (Surat Taha 20:8)
He is All��h, the Creator, the Inventor of all things, the Bestower of forms. To Him belong the Best Names . All that is in the heavens and the earth glorify Him. And He is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise. (Surat Al-Hashr 59:24)
Narrated Abu Huraira: Prophet Muhammad SAW said, “Allah has ninety-nine names, i.e. one-hundred minus one, and whoever knows them will go to Paradise.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari 50:894)
Abu Huraira reported Prophet Muhammad SAW as saying: Verily, there are ninety-nine names for Allah, i.e. hundred excepting one. He who enumerates them would get into Paradise. And Hammam has made this addition on the authority of Abu Huraira who reported it from Prophet Muhammad SAW that he said: “He is Odd (one) and loves odd number.” (Sahih Muslim 35:6476)
99 Names of Allah in English:
The 99 names of ALLAH with meanings are given below:
Ar-Rahmaan (The Most Merciful):
ALLAH is the one who has mercy for his believers as well as non believers.
AR-RAHEEM (The Most Benevolent):
ALLAH is the one who is compassionate for his servants.
AL-MALIK(The Monarch):
ALLAH is one whose dominion is free from imperfection.
AL-QUDDUS(The Holy One):
ALLAH is the one who is clear from any imperfection.
AS-SALAM(The Peace):
ALLAH is the one is source of peace.
AL-MU’MIN(The Faithful):
ALLAH is the inspirer of faith.
AL-MUHAYMIN(The Controller):
ALLAH is the one who witnesses the actions and deeds of his servants.
AL-‘AZIZ(The Victorious):
ALLAH is the only one who is Almight and has all the powers.
AL-JABBAR(The Compeller):
ALLAH is the one that everything happens with his will in his dominion.
AL-MUTAKABBIR(The Greatest):
ALLAH is the one who is the Haughty and Majestic.
AL-KALIQ(The Creator):
ALLAH is the one who is the creator of everything.
AL-BARI’(The Maker of Order):
ALLAH is the one who has power to change everything.
AL-MUSAWWIR(The Designer):
ALLAH is the one who is the shaper of beauty.
AL-GHAFFAR(The Forgiver):
ALLAH is the one who forgives the sins of his servants.
AL-QAHHAR(The Subduer):
ALLAH is the one who is almighty and has perfect powers.
AL-WAHAB(The Bestower):
ALLAH is the one who is Generous.
AR-RAZZAQ(The Sustainer):
ALLAH is one who is provider.
AL-FATTAH(The Revealer):
ALLAH is the one who opens worldly and religious matters for his servants.
AL-‘ALIM(The Omniscient):
ALLAH is the one who is knowledgeable.
AL-QABID(The Restrainer):
ALLAH is the one who is the constrictor.
AL-BASIT(The Expander):
ALLAH is the one who expands and widens everything.
AL-KHAFID(The Abaser):
ALLAH is the one who lowers the person he wants.
AL-RAFI’(The Exalter):
ALLAH is the one who raises the person he wants.
AL-MU’IZ(The Bestower of Honors):
ALLAH is the one who gives esteem.
AL-MDHILL(The Degrader):
ALLAH is the one who can degrade.
AS-SAMI’(The Hearer):
ALLAH is the one who hears all the things without ear or any instrument.
AL-BASIR(The All Seeing):
ALLAH is the one who can see all the things.
AL-HAKAM(The Arbitrator):
ALLAH is the one who is the Ruler and the Judge.
AL-‘ADL(The Just):
ALLAH is the one who is the equitable.
AL-LATIF(The Subtle One):
ALLAH is the one who is most gentle and gracious.
AL-KHABIR(The All Aware):
ALLAH is the one who knows everything.
AL-HALIM(The Most Patient):
ALLAH is the one who delays punishments and forgives.
AL-‘AZIM(The Mighty):
ALLAH is the one who is the Greatest.
AL-GHAFOOR(The Pardoner):
ALLAH is the one who is the forgiving.
ASH-SHAKUR(The Grateful):
ALLAH is the one who gives rewards of virtues.
AL-‘ALI(The Exalted):
ALLAH is the one who is the most high.
AL-KABIR(The Great):
ALLAH is the one who is greatest than everything.
AL-HAFIZ(The Guardian):
ALLAH is the one who is the protector of everything.
AL-MUQIT(The Maintainer):
ALLAH is the one who has the power to maintain everything.
AL-HASIB(The Noble):
ALLAH is the one who gives satisfaction.
AL-JALIL(The Honorable):
ALLAH is the one is attributed with greatness of power.
AL-KARIM(The Bountiful):
ALLAH is the one who is most generous.
AR-RAQIB(The Watcher):
ALLAH is the one who is the Guardian of everything.
AL-MUJIB(The Responder):
ALLAH is the one who answers the prayers.
AL-WASI’(The Enricher):
ALLAH is the one who is the Englober.
AL-HAKIM(The Most Wise):
ALLAH is the one who is correct in all his deeds.
AL-WADUD(The Affectionate):
ALLAH is the one who loves.
AL-MAJID(The Glorious):
ALLAH is the one who is perfect generous.
AL-BA’ITH(The Raiser from Death):
ALLAH is one who can bring life to dead.
ASH-SHAHEED(The Witness):
ALLAH is the one who witnesses everything.
AL-HAQQ(The Truth):
ALLAH is the one who is the just.
AL-WAKIL(The Trustee):
ALLAH is the one who is the Trustee.
AL-QAWEE(The Powerful):
ALLAH is the one who has all the powers.
AL-MATIN(The Firm):
ALLAH is the one who is the strong.
AL-WALEE(The Supporter):
ALLAH is the one who is the defender.
AL-HAMID(The Commendable):
ALLAH is the one who deserves all the praises.
AL-MUHSI(The Counter):
ALLAH is the one who is knows all the things.
AL-MUBDI’(The Beginner):
ALLAH is the one who is beginner of everything.
AL-M’EED(The Restorer):
ALLAH is the one who brings back creatures from death.
AL-MUHYEE(The Life Giver):
ALLAH gives lives by giving souls to bodies.
AL-MUMEET(The Death Giver):
ALLAH is the bringer of death.
AL-HAYY(The Ever Living):
ALLAH will remain forever.
AL-QAYYUM(The Eternal):
ALLAH is one who never ends.
AL-WAJID(The Finder):
ALLAH is the one who is never poor.
AL-MAJID(The Noble):
ALLAH is the one who is noble
AL-WAHID(The One):
ALLAH is the one who is without a partner.
AL-AHAD(The Only):
ALLAH is the only and unique.
AS-SAMAD(The Perfect):
ALLAH is the only perfect.
AL-QADIR(The Capable):
ALLAH is the one who is omnipotent.
AL-MUQTADER(The All Powerful):
ALLAH has all the powers.
AL-MUQADDIM(The Presenter):
ALLAH is the one who does what he wants.
AL-MU’AKHKHIR(The Deferrer):
ALLAH delays what he wants.
AL-‘AWWAL(The First):
ALLAH’s existence is without beginning.
AL-‘AKHIR(The Last):
ALLAH’s existence is without an end.
AZ-ZAHIR(The Apparent):
ALLAH is the Manifest.
AL-BATIN(The Hidden):
ALLAH is the one who is Latent.
AL-WALI(The Master):
ALLAH is the master of everyone.
AL-MUTA’ALI(The Most High):
ALLAH is the Exalted.
AL-BARR(The Beneficent):
ALLAH is kind to all his creatures.
AT-TAWWAB(The Relenting):
ALLAH is the one who is forgiver.
AL-MUNTAQIM(The Avenger):
ALLAH is the one is avenger.
AL-‘AFUWW(The Effacer):
ALLAH forgives sins.
AR-RA’UF(The Merciful):
ALLAH gives mercy.
MALIK-AL-MULK(The King of Universe):
ALLAH is the controller of universe.
ZUL-JALAL-E-WAL-IKRAM(The Lord of Majesty):
ALLAH is the true Lord.
AL-MUQSIT(The Just):
ALLAH is the equitable in his judgments.
AJ-JAMI’(The Gatherer):
ALLAH is the gatherer to collect all on the Day of Judgment.
AL-GHANEE(The Rich):
ALLAH is the all sufficing.
AL-MUGHNEE(The Bestower):
ALLAH is the Enricher.
AL-MANI’(The Preventer):
ALLAH is the prohibiter.
AD-DARR(The Afflicter):
ALLAH is the bringer of adversity.
AN-NAFI’(The Beneficial):
ALLAH is the one who give benefits to all his servants.
AN-NOOR(The Light):
ALLAH is the one who guides towards right path.
AL-HADI(The Guide):
ALLAH is the one who guides us towards virtue.
AL-BADI’(The wonderful):
ALLAH is the one who created everything.
AL-BAQI’(The Everlasting):
ALLAH is forever.
AL-WARITH(The Heir):
ALLAH is the eternal.
AR-RASHID(The Conscious):
ALLAH is the one who guides.
AS-SABUR(The Enduring):
ALLAH is the one who does not immediately punish the wrong doer.
Make a habit to read and listen 99 names of Allah daily or Asma ul-Husna for the blessing of Allah Almighty.
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