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rausule · 2 years ago
Die klopjag op Aleppo
Die "Aleppino" lughawe het beide 'n logistieke en 'n simboliese belang. Die lughawe is eintlik fundamenteel vir die brose Siriese ekonomie, wat worstel met 'n nimmereindigende konflik en met Westerse sanksies. Die belangrikste ambagte van die land gaan hier deur, met inagneming van die funksie van Aleppo as die "ekonomiese hoofstad" van Sirië. Maar die lughawe is ook 'n simbool van die weerstand van die Damaskus-weermag teen Islamitiese en opposisiegroepe wat vir vier jaar, van 2012 tot 2016, het hulle die stad met lojaliste betwis. Inderdaad, die struktuur is altyd in die hande van die weermag gebly, wat dus voortdurend kon ontvang voorrade selfs tydens die mees kritieke fases van die geveg wat in Desember 2016 geëindig het.
Daarom, vir die regering van president Bashar Al Assad, om klopjagte binne die lughawe te ondergaan
verteenwoordig 'n groot slag op baie fronte. Volgens die jongste inligting ten minste twee bomme
hulle het op die aanloopbane neergestort en dit het die Aleppo-lughawestelsel in 'n stilstand gebring. Daar
struktuur is gesluit en daarom kan die vliegtuie nie opstyg of land nie. Van Damaskus
militêre bronne het gespesifiseer dat werk gedoen word om op die laatste 'n heropening te verseker
Binnekort. Die owerhede se hoofdoelwit is om ekonomiese en logistieke ontwrigting tot die minimum te beperk
perseel, maar met die spook van verdere klopjagte in die volgende paar dae.
Die 28 Augusti 2023
Ad populandum Aleppo
Aeroportus "Aleppino" habet momentum logisticum et symbolicum. Aeroportus est re vera fundamentalis ad fragilem oeconomiam Syriacam, luctationis cum conflictu inexhausto et cum Occidentis sanctionibus. Praecipuae patriae negotiationes huc transeunt, considerantes munus Aleppi sicut "capitis oeconomicus" Syriae. Sed elit etiam symbolum de resistentiis exercitus Damasceni contra islamistam et adversas factiones quae for quattuor annis ab MMXII ad 2016 urbem cum bonis certaverunt. Immo structura est semper penes exercitum, quod inde recipere poterat, semper manebat supplet etiam in discrimine gravissimorum incrementa pugnae quae mense Decembri 2016 finivit. Ideo ad regimen Praesidis Bashar Al Assad, ut excursiones intra aeroportus patiantur ictum majus in multis frontibus repraesentat. Secundum notitias recentissimas in duobus saltem bombs in cunis crepuerunt et hoc systema aeriportum Aleppo in tailspin misit. Ibi compages clausa est, ideoque plana nec auferre nec terra possunt. Damascen fontes militares denominaverunt opus esse factum ut ad novissimum recluderetur Mox. Disruptionem oeconomicam et logisticam obscuratis principale propositum est auctoritatum praemittit, sed spectris ulteriorum incursionibus insequentibusque diebus.
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sugarmusicnews · 2 years ago
Melody Fayre – Quentin E. Klopjaeger
Melody Fayre – Quentin E. Klopjaeger Before William Broad became Billy Forrest, he called himself a number of different names. One of his first pseudonyms was Quentin E. Klopjaeger and it was under this name that he had his first Springbok Top 20 hits. His first was ‘Lazy Life’ (already featured on this list) and his second was ‘Melody Fayre’ which would spend 5 weeks on the charts and peak at…
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runningwolf · 4 years ago
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Remember this? My 2 cents on the 2nd last edition of Park Acoustics for 2017 https://bit.ly/3aIk30n
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nitsuafluflycloud · 5 years ago
vibescout: 🎟 Win 1 of 3 Double Tickets to Park Acoustics - 27th October 🎟 Park Acoustics@ and Pringles proudly invites SA Afrikaans Hip Hop sensation Biggy, the legendary Koos Kombuis, Pretoria all-stars Klopjag, PE sweethearts Die Melktert Kommissi… https://t.co/JW0qu49eqZ
vibescout: 🎟 Win 1 of 3 Double Tickets to Park Acoustics - 27th October 🎟 Park Acoustics@ and Pringles proudly invites SA Afrikaans Hip Hop sensation Biggy, the legendary Koos Kombuis, Pretoria all-stars Klopjag, PE sweethearts Die Melktert Kommissi… pic.twitter.com/JW0qu49eqZ
— Outdoor.Media.Travel (@wryoutdoormedia) October 16, 2019
from Twitter https://twitter.com/wryoutdoormedia October 15, 2019 at 11:04PM via IFTTT
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rausule · 2 years ago
Raid inval n. Latynse ww Raat man 1 In 844 nC het Normandiërs strooptogte op Spaanse kus begin: onset, verrassingsaanval, skielike aanranding, razzia, aanvang, roofsugtige inval, in-pad, inval, 2 Niemand beweeg - dit is 'n klopjag!: gemagtigde polisie-inbraak, rond- op. Slang borsbeeld. Vir raid surprise attack, sudden as- sault, razzia, onset, predatory incursion, in- road, foray,
Raid - 3 Vanaand stroop ons Calais! Daar is in die 1920's op baie spreekbeurte toegeslaan: aanval, aanranding, val af, val in, bestorm, kom skielik binne, doen 'n klopjag op, Slang borsbeeld, attack, as- sault, swoop down on, invade, storm, enter suddenly, make a raid on, Slang bust.
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runningwolf · 4 years ago
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Photo Album: Where BLUES Meets ROCK https://tinyurl.com/y9whgk7j
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runningwolf · 4 years ago
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Remember This? Photo Album: Where BLUES Meets ROCK https://rwrant.co.za/photo-album-where-blues-meets-rock/?feed_id=931 #AlbertFrost #Bronkhorstspruit #DieTuindwergies #Festivals #KarenZoid #Klopjag #MrCatandTheJackal #MrsB #PhotoAlbums #PietBotha #SouthAfrica #TheBlackCatBones #TheFakeLeatherBluesBand #VanCokeKartel #WhereBLUESMeetsROCK
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