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helloiamthatlilwitch · 2 years ago
Have some Kitty!Green lol
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Hope you like
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ask-og-kitty · 2 years ago
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callabang · 3 years ago
i won't ask for elaboration on the redacted stuff (even tho i want to 👀) but what in the name of kittyau happens at the friend's house omg
(👀 hehehehe)
well anon i had a DREAM that became FIC CHAT of joel making his first friend independent of raff's influence and getting to have a playdate at his house (he's not a rescue! just a cat! joel's friend!!) and then finding out that some caregivers are not as good as raff and it's very very scary
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fuckyeahexofics · 8 years ago
fic search #140
Looking for multiple fills if possible!
1. Hi admins. I know this is kind of a sensitive topic but do you know any fic that focus/shows the dangers and risks of dating/meeting someone you meet online? Like they appear to be some kind of person while online but in real life they're dangerous? Any pairing or website is fine. Thank you <3 And congrats to the new admin :D
Catfish (Kyungsoo/Jongin)
2. Hi admins I love you all, I just read Furry Little Problem and I'm obsessed with this kind of kittyAu, I went to the hybridau tag but those fics are not what I'm looking for. If you could please recommend me a full kitten Exo member I don't care who, or au or ship if theres any; I would be really happy. If you can't find any it's ok thank you beforehand.
How To Pet: A User’s Guide (Luhan/Chen) When a Cat's Unhappy (Xiumin/Sehun)
3. Hi! Do you have any new friends with benefits fic? I've read all the fwb fics in the fwb tag! Any pairings is okay and I hope you have fwb fics with a lot of angst. And do you have any new love/hate fic, I've also explore the tag and I need some thing new to read in the love/hate tag. Any pairing is fine and angst pleaseee the love/hate fic! Thanks so much I visit your blog everyday to read exo fic! :)
4. Do you know any Mama!au fics where their abilities are a result of lab/science experiment? preferably a baekyeol or kaisoo centered one? Thanks!
5. Hi! can you guys recommend polyamory fic where they're not attracted in sexual manner? just a bunch of sweet and confusing feelings throughout the story, and if there's sex in the end it's okay too. but I don't want them to be attracted /after/ having a threesome, meeting in a club or hooking up or something like that.
House Edge (Baekhyun/Kyungsoo/Jongdae) Domestic Habits (Xiumin/Chanyeol/Sehun) Let's Make A Night (just you, you, and I) (Baekhyun/Chen/Suho)
6. Hello! I would like to ask if you know any good story with Kitten!Kink/KittenPlay. (You know, that cute kind of things because when I look up petplay, it's mostly not really something cute.) I don't mind the pairing but I prefer ChanBaek. I also don't mind if it's a OneShot, Chaptered or On Going. :)
7. Has anyone seen any fics with almost,,, another universe where the character meets them self and befriends them
8. Hi so do u guys have any recs similar to bluff by twoglances? I’ve been through the mafia tag and the ot12 tag, and im not really looking for a mafia!au but idk something that has a well thought out plot with multiple characters. I guess I’m asking for something with a similar story structure rather than a specific genre or au or ship. Thanks!
9.  Is there any fics inspired by the recent kdramas these days (e.g. W: two worlds, Legend of the blue sea, weightlifting fairy kim bok joo, goblin, descendants of the son etc)? Would just like to ask thanks.
the calling (Baekhyun/Lay) (goblin inspired) Stay With Me (Chanyeol/Kai) (goblin inspired)
10. I’m looking for sekai fics in which sehun is the dominant one. Many of sekai fics has sehun as the submissive one…
11. I’ve recently began a hunt to find more fics that are gym aus or something of the like (athleticism based, basically) and was wondering if you could make a list of how many fics you know of. Like Workout The Kinks, Gym Thirst, or side by side by side. It’s extremely interesting to have a gym or fitness based outline to EXO fics. Any pairing is fine, and this would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you!
thank you @inourshineeworld @ananou59 and anons for your help!
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seh-ryuu · 11 years ago
luhan sehun hunhan kittyau fanfiction - Sehun has a pink cat called Luhan.
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helloiamthatlilwitch · 2 years ago
Is the kitty au still up?
(*or whaf kind of gox or cat au*) here is a fish OvO
Yup the KittyAU is still up :D
(I’m not sure what do you mean by ‘what kind of gox or cat au’ tho…)
Btw you will regret giving A fish…
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✨Chaos✨ (I love it <3)
Cho: …
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helloiamthatlilwitch · 2 years ago
KittyAU is baCk WHOO!!
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Ye thought I forgot bout dis?
Hell na
Im just thinking how long would one comic be about this AU
I need y’all to pick
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helloiamthatlilwitch · 2 years ago
Yesss my first AU >:DDD
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@raccoon-hybrid wanted a kitty dark so here ya go :>
Hope you like
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helloiamthatlilwitch · 2 years ago
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Will you agree? 🤔
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helloiamthatlilwitch · 2 years ago
Here’s some info on the KittyAU (part 1)
Chosen wakes up and suddenly finds out that his friends (?) [red, yellow, green, blue, second and dark] turned into kitties
Chosen then needs to find a cure to turn them all back
But it’s gonna be a little bit harder than he thinks…
Just kidding it’s gonna be CHAOS
Hehe >:3
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helloiamthatlilwitch · 2 years ago
Last update: 2 March 2025
Hey there!
Welcome to my smol, smol part in tumblr :)
Below is some infos about me!
Name? Lilwitch :D
Fandom I’m in? The AvA/AvM Fandom, Hollow Knight (yes I have the game), Undertale (and utmv too haha)
Art I draw? Fanart yippee. But let me tell you that I can’t draw much and I’m trying to further develop my art style and make it more flexible to draw fun characters
Art request? Open 24/7 and drawing your OCs is also available :) btw pls no NSFW I don’t have a license for that-
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Art drawn on Flipaclip👆
Asks? Also open 24/7
Apps I draw on? Mostly it’s Sketchbook but from time to time I use GoodNotes and Flipaclip to draw on as well. AND FREEFORM TOO
Will I update this post? Very likely
Sona? :D (the most updated one is not too far scrolled down)
Previous blog? @thatlilwitch (it is an old blog and I have no control over it anymore 😔)
Account for reblogs? (side account): @lilwitch-aint-f0und
Tags? Down here! 👇
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helloiamthatlilwitch · 2 years ago
Sleepy Second
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Hope you like :>
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kyungpom · 10 years ago
pairing: D.O/Xiumin (dom!soo)
author: Swotulu
length: 1.5k
warnings/kinks: kitty!minseok
“I…” Minseok starts only to trail off, embarrassment creeping back in as he tries to voice out what he needs. “I want…” “You can say it,” Kyungsoo urges him gently, nudging their noses together affectionately. “I’ll do anything you want.”
(read here)
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kyungpom · 10 years ago
my kitty
pairing: D.O/Kai (top!soo)
author: Swotulu
rating: NC-17
length: 1.8k
warnings/kinks: kitty!kai, rimming
Jongin’s tail is curled around Kyungsoo’s back, tight to pull him close as Jongin walks them back into their shared room.
(read here)
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kyungpom · 11 years ago
Hello~ can you recommand me kaisoo fics where there's cat!soo (or/and cat!kai)???
sure, here’s all the cat kaisoo i’ve ever posted:
the great heat (kitty!kai)
all i want (kitty!kai)
agenda (kitty!kai)
nothing ordinary (kitty!soo)
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kyungpom · 11 years ago
Nothing Ordinary
pairing: D.O/Kai (top!soo)
author: HotSummerLover
rating: NC-17
length: twoshot
warnings/kinks: kitty!soo
Jongin's sex life gets boring. Bringing in unlimited girls and boys in his place and fucks them senseless makes it boring. But then there's Baekhyun's "brilliant idea".
(read here)
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