#Kitty is a swan and they take faithfullness sersly
kurtty-drabbles · 6 years
Swan au (his family)
N/A: I did think about this part. Kitty meeting his family. And aside from building more Yana and Kurt fight, I also want to add more elements here. Basilisks is one of them as well as Kitty being more badass than Kurt.
@djinmer4  @dannybagpipesarecalling  @discordsworld
Talia is wearing her best dress. Her mother often taught the importance of looking your best, no matter the situation, your blood is royal and people will judge you for your appearance. Show your best even if inside you feel like crying. And this Talia´s golden rule.
This weekend, the princess lied to her family saying she will train some of the new members of the X-men, in reality, she is going to visit her father. Something her family(by mother´s side) takes issues with such meetings. Kurt was never the one to care in keeping good impressions.
Arriving in her father´s lair is always a feeling(not always a good one) as the house resembles uncanny valley and Talia still thinks lifeless dolls will attack her. What makes the scene less creepy is the addition of a pound.
The pound was created artificially as in the past Kurt never had a pound, much less one like this. What makes the pound even more breathtaking and relaxing is the lonely swan swinging peacefully.
Careful, Talia. Swans can still be pretty nasty if provoked. Even the prettiest ones.
She arrives at the margins of the pound and observes the swan. Such a beautiful creature. Talia noticed a light scar on swan´s neck. A small detail that didn´t break the perfection of the swan´s beauty.
The swan regards the blue girl. For some odd reason, Talia fixed her hair, tales about swans fly through her head and the fact her father has a swan now has to mean something.
Always be polite with a swan. They are smart and prideful creatures. Don´t like insolence. Pietro learns this in the hardest way.
"Hello, Swan, you´re beautiful" Talia speaks as the swan blinks and nods prompting the woman to continue "I came here to see my father, so, I don´t have bread to feed you, but, I could ask him about it" Talia has a sense that the swan seems surprised by the fact Talia is the daughter of the Necromancer. The swan gentle and gracefully leaves the pond.
"There are you, Talia" Kurt calls her attention to the right way making the blue woman forget about the swan on her left. Kurt has a curious expression.
"You have a daughter?!" a new voice gains Talia´s attention and her total surprise. The swan is changed into a pretty woman who looks confused at Talia and at Kurt.
"Uhm, yes, I suppose we ought to talk about this" Kurt explained somewhat shameful.
"So" Talia starts once the introductions are over and all explanations are given " you found an injury Kitty" she can´t say swan as this would be too strange, then again, maybe dating a magical swan is the normal thing Kurt ever date and that says  a lot about his dating past  "and helps her and now she´s helping you. And you were thinking of telling me that?"
"Yes, I was just looking for the right words " Kitty and Talia share the same look of incredulity and Kurt tries to amend the situation " I was careless and I should have told more about the other. Kitty, I did state having kids" the woman nods feeling still a bit confused and crestfallen. "and Talia I told I´m seeing someone. Grant, I could have handled this better but at least you´re knowing this from me"
"I suppose," Talia speaks. Never forget Kurt is an evil wizard. "So, Kitty are you liking to be a human?"
"Is not so different from my other life," she speaks freely and Talia is happy for that. Never forget her father is evil. "I learn something new each day, is an endless adventure and little one, he´s not controlling my mind" her tone is poisoned and refined until the last part where Kitty rests her face on her right hand and looks at Talia, before the other could deny such claims, "your face says all. That boy from Excalibur thought the same. And I´m aware of your father´s reputation and past, I know what he´s and I´m comfortable with that. He´s not controlling me and I don´t have an agenda. If you want to make sure I´m not an evil woman using your father. I have the truth collar. You can make questions if you want"
Talia shakes her head. This woman is not being controlled by him.
"I just want to make sure you understand...father is a great man, but, he´s evil time and time again" Talia explained kindly and Kitty nods.
"I´m still here. Talia is rude to talk about your father when he´s right here" Kurt reprimed mildly and Talia waves him off, after all, the man does that with Talia and Damian all the time.
"I know what he´s and he knows what I´m. There are no secrets among us...and now I know you"
"Damien will be pleased to meet you. The last " Talia can´t say girlfriend and Kitty have enough intelligence to understand and suggest the word, woman, " woman was not so nice, no, don´t look at me like that, father, she wasn´t and me and Damien warn you."
Talia and Kurt go back and forth until the blue woman returns to her point.
"You seem to be a nice person and anyone that can bring a bit of kindness into his dark soul is welcome. So, Kitty, good luck and thank you" Talia replied calmly.
"Oh, thank you. I don´t think I´m doing anything that worth the thank you from a princess, loving this evil asshole is not the hardest thing I´ve done ...is easier" Talia watches as Kurt feels moved (blushing purple in such innocuous way as his tail flip in a more fanatical state. Just like Talia.) "However, if you want to congratulate me, why not the time when I stop the Swan Lake to be infested with Basilisk?"
"What?" Talia asked and now Kurt laughs amused at his daughter reaction. The laughter is so similar to Talia.
"Or you could wait until I kill the fox." the last part Talia didn´t understand but judging by her determination this is not a joke and Swans love revenge(hey, like dad does!)
"Never mind, Talia, Kitty has hate for this Fox, but, you came here to visit me, how are things in the Genosha?" Now Talia´s face gets serious as the woman speaks carefully "Dad, mother would be furious if she knew I told you this but...using a loophole here...I can only say to be careful with Princess Illyana Rasputin. She´s far more powerful than you believe"
"Oh, I heard that name" Kitty pipes in "Doug speak highly of this Princess saying she is extremely powerful"
"Right, and I should be impressed?" Kurt asked albeit bored with this talk.
"Dad, she was taught by Belasco and many claims she is better than you. So, be careful"
"Belasco?!" Now, this gains Kurt´s attention. That lech does only take the best of the best. Is Illyana Rasputin so powerful?
Talia leaves Kurt and Kitty as she has to return home. Her cover-up can´t last long. Kurt is now musing about this Illyana Rasputin(Belasco would never teach a weakling) and only stop when Kitty is holding the teacup squeezing but not breaking.
"How many kids do you have?" Kitty asked in a disheartened tone.
"The truth? I´m very old, Katzchen and I have several children along the years" Kurt speaks carefully.
"I see, we swans...don´t do that. If I take you, it will be forever. Look, I´m smart enough to know you´re evil and you´re immortal. You´re far too good looking to be waiting for a magical swan to be human, even though a certain German Prince did just that" she jokes but carries on using the same tone of voice "I can accept you wanting to take the world, because quite frankly, humans do that all the time. Conquer, destroy and created kingdoms. You are not the only source of evil in the world."
"However, I´m not here to feel cheated on. As I said, when I take you is for life, I don´t want to find out you have kids with random women because you can and I don´t want to have kids with random men, can you really be faithful?"
"I´m not a good man, Katzchen, I conquer many kingdoms and did many bad things, however, if you fear that I´ll put a baby in any woman I see, rest assured, as much media love to paint me as a manwhore, when I take you, I don´t plan to share you with anyone else or waste time with anyone else. When I love, I love deeply" his gaze is intense.
"Ok, I need to think about it. Are more children of you coming to meet us?"
"I believe not" ________________
Princess Yana is a growing name that Proteus knows is far greater than his own. If he had plans to be the ruler for good, those plans died as soon Yana returns. The Princess is talking about the gem mines and Proteus is in trouble.
If Yana reveals the scheme all Proteus good working will be for nothing, so far, the Princess hasn´t done that.
Yana is not hiding she dislike the man. Proteus knows he´s outmatched and knows Genosha is supporting Yana, not him.
As for Yana, she believes information is vital. So, when Doug, once returning from his one month deal with the necromancer told her everything.
"Who is this woman? Kitty?" Yana asked and the other members have no clue. Amara and Sunspot using their influence try to fish information about her, nothing was found.
"Excalibur meet her?" Doug nods "Ok, I want to talk with Excalibur"
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