#Kirishima Sekito
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childemug · 11 months ago
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All Out!! Vol 7-Original Drama CD Episode 4
the final one!
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mamangasick · 2 years ago
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Shiori Amase
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yaguama-rugby · 4 years ago
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wa! this time I was late!! Excuse me, I was working late and didn't have time to go near the computer until about ... 20 minutes?maybe xD
Anyway, let's get to the important thing, THE DRAWINGS !! 
we start with Ryoin (tenjiku is not over) these are simple!! the Kirishima brothers !! obviously I had to think of only one animal since they are twin brothers, it would be strange if they were something different. Initially I thought about making squirrels but I felt that it did not fit with their personalities and less with Kokuto, finally I thought about monkeys! they are more versatile and they look good with both, right? I think!!
I hope you like them as much as I do! tomorrow ... uf, something's coming tomorrow that I think many of this team will like :D
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terriblesportsimagines · 4 years ago
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Ebumi Masaru
Oh boy… honestly, this relationship would be rocky as hell, since he’s exactly the same way lol
But that actually puts him in the perfect position to understand you, and since he probably knew what he was getting into before you got together, he handles it better than a lot of people would think.  
That doesn’t mean he doesn’t snap back at you or growl, cause he absolutely does.  He doesn’t take shit from anyone, not even you, but you both understand that it’s not serious and so neither hold grudges.
He gets embarrassed when you give him presents.  Like he doesn’t know what to do with them and doesn’t really think it’s necessary, since he’s bitchy with you a lot too.  Always blushes.
He draws out your apologies as much as he can, always maneuvering it so that he ends up getting some. That’s the only present he needs – the feel of you in his arms, his lips against your skin…
For that feeling, he’d put up with whatever.
Zanba Ryujin
Doesn’t even notice you are being moody most of the time.  As long as he’s with you, he’s happy.
The only time he gets upset is if you snap about not wanting desserts.  Then he feels hurt and pouts.  Sometimes he just leaves you and lets you work out your mood and other times he just pushes harder, feeding you his sweets until he gets you to smile.
Its usually after he leaves you that presents come into play.  Boy can hold a grudge and when he’s upset, everyone knows.  Not placated until you bring him some specialty pudding or something. Then he lights up and picks you and twirls you and everything’s forgotten.
Thinks your apologies are adorable, especially when he has no idea what you are talking about.
Demands cuddles.  Always.
 Kirishima Sekito
Not gonna lie, I think this kid would be crushed if you snap at him.  He’s pretty sensitive, and while he likes you, it hurts when you are bitchy for no reason.  
Does not understand your anger.
Always lets you make it up to him though.  Sweet kisses and little anime figurines are the key to his heart.
Letting him use your lap as a pillow is also a sure-fire way to get him to forget the tension and hurt.  He loves looking up at you, especially if you give him a smile
He is easily hurt though, so you’re probably going to have to work on your anger issues or you will lose him eventually.  He loves you, but there is only so much he can take.  Tries to get you to talk out your issues.  Makes you a deal that he’ll work on his if you work on yours.
 Kirishima Kokuto
He rarely reacts to your snipes. What he does do, however, is look at you, eyebrows raised until you realize what you are doing and look contrite.
The king of pulling you out of bad moods, mostly because he doesn’t put up with it.  He makes you realize what your doing when your are doing it and give you a chance to amend.
Doesn’t hold anything against you. He knows you, and understands you, he just thinks that you should be accountable for the things you say and do and that sooner is always better than later.
Always takes your gifts, even though he doesn’t see the need for them.  He knows you feel bad and doesn’t want to hurt your feelings by not accepting them.
He’s not a wordy guy, and doesn’t usually speak his feelings, but when you are really bad off, he will pull you into his arms and murmur his feelings
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jaqylantern · 5 years ago
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Day 19 was Kirishima Sekito from All Out!! I love this otaku so much.
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atomikrabbit · 6 years ago
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are you a goin for ryōin 
weeeeelll this took two years to find the motivation to finish, procrastination is that bitch
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kiramxchis · 6 years ago
Sekito: Don't fuck with me! I have the power of God and Anime on my side!
Kokuto: What are you doing?
Sekito: [ SCREAMS ]
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alloutimagines · 7 years ago
Married life with Zanba,Kokuto,Sekito,Ogi and Honkawa
Married life with Zanba involves a lot of cooking and baking to keep up with his appetite. Weekend waffles with whipped cream and strawberries for breakfast. Zanbas workplace has a rugby team which plays every second week. Most of the guys do it for fun and Zanba is the only one that takes it seriously and the main reason why they have won most games since he started playing with them. SO tries to watch him play but can only do it once a month due to it being in the middle of the working week
Kokuto: His brothers constantly come unannounced so the house is always clean for them and a lot of snack foods in stock. Kokuto is the jar opener and the one to reach something from the top shelf. SO is the one who fixes the modem and computer as Kokuto barely knows how to work Microsoft word and still uses internet explorer. The only thing he wants to watch on TV is a rugby game so SO lets him watch it which is still surprising for him after dealing with Sekito hogging the TV for years
Sekito: He uses the weekend to catch up on all of the anime episodes he recorded over the week so there is a bit of a binge watch. SO does the same so they both use Saturday to just chill and live on the couch. Both have to play Rock Paper Scissors to determine who does the washing as they both hate that job 
Ogi: Both him and SO go on jogs every morning to keep their fitness up. Ogi constantly send SO heaps of snapchats with filters everyday and he finds them cute. Particularly the flower crown one is his favourite. 
Honkawa: He is the go to guy to look after the kids as they all love him and he loves playing with them. Been banned from pools as he throws SOs nephews in the air and catches them, making the life guard have a heart attack. SO also forbade him from cooking as it was too disgusting for words but he is happy to get takeaway for SO when they don’t want to cook or go outside. 
Mod Tissue
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sagano-y · 7 years ago
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ryujin-zanba · 8 years ago
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sekito: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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kinbari14 · 8 years ago
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Why wasn't this included in the anime? 😭😭
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yaguama-rugby · 4 years ago
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31 days of ALL OUT! in tradicional
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terriblesportsimagines · 5 years ago
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Zanba Ryujin
Anything he says that upsets you is completely by accident. Mostly a consequence of him being kind of dumb and not really paying attention.
Does get emotional that you are upset.  Hates when you are mad at him.
Cue the apologizing.  Looks like a kicked puppy.  Also, he’s a really physical being so he’s going to want to apologize physically too.  Does not understand why you don’t want him to touch you.
His go to method of placation is to bring you sweets.   Lots and lots of sweets.  Presents them like offerings too.  It’s adorable.
Don’t punish him too long.  He doesn’t really get it, but he’s trying, bless him
 Kirishima Sekito
Big drama, especially if it was because of an opinion of his.  He’s not really capable of not creating drama out of things.
He’s kind of stubborn so at first, he might not be willing to admit it was his fault you were upset.  His teammates probably hear about it and beat him into submission.
Eventually realizes that he said something to hurt you, and then he feels sick with guilt
Queue over the top apologies and gifts meant to spoil you. He never really wanted to upset you and it makes him feel awful that he did.
Will beg and grovel until you forgive him.
 Kirishima Kokuto
Immediately realizes that he’s said something to upset you. Doesn’t matter if it something specific, or his opinion or whatever.
Apologizes instantly.  If it’s an opinion he has a right to have, he will apologize for upsetting you, but remind you that he’s entitled to think the way he does.
Is soft and gentle with you, but gives you the space you need.  If you want physical reassurance, he provides it.  If you want to be left alone, he provides that too.
Let’s you dictate the pace of your make up.
 Ebumi Masaru
This one can’t even admit that he said anything that upset you.  At first, probably tells you to stop being so sensitive.
Given that he’s a tsun, even as he saying this, he feels guilty.  Knows it’s his fault, knows he’s put his foot in his mouth, but doesn’t know how to change it.
He’s pretty bad with feelings, since he can be kind of insensitive.  This comes from his awkwardness and his need to protect himself.
Eventually comes back to you, thrusts flowers at you with a blush and a scowl and mumbles his apology.
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story-kat · 8 years ago
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Art by  秋名
Posted with Permission
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jojolightningfingers · 8 years ago
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alloutimagines · 8 years ago
What kind of date would Suwa, Miyuki, and Sekito take their girlfriend/boyfriend??? (I get the bisexual feels from Miyuki. I love him) Please and thank you!!!
Suwa would keep it simple and maybe go to an arcade and have a nice dinner at a local restaurant (maybe Ramen) afterwards. Nothing too fancy but also trying to show that his personality isn’t like his looks. If the shops are open late, he might use it as a chance to get new rugby gear and get his SO’s opinion on it as well.
Sekito would at first try to take them shopping and such in an effort to look cool and not so much as an Otaku. It of course fails once he sees a cardboard cut out of RiRin advertising the limited edition release of the newest manga volume. It was exciting ok! The date would end up being at a cafe where they talk about their favourite shows/manga. They try to do an exciting date once every 3 months and go to a place like an aquarium or amusement park
Miyuki I more see not really caring what gender his SO. As long as they are a great fit it doesn’t matter what gender they are! A few dates are spent at Rugby games  but going out to eat food is a very common date for the pair. They are also very active so once a week they work out together. Sitting in Miyuki’s room listening to music is also a common date as they prefer being in just each others company sometimes.
Sorry for the wait!
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