#Kings Choice
eosphoria · 8 months
Wdym Kyle, that's just venti on steroids 😭
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kingschoice-coria · 3 months
If anyone plays Kings Choice and wants to talk about it or be friends, let me know interacting with this post <3
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Cyril (King's Choice)
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[Image Description: Cyril, a young white man with brown hair, sits in a wooden chair. He is wearing a white silk shirt with a red vest over top. A tan blanket is over his lap. In one hand, he is holding a paintbrush. His other hand is petting a gray cat in his lap. Text across the screen reads: Cyril. End ID.]
Cyril is paralyzed.
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Maybe it's an over-analyzation of a simple mobile game but the king in 'king's choice' despite being in love with the enemy's daughter he married someone else for revenge and that didn't stop him from being the sweetest husband to his new partner/consorts unlike the ads where he's a jerk with anger issues.
He give a chance for love again for anyone whose enter his life with this intention, being sweet to them, give them gifts, going on a dates with them, would risk his life for them if necessary and will have children with them to strengthen his relationships as a king yet train his children to be the best and they dream to be like him and loved him regardless.
He can keep saying, "I'm only doing this for revenge", and I would say, "yeah, keep lying to yourself lol".
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secretthegriffin · 2 months
Does anyone happen to play a kings choice 🤓🤓
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tavernlords · 1 year
Like Old Times, Your Majesty (A King's Choice Kerwin x Neu!Reader Oneshot) || Angst/Comfort
"Your Majesty... What are you doing...? It's pitch black out here."
"Kerwin-!" In the darkness, all you can see is a silhouette of a tall man with a dim candle in the distance. It's hard to make out, but you know it's him. You could never mistake that velvety voice.
As he walks up, he plops down beside you on the grass with a soft grunt and sighs. He takes in the fresh midnight air and the gentle breeze. You stare at him as he rearranges himself into a comfy position and snuffs out his candle before putting it on the grass. While he is outstretched and enjoying the night, you are tiny with legs tucked and face squished to your knees. You wonder how he does it. How he seems to become one with the world as he lays. You wish you could do that.
He takes a deep breath. "So, what's on your mind? You don't usually stay out this late." You turn away from him, a heavy guilt in your chest for forgetting to change your demeanor. You don't want him to see you like this. You have to stay strong for him. After all, with the death of his father, he must be going through a lot. You can't burden him with the weight of the ever-growing boulder on your back. He must be sick of it as it is. "Nothing... just uhm..." But the crack in your throat gives you away. You pretend it didn't happen. "Talbot..." He knows you're lying he knows you're lying he knows you're lying. "He dropped a vase."
"Oh, yea. I heard that. It got me up, too..." He pauses for a second. "Did that startle you?" You nod, tears in your eyes threatening to let loose. He puts a hand on your back in an attempt to console you. It works a little too well, and you feel yourself sob a little without your consent; his presence is like a warm hearth to you right now. Just him being there with you makes you feel a little more protected. You hate being alone. You're afraid someone might attack you if you are. It's a heavy burden to bare, but you'd never admit that.
The thin veneer of stoicism blows away in the wind, and you hear your sobs get louder and louder. You hug your knees firmly, planting your face into the crevice between your thighs, and let go. You know if you looked at him right now, you'd instantly crumble. But it seems that you aren't doing a very good job at keeping yourself from doing so. It's simply all too much.
He quickly pushes toward you to hold you in his arms. As time goes forward and your sobbing turns into frantic gasps of air, he hugs you tighter. There was always something different about Kerwin hugs. They were like the coziness of your blanket when you first wake up every morning, the fuzzy feeling of a beer after 5 longs years of fighting a relentless war, or the laughs you had as a kid when you had no idea the world was so cruel. They made you feel innocent and light. Like you were just a commoner with no kingdom to rule and only a home to take care of.
After a good, long moment, when you can finally feel yourself breathe again, you let go and apologize. You tell him you really don't mean to burden him and that it's okay if he thinks you're a weak ruler now. You didn't mean to make him feel sorry for you. He just hugs you again. But then he light pushes you away from him, and grabs your shoulders.
"Y/N. You're not a ruler to me. You're so much more than that!" He looks down, empathy heavy in his heart. "I know it's hard for you... but you don't have to put up that act around me. We've known each other for, what, 10, 15 years now? I'll always be here for you. I never plan on leaving." Then he gently gazes into your eyes, worry coating his face like fresh waves darkening light sand. You feel your heart racing, and your eyes well up again. He takes notice, discreetly looking down and then peering up again, this time with a kinder and lighter expression. Softening his grip, he traces his hands down your arms to hold your hands. You know his skin is scarred and calloused from countless battles, but they feel soft to you. He makes sure you feel that softness.
You manage a faint smile in response and a tiny grief-stricken chuckle. He smiles a little more at this, happy to make you happy at least for a second. You stay like this for a nice minute. The air clears with time.
"It isn't just Talbot, is it?" You look away again. "No..." You murmur.
"Do you want to talk about it?" His voice is low and unintrusive.
You pause, breathe in, and try your hardest not to cry again.
"Its just... I'm scared." You look up at him, lips quivering. "I'm scared I'm going to..." Your body chokes on a sob, and you try to recuperate, "lose everyone. I'm scared that, in the end, it's just gonna be me in my giant castle with my guards and servants and I'll just..." Sniffling, you squeeze a tear down your cheek "...Be alone. I'm afraid I'll be walking with you down the path to a nearby kingdom and you'll just- you get stabbed or shot or anything! I couldn't-"
Kerwin clenches your hands, and fold his fingers into yours. Letting your heart settle before continuing, you utter "I couldn't live with myself if I ever let that happen, knowing it could. I don't think... I could ever live without you by my side. Or Greg. Or Talbot. Or Lance. Or-" You curl into him as you can no longer help yourself from bawling. To know he's here and alive gives you so much comfort. You never want this to end. You never want to stop feeling his unbuttoned nightgown against the side of your face or his hands cupping your back. You wish he was immortal. If somehow, by your power as a lord, you could make him invincible. But you can't.
Planting his face in your hair, Kerwin whispers something to you. "Hey... do you remember..." He's holding you entirely in his arms and supporting you with his chest. Almost like he's shrouding you in light or draping a sheet over you. "That time we were outside the city walls, in that great big field near Agatha's wheat farm?" "Hm?"
"I was 11. You were 12. The world was so big and all we wanted to do was to explore it. But then, I got lost in those huge stocks of wheat. You were calling out my name, wondering where I was. I laughed and laughed and laughed while you tried to find me." You giggle at the memory. "...Then you heard this growling from out of nowhere! You panicked and started running trying to find me while I was still laughing. And suddenly - I got bit by something hard! When you finally found me, I was wailing like a baby."
He laughs a little, a burning in his heart with fondness of the past.
"You took me back to your castle, and Allie fixed me right up! I was good as new, but you were still worried. You made me pinky promise you that wherever I go, you had to be with me no matter what."
You smile, now a little tired from all the energy you spent crying. You feel safe in his embrace. "I remember it like yesterday." You let out a tiny chuckle. You can never forget the face he made as you picked him up and forced him onto a piggyback ride. You wish it was summer as kids again. The golden spray of light that peeked behind sheaves of yellow grass. The beautiful pink glow of Kerwin's hair under the sun. The story calmed you down. Your breathing is at steady pace again.
"Well, I never forgot it... Y/N, I trust that whatever comes you'll always have my back. At the same time, I'll always have yours. Things will happen as they happen, and we can never truly prepare for the future. I'm constantly afraid I'm going to lose you. But i wake up the next morning, and you're still there. You're alive and breathing, and still that strong and beautiful lord I've always known." You snuggle in closer to his chest and feel his heartbeat. It's unusually fast, but you take comfort in it. You moan lightly, at ease, sleepy and secure. His heartbeat rises.
He pauses for a long time, and you feel his body get warmer. It's serene and cozy. Just as you're about to fall asleep, he says "Uh... Actually... Y/N... I've been meaning to tell you something for...." He laughs to take off his own tension "about millennia now..." You moan again sleepily, as a confirmation for him to go on with what he wants to tell you. "Do you think... You'd want to stay like this? I mean- Ah, what I'm trying to say is- I think I might..." He takes a breath. "Want to be with you. For ever. Or as long as possible, if that's okay?"
That wakes you up, and you gasp, bumping the top of your head on his chin and nose as you launch up in surprise. He yelps. As you feel adrenaline rush through your veins, your cup your mouth in shock for what you'd done. Kerwin covers his nose and winches in pain. "Oh, my god, Kerwin! I'm so sorry!" He laughs and smiles, "Haha, no! It's fine, really. Augh..."
With tears in his eyes, he looks up at you through strawberry hair, hovering his hands above slightly bloody nostrils. You grab his face and squish it into yours, absorbing all his pain and tasting the metal from his nosebleed. It definitely it's not the most sanctimonious kiss in the world, but goddamn it, it's yours. It's finally yours. In between gasps for air, you chuckle in relief. Finally.
Kerwin sobs for a brief second between kisses and stops, holding you forehead to forehead. Droplets hit your legs, and when you open your eyes you see him crying. "Kerwin-"
"I'm-" He takes a breath "I'm okay, Your Majesty, I just-" He sniffles "I've been waiting so long for this..." He lets out a relieved giggle.
You kiss him again.
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King’s Choice - more like bisexual dilemma (you can change their gender)
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personal-ly · 5 months
King's choice is really getting rid of all my doubts about whether I'm actually bisexual or not. I wish the artists would get everything they've ever wanted and more.
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avoyagetoarcturus · 2 years
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Dickinson’s Sue and Emily at the opera inspired by this hilarious Kings Choice ad for @femslashfeb day 19: play 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩😂
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meowxfs · 10 hours
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Why is he so angy
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anleioz · 11 days
Doomed (A King's Choice Greg x Kerwin Drabble)
(actually more like kerwin having an unrequited love for greg)
“Loyalty and honesty are two of the most important principles in life.”
Kerwin heard from Greg, a sentence that felt almost like his own. Those words always had characterized the loyal and most versatile knight of the monarch of Niveal. Kerwin knew it, and Kerwin was also… very proud of it.
Seeing a knight as devoted and trustworthy as Greg was something that would fill anyone's chest with a contentment feeling. Or at least that was what the Prince thought.
Nevertheless, the young monarch also felt his chest heavy and clenched with those exact words.
And looking at the brunette through the crowd, so full of pride and seriousness yet with a kind smile and glance- the kind of looking that would make everyone sure that, if needed, he would be the person there to fix whatever could be wrong, the redhead felt a pang of disappointment.
When Greg met him with his gaze, Kerwin held the look into his eyes without hesitation, and that was the very moment when the poor Prince felt his heart squeezed by the pain.
Those gentle eyes suddenly turned into a hateful stare and his warm trusty expression became stern and dark.
Kerwin was raised with principles, not by his father but by his beloved mum who may rest in peace. He knew everything a Prince should know and more, he had been proving his worth and deserve of trust.
He was an honest man, more honest than his father, and more honest than every of those enemies he had been helping the new Monarch of Niveal to confront.
Not only that, but he did that not because he wanted someone in reward, but he did want his dear friend, the descendant of the King that his father had been betrayed and murdered, to be safe and victorious. He wasn't looking forward to anything, but still...
Kerwin felt that, even so, he was waiting for some recognition from Greg.
Not at first, but currently.
The redhead felt insulted every time the confident knight questioned his actions and loyalty with the Kingdom of Niveal, and Kerwin was well aware about the fact that being the son of the Usurper of the Throne it would be hard to be considered trustworthy.
But his friend, the current Monarch of Niveal, accepted him and his loyalty faster than what he thought. And then after so many battles and uncountable risks they overcame together, Kerwin had sworn eternal loyalty to Niveal’s Kingdom and its Monarch.
And even when everyone trusted him from that point on, sooner or later, he still couldn't reach Greg.
Kerwin sighed when nobody watched him, allowing himself to feel that storm in his mind.
“May I deserve him,” he murmured to himself.
It was such a stupid question, he thought, and he was sure it wasn't actually a big deal. But he also felt like he was being twisted between unfair hands.
But his whole life was unfair. Life itself. So what was he whining and complaining about? He wasn't a kid anymore.
“Let's go to the banquet hall,” Talbot said, escorting Niveal's governor side by side with Greg.
Kerwin met his eyes with Greg's one more time when they were about to leave, quietly staring into each other's gaze.
“Greg?” Talbot looked at his comrade with a questioning expression.
The mentioned one, though, didn't stop looking at the heir of Aves.
“What are you two doing?”
“Nothing,” both of them answered simultaneously, and then the monarch chuckled softly.
“Well, then…” Kerwin and Greg felt that cautious look wander over them for a few seconds, “Kerwin, Greg, let's go to the banquet hall before Lance reminds us to do so.”
“Yes, Your Highness.”
No matter how hard Kerwin tried, it was clear Greg would never genuinely trust him. And deep inside he knew the knight had his reasons.
However, that didn't mean he was alright with the fact. Being always compared and recalled by him was so frustrating, he wasn't his father… he was his own person, right?
Kerwin wasn't doomed to the same path as his father.
But Kerwin was doomed to fail in his love life the minute he fell in love with the person who hated him the most.
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lemony-emma · 2 years
current sneaky evil behaviour is playing kings choice
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kingschoice-coria · 2 days
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More King's Choice memes I made yesterday 💕
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caocao-caokie-blog · 1 year
Unrobing scenes in King’s Choice (As of now!) Pt:1 Pt:2 Pt:3
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rynkyus · 4 months
guy who is really playing kings choice for the story
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So everyone is in love with Lance and Kerwin too? Good to know I’m not unique in anyway. They are lovely.
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