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charenel · 3 months
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Forever, Michael 🤍
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seriouseffects · 1 month
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Happy birthday, angel. Sending you all my love. Always. 🤍
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lodilove · 6 months
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He is so pretty!! 😩
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forever-michael · 6 months
When you need a pick-me-up, listen to Michael’s message.
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mybreakofdawn · 3 months
Loved since the beginning
You and Michael have been friends for as long as you remember, from childhood to adulthood, with ups and downs. But will you guys eventually confess to each other that you love one another?
This begins at the beginning of thriller in the making. I'll try to go through every era, haha, but be patient with me.
Chapter 1
The beginning of what will be
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[<3rd pov>]
It is somewhere in 1981, and Y/n was on set watching her childhood best friend filming his music video. She moved her head on the rhythm and smiled as she saw him dance and sing to his own music.
“Cut! Amazing, you guys can take five, “ the director instructed. Y/n stood up, brushing her skirt of a bit when she suddenly got picked up and spun around, making her scream.
“Michael! Put me down!!” She held onto Michael for dear life while he chuckled and softly put Y/n on her feet again.
“I can’t help it, im so happy you are here Y/n it means a lot to me.” He smiled at her, brushing some hair from her face, making her blush a little.
“How can i not support my best friend Mikey?” she giggled. “You also do the same for me. Hell, you just come with me to everywhere i go, on tour, to the studio. My point is, i do it with love.” Y/n said poking his cheeks, making him blush slightly.
“Wel, i do it with as much love as you do, girl~” he grinned and looked into her (e/c) eyes. “You know.. we should make a song together, we haven’t done that before, and we know each other like forever already, “ Michael said, suddenly making Y/n giggle.
“Sure, Mikey, but i should warn you.. i am not perfectly talented like you. “ Y/n pointed at Michael. Michael looked at her with his soft brown eyes.
“Y/n, you are perfect in every way. Dont think so little of yourself, girl~” he sang while twirling her around, stopping her close to him. He tilted her head upwards, looking into her eyes. “You really are Y/n.” he smiled, taking in all her facial features. Y/n blushing by his sudden words, has a loss for words.
“Michael-“ she tried to say his name but got cut off by the director. “Alright, guys! Let’s continue!” Michael looked at me and smiled.
“Well, it looks like i need to let you go, girl~” he sang and gave her a hug and before letting go, giving a kiss on her cheek before spinning around and ran to his spot again. Y/n was speechless and blushed, remembering his lips on her cheek. She slowly sat down and smiled to herself. The music began blasting again from the speakers as she saw Michael go into his role again. She moved her body slightly on the beat of the song being played and looked at Michael, who was dancing. He was so majestic with his moves that he was almost hypnotic, without knowing Y/n bite her lip while she kept staring at Michael, who also noticed her looking at him seeing a slight blush creeping onto her face. Michael smirked slightly and spinned around, full of excitement, a bit too excited as he lost balance. “Woops hehe sorry” he said with a chuckle, smiling innocently and slight embarrassment that took over him, but that soon went away when he heard Y/n laughing her ass off behind the scenes.
“Let’s do that one more time, and Michael, don’t lose your balance.” The producer said, Michael nodded apologetic and dusted himself off before standing on the mark again.
The rest of the filming went smoothly with a few laughs. Eventually, Michael was done, and Y/n decided to wait for Michael in his dressing room. She walked into his dressing room and looked around.
“So messy~, even after all these years.” She chuckled to herself and walked further into the room, looking at every jacket and every photo that was hanging in this room. Suddenly, she lay her eyes onto a photo of her and Michael together when they were younger. She smiled and walked to the picture, grabbing it and looking at it with admiration. In the picture, they were in front of the Hayvenhurst house, their arms around each other’s neck and smiling from ear to ear. She smiled at the memory. “We were young and innocent then.” She said, not noticing that Michael entered the room and was standing behind her.
“That is a very good lyric girl~ Let me write that down before I forget.” He chuckled and grabbed his notebook and wrote the lyric down. Y/n blushed by his sudden appearance and immediately placed the picture down, not turning to him yet. She heard him mouthing the words while he wrote it down. “There, now I won’t forget that.” He looked at it and smiled before placing his notebook back onto the table and wrapping his arms around Y/n, hugging her from the back. Y/n, stil blushing, tried to get herself calm.
“You smell like hard work and dancing sweat.” She chuckled and slowly turned around and hugged him back, taking in his perfect mixed scent of his sweat and perfume. This scent was really something out of this world. After a few minutes, Michael broke the hug and smiled.
“Should we get out of here? It reminds me of work.” He chuckled while still holding each of her arms and looking into her eyes. Y/n blushed ever so slightly and nodded, looking at the clock in his dressing room, for the time.
“Well it is night?” She said while looking back at Michael. “So let’s get dinner.” She moved his arms away and grabbed her bag, searching for her car keys and fishing them out. “It is my treat~. Now come on.” She winked his way, making Michael blush a bit while releasing a chuckle from his lips.
“Wel, I can’t say no to that.” He grabbed his jacket and his bag while walking to the door, opening it. “My lady~” he bowed slightly, reaching his hand out to Y/n. Y/n giggles and gently took his hand, walking through the door.
“Such a gentleman you are~” she giggled, dragging him out of the room. Eventually, walking through the doors of the building, they went outside. Y/n grabbed her car keys and walked to her car, a Black Raven coloured Ford Mustang convertible from the year 65. “There is my baby~” she said while tapping the hood softly before unlocking her car. Michael chuckled at her.
“You really love your car, don’t you, Y/n?” Michael said, walking to the other side, opening his door. Y/n gasped fakely and held her hand in front of her chest to make it more dramatic.
“Yes! I worked my ass off for this beauty~.” She laughed and opened her door, went in, and turned the car on. “Let me bless your ears, Mikey.” She put on the handbrake and set her foot on the gas, making it roar like a beast. Michael smiled, seeing her so enthusiastic and went into the car, closing the door. Y/n looked at him and smiled. “Now that, dear Michael, is the sound a car should make,” she beamed and closed her door also. She turned her head to the front and checked all her mirrors.
“Wel, in my opinion, it just makes a lot of noise~” he teased while putting on his seat belt. Y/n also put her seat belt on and softly chuckled at him.
“Oh shut it, I know you love it.” She said and turned on her radio. Instantly, her cassette player began to play her Destiny cassette from The Jacksons with the song ‘Things I do for you’. Michael immediately turned his head to Y/n and smirked.
“So you do listen!!” He yelled and playfully punched her arm, in disablief but secretly he knew, but she would never tell.
“Hey! I never said I didn’t?!” She laughed and drove off, keeping her eyes on the road but also grooving a little. Michael saw this, and his eyes began to sparkle, Y/n looked at him for a second and smirked, beginning to sing his lines from the song.
“People all over the world~.”
“Are the same everywhere I go ah.”
“I give in this ah,”
“I give in to that ah.”
“Every day, it bothers me so~”
Michael looks at her, his eyes as wide as can be. He never knew she loved one of his own made songs, especially knowing the lyrics to his own song word by word. Michael blushed and smiled his wonderful and gentle smile.
"Am i in a bad situation?”
“People taking me to the extreme ah,”
“Am I being used da”
“I just need a clue, ah,
“I don’t know which way to go~”
Michael loved the way she groved, moved while singing, and still kept focus on the road ahead of her. He found that extremely hot and couldn’t look away from her. It made him feel good in a way.
“So I took my problems to a doctor.”
“So he could check me out,”
Michael jumped in with his voice, what was actually his brothers deep voice.
“He don’t know,”
Y/n laughed and kept on singing.
“Took it to a palm reader,”
“So she could read my hand~”
“She don’t know,”
The two of them started laughing while Michael began to cough on the second time.
“I can’t hit that low.” He laughed and held his stomach. After that, the rest of the car ride was just them enjoying the album further. After the song ended, Y/n turned the volume a bit softer and took a right turn. Michael turned his head to her again.
“I never have thought you would listen to us,” he said while looking at her with interest.
“Well~ you guys make such good fucking music, I just have to listen to it~” she giggled. “And you are singing it of course” she smirked while saying that, slightly looking over to Michael, seeing him blush. She parked in a parking space and turned the engine off. “We are hereeee~~~” she looked at Michael with the brightest smile. Michael, of course curious of where they are, looked out off the window and instantly his eyes widen but so is his smile.
“Kentucky!!” He yelled as a child of how excited he was. “That is my favorite!” He beamed with a big smile.
“Well, let’s go, Mikey.” She stepped out from her car, grabbed her bag in the process, and closed the door behind her. Michael, following Y/n, jumped out of the car and jumped up and down from excitement. Y/n walked to Michael’s side, closing his door, and smiled.
“Come on~ let’s go~~ “ he grabbed one of her hands. “Pleaseeee~~” he whined while looking into her eyes with his big brown ones. Y/n smiled even more.
“We are going~ Come on, then.” With one hand, she locked her car, and with the other, she held Michael’s hand tightly but not too tight. She knew how Mikey could react she found it.. cute.
“You are taking too long~ Come on~” Michael said while basically dragging Y/n to the KFC, making her laugh a little. As they walked into the KFC, no one noticed yet that they walked in. Michael kept holding Y/n’s hand because he is a very shy guy. They walked to the counter, and Y/n ordered for the. Also, she knew what he absolutely loved. After some time waiting, they could hear whispers around them. She felt Michael’s hand begin to tighten around hers.
“Hey Mikey, it’s okay, do not worry” she smiled at him, and he just nodded.
“113!” their order was ready, and Y/n, with Michael still holding her hand, grabbed the bags and thanked the person. They turned around and walked out of the place.
“Don’t worry about it Mikey, you can eat your chicken in the car I know you must be starving after shooting” she said heartwarming and walked to her car, unlocking it when they were there and opened the door for Michael. “After you~” she giggled and guided Mikey to his seat.
“Thank you, Y/n~” he smiled back at her and sat down, closing his door. Y/n walked to her side and opened the door, giving the bags to Michael. He took them and sat down in her seat, closing her door and also behind her. “Thank you truly, Y/n.. really” he said again after putting on his seat belt. She smiled and did the same.
“Michael, it really is no big deal, I’m to be honest already used to all that.” She started her car and drove off from the KFC.
“I hope I get used to it soon, you know how my mind can be sometimes..” he looked down into the bag with the chicken buckets sadly. Y/n softly grabbed his hand, Michael looked at her with sad eyes.
“Michael it may be rough right now, and I know how your mind can be because my mind works the same. It will get better, eventually it wil, and you know I wil be there at every step you take, I wil be there to guide you through out all the bullshit and fuckery there wil be at every of that step.” She slightly looked at him with a smile. “I will protect you.” She fully looked at him, as they were at a red light. Michael felt speechless, his mouth slightly opened, and he felt something strange in his stomach. Y/n looked away again, seeing the light turned green and took a left. It was quiet on the rest of the ride, but eventually, Michael searched for his words.
“I am truly thankful to have you as my best friend Y/n.. and i will try my hardest to do the same for you.” He blushed slightly, thinking of his future with Y/n on his side. Y/n giggled and softly ruffled his hair.
“That is what I am for Mikey.” She giggled once more while stopping the car, looking over her shoulders and the mirrors before parking her car on her porch in reverse. “Now let’s go inside and eat~.” Michael nodded in response at Y/n, and they got out of the car, Y/n grabbing her bag and Mikey's bag out of the car and locking it before going inside her house.
That’s it for chap oneeee hope you guys loved itttt!! It took a while to make sadly but the first challenge is done!!!!
Let me know what you guys think for now heheheh.
Love you guys
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mjsloveslave · 4 months
This Blog Loves and Supports Michael Jackson...
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honeyydoodle · 3 months
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MJ August 29 1958-June 25 2009
Flower pictured: Gladiolus, lilies, poppies (flowers for the month of August), sunflowers (MJ's favorite flower), and peonies & roses (flowers for the month of June)
Outfit is from the 2002 Bambi Awards is Germany :')
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irispjackson · 3 months
“Querido Michael, já se passaram quinze anos desde a sua partida. Você faz tanta presença na minha vida que as vezes até esqueço que você não está mais aqui. Eu sinto a sua falta todos os dias, e sei que sempre sentirei.
Todos nós que te amamos verdadeiramente, oramos para que você esteva em paz, da maneira que sempre desejou… é assim que o vejo no céu, sorrindo e sendo a criança que tanto quis ser na vida. Te amo, Michael.”
— Íris P. Jackson, sua eterna admiradora.
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mj-loves-to-tour · 1 year
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charenel · 5 months
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I guess I'll always be a dreamer ✨
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seriouseffects · 7 months
Some new pictures of photographer Lester Cohen from the rehearsal for MTV's 10th Anniversary special in 1991.
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lodilove · 6 months
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I really love him....
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junkeboxjunkie · 6 months
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still in love with him and everything related to him after almost 3 years ☺️😭
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mybreakofdawn · 5 months
✨️Dirty Diana✨️
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Paring: Michael Jackson x reader
About: Michaels concert in Wembley stadium changes a bit because of Princess Diana, and he needs you to play Dirty Diana with him because you are the only one who knows it by heart.
Request: Yes / No @heyitstial
Authors note: i dont know who reguested again because my app crashed, but here it is. I hope you guys like it!
(Y/f/n) is Your Full Name
(Y/b/s) is your birthstone
*(Y/N's pov)*
It was the 6th of July 1988, London England. The big concert day was when Princess Diana and Prince Charles were attending, and it was already chaotic. Behind the stage, everyone was running to make everything perfect, what i can understand, but damn people were stressed. So i had a brilliant idea, i grabbed my acoustic guitar and began to play liberian girl while also singing softly with it.
After a few seconds, i saw them all calm down and smile at me they always appreciated me when i came with them on tour. I ended the song with a smile, and i heard clapping. I stood up and bowed.
"Thank you, thank you," i chuckled as the people started to get everything ready again, but now more calm. I lay my guitar in my bag as i heard someone scream my name.
"(Y/N)!! WHERE IS (Y/N)!!!" i turned around and saw Michael sprinting my way. "There you are!" He grabbed my shoulders tightly.
"Hey Mikey, what is it? You sound distressed, " i asked worried, he just gave a worried smile back at me. Oh no, this isn't good.
"Baby, i need you to do a favour for me, please!" He said seriously as i looked at him, waiting for him to continue. "Princess Diana, she is in the audience tonight, and her favourite song is Dirty Diana. i know Jennifer doesn't know it, and i know you know it by heart, please, please!!" He kept holding onto me with his eyes begging me. I smirked and crossed my arms.
"What's in it for me, my dear Michael?" i said while smirking even bigger. Michael looked at me with big eyes and got an idea and smirked also softly cupping my cheek, lowered his face next to mine.
"My love, i will make you feel out of this world after the concert..eventho it depends on how you play your part, of course," he whispered into my ear, making me have goosebumps I love his seductive voice. it's so different from his usual voice. He stood straight again, looking into my eyes. I smiled and played with one of his curls.
"Alright, I'll do it for you, my love," i said as he smiled happily and picked me up, turning me around.
"I can't live my life without you~" he said while stop turning me around and putting me down.
"I love you too, Mikey." i chuckled and gave him a kiss on those soft lips of his.
"Alright, uhm, i have an outfit for you. I need you to put that on, alright?" he grabbed my hand and dragged me to his dressing room. Finally, in his room, i saw this leather outfit, and i think this was the outfit he was talking about. "Tadaaaa, this is it~~" he smiled like a kid, so proud of what he had just shown me.
"Wow Mikey its amazing." i looked at it in awe damn this suit is amazing.
"Mike, whe have 30 minutes till the show begins!!" We heard yelling from the door.
"Yes, thank you!!" He screamed back and turned back at me. "Now, let's get you into this outfit~" i chuckled and rolled my eyes.
(Time skip)
"Alright, sweetie," Michael double looked at me and smiled, his curls luscious and his outfit on point with his jacket i love this outfit. "I need to get up on stage my love after Smooth Criminal you wil get picked up and just do what feels right alright" he hugged me and wanted to walk away but i grabbed hem by his collar and kissed him on his lips.
"Dont forget the good luck kiss Mikey go get them." i saw him smile after the kiss with a hint of blush and nodded. Michael disappeared into the curtain, and you could hear the people scream as the concert began. After 40 minutes of watching him dance and sing his soul out, it was time for me to go onto the stage. I walked through the backstage area. My thoughts were running everywhere, but as soon as i was on stage, my mind went calm. I got helped with plugging my guitar in, and they also told me what i could do with my cable range, i nodded and smiled. Jennifer, Michaels head guitarist, gave me thumbs up. I can do this. Michael stepped out of the tent, and as soon as the lights went on, i began playing. It felt so unreal but also so good. I looked into the crowd and smiled, thinking Michael really was something else. The solo was close, so i began to move closer to the stage where Michael was. Now it was my time to shine, the spotlight shining on me, and i gave it everything i got. Michael smiled and moved his fingers, knowing he liked it and wanted more, so i gave it to him, standing really close to him. The solo was about to end, and i took my distance a bit. He fell to the ground as i stopt my solo and the spotlight was on him. I walked behind him, seeing his hair was stuck on his forhead because of his sweat, and i reached out to unstuck it and walked back to my place and began playing normally again. After a few seconds, i saw Mikey looking at me and signed me to come back again, i walked back to him, and i took a deep breath and improvised a solo. The crowd was going wild as he started walking to the left side of the stage and of course i would follow him giving it more power making him bite his bottom lip and wave his hand in front of my guitar. I turned around and "shoot" with my guitar and ran up to where the other guys of the band were standing, still going on with my solo, Michael followed and i smirked and ran away again to the middle of the stage shredding the solo, i was feeling it. I looked at Michael with a smirk and saw him running towards me and then passing me to the right side of the stage. Fucking dick i thought and followed him giving even more then he would ever know from me. He looked at me with big eyes and a big smile. I smirked again and ran to the other side of the stage and going on the little platform on the front shredding the solo some more, i did notice Michael following me and standing behind me and singing his heart out. Standing there felt so fucking amazing i didnt care that all eyes were on me i wanted to make this song perfect what Mikey wanted. I knew the song came to an end when Michael went to the center of the stage, what was also kinda sad but i can understand. Everyone was involved of the end of the song the drums the keyboards and even me. I ran a bit on stage to both sides and dramatically pull om my string to get that perfect effect and as soon as i saw Michael turning i knew what i had to do, eventually Michael jumped and i jumped with him ending the song strong. But i knew Michael he moved his hand and we shredded with all of us still a few notes and stopt again really ending the song as the lights went out. Michael gave me a quick hug and walked to the tent again, sadly is my signal to go backstage again so he could finish the concert. As i stepped off from the stage the people cheered even more as i heard thriller being played. I smiled and sat on the couch. I was full of the adrenaline it was soooo cool and awesome.
"I can not believe i did that!" I squealed excited and watched the screen of Michael performing. I kept watching it mostly and ate some snacks till the concert ended. I saw him leaving the stage with the band still playing Man in the mirror. I suddenly saw him running towards me and grabbing my hands, dragging me back on stage. "Mike wha-" before i knew it, i was walking on stage with him, the crowd going wild again. He grabbed his microphone and brought it to his mouth.
"And i almost forgot my talented girlfriend (Y/F/N)," he said through the mic, and i widened my eyes, not noticing the crowd screaming even wilder than before. Michael was a bit nervous but smiled and showed me off by dancing with me to Man in the mirror and ending it with a soft kiss on my lips. The people screamed, loud even louder than before when we shared a kiss, making me blush a bit. He turned away from the kiss. "Dear fans and our royal quests, tonight i wanted to do something very special" he began and grabbed my hand tightly looking at me, still a bit nervous i really dont have an idea what he is going to do. Suddenly, he grabbed a box out of his pocket and went on one knee. I widen my eyes, not looking away at the sight in front of me. "My dear (y/n) you have been there for me since my younger days and so on went with me almost everywhere. I can not see myself without you in the future so~" he said into the microphone and opened the box, showing a very beautiful (y/b/s) ring. I couldn't believe it. "(Y/f/n) The lady in my life will you marry me?" He said almost out of breath because he was so nervous and i.. i felt extremely happy. I looked at the ring and then to him, the love of my life, i even forgot the crowd, that was going berserk, was still there. I smiled the biggest smile i could ever give and nodded.
"Yes!" I screamed a bit too enthusiastic and jumped onto Michael, hugging him. I felt his heartbeat fasten and hug me back. I broke the hug and let him put the ring on my finger. He smiled and looked at me, holding my hands both tightly. Eventually, our trance was broken by the crowd, who were, omg really going nuts at this point. Michael stood up and scratched the back of his neck. I just stood next to him, holding the mic when i suddenly got an idea. "How about one more song?" I asked into the microphone, the growd going nuts again meaning a yes. "Mikey? heartbreak hotel?" I said to Mikey, and he nodded and grabbed the microphone. "Yes hehe lets do it, but you'll need to do the guitar." he chuckled into the microphone, and i already stood ready. Michael gave the sign, and we began with a heartbreak hotel, my favourite song. Michael gave me a mic stand and a mic so i could sing with him. The bassist came forward, and Michael stood in front of him dancing and moving his arm on the beat. He walked away and walked to me for the guitar screaming whoohoo as he was with me.
(From now you will sing together)
"Live and sin~" i sang and saw Michael looking at me with a smile, singing the next line with me.
"Ten years ago on this day, my heart was yearning~" we sang in harmony as he danced next to me. "I promised i would never ever be returning~, where my baby broke my heart and left me yearning~" he turned and walked the other way, continuing to sing with me in harmony. We continued singing til the chorus came on me singing just a heartbreak hotel and Michael running to the left side of the stage.
"London, thank you!" he waved and bowed a bit, then came back singing again while dancing to the centre of the stage next to me.
"Hope is dead~" he danced around me and my guitar, enjoying me being on stage. "She thought that i had cheated for another lover." he walked a bit to the right side. "I turn my back to see that i am undercover." You could see he was extremely happy he couldn't stop dancing, making me sing his next line alone. "Now i can't convince this girl there ain't no other~" He walked back to me. "Someone's evil to hurt my soul~ every smile trail thought in Beguile." i already knew what he would do and sang it with the sounds of his hip dance. We sang further, going back to the chorus again. Michael ran to the right side, bowing again.
"Thank you, London!" And blew a kiss to the crowd before singing again together with me. I walked to the fire canon not too close and waited till my moment wil come. I have dreamed about this moment. Let me show Mikey how much i love this song. Mikey started the canon, making me appear and beginning the solo. He bites his lip a bit and enjoyed the moment of his soon to be wife, me heheh, playing one of her favourite solos. He danced in front of me, moving his hand on the beat i made.
The official solo of the song ends soon, but i am not done yet. When Mikey sang his adlibs i kept going on with the solo standing next to him losing myself into the solo that sounded amazing in Michaels ears, he was a bit taken a back by it as what i could see from his reaction. Eventually, the song did come to an end, and we stopped with me hitting the highest note i could make.
"London! Thank you so much!! I love you!!" Michael screamed into the microphone and grabbed my hand. "You were amazing!! My love," he said full of excitement as he guided me to the back of the stage, unplugging me from the speaker, towards backstage.
"I dont know what overcame me. i was living the moment, but omg!!!" I squeeled again and looked at the ring around my finger, becoming speechless.
"Darling, what's wrong?" He asked, worried, looking at my face. "Is it not the right birthstone? I can buy a new one -" he began to rant before i stopped him.
"No, my love i.. i can't believe you asked me on stage with almost the world watching." I said softly, still in unbelieve.
"(Y/n) i want to whole world to know that i have the most amazing and lovable woman in the entire universe, i love you (Y/n)" he grabbed my hands and kissing them softly. I blushed at what he said.
"I love you too, my husband~" i giggled and guided him to his dressing room, pushing him inside. "Now fiancé~~" i looked at Michael, who was a bit confused but excited. "Now for my reward," i said with a smirk and a wink. I saw Michael Gulp when i walked to the door and locked it. "Dont say you forgot." i giggled and turned back around, looking at him. He was a blushing mess, but i could see he was excited. "Wel, let's get started, shall we~?" i said before walking to him. All i need to say is i made Michael feel out of this world heheh.
-the end-
>Authors note<
Well, i hope you guys love it hehehe it took a while, but here it isss hehehe. Tell me what you guys think i haven't written for a long time. I did enjoy writing this a lot, and i hope to do more in the future!!!
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