#Kingdom Of The Moon || Ira
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seething-river · 2 months ago
4 Star Book Reads for 2024
As promised, here are the 4 star books I read in 2024.
Will I be doing 3 star or below?
Why? Because people don’t see three star ratings as still good, still enjoyable except that’s what it means. It was a perfectly enjoyable read in the moment, but its edges blend with something else I read or it’s not something I’ll necessarily carry with me into the future.
And why won’t I do 1 or 2 star reads?
Because I’m mean.
When I start realizing I don’t like I book I read, my editor brain kicks in before common sense does. Common sense would tell me to stop reading because life’s too short to waste on bad literature. Instead, my brain tries to fix it and I edit those books like I edit my own.
Anyways, 4 star books didn’t necessarily make me feel a strong emotion like 5 star books did but nonetheless were great fun and I recommend them generally as fun, though they may have spelling errors, plot holes, or other issues.
CW for you minors: I read smut so some of these books are 18+ and I don’t always remember which are which so…ask your parents, I guess.
Ruthless Vows - Rebecca Ross
Kingdom of Villains - Ella Fields (18+)
A King So Cold - Ella Fields (18+)
Lord of Embers - CN Crawford (18+)
These Hollow Vows - Lexi Ryan
Garden of Serpents - CN Crawford (18+)
These Twisted Bonds - Lexi Ryan
Frost - CN Crawford (18+)
Ambrosia - CN Crawford (18+)
Nettle and Bone - T Kingfisher
The Seventh Bride - T Kingfisher
Fallen - CN Crawford (18+)
All Systems Red - Martha Wells
Artificial Condition - Martha Wells
The Plot Whisperer - Martha Alderson (non-fiction)
The Clockwork Boys - T Kingfisher
Swordheart - T Kingfisher
Heat of the Everflame* - Penn Cole
Ensnared - Tiffany Roberts (18+)
Spellmaker - Charlie Holmberg (honestly adorable)
Daughter of the Moon Goddess - Sue Lynn Tan (alllllllllmost 5 stars)
Lord of Gold and Glory - Lisette Marshall
Ruins of Sea and Souls - Lisette Marshall
Queens of Mist and Madness - Lisette Marshall
Heart of the Sun Warrior - Sue Lynn Tan (again, almost 5 stars)
Mist and Shadow - Jenna Wolfheart
What Moves the Dead - T Kingfisher
A Gathering of Shadows - VE Schwab
What Feasts at Night - T Kingfisher
The Foxglove King - Hannah Witten
The Hemlock Queen - Hannah Witten
Viscous - VE Schwab
Paladin’s Hope - T Kingfisher
Paladin’s Faith - T Kingfisher
A Soul to Keep - Opal Reyne (18+)
This Savage Song - VE Schwab
A Soul to Guide - Opal Reyne (18+)
A Soul to Steal - Opal Reyne (18+)
Luxuria - Collette Rhodes (18+)
Gula - Collette Rhodes (18+)
Avarita - Collette Rhodes (18+)
Invidia - Collette Rhodes (18+)
Run Riot - Collette Rhodes (18+)
Silver Bullet - Collette Rhodes (18+)
Dare Not - Collette Rhodes (18+)
Our Dark Duet - VE Schwab
Storm of Paine - Opal Reyne (18+)
Under Darkened Skies - HE Bauman
The Clockwork Prince - Cassandra Clare
The Clockwork Princess - Cassandra Clare
Reign and Ruin - JD Evans (18+? - I honestly don’t remember but probably)
Storm and Shield - JD Evens (18+?)
Phantasma - Kaylie Smith (18+)
Ink - Alice Broadway
A Door in the Dark - Scott Reignten
A Whisper in the Walls - Scott Reignten
Juniper Unraveling - Keri Lake (18+)
The Enchanter’s Blood - JA Stowe (18+)
City of Brass - SA Chakraborty
Ira - Collette Rhodes (18+)
The Book that Broke the World - Mark Lawrence
The Kingdom of Copper - SA Chakraborty
American Rule - Jared Yates Sexton (non-fiction)
Pawn of the Cruel Princess - Rebecca F Kenney (18+)
Jailer to the Death God - Rebecca F Kenney (18+)
Theif of Silver and Souls - Eva Chase (18+)
Game of Death and Desire - Eva Chase (18+)
The Light Fantastic - Terry Pratchett
Acedia - Collette Rhodes (18+)
The Ten Percent Solution - Ken Rand (non-fiction)
Slayer of the Pirate Lord - Rebecca F Kenney (18+) *The final book of the series was supposed to be published in May and never was, the series is currently unfinished and each book ends on a cliffhanger
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swordofsuns · 9 months ago
dnd shenaneganery act 2
So I forgot to mention this. but during the whole first arc. when we were down in the big illusion spell. We got an invitation to the Fae Court. it was in a month. dont ask why we got invited. Its a whole thing
but anyway. So after the whole lost kingdom fiasco the entire caravan (or what little is left of it) heads back to a nearby town, and set it up as a home base. We did manage to get a decent amount of treasure, but we need most of the money from that to go to the families of those who died on the expedition. The new leader of the caravan, a ranger who was kinda important in the last arc but never enough to be relevant, basicaly apoints herself to take charge of things and honestly nobody chalenges her because they dont want the responsibility. max is in the hospital for a few weeks, but before that we have some random annecdotes that occured over the time.
Kraka meets a weird turtle guy with a sheild with a pattern of a two headed snake that scares her for some reason. also Oh my god I forgot to mention Kraka has an angel of the Gravetender named mother moss who is a giant mossy statue of a weeping angel who works as her sorta mentor. she is kinda cryptic but when asked she tells kraka that the Gravetender was not the first to tend to the dead, and that he took the responsibility from someone who had missused its power. so who knows what that means.
Ira recieves an invitation to tea with the Witch of the Woods on any new moon of her choosing.
Red goes out hunting to relieve her frustration, but because of reasons ends up sharing a fire with a Barrow-Wyrm (not related to a wyrm at all but its just a moose sized centipede dragon thing) they end up having a chat, but its really tense because both sides know that the other is planning on killing them the moment they get the chance, with the only reason they dont being that the Barrow-Wyrm invoked hospitality rights. The BW insults Reds faith in the Huntsman a lot, and says that she "needs to remember her place on the food chain" before giving her a pile of its molted scales as well as coughing up a heart locket from a innocent person it had just finnished digesting as a gift.
Braxton has a run in with some mercenaries sent by the flesh prince to apprehend him, which ends with a man being mind controled to repeat over and over again "come home Braxton" as his skin (which was covered in tatoos of the same sentance) falls of of his body.
Braxton also convinces Red to give him the Bear Kings Cloak that she got from that magic portal last arc.
When Max wakes up he and Red have a chat where they go over what happened last arc and he promises not to try and use the evil cursed rings to turn benny human. Also I forgot to mention but we found out that Benny was some kind of powerful Lost.
After all that we get hired by the ranger in charge of the whole place to try and deliver some of the artifacts and etchings we found in the kingdom to a nearby lord in order to make the money needed to pay off what we owe to the families of those who died.
well this is getting long so ima end it here.
Holy shit I thought My campaign was hectic
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atomic-taco-muffin · 2 years ago
The Legend of Hana Chapter 141
Warnings: You guessed it! More angst. 
Rating: SFW
A/N: Sorry I haven’t posted a new one in a while. I’ve been putting it off for so long but now I’m back with a new one. Hope you enjoy!
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In the forests of Daybreak Town, Ava ran through it, hoping to find Ira or the others to stop the war when all of a sudden, she felt a sharp pain run through her and a liquid went down her legs. She knew there was only one reason for this. She was in labor. 
“Please not now…” she whimpered as she placed a hand against a tree to stabilize herself. She tried to push on but the contractions she felt made it impossible to even move. She had no choice but to sit on the forest floor and begin to push. She yelled out in pain and prayed that someone she knew and who wasn’t the Master would find her. Thankfully, her prayers were answered. She heard footsteps approach and looked over to see Ira walk over. 
“Ava!” he exclaimed and rushed over to her. 
“The twins are coming…” she groaned and clutched her tummy. “I don’t know what to do.” 
Since no one else was around, and Daybreak Town was too far away, Ira had no choice but to help Ava deliver her babies on the forest floor. Ava yelled and groaned in pain as the contractions hit her. When it came time to push, Ava felt a surge of energy run through her. She screamed in pain and a solar eclipse had covered the entire world and Ava’s robes were changed and her fox mask destroyed. She now wore a gown that ombre from red to purple and then to blue. Resting on her head a cloth with the same color only starting with blue instead of red. Holding the dress up was a chain neckline that connected in the middle of her collarbone in the shape of a sun. This was her true form. For she was the Spirit of the Sun. By the time her transformation was complete, one of the twins had been born. A baby girl who’s hair was as bright as Ava’s. Who’s eyes were crystal blue. 
“Hana…” Ava panted. After a moment of rest, it was time to deliver the next baby. Ava began to push which made the solar eclipse shift again, removing itself in front of the heart shaped moon that was Kingdom Hearts. By the time the sun was removed from the moon, the second baby had been born. Another baby girl, born with raven black hair and gray eyes. 
“Lily…” Ava said. Ira had helped clean the twins off and made sure that Ava was doing okay before helping her stand up and healing her the best he could. Soon the other foretellers arrived to see Ava holding her twin girls and in her true form. 
“Ava you’re…” Aced gasped. 
“Now’s not the time. We have to find a way to keep my daughters away from the Master,” Ava replied. The others nodded and began discussing a plan. It seemed the only way for Lily and Hana to be safe was to send them in the future and to different worlds. Ava didn’t want to but she knew there was no other way. After finding baskets for the twins, Ava opened up a portal and found homes for her girls. And the rest is history. 
At the Castle That Never Was, Luna gathered the Organization to help her and the girls prepare a makeshift sensory deprivation tank in hopes to find Hana, Lily, and Sora. It took a long time to find the right amount of salt to fit in the pool, but once everything was ready, Luna then told them what to do.
“Alright, in order to get to this world, we need to clear our minds and only think of where Hana, Lily, and Sora are. Once we’re there, we’ll have to stay close and be ready for whatever comes at us,” she said. The others nodded and they got into the pool and did exactly as Luna said. 
“Please be okay, girls,” Luna said to herself before losing consciousness. 
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wyrmfedgrave · 4 months ago
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Pics: A quick look at cowpokes¹, their iconic equipment, a cartoon, where a version of the Old West² can still be seen & a possible future - on Titan³?!!
Title: "On the Cowboys of the West."
Intro: Has a short lead in that reads, "In Whom is Embodied the Nature Worshipping Spirit of Classical Antiquity⁴."
Dedication to: Ira A. Cole⁵.
Far from the throng⁶, upon the western plain,
Earth's wondrous childhood comes to life again.
A god-like race in primal glory roam;
Who claim no spot but Nature for their home.
Unspoiled by art⁷ or philosophic lore⁸,
They read in rocks or hear in river's roar⁹
The unchanging¹⁰ tales that charmed the Grecian ear,
And trace the Gods in heaven's nocturnal sphere¹¹.
In their wild song, that over the prairie rings,
The soul of Orpheus¹² or Orion¹³ sings;
In their quick strife, of careless passion bred,
We spy the shades of Greek & Trojan dead¹⁴.
From every cliff, to their poetic eyes,
Some tokens of divinity arise;
That which to us the musty volumes give,
They study¹⁵ not; but know & feel & live!
1. "Cowboy", cowpoke, cowhand, cow- herd, cowpuncher, waddy, drover, buckaroo, etc are all hired hands who tend to cattle, usually from horseback.
Cowboys poked cattle, during a drive, to get them going in the right direct- ion.
At the end of a drive, Cowpokes used a long stick to prod cattle up into rail- cars.
The word comes from "to poke along" or "moving slowly."
Cattle handlers arose as an American version of Mexican vaqueros, whose name has the same meaning as cowboy.
Today, cowgirls handle the same jobs & are respected for their work.
2. The "Old West" is now better known as the Wild West.
This name was always dependent on there being a frontier for Americans to expand into.
It officially lasted only 30 years - from the end of the Civil War (1865) til 1895.
In 1890, the Census Bureau declared the end of the American Frontier - all land in the U.S. had been claimed...
3. "Titan" is the largest moon orbiting the planet Saturn.
It's the only moon with a nitrogen atmosphere thicker than Earth's & is larger than the planet Mercury!!
Titan also has liquids on its surface but, made up of hydrocarbons & ammonia - not Earth water!
It is still the most Earth-like object in the solar system.
Titan's name comes from a "primal race of Greek gods."
Titan means "dirt, clay" & "gypsum."
This might refer to shamans covered in white clay or gypsum dust for their rituals...
4. "Classical Antiquity" was the inter- related age or era of the Greek & Roman civilizations.
This was a period between the 700s BC til the 400s AD - or 1,100 years of ancient history!
But, it can be expanded back to 3,500 BC - to the 1st kingdom of Egypt!!
Of course, it describes different time spans in different countries.
For example, the Golden Age of India is from 320 AD til 650 AD - a mere 330 years.
Classical Antiquity was 1st used by Renaissance writers to distinguish between Antiquity, the Middle Ages & the more 'modern' times that they were living in...
5. Ira Ansel Cole, from Colorado, wrote a Lost Race novel titled "Ibe of Atlan" (1947), where an advanced civilization is found in 1800s Colorado.
He corresponded with Lovecraft & others in a round-robin group known as "The Kleicomolo."
Cole's poetry is collected in his 1968 book "Atlantis."
6. A "Throng" is a "large, dense group" or "a packed crowd of people or animals."
It can also mean "to move" or "go on somewhere."
Throng is shortened from the Old English gethrang, a "crowd" or a "loud confused cry from a crowd!"
This is from the Proto-Germanic word thrangwaz, "pressing" or "narrow."
It originates from the very ancient Proto-Indo-European root word trenkw-, "to beat, pound" or "to push together."
7. The Cowboy Arts & Gear Museum, in Elko, Nevada would disagree with Howard.
From detailed saddles to paintings & sculptures, all are part of the cow- pokes' artistic heritage.
The museum's programs & workshops immerse visitors into the artistic forms & expressions of the cowboy lifestyle.
8. The Cowboy Way or Code has sprung up to answer what kind of philosophy these herders must have out in the West.
For one Peter French, cowboys all represent a different path to gain the moral values dominating our culture.
Cowboys risk their lives & confront death on a daily basis.
Because or this, cowboys' virtues are slightly different than those needed in a technological & 'civilized' society.
In actuality, there was a big conflict going on between the cattle ranchers (who needed vast open lands) & settlers (looking to build homes & raise crops).
Both groups stole land from the so- called American Indians, usually in massacres & forced removal from their lands.
A true philosophy of the West is the critical assessment of how social development began with cattle ranchers & ended up in civilized lands.
The lawlessness of the Wild West became another 'triumph' for law & order?
Those 30 years saw the growth of a way of life that's close to nature.
And it flowered into stoic work values.
'Evil', however, is never far behind...
Gunslingers & cowboys were hired hands against both: outlaws & settlers.
In all levels of cowboy life, pulp myths have given cowherds a knightly code of honor that triumphs over the dusty & dangerous reality of working with cattle.
These myths have now been mostly passed on to sci-fi, superhero & action heroes.
9. I guess this sentence reveals just how macho & tough 'real' cowboys are supposed to be...
Reminds me of tall tales from the backwoods: Pecos Bill, Davy Crockett, Paul Bunyan, etc.
And, Yosemite Sam...
10. Relatively few things are ever truly "unchanging."
Rocks crumble, weather changes, etc.
There's just some things that happen so slowly that we can rarely see its true changes.
This has led some philosophers to think that even 'inert' things have a kind of 'destiny'...
Rocks must fall, seeds must grow & clouds must rain on our self important parades.
11. The "Nocturnal Sphere" is the night sky - full of zodiac signs named for our ancient gods & animals...
12. "Orpheus's" nymph wife Eurydice dies due to a viper's bite - shortly after their marriage.
Unable to live with the loss, he travels down into the Underworld to bring her back!
Hades, god of the dead, releases Eurydice - because of Orpheus's mastery in playing music!!
But, he's warned against looking back at her - while he's leading her back to the world of the living.
Of course - Orpheus does look.
Either, he didn't trust or have faith in Hades's word - & so, he lost her again.
Orpheus also guess starred in another Greek myth: Jason & the Argonauts.
13. Orion was a great hunter in Greek myth & had the power to walk on water!
He always boasted about how many animals he had killed.
Now, although Orion was connected to various women, he started hanging around Artemis, the goddess of hunting.
Her brother, sun god Apollo told Zeus, King of the Gods.
And, Zeus vanished Orion to the night sky.
There, along with his 2 hunting dogs (Canis Major & Canis Minor), they chase the animal constellations - but, without ever catching them...
14. This is a rather plain reference to the Trojan War.
But, HPL only speaks of ghosts & fallen bodies - not of the 'cursed' survivors...
15. Yes, cow folk do live a rough but, fulfilling life.
But, Lovecraft is wrong again.
You don't just jump atop of a wild stallion & expect to 'break' it in the 1st time.
No, cowboys - like everybody else - usually have old timers who teach the younger lads a few things or two.
It's just a job that we're not familiar with.
But, even cowpokes study.
Trying to stay atop of their work & practicing with new tech or tackling old skills, it all means the same thing.
More learning - right now!!
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brookstonalmanac · 8 months ago
Events 7.21 (after 1950)
1951 – Canadian Pacific Air Lines Flight 3505 disappears while flying from Vancouver to Tokyo. The aircraft and its 37 occupants are never found. 1952 – The 7.3 Mw  Kern County earthquake strikes Southern California with a maximum Mercalli intensity of XI (Extreme), killing 12 and injuring hundreds. 1954 – First Indochina War: The Geneva Conference partitions Vietnam into North Vietnam and South Vietnam. 1959 – NS Savannah, the first nuclear-powered cargo-passenger ship, is launched as a showcase for Dwight D. Eisenhower's "Atoms for Peace" initiative. 1959 – Elijah Jerry "Pumpsie" Green becomes the first African-American to play for the Boston Red Sox, the last team to integrate. He came in as a pinch runner for Vic Wertz and stayed in as shortstop in a 2–1 loss to the Chicago White Sox. 1960 – Sirimavo Bandaranaike is elected Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, becoming the world's first female head of government 1961 – Mercury program: Mercury-Redstone 4 Mission: Gus Grissom piloting Liberty Bell 7 becomes the second American to go into space (in a suborbital mission). 1961 – Alaska Airlines Flight 779 crashes near Shemya Air Force Base in Shemya, Alaska killing six. 1964 – A series of racial riots break out in Singapore. In the next six weeks, 23 die with 454 others injured. 1969 – Apollo program: At 02:56 UTC, astronaut Neil Armstrong becomes the first person to walk on the Moon, followed 19 minutes later by Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin. 1970 – After 11 years of construction, the Aswan High Dam in Egypt is completed. 1972 – The Troubles: Bloody Friday: The Provisional IRA detonate 22 bombs in central Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom in the space of 80 minutes, killing nine and injuring 130. 1973 – In Lillehammer, Norway, Mossad agents kill a waiter whom they mistakenly thought was involved in the 1972 Munich Olympics Massacre. 1976 – Christopher Ewart-Biggs, the British ambassador to the Republic of Ireland, is assassinated by the Provisional IRA. 1977 – The start of the four-day-long Libyan–Egyptian War. 1979 – Jay Silverheels, a Mohawk actor, becomes the first Native American to have a star commemorated in the Hollywood Walk of Fame. 1983 – The world's lowest temperature in an inhabited location is recorded at Vostok Station, Antarctica at −89.2 °C (−128.6 °F). 1990 – Taiwan's military police forces mainland Chinese illegal immigrants into sealed holds of a fishing boat Min Ping Yu No. 5540 for repatriation to Fujian, causing 25 people to die from suffocation. 1995 – Third Taiwan Strait Crisis: The People's Liberation Army begins firing missiles into the waters north of Taiwan. 2001 – At the conclusion of a fireworks display on Okura Beach in Akashi, Hyōgo, Japan, 11 people are killed and more than 120 are injured when a pedestrian footbridge connecting the beach to JR Asagiri Station becomes overcrowded and people leaving the event fall down in a domino effect. 2005 – Four attempted bomb attacks by Islamist extremists disrupt part of London's public transport system. 2008 – Ram Baran Yadav is declared the first President of Nepal. 2010 – President Barack Obama signs the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. 2011 – NASA's Space Shuttle program ends with the landing of Space Shuttle Atlantis on mission STS-135 at NASA's Kennedy Space Center. 2012 – Erden Eruç completes the first solo human-powered circumnavigation of the world. 2019 – Yuen Long attack or "721 incident" in Hong Kong. Triad members indiscriminately beat civilians returning from protests while police failed to take action. 2023 – The Barbenheimer phenomenon begins as two major motion pictures, Greta Gerwig's fantasy comedy Barbie and Christopher Nolan's epic biographical thriller Oppenheimer, are released in theaters on the same day and audiences, instead of creating a rivalry between the extremely dissimilar films, instead attend and praise both as an informal, surreal double feature.
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icecoldwilliams · 2 years ago
Any headcanons about Nina's mother?
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|| ooooh, sit down and buckle in babe. | ✲・*:・゚✲・゚:*  ˚ₓ
Probably an absolute fashion icon like her daughters.
I feel like she and Richard met either in a fighting tournament of some sort, or during one of Richard's missions. With Richard working for the IRA, and Helena confirmed to be a Aikido prodigy from the United Kingdom, I could maybe.. 70% see it being a Richard going after a prominent English official Helena was hired to protect deal. 70% bc if so then I ask how did these two hellions came from a cute trope like that... wtf happened..
Somehow whenever I try to imagine her, some sort of business entrepreneur comes to mind. If she is still alive somewhere, I imagine her spending her golden years as a benefactor for various martial arts schools, dojos and other organizations under one of her pseudonyms. Likely not the Zaibatsu or G-Corp, but maybe Yggdrasil? What she got of the Williams fortune in the divorce isn't going to spend itself 💶✨
Someone please explain to me why my brain immediately associates her with the color blue... Like Nina's signature color is purple, Anna's is red, for some reason my brain automatically jumps to blue whenever I think of what Helena's could be?
TW: Drinking Lets just say Helena spent a lot of Anna and Nina's childhood with a glass of chardonnay in her hand to cope with the stress associated with Richards work (i.e who knows how high of a number of people trying to kill them, apprehend them, kidnap the kids, etc.) and the after effects of being a martial arts prodigy. Hence how Nina didn't pick up on too many parenting tips from her growing up, how Helena overlooked Richard's treatment of the two for years, and possibly Anna's love of wine. 😔
She definitely wasn't the worst mother out there either though. She protected the two and I feel like there were times where she comforted them whenever necessary. Honestly she's probably the reason Anna's resentment towards Nina didn't boil over until after they moved out. While Richards way of keeping things in order was harsh, Helena's was a tad more understanding. Even when she didn't always get things right.
She probably didn't have a close relationship w her own parents growing up. Considering she grew up in the 50's-60's I wouldn't be surprised if there was a situation where she ran away from home to pursue her martial arts career. Which could in part explain the seemingly lack of extended family to intervene in just....the Williams family situation as a whole (Though it also could absolutely be Richard purposefully secluded them due to his career.)
And bc it's me, hi, I'm the problem it's me. First instinct says strong Gemini vibes. Second says Leo vibes be there too. If I had to guesss... Gemini - Aquarius decan sun, (meaning her birthday would be somewhere between June 11th - June 20th) and Leo moon like Anna.
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theyxlived · 2 years ago
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insp. | temp.
While you sleep, dream of me I'll be keeping our memories Living in my heart and soul Waiting for the day When we will be together again
Carry me to my love O'er the sea to the clouds above Where I know he's waiting for me Carry me to my love O'er the sea to the clouds above
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recusant-s-sigil · 2 years ago
Literal roleswap AU for the foretellers:
Gula-> Luxu
Luxu -> Ava
Ava -> Invi
Invi -> Aced
Aced and Ira -> Joint leaders
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ofxuniverses-blog · 7 years ago
Headcanon - Ira
NAME: Ira (Ah-ree) Markov ALIAS(ES): Flux (hacker handle),  Смолс -pronounced Smols- Russian form of ‘smalls’ (pet name her brother calls her due to her size). GENDER: Female AGE: Precise age unknown. Born before 1860, appears somewhere between 26-30 DATE OF BIRTH:   Unknown DATE OF DEATH: n/a PLACE OF BIRTH: Unknown assumed Russia HOMETOWN: Unknown but lives in Moscow, Russia SPOKEN LANGUAGES: Russian, French, German, English (rusty at it), Ancient Fae. ROMANTIC PREFERENCE: Pansexual SEXUAL PREFERENCE: Humanoid OCCUPATION: Hotel/Club Owner and hacker
A VIRGIN: no A CUDDLER: yes A KISSER: yes SCARED EASILY: No JEALOUS EASILY: yes TRUSTWORTHY: yes DOMINANT: no SUBMISSIVE: yes (in the bedroom anyway) IN LOVE: (verse/thread dependent) SINGLE: (verse/thread dependent)
SIBLING(S): Ari Markov PARENTS: unknown CHILDREN: no PETS: no
Species: Fae Race: Light SubRace: Gemini**    **Gemini - A rare type of fae that share a dependent co-existence. One does not fair well if at all without the other.
Characteristics (without glamour): • Wings : Twice the width of her arm span, that are normally kept hidden on the astral plane. Silver in their hue, and blinding to humans when fully shown. • Skeletal Structure : Sharp and defined, as though cut right out of a slab of marble. • Skin : perpetually glowing in a soft moon like haze. • Eyes : Naturally cool and bright (often described how a midnight full moon might appear) • Body Temperature : Cooler than a humans, somewhere around 92-93 degrees Fahrenheit ( 33.3-33.8 degrees Celsius) Characteristics (with glamour):
Please see face claim tag.
About: • Ira is the negative charge to her brother’s positive one. While not completely pessimistic she is more realistic than is necessary at times. While she is not as intimidating as her sibling in the physical aspect she is not to be toyed with. She may be small but she has a temper three times her size. Like any fae she is very possessive over what is hers, and will not hesitate to defend her right to it. And like her brother is aware of her physical attractiveness but less inclined to use it to her advantage than he is. • Ira can be very selfish but when it comes to her sibling she is anything but. She will do whatever is necessary for him. Even if that means denying herself wants and needs. Her entire life revolves around Ari, Sonus, hacking and her very small circle of friends.
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swordofsuns · 9 months ago
dnd arc 3 here we go baby
so before I begin telling you about all this I need to mention that throughout this whole arc there is this side plot about a group of lords who teamed up with a xenophobic knight order to try and strongarm the local towns into joining them in a new kingdom and wiping the nearby goblin of the map. our party basicaly has to stop all of their schemes whenever they do something but its basicaly a completely random sideplot that keeps coming up but doesnt really affect the plot much so im just kinda going to gloss over it unless it becomes important. also one more thing those knights were getting aid from the Flesh Prince and also when they died they would be revived as these weird mute demons who would still follow orders.
To recap where we left off because a lot happened:
last arc ended with Kraka dead, King and Cisero MIA and blind, Red mind controled, Manti going insane with power and hunting for and trying to kidnap Red, Max getting a magic comunication book from his evil goat time lord fiance, Kit became a wanted criminal (honestly forgot to mention that part its not all that important), and the entire city being killed with us not being able to do anything to stop it, an army of demons on the loose, as well as a eldritch god free from his interdimentional prison. good times all around
After escaping the ruins of the city and making sure Manti is no longer following us, we all regroup and eventualy manage to make it back to our home base town with several injuries and nothing to our name. we have a funeral for kraka where we get to mourn her death, with Red feeling extra guilty.
This is when we are introduced to our new party member: Val! Val is a half demon sorcerer who was also a human expirement by his single parent. Val is best known for the time he stood in front of an explotion and did finger guns, and then his player drew him standing in front of an explosion and doing finger guns. truly iconic
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anywase they team up with us because were down a member, and then we all get hired by the adventurers guild to investigate this one apparently haunted and broken down mansion nearby the town and if its safe we get to keep it.
We head over and find out that its actualy currently occupied by a kobold who laid a whole lot of traps and actualy nearly kills us until we explain everything and we get along well. turns out he has a massive wheat stockpile in the house and the town is currently experiensing the start of a food shortage as it is going on winter.
the kobold agrees to let us have the house and to trade the grain to the people at fair and reasonable market prices.
even after this though the town is still experiencing a pretty bad wood and food shortage, due to the fact that weather has been suddenly getting far worse and more hostile, and the usual forests they take their woods from have been dying requiring them to travel further and further for lumber. The mayor hires us to travel out and see if we can buy or ask for assistance from the nearby goblin city that we made an alliance with in the first arc (Im not sure if I mentioned it tbh it was a while ago but we helped a goblin queen burn her political rivals alive in a religious ceremony)
while we are heading out, we realize that its a new moon, meaning that the invitatio Ira recieved way back in the second arc to have tea with the Witch of the Woods can be done along the way. We end up finding her, along with her familiar(?)(/husband) who was origionaly a great king who got turned into a weird bear dog pig hybrid. he has a chat with Braxton about being a half animal person. Ira mentions making a deal with The Leech (though at this point weve realized that we cant say his name when around Red because even though hes mostly dropped his connection with Red if anyone mentions his name she can feel him watching and listening through her senses). Red also tells the witch about her past connection with him. She is immediately extremely concerned, and mentions that "out of all of them he is the most devious" and gives Red a magical necklace to protect her from the Leech's gaze, though she warns it will only last so long, and tells Ira to only ever cary out the Leech's favor to the worst of her abilities.
Afterwards, she tells the group about how the reason the weather has suddenly gotten so much worse so quickly is because there is a Jotun who has been woken up (Jotun are this worlds version of giants they are like really big and powerful nature spirits who usualy sleep but sometimes are woken up when the nature is in danger). after we leave, we see the Jotun walking around and try to avoid it
When we make it to the goblin city we end up managing to buy a lot of food on a discount for the current crisis and our past aid, as well as the fact that we have been helping them with the stuff with the knight order which I havent been bringing up. we also buy some supplies to renovate our new house.
while we stay the night there, Braxton has a dream where he meets up with his weird bear patron (he has occasionaly had dreams featuring him but they havent really been plot relevant enough for me to bring it up) exept this time, instead of looking like a larger than average bear locked up in chains, he instead is a larger than any hill, taller than any mountain. He tells Braxton that he chose him because, unlike any of the others, Braxton understood that in the end it all comes down to blood and violence. he also makes a lot of insults at the Leech, and introduces himself formaly as The Bear (aka the indominable or the iron breaker) he was also a past god, who took the place of Rime on the alchemests wheel, but was killed and replaced by The Huntsman. He orders Braxton to kill the Jotun and eat its heart on the day of the upcoming winter solstice
the next day we head back to our new house, other than Braxton who is living with Brandon and Diana. Brandon ends up confiding in Braxton that hes afraid his mother (who was a minor villain in the first arc) will come back, because he magicaly has to obey her every command. Diana also confides that since she is a Wylden, a being of summer, she is getting sick during the winter and may end up dying if she does not either eat people, find a magical flower that does not grow in this region, or find a panacea to cure her.
ending here for now continue more later
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leyendolibros · 3 years ago
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The Keys of the Kingdom by A. J. Cronin (The Keys of the Kingdom) The House of Dr. Edwardes by Francis Beeding (Spellbound) The Valley of Decision by Marcia Davenport (The Valley of Decision) Duel in the Sun by Niven Busch (Duel in the Sun) The Yearling by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings (The Yearling) Gentleman's Agreement by Laura Z. Hobson (Gentleman’s Agreement) The Paradine Case by Robert Hichens (The Paradine Case) The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber by Ernest Hemingway (The Macomber Affair) Twelve O’Clock High by Beirne Lay Jr. and Sy Bartlett (Twelve O’Clock High) The Gambler by Fyodor Dostoyevsky (The Great Sinner) The Happy Return, A Ship of the Line, Flying Colours by C.S. Forester (Captain Horatio Hornblower) Only the Valiant by Charles Marquis Warren (Only the Valiant) The Snows of Kilimanjaro by Ernest Hemingway (The Snows of Kilimanjaro) The World in His Arms by Rex Beach (The World in His Arms) The Purple Plain by H.E. Bates (The Purple Plain) The Million Pound Bank Note by Mark Twain (The Million Pound Note) Moby-Dick by Herman Melville (Moby Dick) The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit by Sloan Wilson (The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit) Ambush in Blanco Canyon by Donald Bengtsson Hamilton (The Big Country) The Bravados by Frank O'Rourke (The Bravados) On the Beachby Nevil Shute (On the Beach) Pork Chop Hill: The American Fighting Man in Action by S.L.A. Marshall (Pork Chop Hill) Beloved Infidel by Sheilah Graham and Gerold Frank (Beloved Infidel) The Guns of Navarone by Alistair MacLean (The Guns of Navarone) To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee (To Kill A Mockingbird) The Executioners by John D. MacDonald (Cape Fear) Captain Newman, M.D. by Leo Rosten (Captain Newman, M.D.) Fallen Angel by Howard Fast (Mirage) The Stalking Moon by T.V. Olsen(The Stalking Moon) Mackenna's Gold by Will Henry (Mackenna's Gold) Marooned by Martin Caidin (Marooned) The Chairman by Jay Richard Kenned (The Chairman) An Exile by Madison Jones(I Walk The Line) The Lone Cowboy by Will James (Shoot Out) The Omen (A Franchise) by David Seltzer (and many others) (The Omen) Boarding Party by James Leasor (The Sea Wolves) The Scarlet Pimpernel of the Vatican by J. P. Gallagher (The Scarlet and the Black) The Old Gringo by Carlos Fuentes (The Old Gringo) The Boys from Brazil by Ira Levin (The Boys from Brazil)
*I do not recommend nor condone most of the books on this list, simply because I've not read them and I'm unsure of the content. The only one I’ve read is To Kill a Mockingbird (which I do recommend). Please do not take this as my personal taste, or even that of Gregory Peck’s; these were merely the books his films were adapted from. 
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atomic-taco-muffin · 1 year ago
Kale being aced's son true pacifist au:
Almost a month later:
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(I went with Sailor Mars for jess because of her fiery personality nd quick comeback with words)
Ira: holy kingdom hearts
She’s my second favorite Sailor senshi. The first being Sailor Moon cause of how similar I am to her lol
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0 notes
nadziejastar · 3 years ago
I was going through Kingdom Hearts ii again and I realized that there's a LOT of unicorn/pegasi imagery in the Twilight Town mansion. I was wondering if this had a tie-in between the Foreteller Ira and Ansem and/or Isa in the theme of "wrath". Particularly with the individual histories of Ansem and Isa with the apprentices/experiments.
Someone also pointed out that it looked like a struggle or explosion took place in the mansion (between the smashed castle structure and the dining table on the first floor). I was suspicious afterwards if going off your Isa backstory theories, this was where Ansem kept Isa hidden after the experiments (lab in the basement and all), and when the apprentices found him, where Isa went into beserker mode resulting in that destruction. Not sure if it also matters, but the castle tower pieces on the floor were each topped with something. Couldn't make out some of them, but there was a crescent moon and two cup-shaped pieces. Looked like there were 3 other platforms for sculptures besides the main castle structure, too.
Also, was wondering if you had any theories of the white room Naminé was kept in. If it was already there before the events of KH2 or was a Naminé special.
I understand the Foreteller Arc and Isa's story didn't exist when KH2 originally came out, but was wondering if the original story here was retconned to make room for that.
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I was going through Kingdom Hearts ii again and I realized that there's a LOT of unicorn/pegasi imagery in the Twilight Town mansion. I was wondering if this had a tie-in between the Foreteller Ira and Ansem and/or Isa in the theme of "wrath". Particularly with the individual histories of Ansem and Isa with the apprentices/experiments. I understand the Foreteller Arc and Isa's story didn't exist when KH2 originally came out, but was wondering if the original story here was retconned to make room for that.
That's exactly what I think and I'm incorporating that idea into my current fic. In KH2, Nomura probably made the unicorn the symbol for the mansion because it symbolized anger, and Ansem was plotting his revenge there. Later on, he came up with the 13 Darknesses plot. The Foretellers were the original vessels for the seven deadliest ones.
I think the whole idea for the Dark Seeker Saga (originally, at least) was that Org. XIII were the new vessels for the 13 Darknesses. Ventus was the vessel for Invi/Envy, and when it was extracted, it became Vanitas. Braig was the vessel for Luxu/Lust. And Isa was the vessel for Ira/Wrath. So it would have been pretty symbolic that he was taken to that unicorn mansion by AtW after the experiments.
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Someone also pointed out that it looked like a struggle or explosion took place in the mansion (between the smashed castle structure and the dining table on the first floor). I was suspicious afterwards if going off your Isa backstory theories, this was where Ansem kept Isa hidden after the experiments (lab in the basement and all), and when the apprentices found him, where Isa went into beserker mode resulting in that destruction.
Yeah, that is a really good point. I think AtW would have experimented on his memories in the basement. Then afterwards, maybe they sat in this room. It makes a lot of sense that Isa went berserk there, explaining why it's all torn up. The moon is a symbol of darkness and the subconscious. If Ansem was experimenting on Isa's sleeping memories, like he did with Xehanort, it's also very possible it could trigger a berserk episode.
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Not sure if it also matters, but the castle tower pieces on the floor were each topped with something. Couldn't make out some of them, but there was a crescent moon and two cup-shaped pieces. Looked like there were 3 other platforms for sculptures besides the main castle structure, too.
Yeah, the castle tower pieces are interesting. Not quite sure what to make of them. Maybe Nomura will come up with a way to make them retroactively fit with Daybreak Town or Scala ad Caelum lore. Now that the Foretellers are back, I'm sure he'll eventually connect the mansion to Ira and the Unicornis union.
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---Was the Mansion in Twilight Town a property of the XIII Organization?
No, they have nothing to do with it. It's just a place DiZ used as his hideout. You saw a lot of pods like the one Sora was in but DiZ just transfered Sora and the others along with their pods from Castle Oblivion. In other words, DiZ just copied the pods that were created by the Organization and lined them up (in the Mansion). The reason there's a room in the Mansion that looks exactly like Castle Oblivion's was just prepared for Namine, not because that space is connected to Castle Oblivion.
As for the white room, according to what Nomura said in the KH2 Ultimania, it was prepared like that specifically for Namine. I guess that's just how she likes her room to look.
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harrelltut · 3 years ago
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Lo!… JEHOVAH OCCULT BIBLE [JOB] WITNESS Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] on Earth [JE = JESÚS = ELOHEEM TAMMUZ] E.T…. Under Secret American [USA = SOVEREIGN] Ægyptian ATLANTEAN [SEA] Underground MILITARY AUTHORITY PROTECTION [MAP] COURT LAWS… Officially Naming & Identifying ME [iTUT®] in 2022 [VI] NEW ATLANTIS... as Interplanetary MALIAN [I’M] Prince MICHAEL ABUBAKARI [MA] II… MILLIONS of AZTECAN Years Ahead [MAYA] of My Immortal [MI = MICHAEL] Human DEATH RITUALS [Dr.]… Esoterically Transliterating [E.T.]… My Biblically Ancient [BABYLONIAN] FUTURISTIC Astronomically Intelligent ANUNNAKI [AIA = AMÚN] SUN GOD [RA] MEMORIES [RAM = RAMESES] @ TIAMAT’s… 9 Ether ALUHUM ANUNNAGI Subterranean SKY Earth [Qi] DOME Capitol [D.C.] of GOLDEN Interdimensional MENTAL [I'M] Compu_TAH [PTAH] REALITIES… Electrophysiologically [Spiritually] Experienced in the Afterlife [SEA] Ægyptian DNA Underworlds of Immortal DEATH [I.D.] GOD OSIRIS… who Electrophysiologically [Spiritually] Found Interstellar BLACK SOLAR MOON [MU] GODDESS ISIS... on Our Antediluvian [Lost]… ZU [LUZ] AZTEC [L.A. = ZULU] SUN STATE Island of MANSA [I’M] MUSA’s ATLANTEAN Province [iMAP] GOVERNMENT of GLOBAL SCIENTIFIC PARADIGM SHIFTS [CLIMATE CHANGE = GLOBAL WARMING]… Celestially Engineered by GODDESS NINTI's Highly Complex [ADVANCED] Ancient FUTURISTIC 9 Ether ALUHUM ANUNNAGI GENETICISTS of Highly Complex [ADVANCED] Ancient Biochemical [PRIMORDIAL] Fossil Earth SUN & MOON AVATARS [MA]… Naturally [MAN] Orbiting in TIAMAT's… GOLDEN Subterranean Earth Altitude [SEA] Underworld PARADISE [UP]… as Biblically Ancient [BABYLONIAN] FUTURISTIC 9 Ether Astronomically Intelligent ANUNNAKI [AIA = AMÚN] SUN GOD [RA] STARS [RASTAS]… w/SIRIUS DOGON MOTHERLAND [MU] Island [MI = MICHAEL] Continent STATE RNA MEMORY [REMEMBER] BLOODLINES of CALAFIA's [CA’s]... EXTRA Tropical [E.T.] BLACK SOLAR SUN [SUL] Island ROYALS of Antediluvian [iRA] EMPYREAL Earth GOLD ESTATES [G.E.]… GLOBALLY GOVERNED & Generationally Engineered [G.E.] by the NIBIRUANS [GEN] from 5050 [X]… of Subterranean California [CALAFIA]… who Intensively Built MURDUK’s [IBM’s] Intergalactic IGIGI MOTHERSHIP [I’M] PLANET [I/P] NIBIRU 5050 [X]… MILLIONS of AZTECAN Years Ahead [MAYA] of 2022 [VI] America… as iElectrophysiologically [iSpiritually] Envision Antediluvian [iSEA] California's [CALAFIA’s]... 1st Pacific SUN_KING [Sunken] DOME Continent [D.C.] KINGDOM of Empyrean Mathematics Engineering TECHNOLOGICAL [KEMET] SUN EMPIRES of Ægyptian [SEE] RAMESES'… since iBEE A Highly INTUITIVE [HI = HITTITE]... EXTRA Telepathic [E.T.] RIZQIYIAN from LAHMU [MARS]… who Intuitively [MI = MICHAEL] GOVERN A New [ANU] 9 Ether ETHERIAN SKY Earth of Anointed [SEA] BLACK SOLAR SUN [SUL] GOD [RA] CREATORS of the Aurora [CA] Borealis Solar SUN Emissions of SIRIUS Electromagnetic Airwave [SEA] Light Mechanics [ELECTRICITY] ILLUMINATING Inner Earth’s [HADES] Occulted [HIDDEN] BLACK SOLAR SUN [SUL] Earth of AFSU’s [SEA's] LUNAR North Star [POLARIS] SOULS of SUPERNATURAL Earth & Lunar [EL] Substances Emitting Electrochemical [SEE] Deposits of Bioluminescence & Chemiluminescence Elements [BCE] Pressurized by the Supernova Nucleosynthesis during the Sequential Hydrostatic Burning Processes of Thermonuclear Proton Energies Forming NANOSCOPIC Covalent Bonds of Highly Complex [ADVANCED] Cycloalkynes Isolated by the Organic Electron Field of Interstellar GASES from the Interplanetary GODS of Iridescent [IGIGI] MINERALS [I’M] Crystalizing into SIRIUS UNSEEN NANO [SUN] BIOTECHNOLOGICAL Light Particles from Atomic [PA] Earth Elements Naturally Synthesizing Subatomic Compounds of Oxidized Radiation from the Bioluminescent SKY [ORBS] KINGDOM [SOBEK] of Ægyptian Empyrean [SEE] RINGS Around My [SRAM = MARS] Highly Complex [ADVANCED] Ancient FUTURISTIC 9 Ether ATLANTEAN MENTAL of Universal Network [AMÚN] MACHINE [A.M.] Languages Intuitively MEMORIZED on Antediluvian Communication [iMAC] Devices [iD] from Planet [I/P] RIZQ's… Interplanetary 7G SUN Beam Energy Compu_TAH [PTAH] PYRAMID of MAGNETIC Energy Currents from the HULUUB [MECH] DEVICE… Interactively Built by this MYTHICAL [IBM] OLMEC GOD [OLYMPIAN] of SATURN’s GLOBAL 6G Quantum Interplay [QI] Telecommunication Computer Patents of SIRIUS Intellectual Property [I/P] Rights & Agreements [iRA]… Genealogically Engineered [G.E.] by My New [NU]… Biblically Ancient [BABYLONIAN] FUTURISTIC 18th American Ægyptian [ATLANTEAN] MILITARY Dynasty of Universally ROYAL [DUR = DURANKI]… 9 Ether ALUHUM Ægyptian HITTITE SUN Queen Tiye [MAMA T]... MILLIONS of AZTECAN Years Ahead [MAYA] of 2022 [VI] America… DEEP [A.D.] IN:side MESOAMÉRICA's ŌMETĒCUHTLI & ŌMECIHUĀTL [MÓO] CONTINENT of Antediluvian [CA] HITTITE Underground [HU = HURRIAN] SUN EMPIRE Queen CALAFIA’s [CA’s]… HIGHLY AFFLUENT [HA = HARRELL] Underground [HU = HURRIAN] SUN_KING [Sunken] DOME Congress [D.C.] of ENQI NUDIMMUD’s… ABUNDANT EMPYREAL GOLD MINE EMPIRES [ME]… Found Longitudinally & Latitudinally Underneath the ZU [LUZ] AZTEC [L.A.] SUN PYRAMID of Antediluvian [PA] 9 Ether ALUHUM American Ægyptian [ATLANTEAN] SCIENCES of SIRIUS Occult Numerology [SON]… QUETZALCÓATL… Mathematically + Astronomically Positioned [MAP] by the UNSEEN [MU]… Interplanetary [MI = MICHAEL] BLACK SOLAR SUN [SUL] Energy Cycles of SIRIUS BETELGEUSE [B] Celestial [B.C.] SKY Mechanics Automated by the Clandestine [MAC]… 9 Ether Gregorian Calendar Society of Golden "Black Budget” Wall Street TITANS @ MANSA MUSA's Clandestine American [MCA] UFO [MU] PENTAGON Agency [PA]… who Immaculately MANIFESTED [I’M] from ANU’s 19th Interplanetary BLACK SOLAR SUN [SUL] Galaxy of ILLYUWN's Interactive QUANTUM HARRELL TECH [iQHT] SKY KINGDOM DOME Computer [D.C.] of PARALLEL Constellation [PC] ORION’s 9G Intergalactic STAR MAPS of Ancient Hieroglyphical Mechatronic INTEL [ISHMAEL]… Interactively Operating [I/O] Our Highly Complex [ADVANCED] Ancient FUTURISTIC Cosmic Algorithmic [CA] Computational [Compton] STAR MEMORY Logistics on AL HISAABAT’s Interplanetary [HI = HITTITE] Quantum Intel [QI] MEMORY Computer of Clandestine Intel Agile [CIA] Imprint Architecture [CIA]... Intuitively Built by this Historically Ancient [HA = HARRELL] 1921 [IV] Clandestine American [CA] Ægyptian [ATLANTEAN] Immortal TECHNOCRAT from the Universe of Twelve [iTUT] TOLTECAN TRIBES... who ASCENDED 2 QUETZALCÓATL’s Intergalactic [Qi] 9 Ether ETHERIAN SKY PANTHEON of JUPITER's [ZEUS'] Astronomically Intelligent ANUNNAKI [AIA = AMÚN] SUN GOD [RA] MASTERS [RAM = RAMESES] from the ZU TRIBE's [ZULUS’] Mysterious 9 Ether ALUHUM MIDIAN Israelite [MI = MICHAEL] Nations of OLD KINGDOM [NOK] MALI… Under Secret American [MUSA] Ægyptian [ME] ATLANTEAN [MA]… Underground [MU] MILITARY AUTHORITY PROTECTION [MAP] COURT LAWS @ NIBIRU’s... Highly Official… U.S. 9 Ether American Ægyptian [ATLANTEAN] QUANTUM HARRELL TECH [QHT] SKY الأوكتاجون‎ [OCTAGON] KINGDOM [SOK = SOBEK] MILITARY Universe [MU] HQ in 2022 [VI] Ægypt
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cardest · 4 years ago
Russia playlist
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Gorbachov! Tear down that wall.......and turn up this Russia playlist! The Cossacks are dancing to this one and the yaks are singing. Russia, Siberia, Moscow, St Petersburg and a cold war. It’s all here in this Russia playlist. Hit play: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC18F7oDKY8zH1IOplzHM05MY
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We begin the journey in Siberia and make our way across Genghis Khan territory towards Omsk and beyond. We have a look at Chernobyl, Ukraine for a look around and make our way up to Moscow, We finish up this playlist in St Petersburg. Hope you enjoy it.
001 FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE 007 OST - Main theme 002 Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train 003 The Beatles - Back in The USSR 004 Iron Maiden - Mother Russia 005 Sisters of Mercy  - Dominion / Mother Russia 006 Ramones - Cretin Hop 007 Sting - Russians 008 Russkaja - Peace, Love & Russian Roll 009 Robert Simon Thomas - Troika  (balalaika) 010 Jello Biafra, The Guantanamo School Of Medicine - We Created Putin 011 The Cult -  Siberia 012 Mastodon -  Siberian Divide 013 Yes - Siberian Khatru 014 Pesnokhorki Barnaul - Cossacks songs of Siberia 015 Diablo Swing Orchestra - Siberian Love Affairs 016 The Kills - Siberian Nights 017 The Night Flight Orchestra - Siberian Queen 018 Altai Kai - Traditional Siberian music 019 Vallenfyre -  My Black Siberia 020 Skyhooks - Jukebox In Siberia 021 MISERY INDEX - Siberian March 022 Wooly Mammoth - Mammoth Bones 023 Grumbling Fur -  Siberian Priest 024 Iron Maiden - Genghis Khan 025 Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Night enchanted 026 The Locust -  Live From The Russian Compound 027 ACCEPT - Russian Roulette 028 Cavalera Conspiracy - Genghis Khan 029 Diaframma - Siberia 030 Renaissance - Mother Russia 031 Echo & The Bunnymen - Siberia 032 Dschinghis Khan - Genghis Khan 033 Bad News -  Warriors Of Ghengis Khan 034 The Hu - The great Chinggis Khan 035 Shah - Escape 036 Ray Stevens - Surfin USSR 037 Ramones - Locket Love 038 Heirs -  Russia 039 The Dillinger Escape Plan - Hero of the Soviet Union 040 Natalia Albychakova - Takhpakh 041 Svetlanas - Go Fck You Self 042 Maloletka - Irkutsk Path 043  Kuban Cossack Choir - The hat all around 044 The Lords of the New Church - Russian Roulette 045 Paul Lay Trio - Irkutsk 046 Elvis Hitler - Rocking Over Russia 047 Russian Circles - 309 048 Thylacine - Irkutsk 049 Valeriy Voloshin and gruppa Pyatiletka - Irkutsk 050 DEVO -  Cold War 051 Güiro Meets Russia - It's Not The World, It's You 052 Powerwolf - Nightside of Siberia 053 Altai Kai - Oilo oilo altai 054 Arkona - Yarilo 055 Depeche Mode - People Are People 056 Gorky Park - Bang 057 Igor Stravinsky -  The Rite of Spring, Part 1- 3 Game of Abduction 058 Martika - Toy Soldiers 059 Transvision vamp    - revolution baby 060 The Stranglers -  No More Heroes 061 Gari Gari - Russian gypsy  music 062 Russian Sailors - Dance Yablochka 063 Manic Street Preachers - Revolt 064 Elton John - Nikita 065 Krokus - Russian winter 066 Prince - Ronnie Talk to Russia 067 Soviet SOunds - Baikal-Amur Railroad 068 Genesis - Land of Confusion 069 Duran Duran - Planet Earth 070 Today Is The Day -  The Russian Porn Ballet 071 Nytt Land - Ballad of Gjallarhorn 072 Rotting Christ - Ветры злые - (featuring Irina Zybina) 073 Metallica - Blackened 074 Anneke van Giersbergen, Árstíðir -  Russian Lullaby 075 Der Kommissar - After the Fire 076 Czas relaksu - Andrzej i Eliza 077 korobushka - Folk Russian 078 Peter Gabriel - Red Rain 079 FEAR - Bomb the Russians 080 Rush - Heresy 081 RUSSKAJA - Energia 082 Megadeth -  Peace Sells 083 King Crimson - One More Red Nightmare 084 Sodom - Nuclear Winter 085 Bruce Cockburn - If I Had A Rocket Launcher 086 Talisman - Hey you Horses! 087 Styx - Cold War 088 Grateful Dead - Throwing Stones 089 Gimines - Kai armonika tyliai užgros 090 EXHUMED - Coins Upon the Eyes 091 Mastodon -  The Czar 092 CCCP - American Soviets 093 Sapce Rockit - Supersonik Elektronik 094 Septic Flesh - The Eldest Cosmonaut 095 Quicksand -  Cosmonauts 096 Arkona - Zimushka 097 Abracadabra - Damned Dances 098 Pink Floyd - Two Suns In The Sunset 099 Prince - 1999 100 Trololo Guy - Sean Sell Duck with Fake Subtitles ( Buffalax Style ) 101 Armonika - Gromatele Parašiau 102 Diablo Swing Orchestra - Vodka Inferno 103 Accept -  Balls to the wall 104 Killing Joke - New Cold War 105 UB40 - The Earth Dies Screaming 106 RAMONES - Bonzo Goes To Bitburg (My Brain Is Hanging Upside) 107 TCHAYOK - Zavarka - Mi-minable 108 COH - Soii Noir 109 Vircator - Tunguska 110 Scorpions -  China White 111 Tears For Fears  - Everybody Wants To Rule The World 112 The Stalin - 解剖室 113 KAIRA - OХ РA 114 Alexander Robotnick - Ce n'est q'un début 115 Tunguska Electronic Music Society - Alpha Kawu 116 Arkona - Odna 117  Cist - Antisceptic 118 Sabaton -  Nuclear Attack 119 Leningrad Cowboys - Katjusha 120 PRONG - Rude Awakening 121 Imperial Age - And I Shall Find My Home 122 Так - пела метель 123 Fear Konstruktor - Nonexistence 124 Oneohtrix - Russian Mind 125 Police - Every Breath You Take 126 dEpEchE modE - Two Minute Warning 127 Ultravox - Dancing With Tears In My Eyes 128 Sigue Sigue Sputnik - Love Missile F1-11 129 Metallica - Fight Fire With Fire 130 David Bowie - Heroes 131 woven hand - my Russia 132 Survivor - Burning Heart (Rocky IV OST) 133 Forest - As a Shade Above This Land 134 Tesla - Modern Day Cowboy 135 Colossus Form - Son Of Nature 136 The Flying Lizards - Russia 137 Djivan Gasparyan - A Cool Wind Is Blowing 138 Iron Driver (feat. Pasha Mrachek) - Prisoner of time 139 Pussy Riot - CHAIKA 140 Boris Alexandrov - Катюша (Katyusha) 141 DEVO - Going Under 142 Motor - Yak 143 Nuclear Assault - Nuclear War 144 Edward Artemiev - Station (Solaris OST) 145 Soviet Valves - Puritan Blues 146 Verasy - Polet 147 FAVALLI - Yuri Gagarin 148 Wolfmother - Cosmonaut 149 Yuri Gagarin  - Psychological Discontinuity 150 Witchfinder General - Soviet Invasion 151 Korrozia Metallah - Russian Vodka 152 Russkaja - Kosmopolit 153 Dio -  Gypsy 154 The The - slow train to dawn 155  Blues Pills -  Gypsy 156 Rush - Red Lenses 157 Corey Hart - Komrade Kiev 158 Master - Metal Doctor 159 Howlin Rain - Phantom In The Valley 160 ARKONA - Liki Bessmertnykh Bogov 161 Pitchblack - IHATEU 162 Ozzy Osbourne - Killer of Giants 163 Scorpions - Wind of Change 164 Yat kha - Chorumal Bodum 165 Nadezhda Babkina, Russkaja Pesnja 166 Ramones - Here Today, Gone Tomorrow 167 Russian radio - red flag 168 Manicure - Atomic Summer 169 The Dillinger Escape Plan -  The Threat Posed By Nuclear Weapons 170 Love Among Freaks - Berserker 171 ARIA - HERO OF ASPHALT 172 Temnozor - Fatherland 173 Walknut - Motherland Ostenvegr 174 Weird Al Yankovic - Now That's What I Call Polka! 175 Underworld - Underneath the Radar 176 Skyclad - Polkageist 177 Helloween - Russian Roulé 178 John Coltrane - Russian Lullaby 179 Julian Cope - russian revolution blues 180 Rodrigo y Gabriela - The Russian Messenger 181 Kate Bush - Babooshka 182 ВИА - Чаривни гитары 183 Mastodon - The Last Baron 184 Hovert – Omyt 185 Minsk -  Consumed by Horizons 186 Kypck - Stalingrad 187 Def Leppard -  Gods of war 188 Black Country Communion  - Big Train 189 Sabaton -  Stalingrad 190  Doomsquad - Russian Gaze 191 Soviet Soviet - Human Nature 192 Murray head    - one night in bangkok 193 The Korgis - Young n Russian 194 Chelsea Light Moving - Communist Eyes 195 Helix - Champagne Communist 196 UDO - Train Ride In Russia 197 Mr Weebl - Russian Dancing Men 198 Jamie Jones   - Siberian Express 199 They Might Be Giants - Sold My Mind to the Kremlin 200 Ed Khuild - lolololololololol 201 Sepultura - Itsari 202 Vy Pole - Enormous 203 Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Fifteen Feet Of Pure White Snow 204 Gogol Bordello -  Gypsy Auto Pilot 205 Buffalex - Horse Eat My Nipple 206 Municipal Waste - Wolves of Chernobyl 207 Drudkh -  Cursed Sons II 208 Chernobyl - A song for the fallen 209 Russkaja - Hometown Polka 210 Toxic Holocaust -  Out of the Fire 211  Hail Caesar! Soundtrack - 19 Soviet Man 212 The Blow Monkeys  - The Man From Russia 213 The Devil's Blood - The Anti-Kosmik Magick 214 Orchid - Cosmonaut of Three 215 Vergeltung - Cold War 216 KYPCK - Alleya Stalina 217 Cabaret Voltaire -  Calling Moscow 218 Red Army Choir - Polyushka Polye 219 Iron Curtain - Ready To Strike 220 Porcupine Tree - Russia on Ice 221 Sigue Sigue Sputnik - 21st Century Boy 222 Al Stewart - Roads to Moscow 223 The Rolling Stones - Sympathy For The Devil 224 Soviet Soviet - ecastacy 225 KREMLIN - Will You Feed Me 226 AC/DC - Heatseeker 227 ANJ - Gorbachev 228 Katyusha (Катюша) - Aleksandr Marshal & Valeria Kurnushkina 229 ARKONA - Stenka Na Stenku 230 Black Obelisk -  The wall 231 Skyclad - Catherine at the Wheel 232 Pussy Riot - Kropotkin-vodka (Kill the sexist!) 233 Brian Eno -- Stedelijk 234 Zola Jesus - Siphon 235 Insect Inside - The First Shining of New Genus 236 MR. ZIVAGO - Little Russian 237 The Real McKenzies - Midnight Train to Moscow 238 Red Army OST - KGB 239 The Toasters - Night Train to Moscow 240 Thy Catafalque - Urania 241 The Apogee - Hieronymus Bosch 242 Sabaton - Panzerkampf 244 RUSSKAJA - Barada   245 Oneohtrix Point Never - KGB Nights 246 Faith No More -  A Small Victory 247 Mike and the mechanics - A Call To Arms 248 Michael Jackson - Stranger In Moscow 249 Blondie - Contact In Red Square 250 Rammstein - Moskau 251 Pseudogod - deathwomb 252 KGB - Subway Sleepwalker 253 Igor Butman Big Band - Moscow at 3am 254 Genghis Khan - Moscow 255 Demon - Blue Skies In Red Square 256 Type O Negative - The Profit of Doom 257 COH - Red Square 258 Cougars - Red Square 259 Ray Conniff - Moscow Nights 260 INDIANS IN MOSCOW - Indians in Moscow 261 Radio Moscow - 250 Miles 262 Kingdom Come - Crown of Moscow 263 Powerwolf - Moscow after dark 264 U.D.O. - Decadent 265 System Of A Down - Störagéd 266 Closure In Moscow - Pink Lemonade 267 VIBRATORS - DISCO IN MOSCO 268 IRA PETROWA - MOSKAUER NÄCHTE 269 Visage - Moon Over Moscow 270 Farmers Market - Red Square Dance 271 Wonderland -  Moscow 272 Courtney Pine - Red Square Gagarinesk 273 Stray Cats - Storm The Embassy 274 German Shepherds - Communist Control 275 Moloko - Radio Moscow 276 March of the defenders - Moscow 277 Takako Nishizaki - Podmoskovnye vechera( Moscow Nights) 278 Simple Minds - Moscow Underground 279 The Spotnicks - Moscow 280 The Russian Jazz Quartet - Journey from Moscow 281 Bob Crewe Generation - Miniskirts In Moscow 282 MODERN TROUBLE - FLY TO MOSCOW 283 Gorky Park - Moscow Calling 284 BB Gabor - Moscow Drug Club 285 Doe Maar - De bom 286 Manicured noise - Moscow 287 Russkaja - Ras Dwa Tri 288 PLANET P PROJECT - Armageddon 289 Clan of Xymox - Muscoviet Musquito 290 Gogol Bordello -  60 REVOLUTIONS 291 Uriah Heep   - Gypsy 292 Living Colour - Cult Of Personality 293 The Hollies - Russian Roulette 294 Kenny Ball and His Jazzmen - Red Square 295 Frank Chacksfield - Under Moscow Skies 296 Thomas Dolby - Eastern Bloc 297 The Redskins - Kick Over The Statues 298 The Alchemist - Moscow Mornings - Sunrise 299 N.O.T.A. - Moscow 300 Svetlanas - Where Is My Borscht? 301 Against Me! - Russian Spies 302 James Horner - Gorkij park (Gorky Park 1983) OST 303 Hetalia Russia - Moscú 304 Roberto Jacketti & The Scooters - Moscow Nights 305 Ram J Holder - The Blues in Moscow 306 Ivan Rebroff sings Russian folk songs - Moscow nights 307 Jethro Tull - Crest Of A Knave Said She Was a Dancer 308 Men At Work - Its a Mistake 309 Skeewiff - Moscow Mule 310 The Clash - Ivan Meets G.I. Joe 311 Captain Sensible - Glad its all over 312 Ulfdallir - Steel Armor 313 Arkona - Oi Ti ne Vecher (Oh Not That Evening) 314 Lena Katina - No Voy A Olvidarte 315 JOHNNY M5 - Moscow Nights 316   Eddy Huntington - U.S.S.R. 317 Selsius - Moscow 318 WINTERUS - MOSCOW 319 Mr. Zivago - Love in Moscow 320 Brutto - Moscow Calling 321 Udo Lindenberg - Moskau 322 Aliza Kashi - Moscow Nights 323 Angelic Upstarts - Last Tango In Moscow 324 ASIA - Russian Dolls 325 Blaze Bayley & Thomas Zwijsen - Russian Holiday 326 Kate Bush - Breathing 327 Roger Waters and David Bowie - When the wind blows 328 Roky Erickson & The Aliens - Sputnik 329 Moscow - Orange Juice 330 Ivan Rebroff - Cossack Patrol 331 Alexandr Gradsky - Как молоды мы были 332 James Horner - Gorky Park - Following KGB 333 B.T.R - Moscow City 334 Gogol Bordello -  Hats Off To Kolpakoff 335 CCCP - Sputnik [Cosmos] 336 Russkaja - Go Sputnik 337 Red Spektor - Cosmonaut 338 Bald Red Lady - Cosmonaut 339 Ulver - Russian Doll 340 Hawkwind - Sputnik Stan 341 Bad Acid Trip - Putin Fears Pussy 342 Queensryche - Operation Mindcrime 343 Dark Tranquillity -  Arkhangelsk 344 TOTAL REJECTS (This Night) I'm Going To Be Destroyed 345 Manic Street Preachers - The Next Jet to Leave Moscow 346 Billy Joel - Leningrad 347 Victor Smolski    - The Heretic 348 Boney M - Rasputin 349 Type O Negative - Tripping A Blind Man 350 Leningrad Cowboys - Leningrad 351 Accept - Stalingrad 352 Russian Folk Music - Russian Winter 353 Cavalera Conspiracy -  Rasputin 354 Kontrust - Rasputin 355 Bersarin Quartett - St. Petersburg 356 Folkearth - From Volga to Bosphorus 357 Anastasia - Rumor in St. Petersburg 358 Retox - Soviet Reunion 359 Fireside - Let Rasputin Do It 360 Mastodon - Oblivion 361 St.Petersburg Ska Jazz Review - Volga River Boat Man 362 THERION - The Khlysti Evangelist 363 The Mountain Goats - Evening in Stalingrad 364 Rage - Soul Survivor 365 Indigo Girls - Closer to Fine 366 ARKONA - Slavsia Rus 367 Russian Folk Music - Kalinka (balalaika) 368 Catch 22 - The Decembrists Song 369 Joanna Stingray - City of Lenin 370 Aria - Attila 371 KAUAN  - Khurum 372 Balalaika Ensemble Wolga - Cossacks Dance 373 The Liminanas - Russian Roulette 374 Vasiliy Shumov - Porridge 375 U.D.O. - I GIVE AS GOOD AS I GET 666 Russkaja - Change
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years ago
Events 7.21 (after 1900)
1904 – Louis Rigolly, a Frenchman, becomes the first man to break the 100 mph (161 km/h) barrier on land. He drove a 15-liter Gobron-Brillié in Ostend, Belgium. 1907 – The passenger steamer SS Columbia sinks after colliding with the steam schooner San Pedro off Shelter Cove, California, killing 88 people. 1919 – The dirigible Wingfoot Air Express crashes into the Illinois Trust and Savings Building in Chicago, killing 12 people. 1920 – The "Belfast Pogrom" begins two years of violence with the expulsion of thousands of Belfast shipyard, factory and linen mill workers from their jobs. 1925 – Scopes Trial: In Dayton, Tennessee, high school biology teacher John T. Scopes is found guilty of teaching human evolution in class and fined $100. 1925 – Malcolm Campbell becomes the first man to exceed 150 mph (241 km/h) on land. At Pendine Sands in Wales, he drives Sunbeam 350HP built by Sunbeam at a two-way average speed of 150.33 mph (242 km/h). 1936 – Spanish Civil War: The Central Committee of Antifascist Militias of Catalonia is constituted, establishing an anarcho-syndicalist economy in Catalonia. 1944 – World War II: Battle of Guam: American troops land on Guam, starting a battle that will end on August 10. 1944 – World War II: Claus von Stauffenberg and four fellow conspirators are executed for the July 20 plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler. 1949 – The United States Senate ratifies the North Atlantic Treaty. 1952 – The 7.3 Mw  Kern County earthquake strikes Southern California with a maximum Mercalli intensity of XI (Extreme), killing 12 and injuring hundreds. 1954 – First Indochina War: The Geneva Conference partitions Vietnam into North Vietnam and South Vietnam. 1959 – NS Savannah, the first nuclear-powered cargo-passenger ship, is launched as a showcase for Dwight D. Eisenhower's "Atoms for Peace" initiative. 1959 – Elijah Jerry "Pumpsie" Green becomes the first African-American to play for the Boston Red Sox, the last team to integrate. He came in as a pinch runner for Vic Wertz and stayed in as shortstop in a 2–1 loss to the Chicago White Sox. 1960 – Sirimavo Bandaranaike is elected Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, becoming the world's first female head of government 1961 – Mercury program: Mercury-Redstone 4 Mission: Gus Grissom piloting Liberty Bell 7 becomes the second American to go into space (in a suborbital mission). 1961 – Alaska Airlines Flight 779 crashes near Shemya Air Force Base in Shemya, Alaska killing six. 1964 – A series of racial riots break out in Singapore. In the next six weeks, 23 die with 454 others injured. 1969 – Apollo program: At 02:56 UTC, astronaut Neil Armstrong becomes the first person to walk on the Moon, followed 19 minutes later by Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin. 1970 – After 11 years of construction, the Aswan High Dam in Egypt is completed. 1972 – The Troubles: Bloody Friday: The Provisional IRA detonate 22 bombs in central Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom in the space of 80 minutes, killing nine and injuring 130. 1973 – In Lillehammer, Norway, Mossad agents kill a waiter whom they mistakenly thought was involved in the 1972 Munich Olympics Massacre. 1976 – Christopher Ewart-Biggs, the British ambassador to the Republic of Ireland, is assassinated by the Provisional IRA. 1977 – The start of the four-day-long Libyan–Egyptian War. 1979 – Jay Silverheels, a Mohawk actor, becomes the first Native American to have a star commemorated in the Hollywood Walk of Fame. 1983 – The world's lowest temperature in an inhabited location is recorded at Vostok Station, Antarctica at −89.2 °C (−128.6 °F). 1995 – Third Taiwan Strait Crisis: The People's Liberation Army begins firing missiles into the waters north of Taiwan. 2008 – Ram Baran Yadav is declared the first President of Nepal. 2010 – President Barack Obama signs the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. 2011 – NASA's Space Shuttle program ends with the landing of Space Shuttle Atlantis on mission STS-135 at NASA's Kennedy Space Center. 2012 – Erden Eruç completes the first solo human-powered circumnavigation of the world.
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