#Kingdom Hearts III spoilers
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oveliagirlhaditright · 10 months ago
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This talk of Clerith's happened to remind me of another Square Enix couple:
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memento-morii-ua · 2 months ago
What do you mean Xigbar isn't just a funny surfer dude-sounding guy- /j
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lucemferto · 2 years ago
The dichotomy between redemption and damnation is … really stupid and has poisoned fandom discourse for so long. Like, I am still so salty and frankly confused, that someone can look at the last few cutscenes of Kingdom Hearts III - Xehanort defeated, his ideals and plans crushed, forced to realise that the "dull, ordinary boy" is more worthy of the χ-Blade than he is; HIM BEING ALONE IN THE SHADOWS WHILE ERAQUS IS EMBRACED BY HIS CRYING PUPILS IN THE LIGHT C'MON YOU GUYS THIS SHIT IS NOT SUBTLE - and think:
Yep, he got redeemed, the narrative says: "Well done, Xehanort, your ways were slightly off but you made a good effort."
Like … in what world, you guys?
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demispark · 1 year ago
Donald Duck Is Among The Strongest Mages in the Final Fantasy Universe (Who Rivals the Divine)
I am, perhaps, the least qualified person for this task, but I love mentioning it and @ancestorlegacy said this should've been an option in my poll for KH topics to explain to my friends who nothing about it, and I just couldn't resist.
I have no idea how long whichever post I'll write when the poll is over will be, so writing this in advance means I'll still be able to post a Kingdom Hearts infodump on April 1st like I wanted to.
(After writing this, it's getting a little long, so if you don't want to read the whole thing, I'll put a TL;DR at the end of the post.)
Donald has a tendency to die quickly, misuse magic by hitting enemies with their elemental affinities (causing them to be healed), and often doesn't heal Sora when most needed.
MAJOR SPOILERS FOR - Kingdom Hearts III, Bravely Default, Final Fantasy XVI, as well as some non-story spoilers for Kingdom Hearts I & II
The beginning of this story is immensely funny. Remember how the title of this post says that Donald Duck is an incredibly strong mage? That tends not to be the case for most of the series.
Whether he is or isn't powerful, he is highly unreliable. He has, however, been known to throw a good Flare spell in his time.
Allow me to introduce Flare Force, a Limit in Kingdom Hearts II and a Situation Command in Kingdom Hearts III.
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This whole maneuver is called "Flare Force", but Donald's firework-summoning spells themselves are known as "Duck Flare", "Rocket Flare", and "Megaduck Flare", respectively.
With that "Mega-", now seems like a good time to explain the various Flare Spells for context.
In the Final Fantasy franchise, Flare is a high-level magic spell. One of the "ultimate" Black Mage spells, in fact. It's often non-elemental magic, but is also the final form in the line of Fire magic in others.
I'll refrain from discussing all of the different offshoots of Flare, and just discuss the relevant upgraded forms.
Still with me? Great.
Higher forms of Flare tend to be given metric prefixes:
- Nanoflare = one-billionth (10^-9)
- Megaflare = one million (10^6)
- Gigaflare = one billion (10^9)
- Teraflare = one trillion (10^12)
- Exaflare = one quintillion (10^18)
- Zettaflare = one sextillion (10^21)
Now, setting aside the discussion of how these firework Flare spells compare to Flare and Megaflare, we can now get to what you've all been waiting for: Donald Duck vaporizing a final boss-level opponent with some of the highest grade Black Magic in the FF Universe!
Golly, wasn't that amazing? Now, we can FINALLY get into why this scene makes Donald one of the strongest mages ever.
Recall how I said that Flare is an "ultimate" Black Magic spell. Donald cast a spell equivalent to ONE SEXTILLION of an endgame offensive spell.
I mean, he appears to have either passed out for exertion or straight-up died from the effort of casting it, but that's not important. Why? Because now I can finally explain what the last part of the title of this post means.
While Donald now shares the title of strongest mage with two others to date, there is one difference: he's just a mage.
First up: Airy the Fairy.
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She was a companion-turned-major antagonist in Bravely Default. While her master plan involved successfully destroying dimensions, this wasn't a direct result of her own power. Furthermore, she was a servant of the God of Destruction, Ouroboros, and was being powered-up and supported by the god during the fight in which she uses Zettaflare. Therefore, I do not believe that she can be compared to Donald's sheer might.
No, the only true comparison is to the one who is so strongly associated with Megaflare and its associated variations: Bahamut.
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In case you hadn't heard, Final Fantasy XIV's original launch was so bad that they destroyed the setting of the game in canon. Bahamut's Teraflare was the cause.
Bahamut obliterated an entire continent with one spell, and Donald's spell was many, many orders of magnitude higher.
Fast forward to Final Fantasy XVI, however, and it seems that the legendary King of Dragons may have finally become a match for our feathered Flare-casting friend!
... Or maybe not. See, I haven't played Final Fantasy XIV. In fact, the only games mentioned in this post that I have played is the main one the post is about, the Kingdom Hearts series.
I'm a little hazy on the details because of that, so forgive me if I have gotten anything wrong, but Bahamut's Zettaflare failed. I mean, Airy's clearly did too since she was defeated by the protagonists of the game she was in, but Bahamut is THE Megaflare guy. Gigaflare, Teraflare, Exaflare, all used by Bahamut or some version of Bahamut.
Outplayed by Donald fucking Duck. Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk.
TL;DR - Despite being typically unreliable, Donald Duck successfully vaporized a major foe with the absurdly high-level Zettaflare spell. Airy (a fairy backed by a God of Destruction) from Bravely Default and Bahamut (A massively powerful and legendary dragon who is a staple of the FF series) from Final Fantasy XVI have also used Zettaflare, but to much less effectiveness compared to the mortal duck mage.
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maryse127 · 2 years ago
So in Kingdom Hearts III Donald fucking Duck casts Zettaflare which made him the most powerful mage in Final Fantasy history but now in Final Fantasy XVI there is finally a second instance of the spell being cast and I absolutely love this video edit about it XD
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k4marina · 9 months ago
— iii. Stormborn || Heart of the Dragon
synopsis: as plans to conqour westeros begin, daenerys and i are met with an unknown visitor
warnings: got cannon violence, war, battle nothing super graphic. this chapter follows the storylime of Stormborn (S7 Ep2) so spoiler warning ig
a/n: all dialogue italicized is in Valyrian & important note at the end!!
series masterlist || next part
4.9k word count
game of thrones x modern!fem!reader
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[gif found on pinterest]
“Your Grace summons you to the Painted Table.” The servant had said after I had gotten back to my room from my morning training. Daenerys had gotten busier in the last few weeks as she planned ahead for the upcoming war. 
I found her standing by the fireplace with her back turned towards me and the table that was in the shape of the Seven Kingdoms. A few figurines of different houses of Westeros were laid out in their appropriate places. 
“You called?” 
She takes a moment to turn, collecting her thoughts. 
“In a few days Olenna Tyrell, Ellaria Sand, and Yara Greyjoy will be here to pledge their allegiance to me and further discuss our plans to take the Iron Throne.” She rounded the table, walking closer to me. “But before they arrive is there anything I must know?”
I furrowed my brows, thinking back or ahead in the future? Nonetheless, I wracked my brain for anything that would be useful. 
“Oh,” I remembered. “An ambush. There’s going to be an ambush.” 
A flash of concern comes across her face. “Who?” 
“Euron Greyjoy. After your meeting you ordered Yara to escort Ellaria and their troops to Sunspear. But along the way Euron ambushes them.” The whole ordeal was hard to read. Daenerys’ campaign was going so well until that point. 
“It was catastrophic. So many died and so many ships destroyed they were still finding wreckage when I was born.” I turned towards the map, thinking back to where we were told the ambush had taken place. 
 “Here. 50 miles north of Sharp Point in Blackwater Bay.” I pointed out. “That’s where they were ambushed.” 
“The damage?”
“Significant. Euron, Yara’s uncle, takes her and Ellaria Sand and her daughter as hostages for Cersie and imprisons them in King's Landing. And, his ships are equipped with Scorpions.” 
She takes in a deep breath, trying to keep her composure. Her eyes look down at where I’ve pointed just a moment ago, weighing her options and thinking of a new plan. 
“So what do we do?” 
I smile. “I have a plan.”
Rain had been pouring down for the past three days and it showed no signs of letting up all while the entire castle prepared for the arrival of Houses Greyjoy, Martel, and Tyrell. I sighed, walking away from the floor to ceiling windows of the library and back to the roundtable full of books. With the rain getting heavier Grey Worm had decided to postpone my lessons which left me in the library of the castle, hunched over a mountain of books.
“Not very fond of the rain?” Missandei asks from the table, peering over a book. “I am. Just not very fond of the dreariness of it.” I reply, sitting down across from her. “It’s interesting how something as simple as the weather can change a person's entire mood.” 
She nodded, setting the book aside. “In Essos it barely rained. Whenever it did, the sky would be clear and the temperature hot. Here, the rain is so…” 
“Heavy.” I finished off. “Whenever the weather gets like this all I want to do is sleep.” 
“It does, doesn’t it?” Missandei beams. “I just want to curl up under the hearth with a cup of tea and a good book.” 
I laughed, “after all the reading I’ve done, it’s the last thing I’d want to do when I’m relaxing.” 
We both shared a laugh before falling into a pregnant pause. I could tell that she was still apprehensive about me. When she came to me this morning, asking to join me in the library, I was shocked. Out of council meetings and occasionally bumping into each other we had barely talked. 
“You don’t trust me,” I said. 
She watched my expression as she replied. “Can you blame me?” 
I shook my head. “No, I’m glad that you are, though. I’d be more concerned if you’d blindly trust me. Especially with my.. sudden appearance.”
Out of everyone in Daenerys’ council I knew from the start that Missandei would be the hardest to build a relationship with. She’d been with Dany for years. She’d seen her at her lowest and highest. Which is why she would be one of my most important allies, other than Daenerys. 
“You also don’t trust us,” Missandei says. 
“Wrong,” I correct. “I trust Daenerys. You. Grey Worm, and Tyrion.” 
“Not Lord Varys?” She asks. 
“No. Varys is… different, in a lot of ways.” I needed to tread carefully. I couldn’t just outwardly say that he would betray Daenerys and be the reason why Misssandei would die. But, I could sew in the seeds of doubt. 
“He’s.. somewhat unpredictable.” I pursed my lips. “His origin and journey is admirable, don’t get me wrong. It’s just his methods and means and history that are a bit questionable.” 
Everyone knows that Varys has his “little birds” but they don’t know the truth behind them. Missandei didn’t say much after that, letting my words sit in her mind for the rest of the day. I knew what I had said had left her stumped and that she would tell Daenerys of our conversation. I just hoped that the seed had been planted deep enough. 
The storm had raged on into the night. I was getting ready to turn into the night when a servant informed me of a small council meeting at the Painted Table. Quickly, I made my way over, seeing that everyone else was already there. 
“I hope I’m not late.” I say to no one in particular. Missandei and Grey Worm give me a few nods while Tyrion and Varys watch Daenerys who had her back towards us, deep in thought. 
“On a night like this, you were born,” Tyrion remarks. 
“I remember that storm. All the dogs in King’s Landing howled through the night.” Varys adds.
“I wish I could remember it.” Daenerys says, finally turning around. Her face was somewhat stoic as she walked over to the table. “I always thought this would be a homecoming, this doesn't feel like home.”
She’s upset, I noted. Did Missandei and I’s conversation work?
“We won’t stay at Dragonstone for long.” Tyrion reassures. 
“Good.” She says, looking at the figurine on the table. “Not many lions.”
“Cersie controls fewer than half of the Seven Kingdoms. The lords of Westeros despise her. Even before your arrival, they plotted against her. Now…” Varys says. I don’t know why but the tone of his voice makes me want to jump into the sea.
“They cry out for their true queen? They drink secret toasts to my health?” Daenerys walks closer to Varys, almost as if she were sizing him up. “People used to tell my brother that sort of thing, and he was stupid enough to believe them.”
Everyone in the room watches carefully as she picks up a dragon figurine from the table. “If Viserys had three dragons and an army at his back he’d have invaded King’s Landing already.” 
“Conquering Westeros would be easy for you. But you’re not here to be the queen of the ashes.” Tyrion interjects. 
“No,” Daenerys puts down the dragon figure. 
“We can take the Seven Kingdoms without turning it into a slaughterhouse,” I say. “We already have three great houses supporting your claim.” 
“I agree,” Tyrion nods my way. “With the Tyrell army and the Dornish on our side, we have powerful allies in the south.” 
Daenerys looks at Varys. “I never properly thanked you for that.” Though, her voice lacked any bit of gratitude. 
“They joined our side, my queen, because they believe in you.” Vays says.
“You served my father, didn’t you, Lord Varys?”
“I did,” He replies. 
“And then you served the man who overthrew him?” Her tone shifted. 
“I had a choice, Your Grace– serve Robert Baratheon or face the headsman's axe.” Varys says defensively.
“But you didn’t serve him long. You turned against him.”
“Robert was an improvement on your father, to be sure. There have been few rulers in history as cruel as the Mad King. Robert was neither mad nor cruel. He simply had no interest in being king.” Varys countered. 
“So you took it upon yourself to find yourself a better one.” She pressed further. 
Tyrion, feeling the tension in the room, comes to Varys’ defense. “Your Grace,” Daenerys turns towards Tyrion. “When I was ready to drink myself into a small coffin, Lord Varys told me about a queen in the east who–” 
“Before I came to power,” Daenerys turned back to Varys, “you favored my brother. All your spies, your little birds, did they tell you Viserys was cruel, stupid, and weak? Would those qualities have made for a good king in your learned opinion?”
“Until your marriage to Khal Drogo, Your Grace. I knew nothing about you, save your existence and that you were said to be beautiful.” Varys deflects. Daenerys looks past and towards me. 
“Are you sure?” I hummed, catching everyone’s attention. Varys’ face hardened and he glared towards me. “Because from what I remember, you’ve always known about Daenerys.” 
I stepped forward, standing behind Daenerys. “Matter of fact, you were the one who planned Daenerys’ marriage to Khal Drogo with Illyrio.”
Varys opened his mouth to speak, but Daenerys beat him to it. 
“You and your friends traded me like a prized horse to the Dothraki.” 
“Which you turned to your advantage.” He was starting to panic. It was clear the Varys didn’t like to have his back against the wall. 
“Who gave the order to kill me?” 
“King Robert.” He replies quickly. 
“Who hired the assassins?” She steps closer to Varys. “Who sent word to Essos to murder Daenerys Targaryen?” 
“Your Grace,” you could hear panic set in his voice. “I did what had to be done–”
“To keep yourself alive.” Daenerys says firmly. 
“Lord Varys has proven himself a loyal servant.” Tyrion says, trying to calm the situation. 
“Proven himself loyal?” I scoffed. 
“Quite the opposite.” Daenerys, turned towards her hand. “If he dislikes one monarch. He conspires to crown the next one. What kind of a servant is that?”
“The kind the realm needs.” Varys says firmly. “Incompetence should not be rewarded with blind loyalty. As long as I have my eyes, I’ll use them. I wasn’t born into a great house. I come from nothing. I was sold as a slave and carved up as an offering. When I was a child, I lived in alleys, gutters, abandoned houses. You wish to know where my true loyalties lie? Not with any king or queen, but with the people. The people who suffer under despots and prosper under just rule. The people whose hearts you aim to win. If you demand blind allegiance, I respect your wishes. Grey Worm can behead me or your dragons can devour me. But if you let me live, I will serve you well. I will dedicate myself to seeing you on the Iron Throne because I choose you. Because I know the people have no better chance than you.”
Silence lingers in the air as Varys’ words settle into the room. The rest watched the three of us carefully, holding their breaths. 
“Swear this to me, Varys.” Daenerys’ voice is calm, and no longer holds any edge. “If you ever think I’m failing the people, you won’t conspire behind my back. You’ll look me in the eye as you have done today, and you’ll tell me how I’m failing them.” 
Feeling satisfied that he’s in the clear, Varys stands straight. “I swear it, my queen.” 
“And I swear this– if you even betray me, I’ll burn you alive.” She quickly warns. 
Varys smiles. “I would expect nothing less from the Mother of Dragons.” 
Amidst back and forth a servant had entered the room, informing Grey Worm of a visitor. 
“Forgive me, my queen. A red priestess from As’shai has some to see you.” 
The doors to the throne room open, revealing a woman in red standing alone. She had red hair and dark red-ish eyes. Could this be?
The woman bows, her eyes linger on me before addressing Daenerys in Valyrian. “Queen Daeneys, I was a slave once, bought and sold, scourged and branded. It is an honor to meet the Breaker of Chains.” 
“The Red Priests helped bring peace to Meereen. You are very welcome here. What is your name?” Daenerys replies. 
“I am called Melisandre.” 
“She once served another who wanted the Iron Throne.” Varys says from behind us. “It didn’t end well for Stannis Baratheon, did it?”
“No, it didn’t” Melisandre replies with no emotions. 
Not only did it not end well for Stannis, but it also didn’t end well for his daughter who he burned alive under Melisandre’s orders, but if you ask her it was the “Lords” doing. 
“You chose an auspicious day to arrive at Dragonstone.” Daenerys turns to look at Varys. “We’ve decided to pardon those who served the wrong king.” 
Varys doesn’t reply and just bows his head, thankful that Daenerys hadn’t fed him to Drogon. 
Daenerys turns back to Melisandre. “The Lord of Light doesn’t have many followers in Westeros, does he?” 
“Not yet. But even those who don't worship the Lord can serve his cause.” 
“What does your Lord expect from me?” Daenerys questions. 
“The Long Night is coming. Only the prince who was promised can bring the dawn.”
I sucked in a breath through my nose. We were getting closer to Jon’s arrival and everything else that would follow suit. 
“The prince who was promised will bring the dawn.” Daenerys repeats. “I'm afraid I'm not a prince.”  
“Your Grace, forgive me, but your translation is not quite accurate.” Missandei corrects from the side. “That noun has no gender in High Valyrian, so the proper translation for that prophecy would be the prince or princess who was promised will bring the dawn.”
“Doesn’t really roll off the tongue, does it?” Tyrion comments. 
“No, but I like it better.” Daenerys turns back to Melisandre. “And you believe this prophecy refers to me?” 
“Prophecies are dangerous things. I believe you have a role to play, as does another. The King in the North, Jon Snow.” Melisandre explains.
“Jon Snow?” Tyrion says, shocked. “Ned Stark's bastard?” 
“You know him?” Daenerys asks. 
Tyrion nods. “I traveled with him to the Wall when he joined the Night's Watch.” 
“And why do you think the Lord of Light singled out this Jon Snow aside from the visions you’ve seen in the flames, that is?” Varys inquired. 
“As Lord Commander of the Night's Watch he allowed the Wildlings south of the Wall to protect them from great danger. As King in the North he has united those Wildlings with the northern houses so together they may face their common enemy.” 
Even after hundreds of years after the events of this time, Jon’s heroism is still marveled  upon. The North still remembers the King in the North.
“He sounds like quite a man.” I say.
“Summon Jon Snow. Let him stand before you and tell you things that have happened to him, the things that he has seen with his own eyes.” Melisandre urged Daenerys. 
Tyrion nodded, “I can’t speak to prophecies or visions in the flames, but I like Jon Snow and I trusted him, and I am an excellent judge of character.” 
“If he does rule the north, he would make a valuable ally. The Lannisters executed his father and conspired to murder his brother. Jon Snow has even more reason to hate Cersei than you do.” Tyrion added. 
She glanced up from Tyrion to me, asking if it were true. I gave her a subtle nod and she turned back to Tyrion, smiling. 
“Very well. Send a raven north.” She says. “Tell Jon Snow that his Queen invites him to come to Dragonstone… and bend the knee.”
Our new allies arrived early in the morning, just as the sun rose over the horizon. I wore a black dress with a wool outer layer with silver clasps running from my collarbone to above my navel. The shoulders, forearms, and collar had a dragon scale pattern. It was simple, but still full of detail, but most importantly it kept me warm in this dreaded weather.The rain had stopped overnight, but the clouds had stayed, blocking any sunlight.
Everyone was gathered at the Painted Table, all ready and waiting for Daenerys to make her entrance. As I entered the room, conversation between our guests dulled down as they couldn’t look away. I didn’t have to look to know what they were thinking. 
Another Targaryen? 
The room was cold from the night's rain and the cold sea so I threw more wood into the hearth and stood by Missandei as we waited for Daenerys. I glanced around the room, watching as Yara, Ellaria, and Olenna talked but occasionally glanced towards me. 
“They seem to be interested in you.” Missandei comments. 
“I thought they’d have a bigger reaction,” I say. “Maybe a few jaw’s on the floor, or a few gasps of shock.” 
Missandei chuckled. “I’m afraid all you’ll get is a few stares and gossip.” 
“I guess I can take that.” I hummed. 
The doors swung open as Daenerys entered. Everyone stood at attention as she made her way to the front of the room. 
“I want to thank you all for making the journey to Dragonstone. Now, let us begin.” 
Yara was the first to speak. “If you want the Iron Throne, take it. We have an army, a fleet, and three dragons. We should hit King's Landing now. Hard. With everything we have. The city will fall within a day.”
“If we turn the dragons loose, tens of thousands will die in the firestorms.” Tyrion shook his head. 
Ellaria looked towards him with disgust, which was noticed by all. “It's called war. You don't have the stomach for it, scurry back into hiding.”
“I know how you wage war. We don't poison little girls here. Myrcella was innocent.” Tyrion bit back. 
Ellaria scoffed. “She was a Lannister. There are no innocent Lannisters. My greatest regret is that Oberyn died fighting for you.” 
“Oberyn was a grown man. He made his choice, no one can change that. Myrcella was a child, she didn’t do anything. I think we all here know that a child isn’t responsible for their fathers sins.” I said from the sidelines, giving her a pointed look. 
“That's enough. Tyrion is the Hand of the Queen. You will treat him with respect.” Daenerys reminded. Both Tyrion and Ellaria backed down, Ellaria giving me one last look. “I am not here to be the Queen of Ashes.” 
“That's very nice to hear.” Olenna said from across the table. “Of course, I can't remember a queen who was better loved than my granddaughter. The common people loved her, the nobles loved her. And what is left of her now? Ashes. Commoners, nobles, they're all just children really. They won't obey you unless they fear you.”
“I'm grateful to you, Lady Olenna, for your council. I'm grateful to all of you. But you have chosen to follow me. I will not attack King's Landing. We will not attack King's Landing.” Daenerys says, genuinely. 
“Then how do you mean to take the Iron Throne? By asking nicely?” Olenna asks. I smiled at the older womens sass. 
Daenerys looked towards me and I stepped forward. “We will lay siege to the capital, surrounding it on all sides. Cersei will have the Iron Throne, but no food for her army or the people.” 
“But we won’t use Dothraki and Unsullied.” Tyrion adds. He walks around the carved table, “Cersie will try to rally the lords of Westeros by appealing to their loyalty, their love for their country. If we besiege the city with foreigners, we prove her point. Our army should be Westerosi.” 
“And I suppose we’re providing the Westerosi?” Ellaria clarifies. 
“You are.” Tyrion reached down, picking up a figurine that resembled a Kraken in a longship. “Lady Greyjoy will escort you home to Sunspear and her Iron Fleet will ferry the Dornish army back up to King’s Landing.” He walked over to the south of the map and picked up a figurine that resembled a sun. Taking both figurines, Tyrion places them at King’s Landing. “The Dornish will lay siege to the capital alongside the Tyrell army. Two great kingdoms united against Cersie.”
“So your master plan is to use our armies? Forgive me for asking, but why did you bother to bring your own?” Olenna asks Daenerys. 
Tyrion reached down, picking up a figurine that looked like an Unsullied helmet. He walked around the map. “The Unsullied will have another objective. For decades House Lannister has been the true power in Westeros. And the seat of that power is Casterly Rock. Grey Worm and the Unsullied will sail for the Rock and take it.”
He stops in front of Casterly Rock, a lion figurine sitting on the Rock. Tyrion takes a moment before knocking over the lion with the Unsullied figurine to everyone's pleasure. 
A clam settles and Daenerys addresses the room. “There is another matter to discuss.” Everyone looks at her, caught off guard. “I’ve come to learn that there will be an ambush in Blackwater Bay led by Euron Greyjoy under Cerseis’ order.” 
“What?” Someone says. 
“Your Grace,” Varys steps forward. “Forgive me, but I’ve heard no such thing to take place.” He eyes me suspiciously. “Perhaps you’re mistaken.” 
“There have been no mistakes, Lord Varys.” Daenerys says. I moved to stand on Daenerys' side. 
“Euron will strike at night.” I explain. “His ships are equipped with Scorpions, they’re deadly and will tare your ships to shreads.” 
Yara’s face drops. “What the hell do we do? Our ships aren’t fully equipped to take on his.” Theon, behind her, is equally terrified. 
“We know,” I say, calmly. “That is why I’ll be escorting you.” 
“Forgive me, my dear, but what can you do?” Olenna asks. 
“I’ll be on dragonback. I’ll be flying high enough to go unnoticed, but close by to help when the attack happens. There will be casualties on our end, that's certain, but this is war.” The others look at Daenerys and I in shock as they try to find the words to speak.
“But you’ve never flown into battle.” Tyrion says. 
“So?” I shrug. “I’ll have to fight at one point, might as well start now.”
“My Lady, you’ve never flown out that far, you’ll be all alone.” Missandei says. 
“No I won’t. I’ll have my dragon and I’ll have our new allies besides me.” I say, nodding towards Yara and Ellaria. “When I bent the knee to Daenerys and promised to get her the Iron Throne, I meant it. This is what I have to do.”
Daenerys gives me a reassuring look. She turned towards the room. “Do I have your support?”
Yara glances between Daenerys and I. “You have mine.” 
“Dorne is with you, Your Grace.” Ellaria says. 
Lady Olenna nods her head in agreement. 
“Thank you all.” Daenerys says, somewhat relieved. “Lady Olenna, may I speak with you alone?” 
Everyone bows and leaves the room. Before leaving I turned towards Daenerys, “I’ll go get ready for my departure.” 
She nods. “Stay safe, sister.”
I smiled. “I will. When I’m back I’ll let you put a braid in my hair.” I say, leaving. 
I stepped out into the hall and down to where my room was where everything was already ready for me. When I first had my conversation with Daenerys about the ambush I had also asked for some armor to be made for me. And with the help of the servants I was able to get into it quickly. It was simple but protective and it allowed me to ride my dragon without hurting either of us. I took two daggers that I’d also had made and placed them into their places on my hip.
Afterwards I headed to where the ships were docked and where Viserion was waiting for me. I stepped outside and saw everyone getting ready to leave. I spotted Yara and Theon were still on the docks giving orders to their crew. 
“Is everything ready?” I ask. 
“It is, My Lady. We’ll be leaving shortly.” Yara says. 
“Good. You’ll leave first and I’ll be behind you not far off. We need to make it look like you’re alone and unsuspecting.” I explained. I glanced back at Theon who still hadn’t said anything, but had something on his mind. “Is something bothering you, My Lord?”
Theon looked taken aback, surprised that I was talking to him. “I’m not a lord.” 
“You’re not?” I repeat. “You are Balon Greyjoy’s son, are you?” 
He nods, not fully looking up at me. 
“That makes you Lady Yara Greyjoy's brother, yes?” 
He nods again, still not looking up. 
“Then that makes you a Greyjoy, an Ironborn. You are every bit of a lord you are now and when you were born on Pyke, do not forget that. What’s happened has happened, no one can change that. All we can do is move forward. We Do Not Sow, yes?”
He nods, finally looking up at me. 
The ships had cleared out of the docks and were making their way into Blackwater Bay. I stood near the cliffs, ready to leave, when Tyrion came to stand beside me. 
“What you’re doing is heroic, My Lady.” He says. 
“I guess it is. I’ve never done anything like this.” I flexed my fingers. “My entire body’s buzzing. Was this what you felt before the Battle of the Blackwater and defeated Stannis’ army?” 
Tyrion nodded. “It did. I felt like throwing up and shitting the floor at the same time.” We both laughed. “I had to drink a few glasses of wine to calm myself down. Perhaps it would help you, My Lady.” 
I laughed, shaking my head. “No, I’m fine. I need a clear head. But, you can save me that glass for when I get back. Then we can talk about everything that needs to be talked about. Don’t you agree?” 
“I do.” 
It was pitch black and cold. The heat from Viserion’s body was still keeping me warm, but the cold wind blowing past my face was getting to me. Even from up there I could hear the waves crashing down which meant that I’d be able to hear when Euron’s fleet attacked. 
“How you feeling, big guy? Good?” I asked Viserion. He let out a small purr, his entire body vibrating. I sighed, looking up at the sky above. The stars and the mood were my only light as we flew further out. 
“Okay,” I say out loud. “Let's go over our plan. When they attack our ships we fly down and torch them, but we have to be careful not to get too close or else we’ll be caught and we have to watch out for the Scorpions. One hit with that and we’ll be recreating Queen Rhaenys and Meraxes. And keep your eye out for Euron, we need him alive.” 
Viserion purrs again and I take that as a sign that he agrees with the plan. The last few weeks I’ve flown with him were good, we’d stay around Dragonstone, the furthest we’ve been was Driftmark, so this was a huge risk. 
When I had explained to Daenerys my plan she was apprehensive. It was clear that she didn’t want either Viserion or I to get hurt, but she knew that we also couldn’t risk our fleet and our army. 
A loud crash brought me out of my thoughts, and a glow erupted from below. The steady waves of the ocean now clashed against one another as Euron began his assault. 
This was it. 
“Now.” I command. 
In an instant Viserion flies down past the clouds and we’re met with Eurons fleet fighting against Yara’s. Almost instantaneously my body and mind knew what to do. Without a word Viserion flew down and prepared himself. 
Fire erupts out of his mouth and lights the enemy ships below us ablaze. He lets out a loud scratch, gathering everyone's attention below before striking again. It takes them a minute before they aim their Scorpions up towards us. The massive arrows fly past us as Viserion weaves between them while burning Eurons fleet. 
It doesn’t take long for the battle to die down, the air filled with the smell of burnt wood and flesh. Our fleet was damaged but Eurons was completely destroyed. Anyone who could have survived the dragonfire were either killed or taken hostage. Like planned, a Targaryen flag is flown under the Greyjoy’s on Yara’s ship, Black Wind.  
Once I’d landed back on Dragonstone I quickly said goodbye to Viserion, letting him rest, and made my way down to the docks where everyone, minus Grey Worm, would be waiting for me. 
Daenerys was first to see me, giving me a tight hug while the others nodded my way, smiling. 
“Well done, My Lady. You’ve done well.” Tyrion says. 
“Thank you, but we’ve still got work to do.” 
Right on que, a ship comes into the docks. The crew works quickly to anchor down and disembark. The Ironborn and a few Dornish step off before Theon and a few of his men step off. He’s a little bruised, and he’s got dirt and ash on his face, but overall well. He bow’s towards Daenerys and I, giving me a small smile before he steps aside and allows his men in front who are dragging a beaten up Euron Greyjoy. 
“We’ve got him, Your Grace.” Says Theon. 
“Good,” Daenerys’ eyes never left the unconscious Euron. “Bring him to the dungeons.” 
The men hull him off and everyone makes their way back into the castle. I turn over to Tyrion. 
“Let’s have that drink.”
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@wotcherpeak @music-luver25 @your-favorite-god @radiantdanvers @cluelessteam @daenerys713 @ministark @laanswife @idohknow @jromanoff @bdudette @bitchyfestivalbouquet @glitteryobjecttaco @cantbecreative @lovelyteenagebeard @the0twst0shrimp0mc @sucker4seresin @marytargaryen @naneko31 @9tailedfoxfire @illsenewman @natblidaclexa @bluebirdseatblueberries
!! A/N: I will be going on a hiatus for a few months. I've got some personal stuff going on so I won't be updating any of my series including this one. I don't know when I'll be back, but when I am I'll get you guys a new chapter so hang on tight. Thank you for all the support you've given so far. I know thing are only just getting started story wise but I have a lot to do and I'll make it up to you all when I'm back.
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cloudysx · 3 months ago
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Kingdom Hearts changed me (Storytime)
While I was drawing, I don't know… I felt like I needed to say what I felt about the Kingdom Hearts license and my art of drawing.
My beginnings, my entry into art school, my graduation diploma
I started to doodle like everyone else when I was a kid, I only started to draw seriously around the age of 8/9 because I was part of a drawing association in my hometown, I started to draw related to video games around 2006 when Zelda Twilight Princess came out on Wii, this game was a big turning point for me because it was one of the first iconic licenses with the character of Link, really I only drew him at the time x). I entered art school when I was 14 because I wanted to become an illustrator (and I still dream of making a living from my art). I didn't have a very good year in the Illustration section because there was already competition between the students who were very gifted in drawing who looked down on the students who were struggling a little too much. I was right in the middle of the people who knew how to draw but who had difficulties and I already had my manga style which was very badly seen at the time. One of my teachers told me "manga is not art". I hated this teacher (spoiler: I still hate her today). The teachers helped the students who were struggling without any more help. I had average or terrible grades because either I couldn't do it or the theme they gave me didn't inspire me. Sometimes I didn't hand in an assignment. It was not easy at all when you had to submit a ton of drawing assignments every 3 weeks outside of general classes, when you came home from school at 6pm, when you were forced to follow a realistic drawing style, when you were not taught the basics of drawing (anatomy, perspective, etc.). I changed departments to go to Computer Graphics and get my graduation diploma. After my studies, I drew from time to time when I had inspiration, whether on paper or on a graphics tablet.
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evolution of my drawing style
The discovery of Kingdom Hearts
I discovered the license via Birth by Sleep on PSP, my boyfriend had offered me the game during an outing. I very quickly stopped playing it because I found the game too hard x), I stopped towards the beginning of the game with Ventus. And I didn't touch a game of the license again until 2018 with the first compilation of games on PS3 KH 1.5, I discovered for the first time the first Kingdom Hearts game I had really advanced in the game I had even reached the last level "The End of the World", but I stopped because I had not done enough farming xD, the enemies really did a lot of damage to me, so it very quickly demotivated me and I could not finish the game. A few months later Kingdom Hearts III was released, the trailers shown at E3, etc ... really made me want to because I LOVE Disney, it was the only argument for me to buy the game. x) So I bought the game and I finished it ... and .... even if I had not understood anything about the story, I had liked the game for its Disney universes and for its gameplay. In 2022 I rediscovered all the KH games in compilations on my PC, an acquaintance did regular lives on the KH games after the Kingdom Hearts IV trailer. It made me want to do some too. So I bought KH 1.5 + 2.5 on the epic game store and off I went to do my own marathon. And what a discovery OH MY GOD ! It was just incredible ! It was on this occasion that I finally finished the first Kingdom Hearts, that I discovered Chain of Memories that I didn't finish because I HATE THE GAMEPLAY OF THIS GAME but that I redid this year in 2024, I gave the game a second chance and even if I admit that I'm still not a fan of the gameplay I understood the game better and well now I like this game ! The total discovery of Kingdom Hearts II which was a crazy adventure ! I continued with the theater mode of 358/2 days & Re:coded and replayed and finished all the stories of Birth By Sleep. I then bought KH 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue & Melody Of Memory with once again the total discovery of the games. Overall very good games, and that's how I really started to like the Kingdom Hearts license, and which became my favorite license, despite the criticism because many people find its story complicated to understand. In the meantime I discovered the cinematics of the mobile games Kingdom Hearts Back Cover | Chi | Union Cross | Dark Road and I recently played KH Re:coded & KH 358/2 days on emulator, And in truth it was really cool to have played these games.
A new icon : Sora
When I discovered Kingdom Hearts II, I was totally blown away by Sora's character design, this version of Sora started to inspire me to start drawing again. In 2022 it was the 20th anniversary of the series, after moving to a new region, I was motivated to make a drawing for the 20th anniversary of the European release of Kingdom Hearts (November 15th). I started by making my drawings in July to finish it in November before the deadline. I made 3 illustrations of Sora from KH, KHII & KHIII, it was not perfect but it was a good start to get back into drawing. From January 2023 I started to have a regular rhythm to draw, over the months I started to see a big improvement in my drawings (especially this year in 2024). The character of Sora also made me get back into cosplay after a one-year break in this environment! This character inspires me so much! he has become so important to me. In addition to being endearing, he is always there to put a smile on people's faces, to be in a good mood, to always think of others and to know how to show his true strength when necessary. In short, not a day goes by without an idea coming to my mind around the Kingdom Hearts license.
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drawing made in for the 20th anniversary of KH (2022)
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one of my drawings made in october 2024)
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My evolution in cosplay in the character of Sora (November 2022 - June 2023 - January 2024 - September 2024)
Thank you for coming into my life Kingdom Hearts, you have become such an important license for me, a license that offers me so much inspiration in my creations ! 💖
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oveliagirlhaditright · 2 years ago
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Well, then.
An article I definitely didn't expect to see pop up today... or maybe ever. LOL. I actually didn't think that they'd put zettaflare in Final Fantasy after Donald used it in Kingdom Hearts III.
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ginnyn · 2 years ago
I just *kinda* spoiled myself Donbros vs Zenkai (I'm saying that because its in the Ranger Wiki, without a source so, all the grains of salt involved there) annnddddd... (Spoilers ahead! They maybe are wrong but I will tag them anyway)
it's just They Live.
It's just Sentai They Live.
Look, this is not weird or abnormal, LuPat is basically Sentai Cat's Eye with a smidge of Lupin III (Because Keiichiro is Sentai Zenigata) but its just They Live.
Which I should have assumed long time ago with just the sunglasses thing, but now I'm realizing we don't know how the Donbros' world end up in that situation they are. And was just writing on how the time traveling from parallel futures aspect was introduced and then never did a thing with it and... it seems this is the thing. You know, for Future Proof the other series.
So, Kaito is Kaito. After he failed to save earth and somehow became the last survivor. I guess.
You didn't need to do Gokaiger again but wayyyy darker T_T
Since I already seen a post about unhinged threads of replies galore from the same person, I'm gonna do that with my thread on the other site about what I'm watching about Super Sentai.
Right now I'm: (Edited at Apr 11st, 2023)
Changeman at ep 41. Tsurugi is the goddamn best. And the aliens are also very interesting. It's just weird it took its good while to get good, but it got really good half the season
ToQger at ep 33. It's not really what I was expecting, but its good. It should have more episodes like the Kendama Detective's though.
Gingaman at ep 22. I'm half serious when I say is the himbo Super Sentai, but for the moment they are doing a good job making me care for this people.
Zyuranger at ep 12. I'm collapsing the whole time. Juran suddenly makes complete sense and this series is really, really good. And I don't care that much about the team itself for the moment, for some reason, but the kids, the kids....
Bioman at ep 3. One episode was bad and the next really good so, it's ok? I have seen just 3 episodes by the way.
King-Ohger at ep 6. Can something be too epic? For the moment this is political drama and its not a very interesting political drama, so, I hope we're having the curse of the first 10 episodes, which probably would be the first time since... Zyuohger?
Finished: Dairanger, GoGo-V, Dekaranger, Gekiranger, Go-Onger, Shinkenger, Goseiger, Gokaiger, Go-Busters, Kyoryuger, Ninninger, Zyuohger, Kyuranger, Lupinranger vs Patranger, Ryusoulger, Kiramager, Zenkaiger, Donbrothers
The only method to this madness is if I want to watch a crossover or not. Soooo....
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islandtarochips · 13 days ago
Royal AU
Okay, I have seen so much Royal Aus that I’ve been DYING to do my own! For Gaz x Tiala! Here is what I was thinking!
There are TWO different kingdoms! One from where Gaz lived and one from where Tiala lives!
Gaz is the Prince of that Kingdom and was on his way, with his parents, to meet a certain Princess from another kingdom far off from sea. His parents wanted him to meet with this Princess for courtship.
And if you’re wondering who this Princess is, That would be Alana’s niece. Princess Keona Kalani.
In this AU, I’m putting Keona as being OLDER. Like almost the same age as either Tiala or Agnes (25-27 years old)! Because in the COD universe. Keona was like a baby (4-7 years old) But since I’m creating THIS AU. I am giving her growth to be a young adult. Who is ready to marry the Prince and conceal the deal with Gaz’s parents!
There are OTHER things I want to talk about the PLOT for this AU. But I would keep the spoilers in until I post the FIRST Chapter! And now, let me show you who the characters are in this story. And what parts they play as well! But I only have a few things figured out. So I didn’t get the REST of your favorite COD characters here.
Okay! Here is the list that I have so far about their parts!
Gaz: The royal Prince and is the son of the King and Queen who rule the Kingdom. And was already betrothed to married a Princess who was living out in sea.
King [Name]: Gaz’s father. With great kindness in his heart to rule his people with compassion.
Queen [Name]: Gaz’s mother. The one who requests a betrothed to the other kingdom. In order for her son to rule their home with someone who has royal blood. Wanted her son to marry a royal in order to keep their bloodline going.
Hershel Von Shepherd III: A Lord Paramount. Head of the Great House “Shepherd”. A High-Ranking noble who holds direct fealty to the king and is the overlord of a specific region. Along with having the Shadow Knights working for him.
Kate Laswell: A royal advisor for the King and Queen. She is the woman who advises the royal majesty of what or how to deal with the situations. Also gives private tutoring for the Prince if she is free from the King and Queen of their meeting some people.
John Price: Knight Captain. Gaz’s mentor for Fighting training. John was very well known by the majesty of his great skills of swordsmanship and leadership. And is in charge of his own group with two of his trusty men. Working by his side. So you can say that the King and Queen asked him to teach their son to use those skills to defend himself and for the Kingdom.
Simon “Ghost” Riley: A Royal Knight. One of Price’s right hand men. Alway seemed so quiet but spoke when Price, Soap or Gaz was around. And to the royal majesties as well!
John “Soap” MacTavish: A Royal Knight and Gaz’s best friend. A man who has that energetic attitude to plumper any opponents during training or enemies in battles! One of Price’s best knights in the kingdom!
Philip Graves: Knight Commander. Working for Lord Shepherd. A cocky blonde bastard who always gets on Price and his boys’ nerves whenever he sees them. Prick.
Now for my OC in the Royal AU:
Sami Toa: Knight Commander. Is off to a mission to deal with another kingdom. Who needs assistance with something. (Still trying to figure out the reason of why he left)
Rangi Toa: A Royal Knight and a Knight Commander (Taking over). He is in charge while Sami was away out in sea for a mission to assist someone in another kingdom.
Kanoa Toa: A Royal Knight. A man with great charms and skills for the King and Queen of their home. Also Princess Aelan’s personal bodyguard. (Secretly teaches Tiala how to use a sword and other weapons that he knows of)
Tiala Toa: A Farmer Girl. Helping her family to plant and sell some vegetables and fruits to get money from the market. Wanting to join with the knights but Sami forbade her to go and let her stay with the family to help out.
King Ola Kalani: The Lord Paramount (Recent) and the head of the “Kalani Household”. Who is now King of the land (Current). The older brother of Lady Alana Kalani. And the husband of the true blood of Royalty, Queen Noelani Iona. Also the father of Princess Keona Kalani.
Queen Noelani Iona Kalani: The TRUE ruler of the land and her people. Marrying one of the Lord Paramount, Lord Kalani. The sister-in-law of Lady Kalani and the mother of Princess Keona Kalani.
Princess Keona Kalani: The daughter of King Ola Kalani and Queen Noelani Iona Kalani. And the Princess who is going to be betrothed with a Prince.
Lady Alana Kalani: The Lady Paramount (Current) and the Dame Grand Cross. A single mother who was raising her daughter and is currently working in both ways. Being a lady AND being a knight. For she wanted to help her brother and sister-in-law to protect the kingdom in peace. Good thing her daughter is there to take care of the house while she’s away.
Lady Aelan Kalani: Daughter of Lady Alana Kalani. She usually stays behind to take care of the “Kalani Household”. While her mother sometimes was away to settle some issues in the other land or into battle. She had Sir Kanoa Toa keeping her company.
Agnes “Blast” Falagi: A Blacksmith. She is the daughter of the most crafty blacksmith in the kingdom. With her great creativity skills of making things that people NEED instead of WANT. She’ll get it done.
Nigel “Squirrel” Harrison: A Royal Knight. Member of the Shadow Knights. Very skillful on his swords and good aiming with his bow and arrow. You could say that Graves proudly said that he is the best knight that they could ever have.
Tama “Koa” Nikau: A Royal Knight. Carrying his family’s legacy of becoming one. A good man with great strength and swordman skills and even have that good looks. But is too shy to talk with women.
And that’s about it! There are other characters that I want to add into this AU. Like Alejandro, Rudy, Nikolai, Farah, Alex, Valeria, etc. Even my other OCs will join in here as well! But I don’t have any plans for them right now. So it’ll take a slow process for me to figure out for them! But if YOU guys have any ideas for the rest of the characters then comment down below! Even adding a few facts about the COD Characters! So thank you for reading this far! Love ya, peles! 😘💖
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lucemferto · 2 years ago
Sometimes I just look at people's opinions and I am just amazed by how ludicrously wrong I find them to be.
Case in point: The assertion that the Kingdom Hearts series is moving away from Disney. I mean ... have we played the same series?
Kingdom Hearts III is such a love letter to the Disney properties it represents - in fact, I'd argue that KHIII represents the series moving closer to Disney compared to KHII. The Disney worlds are realised with a stunning attention to detail, the cutscenes are lavish and extravagant and - most of all - the worlds are MASSIVE.
They easily make up 90% of the game and are written with an energy - with the exception of maybe Arendelle - that is completely missing in whatever meagre scraps the original content gets.
I mean, think about it: Kingdom Hearts I had four original worlds, which includes the massive Hollow Bastion as well two decently sized worlds in Traverse Town and The End of the World.
Meanwhile, Kingdom Hearts III has two relatively small original worlds in Twilight Town and the amalgamation of the Keybalde Graveyard, the Final World and Scala Ad Caelum. As well as an in-cutscenes only Hub World where exposition is relayed to us as flatly as possible, while Arendelle gets a whole Let It Go number.
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alieinthemorning · 1 year ago
Pragma [Furina]
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Content: Genshin Impact Version 4.2 Masquerade of the Guilty Spoilers, Kingdom Hearts III Spoilers, Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Soft
Pronouns: None
Reblogs: Let me know that you enjoy my work and want to see more, so don't forget to like and reblog (and comment in the tags. I love seeing people’s rambles in the tags)!
This work's concepts, plot and original characters are my own which means I do not allow any sort of creative theft nor do I allow my work to be entered into any sort of A.I. bots. Thank you for respecting my space and boundaries.
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You have always had sensitive hearing. And yet, despite the seriousness of the situation surrounding you—You could hear the faint sound of song. A finale of bittersweet release.  And then you felt the urge to dance—to join her on the stage.
You disregarded those around you, disregarded the violent waters that threatened to consume all of Fontaine. All of that disappeared as your dance partner began the final dance of this half a millennium masquerade.
You followed in step, completely in tune with her. You tasted the sweetness of her sacrifice. And the sourness—your hand shot out, unable to reach what was just ahead—of her death. You did not cry. You smiled, just as she had.
And as the song reached its climax, you found yourself ascending the steps of her throne, joined by the beautiful remnants of your dance partner. The remnants reached her before you, but you could still hear the whispers.
"Thank you, Furina. For all you've done. From this moment on, please live happily as a human. Just as I wished we could."
Then as you yourself reached her, you dropped to one knee grabbing her right hand, allowing your lips to just barely brushing against the fabric as you whispered your own words to her.
"What an outstanding performance, Furina. Your time in the spotlight is now complete. Let the rest of the actors finish this tragedy, and when you open your eyes next—the dawn of a new day will come to greet you. And finally, you will be able to take your final bow and receive your roses and standing ovation."
When you opened your eyes, you found that hers were still filled with a pour of tears. Tears that you didn't dare wipe away. After five hundred years of keeping the secrets of an Archon's love, she should be allowed the freedom to finally let it all out. No matter how silent she sounded.
You turned to look back at the spot where Neuvillette, the Traveler and Paimon had been, now gone to take on the All-Devouring Narwhal. Your gaze then flickered toward where the others had been, they too had left. You assumed that they had left to help deal with the storm of sin.
You smiled, turning back to her as you leaned against the balcony's railing.
"Shall I tell you a story, Furina?"
You told her the story of another prophecy—of a boy of light and an old man of darkness. You told her how that boy played into the played into the hands of prophecy even at the very end. The prophecy being conducted by the old man, who had actually been a victim of prophecy himself.
And yet, despite the old man conceding and the darkness receding. There was always a sacrifice that needed collection.  The boy had scarified his life for that of his friends, and although he was a bit frightened, he was still okay with the outcome. Because he knew—
"They can take your world. They can take your heart. Cut you loose from all you know. But if it's your fate... then every step forward will always be a step closer to home."
He knew he would return home one day, no mater what.
"So did she, so will I and so will you, Furina."
There will always be those waiting for us with a smile on their face.
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When Furina had finally gained the courage to lay eyes on her ruined kingdom, she was quite surprise to see that her people were not dissolved into the waters, bringing the waves of the torment as their final verdict as they plunged her beneath the waters to dissolve in her death sentence.
No, what she saw was quite different from that.
"The prophecy was—" Furina threw a hand up to shield her eyes from the sudden ray of light. And when she removed it, she found you in the sunbeam's place.
"Good morning, Furina." You presented her a hand.
She gave a watery smile, giving you her right hand.
"Yes, it is a good morning indeed."
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Furina found you sometime later, telling you that she was going to embark on a journey.
You knew this was to come, so you simply smiled at her, presenting her with a Lakelight Lily.
Neither of you said the usual parting words, already knowing them by heart. Furina did surprise you, however, by grabbing your left hand and pressed a petal-soft kiss to your knuckles. Then with a flourish only a true god could muster did she bow to you and leave with elegance.
You held your left hand to your heart, hoping to cherish its warmth as you waited for Furina's return.
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Yeah, this whole AQ fucked me up real good. Highkey wished that Furina came after this version, just so that people could play it and have more time to save for her. Because, like, Furina is my absolute favorite character now. I love her so much (and as a writer/reader you know why this is actually a bad thing :3c ).
Ko-Fi | Commission | Masterlist
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quillandink333 · 11 months ago
The Dove and the Swan Take Flight • pt. 2
Credit to @winterxisxcomingx for the beautiful banner ♡︎
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SPOILERS FOR HAZBIN HOTEL ~ Read ahead at your own risk!
After centuries spent distancing himself from his people and letting affairs of state fall into neglect, Lucifer decides it’s high time to get reacquainted with his would-be fair kingdom and brings Emily along for a grand tour of the Pride Ring.
WARNINGS: Abrahamic imagery (obviously), corporatism, body dysphoria, I wouldn’t exactly condone telling shady strangers where you’ll be going in the near future
Part I • Part II • Part III
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“I’ve been thinking…” Emily broke the silence. She and her host had been enjoying their breakfast so thoroughly that they hadn’t noticed when the conversation had dwindled to a halt.
Lucifer had a mouth full of sugary carbs and fresh fruit as he answered, “Hm?”
“We’re going to Sinsoplex today, right?”
“We are indeed!” he proclaimed. “I wanted to give you a taste of what mainstream city life is like down here. That, plus our excursion to Cannibal Town made me realise we stick out like a sore thumb in public.” He tilted his head with an awkward glance toward his hat and coat, which were draped over the unoccupied chair beside him, and she giggled. “That’s why we’re hitting the boutiques first and foremost, as clearly I don’t have the first clue about today’s trends and the like.”
“That’s perfect!” Her eyes lit up with excitement, making his heart flutter. “Because I’ve been thinking, I know I just got my hair cut at the barber’s, and I love it! But the thing is, now that’s made me wanna change it even more,” she confessed, as if simply wishing to alter her appearance was a sin.
“I see no reason why we couldn’t do that on the same trip,” he offered right off the bat without question. “There’s bound to be a few sinners in the beauty industry who could help us on both fronts.”
“Well, yeah, but do you really think we’ll find someone willing to do all that for us on such short notice?”
“Naturally. I’m Lucifer Goddamn Morningstar; who could possibly refuse?” he chuckled. Being the supreme ruler of Hell had all the perks one would expect, which he could surely stand to take advantage of more often, he pondered. Emily, however, was of the mind to disagree, but she didn’t dare correct him when he’d been showing her such endless generosity ever since her fall. As long as he paid their stylist what they demanded in return for their services—which he obviously had the means to—she supposed it didn’t matter.
Word Count: 2.7k
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“Right, let me just get this straight.” The youngest of the so-called Vees was hardly giving them half of her attention as she played around giving herself different flashy manicures with a flick of her wrist. “So the pair of you just poof into my studio out of nowhere, then order me personally to give you each the full Transformakeover service right this fucking second with no appointment?”
Emily felt a stab of shame at the sarcastic accusation, causing her to shrink back into Lucifer’s side. Before she could say anything, though, he waved his cane and conjured a pile of cash taller than a fridge between them and the overlord. “I take it that should work for you.”
Velvette’s eyebrows shot up toward the top of the stack. “Yeah, no, tha-that’ll do.”
“That’s what I thought,” he smirked.
The first order of business, as apparently per their stylist’s standard practice, was hair. She took Emily aside and sat her down in front of an oversized mirror in a frame of uncomfortably bright LEDs, then had a stylist on standby sit the king in the chair next to hers. “I’ve gotta say, darling, you’re in desperate need of some layers,” she noted, running a comb through the lilac tresses. “A new colour wouldn’t hurt neither. Any requests?”
“Uhh…” Out of habit, she cast a lost glance over at Lucifer. It took him a couple of seconds to notice, but when he did, she whisper-yelled to him, “What colour should I get my hair dyed?”
He raised an eyebrow. “What are you asking me for? It’s your hair, sunshine,” he smiled tightly. “I shouldn’t need to tell you by now that I think any colour would look great on you.”
“Oh. Okay…” Her gaze meandered back to her reflection. She’d never had her hair dyed before, and she’d never had much of a say when it came to styles either. Velvette was getting restless as she waited for an answer, which had Emily chewing on the inside of her cheek.
“Here, how ’bout something like this?” Lucifer stood up to show her a picture on his phone. “That Angel Dust fellow sent it to me the other day saying he thought it would suit you. Now, why he didn’t just send it to you directly, I have no clue.” The image showed a sinner from behind. They had shoulder-length hair with feathery layers and a balayage going from dark roots to a warm vanilla blonde at the crown, then into a blinding platinum for the better part of the length. Emily’s brows rose and her lips formed a lowercase ‘o,’ telling him she at least wasn’t averse to the sight of it.
Velvette scoffed. “Are you joking? That’s, like—” Her words caught in her throat when she spotted Morningstar shooting a glowing red glare her way through the mirror. “I mean—y-yeah, if that’s what you want. Seems easy enough.”
She promptly got up, wasting no time walking Emily over to one of the sinks for a wash. The little angel floated along without a care in the world while the other two trailed behind. Having heard that it would be ‘easy enough,’ she was surprised to find out the dyeing process was a lot more complicated than she was imagining. Lucifer was already in the middle of getting his blow-dried by the time she got back from her rinse.
“Good god, where’d you get this cut, Cannibal Town?” cringed Velvette as she got started on the trimming process.
“Yeah, actually!” Emily was anything but oblivious to the disgust in her tone, but she’d already decided to ignore it. “Lucifer’s taking me on a tour around Pentagram City, and that was the first place we visited. Today it’s the commercial district!”
“You don’t say?”
“Mhm! I went to get my hair done at the barber shop, and they had a singing quartet in the shop! It was so cool!”
“So where you off to next, then?”
“Uhm…” The abrupt change of subject caught her a little off guard. “Well, I forget what her name was, but she’s an overlord like you, and I feel like her first and last initials were the same. We’re going to visit her. Either that or we’re visiting someone named…oh, fudge. Did it start with a ‘Z?’ I think it started with a ‘Z…’ Sorry, I can’t remember. It was one of the two—or both, maybe. I dunno.”
“Was it Zestial Morde and Carmilla Carmine, perhaps?”
“Yes, that’s it! Oh my gosh, thank you. That was driving me crazy!” she giggled at herself. “So does that mean you know them?”
Not much time had passed before they were interrupted by Lucifer’s hairdresser, spinning him around in his chair to show her work to her boss.
Lucifer himself was looking none too pleased. His forelocks messy and unkempt, the devil was now sporting something called an undercut. The roguish diva had tried to have it dyed—he’d vehemently put his foot down at the very first mention of the idea. But even though he didn’t care much for the end result himself, when he saw Emily clapping for him and flashing him a double thumbs-up with an open-mouthed smile, he couldn’t help but smile back.
“She’ll be done in a minute,” Velvette dismissed him after reluctantly approving the work of her tired-looking employee.
Once the trimming and styling steps had been wrapped up, she sprung up from her seat and made a beeline toward the waiting area where he was sat. “So? How do I look?”
“Lovely!” he grinned from ear to ear. “Wow, uh… This might sound a bit strange, but you look just like Charlie. It’s like you two could be sisters,” he chortled.
“Really?! Haha! I wonder if she’ll think the same when she sees it.”
With their hair done, it was onto the retail stage of the trademarked Transformakovers.
“So what kind of look are you thinking for me?” asked Emily as they were led into the overlord’s walk-in closet, which was really more of a gallery. “Woah…!”
Her eyes popped and her mouth hung open as she ogled her surroundings. There were garments of all different colours and materials and personalities she couldn’t even label, the racks on every wall going all the way up to the vaulted ceiling. She’d had no idea how vast the world of fashion really was until she’d stepped inside.
“Velvette, this is amazing!” she squealed, forgetting that she was supposed to be hiding her wings as she darted from rack to rack. Lucifer smiled quietly at her unabashed excitement. “Did you design all of these? Ahh, look at those shoes! And that top! Oh my gosh, how do you ever decide what to wear?!”
Velvette’s curt body language contradicted how flattered she actually was. “It’s not hard, really. I mean, I wouldn’t touch half the shit in here, but that’s just me.”
“What?! Really?” She fluttered back down to the floor, shocked and a little crestfallen. “You mean you don’t like this stuff?”
“No, it-it’s—well, yeah, most of it’s…fine, I guess.” This reaction had Emily crossing her arms at the emotions she was detecting now: mainly flattery, but also a hint of vulnerability and… Was that guilt? Before she could figure it out, it vanished, both from her senses and her memory. With a snap of her fingers, Velvette summoned a rack on wheels full of clothes and accessories ranging from ostentatious to understated beside her. “Here’s what I’m thinking for you two.”
Emily wasted no time getting a closer look, the hooks of the hangers screeching against the metal rod as she flipped through them. Upon observation, the rack seemed to be divided in half, each side containing the makings of a whole outfit plus a few alternate options for certain parts.
“I’m guessing that’s her side and this is mine?” Lucifer inferred as he side-eyed the white tennies on his end with reflective toes and ludicrously chunky tread.
“Ooh…” Emily grimaced as she took a strikingly short mini skirt off the rack and held it up to her hips. It was covered in a loud print of candies and desserts atop a sweet pastel pink. “Oh gosh, it’s even shorter than I thought,” she laughed crookedly.
“Absolutely not!” Her chaperone, livid, snatched it out of her hands practically in the middle of her sentence. He shot daggers at the diva, which seemed to bounce right off of her.
“Oy, calm your tits, Your Holiness,” she jeered, “I’ve got it covered.” Then she reached between them for Emily’s half of the rack and removed from it a pair of fuzzy, black, thigh-high leg warmers. To Lucifer’s dismay, the model looked pleased as punch when she saw them, leaving him no choice but to give her his begrudging approval.
Then out of the corner of his eye, he saw Velvette positioning her fingers for a snap. He raised his cane and froze them with his own magic just in time.
“Nope! No, nuh-uh,” he chuckled despite the severe crease festering between his brows. “We can get changed by ourselves, thank you. If you’ll just point us in the direction of your changing stalls.”
Though she just had to give him attitude in the form of a bratty shrug, she complied. Lucifer was the first to emerge from his stall, and Emily appeared a short while later, the two of them decked from head to toe in their shiny new drip.
“Tada~!” She gave a dainty little twirl. “What do you think?”
He and Velvette looked her up and down as she greedily soaked up their attention. She had on the skirt and leg warmers from before, and under the latter were a pair of black platforms with reflective toes that matched those on Lucifer’s shoes. For the upper half, she wore a sunny yellow crop top under a white zip-up hoodie. Her hair was tied back in a mid-low ponytail, and her collarbone was adorned with a colourful pastel necklace with beads of all different shapes and sizes, which looked almost edible.
When she asked for his thoughts, Lucifer had all sorts of adjectives going through his head, but none which he dared say out loud while they weren’t alone. He cleared his throat. “Well…” Maybe her special empathicism would be enough to let her know he didn’t entirely dislike it.
Meanwhile there he was, his own outfit perfectly on theme with hers, and yet he felt like an absolute buffoon wearing it. From the top down, he had on a plain white tee with an alarmingly deep V-neck, which was tucked into a pair of bulky, high-waisted, greyish magenta cargo pants. Overtop of that was a black baseball jacket with glaring yellow trim and a meaningless monogram.
“You’ll want a mask, too,” Velvette added, making the accessory appear directly over his nose and mouth with a snap. “To cover up those little red spots on your cheeks.”
He caught Emily cracking an amused grin, causing his ears to fume with the heat of rushing blood. Pulling the mask down to his chin, he huffed, “Not sure I’d be super comfortable going out in public dressed like this.” He didn’t bother trying to hide his scowl, peering down his neckline at his pale self. “Don’t you have anything a bit more, erm…normal?”
“Nah.” Velvette stood firm in her selection. “You told me disguises—what’s the point of a disguise if it doesn’t make you look like someone you’re not?”
He grumbled, “Right you are.”
“Hey, at least we match!” Emily chirped and grabbed both his hands with a bounce in her posture. “That’s a pro, isn’t it?”
He couldn’t help letting out a nasal chuckle at her enthusiastic attempt to find a silver lining for him. “That’s true, I suppose.”
She checked her phone and noticed it was only a few minutes past midday. They still had a whole afternoon of fun ahead of them! “Oh, we should probably get going,” she said, to which Lucifer nodded in stoic agreement. “Thanks so much for everything, Velvette, this has been so much fun!” she beamed. “I’m so glad I got to meet you!” Velvette replied with a charismatic grin and nothing more. As she showed them the exit, one turned and waved goodbye while the other offered half a smile over his shoulder before the door closed behind them.
Velvette waited until both their backs were turned, then dropped her hand and pulled out her phone. The screen buzzed with static and the speaker crackled before the face of the one receiving her call appeared. “Yeah? What?”
She grinned. “Vox, you are never gonna believe who just showed up at the studio.”
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The two fallen seraphim were making their way on foot to their next destination of the day: some sort of music festival supposedly happening on the roof of the massive skyscraper nextdoor. The younger of the two was bursting at the seams with excitement, but the older had only agreed to it because Charlie had vouched for its security.
“You know, it honestly does suit you,” blurted Emily.
Lucifer scoffed and gave her a raise of his brow. “Seriously?”
“Seriously! Believe me, I may be the angel of joy, but I’d never say something I didn’t mean just to make someone feel better.”
This earned her a hearty laugh as they strolled across the skybridge connecting the two halves of the sprawling complex. “Well, thanks, but even if you think it looks okay, I still can’t say I see the appeal.”
“Ah, well… That’s okay.” She gave his hand a squeeze. “It’s just for today. When we get home, I can start sketching out some ideas for a new outfit you’ll definitely like.”
He almost stopped in his tracks when he heard that. “Wait, you’re gonna make me a brand new, Emily-original outfit?” he gawked. “From scratch?”
“Absolutely! Seeing that walk-in closet gave me an inspiration overload. I can’t wait to get started! In fact—I don’t think I will.” Concentrating all her attention, she held out her free hand and expertly manifested a fresh drawing pad along with a pencil wrapped in hot pink.
“Oh, nicely done!” applauded her doting guardian. “Looks like my lessons have been paying off, huh?” But when he looked over again, she was already deeply engrossed in her sketching, the pad of paper fixed in mid air a foot or so away from her while they walked. He tightened his hold on her hand and turned his gaze straight ahead, his fond smile hidden beneath the black face mask.
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duskforged · 15 days ago
self intro
Mostly just transferring my old side blog to its own separate account. Old mutuals, please make sure to hit me up so I can follow you back (again)!
I'm Ezra, an artist, writer, worldbuilder, gamer, and probably more besides! I'm trans/nonbinary, they/them, and aro/ace, with strong lean on the aro. My identities often influence my works, so don't be surprised.
Ko-fi: donate and/or become a monthly member for special posts
Bsky: hope to post more here soon!
Twitch: I stream every other Tuesday - mostly games but sometimes also art
YouTube: stream highlights and other projects (though video editing is something i'm still inexperienced with...)
Discord server: join the chaos crew! ko-fi members get special roles
(stream updates can be found on bsky and discord)
I love anything to do with fantasy, and do enjoy sci-fi as well (though I have a weird phobia about open space)! Found family, blood family, and friendships will always get me, as well as more complicated/blurred lines relationships, and non-romantic, non-platonic attraction between characters. I also love time travel and transmigration/reincarnation/isekai (within certain contexts).
More more more aromantic stories! Send them to me right away! Moreso if the protagonist/antagonist (or both) are aromantic, or if it's a story specifically about being aromantic in some way.
With worldbuilding, I adore non-European settings and would love to hear about yours. I also love conlangs and am a bit of a linguistic nerd. Cultures are always fun as well. I also enjoy stories or meta that explore non-human reproductive types for fantasy/sci-fi species!
I'm not much of a fan of romance, and especially slow-burn romance. I'll endure it if I really enjoy the rest of the story, but it just undercuts the experience for me. I'm otherwise fairly flexible, honestly.
My current 'main' projects are under the cut. There are SPOILERS!!
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UNTO SUMMER KINGS (Book I of The Round Table) wip intro type: novel status: on hold
inspiration: Arthurian legends genre: grimdark (ish?) fantasy world: urathla - #urathla tags: wip: unto summer kings, wip: usk, wip: round table series, wip: trt
A single night sweeps Arthur, his sister Morgana, and their friends into the wind like so many dandelion seeds. Ash and blood choke the rivers of their home, and they flee towards the kingdom to the north, seeking sanctuary and vengeance. Guided by friend and foe alike, they each learn and grow, catapulted into situations far above their stations.
worldbuilding: extremely WIP. takes place several thousand years after WISC. meta notes: originally this was going to be a historical fiction/fantasy (as much as Arthurian legend counts as historical), but there were so many 'inaccuracies' that I wanted to include that I decided I might as well make its own fantasy world for it. sequel titles (because i cant help myself, apparently): By Dawning Glory (II), Within Sundered Heart (III), Through Haunted Crowns (IV)
WOLF IN SHEPHERD'S CLOTHING intro post (tba) type: webcomic/graphic novel status: thumbnailing and character design
inspiration: Ancient Mesopotamia genre: fantasy world: urathla - #urathla, #ometys, #avajra urathla is the world, ometys is the region, avajra is the conlang tags: #wolf in shepherd's clothing, #wisc
Lahar is a shepherd who lives in the foothills of the northern Vhysurra valley, content to help raise their half-brother and tend to their flock. But with their memory loss, it's hard to say if they've seen anything that's been causing the disappearing livestock of late. And unfortunately for them, they're the harbinger of a brand new magic, and a brand new curse.
worldbuilding: plot-related 75% finished. meta notes: what if the first werewolf was a shepherd...? and what if it was inspired by the history and culture (ish) of ancient mesopotamia? of course, not everything from this is inspired by that, but it definitely set up a good basis. like USK, i wanted this to take place in real life mesopotamia at first, but i realized i wouldn't be able to make it 'accurate' enough to my tastes. so, they got put together! - hopefully i will start posting more on ko-fi (and maybe here too!) soon.
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THE VESPERTINE wip intro type: novel status: on hold
genre: medieval (?) fantasy world: moia - #moia tags: #wip: the vespertine
Aselhi is one orphan among many on the streets of Kestramore, eking out a living as a servant in a minor household. Unlike other orphans, they’re one of the vespertine, an alien people who ate through the cosmic Weft separating Moia from the other realms and setting the Causeways alight.
worldbuilding: extremely WIP. meta notes: plays with gender even more than my other fics. features a fantastical species with non-human sex characteristics, among other things.
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eeriecode-fgo · 9 months ago
FGO FanServant - Sora, the Key of Destiny
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(artwork by repta, originally found here)
Might contain spoilers up to Kingdom Hearts III after the break
Ascension Stages
First Stage: Sora's Limit Form outfit from KH2, wielding the Kingdom Key.
Second Stage: Sora's Second Form outfit from KH3, wielding Oathkeeper.
Third Stage: Sora's standard outfit from KH3, with the addition of a small golden crown on his head, wielding the KH3 version of Ultima Weapon.
Ultimate Form: a special form accessed only with Sora's Skill, Sora's outfit, stance and moveset switch to his Ultimate Form from KH3.
Class: Saber
Alternate Classes: Foreigner (Traveler)
Source: Kingdom Hearts
Region: Destiny Islands
Voice Actor: Miyu Irino
Rarity: SSR
Alignment: Lawful Good
Attribute: Earth
Deck: Buster/Arts (Buster: 3 hits; Quick: 4 hits; Arts: 3 hits; Extra: 5 hits)
Traits: Humanoid, Seven Class Servant, Male, Weak to Enuma Elish, Loved One, Keyblade Wielder, Sora, Light User
-- Ultimate Form: Levitating Servant
Passive Skills
Magic Resistance - Rank B
FGO Effect
Increase own Debuff resistance by 17.5%.
Riding - Rank B
FGO Effect
Increase own Quick performance by 8%.
Guardian of the In-Between - Rank A
A standard skill among Keybearers who travel in the Lanes Between. Mere possession of a Keyblade grants its wielder a constant supply of magical energy, while the act of travelling across worlds marks them as alien to Proper Human History.
FGO Effect
Charge own NP gauge by 4% each turn.
Gain 2 C.Stars each turn.
Append Skills
Extra Attack Boost
Increase own Extra Attack Card effectiveness (30~50%)
Load Magical Energy
Begin battle with NP gauge charged (10~20%)
Bond Gain Boost
Increase Bond gained after battle (10~20%)
Bond Skill
Increase all allies' Arts performance while on field (10% + 2.5% for each ally alive (including sub-members))
Active Skills
Connected Hearts - Rank EX
A skill that exemplifies Sora's uncanny ability to connect with others. While the ability to draw power from bonds isn't uncommon among Keybearers, Sora has demonstrated an incredible capacity for it, forging connections capable of transcending time and space. As a Servant, this skill manifests as a set of powerful buffs capable of empowering all his allies, including his Master.
FGO Effect
Cooldown: 8~6 turns
Increase all allies' Max HP for 3 turns (2000~3000)
Increase all allies' ATK for 3 turns depending on their Bond Level (10% at Level 5 or lower, 15% at Level 6 to 9, 20% at Level 10 or higher)
Increase all other allies' NP gain for 3 turns (10~20%)
Decrease all Master Skills' cooldown by 2
Second Chance - Rank C
A common skill among Keybearers, a magical protection prevents the user from taking fatal damage. Had this skill been at full power, its user would be virtually invincible so long as they weren't literally on the brink of death: as a Servant, however, the efficiency of the skill is lowered for balance purposes.
FGO Effect
Cooldown: 10~8 turns
Apply Guts to self (1 time, 5 turns, 2000~3000 HP)
Apply Lethal Damage Evade to self (1 time, 5 turns)
Apply [Once More] buff to self (1 time, 5 turns)
-- When Lethal Damage Evade is triggered: Apply Lethal Damage Evade to self (1 turn)
Ultimate Form - Rank B+
A unique ability granted to Sora by the Three Good Fairies, Sora can fuse with his allies to enter a Drive Form. While in this state, Sora regains the ability to wield two Keyblades, and all his parameters rise tremendously: additionally, all positive and negative effects are transferred from his allies to him as well. Truly, this is the power of friendship taken to its logical extreme.
The efficiency of this ability tends to fluctuate with time: while this transformation was overpowering during Sora's first fight with Organization XIII, its power was significantly lower by the time of the Keyblade War. As a Servant, Sora is able to perform a complete fusion with his allies only once: any following attempt will force Sora to rely on his own power alone, giving him a small boost akin to his Limit Form, but without an associated transformation.
FGO Effect
Cooldown: 7~5 turns
Requires 1 Drive Counter on self and at least one other active ally (Sora starts the battle with 1 Drive Counter)
Banish all other allies (banished units are removed from the field, but are still considered alive. Backline units cannot enter the field while there are banished units. Countdowns on banished units' buffs are frozen while they are banished.)
Apply [Ultimate Form] buff to self (Unremovable, 3 turns)
-- Switch user to "Ultimate Form" Spiritron Dress.
-- User cannot be switched out
-- Increase user's HP and base ATK by a percentage of all banished allies' base HP/ATK (15%~25% ATK boost, 25~35% HP boost. Stats increases from Fous are counted, boosts from equipped CEs are not)
-- Increase Extra Card effectiveness (50~100%). While in Ultimate Form, the Extra Attack deals AOE damage
-- Copy all active buffs from banished units to user (cooldowns on copied buffs remain the same, efficiency of those buffs is reduced to 50%. Does not apply on buffs from passive skills, CEs, or battle-specific effects)
-- When user is defeated or buff expires, return all banished allies to the field
Remove 1 Drive Counter from self (Demerit treated as a cost)
Limit Form - Rank B
FGO Effect
Cooldown: 7~5 turns
Replaces the previous skill if user has no Drive Counters or there are no other active allies
Recover own HP (2000~3000)
Increase own ATK for 3 turns (20~30%)
Increase own NP Gain for 3 turns (20~30%)
Noble Phantasm
Trinity Limit - Rank A
A Limit Break learned by Sora early on in his journey, that allows him to combine his friends' power in a single devastating attack. As a Noble Phantasm, Sora can gather strength from both his Master and allies on the battlefield, and his friends from across the worlds, with these connections letting him temporarily wield the χ-blade he once held in life, and in turn manifest Kingdom Hearts on the battlefield for an instant: multiple beams of pure light will then descend from the moon, striking down all enemies in sight.
FGO Effect
Arts Noble Phantasm, 5 hits
Increase own NP Strength for 3 turns (10~20% + 2.5% for each other ally still alive (including sub-members), scales with Overcharge)
Deal supereffective [Evil] damage to all enemies (damage scales with NP Level)
Writer Notes
For my first published fan-Servant, I decided to start with the protagonist of one of my favourite videogame series of all time. This is not going to be the only one, I have plans for at least a few of them (some more defined than others, in some cases I only have a class in mind at most, but I'll get there)
As a blanket statement for all Kingdom Hearts fan-Servants, yes, since all of them are from another world, in theory all of them qualify for the Foreigner class (and Aoko Aozaki's summoning line implying the existence of a Traveler class further cements this): however, since having them all be Foreigners would be boring, I'm keeping that class as the absolute last resort. Their status as foreign entities will still be reflected in their unique passive "Guardian of the In-Between", whose effect partially references the Foreigner Class Skill "Entity of the Outer Realm".
The main concept for his moveset came after seeing the reveal of the FGO Mahoyo collab: after seeing how the switch between Aoko and Super Aoko was implemented, I decided to add a similar mechanic to Sora in the form (heh) of his Drive Forms. I'm not 100% sure on how balanced it all turned out to be: I wanted to make him a strong but not overpowered Servant, hence why I significantly limited the boosts he gets from the skill. The halved effect on copied buffs was something I only considered late in development: at first it was a straight copy, fitting for him basically becoming a one-man army, but then I realized he'd have access to a 60% battery each turn with double Johanna and I thought "hmm, that might be a bit too much"...
I haven't gone too much into details on the numbers, properly researching and comparing them with all in-game Servants would take way too long, but I envision Sora as having very low stats for an SSR, closer to a high-tier SR, with his NP gain in particular being pretty bad. This is mostly to compensate for the buffs he can get from his Ultimate Form, but it also works in terms of lore: since a big part of his character is that his friends are his power, it's only fitting that his performance is severely impacted by how many allies he has by his side.
Speaking of that, the importance of friendship in the series is also reflected in many of his skills, from his Noble Phantasm and Bond Skill relying on keeping the team alive, to his first skill and third Append Skill encouraging high Bond levels.
Sora's Noble Phantasm is inspired directly by the ending of KH3, with him wielding the completed χ-blade while surrounded by his friends: I also picture his connections as beams of light from those keyhole-shaped portals seen in Re:Mind, for further references. I'm not 100% sure if Sora still has access to the χ-blade afterwards or if it was just in that moment (I guess we'll see when KH4 actually comes out), but worst case scenario we can chalk this up as artistic license for an iconic moment.
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hel-phoenyx · 5 months ago
A little essay on lysarean generational trauma, or why my brain is rotting away
Note : I will gloss over some events that are spoiler and there's probably many more I don't know about characters that aren't mine
Odin II, Matilda III and Kaizarz belong to @corneille-but-not-the-author
Generational trauma in the Kraken Coast royal families is even more rooted than the Vanasul tree.
Hey, that's a good introduction. Well, without context, it sounds weird. The Vanasul is a special brand of tree that was created, or gifted by War, to Hrotheim IX Voldsterein, one of the greatest Kraken Kings to ever lived. He's the one that started the bloodline, and all of his descendants bear the spell Heir of Vanasul, allowing them to enjoy a formidable vitality and mild regeneration.
It's not risky to assume everything started with Hrotheim, even though the only thing he left behind is his legacy. But for the sake of my point, I'm gonna travel, far, far further in time. At the beginning of the civil war, or even a bit before the Tyrant accessed power. When the family on the throne bore the name af Mundir.
Because the while trauma cristallised with them.
It started with Hrogni af Mundir. Born at a time the royalty was not very well liked, under the yoke of the Seraphims, the religion then leading all of Ink. Controlled by Adam Frosilaen, first son of the Frosilaen, but that's another story. My point is, it was not a good time for the Kraken Coast. Their glory was waning, the royal families had a lot of rivals, and it was hard living in there.
It was in that climate Hrogni accessed to the throne. Only son of the af Mundir, heir, born of a cruel father that only cared about his own power and was terrified of the rival lineage, the only descendants of Hrotheim at the time who obtained a name : The Laangfisk.
Particularily of Odin Laangfisk, only a year older than Hrogni, that bore the same name as the king.
So Odin Ist inculqued to his son fear, hate and cunning. He wanted him to be able to keep the throne, and not be worth of it. Hrogni, at the time, was an intelligent man, and quickly understood what his father was doing was wrong ; he saw the people's suffering, he heard about the rise and fall of the Seraphims, soon he understood he had to do everything in his power to not be like his father.
He hated his cousin Odin, when he was a teen. Because his father told him so. But Odin liked him, a lot, and that combined to the realisation his father was wrong on every way ended up making them friends.
Friends that got more and more tight-knit despite everything.
Hrogni accessed the throne hellbent on not making the same mistakes as his father. He didn't access the throne ready. He was proud, at the time, proud and brave, smiling like the sun because his father always frowned, and tried so hard to be the Good King Hrogni.
He saw civil war. at first fought against the Tyrant, told Faloi to fuck off. He wasn't the one that started the civil war, but he joined on the other side.
War destroys a kingdom. And Hrogni was not prepared for that. He was not prepared for the weight on his shoulders.
Despite everything, he ended up following the lessons on his father. Grew paranoïd. Hopeless. Cruel. Did everything in his power to keep his place. But still kept Odin Laangfisk with him. Because they were friends.
He was afraid of the rest of his bloodline but still trusted him with his life. Rejected everyone but him. It is said even his wife, the Norn at the time, was not as close of him as Odin was.
There is a certain tragedy in trying to become everything your father wasn't to end up far, far worse.
Hrogni was one of the most hated kings, because of a growing cowardice, the fact he ended up submitting to Faloi, and how he was crueler to his own people than to the enemies. People hated him, and him, feeling justified in his actions, continued to do worse and worse.
Even the birth of his children didn't stray him from the path of the monster. In fact, his heart closed for good after the death in childbirth of his wife, giving him his only daughter.
The five years following, he was just tired. Following on what he did but never adding more. He was, during those years, a surprisingly good father, wanting in the depths of his heart to at least do something his own father didn't do.
And then, tired, he decided to put an end to the Krakenese monarchy, only seeing death and agony in that system.
Forsaking every tradition, everything Hrotheim ever fought for.
Destroying was was the heart of the Kraken Coast.
The day he announced his resolution, Odin killed him. Plunged a sword in his back, decapitated him, and cried cradling his body.
He was now king by right of bloodline and coup, and his first action was to once again revolt against Faloi (that was, if you can't figure out, not pleased). He tried to do everything in his power to make the Coast great again (shoo, Trump, not you). He fought a lot, build a reputation on always being at the frontlines, becaus Hrogni wasn't.
Of course his children were perfectly equilibred. Cue his son and daughter falling in love with each other with no adult supervision and starting to become crazy, especially Matilda that had to keep everything for herself. But that's a story for later.
The problem with Odin's coup is that it was unnessesary cruel. While Odin was crying on his friend, his victim's corpse, the people he brought with him let loose. They killed Hrogni's two sons to make sure Odin wouldn't have any rivals and the only one who was left alife, thanks to Hrogni's advisor Brynhild von Zanaderstrassen, was his youngest child, his daughter Karan.
Karan is a bundle of trauma. Even more than survivor's guilt. Because the day Odin II killed Hrogni, she was hiding in the council room, spying on her father. She saw him die at the hands of "uncle Odin" and could only take from his corpse an earring, engraved with the af Mundir's sigil, and the sword of the af Mundir lineage, Dainsleif, the Bane of Life.
Brynhild saved her in extremis from the nobility's anger and Odin, that was already not overjoyed to see the other children die, managed to strike a compromise with her and them. Karan would stay alive, but she'd have to forsake her dynasty name and be raised as less than nobility. Meaning, she could not learn how to read, write of fight.
When you grow up as a princess, being just a refugee in a family that's not yours mark spirits a lot. Karan never forgave Odin for what he's done, but she was even more furious at the new prince and princess, Matilda and her brother. Because they had everything she hadn't and were loved the way she should have been loved.
Most of all they had each other while Karan was deprieved of her brothers.
That stung. Badly. She grew up in cold hate, forced to hide her name, hide the fact she could use the Heir of Vanasul spell, hide her birthright. She was by decree helpless and could not fight against Matilda for the throne, she didn't have any supports except for Brynhild, that was by chance still listened to by Odin, she felt utterly alone.
She never had the occasion to forget everything could have been different.
Over time, she fell in love with Brynhild's only son, Harald. A bit of a himbo, extremely good fighter, earned his own title, the Blood Warrior. Vampiric bloodline sorcerer with a mastery of Blood Domain that he used to go berserk. Heavily respected at the Coast for his fighting spirit and his ascendance.
He brought a bit of happiness in her life and they married while Matilda was going insane for loving her brother in a way sisters shouldn't. I'm pretty sure jealousy was there on her side, but that's not either confirmed nor important.
What's more important is that Karan ended up birthing two children from Harald. Her eldest daughter, Kriss, who was like her denied of posers except the Heir of Vanasul, but could, because of her father, access opportunities Karan couldn't.
And then her son.
That where the generational trauma really, really kicks in.
Because Tyr was born with powers. And not any powers. Ocean's powers. The most respected kind in the Kraken Coast equal to War's.
He was proven to be a dragon descendant, was the son of Harald the Blood Warrior and the grandson of Brynhild von Zanaderstrassen, and most of all he was an af Mundir. He was the perfect candidate to the throne.
And by Gods he was gonna take it back.
Meanwhile Matilda continued to grow crazy and two years lated ended up seducing her brother and giving him a child in secrecy. Well, as she was not married and seemed a bit too close of her sibling a lot of people doubted the truth, Karan included, but it was not exactly said out loud.
The child was Kaizarz.
Him, too, had tremendous powers. A prodigious strenght, abilities in War magic, and was quickly deemed a prodigy.
Ironically he has the same birthday as Tyr, just two years later.
That's when the full grooming starts. Matilda ends up losing her brother, only one she cared about, and starts a full descent in madness. At the beginning, she was just depressed and passive, not doing anything in the kingdom, so the council attempted to put her out of the throne to pu Karan and Harald ; it didn't work. She executed them all for high treason and realised she liked the taste of blood.
So blood she shed. Political opponents, foes, even her own people when they dared say a word against her. Her madness spread to all the continent, creating more and more poverty, even accentued by the war. She was starting to go on Hrogni's path, but with even more of a taste with blood. No one could stop her.
She wanted a legend worth Hrotheim's like her father told her and her brother again and again and again, to never forget the glory of the Coast.
At the same time, she realised two things about her son, her only family. One, he was a prodigy, exceptionnaly strong and reasonably intelligent. Second, he was her heir. and in front of her was her political enemy, her nemesis, the af Mundir's head, with a son wielding waves and thunderstorms people already call the Heir of Harkyr.
So to secure her place she trained Kaizarz relentlessly. Tried to make him her puppet. It never really worked, but she did put in his head many harsh lessons such as "a King never shows emotions". I don't think she was truly a mother for him at any time.
On the other side, and I don't know if it's better or worse, Karan made Tyr the instrument of her revenge not by ruthlessness and brute force, but by emotional manipulation and psych warfare she wasn't even aware she was doing.
She gave him Dainsleif, then taught him about its story. Encouraged him to get closer fom Kaizarz. Talked about her downfall. Put a lot of things in his head about being worthy of his name, worthy of his powers. She made him the savior syndrome child that he is and at the same time, she loved him like a mother did.
He didn't realise her emotional manipulation before the Incident, but I won't talk about the Incident anyway.
Point is, both of them grew up as the same kind of weapons, as heirs, as kings. And both of us became friends the exact same way Hrogni and Odin once did.
Probably falling in love at the same time but again, not important.
Their friendship had to be hidden from Matilda and Karan looked at it as a weapon but they were friends. Not able to say anything bloodline related with their family history but friends. Fighting for the throne in a way both of them weren't even aware of but friends.
Even when Matilda repeteadly humiliated Karan to the point she was only invited to the castle to be spit on or to assist at an execution of one of her former supports they were friends.
Not even their mother's mutual hate could separate them.
But it did take its toll and at the same time Kaizarz accessed to regency they began to drift apart. They couldn't see each other as often, and the words of their mothers started filling the gaps the other's absence created. Kaizarz was preparing to be king and Tyr was groomed to commit a coup.
At the same time he grew angrier. Because of the state the country was in. Because he saw his mother being humilated day after day despite her noble blood, something that seemed so important for everyone, before she got poisoned and killed like a nobody. Buried like a nobody, and his father dying of lethargy joined her in the anonymous graveyard even though he was so respected, because he was her husband. He grew angry at the fact her sister, who wanted a child so, so much, hesitated terminating a pregnancy of a man she loved an planned to marry, at twenty-two, because it would be too dangerous for the child to live in that situation.
And he grew angry at Kaizarz that didn't have time to listen to him, or at least appeared to.
Not Kaizarz's fault. He, too, saw the state of his country, and tried to fix it with the powers regents have. But Tyr could only see the tragedies, countless, among his loved ones.
It weighted heavy between them and the Incident didn't make things better, on the contrary. They could have become a new Odin and Hrogni. They still can. But Kaizarz didn't want to let go of his friend. He wanted to be anything but his mother.
Their relationship managed to be rebuiled on fragile basis and everything still stands between them, their grandparents' fate, their mothers's hatred, and their own history. Their trauma is family legacy.
Now the question is will they manage to break the cycle and grow happy together, as the greatest king to ever lived and his most powerful right-hand man, or will Kaizarz take Hrogni's path leaving behind a Tyr not strong enough to be Odin.
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