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anothergahladglaive-blog ¡ 8 years ago
How They Met
How the Glaive and Shield met in the Happy AU Where Everyone Lives
It all started out with the Glaives returning from a horrible mission.
Nyx was covered in bandages from cuts and had a bruise forming on his jaw. Libertus was covered in more bruises than Nyx but had a bandage around his head from having a rock being thrown at him by someone. (No one was sure if it had been an accident or not and there wasn’t any idea of who threw it.) Crowe had a few small cuts and bruises but had nothing that required bandages. (She was also still making fun of the fact that Libertus and Nyx did.) Then there was Kimbr. Her blonde hair had bits of mud caked on it and twigs were tangled as well. There were some bandages on her arms and a large bruise was forming on her neck but other than that, she seemed fine. All the Glaives were currently sitting about, nursing their injuries in one of the main rooms near the training grounds. So it wasn’t any surprise when some of the Crownsguard started to show up and help out with some of the wounded.
A familiar face then appeared in the doorway. “Wow Kimbr! What happened to you?” It was Prompto, one of the Prince’s friends. Prompto walked over and crouched next to the other blonde her currently had one of her legs propped up on the other bench across from her and her other leg dangling off the bench she was currently sitting on. The coat of her uniform was wadded up behind her head and was being used as a pillow while she leaned against the wall that was behind her. “Daemons.” She simply said. “That is what happened Prompto. Fucking Daemons.”
“They certainly didn’t seem to do a number to you, compared to the others.” Another voice caught her attention.
Of course after hearing those words, Nyx and Libertus both looked over saying “I heard that!” In unison.
Kimbr just ignored them, as did Noctis. Prompto on the other hand? He decided to stick his tongue out at them. He was such a child at times.
“Hello your Highness. What brings you to this side of the castle?” Kimbr raised an eyebrow at the figure who had appeared behind Prompto only mere moments before. “Prompto was hanging out with me before he ran off because he heard the you were all back from a mission.” Kimbr flashed a grin, one that was identical to the one another Gahlad Glaive would give. (Cough, Libertus, Cough)
“Well, I guess we’re just more interesting.”
Of course then Cor showed up with a few other Crownsguard. Drautos stood from where he had been, he had been helping one of the newer Glaives who had been badly injured, and exchanged a greeting with The Immortal. “We heard you had multiple injured and thought we could help out.” Cor said, looking over the room. There were many Glaives who had been injured but it was nothing new, they always were. It was just the fact that there were SO many that had been injured. Normally, at the very least, about three to five Glaives would get injured when they sent out about 15. Well they had sent out about 20 and 17 came back with injuries. “That’s very nice of you Cor. We’d appreciate it.” Cor looked back at the other Crownsguard and nodded over his shoulder, signaling for them to go help. “Awkward much?” Nyx whispered to Libertus and Crowe, which caused him to get hit by Crowe. “Ow! What the hell?” He looked at her with an annoyed look on her face and she just glared at him. The Gahlad Glaive quickly shut up. God, she was almost as scary as Kimbr when she was mad.
One Crownsguard rushed over to Kimber quite quickly. It was Sethos! One of her dear friends. “Kimbr!” The dark haired man gasped at the sight of her. “What in the world happened???” “Daemons.” Kimbr, Prompto and Noctis all spoke at the same time, causing Kimbr to crack a smile and a small laugh. Sethos just shook his head and looked through his first aid kit, trying to find what he need to tend to the small cuts that littered Kimbr’s body. The blonde haired woman let her eyes closed and a sigh escaped her lips. She could hear the chatter of Glaives and Crownsguards as the wounded were tended to and the conversation that Drautos and Cor were having, although she couldn’t really hear what they were talking about. She did know they were talking though. Then she could hear heavy footsteps approaching. “You missed training.” A gruff voice spoke, causing her to open her eyes once again. “Oh, right. Sorry about that Gladio.” Noctis looked over at the figure that loomed above them. It was clearly a Crownsguard. He had black hair that was styled in a mullet and a scar that went down almost all the way on the left side of his face and over his left eye. Gladio, Kimbr was assuming that was his name due to Noctis having said it, was still in uniform although she thought that was strange if he had just come from the training area if Noctis had missed some sort of training lesson. His amber eyes landed on her and her bright gold ones moved up to his. They stared at each other for a minute before he turned his attention to Sethos. “What are you looking for?” He asked. The smaller Crownsguard man glanced up at him while he continued to shuffle things around in the first aid box, clearly having trouble with finding what he was looking for. “Something to clean the small cuts she has. Don’t want them getting infected.” “Sethos, I’ll be fine.” “I highly doubt that Kimbr. You are a Glaive. Glaives are rarely fine. ” That caused Kimbr to mouth “Oh my god.” And roll her eyes before closing them one more time.  She questioned why she was friends with this man multiple times and this was one of those times. Gladio walked over to one of the other Crownsguards and borrowed the first aid kit they had. He quickly grabbed what Sethos had been looking for and grabbed a rag from the first aid kit that was still in Sethos’s hands. “You do know that there were like 5 other first aid kits. You didn’t have the only one.” Gladio’s voice was heavy but there was a hint of amusement in his words. A small giggle escaped Kimbr which caused all the eyes in the small group, that happened to be forming before her, fall on her. She opened an eye when she felt like she was being watched and wasn’t surprised when she found out she was right. “What?” She frowned. “Am I bleeding or something?” The Glaive put a hand to her face to feel for blood didn’t feel or see any when she pulled her hand away. “Did you just… giggle?” Prompto asked, his eyes wide with shock. He had never heard her giggle before and it was shockingly. . cute? “Did I?” She opened her other eye and looked at them all surprise. “I didn’t think I did…” “You definitely did. You giggled!” Sethos said in shock. “Why is this shocking?” Gladio asked as he pressed the cloth against the open bottle and quickly tipped it over to get some of the liquid onto it before setting down the bottle and putting the cap back on it. “Apparenlty I have never giggled before.” Kimbr said, before hissing in a breath when he started to clean one of the cuts on Kimbr’s shoulder. “Ow.” “Ow? I thought you were a Glaive.” He had a small grin. She pouted. “Are Glaives not allowed to say ow?” Gladio laughed. It was deep and rumbly. She could almost feel it happening since he was now sitting next to her as he tended to the cuts she had. “Oh, I don’t you two know each other.” Noctis said. “Kimbr, this is Gladio. He’s kind of my bodyguard and trainer.” Kimbr glanced at Gladio. Well that made sense for sure. “Gladio, this is Kimbr, she’s one of the best in the Kingsglaive. According to Dad and Drautos.” Kimbr rolled her eyes and shook her head. “I’m not one of the best. I’m just-” Her sentence was cut off as she hissed in another breath when Gladio started cleaning another cut. “-doing my job.” Gladio glanced down at her. “And your job involves getting cuts, a large bruise, as well as twigs and mud in your hair?” Kimbr flashed him a grin. “All in the line of duty.”
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anothergahladglaive-blog ¡ 8 years ago
Dancing and Singing in Pajamas
More fluff of Kimbr and Gladio for the Happy AU where no one is dead and everything is fine. 
Kimbr nestled further into the pile of pillows that was on her bed and sighed. She then noticed there was a lack of the giant human heater that was Gladio, next to her. Opening one of her eyes, she peeked to her left and noticed that the covers had been tossed on top of her, meaning he had gotten up and left to go do something. The Glaive sighed. Right, even though it was her day off, he still had his Crownsguard duties. Well there wasn’t really a point to get up yet, so she went back to sleep for about another hour and a half.
When she got up at this point, her hair was a tangled mess and she was very slow due to just having woken up. The blonde trudged into the bathroom, unlocking her phone on the way and yawning into her empty hand. There was a voicemail from Gladio, no doubt he called her while she was asleep to let her know where had gone.
“Morning sleeping beauty. I don’t know if you’re up yet but I had to leave early for work, otherwise I’d probably stay in bed with you. It’d be much warmer in bed then it is out here. I’ll see you when I get home. I love you.”
A smile appeared on her lips and she put her phone down after the voicemail ended. Her neck and shoulders popped as she did a large stretch with her arms above her head as she did her best to wake up completely. Her gold eyes stared back at her when she finally looked into the bathroom mirror, a small grin appearing on her lips when she saw the bruises that she was covered in from the night before. Of course there were hickeys and bite marks as well but she loved seeing them the next day, it reminded her that she was alive and so was Gladio. That they were both together and breathing. That they may just make it through that day.
After staring at her own reflection for a few minutes, she put on some music and proceeded to take a shower while singing along. Once that was done, she dried off and wrapped the towel around herself and went to go put some clean clothes on. The Glaive put on her underwear and grabbed one of Gladio’s shirt and pulled it over her head. The size difference between the two caused it to be a small dress on her, which made always made her giggle because it was so ridiculous. Since the wooden floor that was in the rest of the apartment was still cold because it wasn’t the warmest of times in the Crown City, she put on her favorite socks and walked down the stairs to the kitchen to make herself a cup of coffee.
Sunshine peeked through the blinds, even though it was quite cold outside, but that was probably because there were no clouds to keep the heat in. Kimbr leaned against the counter as the coffee maker slowly started to work and tried to figure out what she should have for breakfast. Her gold eyes glanced over the shelf that was against one of the mocha brown painted walls as she mulled over her options and slowly shifted to the clock that was hanging next to the shelf on the wall. It was around 11:30 A.M., meaning Gladio would get off his shift soon. He had training with the Crown Prince at 6:00 A.M. and that went till at least 8:00, maybe 8:30 if Noctis was being a little shit to Gladio. Not to mention Gladio was probably helping out Cor, so he’d be home in maybe about twenty minutes to half an hour.
Meaning she had time to make breakfast for the both of them. Kimbr jumped slightly when the coffee maker beeped, signaling that the coffee was done. She pulled herself up onto the counter to reach her favorite coffee mug, since Gladio always seemed to put them up just out of her reach. Was he doing it so he would have to grab it for her, or did he find it funny that she had to climb onto the counter to grab it herself? She had no idea but she’d ask him later when he came home. That’s if she remembered to even ask him. After fixing herself a cup of coffee and taking a good long sip, she set the mug back down on the counter and put music on from her phone. Sliding over to the fridge in her socks, since the floor was tiled, she grabbed what she needed to make breakfast.
Kimbr continued to cook breakfast until it was done and she was almost done when Gladio arrived home. But because she was blaring her music so loudly while she cooked, she didn’t hear the door open or shut when he got home. The crownsguard chuckled when he heard her singing along to the song that was currently playing in her phone’s playlist. He shrugged off his coat and tossed it onto the back of the couch. Gladio inhaled deeply and smiled when he smelled the breakfast that was being made. He knew Kimbr was always a good cook, so it was treat when she cooked something for the both of them without him attempting to help and learn how to cook himself.
He slowly walked over to the kitchen and leaned against the door frame, watching the scene in front of him. The blonde was dancing around in his shirt as she cooked breakfast, singing along to the song. It was clear that she had no idea that Gladio was even there yet, since she rarely did anything like this when he was around. (Probably because he was too busy cuddling her.) She spun around and saw Gladio and her singing immediately stopped and changed into a squeak of surprise.
“Gladdy!” She grinned. “You’re home!”
“I am. Making breakfast?” He walked over and wrapped his arms around her waist.
Kimbr giggled. “Of course. French toast rolls with strawberries. And bacon of course.” She stood on her tiptoes to kiss his nose. “But if you don’t let me go, I might burn everything.”
“Well we don’t want that now, do we?” He kissed her head and moved to lean against the counter while she continued to cook.
Kimbr checked on the french toast rolls and glanced at Gladio. “So how as training?”
Gladio chuckled. “Noctis is getting better but he’s still being a stubborn as a bull.”
“Do I need to attend one of these training sessions and knock him down a few pegs?” She glanced at Gladio. “Can you hand me the plates please?”
Gladio laughed and grabbed two plates, one for each of them, and handed them to her. “Babe, I don’t think you would knock him down just a few pegs. I think you might scare the shit out of him.”
The blonde laughed and set the plates down before picking one up separately and putting some of the french toast on the plate and handing it to Gladio. “There is a reason I am one of the best Glaives, next to Nyx of course.” She put her own french toast on her plate. “Go sit down, I’ll grab the bacon.”
Gladio walked out to the small dining room they had and set his plate down on the table before going back to get himself a cup of coffee. He wasn’t sure how Iggy drank the stuff without anything in it, but Kimbr managed to teach Gladio to get rid of the bitter taste coffee left and make it taste sweet, kinda like a Milky Way candy bar. Kimbr grabbed the bacon, which was on its own little plate and her own plate before walking over to the dining room table and setting the plates down. She went back into the kitchen and grabbed the other things they need, such as syrup, forks and knives, oh and her own coffee. She was on her third cup by now and she was just starting to truly wake up. That could’ve been because Gladio was home now, but she couldn’t be sure.
The two sat down and Kimbr sipped at her coffee. “So what else do you have to do today? You know I have the day off.”
Gladio took a bite of his french toast and chewed in thought for a moment before he swallowed and began to speak. “Well, Noctis said him and Prompto were going to the arcade later today, so I’ll probably have to be there. Being his shield and all.” He waved his fork in a motion as he spoke, as if to say, “Like that isn’t surprising.”
“And I assume Iggy will be there too because he drive’s the Crown Prince around all the time, not to mention he drive’s Prompto around too when he’s hanging out with said Crown Prince.” Kimbr said before taking a bite of her own french toast.
“You assume right.” The shield took a sip of his own coffee. “Since everyone is gonna be there, you want to come with?”
Kimbr washed down her french toast with more coffee. “Sure, not like I had much else planned for today. I mean besides maybe go hang out with Crowe. But I think she’d rather get more sleep before we get sent out on our next mission.”
“When is your next mission by the way?” Gladio tilted his head slightly.
Kimbr bit her lip in thought as her eyes casted up towards the ceiling. “Uhhhh… I’m pretty sure its in a week? Maybe two? I’ve been put in charge of training the newbies we got recently so I guess it depends on how well trained they are by then.” She shrugged. Gladio finished eating and got up before walking over and leaving a sticky kiss on her cheek. “Good, that means I get more time with you before you’re gone for another week.”
She laughed and looked up at him from her spot. “Good. I need all the time I can get.” She got up and kissed him before sitting back down to finish her breakfast.
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anothergahladglaive-blog ¡ 8 years ago
I Don’t Want This To End
I wrote this angsty/feels filled short oneshot with Kimbr and Gladio because one of my friends gave me the headcannon. I posted it on my AO3 account, Moonfire810, so I figured I would post it here since it’s related to Kimbr.
A squeak left Kimbr’s mouth when the sword went through completely. Her body was shaking, although that didn’t matter. Gladio turned from taking down an imperial to see her standing in front of Sethos, clearly looking ready to collapse. Sethos was the one holding the sword that she was impaled on.
“Sethos….” She managed, her gaze moving from the sword and onto her friend’s face. Blood was soaking her shirt from the wound before her eyes fluttered shut and the sword left her body causing her to collapse.
Sethos breathed out and silently turned towards Gladio. One arm held his best friend, his cornerstone and lifeline, up in his arm near the crook of his shoulder. The other pointed a wickedly curved blade at the other man’s throat.
“You…” Gladio was cut off at the tears in the other man’s eyes began to fall to the ground. He heaved a sob. Two.
“. . .” The blade dropped from his hand. And so too, did the man before him.
It was a clean decapitation.
Kimbr’s clothes were soaked with her own blood. Her breathing growing fainter and fainter every second.
There was no doubt she couldn’t be saved by any type of magic. She had about a minute, maybe two.
Her eyes fluttered as her sight went in and out of focus.
Gladio stood silently and picked the woman up, cradling her head with his large hand. And even though he was tired of the pain he had suffered for the last few days with the separation of his only friends and the ruin of his kingdom, he still couldn’t manage to hold back tears.
. . .
And he let out a wrecked cry, to realize: this was the one he loved. It was the same thing Sethos felt in his last moments, and the feeling of loss and pain was slowly starting to fill the hardened void he had built.
He wasn’t supposed to feel for anyone, and yet here he was, holding his darling in her last moment.
“But I don’t want this to end.”
Unintentionally said aloud.
Accusing eyes from two lovers.
And an emotion he didn’t deserve in Kimbr’s.
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anothergahladglaive-blog ¡ 8 years ago
Kimbr/Gladio: Prompto’s Photos
So this is the story I wrote for Gladio and Kimbr, I posted it on my AO3 Account, Moonfire810, and I figured I’d share it here because it’s about Kimbr.
Gladio had opened the door to find her standing there, crying.
But that wasn’t how the day had started.
It had started with him coming back from an early morning meeting with the others about the whole situation with Noctis. Kimbr had been on a mission for the past few days and just gotten back, so when he arrived at the apartment they shared, she was curled up on the bed still in her Glaive uniform.
Gladio chuckled and walked over to her before brushing her hair back and running his thumb over her cheek. “Hey sleeping beauty.” He said softly.
Kimbr whined and curled up in a ball, clearly trying to quickly go back to sleep since him talking had waken her up.
“Hey you’re still in your uniform, you can’t sleep comfortably in that.” Gladio said lifting her into a sitting position.
She yawned and pouted. “But I’m too tired to careeeeeeeeeee!” She whined. She sounded like Prompto when he was tired.
“Well I know that’s a flat out lie.” Gladio started unbuttoning the coat of the uniform, like he was helping a child. Which, considering she was half asleep and exhausted from the mission that had taken longer than she had wanted it to, Kimbr would be due to lack of sleep.
The Glaive sighed and shrugged off the coat before slipping of her boots and wiggling out of her pants with Gladio hanging up the coat and putting her boots with the rest of her shoes. He grabbed her one of his t-shirts and tossed it at her as he put her pants into the hamper. A moment later she had tossed her Glaive top at him and it landed on his shoulder. He chuckled and threw it in the hamper as well before walking back over to her and draping the covers over her.
Kimbr sighed and curled up, snuggling down into the blankets. “Thank you…” She murmured sleepily.
“Of course. Get some sleep.” He kissed her forehead and a smile appeared on her lips.
“I love you…” She mumbled before falling asleep.
“I love you too.” Gladio said softly, running his fingers through her hair as she dozed off.
After Kimbr had fallen asleep, Gladio went to take a shower and get something to eat, closing the bedroom behind him so he wouldn’t disturb her with the banging of pots and pans as he cooked a simple meal.
Sure Gladio wasn’t great at cooking, but Ignis and Kimbr had taught him so things so at least he could cook something and not had a pot of water catch on fire unlike a certain person of royalty. So he went to the kitchen after changing into some comfortable clothes and started making himself something to eat.
It was a few hours later that he started to hear stuff coming from the bedroom which Kimbr was in. He frowned and set the book he was reading aside on the coffee table before getting up to check on her. Was she having another nightmare? Had she rolled off the bed again?
When he opened the door, he found her on the ground with a small box in front of her and a photo in her hand that was becoming littered with her tears as she cried.
Kimbr looked up at Gladio, sniffling. “I-I..” She couldn’t even finish her sentence before a sob escaped her and she hugged the photo tightly.
Gladio walked over and sat next to her, picking her up and pulling her into his lap and hugging her tightly.
She had found her old photos of the Glaives. She had always had Prompto take pictures of everyone when he could and after everything, when they had found out that all of the Glaives had died when Insomnia had fallen she had just broken down. Prompto got the pictures he had printed out and gave them to Kimbr so she would have something to remember them.
Of course after everything, she had hidden the photos because it became too much to look at it. But it seems she had been looking for something in the closet and stumbled upon them once again. The mission had been stressful and she was still exhausted so that combined just made it easy enough for her to break once she even looked at one of the photos.
Gladio gently pried the photo from her hands and looked at.
It was a photo of Kimbr with Nyx and Libertus, the two she had grown up with in Gahald and Insomnia. It was of them at the bar, all smiling and laughing.
“I remember when Prompto took this.” He said softly, rubbing her shoulder with his other hand. “He had said some stupid joke to get you all to laugh after one of your missions and then quickly took a photo.” He looked at her. “Then you proceed to chase him all over downtown Insomnia.”
Kimbr’s cries and sobs had turned to sniffles by this point since being curled up to Gladio was calming to her.
“And Prompto saw me and decided to use me as protection from you.” He chuckled. “I have never seen you as made as you were that day. Even though I hadn’t actually met you properly yet.”
A small giggle escaped Kimbr.
“And of course you snapped at him to stop hiding and show you the picture so you could decide whether or not have him delete it.” Gladio said while wiping away the last of her tears that lingered.
“And you stepped in, telling me that it was ‘quite rude to say such a thing to one of the Prince’s friends.’” Kimbr said softly, her voice shakey from crying.
“And you said that ‘taking pictures of Glaives after missions wasn’t a pretty thing and no one needed to see it.’” He kissed her head. “But I see all the time and I’m pretty sure you’re still the most beautiful thing I’ve seen.”
This caused Kimbr to blush and hide her face in his shirt, a muffled squeak being the only thing he could hear.
Gladio chuckled and ran his fingers through her hair. “Still can’t take a compliment, can you?”
“Shut up you tree.” She mumbled.
“Since when was I tree?” He said.
“Since we started dating because you’re tall as fuck.”
“Says the Oompa Loompa.”
Kimbr looked up at him with a gasp. “How dare you!”
Gladio grinned. “What? It’s true.”
“I am NOT an Oompa Loompa!” She huffed, crossing her arms.
The shield touched his nose to hers. “You sure seem like one.” He mumbled.
“And why would you date an Oompa Loompa?” She said, wrapping her arms around his neck.
“Because she’s the best Oompa Loompa I know.” He smiled and kissed her. “I love you Kimbr.”
“I love you too Gladio.” She curled up to him once again. “Thank you….”
“Anything for you.”
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anothergahladglaive-blog ¡ 8 years ago
Dancing Lessons
How Kimbr and Gladio met in the Cannon World. At least Iris learned something new.
 Iris was staying at in Lestallum. Since his sister was nowhere to be found at the hotel, they asked where she had been seen and the owner told them that she had just left to go to the gym in town. The owner was kind enough to give them directions and the group of boys left to go visit Gladio’s sister. 
“So why do you think she’s at the gym?” Prompto asked, hopping ahead of the group by a few steps before starting to walk backwards so he could still face and talk to the rest of them. “She is Gladio’s sister. Why do you think?” Noctis said, glancing at said shield.
Gladio just smiled. “You’ve got a point there. She probably picked up the habit that I have.”
“Which one would you be talking about?” Ignis asked. Gladio pretend to look hurt at what Ignis asked but just ended up laughing and walked inside the gym when they arrived.
Prompto peeked out from behind the shield and looked around. “Where do you think she is?” He asked.
“I’m…Not sure.” He also looked around, trying to find his sister.
“Isn’t that her over there?” Ignis asked, pointing towards one of the rooms that was for dancers.
And he was correct, there was Iris with a large group of people. Most of the group was girls but there were a few guys there as well. They all walked over and slowly walked in. That was when Iris noticed them. “Gladdy!” She grinned and ran over to them. “Noctis, Prompto, Ignis.” She smiled at them before giving Gladio a hug which he gladly returned.
“So what are you doing here?” Prompto asked, glancing around the dance room. “Oh! I’m learning how to belly dance.” Iris’s eyes lit up when she began to speak about the subject. “Some survivors from Insomnia came here and one of them knew how to belly dance, so after talking for a bit, she agreed to teach me some stuff. Luckily, the gym here has a class and stuff like that.”
“That’s something I didn’t know you wanted to learn.” Gladio said.
Iris went to say something when one of the others in the room called her name. “Iris, come on. It’s our turn to practice our routine.”
The voice belonged to a woman with white blonde hair and bright gold eyes which were looked much brighter than they were because of the dark eyeliner she had on. She wore a pale pink crop top and sweats as well as a pair of sneakers. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail with small braids going along the side of her head and her ears were littered with earrings.
Iris looked over at the woman. “Right!” Then she looked back at the boys. “You want to see what I learned so far?” She asked before darting over to the woman, not waiting for an answer from any of them.
Prompto slowly took out his camera, figuring he could film it for later times. It was always cool to see types of dances and things. It was one of the things he would watch on YouTube late at night. Gladio leaned against the wall that was next to the door to the room and Noctis sat on the ground next to him. Ignis stood next to Prompto who was fiddling with his camera to get to the right setting while the Iris and the woman she was talking to got in the position for their routine. Others were nearby, like they were waiting for their turn to take the spotlight, and a few people were near a stereo setup with a phone plugged in to play the music.
The blonde looked at Iris, who nodded when she was asked if she was ready and then she looked at the small group over at the stereo and signaled that they could start the music. Iris stood in front of the woman and the two waited for the sound of the music to begin.
When the music did start, the two slowly started to do their dance. Iris had clearly learned a lot in the short time that she had stayed in Lestallum and had met the woman who was teaching her. Once those two were done with their little part, some others took over and Iris walked back over to the guys with a large grin on her face. She was clearly proud of herself. “So how did I do?” She asked, grabbing her water bottle which was with her stuff that the guys just happened to be standing next to.
“You did really good Iris!” Prompto said. “That was amazing!”
Noctis nodded in agreement. “That was pretty cool Iris.”
“Very well done. You clearly have learned quite a lot in such a short time.” Ignis said, pushing his glasses back into place.
“You did a good job.” Gladio ruffled Iris’s hair with a smile, causing her to giggle.
“Oh! That reminds me.” She turned around. “Hey Kimbr, come here. I have some people I want you to meet.”
The blonde who Iris had danced with walked over with her water bottle in hand. “Oh?” She asked, raising an eyebrow.
“This is my brother, Gladio, and his friends, Noctis, Ignis and Prompto.” Iris smiled.
“Hello!” Prompto did a cheerful wave.
Ignis smiled and also said hello while Noctis mumbled a hello and somehow drifted off to sleep. No one was quite sure how he always managed to fall asleep in the strangest situations.
“Hey.” Gladio said.
“Hi.” Kimbr smiled and waved back at Prompto.
“So you taught Iris to do that?” Prompto asked, tilting his head. A gesture similar to one a dog would do once hearing a strange sound.
“I did.” She laughed softly. “She was very eager to learn how to and didn’t give up easily.”
Iris grinned and stood a little taller at that. “Of course I didn’t. My dad and Gladio didn’t teach me to give up.”
Gladio chuckled. “That’s for sure.”
Kimbr’s lips turned up into a small smile and she took a sip from her water bottle. “So what brings you to Lestallum?” She asked, tilting her head just as Prompto did.
“We heard Iris was here and decided to stop by since we’re taking a break from a hunt that we’re doing.” Prompto said.
“Wanted to make sure she was doing okay after everything that happened in Insomnia.” Gladio said, resting his arm on Iris’s head like she was an armrest. This caused the girl to pout when he did so.
“How kind.” Kimbr took another sip from her water bottle and looked over when there was a knock on the door. A man with bright maroon hair that had a small tonberry sitting on his head, was there and waved for her to come outside.
“I gotta go. I’ll see you later Iris. Nice meeting you guys!” She grabbed her bag and waved at the group before leaving. “Bye Kimbr!” Iris waved as she left.
“She seemed nice.” Noctis said, getting to his feet when Ignis nudged him.
“She is, I’m surprised that she’s in such a good after escaping from Insomnia.” Iris said, frowning slightly.
“Why do you say that?” Prompto frowned. “I mean you’re in a good mood too.”
“But I’m not a Glaive, unlike her.”
“Wait she’s a Glaive?” Ignis blinked in surprise.
“Yeah, one of the the few that managed to escape from Insomnia when everything was going on with the rest of the people.”
Gladio looked out the door window to see if she was still in the gym, but Kimbr was gone by now. As was the man she was with.
This was all very strange.
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anothergahladglaive-blog ¡ 8 years ago
14, 26, 2, 49, 46, 23, 43, 10, 29, and 1 for the headcanon meme thing! :) (I have no idea what the frick I just gave you. These are from the random number generator! :D )
 ((Mun: Well this is quite a lot Alastor, but alright, I’ll do this much just for you.))
1.  What does this their bedroom look like?Kimbr’s room is a mess, mostly because she rarely has the time to actually clean, (Being a glaive and all.) The walls are a dark gray color and have various pictures taken by the Glaives and herself, not to mention some pictures taken by Prompto, seeing how she saw him often with Noctis running around the building with Prompto to escape training with Gladio.Her bed is pushed back against the the one wall which is farthest away from the door. 
2. Do they have any daily rituals?
Yes! Kimbr usually makes a stop at a small cafe near the bar the Glaives all hang out. They sell some of her favorite pastries that her mother would make for her as a child, so she buys some and brings them to the others to share, knowing its one of the things that reminds them of their hometown. 
10. Neuroses? Do they recognize them as such?
((Mun: No? I actually couldn’t figure out what this meant, to be honest.))
14. Physical abnormalities? (Both visible and not, including injuries/disabilities, long-term illnesses, food-intolerances, etc.)
None! I mean if you don’t include the scars from past battles and things?
23. How organized are they? How does this organization/disorganization manifest in their everyday life?
Kimbr is organized with things related to her job, but personal things are a mess. Mostly because once she’s done with her shift, she tries her best to relax seeing how stressful a job as a Glaive can be.
26. Do they have any plans for the future? Any contingency plans if things don’t workout?Not. At. All. She knows the risks her job comes with and she will gladly die in battle protecting the ones she loves if it comes to that. 
43. How far did they get in formal education? What are their views on formal education vs self-education?
I mean she graduated high school, but that was about it. Seeing how Gahlad was attacked and she left with the others to go to Insomnia. 
46. Do they express their thoughts through words or deeds?
Kimbr grew up thinking actions speak louder than words, and she still believes that to this day, so she expresses her thoughts through her actions.
49. If this person were to get into a fist fight, what is their fighting style like?
Oh boy, well Kimbr’s fighting style would mostly likely being able to get as many hits in before they can even land one on her. She uses her height to her advantage, being shorter than most people at 5′1″.
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