#Kimberley BC
kegg-ca · 1 year
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Ooooh… so that’s why the 4th letter in “KEGG” stands for “Greenhouse”!!! 🙃 (ie. up until the side panels finished going on at today’s workbee (Saturday, September 2nd), Kimberley Edible Gardens & Greenhouse had kinda been greenhouse-less since setting up the community garden up in townsite 2-ish years ago — thankfully nobody noticed that we had actually been 'KEG' the last couple years because now our other ‘G’ is up & looking g-g-g-great!)
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hwy95eh · 9 months
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More route info over here.
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alpinelodging · 5 months
Discover your perfect getaway in Kimberley, BC with Alpine Lodging's selection of vacation homes. Nestled in the heart of the Canadian Rockies, our cozy accommodations offer the ideal blend of comfort and convenience for your mountain retreat. Whether you're seeking a charming chalet for a romantic escape or a spacious family-friendly home for a group adventure, we have the perfect lodging options to suit your needs. Enjoy stunning views, easy access to outdoor activities like skiing, hiking, and golfing, and all the comforts of home during your Kimberley vacation. Book your Alpine Lodging vacation home today for an unforgettable stay in Kimberley, BC.
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jjsmaybank20 · 2 years
Request for Reneé Rapp,
So I know S3 hasn’t been filmed yet, but say R has been brought onto the show either as like a new roomate for Leighton and Kimberley or academic rival in one of her math classes or something. R was only supposed to be on for one or two episodes but because she had instant chemistry with Reneé she was rewrote into the rest of the season. Alyah being the great best friend she is hypes Reneé up to ask R out bc it is painfully obvious to everyone but them that they’ve been crushing on each other all season long. Then R who has been in love with Reneé since Mean Girls and streams all her music had to keep her fangirling down to a minimum when she met her is absolutely shocked when she asks her out. Because she’s RENEÉ RAPP, but once she realizes that she is not in fact dreaming gives her an enthusiastic yes
Stick Around
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Reneè Rapp x Fem!Reader
Summary: You never thought that you would get to work with your celebrity crush, so when the opportunity arises, you jump at it. You never would have imagine that your feelings for her would be returned.
Warnings: Mostly fluff, some miscommunication but thats the extent of the angst
Word Count: 1.9k
A/N: I changed up the plot a little bit, but I hope you still like it!
navigation celebrities (romantic) masterlist
When your manager called you about an audition to play a part in the third season of the TV show ‘The Sex Lives of College Girls’, you immediately jumped at the chance. You were a huge fan of the show already, so being able to try out for it was a once in a lifetime opportunity. You read for the part of a character named Parker, who was going to be an academic rival of Leighton’s. The producers loved your performance and soon after your audition, you got a call saying that you had gotten the part. 
The day that you were supposed to start filming came even faster than you could have imagined. You looked around the set in awe, accidentally bumping into someone behind you. You turn around to apologize, but when you see who you bumped into you freeze. Standing there, profusely apologizing, is frickling Reneè Rapp. 
You stare at her blankly until she waves a hand in front of her face and seemingly repeats her question. “Are you okay?” You nod dumbly and she accepts your answer. She then sticks her hand out for a handshake, which you quickly reciprocate. “I’m Reneè. I don’t want to be rude, but who are you?” You shake yourself out of your stupor, finally getting your wits back. “I’m Y/N. I’m going to be playing Parker, Your character's rival, for like, two episodes.” 
A look of understanding dawns on Reneè’s face. You suddenly realize that you’re still holding onto her hand, so you quickly pull back, your face turning red. Looking at the ground, you don’t notice that Reneè’s face has turned pink as well. She mumbles something about getting back to work, and you nod before heading towards the director’s office. The both of you glance back over your shoulder at each other, catching the other person staring which makes both of your heads whip back around in embarrassment.
Reneè walks towards Alyah’s trailer, throwing the door open. Alyah flinches in surprise, not expecting the loud bang. When she finally gets over her shock, she takes notice of her best friend standing in the doorway, panting hard. “Are you okay, Nè?” 
Reneè shakes her head, quickly closing the door behind her and making her way over towards where Alyah is sitting. “Okay so you know how I’m going to have, like, a mathematical rival for a couple episodes? I just met the actress who is going to play her, and she is so fucking hot, and like so nice.” Alyah lets out a laugh, hitting Reneè’s shoulder.
“Damn girl, do you seriously already have a crush on her?” Reneè shakes her head insistently to the negative. “No, no. It’s just an observation. I can objectively say that she’s hot. Because it’s true. Just wait till you see her for yourself.” Alyah shrugs, knowing that she was right, and also now looking forward to meeting you.
A couple hours later, you amble onto the set, now in costume. You were wearing a red flannel shirt and a Guns N’ Roses t-shirt that you honestly wished you could keep. Your hands were adorned with rings that you were asked to bring from home, and the final touch was a backwards baseball cap sitting just right on your head. 
Across the set, you don’t notice that two of the actors have been watching you since you entered. “God damn, you weren’t wrong. She is fucking hot.” Reneè makes a noncommittal noise, which makes Alyah glance over at her. She has her mouth slightly open, and she is clearly checking you out as you look around. Alyah laughs before getting an idea. “Now let's see if you were right about her being nice.”
She begins to wave her hand, trying to call you over, and you oblige. Reneè tries to stop her but immediately covers when you get to them. Almost immediately, you make eye contact with her, before looking away awkwardly. Alyah notices the tension but decides not to say anything just yet. Instead, she sticks her hand out and enthusiastically introduces herself. “Hi! I’m Alyah. You must be Y/N. I for one am so happy to have you with us, even if it’s just for a short while. I know for a fact that Reneé here agrees with me.”
You laugh and shake her hand in return. Reneé quickly nods her head in agreement with Alyah’s statement, making you smile warmly at the both of them. “I’m just happy to be here. Huge fan of the show, so this is kind of surreal. Also, very happy about the costumes. I mean, I already own half of this stuff, and I want the other half.” Alyah laughs, agreeing with you. You continue to make small talk with the two of them, it being mostly dominated by Alyah.
Soon, the director calls for places, and you move to be opposite of Reneé. As soon as he calls action, it’s like she turns into a whole new person. In a way, she actually does. She instantly develops a confident aura to her, and she struts into the mock classroom. You slouch down in your chair as instructed, and she glances over at you before faking a double take.
“Okay, who are you and what are you doing in this class? You do know Metal 101 ended a while ago, right? Like, in the 90s?” You laugh sarcastically, leaning forward towards the blonde. “This is where advanced mathematics is, right? Not Prissy Rich Bitch level 10?” Reneé morphs her face into a look of shock. “You’re in this class? No, no way.” You stick your hand out, but she looks at it in mild disgust. You shrug and retract it. “The name’s Parker. And, yes I’m in this class. An IQ of 155 will do that for you. Also, you shouldn’t judge my fashion sense. This is very attractive to women, which is what I’m going for. So get your attitude in check, please. I’m trying to learn.” 
Reneé looks you over carefully before rolling her eyes and sitting down. You pretend to be doing the ‘math work’ that is given to you, and Reneé pretends to glance over at you before looking away, embarrassed. Her part of the scene is honestly not that hard for her to fake, as she can’t help but be attracted to you, especially when you look like that. So concentrated on what your doing, biting your lip in thought. She can almost vividly imagine you biting her like tha-
“AND CUT! That was great, girls! I could really feel the tension. Keep that up, and maybe we can see what the fans would think of a season long romance between Leighton and Parker. I can almost see it now. Enemies to lovers.” You smile, happy for the praise and at the thought of sticking around AND playing your celebrity crushes romantic interest. You glance over at Reneé, who has a seriously nervous look on her face. She smiles wryly at the director before turning on her heel and walking quickly off set. You become slightly confused, but you assure yourself that it probably has nothing to do with you.
The day after the first episode was released was a wild time for you. You had gained an insane amount of instagram followers, including multiple of the stars from the show. The one follow that you were the most excited about was definitely Reneé’s. 
Not even an hour after the episode’s release, various social media platforms were flooded with approval and requests for a more thorough relationship between Leighton and Parker. You were delighted, and so was everyone else it seemed. Everyone except for Reneé. As soon as you got the news from the director that they would be promoting your character to recurring for the rest of season 3, the first person you thought to tell was Reneé. When she heard the news, she didn’t have the reaction you expected. 
Instead of being excited, she gave you a tight-lipped smile and simply said, “Congratulations.” You honestly had no idea what you had done wrong, so you went to the one other person who might know. Your blonde crush’s best friend. As you approach Alyah, she gives you the reaction that you had subconsciously expected from Reneé. 
She pulls you into a hug and enthusiastically tells you how excited she is to have you around for the rest of the season. You smile at her, but she can see that something is off. “Hey, what’s up? I know we haven’t known each other very long, but you can still talk to me about anything.” You nod and take a deep breath. “Does Reneé not like me? She doesn’t seem to ever want to be around me, and I don’t know what I did. Has she said anything to you?” 
Alyah shakes her head, seemingly just as in the dark as you are. You nod, not really expecting anything to come from asking. You wander off dejectedly, leaving Alyah with a whole lot of questions for her best friend. She quickly makes her way towards Reneé’s trailer, and bursts inside. Reneé almost drops her phone in surprise, and she begins to snap at her friend before noticing the murderous look on her face.
“What the hell are you doing?! Y/N thinks you hate her! You have gotta just ask her out, dude. You both clearly like each other. We’ve filmed at least four episodes together, and at some point the two of your characters are going to kiss or some shit. Wouldn’t you rather have your first kiss with her on your own terms rather than scripted with a whole bunch of people watching?” Reneé cowers away slightly, thinking over Alyah’s words. She finally nods, realizing that the brunette in front of her was right. 
Alyah nods in acceptance before pulling Reneé to her feet and shoving her out the door. “Go get your girl! Don’t sleep together on the first date! Or do, I don’t care. Just go get her!” Reneé rolls her eyes, laughing and jogging off to go find you. She first checks in your trailer, but you aren’t there. She then looks all around the set, asking any crew member she sees if they knew where you were. When all she gets are nos, she wonders if she will ever find you today. 
Suddenly, she spots you walking towards the parking lot with your head down. She runs up to you, panting heavily, which makes you stare at her confused. When she finally catches her breath, she glances up at you shyly. “I’m sorry I’ve been weird. I’m really bad around people that I like. And I really, really like you. I was wondering if you would maybe want to grab a coffee or something?” You smile at her softly before truly processing what she had just said. 
“Wait, you like me? Reneé Rapp, the incredible singer and actress, likes me?” Reneé laughs slightly, nodding. “Yes I like you, dumbass. Also, don’t say ‘me’ like that. You’re funny, and kind, and so hot. So would you want to grab a drink?” You nod before lifting Reneé up by pulling her into a hug. She squeals in surprise before hugging you back enthusiastically. She then whispers in your ear, “I’m so happy your sticking around for the rest of the season.” 
She feels you smile into her neck before you quietly say, “I’ll stick around as long as you want me to.”
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micewithknives · 6 months
Top 5 places you have visited or want to visit.
Idk i have any specific order for this - so consider it "top 5 general". Also theyre all Australia, bc as much as theres places i think would be cool to visit overseas, i think theres a lot of places in Australia that are super underrated, and I want to visit them first. (Also I've literally never left the country, so...)
Want to: The Kimberley
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I've been to WA, but only to the bottom part, and I'd love to see more of it. Plus, my parents have photos from like the 90s and some of the places they went were GORGEOUS and I'd love to visit some day.
2. Been to: Narriearra Caryapundy Swamp National Park
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VERY cool place. May hold the record for the prettiest sunrises I've seen in the last little while. I'm sad i didnt get to explore more around the wider area. Worlds cutest budgies (and insanely sized flocks of them at that). 10/10 would go again.
3. Want to: Tasmania (general)
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I've been to Tasmania exactly once (it made me technically have been to every state) but it was for a university trip, and we only got three exploration days. So I've been to Port Arthur, Maria Island, and Hobart. All very cool, but I'd love to see more of it, especially the western side. Also to revisit a bakery that i got literally the best vanilla slice i've ever tasted from.
4. Been to: The (various) Keppel Islands
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Theyre just SO pretty. Theyre also the traditional lands of the Woppaburra people and have some VERY cool archaeology and culture (including carved shell fish hooks). Also somewhere i saw a dugong once, so bonus points for that. (Still mad they keep trying to redevelop Great Keppel Island. pls. it doesnt need a resort).
5. Want to: Norfolk Island
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TECHNICALLY part of Australia, but also like... a long trip. I feel like I might like to visit Norfolk Island at least once in my life. Especially after having had to do research on it for an archaeology assessment once. Its kinda fascinating
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featherdownmoor · 5 days
Today I
took the mrt for the 2nd time in my life, to trx
accidentally dropped my phone on the train (loud as fuck)
signed up for german classes at this boujee ass building next to trx
met up and took pictures with Kimberley (we're gonna be going to the same centre now)
took the train back to asia jaya, accidentally dropped my bag on the train (even louder)
went to viviens place at 3.30pm
"men are evil dont trust men" "ok wow you're such a feminist" "yes I am and I'm 6 ft 4" "okay. name a feminist" "uhhhhhhh rosa parks?"
went into the bathroom so he could wash the bowl. i was standing beside him checking my bangs in the reflection. he stood off to the side glancing at me every now and then and smiling
smoked a bowl w vivien but i only smoked like 10% of it. "you have to suck on it" "ummmmm" and we both start laughing
i was playing w a belt (his belt) at him, he flinched, we laughed about it
watched indian sidemen
he said should we watch something and i said lets watch scott pilgrim
he's looking for the site and i start shuffling from left to right (like the dance) \/ /\ \/ /\
he's like wow you can shuffle??? and I'm like yes come here let me show you how
he was getting really embarrassed so i pulled him up anyway and so we were holding both hands while showing him the steps. he kept getting shy because he was messing up here and there and he was like "noooo i cant i look really stupid right now"
we laughed and stumbled and end up w his arms around me hugging me and his face in my neck
"this is so gayyyyyy" - v. *laughing* - me
set up the laptop for the movie and we're on his bed with two pillows propped up behind our heads
when ramona and scott are on their first date he asks if he can play with my hair. he asks what it was like when it was long
i forgot what spurred this ik he said something and i took his hand and held it and he called me gay for it
he was running circles w his thumb on my hand
then at some point he starts kicking me and i keep his leg in a leglock so he stops and that turns into a tussle and he acc cant free himself. at this point he's on top of me and i finally let him win and he flops over to the side again and we're laughing but our legs are still intertwined
he's running his hands through my hair again and I'm looking at him. i forgot what he says but our faces are already so close. so i poke the tip of his nose and give it a peck.
and then he's grinning and going off about it being gay
I'm like what do we do now?
he's like ...we kiss
and I'm like okay but it would be my first time idk if ill do it right and he slike WHAT
asks me repeatedly if I'm ok with this and I'm like yeah its not the end of the world its not
he kisses me and idk what to do with my lips I'm sitting there like a dead fish but eventually it works out my lips soften and i actually start really enjoying it bc he tastes like popcorn
atp he's on top and we gradually start going into tongue territory
he cups my face and starts kissing and biting my neck softly and i absolutely fold like um whimpering and everything that's crazy?????????
now and then he makes me ask to be kissed which is actually crazy like i had to grab his shirt and pull it closer
couple times he's legit just teasing me hovering his lips just fucking one millimeter away from mine and pulling away when i try to bring him in
he asks me where to touch and im like no butt no cooch
at some point i say something rly geeky and he's like youre so cool (sarcasm ofc) and im like bitch that's a microaggressio- and he just takes my face and cuts me off w the kiss
eventually (bc he keeps wanting me "closer" - bitch we're already nose to nose) i move on top and im kissing him and he asks me to kiss and bite his neck so i do
bro he starts WHIMPERING and whispering going "fuuuck ah fuck" again and again. and i can feel him like trembling under me and pulling me closer and closer so i just start gooning on his neck i guess
whimpering devolves into actual moaning and long story short he has a full on hickey now and im proud of it. just learnt something about myself today: i fucking love biting necks im a pleasure dom apparently
whenever id stop he'd whine about me teasing him. at some point i paused and he whispered "doooont doooont stoppppp pleaseeee do it for longer"
he asks me to put my hand under his shirt so i do and its so nice feeling him squirm
we kiss for like an hour straight i think time just flows i have no idea how long its been but we're breathless and exhaling warm. i would just pause and play with his hair and lips and eyebrows in between
and trace soft kisses on his eyelid and cheek (he said "i hate youuuuu i HATE YOU youre making me feel things"), keep my cheek on his cheek
his kisses go from soft exploring to intense with tongue im ngl i dig it a lot a very whole lot
some more mentioned in the whatsapp vms with jayden
at home v texts me saying he wants to be platonic so he doesnt "ruin a perfect thing" and keeps going on about how im the coolest person he's met so far and im an amazing person and how our friendship means the world to him
tldr wow what a day
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reneerappuk · 6 months
I hope we get a Towa and Kesha song on new music. But I definitely agree she deserves a well deserved breaks. Now all these festivals whilst filming her last season of sex lives of college girls. Idk how I feel about her leaving the show. I'll miss Leighton so much and the vibes will definitely be different this season.
Honestly hoping for a Chappell Roan feature as well especially bc Reneé was at her Coachella set! 😭
And it’ll be sad when she leaves but she might do like cameos in it every so often? Who knows, but it’ll definitely be weird without her, although saying that I’m still excited to see how the new season goes especially w the Kimberley / Whitney storyline!
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ryansjane · 10 months
hello there ~ i actually went through your asks a couple of times to see if you have answered this question but i somehow do not see it but if you did answer this kind of question already then you can just skip this question ~ i am curious to know if it is true that gmmtv actors/on screen couples are popular but not as much as other actors from other companies base in thailand compare to international, like i recently just got introduced to this couple call pope bella and heard that they are one of the top actors in thailand, one of my online friend told me that there are other popular actors who are more famous and well known in thailand like yaya, nadech, mark, kimberley, baifern, mai davika, james ji, taew and so on
so i was curious to know that since you are in thailand are they more well known there and that a lot of international fans just dont know them because they are not in gmmtv?
so sorry for asking again, its just that i wanted to know this so that i can branch out of gmmtv and watch other thai shows too and see how much of a difference it is and see what my friend means by the difference in popularity and the difference in thai drama styles ~
hi! I have talked about this before, but this is such an interesting question it's okay to answer it again! so, first we gotta make the distinction between lakorns (thai soap operas, air multiple times a week & have one hour long episode, have plots that are regarded as over the top BUT an acting that is regarded as very good bc it requires a lot of stamina to cry for 18 hours straight), and series, that follow american or korean dramas formula in terms of number of episodes, format, etc. your friends are right to say that most of the actors that are very big & you mentioned above, have been known through their works in lakorns & movies rather than series. now though, these people were discovered over a decade ago, when series were just starting. so while they are still considered the biggest stars to this day in thailand by thai people bc they've maintained their careers, nowadays the people who have the biggest fanbases are undeniably bl actors, notably bright, who's literally everywhere, and billkin & pp who are also overwhelmingly present and very popular. there are some exceptions - I'm thinking about bright rapheepol, who looks like he could be a bl actor bc he's got the look but is actually a lakorn star who's quite big in thailand (and recently got a song with jamfilm, kristgawin, nanon & others), but he's kind of the exception. at the end of the day, the most dedicated fans tend to be women in their teens or twenties, which means that while lakorn actors are very well known and huge, their fanbase is older so less involved. but yes, to come back to gmmtv, where they stand out has always been their marketing towards inter fans (I literally have a full video about it lol), and while gmmtv actors ARE very big and very beloved, they are not necessarily the biggest, especially as so many new bl shows & ships get released every year so the competition is getting steeper & and the fanbases more & more diluted.
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i’m kinda obsessed with bela and eric from the sex lives of college girls (tslocg)
i started watching tslocg in the middle of s2e1 with my friend, and said friend caught me up on everything going on with the main 4 characters. i didn’t rly have any attachment to any character / ship (though i rly liked kimberley haha her acting is so freakin funny and she’s pretty relatable), until the bantering between eric and bela in s2e3 when they were talking about short kings and sex!! ahhh i just loved the subtle but not so subtle perk of interest on eric’s part, asking who the short king was, clearly feeling slightly jealous but trying to conceal as much of it as possible. and the banter that followed and bela admitting that ok yes eric sex with u is better, and eric looking satisfied and smug but joking with her and being like “what? can u repeat that 😏”. tbh this is when i fell in love with eric too bc he’s a cute nerd who is having this casual relationship with bela but also prolly secretly likes her bc bela is kinda cool. ALSO he’s the type of guy who doesn’t open up and feel comfortable around people easily bc he is awkward, and he also doesn’t like people easily. but u can tell that he did really like bela even if he wasn’t the best at expressing it (but he did express it through his smiles, his willingness to call her and listen to her and give her advice and hype her up, though i will admit these two do have their own suite of issues that stem from both of their career ambitions). the scene between bela and the dads hurt me so much bc there, u can really see that eric really really liked bela and was really hurt by her :( and he later tells bela to her face as well that he liked her, which hurts me bc the viewer can rly tell that bela really regrets what she did to him :(
i really really really really really hope that in these final two eps of s2, eric and bela have a run-in or something bc i am truly not over them
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russersprouts · 9 days
Listen. Rant nobody will care about. Arnold and Laura Palmer are two sims who are now adult-aged. They have two beautiful children Kimberly (Kimmy) and Lacey who are now BOTH teenagers (Kimberley is older by like 6 sim days so like. Idk. Age gap is like 13 and 17
Kimmy threw a teen party while her parents were out and got the cops called. While she DID get away with it bc everybody scrambled before the cops showed up, her mother still scolded her for trashing the house.
Kimberley is (shocker) literally just a concept heir btw. I got back into ts3 bc I had the idea to raise my first heir from toddlerhood. I feel so proud. I think I’m gonna send her to college after high school
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aryanaxeconsultancy · 2 months
The History of Diamond Jewelry: From Ancient Times to Modern Day
Diamonds, known for their unmatched beauty and durability, have fascinated humanity for centuries. From their discovery in ancient times to the cutting-edge creation of CVD diamond rings today, the journey of diamond jewelry reflects a rich tapestry of history, culture, and technological advancements. This blog explores the evolution of diamond jewelry and sheds light on how modern innovations, like CVD (Chemical Vapor Deposition) diamonds, have impacted the market, particularly in terms of pricing.
Ancient Times
Early Discoveries The earliest recorded discovery of diamonds dates back to around 4th century BC in India, where diamonds were found in the country’s rivers and streams. Valued for their hardness and light-reflecting properties, these diamonds were initially used for engraving and decorating ceremonial objects.
Symbol of Power As trade routes expanded, diamonds made their way to Europe, where they were regarded as symbols of power and status among royalty and the wealthy. Ancient cultures believed that diamonds possessed supernatural powers, using them in amulets and talismans.
Middle Ages to Renaissance
The Diamond Cutting Revolution The Middle Ages saw the advent of diamond cutting techniques, transforming rough stones into faceted gems with enhanced brilliance. The introduction of the "point cut" and later the "table cut" allowed diamonds to reflect light more effectively, increasing their desirability.
Royal Engagements In 1477, Archduke Maximilian of Austria commissioned the first recorded diamond engagement ring for Mary of Burgundy, setting a precedent for using diamonds in betrothal jewelry. This tradition persists today, solidifying diamonds as the ultimate symbol of love and commitment.
The Modern Era
The Kimberley Diamond Rush The discovery of diamonds in South Africa in the late 19th century led to the Kimberley Diamond Rush and the establishment of De Beers, which monopolized the diamond trade. This period marked a significant increase in diamond supply and accessibility, fueling the global demand for diamond jewelry.
Diamond Advertising and Popularity In the 20th century, diamond jewelry gained unprecedented popularity thanks to strategic advertising campaigns. De Beers’ famous "A Diamond is Forever" slogan, introduced in 1947, reinforced the idea of diamonds as a timeless symbol of love.
Contemporary Innovations
CVD Diamonds: A New Frontier The advent of lab-grown diamonds, particularly those produced by Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD), has revolutionized the diamond industry. CVD diamonds are created by depositing carbon atoms onto a diamond seed, layer by layer, in a controlled environment. This method produces diamonds with the same physical, chemical, and optical properties as mined diamonds.
Impact on Pricing One of the significant advantages of CVD diamonds is their affordability compared to natural diamonds. The CVD diamond ring price is typically lower, offering consumers an eco-friendly and ethical alternative without compromising quality. As technology advances and production scales up, CVD diamonds continue to gain traction in the market.
The Future of Diamond Jewelry
Sustainable and Ethical Choices With increasing awareness of ethical and environmental issues associated with diamond mining, consumers are gravitating towards lab-grown diamonds. The demand for CVD diamonds is expected to rise, influencing the future landscape of the diamond industry.
Technological Advancements Continuous advancements in diamond cutting and lab-grown diamond technologies promise a future where diamonds can be customized to precise specifications, offering unparalleled options for personalization.
The history of diamond jewelry is a fascinating journey from ancient civilizations to modern innovations. As CVD diamond ring prices make these gems more accessible, they symbolize not only eternal love but also a commitment to sustainability and ethical practices. Whether you’re drawn to the allure of a classic diamond or the innovation of a lab-grown gem, the legacy of diamonds as cherished adornments endures.
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kegg-ca · 10 days
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Up at the @kegg.ca community garden, we make compost that can’t be… BEET!
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hwy95eh · 1 year
** This locally sourced link was shared by Jeremy / @HI54LOFI. Please feel free to get in touch if you also know of a link that might be of interest to someone living in a mountain town like the small mountown where the HWY95EH #LOCALLYSOURCEDLINKS signal is broadcast from (or visit the EH? section for more info / ideas on getting involved with getting the word out about things worth getting the word out about in our interconnected mountown areas)  👍
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alpinelodging · 6 months
Your Next Adventure Awaits: Outdoor Activities and Accommodations in Kimberley, BC
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Are you ready to embark on a thrilling outdoor escape in the picturesque town of Kimberley, BC? Nestled in the heart of the Canadian Rockies, Kimberley is a haven for adventure seekers and nature enthusiasts alike. From exhilarating outdoor activities to cozy accommodations, Kimberley offers the perfect blend of excitement and relaxation for your next getaway.
Outdoor Activities Lodging Kimberley BC
Kimberley is renowned for its diverse range of outdoor activities, catering to visitors of all ages and interests. Whether you're an avid adventurer or a family looking for fun-filled experiences, there's something for everyone in Kimberley.
1. Skiing and Snowboarding During the winter months, Kimberley transforms into a snowy wonderland, making it an ideal destination for skiing and snowboarding enthusiasts. The Kimberley Alpine Resort boasts excellent terrain suitable for all skill levels, from beginners to seasoned pros. With ski-in/ski-out homes conveniently located near the slopes, such as Alpine Lodging, you can maximize your time on the powder without compromising on comfort.
2. Hiking and Biking In the warmer seasons, Kimberley's trails come alive with hikers and bikers eager to explore the stunning landscapes. The area offers a myriad of trails, ranging from leisurely strolls to challenging hikes. The iconic Kimberley Nature Park is a favorite among locals and visitors alike, offering picturesque views and diverse wildlife encounters.
3. Golfing For golf enthusiasts, Kimberley boasts top-notch golf courses surrounded by breathtaking mountain scenery. Swing your clubs at the Kimberley Golf Club or Bootleg Gap Golf Course for a memorable round amidst nature's beauty.
4. Fishing and Water Sports Kimberley is home to pristine lakes and rivers, perfect for fishing and water sports enthusiasts. Spend a relaxing day casting your line into the crystal-clear waters or enjoy kayaking and paddleboarding against the backdrop of the Rockies.
Accommodations in Kimberley, BC
After a day of outdoor adventures, unwind in one of Kimberley's welcoming accommodations. Whether you prefer a cozy lodge, a spacious vacation rental home, or a luxurious resort, Kimberley offers a range of options to suit your preferences.
1. Alpine Lodging - Ski-In/Ski-Out Homes Experience the ultimate convenience with ski-in/ski-out homes offered by Alpine Lodging. These well-appointed properties provide direct access to the slopes, allowing you to hit the trails right from your doorstep. Enjoy modern amenities, stunning mountain views, and the comforts of home during your stay.
2. Cozy Lodges and Cabins Immerse yourself in Kimberley's mountain charm by staying in a cozy lodge or cabin. Many accommodations feature rustic decor, fireplaces, and outdoor spaces where you can relax and soak in the serene surroundings.
3. Resort Accommodations Indulge in a luxurious stay at one of Kimberley's upscale resorts, complete with spa facilities, gourmet dining options, and exceptional service. Unwind after a day of adventure with a massage or soak in a hot tub while enjoying panoramic mountain views.
Planning Your Trip to Kimberley, BC
When planning your outdoor adventure in Kimberley, BC, consider the following tips to make the most of your trip:
Seasonal Considerations: Kimberley offers unique experiences year-round, so plan your visit based on your preferred activities. Winter is ideal for skiing and snowboarding, while summer is perfect for hiking and water sports.
Accommodation Booking: Secure your lodging in advance, especially during peak seasons, to ensure availability and get the best rates.
Local Dining and Attractions: Explore Kimberley's culinary scene and visit nearby attractions such as the Kimberley Underground Mining Railway or the charming downtown area.
Additional Activities and Attractions
Apart from skiing, hiking, and golfing, Kimberley offers a range of unique activities and attractions that add to the charm of this mountain town.
1. Explore Underground: Kimberley Underground Mining Railway Step back in time and delve into Kimberley's mining history with a fascinating tour aboard the Kimberley Underground Mining Railway. Journey into the underground world of a real mine and learn about the town's rich mining heritage.
2. Wildlife Viewing Kimberley is home to diverse wildlife, including deer, elk, and various bird species. Explore the Kimberley Nature Park or take a guided wildlife tour to spot these majestic creatures in their natural habitat.
3. Arts and Culture Discover Kimberley's vibrant arts and culture scene by visiting local galleries and studios showcasing works by talented artisans. Don't miss the annual Kimberley Kaleidoscope Arts & Cultural Festival, featuring live performances, art exhibits, and workshops.
4. Family-Friendly Fun Kimberley offers plenty of activities suitable for families with children. Enjoy a day of mini-golf, visit the nearby water park, or embark on a family-friendly nature walk to connect with nature and create lasting memories.
Dining and Culinary Experiences
After a day of outdoor adventures, treat yourself to Kimberley's culinary delights at a variety of restaurants and eateries. From cozy cafes to upscale dining establishments, Kimberley offers something to satisfy every palate.
1. Local Cuisine Sample locally sourced ingredients and regional specialties at Kimberley's restaurants, showcasing the best of British Columbia's culinary scene. Indulge in fresh seafood, artisan cheeses, and craft beverages from local breweries and wineries.
2. Patio Dining During the warmer months, dine al fresco on charming patios with stunning mountain views. Relax with a glass of wine or local beer while savoring delicious dishes made with seasonal ingredients.
3. Farmers' Markets Immerse yourself in Kimberley's food culture by visiting farmers' markets offering a wide selection of fresh produce, baked goods, and artisanal products. Engage with local vendors and learn more about the region's agricultural offerings.
Planning Tips for a Memorable Stay
To ensure a seamless and enjoyable visit to Kimberley, consider the following planning tips:
Transportation: Arrange transportation in advance if you plan to explore beyond Kimberley. Renting a car gives you the flexibility to visit nearby attractions and scenic spots at your own pace.
Outdoor Gear: Pack appropriate clothing and gear based on the activities you plan to pursue. Kimberley's weather can vary, so come prepared for outdoor adventures in all seasons.
Local Events and Festivals: Check the event calendar for festivals and events happening during your visit. Kimberley hosts various events throughout the year, providing unique opportunities to engage with the local community and immerse yourself in the town's culture.
Kimberley, BC, offers a perfect blend of outdoor activities, cozy accommodations, and local experiences that cater to travelers seeking adventure and relaxation in a breathtaking mountain setting. Whether you're planning a winter ski getaway or a summer hiking expedition, Kimberley welcomes you with open arms and promises a memorable escape amidst nature's beauty.
Start planning your next adventure in Kimberley, where every moment is an opportunity to explore, unwind, and create lasting memories. Embrace the spirit of adventure and discover why Kimberley is a hidden gem waiting to be explored. Your outdoor journey begins here!
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lifetimemoviereview · 10 months
To All A Good Night (2023 Hallmark Movie)
To All A Good Night (2023 Hallmark Movie) #ToAllAGoodNight #Hallmark #Christmas
To All A Good Night, Day 13 of 15, October 26, 2023, Victoria, BC, Canada Photo Credit: Bettina Strauss To All A Good Night (2023 Hallmark) 📺.  Stream/Watch the Movie (Ad): Watch or Stream via Hallmark Movies Now Cast: Kimberley Sustad, Mark Ghanimé Director: Andy Mikita Writer: Betsy Morris ➡️    Check out our Youtube Channel: Lifetime Uncorked: Lifetime Movie Reviews 🎧   Listen to the…
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college-girl199328 · 2 years
A British Columbian is eager to move away from Metro Vancouver to embrace country living. To determine what the best small town in B.C. actually is, they turned to Reddit. The poster asked Vancouver Reddit what the ideal small city to live in is, and there was one that stuck out for its popularity.
Many B.C. locals gave Smithers a big shout-out as a solid place to move to in the province. The town is between Prince George and Prince Rupert in Northern B.C. because it's scenic.
Although the original poster is a small city, this small town might serve them well. One Reddit user said it's known for its hiking and fishing spots — making it an outdoor enthusiast's dream.
Comments recommending Smithers got serious upvote power, making it clear many think it's the ideal place.
If there's one thing that B.C. isn't short on, it's beautiful small towns. Places like Kimberley, Cranbrook, and Fernie also made it on the thread.
The Tourism Smithers Instagram bio says it all: "Smithers BC. A cool mountain town with a vibrant, playful community… wild spaces to roam & breathe."
If this didn't make you consider swapping the big city life for greener pastures!
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