#Kim might be a shady creep
Jieun Discourse
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[Text since Ibispaint fucked up the quality]
First Pooh: Jieun did nothing wrong at all.
Second Pooh: Jieun's treatment of Bum was rude and ablest but Sangwoo has no right to kill her. Plus Sangwoo is guilty of the same things tenfold
Third Pooh: Jieun deserved to die bc she's a slut, annoying and was mean to Yoon Bum
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la-alert · 2 years
A splash of tea…
If you didn’t catch the mess on twitter over Easter weekend well…we don’t know where you were but let us drop some tea for you! Because ya’ll asked for this anyways so don’t get upset with us..m’kay!
Monique aka @moneyque and Scarlett aka @scarsato was all guns a blazing on twitter the other morning. We’re not even sure how the whole argument started but one could assume it was based off assumptions... We knew off rip though that it wasn’t going no further than tweets so we didn’t bother with it much.
Monique you really was arguing with the wrong girl, who you should have been shading and fussing with is Aneia aka @shesoneia and her mans Samir aka @scmir . What in the two way love affair do ya’ll got going on? We saw big sisters disapproval of the post that Aneia posted of Samir and we thought she was a hater, turns out sister might be on to something, but girlll don’t do that okay lol. But then again, maybe…Amari aka @amarilens would like to weigh in on this. Or maybe Kimberly aka @missbrinx would like to interject since the two of you were on a shade fest. Did you guys make up yet? Or are you still planning on pretending you’re not throwing subs at each other?
In other news not that we should care but Tre aka @brockintres was seen creeping over at Jodi aka @jodijodyjode house in the wee hours. That’s cute, we wonder who all gone be at the play off games. The baby mama or Miss Jodi? Chiii…can we get tickets too?
Whatever happened with Blessing @baddiebless and zaddy Kendrick aka @bigkoneal . We wanted to see this happen so, but blessing come get this damn rose out the drawer sis. Looks like cutie patootie Mekhala aka @mekhala-v has rightfully so claimed her mans again. Hopefully he don’t drop her again when the wind blows someone else into his life like last time. Cause that was dead ass wrong and we didn’t like it at all. But as long as they’re happy that’s all that truly matters.
Anyways lets get to the boring stuff we guess…couples, kids all the things that make us sleepy and ya’ll happy. THEY ALL THE SAME, nothing to see here. No spice, no neighbors recording ya’ll having sex…what is life? We don’t know but we need for you guys to do better. We still waiting on all the sex tapes, look what it did for Kim K and the fam…sell it to us we got ya’ll on a 4 for 4 from wendys.
A lot of you girls been on a real housewives of L.A. type vibe…making us gag and this is where we tap out. There wasn’t much because as we told you…it’s been dry but we had to give a little something to ya’ll. If you want more tea then you know how this goes…Until next time stop throwing shady tweets and flex that @ button! BYEEE!
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Welcome to the back (Part 14)
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Two days earlier, on Monday:
Felix had locked himself in a bathroom stall, seconds from breaking down. He couldn’t breath, throat constricting with a scream he’d successfully kept in for over a year now. Bordeaux was gone, as far from him as legally possible, and yet he’d found a way to watch him like a hawk, wherever he was. Felix buried his face in his hands, as if they could shield him from the scornful gaze he felt on him. He couldn’t do this, couldn’t face him, couldn’t let Rossi-
“Felix!”, a voice whispered from behind him and he jumped up. A ridiculously oversized pair of glasses was visible through the window beneath the ceiling. Attached to it was an obviously fake nose, and behind it glistened the most beautiful eyes Felix had ever seen.
“Marinette!”, he almost sobbed as his savior pushed herself through the window. Why was she wearing a bikers helmet? And was that a cape?
“It’s Marino!”, she grumbled, faking a lower voice. “I’m a boy! Which is why I am able to, you know. Get into the boy’s bathroom.”
“What?”, Felix frowned, the realized. “Oh! Uh, we’re alone, Marc checked. But Lila’s waiting outside the door, so don’t be so loud.”
“You mean I dressed up for nothing?! Aw, man!”
With a groan, she pulled the helmet off. He couldn’t resist but straighten the tangled strands (helmet hair, Kagami had told him during their last chess match). Marinette’s hair was so soft!
He shook his head, focusing on the matter at hand.
“I need your help!”
“I sure hope so. I’d be hella mad if I crawled through that window for nothing.”, she deadpanned, then took of the glasses and turned serious. “What happened? Marc only told me you barricaded yourself in here and wanted to see me. He thinks you’re having a heart attack! Or that you...”
She blushed, and Felix cursed Marc’s big mouth. If he’d said anything about confessing or the likes of that, he was a dead man!
“N-nevermind. Now tell me what’s up.”
“Lila’s blackmailing me!”, he hissed, panic starting to rise up in him again. “She’s found my father, who hates my guts, and now they’re working together! I can’t- Marinette, I don’t know- I don’t want-“
“Shshsh, sh! It’s alright!”, she whispered when he started to lose control again, pressing her hand over his mouth. “Don’t get too loud, remember? Everything’s going to be fine, I promise. Just... breathe, okay? Slowly.”
He did as told. His hands were still trembling, but his thoughts became clearer again. That, and the fact that Marinette was very, very close, lead him to two realizations.
One: No matter what was going to happen, Marinette would be there for him.
Two: If she didn’t take her hand from his mouth very quickly, he’d do something very stupid that involved both their hands and mouths, but in an entirely different context.
“René Bordeaux is my father.”, he tried to set things straight. “He’s working as chief editor at TV1, and he’s the producer of this goddamn contest. He intercepted your report and gave it to Rossi, who filmed herself mimicking everything you did and likely managed to make it look professional. If I don’t cater to her every whim, Bordeaux will publish both videos and proof with some stupid, faked time stamp that hers is the original. He’ll frame you as a copycat.”
“I’d be ruined.”, she breathed in shock. “That would be game over for me!”
He nodded.
“I’m playing along for now, but I don’t know how long I can keep this up. I’d do everything for you, Marinette, you know that, but my father...”
He swallowed.
“He scares me. I can’t let him control me like this!”
“I know.”, Marinette assured him, taking his face in both her hands. “Felix, I know. We’ll find a solution, I promise.”
“How?”, he whispered. He knew Marinette, knew that she could make the impossible a reality by sheer willpower as it seemed, but he couldn’t fathom a way she could get him out of this.
“We’ll take this slow.”, Marinette ordered. Her eyes had that calculated shine he loved so much and he calmed a bit. “First, we’ll have to keep Lila placated.”
“She wants me to humiliate you in front the class. I’m supposed to become her boyfriend, Marinette.”
He shivered in disgust.
“Her boyfriend!”
Marinette tapped her chin.
“But that’s a good thing, actually. The humiliation part, I mean, not you being her boyfriend. She wants me to suffer, and she’s so convinced of her own brilliance that she’ll buy any suffering I can show. She’s desperate to win, desperate to believe she won. Get it?”
“I’ll play along. You’ll act all hurt, and then Lila won’t pay any attention to you.”, he concluded. “Then what? Rossi’s one thing, but Bordeaux-“
“What does he get out of all of this?”
He blinked, his mind racing.
“I... I don’t know. He hates me, I don’t know what he wants with me.”
His eyes widened.
“My mother! He’s obsessed with her, maybe he needs me to have his sick kind of reunion with her.”
“That’s a start.”, she nodded. “Any idea what he’ll do next?”
His father was a bastard, but he was predictable. He was flashy. Arrogant. A one-man show. As Felix knew him, he’d want to meet him in person to torment him. Bordeaux knew how his son felt about him. And since he wanted to display his power over him, he likely wanted that meeting on his terms, his ground.
“He’ll make Rossi deliver me to him.”, Felix deducted. “Either to his home or his work place. Not the public, where we could be seen. No, and not his home either! That would give me access to something personal, and he doesn’t want me too close.”
He nodded.
“TV1. That’s where he’ll meet me.”
“The awards show.”, Marinette realized. “That way no one will bat an eye if two students stroll through the building. He’ll wait at the TV1 tower, during the awards show.”
“We have time and place.”, Felix summed up. “But the tower is huge! There’s a million places he could-“
“I’ll get us the outlay of the building.”, she interrupted him. “I can come and go as I please, I babysit Nadja Chamack’s daughter. Oh! Nadja Chamack!”
She clapped her hands.
“I have an idea. Trust me, Felix, everything will be alright.”
Lila’s obsession with Felix turned out to be useful. She was so fixated on him, she didn’t notice how Marinette quietly took Alya aside.
“She’s lying.”, Marinette announced without any further intro. Alya flinched, but didn’t roll her eyes like she would’ve done a week before.
“Why do you think that?”
“I’ve seen Ladybug yell at her in the park, on her first day. Lila threatened me when I confronted her. And just now, Felix asked for my help because she’s blackmailing him.”
Alya opened her mouth, but Marinette was faster.
“No, you’re going to listen to me now. You’ve known me for what feels like forever, and I trust you. That’s why I am telling you this. Lila is manipulating anyone, and I won’t let her get away with it. But I need your help.”
She took Alya’s hand.
“Alya, I’m begging you to trust me! Please, believe in me just this once. If we don’t prove Lila’s a liar, she’ll hurt Felix and I can’t let that happen. Please, Alya. Please!”
Alya’s gaze trembled and she gulped.
“Marinette, Lila can’t... I... She...”
Her eyes closed and she took a deep breath, calming her mind. When she opened them again, they were hard with resolve.
“Okay.”, she said, and Marinette sighed in relief. “I trust you. Tell me what to do.”
Convincing Max to help them was a lot easier. She had intercepted him before class, to ask for his help.
“Max, wait!”, she asked and pulled him aside before he could reach the door. “I need to talk to you. We need your-“
“I’m in.”
She blinked, taken aback.
The computer ace pushed his glasses up and crossed his arms.
“I said I’m in. Whatever it is you’re planning, I’ll help you.”
“How do you know I’m-“
“Oh please.”, Max sighed. “I’m not blind. Everyone can see how Felix looks at you, and how he looks at Lila, who has revealed herself to be more than shady. There’s no way he’s playing lovebirds with her on his own volition, and, knowing you, you will not be complacent. So I’ll help you.”
“Me too!”, Kim’s voice seconded and Marinette turned around. He, Nathaniel and Alix has walked up to them out of nowhere.
“Yeah!”, Nathaniel agreed. “Marc told me Felix had a breakdown because of Lila. I mean, the guy’s creeping me out but no one messes with my boyfriend’s friends!”
Marinette looked at them, heady with an elevating mixture of joy, pride and relief. They were believing her. They had chosen her!
My friends have my back!
“Madame Chamack!”, Marinette greeted the reporter when she came to pick up Manon. “Do you have a second?”
“Of course!”, she replied, hugging her daughter. “What is it?”
“I have a story for you.”, Marinette announced, praying to Tikki for good luck. “About your superior, René Bordeaux.”
Nadia’s eyes widened and she took out her phone. One could get the impression she didn’t like her boss.
“Do tell. A story?”
She nodded.
“But to bust him, I’ll need your help.”
Nadja looked at her with a calculating interest.
“Well,” she said. “I trust you with my daughters wellbeing. It would be hypocritical not to trust you with this.
She smiled adventurously.
“What do you need?”
“This is the TV1 tower.”, Marinette explained in the commanding officer voice she’d learned from military movies. Additionally to the ones she’d already convinced, Alya had brought Juleka and Rose to Marinette’s place, and Nino had shown up with Ivan and Mylène. How Chloé and Sabrina had gotten in, nobody knew, but they sure weren’t going to send them away.
“Wait, where’s Adrien?”, Nino asked and reached for his phone, but Marinette slapped it out of his hand as if it might explode.
“NOT COMING!”, she hissed, before catching herself. “And you can’t tell him anything!”
“But...”, he faltered, “why?”
She sighed. Nino adored his best friend, he wouldn’t like the truth.
“You’ll see when everything’s over.”, she simply said and straightened.
“Back to the plan!”
She snapped her ruler against the blueprint she’d hung over her schedule. (It did have its advantages to have a yo-yo with unlimited scanning abilities.)
“This is the TV1 tower,” she repeated, “and this is the floor the Awards are going to be filmed on. It’s a live show, so Lila will have to be present in the studio. There’s only a few small time windows she could deliver Felix to his father.”
She stepped aside, revealing a time schedule she’d gotten from Nadja Chamack.
“The most likely time will be around 8.40 o’clock in the evening, during the first ad break. It only lasts ten minutes, which limits the places she could go to.”
She pointed to a couple of rooms on the layout of the floor.
“The way to Bordeaux’s office takes five minutes running, which means it would be impossible to get there, talk, and return in time. No, the location of the meeting has to be on the same floor. It’s either going to be Jagged Stones studio, the studio for the news, or this empty recording room.”
Rose raised his arm and she pointed her ruler at him.
“The recording studio is out!”, she informed, proud that she could help. “We wanted to tell you already, but didn’t have the time yet. Kitty Section has gotten permission to use it this weekend, but there was a technical problem with the power, so we had to reschedule.”
Ivan nodded.
“No one’s allowed to enter during the repairs.”
“And scratch the news channel as well!”, Nathaniel chimed in. “Mireille told Aurore who told Marc who told me that they have to prepare everything for the 9 o’clock special. They’re doing a documentary on cloud formations or something.”
Marinette beamed.
“Perfect! Jagged’s studio, then. I can get us in!”
She pointed at Max and Nino.
“Here comes your part: As the tech savvy’s of our task force, you’ll take care of the cameras. We don’t know where Bordeaux will stand, so-“
“Actually, we do!”, Alix said smugly. “We’ll use the Rebellious-Kid strategy.”
Marinette leaned her head to the side.
“It’s what I use on my dad when I don’t want him snoopin’ around in my room. We’ll make everything messy, with cables and equipment lying around - except for one spot in the middle and the way up to it.”
The skater blew her bangs out of her face and grinned.
“We’ll guide them right into the spotlight.”
“Brilliant!”, Marinette cheered, accidentally hitting Alya with the ruler. “Oh, sorry.”
Her best friend sighed exasperated, but smiled.
“So, we have them in the spotlight.”, she repeated. “Then what? How do we make them spill the beans?”
Marinette smirked.
“Believe me, they’ll do it all on their own. It’s the same as Bob Roth; it worked then, it’ll work now. And if they missed something to gloat about, Felix will subtly guide them to the right topic.”
“Quick question, though.”, Mylène spoke up. Her hands were fidgeting nervously. “Not that I don’t trust you - I do! - and if you need our help, we’ll be there. But, uhm. Isn’t filming them without their consent... illegal?”
Chloé chuckled, drawing the attention to her.
“Oh please. If it brings that annoying liar down, I’ll hire every lawyer in Paris to cover us.”
She sighed.
“But if it calms you, that won’t be necessary. The only legal threat is Bordeaux, and as a public figure, he’s basically public domain. Lie-la won’t have enough money to out-sue me.”
“Uh, thanks Chloé!”, Marinette said hesitantly, not sure if it was a good idea to encourage her. “But there’s a way to prevent a law suit.”
She patted Alya on the shoulder.
“Lila wants a platform where she can boast about herself, and Miss Ladyblog here can give that to her. In return, Lila will have to sign a declaration of consent. Got it?”
Alya gave her a thumbs up.
“Copy that.”
“What’s the rest of us supposed to do?”, Kim urged them on and Sabrina nodded impatiently. “We want to help as well!”
“I need you to suck up to Lila.”
A collective groan went through the room.
“Stop whining!”, Chloé ordered. “If you start avoiding her all of a sudden, she’ll know we’re onto her!”
“Easy for you to say!”, Alix complained. “You’ve been glaring at her since the beginning, you won’t have to start being nice now!”
“So? That sounds like a you-problem!”
“Guys! Chill. Let the Lady speak.”
Marinette sighed.
“Thanks, Nino. I know you don’t like this, but it’s vital to our mission that we keep Lila in the dark!”
“I don’t even like Felix, and now I gotta cuddle with someone Marinette calls a liar for him.”, Kim mumbled and Alix shoved him.
“Shut up. Ya wanna leave him at his old man’s mercy? That guy’s an abuser, judging by what Mari told us!”
“‘Course not.”, the jock gave in immediately. “Didn’t mean it like that.”
“Then we have a plan!”, Marinette concluded proudly and slapped her ruler on the table. “Let’s take some cookies from downstairs and get to work!”
Everyone cheered.
“Marinette, you know I’d give you the keys to my jet if you asked.”, Jagged assured her nervously. “Well, and if you were old enough to fly it. But this does seem a bit much.”
He was looking around in the studio, where her classmates were scurrying around like a plague of mice. They were ripping cables out of plugs, repositioning cameras and microphones, and Kim was obviously having the time of his life with a promo guitar. Marinette had to admit, they were being a bit too... enthusiastic.
“We’ll clean everything up again, I promise.”, she said, just when Chloé walked past them, carrying another black curtain for the walls.
“It’s a revenge project!”, she huffed out, overly exhausted from carrying a single piece of fabric. “Lila’s blackmailing Marinette and stealing her work. Also, she lied to me about Ladybug.”
Her grin was malicious.
“So now we’re bringing her down!”
Jagged Stone froze. Marinette would swear to the end of times she saw his eyes glow.
“Gimme that!”, he ordered Kim and snatched the Promo guitar right out of his hands. “Rock’n’Roll!”
With that, he crashed the instrument on the ground, cackling like a maniac.
“Let’s freaking demolish this place! Penny, cancel my appointments for the day! We’re raining anarchy on that whatever-her-name-was!”
Penny sighed heavily.
“There goes movie night.”
Marinette patted her on the back, caught between pride and regret. Maybe bringing Jagged together with the force of chaos that were her classmates hadn’t been such a good idea.
Marinette was nervous. She believed in her friends, and she trusted in her own capabilities. The plan was good! It was basically foolproof, as long as no one let something slip.
Still. When she arrived at the TV1 tower, wearing her self made beret and a matching outfit, she was itchy with fear.
“You can do this, Marinette.”, Tikki whispered from her hiding place. “Don’t lose face now!”
She nodded. If Lila caught wind of her odd behavior, she’d get suspicious. Marinette had to get a grip on herself. Felix was counting on her!
And, on a more selfish note, she definitely couldn’t handle seeing him with Lila anymore. The girl was all over him, as if he were some sort of pet or toy! While Marinette had known she’d make Felix say something hurtful to Marinette, back in class, she still hadn’t expected it to... hurt. Stupid of her, but she couldn’t turn the feeling off. Seeing Lila bill and coo with Felix just made her want to puke.
She breathed deeply, trying to calm herself. The others were in the studio already, where the interviews would be filmed. They couldn’t afford to be seen together unless absolutely necessary, to keep Lila in the dark. The halls were mostly empty now, just a few TA’s running around to carry out last minute orders. She would use the time alone to steady herself before joining the audience in-
“Woaaaah!”, she yelped. Her foot had missed a step and sent her tumbling down the stairs, where a pair of arms caught her just in time.
“Marinette?”, a familiar voice asked in surprise and she froze. Hectically, she stood up and put some distance between herself and her savior. (Pah! Savior, how ridiculous.)
“Adrien”, she said coldly and straightened her clothes. The boy winced at the cruel sound to his name.
“Marinette, I wanted to talk to you.”, he hurried to say. “I know you were avoiding me, but I wanted to say that I’m-“
“We’re past apologies now.”, she brushed him off and turned to leave. “And you should have taken the hint. I’m done waiting for you to grow a spine.”
“Please”, he insisted and grabbed her elbow, forcing her to stop. “Marinette, I’m sorry for what you’re going through. And I understand that you’re hurt, I really do. Lila’s lies are affecting me as well.”
“Oh, poor Adrien.”, she scoffed. “His life in shambles because of lies he himself spread. Throw your pity party elsewhere.”
“Don’t do this, Marinette.”, he whispered and she hesitated. He sounded... terrified. “Please don’t push me away. I... I don’t want to be alone again.”
She knew his home. Knew his broken family, his solitude in the golden cage Gabriel Agreste had built him. So against her instinct, she turned around again to hear him out.
“Keep this quick, will you?”, she mumbled and he lightened up.
“Marinette, I thought a lot about you lately,” Adrien said. A while back, these words would’ve meant everything to her. Now, she only felt numb. “And about how things used to be.”
He took something out of his pocket and showed it to her. The colorful beads of the Lucky Charm she’d given him made his hand seem pale in comparison.
“I know you like Felix a lot. And it wasn’t my place to tell you to push him away. But I do want our friendship to be like it used to be, when you gave me your lucky charm. It means a lot to me, and so do you!”
He smiled.
“I... I hoped that we could go back to that, somehow. Now that the whole Felix thing has resolved itself on its own.”
Resolved on its own?! Not only had Adrien failed to realize that Felix had never been the problem, but now he called Lila’s obsession with him a solution?!
“Look,” she said, trying to hide her annoyance. “I get that you don’t want to be left behind. But you can’t... What are you staring at?!”
Adrien jumped, snapping out of his fixation. The lucky charm fell out of his hand and clattered to the ground. He had glared at her chest in disbelief, as if hypnotized. No, not at my chest, Marinette realized when she grasped for her collar. Her necklace had slipped out when she’d fallen down the stairs, and the Miraculous was out in the open. She closed her hand around it out of reflex, pulling away when Adrien raised his hand to touch it.
“Marinette...”, he murmured, eyes fixed on her hand. “Is that...?”
He looked up to her face, his gaze unreadable.
“That’s a very pretty pendant.”, he said slowly, with a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. His voice was devoid of emotion, sending chills up her spine. “Would you mind if I borrowed it for a second? I’d like to take a closer look.”
Marinette stumbled back, Adrien followed the movement.
“Where did you get it?”, he asked in a tone that was far too friendly for his expression. “Did you make it yourself? Or was it... a gift, perhaps?”
She swallowed, her back hitting the wall.
“I-I need to go!”
Her voice was thin and threatening to break. Adrien��s scarily hollow smile widened.
“It won’t take long.”
He reached for the ring.
“Just give it to me for a moment. And then you can go to the others.”
Her mind was screaming at her to run, but she was cornered. Adrien’s gaze was a dangerous kind of hungry.
His hand came closer.
“...a quick...”
The green of his eyes was hidden by the blackness of his blown wide pupils.
His fingers touched her hand, and suddenly her blood seemed to be replaced with pure, crackling electricity.
“No!”, she shouted and slapped his hand away. Muscle memory kicked in and she gave him a shove, hooking her foot behind his knee and sending him onto the floor. “Don’t touch me!”
Her fingers were clutching the ring as if her life depended on it and she backed away from the groaning boy on the floor.
“You made your choice!”, she yelled at him. “You decided what was more important to you! It was right versus easy, and you picked the wrong side!”
She was breathing heavily, realizing she had been seconds from losing the Black Cat. Maybe he was more observant than she knew, or maybe he had read something in his father’s book, but Adrien knew the truth about the ring.
He had wanted to take it from her.
He had cornered her, and wanted to take it from her.
“I have no idea what’s wrong with you!”, she hurled at him when he tried to get up. “And I don’t care about it anymore! Anything that happens now is your own fault, and if the others turn your back on you for lying to their faces - then because you turned your back on them first! I am done with you, Agreste!”
Adrien held his shoulder, aching from where it had cushioned his fall. His eyes were back to their usual green, but she took another step back all the same.
“The- The others?”, he panted. “But why would... I... I didn’t mean to... Wait.”
He looked at her, fear flashing in his eyes.
She gulped when she noticed she might have said too much.
“What did you do?”
There was no answer for him. Marinette turned on her heel and ran.
By the time the interviews were over, Marinette’s pulse had slowed to its normal rate again. The ring rested safely beneath her shirt, and she forced herself not to think about Adrien. For now, her attention was needed elsewhere.
“Okay, go go go!”, she hurried her classmates as soon as Lila had left the studio and the ads began. They only had a few minutes to get to their places. Felix, who had been informed of their plans by Marc in the boy’s bathroom, would buy them time by arguing with Lila. While they were talking in the main corridor, Marinette and the others would sneak out through the back door, slip into Jagged’s studio and hide behind the curtains they had hung up. Nadja Chamack opened the door for them.
“This better pay off!”, she muttered under her breath and gestured to the back. “Everything’s ready. Your friends have set up the main camera, and my Camera man Charles and I will film from our hiding place.”
She pointed at Max.
“Green guy’s taking care of the live stream. Everyone in Paris will see what’s happening.”
Marinette nodded.
“You won’t be disappointed.”, she promised and pulled the curtains closed.
“Now we only have to wait.”
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papergirllife · 5 years
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The Story Of You And I.
Lee Taeyong ( One Shot- Part 1 )
Warnings : Angst, smut, slow burn.
You and Taeyong went way back. Since the both of you were 7 at the 2002 Seoul Fashion week for your mom's up and coming fashion label.
When you met him, he was working as a child model for your mom's brand.
" Hi I'm Y/N. What's your name?"
" I'm Taeyong. Who are you? "
"I'm Ms Kim's daughter. Your one of the models for this show aren't you? "
" Y-Yeah."
" Let's be friends from now on. "
You didn't know why you picked him out of all the boys there to make friends. Maybe it was because of his big googly eyes or his cute bouncy self waiting in line to be dressed.
The both of you became close friends. Always chatting at the backstage of every show. He even signed a contract to stay on with your mom's brand.
As you got to know him longer, you knew more about him. He was a rich family's son, he's mom was once a famous model back in the 70s' and married a wealthy business man. Their family owns Lee Insurance Inc. and even a law firm.
As he got older, his father wanted him to learn up the ropes of the business world, at the age of 12.
He never liked the corporate world, too shady he always said. Thankfully he has a sister who enjoyed business. So the responsibility didn't weight on him anymore.
As Taeyong and you grew, the both of you started developing into teenagers. His eyes were still big, but held a sense of mystery. His jawline sharper. Shoulders broader.
You hadn't changed much, not as much as he did. You started cutting down from snacking as you fall into the phase of wanting to keep yourself fit. You started a gym membership and enrolling dance classes.
You still remember staring at yourself in the mirror at age 15, admiring the curves you developed from your hard work.
Taeyong wasn't blind. He saw the way you changed. No longer that cute little girl who said hi to him at his first catwalk.
One day at the age of 16 the both of you were trapped in one of your mom's studio due to heavy snow fall as you were helping Taeyong with his measurements.
You got bored, so you started sketching some designs on your notebook after your mom taught you how to.
" Do you always bring along your sketch book and pencils wherever you go?"
" Yeah. So that whenever I'm inspired I'll always be able to draw at once. It's really important to me. "
" Thats so artistic and cool."
" Thank you. "
You could feel the blush creeping up your cheeks. You have never been complimented much in your life. Being a famous designer's daughter means you rarely have sincere friends. Taeyong was the closest to you among all.
You looked up from the sketch book to see Taeyong's face only millimeters away from yours. His eyes focused on your lips. With a pounding heart, you closed the gap between the two of you.
Everything was well for a year. Both of you were the sweethearts of the weekly tabloids. The power couple netizens would call the both of you. Until everything fell apart.
At one of your girl friend's new year's party bash. You were supposed to go there with Taeyong, but you suddenly had a headache from the amount of work from school and work. So Taeyong texted you that he wouldn't go as you weren't going to be there.
You were going to fall asleep until your friend Yeri called you.
" Y/N, Y/N. Open your messages right now. You won't like it, but it's the truth and I didn't want to hide it from you. "
" Um. Okay? Hang on a sec. "
When you opened Yeri's chat, there were two blurry photos, you clicked into them and your heart dropped.
It was Taeyong and some random girl making out. You exited your chat with Yeri and opened Taeyong's.
' I'm breaking up with you. '
You hit send and proceeded to block his number and all the other forms of social media accounts.
A few weeks later, the tabloids caught wind of the break up and even caught a photo of Taeyong and some girl kissing at Starbucks.
Taeyong and Y/N, Lovebirds No More? Who's Taeyong's New Mystery Girl?
Y/N's nasty heartbreak, Taeyong's Break For Freedom.
The Similarities Between Y/N and Taeyong's New Darling, Rosé.
Throughout this break up, only Yeri was there, helping me move on from my first love and heartbreak. Passing me tissues and eating tubs of ice cream together.
" Ms Bae, Ms Bae! "
" Yes? "
"We're short of one of our main male models, he suddenly called and said that his aunt was in critical condition at Jeju. So he flown out of the city and won't be participating in all of our shows. "
" Hurry find a replacement. Any decent model will be fine for today until we find another permanent. "
" Yes, Ms Bae."
You can't screw this up. This is the first time your mom gave you full reins of the company. You had to ace this one way or another.
You were adjusting a model's clothing when you heard a voice that made you drop the pins in your hand.
" Y/N, long time no see. "
You still remember his voice, even though it got deeper as he matured.
" Taeyong. "
You greeted him in a hardened tone.
" Cut the crap. What are you doing
here? "
" Ms Bae, Ms Bae. He was the only decent model available at such a short period of time. "
Your assistant didn't dare looked up to your face, fearing that you might fire her on the spot.
" Get him dressed Nancy. "
" Yes, Ms Bae. "
You looked at Taeyong like he was trash, well technically he is to you but not literally. And you really needed a replacement model.
" Y/N, don't you remember all the happy memories we shared? "
You ignored him and started picking out his runway attire.
" Mr Lee, what is the size of your waist? "
Your assistant asked.
" Ask Y/N. She knows. "
" I don't keep trash in my head. Tell her yourself. "
Taeyong sighed. You sneaked a glance at him. He still does that making his lips straight frown whenever he's frustrated.
It's time you forgot about him Y/N, you told yourself.
" Size 31. "
He took the pants from your assistant to change behind the veil.
" Are you okay Ms Bae?"
Nancy whispered.
"It's been 4 years plus now Nancy. I'm fine. " Or that's what you keep telling yourself.
Nancy seemed a little bit relieved at what you said event though she wasn't entirely sure you were speaking the truth.Suddenly someone called.
"Nancy, Nancy! We need your help with one of the model's measurements. "
You took Taeyong's clothes from her hands and beckoned her to go. She left with a little bit of uncertainty on her face, but didn't dare to question her boss.
Taeyong finally stepped out from the veil, looking smart in the pants you designed.
" Here. Change into the button up first, then the sweater, finally the coat. "
You passed every article of clothing to Taeyong but he didn't take it.
" Dress me. "
" Stop playing games Taeyong. Time is ticking. "
" What sort of games? You did this all the time back when we were kids. "
" I'm not your friend or anything anymore, so get dressed on your own. "
Instead of listening to you, Taeyong plopped down the stool, mindlessly looking at his fingers.
After a minute of no sign of movement from him you took matters into your own hands.
You began to unbutton his shirt rapidly and put on the shirt for him, buttoning the buttons.
Taeyong had a surprise look on his face, he didn't think you'd actually do it.
When you undressed him, you saw the changes on his body. He was much more built than he was last time. Small knobs and cervices at his once soft stomach. You were careful to not touch him.
After you finished adjusting the dress shirt, you forced the sweater over his head, fingers accidentally knocking onto some part of his face.
" Ouch! You used to be more gentle when you dressed me backstage your mom's shows. "
" Let the past stay the past. " You said as you dumped the coat on his face.
" Do that on your own, or get a fling to do it for you. "
You scanned him top to toe to see if anything was wrong. Until you spot his Nike sneakers.
You weren't going to be Prince Charming for him. So you called Nancy and told her to switch tasks with you with a pair of size 9 from your latest collection.
The show was starting soon, you double checked the attendance and the paper and magazine companies.
You could feel a headache forming thinking of the gossip columns eating on the drama that's going to happen tonight.
Ex Lovers Reunited?
What's Happening Between Taeyong and Y/N? Taeyong casted in Y/N's First Full Fledge Collection.
Just mother freaking great.
Everything went smoothly during the beginning, no mismatched clothes, no ruckus outside the venue.
You took a peak from behind the curtains. The columnist and VIP customers seemed to be enjoying it.
" Ms Bae, Ms Bae. "
Nancy called you interrupting your thoughts.
" Yes? "
" Right after Taeyong's wrap up for the runway, it's supposedly your turn to greet and thank the guest. "
Shit, I forgot. A could sense an oncoming disaster.
" Right, yeah. Just let me get changed and I'll be right out. "
You changed into a pair of black skinny jeans and black sweater, to not distract the audience from the clothes worn by the models.
I stood behind Taeyong to wait for my cue. He suddenly turned around and looked at me in the eyes.
" No good luck kiss like when we're 17? "
"You lost that right when you lost my trust. "
For a while Taeyong really looked hurt. I could have been imagining it, don't get your hopes up Y/N , it'll just break your heart again.
When Taeyong walked the runway, heads turned and jaws dropped. Of all the models to grace my brand they didn't expected him. Especially for the closing scene, but there wasn't anyone else under my belt that could pull of such an outfit.
I could see my guest started whispering among themselves. Some frowned, some smiled, some had cynical looks on their faces, like they expected you to fall back with your most popular ex.
When Taeyong came back, it was your time to shine.
" Thank you so much for coming to the show. Customers who would like to make purchases may raise their hand, an employee with an iPad would be of assistance. Once again thank you and goodnight. "
You bowed and returned to the back end. You started helping your staff pack up the equipment, but they all dismissed you midway claiming that they could finish up by themselves.
So you decided to pack up your belongings to head home to prepare for the after party.
After keeping everything, you double checked your belongings and found that your sketch book wasn't present.
You started panicking, the sketch book held many ideas and sketches for future references.
" Ms Bae you should head home to prepare yourself for the after party. "
" I know Nancy, but I can't seem to find my sketch book. "
Nancy's eyes became saucers, she knew how important that book was to you.
" I'll help you ask all the staff, you have to head home to prepare first, it's your first after party Ms Bae. "
" Okay, thank you Nancy. Contact me if you find it. "
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bangtansdoc · 5 years
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Into the light.
Part 1.
Ost: OMG!- Joy red velvet ( Ost of the great seducer).
Pairings:Park Jimin(BTS)×reader
Genre: Fluff, horror(maybe Idk), Vampire! Au, CEO! Au, secretive and very clingy-ish Jimin. Ack guys this is one's a long read. Hope you can follow through to the end.
Ost: Joy(red velvet)- OMG!(Ost of the great seducer).
Word count: Honestly I don't even count it anymore.
Synopsis: You need money. Park Jimin has money. You end up getting a job as a house keeper in his gargantuan mansion. But what secrets might the handsome CEO be hiding underneath his flashy image?
PS: This whole fic was inspired by Jimin's GDA 2019 looks. It was le'jin'dary.
He watched as blood pooled out from her body. There was so much blood. He wondered if it was normal for her to produce that much, considering who she was. He tried to reach out to her, to hold her hand, even though he knew she was already gone. His vision faded, and he knew it wouldn't be long before he joined her.
"Hey Y/N are you watching the news right now?!" Your best friend's voice screeched out of the phone before it reached your ear. "No I'm not Joon. What's the problem?!" "Go find a TV right now. Or..." "Joon! I'm on my way to work now. Can't it wait?" "It IS about work. And it can't wait. Y/N..." "Ok see you later Joonie!" "No don't you...." You quickly hung up the phone as you felt a migraine creeping along your head to the base of your skull. You leaned your head against the bus window and sighed. You were exhausted. It was bad enough that you were working two part time jobs(they were initially four but Joon had argued that if you didn't tone it down you would flunk all your classes and probably end up in a hospital which had ended in you clocking him over the head and eventually conceding cause....he was right) but you also had a big test that you really weren't prepared for. You brought your fingers to your temples and massaged them lightly. "Don't fret Y/N." You spoke softly to yourself. "You can do this. Only two more years left till you graduate. You got this." Your phone buzzed with a text message. It was Joon. "PICK UP THE PHONE NOW YOU STUPID BRAT." You sighed again and switched off your phone. "Not today Namjoon. Not today." You whispered again to yourself as the bus arrived at your stop and you disembarked.
You jogged lightly towards the glue factory, adrenaline coursing through your veins as you prepared to tough it out through another day of work. So it was to your surprise when you met several employees loitering around the factory's compound, with several men moving boxes out of the factory and into a large truck. You quickly approached the elderly woman that was the head of staff. "Mrs Avery?" She looked at you and relief washed over her face like you were the answer to all her problems. "Oh Y/N! Thank goodness you're here!" "What happened?" "Don't you watch the news dearie? Some whistleblower reported the president of the factory for embezzlement. So they cut us all off, packed up and are 'moving to rural areas'. Pssht." Your eyes bulged out of their sockets. "What?! But-- but---" "There's nothing we can do dearie. We're all out of jobs now." She said again as she quickly made her way to another group of employees. Your mind raced and spun around. Packed up...cut us all off....out of jobs... Your tuition fees were due in a month. And you were perfectly, utterly and catastrophically broke. You fumbled for your phone in your trousers pocket and dialled your best friend's number. "Joon! I'm doomed! Doomed Joon! I'm- I'm gonna get kicked out of school. The factory---it-it shut Down. I don't have any money Joon! What am I gonna do?!" "Calm down Y/N! Your tuition isn't due for about a month. You have plenty of time to find a new job before then. "No no no! Don't you get it?! No job will have as high a pay as a factory in time, and no factory will hire a part timer now after this whistleblowing incident!" You could see practically see Joon scratching his forehead in thought. "Ok Y/N? Take a deep breath." He paused as you did so. "Now calm the hell down, and come on over so we can figure out what you're gonna do." You blinked back several tears as you hung up and bolted for the bus station.
"Maybe you should ask your parents for some cash." You stared at Namjoon like he had just sprouted horns. "Kim Namjoon. How long have we been friends?" "Since kindergarten." "Exactly. So you of all people should know that that isn't an option." "But you're really desperate now. You can't do this alone." "So what's gonna happen to my FIVE siblings Hun? I've been taking care of myself by myself pretty well. Now is no different." Namjoon sighed exasperatedly like you were the dumbest person in the world. He was probably right. But what were you to do? Growing up in a family of eight was no joke. Your father was a teacher and your mother owned a bakery. But their earnings alone were not enough to cater for all your needs. So you had decided to unburden them by fending for yourself. You had started working as soon as you were old enough. Your parents were apprehensive at first but you were able to alleviate their fears of your working affecting your studies. You had worked your way through high school, moving from job to job and had been offered admission into a prestigious University. Your family was again afraid that the tuition was too much for you to handle alone, so you had borrowed money from Namjoon, which you were still currently trying to pay back. It had seemed that luck was on your side when you got a job at the glue factory. The working hours were reasonable and the pay was good. You figured that if you saved enough you would be able to make it through the four years of college. Until this happened. "I could lend you money again." You covered your face with your palms. "I still haven't finished paying you back for the last time you lent me money." "It doesn't matter." "It does matter! Our tuition is not chicken feed!" Namjoon shrugged. "It's not my fault my parents are rich." You groaned again before throwing a plushie at him. "Dogmatic jerk." You muttered under your breath. "Don't worry. I'll think of something." "Yeah well whatever you think of, better think of it fast."
"Hey hey Y/N check out what's on the news right now." Namjoon said as he plopped down beside you in the school cafeteria. "Do you spend all your time watching the news?" You asked teasingly, making him open his mouth in thought which you giggled at. "Probably." He replied and you burst out in laughter. "Anyway guess what?" You decided to humour him. "What?" "You know the glue factory you used to work at? The one that got whistleblown?" You looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Ok ok you do. Well park Jimin just bought it." "Park Jimin? The mega ultra super rich business tycoon?" " Yeah, the mega ultra super shady one. Something's not right about that guy. I know it." You rolled your eyes. "You've 'known' it for six months now." "Yeah I mean all people know about him is that he's super young and super secretive. We're talking about no friends, no family, not even a freaking pet....." "Namjoon..." "And he lives in this gigantic mansion with no one but his housekeeper." "Maybe he just likes his privacy." "Yeah no one ever just ' likes their privacy' . Especially super rich business moguls. He definitely has something to hide." Namjoon paused. "I'm thinking of making him the protagonist of a book I'm writing." You stood up with your tray of food. "Goodbye Joon. Call me when you have something better to discuss. Like where to find a job maybe?" "Hey I'm helping out as much as I can." You leaned towards him and kissed his cheek. "Well you should help out more than that." Your phone buzzed with an alarm. "And there goes my lunch break." You shoved your food into Namjoon's arms. "I have to go job hunting." "Hey let me come with." Namjoon said as he hurriedly stood up. "No you don't have to. I'm going to the job center to ask if they have any openings. And you have class." Namjoon raised an eyebrow. "And you don't?" "Well I won't even have a class to ditch anymore if I don't get a job now. See you." You said again as you quickly made your way out of the cafeteria.
You stared at your phone and sighed. It had already been a week since you had been to the women's job center. They had been skeptical, especially after you had stated all your conditions, working part-time during the week, Sundays free and also the fact that you were a student. However they had promised to get what they could for you, especially after you had begged them that you would work anywhere as long as the pay was good. But now here you were, staring intensely at your phone. What if you weren't able to find a job in time? You were sure that asking your parents for that much money would definitely affect at Least one of your siblings. You rubbed your temples and felt that awful migraine creeping along your skull again. You were not a happy-go-lucky endearing kind of girl who was always smiling even while suffering, but you always kept a healthy level of optimism in your tank, never letting your troubles or problems get the better of you. Namjoon had also played a great part in that. You fell back on your bed. But lately it had been getting harder to see the good side of things. You groaned in frustration, wondering if the job center was really finding it hard to get you something to do. Your phone suddenly buzzed to life, and you sprang off the bed like a rabbit, stumbling to the dresser and grabbing your phone like your life depended on it. You glanced at the caller ID and curled your toes in anticipation. "Hello is this Y/N/L/N?" A soft voice boomed out of the phone. "Yes. Yes it is." You said quickly, your heart in your throat. "Ok. I'm from the women's center. I'm happy to inform you that we've found a job for you." You heaved a sigh of relief. "Oh thank God. I thought you weren't gonna be able to." The voice let out a soft chuckle. "Well it was difficult. But we managed to get something for you last minute. You are really lucky. The job offer sprang up out of nowhere. And it meets all of your conditions." You couldn't believe your luck. You wanted to leap into the air in Joy. "Thank you so much. When can I start?" "Uh, you still have to come down here as Soon as you can to get more details. Your employer is very particular about the people he hires. He is a private man and wants to interview you first." You mused on this. "Whatever he wants. As long as I get the job." "Ok then. Come down to the agency tomorrow so I can give you the details." The voice said and hung up. You fell back on your bed again smiling like an idiot. "YES!!!" You shrieked as you wriggled about. You heard a small voice at the back of your head. "Don't count your chickens before they hatch Y/N." You pushed away the thought. Things were finally looking up.
You sat down in front of a desk with a computer on it. You had arrived at the job center and had been waiting for about twenty minutes. You checked your phone for the time. You were beginning to get agitated. Where was the attendant? A middle aged woman suddenly plopped down in front of you. She greeted you with a warm smile. "Miss Y/N?" She asked and you responded with a nod. "Sorry for taking your time." "You spoke to me on the phone?" "No my coworker did. But she's out sick today so she told me to take care of you." "Oh." You responded and waited for the woman to continue. She switched on the computer and began to tap at the keyboard. "Ok so you've been offered a job as a housekeeper." "Uh can I know who I'm working for?" The woman smiled. "They wanted you to find out when you came for the interview." You were confused and began to wonder if this was some elaborate prank by Namjoon. Really. How private could one person be that they were keeping their identity a secret from their prospective employees? Were they some kind of mafia clan? You started to think of declining the offer when the woman, as if sensing your doubt, spoke up. "It's not dangerous Y/N. And I promise you the pay is very good. The CEO is just a very private man." CEO she said. There was something off about this woman too. You eyed her carefully. Ok Y/N. Let's see how this goes. "Alright." You said finally. "Great." She tore out a slip of paper and scribbled something on it. "Here's the address. Your interview is in two hours." "Two hours?! Well why didn't you...." "I didn't think you'd accept the offer." She didn't think you'd accept it? Exactly what was going on? You hurried to get your things. "Good luck!" The woman yelled after you as you dashed out the door.
You stopped short in front of an enormous gate. The gate had two iron carvings of a Jade dragon embedded into it. You heaved a sigh and pressed the doorbell. You waited for a while and was about to press it again when a deep male voice boomed over the PA system. "Yes?" Yes? Oi. "Uh, I'm from the women's center. I applied for the post of housekeeper." "Oh. You're early!" Yeah barely. You thought as the voice said again and after a while the gates slid open. You stepped into the compound and gasped so hard you almost passed out. Before you was the largest compound you had ever seen. There was a huge maze like garden on both sides of the compound, and sandwiched in between them was a beautifully lit walkway. There were lights and lanterns decorating each side of the walkway and you could only imagine how it would look at night. You walked slowly and gasped again when you saw the house. At the far end of the compound stood the biggest palace you had ever seen. In front of it was a pavilion, and in the pavilion was a water fountain with water sprouting out of it. The house was enormous and you felt as if you were standing before the tower of Babel* instead of a freaking house. The mahogany doors swung open and a well dressed Man with blonde hair walked out and towards you. He was just as beautiful as the house. You began to wonder if you had accidentally walked into another dimension.
"Y/N? Welcome." The man said cheerily, smiling at you constantly. "Come on." He spoke again and you shivered. You followed him into the house and your eyes almost fell out of their sockets. You were standing in a very grand Hall, fit for a king. Now you weren't an artsy girl, but you could make out several pieces of art work placed in the hallway by the walls, all leading up to a glass stand, above which hung the portrait of a young girl in a hanbok. You stared at the portrait, entranced by the girl's beauty and how sad her face looked, before wondering what sort of creep you were about to work for. "Beautiful isn't it?" You heard the male's voice beside you. He was also staring at the painting. "Yes. Yes it is." "It's the most exquisite piece of art in the mansion. Apparently the CEO described the girl to the artist himself." You turned to face the man. So he wasn't your employer? You had thought that this CEO being so private would've interviewed you himself. Guess even the most private still order lackeys around. At this point you still didn't know who exactly you were working for. Just what kind of mess were you getting yourself into? "This way." The handsome male led you towards a beautiful set of spiral stairs. You ascended quietly as the man led you again into a parlour room. He sat down on a cushion and you sat opposite him.
"So Y/N. Hi. I'm Kim taehyung. I'm CEO Park's PA." An alarm went off in your head. CEO Park. CEO Park. CEO Park!!! "I'm sorry do you mean CEO Park jimin?" Taehyung studied you. "Yes." Oh God!! CEO Park jimin, the super secret mega business mogul that Namjoon disliked. Why hadn't you seen the signs? It was when taehyung had asked if you were alright that you realized you were gasping for breath. "I'm fine. I'm fine." Taehyung studied you again. God was he handsome. You hoped the CEO looked nothing like him or else it would be very hard for you to concentrate on work. "Okay." Taehyung leaned back on his chair and crossed his legs. "Let's discuss the conditions of your employment." "But I haven't accepted the offer yet." Taehyung raised an eyebrow. "Well you're here aren't you?" You shifted in your seat. "So you'll be working Mondays through Saturdays, like you requested. Your job requires regular maintenance of the essential parts of the house. A Gardner and a mailman come occasionally. You'll also be residing here..." "What?" "Yes. In order to be fully efficient you can't afford to commute every day. Trust me it'll be much easier if you lived here." You sighed and wondered again if you were making a mistake in accepting this job. "You'll be receiving six thousand dollars at the end of every month..." Your eyes widened and your voice caught in your throat. "I'm sorry. Six thousand dollars?!" Taehyung smirked at your reaction. "At the end of every month." He paused. "Do you have anything to add?" You cleared your throat. "The-the pay for this month, can I receive it now? Like up front? I really need the money. I promise I will work for the full month I owe." Taehyung narrowed his eyes before placing a piece of paper before you. "That's a contract. Sign it." You carefully picked up the contract and signed it, sealing your fate. Taehyung smiled. "There. With that you can't run away. We will catch you if you dupe us." You gulped. "I'll speak to the CEO. The money will be forwarded to your account before the end of the day." You smiled brightly as tears brimmed in your eyes. All your money problems had just been solved in under an hour. "Thank you so much." You gushed, extremely grateful. Taehyung smiled a boxy smile at you, almost as if he was as excited as you were. "Anything else?" He asked. You sighed. "When can I start?"
"YOU WHAT?!" Namjoon yelled at you after you briefed him on your new job. "Y/N..." "I'm sorry I didn't tell you before I decided this Namjoon, but I really need this. You know that." "Yes, but..." Namjoon ran a hand through his brown hair. "Forget all jokes now. I've read a lot about CEO Park to know that he's hiding something. Something that could be potentially dangerous. Working for him.... Living in his house, puts you at risk. He could be some kind of secret mafia boss for Christ's sake!" You stared at Namjoon's concerned eyes and pulled him closer to you. You knew he was just worried about you , but you honestly thought he was just being paranoid. All in all, you couldn't blame him. You cared about him just as much to be paranoid if the roles were reversed. You planted a chaste kiss on his soft lips. "I'll be fine Joon. Really. I promise the second something seems off I'll quit immediately." You smiled at him and his expression softened. "Fine. But that doesn't mean I'm okay with it." "I know." "When do you start?" He grumbled, a sound you associated with a large, pouty bear. "Uh, tomorrow. Wanna help me pack?" He stared at you, incredulous. "Tomorrow? But shouldn't they at least have given you some more time to pack?" "I chose to start tomorrow. Better to get it over with as soon as possible right?" Namjoon shrugged as he picked up a pink bra, scrunched his face and tossed it aside. "Can't argue with that." He said as you grabbed the bra and stuffed it into your suitcase. "Trust me Joon. It'll be over before you know it. Oh and by the way, you should see his house. You'll love it."
You stood up from your crouched position and stretched your back. You had already successfully moved into the CEO's mansion and had been working for a week now. You saw taehyung regularly, he always popped in with a smile and the excuse of ' fetching some documents' when you knew he was probably checking up on you, obviously at the CEO's orders. Said CEO had not shown his face in the house since you arrived. You hadn't even seen his car in the driveway, not that you would notice anyway, with the fleet of cars parked in it. It was always the same routine everyday, and it was exhausting, but the amount at the end of your Bank book made it totally worth it. It was actually a bit easier because you were on break and you braced yourself for the stress you would face once school resumed. You took one last look at your Bank book for encouragement before exiting your room to begin the days duties. You made your way downstairs to the storage room and passed by the front door. You stopped abruptly as you saw a pair of male shoes placed beside yours. Must be taehyung's. But he had left the previous night. And why didn't he let you know he was back in the house? When did he even get in? You rolled your eyes and shrugged off the thoughts. He probably had something else to take care of and it wasn't like he had to tell you each time he came in. You grabbed your equipment and made your way to the pool.
You pulled back the sliding glass doors and stared at the exquisite marble pool before you. You gently placed the cleaning equipment on the floor and was about to drain the water when you noticed a movement in the pool. "Taehyung?" You called out, as you cautiously approached the pool edge. There was no answer. You moved closer and slipped on the marble, tumbling into the pool. Now you hadn't meant to be so overdramatic, but your fall had caught you off guard. You thrashed and flailed in the water, your movements causing you to sink further in. Suddenly, strong arms gripped your sides and hoisted you out of the water. You felt the arms holding on to your sides and a pair of legs wrapped around yours to stop them from thrashing about in the water.
You sputtered and coughed, before opening your eyes and both your heart and time stopped. In front of you, with his arms around you was the most beautiful human being on the planet. His eyes were a deep blue and they stared at you intensely, his lips were plump and pink, and his blonde, wet hair matted across his face. The sunlight reflecting on the water hit his face and he shone. He sparkled like an angel and you became as dumb as a mule. He must have sensed that you were in shock as he put his arms around your waist and guided you out of the water and into the folding chair. He stared at you again, before grabbing a towel and he began to walk away. Your brain came out of autopilot right then and you scrambled to your feet. "Wait!" You yelled, and the man stopped, turning back to you, his eyes burning with curiosity. "Thank you for-for saving me. My name's Y/N. Who- who are you?" You sputtered out. "Y/N right?" His voice came out, soft and pleasant. "You must be the new house keeper. I'm your boss, Park Jimin."
Part two will be out soon! Hopefully!.
Comments would be appreciated!!!
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krreader · 6 years
BTS (mafia!au) reacting to you being hit on by a creep and getting rid of him.
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pairing: bts x reader fandom: bts warnings: mafia!au ; attempted assault (nothing graphic) ; usage of weapons ; mentions of killing (I mean, it’s a mafia!au, so everything that comes with it) genre: angst ; fluff
a/n: holy fuck, that is a huge compliment. thank you so much for taking me as an inspiration my love, it means the absolute world to me! I hope you like your request ♥
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kim seokjin
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The boys and him actually just stopped at the gas station to refill the tank, as well as buy some snacks, but when Jin stepped inside the store, he realized that he'd have to do more than that tonight.
“Come on, pretty. I've been coming here for so long now, you must have developed feelings for me.”
“Sir, I don't even know your name, please just..-”
“Imagine, though..-” he walked around the counter and even though you asked him not to, he continued to move towards you and when he was right in front of you, you began to panic, knowing that there was no other person in here, “We could be so great together.”
“No, I don't want to..-”
“She's not interested,” Jin put down a couple of snacks, some drinks and.. oh.. right.. his gun, before looking up at the guy and straight into his eyes, “You should respect the lady's wishes,” he said in a monotone and calm voice.
Suddenly, the previously so confident man, pretty much sprinted out of the shop, but not before apologizing to you and ten more times to Jin.
You should probably be scared more of the guy with the gun, than the creep who only had his hands, right? So why did you suddenly feel so safe?
“Thank you,” you let out a sigh of relief, “My boss just wanted to pick up some food, he promised he'd be back in five minutes.. if you hadn't been here..”
“Don't thank me, hun,” he winked at you and put the gun back, not wanting you to see it any longer, “How much is it?”
“Huh? Oh! No, you take it! Take it all, it's fine. It's on me,” you smiled up at him, “It's my way of saying thank you.”
“Well then.. thank you..?”
“(Y/N). It's (Y/N).”
“Thank you, (Y/N). And if he ever shows up again, make sure to tell him about me. About Kim Seokjin.”
min yoongi
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He was sitting in the back of this cafe that he has been going to lately. Not a lot of people, the coffee was good and the location secluded. Oh, and he could use the cafe's WiFi for doing not so legal stuff and no cameras would record him doing so.
Sure, there was also you standing behind the counter, way too sweet to someone like him, and maybe he enjoyed having someone so completely different to him be nice to him. But probably only because you didn't know who he was.
This one customer that had been coming in for a few weeks now showed up again, right before you were about to close the shop. It was a man that was way older than you and Yoongi knew right when he saw him for the first time, that he didn't have good intentions. But you were too blinded by kindness to see it, while Yoongi only ever saw the bad in people.
Nobody but you three were in the coffee shop and the guy didn't seem to have noticed that Yoongi was here as well, when he so blatantly began hitting on you and telling you things that you shouldn't tell a nice and cute girl.
Instead of getting offended, you became more and more uncomfortable. Only when the guy dared to put his hand over yours on the counter, did Yoongi get up and walk over to you two.
“(Y/N)? Get your things.. we're leaving,” trusting him way more than the other guy, you quickly ran into the back of the store to get your stuff.
“Who the fuck are you?” the creep eyed Yoongi up and down and Yoongi took that opportunity to pull out his gun and took another step towards him, until he was right in front of him.
“Let me make this very clear, alright? If I ever see you come near her again, look at her again or talk to her again.. I'll kill you. And it won’t be quick and clean, but it’ll hurt.. really hurt. So get your perverted ass out of this coffee shop and don't ever come back. If you will, I'll know. And I'll be coming for you.”
That, plus the gun in his hand, had the guy scurry out of the shop as fast as lighting.
And when you came back out a couple of minutes later, Yoongi had put away the gun and had already packed his things, waiting for you at the door.
“Is he.. is he gone?”
“He won't bother you again,” he opened the door and opened up his umbrella, “I'll take you home, come on.”
“You don't have to, I'm sure you have better things to do.”
“I want to. The streets aren't safe at night, take it from someone who knows.”
Yoongi might be a bad boy, but he was one of the good ones, if that made sense. So sure, he might be shady and he might have a dark side to him, but whenever he was with you, he was so different. Caring, loving and kind..
No wonder you fell for him.
jung hoseok
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He narrowed his eyes at you, “What's wrong?”
“Huh?” you looked up from folding his shirts and quickly shook your head, “It's nothing.”
“You're lying to me,” his hands were deeply buried in his jeans pockets when he walked over to you. When you tried to look back down again, he caught your chin to keep you from doing so, “(Y/N),” he warned.
“I'm fine.”
“There are only ever two reasons you'd be lying to me. The first would be you did something that you know would upset me and the second is, you know if you told me, there would be blood. So.. which one is it?”
There really was no point in hiding it from him, would it? He’d only get upset later on if he found out any other way, or maybe even when it was already too late.
Your shoulders slumped, “The second.”
“Tell me everything.”
You really didn't want to, because you knew what he'd do if he found out. But you couldn't take it anymore. This creep seemed to be stalking you at this point, following you everywhere you went, no idea how he always managed to know where you were and where you were going. He waited for you, tried talking to you and it got to a point where you felt like he would soon abduct you. So you told Hoseok, even though you knew what was going to happen.
“Maybe you could just.. you know.. talk to him. Tell him I'm already in a relationship and..-” but you knew that wasn't going to happen, when he walked over to his drawer and pulled out his gun, “Hoseok, no.. there will be an investigation and..-” “If you think the guy that is trying to hurt my girlfriend will get away with this, you don't know me very well.”
But that was the problem, wasn't it? You knew him a bit too well.
So that night, he grabbed the rest of Bangtan and tracked the creep down with the help of Yoongi's hacking skills and Jimin's informants.
He was gone for hours, while you were lying in bed not being able to sleep because you were so worried that something might happen to Hoseok.
And the second the door got opened again, you sat up straight and looked at him with wide and questioning eyes.
“He won't bother you anymore,” he said, while putting away the gun and leaning over the bed to kiss your forehead, “You're safe, love.”
kim namjoon
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Namjoon has always had a soft spot for you. Maybe it was because he knew you even before he became the leader of the famous Bangtan Boys and because despite of how the world had treated him and made him into the man he now was, you had always been a ray of sunshine in his life. Or maybe it was because now, he felt like he was able to protect you everywhere and from everything.
So it was no surprise that when he found out about the guy that has been harassing you for the past month, that he was the first to show up and have a little chat with him.
The guy was currently out drinking with his buddies in this bar and the second they left, Namjoon and the rest of the boys decided to roughen them up a bit in a back alley. Most importantly the one that's been following you, though.
When he was already on the ground, holding his stomach, Namjoon towered above him, “You talk my girl (Y/N) again, us beating you up will be the least of your problems. Understood?”
He apologized, over and over again, while his friends helped him up and out of the alley.
It was only the next day when you and him met for lunch, that you told him: “Remember that weird guy that's been trying to get me to sleep with him for like the past month? And who always wanted to pick me up for work every morning?”
“Yes?” he took a sip from his coffee, looking at you from over the rim of your cup.
“It's odd but.. today has been the first time he didn't show up. Maybe he finally got the gist that I'm not interested.”
Your smile was so genuine and kind and happy.. no, he couldn't tell you the real reason why he wouldn’t bother you anymore. Because if you found out, you’d hate him. 
And even though he had been through a lot, he wouldn’t be able to deal with losing you.
So instead, he just put down the cup and nodded, “I'm sure that's it.”
park jimin
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It wasn't that you were doing this job because you liked it. Being an exotic dancer just really brought in the money that you desperately needed for school. And quite honestly? It was fine most of the time. There was a strict: 'no touching' rule at your club, at least for the dancers.
But there has been this one guy, that seemed to have been watching you for weeks. He was always there when you were dancing and he'd not be interested in any of the other girls. At first you were flattered, but when you left the club and he followed you, you realized that he wanted more than what you were there for.
In the meantime, Jimin was here for the first time. Him and the rest of the boys wanted to check out the club, drink, have fun and maybe enjoy some time with some girls.
But Jimin couldn't focus on anyone but you. More particularly, the guy that he knew had nothing good in mind when he kept staring at you and left as soon as you left as well.
So without knowing why, he followed him and left the club just in time to see him push you against the wall in the back alley.
He grabbed him by the collar of his jacket and pulled him back so that he fell to the ground.
“Get away from her!”
“What are you, her pimp?”
Jimin put his arm back and around your middle, when he felt you press yourself against his back for protection.
“It's none of your business. Just get out of here before I do something you and I are going to regret.”
“You piece of..-” but the second the guy stood up and Jimin pulled out his gun, pointing it directly at his head, he retreated with his arms in the air, “I'm sorry, I didn't..-”
“I'm sure you didn't. Now get out. And don't come back, got it?”
He nodded quickly, then he ran out of the alley as fast as he came and Jimin turned around to face you, not having expected you to wrap your arms around his neck.
“Thank you! If you hadn't come..-”
“Don't. Just don't think about what if's..”
He continued to hold you for as long as you needed to be held and then decided to walk you home, just to make sure you were safe.
Jimin might be in a gang and he sure as fuck was involved in some shady shit, but if he saw someone like you needing help? He’d be there.
And from that day on, he continued to be there for you.
kim taehyung
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He was just on his way back to the BTS headquarters (which actually really wasn't a headquarter, just a place they all lived and plotted together), when he heard it:
“I told you, I'm not interested! What more do you want me to say?”
“But you haven't even given us another change, baby..”
Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows and followed the two voices, peaking around a corner to see a guy standing in front of you, your arms crossed like you weren't scared, but rather pissed.
“You can call me pet names all you want, it won't change the fact that you're a slimy asshole. Now get out of my face, before I call the cops on you again.”
It was only when the guy's gaze darkened and he pushed you against the wall behind you, that Taehyung intervened and tackled him down without another thought.
Tae has done this countless of times at this point, that's what being in a gang got him, so the guy beneath him had absolutely no chance against him. He didn't stop beating him, until he wasn't moving anymore, only then did he get up and turn to you.
“Are you okay?”
You huffed and furrowed your eyebrows, “The fuck do you think you're doing, huh?”
“I was just..- He was,” he pointed at the guy, then back at you, then back at the guy.
“I had it under control. You think this is the first time he's done that?”
“I mean.. I just wanted to help.”
You let out a sigh and rubbed your temples, closing your eyes for a moment, “I know.. I’m sorry, I know you did. It’s just.. I could have handled him, you know?”
“But you shouldn’t have to.”
“Unfortunately, we live in a world where most men seem to think they can do whatever the fuck they want with a woman and get away with it.”
“Maybe I should introduce you to my world then. Because this is what we do in my world,” he looked down at the guy, then back up at you.
And maybe it was the frustration of it all, but you actually ended up agreeing.
And a couple of months later, you became the eight member of Bangtan. Oh, and also someone’s girlfriend.
jeon jeongguk
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“Jeongguk? Can we talk?” you carefully walked into his room and he immediately smiled and nodded at you.
“Sure.. what's up?”
“I uh..,” you approached his bed in slow motion, sitting down right at the edge of it, “I could use your help with something.”
“Okay?” odd. If you had a problem, you usually went to his hyungs, not to him.
“Remember my ex-boyfriend?”
“The creepy one?”
“Yeah,” you laughed humorlessly, “That one. He ran into me this morning again and made this whole speech about why he and I should get together again. And I needed an excuse that would make him understand I'm not interested anymore and I just wanted him to leave me alone.. so I told him that I was in a relationship again.. with.. well, with you.”
“Your name was the first that came to mind, to be honest. I didn't really think about it much. There is this party tonight that he's going to, so I need you to come with me and you know.. just.. hold my hand or something, so that he sees I wasn't lying and actually leaves me alone.”
He might have been surprised at first, but of course he went with you. Not only to support you, but also because he wanted to talk to the guy in private. He's almost been stalking you for about three months now, it was about time somebody told him off.
So you arrived there together, as promised, he kept holding your hand and the second the guy showed up, he apologized and followed him out in the backyard.  
“So you're her new..-”
But Jeongguk already had him pressed against a wall, his arm pressing against his throat, cutting off his air supply.
“I'm going to give you a fair warning. You talk to my girlfriend again, I'll make sure you won’t be able to talk to anyone again period. Got it?”
He couldn't speak or nod, but Jeongguk still kept his arm on his throat, until he was about to pass out.
Only then did he go back inside and pull you towards him.
“What did he say?” you asked with wide eyes.
“Not much,” he grinned against your head, before placing a soft kiss against it, “Come on.. let's get out of here.”
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artificialqueens · 7 years
tinder's a shit show (trixya) (1/?) - ornacia
(A/N: hey all. this little thing is the product of exam stress, boredom, and my inevitable relapse into full-on rpdr fanfiction addiction. i’ve never written anything for this fandom before so apologies if it’s not the best. i might continue it if the response is good but if not, it was a lot of fun either way!)
“Galentines Day,” Trixie repeated incredulously. She’d been sitting in the library for almost three hours and had relocated six times either out of boredom or because someone nearby was giving her evil-eyes for taking up desk-space she didn’t actually need. As of now she’d found herself a table at the back of the cafe with a patchy signal and a couple of suspicious looking stains on the seat.
“Yeah, it’s from that one episode of Parks and Recreation.”
Trixie raised an eyebrow, taking a long sip of strawberry milkshake.
“Remember? It’s the one where –”
“I remember,” she said, pushing her drink aside and adjusting the screen of her laptop in the hopes of seeing her friend a little better. “Are you gonna make me a mosaic out of crushed up bottles of my favourite diet soda?”
“Am I getting a personalised 5,000 word essay on why I’m the most awesome friend you’ve ever had? A needlepoint cushion with my face on it?”
Kim fixed her with a look, and after a beat of silence Trixie gave in and pushed her milkshake to the side of the screen. “Okay, okay. What are we doing?”
“Having a sleepover. You, me, Naomi, and Max. They’re staying the night and we’re watching 10 Things I Hate About You and ordering a take-out.”
Trixie raised a brow. “Eating your feelings isn’t supposed to be a group activity.”
“But it can be,” Kim argued. “So are you in? You know, you kind of have to say ‘yes’ unless you want to lock yourself in your room all night while we throw the Galentine’s day party without you.”
“Will there be wine?”
Kim smiled triumphantly at the camera, holding up one finger and clumsily shuffling upwards and backwards out of her seat. She disappeared for all of thirty seconds before reappearing in the frame with several bottles clutched against her chest, none of which looked particularly stable. “Lots,” she confirmed, lifting her arms a little so as to give a better view.
“You got me,” Trixie said, shaking her head and grinning at her roommate. “Now go put those back before you cause an accident.”
She was two glasses deep into the bottle of Grenache Rosé when someone said the word ‘Tinder’. Her ass was numb from having been forcefully relocated to the arm of the couch by unanimous vote and her attention was only half on the T.V, the other half being reserved for the last few slices of pepperoni pizza.
“Yeah,” Naomi said, legs splayed out across the other girls’ laps and a wine glass dangling between her fingers. “I know someone who met their boyfriend on Tinder. Like, an actual boyfriend – not some guy who takes you to the cinema one time and tries to bundle you into the backseat of his jeep. ”
Max, ever the sensible one, considered this information with a small frown creasing her brow. “Really? Isn’t that a little… you know, dangerous?”
“Not if you meet them somewhere public,” Trixie pointed out sliding down from her perch and onto the floor that she could crawl towards the pizza boxes and re-load her plate.
“Second wind already?”
“Fuck you,” she said, jabbing a mozzarella stick in the offender’s direction and licking the salt from her fingertips. “It’s been at least twenty minutes.”
“Sure,” Kim snorted. “Seriously though, what’s the guy like?”
“Not that weird. She could do better, but like if she’s happy I’m not going to say anything.”
“Does he have Instagram?”
“I didn’t ask.”
“Everyone has Instagram,” Trixie said. “It’s like Facebook. If you don’t have Instagram you’re probably not a real person.”
“Unless you’re forty years old, in which case you’ve probably got better things to do.”
“Yeah, right. Like bake a tuna casserole for the neighbours and spam inspirational minion memes on your fourteen-year-old daughter’s Facebook page.”
“Don’t come for my mother, Miss Mattel. You don’t know her like that.”
Trixie laughed and threw a ball of kitchen towel at the other girl’s face before scooting backwards to sit on the floor between the other girls legs. Max, to her credit, caught the hint immediately and picked a couple of blonde curls to start playing with.
“Why don’t you get it, Trixie?”
“Get what?” She half-turned her head to look up at Kim and Naomi on the sofa behind her.
“Tinder,” Naomi said, holding up her hands in mock-surrender in response to the flash of indignation that flashed across the blonde’s face. “Woah, hey, that wasn’t supposed to be shady. I just thought maybe you could do with getting some.”
“You are always complaining about how long it’s been since you got laid.” Kim chimed in.
As true as that was, her complaining was more for show than anything else. Trixie hadn’t ever been much of a dater, and the one time she’d been fingered at a house party in the eleventh grade was hardly memorable.
“You just said Tinder was full of creeps.”
“No,” Naomi said slowly. “Max said Tinder was full of creeps. Come on, it’ll be fun. We can toot or boot your potential hook-ups. It’s not like you’re actually gonna meet any of them in person.”
“Ooh,” Kim clapped her hands together lightly. “Sounds interesting.”
Trixie grimaced, shaking her head and pushing her phone protectively beneath her knees. “No, no way,” she said. “What if I run into someone from college or a neighbour or something?”
“Your neighbour is rather attractive,” Max mused, looking a little taken aback when three curious sets of eyes swivelled her way. “What? I’m allowed to find someone visually appealing. I don’t mean anything inappropriate by it.”
“Calm down, Maria,” Trixie snorted. “Nobody thinks you’re that kind of girl.”
“Nobody thinks you’re that kind of girl either.”
“So why am I being made to download it? Why not Max?”
“Because Max would never actually do it, and you’ve had way more to drink.”
Trixie made an affronted noise, placing her hand on her chest and and opening her mouth in a caricature of shock. For all her theatrics, she knew they weren’t wrong. All it took was ten more minutes of relentless pestering before she threw her hands in the air and gave into the pressure. It wasn’t as though she’d ever use it or talk to any of her potential matches. Besides that, a little ego boost never hurt anybody.
“Use that picture,” Naomi said, reaching forward to tap a perfectly manicured nail against the screen. “You’re giving beach-babe Barbie realness.”
“That’s so not a thing,” Trixie said, smacking her hand away. “And I can’t put that up, I’m in a Bikini!”
“What’s your point?”
She rolled her eyes, looking over her profile one last time before hitting ‘done’. It wasn’t as though she was trying to impress anybody. If a scantily clad photo with a margarita in her hand was what it took to keep her friends entertained then what was the harm?
“Set your preferences to ‘both’.”
“What? Why?” Trixie frowned.
“Because I want to see if the girls on Tinder are as weird as the guys,” Kim shrugged.
Apparently the answer was yes. There were a few cute guys here and there and a couple of girls that Trixie couldn’t help but linger on before passing, but the majority of people were pretty unsettling. There was a guy named Daryl with one too many innuendos in his bio and a selection of identical photos all taken from the exact same angle on his laptop. Then there was Jesus, Jesus in a nappy, and Jesus who’d dragged a random baby goat into his profile picture for the sake of looking ‘sensitive’.
“This guy just made a power-point on the pros and cons of swiping right,” she said, raising her eyebrows and turning the phone screen so everyone could see it better.
“I like her makeup,” Kim said, leaning in closer to examine the next potential match. “And her shoes are cute too.”
They carried on like that well into the evening. When eventually it did get old, they resorted to watching an episode of Toddlers and Tiaras before calling it a night.
It wasn’t until the other girls had gone to bed and Trixie found herself sitting up alone on twitter that she opened it up again out of curiosity. The first profile didn’t disappoint. In fact, she found herself squinting to try and figure out exactly what it was she was looking at.
The girl in the photo was blonde and rail-thin with hollow cheeks that struck an odd contrast against the brightness of her eyes. There was a spot of red lipstick in her teeth and a slightly flushed and breathless look about her and, strangest of all, she was wearing a dress printed with screen-caps of Amanda Bynes in ‘What a Girl Wants’.
“What the…” she shifted her gaze to the bio section and snorted with laughter.
‘I’m the closeted High School make-out session that’s still got you sweating when grandma comes to visit, Katya.’
Curiosity piqued, Trixie flicked her way through the remaining photos. There was one of her hanging upside down from a goal-post with her underwear on full display and another of her photobombing a cute, ginger girl’s mirror selfie. She was grinning like an idiot in both of them and against all odds, Trixie found herself gravitating towards the green heart.
‘We probably won’t even match,’ she told herself, continuing on through the profiles out of sheer boredom. ‘And even if we did, it’s not like I’m not into girls.’
There had only been one openly gay student at her High School in Milwaukee. It wasn’t something anyone ever talked about, but she’d spied him getting roughed up behind that school canteen a couple of times and that was more than enough evidence for her to deduce that it wasn’t something you went around telling people.
And maybe it was naive of her.  She that it was different in places like California where people were open to new ideas and methods of self-expression, but she’d gotten more than enough flack for her sense of style over the years. Since moving away from home, Trixie had been able to start presenting herself the way she’d always wanted to; big hair, pink clothes, and a lot of makeup. That was enough. She didn’t need to embark on some journey of self-exploration or live out the ‘everyone experiments in college’ fantasy.
She didn’t.
Her train of thought was interrupted when a notification cropped up in the corner of her screen. Her heart stuttered a little in her chest a moment, but it wasn’t anywhere near as exciting as she’d first hoped. It was a message from some guy they’d swiped right on a couple of hours earlier - not that she was disappointed or hoping for anything else.
She didn’t bother reading it before locking her phone and struggling up off the sofa to grab herself a glass of water and follow the other girls to bed.
(04.33AM) i hear you’re looking for a stud. well, I got the STD and all I need is u ;))
Trixie blinked, reaching to rub the sleep from her eyes with her free hand. She could hear chatter from the kitchen, a sure sign that everyone else had been awake for a little while already, and the smell of pancakes was just starting to waft in through her bedroom door.
“Who the hell,” she murmured, keying in her passcode and scrolling through her apps until she found the little fire icon.
Of course.
The message was from Katya. A second glance at her profile confirmed that she was every bit as gorgeous as Trixie remembered and just weird enough for the pick-up to be funny instead of creepy or uncomfortable.
(10.53AM) No offence but that really isn’t how to sell yourself.
(10.54AM) Also why were you still awake at 4AM?
It wasn’t as though she was committing to anything by writing back. At least, that was what she told herself. If Katya turned out to be some sort of insatiable horn-dog or a sixty-five year old man with a thirst for women way outside the socially acceptable dating pool, she could always delete the app or block her.
The thought had only just crossed her mind when her bedroom door flew open to reveal a fresh-faced Kim sporting frilly, turquoise apron and some sushi-print pyjamas. “We’re making pancakes,” She announced. “Nutella and strawberries or peanut butter and banana?”
“Nutella and strawberries. Do we have any whipped cream?”
“That too.” Trixie said, flinching when her phone buzzed in her hand. It was from Tinder. She’d been a little on the fence about whether she’d be receiving a response at all, let alone so quickly. What kind of person stayed up till just before dawn and managed to resurrect before lunch-time?
“Who’s that?”
“Huh? Oh, nothing. No-one,” Trixie put her phone in her lap and played it off with a shrug. “I’ll be through in five, can you keep a couple warm for me?”
She waited until Kim had left the room before re-launching the app to see what Katya had sent her. Vaguely, she wondered if Tinder notified the other person when she’d read their messages. That was something to figure out later.
(10.55AM) no, totally - the best way to sell yourself is to up the quality and put down the price :D
(10.55AM) Sounds like you’re talking from experience.
(10.55AM) i’m a wealth of wordly experience, mother.
(10.55AM) Mother?
(10.56AM) wrong number. it’s the russian supermodel you swiped right on last night ;DD
She rolled her eyes.
(10.56AM) Doesn’t ring a bell.
(10.56AM) :((
(10.56AM) how about a crazy flashing her granny-panties in the playpark?
(10.56AM) So this is my mother.
(10.56AM) ha ha
(10.57AM) for real though, you’re super cute!
(10.57AM) Thanks, you have a really pretty smile.
(10.57AM) twenty-one years of refined sugar and legal highs and i’ve never had a cavity
(10.57AM) Get out, I had braces for two and a half years!
(10.57AM) and didn’t put one of those pictures on your profile???
(10.57AM) I literally looked like Sharon Spitz.
(10.57AM) braceface!
(10.58AM) You got that reference?
(10.58AM) no, i googled it.
(10.58AM) why did the deer need braces?
(10.58AM) Oh no…
(10.58AM) he had buck teeth!
(10.58AM) That was awful.
(10.59AM) wanna hear another one?
(10.59AM) Hold on, let me… brace myself.
(10.59AM) ahhh!!!
(10.59AM) marry me. right here, right now
Trixie was fully aware of the fact that she was smiling like an idiot. She couldn’t help it. For someone she’d been speaking to for a little over five minutes, Katya was ridiculously charming and super easy to talk to.
(10.59AM) I usually don’t accept marriage proposals until after the second date.
(11.00AM) two dates for marriage?? who do you think u are
(11.00AM) A lady of class and sophistication.
(11.00AM) no way, me too
(11.00AM) I can tell.
(11.00AM) it’s an energy
(11.00AM) Oh, totally.
(11.00AM) cosmic, almost
(11.00AM) Cosmic?
(11.01AM) absolutely. the stars have aligned to tell you i’m one high-end, high-class piece
(11.01AM) That wasn’t what I was getting.
(11.01AM) you need to open your mind
(11.01AM) listen with your heart
(11.01AM) Paint with all the colours of the wind?
(11.01AM) yes!! thank you, pocahontas
"Coming! I’m coming,” she called, peeling the duvet covers off herself and feeling around the floor for her slippers.  
(11.02AM) I gotta go, breakfast is ready.
(11.02AM) aw :((
(11.02AM) ttyl?
(11.02AM) Sure.
(11.02AM) :D
Trixie huffed out a laugh, glancing at Katya’s smiling profile picture one last time before setting her phone face-down on the bed-side table and shuffling on through to the kitchen. Kim, Naomi and Max were all gathered around the counter in various states of wakefulness. Naomi looked as though she’d slept in her mascara, no surprise there, while Max had was sitting with a cup of tea clutched in both hands. All three of them turned when she entered.
“Someone looks cheerful,” Max commented, raising a brow. “What’s that about?”
"Oh, nothing.” Trixie said idly, swiping a plate from her cupboard and stacking it high with a smile still lingering on her lips. ”Nothing at all.”
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gloomybow1 · 8 years
Jungkook and Tae’s mischievous plan: MAFIA AU
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Genre: Smut
Tags: sex talk/ spanking/ bondage/ office sex/ kinky play/ dirty language
Pairing: Jungkook/Reader
Other characters: Kim Taehyung, Min Yoongi
First part: Jungkook: When you catch him masturbating
Second part: Jungkook: When you grind his thigh
Setting: A follow-up to the previous two parts of the story. Takes place some time after the events from the prequels, when your relationship with Jungkook is already developed. 
You: The leader of a mafia organisation.
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Jeon Jungkook - Master of burglary and a hitman. You were childhood friends but now he works for you. 4 years younger. Doing his best to prove that despite his age, he’s the right man for you.
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Being a head of a mafia organisation undeniably has its disadvantages, but there is one huge benefit that makes you love this job. You have always found it amusing and entertaining when money has been flowing into your pocket thanks to a variety of different profit-making ventures and shady deals with questionable individuals. You have always managed to make the money find its way into your wallet without breaking much of a sweat. Heck, you’re just very good at it. The more illegal and immoral the method the easier and more exciting it is for you. No risk no fun, as they say, and yeah, you certainly know how to play that game.
For this reason, recently you’ve been very busy with looking for new ways of generating even more income for your gang. Not that you’re having any problems with the budget... It’s just that the more the better, isn’t it? Bearing that in mind, you’ve been having your eyes on some big fish in the city. Initially, you somewhat hoped that Yoongi could make use of his insane hacking skills, and simply steal the passwords of their bank accounts but, much to your dismay, he failed miserably. Despite his impressive experience in doing works like that nothing much came out of it. Turns out that their security systems are just too damn good even for him.
Due to these unfortunate circumstances, you’re now sitting with Yoongi in your office. He’s been trying to complete his task but, unfortunately without much success. He is visibly annoyed and frustrated. It becomes apparent that you will not lay your hands on their money all that easily. It is getting late already and both of you are too tired to go on...
Y: Mmmmkay, let’s call it a day, Suga.
S: No fucking way. I told you I could do it and I will.
Y: Oh, common. We both know you’re not getting that money for me anytime soon.
A sly smirk creeping over your face. Finally, your overconfident friend and right-hand man, Min Yoongi, hit a dead spot. It is the first time in the history of your cooperation that he hasn’t been able to carry out your order.
S: Shut the fuck up, will you? I can’t focus.
He spits out, knowing all too well that he should admit defeat.
T: Oooooh... Touchy.
Mocking words come out of Taehyung’s amused face. He’s getting all too comfortable sitting in your chair, stretching his legs on the desk while squeezing a pink anti-stress ball in his slender hand.
J: Somebody should teach you how to address your boss, hyung.
Jungkook remarks, stretching on the sofa. A loud yawn escapes his pretty mouth.
J: Oi, Tae Tae! Maybe you should borrow him that ball? Suga hyung is visibly tensed!
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S: How about you both cut that shit already?! All you can do is sit on your asses and shit talk. If you’re so clever why don’t you get that money by yourselves?!
Suddenly, the aura around Tae changes. He is now sitting on the chair. Eyes sparkling with obvious excitement.
T: Damn sure we will, hyung! Am I not right, Kooks?
Jungkook isn’t certain at all but, knowing Tae, he must be already devising a plan in his pretty head. 
Jungkook’s clueless expression reveals hisdoubtful thoughts.
J: Will we, Tae?... Like, really?
Too long silence follows his unanswered question. Two boys are gazing at each other and then, Tae stands up from his chair and briskly moves in your direction.
T: Y/N, baby, let me take care of it. That is, me and Kooks. We will get that money for you, I swear!
Suga laughs out mockingly, holding his belly. Tears are forming in his eyes.
S: How would you two even plan to do that? That was a good one Tae, you got me...
He nods his head in approval still laughing. T: I’ll make you choke on that words, hyung.
S: I'm waiting in anticipation.
And then Tae looks deeply into your eyes, taking your hands into his.
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T: Will you trust me, boss? I’ll give you what you need... I promise.
He is so close that you are getting nervous, his eyes gleaming with hope and eagerness. You swallow hard...
J: Wow he’s so good...
Jungkook mumbles to himself, watching him attentively. He tilts his head to get a better view of Tae’s face, making mental notes for future reference... These two damn tricksters.
Being utterly lost in Taehyung’s eyes, you only manage to deliver a silent nod.
Y: Yeah, whatever... Just do your job.
Suga growls angrily
S: No fucking way! Will you let these two clowns do as they please? Have you lost your mind?
Yoongi continues rambling like that but you no longer listen to his outburst of anger. You are too pissed off to put up with this kind of behaviour. Besides, you know pretty damn well why he is so reluctant to call it quits. It’s not only about his pride. It’s not only because he is just a stubborn little ass. There is something more to his persistence, and it is very much connected to your sister, Lulu.
Y: Oh, shut your trap Suga, will you?!  All you care about is that stupid bet with Lulu. You’re more concerned with losing than actually not giving me the money.
Obviously, Taehyung wouldn’t be himself if he didn’t use this little exchange of arguments to his own advantage. He cuts in with a disappointed look on his face.
T: I knew right away that he wouldn’t win. They’re like children with Lulu... Fooling around instead of doing their job. Can’t you just tell her you like her, hyung? 
He shakes head disapprovingly so as to spice up this dramatic and fake act. You quickly glance at Yoongi. He looks as if he was about to explode after hearing that. Out of a sudden, he springs to his feet. It doesn’t look all too well so you do the same, positioning yourself between Suga and Tae.
Y: Enough.
It might sound a bit too harsh, but the boys immediately realise that they have reached an invisible boundary. It’s precisely the time to stop getting under your skin and simply listen to your orders. No more talking and pissing you off for today.
Y: You have three days. When you’re done with the plan come and report.
Taehyung grins widely, being obviously very proud of himself.
T: Splendid! .
On your way out of the office, you catch a glimpse of Jungkook. He’s sitting there a bit terrified and dumbfounded at the same time. His signature shocked face making you smile a little.
Two days later
You’ve been sleeping peacefully in your bed when a phone wakes you up. You glance at the phone screen and see that it’s Taehyung. He calls you to announce that their plan is almost done, but they will need you in order to carry it out. 
Lazily, you crawl out of bed and start preparing yourself for another long day at work. Some time later, you arrive at the headquarters and head straight to the conference room, just as you were instructed by Taehyung.
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The moment you open the door your feet refuse to move any further. Eyes quickly scanning the room. You’ve counted as many as four women sitting at a round table with their eyes glued to Jungkook and Taehyung. Two said man are standing in front of the ladies, all dressed up in suits and ties. Behind them, there are several pieces of art neatly spread out on the ground and propped against the wall. From what you have managed to register, though, nothing major or readily recognisable to your critical eye. In fact, you cannot get rid of an impression that they are pretty shitty... Nonetheless, what is certainly worth admiring, are these two elegant boys, looking all fly and hot. Not surprisingly, you’re standing there staring at them, just like these women. Moments later, Tae’s deep voice brings you back to reality.
T: There you are, Ms Y/N. We’ve been waiting for you.
Confident smile beaming in your direction. You are completely taken aback and so are the rest of the ladies. Apparently, they haven’t even noticed your presence in the room but, seeing as you are nothing interesting, once again their attention shifts to these two handsome boys.
At this very moment, your gaze lingers on Jungkook who is slowly approaching you. Oh so smug... Hair brushed to the side, a hand in his pocket, and that promiscuous smile that makes your heart skip a bit. With every step, he is getting closer and closer. If you only could you would turn around and run away from this room but you are very well aware that you can’t give him this satisfaction. You can’t make it that obvious. Truth to be told, doesn’t he already know that you are a putty in his hands? Whom are you trying to fool, girl? Suddenly, he is inches from you, placing a hand on your lower back and gently pushing you in the direction of the chair.
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J: Please, have a seat. The presentation has already begun.
The situation seems to be a bit too odd for your liking but you decide that it will be best to disregard these sceptical thoughts for a while. You comply and let Jungkook lead you. He moves the chair away from the table, trailing his hand down your back. Before going away he makes sure that you sit comfortably and then, one last time, he playfully brushes your shoulder with his fingers while slowly proceeding to Tae.
T: Very well. Now, that we are all gathered here, we can quickly move on to the presentation of our valuable pieces. My friend, will you take charge?
Taehyung`s sweet words do wonders to the gathered public. All of the ladies absolutely hypnotised, sitting there as if they were spellbound. You can’t believe your own eyes when you see their reaction once Jungkook’s clear voice echoes in the room. There is a sharp intake of breath, and you could swear that some of these women simply forgot how to breathe for a couple of seconds when he opened his pretty mouth. It is as if they were afraid that their breathing could muffle the sweet sounds coming from this handsome boy. 
J: Thank you very much, huyng. It’s an honour for me to be able to present our collection of these extremely beautiful pieces to our guests.
A pause followed by an innocent smile.
J: I’m sure all of you ladies will be as infatuated with the pure elegance and artistry of these paintings as I was when I first saw them.
He takes a deep breath and then continues with a stern expression on his face. Voice cracking due to the intensity of his speech.
J: It’s extremely painful for us to part with these beautiful pieces but... There’s nothing to be done. Due to very inconvenient circumstances, we no longer can stay in possession of these wonders.
He frowns his forehead and scans the room with eyes full of hope.
J: Only you can put our mind at ease and properly take care of our collection, without letting it get into the hands of some abominable people... That would be heartbreaking... I dread to fear of such possibility!
The Ladies are now visibly distressed, probably dreaming only of taking that innocent and suffering pretty boy into their arms...You’re sitting there and thinking to yourself. “For fuck`s sake, these paintings are total crap...” Thoughts are flowing in your head. Their plan to cheat these silly women is as clear to you as a day now. You are observing Jungkook and Taehyung all the time. You have never really expected them to have such damn skills. Of course, you know they are good at fraud. They wouldn’t work for you if they weren’t, but you didn’t expect them to be so smooth and so successful at selling people shit right in their face... You keep on observing Jungkook, paying attention to the expert choice of words and his body language. Everything under control and acted out just perfectly. Jungkook casually talks about the paintings, describing them to the smallest detail. Although, in all honesty, there isn’t much to describe since it is a total farce and you are the only one being able to see through their mischievous plan. There is no denying, though, that Jungkook really looks hot and you can’t blame the ladies for dropping their guard. Jungkook radiates confidence and sexiness. You reprimand yourself for letting your mind wander away, but then... Oh, my. Jungkook turns around and kneels so as to take out yet another painting from the pile near the desk. His back in full view. Your eyes involuntarily scanning his body only to stop at his ass. Not only yours, though...  
“So hot... “ you think to yourself. Now, that the images of his naked butt continue flowing into your head in a speed of light.
“It's not really the time to be thinking about this, you idiot.” Mental struggle going on. He is facing you now again, more talking follows. The same scenario: gestures, grins, or little sheepish smiles, used interchangeably to manage the mood of his excited public. He is slowly moving around the room, getting closer or further from the ladies. All so well acted and with such confidence. You are lost in thoughts, biting your lip when you hear Tae’s voice:
T: So, my dear ladies. Once my friend is done with his presentation, I’ll talk to you about some more mundane matters.
“Money,” you think to yourself. It seems that you are not the only one who got that message straight, though. You can hear a comment from the lady sitting at the very front.
X: And what makes you think we`d like to buy anything from you, pretty boy?
Taehyung is a bit shocked for a moment, but fortunately, Jungkooks breaks in:
J: And what makes you think you don’t? We have many things to offer. I’m sure we can cater to your needs... All of them.
He answers with a nonchalant smile. A hand resting on his hip, the other one spread out on the table to prop himself. Big chocolate eyes focusing only on her. You can feel his gaze, even though you are not the one he is staring at.
 Y: Damn he smooth... 
A whisper escapes your lips and your cheeks flush immediately. 
“It’s not my baby boy,” your mind screaming at the obvious contrast. In fact, it dawns on you now that you have never ever seen him working and you would never expect such a change in his behaviour.
T: Yeah.... Having discussed that, let’s move on. 
Taehyung continues as if nothing happened. You gulp, being angry at yourself. Also, you can’t deny that the way all of these women ogle Jungkook, and his stubbornness to avert your eyes as if you weren’t even there, don’t make you bitter. He’s been purposefully ignoring you ever since this little show has begun.
Taehyung resumes talking again, and Jungkook, having nothing better to do, decides to sit. Not surprisingly, he chooses the chair right next to you. He sits down, all too close. His knee brushes against yours and he doesn’t even bother to move it away. You peek at him, his eyes intently watching Tae Tae, not giving a damn about your presence. He is boldly ignoring you. The very thought is driving you mad. You jostle him with your thigh, not being too delicate. A small smirk on his face, almost mocking. But still, he doesn’t look at you. You are fidgeting nervously in your chair and, once again, you bump him under the table... Or maybe you only try because his strong hand catches you in the middle of the act, keeping your tight in place. He digs his long fingers into your sensitive flesh, completely exposed because of the short dress that you are wearing. He lets out a deep breath as if he was annoyed with you. The grip on your thigh is becoming almost too painful so you decide to let go. Slowly his hand relaxes.
J: Behave, noona. We’re working.
He whispers very quietly with his hand still resting on your thigh. A shiver runs down your spine. “What’s wrong with him,” you are thinking to yourself. Unconsciously, you press your thighs together, trapping his hand between them. When you realise that you let go immediately, but it is too late. He shifts his gaze at you, now obviously interested. He scans your face, and you can feel your cheeks burning again. You refuse to look at him, afraid of giving away that you maybe got a little bit too excited... He reads you like an open book, though. His hand still lingering on your thigh, lazily beginning to move and stroking your leg. He plays with the trimming of your dress, moving it between his fingers, bit by bit uncovering more and more of your thigh. You get a bit flustered, worried that somebody will notice... But then again, all the ladies are too focused on Tae. Still, when he rolls the dress so high that you can almost feel the chair with your naked ass, you try to protest, gripping his hand tightly. He stops moving up then and decides to play with what is already available. He gropes your inner thigh fiercely, making you squeeze your legs instinctively. He is not too pleased with your disobedience so he forcefully separates your legs with his hand. Under the table, you feel yourself being held in place by his leg that has just curled around yours. Your throat goes dry. His fingers now freely roaming between your legs, stroking you whenever he wants to. Obviously, you could struggle more but you are painfully aware that it would attract even more attention... So, he keeps on caressing you there, his face not even once giving out what he has been doing to you. Smug motherfucker. You are getting uncomfortable and too hot, frustrated even. He even dares to throw in some comments, making little jokes with Tae. All the ladies oh so fucking amused. “Since when is he such a flirt?” you desperately try to answer this and some other questions, but it is all too difficult, given the present circumstances. His hand skillfully distracting your thoughts and making sure that you’re focused only on his ministrations. You almost melt in that chair when without any warning he covers your pussy with his inner hand. You hear a low chuckle. Suddenly, you realise that you did not wear any panties. “Shiit... He will bring it over and over,”  you are panicking mentally. But then, oh boy, he starts massaging your folds with two fingers, making slow circles. You want to disappear from that place. Pleasure building up in your belly. You cover your flushed face with one hand, mentally praying to be as quiet as possible. You are afraid to breathe even, stealing Jungkook a pleading glance. But fuck him, he doesn’t even look back. Your fists clench. “Fucking overconfident brat,” stream of profanities in your head. And then, as if he mentally sensed that, he shoves a finger into your tight entrance. The walls of your vagina clenching at the unexpected invasion, but he only thrusts deeper. Soon enough, he buries his finger completely inside you, so that even small movements give you immense pleasure. You are so tight, not too wet yet and it causes a bit of pain, but it is oddly satisfying. This kind of pain that makes you stretch your legs even wider because it is never enough. Your vision is hazy. He sets up an awfully slow pace, shoving his finger in and out of your pussy. Each time he pulls it out you want to cry out to express your dissatisfaction. It just feels so empty then. He is tormenting you and enjoying this too much...
T: Jeongguk, would you be kind enough to distribute the brochures? It will be necessary for you, dear ladies, to read through them in order to acquaint yourself with our offer.
Taehyung flashes a smile. If you could you would kill the bastard right away, without any second thoughts. You hate him right now. Fuck the money... You need Jungkook now.
J: With utmost pleasure, hyung. 
Jungkook stands up, completely unfazed. You shot him a murderous look, but he isn’t too concerned with that. And oh god, he is so handsome, handing in the damn leaflets to these oblivious women, chit-chatting. So cute...
Who would expect that he has been fingering you just a moment ago? You frown at the memory of his fingers inside you. You want him back. You want him there again. He stops in front of you to give you the leaflet. He bends down lightly, and only now your eyes finally meet. You give him that needy look: “Kookie, please do something or else I will lose my mind.” He touches your hand.
J: Hyung, it seems Ms Fay has already decided on some purchase. She’s a terribly busy woman, so please, excuse us. Carry on without me, hyung. 
T: Oh, so we have the first angel who is ready to take care of our priceless paintings!
You quickly stand up, and once again Jungkook is motioning you in the direction of the entrance. Your legs a bit wobbly, so you don’t mind a bit of help. Before you are out, you can hear a hell breaking loose inside of the conference hall. Ladies are raging.
X: Why is she first? Does she have some special treatment or something? I have money I can pay as well!
Y: Don’t let her have that painting! I’ll pay more for it!
T: Easy, easy, my girls! I’ll have something for each and every of you!
Tae tries to ease the sudden tension in the room, already happy that their plan goes just as he wanted it to.
Meanwhile, Jungkook takes your hand and leads you to your office. The moment he slams the door and turns around, you are already on him, looking for his lips with yours, and then pushing your tongue into his mouth. The kiss is so sloppy and you can barely stand on your feet. Legs pressed tightly together because your clit is burning with need. You are so angry at him, jealous, and horny at the same time. You don’t even know what makes you more frustrated. You bit his lip, pissed off, digging nails into his hips. Jungkook hisses, reaching for your ass and squeezing it so hard that it is painful.  
Y: You fucking brat. You and all that teasing.
J: Noona, please correct me If I’m wrong but you were the one who got all wet just by looking at me.
His mouth at the nape of your neck, hot air making you ticklish. You want to make that cheeky smile disappear from his face. You intended to grab his cock through the pants, but before you can do anything, he turns you around and pushes you up against the wall, standing behind you and keeping your hands in place. You are squirming in his tight hold.
J: So frustrated, aren’t you baby girl? Don’t tell me you got jealous? 
He is practically purring into your ear. Oh my, it feels so good.
Y: Jungkook, you’re a fucking jerk!
Upon hearing that, he lifts your skirt exposing your naked ass and slaps you hard making your cheek red and throbbing.
Y: Ahhh...
You have never expected him to do that to you. A cry of pain mixed with pleasure slips out of your mouth. He has never done that to you and you didn’t really think he is capable of doing that either. Your brain is trying to process what has just happened.  
J: Be nicer, noona, will you?
And then he starts massaging your butt, trying to ease the stinging pain. Soft caressing strokes.
J: Baby girl, I’m so sorry. I can’t control myself when I’m around you.
He murmurs softly, feeling guilty out of a sudden. You can feel as he presses his cock tightly to your ass, trying to let go of some steam as well. He is rock hard. You wouldn’t be able to wiggle out of his grip even if you wanted to. Dominating Jungkook. Your mind is screaming. You need more of that.
Y: Tell me, which girl would you like to fuck the most, you dirty brat? I saw the way you looke...
He slaps you again. You cry out loudly. 
Y: I saw the way you looked ahhh...
Another slap follows, making you arch your back. Clit contracting involuntarily at the sensation. He won’t even let you finish the sentence. 
J: You’re such a bad girl, noona.
His voice is so strained, almost as if it was more painful for him than for you. 
J: You’re making me do this. You’re such a bad girl.
Y: Oh yes, Kookie!
You keep on begging like a slut and then he slaps you one last time. His hands are shaking. He hugs you from behind, remorseful and angry at himself that he was enjoying this too much... 
J: It’s all your fault, your fault.
He goes on mumbling like that and petting your sore ass. Your head is spinning and you feel your thighs getting wet. You are leaking a bit from your core. Then, he abruptly turns you around. His face all red. He is angry, visibly angry. Brows furrowed, veins popping on his neck. He spits out, breathlessly:
J: Get your ass on that fucking desk.
Y: Kook...
He cuts in, right away.
J: No talking, just do what you are told. On the desk and spread your legs as wide as you can.
You nod silently. The task isn’t all that easy because your legs are really too weak at this point. You stumble on the way, clutching on the desk at the last moment. You really look so miserable. Jungkook is standing there, observing your struggle to get yourself ready for him. He unzips his pants and starts stroking himself while watching your naked ass. When you sit down on the desk, a bit unsure of what to do next, your eyes go down, focusing on his member. He is shamelessly stroking himself in front of you. He urges you again. 
J: I said spread your legs. 
You swallow hard and follow his command. Eyes closed tightly due to embarrassment. Suddenly, he grips your legs, spreading them even wider. You thought he would just fuck you right then and there because, quite honestly, you don’t have that much time with Tae and the ladies waiting in the conference hall. Much to your astonishment, he takes the chair, moves it closer to the desk and sits down on it. Your cunt is now fully exposed for Jungkook. He puts his hands back on your legs to prevent you from closing them. He takes in the view for a couple of seconds and then licks you all, from your ass cheeks to the tip of your clit. You moan so loud in response. Too loud. You instantly regret that when you realise that somebody could barge in and destroy your much-needed orgasm. You bit your tongue and promise yourself to control this from now on. He takes your entire clit into his mouth, sucking very harshly. He covers your folds with his hot tongue and continues making circles around your sensitive tip. You are so ashamed because of how wet you got. You don’t want him to lick all of that and you grab his head to make him stop.
Y: Kookie, please. It’s enough.
You are wriggling so much that he gets really pissed off. He stands up, gazing into your eyes and takes off his tie in order to immobilise you. He ties your hands to the desk, disregarding your protests and pleas.
 J: Stop this nonsense baby girl. I don’t have all day here. Tae is waiting for me.
He lowers himself and gives you a soft peck. You can taste yourself on his lips. He quickly resumes pleasuring you by licking your clit with his tongue and pushing a finger inside your wetness. You moan and moan again. On the one hand, you don’t want him to stop, but on the other, you don’t want to cum into his mouth. You repeat his name like a mantra. You are so lost at this point that you are almost fucking yourself on his mouth.You are pushing your hips so hard that he has to keep you in place and control everything because your walls are getting tighter and tighter, each end every time he shoves his finger up your pussy. When you are about to finish, he unexpectedly stops.
Y: Oh lord... Kooks. I’ll fucking kill you. Get back there!
He starts laughing, and then he unties you, already positioning himself between your legs.
J: You should really make up your mind, noona.
He palms himself a couple of times, coating his member in precum. You see his cock twitching in anticipation and you lick your dry lips.
J: First you say noo, then you say yes...
Y: Just shut up and fuck me already.
Oh so frantic and needy that you can’t believe it is your own voice. He thrusts inside, all at one go, burying himself to the very balls. At that moment you are completely breathless, your body tensed, and tears are forming in your eyes. 
J: Fuck, baby...
You feel his muscles tightening.
J: I’m so sorry.
He notices your teary eyes and immediately starts kissing them. His cock swelling even more inside you.
J: Baby I could come any minute now. You’re so fucking tight, so perfect.
You know that he is so close and you place a kiss on his forehead, rubbing his back 
Y: It’s alright Kookie, you can come for your noona.
You don’t want him to feel guilty because he got too excited. He shakes his head in response. 
J: No, no, no. Not now.
His cute reaction makes your chest feel heavy. He takes a deep breath and starts rocking his hips. First thrusts very shallow, adjusting himself to your tightness 
Y: Oh, Kookie, you’re so big
J: Ahhh, noona!
He gets so enthusiastic with your praising that he keeps on pushing deeper and deeper, faster and faster. The desk is cracking underneath you two and all of your papers land on the floor. You wrap him tightly with your legs to make it even easier for him to hit the right spot, and oh yes, he really does. He keeps on rubbing you there with the tip of his erection. Finally, he reaches your clit with his hand and massages you while pushing in and out at an amazingly fast pace. Needless to say, you cum moments later, moaning his name while grabbing on his hair. He follows you shortly after, the way your walls are clenching around his dick pushing him over the edge. He shivers, goosebumps on his body, and his nipples hard. 
J: Baby I love you.
He squeaks like a little boy, as always looking for your affection after sex, especially after this kind of dirty play.
Y: I know Kookie... I know baby.
You let him lay his head on your breasts, both of you trying to catch a breath and recover from your high. When he is more or less ok, he lifts his head and gives you a soft kiss on your bruised lips. 
J: Tae... I got to go back...
He mutters reluctantly.
Y: I know dummy. Go and get that money for your noona.
He grins, overjoyed like a little puppy. You have an impression that even his eyes are smiling right now. But, before going out, he helps to put your clothes on and clears the mess from the floor.
Some time later, when you are absolutely sure that all the ladies went home, you go the conference hall. Taehyung is counting the money that they`ve managed to squeeze from these poor women. When he gives you the precise numbers, you are positively surprised. Like hell, that is really a substantial sum of money. 
T: I told you, didn't I?
Taehyung wants to be praised, happy with his achievement.
Y: I’ve never doubted you, boys.
You pat his head, earning even a bigger grin in return. Jungkook is standing nearby, gazing deeply into your eyes. A small smile forming on his face that makes you blush a little. 
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T: But Jungkook, next time you decide to disappear in the middle of the business, please just remember to put back your tie on. That was highly unprofessional!
He pouts, winking in your direction. Your stomach making somersaults while Jungkook stands there troubled, scratching the back of his head.
J: It got lost somewhere in the act, hyung...
T: I’m sure it did... I’m sure it did.
Taehyung responds all too happily while getting out of the room.
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