#Kim Jongdae imagine
eomayas · 1 year
exo getting caught simping for you
a/n: it’s ok to be a simp! some are suggestive (jongdae, baekhyun, sehun) this is a bit long btw!
minseok: “i miss you,” he says into the phone, cradling it to his ear. he can practically hear your smile when you respond with i miss you too. “what are you doing right now?” he asks, pulling the blanket closer to his chin and snuggling deeper in the bed. minseok wishes it was you that he was lying with, and not these hotel pillows.
“talking to you,” you reply cheekily. minseok giggles at this the way only a person in love would. “baby, you should probably get some sleep. you have a show tomorrow.” you say and he sighs, his bottom lip jutting out slightly.
“but i want to talk to you!” he whines, somewhat like a child would. you only scoff and tell him that he can call you in the morning after he’s had some rest. “fine. i love you, honey!” he says, just as the hotel door opens and jongin and baekhyun walk in, jongin making a face at him and baekhyun laughing.
“i love you, honey!” jongin mocks, bursting into a fit of giggles. “is that jongin?” you ask, amusement in your voice.
minseoks cheeks turn red. “yes, goodnight, y/n,” he says, rushing to get off of the phone.
“don’t hang up on me!” you say, letting out a light laugh at his embarrassment.
“y/n,” he groans, burying his face into the pillow. jongin and baekhyun are quietly waiting for him to say something so cheesy and incriminating, so that they can use it against him later.
you giggle and sigh. “alright. goodnight minseokie, i love you. tell jongin i love him too,” you say, blowing him a kiss into the phone before hanging up. minseok would have blown one back, but he is already getting mocked by his younger members and can’t handle the teasing he’s going to get for the next few days.
“minseokie!” baekhyun yells, making smooching sounds at him. jongin giggles and joins in, the two men jumping onto his bed and shouting the nickname and pretending to be you on the phone.
minseok wishes he was dead.
junmyeon: “please don’t leave,” your boyfriend groans, burying his face into your neck, holding you close to him. you rub your hands up and down his back soothingly. “come with?” he asks, pulling back to look up at you with wide eyes.
“no,” you say, punctuating it with a kiss. suho let’s out a groan and a fake cry, and you laugh. “you’re such a baby.” you say, running your hands through his hair.
“yours,” he says quietly, and you smile, squeezing him tightly before patting his back and telling him that he needs to get ready to leave. junmyeon stands up straight and looks down at you, a dejected look i’m his face.
“oh my god, you’re so dramatic!” you say, and he cracks a small smile. you gently whack him on the chest and clutches your hand in his, settling it over his heart. “it’s only a few days.” you say, rubbing his forearm with your free hand.
junmyeon juts out his bottom lip slightly. “i dont know what i’ll do without you,” he says, and a brief snort makes you both perk up and look around for culprit, finding sehun wheeling his suitcase behind him.
“you’re so dramatic,” sehun says to junmyeon, laughing at his leader and older friend. junmyeons face sobers, turning bright red at his youngest member making fun of him and seeing him in such a vulnerable state.
“go away,” junmyeon all but whines and stomps his foot as he says it, making you giggle at him. he rolls his eyes at you and you wave goodbye to sehun who (for once) listens to what junmyeon tells him to do. “this isn’t funny.”
“it kind of is,” you say, grabbing his hands and pulling him closer to you. he continues to pout, even after you cradle his face in your hands and smush his cheeks together. “i love you, junmy.” you say. he only hums in response and you gasp, letting go of him. “say it back, asshole!”
he smiles and pulls you back towards him. “i love you, y/n,” he says, his voice sincere. junmyeon puts his hands on your hips and leans down to your level, brushing his nose with yours. he gets close to your lips and you pull back slightly.
“i’m gonna miss you,” you whisper, looking into his eyes. he gives you a soft smile, and this time you let him kiss you, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him close. it’s probably too intimate of a kiss for public, but neither of you show any signs of caring.
“we’re leaving without you!” minseok and jongin shout, breaking up your kiss with your man. junmyeon sighs and goes back to pouting almost immediately, and you gently push him away from you and towards his group members who are starting to board the jet. “hurry up, lover boy!” minseok shouts before disappearing into the jet.
“go,” you say, pulling away from him at last. junmy sighs again, finally starting to head towards the jet, looking over his shoulder at you dramatically like they do in the movies. you giggle at that and wave once he gets up to the door of the plane. “i love you!” you shout, and rather than getting a response from him, the rest of the exos shout. “i love you too!”
baekhyun: you smile at your boyfriend on facetime as he hums absentmindedly. he’s looking away from the camera, and you get a nice view of his side profile. “baek,” you say, resting the side of your head in your palm.
“hmm?” he says and turns to the camera, a soft smile on his face. you smile back at him, hearts probably taking the shape of your eyes.
“i love you,” you say, suddenly feeling very embarrassed. he smiles wide, showing his teeth and making his eyes crinkle.
“i love you too,” he says. you hear a door open on his side, and he turns around to greet whoever it is. “hey, junmyeon. say hi to y/n.” he says, moving the camera to show his leader. junmyeon crosses him arms over his his bare chest, trying to shield himself from you.
“hi, y/n. sorry i’m not dressed, i just showered,” he says apologetically.
“it’s alright,” you reply.
“what do you mean it’s alright?” baekhyun shouts, turning the camera back to his face, sporting an incredulous expression.
you roll your eyes. “you know what i meant,” you say.
“you should only be alright with seeing me naked,” baekhyun says.
“i’m more than okay with that,” you say, and he smiles. he pretends to lift his shirt up, and junmyeon yells at him to stop, not while he’s still digging for his pajamas. you only giggle and add, “you can get naked whenever.”
“can you wait a second!?” junmyeon yells, frantically digging around his bag for his clothing so he can lock himself in the bathroom and get away from you and baekhyun.
jongdae: “you know i miss you,” you say into the phone, a hand on your chest, right over your heart where jongdae lives.
“yeah? how much?” he asks teasingly, a big smile on his face. he leans his shoulder into the wall and crosses one leg behind the other.
“a lot,” you reply, unable to contain your smile. so far, every conversation you’ve had with him since he’s been gone on tour. "she misses you too." you add coolly, biting the inside of your cheek.
jongdae's cheeks tinge pink and he looks down at the floor. "yeah?" he manages, putting a hand on the back of his neck, his face only getting redder at the thought of you. its been too long since hes had you.
"mhm. we miss you a lot."
he only smiles to himself and says "both of you can show me how much when i get back," just as the door to the practice room opens and kyungsoo enters, his eyes narrowed in jongdae's direction. when jongdae blushes bright red at getting caught, kyungsoo raises his eyebrows, a knowing smirk on his face. "baby, i gotta go." he says, clearing his throat and straightening his posture.
on the other line, you frown. "fine. but you are upsetting us." jongdae glances over at kyungsoo who has taken a seat on the floor, preoccupied with his phone.
"i'll make it up to you," he says, turning his back to kyungsoo's direction. "swear i will. just be good." he says lowly, already embarrassed from kyungsoo walking in on the both of you having borderline phone sex.
"don't know if i can do that, dae. we really miss you. she's getting lonely; nothing feels as good as you do," you sigh, resting your head on the couch pillow.
jongdae forces himself to think about anything other than your words in order to stop a tent from forming in his pants. "kyungsoo is here," he mutters, many minutes too late.
you gasp. "oh my god, jongdae! can he hear me?" you panic, irritated that he let it get that far with an audience.
"i dont think so?" your fiancee replies, his voice unsure.
"oh my god, bye, jongdae," you say, and hang up before he can get another word in. jongdae lets out a breath and squeezes his eyes shut, trying to rid his brain of images of you on top and underneath him.
turning around and sliding his phone back into his pocket, jongdae starts walking over to kyungsoo. kyungsoo lifts his eyes from his phone at the sound of jongdaes footsteps and says, "you should really turn your phone volume down," making jongdae stop in his tracks get insanely red in the face, embarrassment flooding his body.
chanyeol: "wait, listen to this real quick," chanyeol says, scrolling through his laptop to find the track he had showed you a few weeks ago. he's changed a few things and added more drums and a flute--he really values your opinion on his music and wants you to hear what hes made.
you wait patiently for him to click play. the opening notes make you smile as you remember the way you told him he should let them play before he stacks them and blends the sounds together. "replay that part," you say when you hear something new.
chanyeol rewinds a few seconds and presses play before asking, "this part?"
you listen and gasp when you hear it again. "yes! pause it!" you shout over the phone. "did you add a violin?" you ask, a smile on your face.
chanyeol smiles at the phone, impressed with the way you've enhanced your musical knowledge and have noticed little things, like the violin strings that are stacked behind drums. "i did," he says, proudly.
you sigh in awe of him. "yeolie you're so... you're so cool," you gush, like a little schoolgirl talking to her crush. everything about chanyeol amazes you and makes you smile, and yes, maybe it’s because you’re in love with him, but you also would like to think that it would be this way even if you weren’t, if you were just friends or some fan.
chanyeol can’t help but blush at your words, the tips of his ears turning red in the way that you love. “aw, he’s blushing!” jongin says, taking the phone away from chanyeol to tell you. you smile, your heart swelling at the image your brain conjures up.
“are his ears turning red?” you ask and chanyeol yells in protest, only making his blush deepen.
“of course,” jongin replies, ducking out of reach when chanyeol swings to hit him. you only giggle and sigh, feeling mildly upset that you are not there to witness one of you favorite things ever.
“give me back my phone!” chanyeol says, reaching around jongin for it, but the younger man is too quick and gets out of the desk chair and crosses the studio in record time.
“you know, he’s made, like, four songs for you. i don’t know why he didn’t show you one of those,” he says, a devilish grin on his face, though he’s telling the truth. at this admission, chanyeol launches himself from his seat. “i’m sorry! please! here, take it back!” he pleads, holding out his phone for chanyeol to take back and shielding his body from the blows that don’t come.
“shut the fuck up,�� chanyeol groans at jongin, taking the phone off speaker and it putting it to his ear. “ignore him.” he says to you, running a hand through his hair.
“…so you didn’t write four songs for me?” you question. chanyeol bites the inside of his cheek, not ready to admit that yes, he did write four songs for you, most of which have lyrics that he hasn’t let anybody hear. “yeol.”
“hmm?” he says, settling back into his chair at the engineering table, his face burning. you smile, because you’ve got your answer.
kyungsoo: you run your hands over kyungsoo's newly shaved head, grimacing a bit when you run your hands the opposite direction of the cut and the follicles prick your fingers. "you don't like it?" he asks after seeing your face.
"i love it, actually. just feels weird," you say, dragging your hands down to the sides of his face and smiling down at him. kyungsoo gives you a small smile. he turns his head to the side and kisses the inside of your palm, your heart melting in your chest. "hi." you say shyly, kyungsoo leaning into your touch.
he smiles up at you, his eyes crinkling around the edges. "hi, pretty," he says, and you could just die. you remove your hands from the sides of his face and put them on his shoulders and adjust yourself in his lap so you are fully facing him and your legs are on either side of him, knees resting on the couch. kyungsoo laces his hands together behind your back, loosely holding you against him. “you look really pretty today.”
“just today?”
kyungsoos cheek turn a light shade of pink. “always,” he says, you smile at him and lean down to place a gentle kiss on his lips. the door to the lounge opens, and all 7 of the exos walk in loudly.
“y/n!” they shout when they see you on kyungsoos lap, making kyungsoo and you pull apart resignedly. irritation is etched on your boyfriends face at the interruption, and you gently pinch his cheek before moving to turn around.
“hi, you gu- kyungsoo, let me get up,” you say when he holds you tightly on his lap, making you turn around uncomfortably to greet the other members. at your request, kyungsoo let’s you get up with a sigh, holding onto the back of your skirt so you don’t accidentally flash the men behind you. “you guys did great tonight!” you compliment when you’re finally standing up and facing them.
a conversation breaks out, and you don’t notice when you lean against the couch and drape your arm over kyungsoos shoulder, gently stroking the side of his face. you both hold hands with your free one, and he rubs the inside of your palm with his thumb.
it’s only when you notice chanyeol cut his eyes at you and kyungsoo being so clingy that you smile. “kyungsoo, i’ve never seen you act like this!” he says, his eyes wide.
“like what?” kyungsoo asks absentmindedly, looking up at you with eyes that make your knees weak and your heart beat faster.
“so cheesy, and-“ kyungsoo snaps his head to look at chanyeol, daring him to finish his sentence. chanyeol closes his mouth, a nervous smile on his face just from a look from kyungsoo alone. the other members wait in silence, as do you, with amusement on their face, waiting for chanyeol to continue and claim his fate or to surrender. “never mind.” he says, waving kyungsoo off.
a collective giggle is let out in the room, and kyungsoo looks up at you with wide eyes, unaware of the effect he has on people.
jongin: “here,” jongin says softly, holding out his fork in front of your face. you try to take it out of his hands and he pulls it back, shaking his head. “let me do it.” he says, a shy smile on his face.
you comply and open your mouth, letting him feed you. “is it good?” he asks, watching you with so much love in his eyes it’s slightly overwhelming. you nod and give him a thumbs up, swallowing the food. jongin smiles and gives you a soft kiss on your lips.
this goes for the rest of the night; he’ll present food in front of your face and wait for you to open up to feed you, ask you if it’s good, and then kiss you. it’s sweet, really, and you don’t think anything of it, even after the rest of the exos join you for your meal.
sometimes you feed jongin, but most of the time he steals it off your plate or you put it on his. it becomes second nature for you both. “ooh, let me try that,” you say, pointing to the dessert that kyungsoo places down in front of jongin. your boyfriend cuts off a piece, giving you the first bite.
you accept the food and your eyes widen as you taste it. “kyungsoo, this is really good!” you say after you chew and swallow. he gives you a kind smile and thanks you.
jongin already has another bite of food waiting for you when you turn back to ask him, and you accept it with a smile on your face. he can only smile back, resisting the urge to grab your face and just kiss you until the sun rises, his group members be damned.
the man made sound of a whip cracking makes you and jongin snap your head in the direction, eyes falling on jongdae, minseok, baekhyun, and junmyeon all giggling, or holding back laughs. you smirk and look over at jongin, who wears an annoyed expression. “whatever,” he mumbles. you rub his back and he leans into you, making the situation worse because even kyungsoo joins in on the teasing, pantomiming cracking a whip and making the noise as well.
sehun: you cage your arms around him and put your chin on the center of his chest, looking up at him. sehun looks down at you with a small smile. “you’re cute,” he says, and if his arms weren’t pressed so tightly against his sides he’d boop your nose.
“so are you,” you say to him, loosening your hold around him and instead wrapping your arms around his waist.
“i know,” he says, and you roll your eyes. sehun moves hair out of your face and leans down to place a kiss on your lips. “cmon, let’s finish.” he says, sliding out of your grip. the two of you had choreographed a dance to a song you both liked, and had been using the exo practice room for a few hours now.
you nod and he jogs over to the speaker to play the song again, and then comes back to get into the starting position. you watch yourself in the mirror as you hit all of the moves, your feet feeling like they barely touch the floor. sehun watches you too, getting lost in the way that you move so freely, like you’re weightless and gravity isn’t any concern of yours.
he misses a few steps and you notice, smirking at him through the mirror. “keep up, lover boy,” you say, doing the last few moves as the song comes to a close. you wipe your sweaty forehead with the hem of your shirt, and sehun comes over to you, just as the door to the practice room opens. you turn and wave at jongdae, and he greets you and sehun with a wave, his phone pressed to his ear.
sehun takes this moment to pull you closer to him by your shirt. you let out a light laugh at him, and awkwardly keep your hands off of him because youre both sweaty. “i’m all gross,” you say.
“me too,” and he leans down and kisses you, his hands sticking to your skin through your shirt. you hold onto his arms, cringing at the feeling of sticky skin on sticky skin, and pull away.
“it’s too gross,” you say, making a face. sehun frowns at you, and you have to hold back a smile.
“you think i’m gross?”
“when we’re both sweaty? yes,” you say say, putting your hands on your hips.
“i like you when you’re sweaty,” sehun replies. “i like you when you’re all dirty.” he adds, making you exclaim in protest and draw the attention of jongdae, who just gives you both a disgusted look.
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jongbross · 8 months
Hi, it’s boyfriends things with Exo😅🤍
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kim minseok:
cutest boyfriend out there
will take such good care of you 🥹
is literally a keeper
your family loves him, he just charms everyone around him
might be a bit difficult as sometimes he can't see why you're still with him
doesn't realize that you're the luckiest person for having HIM
kisses your nose a lot
holds your hand while walking on the street
listen to you vent and gives you the best advices
won't let you sleep in though, so good luck with that
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kim junmyeon:
the personification of a gentleman
pulls chairs for you, open doors, makes sure you're with your seatbelt on, doesn't let you walk on the side of the sidewalk that's closer to the street, etc
has the warmest hugs
can literally hug you for hours if you let him
secretly plans to pop out the question in the near future
buys you anything you want. anything.
respects your opinions SO MUCH, it's ridiculous
has the boyfie vibe somehow, so people don't hit on him anymore
chanyeol can see how much he changed because of you, how he's much more bubbly now
"you made him worse!!" (joking)
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zhang yixing:
nicest boyfriend out there
dude is just soooo chill, your friends adore him
shows you random stuff on your phone just so you can laugh about it together
hands you his jacket whenever you're cold, but scolds you for not taking one with you
calls you a lot whenever he's away
you'll have to take care of his cats, i'm sorry
does this thing where he kisses both your temples before kissing your lips when he has to say goodbye to you before traveling
passes out beside you on bed while you're talking about a nice recipe you saw on tiktok
doesn't bring up marriage if you don't
really, really hopes you do
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byun baekhyun:
i hate him, but congrats to you, i guess
ugh he's just so sweet
takes you out EVERYWHERE, like picks you up at your place
always has a smile on his face when he's around you
asks you about your day and listens to carefully
holds your hand while driving
charms your mom with helping her on the kitchen, it's like a scene straight out of a movie
sings 24/7, so your house is never silent anymore (your neighbors hate you though)
has a whole way of talking that's for you and for you only
you can't trick me baekhyun, i know you must have at least one (1) flaw
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kim jongdae:
sunshine boyfriend
let's you sleep in whenever you feel like it
clears some space on his wardrobe/drawers for your clothes and things
"jagi, can we cuddle?"
has so much fun playing with you, you're literally he's best friend
always places bets with you
lots of kisses on your cheek
randomly smiles to you because he knows it makes you happy to see him smile
likes to take you away for the weekend, just you and him
loyal af
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park chanyeol:
the "it's okay, i got it" boyfriend
personal uber driver, takes you everywhere if you let him
really, reaaally stubborn
can't sit still, is always looking for something to do with you
"did you see they opened a new bowling place downtown?"
purposely leaves his things at your place
his house is way bigger than yours but he doesn't care
plays guitar while you cook dinner
kisses you everytime you feed him
loves when you sleep on top of him
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do kyungsoo:
he's comfort embodied in a person
likes to have breakfast with you, it's like his favorite part of the day
bonds with your pet if you have one (and they love him)
saves new videos on youtube to watch it with you
is in charge of cooking, always
asks you to help him shave just because
gets excited whenever something good happens to you
is your number 01 supporter
loves when you cuddle closer to him in your sleep
shy forehead kisses whenever he can't find the words to express his feelings
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kim jongin:
cutest, most caring boyfriend
respects you more than anything in this world
listens to you so carefully whenever you have something to say
is willing to fix some of his bad habits for you
needs constant reassurance that you love him, just because he loves you so much and can't stand the thought of you falling out of love
laughs so hard at your jokes, and they're not even that funny
pays for every meal but lets you pay for his coffee so you won't feel bad
helps you choose your outfits
loves when you play with his hair
wanna have a baby with you so bad
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oh sehun:
gets offended whenever someone treats you badly
"why didn't you tell me?? i would've give them a piece of my mind"
smirks whenever he sees you wearing his clothes, he just loves it
calls you whenever he can't go see you
encourages you to go see your friends, especially when he can't be around
but let's be honest, he's attached to you by the hip
rolls his eyes whenever you baby him, but secretly loves it
stares at you dearly when you're talking to his hyungs or his family
lets you play with his fingers when you're bored or too shy to talk to people
dude is so in love it's actually sickening
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missxiumore · 5 months
Nothing has ever made exo's dynamic make sense more than finding out that apart from xiumin they were all the youngest sibling growing up...
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❃EXO as roommates❃
a/n: I know most people are here for the svt posts but it’s been a while since I have done an exo one. I literally just pre-ordered D.O.’s albums; I am already delusional as is without getting new do kyungsoo content :’)
Anyway, bc of having lived in a studio apartment complex, I well aware that nothing breaks or makes living in student housing more than roommates. CURSE YOU BONGO DUDE I AM STILL NOT OVER YOU WAKING ME UP AT MIDNIGHT WITH YOUR LACK OF RHYTHM.
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Xiumin/Minseok: 7/10
✾ He would nag the entire time that the house is not clean enough and that you left your shit lying around. Whoever said that student housing tends to be messy has not met Xiumin.
✾ He has been cleaning ever since he moved in and will not stop until he has moved out. Xiumin will scold you when you try to help him out as you are ‘not cleaning right’, whatever that means. Fortunately, that means he will rarely ask you to help him with the chores so you still get to enjoy a clean house without having to put the effort in.
✾ Honestly, his healthy lifestyle choices kind of motivate you to do better. He will definitely take you with him to the gym when you let it drop that you might be interested in getting in shape. Free gym coach, basically.
✾ He organizes roommate days weekly where the two of you spend planned time together because he believes that roommates should become/be friends.
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Suho/Junmyeon: 9/10
✾ He will adopt you as one of his children. The moment you step foot in your shared housing, he has accepted that he has yet another child to take care of and no, you can’t convince him otherwise.
✾ He takes care of you and makes you feel right at home; he is the definition of the mom friend. Are you having trouble making new friends? He will introduce you to his. Have you been too busy studying and forgotten to eat? He will drop by the grocery store.
✾ The only downside to roommate Suho is that he can be overbearing and slightly judgy. You will hear “I am not mad, just disappointed” a lot when you, for instance, decide to go to out with your friends during finals. Apparently, that is irresponsible.
✾ Did you really move out of your parent’s home, or did you just replace your parents with Suho?
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Baekhyun: -10000/10
✾ He drives you absolutely insane and makes you regret moving in with him. Nobody is safe from his teasing and antics and you are stuck with it until the lease is up.
✾ He convinces you to divide the chores through games that he somehow always ends up winning. He has not done any chores since he moved in and he somehow keeps convincing you that this is the fairest way to determine who has to do the dishes.
✾ Boundaries, what boundaries? Locked doors will not keep him out. He will definitely throw himself on your bed telling you all about the drama of people you do not know when you are trying to study for an important test in the quiet solitude of your room. If you’re home, he will not leave you alone.
✾ Always spontaneously invites people over and forgets to text you about it. At this point, all his friends have seen you in your comfy but definitely not fashionable clothes.
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Chen/Jongdae: -1000000000000/10
✾ He. Is. So. Loud.
✾ The walls are way too thin to live with him. You can always hear him before you even see him. The type to wake you up in the middle of the night or early in the morning because he has no awareness of how loud he truly is.
✾ It wouldn’t even be such a problem, but bro never shuts up either. If he is not talking, he is constantly singing or humming. Chen truly doesn't have an off button.
✾ Add to the loudness problem that Chen is a morning person. He is so chirpy in the morning, singing a song on top of his lungs whilst he eats his breakfast. I wouldn’t even be surprised if he is the type to try and have full on conversations with you minutes after you’ve woken up, getting offended when your replies are curt.
✾ You had to ban game nights because he gets too competitive, whining so incredibly loudly every time he loses. One time the neighbours filed a noise complaint and he still maintains he wasn’t that loud.
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Chanyeol: 8/10
✾ A really fun person to live with if you like a very present roommate. He will constantly ask you to hang out and play games or watch movies because he can’t be alone for five minutes. However, compared to Baekyhun, his energy is a lot more chill.
✾ He will spend a lot of money on random geeky stuff, filling up the entire shared apartment with figurines, posters and that one Halloween costume that definitely was way too expensive. I can see him being the type to have a hallway full of boxes of stuff he ordered online. He has no idea of what actually is in them because he ordered it impulsively so long ago.
✾ Despite you living in student housing, he will make sure the interior looks stunning. He cares way too much about everything matching and will not allow you to place anything in the house without discussing it with him first. You can’t really be mad at it because your place looks like an Ikea showroom.  
✾ Docking points because he will be either playing music or games at night. Trust me, nothing is worse than having someone practice their instrument when you are trying to sleep (Curse you bongo dude). All you can hear is him practising the same guitar riffs over and over again.
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D.O./Kyungsoo: 6.5/10
✾ Listen, his cooking is amazing, it would make being his roommate worthwhile. He will always make enough food for the both of you, and if you do not dine together, he will leave his leftovers for you in the fridge to try. He genuinely enjoys cooking for others and is happy to try out new recipes on you.
✾ That being said, living with him is more like calmly co-existing in the same space. He will only talk to you when absolutely necessary and it takes him a long while to really open up to you (if he does at all).
✾ He respects your personal space and wants you to respect his, meaning he won’t go out of his way to spend time together. Being roommates does not automatically mean that you have to be/are friends in his book. If you click, that’s neat, but don’t expect him to invite you over for game nights for the first few months.
✾ He is definitely the passive-aggressive roommate that sends you a text over the smallest of things. Why confront you face-to-face when can send you a 2 AM text telling you to pick up that one sock that fell out of your laundry basket?
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Kai/Jongin: 6/10
✾ He is an absolute sweetie, do not get me wrong. With his friendly and bubbly personality, he will try his hardest to become friends with his roommates. He will take every initiative to organize roommate events such as game nights, clubbing, etc.
✾ That being said, do not leave him alone in the kitchen, he will definitely accidentally set it on fire and you will be the one that has to clean up because do we really trust him after that? We have all seen his attempts at cooking, it never fails to be a disaster, so guess who is in charge of cooking from then on.
✾ Who needs matching cups and plates? Not you because he has shattered at least one of each set. Do not get too attached to your worldly possessions because Kai will knock them over or drop them on accident.
✾ He genuinely wants to help out with chores but he is so clumsy you still end up doing most of them. You can’t even be mad at him because, well, it is Kai.
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Sehun: 2/10
✾ Is he even your roommate? You have no idea, he rarely helps out with anything. He has been so spoiled that he refuses to lift a finger and at this point, you feel brainwashed because he is getting away with it.
✾ If you are younger than him, he will be paying for everything you guys need, so that is a win. If not, be prepared for your bank account to take a massive hit because “the oldest should pay.”
✾ You guys get a lot of free stuff as Sehun knows to subtly let it drop to his friends, mostly Suho, that you guys direly need something. All of his friends basically function as sugar daddies, and neither of you is complaining about the free toilet paper.
✾ The type of roommate that judges your outfits and comments “Are you really going to wear that?” and leaves you on read when you text him about rent. He can be nice but tends to choose violence every time he wakes up. I hope that you’ve got thick skin.
✾ Despite his snarky comments, you know that he genuinely appreciates and cares for you based on how clingy he is. Good luck going clubbing without him. Your phone will keep buzzing with texts asking you when you will be home because he is too scared to sleep without another person present in the house.
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mymoodwriting · 1 year
Beyond The Stars
F!Reader x EXO
Genre: Amnesia AU, EXO Universe/Planet
Warning: Amnesia, Manipulation, Lies, Interdimensional Travel, Betrayal
Words: 4.8K
Chapter Seventeen
Prompt: You’re the most important thing to EXO, you’ve been with them for years, and when you wind up missing, it greatly upsets them. Their journey to find you and bring you home starts a chain of events that leads to facing their own greatest fears, making unlikely allies, traveling to other worlds again and finally gathering the strength to take down their greatest enemy. Along the way you get to see their true colors and fall in love all over again, although you might come to realize you don’t like what you see in the mirror.
@suhappysuho @starillusion13
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“Destiny? What do you mean?”
“This is a safe haven.” Suho explained. “I’ll show you, but you all have to be calm.”
“You’re not exactly making me feel any better here.” Taeyong commented.
“Just follow me.”
Others were hesitant to follow, but they did so. Lay took your hand and led you along with the group. You looked around, realizing this was some kind of ship, and that brought up so many more questions. At least now it made sense what Suho had said earlier, the ship’s name was Destiny. You came to some steps, although Suho told everyone to give him a moment and went up.
From below you heard some happy cheers, followed by running. Soon enough you saw someone with Suho and then they noticed you.
“Wow… that’s a lot of stowaways.”
“It’s a long story, but the new faces won’t be staying. They just needed a safe place to stop, hope you don’t mind.”
“Not at all. You wouldn’t bring enemies on my ship. Welcome aboard everyone.”
You went up onto the main deck, taking in your surroundings again and being amazed. You weren’t out on the ocean where you would find such a ship, but sailing through the sky. You ran over to the edge to look overboard.
“This is amazing.”
“Careful now, don’t want to lose anyone.”
Xiumin came over and pulled you back, reminding you to behave yourself. You apologized and promised to stay close. You were brought over back to the crowd and over to the gentleman you had seen talking with Suho before.
“We should probably introduce you. Y/n, this is the captain of the ship.”
“It’s nice to meet you.”
“The pleasure is all mine.” The gentleman bowed. “I’m Hongjoong, captain of the Ateez crew, and this is our lovely ship Destiny.”
“It’s wonderful.”
You got to meet the rest of the crew as well and struck up a conversation as the leaders stepped away to talk among themselves.
“I’m Taeyong, leader of NCT. Thanks for allowing us to remain on your ship.”
“A friend of Suho’s is a friend of mine.”
“I want to ask though… how did you meet Suho?”
“He helped us long ago to save our world, and thanks to them we now roam free, always ready to help others. Destiny is our safe place, and for you as well. You’re always welcomed on my ship.”
“Thank you for your hospitality. I hope we cross paths again under better circumstances.”
“I’m sure we will.”
“Do you think you and your people are good to travel?” Suho asked. “Or do you need to rest. I’m sure-”
“No, no, we’re alright.” Taeyong assured. “We should return home and fully rest.”
“Okay then.”
You all gathered to see the Neos off, and you hoped to see them again some time in the future. With the third party gone there was a shift in the atmosphere. 
“So what really brought you by?” Hongjoong asked. “You are not one to show up unannounced.” 
“I’m here to collect on the favor we’ve asked of you.”
“Ah, I see.”
“Wait.” You asked. “What favor?”
You didn’t answer, but a look was exchanged between Hongjoong and Wooyoung. The other boy went off to the captain’s quarters and returned with an hourglass moments later.
“What is that? It looks so cool.”
“It’s called the Cromer.” Wooyoung explained, handing it over to you. “We don’t use it as much anymore, but it serves another purpose now.”
“What do you mean?”
“You’ll see.”
You only pondered on that for a moment before the Cromer floated up into the air and away from you. DO had stepped away from the group, and the Cromer flew over to him. In the blink of an eye the hourglass had shattered, but all the pieces remained in the air. All the glass was separated and you could tell DO was focused on it. One moment there was glass and then it turned to sand. You had no idea what was going on, let alone as Kai stepped forward and allowed the sand to pour down onto his hand.
“What are you doing…” You mumbled. 
“Remembering something long forgotten.”
“Why are you going there?” Hongjoong asked.
“We can’t keep running.” Suho stated. “We have to face our enemies head on.”
“What does that mean?” You questioned.
“You’ll find out soon enough.” Chen assured. “Promise.”
“Kai?” Suho said.
“I got it.”
You didn’t know what that meant, but you watched as DO put the Cromer back together as if nothing had ever happened. It returned to your hands and you looked it over in awe.
“You could stay a while.” Hongjoong suggested. “Get some rest and prepare.”
“Can’t keep pushing things off.” Lay said. “But thank you.”
“If you guys need any help, you know where to find us.”
It was sad to be saying goodbye to new friends so soon, but you went wherever EXO went without hesitation. You hoped to see them again and get to know them more when the time comes. You gave the Cromer back to Yeosang, and they all wished you well. Sehun and Chanyeol took your hands, and you all said one last goodbye before you closed your eyes, ready for the next adventure. The quiet and calm of the open sky faded into the sounds of nature, and you opened your eyes to find yourself surrounded by trees.
“Woah… where are we…”
“Some place we never thought we’d return to.” Baekhyun mumbled. “Come on, we have some place to go.”
“You guys really need to stop being so cryptic.”
“I know, sorry. We’re still processing everything too.”
You followed the boys through the words, quite intrigued by the fact they knew exactly where they were going. After a while you came to this cabin. It seemed abandoned with nature having taken it back, but it all retreated as Lay waved his hand. You went with the boys inside, seeing all the dust that’s been collecting. Sehun was quick to blow that all away, but a silent stillness remained.
“So… what is this place?”
“An old home.” Xiumin said.
“Are we staying?”
“For the foreseeable future, yes.”
“Then we should start cleaning up.”
Your bright spirit was a bit of a contrast with the rest of the atmosphere, but the others agreed with you. The others helped you clean up, making this place feel more like a home. While cleaning you found an interesting picture. It was a group photo of the boys with a handful of unfamiliar faces. There was something strange about this whole place you couldn’t quite put your finger on, and this picture added to that uneasiness. Before you could dwell on it more you heard Lay calling out to you, and you made your way to the back of the cabin, finding a greenhouse. You stepped into a garden you had never seen before, amazed by its beauty.
“This is an old garden of mine, and you can see the plants have taken very good care of each other.”
“They must have missed you.”
“I missed them too.”
“What happened here? I saw a picture of you and some other people. Was this home before you met me?”
“For a long time it was, but we had to flee.”
“So why are you back now?”
“Cause we need to fix things.”
“Fix things?” You thought for a moment. “Is RF the reason you left this world?”
“Yes. This place was home, and then we wound up being held captive. When we escaped, we left this world in their hands. We have to correct that mistake.”
“That’s dangerous… facing RF head on… especially if the two of you have history here.” “I know, but it has to be done. For starters we need to check in with old friends.”
“Old friends?”
“You can meet them later.” Kai said as he entered the garden. “We have to find them first.”
“And how are you gonna do that?”
“A lot of remembering.”
Kai stepped forward, going into the garden and sitting himself down. Some vines crept over, wrapping around his arms and waist. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, making you wonder what he was doing. You had never seen Kai in the garden like this before.
“Are you picking anything up?”
“I can sense them… but it’s faint…”
“It’s been years at this point. Will that be enough or should I look for them?”
“No. This should be enough.”
After a while longer Kai opened his eyes, the vines moving away and releasing him. He gave you a big smile and came over to press a kiss to your cheek.
“Suho, Sehun, and I will be going out for a bit. We’ll be back as soon as we can.”
“What? Can’t I go?”
“This place is unknown, and it’s best if you stay here where it’s safe.”
“Then why not bring our house here?”
“We don’t want to draw attention to ourselves. Besides this place was the blueprint of the home we have now. Stay and be good.”
“Alright… don’t be gone too long.”
“Hopefully we won’t.”
The trio went off, and you focused on making this old place feel new. Kai scouted ahead first to make sure no one would get hurt and that they could lay low. Alleys always worked in their favor.
“Where are we?” Sehun asked.
“No idea.” Kai admitted. “Since the frequency is so faint I can’t get an exact location, but they have to be around here somewhere.”
“So like a needle in a haystack.”
“At least I narrowed down the search, didn’t I?”
“Don’t fight.” Suho reminded. “We have no idea what they’re like anymore after all this time. We might not be welcomed. Just lay low and don’t draw attention.”
The area they were in wasn’t that popular, but there were still plenty of people around going about their day. They seamlessly blended in, walking down the street and looking around. Nothing much had seemed to change about the world, but that wasn’t entirely a good thing. While walking Sehun had gotten a strange feeling, stopping before a building.
“There’s something about this place.”
“What place? A dojo?”
“I can’t explain it.”
“Wouldn’t hurt to give it a try.”
The three went inside, seeing that the place was empty, except for one gentleman. They were cleaning the weapons rack. They began their welcome speech and turned around, only to cut themselves short.
“Suho… Kai… Sehun… is that really you?”
“Surprised to see us. Shownu?”
“I thought I’d never see you again.”
Shownu ran over to embrace the three in a hug, still processing that they were really there. So much had happened since they last spoke. There was a lot to catch up on, but something else was more important.
“What are you doing here? I didn’t think you’d return.”
“We have to right our wrongs.” Suho explained. “We’re sorry we took so long.”
“It’s just incredible to see you now.”
“What about the others?” Kai asked. “How are they?”
“I’m not so sure. We don’t keep in touch. It was better if we remained separate. Although for a while I was in contact with Wonho, but he hasn’t been around in months. I’m worried something happened to him but I have no way of finding out.”
“That’s alright. We plan to reunite everyone. If you don’t have any pressing business, we could go now.”
“Absolutely. It’d be so good to see everyone’s face again.”
Once again Kai relied on a faded feeling, going ahead to make sure everything was safe before returning for the others. Shownu did need a moment to recover from the nauseating feeling of teleportation before they could continue. It was another small town, but nothing vastly unfamiliar to Shownu. Neither of them knew where to look so it was back to walking the streets. Although this time around they had someone with a slightly better eye than them.
“Have you been avoiding me?”
“Huh… Shownu!”
Wonho ran over to hug his hyung, embracing them tightly with disbelief clear on his face. This seemed like a dream, more so when he realized his friend was not alone.
“You… is it really you?”
“Long time no see, right?”
“I can’t believe this.” Wonho stated. “What’s going on?”
“We’ll explain later, right now we’re just trying to find everyone.” Suho said. “Did you keep in touch with anyone?”
“No. Only Shownu, but that didn’t last long.”
“How did you find me anyway?”
“It’s a bit complicated… I received a watch in the mail with some instructions and a location… I was hesitant to use it but when I did, I found my way to you.”
“That must be what I sensed.” Sehun said. “The energy from you traveling back and forth. Without it we might not have found Shownu so easily.”
“I’m glad I could help.” Wonho teased. “So who are we looking for next?”
“No idea.” Suho admitted. “We’re just going to the nearest signal.”
“Got it. Ready when you are.”
“You’re very eager.”
“It’s been a long time.”
“I know.”
The five of them made the journey to their next location. Another town, and another needle in a haystack. Still, the more of them they found, the better they all felt. This time around everyone was surprised to find Minhyuk with Changkyun in a cafe. The reunion there was far bigger than the last.
“Have you two been in touch this whole time?” Wonho asked.
“Not consistently.” Minhyuk admitted. “Changkyun would stop by once in a while to check up on me, nothing more.”
“I have incredible timing don’t you think?” Changkyun teased. “I’m so happy to see you all, but also surprised.”
“When we get back to the cabin we can talk.”
“That place is still standing? I would have thought for sure RF would have destroyed it or something.”
“They’d never be able to get close.”
It was great to see each other, but they still had others to find. With the next jump some had gotten used to the nausea, and others not so much.
“Gosh, that always feels weird.” Changkyun commented. “So, who’s here?”
“We don’t know.” Kai said. “Just following a feeling.”
The group walked around for a while. They weren’t sure who to be looking for but once again Sehun had a strange feeling. He led the group inside a building, finding Jooheon behind a glass in the middle of work.
“Hm?” The boy got up. “You… oh my gosh.”
Jooheon rushed out to embrace his brothers, tears stinging his eyes. Suho and the others let them have their reunion, aware they hadn’t seen much of each other in a long time too.
“What’s the reason behind all this?” Jooheon asked. “I thought we’d never see each other again.”
“It’s a long story.” Kai said. “But we’ll get to it. We just need to find the others first.”
“About that…”
“I… I wish I could have told you all this sooner… but Kihyun… he was in a car accident…  he’s…”
“I’m so sorry.” Suho mentioned. 
The news took everyone by surprise, although Sehun had been looking around. Once again he felt something was off, except it was different this time around. He stepped away from the group, and Kai noticed, following him.
“Sehun, what is it?”
“I’m not sure… but I feel like someone else is here…”
“Someone else?”
Kai wasn’t sure what Sehun meant, but he had his own way of figuring things out. He closed his eyes and took a moment, then disappeared. Moments later he returned and threw someone to the ground. This person had a visor covering their eyes like some VR headset, and seemed to be wearing some kind of armor.  The others had noticed this as well.
“What the heck?”
“This person’s been spying on us. Any ideas?”
“RF let us go.” Minhyuk said. 
“That doesn’t mean they wouldn’t keep an eye on you.”
“They weren’t following us.” Sehun added. “So they must have been here keeping an eye on Jooheon.”
That’s when the spy decided to move, making an attempt to run but Kai was quick to follow. The two engaged in some quick combat. This person was skilled, but Kai’s powers gave him an advantage. He managed to land a hard kick to the face, causing the other to slam to the ground. There was the audible crack of the visor and then all movement ceased. Shownu and Suho flipped over the spy, realizing a familiar face was under the mask.
Everyone was confused and shocked. The news they had just been told suddenly became a lie, and this brought up so many questions. They all agreed that they couldn’t stay here for much longer so Suho made the call to go back home, taking everyone with them.
“Clear the table.”
Shownu called out orders as he carried Kihyun inside, Jooheon quickly wiped everything off the nearest table. Everyone gathered around as Kihyun was laid out on the table, helping to get the gear off of him. Others that had heard the commotion came to see what was going on, although there were no time for greetings. Things were taken off Kihyun to make him more comfortable, but the visor wouldn’t come off. 
“So…” Minhyuck spoke. “How do we get that off him? Seems attached to his face and I don’t wanna… what if I hurt him?”
“You won’t.”
Another voice caught everyone’s attention. They all looked over at the door, seeing a tall figure hidden under an umbrella walk in. Once the group had gotten to the old house Suho made it rain to cover their tracks and it was pretty bad outside. This person seemed pretty clean, barely a drop of water on their umbrella, and not a speck of mud on them despite the surrounding woods. The umbrella was lowered, Hyungwon revealing his face.
“There’s a button on the left side of the visor. Press it and it will come off without issue.”
No one moved but Minhyuck, feeling around and finding the button. When he got the visor off he tossed it to Chen. Kihyun didn’t react, the other boy starting to shake him.
“Kihyun… Kihyun, wake up.”
“He won’t.” Hyungwon said. “And I suggest you don’t fry the visor.”
“What do you mean he won’t wak-” Shownu said but was cut off.
“It was supposed to be me!” 
Jooheon yelled, storming over to Hyungwon. The older boy didn’t move, not at all afraid of the other. It was clear Jooheon wanted to fight, but Wonho was quick to run over and step in front of Hyungwon, holding his arm out. Shownu and Changkyun had moved as well, grabbing Jooheon and pulling him back despite his protests.
“It was supposed to be me!”
“Jooheon, what are you talking about?” Changkyun asked. “You’re not making any sense.”
“I was supposed to be in the accident! Not Kihyun! I saw you there, Hyungwon, I saw you there at the crash site!”
“What?” Shownu’s grip got tighter. “Jooheon, stop this and explain yourself.”
Jooheon kept glaring at Hyungwon, wanting to punch him, but he stopped fighting when Shownu asked. The two holding him waited a moment, making sure he was calm before letting him go. Wonho stayed with Hyungwon, but wasn’t sure what was going on.
“I’ve always felt that something was off about the accident.” Jooheon began. “I’ve had dreams of it, where I’m the one in the driver’s seat, it felt so real, too real, to just be a dream. I remember seeing you there when the ambulance took Kihyun, and then you disappeared. It was supposed to be me right? You changed that somehow. Why? It should be me on that table!”
“I couldn’t let RF get to you, I’m sorry.”
“Wait, you’re saying that Jooheon’s dreams are real?” Minhyuk asked.
“Those aren’t dreams, but memories of another timeline. I’m surprised you retain fragments of the accident.”
“So this…” Changkyun was mumbling. “This was what you needed to change?”
“What?” Shownu questioned. “What are you talking about?”
“Hyungwon came to me once, long before the accident, he asked me for a favor, said it was important. He needed to change something in the timeline, told me when and where Minhyuck would be, asked me to look after him, keep him safe for as long as possible.”
“Wait, you’ve been in contact with Hyungwon this whole time?”
“Yes… yes, I have.”
“So, that’s how you found me? I found that watch, a customer left it. I was just messing with it, I didn’t know it…” Minhyuk trailed off as he came to a realization, looking at Hyungwon. “You left that for me! You wanted me to use it!”
“Yes. It’s why I left one at Wonho’s place too.”
“It was you? You… you set us up?” Wonho seemed hurt. “Why? WHY!?”
“I needed a distraction. You’re all on RF’s radar, if you were found to be time traveling they’d focus on you since you were messing with the timeline.”
“You gave one to Kihyun too!” Jooheon questioned. “Didn’t you! You knew he would feel guilty over what happened and would want to change it! Why didn’t you just stop the accident!”
“You don’t think I tried to stop it, despite knowing better. There are things that are fated to happen, that accident was one of them. It was going to happen, one way or the other, if not at that moment, then later. Every attempt I made to change it ended the same, Jooheon was severely hurt and taken by RF. I couldn’t stop it, but I could change who was taken.”
“Why! WHY!”
“What did you do?” Changkyun growled. “Kihyun didn’t just get into the driver’s seat…”
“I did what I just did here. I showed him the truth, the accident can’t be stopped, and I gave him the opportunity to save Jooheon.”
“No you manipulated him!” Jooheon spat. “I see no reason why it shouldn’t be me on the table.”
“It��s because of me.” Lay spoke up. “Isn’t?”
“Yes.” Hyungwon nodded. “I’m sorry.”
“Wait, what? What does Lay have to do with this.”
“Everything.” Xiumin added. “Jooheon, you know more about Lay’s plants than any of your friends. If RF got to you, they would learn that and… well I suppose Hyungwon knows what the outcome of that is.”
“You’re seriously defending him? He’s the one who betrayed us, who turned Baekhyun in, when you asked us to look after him.”
“We did.” Sehun got up. “But not Tao, right Hyungwon?”
“Yes. Tao asked me to bring Baekhyun in, he knew it wouldn’t end well if he was kept from the group any longer. I’m sorry.”
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Shownu asked.
“Cause he told me not to.”
“So you just betrayed us?” Wonho said. “You picked him over us?”
“That’s not it.”
“That’s exactly what you did!” Minhyuk yelled. “You betrayed us! And stayed with RF when they gave us an out!”
“He made a promise.” Kai added. “Isn’t that right? Tao could see the future if he focused with Luhan at his side. He knew what would happen if Baekhyun stayed away from us. He knew what would happen to him, to the others, and that we’d escape, but he knew we’d be back too. So, he needed someone to look after this world in our absence.”
“Yes.” Hyungwon admitted. “I made a promise, and that meant gaining RF’s trust, even if it meant losing you guys. I’m-”
“Don’t.” Wonho interrupted. “I don’t want to hear it, just wake Kihyun up and go.”
“I… I can’t… he’s comatose.”
“The visor… it controls him, he’s lifeless without it.”
“So that’s what my fate was.” Jooheon said. “Comatose.”
“No… no it wasn’t. Messing with the timeline has a price, even when you find a loophole.”
“You… you killed him!” Changkyun shouted. “You killed Kihyun!”
“I’m sorry.”
Changkyun charged at Hyungwon, but he disappeared before he was grabbed. The boy fell to his knees distraught. He felt partially guilty for having helped Hyungwon in his plan, not knowing what the outcome would be. Shownu went over to comfort him, Wonho screaming as well and punching the wall. Minhyuk had fallen to his knees as well, holding Kihyun’s hand, his own silent tears falling.
“Fix this.” Jooheon looked at Lay. “You can heal him.”
“The mind is a far more complex thing to heal.”
“But you can do it.”
“I… I don’t know.”
“No, the answer is yes, you can fix him!”
“Jooheon, I don’t-”
“Don’t give me that crap, you can!”
“I don-”
“Maybe we can.” Baekhyun interrupted. “When Haechan and the others were stuck in the inbetween they were pretty much comatose. You woke them up, so you could-”
“We knew where their minds were, knew where to go and get them out. We have no idea where Kihyun is, he could be brain dead for all we know.”
“Then take him there.” Shownu spoke.
“Take Kihyun’s mind to the inbetween, if he’s truly alive then you’ll find him there, right? And you can bring him back.”
“Do it.” Jooheon said. “Whatever that is, do it.”
“We can’t just do that.” Suho said. “The inbetween isn’t our place. We didn’t wake the others up, we helped one of their own go in and get them out. We can’t-”
“Then call your friends! Get them to do this!”
“What do we have to lose?” Minhyuk added. “We didn’t know what had become of  Kihyun until now, but this isn’t living.”
“The inbetween becomes a personal hell if you stay there.” DO said. “It’s not-”
“Kihyun put himself in a car accident.” Wonho cut in. “He knew the consequences then, he’d understand them now. So whoever you need to call, call them and try to save him, that’s all we’re asking.”
It got quiet. Suho looked around at everyone, the decision had fallen to him. He took a breath then looked at Lay, nodding his head.
“Lay, DO, with me. Xiumin, you and Chen know what to make, the garden here is like the one back home, so you should have what you need. The rest of you look after y/n.”
You had heard the commotions from before, but Baekhyun had you stay hidden just to be safe. Nothing that was spoken made sense to you, not until the end and talking about the inbetween. You peeked your head around the corner, seeing this person unconscious on the table. Everyone seemed busy with things so you carefully approached them. You looked at them for a while before someone else approached. They looked you over and then pulled you into a hug.
You didn't react, confused as to who was hugging you and why. He had such a huge smile on his face, but it faltered when he saw your confusion.
“Y/n, it’s me, Wonho, we grew up together, remember?”
“We went to elementary and high school together. You disappeared a few years ago, we thought you were dead.”
“Wait, what? You’re saying we know each other?”
“Yes.” Wonho pulled up a picture of you and him together. “What happened to you?”
You were quiet, staring at the picture, then you looked over at Chanyeol who was in the room. The sad look on their face told you everything you needed to know.
“I’m... I’m from here, this world is my home… why don’t I remember that! Why don’t I remember my past!”
You started to panic, drawing a blank on your childhood, on everything before knowing them. Cahnyeol took a step towards you but you backed away.
“No… what’s going on… why don’t I-”
“A lot happened when we met.” Suho added, having overheard things and coming over. “We met by chance and you helped us but RF caught up to us, we couldn’t just leave you for them to do who knows what so we took you with us. We never planned to come back here and we couldn’t return you either. We didn’t want you to feel home sick… so we made you forget your past…” 
You had tears in your eyes, the lack of memories making you feel so lost. Your past had always been a fuzzy thing, and when you thought back on it something else always came up to distract you. This wasn’t how you thought you’d get answers. Even if you did know Wonho you felt nothing familiar about him.
“It’s our fault. We got you involved, we never meant to, I swear, but we had to keep you safe.”
“Did you?” You spat, eyes flashing black for a moment. “What you did… was it really for my own good… or for yours.”
You stormed out, not wanting to hear anything anymore, having some new information to deal with. Once you were gone the others looked at each other, then Wonho.
“You knew y/n?” Suho questioned.
“Yes, and I thought I knew you too.”
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proudahgase-exol · 1 year
Exo masterlist
Here you will fine everything I had made for exo. :)
-𝘐𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘳𝘦𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘨 ♡
Last updated: 08/08/24
Guide: ♤ angst - ❀ fluff - ♡ smut - ✧ text au
𝕄𝕒𝕚𝕟 𝕞𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥
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Nothing here yet….
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𝔽𝕠𝕣𝕓𝕚𝕕𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 ♤ ❀ ♡
𝕆𝕦𝕣 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕘𝕖𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 ♤ ❀
𝕎𝕒𝕝𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕗𝕦𝕟𝕟𝕪 ✧
𝕁𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕖𝕝𝕤𝕖 𝕣𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥? ❀ ♡ ♤
ℝ𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕠𝕞 𝕥𝕖𝕩𝕥/𝕤𝕠𝕔𝕚𝕒𝕝 𝕞𝕖𝕕𝕚𝕒 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕓𝕗! 𝕊𝕦𝕙𝕠 ✧
𝕁𝕦𝕟𝕞𝕪𝕖𝕠𝕟 𝕒𝕤 𝕒 𝕓𝕠𝕪𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕 ❀
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Nothing here yet….
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ℂ𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕚𝕥 𝕨𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 ♤ ❀ ♡
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𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕚𝕤 𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕀 𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨 ♤
ℕ𝕖𝕩𝕥 𝕥𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕨𝕖’𝕣𝕖 𝕥𝕒𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕒 𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕨𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕠𝕘𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣 ❀ ♡ ✧
𝕋𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕖𝕤𝕠𝕞𝕖? ℍ𝕠𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕤𝕥 𝕘𝕚𝕣𝕝𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕 / 𝕨𝕚𝕗𝕖…… ❀ ✧
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𝕊𝕟𝕒𝕡𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕓𝕠𝕪𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕 𝔻.𝕆 ❀
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𝕁𝕠𝕟𝕘𝕚𝕟 𝕒𝕤 𝕒 𝕓𝕠𝕪𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕 ❀
𝕋𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 ❀ ♤
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𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕕𝕚𝕕𝕟’𝕥 𝕙𝕦𝕟𝕘 𝕦𝕡 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕡𝕙𝕠𝕟𝕖 ♤
𝕊𝕖𝕙𝕦𝕟𝕤 𝕟𝕖𝕨 𝕓𝕚𝕥𝕔𝕙 ✧
ℍ𝕖 𝕨𝕒𝕤 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕓𝕠𝕪𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕 𝕗𝕚𝕣𝕤𝕥 ✧ ♡
𝕊𝕖𝕙𝕦𝕟 𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕤 𝕪/𝕟 (ᴍɪɴɪ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ) ♤ ❀ ♡
ℝ𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕠𝕞 𝕥𝕖𝕩𝕥 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝔹𝔽!𝕊𝕖𝕙𝕦𝕟 ✧
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𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕡𝕝𝕒𝕪 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕙𝕒𝕚𝕣 ❀
𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕫𝕒𝕟𝕪 𝕤𝕠𝕟𝕘 ❀
𝕊𝕖𝕩 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕒𝕗𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕤𝕖𝕩 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕖𝕩𝕠 ♤ ❀ ♡
𝕔𝕒𝕥𝕔𝕙 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕞𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕓𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 ♡
𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕪 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕨𝕙𝕚𝕡𝕡𝕖𝕕 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕪𝕠𝕦 ♡
𝕀𝕟𝕤𝕖𝕔𝕦𝕣𝕖 𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕒𝕘𝕖 𝕘𝕒𝕡 ♤ ❀ ✧
ℙ𝕝𝕦𝕤 𝕤𝕚𝕫𝕖 𝕘𝕚𝕣𝕝𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕 ❀ ✧
ℕ𝕠𝕣𝕞𝕒𝕝 𝕘𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕡 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕖𝕩𝕠 ✧
Love fool - EXO
1:54 ━━━━⬤─────── 3:24
⇆ㅤ ||◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷||ㅤ ↻
If you don’t see a member’s name here is because I haven’t made nothing for them. Photos aren’t mine found them on Pinterest *credit to owner*
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kpopjust4u · 2 years
Their S/O throwing their bra at them (EXO)
This was a request from my OLD EXO blog (@exo-k-m-reactions-blog), bringing the last of the requests from there to here.
Post Date: 28th November 2022 Content: Suggestive  TW?: N/A Request?: Yes
Masterlist                                    Prompt list
Xiumin: He’d be confused, for definite. But realising what was next to him, he’d look at them with a smirk on his face, throwing it somewhere else before seeing if they’re in the mood. 
Suho: He’d just turn around, bra in hand and look at them so confused. His eyes switching between the bra and them before shrugging it off and putting it in the wash basket for them. 
Lay: He’d not even notice it for a long while, on his phone or watching the TV, being completely unphased. When he does notice it, he’d just laugh as he looks at them, relaxed without the bra and dismissing it completely.
Baekhyun: This could go one of two ways, either he gets the idea that they’re hinting at something. OR. He’d play with it, putting it on his head, then against his own chest to see if it’ll fit him. 
Chen: Similar to Baekhyun, it could one of two ways. However, he’d be defintely the type to look at them with a serious bank face as he’s putting on their bra, and acting as though he’s pushing his “boobs” up.
Chanyeol: He’d be so giggly and entertained, looking slightly confused as he’d pick it up slowly, almost to inspect it then look at them, laughing more when they look at him with a blank face. 
D.O: He’d just pick it up, smiling at them before walking off to put in the washing machine ready, coming back and not mentioning much of it, letting them giggle about the fact they threw their bra at him, smiling as he does find it a little entertaining. 
Kai: He’d be entertained, but would also be responsible to put it on the wash basket for them, then asking why they threw it at him in the first place, interested in how they’d take it off without even removing their shirt first. 
Sehun: He’d try and act cool about it, but he’d turn into a giggling mess, the strap hitting his arm would instantly make him turn to see it. This would entertain him for hours, just swinging their bra around until they tell him to put it in the wash. 
Tags: @scuzmunkie, @ateezreactionsandscenarios, @trashlord-007, @fanfictrashlord-007
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EXO headcanon and drabble requests are now open across all genres (Smut, Angst, Fluff)
Details that are needed to be specified in order for the drabble to be written:
Member's name and the genre
the au or troupe you'd like it to have. eg: non idol au or a best friends to lovers or friends with benefits, etc.
the supposed prompt or storyline or plot you want it to follow
Any other necessary details you'd like me to add would be appreciated in the asks.
You can send me your requests through dms or anonymously.
- Katie
P.S:- Reblogs and comments regarding any doubts are welcome.
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kjmcotton · 11 months
The waltz of the ghosts-Jongdae
From the Halloween advent calendar🎃
Kim Jongdae x general!reader
Warnings:references to death,creepy content
If sensitive,please,don’t read
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3:00 am
You shivered as soon as you saw the time on the clock:you didn’t want to hangout for that much,you had to work the next day;but,most of all,you didn’t want to hangout alone at such a time.
You weren’t a superstitious person,however,you couldn’t stop thinking about the old tale of the “waltz of the ghosts” your mum used to tell you when you were a kid.
She used to say that,at 3am,ghosts leave the graveyard to “dance their waltz” by haunting humans.
They would either scare them,creep them out or,if they were lucky,just fool around to have fun.
You knew very well that nothing was true,but those thoughts didn’t help you to calm down,otherwise you started fast walking towards your house.
You walked,and walked,and walked;you walked so fast that you didn’t even notice how you dumped into a man who spilled his bottle of Soju on your coat.
“I’m so sorry” he spoke,stepping back and noticing the big stain on the brown cloth
“It’s okay,don’t worry” you smiled nicely.
You looked at him under the dim light of the night:he was quite young and really pretty,but you had to admit that something was…off?
He was pale,thin,and even tho his eyes were shining with a sweet light his aura was odd,almost sinister.
“Let me help you clean it!” he said,trying to be nice
“You don’t have to!” you replied. You didn’t care about that stain,all you wanted was to go home and slide under the warm sheets of your bed
“I insist. It’s my fault,and this coat looks expensive” he said,leading you to a nearby bar. It was small and extremely characteristic.
“I’ll handle this on my own from now on” you talked,walking to the bathroom. It took you a while before successfully get rid of that stain,but,once you were done,you came back to the front where the man was buying himself a new bottle of Soju.
“What’s your name?” He asked as soon as he saw you
“Y/n” you spoke,coldly.
“What a nice name” he smiled
“Thank you I guess. May I ask yours?” you then demanded
“I don’t have one”
At those words you furrowed your eyebrows,confused,but you didn’t insist. You were now completely creeped out by that stranger,so you decided to thank him and leave.
You crossed the road and started speed walking again,head full of thoughts as you sometimes stopped and turned around:you felt like someone was following you, but anytime you found the courage to check no one was there.
With a sigh,you shrugged your shoulders and focused on the street.
Then,suddenly,someone grabbed your arm
You turned around in fear just to notice that man again
“What are you doing here?” you demanded,shrugging his hand off
“We’re going on the same direction” he explained himself.
You didn’t answer as you started walking again. He kept following you,staying a few steps behind.
Something was wrong…he was wrong. He wasn’t just following the same direction as yours,nor he was following you. You felt haunted:his presence was different. He was there but,at the same time,he wasn’t;he was silent,light,you couldn’t even hear his footsteps.
You shivered,turning around to ask him to leave you alone;but when you did he had already disappeared.
You looked around confused,then you noticed a cloth handkerchief on the ground.
You grabbed it,noticing an embroidery on the left corner:
Kim Jongdae
32 Gwanju Street
With a sigh you collected your little finding and went on the marked place the next day,regretting it immediately.
You ended up in the local cemetery and,right in front of you,there was the headstone of the said Kim Jongdae,also known to you as the stranger who spilled his Soju on your coat.
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eomayas · 3 months
exo masterlist
key: smut (s), suggestive (sg), fluff (f), angst (a), request (r), complete (c) [for series], popular(🌷), personal favorite (🌹)
— airport dads
— sugar daddy line
— exo when angry | r
— exo simping | sg 🌷
— jealous exo
— pda
— being shipped with another idol | r
kim minseok
— best friend | f
— in the morning | s, f, r 🌹
kim junmyeon
— sneakin’ | s, a
— nip slip | s 🌷
— testy | s 🌹
— handsome stranger | f
— strictly business | s, r 🌹
— yours | f, a, r
— wants & needs | s, f, r
byun baekhyun
— baby blues | f, a, r
— unplanned | a, r
— besos | f, r
— frisky | sg, r 🌹
— baby blues (vol. 2) | f, a, r
— soft side | f, r
— the bodyguard | f, a, r
— broken promises | a, r
— (computer) games | f, r
— cream soda | s, f, r 🌷
— all the rumors are true | f, a 🌷🌹
— closure | s, a
— fantasy | sg, a, f
kim jongdae
— coming soon
park chanyeol
— back 2 u | a, sg, r
— new thing (series) | s, f, a, c
— rainy day | s, r
— call me what you want, when you want, if you want | a, f, r
do kyungsoo
— make it up to you | s 🌹
— caught in the act | s, f 🌷🌹
— amore | f
— tender love | f, r
— ninety | a, f
— interruptions | f, sg 🌹
— swervin | s
kim jongin
— d appointment | s, f
— confessions | f, a (sequel to d appointment)
— friendly competition | f
— take a break | f, r
oh sehun
— 10:07 pm | s
— firsts | s, f, r
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jongbross · 9 months
EXO members’ reaction on having a shy girlfriend around their (the idol’s) parents during family dinner 🤗
i think, fundamentally, all of them would try to reassure you somehow, like in their own way.
minseok: he would keep his hand attached to yours under the table, caressing your knuckles to make you feel less nervous. he would also ask his parents to go easy on you, as he knows how shy you can be.
junmyeon: whenever his parents aren't looking, he would lean in and whisper how well you're doing, besides giving you a kiss or two on your cheek. when you have to talk to his parents, answering questions or just being polite, junmyeon has the biggest smile on his face.
yixing: he lets his parents know that you're shy beforehand, so they won't pressure you in any type of way. he rarely presents a girlfriend to his parents, so when he does they know it's because that person means a lot to yixing - and the last thing he wants is for his parents to go all "are you the future mother of our grandchildren?" on you.
baekhyun: he tries to comfort you through physical touch as well, either is by resting a hand on your thigh or just being really, really close to you. he speaks about his mom with such love, i really think she might be a great person who can tell when someone's getting shy, so you can also count on her to make you feel better.
jongdae: his smiles are the only thing you need to know you're doing fine. like junmyeon, he would take his time to tell you to not worry, that his parents are loving you - which they truly were. he would also laugh a little bit harder at your jokes, just to make you win extra points with his parents.
chanyeol: i mean, have you seen him? have you seen his sister and mom? there's no way that family is making you feel uncomfortable. in fact, if chanyeol lets them know in advance that you're shy, his mom might even suggest you meet yoora first, and then her and his dad. but through it all, chanyeol has an arm around your shoulders and fingers brushing your arm.
kyungsoo: he can be quite shy himself, so he would ask his parents to please, just play it cool. he doesn't touch you or whatever, but he does give you little smiles from time to time. he also doesn't let his parents try any trick on you, which means that if any of them asks you something that might make you uncomfortable, he's more than ready to just say "mom/dad, don't". he respects your boundaries.
jongin: he tells you a million times that there's no reason for you to be that shy around his mom and sisters. having their approval over you means a lot to jongin, so he does everything he can to make you comfortable and talkative towards his family - he might even ask his mom to tell you embarrassing stories from his childhood, so you'll laugh and maybe loosen yourself a little bit.
sehun: similar to jongin, but their parents will tell you embarrassing stories about him on their own. he makes sure you're okay every minute, silently asking you if you wanna go home. he loves you to the point that, if you regret marking that dinner with his parents, he'll just excuse the two of you and mark it again in the future.
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kaisooficrec · 5 months
fic search n. 8 🔎
Haelofish: Hii I need help to find this fic. Only remember that they are at dinner/party. KS parents think that jongin is a bad influence, then JI steals a key from someone house and take KS there and have sx
Dudu: Hi! I need help with one fic. Baek and Soo are boyfriends and he dare Kyungsoo so give Kai a BJ while he's watching.
Andi: Im trying to find a kaisoo fanfic. Its not new, Maybe 2018-2021. It was an ongoing,long.Fantasy genre, adventure. I dont really remember the plot, but there were other kingdoms, eyes colour was import
hani: Hi, im looking for a fic where Kyungsoo is supervillain and Kai is the hero and Kyungsoo falls in love with him. Kyungsoo also had a tiger if that helps lol
rhy: do u guys know this fic where ksoo took in bear hybrid nini? and along the way nini got scared that kyungsoo will kick him out cause he hibernated?
Nabs: Hi, I’m looking for an old kaisoo fanfic where they’re strangers to lovers, only for one to find out that he’s schizophrenic and have been imagining the other, after witnessing an accident. Thank you!
Oboni: And I need to find a fic where jongin is kyungsoo's teacher. Kyungsoo so freaking talented. Almost like Sherlock Holmes. But jongin is married with soojung. Kaisoo develop a guilty pleasure type rltn.
Kim: i was looking for au where Jongin is the athlete, Kyungsoo fell down confessing his feelings to Jongin on the court, but Jongin just laughed and Kyungsoo got embarrassed and ran away before listening
Garnets: Hi! I'm looking for a tweetfic / au (i believe i read it on twitter). They are both agent. They are exes. Ksoo will go to a difficult mission on airplane, kai insist to be his mission partner after their breakup, kai always flirts with other in the office. Ksoo saw that, but doesn't bothered bcs he know it's just a gimmick. He knows kai's real flirt. It's different there is a scene when ksoo cut his hais bald. Later in the office, jongin saw it and he got startled, gawking at soo's head. One time jongdae slapped soo's butt and jongin stared hard at the scene so after it is fixed that ji will be soo's mission partner, soo went to locker and ji followed him. They had a heated arguments at the locker. So why ji insisted on assisting soo on this mission? 1. It's a difficult mission on airplane, soo is scared of height. 2. Ji is the most skilled agent on air mission. 3. Ji hated to wait for days till soo came back from a mission, not knowing whether soo will come back alive or not
Hani: Hii, i was wondering if someone could help me find a fic? I Read it a while ago and it was a fic with kaisoo veing royals, kyungsoo was a carrier and Jongin could read kyungsoo’s mind since they were soulmates or something. I don’t remember much else about it😅 there was this one scene where a baby was abandoned and kyungsoo being a carrier was super affected by it, and also it is slow burn and chaptered. Hope that helps a little thank youu
Kimsoo: Hi, does anyone know a fic where Kyungsoo is a doctor in a kingdom and Jongin is a warlord in that kingdom, they like each other, then Jongin goes to war.
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duckydae · 1 year
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seok matthew -> kim minseok wang zihao -> zhang yixing sung hanbin -> kim junmyeon lee hwanhee -> byun baekhyun park hanbin -> kim jongdae na kamden -> park chanyeol jay chang -> do kyungsoo lee seunghwan -> kim jongin ricky -> oh sehun
the way this group would've been so fucking powerful. (not my top nine personally, but damn...) gen z / fifth gen exo would've been truly something but i also can't imagine the group without my boy zhang hao, who lowkey gave me luhan vibes anyway.
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amaranth · 1 year
can you imagine being a singer in 2012 and suddenly here comes 20 year old kim jongdae sounding Like That. i'd be shaking
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acatwhowritesthings · 11 months
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Below the cut is a collection of my EXO fics that fit the season due to vibe or content. If you know of a story of mine not listed here that you think should be, let me know, and I'll add it! I just had a lot to sift through... (All links here are DreamWidth, where this was originally posted, but the individual posts include links to AO3, AFF, and LJ.)
Horror and mystery are two of my favorite genres to read and write. I welcome suggestions and prompts, if any reader is inspired. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
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Supernatural creatures and/or horror:
Doom Advances to Zero (Chen-centric, Chingu-line) Jongdae and his friends plan a viewing party for a rare green comet, staying up late just to witness the end of their world.
Striving for the End of the Medical Middle Ages, Mistakes are Made (Chanyeol+Baekhyun) Chanyeol's a medical student, proudly class of '61. He hasn't questioned where the cadavers come from until a classmate asks him to ride along on a pick-up, in the middle of the night, at the cemetery.
Deep Waters Don't Run Still (ChanKai) Jongin keeps busy for his own good, so he's told. Meeting Chanyeol, a traveling musician, makes him long for freedom.
It's Hard to Find Inner Peace with the Worst Parts of You Running Free (Chanyeol+Kai) Chanyeol finds a weird book in the library. He tries to read the weird book. At the time, he didn't know it was a spellbook that would divide his soul and give the bad half a physical manifestation and allow it to roam free. Live and learn.
The End of Summer (Chanyeol-centric) The end of summer break means the end of summer camp, yet camp counselor Chanyeol wishes he never had to leave. This summer, he may get his wish.
A Will to Live (Baekhyun-centric) To free his mother from her marriage, Baekhyun plans a double murder.
The Rotten Roommate (ChanBaek) Chanyeol's innocent Halloween prank reveals two things: Baekhyun can still kick his butt, and they haven't ever been alone.
Who We Are Inside (Sehun-centric) A body and its reflection always match. They have to.
Now the Ghosts are Due (ChanKai) Chanyeol thinks Jongin's so cute when he's scared, so he gets the bright idea to take Jongin to a graveyard for their Halloween date.
Sentimental Spirits (Chen+Xiumin) Aided by Xiu hyung, his self-proclaimed bodyguard, Jongdae returns the names of the spirits his grandfather had collected.
Sacrament of Sin (Chansoo) Father Do Kyungsoo makes a deal with the devil so the damned thing will behave in church.
Halloween Treats (SeKai) To a vampire, Jongin covered in blood—albeit fake—is the sweetest treat.
Lonely Island (Kai-centric) Jongin's days are like the horizon: Empty.
Daemon of a Demon (Chen+Xiumin) Minseok's mortified to realize that the cat he pet and fawned over wasn't just a figment of his drunken imagination but rather the very friendly daemon of his very friendly—and mysterious—new neighbor.
Prisoners of Paradise (Kai+D.O.) Jongin travels to the bottom of the ocean to learn about marine life from the safety and security of an underwater city only to find it's neither as safe nor as secure as advertised.
A Future Together (KaiBaek) He’s stupid resilient, persistent, and completely in love with his wife and their babies. He’d never miss a future together.
The Man Behind the Masks (Luhan-centric) Lu Han takes a job as caretaker to an invalid living in the country. If the isolation doesn’t kill him, his new boss might.
Soul Nice to Meat You (Chanyeol+Xiumin) Chanyeol finds a man sleeping on his balcony and has questions. One: How did he get there? Two: Could he have anything to do with the death of his neighbor?
a most undesirable sentiment (Chensoo) On the 5th anniversary of their friend's death, Chanyeol, Kyungsoo, and Jongdae return to the scene of a tragic accident.
a will is a dead giveaway (Chanyeol+Suho) Kim Joonmyun is a forensic pathologist and firm believer that the possibility of zombies existing is really stupid. It just so happens that on a perfectly normal day at work, Joonmyun cuts into a body, and the body says, "Ow."
i'm friends with the monster (Chen+Lay) "Monsters out here are just wildcats," he said...
birthday moon (LuKai) Everyone who lives anywhere near the Wild Forest is told since birth to not go into the Wild Forest because of the three capital Ds: It's Dark, Dangerous, and the probability for Death is heightened.
Into the Woods (Chanyeol+Kai) A dare sends Chanyeol into The Woods.
Something They Become (Tao-centric) Zitao understood and embraced his duty as a protector. All he believed he needed to know was that Elder Bairns must be destroyed.
Bad Feeling (Chanyeol-centric) Chanmi has a bad feeling.
Gaoxing (Lay+Suho) The world goes to hell, and Yixing holds happiness in his arms.
Sell Your Soul for Just a Piece (D.O.-centric) Kyungsoo makes himself dinner.
Dream of a funeral, and you hear of a wedding. (BaekSoo) Baekhyun imagined his wedding would be happy...
Good Deeds (Chanyeol+Baekhyun) Chanyeol just wanted to be a Good Samaritan. Not all good deeds pay off.
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Witches and magically-focused stories:
A Good Day to Have Stayed Home (BaekSoo) Baekhyun's prank on his demon boyfriend ruins his weekend.
Hocus Porcus (Baekhyun-centric) Baekhyun always expected his Patronus to be some type of dog. He's surprised when it's not.
Means to Change (Baekhyun-centric) Baekhyun is known for his pranks and jokes and general fun-lovingness. This works against him the one time he's involved in an actual accident: effectively changing his best friend's little brother into a little sister.
Good Mousekeeping (Baekhyun+Chen) Minseok leaves Jongdae and Baekhyun alone for a week (not even), praying his house will still be standing and that there will be no corpses once he returns. (It is, and there aren't)
Charmed, I'm sure. (Chanyeol+Suho) Jooyeon just got dumped, and Chanmi hates seeing pretty girls upset.
Accio Veneficus (Baekhyun+Chen) Chen the cat has "too much personality." Store patrons love meeting him and petting him, but no one seems willing to adopt him. Baekhyun didn’t realize that cats adopt wizards, too.
To the Depths of Love (Chanyeol+Suho) Once upon a time, a merman fought his way to the surface and found it unforgiving and cruel. He plunged to the bottom of the ocean, where he felt safe, until drawn out by fate or circumstance.
This World is White (Baekhyun+Chanyeol+Chen+D.O.) Baekhyun and Jongdae discover another world at the back of an old closet. The world is trapped in an unending winter with no holidays or warmth. When they discover one of their friends is missing, they have to choose to search the unfamiliar new world or go home and hope their friend makes it back on their own.
Summoning Demons isn't Cute (But You Are) (Kai+Sehun) Jongin's just a dumb witch, but he's doing his best, and Sehun supports him.
For the Greater Good (Baekhyun-centric) Baekhyun's job as an Auror gets more difficult when he hears rumors of Gellert Grindelwald's army in Asia.
Lucky (Tao+Kai) Jongin lives beneath a cloud of bad luck that's chased away by a black cat.
It's magic, you know. (TaeKai) Jongin needs another tattoo, and his magic really likes Taemin.
The Dogs are Howling All over the Neighborhood (That Ain't No Good) (Chen+Lay+Baekhyun+D.O.) Jongdae's a fourteen-year-old student wizard suffering from acne and hormones and the frustration of not having a familiar of his own. He would be totally happy with one, but he ends up with two, and all is not idyllic. He's totally got this, though. Totally.
I Put a Spell on You (It Didn't Work) (Chen-centric) It's difficult to do many things as a cat, mostly due to lack of thumbs. Born-cats don't know the struggle. Made-cats, like Jongdae, do, but he supposes it's punishment for being a dumbass and mixing up ingredients.
Cattus Redit (Chanyeol+Chen) Chanyeol finds a cat and a magic stick and wants nothing to do with either.
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exo-xexo · 10 months
I asked you about your bias twice; I'm sorry, I was really sleepy. Have you seen Jongdae's wedding photos? They're absolutely lovely. It looked like such a fun, elegant affair. My fingers are crossed that they make more babies, haha. If that's what they both want.
I'm literally obsessed with Obsession. I thought that nothing could top Monster, then Obsession was like...hold my facechain. Literally only thing that could have made it better was had it been Ot9 (really, Ot11, but I digress, but no I come back, can you imagine X-Tao? *dissolves into a fine mist*).
I empathize with you on Nini. I miss him so much too. It was nice to see him at Jongdae's wedding, because I was seriously like Kim Jongin, where are you, breathe! Petition to bring back our baby...
Well, the time has come, the walrus said, to get down to brass tacks.
Is there anything in particular that you'd like me to write for you?
Hi! I thought I answered this, but clearly I answered in my own head. I did see the photos, I thought it all looked very nice! I don't think there's anything in particular, but I'm very excited to see what you come up with!
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