#Killer and Healer rewatch
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killerandhealerqueen · 5 months ago
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I'm glad you're making light of this, Jiang Yuelou, but this is no laughing matter
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Poor Bai Jinbo...your son is gonna give you more gray hairs
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Love how he immediately knows who he's talking about...because who else is gonna fucking check up on him? Certainly not Jin Dacheng
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Bruh, if Zhao Moqing came to visit me, I'd lie and say I'm sick so that I wouldn't have to see her
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evil-moonlight · 21 days ago
killer and healer fmv / broken by Isak danielson
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lunarriviera · 1 month ago
10 things for 10 people I'd like to get to know better
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tagged by: @elenothar 💋
last song: 陳楚生 Chen Chusheng, 《閃亮的日子》 "Shining Days" from 《雪迷宮》 The First Shot OST. Fun fact: this song will break your fucking heart, thanks @omaenanimonoda for titling your new fic after it. (Originally by 羅大佑 in 1988 I think? hard to figure out)
favorite colour: perennial toss-up between robin's egg blue and violet
last book: Case File Compendium vol. 3 and boy it sure is a danmei
last movie: Pacific Rim which I taught to the film undergrads last week, ONE DAY AFTER humanity defeated the kaiju, sealed the breach and finally stopped the clock. Or, no, wait—the 1963 Jason and the Argonauts, which I taught in mythology two days later
last show: 《猎罪图鉴》 Under the Skin s2. I stalled out on Killer and Healer, watched like five minutes of Petrichor and noped out of it too, there's like 200 dramas I want to watch which means I'll probably rewatch either UTS2 or The First Shot because I'm a sad bitch
sweet/spicy/savory: yes (mango and jicama with lime juice and Tajín)
relationship status: divorced once, dumped many times including 7 years ago by the love of my life. I will die alone and the cat will eat my face which is no less than I deserve, since as hard as I try, I am genuinely awful as a partner or so I am reliably assured; fortunately I love living alone lmao let me try that again, i have a cat! her name is zoë, she's a 3yo torbie, very affectionate and also kind of a disaster who cannot cross a room without knocking something onto the floor
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last thing I googled: "galveston temperature" (36ºF/2ºC!)
current obsession: the sheer number of times that Huang Jingyu and Wang Ziqi apparently just have to touch each other when they're on set together, or they'll, like, maybe go into withdrawal of some kind
looking forward to: finishing current wip so I can write a bunch of dumb porn; going to @escapadecon in 2 weeks and seeing many of you beloveds there; getting more sleep and going for more walks; getting to know my new batch of students; the glorious day at some distant point in the future when a tired Youku intern's finger slips and they accidentally upload Justice in the Dark and Winner Is King; getting my hands on vol. 1 of Mo Du this year (please let the cover be pretty, please let the translation be good, please let it all be okay)
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evilly tagging: @sunriseverse @hideyseek @woadoverweld @sam-gardener-blog @aadikah @rustnstardust-stuff @qpjianghu @arek-ian @twofunerals @llyfrbryf (but I also hate to pick on y'all so obviously pls ignore at will)—plus anyone else who wants to play 🍿
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tortibomb · 8 months ago
Another Poll ~ but it’s long
I’m going to do a rewatch for now but pick out something for me to watch after.
These are all random bls from my plan to watch list on MDL.
I wanted to put Dead Friends Forever on here but I know that every one just dies so I’m wondering if it’s even worth it.
Also I want to watch Killer and Healer but I got death spoiled for that one too. 😫
For I promised you the moon I was also spoiled a bit so I’ve been putting that off.
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ooksaidthelibrarian · 9 months ago
Babylon 5 Rewatch S1E21 The Quality of Mercy
German title: The Healer. I get that the original is not really translatable but my goth maybe something a little less obvious?
Centauri eyebrows really are something else
'touch this' LOL
Londo and Lennier, this is gonna be interesting
Mark Rolston has such a great villain face
I love that Ivanova is like, just TELL me when you bend the rules
the choice between locking the killer up or deleting his personality is let's say not great but I do like how the episode makes such a big point out of the money it costs to travel aka why they are stuck with the killer and why all the Lurkers are stuck as well
damn, June Lockhart is still alive - she's 98
ok but how did she get that machine through customs, remember the episode with the other alien machine??
Stephen and Doctor Rosen are such mirrors to each other
GIRL how about you stop lying to your mother
Londo is like, kill me now
LOL I forgot that he actually says it
the NOISE when Londo's tentacle picks up the card: floomp
dude, what's your plan here, where do you want to go
I am laughing so much at Londo's predicament
amazing how fast that dude goes from wtf is that tentacle to Londo cheating, I can only assume that it's a common thing for Centauri to do
Stephen, my man, why tf would you go alone
do we ever hear about that machine again? I think so?
it does all wrap up very neatly
oooh Ivanova is dying to tell Garibaldi who started the brawl, #relatable
I'm going to take a vow of silence concerning this conversation is such a great thing to say, I need to adopt it
and thus starts the story of Stephen Franklin's terrible not good luck with women
Edit: OH SHIT I remembered just now where the machine comes up again because it does.
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asifiamgoingto · 3 months ago
Hello fellow Killer and Healer fans 📢 . Please help 🙏🏻 😭. I joined Tumblr just to resolve this mystery .
Have you ever seen full episodes before they were censored? To my memory, when the drama was just coming out, there were two waves of censorship. Like the first wave right before it was put on screen, with the scenes cut out which are now impossible to find, and only like a couple exist on YouTube (without the channel logo, and creepy sound, no overlay). And then there was the second wave where scenes were included initially in episodes and they were cut out only later and re-uploaded by the MV channel. Like all of the three scenes between Yu and Zhan with the feeding and razoring (with good sound and logo). Those are on YouTube even with the MV Channel logo. Why all of these questions? Because...
I initially watched the drama when it just came out and in my memory I saw these episodes with cutscenes included. And now I rewatched it this week, and I knew for a fact some scenes were missing and I was able to find some of them on YouTube but not all. Like, there is one scene in particular which I'm 50% sure it was in episode 29 where some guy was hitting on Chen in the opera house. He put his hand on Chan's knee and said something along the lines of "if you ever need some help, come look for me". But I can't for the life of me find it. It's bugging me so much 😳. Have you ever seen it ?
Does anyone know where to find full videos before they were censored the second time?
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celestiall0tus · 1 year ago
I don't want to offend, but what is the point in your Miraculous AU snake miraculous? They're invulnerable superheroes so they don't need a healer? Viperion's job in canon is to find a solution to a problem and be the person to direct the other heroes on how to proceed. It feels like you don't really like Luka and want him to take a backseat and not do anything but be of use to other heroes. tldr the snake miraculous is actually a leader miraculous and that's why sass is the leader of the kwamis (I know folks say he was retconned in season 4 to be the leader, but rewatch season 2's Sandboy and tell me that Sass isn't the leader. I dare you)
Oh, oh dear. You haven't read any of my works, let alone Miraculous AU, have you? My works removes that invulnerability to other holders. They very much can get hurt and in several points in Miraculous AU, some characters nearly die due to injuries inflicted by other holders.
Furthermore, the kwamis were completely overhauled in my works. Sass isn't the leader type, but a sassy little bitch boy to play off a Luka that is equally a bitch boy (in Miraculous AU) makes for some fun interactions. Sass in still snarky in other works like Salvation, but having it tempered based on who his holder is. With Juleka he treats her like a student and dear friend, Absolution!Sass and Luka I'm still re developing, Paradise!Sass hasn't been explored yet, and Separate Worlds!Sass hasn't been brought to the forefront but is more on the sidelines.
Regardless, as a whole, the snake is far from sidelined given the more, uh, dangerous? Higher stakes? Something along those lines. There is real threat at many points especially in the villains. Presenting as true, horrific threats that don't hesitate to commit acts of mass terrorism or are serial killers (looks at Absolution Papillon and Miraculous AU Ripper)
If you get a chance, check out my master list of holders powers in my AUs. Everything had been remade.
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sunriseverse · 1 year ago
9 Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better:
tagged by @killerandhealerqueen (thank you!!!)
3 Ships You Like: pingpangxie, yan wei x xu youyi from sj (no idea what their shipname is rip), and recently nanqiu has been hounding me horribly :)
First Ship Ever: i think back in Ye Olden Days i was into blueoak?
Last Song You Heard: 调查中 by 糯米 i think
Favourite Childhood Book: his dark materials.................those books did something to baby spinecorset. they're at least 40% of why i started writing, i think.
Currently Reading: scribes of gastronomy (ed. isaac yue and siufu tang), 死亡万花筒/kaleidoscope of death, so many academic texts for various classes (and a bunch for sunrise).
Currently watching: 致命游戏/the spirealm also, i think i'm on episode thirtyfive? also slowly doing my 沙海/tomb of the sea rewatch. aaaaand watching under the skin and killer and healer very very slowly.
Currently consuming: nothing, but i just had lunch, and i'll probably reward myself with a cookie if i write the outlines for my final paper and my extra credit presentation.
Currently craving: in terms of food, i'd love to have işkembe/tripe soup. in terms of more abstract desires, i'd really like to find a niche baihe that hits every single desire of mine that is also picked up for official publication (this is a very unrealistic desire, but, hey, one can dream. i'd love that 750k scifi romance epic please and thank you).
tagging..........i am terrible at thinking of peoples' users, so if you see this, consider yourself tagged!
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brazilian-whalien52 · 1 year ago
List of what I remember watching this year
Alem do Guarda Roupa
Our Flag means Death (S2)
Good Omens (S2)
Ted Lasso (Last Season)
What we do in the shadows (S5)
Jury Duty
Fall of the Usher House (watching at the moment)
House (watching at the moment)
The bear (watching at the moment)
Percy Jackson (airing)
One Piece Live action
Interview with a vampire
XO Kitty (Incomplete)
South Korea
The Eighth Sense
See u in my next life
Beyond Evil
The devil judge
A shoulder to cry on
Unintentional Love story
Tasty Florida
Our dating sim
Love tractor (watching at the moment)
Choco Milk Shake (Watching at the moment)
Semantic Error (rewatch)
where your eyes linger (rewatch)
All the liquors (Incomplete)
Little Women (Incomplete)
To my star (S1 rewatch e S2 watch)
Moonlight Chicken
Bed Friend
Be My favorite
Hit Bite Love
He is coming to me
Only Friends
Our Skyy (S2)
21 days theory
big dragon
I will knock you
Magic of zero
Sky in your heart
Last Twilight (Ongoing)
Cooking Crsuh (Ongoing)
Pit babe (Ongoing)
Twins (Ongoing)
Playboyy the series (Ongoing)
The sign (Ongoing)
Cherry Magic (Ongoing)
My dear Gangester Oppa (Ongoing)
Sotus (Rewatch)
TharnType (Rewatch)
Step by Step (Incomplete)
cupids last wish (incomplete)
Laws of Attraction (Incomplete)
Dinosaur Love (Incomplete)
Chains of Heart (Incomplete)
What did you eat yesterday?
I cannot reach you
If it is with you
Minato`s Laundromat
My beautiful man
Naked dining
Our dining table
My personal weatherman
Tokyo in april is...
Candy Color Paradox
Takara-kun e Amagi-kun
Buddy daddies
One Piece (Arcs rewatch)
Durarara (rewatch)
My love mix up (rewatch)
Nana (Incomplete)
My happy marriage (incomplete)
Spy x Family (Incomplete)
Derry Girls
Cunk on Wolrd
Gaya sa Pelikula
Gameboys (rewatch)
Killer and Healer (china next year I will do better, all the others are unfinished)
Kiseki Dear to me
My tooth your love
Be loved in the house: I do
History 2: Crossing the line (rewatch)
Plus e Minus (Incomplete)
The ones that eat my brain
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nineninepetals · 2 years ago
I love the new icon and header! Just *chef's kiss*
Thank you Sass!!! 🥰🥰🥰
Every single time I rewatch or gif Killer and Healer, I think they can't possibly make me softer, and then I get to this scene (headbar) and for some reason, it's always a bit breathtaking the way their eyes are so full of love here!!! And their smiles!!!! It just does things to my heart! I mean, everything they do, but more! I guess it's the relief, the soft quiet happiness that they got there together, I don't even know, just... them being them!! <3 It's always them coming back to each other!
The actual credit for the coloring of the header (which is the prettiest I've ever seen) is not mine unfortunately... I found these pictures in the photo section on MDL.
(EDIT: the header is from MDL, but the icon is now colored by me!!)
And with the 2nd anniversary, I thought it was a good occasion to change things :)
Thank you again!!!
I love your new profile picture, too!! That neck caress!!!! I'm absolutely not fine!!!
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killerandhealerqueen · 1 year ago
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Dad is on his way to fuck shit up and save his son
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evil-moonlight · 2 years ago
Tagged by @gosiksmallspace thank you pretty, please have a great day! ♡♡♡
Currently watching:
Word of Honor
I just finished this show some days ago and this is actually my second rewatch. This has a very rich storyline with a precious open romance between the two male leads!!! and the characters are all deranged, depressed, criminals (i like it) but for most of them they value soulmates, sworn brothers, someone whom they'll die for or with whom they'll die, and for some they only have a skin-deep relationship with it. Fate has brought soulmates together, especially for wenzhou and i like that this show has given us flawed characters but at the same time you can't not feel affection for zhou zishu, wen kexing, gu xiang, chengling, cao wening and the found family that they've put together, except for scorpion king who hasn't felt warmth in all his life even to death and that's why he has a special place in my heart. ♡
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I have three shows to finish:
The Untamed (now on my second episode)
Guardian (now on my fourth episode)
Till Death Tear Us Apart (now on my sixth episode)
I'm honestly still not over Word of Honor and (Winter Begonia) and it's even harder to start a new one. But once I'm done with all of those I've mentioned, I am really going to start Under the Skin!!! because Tan Jian Ci ☺ also Mr. Sunshine, gotta try this one out. The rest will probably be The Knockout and A League of Noblemen.
Word of Honor - this will live in my head rent free for a very long time, ngl
Beyond Evil - i have to go back to some scenes from time to time because i miss them so fvcking much
Killer and Healer - once i started rewatching K&H due to its 2nd anniversary celebrated on twitter i realize i REALIZE i haven't fangirled them enough and i owe them my life, i owe them this much
Winter Begonia - yesterday was the start of its third anniversary!!! and yes i came late to the fandom but i'm glad i'm here. I have so much to say about them but i don't know how, so i'm rewatching it to discuss on my own lol
Looking forward to:
The Story of the Bat - even if i have to wait for it eternally i will not give this up. I have waited for so long, plus it's Mao Zi Jun in it so i'm patiently looking forward to it. Also the rumours that it's gonna come out by the end of march is making me insane, tbh
Winner Is King - a twitter moot recommended this upcoming cdrama to me because it's gonna be tan jian ci's acting masterpiece so yes i am allowing this to devour me in the nearest future.
No pressure tags!!! @loisroo @tiffanylamps @heyguysgalsandenbypals @poisonedwinedeath @killerandhealerqueen @zennialemo @nineninepetals ^^ <333
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onewomancitadel · 2 years ago
Hey! Happy to see you’re back to answering asks again. I don’t really have much to say except that you’re currently one of my favorite Tumblr users right now, especially for being one of the few folk to be open about their love of Knightfall/Arcfall/whatever people choose to call it as well as going into nuanced depth for it. If you don’t mind me asking, are you also scared about what might happen to Jaune this season? I’ve seen a bunch of takes from all sides, and now I don’t even know what to think anymore, especially since the new episode is coming out tomorrow morning I think.
I enjoy answering asks. I don't really have a metric for whether other people also enjoy this, so it's good to know you enjoy it also.
Only your favourite Tumblr user for now? I jest.
If it's any reassurance to you, I don't know what shiptag other people use either. I committed to Knightfall because it was the one that sounded the least silly, and because then you get to summon that imagery of the night closing in on the day. Then you get to be all like, hey those match their eye colours. Then they call you an eccentric. Etcetera.
I think writing about the things that matter to you are important, and being sincere and giving a shit is important. That that belief extends to my silly little romantic fictional ship is, well, quite funny.
If you don’t mind me asking, are you also scared about what might happen to Jaune this season?
I'm going to assume you've missed the melodrama where I made images of myself as Ophelia listening to Shallows by Daughter about the potential direction of Jaune's character. Maybe that's for the best.
I mean, emotionally I'm terrified because he is my favouritest bestest mostest killer healer swordguy, and that is - hopefully - the intended response for people who generally care about his character. For anyone else, Jaune's experience in Ever After is at least a nice narrative twist, and illuminates more about the world in a way the other characters can't. So from an emotional and practical perspective, they did this intentionally and crafted it so that you'd ask questions. God willing.
I don't pay attention to the rest of the fandom. I'm in fandom exile. I accept interaction from I'm not leaving the purview of my blog and I would not want to be put in a position where I'm fending off other nonsense analysis (e.g. being sent to read someone else's post) generally speaking, not that that's what you're doing here, but it has happened before.
and now I don’t even know what to think anymore,
Ignore what I have to say. The last thing I want you to do is to think I'm an authority you've got to listen to. What do you feel? Do you feel upset about what's happened to Jaune? Do you think that upset is purposeful, if it's serving something narratively? If you're rewatching, have you picked up on things that might foreshadow a negative end for him? What about an uplifting one? What about this volume? I recommend you check out my Jaune Arc tag, especially the asks I went over today.
I think it's too premature to say what the definitive resolution will be, but don't you think that's exciting? I think it is intentionally meant to keep you in the dark a bit, but the really mean twists have been flagged directly.
Personally, I'm excited they've chosen to take Jaune in a direction like this, because it means - however paint by numbers people want RWBY to be - it's clearly doing things on its own terms and has something unique to say. I wonder if I can extend that ethos to anything else in the story.
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tytangfei · 3 years ago
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the show, ep1, ominous: “today, it looks like one of us will die here.” “you’re going to kill me?”
the show, ep33, scene actually taking place in chen yuzhi’s dream: “you’re going to kill me?” “no, I’m saving you.” 
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gabrielokun · 3 years ago
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evil-moonlight · 1 year ago
Thank you veryyyyy much @tiffanylamps for thinking of me !!! <333
favorite color: it's always black!! ^^ (sometimes i like orange, purple, pink)
last song: tuwing umuulan at kapiling ka by eraserheads (i'm writing an original story in my native language, and i got the inspiration from this song)
last series: i watched guardian around July this year and since then I couldn't watch any from my watchlist. :< this series completely broke me !! (please i'm not joking T.T) i think getting over it will take me a year or more, idk)
last movie: lost in the stars, and i'd say zhu yi long absolutely is a crazy actor, like wow, he fei made me speechless, he made me scared, irritated, and made me want to dive under the ocean to have a van gogh experience myself, haha, and ni ni is so incredible, she's never beating the lesbian allegation!!
sweet/savory/spicy: spicy first, savory second, and then sweet. ^^
currently watching: there are films/series that i love to talk about every day (on twitter since i'm mostly active on that platform) and lately it's guardian and killer and healer, so yeah, i'm currently rewatching them. (i'm also doing a live tweet and a thread of threads about my killer and healer rewatch ^^)
other stuff i watched this year: i'm honestly so slow with my watchlist but here we go. so far i've watched winter begonia, hikaru no go (qi hun), love is written in the stars, advance bravely (season 1 & season 2), word of honor, blood of youth, farewell my concubine, original sin, i don't remember the others, my bad.
shows i dropped this year/didn't finish: oooh, i didn't drop the untamed because i don't like it (it's so beautiful i swear!! and i love it so far) but i was multitasking at that time i watched the untamed, i decided to watch guardian at the same time. i was seven episodes in with the untamed, and i was four episodes in with guardian but i finished guardian so quickly and after that i could not move on about shen wei and zhao yunlan that i wasn't able to go back to watching the untamed. TT.TT (but i promised my dear Pilka that I'll go back to it in time!! that's for sure <333)
currently working on: that original story in my native language that i've mentioned above. also saving money because woah i have a lot to buy for christmas, haha.
currently listening to: zild's huminga as this song really helps me breathe :)))
currently reading: priest's zhenhun (i bought its volume 1 official english version yall!! just waiting for volume 2 to be released in january next year), i'm also reading my dear ManMan's killer and healer fanfics on ao3 (she's @Li_Man_Man_escaped_velocity btw!!), and, what else? oooh, i'm currently reading ALL the guardian fanfics on ao3 (i think this is the only way to calm this weary heart of mine :/)
current obsession: perhaps, writing??? i just bought a new laptop so i now have the willingness to write although, still, that doesn't excuse the fact that i'm a shitty writer.
tagging (always no pressure, babes): @killerandhealerqueen @softyoong @zennialemo <333
thank you @luke-skywalkrs and @crowleydiaz for the tag!! these are 2 slightly different tags so i put them together hehe
tag someone you want to know and/or some of your besties.
favourite colour: bluuue
last song: not sure but i was listening to talk's new album last night, so a sonmg from the tracklist
last series: class of '07 (underrated, this show was a fun surprise)
last movie: the eras tour movie
sweet/savoury/spicy: savoury and sweet are pretty equal, and spicy super close as well
currently watching: lol just a silly dating show
other stuff I watched this year: honestly i haven't watched a lot of stuff this year lol, which is definitely a weird thing for me
shows I dropped this year/didn't finish: ted lasso (i plan to finish it tho)
currently working on: a buck + yellow set
currently listening to: nothing at the moment, but lately i've been listening to noah kahan and hozier a lot
currently reading: i finished a fucking great fanfic yesterday and i don't know where to go from there haha so nothing at the moment
current obsession: oh probably hozier tbh
tagging (no pressure!): @aziraaphales @tawaifeddiediaz @negansmiith @disasterdiaz @laurabenanti @lightasthesun @bellamyblakru @sophiadimartino @folk-fae @eddiebabygirldiaz @honestlydarkprincess @heartshapedvows
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