#KidKiller x reader
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The Real Reason (KidKiller X Reader) P3
Plot: Ever since you started dating Kid and Killer, the captain has refused to visit any brothels. That wouldn't normally be a problem but the crew isn't aloud to go without their captains and first mates supervision causing the crew to resent you eventhough your not stopping the captain from going. Its time for you to force the reason out of him.
Warning: Sexual themes but no smut (NSFW) stuff, bad language, Violence, Death, Drinking, seduction, description of girls and Making out.
Reader is Female (sorry), Kid X Killer X Reader, poly relationship, established relationship.
P1 - P2

The sun's starting to set and most of the crew are drunk or passed out on sofa's around the Brothel but the place was unwilling to kick any of them out since their bringing in lots of money, those who are asleep have a buddy with them at all times since you out right told everyone you won't be holding their hand anymore and if they get in trouble then tough shit. It worked out well though, you can finally relax and have some fun with your two friends and get drunk until Kid and Killer show up. Wire's the most sober out of the three of you but he's still a little tipsy laughing at you and Heat playfully argue over something stupid. At this point you've forgotten what you were arguing about but the two of you were already locked in a pushing battle, sitting on your knees facing each, the two of you have locked hand trying to push each other over while growling and laughing at each other. Heat lifts his arms up pulling your hands with him almost making you fall forward almost hitting the sofa cushion but you manage to steady yourself and push yourself to be up right again. "What's wrong Tiny? Need a step ladder to take me on?" Heat laughs only to almost fall forward himself when you force his hands back down to shoulder level while leaning forwards a bit but despite being slightly drunk the stitched man manages to regain his balance and pushing back against you. "Sorry but you'll need a brain to win this match scarecrow" You tease getting him let out a chuckle, the two of you continue to bicker while trying to push the other over as Wire some times laughs at the comments you two make until the doors open and two sets of heavy feet steps walk over.
The three of you look over to see Kid and Killer walking over to your small group both wearing different clothes than this morning, since Heat is distracted you easily push him back earning a slight yelp from the scarred man before jumping off the sofa and running over to the two. Kid lets out a chuckle opening his coat letting you crash into the two of them where your hands wrap around their waist. The smell of their Cologne's fills your nose making you hum in delight, you can tell their both wearing the ones you got them, Kids being Cherry Punk and Killers being Amoris Punk, the two smells working perfectly together but you do notice a hint of iron there too. It's not unusual for Kid to smell of iron but it is for Killer which means they've differently spilled blood, it must be why they've changed clothes. You push thoses thoughts aside though looking up at the two of them with a pout a little mad that it took them to long to get here. "You took your sweet ass time" You comment with a huff as Killer wraps an arm around your waist and Kid pulls some of his red feather coat around you. "Sorry, we... lost track of time" Killer's shoulders shake as he tries to contain his laughter seeing your pouting face, the two know your drunk at this point since it's the only time you pout while your mad, but they won't complain since it's nice to see you relax. "I'll get you guys some drinks, Heat come help" Wire stands placing his empty mug down and grabbing Heats shirt pulling his friend up from the sofa and over to the bar giving the three you a wink on the way.
Killer gives him a nod in thanks before pulling away from the two of you and holding out a jacket for you, raising an eyebrow you take it but keep your eyes on the masked man trying to hold your pout. "Hopefully this will make up for us being late and keep the drunk ass holes away from you" The masked man runs his hand from your waist to your back before nodding to the jacket in your hands, looking over the jacket you notice the back has two big patches stitched onto it, the top one is the Kid pirates skull and cross bones while the bottom one is Killers symbol. Your eyes light up as a smile forms on your face looking over the hand made patches "This is so cool, thank you" You smile up the two while putting the jacket on, Killer's neck goes a little red as Kid laughs patting his back, the captain goes to say something only for you to jump up at the two and wrap your arms around their necks. The two quickly catch you and hold you up by your waist stopping you from pulling them down or having to strain your legs as you barely stand on your tip toes to hug them "Thank you so much, i love it. You two are the best" Kissing their shoulders and necks you keep the two close even though Killer is starting to heat up like a furnace under your praises. "See I told you she'd like it, You were worried about nothing" Kid grins over to Killer who shoves his mask covered face into your neck as if the mask isn't already covering his blushing cheeks, pulling away from the two they let you back on your feet where you place a hand on Killers mask where his cheek would be making him look at you "You made this? For me?" Your heart fills with warmth, its normal for Kid to make things for the two of you but Killer shows his love in other ways.
He's more of an act of service kind of man but you couldn't be happier, you've never had a hand made gift off Killer before so just like the stuff Kid gives you, you'll cherish it for life or wear it until its warn out beyond repair. Rubbing the back of his head the masked man turns his head away from you and nods, shying away from you but you bring him back to you by stepping closer letting your chest press-up against his as your hand guides his face back to you. Lean up you place your hand on his chest before placing your lips on his mask where his lips would be, his hand goes around your waist again as you linger a little before pulling away slightly to see though the holes and into his blue eyes. "Thank you, Kill, i love it" You smile seeing his neck go even redder but his eyes soften, Kid pats the masked man on the back before putting an arm around his shoulder with a laugh "Don't get all flustered now" He teases leaning into Killer's neck and placing a firm kiss earning a growl off the masked man who grips the captain's coat secretly pulling him closer instead of pushing him away. "And thanks for this, it's been working like a charm" You giggle running your fingers over the hickey on your neck earning a big grin from Kid who pulls your hand away from your neck to look it over "Good, i guess i don't have to worry anymore" He whispers mainly to himself but it makes you soften your eyes while bring you hand off Killers chest to place it on his cheek.
Kid grabs your waist pulling you over and into his chest before crashing his lips onto yours causing you to let out a small squeak at his sudden action. Killer lets out a huff of a laugh while shaking his head, but he's glad Kid is now relaxed enough to be in a place like this again. Leaning into the kiss you wrap an arm around his neck while the other runs over his chest, lightly digging your nails into his skin earning a gruff hum of satisfaction. Kid shoves his tongue into your mouth as his grip tightens on you earning a slight moan from you as you gladly let him do what he wants until he pulls away for air. "Maybe i should leave another just in case" The captain smirks down at you but Killer pats his back before taking his arm "Come on, lets sit, i need a drink" The masked man shakes his head at the two of you while dragging you both to the sofa. Flopping down onto the sofa Kid patting the space next to him while pulling you onto his lap letting you lean your back against his metal arm as Killer sits down next to his captain adjusting his long hair as to not sit on it the wrong way. Kid put his arm around the masked mans shoulders pulling him in closer to nip at his neck, your glad he's no longer stressed about coming here but you do wonder what happened back on the ship to make him act this way. He's normally like this behind closed doors but out in public it takes him either a few drinks or a really good battle to get him this affectionate, you won't complain or bring it up though since your enjoying it way too much.
With a relaxed sigh you lay your head on Kids shoulder as Killer grabs your legs and pulls them onto his lap letting his hand run up and down them some times grabbing your thigh or calf when Kid finds the right spot to nip at. The captain only stops when Heat and Wire come back with several mugs handing them out to the three of you, your surprised that even drunk Heat managed to remember the straw for Killer's drink. "Any trouble while we were gone?" Kid asks as he removes his arm from around the masked man to grab his beer mug and take a big swing, Heat and Wire both shake their heads as the two sit back down on the other sofa "Not really, We all made it quite clear that if they get into trouble its on them. Or as Y/n put it, Don't come crying to mama" Wire states with a chuckle, shaking your head you lean against Kid's chest keeping the beer mug on your lap for now "I didn't think they'd take me seriously but it seems they have" You state still surprised no one has started a fight yet, Killer squeezes your leg giving you a small nod glad that you've been able to relax and that the crew respect you well enough to listen. "So urm.... Do i dare ask what shape the Victoria's in?" Heat asks sinking into the sofa hoping it will swallow him hole but Kid lets out a chuckle and shakes his head "The ships fine, in fact i think it looks brand new" You raise an eyebrow at this while turning to look Kid over, his smirk is more sinister than normal, Killer sighs and lightly elbows the captain in the side before turning to you "What did you tell them?" You should have knows he would figure out quickly that you spilled the beans but at least he wasn't mad, just a little frustrated, Kid on the other hand tensed up a bit while his metal arm squeezed your side.
With a smile you pat Kid's chest to reassure him, you know he's worried you would have told Wire and Heat about what he said but you know better and you wouldn't do that to him. "I told them what the crew have seen saying and doing, thats all" The two relax at your words and Kid releases your waist a little before moving his face into you neck giving it a kiss, Heat groans kicking his feet up and placing them on the table while Wire grips his mug tighter "Those assholes" The two say in unison taking a swing of their beer "How many crew member's have we lost?" Wire asks with a small smirk as Kid pulls his head out from your neck to let out a laugh, his friends know him to well but surprisingly he didn't kill all of them "Only a few that refused to apologist and.... Kept saying stuff" The captain seemed happy at first but then his smile dropped thinking about how some of the new members of the crew thought it was ok to still call you names and accuse their captain of being soft. Killer puts his arm around Kid squeezing his shoulder a little "The newbies are gone but the others will be staying, although they'll be on clean up duties for a while, thats all we'll say about this" The masked man is clam like always but the three of you know that he's still a little angry by his tense shoulders and the way his hand is stiffly grabbing your knee, Heat lets out a laugh breaking the tension "That's perfect, I won't have to do the drains tomorrow" The stitched man smiles making light of the situation as Wire chuckles and nod in agreement.
Laying your head on Kids shoulder the group relaxes and talks about anything and everything while drinking and having a laugh, none of the working girls interrupted the group or tried to flit with Kid which made the captain very happy as he holds you on his lap some times attacking your neck with kisses or bite making you laugh and try to push him away. "Hay sorry to interrupt but i kinda need your opinion on something, N/N." Hip's voice makes you jump slightly and place a hand on your chest before turning around to look at the blonde girl leaning on the arm of the sofa behind you but her eyes are fixed on the surrounding room. Kid lets out a chuckle prompting Killer to jab his side with his elbow knowing what the blonde girls need your help with, Everyone on the crew knows that if they can't decide on something then they should come to you especially in a place like this. "The black haired girl or the pixie cut girl?" Hip whispers pointing the two out while slightly hiding behind you so they won't see, the groups head's turn to look over at the two working girls. The black hired girl has a few tattoos and a tight black dress showing off her figure along with flat black shoes, her hair's straight and quite shiny, the light bounces off it perfectly as she walks over to a table and places down some beer mugs. The Pixie cut girl has glitter shorts that show off the bottom of her bum cheeks and a tight crop top that really shows off her chest along with a gold necklace that hangs down and under the shirt, her high heals make her long legs look even longer as she leans against the bar talking to a drunk man.
Wire whistles while looking the two over making Kid lean his head back in laughter "Hard chose, you know how to pick em" The captain slaps Hip on the back making her almost fall into you but she manages to catch herself and rub her now sore back "Thanks captain?" She tilts her head to the side not sure if she should be thanking him for that. Killer sighs looking away from the two girls while placing a hand on your leg seeing your eyes scan and analyze the two. "Giving or receiving?" you suddenly ask not taking your eyes off the two girls until Heat speaks up with a laugh "Does that really matter?" The stitched man asks as Hip ponders for a moment, looking over at Heat you simply nod already knowing who's best for what. "Urm... Both" Hip finally answers looking over at the two working girls, with a smile you tilt your head back to look at Hip whose cheeks are slightly pink as she waits for your answer. "Black hair" You state making the blonde girl smile and wrap her arms around your neck giving you a hug "Thanks Y/n your the best" She happily says before pushing off you and running off to talk to the black haired girl, Kid lets out another laugh before bending his head down to your neck humming into it, his hand on your waist going tighter. "I don't normally question your judgment on this but are you sure? The Pixie cut girl seems way more relaxed around the girls so doesn't that mean she's more experienced with them?" Heat asks leaning on the arm of the sofa to get closer to you not wanting anyone outside of the group to hear, letting out a laugh you grab Kid's shirt keeping him close to you as he starts to kiss your neck.
Turning to Heat you try your best to explain your thought posses hoping it won't be too complicated or his drunk mind. "Yes i'm sure, Pixie cut is new, she hasn't found her style yet, and she's over confident to make up for her lack of experience, She's nervous around the men , yes but only sticks her chest out around them, as for the girls she's friendly not flirty which means she see's the girls more of observers than money in her pocket" You explain while enjoying Kids smirk against your neck and Killers hand running up and down your leg some times squeezing your thigh. Heat raises a brow before looking over at both girls again only to find the black haired girl and Hip were now gone, The Pixie cut girl however was with another group of men sitting on one of their laps with a sweet smile, despite her giggling he did notice slight tension in her shoulders and legs. "As for the black haired girl, she takes very good care of herself, clean tattoo's, silky hair, she's modest but some of her tattoos indicate she is or was a rebel. There's a small lump where her belly button is indicating she has a piercing there but her ears aren't pierced which means she likes to keep some things a surprise, so she most likely has a tongue Piercing or... other piercings" You state with a wink on your last bit giving him an idea of what you mean, his eyes widen at your analysis making you laugh and lean into Kid as he bites the hickey he left this morning trying to push him off you "Such a smart ass" Kid chuckles into your neck gripping onto you tight so you won't get away.
The others go back to talking as you smack Kid's chest getting him to pull away from your neck, you go to make comment but his lips connect with yours as his tongue pushes into your mouth. You let out a hum while moving your tongue with his but decide to act up a bit since he stopped you from talking, removing your tongue from his mouth you lightly bite his causing his to growl into you, opening your eyes they meet with his slightly pisses off ones glaring back at you. With a small laugh you let go of his tongue before moving over to his ear "What's wrong? Cat got you tongue" you whisper as his metal hand grips your waist as his other one slides up to your neck taking a hold of it "Behave" He orders bringing you back to face him, so he can shove his lips back onto yours, it's a much more forceful kiss but you can't complain, after a few heavy kisses he pulls away to glare at you again only for you to run your hand up his arm and over his hand thats still on your neck. "Yes captain" You whisper causing Kid to smirk while letting out a gruff hum while releasing your neck "Get me a drink" He orders liking the power he holds over you, leaning into his ear you place a kiss just under it "Yes captain" You whisper once again earning that same gruff hum as you stand up and head over to the bar ordering the next round of drinks, You only order for Kid, Killer and Heat since You and Wire don't want a massive hangover tomorrow morning.
Kid keeps an eye on you as you wait at the bar for the drink but is happy to see the drunks leave you alone as soon as they see the patches on your jacket, Killer puts an arm around Kid trying to bring his attention back to the group instead of worrying about you. Its seems to work since Wire gets the captain hooked into a conversation as you come back the with drinks handing them out to the others. Before you can sit down Killer pats his lap then holding his hand out to you wanting your attention for a bit which your more than happy to provide, taking his hand the masked man pulls you onto his lap as Kid pulls your legs onto his lap using them to lean on as he continues his conversation with the other two. "Hay baby" Killer whispers as his arm wraps around your waist keeping you pressed up against his chest, "Hay hun" You whisper back while wrapping your arm around his neck to lightly comb though his long blonde hair with your fingers, laying your head on his shoulder you relax into the man. "Thanks again for the jacket, i love it" You whisper after a short silence, his grip on you tightens bringing you even closer if thats even possible but it doesn't hurt, in fact it feels great to have him hold you so tight "I was working on it for a while, was gonna give it to you on your birthday but-" Killer stops talking instead letting out a soft sigh of content as you start to place kisses on his neck along with lite bites "No need to explain. Your too good to me, Kill, I love you" You whisper into his neck as the masked man leans into you wanting more of your affection "I love you to baby" He whispers back while squeezing your side, telling you not to stop the love your giving him.
#one piece#imagine#polly relationship#kid eustass#one piece kid#kid pirates#eustass kid#eustass x reader#kid x reader x killer#eustass kid x reader#kid x reader#kid x killer#eustasscaptainkid#massacre soldier killer#killer x reader#op killer#killer one piece#one piece killer#killer#killer x reader x kid#killer x kid#kidkiller#op kidkiller#KidKiller x Reader
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thinking about a fanfic where Kid and Killer are Dive’s parents and have a crush on her Nursery/Kindergarten teacher,,,
#i have so many fucking thoughts#i read a satosugu fic like this years ago and it lives rent free in my brain#should i add another wip to the list...#killer one piece#eustass kid#eustass kid x killer#kidkiller#kidkiller x reader#one piece x reader#one piece#killer x reader#eustass kid x reader x killer
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ugh........these losers........*pukes*
#keys art ദ്ദി(ᵔᗜᵔ)#one piece#one piece art#fanart#one piece fanart#eustasscaptainkid#eustass kid#one piece eustass#eustass captain kidd#eustass kidd#killer one piece#massacre soldier killer#one piece killer#one piece kid#kid pirates#kidd pirates#eustass x reader#eustass x you#eustass kid x reader#killer x reader#one piece killer x reader#massacre soldier killer x reader#kid x reader#kid x you#kid x killer#kidd x reader#kidkiller#shipping#ship art#kid x killer x reader
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TW- reader is former Slave, Eustass is an ass. Not much for this one but there will be explicit content going forward. Eustass x Skypian!Reader x Killer NOT PROOFREAD fuck it we ball
A looming smell of damp wood washed over your senses, the smell no longer pleasant as the petrichor of rain back home.
this scent was dank and salty, almost sickening as the smell of dried blood on your clothing.
your head was fuzzy and wrists heavy from the broken shackles that adorned them, bruises and cuts ached throughout your body. You had snuck onto the most intimidating ship that wasn’t the marines nor a slaver and were currently in the hull of said vessel.
the events of Sabaody were still clear in your mind. Gunshot. Punch. Pirates, one crew that you recognized as the man who saved your village Meer months ago along with the warlord and the man in the fur and his masked friend. Their names the only clear ones in your mind Captain Eustass Kid and his little blonde friend Killer.
they had seemed most likely to survive, most were dressed in leather and bold colors and furs.. something you gawked at when you had seen a few of them in the crowd of the auction that had been taking place. unfortunately you had been one of the few who hadn’t received the curtesy of getting your shackles taken off or cut, so you had used some guys attack to cut the chain. It worked then but now as you attempted to move all you could hear was the clank of the metal.
‘well shit, i didn’t wanna fucking try but… some of the others dislocated their thumbs to get out so maybe.. I can try?’
you sighed then steadied your breath, wincing as you pressed until a soft pop was heard. it didn’t hurt to bad as you slid you hand out of the heap of metal. After you’d popped your thumb back in you did the other hand.
you rubbed the metal rash on your wrists to soothe the ache, it’d been a month or so since the blonde hyena like bastard had stolen you away from your home leaving a trail of fire and death in his wake. The tattoo etched into your back will never let you forget the horrors that man did. You were going to find him and rain fire from the sky and watch him burn.
The thunks of footsteps snapped you out of your daydreams, you assumed you were in the hull of the ship. You stood, very quietly made your way over to where the crates were stacked. An idea coming to your mind…
it had been a week or so after fleeing Sabaody and the Kid Pirates were set out for the new world, but the last week had been hell. A few had been wounded, and Kidd had been in a constant state of paranoia leaving his poor partner more stressed then ever.
Just this morning Killer had chewed Kidd out for eating the rest of the spaghetti he had made last night. In retaliation to these events the Captain had Locked himself inside his workshop for the day.
He had been in there for a while now tinkering away at something as an apology for Killer even though ‘he didn’t do shit’. Suddenly Eustass groaned in frustration, whipping his head around and throwing a dagger into the wall of his workshop.
although.. this time a small squeak came fourth and red slowly stained the wall in a small patch
“I gotcha now little mouse come on out now eh?”
he chuckled low as he stalked towards the wall almost silently before smirking devilishly and in a see less moment connected his fist with the wall next to the patch.
Alas, it was only a rat. He huffed and turned to the kitten asleep bin the porthole shelf he made her
“Gizmo, the fuck ya doin if it’s not catchin the bleedin rats ya Eeijit!”
he lectured the kitten while holding its scruff at face height. She mewed at him in return to which he chuckled and shifted to hold her as if she were a newborn child . Smiling at the way she nibbled his fingers and batted at his arm.
that damn shuffling sound was back again. But this time he sighed and brushed it off as more rats before going to alert killer of the problem. The tortie kitten. But the strange thing was he could hear the vibrations of small metal pieces, maybe he was just getting paranoid? No one could be on his ship without him knowing right? The rat probably just swallowed one of the girls earrings or other piercings..
as you heard Footsteps wander away you let out a sigh of relief, frowning at the hole next to your face. This was the 5th time you’d almost gotten pulverized by the hands of Eustass Kid. To be fair, he didn’t exactly mean to.. but you just had to wait a few more days until they docked then you could escape.
you felt bad in all honesty, your presence seemed to have been messing with the crew. The crew mates whisper ghost stories to each other, some being paranoid others finding it childish. But the captain was the big problem, he heard something and what does the big bastard do? He chucks a knife- or better yet punches the source of the sound.
the crews been noticing the missing food as well, but it always made you giggle seeing the blonde- “Killer” you remembered, accusing his captain of stealing the leftovers
you actually had yourself a decent spot on the ship, you’d wiggled your way into a tiny space under the kitchen that went up to behind the pantry, and some other parts of the ship. But in the larger area closest to the bottom of the hull you even had a small straw bed. (Why they had straw you had no idea in the slightest)
Currently you were watching the crew tell stories around a fire from the peephole in the pantry one of the rookies you’d noticed looked li’e they were about three minutes from shitting their pants hearing about the torture that Eustass Kid would subject on his victims.
you on the other hand found his tales fascinating, you had no idea people with such similar ideals of freedom to your own people had lived in the blue seas
you smiled to yourself as you watched them, until the growl of your stomach pulled you out of your trance. You saw some apples on the shelf across from the punch-made peephole and quickly stuck your arm through. you couldn’t see so you had your head pressed to the wall trying to hear but the rhythmic thump of your quickening up was making that quite difficult.
You felt around until your hand landed on something soft, fabric like almost, but still firm. It took a moment until you felt the same rhythmic thumps.. of a heart beat..and an unfamiliar voice spoke out with venom.
“what. the. fuck.”
#one piece#eustass kid#kid pirates#massacre soldier killer#killer one piece#eustass kid x reader#eustasscaptainkid#eustass captain kidd#one piece killer#killer x reader#killer x kid#kidkiller#fanfic#fanfiction#y/n
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Here you can see me as Captyn Eustass kid from One piece And my SUPER HIPER COOL HELPER who helped me put on that costum Remember to always love your helpers <3
#cool#anime#cosplayer#looking for moots#cosplaying#art moots#cartoon#handmade#photography#cosplay#be a helper#little helper#one piece#one piece fanart#monkey d luffy#opfanart#luffy#one piece eustass#one piece cosplay#one piece colorspread#eustass kid#eustasscaptainkid#eustass x reader#eustace#killer sans#killer klowns from outer space#eustass kidd#killer one piece#kidkiller
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Do Not Disturb
Day 11 of Kikitober
Plot: you should've known better than to let your thoughts drif taway during the meeting.
not proofread
Warnings: edging and fingering used as punishment, voyeurism?, MDNI
Characters: Killer x F!Reader (x Kid)
"The weather is rather nice today" you thought to yourself not paying attention to the briefing that took place right now. You weren’t a fan of them, thinking that most of the time they were usless and boring.
You were sure that sometimes they were just meant to boost Kid's ego especially after a victory. Other times you asked yourself why you had to join. Killer could tell you all you needed to know later when he sneaked into your cabin.
"I think I'll go shopping later on. Maybe Killer wants to come along"
"Oi, y/n" someone shouted ripping you out of your thoughts.
"Huh?" You shook your head to look at the men at the table.
"Did you pay any attention to what I was saying" the voice shouted. you turned in the direction it came from to see your captain in a rather angry mood.
"I asked you a question brat" he shouted once again.
"Sure i paid attention, I just let your words sink in" what a horrible lie.
"Then repeat what I said"
"I uhm,I can't" you stuttered feeling your cheeks heat up in embarrassment.
"Sorry, is this little meeting too boring for you" he said voice dark and fist clenching.
A small yes escaped your lips but as soon as it did you covered your mouth with your hands. "Fuck why did i say that out loud" you thought hoping no one heard it.
Well the look on Kid's face told you that this didn’t go unnoticed.
He clenched his jaw, eyes dark and full of rage. You knew you crossed the line. You only wished to disappear right now. Fear spreading through your body.
"What was that!" He yelled making you sink into your chair.
"Fuck if you can't pay attention yourself we'll have to make you" he growled a devilish smile on his face.
You gulped.
"Killer get her"
"Wait-" you jumped out of your chair trying to get out but the first mate was faster and had already grabbed you, dragging you to his seat next to Kid.
Standing in front of Kid, being held in place by Killer made you shiver. What did he plan on doing to you.
"I need to teach you a lesson and show everyone what happens when you ignore me" Kid taunted you, hand squeezing your cheek. He looked at Killer and smiled. And you did not like it.
Killer sat back down on the chair pulling you onto his lap. Your back facing his chest, hands trapped in between, as he spread your legs. You cursed yourself for wearing this fucking skirt today.
"Let's continue and as for you doll" Kid said looking at you "i will not hear a single sound from you, you will not disturb this briefing any longer understood" You nodded nervously.
The briefing continued where it left off when you felt calloused fingers kneading your knees. You were startled about to squeal but thankfully were able to swallow it.
Fingers started to move over your inner thighs drawing lazy circles. The sensation sent shivers down your spine and made it harder to suppress the sounds that threatend to leave your lips.
You once made the mistake to look over at Kid who must've felt your gaze on him because he looked back at you for a moment shit eating grin on his face.
You decided it would be better not to look around you too much and try to blend the men in the room out because the fact that they were watching this whole scene sent a rush of embarrassment and heat through your body.
Gritting your teeth your breath hitched when one of Killer's fingers brushed over your clothed core. Earning you a nasty look from Kid.
Killer was talking and discussing with the others while tormenting you with his fingers like this was the most normal thing.
He moved the fingers of one hand further up your thighs lingering there while his other started to tease your core more and more through the fabric of your panty. Fingers running slowly up and down.
You let out a small whimper, luckily for you Killer was the only one to hear it.
"Shhh kitty, if Kid hears you this will get worse" he whispered in your ear.
You tilted your head slightly to look at him with pleading eyes. But all you got was another rush of heat through your body as you felt him move the fabric of your panty aside. That bastard enjoyed torturing you like this.
You soon realized that sharing a bed with Killer meant that he knew exactly how to get you riled up.
Oh god. This was getting too much. The moment his finger brushed against your flesh you started to breath heavily biting your lower lip to muffel a moan.
A finger suddenly pushed into your already dripping entrance. You bit your lower lip so hard that you were sure it would draw blood. But you didn’t care at least not right now. You cursed Killer and his tormenting fingers.
Why does this god damn briefing take so long.
When a second finger was added your head fell back on Killer's shoulder hips bucking. He wrapped his other hand around you to keep you from moving.
You heard some of the other men in the room shift in their seats while others seemed to breath a little heavier than before. Knowing that you were the reason for all this made your cheeks flush. Their eyes burning holes into your body as they imagined fucking you right here right now.
This was going to end so bad for you. You were on the brink of exploding. All you wanted was to beg Killer to stop. Or maybe not stop entirely just stop the teasing and give it to you right here.
But then again the thought of the others watching embarrassed you. This was already embarrassing.
The slow movement of Killer's fingers caused tears to form in the corner of your eyes. Until one finger pressed against your clit slowly rubbing it.
Fuck no. The sensation of his fingers inside you and the one on your clit made you moan, back arching, eyes closing. Causing everyone to attract their attention on you.
"What did i tell you" Kid shouted but there wasn’t anger in his voice it was more some sort of satisfaction.
"I'm sorry" you stuttered, as another moan followed. Killer not once stopping his movements. You were so close just a little more.
"That's enough" Kid ordered. No, not now just a few more seconds you thought to yourself but Killer removed his hands from you.
You whimpered.
Kid stared at you - looking like the devil himself.
"Briefing's over now get out you horndogs." he said making everyone leave.
"Now to you doll" he groaned facing you. "You've been ignoring the briefing, paid no attention to whatsoever i said and you've been distracting us with your little noises" he said grabbing a fistful of your hair and pulling you of off Killer's lap and close to his face.
You weren't able to form a single word, exhausted from the stimulation.
"You better make it up to me and your part time lover here or I'll have the others join us" he demanded voice full of feral desire.
You looked puzzeled at him.
"What you really thought that I didn't know that you and Kill are fucking" Kid groaned his lips brushing your ear.
No you actually thought that you were really good at hiding this fact. Surprised you looked at Killer.
"Sorry kitty, but I'm the first mate i share everything that goes on, on this ship with Kid" Killer shrugged, you didn’t expect that either -at least you could stop hiding now.
"We share a lot of things..."Kid mocked a dangerous smile on his face.
You swallowed. Staring at the captain and the first mate.
Pushed against the table you were stripped of your clothes and spent the rest of the day screaming and begging as Killer 'shared' you with the captain making sure you'd never again be distracted during briefings.
#one piece#eustass kid#massacre soldier killer#eustass captain kid#kikitober2024#killer one piece#killer x reader#op killer#kid x reader#kidkiller#eustass captain kidd#eustass kidd#kid pirates#kinktober#one piece fanfiction
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🔞 Minors DNI 🔞
A search for a rumored Vegapunk weapon leads the Kid Pirates to an unexpected new crewmate, with a bloodlust that rivals their own and an incredible power.
CW: Please check AO3 for all current warnings, but general warning for smut, slow burn, serious gore, and really dark themes. AFAB reader, she/her pronouns.
Masterlist || AO3 || Chapter 1
Chapter 31 - A Practical Guide to Anger Management For Pirates
The unholy spirit really had me by the throat writing this one. Come get yo’ KidxKiller smut.
A/N: Hi, new updated look for this fic, hope you like it. I'll work on updating the old chapters at some point but all future ones will look like this~
Word Count: ~4.5k
Taglist: @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @tremendoushorsepatrolgoth @iggy5055
Five days had passed since the Quincy-dent, and you found yourself sitting out on the skull at the front of the ship, enjoying a cool breeze. You couldn't do much else anyway, Mohawk was being strict about not exerting too much energy, and Killer and Heat were watching you like birds of prey making sure you followed doctor’s orders. You'd barely made it out of the ‘danger zone’ as he was calling it, and he was still very much worried that your heart would suddenly fall into an irregular rhythm, even if you were feeling fine other than the visible wounds. It turned out you'd been unconscious for the better part of the day and night, about fourteen hours all together, which given the extent you’d used your devil fruit was not super crazy, even without the injuries. The bullet had grazed an artery in your leg, and you were lucky it hadn't hit it more directly, but you had lost a significant amount of blood before Mohawk had it under control. Not enough to kill you or hurt your baby, but certainly enough to make you pass out. Your heart stopping and the side effects of trying to heal the large burn on your chest had you exhausted, even without Mohawk's bedrest orders you probably would have slept most of the last five days anyway. This was the first time since the fight that you’d had any real fresh air, with the exception of Killer carrying you from the infirmary to your shared room when Mohawk was confident you'd be okay with oral painkillers and nausea meds.
Not that it felt like they were helping though, it felt like your injuries and pregnancy were fighting for the crown of what could make you the most nauseous, and with the lowered mobility from your leg you'd accidentally thrown up in the bed the first morning back in Killer's bed. Which of course resulted in an absolutely inconsolable, pregnancy hormone fueled breakdown while Killer tried his best to clean up and assure you that it was okay, and that he'd cleaned up worse messes from Kid. Pregnancy was a real bitch, but at least now you had a convenient bucket sitting next to the bed until such time as your leg didn't have you hobbling. You also started keeping a sleeve of crackers on your side table, after accidentally discovering when you woke up hungry that shoving a cracker in your pie hole first thing in the morning actually considerably helped the nausea.
While you’d been on bedrest you’d passed the ten week mark of your pregnancy, and Mohawk assured you that the morning sickness would likely stop soon, as you were coming to the end of your first trimester. Which was hard to believe, given you'd only known about it for a few weeks. Some of your tighter skirts were no longer fitting, given they had to account for not only pregnancy but also in general the weight you’d put on since buying them when you first joined the crew, so you were looking forward to the next island to buy more dresses. You’d mostly just been living in Killer's shirts for the last week, since you hadn't gotten around to moving your things to his room and the looser fabric was more comfortable over your burns. You weren't bothering with pants, Killer's shirts were like dresses on you anyway and this was the first time you’d even left the bedroom since he'd carried you in. You'd been taking every chance you could to check in on your baby, who was now the size of an apricot, but Mohawk urged against it. Apparently more well off women who could afford their own personal ultrasound machines were known to cause themselves unnecessary stress by making themselves feel like they had to constantly check on the baby. You couldn't help yourself though, especially now that the jelly bean was starting to wiggle, though you couldn't feel it yet.
As for Kid, he had tried to speak to you, but Killer had banned him from the room, worried that he'd spike your heart rate again. As far as you knew, or rather as far as Heat had told you, the two of them hadn't talked outside of planning for the marine base raid, which for obvious reasons you would not be taking part in. The original journey to the next island the log pose was set to was due to take a week, but the maps you'd pinched from the marine ship indicated the base was about three days from the island, and about another day's sailing from your current location. The overall additional two days added to the plans wasn't a lot in the grand scheme of things, so the other commanders had agreed it was worth the slight detour to raid the base, especially since it was supposed to be a quite manageable size.
The breeze was so nice on your face, your unfastened hair fluttering slightly, the wind catching under your borrowed shirt and cooling your skin. You crinkled your nose as you heard the distinct heavy footsteps of your captain approaching from behind you, but you chose to ignore it for as long as possible.
“Still mad at me?” He leaned against the skull and looked at you with his best impression of a innocent expression.
“Well, let's see,” you laid back against the skull, watching the clouds pass overhead and lifting a hand to count off items on your fingers, “you completely disregarded my unborn child, and then you brought a idiot on board who nearly killed said child, and at the same time injured me enough that Mohawk has banned me from participating in any physical activities, so my fantasies of finishing what I started the other day and being in bed with two men has been entirely ruined. But hey, at least you're getting laid, right?” You huffed to punctuate your point, still mourning your interrupted romp with Killer and Heat.
“Who said you can't still be in bed with two men?” Kid asked, his chin resting on his flesh arm as it rested on the skull.
“Respectfully, captain, are you stupid?” You half laughed, “did you miss the part where I'm not allowed to do anything physically exerting?”
“Who said you have to do shit, make the men do all the work,” Kid added, like it was completely obvious, “let em get each other off, then make em eat you out or something, no need to lift a finger”
“Oh sureee, let me just go ask my straight boyfriend and my other definitely existent bisexual friend that I definitely have whether they want to fuck in front of me and eat me out after,” you frowned at him before turning your attention back to the clouds, “I'll get right fucking on that.” Kid let out a laugh, and you turned to shoot daggers at him. “The fuck you laughing at?”
“Killer hasn't told you shit about us has he?” Kid laughed.
“I mean I've guessed by now that the two of you like to share women, but what the fuck does that have to do with this?” You scowled at him.
“Yeah we shared women,” he affirmed, “men too”
You blinked at the clouds before turning to slowly face him. He was watching you with a playful glint in his eye. You huffed and looked back at the clouds, “Doesn't mean shit, I'm still pissed off at you. And so is he”
“You know what Kil usually does when he's pissed off at me?” Kid slid a little closer, his face close to where yours was resting, “he takes it out on me in bed. You think this is the first time we've fought? We've known each other for years, usually he just takes it out on my ass and gets over it. The only reason he hasn't done already this time is cos of you”
You were quiet while you thought about it, already having dirty thoughts about watching the captain get his ass handed to him by Killer. You sat up slowly, looking out to sea as you considered the proposition. Pros: Kid gets knocked down a peg, he and Killer make up, the rest of the crew stops having to pussyfoot around them, you get to watch two big beefy men go at it sloppy style, and finally, you can take care of the incessant need to get off that you'd had since your failed threesome. Killer was being so delicate with you, and you didn't want to get frisky with him when you knew you weren't capable of getting him off right now, it felt selfish. But god fucking damn you were horny.
Cons: none, fuck it let's do this shit.
“Okay, let's do it then,” you finally agreed. Kid was already excitedly shuffling, sailing at half mast at just the idea. He was hoping that Killer would be kind enough to let him be the one to eat you out, but either way he was going to be able to take care of the tension between him and his best friend, as well as getting railed by him for the first time in months. He hated to admit that he missed Killer's dick in his ass, the first mate hadn't touched him since coming back from the island after you both went overboard.
Kid looked back over the deck to see if he could spot Killer. It was already evening, chores were done, dinner had come and gone, and the planning for the base raid had already been completed, it was the perfect time to fuck around. The first mate was down on the main deck, training the newbies in agility. Every now and then his eyes flicked up to where you were, and he paused his movements anxiously, tensing up as he saw Kid was with you, but you gave him a reassuring thumbs up to let him know Kid wasn't causing any trouble. On the contrary, Kid had more than brightened your sour mood.
“He seems busy for now,” Kid noted, before turning back to you, “I gotta grab some shit from my room, me in your's in five. I'll go first so he doesn't get suspicious”
“See you in five then, captain,” you smirked, laying back down on the skull to look as casual as possible while you waited.
As promised, you headed for the bedroom five minutes later, and a few minutes after arriving, Kid let himself in with an armful of curious goods.
“Chuck this on the side table, then help me with this rope,” he threw you a small bottle. You could read enough now to know it was lube, you'd honestly forgotten men didn't make silk the way you did. The rope though, now that was curious. “He likes me bound when he's pissed,” Kid explained in reply to your raised brow, handing you the length of smooth red rope and removing his metal arm, setting it against a wall. You watched quietly as he undressed, biting your lip when you saw how big he was, already half hard. Was it some sort of requirement for commanders to be fucking hung on this crew? What the fuck.
It was a strange intimate atmosphere as he stood naked in front of you, entirely unashamed in his nudity, his heavily scarred side on full display. You stepped towards him, more curious than anxious, running a fingertip down the scar that ran from this armpit near his stump to his groin, and his breath caught in his throat, goosebumps prickling on his remaining arm.
“Sorry, I should have asked first,” you took a step back but he grabbed your hand gently, running a reassuring thumb over the back of your hand.
“It's okay, you're gonna have to touch me to do the ropes anyway,” you were both staring at where your hands were together before he let go and cleared his throat. “We should probably get started before he comes in here”
You'd never even seen shibari ropes in person, let alone tied them, but Kid was an uncharacteristically patient teacher as he walked you through it, making sure you were checking the ropes weren't too tight as you went, till he found himself kneeling on the bed, his good arm bound behind his back. It looked far hotter in person than it did in the dirty mags Heat had let you borrow.
“Okay, looks good, go get him,” he grinned eagerly at you as he got comfortable on the bed, his legs crossed as he sat and waited. You hurried off out to the deck, more than wet after having spent the last half hour breezing your fingers over your naked captain and binding him in decorative roping. A few soft kisses had even been shared between the two of you, like you were assuring each other as you went about tying the delicate knots.
“Kil!” You shouted to your boyfriend, quickly grabbing his attention as you practically slid towards him. His brow raised under his mask at how fast you were moving, given the fact you still had a limp. Killer dismissed the newbies as you hobbled over, sensing you required his attention given your speed.
“What's got you moving so quick, princess?” He chuckled.
“I have a gift for you,” you smiled innocently, “I know you're still mad at Kid, but I got you something I think will help”
“Okay, I'll bite,” his curiosity was piqued, and he scooped you up easily, holding you bridal style. “Where can I find this so-called gift?”
“It's in the bedroom,” you kicked your feet a little as he carried you towards the back cabins, and you giggled excitedly. You dropped down from his arms when you got to the door, covering the holes in his mask over his eyes as you led him through the door, careful to lock it behind you. “Keep em closed!” You told him, and he replaced your hand with his own as you quickly tore off your shirt, mask and shoes, leaving only your panties as you slid onto the bed, giving Kid a chaste kiss before positioning yourself sitting against the headboard. Your chest was still a tender, vibrant red from the burn, but it was healed enough to have done away with the bandages, though you were trying very hard to not be self conscious about it. Kid leaned back against you as you'd both planned, and he looked up at you as you ran a finger down one of the scars on his face, exchanging playful grins.
“Okay, you can open em!” You giggled.
For a moment Killer didn't move as he took in Kid's naked, bound body resting against you, your bare breasts almost resting on his red hair.
“Yin…” he started.
“Do you hate it?” You pouted, unable to read his neutral expression. You'd hoped he would be more enthusiastic, but maybe you'd gone too far in assuming he was okay with this after Heat. “Kid said you used to do this when you were fighting, I don't want you guys to fight anymore”
He let out a sigh, and you and Kid watched anxiously as he turned his back to both of you to remove his mask and place it on the dresser, ruffling his bangs before turning back to you.
“Don't be mad at her Kil,” Kid shuffled to sit up with a little difficulty given his bound arm, “it was my idea, I'll go if you want me to”
“Oh I'm definitely mad,” he growled as he turned back to both of you, and Kid audibly gulped, “not at her though. Never at her, my sweet princess.” He knelt at the edge of the bed, threading a finger under one of the ropes and pinging it, “Did you tie these princess?” He turned his attention to you and you nodded eagerly. “My clever girl,” he ran a finger under your chin, and swiped his thumb over your bottom lip. You preened under his praises, “such a good girl. Unlike some people, who need to be taught how to behave”
He grabbed the front of Kid's bindings and yanked him hard off of you, pulling him with significant force till he fell to the floor with a heavy thud that you were sure must have hurt, given he had no available arm to catch himself. You swore you heard a whimper escape Kid as he scampered to his knees. Killer grabbed him by the throat, forcing him to look up at him as he skillfully undid his belt one handed with his free hand. He pulled it from the loops in his jeans, and Kid eyed it with a nervous hunger, his cock now fully at attention.
“Present for me, pig,” Killer growled as he threw Kid back towards the bed. He leaned over the bed, his bound torso resting on the mattress and his feet still on the floor, his bare ass in the air. His pupils were blown out as he looked at you, and you crawled towards him curiously. Watching his face as Killer took the belt and folded it in half, before bringing it down hard over Kid's ass with an audible crack. Kid groaned, his eyes not leaving yours but the skin where his brows would be furrowing, and you broke out in a wide smile at seeing the usually so stoic and bossy captain laid out like this.
“Count,” Killer ordered.
“One,” Kid whimpered, before the belt came down again. “T-two,” by the fifth smack Kid was a mess, whimpering every time the leather made contact with his bright red ass, the skin starting to break a little in places. You'd never seen such violence in a consenting manner, it fascinated and aroused you as Kid struggled to keep the count and Killer dealt out a total of ten hard lashes. By the end Kid was panting, his face buried in your thighs where you knelt in front of him while you stroked his hair and cooed praises at how good he was doing. The stark contrast between your sweet words and Killer's harsh punishment was making Kid insane, precum already leaking and soaking into the blankets underneath him.
“Princess,” Killer got your attention as he discarded the belt and stripped down to his jeans, “did this idiot bring a bottle in here?”
“Yes!” You let Kid's head fall to the bed and grabbed the bottle of lube from the side table, handing it to him eagerly. He rewarded you with a kiss, hungry and wet and dominating, before pulling away with a wide smile.
“Go sit where you were again, you were doing such a good job sweetheart,” he stroked your chin as he spoke, “but spread your legs, I don't want him to get comfortable on your thighs incase his movement hurts your leg”
“Okay!” You climbed back onto the bed, sitting with your legs spread in front of Kid, who eyed your clothed centre hungrily. “Like this?”
“Perfect, princess,” he squirted a liberal amount of the lube onto Kid's ass, toying with his hole as he bent down over him, “if you're good for me maybe I'll let you get a taste of her. She's so sweet now with my baby in her. Like nothing you've ever tasted”
Kid whined and was chomping at the bit to try and get to you, making you giggle as Killer grabbed his ropes and yanked him back. Kid's eyes went wide as Killer simultaneously shoved a finger in his ass, the captain's head quickly dropping to the mattress with a moan as Killer pumped his hole, stretching him open till he could fit a second, and eventually, with some patience, a third.
“Be a good boy and tell me what you want,” Killer instructed as he finger fucked Kid's ass. You were holding his head up, stopping him from burying his moans or hiding his lust-addled face from you.
“I w-want- I want,” Kid whimpered.
“I want~ I want~” Killer mocked, making Kid jolt forward with a particularly rough thrust of his fingers, “are you a man or a mouse? Spit it out”
“I want your dick!” Kid finally spat out, his face bright red with blush, no longer able to look at you.
“There it is, I thought you'd lost your voice,” Killer purred as he slid out of his jeans and applied a generous amount of lube to his erection, pumping it a few times to coat it before lining it up with Kid's ass. “And what do you have to say to our princess for allowing you in here?”
“T-thank you princess,” Kid stuttered, trying his best to look at you but only flushing harder as a result at your crooked but honeyed smile.
“Good boy,” Killer purred before grabbing the ropes that crossed over Kid's back and burying himself in his ass in one swift motion. Kid cried out and whimpered, and you stroked his hair once again and cooed to him in soft words as Killer fucked him at a brutal pace. You didn't even know he was capable of such a punishing speed, but then again you had been a virgin the first time you'd gotten together, and healing, then pregnant, since the second time. Kid buried his face between your legs, forcing them further open and making you moan as he grunted against you and pressed his nose against your clothed cunt. Your hands wove through his hair and pulled hard, holding him in place as you practically rode his face for friction. You alternated between watching where Killer's dick was buried in Kid's ass, and throwing your head back in pleasure. It this what it was like for Killer when he watched Heat fuck you? It was a high you'd never experienced before and your cunt was aching with need because of it.
“Killllll~” you whined, wanting his permission to let Kid go further, desperately needing something on you, inside you, anywhere and everywhere as long as it got you off. He grinned at you, enjoying the way you were greedily using the captain's face like it was a riding toy.
“Go on then princess, you've been so good, not that I think he deserves it,” Killer smirked, watching you pull your panties aside and roll your slick centre against Kid's eager tongue, which was out and waiting, begging to be used. You laid back against the bed, pulling Kid's hair as he ate you out and enjoying the sounds of the two men groaning and grunting. Kid's tongue thrust in and out of you, far longer and thicker than anyone else's you'd ever had, long enough to curl inside you deliciously before licking wide stripes up your cunt and sucking on your sensitive bud of nerves. Your orgasm was building hard and fast and you were positive you were going to squirt with the intensity it was approaching with.
Killer was using Kid's bound arm as a anchor as he fucked him, his pace never showing any mercy to Kid's abused ass, and you looked up and saw his eyes were shut, his brows furrowed and his mouth open and panting in a slight grin as he fucked the captain. He opened his eyes for a moment and they met yours, and the smug grin that spread over his face was more than enough to put you over the edge. As predicted, you came with a audible gush of fluid, Kid moaning loudly into you and shuddering as you coated his face, the sudden and unexpected release putting him over his own edge as his dick pulsed and spilled out, trapped between his stomach and the bed, his cum quickly rubbed into the bedding as Killer continued to penetrate him before finally letting out a long, deep groan and stilling. He made one last hard thrust inside Kid, as though making one last point, before pulling out, bending over Kid and resting his head against his back. You propped yourself up on your elbows and looked down at Kid, his head still between your legs, whimpering. You reached down and tilted his chin up, his face glistening with your release, his lipstick smeared all over the lower half of his face and his eyeliner running down his cheeks from crying at the lashing and brutal fucking. He looked like an absolute dream.
Being somehow the most physically able of the three of you right now, after the excursion Killer had just gone through, you slipped off the bed and excused yourself to the bathroom. You quickly cleaned yourself up, discarding your soaked panties, and grabbed a damp cloth and a glass of water, wishing you'd had the foresight to bring some extra glasses in here before starting. You returned to the bedroom to find Killer had rolled off Kid, and was quietly stroking the captain's face as he laid next to him. You handed the glass of water to Killer before kneeling on the bed and gently wiping Kid's face, cleaning away the various fluids and ruined makeup. You ran the cool cloth between his ass cheeks, wiping away the messy lubricant, before urging him to roll over and wiping away his cum from his abdomen and cock. Killer sat up against the headboard, quietly watching you care for Kid the same way Killer cared for you after sex.
You threw the dirtied cloth in the vague direction of the laundry basket before starting to work away at the ropes, pressing soft kisses against the raw marks some of them had left. You'd tied it exactly as Kid had instructed, and Killer had checked the tension, but he'd yanked so hard on them that a few sections had left thin grazes against the captain's pale skin. His arm held your waist softly once you freed it, and your found yourself sitting in his lap by the time the ropes were entirely removed, your arms wrapped around his neck and your hand buried in his soft red hair, exchanging careful, intimate kisses and soft moans while Killer watched you, in awe of how tender you could be with a man you were once scared of, a man you'd once fled from when you thought he was going to kiss you.
Eventually you pulled away, eliciting a whine from Kid that made you smile, giving Killer a soft kiss as you took the empty glass from him and returned to the bathroom to refill it. You handed the glass to Kid and slid into Killer's lap, giving him equal attention while Kid drank the water greedily and recovered. The two of you laid down, sliding under the covers, still naked, and Kid finished his water, placing the glass on the side table and looking at the two of you longingly. Killer opened the covers behind himself and Kid eagerly slid in, sandwiching Killer between the two of you in a twist of limbs. Your chest was pressed to Killer's, and Kid acted as his big spoon.
“Are you guys still mad at me?” He mumbled against Killer's back.
“That depends, do you still want me to get an abortion?” You replied, a little colder than you'd expected it to come out.
“I'm sorry, I am,” he held Killer tight, making the first mate sigh. Killer's back became wet with tears as Kid pressed against it, “I just got so scared, I don't want my niece or nephew to be in danger because of my dream, but I don't want either of you to have to go away because of them. I don't wanna be alone”
“We're not going anywhere, Kid,” Killer assured him, knitting his fingers between Kid's over his chest.
“You have to do something about Quincy though,” you huffed, “the girl is a complete dolt, I'll forgive you if you take charge of her training”
“Deal,” Kid huffed.
“Uncle Kid huh?” You smiled.
“Shut up,” Kid grumbled.
“Neh,” you teased, “I like it”
You met Killer's eyes and he smiled at you, glad that the three of you had settled this stupid fight. You pressed your forehead against his as Kid started to snore softly, making you giggle at how quickly he'd fallen asleep. Reasonable though, given what he'd just been through. You gave Killer one last kiss before curling up against his chest to sleep, his chin resting on the top of your head as you both drifted off.
#one piece fanfiction#one piece smut#killer one piece#killer x reader#massacre soldier killer#heat one piece#heat x reader#kid pirates#kid x killer#kidkiller#eustass captain kidd#eustass kid#eustasscaptainkid#kid x reader
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My Best Friend's Girl Ch.2
Kid x Fem!Reader x Killer
Word Count: 4.8k
A/N: Finally got around to finishing this, it's uh, just pwp.
Chapter 1
It had been two and half weeks since Kid’s encounter with you and Killer, and he’d be lying if he said he didn’t think about it nearly every night. But it was a one off, a drunk fun time and nothing more. He was thankful for the chance but Kid knew he wasn’t getting more than that.
It still hadn’t stopped him from beating himself off, drawing again and again on the image of you choking around his girth. He’d used the panties to rub himself off so many times at this point they were ruined beyond measure.
Kid had been out plenty of times since then. He never had trouble talking up some drunk girl at the local bar, getting her to follow him to bed. But then the unthinkable happened, he just…couldn’t seem to finish. Even after plenty of petting and making out and foreplay, when it came down to it, Kid would see the person below him or on riding on top of him and every time he was thinking of you, of the way you stretched around his girth with pleasured moans, the way your body held those little beads of sweat as Killer and he fucked you and it just wasn’t the same. It would never be the same. Getting frustrated with himself he’d close his eyes and imagine it was you, crying out for him as your legs tightened around his waist, and then he was good, finishing with your name on his lips in a breathy sigh, much to the annoyance of whoever he happened to be with.
But he hated this mental block, having you plague his thoughts both in and out of the bedroom was driving him crazy. So, at this port he didn’t bother trying, knowing what outcome he’d receive, and instead, while others were out enjoying themselves, he decided to enjoy his bottle alone in the ship mess hall.
He wasn’t exactly sure if he was nervous or excited when you came in to join him.
“No luck tonight?” you asked.
Kid grumbled, swallowing straight from the whiskey bottle as you took a chair opposite him.
“This island’s full of hicks,” he said.
You chuckled, taking the bottle from his fingers and drinking a healthy gulp yourself.
“Because you have such exquisite taste in sexual partners?”
Kid grinned. He’d always loved that, the mouth you had on you, unafraid to give him his fair share of shit and God the mouth you had on you. His mind flashed to those coy lips stretched around his length, slick with saliva and cum as you stared up into his eyes.
He had to shake himself out of it, fuck this was not the time.
You took another healthy swig of whiskey, looking toward him with those half-lidded eyes he loved and hated all at the same time.
The two of you fell into easy conversation, passing the bottle back and forth, laughing about the antics of the recent raid the crew had run and the fools that thought they stood a chance against your might. At some point you’d joined him on his side of the bench, taking any opportunity to jab him in the ribs and Kid threw his arm around you. He’d done it plenty of times before, even after you started dating Killer, just a trusted sign of friendship. It might have been the booze but Kid felt himself loosening up, some of the recent stress of the past few weeks melting away as it was apt to do when he was in your presence. The bottle was nearly empty soon enough and as Kid finished the rest of it off, he tossed it unceremoniously off to the side. The clatter of it against some crate brought a sharp laugh to your lips. He felt good, the past couple weeks Kid felt like he’d been walking on eggshells around you, missing the easy banter the two of you once had but felt it too awkward after the shared night he had with you and Killer. Not that he would’ve traded it for anything, but he just wasn’t quite sure how to go back to normalcy with you when every time he saw you his head was filled with the pleasurable little moans you made choking on his length.
It was scary how he felt sometimes you could read his thoughts.
“You still think about the time we had?” you asked.
Kid flinched, not knowing if it was the alcohol bringing this up or if you were genuinely curious. He fumbled for an answer as you smirked knowingly toward him.
“You took my panties, didn’t you?”
Kid choked on his own spit. Fuck. He wasn’t sure if you’d notice that or not. He had been hoping the two of you were drunk enough to not realize it. Before he could put together some kind of excuse you shoved the table to the side, crawling into his lap. Kid froze as you settled yourself comfortably. Was this allowed? Did Killer know? He was ready to shove you to the floor but the brush of your breasts against his chest and subtle grind on his cock had him paralyzed.
You paused, seemingly confused at Kid’s inaction before you chuckled in realization.
“It’s okay,” you said, “Killer knows.”
Shit. It was one thing when Killer had been there to okay the situation, but now Kid wasn’t sure. It could have just been the booze talking. His mouth felt dry feeling you press into him, your lips so tantalizingly close to his. If he shoved his head forward just a bit more, he could finally taste you, and God how badly he wanted to know what you tasted like.
Kid gulped, “Does he really?”
Now it was your turn to pull back, a look of hurt on your face, “Of course he does, I would never betray him or you.”
You kept his stare as Kid searched your face. The honest look in your eyes helped to quell his fears a bit. He felt almost a bit ashamed of himself now, questioning your loyalty to his friend. Feeling a bit more assured of himself he nodded, but still couldn’t quite get his head to move forward.
Then your lips brushed his, just the gentlest swipe of skin but it was enough. Kid found himself wanting more, wanting to feel the plush flesh against his own and if Killer decided to eviscerate him afterward? Well, he’d had a good life. Snaking a grip into your hair Kid pulled you forward, lips crashing into a harsh meeting. He wasted no time in skin, teeth, lips, tongue, devouring and tasting you in any way he could. How long had he imagined this? Being able to kiss and hold you like this? It was messy. It was sloppy. It was more perfect than he’d ever thought it would be. You replied with eager enthusiasm, meeting each clash of lips and tongue with your own, threading fingers into his hair and pulling with a satisfied groan.
Kid broke apart, desperately needing air and panting hard, before attacking your neck with nips and sucks, relishing in the soft skin there and feeling himself harden even more. This was what he had been wanting since that night, while your mouth did wonders for him, he had never gotten the chance to feel you up, to grope the soft flesh and bring those little mewls of pleasure from you himself.
If he was going to go for it, might as well go all in. Kid worked quick, peeling the buttons down your front until your breasts were displayed shamelessly before him. He yanked the bra down, an afterthought, nearly ripping the fabric in the process, before attacking your nipple, tongue laving and sucking with satisfied groans. It felt so much better than he’d ever imagined, your skin was absurdly soft against his face and every gasp and whimper he drew from you sent blood rushing to his cock.
He pulled back to admire the view, and he wondered how many times he checked out your cleavage, discreet little glances when you wore a low-cut top or when your nipples poked through a tight-fitting shirt? Seeing your bare chest before him, still red from the attacking of his lips, with little traces of his lipstick smeared across the skin, practically made him dizzy. His hand grabbed an ample mound, just relishing in the feel of that pliable flesh, fingers pinching at the nipple just to hear those sweet little sounds you made. He shoved his head back forward, sucking against the pert nubs, enjoying the taste against his tongue. His cock was straining against his loose pants now and every little grind and press you made against him had his breath coming in heavier. Grasping him by the hair he felt you yank his head back, your hooded eyes boring into his as you came forward in a chaste kiss. Kid tried shoving forward after you, wanting more, wanting to taste more of you, but you pulled him back. In a moment you stood, shedding the bottoms you wore before crawling back into his lap. Kid’s eyes darted down immediately, taking in the slick that was already leaking from your pink folds and he felt himself lick his lips.
He quickly followed suite, freeing his cock from the confines of his pants and you wasted no time in grounding your cunt against him. Kid’s head fell back, a moan spilling shamelessly from his lips that felt loud in the empty mess hall. You were just so wet. The way you slid deliciously against him already had him seeing stars, but hell if he was going to lose it already.
“Wait,” he choked out.
You paused, eyes flicking up questioningly. Kid had to resist the urge to kiss you again, those sinful little lips turned up in a pretty pout.
“Can you turn around?” he asked.
Catching on to his idea, you quickly shifted your position, back to Kid with your ass on full display which he wasted no time sliding his cock against your cheeks. God, he knew you had a nice ass, could tell in those tight pants you wore and having it bare before him now was a dream come true. His hand handled one of your cheeks, roughly kneading the flesh before he gave it a well-deserved slap, practically purring at the moan you gave in response.
“Fuck Kid I need you inside me right now,” you panted.
Kid stumbled now, brain unfogging from the haze of lust just enough to mutter out, “Shit, wait I should get a condom- “But you twisted around to grab his face in your hand, squishing his cheeks together slightly.
“Kid,” and he shivered at how thick your voice was, “Killer knows. Now get inside me.”
And how the hell could he say no to that?
Taking his cock firmly in one hand, he helped lift your hips with the other, positioning you gently over him and once you started to sink down on his length, Kid bit the inside of his cheek to keep sane. Dear god you were so ridiculously tight. He could feel every single inch of himself being enveloped by your glorious heat and Kid felt an exhale leave him. It took you some time, Kid knew Killer was big, but he also knew for a fact his cock was thicker than Killer’s, and hearing your little whines and gasps as he worked you down onto him had his chest swelling in pride. You worked yourself, adjusting to his girth as you took him deeper, impaling yourself on his cock and once he felt your bottom connect with his thighs Kid fought the shudder than ran through his entire body.
His metal hand held your body planted against him, enjoying every little flutter of your walls as you sat around him. The other was digging into your hips so hard he was sure it’d leave bruises, but Kid’s head was swimming and he needed to desperately ground himself. He gave an experimental short thrust, and the high-pitched little whine you gave him in response made his blood thrum. He kept it easy, shallow thrusts as you stretched around his size because the way you had his cock in a vice grip Kid was almost afraid he’d hurt you. And if Killer ever found that out, he really would be a dead man. Your breaths were coming in heavier as Kid rested his head against your shoulder, lips mouthing against the skin until he felt you lift yourself almost completely off him before slamming back down. The full thrust brought a loud groan from the both of you. You caught his eyes, one hand tangling in his hair as you pulled him in for an open-mouthed kiss.
“You don’t have to be gentle with me,” you whispered, “I want you to fuck me Kid.”
Kid practically felt the way his pupils dilated at the words, a low growl churning in his throat as he claimed your lips again, taking a harsh nip of your lip to draw a little blood.
“Don’t blame me if you can’t walk tomorrow,” the words were low and raspy but seeing the smirk you gave him in return his restraint snapped.
In that bruising grip he lifted you, as if you weighed nothing, before slamming you back down as he thrust up. Kid wasted no time setting up a relentless pace, he couldn’t slow down even if he wanted to, the way you were tightly milking his cock for everything it was worth had him breathing hard, nearly wheezing. He let his head fall back, closing his eyes tight and gritting his teeth because if he kept watching the way your perfect little hole was brutally receiving him, he was gonna lose it and this needed to last. Every little pitched scream you made was a symphony, he could see your nails scrabbling uselessly against the metal hand keeping you balanced and he wondered if you’d actually leave marks. The thought sent a shudder through him. Your body felt limp, it was all you could do but get a single breath before Kid impaled you again and again, fucking into you like it was the last thing he’d ever do. His forehead came to rest against your shoulder and you could feel the hot pants of air on your skin. A long continuous groan was spilling from his lips as he lost himself in the pleasure and you decided test your luck and clenched harshly around him.
A lewd moan burst forward as you felt sharp canines sink into your shoulder, Kid’s hot breath puffing against your skin as he stilled himself for a moment shuddering violently.
When he regained some semblance of control he licked at the red welt on your shoulder, “Do you pull dirty tricks like that on Killer too?”
“Well Killer can usually take it,” you purred in response, and he licked his lips at the challenge.
He went right back to pounding into you, the hand on your hip snaking up to wrap around your throat and the way you nodded in response pulled his lips back into a positively feral grin. He remembered how amazing that little throat felt swallowing him whole and feeling how fragile and small it was in his large grip only made him want to squeeze harder. Your breath was coming out in ragged little gasps, vocal cords completely closed off by the thick fingers squeezing around you as you placed your own hands atop his to encourage him for more. Kid could feel the thrum of blood in your veins shooting through the skin under his fingertips and a hot coil in his belly was already forming.
“Couldn’t even wait for me to start huh?”
Kid froze on the spot at the voice of his first mate. He couldn’t even bother pulling out of you as all the blood in his body turned to ice. He watched Killer saunter over, mask already set aside, and give you a brief peck in greeting that felt absurdly casual given he was still balls deep inside you. Kid sat there dumbfounded, watching to see if any hint is displeasure or betrayal would cross his friend’s face but he simply ran a thumb along the little cut on your lip where Kid had bitten down.
“Always so harsh, Kid,” he tsked.
Kid gulped, seeing that things seemed to be okay he released a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding, “She started it.”
“Has she cum yet?” he asked.
You shook your head no, a smile on your face as you were still lost in feeling of Kid’s massive girth.
“I was getting to that,” Kid huffed, his cheeks flushing.
He felt Killer lift you bodily off him, hard cock slipping out still soaked from your cunt and Kid shivered at the cold air that hit him. Killer sat you in front of his captain, letting your back rest against his broad scarred chest, as he knelt down.
His cock twitched, trapped against the small of your back and Kid couldn’t help but gently rut against you, frustrated at being denied his earlier release.
“Hang on to her for me will you Kid?” Killer gave you a quick peck to your inner thigh, “she tends to squirm.”
Kid obligingly grasped both your wrists, holding them tight behind you as Killer set to work kissing and sucking against your already reddened breasts. A stray finger flicked toward your cunt, and Kid felt you shiver in his lap, still sensitive from the recent bout of fucking.
Killer inserted two fingers, your head rolling back onto Kid’s shoulder, who wasted no time in burying his face into your neck, biting and sucking at the delicate skin there. He could hear the squelching as Killer fucked his fingers into you, each little tremor of your body shivering against his hardness.
Killer’s face dipped down, tongue taking a swipe at your clit and the way your body jumped at the contact made Kid chuckle.
“Make sure you hold her tight,” Killer said, before working his mouth more vigorously against that sensitive bundle of nerves. Groans spilled freely from your mouth as Killer worked you with his tongue and fingers, and Kid could only watch at the contortions of pleasure on your face had him hypnotized. He nudged his face to yours, alerting you to his presence, before claiming your lips against his. The breathy moans and pants of hot air he felt against his own lips went straight to his head as he latched on more ferociously, tongue delving into your mouth and swallowing your moans of pleasure as you complied, lips moving against his and smearing his lipstick further across your mouth. He could hear a groan from Killer as your head suddenly flinched back, eyes wide with a breathy “oh fuck..”
Kid looked over your shoulder, a harsh exhale from his lips as he studied Killer fingering you. He was three fingers in now, pumping at a ruthless pace and the way your body started to tremble and twitch told him you were close. Killer closed his lips around your clit once more, tongue attacking the abused nerves and suddenly your head fell back onto Kid’s shoulder with a high-pitched groan.
“That’s it baby, just let loose,” Killer murmured, his hand pistoning in and out of you, “Show Kid what you got.”
Your body started to buck wildly and Kid had to tighten his hold around you as a near scream ripped from your throat. To his amazement, a hot gush of liquid came spurting forth from your pussy, small at first before a gracious amount was exploding forth, covering Killer’s hand and wrist and your own thighs. Killer wasn’t daunted, still fucking into you harshly drawing more and more spend spilling forth with a satisfied grin pulling his lips and showing his teeth. Only once the gush of cum tapered off did he slow his fingers, pumping gently now drawing out a last few spurts of liquid and Kid could feel you trembling violently, your head still thrown back against him as your eyes stared at nothing. Killer finally pressed his fingers deep into you, simply holding them there and letting you feel the comforting stretch as you slowly began to come back to yourself.
Kid was breathing hard, what just happened was now burned into his memory forever and he was already replaying it in his head, not able to see enough of it. He’d heard about women squirting but had never actually managed to see it himself, Killer joking that he was too selfish in bed to make it happen, but hell if this is what it was like he’d certainly put more effort in next time. He could feel his cock achingly hard now, still pressed against the small of your back and he wondered how long it would take until you were ready to have him inside you again.
Killer pulled his fingers from you, giving them a lick and meeting Kid’s stare, “What did you think?”
“Fucking hell…” Kid’s eyes were still glued to the absolute mess between your legs now.
Killer’s brow furrowed in thought for just a moment, “Do you want to taste her?”
Kid’s attention snapped back to his friend, about to object but seeing the slick that dripped from his fingers held his words. Killer noticed and, before he could think better of it, brought his hand up to Kid’s mouth, fingers unceremoniously making their way past his lips. Kid jerked back, ready to snap at his first mate for just shoving his hand in his mouth, but the warm slick that hit his tongue stopped him.
Fuck you tasted so good, he’d been curious about it for a while and with the bittersweet flavor that spread through his mouth he finally understood Killer’s insistence with eating you out. Your spend was thick, a slightly sour taste and it was just so perfectly you. Kid shut his eyes, not wanting to meet Killer’s stare and felt his tongue swiping around the fingers, collecting every little taste that he could. Killer’s fingers withdrew and when Kid opened his eyes, he could see the two of you locking lips, his friend whispering small praises against your flesh between kisses. Kid could feel the heavy throb of his still unsatisfied cock and, hoping to bring attention back to himself, ground himself softly against your ass.
You pulled back from your boyfriend, a smirk crawling up your lips as you ground back against him, giving a soft moan.
You disentangled yourself from the two on shaky legs, making your way to the floor to lay on your back. Spreading your legs invitingly you playfully thrust you hip up at the captain.
“Well Kid, are you gonna finish what you started? Something about me not being able to walk tomorrow…?”
He saw Killer already settling beside your head, your lips mouthing at his jeans as he worked his cock free, and Kid’s knees practically hit the floor in his eagerness to get between your legs. He inserted a thick finger, just to feel how absolutely drenched you were. He could hear as you started to suck at Killer’s cock, the latter tangling his fingers in your hair as a satisfied sigh escaped his lips. He withdrew his finger, already lining up to enter you again and it was unfair how easily he slipped back inside you, walls clenching against him deliciously. His hands pushed back your thighs and this position was so much better, spread so beautifully wide for him as the tightness increased.
He glanced at Killer, lazily thrusting into your mouth and Kid hated that he knew once again his friend would outlast him. But it really wasn’t even fair, he had been so damn close before already and he knew once he started pumping into you, he wouldn’t last long. Pushing your legs almost uncomfortably far back he pressed his entire weight into you, red pubes meeting your slickness and even with Killer’s cock in your mouth he could hear the whine you gave. He gave himself a few long slow pumps inside you, jaw clenching at how tightly you clenched around him before his hips began to speed up. That coil of heat that had been sitting in his stomach was already firing back up and seeing the way your breasts bounced each time his hips snapped into you had him falling over the edge faster than he would have liked.
He still didn’t know the rules of this game you two played with him but finishing inside you felt like a transgression, too intimate to be allowed. With a heavy grunt he fucked hard into you, before quickly pulling out and fisting his cock as hard as he could. Hot cum shot onto your stomach as Kid pumped himself, his eyes watching every thick rope land against your flushed skin, some falling so dangerously close to your own heat. His hand slowed, milking the last few spurts of cum from him as he felt his entire body thrumming in the high.
He fell back onto his rear, and once he finally had some sense of himself, he could see Killer giving him a shit eating grin from his place up by your head.
“Finished so soon?” he asked.
Kid felt the heat that ran down his neck, he was still too gone to think of any snarky remark back.
“Fuck off…” and Killer’s smile only widened at the way Kid’s voice cracked.
Kid saw you raise yourself to your elbows, mouth temporarily free as you smiled at him, “You lasted longer than the first time.”
Kid shot a middle finger at the two of you, seeing Killer’s shoulders shake with a silent laugh. Soon the blonde had his fingers threaded into your hair, guiding your attention back to his own aching need. You laid back, mouth and hand working Killer’s cock as his hips worked their way closer to your lips. Kid watched you work, knowing exactly how good your tongue felt and he could see Killer’s hips stutter as you sucked him more enthusiastically, nose brushing against the blonde curls.
He pulled himself back between your legs, with how hard he’d just cum he doubted he could handle another round but at least he could help you get off again. Two thick fingers, traced your lips before slipping inside you, pumping at a casual pace and he loved the way you lifted your hips to meet each thrust of him. He could hear you moaning and the vibrations were obviously affecting Killer, little groans slipping from his own mouth as he fucked harder into your throat, a hand gripping your head hard. Kid quickened his pace, callused thumb coming up to rub against your swollen clit, a grin tugging at his lips at the muffled little squeak you gave, your legs widening in pleasure. He could see the muscles in your thighs tensing, you must have been close, and with a flash of inspiration he bent low to take your clit into his mouth, tongue working against the nerves as the taste of you flooded his senses.
You bucked into his face as you came, Kid drawing you through the orgasm with his fingers pumping. It wasn’t the spray of liquid that Killer had been able to bring forth from you, but he could feel the way your cunt gushed around him, tightening impossibly as he worked you through to completion. He rose back just in time to see Killer suddenly pull from your mouth, fingers twisting in your hair as the other hand milked his cock. Kid could see him pulse as he came, ropes of semen crisscrossing your face as your eyes closed. A shuddering sigh left Killer has he rubbed the sensitive head of his cock against your lips, your pink tongue darting out to taste and tease him as he shivered into the slight overstimulation. Being the clearest headed, Kid grabbed a couple rags from one of the counters, tossing one to his friend as Killer’s eyes slowly came back into focus, and worked on cleaning you up. Killer quickly followed suite, tucking himself back into his pants as he gingerly wiped your face free of semen.
Eventually Killer gathered you up in his arms, collecting your discarded clothes as he readied to carry you off to a well-deserved rest. You had your boyfriend pause, staring over at Kid who had settled himself back at the kitchen table.
“Let’s do this again soon okay?” You said, “And just tell me next time you want a pair of my panties.”
Kid flushed as Killer carried you out, a smile stretching his lips.
#mywriting#my writing#spice cabinet#eustass kid#op#one piece#fanfiction#killer#op kid#one piece kid#op killer#one piece killer#massacre soldier killer#kidkiller#if you squint#eustass kid x reader#killer x reader#kid x killer x reader#kid x reader#fem!reader
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#one piece#eustass kid#my oc art#one piece killer#massacre soldier killer#kidkiller#one piece fan art#one piece x reader#op killer
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One Piece Fanfiction Recs
** if an author has multiple fics on here i only mentioned them once **
Eustass "Captain" Kid
Eustass & Pipsqueak [18+] by @honeysworld-offanfiction
Payback [18+] by @icy-spicy
Sweet Dreams Are Made of This by @sofixxoxo
Sex and Violence [18+] by @zoros-sheath
Magnet Crush by @muenbear
KIDD; soft and loving kidd [18+] by @matchadobo
Just a Name One | Two by @escenariosinfumables
KIDD; calm to his storm by matchadobo
KIDD; fvck me like you love me [18+] by matchadobo
Botherin' Me [18+] by honeysworld-offanfiction
KIDD; 3 times he almost said i love you and the 1 time he actually did by matchadobo
Flowers Are Stupid by @sheerxfiction
An Eye for an Eye by icy-spicy
Safe Haven by @sofixxoxo
You're lost, unsure if they can find you by @eustasssimp
Making the reader cry (good) by eustasssimp
Language! [18+] by @sanjis-all-blue
Furtive by @myonepiece
Massacre Soldier Killer
Close Encounters by @heyitsdoe
Shooting Stars by @motherofflies
It's Okay to be Difference [18+] by @anemptypuddingcup
Killer's Baby Girl [18+] by honeysworld-offanfiction
You Don't Need It, You Want It [18+] by sheerxfiction
Killer's Darlin [18+] by honeysworld-offanfiction
Killer's Straw Hat Crush by myonepiece
Wearing His Shirt by eustasssimp
Kitchen Mischief by sheerxfiction
Roronoa Zoro
Rip My Ribcage Open [18+] by @yourtamaki
Late Night at the Office [18+] by @zorosimpclub
Against the Mirror [18+] by zorosimpclub
How to Disappear by @zorobff
I Bet On Losing Dogs by zorobff
In All My Dreams by @bby-deerling
Flowers by @fanaticsnail
Comfort Drabble by @anime-cupid
Portgas D. Ace
Fill You Up [18+] by @maddddstuff
Tension [18+] by @sharks31
Black Leg Sanji
Jealous, Jealous Boy by @bleachification
Too Much (Take Me Home) by @secretwritingspot
Home is Where the Heart Is (That Heart Just Won't Stop Racing) by secretwritingspot
Pros and Cons by @toriswritings
I Can See You by @holymusicalmothman
Put My Name at the Top of Your List by @ladadiida
Mouse in the Kitchen by @honeydjarin
3, 2, 1 [Masterlist - includes NSFW] by fanaticsnail
That's What Friends Are For (Platonic) by bby-deerling
Just For Me by @blondeewhorre
Type by @yayakoishii
Charlotte Katakuri
Katakuri & Little One [18+] by honeysworld-offanfiction
Buggy the Clown
Roger and Jessica Rabbit Effect by @writingoddess1125
Didn't Mean to Make Your Heart Blue by @wood-white-writer
Vice Admiral Smoker
More to Grab [18+] by honeysworld-offanfiction
Playing Dangerous [18+] by @ninascloset
Donquixote Doflamingo
Doffy's Messy Girl [18+] by honeysworld-offanfiction
Monkey D. Luffy
You Drive Me Crazy by @soulofapatrick
Run Away With Me by fanaticsnail
Trafalgar D. Water Law
Three Times You and Law Almost Confessed and The One Time That You Did by @nina-ya
Three Times Law Said "I Love You" by nina-ya
Untitled by @grandlinedreams
Trades of Goods and Services by bby-deerling
Benn Beckman
Untitled [18+] by @nekassvariigs
Jell-O Shots [18+] (feat. Kid, Luffy, Zoro, Law and Sanji (Separate) x afab!reader) by @bokutosbiceps
Convenience (Mishanks x Reader) by @stillxnunpxidintern
"Wrap me like a Christmas gift" (feat. Zoro, Sanji, Ace, Law (separate) x afab!reader) [18+] by @raggedyflowers
KIDD & KILLER; Gifts (KidKiller x Reader) by matchadobo
Helping Killer and Kid after escaping Udon Prison - HCs by heyitsdoe
Good Mouse (Smoker x Reader x Law) [18+] by @leakyweep
Telling Them "I'll be a disgusting whore for you." Headcannons (feat. Shanks, Zoro & Ace (separate) x reader) [18+] by honeysworld-offanfiction
Cowboys You Say? (feat. Zoro, Kid, Sabo, Marco & Ace (separate) x reader) [18+] by honeysworld-offanfiction
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The Real Reason (KidKiller X Reader) P2
Plot: Ever since you started dating Kid and Killer, the captain has refused to visit any brothels. That wouldn't normally be a problem but the crew isn't aloud to go without their captains and first mates supervision causing the crew to resent you eventhough your not stopping the captain from going. Its time for you to force the reason out of him.
Warning: Sexual themes but no smut (NSFW) stuff, bad language, Drinking, Making out and Violence.
Reader is Female (sorry), Kid X Killer X Reader, poly relationship, established relationship.
P1 - P3

You can't back out of the deal, Kid kept up his end so now it was your turn to spill the beans, you thought about delaying it since Killer had something in mind to resolve the drunk assholes flirting with you kinda problem but the blondes eyes were determined to know what you were hiding. Kid hums into your neck before removing his teeth and licking at the area he bit down on before pulling away to look over his work, a smirk spreads across his lips as he runs his thumb over the purple and red patch left behind. "You can't back out of our deal, babe" The captain's eyes narrow slightly despite his smirk as his eyes travel to meet yours making the tension in the air grow, moving your hands off their faces to their shoulders you take a breath knowing their not going to like what your about to say. "It's not the crews fault so please don't punish them" Kid raise his brow at you now fully confused as to what your hiding while Killer tilts his head slightly while rubbing your back getting you to continue "When ever you say no to going to these brothels, the crew acts out... at me" You state seeing Kids face go to confused to pure anger in seconds, you grip onto his shoulder as the captain tenses sacred he's going to march out and kill someone, Killer's eyes widen at your words a thousand questions running threw his head, but he couldn't voice any of them.
Acting quickly you continue to speak trying to bring the two back to you instead of their own angry or shocked minds. "Kid.. I'm not saying it's your fault but, its kinda easy to think i'm the problem when you only started saying no when i joined the relationship" You sigh hoping he understands but his angry eyes don't change but his slightly open mouth clenches shut indicating what you said made him even angrier. Before the captain can yell Killer pulls you fully into him, one arm wrapped tightly around your waist as you head is pressed against his chest, you can hear his heart pounding while his muscles tense, he's angry at the crew but also at himself for not seeing it, how long has this being going on? Why didn't you tell them sooner?. "Do they hurt you?" He whispers the grip on your waist getting tighter at the thought of the crew hurting you but he relaxes when you shake your head. "No, not physically... it only lasts a few days, i think its just their way of getting that pent-up energy out" You hate yourself for trying to defend the crew after everything they've said and done but you want them to like you and talk to you like they used too, you don't regret being in a relationship with the captain and first mate but some times you wonder would they treat you this way if you weren't in a relationship with them? You doubt the crew would have the balls to treat Killer like this if Kid said no all the time and you weren't in the picture. You just want things to go back to normal, your brought out of your spiraling thoughts by Kid whose metal hand clenches making you tense up since its still on your as.
Kid doesn't seem to notice though, his full attention on the bedroom door, burning holes into it with his rage filled eyes. "Those assholes" Kid growls his body tense as he takes a step closer to the door only for your hand to grab onto his jacket and yank him closer causing the the captain's head snaps to you, his angry glare now only on you make you slightly uneasy "What do they do?" Killer asks his voice calmer than before but his body is still tense "they make my job a little harder and either ignore me or-" You stop yourself not sure how to put the rest of it into words, Killer pulls you away slightly to look down at you noticing the slight sadness in your eyes, he knows your protective over the crew but you don't take shit from them, you tell them off if they overstep or do something stupid, the crew respects you for that so why are you so hell-bent on letting this happen to you? "What do they do?" Kid asks through gritted teeth stepping closer, almost looming over you his eyes burning with rage, he wants to know, and he wants to know now, you gulp while tensing up but not from the way he's looking at you but from all the things the crew has said in order to hurt you. "T-they, bring up stuff... t-that stuff, call me old nicknames and- and" You stutter while trying to stay calm but your breath and words are shaky at best, your hand grips onto Killers shirt trying to ground yourself in some way as to not slip into memories that make you feel sick and light-headed.
Your past is a sensitive topic for you and one you didn't talk about for a long time, it was only when you were drunk and handing out with Kid and Killer before you were dating that you told them about your old life. They didn't judge you but made a mental note not to use certain words to describe or nickname you. Soon you also confided in some of the crew and other you corrected pretty quickly when using those nicknames or words around you but now thanks to crew getting angry with you they let things slip regarding your past letting the others know and use it as amo. "The fuck?" The two yell making you jump slightly mainly since Killer wasn't one to yell, surprisingly the blonde is the first to move letting you go, so he can rush over to the bed side table and snatch his mask putting it on, his actions make your eyes widen knowing now the two are out for blood. "W-wait, it's not their fault, their just acting out" You try and defend your crew mates from the now furious Captain and first mate but Kid growls and grabs your arm pulling you into his chest "Not their fault! They know how you feel about that shit. Don't you dare try and defend them" The captain yells in your face his anger getting the better of him, you know he's right and you do want them to pay for what they've said and done but at the same time you just want things to go back to normal, you want the crew to like you again even if it means getting pushed around a little.
Killer walks back over taking your chin in his fingers and forcing you to look at him. "It doesn't matter what their excuse is or how their feeling, that shits out of order. Even if you weren't our girl I'd still be pissed" You couldn't see his expression but you can imagine it by how angry is tone is, you can even hear he's gritting his teeth too, which is rare for him. "I-i just... I can't stop you two from what ever your about to do but... some of the crew don't do any of that stuff or see it so please don't punish all of them" You sigh pleading with your eyes at the two, Killer turns to face Kid whose eyes are still burning into yours, the captain seems to be processing something before he speaks. "Names. Now" The red head loosening his grip on your arm but keeping you close to his chest, you know this is an order from your captain not a demand from your boyfriend so with a nod you start giving names of the people who aren't involved. When hearing Heat and Wire's names the two seem to relax a little glad that their oldest and best friend's haven't been doing anything to you. Heat and Wire are also your close friends but that didn't mean they couldn't pick on you, its always light-hearted but there have been times were you or them have taken it too far. Kid and Killer were glad this wasn't one of those times, after finishing off the list the captain nods, running his hand under your jaw line while his thumb rubs your throat "We'll take care of this" He sates before taking your hand and pulling you to the door.
Deciding not to resist you follow but look back to see Killer putting on his gauntlets before placing his hand on your lower back. "What about the other thing?" You ask remembering that the blonde had something in mind before, but he shakes his head while stepping a little closer to you. "I'll bring it to you later" The masked man states quickly looking down at you before looking back up watching where he's going. Knowing there's no stopping the two you sigh and let the two guide you down the hall, "What are you going to do?" You ask hoping to get an idea of what's about to happen since the two can be quite unpredictable with their punishments, it can range from forcing the crew to their knees and apologizes to straight up death. "You don't need to know" Kid snaps at you his anger flaring up the closer and closer the three of you get to the deck, the red head kicks open the door leading out onto the deck immediately getting the crew's attention, Since the ship is docked and the captain agreed to let everyone go to the brothel the deck was covered in the crew members. Those who were smiling before now have a look of horror on their faces, anyone who was in the middle of something immediately dropped what they were doing to look over at the three of you. There was a moment of tense silence since everyone could see how angry their captain was, it wasn't his normal level of anger it was more like rage and the normally calm and relaxed Killer has an overwhelming aura that oozed anger, his shoulders were tense and fist clenched.
The silence is broken when Kid pulls you with him starting to walk into the middle of the deck where everyone can hear him, his heavy stomps made some flinches while others stood frozen waiting for something bad to happen. Killer follows along but takes his hand off your lower back both his hangs clenching the gauntlets, his leather gloves making a sound that sends shivers down your spine as his grip become unbelievably tight. Stopping in the middle of the deck the captain scans the area looking over his crew before calling out the names you gave, his sudden loud voice makes you jump a little long with those whose names where called. You can see the look of fear in their eyes as their body shakes a little, you know there not in trouble but at them moment you can't must up even a look to tell them it's ok. "All of you off the ship now... the rest of you stay" Kid yells making those whose names were called relax some taking a breath while others gripped their chest knowing their not the ones in trouble. The captain pants after his loud and long yelling as members of the crew leave quickly dropping their stuff to get off the ship but Wire and Heat walk over to the three of you both with confused faces. "What's wrong Boss?" Heat asks hoping he can do something to help but instead Kid growls pulling you past him and into Wire who quickly catches you before you can fall over. You shoot Wire a thankful look before pushing away from him to stand on your own. "Take the crew and head to that brothel down the road, we'll meet you there" The captain states releasing your arm.
Looking back at the captain in confusion you go to say something only for Killer to place a hand on your shoulder nodding in agreement before gesturing to the ramp leading off the ship. Without a word Wire and Heat nod heading to the ramp as you follow next to them glancing back a few times at your two boys. They didn't yell or lash out at the crew until you three made it off the ramp and onto land. Kid's loud yelling and screaming made some of the other crew sigh in relief yet again glad that their not the ones being yelled at and that they won't have to see what's happening. "Everyone we're to the Brothel" Heat calls out earning happy smiles from everyone before all heading off down the dock and into town, the sun's still high in the sky but in a place like this bars and brothels are open all day, the shows only happen at night which is a good thing otherwise the whole crew would be sitting in some coffee ship waiting for the blood bath to end back on the ship. "So, do we want to know?" Heat suddenly turns to you as the sound of yelling and screaming starts to fade away the further you all get from the Victoria. You think for a second before deciding against it since the rest of the crew is still in ear shot and you differently didn't want everyone to know without Kids permission first. "Probably not" You sate earning a simple nod from Wire while Heat sighs while scratching his head, despite everything your glad Kid didn't stop everyone from going off and having a good time, you just hope the two join you later, you want nothing more than to sit with the two and enjoy some drinks.
Sitting next to Wire on a large sofa you look around the bar area seeing your crew singing, dancing and flirting with some of the girls, most of them were already wasted since it's been a few hours since you've all left the ship. You did worry about the rest of the crew and wondered what Kid and Killer have planned or them, you also wonder if those crew member's will still be alive when you get back. Heat walks over and places two beer mugs on the small table in the middle before flipping down with his own on the small arm chair across from the two of you "Come on, at least give me a hint" The stitched man smirks hoping to pry something out of you, unknown to most Heat can be quite the gossip, some people might call him nosy but you know he likes to talk about other peoples stuff and get different perspectives, so he's more of a gossip in that sense. Picking up your Beer you pat the seat next to you giving the stitched man the signal that your ready to talk, with a wide black smile Heat jumps up and rushes over to your side leaning in close to hear what all the fuss was about before. Wire chuckles at this deciding to listen in while keeping an eye on the crew, "Don't tell anyone since Captain may not like it. I finally got him to spill the beans but at the cost of my own secret" Knowing what your on about Heat's jaw drops scooting closer even though he's already practically in your face "So he let it slip and now he's mad? But why is Killer mad?" Wire asks before sipping on his beer.
Shaking your head you lean back taking in a deep breath "No thats not why he's mad, I.. I kept something from the two of them about the crew, If i tell you two please don't get mad as well" The two raise an eyebrow at you before nodding now fully invested in what your about to say. Taking in another breath you tell the two what you told Kid and Killer. What the crew that were left behind, said and did to you after The captain refused to let them go to a brothel and that you've been covering up since you understand their frustrations. "The fuck?" The two yell through gritted teeth as you try and shush them before sending an apologetic smile over to those who looked your way. "Keep it down, i don't want the others to kno-" Your interrupted by a slap around the back of your head from Heat who glares at you, rubbing your head you glare back about to yell at him when the stitched man gets closer to your face "You are not this stupid... You can't let them walk all over you, for fucks sake Y/N you need to stop mothering them so much." Heat whispers with an angry tone making you lean back only to be stopped by Wire's hand being placed on your head "Heat's right, your too soft with them, i understand your protection over the crew in a place like this but on the ship they should respect you as a senior member." The tall man has a point and it makes you think about your actions, you should have told them off like you used too or knocked some sense into them a long time ago.
Heat sighs before moving to lean against the sofa getting away from your face as he drinks his beer "I know your past is a touchy subject but when it comes to outsiders knowing you kick their ass, i don't see why you shouldn't do the same to the crew if they bring it up." Heat shrugs calming down from his anger making you relax a little and sit back up, Wire hums in agreement taking his hand off your head while scanning the room. "Fuck... I've really lost it" You whisper to yourself earning a hearty laugh from Heat who bends over and slaps his knee while trying to not spill his beer "Girlie, you lost it ages ago, this was a real fuck up" You glare at the stitched man as he laughs, you wanted to hit him, knock him into the ground and yell at him but instead you roll your eyes while sipping on your beer "Your lucky your right, otherwise i would have kicked you ass by now" You state with a growl earning a chuckle from Wire who puts an arm around you "There she is, back to normal" You smirk up at the tall man before light nudging him in the side with your elbow getting his arm to move away from you. It seems you really needed a reality check and all it took was two tipsy assholes to do so but your glad for it, you did hope being nicer to the crew would get them to stop and like you again but of course that wouldn't work. You're a part of the Kid pirates for god’s sake, being kind doesn't earn you respect, strength, power, will and confidence is how you get it, its how you got respect and made friends on the crew in the first place, backing down only made you weak but that won't happen again no matter how much you love the crew.
#one piece#polly relationship#one piece kid#kid eustass#kid pirates#eustass kid#eustass kid x reader#eustasscaptainkid#eustass x reader#one piece eustass#kid x reader x killer#kid x killer#kid x reader#massacre soldier killer#killer x reader#killer one piece#op killer#killer x reader x kid#op kidkiller#kidkiller#KidKiller X reader
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Random but do you have any Eustass Kid fics that you like? I struggle to find ones where he's not written like an asshole (nsfw is okay too btw!) I also like kidkiller/kidlaw or character study/coming of age type ones or modern au...just anything please<3
Oh man, okay!!! :"D I know tryin to find stories where he's not written as like some kind of abusive shithead is like. hard as fuck. I feel very lucky to have stumbled on the little Kid Enjoyers community that I have, and I'll try to give you some good recs. Just as a disclaimer, a lot of what I read and engage with tends to be like nsft stuff, so that's going to be a lot of what's on the list. Also there is the possibility for spoilers for the current arc, I'm not sure where you are in your one piece journey alsedkjfasld
Okay, so:
@quinloki : Has pretty much my favorite characterization set for Kid of all time. They write mostly smut and op x reader stuff in both shortform and longform formats, and have a variety of faves, so if you like their style and have faves other than Kid there's more stuff in there too. c:
Some of my fave pieces of theirs are shorter ones, so they're good starters, I'll link em here, here and here . (the links are gonna open to punks-never-die205, that's one of their sideblogs)
@swampstew : Writes STUNNING work both short and longform, absolutely loves Kid, and if you like her writing she has a huge backlog of stories both on her blog and on her wattpad. A++++ 10/10, she also runs a blog and is writing a longer series for Killer, KillerCook, which is SO splendid.
She also does headcanon lists, a TON of events, and x reader things, I'll link some starter ones here, here, and here. (the last one is to an anthology of short stories and drabbles on her wattpad that is a ton of fun)
@standfucker : good GRACIOUS me, okay listen. Standfucker does it all. A+++ Kid characterization. Hot, well-balanced, well-written stories. They write for a bunch of characters and also do like, multiple people in a pairing/scenario stuff, and it's all phenomenal.
First one is one of my personal favorites, which involves all the Kid Pirate officers here. This is also one of my fave pieces, you get Kid all to yourself in this one here.
@wyvernslovecake : If you'd like something a little more crew-oriented and a little less x reader smut oriented, PLEASE I am begging you look into their Kid Pirates and Cross Guild little drabble posts with their character Shriek (who is the cutest little bat mink on the Grand Line), and the named characters Gabriel and Gryphon who are [spoiler characters for current arc] and adopted by the Cross Guild. Everything they write (and draw!!) is so delightful and fun, it will brighten up your day by AT LEAST tenfold.
Here, here, and here are some good examples <3.
@eustasssimp : She has a lot of like shorter form x reader and headcanon posts, and write Kid like the gruff secret softie he is. <3
Some examples here, here, and here.
@cyborg-franky : Again, he has a truly prodigious backlog of writing, so if you enjoy his Kid stuff and have other faves, you could truly spend hours and days enjoying some excellently written fun stuff here.
here, here, and here are some examples.
I am absolutely certain I'm forgetting people lmfao, my working memory is very bad and I'm nursing a concussion, but hopefully this gives you at least a bit of a start!! Everyone listed, and really everyone in this little section of the community, is lovely, sweet, and wildly talented. There's a lot of friendly open sharing 'round these parts, and I hope you find somewhere to land and enjoy the big guy too. If none of these does it for you, or if you'd like additional recs, just let me know and we'll figure something out.
Thank you so much for your lovely ask!!
#av answers#ask#answered#anonymous#OP#Eustass Kid#fic recs#I don't actually read a ton of canon x canon fics surprisingly#there are a couple of pairings I read for sometimes but like#the (also wildly talented) people that write for them usually write like#longer pieces than my exhausted brain can parse#so I don't know a ton of specifically like kidlaw or kidkiller writers#a buddy of mine HAS mentioned doing a kidlaw fic#so when that drops I'll be reblogging the hell out of it so#keep your eyes peeled there
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AAAAAAAA!!! The WIP list!!!!
I'm really looking forward to the dance series and Storyteller AU stories, I just really love how they're an analysis of the characters themselves as well as a fun AU ripe with fun dynamics.
I love the sound of Kissaphobic (I love the song and it suits Kidd so well) and Hanahaki (I love me some Hanahaki au).
Cooking with you sounds like a sweet slice-of-life/domestic bliss piece as well as an analysis of the characters which I just know you're going to knock out of the park bc you always reflect characterisation so well in every part of your writing.
Behavioural conditioning sounds so cute and fluffy
Also, may I suggest "The Maiden and the Selkie" by Heather Dale for the one shot? It's a fitting song.
(side note: I just realized that since in the Bear and the Bow Reader is an archer, and Shanks is trying to best her in archery, him losing his arm will either be at best an ironic moment down the line after they're together or a heart wrenching moment during the story and I'm scared. But also excited. But also scared. But mostly excited.)
Snaillll!!! Twice in one day? You spoil me!!
I have a fair few Sapsorrow spinoffs in the works. Sir Crocodile's is the one I have been drawn to the most, which is fitting considering he's next.
The dance series, I only have three more: Shanks, Koby & Garp - but I feel like there's two more I need in my life:
Burn it to the Ground: Portgus D Ace x Reader
Despiértame mi Corazon: Donquioute Rosinante x Reader
The "Kissaphobic" was brought on by your ask way back in the day. Now that I've got a little taste for the burly man, I feel a bit more confident enough to handle an ask or two for him.
A hanahaki with KidKiller x Reader is going to be so much fun to write for. I never knew I needed hanahaki until I wrote a Mihawk for it. It's a grand ol' trope, almost as good as the 'one bed' or 'marriage for convince' trope 😩👌.
Thank you for your compliments about my characterisation, I try very hard to match their OPLA and AniManga auras alongside the vibe they give off in my head. Sweet domesticity is also a love of mine, even better with Mihawk, Law and Shanks -- three different types in one fic!
Donquixote Rosinante. Corazon. Big, tall, clumsy man who has his heart out in his sleeve. Please. He needs some attention. I have been meaning to write for him for a while now, and I adore him.
I will give this one a little listen to get myself in the headspace for that request. I love a whispy, spoken-word melody!
"The Bear and the Bow" was another request you made way back when! I have been wanting to write for it so, so much. How is Shanks going to shoot for her hand when he only has one? It's gonna be a fluffy, angsty, fluffy piece.
I always adore hearing from you, snail! My heart is with you with your hectic uni schedule! 🖤🖤
#one piece#x reader#opla fic#one piece live action#wip roundup#ask snail#snail answers#i love this snail#moots mooting
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I have so many ideas for smuts but so little time to write them. Curse work.
Virgin Eustass getting his shit rocked by the reader.
Wire x reader x Heat in a Scene.
Killer getting flustered when he realizes his lipstick transferred to the reader when he kissed them. Leading to more kisses. Elsewhere.
KidKiller fluff and definitely some smut. HeatWire, too. Maybe some Nami x Fem!Reader.
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Hi guys, got a fair bit to put down here but I’m doing this on the app so I can’t put anything under a cut. Since it is a lot, I will have a TLDR at the end as a summery.
This has been a long time coming, I’ve desperately wanted to put it off, but I feel now is a good a time as any. I won’t be taking requests anymore; I feel I write better when it is for myself instead of forcing out stuff for an idea/scenario I hadn’t even thought about before.
Instead, I will be doing the following events, most of which will pertain to my otp – KidKiller – but also to my OC’s as I really want to write about them.
So, schedule wise, here’s how things are going to go, keep in mind I only really have the time and energy to post on Sundays (Australia time):
First will be Bottom Eustass Kid week (because sub!Kid has always hit different than dom for me), with the following prompts, done first because I have until the end of June to get a guaranteed reblog, most of these will be opportunities to upload the last of my kinktober stuff from last year:
Day 1 & 3 Bondage & ‘S&M’ by Rihanna
Day 2 & 6 Praise Kink & Overstimulation
Skipping day 4 cause I’m already writing a whole ass 7 chapter story for A/B/O with Omega!Kid x Alpha!Killer, so be on the lookout for that!
Day 5 Aftercare
Skipping day 7 cause nothings really speaking to me
Day 8 Free (It’s a surprise!)
After this I plan on doing a row for the One Piece Bingo card I got, again all KidKiller, with no set time for guaranteed reblog as far as I know:
Blanket Fort
Free Space (same as Day 8 on last list)
Lastly will be Mayternity, this has no set time, this will be the entire bingo card and written with Katakuri and his wife Lee (OC) of whom I got the commission done for and posted earlier this week.
I will work on these while doing other writings, either for other OC’s, the retelling of One Piece from the perspective of Kid and Killer (with A/B/O), or some x reader series I want to do. Most of the last will be kink, with some having several versions (afab, amab, one person is virgin, other person is in other version, those kinds of differences).
This has taken up a page of a word document, so here’s the summery/TLDR:
Not taking any more requests
Doing a buncha gay stuff (KidKiller)
Wanna write more about my OC’s
Will still do x reader stuff, just when I want to and with my own prompts/scenarios
Wanna do x reader series pertaining to my fave kinks, afab and amab and other differences will be written separately
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thinking about Killer who likes to watch you get fucked and Kid who likes being watched whilst he fucks you
#they’re the ultimate best friend duo tbh#one piece#eustass kid#kid pirates#one piece headcanons#eustass kid headcanons#eustass captain kid#eustass kid x reader#killer one piece#one piece thirst#killer op#killer#massacre soldier killer#killer headcanons#killer x reader#eustass kid thirst#one piece smut#killer smut#eustass kid smut#kidkiller#kid x you x killer#kid x killer
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