#Kian Lawley fanfiction
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sadbbybel · 4 months ago
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avenging-fandoms · 3 years ago
nah cause kian would go feral if he saw you had nipple piercings 😵‍💫
it would be the second month of dating and you two hadn’t really had sex. you had gone down on him and him on you, but no sex really.
you two had planned a beach date and you were excited, but definitely nervous. while you were naked trying to figure out a bikini, kian knocked on your door.
you shrieked and covered yourself with a t-shirt, opening the door with a smile. "hi, i'm sorry. i just don't know which bathing suit to wear"
"yeah.. uhm.. no worries" kian leans down to kiss you and you smile, nearly letting the shirt slip. "do you want my help?" he mumbles against your mouth and you smile, nodding.
"if you don't mind that i'm naked" you whisper and he closes the door, shaking his head.
"not at fucking all" he kisses you again and you two walk to your bedroom. "these are your options? there's like a hundred"
"exactly! but i'm deciding between these two tops" one was a snake skin one, another a lavender strapless top. kian picks up the snake skin one and hands it to you. "perfect"
you turned to the mirror and look at kian through it. "i can leave the room"
"no it's fine, i need you to tie it anyway" you smile and throw the shirt on your dresser, kian's expression softening as he saw you topless for the first time. "you alright?"
"you.. you have them pierced?" you throw the straps over your shoulder and kian walks to you, dragging his fingers along your shoulder.
"yeah, it was a birthday present to myself when i turned 18" you smile and kian's cheeks got red. he pushed the straps off your shoulders, letting the top of the bikini fall off of you and you stared at him in the mirror.
kian’s fingers trailed up your stomach, softly touching your skin and your nipples instantly got hard. kian chuckled, and you leaned into him.
his left hand held your breast, kissing down your neck as his right hand traced patterns into your stomach.
“where’s your phone?” he mumbled against your skin and you pointed to the bed. kian backed away from you and grabbed your phone, handing it to you. “take some pictures. i wanna show everyone how sexy you are”
kian’s face dipped into your neck again with both hands gripping your boobs, groaning into your neck. you giggle as he massages your breasts like a stress ball, taking picture after picture.
kian’s right hand smoothed over your chest and his left arm covered you, right hand around your neck. you took a picture, then kian tilted your head back.
you looked up at him and smiled, taking a few more pictures before he kissed you. you threw your phone on the bed and spun around, pressing your bare chest against kian.
"you are so beautiful" he mumbled against your mouth, cupping your breast and you hissed as he accidentally pulled the bar. "what? what? what did i do? are you okay?"
"you just pulled my piercing. it happens, don't worry" you smile and pick the top up off the floor, kian actually helping you put it on. you put your bathing suit cover up on and grabbed your cooler, as well as kian's hand.
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lovewriting-5 · 4 years ago
Kian and Jc were filming a video today that involved a ton bags of ice and a bathtub.  You didn't know what they were going to do but you usually don't and don't really know why.  Kian apparently had to go first, you loved to watch them film because you always end up cracking up and wondering "Oh god what did I just get myself into?"
You had on one of Kian's sweatshirts and every once in a while you would tease him a little bit.  Sometimes it would be that you were warm or in a sexy way.  Jc told you to pour more ice on him and you kind of enjoyed that.  You sent out a tweet that said 'Getting to pour a bag of ice on your boyfriend, so much fun.'
He finally got a question right, hopped out and went straight for the shower.  He wraps the towel around himself, you were sitting on the bathroom counter.  Kian leans against the counter in front of you as you wrap your arms around his waist to help him warm up.  You would slowly place kisses along the top of his back.  Him and Jc were talking about the challenge and Jc looked like he was preparing himself for it.
Jc slowly gets in when Kian decides to help with it.  It was funny watching him try and guess the answers.  Jc finally got a question right and got out of the tub faster than Kian did.  It takes them a few minutes to get back in the tub to film their outro.
They both hop out and get in the shower together, trying to share the water.  The three of you went to go get lunch, after you and Kian took a drive listening to music and hanging out.  When the two of you got back it was kind of late.
You decide to change into more comfortable pants while keeping his sweatshirt on.  You found Kian in the kitchen leaning over the counter on his phone.  Sitting on the counter next to him, he rests an arm on your legs and you trace the tattoos on his arm with your finger.  He puts his phone down and wraps his arms around your waist.  He looks you in the eyes and slowly moves toward you closing the gap in between you.
You keep your arms around his neck as your lips move with his.  His tongue brushed against your top lip as you parted yours to let him in a little.  You wrapped your legs around his torso, he began placing kisses all along your neck.  He picked you up and carried you all the way to his room.  You returned the feeling by kissing him under his earlobe working your way down his neck and back up.
Kian reached his room, he sat down on the edge of his bed as you straddled his lap.
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thinkaboutdobrik · 6 years ago
Tweezers ↠ Kian Lawley
Plot: Plucking Kian’s eyebrows and him being very dramatic about it.
Request: Can you do an Imagine where u and kian are doing nothing at all and kian just randomly asks for u to do his eyebrows? & "if you don't hug me right now i think i might fall apart" with kian please! I love your writing!
You were laying on top of Kian on the couch, cuddling as you had done for the most of the day. 
Kian had his arms wrapped around your body as you laid on top of him, gently brushing his messy hair away from his face as you playfully twirled it around your fingers.
“Ouch, that hurts!” Kian laughed as a strand of hair accidentally got tangled up in your fingers.
You gasped and laughed, patting him and littering his forehead with kisses for comfort. Kian grabbed your hands to hold them still in front of you. You giggled but stopped midway as your eyes glued to his eyebrows.
“What??” Kian asked in confusion as he caught on to your look.
“Can I do your eyebrows?” you asked politely.
Kian’s eyes widened and he let out a laugh. “What- No! Why?”
“Because! I just want to. You could use some cleaning up, just saying. It’ll be quick.” you explained and sat up on the couch.
Kian’s eyes rolled far back to his head as he let out a groan, meanwhile, you were already headed for the bathroom grabbing your tweezers.
You returned after finding the tweezers, a big smile forming on your lips as you held them in front of him.
“That looks like a deadly weapon. Be careful. Don’t hurt me, please.” Kian said worryingly as he furrowed his eyebrows and focused on the sharp tool in your hands.
You laughed for a bit and sat down on the couch. “Shut up, I won’t. Don’t be such a baby. Like I said: it’ll be quick. Just let me do my magic.”
Kian sat himself up in his seat and you scooted closer to him. He sat as still as he possibly could, terrified and not knowing what he was getting himself into let alone what it would feel like.
You placed a hand on his forehead to keep him still and leaned in as you narrowed your eyes at his eyebrows, scanning the surface as you picked out a hair to pluck.
“Wait-“ Kian said and grabbed your hand just as you were about to grab the hair. You groaned and rolled your eyes at him.
“Be quick, okay?”
You nodded and smiled, letting him know he wasn’t even going to feel a thing. Grabbing the hair with the tweezers, you plucked it away and with every hair you plucked, Kian’s “ouch” became louder and louder.
“I’m gonna pass out, y/n. Are you done yet?” Kian panted as he overdramatically faked getting dizzy.
“Almost.” you muttered as you grabbed a hold of his head again to keep him still.
Kian’s eyes rolled back to his head again as his head got heavy in your hands, purposely being annoying and trying to stop you.
“You’re gonna kill me. If you don’t hug me right now I think I might fall apart.” Kian slurred as his head dropped.
You let out another loud groan and put the tweezers down on the table. “Don’t worry, I’m done.”
Kian pulled a funny face and a weird smile as he looked at you, causing you to let out a small chuckle at how dumb he was being.
“How do I look?” Kian asked as he grabbed your tiny mirror and pulled a duckface, checking himself out in the mirror.
“Gorgeous.” you complimented and laughed.
Kian turned to you and smiled, narrowing his eyes at you. “Now it’s your turn.”
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kianlawleysprincess · 6 years ago
if y’all want me to write more kian fics just send me some requests! i also write for colby 🥰
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hobisbeech · 7 years ago
Going To California Pt. 2 | Kian Edition
Alright ! Part 2 is out. I haven’t actually introduced myself, I’m Lina and I hope you enjoy my stories. I’m new to the fan fiction game, so please enjoy. 🖤
Y/n had literally slept through the whole flight to California. While your friends stayed awake, and looked outside the window. Glancing at how the scenery changed before them. The plane had finally arrived, and a soft high pitch voice came on the intercom,
“Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you so much for flying with us..” the voice trailed off as (Your 1st friend’s name) tapped you repeatedly to wake up, “Come on, dude! Cali awaits us !”
Y/n rose as if you had gotten resurrected from the dead. Your friends all simultaneously gasped, “ Whoa, dude. Remind me not to stare at you directly when you wake up.”
Y/n scrunched up her nose which made her eyes close slightly. “ I was just really tired. Once I get some coffee I’ll be good.”
-Arriving at y/f/n house-
The uber pulled up to what it looked like a big O’l mansion. It was a two story house that had a patio that wrapped around the entire structure. There was a white swing that hanged perfectly on the right side of the entrance. As well, as companied with several lounging couch chairs with pillows and blankets.
As you walked through the walkway, there was a row on each side of it with roses of all different shades of colors. It practically looked like you were walking to the other side of the rainbow. You and all of your friends ooo and ahhh at the surroundings.
“Oh my fucking god ! I can’t believe it’s you !!!” A familiar voice screamed from far away. Y/n looked up and pushed her wild black hair out of her face. “Duuuuuuude ! I can’t believe we’re here !” Y/f/n ran towards the entire group and hugged everyone individually. “Thank god! You guys were able to come. This summer is gonna be amazing !” Y/f/n happily said. “Come on! Let me show you around the house and to your rooms.” Y/f/n added as she started walking towards her half open front door.
Everyone grabbed their luggage and followed.
Once inside, y/f/n pulled out a digital camera and began talking to it.
“Hey, guys! Welcome back to another episode of y/f/n show!” She excitedly said into her camera. Y/n began to laugh, y/f/n turned around, “ dude, how are you just gonna laugh while I’m trying to vlog.” Y/n continued laughing, “ this stupid bitch is just gonna continue laughing.” She added as she faced her camera. Y/f/n turned the camera around to face y/n. “Now, you’re going to have to start my video and explain who the hell you are.”
Y/n wiped away her laughing tears and began, “Sup guys! Welcome back to another episode of y/f/n show! I am y/n and y/f/n has invited me and a couple of our friends to come join her for the summer. We have never been in her vlogs before so this might get interesting.” Y/f/n flipped the camera over and winked, “ Alright ! That’s more like it.” And turned the camera off.
She gave you and your friends a tour of her home, once everyone had seen the bottom portion of the house, they headed up the stairs. Mid way up the steps y/f/n turned on her camera, “ So, I have a couple of surprises for my friends. In each of their rooms are goody bags filled with stuff they’ll need for the summer. But one person in particular is gonna get a little extra love.” She flipped the camera over to face her friends, “ who that lucky person is you ask ? You’ll have to keep watching to find out.” The group trying to be normal as their friend continued vlogging, split and headed to their designated bedrooms. Their name hanged on a plaque in front of the bedroom door. In each room was 5 separate go pro cameras recording each persons reaction of the room and goodies they were all getting.
All the rooms were decorated according to each persons interest and personality. Y/n bedroom in particular had a more boho laid back look with a couple of unicorn trinkets, Which was something she obsessed over.
Y/n jumped on the bed and began to open the white gift bag that had her name written in big block letters. Taking out the decorative paper.
Y/n pulled out an unopen Mac book Pro, a mini iPad, a baby blue (which was your favorite color) digital camera and before you could continue y/f/n interrupted you,
“Wait, before you continue. I am now going to explain what you guys are suppose to do.” She continued with her vlog explaining what the sponsorship was about and how she was going to help y/n revamp or start up her very own YouTube channel. Y/n was super excited and could practically cry over the news she was just receiving. “ With this sponsorship I was able to buy you your very own camera and set lights for your videos y/n.” Y/n jumped over the bag and hugged her making her vlogging camera shake, “ oh my gosh ! I don’t even know what to say!” Y/f/n smiled, and hugged you back tightly. “ You don’t have to say anything,” and she turned to face her camera once more, “ stay tuned guys for y/n’s first video. It may be a vlog, who knows?” She shrugged her shoulders and turned off her camera.
“I am so happy you like your gift ! I’m so excited, I literally have the first week planned for you. We’re gonna change up your YouTube channel, make it more something that you’re gonna be proud of and love. I promise you. Plus, on Friday I’m gonna throw a beach party for you guys. Sort of like a ’Welcome to california’ type thing. A bunch of my friends are gonna come and you guys will get to meet my 2nd family basically.” Y/f/n rambled on, and you stayed speechless not knowing how exactly to react. All you knew was that you had been waiting for this day and now that you were finally in Cali, nothing could go wrong.
- The rest of the week-
Y/n’s alarm went off at 9 am, you stretched your arms away from you and sat up slightly. Letting out a yawn as you looked around, ’Whoa..’ you sighed to yourself. ’I can't believe I'm actually here.’
You heard a knock on your bedroom door, ”Good morning y/n, can I come in?” y/f/n slightly yelled through the other side of the door. You had remembered that y/f/n had given you a schedule to follow for the 1st week. Since her video was going to be based on your youtube channel re-launch. ”Good morning, ” you giggled, ” Come on in babe,” you added scratching the back of your head.
Y/f/n had her blonde hair tight up in a bun, ready to work. She wore a white long sleeve crop top and some black joggers, that hugged her hips. Smiling y/f/n sat on the opposite side of you on the bed. ” You wanna get breakfast ready, and then we can talk about what type of content you wanna publish on your channel?” Y/n got ready for the day, and walked downstairs to help y/f/n make breakfast for her and her friends.
-Later on that day-
(Your 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th friend name) had gone to the designated beach that was a block away from y/f/n’s house. The group had agreed to leaving the house, so that y/n and y/f/n could work on y/n youtube channel.
”Okay, so you want to make some singing videos, maybe some makeup videos/story times, and vlog?” y/f/n asked going down the list she had in front.
Y/n popped her knuckles one at a time trying to decide if that’s what she exactly wanted, “What if it’s just open, like I don’t necessarily have to have something set?” Y/f/n scratched the back of her neck, “ okay, that sounds like something we could work with. How about we start with a storytime?”
Y/n chuckled, “ I have this best one !”
The rest of the day y/f/n and y/n spent it by checking to see what was the best way to set up the camera and whether to use the lights or natural sunlight.
For the rest of the week, y/f/n took y/n under her wing and teach her, how to edit videos, where to get music. She even let her use y/f/n music as her outro.
Y/n was in awe, with how her life was going to change drastically.
Taking a break from working on y/n YouTube channel, y/f/n shriek, “ Yo, Friday’s beach party is going to be awesome. Prepare, to be fucked up sideways.” Y/n chuckled, “ Uhm, fucked up sideways?”
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kufikiri · 7 years ago
Dating Kian Lawley would include
- we all know this kid’s basically an asshole so boy would he annoy you - like all day long - in every way possible - but he’s an angel though - no one can make you laugh like him - he can always cheer you up when you’re sad - he loves to see you smile and hear you laugh - but let’s be real here, his laugh is the most contagious thing in the world -like please give me a 2 hours compilation of him laughing and I’ll be happy - going out for ice cream in the middle of the night - or any food really - but mostly ice cream - he surprises you with random gifts - like he offers you a piece of clothing and goes “I saw it and thought of you so here it goes” - he’s the sweetest - I’ve said this already, haven’t I - he loves having his hands on you - not necessarily in a sexual manner - just an arm around your waist or shoulder - just a hand on your leg - he’s not clingy during the day but he loves his cuddling time - you can’t sleep with him and not be in each others arms, he won’t allow it - him sometimes sleeping with his head on your chest - he loves the feeling - Disney marathon - especially Tangled - singing the songs together - “AND AT LAST I SEE THE LIGHT!” - kissing at the end of the song - someone walking in and sighing over how cute you are probably - like so cute it’s annoying - you like when he sings - but he almost never does it when you ask him to - he gets flustered when you catch him passionately singing - so much hand holding - even during sex - he is usually dominant - not really rough but dominant - but oh boy does he adore it when you take charge - like when you get on top of him and “let me take care of you babe” - it drives him insane - hanging out with the House a lot - they all support the relationship - you love his tattoos - he tells you about every single one of them - “that one was basically a bet I lost against JC” - he is the sweetest guy in the world - I know it’s the third time I said it but he is - and I think that’s long enough so yeah Have a day and keep living and enjoy ❤💙💙❤
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magnolia-among-the-stars · 7 years ago
Try Again (K.L.)
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Plot: You and Kian spend New Years Eve today and Franny is wondering why the next day, the two of you are avoiding each other at all costs.
You’d been out and about with the roommates, the air on the rooftop of their place was electric on the first night of the new year. Every time you breathed, foggy smoke escaped your lips as if you’d just huffed on a cigarette though you’d never touched one in your life. Kian and JC were screaming in their usual manner as you and Fran shared a bottle of champagne, dancing to the LANY music blaring from her iPhone.
You caught Kian’s glance as his fingers adjusted the red beanie pulled over his shaved head. You hadn’t really spoken since the night before in his trunk of his car. The comforting silence of the wilderness that surrounded the two of you as you rang in the new year was gone now on the rooftop, but you could still smell the pine trees from the camp sight.
Franny’s hand twirling you around yanked you from your thoughts as she laughed and took a sip of the bubbly. “What’s gotten into you today? Ever since you and Kian came back from your trip, you looked so serene yet like you want to throw up at the same time,” she scrunched her eyebrows beneath her bangs and you snatched the bottle from her grasp, tipping the remaining liquid down the back of your throat.
“We need a new bottle of champagne,” you shook the glass slightly, “come with and I’ll explain.” The two of you padded back down the stairs to the kitchen, your best friend watching your every move as you properly recycled the bottle and reached to open a new one.
“What’s going on?” she asked again.
“We need shots,” you deflected and pulled your sleeves of your hoodie over your palms. Fran moved around the island to grasp your covered hands and forcing you to look up into her concerned eyes.
“Y/N,” she warned, and you let out a breath.
“He kissed me at midnight Fran.” You never thought you’d ever see your best friend look so surprised, the mixture of excitement and then confusion as wave that had been crashing over you since the lip lock had happened. “And I’m not talking chaste or like I’m a relative he’s greeting after not seeing in months. He properly and fully kissed me in the back of his car under the stars with the fuzzy countdown from the radio humming in the background,” Franny squealed and jumped around before stopping abruptly.
“Wait, that’s good, right? Then why are the two of you avoiding each other? You haven’t said two words since you guys got back,” she said as your eyes shifted to the grey countertop.
“Because after it happened, he slid out of the trunk, called some people to say Happy New Year and didn’t come back in the car until I was fast asleep. I don’t think either of us know what to say or how to start a conversation,” you explained. Franny stared at you intently for a moment before snatching the closest alcohol bottle to her, Fireball Whiskey and a few shot glasses in front of you.
She said nothing as she poured out three shots each, sliding them to you. The two of you clinked each set of shots and downed them. A moment past as your faces tweaked at the taste before she firmly states, “He’ll come to his senses, he probably just doesn’t know how to tell you he loves you.”
A few hours later, everyone had one by one made their way inside to sleep. You’d followed shortly after Fran, the two of you bumbling messes after another bottle of champagne and shots. Bobby and JC refused to allow you to take an Uber at this hour, so you’d settled on the couch with a fluffy blanket draped across you. You’d only been asleep for about an hour when heavy footsteps approached, your eyes opening groggily to see Kian, dressed down in a sweater and some athletic shorts. He plopped down on the footrest near your head, his dark eyes shifting over your facial features as he sat silently.
“Kian, what are you doing?” your voice raspy from the liquor and the sleep, “It’s three in the morning.” His mouth skewed for a moment before he pursed his lips.
“We need to talk about what happened last night,” he replied, and you blinked before sitting up a little straighter with your back against the couch cushion. You pulled the blanket around your waist, suddenly feeling vulnerable in front of your best friend of two years. There’s always been a would they, won’t they between the two of you. The viewers shipped you together, your friends constantly nagged you both to just get on with it, but you’d never been able to make it happen.
“Kian,” you started but he cut you off.
“Let me talk, please,” he shifted a bit closer, “I was an idiot to walk away from you after making a move for the first time. I should’ve said something, anything so that you weren’t left in the dark and after saying goodnight to my mom, I was headed back to talk to you but then JC called me, and Bobby wanted to talk to me, by the time I got back to the car you’d already gone to sleep. I’m so sorry for leaving you alone like that,” he apologized, and you nodded, still unsure as to where this left the two of you.
“Is it possible we can start over? Let me try again, I mean,” he stuttered, and your face got warm. You went to speak but decided against it, instead nodding your head.
He smiled and took a deep breath, leaning toward you as his hand cupped the back of your neck, his other grasped your hip beneath the blanket. “C’mere,” he whispered, pressing his lips to yours.. Your hands slid over his shoulders and to his scruffy jawline as he planted himself between your legs, laying you back against the cushions. You felt as if your hearts were having a drum off, thumping in your ears as you pressed more aggressively into him. You pulled back for a moment, lips only millimeters apart, his minty breath almost getting you drunk again.
His hands squeezed your hips, lips brushing your cheek. “I love you,” he whispers, “Be mine?”
Hope you enjoyed <3 
Want to request an imagine? the list is here !
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letspackbagsandrunaway · 8 years ago
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AU Meme: Dating Kian Lawley Part 2
You wanted more Kian, There you go :) I hope you enjoy!
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multiwritesstuff · 3 years ago
Apartment 607
4 boys, one girl, one massive apartment, this is their life. Keep an eye out for chapter one.
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Gif credit to all original owners
Kian Lawley as himself
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Jc Caylen as himself
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Colby Brock as himself
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Sam Golbach as himself
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Katrina Stuart as herself
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Y/N as whoever you picture
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scottybrock · 5 years ago
Merch War - Colby Brock
A/N: Requested by two lovely anons: “Love you’re back!! I had this idea what if the reader is dating Colby and is best friends with kian and you know how the whole merch wars is happening so they are both trying to get her to support their merch idk if that makes sense lol” + “Can i request a fic where the reader and Colby are dating and he gets upset because he spots her wearing a KnJ shirt and supporting them during the merch wars but she only did it because she felt bad that they might loose.”
“So, what’s it going to be?” Kian asked, lifting a brow. Colby’s arm was still wrapped firmly around your waist, and he gave you a pleading look and a little squeeze. You rolled your eyes at their dramatics, then shrugged. “I still don’t get why I can’t support both of you,” You replied, a hand on your hip. Kian rolled his eyes, then sighed. “Because it’s a merch war, dude!” His voice was a whine, and you suppressed the urge to roll your eyes once again. 
“Obviously she’s going to support her loving, sweet, amazing boyfriend,” Colby replied, pulling you closer to him. You let out a sigh, then slapped your forehead. Kian scowled at Colby, his other brow rising to meet his other one. “Or,” Kian emphasized, crossing his arms over his chest. “She’s going to support her even more loving, sweet, amazing best friend.” 
Colby frowned at Kian, his arm dropping from around your waist. “Or,” Colby began, but you cut him off. “Or!” You practically shouted in exasperation, throwing your hands into the air. Kian and Colby stared at you intensely, waiting for your response. You placed both hands on your hips and glared at them. “I can just fucking support you both, and you guys can stop swinging your dicks around, because in retrospect, is it really that fucking important?” 
Kian scowled, because he knew you were right. Colby’s frown deepened, and he let out a disappointed huff. “I guess I have my answer,” He snapped. He shrugged at you, his expression looking extremely disappointed. You narrowed your eyes at him. Was he being fucking serious? Colby stalked out of the room, letting the door slam behind him dramatically. Kian’s jaw dropped, and he whirled around to look at you. “Is he being serious?” Kian asked, echoing your thoughts. 
Your mouth twisted into a scowl. Colby’s ego was just getting in the way, and he was acting like a two year old. If that’s how he wanted to act, then that was fine. He clearly wasn’t the person you thought he was. You shrugged, trying your hardest to seem nonchalant. “He just needs to blow off some steam,” You replied. Kian shot you a disbelieving look, but you successfully kept up your nonchalant facade. 
Kian left shortly after, after giving you a few t-shirts and hoodies to wear. You had insisted that you were going to support both of them, and you weren’t going to show any favoritism. After Kian left, you carefully folded the shirts and hung the hoodies on your side of the closet. You curled up on the couch, toying with your phone.
The door swung open to reveal a very sheepish looking Colby. “Hey…” Colby’s voice was uncertain, and you rolled your eyes, your bad mood descending on you like a black, stormy rain cloud. You ignored him, scrolling through your phone. “What’re you doing?” Colby asked, his voice soft. You glared up at him, your eyes narrowed and your mouth set into a fierce scowl. “Looking for a new boyfriend,” You snapped. 
Colby hung his head, shuffling his feet. “Look, I know that I might’ve over-reacted,” He started, but you cut him off. “Over-reacted?!” You threw your head back and let out a cackle that could rival a witch’s laugh. “You acted like a two year old, with the way you threw that temper tantrum!” Your voice rose to a shout. “You’re a grown man, Colby! Fucking act like it!”
Colby curled in on himself, looking deeply unhappy. He knew that he over-reacted, and you had every right to be angry with him. Honestly, he was embarrassed that he’d acted in such a way; it was so unlike him, and the both of you knew that. “I’m-” Colby tried, but you bulldozed over him, your face flushed with outrage.
“You acted like supporting the both of you was the worst thing in the world!” You shouted, standing up. “You wanted me to pick a side, between you and my best friend! That’s not okay!” You stomped your foot. Colby bowed his head once again. Your chest heaved with the force of your yelling. You breathed in deeply, trying to calm yourself down. You weren’t going to get anywhere by screaming and stomping about. 
Colby risked a glance up at you, and his heart broke in his chest. The fire had drained out of you, and your shoulders slumped. You curled in on yourself, looking lost and defeated. “I don’t want to have to choose,” Your voice was small, soft; a stark contrast with the abandon you’d been yelling at him with. “Why are you making me choose?”
Colby broke at that, striding across the room in two large steps. He pulled you into his arms, ignoring your feeble protests. “I’m sorry,” Colby murmured, his lips brushing against the top of your head. “I’m so, so sorry, baby. I never meant to make you choose. You don’t have to choose. I’m sorry for acting like that, I was out of line.” 
You let out a soft sigh, trembling in his embrace. He only held you tighter. “I’m sorry,” He repeated, his voice soft. “I love you.” You rested your head against his chest, letting out a soft sniffle. “I love you, too.” You replied, just as softly. You felt Colby’s chest rise and fall with a sigh of relief. He gave you a gentle squeeze, and you snuggled further into his embrace. 
You pressed your lips to where you felt his heart beating, smiling softly when his heart raced at the simple contact. “By the way,” You added nonchalantly. “Off the record, you’re gonna kick Kian and Jc’s asses.” Colby let out a startled laugh, glancing down at you in surprise. Your eyes twinkled at him as your lips tugged up into a small smirk. “But if Kian asks, I said nothing.”
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sadbbybel · 4 months ago
chapter 24 pls
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rafestyles · 6 years ago
instagram story concept master list
Current Request List
i cannot believe i have made enough to do this but yay !! here it is !! :))
David Dobrik:
dating david | part two
vacation with david
going on the views tour with david
getting married to david
david getting his wisdom teeth out
having a baby with david
dating david during the chicago pop-up shop
dating david during his 23rd birthday
Ilya Feddy:
dating ilya
Natalie Mariduena/David Dobrik:
going on a girls trip with natalie but missing your boyfriend david while you’re gone
being friends with natalie & david
Jeff Wittek:
dating jeff
Heath Hussar:
dating heath
Matt King:
being married to matt
Kian Lawley:
dating kian
Spencer Reid:
dating spencer
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lovewriting-5 · 5 years ago
Kian Lawley
Ice Bath Challenge
Life is Strange 2
1. 1452 Lame Avenue, Seattle
2. Into The Woods
3. Bear Station
4. US-101
5. Jewel of the Pacific Coast
6. Sand Castle
7. Room With A View
8. Long Road Ahead
1. Young Apprentice
2. Ship, Captain, Crew
3. Rule of Might
4. The Road to Beaver Creek
5. Sanctuary
6. The Gingerbread House
7. Bending Laws
8. Christmas Spirit
9. Confessions
10. Screeching Tires
11. Breaking Free
1. Daggers Drawn
2. Redwood Curtain
3. Cash Crop
4. The Trimmigrants
5. Campfire Tales
6. Pay Day
7. The Oath
8. Paradise Lost
9. Midnight Swim
10. Bad Harvest
1. New Perspective
2. Leap Of Faith
3. The Long Haul
4. Miracles
5. Open Hearts
6. Brothers In Arms
Until Dawn
1. Chapter 1
Chapter 2: Part 1 | Part 2
3. Chapter 3
4. Chapter 4
5. Chapter 5
The Moose
Part 1
Part 2
Rami Malek
403 Forbidden
Queen concert
Taron Egerton
Robin Hood
Private Getaway
Studio - ‘Rocketman’
Sing 2 Instagram filter
Christmas tree
Black Bird Premiere
Robin Hood part 2
In Town
Jimmy Keene
Dean Winchester
Return | Part 2
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thinkaboutdobrik · 6 years ago
Keep It Down ↠ Kian Lawley
Plot: Kian being handsy with the reader, not wanting to wait until they get home. They get home and can't keep their hands off of eachother until they get interrupted.
Request: can you write kian smut?? him teasing you while you’re out with friends at a party or something .. then getting back to his house , going back to his room and being loud af. after corey / bobby being telling them the walls are super thin hahah idk
Notes: almost smut??? maybe a little?? A LOT OF TEASING AT LEAST i've never written smut before so i don't really know what i'm doing kskdjdkks if it sucks, feel free to tell me bc i'm always wanting feedback on my stuff
Kian gently rested his cold hands on your thigh, gazing into your eyes as you spoke with a small smirk on his lips. Sliding his hand a little further up your thighs sent shivers down your spine.
You rested your hand on top of his, giving him a warning look. "Not here." you whispered, looking at the crowd of people standing before you, keeping an eye on them incase anyone were to see.
"I want you. Now. Let's get out of here." Kian purred back into your ear. Nuzzling into the crook of your neck, he started placing small kisses all over your neck and collar bone. His hand was rested on the inside of your thigh, giving it a light squeeze.
You giggled at his touch feeling yourself get more and more aroused by the second. Kian knew exactly how to get you going, and when he wanted something he wanted it right then and there.
"Not yet, Kian. We're at a party. We can't just leave now." you replied and held his hand still to keep it from moving.
Kian looked at you and smirked, sliding his hand even further up your thigh, squeezing it a little making you press your legs together. His cold rings gave you goosebumps with an instant.
You turned to him, once again, giving him a warning look. He loved seeing you like this, trying to keep calm yet so desperately wanting to give in.
"Fuck.." he whispered, grabbing your hand and placing it on top of his thigh, practically begging for you to return the favor.
He lightly grabbed your chin, tilting it towards him, and placed a soft kiss on your lips. His lips were warm against yours, kissing you so passionately, so desperately. You parted your lips slightly, tilting your head as the tip of your noses touched. His lips brushed over yours as he seeked permission to deepen the kiss.
You pulled away, gazing into his eyes as you watched Kian bite his bottom lip. If it hadn't been for the fact that the party you were at was coming to an end, you would already be calling an uber by now.
Once you got back to the guys' house you kicked off your shoes in the hallway before heading towards Kian's bedroom.
"Keep it down, guys." Corey said from behind you, knowing what you were up to.
You brushed it off and Kian grabbed your hand, leading you into his bedroom.
Kicking the door shut with his foot, Kian snaked his hands around you waist, pushing you against the wall before starting to place a trail of kisses down your neck.
He moved further down your neck and down to your collar bones, kissing you harder and harder every time, sucking a little on the skin which were definitely going to result in hickeys.
"Take your dress off," he demanded in between kisses.
You nodded and did as he said, undressing yourself and letting your dress fall to the ground.
Kian grabbed your wrists, pinning them against the wall as he placed a hard, passionate kiss on your lips.
He deepend the kiss, now slipping his tongue in, his breaths were heavy each time he pulled away. Biting his lower lip a little made him let out a small moan.
He placed a hand on your jaw, tracing your lower lip with his thumb. "God, you're beautiful."
You slid your hand down his lower abdomen, landing on his belt. Tugging on his belt a little you pulled him closer, pushing your hips against his as you felt his bulge harden by the second.
You slid your hand further down, feeling his hardened bulge in your hands as you gently stroked it, looking into his eyes as you maintained eye contact.
"Fuck.." he moaned as he leaned in, his breath lightly hitting your lips.
Grabbing both of your legs, Kian lifted you up and carried you over to his bed before putting you down, hovering over you as he positioned himself inbetween your legs.
"You're so fucking beautiful." he complimented and locked his lips with yours.
You ran your up and down his back in pleasure, digging your nails into his skin leaving scratch marks all over his body, begging for more.
His kisses trailed down your neck and down to your collar bone before moving further down to your chest. Kissing on your breasts, his hand slid around your back to unlock your bra which he did in one swift move.
Kissing further down your stomach and down to your panty line, you could feel yourself getting more and more aroused by the second. Squeezing the covers tight in both of your hands, you squirmed feeling his hands make their way to your heat.
"Fuck, Kian. Fuck me good." you moaned and breathed heavily.
He slipped two fingers in, pumping back and forth, curling his fingers inside of you and hitting your G-spot.
Your cheeks became more and more flushed by each and every second. Kian loved the sight of you in pleasure.
"I'll fuck you so good, baby." he replied, positioning himself between your legs and pulling his pants down exposing his length.
Grabbing your thighs with a firm grip, he separated your legs and positioned himself properly.
A loud bang on the door startled the two of you, making both you and Kian jump. "What the fuck?" you gasped.
"Guys, can you keep it the fuck down?!" Corey's voice came from the other side of the door.
"Uh, yeah. Sorry, man." Kian replied and sat back as he sighed.
"The walls are fucking thin. I told you to keep it down!" Corey continued before walking away.
You looked at Kian and giggled. Kian returned your look with a funny expression on his face before running a hand down his face, sighing.
He crashed down on top of you, laying still with his face buried in the crook of your neck, kissing it as you ran a hand through his messy hair.
"I'm gonna kill him." Kian mumbled into your neck.
You let out a small chuckle. "I'll help."
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kianlawleysprincess · 6 years ago
Hey guys!
What should I write about?
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