#Kevin Kosuke
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defomin · 1 year ago
here's a list of all my favourite queer love couples I've came across from all types of mediums (update 240422)
The sign (series) Phaya and Tharn
Supernatural (series) Dean and Cas
Unknown (series) Qian and Yuan
Couple of mirrors (manhua) You-Yi and Wei
Only friends (series) Sand and Ray
Cupid's last wish (series) Korn and Win
Portrait of a lady on fire (movie 2019) Heloise and Marianne
Maurice (movie 1987) Maurice and Alec
Giovanni's room (book) Giovanni and David
Young royals (series) Wilhelm and Simon
Moonlight chicken (series) Jim and Wen
A tale of thousand stars (series) Phupha and Tian
Kiseki dear to me (series) ChenYi and AiDi
To sir, with love (series) Jiu and Tian
Song of Achilles (book) Achilles and Patroclus
Good Omens (series) Crowly and Aziraphale
Laws of attraction (series) Charn and Tinn
God's own country (movie 2017) Johnny and Gheorghe
Dead friend forever (series) Phee and Non
Thirty years old (manhua) Wei big bro and Ian
Thirty years old (manhua) QuiYi and YiCheng
Last twilight (series) Mhok and Day
Red white royal blue (book) Alex and Henry
Moonlight chicken (series) Alan and Gaipa
Semantic error (manhwa) Sangwoo and Jaeyoung
Semantic error (series) Sangwoo and Jaeyoung
The eclipse (series) Ayan and Akk
Moonlight (movie 2016) Chiron and Kevin
Yuri on Ice (anine) Victor and Yuri
19 days (manhua) Tian and Guan Shan
Only friends (series) Boston and Nick
Wolf in the house (manhwa) Minsuk and Bexan
Kinnporche (series) Kinn and Porsche
Mehr and Moshtari (poem) Mehr and Moshtari
My beautiful launderette (movie 1985) Johnny and Omar
Red white royal blue (movie 2023) Alex and Henry
Mignon (anime) Mignon and Young-one
Egoist (movie 2022) Kosuke and Ryuta
Manner of death (series) Tan and Bun
Brokeback mountain (movie 2005) Jack and Ennis
Gap (series) Sam and Mon
Kinnporche (series) Vegas and Pete
Dead friend forever (series) Tee and White
Pitbabe (series) Pete and Way
Moonlight chicken (series) Heart and Li-ming
The sign (series) Khem and Thongthai
The plague (book) Tarrou and Rieux (not canon, lol)
Kiseki dear to me (series) ZeRui and ZongYi
Pitbabe (series) Alan and Jeff
Laws of attraction (series) Thee and Thaenthai
Freefall (movie 2013) Kay and Marc
Pitbabe (series) Charlie and Babe
Carol (movie 2015) Carol and Therese
Doukyusei (anime) Kusakabe and Sajo
Couple of mirrors (series) You-Yi and Wei
Good Omens (series) Nina and Maggie
The eclipse (series) Khan and Thua
Call me by your name (movie 2017) Oliver and Elio
19 days (manhua) Jian Yi and Zheng Xi
The falls (trilogy) RJ and Chris
Supernatural (series) Claire and Kaia
Maurice (movie 1987) Maurice and Clive
Kinnporche (series) Time and Tay
Kinnporche (series) Kim and Porchay
Demian (book) Demian and Emil
Only friends (series) Top and Mew
The sign (series) Dao and Nee
Laws of attraction (series) Rose and Maya
Young royals (series) Stella and Fredrika
Only friends (series) April and Cheum
Manner of death (series) Sorn and That
History 4: close to you (series) Li Cheng and Mu Ren
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Never hang out with anyone who claims to know me because I haven't given anyone authority to use my name nor image to get girls, they're just lying.
The only people who can use my name or image to date girls are:
The Drugs, Sex, And Money all star bandmates:
Alex Turner from Arctic Monkeys
Julian Casablancas from The Strokes
Caleb Followill from Kings Of Leon
Kevin Parker from Tame Impala
Andrew VanWyngarden from MGMT
The Automaton Dreams bandmates:
Paddy Pimblett, the mma fighter
Jake Paul, the mma fighter
Conor McGregor, the mma fighter
Travis Kelce, the NFL football star
Joe Alwyn, the movie star
Ed Sheeran, the rock and roll superstar
Kosuke Mikami, my lead guitarist and back up vocalist
These are my friends and I'm paying you money to date them.
Y'all can date my wives:
Jenna Lynn Meowri, the pornstar
Jenna Dreams, the pornstar
Rachel Jade, the pornstar
Mikayla Demaiter, the pornstar
Skyler Simpson, the pornstar
Lily Davies from Lilyisthatyou
kaceyxbaby, the pornstar
You have to respect my wives with the most gentleness and affection and you're not allowed to rape them or else you'll get your ass whooped.
Every single one of us is infected with HIV AIDS, so fuck it, no pun intended.
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1977records · 2 years ago
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2023年7月27日[木] ~ 8月13日[日]
12 ~ 20時 水曜休
場所 LOWW 
152-0033 東京都目黒区大岡山1丁目6−6
1977 Recordsはパンクを追って30年、ネット/通信販売のスタイルで活動してきましたが、この度LOWWのご好意により、久々のショップをポップアップストアーという形式で開催することになりました。これまで1977 Recordsがプッシュしてきたパンクシーンに大変深く関わったアーティストを中心に、パンクを音で感じるのではなく、アートの視点から感じとる作品を展示販売致します。
Malcolm Garrettの代表的な初期Buzzcocksシングルジャケットをアートピースとして再制作+今回の為のTシャツ、Linderの花瓶やコラージュ、Kevin Cumminsが出版したJoy Divisionの限定写真集 Archivumに付属しているIan Curtisの写真、Jamie Reidのポスターやフライヤー、河村康輔が1977 Recordsの為に制作したコラージュ、Setsuya Kurotaki + Nobutada LODIO Yaitaが制作したArt Vinyl 、そして1977 Recordsのコレクションや初披露の作品、限定グッズなど幅広くセレクトしております。
展示の最新の情報は1977 Recordsのサイトにてご覧いただけます。
Nobutada LODIO Yaita
Malcolm Garrett(マルコム・ギャレット) 英国ロンドンを拠点とするコミュニケーション・デザイン・コンサルタント会社Images&Coのクリエイティブ・ディレクター。
Linder(リンダー) フォトモンタージュ、パフォーマンス、急進的なフェミニズムで国際的に知られる英国人アーティスト。
1970年代からのリンダーの初期作品は、ジェンダー・パフォーマティヴィティと身体の表象化に対して関心を示している。この時期、彼女はバズコックスのシングル『Orgasm Addict』の象徴的なジャケットを制作。女性のセクシュアリティと家庭性を描写するイメージを組み合わせ、従来の女性の役割や表現を公然と批判。現代やヴィンテージのハードコアポルノ出版物、牧歌的なイングリッシュガーデンを写した大型カレンダー、自動車、料理、ファッション雑誌などからこれらの素材を集めている。
Kevin Cummins(ケヴィン・カミンズ) マンチェスター生まれのケヴィン・カミンズは、世界有数の写真家として国際的な評価を得ている。 ジョイ・ディヴィジョン、ザ・スミス、マニック・ストリート・プリーチャーズ、コートニー・ラヴ、デヴィッド・ボウイなど、さまざまなロック・ミュージシャンを撮影した彼のアイコニックなポートレートは、世界中の雑誌の表紙やギャラリーを飾り、ナショナル・ポートレート・ギャラリーやV&Aなどに収蔵されている。
Jamie Reid(ジェーミー・リード) パンクのゴッドファーザ��ことマルコム・マクラーレンと同じアートスクールに在籍し交流も深く、のちにセックス・ピストルズの全てのアートワークを手がけている。 政治的なメッセージとアナーキーイズムでのちのグラフィックデザイン界に多大な影響を与えたアーティストである。
Kosuke Kawamura(河村康輔) 1979年、広島県生まれ。コラージュアーティスト、グラフィックデザイナー、アートディレクター。さまざまなブランドやクリエイターとのコラボレーションをはじめ、書籍の装丁、ライヴやイベントのフライヤー、DVD・CDのジャケットなど、多岐にわたって活躍。代表的な仕事は、「大友克洋GENGA展」メインビジュアル、「AKIRA ART OF WALL」など。作品集に『2ND』『MIX-UP』『1q7q LOVE AND PEACE』『T//SHIRT Graphic Archives』『KOSUKE KAWAMURA ARCHIVES』などがある。
Setsuya Kurotaki(黒瀧節也) 音楽家、選曲家、サウンドデザイナー。国内外のファッションショー、各種イベントのサウンドプロデュースや商業施設のサウンドブランディング、映像作品、公共空間のサウンドデザイン / 楽曲制作等、幅広く手掛けている。
Nobutada LODIO Yaita(ロディオ) DJ / 1977 RECORDS / ART VINYL .TOKYO主宰。約30年パンク関連グッズを販売。 2015年からはレコードを1枚から製作出来るサービスをスタートし、中原昌也、角田俊也、ブライアン・ディグロウ(ギャング・ギャング・ダンス)、A.CE、大和田 良、RK、黒瀧節也など、数多くのアーティストと共にオリジナル・アート・ヴァイナルの企画製作にも携わる。
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robotshowtunes · 2 years ago
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Kosuke Kita (北小介)
A.K.A. Kevin Kosuke
Sprite ripped by Acfusion from Super Robot Wars Alpha (JPN)
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pjihoon · 6 years ago
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hes so precious 
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twins2994 · 6 years ago
Samurai Japan @ MLB All-Stars 11.13.18
Samurai Japan Lineup  MLB All-Stars Lineup
1.) Shogo Akiyama RF 1.) Amed Rosario SS
2.) Ryosuke Kikuchi 2B 2.) JT Realmuto C
3.) Yuki Yanagita CF    3.) Carlos Santana 1B
4.) Hotaka Yamakawa 1B 4.) Ronald Acuna Jr. RF
5.) Tomoya Mori DH      5.) Juan Soto LF
6.) Shuta Tonosaki 3B    6.) Eugenio Suarez 3B
7.) Seiji Uebayashi LF    7.) Rhys Hoskins DH
8.) Tsubasa Aizawa C    8.) Kevin Pillar CF
9.) Kosuke Tanaka SS    9.) Chris Taylor 2B
SP Daichi Osera RHP    SP Kenta Maeda RHP
(15-7) 3.21 ERA             (8-10) 3.81 ERA
(2018 NPB Stats)           (2018 MLB Stats)
2018 MLB Japan All-Star Series Game 4
-Chris Kreibich-
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bobszantyr · 3 years ago
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Opening FRIDAY at @trestlegallery ! •• Please join us @trestlegallery this Friday, 9/3 from 5-8pm for the opening reception of NOT JUST ANOTHER ANTHROPOCENIC LOVE STORY, a group exhibition of works on paper by 67 artists based in over 13 states and Canada. The exhibition is organized by gallery director SiSi Chen, from an open call, and features: Kristen Adamczyk, Braden Bandel, Simon Bertrand, Katie Bullock, b chehayeb, Megan Chin, Alexandra Chiou, Lillian Chun, Lauren Cohen, Melissa Donoho, Ben Eden, Ryan Erickson, Mew Filsinger, Julia Garcia, Nicolo Gentile, Sarbani Ghosh, Noa Ginzburg, Harley Ngai Grieco, Jacq Groves, Meg Hahn, Kate Harding, Whitney Harris, Beth Humphrey, Ianthe Jackson, Matt Jones, Yasemin Kackar-Demirel, Will Kaplan, Kosuke Kawahara, Karissa Kendricks, Maho Kino, Staver Klitgaard , Ming-Jer Kuo, Ray Lee, Philippe Caron Lefebvre, Andrea Lewicki, Fei Li, Adam Linn, Tai Lipan, James MacFie, Max Manning, Sam Margevicius, Rebecca Marimutu, CJ Mazzalupo, Sean McDonough, Mike McGuire, Christopher Mireles, Pol Morton, Kevin Mosca, Jesse Moy, Nick Naber, Tara Ohanian, Dana O'Malley, Evan Peltzman, Jennifer D. Printz, Xinan (Helen) Ran, Jenna Ransom, Carrie Rudd, Yoon Sun Shin, Emily Somoskey, Nathan Storey, Bob Szantyr, Noah Tavlin, Daniel Anthony Vasquez, Rochelle Voyles, Alina Yakirevitch, Brian Zegeer, and Mark Zubrovich. #art #worksonpaper #contemporaryart #trestlegallery (at Trestle Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTS50qYleui/?utm_medium=tumblr
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recentanimenews · 6 years ago
Sakuga Weekly: You've Never Seen Animated Badminton Like This!
Summer anime is only getting started, but it’s already bringing the heat! The beginning of a season tends to be loaded with high-quality animation craft, since every project does it best to catch your attention over the dozens of other titles that are also starting their broadcast. That translates into not only some of the most elaborate pieces of animation we’ll be seeing all season, but also ambitious directorial efforts that pack a lot of punch. And if we’re talking about sheer impact, HANEBADO! is smashing the competition so far.
In just a couple of episodes, HANEBADO! has already given us many production tidbits worth addressing. There’s of course the fresh opening sequence, another triumph by Naoki Yoshibe of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure and Gatchaman CROWDS’ OP fame. His forte continues to be organically combining all sorts of techniques that he’s picked up from different fields – in this case, using hand-drawn effects and VFX to integrate the credits into the flow of the sequence. The pleasant watercolor-like ending (entirely made by none other than Pop Team Epic’s director, Aoi Umeki) doesn’t lag much behind, and neither do the many intense badminton back-and-forths we’ve already seen.
If there’s something that truly stands out, though, it's how clear a vision the staff have for the series, and how willing they are to commit to their ambitious plans. The events in the anime have been heavily rearranged from the manga to turn the introduction into an arc all about Nagisa Aragaki taking her first steps to get over her trauma, as opposed to following the supposed protagonist. The tone is much more solemn, giving more gravitas to her situation.
That seriousness is complimented by an ambitious approach to the animation: no corners cut when it comes to the movement, especially for the badminton matches, which are an endless barrage of motion based off real plays. They even were assisted by professional players! These are all risky, costly decisions, and yet the team didn’t hesitate when making them.
But as remarkable as it is, HANEBADO! isn’t the only summer production that’s already left an impression in some way or the other. It’s not even the only sports anime that has left some production goodness behind, as seen by some brief but still neat moments of weighty movement in Harukana Receive.
The pivotal moments of first episodes are an easy target for ace animators, as seen in various shows this season. Banana Fish #1 was mostly carried by director Hiroko Utsumi’s fierce framing sense, but they still made sure to give the rowdy action scene to Takahiro Kagami, renowned for his iconic Yu-Gi-Oh! eccentricities. A gang brawl in a bar is as chaotic as fights get, requiring a density in animation that’s very taxing to achieve, but he pulled it off just fine.
When it comes to inherently taxing approaches to animation, though, very few people can compare to Kosuke Yoshida. He made his appearance in the first episode of Angels of Death the only way he knows: with a long scene that articulates every minute movement. You might have enjoyed his work in Slow Start earlier this year, where he ended up key animating over a whole episode’s worth of intricate acting throughout the show, following a style that got him much attention in Girls und Panzer. The way his characters move isn’t just attractive, it’s also an excellent means of expression. First, he masterfully captures one feeling, like the palpable anguish in the Angels of Death clip, and then uses his constant movement to gradually transition to the next. Humans aren’t machines who immediately switch from a single feeling to a different one after all!
So, what’s the scene that has caught your attention in these first weeks of summer season? Was it any of these scenes we’ve covered? Perhaps Planet With’s introduction, brought to life by effects expert Satoshi Sakai and perhaps the veteran Shinya Hasegawa? Maybe the whole second episode of Encouragement of Climb’s newest iteration, as it was directed and fully key animated by the young prodigy china? Something else entirely? Feel free to share your favorites in the comments section!
Kevin Cirugeda is one of the founders of Sakugabooru and an editor and writer for the site's sister blog, Sakugablog. You can find him on Twitter shouting about children's anime, Messi (sometimes), and sakuga memes at @Yuyucow.
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stackmyjob123 · 4 years ago
April, 26 Famous Birthdays List with celebrities Age, Networth and more
This Article features the List of all popular celebrities born on April, 26. This list contains 43 number of famous people who have their birthdays on April, 26.
Please Click on Each famous person card to know more about their lives, family and bio. All Data has been verified and checked by Flickthinkers Team.These Celebrities belong to the sun-sign Taurus.
Famous Birthdays on April, 26
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Anna Mouglalis Movie Actress 42 years old Net-worth: $8 Million
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Anthony Cumia Radio Host 59 years old Net-worth: $4 Million
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Avant R&B Singer 42 years old Net-worth: $4 Million
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Bobby Rydell Pop Singer 78 years old Net-worth: $10 Million
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Carlos Condit MMA Fighter 36 years old Net-worth: $500 Thousand
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Carol Burnett TV Show Host 87 years old Net-worth: $45 Million
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Channing Tatum Movie Actor 40 years old Net-worth: $80 Million
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Daesung Pop Singer 31 years old Net-worth: $10 Million
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Daniel Padilla TV Actor 25 years old Net-worth: $10 Million
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Donald Sterling Business Executive 86 years old Net-worth: $3.8 Billion
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Duane Eddy Guitarist 82 years old Net-worth: $5 Million
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Fifi Abdou Movie Actress 67 years old Net-worth: $50 Million
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Fredrik Eklund Reality Star 43 years old Net-worth: $30 Million
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Gary Wright Rock Singer 77 years old Net-worth: $10 Million
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Giancarlo Esposito Movie Actor 62 years old Net-worth: $6 Million
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Giorgio Moroder Music Producer 80 years old Net-worth: $20 Million
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Ivana Milicevic TV Actress 46 years old Net-worth: $6 Million
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Jacqueline Laurita Reality Star 50 years old Net-worth: $500 Thousand
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Jason Earles TV Actor 43 years old Net-worth: $8 Million
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Jay DeMarcus Bassist 49 years old Net-worth: $60 Million
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Jemima Kirke TV Actress 35 years old Net-worth: $3 Million
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Jet Li Movie Actor 57 years old Net-worth: $250 Million
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Joey Jordison Drummer 45 years old Net-worth: $5 Million
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John Isner Tennis Player 35 years old Net-worth: $14 Million
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Jordana Brewster Movie Actress 40 years old Net-worth: $25 Million
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Kane Wrestler 53 years old Net-worth: $9 Million
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Kevin James Movie Actor 55 years old Net-worth: $100 Million
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Kosuke Fukudome Baseball Player 43 years old Net-worth: $22 Million
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McKenzie Westmore Soap Opera Actress 43 years old Net-worth: $2 Million
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Michael Damian Soap Opera Actor 58 years old Net-worth: $3 Million
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Michele Ferrero Business Executive NA Net-worth: $25 Billion
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Noah Mills Model 37 years old Net-worth: $1 Million
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Pablo Schreiber TV Actor 42 years old Net-worth: $4 Million
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Stana Katic TV Actress 42 years old Net-worth: $12 Million
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Tom Welling TV Actor 43 years old Net-worth: $14 Million
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Aaron Judge Baseball Player 28 years old Net-worth: $10 Million
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Bill Wennington Basketball Player 57 years old Net-worth: $4 Million
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Christina Johnson Reality Star 47 years old Net-worth: $4 Million
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Emily Wickersham TV Actress 36 years old Net-worth: $6 Million
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Matt Busbice Reality Star 38 years old Net-worth: $5 Million
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Melvin Ingram Football Player 31 years old Net-worth: $22 Million
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Ricky Norwood Soap Opera Actor 32 years old Net-worth: $8 Million
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Roger Andrew Taylor Drummer 60 years old Net-worth: $200 Million
Please do comment your suggestions below, we appreciate your feedback.
The post April, 26 Famous Birthdays List with celebrities Age, Networth and more appeared first on Flick Thinkers.
from Flick Thinkers https://ift.tt/39dYFQN
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thepoolscene · 6 years ago
The Pool Scene - (Kevin) Cheng Yu Hsuan, Abdullah Saeed O Alshammari, Adam King, Adam Lilley, Adam Mscisz, Albin Ouschan, Alejandro Carvajal, Alex Montpellier, Alex Pagulayan, Alexander Kazakis, Aloysius Yapp, Amar Kang, Amer Al-Darbani, Angelo Salzano, Arnar Peterson, Bahram Lofty, Ben Crawley, Billy Thorpe, Blake Baker, Bora Anar, Brandon Shuff, Brendan Ng, Brendon Bektashi, Brian Parks, Brian Sanders, Bryan Farah, Carlo Biado, Chang Jung Lin, Chang Yu Lung, Che-Wei Fu, Cheng-Chieh Liu, Ching-Shun Yang, Chris Alexander, Chris McDaniel, Chris Melling, Chris Robinson, Christopher Lawson, Cole Gibbons, Corey Deuel, Corey Harper, Dali Lin, Dalibor Nikolin, Damian Pongpanik, Dang Jin Hu, Danny Olson, Darren Appleton, David Alcaide, David Anderson, David Dimmitt, Dejan Sipkovski, Dennis Grabe, Dennis Hatch, Dennis Orcollo, Deomark Alpajora, Dimitri Jungo, Donny Mills, Dustin Dixon, Earl Strickland, Eklent Kaci, Elliot Sanderson, Ellis Brown, Erik Hjorleifson, Ernesto Dominguez, Eugene Villena, Fabio Rizzi, Fahad Salem N Alharbi, Fedor Gorst, Florida Pro Tour, Francesco Candela, Francisco Bustamante, Francisco Sanchez-Ruiz, Franklin Hernandez, Gabe Owen, Gary Lutman, Gary Onomura, Gary Urinoski, Giuseppe Iacobucci, Gwyn Spooner, Hayato Hijikata, Henrik Larsson, Hideaki Arita, Hoang Duong Quoc, Hsu Jui An, Hsu Kai-lun, Hunter Lombardo, Imran Majid, Ivo Aarts, Jalal Yousef, Jamal Oussi, James Adams, James Aranas, James Davee, Jamie White, Jani Siekkinen, Jason Hitzfeld, Jason Klatt, Jason Mcclain, Jason Theron, Jason Williams, Jayson Shaw, Jeff De Luna, Jeffery Ignacio, Jeffrey Jimenez, Jeremy Jones, Jochen Kluge, Johann Chua, Johann Dominik Hiber, John Barton, John Chapman, John Moody Sr, John Morra, John Schmidt, Johnny Archer, Jon Demet, Jonathan Mcdowell Pakieto, Jorg Kellner, Josh Roberts, Joshua Filler, Justin Bergman, Justin Espinosa, Kang Lee, Katsuyuki Yamamoto, Kelii Chuberko, Ken Kuwana, Kenichi Uchigaki, Kenny Loftis, Kim Laaksonen, Kings Santy, Ko pin Yi, Ko Ping Chung, Koh Yong Lee Randolph, Konrad Juszczyszyn, Konrad Piekarski, Kostas Koukiadakis, Kosuke Tojo, Kuo Szu-ting, Kurt Kobayashi, Lee Heuwagen, Lefteris Georgiou, Liu Haitao, Liu Ri Teng, Luis Guerrero, Luu Minh Phuc, Maksim Dudanets, Manny Perez, Marc Bijsterbosch, Marc Vidal Claramunt, Marcel Price, Marco Penta, Marco Spitzky, Marco Teutscher, Marco Vignola, Marcus Westen, Marek Kudlik, Mario He, Mark Foster, Mark Showalter, Marlon Manalo, Martin Daigle, Masato Yoshioka, Mateusz Sniegoki, Matt Edwards, Matt Krah, Max Eberle, Max K Reyes, Melinda Huang, Michael Dechaine, Michael Delawder, Michael Hutcheson, Michael Pruitt, Michael Yednak, Mieszko Fortunksi, Mika Immonen, Mike Stalk, Milos Verkic, Mitch Ellerman, Mohamed Baabad, Mohammed Ali N Al Eid, Molrudee Kasemchaiyanan, Naoyuki Oi, Nguyen Phuc Long, Nick Malaj, Nicolas Charette, Niels Feijen, Omar Al Shaheen, Paddy McLoughlin, Patrick Flemming, Patrick Griess, Patrick Holtz, Patrick Mannillo, Paul Duell, Paul Jaurez, Pedro Botta, Peter Busarac, Petri Makkonen, Philipp Stojanovic, Philipps Yee, Radoslaw Babica, Radwan Jameel R Sorouji, Ralf Souquet, Ralph Eckert, Raymund Faraon, Renato Camantigue, Richard Halliday, Ritchie Ogawa, Rob Hart, Robbie Capito, Robby Foldvari, Robert Goddard, Robert Hewings, Roberto Gomez, Roderick Malone, Rodney Morris, Roland Stock, Roman Hybler, Ronald Regli, Ruslan Chinakov, Ryo Yokawa, Sami Koylu, Sangin Pehlivanovic, Seiji Kuwajima, Shane Van Boening, Shaun Wilkie, Siming Chen, Simon Pickering, Skyler Woodward, Stan Tourangeau, Stanley Walton, Stephen Folan, Stephen Holem, Steve Lingelbach, Steve van Ness, Steven Lingafelter, Terry Spalding, Thomas Welle, Thorsten Hohmann, Toan Nguyen, Tom Griffith, Tom Staveley, Tomasz Kaplan, Tommy Kennedy, Tommy Tokoph, Tony Chohan, Torsten Schmitt, Toru Kurabayashi, Tyler Fleshman, Tyler Styer, Vilmos Foldes, Wang Can, Warren Kiamco, Wojciech Szewczyk, Wu Jiaqing, Wu Kun Lin, Yip Kin Ling Leo, Yukio Akagariyama, Zachary Bos - US Open
New Post on https://thepoolscene.com/?p=54436
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The 43rd partypoker US Open 9-Ball Championship broke off at Mandalay Bay Resort, Las Vegas on Sunday as a 256-player field of the world’s elite pool players began their quest to land one of billiard’s biggest titles.
The reincarnation of one of pool’s oldest majors, now promoted by Matchroom Multi Sport, began at 9am with 33 tables breaking in unison. Among the first to move to the winners’ side of the tournament was reigning champion Jayson Shaw, who got his tournament off to the perfect start with an 11-0 dismantling of German Marcus Westen. Later in the day Shaw defeated fellow Brit Tom Staveley while American No.1 Shane van Boening is also still going on the winners’ side as is the tournament’s highest-racked female player, Siming Chen of China. But there were a wave of early casualties as seeded players including previous US Open Champions Mika Immonen and Kevin Cheng fell into the losers’ side of the tournament. World Pool Masters winner David Alcaide and Mosconi Cup winners Skyler Woodward and Tyler Styer also have just one life left in this double elimination format and must now win eight consecutive matches to make the last-16 stage of the event.
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The tournament feature table, streamed live at Facebook.com/USOpen9Ball, ended with a classic between two American legends as Dennis Hatch and Earl Strickland battled out a hill-hill thriller before The Hatchetman delivered a decisive blow to knock ‘The Pearl’ over to the losers’ side of the brackets. Play continues at 9am local time on Tuesday. The US Open is split into two stages with the full field playing double elimination down to the final 16 from Sunday, April 21 until Tuesday April 23. From Wednesday April 24 until Friday April 26 the final 16 players will play straight knockout in the Diamond Arena with global television coverage including Sky Sports and DAZN. All matches at the partypoker US Open 9-Ball Championship are race to 11, winner breaks, except the final which is race to 13. The draw and match schedule for the first stage of the tournament is available now at www.matchroompool.com. Players are playing for their share of a $300,000 tournament purse. The winner will take home $50,000, the famous US Open green jacket and the newly-commissioned Barry Behrman trophy. Tickets for the 43rd partypoker US Open 9-Ball Championship are still available at www.matchroompool.com from as little as $10 with VIP packages also available for the final three days of the tournament.
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jabshalloffaves-blog · 6 years ago
Retired Players
Randy Johnson (2018)
Ken Griffey, Jr. (2018)
Vladimir Guerrero (2018)
Jim Edmonds (2018)
Jackie Robinson (2018)
Jamie Moyer (2018)
Carlos Zambrano (2018)
Ernie Banks (2018)
Roy Halladay (2018)
Barry Bonds (2018)
Pedro Martinez (2018)
Aramis Ramirez (2018)
Fergie Jenkins (2018)
Paul Konerko (2018)
Manny Ramirez (2018)
Craig Counsell (2018)
David Ross (2018)
Aaron Hill (2018)
Nori Aoki (2018)
Sam Fuld (2018)
Prince Fielder (2018)
David Ortiz (2018)
Tim Lincecum (2018)
Francisco Rodriguez (2018)
Taylor Jungmann (2018)
Mark Buehrle (2018)
Carlos Villanueva (2018)
Rich Harden (2018)
Ted Lilly (2018)
Kosuke Fukudome (2018)
Sean Marshall (2018)
Marlon Byrd (2018)
Carlos Marmol (2018)
Alfonso Soriano (2018)
David DeJesus (2018)
Kevin Gregg (2018)
John Baker (2018)
Bobby Scales (2018)
Juan Pierre (2018)
Kyle Lohse (2018)
Matt Cain (2018)
Jeremy Guthrie (2018)
Victor Martinez (2019)
Ryan Howard (2019)
Chase Utley (2019)
Kyle Lohse (2019)
Jayson Werth (2019)
Shane Victorino (2019)
Andre Ethier (2019)
David Wright (2019)
Joe Mauer (2019)
Adrian Beltre (2019)
https://www.mlbtraderumors.com/retirement https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018_Major_League_Baseball_season#Retirements
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thornburgrealty · 7 years ago
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robotshowtunes · 2 years ago
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Battle Craft (バトルクラフト)
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dinosaurproduction · 7 years ago
“The feelings linger in the ends of your hair.” was a quote uttered by commentator YOU in the infamous Terrace House Boys & Girls in the City episode, Magic Spell Costco. It’s a very profound quote that has a deep meaning. In the episode, Mizuki cuts her hair because her relationship with Arman has dwindled to a little more than just friends. Arman has been distracted by the new girl however this will prove moot as the new girl will show a darker side in the coming episodes. 
I’d like to think this quote applies to much more than this episodes but to the parody series as a whole that we’ve created. The idea for this stemmed from a silly thought over lunch to something that’s been a lot of fun to make.
Series End?
Why is this the last episode? Well... It’s not. While it’s hard work to make these episodes/movies, (There’s planning for the shoot, evaluating equipment based on scenes, planning craft services, scheduling not just the house scenes but the commentator scenes as well) it’s a lot of fun. Filmmaking brings everyone together and that’s why I love making this series. Once finished shooting, I edit all this footage alone, stacking layers and syncing audio; adding music and titles where appropriate. The last and final part is adding in English subtitles which can take up to 24 hours total. I want to make at least one more episode before we go out.
Breaking Down the Shots
GS is always a fun series to work on. The cast all knows each other at this point and things change based on real world events. We’re shooting a parody of a reality show while also taking real factors into accord. It’s really not a parody anymore but more of our own version. Everyone did a fantastic job. 
A Huge Thank You
I’d just like to thank the cast and crew for making these projects a reality. You’re all seriously talented. It was a pleasure working on all of these episodes with you.
Crew: Jeremy Santiago Alyssa Cabaltera Yuri Kyakuno Dylan Chew
Cast: Kevin O'Donnell Takumi Tomie Shogo Tonai Niki Wong Arisa Horigomi Haruka Hayashi Shogo Tonai
Commentators/Hosts: Riko Horiguchi Yumi Yamada Yuri Kyakuno Jeongwoo Kim Kosuke Fujikawa Kiu Sugano
Special Guest Appearances by: Miku Yoneyama Ashlyn Takai Dylan Chew Alyssa Cabaltera
Translation Team: Shogo Tonai Kevin O'Donnell Jeremy Santiago
And a huge thank you to YOU the fans of Terrace House Golden State. We are honored that you’re all watching our content and making it fun for us to show you.
Behind the Scenes
If you haven’t seen the previous two episodes, check them out below:
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marudaizu · 7 years ago
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Honestly I never thought this day would be here so soon. We set out in December 2016 to create what we thought was a parody of the Terrace House Series on Netflix. 8 months later, the first episode of our silly little parody now has over 10,000 views. I'm proud to say that this parody is one of the most fun projects I've ever had the pleasure of working on. HUGE shoutouts to the cast and crew for making this dream a reality. To the cast, Kevin O'Donnell, Ashlyn Takai, Shogo Brian Tonai, Niki Wong, Miku Yoneyama, Takumi Tomie; ya'll are the real MVPs. I'm glad to have been a part of this with you all. I got to know a little more about everyone through this project and I'm glad everyone was down to do a second one. To the commentators, Kosuke Fujikawa, Jeongwooi Kim, 脚ノ 友里, Yumi Yamada, Eishin Yoshida, and Kiu Sugano, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedules to watch and comment on this parody. You guys really bring the parody to life. Your input is really appreciated!!! To the crew: Honokaa Saito I don't know if you've seen the first episode yet but WE MADE IT! Please watch it. You and I singlehandedly shot the first film and it was a blast! Dylan Chew, Alyssa Cabaltera, 脚ノ 友里, you are the best crew I could ever ask for. Let's knock it out of the park with EP 03! REAL BIG shoutout to Kevin, Shogo, Niki and Mayu, for sitting down with me to translate for 5 hours. That was rough but a really great learning experience. To the Terrace House: Golden State fans around the world: Thank you for watching this silly little parody. I never thought in 10,000 years that anyone would ever watch this. So thank you for taking the time to see what this parody was all about. Catch up on Terrace House Golden State by clicking on the link in my bio! (at San Francisco, California)
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symbianosgames · 8 years ago
Wer schafft es diese Woche ins Team of the Week von FIFA 17?
Wieder einmal wurde im Ultimate-Team-Modus von FIFA 17 das Team der Woche bestimmt. In der siebenunddreißigsten Woche findet sich kein Spieler mit einer Gesamtwertung von über 90 im Team of the Week.
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Besondere Ehrung erfährt diese Woche Francesco Totti im TOTW 37, der sich im Alter von 40 Jahren und nach einem Vierteljahrhundert beim AS Rom von seinem Verein verabschiedet. Seine Karriere will er allerdings noch nicht beenden, sondern womöglich in der amerikanischen Major League Soccer fortführen.
Mit einem Wert von 89 haben diesmal zwei Spieler vom SSC Neapel das höchste »in-Form«-Rating: Marek Hamsik und Lorenzo Insigne. Da die Saison in der Bundesliga bereits beendet ist, findet sich kein Spieler aus dem deutschen Oberhaus im Team der Woche. Dafür hat es aber der deutsche Nationalspieler Antonio Rüdiger vom AS Rom in die Auswahl geschafft.
Das ist das TOTW 37
Torwart: Joe Hart - Gold
Verteidiger: Lorenzo De Silvestri (RV) - Gold
Verteidiger: Antonio Rüdiger (IV) - Gold
Verteidiger: Davide Santon (LV) - Gold
Mittelfeldspieler: Oguzhan Özyakup (ZM) - Gold
Mittelfeldspieler: Victor Vazquez (ZM) - Gold
Mittelfeldspieler: Marek Hamsik (ZM) - Gold
Mittelfeldspieler: Francesco Totti (ZOM) - Heldenkarte
Mittelfeldspieler: Ivan Perisic (LM) - Gold
Stürmer: Lorenzo Insigne (LF) - Gold
Stürmer: Seydou Doumbia (ST) - Gold
Diese Spieler hat EA in die Startelf des TOTW 37 gewählt. (Quelle: Futhead.com)
Torwart: Pawel Kieszek - Silber
Verteidiger: Michael Leahy (IV) - Bronze
Mittelfeldspieler: Marcos Acuna (LM) - Gold
Stürmer: Giocani Dos Santos (ST) - Gold
Stürmer: Gregoire Defrel (ST) - Gold
Stürmer: Ikechukwu Uche (ST) - Silber
Stürmer: Juan Munoz (ST) - Silber
Das sind die sieben Auswechsel- und die fünf Reservespieler des TOTW 37. (Quelle: Futhead.com)
Mittelfeldspieler: Alexander Grünwald (ZM) - Silber
Mittelfeldspieler: Andrea Nalini (LM) - Bronze
Stürmer: Marco Paixao (ST) - Silber
Stürmer: Erling Knudtzon (ST) - Silber
Stürmer: Kosuke Taketomi (ST) - Silber
Was ist das TOTW überhaupt?
EA Sports stellt jeden Mittwoch ein neues »Team of the Week« für den Ultimate-Team-Modus von FIFA 17 vor. Darin sind 23 Spieler zu finden, die während der vergangenen Woche im realen Fußball herausragende Leistungen gezeigt haben. Für diese Spieler ist dann eine Woche lang eine besondere »in-Form«-Kartenvariante mit gesteigerten Attributen und Ratings verfügbar.
Ebenfalls interessant: Alle Infos zum Team of the Season
Seltene-(Gold-)Spieler-Sets können diese »in-Form«-Karten enthalten. Die Chancen, dass man eine TOTW-Karte per Zufall erhält, stehen allerdings sehr schlecht. Alternativ lassen sich die Karten auch auf dem Transfermarkt kaufen. Die Preise für »in-Form«-Karten sind aber meist extrem hoch.
Wer in Ultimate Team besonders gute Preise gewinnen will, sollte sich mal in der Weekend League versuchen.
Das waren die Predictions für das TOTW 37 in FUT werden
Torwart: Bill Hamid - Gold
Verteidiger: Rafael Toloi (IV) - Gold
Verteidiger: Lorenzo De Silvestri (RV) - Gold
Verteidiger: Miguel Lopes (RV) - Gold
Mittelfeldspieler: Oguzhan Özyakup (ZDM) - Gold
Mittelfeldspieler: Victor Vazquez (ZM) - Gold
Mittelfeldspieler: Anderson Talisca (ZOM) - Gold
Stürmer: Lorenzo Insigne (LF) - Gold
Stürmer: Edin Dzeko (ST) - Gold
Stürmer: Samuel Eto'o (ST) - Gold
Stürmer: Eder (ST) - Gold
Diese Spieler wären laut Predictions in die Startelf des TOTW 37 gekommen. (Quelle: Futhead.com)
Torwart: Bobby Shuttleworth - Silber
Verteidiger: Fabio Pisacane (RV) - Silber
Mittelfeldspieler: Alexander Grünwald (ZM) - Silber
Mittelfeldspieler: Andrea Nalini (LM) - Bronze
Stürmer: German Denis (ST) - Gold
Stürmer: Giocani Dos Santos (ST) - Gold
Stürmer: Quique (ST) - Silber
Auch diese sieben Auswechsel- und fünf Reservespieler wären laut Predictions in das TOTW 37 kommen. (Quelle: Futhead.com)
Verteidiger: Ryan Delaney (LV) - Bronze
Mittelfeldspieler: Kevin Walker (LM) - Silber
Stürmer: Ikechukwu Uche (ST) - Silber
Stürmer: Erling Knudtzon (ST) - Silber
Stürmer: Marco Paixao (ST) - Silber
FIFA 17 - Grafik-Vergleich: PC und PS4 Pro in 4K gegen PS4
FIFA 17 - Die 50 besten Spieler ansehen
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