#Kelas parmak
master-of-the-game · 2 months
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The Obsidian Order Doctor Oil on canvas, 20x30 cm.
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justlemmesignin · 1 year
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Garak in the doorway of the shed waiting for the Doctor
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ladyyatexel · 1 year
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@ettaberrytea commissioned me to paint Doctor Parmak :)
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iowacornfarm · 1 year
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doodles ;)
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ferryfoam · 3 months
Hummm misc cardassian doodles
I have not read any of the novels with Parmak (I will once I finish the tv series promise!!) but the fanart I've seen of him is lovely and I like drawing older people so it was very enjoyable
Sorry for any anatomical issues / inconsistencies! I don't really do any sketches or preliminary work for my traditional art so it might look a little off in places
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Featured also is my silly Bajoran sona
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I made them for artfight ! By the way if you happen to do artfight and have any cardassian / Star Trek ocs in general feel free to drop ur profile below :-3
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I love Parmak and everyone’s takes on him post canon but I’m sorry that dude is dead.
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stellarivers · 6 days
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Julian and his lizards (they're supposed to be in bed or something and I tried SO HARD to make Julian look like Julian but no that's impossible and he ended up looking like an unholy combination of Jesus and iCarly's brother)
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wanderingwriter87 · 1 year
i think its interesting how ppl sometimes seem to think parmak practicing intentional forgiveness means he doesn't still harbor trauma and anger and pain about what garak did to him. his forgiveness necessarily is different than what julian can offer because julian was not harmed by what garak confesses to him. and of course it's julian who ultimately gets through to him, julian who starts him on his journey to become a better person. if i were parmak id be sitting over there like "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME???" while also knowing that fundamentally of course julian can give garak something that i can't - a fresh start, a love that of course is not devoid of pain but is mostly based on hope and joy and mercy and finding light in the darkness. where was that mercy when i needed it from you, elim? you come back now, ready to be a better man, but for someone else?
and he thinks all that, feels all that, but still forgives. that's what i find so fascinating about the idea of parmak
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master-of-the-game · 6 months
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In this picture you can see how much the artist craves summer 🏖️ As I've told you, I haven't completely abandoned digital painting. So just look at them! Where are they? Risa? Some Cardassian tourist planet? I want to know more
Fragments (including Garak's terribly content face) are under the cut
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garakjuice · 1 year
garak having a Thing for surgeons is probably the funniest semi-canonical character trait that they gave him by accident
(im referring here to what's implied by tain making a point of bringing up parmak in TDIC, even without beta canon there is. SOMETHING going on there)
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eco-lite · 1 year
Some mostly out of context funny/sweet/heartbreaking moments from Una McCormack’s Enigma Tales:
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[Text ID: “Renel took the other chair and the two guls, both big men, perched awkwardly together on the sofa. Garak had asked for the sofa’s dimensions to be just slightly too small to comfortably seat two adult males. His cruel streak always found expression somehow.” End ID]
Garak forcing stuffy military men to squeeze onto a tiny sofa together. Utterly diabolical.
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[Text ID: “My real pride is, of course, my garden. I have worked hard here. Parmak helps, although he has a tendency to kill plants on touch—worrying in a doctor (previous sentences underlined in red by me). He can’t do too much damage. The plants are hardy, the flowers have their own agenda, and not even Parmak can kill dry stone monuments.” End ID]
I love that in The Crimson Shadow, it’s implied that Kelas takes care of Garak’s garden while he’s away, yet here we learn that he’s actually terrible at it. First of all hilarious. Second of all, very sweet that Garak trusts him to keep trying.
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[Text ID: “’There might be another route to Garak,’ Alden said slowly, at last. ‘Ambassador, what do you know about Kelas Parmak?’
‘He is the castellan’s close friend,’ said T’Rena. ‘Probably one of his closest advisors—not officially, but certainly they are often together.’
‘Are they lovers?’ said Pulaski.
‘I don’t know,’ said T’Rena. ‘I do know that Parmak was interrogated by the Obsidian Order in his youth, and that Garak may have been involved.’
‘Damn,’ muttered Alden, ‘this place is twisted.’” End ID]
Pulaski just assuming that Garak and Kelas are lovers. A perfectly valid assumption--it’s the same assumption I make myself. Also, Peter Alden pointing out how it is frankly fucked up that they should be lovers considering the circumstances of their past encounter. He’s not wrong... Kelas is just a forgiving angel of a man.
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[Text ID: “She picked up the parcel she had brought with her. ‘Hey,’ she said. ‘I’ve got to go now. I hope it’s been good to see me. But I brought you a present. Well, it’s not really from me. Several of your friends got together and found this, and when they heard I was coming they asked me to bring it with me. I hope there’s no injunction on importing livestock. I think I got away with it.’
He was hardly going to unwrap the gift, so she pulled at the paper, revealing the small brown bear inside. She reached for Bashir’s hand again, lifting it and pressing it against the toy, in case the touch stirred some memory. She pressed it against his cheek too, so he could catch the scent. Smell and memory were closely intertwined; smells took you back to places more than anything else. Then she put the bear upon the windowsill, half looking out at the city, half looking back at Bashir. She smiled at it; this little guy had been loved, she saw, and someone had done some stitching that would make a surgeon proud. She reached out and rubbed its ears.
‘He’s an old soldier, isn’t he?’ she said. ‘He’s been through some wars. We’ve all been through some wars.’ She stopped and kissed her lost friend gently on the brow. ‘Come back, Julian,’ she said. ‘We miss you.’” End ID]
Pulaski bringing Kukalaka to comfort the comatose Julian are you kIDDING ME? This scene is so bittersweet.
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[Text ID: “’My father would say, all the time, how much I was wanted. How much he wanted me.’
(Next paragraph highlighted red by me) Well, he had wanted something, Garak thought. Telek’s father had not wanted the child he got. And that hurt, as Garak had cause to know; yes, that hurt very badly.” End ID]
Hahahahaaa ouchie.
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[Text ID: “Garak realized that he was still holding the phaser. He slipped it back into his pocket, for he would no doubt need it again one day, and then he rested his head against the cool of the window. My poor Julian, he thought. He let himself tremble for a while, allowing his body to process the shock. He might have allowed himself some tears then, too, in the dark while nobody could see, for all that had been lost, for all that he had done; for everyone that he had harmed.
Everyone that he had been unable to save.” End ID]
Despite everything, Garak is a very compassionate person. He very kindly talked down Telek, who was about to kill him, and was sensitive and remorseful that Telek’s Bajoran genetics had been eradicated as a child, at the insistance of Telek’s Cardassian father. And then immediately after that assassination attempt--a moment in which you’re surely allowed to think selfishly--he instead thinks of “My poor Julian,” another man whose father did not want him as he was. And that’s not even acknowledging all the other shit Garak is going through here. It’s a lot.
Love to end on a sad note. But seriously, everybody go read this book! These are just a few great moments among many. Lots of angst, lots of tenderness.
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spocks-kaathyra · 1 year
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australien99 · 1 year
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Me when Elim Garak, Kelas Parmak, Corat Damar
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ettaberrytea · 1 year
So, I was doing some research for fanfic writing and I was looking for real life examples of doctors, in particular surgeons, who use wheelchairs. I don't want this to come across as inspiration porn, but I feel like everybody should know that there are doctors who use wheelchairs. There are surgeons who use wheelchairs. Any medical school or hospital that claims that they can't accommodate wheelchair users just doesn't want to.
Look at Dr. Muraszko doing pediatric brain surgery in her wheelchair. Some able-bodied surgeons operate while sitting down so why should it be such a big deal that a surgeon needs a wheelchair?
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She's just doing her job and helping kids. There is so much ablism in medical schools that wheelchair users aren't even given a chance, no matter how intelligent and capable they are. And look! Alls what they had to do is lower the operating table a little. Accommodation achieved.
Here's Dr. Okanlami. Many surgical procedures require the doctor to be able to look down into the patient's body so he uses a type of wheelchair that supports him in a standing position.
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I mean, of course it is possible to look down into something from a seated position if it's low enough. Really, he's accommodating everyone else by having the operating table high up.
Here's Dr. Jim Post. He's chief of internal medicine at his hospital. He is an incomplete quadriplegic. Many medical schools rejected him even though he was at the top of his classes at frikin Harvard. How does he practice without the full use of his hands you may ask? It's as simple as having access to an assistant. Here is a picture of him listening to a patient's heart with an assistant holding the stethoscope in place.
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Able bodied doctors in the hospital, unlike on tv, are assisted by medical staff all the time and they may not have the particular skills of those staff ex. being able to start an iv line without covering the patient in bruises and then deal with the finicky iv pump. Total double standard.
This is a smaller sample of the article I read about doctors who use wheelchairs. There's a second one linked to it about nurses too!
Again, the point isn't "wow look at what these people have achieved despite their disabilities," it's "look at how fucking doable it is to accommodate doctors who use wheelchairs."
Anyways, back to writing dystopian star trek fan fic about Dr. Parmak with his bad back and heart problems. Poor guy really needs to let himself sit down but he's such a masochist.
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catboyelimgarak · 2 months
Honestly, I think Parmak feels so triumphant when he makes Garak flustered with love and affection. This powerful man who was part of a giant secret organization that murdered and destroyed others; who destroyed Parmak himself with the most simple of tricks by just staring at him with those big blue eyes; now this guy is his lover, his husband, under his care and is so alone without him, it’s a bit of a power trip. That Garak is actually so romantic and caring and it comes back to him after all his chains are broken, and that just being himself (Kelas Parmak) makes Garak feel what he has always craved and never given to the point that Garak probably has to look away from Parmak, unsure of himself and what to do with these beautiful emotions. I think Parmak may find it as what they both deserve: love and true support now given, and triumph in never backing down and someone to give and be given love in return. It’s not in a “haha I’ve won and now you’re the one being hurt” triumph, but “I knew I was correct and now you know too and all the sweet rewards of what it’s become is ours to enjoy together.”
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