x-heesy · 4 months
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Battle for Kekistan by konhis
#digitalart #digitalillustration #digitaldrawing #digitalartist #digitalpainting #illustration #art #drawing #digitalartwork #artwork #fanart #digital #artist #illustrator #artoftheday #cryptoart #digitalsketch #cartoons #cartoon #art #cartoonnetwork #drawing #comics #animation #s #illustration #cartoonart #artist #anime #cartoonist #digitalart #sketch #love #memes #funny #artwork #comic #disney #draw #tomandjerry #scartoons #fanart #artistsoninstagram #oldcartoons #meme #looneytunes #saturdaymorningcartoons
GUTZ by Warlord Colossus, Teddy Slugz 🎧
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President of Kekistan
President of Kekistan
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classic8media · 15 days
A Normies Guide to the Alt-Right, the New Right & Their Tactics for Recruitment
OPERATION PULL OUT THE WEEDS AT THEIR ROOTS Be warned: This is for research purposes only. Some of this content may be traumatizing as it shows extremist views and explains acts of violence. Originally published on Medium on Aug. 24, 2017, as a warning to all who had ignored the warning signs before the Unite the Right Rally, which ended in the brutal killing of Heather Heyer. On Aug. 12, 2027,…
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thedreadvampy · 2 years
HMMMMM apparently. One of my friends from school is now dating my sixth form ex. (who I THINK. drugged me at a party a year or two after we broke up and tried to do me quite a lot of harm, but I'm not 100% on that one.)
mostly what I'm picking at is like. she (the friend) had some of the worst times of all of us in adolescence, she was really badly harmed by this town and the people in it. and I cannot imagine, regardless of how the ex is now (bc people do change between 21 and 30 for sure). why anyone from my friendship group would, as an adult who successfully moved out to a city and thus has thousands of New Non-Trauma-Associated People at their disposal, willingly choose to date anyone they knew in their teens.
literally man like I know this from talking to my two very very beloved besties from school who I'm still very close to. and when they told me this I was like friends you know I love you and want you in my life forever but Jesus Christ I would never date you you know too much. very valuable to have friends who understand The Fuckery but imagine choosing to build a romantic relationship on that.
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but-a-humble-goon · 15 days
I'm on a blocking spree in the notes of my Alien post and the main thing that I'm noticing is that these people have zero personality outside of this one thing. Even the few who don't straight up have "radfem" or "gender critical" somewhere in their fucking URL you don't have to scroll down more than five posts at most before you find some transphobic hatespeech and every single blog in their recommended section will be named something like ‘JKR’s Strongest Warrior.’
I’ve seen this type of thing before. If any of you have ever had the misfortune to see a comment section full of Nazis you will notice literally every single one of them will have a Pepe avatar, or a Kekistan flag, or an Iron Cross or a Sonnenrad or a Roman statue of a buff guy and their username will universally be something like ‘Kristallnacht Enthusiast.’ It’s always wrapped in a miles thick layer of irony armour too because otherwise they might realise they’re the bad guys. They have nothing else going on in their lives and no interests outside of naziing because this shit has a way of getting inside you and hollowing you out as a person until hate is the only thing keeping you upright anymore.
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hardpacker · 1 year
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ummmmmmmmm we noticed you don't have any cows...? ...freak?
ok i have no idea why my humble little post has more than 5 notes and i certainly didn't make it for weird trad/rad SWERFs and kekistan goofuses to enjoy. joy is the province of the brave and you are cowards of another kind. i have stolen all your cows. now you're just Some Fuck
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is-the-owl-video-cute · 4 months
When did you start the original owl vid blog and what was it like? Was it more focused on reviewing owl videos? I’m just curious as to how you ended up involved in a bunch of discourse* about not-owls.
*lets just call it that for simplicity’s sake ahah
I made the original in either January or February 2020 after being frustrated to a breaking point seeing another video of an owl in an obviously bad situation being shared uncritically because the OP had mislead their followers about what was going on. “Oh this owl LOVES his kitten and duck friends!” “Oh look at this owl having SO much fun in the bubble bath!” It was endless. At the time there was genuinely no one questioning anything going on in any of them. My only outlet was to vent it to some of my friends in group chats and such. We would pass around different videos that ended up on our dashes and discuss the issues amongst ourselves just to be in a space where people actually said something because outside of those chats we were going mad seeing it time and time again.
I made the blog while scrolling tumblr aimlessly during a particularly long winded seminar I was sitting in on, I had reblogged a photo of a wild owl and tumblr began recommending various owl abuse videos mislabeled as cute. I had enough. I made a blog name and used large bold letters and emphasizing colors so my posts would be seen by people scrolling the reblogs. I scoured the entire owl tag and rated every single video I came across, typing paragraph upon paragraph detailing everything wrong with those photos and videos and it didn’t take more than a day or two before I had amassed a few thousand followers, people were interested. People were listening, there were a few “okay Karen” types here and there, but the large majority were willing to listen in a way I had never seen before. I had made posts like this on Facebook (not under an alias) and my posts were always immediately met with “who cares if the owl dies it’s just a fun video it’s not that deep let people enjoy things” and threats of lawsuits for “defamation” from the online personalities and “sanctuaries” i critiqued. To say tumblr was a breath of fresh air was an understatement, I have been on this website since ~2013-2015 (not on a themed blog, just various personal blogs I deleted and remade a few times, and a discourse blog or two mixed alongside a few admin slots making pride icons with cartoon characters for people), and I can honestly say this initial experience was the last thing I expected from this hellsite.
For the first few months, I wanted to hang onto that. I didn’t want to bring politics into it, this was just about owls and wildlife, I didn’t want to detract from the goal of educating people on how to spot animal abuse. And for a time that worked well. I was happy. The followers were happy. Until I started paying attention to the people following me and interacting with my posts. Usernames like “radical-clit” or “jake1488” would start to pop up more often. More icons would have kekistan pride flags, or just iron crosses outright. Some icons proudly just said “TERF is a slur” while others were naked white women in wheat fields. I had what I asked for, a truly “apolitical” space where everyone, even Nazis and TERFs felt very welcome.
And I took exception to that.
I made the first real post using my voice and my stances. I said trans women are women. I said Black Lives Matter. I said ACAB and I said wear a mask when COVID started to hit. I started blocking the ones that didn’t scatter from my blog like roaches, I went through my follower list manually and blocked every TERF, Nazi, and any other type of sleazeball I could find. I manually vetted a few thousand people.
This resonated with people. I expected backlash, and there was a fair shake of it, but I received more asks than I had before. Hundreds of strangers thanking me for making my stance clear and letting them know they were welcome. And that stuck with me.
I had made this blog to educate, and that is what I was going to do. So when I started getting asks from those opposed to my open sharing of political subjects, I responded to their hate mail as though it was a debate. I wasn’t trying to change their minds, I’m not that naive, it was to further educate anyone else reading about it, to tell the full story and to arm them with tools to fight back against bad faith talking points the right weaponizes. From that point on, I would get off topic asks questioning my political stances, and I continued to answer them. I wanted it to be clear where I stood because I did not want marginalized people to ever question if I was secretly a bigot.
I never stopped actually reviewing owl videos, however I did stop using the flashy long format responses to avoid annoying people. I had a following by then, I didn’t need to shout to be heard over scores of people fawning over animal abuse. I still rate videos today, but if it’s one that I’ve rated at all within the past year or especially one I’ve rated multiple times, I tend to ignore the message. I don’t go looking for them anymore for the same reason I’d imagine you probably don’t go out of your way to find videos of dogs and cats being abused. It’s upsetting, it’s emotionally tolling. There’s also only so many ways I can say “owls cannot safely cohabit with other species or more than one other owl”, “owls cannot swim well and don’t like being fully submerged in water for a viral tiktok”, or “owl cafes and pet keeping of owls are inherently abusive”.
If I’ve already rated three videos of people letting their toddlers or other pets manhandle large owls, do I really need to be sent six more? My point is Education, not sending as many upsetting videos of animal abuse as I can find to place on your dash and say things you already know if you’ve seen my other posts.
Anyway, for a shorter answer to your question: I get non-owl discourse consistently because I don’t shy away from addressing it. I don’t want my stances to be vague, I don’t want good people wondering if I support trump or genocide. I am a firm believer that silence is violence. I’m not going to do what white culture favors and simply look away and avoid the topic of injustices simply to make white users more comfortable.
This blog was never meant to be comfortable.
This is the “animal abuse is bad stop that” blog.
It would be weird of me to oppose animal abuse and them remain silent on abuses and injustices faced by human beings.
I don’t wake up in the morning saying “okay today will be 80% international politics, 12% discourse about the causes and ethics of pedophilia as a mental disorder, and 8% birds with 1% of that being owls. If someone asks me if I support trans rights I will answer them. If someone attacks me for that then I will respond to their attack.
If some days I don’t feel like looking for upsetting animal abuse and formulating an entire essay on why abusing said animal for entertainment is wrong, I do something else.
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trunk--slamchest · 1 month
The funniest thing to watch this last 100 days is Donald Trump trying to recreate the same kind of pan-RW support. We've so mythologized the kekistan /pol/ era GAS GAS GAS meme of how he got elected and he's just been making the lightning strike twice. Catering to goobers like Vance, playing footsie with Musk and other random mediocre political figures.
It'll go so well.
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missouri-and-woe · 1 year
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maretriarch · 5 days
drawing folykl and kuprums gross gamer hive and was going to put like an alternian kekistan flag on the wall before realizing WOW yeah that super doesnt read in black and white
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ballszzzwastaken · 1 month
So Uh,
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So apparently from my understanding some people in Sketch United thinks I'm some Right Wing Nazi due to few things that are in my profile that are suspected to be Right Wing (?)
So I'll just say this, I am not a Internet Nazi, and I will never be one lol.
The Runes that are in my Strawpage, Username, And my Tumblr are Ancient Symbols originated by Ancient Pagans, but was later stolen by National Socialists and Right Wing Extremists and made it as a Symbol as hate, I use these Runes because I am a Christo-Pagan like I said in my older posts in SU (A Person who has a mix of Christian and Pagan Beliefs), though I am thinking of converting to Germanic Paganism.
The same thing goes for The Wojaks/Soyjaks, They were made as a joke for shit and giggles, but then Internet Extremists decided to use the Memes to express Hate Speech, I use Soyjaks/Wojaks as a way to make Memes for Shit and Giggles.
And for my 4chan and my Kekistan humor?? It's all Satire, Just because I have an '4chan incel humor' or something like that does not make me an Nazi. I just like 4chan for its posts that are funny and cool, The same thing also goes to the whole Kekistan joke (The Kekistan was also created as a joke, but was then turned into some political shit by Right Wing Noobs who cannot let everything not be political once lmfao)
So, with all that being said. I do NOT support or condone anything Hateful or Politically Incorrect, and I will never support it.
Uhhh yeah that's it ig.
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buggybuggs · 2 months
Seems like word is spreading that it was another rightie who did the shooting, dude who apparently the made the "kekistan anthem"? But yeah I mean it won't stop them from pinning it on the left, dems, whatnot. But I mean, if that spreads more maybe we can just get them ripping eachothers faces off instead.
Making unrebloggable bc I ammm not confident in myself as I aaam at the barr but wanted to speak..
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redditantisemitism · 11 months
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Found on r/flags. I’m not going into how kekistan is racist and antisemitic. It’s very easy to find that information.
The triple parentheses, or “echoes”, are an antisemitic dogwhistle used to identify the enclosed person or group as Jews. Some Jews may use it ironically to identify themselves as Jews. More information here. Occasionally also used to mean “hugs”, not normally by the same crowd using it as a dogwhistle.
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armedjoy · 1 year
whenever i think of 4channers and the military, i think of these two:
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armored column hentai
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and kekistan aerospace contractor
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matrixonvhsanddvd · 2 years
finding out the weird kekistan kid i used to go to high school with goes by they/them now is a strange feeling
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lucifer-ai · 2 years
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