#Keith's propriety
violettduchess · 2 years
Hello Violet!! How's your day been?
If the kiss request prompts are still open, may I request a kiss with Keith, please? Thank you so much <333
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A/N: This is Sweet Keith. Alter!Keith would have to be his own request (I thought of doing both in one but that would have been really long for these kiss fics)
Sweet Keith x Reader
WC: 510
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He usually asks before he kisses you. His golden eyes are downcast, his soft angel-down hair a riot of wan sunshine curls on his head. The request is quiet, shy. And even when you give your consent, he takes a moment, as if readying himself.
Down he leans, up you rise until your lips meet in the middle. Nothing but your lips touch. His are stiff at first, unyielding to the invitation in the softness of your kiss. You take a step closer, boldly placing your hands on his broad shoulders, your body curving towards his. 
Then you feel it. The first hairline crack in his composure. His mouth relaxes, his lips becoming more pliant at the insistence of yours. One hand hesitantly wraps around your waist, just above your hip and you're thrilled at the contact, at the feel of how his large hand fits perfectly into that indentation of your body, as if you were two puzzle pieces clicking into place.
He breaks contact a moment, drawing in a breath that quakes with soft desire as he presses his lips together, imprinting the feel of your mouth into his. His forehead touches yours and you close your eyes, wrapped in the protective grasp of his hands, the rhythm of his breathing in time with your own as you wait, suspended in time like a glimmering raindrop hanging on the knife's edge of a leaf, trembling before the fall.
And then he tilts his head, his hands sliding around your waist to your back, pulling you against him and capturing you in a kiss, fierce as a sudden wind over golden plains. Your arms lock behind his neck as you return his kiss, your heartbeat drumfire in your ears. He tastes like salted caramel, so very sweet but with a subtle, underlying bite that you can’t ignore. One that sends a thrill spinning through your body. His hands slide down your back, down until he hooks his arms under you and lifts you up, holding you above him. He tilts his head upwards as he continues to kiss you, a man chosen by the Heavens to receive a divine kiss from an angel descending just for him.
You cup his face in your hands reverently, feeling the muscles of his jaw move under your palms as he meets you, lips on lips and tongue on tongue. The winds have turned into a tornado, sweeping up everything in its path, laying you both bare to the storm tearing through your veins.
But Keith is a gentleman and a prince. Before you are swept away, before the storm can truly eradicate every semblance of propriety, he breaks the kiss. Tearing himself away from you is painful. He wants so much and he sees the fire in your bright eyes, feels the way your fingers clench as he lowers you to earth once again. One hand runs over your hair, gentle, almost apologetic. And then it catches your chin, his thumb soothing over your kiss-reddened lips.
Soon, that touch says. Soon.
Tagging: @aquagirl1978 @atelieredux @alixennial @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @rhodolitesroseforclavis @somekidnamedkai @ikemen-prince-writers-posts @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @ikehoe @redheadkittys @themysticalbeing @dear-mrs-otome @firestar-otomeobsessed @curious-skybunny @leotoru @ariamichel @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @moonstruck-writing @scorchieart
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hqfanaticism · 2 years
Hmmmm, thinking about a Sheith omegaverse au…
In this au, omegas are very highly regarded. Omega mates allow alphas to be more even-tempered and healthier. They are also able to stimulate healing in their chosen alpha. Because this phenomenon can’t be replicated by force, alphas go through great pains to try to win over an omega.
Keith lives in the outskirts of a kingdom in the Marmora Manor and is his mother’s heir. Because he lives so far from the capital, not many of the kingdom’s nobility even know he’s an omega. He’s grateful for this, as the few times an alpha had visited the manor to try to win his favor were nothing more than a bother.
This respite comes to an end when a new queen (Allura) is about to be crowned, meaning all nobles are expected to be present at the coronation.
He regrets leaving the manor as soon as he gets to the castle. He’s a fresh opportunity for all the alphas there and the incessant fawning makes him want to leave, propriety be damned.
Then he meets someone while he tries to find a moment of quiet in one of the castle gardens. An alpha, scarred and without his right arm. To Keith’s surprise, the alpha doesn’t take advantage of the opportunity to try to woo an omega. Instead, he apologizes for disturbing Keith and leaves. That’s the first time Keith meets Shiro.
The next time Keith sees Shiro, he decides to speak with him. There are few tolerable people at the castle and Shiro seems like he might be one of them. So, they end up spending quite a bit of time together in the weeks leading up to the coronation.
Others notice. Other alphas in particular. And they’re not happy that Shiro is monopolizing the omega that no one else has had the chance to woo. A few of them try to warn him off. After all, a broken alpha doesn’t deserve an omega. Shiro refuses. He won’t leave Keith unless Keith tells him to go. And he reminds them of how he had gotten his scars. They leave him alone after that.
Keith hears the confrontation. That’s the moment he realizes that he has chosen his alpha. But he doesn’t tell Shiro. He knows that no alpha would dare to refuse an omega’s choice. He wants to be sure that Shiro wants him in the same way.
So, he starts to shift closer to Shiro, initiating physical contact whenever possible. And he observes Shiro carefully each time, trying to note his reaction.
Unfortunately, Shiro is a perfect gentleman, allowing Keith into his space but never encroaching on Keith’s.
The coronation comes and goes and Keith starts to get worried. They’re set to leave soon and his chosen alpha hasn’t shown any sign of interest. His instincts can’t help but interpret it as a subtle rejection. Maybe that’s why he reacts so strongly when a notices another omega eyeing Shiro. He can’t help it. He bares his teeth and hisses, his scent exploding out in a possessive cloud. The omega gets the picture and leaves, muttering that he hadn’t known the alpha was taken.
Keith realizes the implications of what he did once the other omega is out of sight. He’s horrified at having acted like Shiro was his alpha when the alpha hadn’t given any indication that he wanted the same. He turns to apologize but stops when he sees Shiro’s expression.
Shiro’s cheeks are flushed, eyes wide with a dazed wonder as he looks at Keith with a fragile hope. Keith drags in a breath and smells Shiro’s scent, a scent he had only caught snatches of prior to this due to Shiro’s careful control. It tells him everything he needs to know.
He doesn’t waste any more time and asks Shiro to go back with him. Shiro hesitates. He knows how the world sees him: a broken alpha whose feats in war had been undercut by the toll it had taken on him. He loved Keith but hadn’t dared to even hope that an omega would ever see him as worthy.
Keith makes sure that Shiro doesn’t have any reason to doubt. He leaves the castle a mated omega.
And they live happily ever after at the Marmora Manor!
Idk if I’ll write this, I might at some point just so the idea will stop plaguing me lol
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waugh-bao · 2 years
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lilflowerpot · 5 years
Imagine Keith coming back from a really intense mission and he’s super tired and he just wants to go to bed but nowhere looks /comfy/ enough... except then he spots Lotor and decides yes, that is comfy, and goes and sits on his lap and immediately falls asleep cuddling with him
I adore the concept of Keith’s sleep-addled brain locking on to Lotor like “ah yes…… comfortable” and deeming it not at all inappropriate to just plop himself down on the Prince’s lap irrespective of what Lotor might be doing at the time (or even who he might be in the middle of talking to) and passing out without a care in the world.
Meanwhile Lotor suddenly finds himself with a lapful of Keith which isn’t at all an objectionable situation except for the small issue of him having been mid-conversation with Kolivan of all people, and now he’s just a little bit frightened to actually look back to Marmora’s Commander and find out what sort of expression he’s pulling at the littlest Blade’s shameless display of affection.
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logo-comics · 3 years
Fortune Lover DLC: Princess Katarina
Welcome to the Sorcier Academy of Magic, Maria Campbell! So many nobles of varying rank await you, from the lowest Baron's youngest child to the three children of the King!
Wait, THREE?!
You read that right, three, Prince Geordo, Prince Alan, and Princess Katarina Stuart! Yes, Katarina Claes is here reimagined as Katarian Stuart, the youngest child and only daughter of the King and Queen of Sorcier! Then who is Prince Geordo's fiancee? None other than the frequent nuisance herself, Noelia Flores, the second-string villainess!
Keith Claes, for his part, is romanceable, as well, though this DLC makes use of Lady Charlotte Vulcan of the Friendly Rival DLC in place of Katarina as the obstacle to romancing him!
Katarina, for her part, is still a villainess and an obstacle for Prince Geordo's route, and even that of Prince Alan in that she is obsessed with propriety and stopping the breaking of her brothers' betrothals as a result!
But that's not all! With Katarina still the greatest menace of the school, tormenting Maria due to her viewing Maria as a commoner who simply got lucky, Maria does have an advantage over the situation: Katarina is romanceable.
Yes, Katarina fans, Princess Katarina is unattached to anyone in a betrothal in this setting, and her heart can be won!
Get Katarina to help you end the relationship of Geordo with his horrendous fiancee peacefully! Learn more about the political system of Sorcier and the tentative positions of the heirs to the crown! Romance Katarina, if you'd like (and we know a lot of you do)!
All of this and more are possible in Fortune Lover's Princess Katarina DLC!
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masterhandss · 3 years
Forbidden fruit ask time: Keith x Katarina. I know people in western fandom are understandably wary of this ship, but apparently it's one of the favourites for the Japanese audience and based on what I heard it actually has some decent foundation in novels (not as much as GeoKata, but still). Since you read novels and are #1 hamefura blog on Tumblr and know so much I wanted to ask you to tell us how KeiKata is doing in novels if it's okay owo??
owo!! lmao, I don't know about being the "#1 hamefura blog on tumblr" (I-I... I thought I was an art blog... :')) I mean I just like to ramble about hamefura lmao but I'm always happy to answer questions!
Yeah... Keith x Katarina is a hard subject to talk about considering how violent reactions can be depending on who you're talking to. I remember when Season 1 was airing, people really doesn't like Keith as a romantic option for Katarina due to them being siblings, and I'm honestly waiting for those people to react to the S2 OP and S2 in general. I've talked to a few people who don't like KeiKata at all, and they have the absolute right to dislike any ship that they want, but it did make me sad to know how much Keith is hated by the EN Fandom considering how loved he is in the JP Fandom. He's pretty much the most favorite male character and the second most shipped with Katarina.
-> hamefura x(s2) & ln spoilers ahead <-
A lot of people's issues with Keith stems from the fact that he and Katarina are step-sibling and that it's really weird for Keith to be romantically interested in Katarina (a person who sees him as a little brother completely). People are accusing him of taking advantage of Katarina's trust in him to keep her to himself and that pursuing her romantically would destroy the familial bond that they've had for years. The thing is that Keith treasures Katarina as a person, not as a sibling. Yes, Keith sees her as family, but he also sees her as more than family. To him, being able to be together with Katarina doesn't mean that he'll have to love her differently, but that he will be able to love her even more deeply and honestly. You can even headcanon that the reason Keith calls Katarina "big sister" is because he's asked to do so, and because it's a symbol of his acceptance into the family, but maybe not necessarily how he sees her.
Some of the material that will be covered in Season 2 is about Keith, so I don't know how much I want to talk about that since most fans will be able to see it themselves. Keith has it the hardest because his position makes it so that he's the least likely to get his feelings across to Katarina due to their relationship. In one of the upcoming arcs in the anime, Keith will be able to break Katarina's baka shield in the same way Geordo does: by using actions instead of words, and by just literally finding the courage to take the risk and tell her.
That's where one of the interesting things about hamefura comes into play: one of the reasons why people dislike KeiKata so much is that they feel like the reveal of Keith's feelings would awaken disgust and betrayal in Katarina. Few fanfics of hamefura portray it that way, that Katarina would be weirded out by his feelings and reject them immediately. Maybe it's because Katarina is aware of Keith as not only a sibling, but also as a romance-able character in an otome game (also because of the nature of this series lmao), that in canon, she doesn't take his confession negatively and is flushed/embarrassed by it just like Geordo's confession. I know the "weirded out" reaction is the most realistic, but maybe Katarina also understands that their relationship doesn't have a clear label. They care for each other very much and whether that bond is romantic, familial or friendship isn't something they bothered to really name, maybe? Lmao I don't know, that last bit is just speculation on my part, I can't exactly get into Katarina's head and pinpoint what she thought of Keith's confession.
If I'm being honest, she forgets about Keith's confession more often than she does Geordo, mostly because nothing really changed after he made his feelings clear. I wouldn't say that she dismissed it, it's just that she's forgetting it because in her perspective being loved as a woman and as family by Keith both means that he'll take care of her and shower her with attention (aka no difference).
When I think about how "KeiKata is doing in the novels", for some reason the first thing that comes to my mind is the line "how they treated Geordo in the anime, from a JP perspective". I know that sounds confusing, but what I mean is that a lot of Arc 2 - FL2 scenes with KeiKata is kinda fanservice (aka the thing they tried to do for Geordo in the anime which worked for JP fans but made him hated by the EN fans) (not me trying to insert Geordo in a post about Keith hehe :V). Excluding all the Keith scenes that are coming in Season 2 of the anime and the current arc of the manga, the story really likes to test Keith's self-control when it comes to seeing Katarina as a woman.
Keith's scenes with Katarina aren't necessarily "hot and spicy" by any means, but people nowadays tend to be quite bothered and annoyed at typical japanese romance tropes being played out in modern anime series (such as bed-pining, surprised kisses and kabedons). I mean yeah I'd be bothered too if someone pulled those moves on me in real life, but for the japanese audience this is what their fanservice is like so that's the kind of stuff we'll see in hamefura. Just like Geordo, Keith is given a few scenes where he's put in a romantic spot with Katarina after he confessed, but it always just ends with him backing out and hoping that it at least could remind Katarina of how he sees her (like bed-pinning in LN6 & affectionate touches from Katarina in LN8). A lot of hate towards Keith stems from these scenes because people sees this as a disrespect towards Katarina and the familial relationship they have. These scenes helps reinforce how Keith sees Katarina as a woman and not as a sister, but depending on who you're siding with, you're either gonna be disgusted at Keith or extremely pissed off at Katarina's lack of propriety & density.
Like, people are getting angry at Keith for being a teenage boy who is being bothered by affectionate touches from the girl he likes who is also always approaching him with only a nightgown? I mean blame the author or Keith all you want but at least put some responsibility on Katarina as well :V People are really saying "well, he shouldn't be bot and bothered by it in the first place, they are siblings! that's disgusting!" well again, Keith sees her as a woman and Katarina needs to be aware that she shouldn't be so touchy with the opposite sex regardless if it's family. Keith kinda blames Katarina for the way he feels given how she acts around him despite being unaware of his feelings, which is also the cause of some hatred towards Keith.
People are saying that Keith is dumping *all* the responsibility onto Katarina because she acts in such an affectionate way towards him, but in reality Keith feels really bad & also hates himself for being so attracted to her when she doesn't even know about his feelings. He puts a lot of blame onto himself and thinks he's just as bad as Geordo sometimes (not saying Geordo is bad, more like Keith's "idea of Geordo" being bad lmao). Keith always walks on eggshells around Katarina because he doesn't want to disrespect how he feels about her and how she feels about him. It's just sad to see people hate him for the few moments where his self-control breaks so that he can act on his honest emotion, and accuse him of abusing Katarina's trust :((
Just like Geordo, Keith has made it clear how he feels and strongly desires to pursue her romantically, but his problem of being the step-sibling is still there. I haven't gotten my own copy of JP Volume 10 yet, I feel like I just wanna wait for the EN version instead of using GT, but multiple spoilers have noted that while Keith hasn't made progress in getting approval of his feelings from Katarina's side, he's at least able to get an approval from his family. Well, by that I mean Keith has already confessed his romantic feelings about Katarina to their father Luigi, and he replied by saying that he approves of whoever Katarina chooses for herself. Keith realizes that all he needs to do is get Katarina to return his feelings. When he does, his family wont hate him, but instead he'll be able to love them and be loved in the same, yet different way.
TLDR; a lot has happened to Keith throughout the light novels. He's progressing slowly and steadily just like Geordo, and is leagues ahead compared to the other characters. He has confessed his feelings and got reassurance of his relationship with his parents. Keith and Katarina's relationship itself hasn't really changed though, but it's nice to know that Keith is at least laying the foundations for his hypothetical future with her. Katarina doesn't really think about Keith enough to be able to tell how she feels about his confession or if her opinion on him has changed at all though, so take that as either an L or a W for Keith.
Thank you for the ask! I'm sorry if this isn't as elaborate as you wanted, anon. I like Keith and Katarina but I guess it's because they aren't my bias that I don't pay too much attention to the tiny details of how Keith is written in the books qwq
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sgtjamesrogers · 2 years
ok i desperately need to hear more about the his dark materials vigilmaker au
WELL... the first sentence is-
Keith’s daemon never gets the chance to settle.
So we can count on me to use this au as an excuse to cause as much pain as I possibly can. :) Right now I'm deciding exactly how I want Chris' daemon to go, I have about three options and I'm doing the pros and cons of each. I briefly considered if it should be Eagly but I liked the concept of Eagly and Chris' daemon playing around way way more. The bulk of this fic feels like it'll be concerned with Adrian's daemon's lack of propriety and personal space, since unspoken social cues and rules, the breaking of in HDU aus are my FAVORITE, but I immediately knew what Adrian's daemon would be, I picked his specifically so that people in universe would look at his sweet, unassuming face and then his apex predator of a daemon and be Unsettled, lmao.
Thank you so much for asking!!
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Requiem 3
Here’s Chapter 3 guys! Hope you enjoy!
Duchess Claes and Anne stared at Katarina’s attire. Keith had come running in, red-faced and wheezing, saying his big sister had thrown propriety out the window.
Of course, the two women went to go inspect and there they found Katarina looking nervous at her mother as she wore a very short skirt—well at least too short for their society—and a sailor type of ensemble.
Katarina looked prepared for the worst. After all, it was Duchess Claes who was staring at her daughter wearing something “improper”, but a storm was brewing in Duchess Claes’ mind from other reasons.
Was this something she’ll never understand? Was this part of Katarina’s phase? Was it really a phase? These odd things have been happening since she was eight, ever since she fell and hit her head…
“Katarina,” Duchess Claes began and Katarina stiffened. She feared her mother would want to burn her old uniform. She wouldn’t know what she would do if she had to dispose of it. She didn’t really think it was a big deal, but Keith seemed to think it was, from the amount of leg she was showing.
‘I miss the days when it was more acceptable to wear plain clothes…’ Katarina mourned.
“Did you hear me, Katarina?” her mother’s voice broke through her thoughts.
“Y-Yes!” Katarina quickly answered, not wanting to make her mother angrier. Duchess Claes sighed wearily.
“Good. We’ll be leaving in a few days. Please…” here her mother looked at her sadly, and Katarina couldn’t understand what troubled her so. “Please try to rest, okay?” her mother asked, and Katarina nodded dumbly, wondering what was wrong. Anne and Duchess Claes left the siblings alone, and Keith glanced at Katarina worriedly.
“Sister… do you know why Mother is taking you to the Ministry of Magic?” Keith asked, a little worried. Katarina blinked.
“Ministry of Magic?”
“You… weren’t listening at all, were you?” Keith sighed, shaking his head. “Mother says she wants to take you to the Ministry of Magic in a few days. She didn’t say why though…”
“Wait… she doesn’t want to burn my clothes?!” Katarina was more focused on the survival of her old school uniform.
“Apparently not. She just looked at you and said she was taking you to the Ministry of Magic. Though Sister, those clothes are really improper—Sister?”
Katarina dropped to her knees, hugging the fabric of her uniform tight, relieved. She was so scared her mother was going to want to take them away! Tears of relief escaped her eyes and she laughed.
“Thank goodness! Thank goodness!” Katarina laughed, tears falling down her face. Keith watched her, and he worried even further. Something was wrong.
“Sister…” he kneeled in front of her, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. He stared into her eyes intently, as if he was searching for something. “Are… are you okay?”
Here Katarina smiled bright, and Keith knew it should’ve relieved him, but all it did was make the pit in his stomach deeper.
“I get to keep these as far as I’m concerned, and that’s enough for me.” Was all Katarina said, and she had a far away look in her eyes, as if she was recalling something he wasn’t privy to, and it made him envy whatever had her attention so.
A part of him wanted to demand her to get rid of the clothes himself. He didn’t like his sister acting so strange, so distant, but he saw how they made her smile, and he couldn’t bear to be the one to break her heart.
“Sister…” he voiced, and he smiled then, embracing her as she too, grinned.
Something was wrong. He knows it.
Luigi Claes finds his wife in their bedroom, and frowns worriedly when he catches sight of the wine.
“Darling, I thought you wouldn’t overindulge again after Katarina was born.” Luigi chided, but you could see he was greatly concerned. He took a seat next to his wife, taking the bottle from her so she couldn’t pour herself anymore. “Miri…”
“I remember when she was born…” Miri began, her eyes clouded, either by memories or the wine, Luigi didn’t know. “I had a difficult pregnancy—the doctors said we shouldn’t have anymore children, that maybe even Katarina wouldn’t even survive, but she did. She was resilient even as a baby. And when I held her, I knew I loved her.”
“We did have a lot of trouble having her, Miri, but you know I wouldn’t change you. I’m happy with Katarina and Keith.”
“If it wasn’t for Katarina, I would’ve thought you had Keith with another woman. Because I could no longer… I thought you didn’t think me and Katarina were enough…” Miri started tearing up. Luigi embraced his wife tightly.
“Katarina has done a lot of good things for this house. Our home is happier. Our staff loves her. Keith loves her. I couldn’t ask for a better daughter and a better wife. You all are my world.” Luigi reassured her. Miri sniffled.
“I wanted to cry looking at her today, Luigi.” Miri confessed. “She was wearing something so strange, and she looked like she would die if I took it from her. I didn’t want my daughter to think I was a monster, so I couldn’t say anything at all.”
“We always knew Katarina was a strange child, Miri. Ever since she hit her head.” Luigi tried to comfort his wife.
“Luigi, please don’t pretend to be blind anymore. Ever since that accident, she’s been strange, but there are times when she’ll be distant—like she wants to flee and go somewhere we can’t follow. I remember when she was little, and she had that fever after her fall, and she would cry for people named ‘Okaa-san’ and ‘Otou-san’ and ‘Nii-san’ in a strange tongue. We thought she was possessed. And then she was so different, but she was happy, so we let it go. And then… the night terrors.”
“Yes, I remember.” Luigi said gently. He remembered feeling so helpless every time Katarina would scream in terror. He remembered when they would wake her, she would scream “Torakku wa  totemo itai!” hysterically, and they would hold her, trying to calm her. They didn’t know what she was saying, but they knew it was something that terrified her and brought her pain. She would say other things in that strange tongue, and later, when she was calm, they would question her what she was talking about. She would always pause then, gaining that faraway look in her eye, and say “I had a scary dream where I died.”
And they would comfort and reassure her she was alive and well, and no one was going to hurt her, but Katarina never looked reassured. She appeared to be haunted by something, and Luigi and Miri continued to feel helpless.
To be honest, these were factors when bringing Keith into their home. Katarina needed someone her age to talk to, to bond with, and it appeared to have worked. Katarina stopped having night terrors, or at least that is what they thought.
Looking back on all the odd things their daughter has done over the years, Luigi was sure perhaps Katarina had just gotten better at hiding things.
Wordlessly, he lifted the bottle and took a giant swig.
“What do you want to do?” he asked his wife at last.
“Whatever we can. Whatever the High Sorcerer who examines her says to do. I just want her to be happy.” Miri said. Ades hugged her close.
“Me too.”
There you go! Chapter 3!
the translation is for Torakku wa totemo itai is “The Truck hurt so much”
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Doom flags at her heels, Katarina really has a lot going on
(slight arc one spoilers, slight arc later spoilers, lotta long rambling thoughts)
So I’ve been keeping up with the manga for quite awhile and then remembered the light novels exist and then discovered the anime is existing and then realized “oh this is popular enough people are writing fic for it!” and then read a good fic and then I realized that this was a chance to articulate a thought that’s always in the back of my mind whenever I reread the manga and now that I’m watching like four let’s-watch youtubers as the anime goes on but like-
It has always struck me that like- as much as Katarina has a lot of sparkling happy fluffy moments and people she cares for a lot in this life, people that certainly I think she does love perhaps more deeply than even she realizes, and the audience is reminded so often "ha ha she still thinks she's doomed, she doesn't realize literally everyone has fallen in love with her and she's become crucial in their lives and hearts"- there’s also the other side of that-
That is that all the preparing she's been doing since she woke up with her past life memories at 8 years old- she's spent all that time running from a looming shadow at her back.
She's spent 7 years with a lot of excellent friends, capturing hearts and being a bright light in the world, but she's also spent all that time living with the fear that some of her friends might kill her, someday, or that she'll be made to leave them, or be discarded, and have to start a new life in a strange place for a third time- this time, alone. And she's been running from that all this time. Even for a slightly one-track mind with a bit of a blind spot for things too close to her, how much fear and worry do you have to be carrying, to be still as Concerned as we see her when she's 15, to keep up preparing for such a doom for 7 years?
And there are moments like when she’s visiting Sophia and is reminded of Acchan, that we see she does still have some wistfulness for her life-that-was. Heck, even when she’s fighting her way out of her magical coma thing. Wistfulness for the world that was. And she doesn’t seem to have spoken to anyone about any of this past-life stuff. Even if this is her world now- she lost a lot, when she died the first time.
Even if she’s usually more focused on either things right in front of her, or her looming doom (hardly an enviable distraction), that has to be a lot to bear and never breathe a word of. A lot to miss, and people she will likely never see again.
And of course she's considered very simple and direct and incapable of guile or scheming by even her dear beloved friends- and often times she is- but there is also is the fact that in 7 years she hasn't let on about the secret of her memories, or what she's preparing for, or what she's afraid of. She hasn't ever let on those fears of getting killed or exiled by people close to her, or the fact that all this preparing is just in case she has to leave them all forever. Just in case they make her have to leave them all forever. She does a lot of off-the-wall things, but nobody has ever gotten a real hint of what they're for. The most anyone has really gotten is a refrain of “just in case!”
(I went back to check- she's mentioned "In case I'm exiled," in some material. She has not mentioned "In case you exile me." There's something of a difference.)
Also like. I know she’s really memetically, uh, got a bit of a blind spot about how people feel about her (I’m pretty sure she just doesn’t care about the whole rules of society thing except when they make immediate trouble for her, which she’s in a position to mostly ignore- that’s less her lack of sense, I think, and more her contemporary sensibilities and a certain amount of unselfconsciousness coming just as much from not caring for some of the more implicit rules as it does not noticing them) (not that she doesn’t also have the sense of a single turnip sometimes, but like. still.).
But like, in the first episode’s worth of events, she has like three different head injuries, two of which result in unconsciousness, one of which results in getting a load of past life memories dumped into her head. It’s not unlikely that this happens, not frequently, but more than just the times we’ve seen, over the years. That can’t be good for her- especially because if she’s visibly fine there wouldn’t necessarily be any reason to apply any handy-but-rare healing light magic that could mitigate any medical repercussions of head injuries. Certainly, I would not be surprised if this affects her attention span or ability to put together some things, just a little.
Take that, along with the fact that given what we see at least about her parents in this life, pretty sure some of the obliviousness is genetic- and also the whole ‘preparing for her doom for seven years’ thing... When we’re afraid of stuff, our limbic system, our fight-or-flight-etc, goes all “yeet” in our brains and it does actually affect our ability to think things through. Like. We had a seminar at work about it and stuff. And constant stress, even constant low-level-mostly-in-the-background stress, is known to cause issues with both memory formation and retrieval. Which can’t be helping anything else happening here.
What I’m saying is, Katarina has a lot of actual potential physical reasons to have some of the really increasing amounts of obliviousness that sorta seem to show later in the light novels.
(Also, in fairness, some people just aren’t great with the subtext of the goings on around them, even if they can read the pattern fine in words on a page. I’m like that myself. Uh, not nearly as much as Katarina, given, as far as I know. But that’s a way that one can be, too, and it’s not mutually exclusive with the rest of this or anything.)
Aside from those- from what we get about her reflection on her life in the last world, it doesn’t seem like all of this is totally new to her character; I definitely feel like she was Like This last lifetime too. (Actually, yeah, went back to check, and in the light novel, in Acchan's chapter, Katarina was indeed Like This last time too.) But I think it’s possible that aside from new circumstances in this life accentuating these characteristics, that they’re the sort of thing that produces more, uh, pronounced reactions to situations, the bigger the situation is. Last life, she was a normal schoolgirl who didn’t expect anything life-threatening. This life, she’s been living in the shadow of her doom for 7 years, and she’s in the upper strata of Very Important People, With Harem Hijinks.
I think some of Katarina’s determination just really has this flavor of- “Well it just can’t be helped! I just gotta do the thing!” A sort of.... taking all the weight of the things that really are chasing her, and also some of the subtext-laden everything in a lot of her close relationships, and a little willfully going “well this is kind of a lot. you know what was also kind of a lot? preparing for my doom for 7 years! you know how I dealt with that? just getting on with it as best i can, blithely moving past all the things i wasn’t really equipped for, with twice as much energy as life threw at me!” Not consciously, necessarily, but there’s certainly an energy of eliding past the whole mass of situations down to the brass tacks of an action plan. Gonna get murderlyzed? Learn to fight back against being murderlyzed, with a sword! Lonely brother set to fall in love because of healing loneliness? Guess he’s not gonna be lonely anymore! I stole some relationship flags from people? Well they’re great folks, I’m sure they’ll be fine!
There’s a certain resilience to this particular response to the whole state of affairs that keeps the story of Katarina’s life in this world from being dragged down into the implications of all the little bits and troubles that come with both her getting isekai’d into doom flags, and also all her friends’ troubles in their youths. It’s part of what makes her so interesting, I think, that she’s able to just go along being herself, doing her rather erratic best, genuine, honest, loud and enthusiastic and kind, and producing very direct responses to the happenings around her. And people respond to that genuineness and directness and kindness.
Whether we’re reading it on the page or the characters are seeing it in person, I think there’s something very charming about that. Taking ‘wow this is a lot. life is... a lot.’ and getting down to ‘but being nice is simple, and being enthused is simple, and scowling at mean people is simple, and now it’s not as a lot anymore!’
The origins of Katarina’s directness and charm aside, in this life she has very much been rewarded for Being Like This. Here, I’m speaking a little more in response to how I’ve seen people getting exasperated at the increasingly pronounced amount of Bakarina-ness that I’ve seen so far in at least the translation of the later light novels that I got a chance to read; she’s... still quite oblivious.
But her life and the narrative has always rewarded that. Her good-natured kindness to people with sorrows has made her happy friends; her determination to go the direct and simple path through things has always cut to the heart of matters (even if she’s sometimes missed how she’s now rather at the heart of a lot of people now); her blithe disregard for a number of proprieties has been protected by both her noble parents who love her, rather a lot of overprotective friends, and her royal betrothed. Worry has only ever gotten her to an action plan and a drive to proceed with it; after she’s got those to work with (e.g. her “train in swords and magic to not be murderlyzed, keep Keith from being lonely, make a field to train in magic, make a romance novel friend” plans), she’s always had to learn to take her actions and then live her life pushing that worry out of the way.
If she’d drowned in worry about her doom instead of letting it propel her to action and then disregarding it in favor of living in the moments produced by her choices, then I don’t think her life since waking up with her old memories would have been as happy as it was.
(Actually, I have this theory that the ‘original’/no-memory Katarina was running in a similar way as our Katarina, only she responded to the worry with sharp eyes and teeth, instead of brushing it aside with a determined smile. But that’s an analysis for another time, possibly after more of the Verge of Destruction spinoff is out and I’ve reread it a bit more.)
So, all that being the case- why should she be less blithe about things? Why would she be more cautious? Why would she start worrying any more about things beyond her newly-lifted worries about her doom? Her determination to charge facefirst through situations with a good nature, direct problem-solving, and some slightly-suspect assumptions that have always been close enough to the heart of things before- that’s always seen her through.
(Also, like. After everything, when she’s finally, finally able to stop worrying about her doom flags- enjoying all the people and things she loves without digging into the bits and troublesome bobs of it all, getting in a sense a second new lease on life- she can be forgiven for wanting things to be as simple as she’s always tried to make her one most looming problem in the past.)
(Also also, she did have to go through the stages between “you’re all adorable but you’re all 8 and I’m like 16 and I literally cannot be attracted to you, that’s weird” and “well I guess you’re all the same age as me-in-this-life but a large part of me is still 16, so it’s still weird” and “I haven’t changed much over the years because living through the same years twice isn’t really growing up so much as it is being 16 for an extra year or four and then being 12 again and then 13 again and then 14 again and then 15 again and only then finally getting a chance to grow older than 16- and in the meanwhile wait shit now you’re all the same age as me for real. now you’re not just breathtakingly cute or beautiful like a freaking artwork, now you’re making my heart skip a beat, uhhhhhh”.
It’s not particularly surprising that after years of thinking “yeah but I’m older than you, you’re like 8″ that it’s going to take being blindsided multiple times for Katarina to get into the swing of “wait, you’re my age or older and now, suddenly you’re able to be hot. wtf.”)
I don’t really have a conclusion to all this, exactly.
Just that- Katarina may have the sense of a single turnip sometimes, albeit a very good-natured turnip, but while some of it is absolutely just How She Is Even At Peace, some of it’s most likely a response to quite a few environmental factors over the years. And her life has rewarded her for the type of resiliency that she’s used to face her doom flags- the doom flags she’s been politely carrying and deflecting the stress of for seven years.
Direct and simple and kind and uncomplicated in nature she may be- and a bit slow on the subtext sometimes- but Katarina Claes should not be mistaken for lacking in willful resolve where it counts, nor mistaken for lacking fears, nor mistaken for lacking in ability to plan and analyze. I’m pretty sure she just... concludes that kindness is best, people are good, and that this life and the people in it are worth it.
She’s got more to her than just “oblivious harem protag is oblivious and really nice”. And honestly, I think if you look at her closely, she’s a lot more reasonable than people make her out to be.
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ao3feed-klance · 4 years
In The Shade Of The Apple Tree
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/3fdoJMV
by staymagical
1830s England:
Nearing poverty, Keith has little to his name and even fewer prospects change his lot in life. He has a knack for writing and putting eloquent words to paper and wants to make something of himself so when Shiro recruits him to assist on his political campaign, he knows it just might give him the opportunity to be something.
As the son of a prominent politician, Lance has always want for naught, had everything and yet not what he truly wanted; freedom. With his father's reputation and family name to uphold, he's lived life on a tight leash but pushed the boundaries every moment he can. He's used to a life of status, of parties and frivolous fancies and does not want to jeopardize that and yet, he longs for something more. Something different.
They're from two very different worlds, the norms of society deeming their paths should never cross. And yet, fate can be a fickle sometimes.
Words: 1594, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Veronica (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Historical, 1800s England, Propriety and Decorum bullshit, Period Typical Attitudes
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/3fdoJMV
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zonerobotnik · 5 years
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In an AU where Sanda’s orders were ignored and Adam did NOT die, he was there waiting when the Paladins came back to Earth to hold Shiro in his arms. and James and Keith wasted no time in tossing off their helmets and passionately kissing in front of everyone, propriety and PDA be damned.
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eiralucia · 6 years
Left Unspoken
Shiro is still learning to live with the prognosis that his earth doctors gave him. Part of that means learning to love while he can.
We’re not promised tomorrow. Shiro knows this deep in his soul. After all he had suffered at the hands of the Galra he would never doubt this. Even before then, Shiro lived in so much pain and fear of what his tomorrows held. Adam promised to be there. Through every painful doctor’s visit; every angry meeting with Admiral Sanda; every pain-filled night; he promised. Shiro forgave Adam long ago but that didn’t change the agony of loss.
Loss was what Shiro was afraid to suffer again. Though Coran tried his best to slow the progression of Shiro’s disease nothing came close to curing him. Shiro was willing to give his all until then. He would defend the universe through his very last breath. Beyond that, he would devote what time he had left loving those who stood by him.
Every moment spent with his fellow paladins was a moment longer than he expected even a month ago. He refused to let them pass unappreciated.
Pidge could hide away all they wanted but Shiro hunted them down daily. He made sure they were reminded of their worth. Regular visits with Hunk to thank him for the generous care put into feeding the endless stomachs they all carried. Maybe a reminder to save a snack for Pidge when they surfaced late at night. Daily sparring with Keith came to include Lance and their now friendly banter. Shiro dedicated those hours to helping their friendship grow stronger. They would need each other no matter what tomorrow held.
Even while Allura trusted him to help in the building of the coalition, Shiro focused on reminding her of her own strengths in the matter. He praised her, yes, but more importantly he critiqued her methods. They had come so far together and he would never leave her alone without giving her all he had first. Voltron was the hope of the universe, and she the hope of Voltron. He knew that Coran would help her remember all that Shiro gave her and for that he was eternally grateful.
Above all, Shiro would not rest until he knew that Lance was well provided for. He refused to love on him in all the way he deeply wished. If Shiro gave his all to Lance it would only break the blue paladin to pieces in the end. Shiro could not do that knowing what that heartbreak felt like. Lance was strong and could weather nearly anything but Shiro would not add to his already heavy heartache. Instead, Shiro became determined to leave Lance with all the best he deserved.
Shiro gave more to their training sessions. Lance steadily became more accurate in his aim, faster in his piloting, and stronger in his hand-to-hand combat. Shiro’s heart ached to give him greater praise each day. To wrap his arms around those wide shoulders and breathe in the scent of Lance at his best. Shiro longed to end their sparring with tighter embraces and whispered words of devotion. Shiro was left with only platitudes of encouragement and lingering smiles. Those couldn’t touch Shiro’s desires but he hoped they would build Lance up to be a formidable foe to those who stood against him. His smiles grew brighter with Shiro’s attention. His confidence blossomed. Shiro became hopeful for Lance’s safety. Once he was no longer there to protect him, Lance would hold his own.
Then came the broken nights. The nightmares that plagued them both. The fear that rampaged through their breaking minds. The oppressive silence of the occasional defeat. Shiro was programmed to suffer these moments alone. There was never anyone to hold him through his fear when he fought as the Champion. The one place of safety, in Adam’s arms, long gone. However, Shiro saw Lance stumble more and more under his own burdens. He couldn’t let him suffer alone. There would come a day when he could not comfort his beloved paladin but until then he would show Lance the strength that came from leaning on a friend. He took to finding Lance after his nightmares woke him in cold sweats. Lance, in turn, began to seek him out for comfort as he continued to struggle with homesickness. This led to regular nights of all the paladins coming together to support one another as even Voltron could not always be victorious. Shiro knew he would leave Lance in the caring hands of their chosen family.
They grew closer even as Shiro sought to restrain his affections. Lance was never one to pay heed to personal boundaries, but even he began to cross lines Shiro knew could break them. Careful touches as they passed in the deserted halls of the castleship; shy glances at diplomatic banquets; even gentle voices exchanged as they talked through their sleepless nights. Shiro felt the shift. He saw the writing on the wall. He just couldn’t shake these moments. Maybe he grew selfish after all he suffered. Maybe he was in denial of the pain that would come. Shiro simply could not let the guilt take this brief joy from him.
Lance was starlight in a vast empty sky. He gave Shiro hope and joy in places he never expected. Through their constant battles and death-defying adventures, Lance became the constant in Shiro’s life. He became the one Shiro went to first, the one Shiro trusted beyond all others. He fell heart first without further thought of tomorrow. After all, he wasn’t promised any tomorrows so he would take what today gave him.
Only today didn’t give.
Shiro had long since loved Lance deeply, passionately, and fully. He never gave in to his most intimate desires. He never told Lance in explicit terms. He never stepped out from his mask of propriety. He regretted that with his whole being as Lance lay in his arms upon the dusty planet surface.
The battle had raged more viciously than most they faced before. Voltron was unable to break into the planet’s surface to flush out the Galra defending their base. On foot, the paladins separated into teams and gave them hell. Shiro, Keith, and Lance settled into their well-practiced pattern of hand-to-hand and sniper synergy. Shiro and Keith led countless sentries into Lance’s range while he picked them off and defended his team with deadly efficiency. Upon one last turn far beneath the surface, Shiro called back to Lance just as a Galra soldier collided with their sharpshooter. The strike was too quick to defend. Lance collapsed in the same breath it took for Keith to race into the soldier with deadly retribution. Shiro ran to him calling out in desperation. Long worn habit of treating wounds in the Altean healing pods guided Shiro’s arms to scoop up the blue paladin’s lanky form.
Blood pounded in Shiro’s ears as he vaguely heard Keith calling through the comms for Allura to meet them on the surface. It didn’t matter what stage their siege was in, Lance needed a healing pod immediately. Shiro called to Lance over and over again, begging him to be okay. Shiro was meant to go first. It was always going to be goodbye, but Lance was the one meant to live a long life. Shiro could not face a tomorrow with any other outcome. He ran faster than any other time in his life. He fought harder than even in Zarkon’s gladiator ring to keep upright. They were still in the heat of battle and so far from the entrance to this damned base. Shiro paid no heed to where Keith was or what danger he was running toward. His whole existence was to get Lance to safety.
Voices called out through the comms asking after the beloved sharpshooter but Shiro could spare no breath. Allura was crying out how she was pinned high above the planet by a battleship that had entered the fray only moments before. Keith was calling out for Red to help transport Lance, panic clear in his voice. Hunk and Pidge were trying to battle their way to the surface on the other side of the base to reach their own lions. Shiro could only settle into the dirt and hold Lance close. Tears streamed down his face as he cradled the limp form of his dearest companion.
After all he gave they still ran out of time.
on ao3 eiralucia
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waugh-bao · 2 years
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The Stones Make a Second Attempt at An Ad in Catalan Inviting Fans to a Concert in El Ejido (2007/Attempt One)
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alluran · 6 years
be the one tonight
a/n: idk why it’s taken me this long to put in an adventure time reference a/n like two years later: idk what adventure time reference i used is there even one here
(10:45 p.m.) lance: go outside
(10:47 p.m.) keith: no?? it’s almost 11 o’clock, lance. go to sleep (10:47 p.m.) keith: or bother hunk
(10:48 p.m.) lance: I’ll have you know Hunk is out with Shay and I have enough common decency not to interrupt. you’re zero fun, you know that? where’s your sense of adventure
(10:54 p.m.) keith: your sense of courtesy and propriety is truly unprecedented and biased. I’m busy and my sense of adventure only adheres to regular adult hours.
(10:55 p.m.) lance: yeah okay, grandpa. but last I checked the old folks’ home has a 9 o’clock curfew and, judging by the amount of time between your responses, I know you’re doing dishes. you’ve been doing dishes during regular, adult sleeping hours since the sophomore year of college, so your argument is invalid. (10:57 p.m.) lance: we’re 25 and you’re doing dishes at 11 p.m. on a Friday night and you’re going to stop right this second and go outside, keith
(11:01 p.m.) keith: who’s keith?
(11:01 p.m.) lance: har har that works exactly two times and you wasted your shots three years ago. you’ve held onto the same cell phone number since you were 16 (11:08) lance: I WILL NOT BE IGNORED KEITH
Keith swiped his hand over the dish towel by his side before unlocking his phone, scoffing at Lance’s last text. He rolled his eyes, if Keith had actually been ignoring him, he would have finished up washing the dishes twenty minutes ago. Part of him got a maniacal thrill knowing that Lance was getting the notification that Keith had seen his message - driving home the ruthlessly purposeful act of ignoring him. It happened every now and again, Lance either had coffee too late in the day or got his second wind, albeit it usually lasted an hour and a half tops before the week finally came crashing down on his system. He would text one of them or show up at someone’s door or call or whatever Lance felt particularly up to given the day of the week (pooling results from Pidge and Hunk, it was found that Mondays and Thursdays were the days Lance only wanted someone to veg out watching Netflix with, Tuesdays were stress days where Lance just needed to unload a particularly crappy day or whatever, and Friday or Saturday were the ‘Adventure Days’),
He’d burn through it relatively fast before crashing on someone’s couch and call a Family Breakfast at whoever’s house he stayed at the next morning.
Which, he wasn’t complaining about, for the record. Hunk always brought his A game for last minute group breakfasts and, begrudgingly he had to admit, Lance had French toast on lock if someone wanted it. He even knew the amount of powdered sugar Keith liked on his and didn’t judge him for it.
(11:12 p.m.) lance: you have 30 seconds to rectify the abysmal negligence shown toward your best friend
(11:13 p.m.) keith: you’re right, I completely forgot to text pidge back earlier
(11:14 p.m.) lance: why are you like this (11:15 p.m.) lance: i’m appalled (11:16 p.m.) lance: shiro would be disappointed. i’m texting him right now
(11: 17 p.m.) keith: oh, trust me. if you text shiro at this very moment, after he just got off a 16 hour shift, it’s not going to be me he will be disappointed in (11:18 p.m.) keith: actually you know what? you should text him
(11:20 p.m.) lance: I’ve let you stall for like half an hour, keith. you’ve really left me with no choice
Keith tapped his thumb against the phone’s screen, ready to fire back a response when a screech and all too - all too - familiar horn broke the quiet bubble over the neighborhood. He startled enough to check his hip hard against the counter and yelled. He tore through the house, bumping every piece of furniture and stumbling over his shoes in his life or death path for the front door because the horn wasn’t stopping or even repeating. Just one long stretch of annoying that would have the neighbors after his head. The door bounced back against the wall from the force he tore it open with. He fought the screen door as the latch caught and stuck in place, putting his lurch to a halt.
He jerked the latch and fumbled for the porch light, flicking it on and off in his haste to send Lance the message that yes, he was coming out and to stop.
The complete asshole.
Keith staggered down the stoop in socked feet and bee-lined for Lance. His anger surged when he was only met with laughter and the pleased glimmer in Lance’s eyes when his hand caught in the worn blue t-shirt.
“I’m this close to throttling you. Geez.” Keith shoved Lance halfheartedly as his hands began to shake, he ran them through his hair in hopes it would stop the twitching. “What is the matter with you?! Do you want someone to call the police???”
Lance’s tongue peaked out and swiped cheekily against his lip as his face broke out into a grin. “Good to see you too, Red.”
“Someone better be dying, McClain,” Keith huffed. Adrenaline still heaved through his veins, dragged his shoulders in shuddering breaths, but enough anger left him enough to let some humor leak into his words.
The line usually landed with Lance, but tonight it shot off in the dark and exploded in the distance as the humor left Lance’s face and a curtain of sobriety fell over his eyes.
Keith moved to stand next to him, leaning his back against Lance’s car. He cleared his throat. “Soooo, you know I’m not really going to throttle you, right? Because that was a j-”
“Do you want to go somewhere with me?”
“Wh- Lance.”
The boy in question scratched the back of his head, a nervous tick that was ill-fitted on his broad shoulders, restraining his frame like an old coat. He furrowed his brows, the line of his mouth working against whatever was going on in his head. “Will you go somewhere with me?
“I’m pulling the emergency friend card.”
And wasn’t that more startling to hear than the high-pitched whine of Lance’s car horn. “Wait, someone’s not actually dying, right? Do I need to wake up Shiro?”
“Wh-no, no, no. Nothing like that. Things are just...” Lance wriggled his fingers by his temple. “Loud.”
“Yeah, yeah...Okay.” Keith nodded his head and struck out back to the door. “Let me get my shoes and keys.”
Lance folded his arms across his chest and nodded. “Cool. I’ll drive, obviously.”
So, here he was, the residue of Dawn dish soap drying uncomfortably on his wrists in Lance’s passenger seat going to some unknown secondary location with no clue why and the part of him that still ultimately failed at social cues and dealing with serious situations, wanted to make a jibe about things never going great if you agreed to go to a secondary location. The static of the radio out of tune and Lance’s somber focus on driving stills whatever words on his tongue.
Usually the radio was on and being constantly rotated between stations during commercial breaks or in search of a song Lance liked better, circling through that motion twice before he punched the button to play a mixed CD he’s had since high school. It probably hadn’t left the dash of Lance’s car since the day it was burned.
He and Lance could speed through emotions and conversations like no other when they were together, but the way Lance had all but deflated in the driveway after the unrelenting texts and confident attitude made his skin crawl. On top of the emergency friend card thing. Which was instated after Keith and Lance had to have a chat on what Keith considered a friend emergency and what Lance did. It had been more of a joke than anything. Usually, they mentioned it only ironically. But this time, Lance’s voice was too earnest for it to be anything but.
“You, uhm, obviously have stuff on your mind and I don’t even know if you want to talk, but you’ve gotta give me something here, Lance. I-If I’m going to be of any use.” He wasn’t Hunk. Hunk was usually Lance’s go-to person for these times. The unspoken sentiment hung in the humid night air between them.
He couldn’t just read Lance’s mind. Couldn’t look him in the eyes and know exactly what was going on in his head like Hunk can. No matter how often he found himself wishing he could lately.
“Right.” Lance signaled and turned down a side street, the space between houses growing. The number of road lights flickered out out-numbering the ones that still blazed an aged yellow, washing the inside of the car occasionally.
Keith’s confusion swelled as the car was parked in an open, uninhabited area. The sky unhindered as Lance got out of the car and hopped on the hood of the car. It was several moments before Keith realized he still had the seat belt on and wasn’t following Lance’s cue. So, he did.
Popped out of the car and hopped onto the hood, very concerned about the amount of popping and creaking from their weight settling onto it. He let out the breath he had been holding when Lance didn’t say anything or look even marginally concerned and leaned back against the window like Lance was.
“I wanted to show you where this is.”
Lance chuckled and swept a hand out. “Right out there. Straight out of The Lion King.”
Keith rolled his eyes, but followed the line of Lance’s hand all the same. The sky was deep and crystal clear above them. Close and simultaneously far away. He could sort out the curve of the sky without buildings in the way. The stars looked lit up just for this one moment and-
The thing about Lance was that as much as he was loud, he had his quiet spots. Keith had been privy to a select few, not that that was bad. Lance deserved to have spaces of his own between all of his siblings and school and work and the sheer amount of time he still spent with his friends. For years he had questioned whether or not Lance actually slept. Away from the harsh porch light and rows of houses, Lance’s expression opened and relaxed as he looked over the sky. His shoulders drooped and the line of his silhouette seemed to go on forever as he stretched out his legs.
“You’re not looking, Keith.”
The thing about Keith was that he had seen the clear, open sky several times.
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what-the-floofin · 6 years
How about some meta stuff?
A peek into my thought process/self-supplied-refresher-course on how I’ve chosen to work with the Voltron Lions in writing. Like... something for those curious about the stuff that goes behind the written stuff?
Some pairs I’ve worked with more than others though, so the depth gone to each one varies quite a bit, and it’s probably obvious. But it’s 2000 words of thoughts and considerations if ya interested, with room to grow 
Notes to self on writing with the Lions
The Lions each have their own way of communicating with the paladins. Different flavours of how it feels and the ways they share themselves ought to be shown in text. Make it be a combination of their own chosen self-representation and an adaption to how their current paladins can best understand them.
  - Black -
Poised, collected, leaderly. Her presence is one of confidence and certainty. She does not pass impressions of doubt or reservations, nor does she waffle over the unimportant. When she knows something, she offers it upfront. When she does not know something, she offers it upfront.
Patient and willing to guide, leading as much as she allows to be led. She also knows when to pull back and allow the time and space of unbiased decision, leaving one to conclude their own without the constant press of her input.
 Her ‘talk’ revolves around forward impression. Generally, Black settles for the press of single, clean emotion, primly separated from a muddled mass to avoid confusion. If this cannot cover her intention clearly, she will fill the back of minds with comprehension instead - words guised in the sound of one’s own inner voice, though never in a way that tries to fool them that it isn’t her. She does not hide the fact that these are clearly not their thoughts, she merely uses their language and familiar patterns to create the clearest and most direct path of communication. Her use is very blunt, and holds quite the obvious feeling of ‘not their own’.
I think it’d be relatively safe for Shiro that way – a foreign voice in his head would only serve to alarm and raise his defences. Also, clearly feeling that the presence is not trying to impersonate him would help aid in settling fears of manipulation – of ideas that he’s secretly not in control. Regardless, at first it would not have been entirely pleasant or easy until Black made her intentions on the matter very clear. Then it’d grow to be a secondary voice Shiro could confidently rely on. The communication is matter of fact and to the point, easily taken and easily understood. Quite effective for decision making.
 Her written form lacks descriptive prose. Clean cut and precise. Focused on priorities, with an overall sense that carries an air of noble propriety.
Unless, of course, Black has tossed all sense herself should something have turned so grave. Then she cannot present in anything but ornate prose, vague and messy and everywhere, a storm of noise and agitation. Her forwardness remains – it simply lacks the clear finesse.
 - Blue -
Always moving and rarely still. She encircles and encompasses in a constant gentle swirl, careful not to overwhelm but just as cautious to never seem disinterested. Loving and supportive, striving always to be where she feels she needs to be.
Though while noise and movement is her constant, Blue may retreat from her open-book communication when concentration becomes too rigid. Like the tides pulling in and out, she’s quite capable of maintaining a fluxing state of being.
 Her ‘talk’ revolves around sensation and emotion. Very emotive and decorative in what she pushes across, and not shy on reaching out either. She favours expressions of love and calm to lead her voice, first to assure and last to criticize. Rarely would she speak in circles, wearing her heart on her sleeve and generally maintaining a code of honesty. As for sensation, a lot of her given impressions are, of course, based on the feel of water - be it smooth, bubbly, churning, whirled, heavy, floating. When stressed this may spill into harsher forms – cracking ice, torrential waves, tossing currents etc.
Where most might find her noisy and exhausting, Lance thrives in the constant sensation of ‘chatter’ and knowing she’s always listening. He does, however, need to rely on immediate gut feeling - the more he thinks or lingers over what Blue might mean the less accuracy he’d draw in conclusion. He must be confident that his first thought is the right thought and always keep up with the flow. Receive and let go. Don’t overthink. Getting hung up on one spot slows their communication, for Blue doesn’t hang onto single thoughts for long, and muddles in her efforts to accurately backtrack.
 Her written form feels like a stream of consciousness, descriptive in a way that is less prose-fancy and more akin to finding multiple ways to paint a picture, tell a story, express her motion. She is water, pushing, moving, flowing. Stagnation is not her nature – if at any point it stops it should feel jarring. Keep to a stable beat. Think waterflow around a stone, adaptive and steady.
 - Red -
Fast, sharp, smack on the point, wasting no time on hesitations. Red is emotive and instinctual, and almost harsh in her delivery.
Similar to Blue, her ‘talk’ revolves around sensation and emotion. However, she is a very different flavour. Red is explosive. An assault on the senses, a riddling of phantom touch and taste and highly eruptive emotion. Sharp. Fast. Done. Her communication holds a heavy reliance on imagery and all its attached sensations.
Keith is also emotive and instinctive (even if he’s careful with the first, he has clearly had his outbursts), so in the heat of battle and motion this is a language he reads with perfect clarity, understanding drawn in the span of a heartbeat and reacted to by the next. It makes them a natural force of destruction in piloted flight, actions devised and agreed upon without the utterance of a single word.
In calmer environments Red finds her voice through cherry-picked memory, utilising the trains of thought and feelings associated with them rather than the actual memory topic to make her point. Again, less words, but feeling. It’s a mosaic of emotional fragments taken and spun hot-glass into a new story to convey her intentions. While it is crisp and clear to Keith – for drawing on firsthand experiences makes far more sense to him than digesting some conceptual idea of an emotion he may or may not relate to (and waste time finding how he relates to) – others would find Red’s talk outright confusing. And likely very homesick-inducing.
 Her written form is fast, abrupt, quick paced and physically descriptive. It’s flames and fire and how they feel, specifically targeting touch and taste and smell. An eruption against the senses, quick to overwhelm any who stand unused to it. It’s the response to these sensations in which she aims to use, holding a keen preference on physical experience to explain herself. It may run the habit of accidentally overstimulating the recipient party though, causing confusion between the borders of mind and reality. She is a being of reaction, she does not always think before the leap.
 - Yellow -
Yellow is stability, an ever-lasting fortress of support, the very feeling of unbendable, unbreakable. Very careful and rarely rushed, she is slowly spoken and evenly firm. She tends not to rattle easy, and prefers to follow over taking charge, but is more than capable of stepping up to such a task when required. She can be particularly blunt in her approach though, and has often just slotted herself in without explicit invitation.
 Her ‘talk’ revolves entirely around impression. She lacks the use of defined words and sticks to feeling, a heavy presence upon any mind that opens to her, large but by no means intimidating.
A guardian through and through, she is ever watchful and ready to stabilise disruptions. Should Hunk’s anxieties spike she is there to ground him, to gently steer him on the course and keep him focused. Clarity grows in difficulty with physical distance, but she is always one to try despite it.
 Her written form is steady, lingering. Not so decorative, but strong. Generally draw from a repertoire of words that are easy to digest and understand. It should not feel hefty or overwhelming, for despite her size Yellow is incredibly gentle at heart. It is a fortress meant to provide foundations, a strength that bolsters from the ground up. Even if she has butted her way into contact, the gentleness of her intentions are quick to soothe most of any upset.
 - Green -
Curiosity sculpted into the shape of a lion, Green is a being who needs to know. Her desire for knowledge is nigh insatiable, always keen to improve the ocean of her banked information. Rarely one to cut corners be it a job or an experiment, adamant to discover over avoid. She is a driving force of nature. Fairly level, just knowledge hungry.
 Her ‘talk’ revolves around instilment and physical sensation. Adventurously inquisitive and always analysing, Green tends to send bundles of information at once, bypassing words and skipping straight to the knowing with what knowledge she has to give. It arrives in a veritable dumping of data all thrown at once, and left up to the receiver to recognise as even having and thus sort out - though with a welcome but unspoken invitation to ask for elaboration at any time. She does not dally so much on emotional expression herself, though she is sensitive to reading emotional situations and acting accordingly.  
To receive inherent knowledge of how something works despite having never seen it prior would take some getting used to, but once figured out that it was something her Lion could even do Pidge would appreciate it in full. It’s a format she’s already talented in processing – working in code and all – and as such she’s used to sorting a streaming influx of information. Adaptive and intelligent, deciphering sudden knowledge is entirely up her alley.
Knowledge becomes their fair exchange: Pidge inquires, Green answers. Green inquires, Pidge answers. It is the basis of their communication – ask and know. The downside is that one must first know what to ask.
As for the physical sensation side, Green is one to push and pull minute directions against the mind’s eye body. Phantom touches - a small squeeze of reassurance, an insistent nudge to look over there, or a shove to stop what one is doing. It doesn’t physically move the body, but it certainly feels like it could. It’s a habit less common than her information dumps, and only really used to draw attention to specific points.
 Her written form is pinpointed and frank, deftly covering what needs to be said and distinctly lacking in colourful prose. Should that fact change, and things get vague and pretty, the Lion is frantic. Desperate. Reacting. Not thinking.
 Further Considerations
The Lion swap has very rocky beginnings – each and every one of the members involved trying to figure it out and correctly adapt all while keeping up with the same momentum (if not more) that Voltron had begun to build.
 Red to Lance
-          Red shares the same form of talking as Blue but she is utterly jarring in comparison. Lance would find her brusque slams of communication more distracting than informative, dizzying him with a sensory overload that is in no way as focusing or calming as Blue’s consistent overflow of sensation. In result, the translations of his intentions and Red’s reactions aren’t quite in sync and they’re prone to overactive response. That, and Red just moves so much faster than Blue and Lance’s spatial judgement in piloting gets constantly skewed and it sucks. In all, Red takes some considerable getting used to.
-          It’s the downtime that’s harder. Lance is more affected by the home-drawn memories and would focus on the event rather than what she’s showing via his feelings of the time, thus missing the actual intention. Seriously, why is she bringing up his first blundering kiss that is EMBARRASSING, STOP.
(He gives back the much better one in defiance, because the darn nosy Lion will learn how great he is in that department thank you very much.)
-          She’s very frustrating to draw understanding from when it’s not something to do with fighting. At least with battle she pulls from moments where he piloted Blue, and those are pretty clear to comprehend - Blue made sense after all. But then it gets weird and disorienting the more Red pulls it because which Lion is he actually in jiminy crickets stop that.
 Blue to Allura
Hmm. Need to watch the season over again to find a clear interpretation and better depth to their relationship. First impressions/ideas though:
-          With Allura, Blue’s talking habits would take a turn – particularly when it becomes apparent that Allura is hardly listening to her. With every forceful push and demand, Blue would withdraw the tide and keep quiet - supportive in that she is trying to understand but lacking due to the failure in communication, and not really able to do much until the princess actually opens up. There’s trying to bond with a Lion because it’s the Thing To Do And I Must, and there’s actually bonding with a Lion.
-          So too, however, is there a matter of having mutual respect. That would be another factor playing in the mix somewhere. Blue is not a thing to be commanded after all.
-          Revise later, perhaps try a practice drabble.
 Black to Keith
-          Where Red is a constantly spinning volume dial, Black is complete and utter silence. To Keith she feels like a void, expansive and without horizon, beyond impossible for him to fill – and he’d never wanted to try. She is an entity impossible to see and impossible to match. It’s not his place.
-          She does not guide in the way he understands. It is cold and empty and sense-less, it does not pull him along but wants him to think, to rationalise, to explain. Keith can’t explain, he just feels. He couldn’t afford to doubt himself when he needed to react. It’s how it’s always been. He struggles to grasp meaning of her emotional prompts with any speed – for what relevance does that feeling even have to the situation?? It’s not what he feels, and feeling is what guides him best. He does not see her point of view. He tries, but it is rarely what his own gut instinct tells him. What’s he supposed to do, go against his own existence? Not likely. To do so has always been viewed as dangerous territory. It’s all that’s kept him going.
-          But then, when Black turns to words Keith is thrown a violent loop. They are not his thoughts, they sound nothing like him. It’s not how he thinks, and he actually hates hearing ‘himself’ like that. Stiff, robotic, empty. (In actuality; calm, precise, focused. It’s a matter of perspective and Keith already views this negatively). It’s wrong. It’s lifeless. It sounds broken to the cause, brainwashed into soldier obedience, a pawn to an empire. He’s not galra.
(And perhaps, subconsciously, being aware Black was once Zarkon’s is what makes it that much worse)
-          Black just feels too large for him to be a part of. To be something that matters in comparison. She’s too far away - not beside him, actively thinking and feeling to every new stimulus, and he’s supposed to just know what to do with the entire span of her inner galaxy while existing as only a tiny spec of it. It wasn’t meant to be his space to fill.
-          A lot of the struggles fall entirely on Keith’s refusal to discard himself and reforge his ideals anew. A leader thinks on the whole and considers the facts for everyone. Keith’s only really had himself to watch for, and then a team to work beside. But not to lead, never to lead. Him fighting the change is the strain on his and the Black Lion’s bond. For how can a bond improve when it’s a bond he never wanted in the first place.
-          But then, Keith is pretty self-aware. He may be refusing adaption for the very reason of not wanting to improve it. To have the Lion concede and choose someone else. It’s selfish, he knows. It endangers their cause, he knows. But Shiro, the leader, is right there. Take him. He knows what he’s doing. Keith doesn’t.
168 notes · View notes
callunavulgari · 6 years
Scrapbook 2019 | Pt. I
Normal font - meh, it was okay | Italicized titles - enjoyed quite a bit | bold titles - love | titles with an asterisk* - all time favorites | (bracketed titles) - re-watches/re-reads | strikethough - dislike
Goals are: read one hundred books this year, finish five video games, write something novel-length and write something original. These last two goals CAN be combined.
(Kingsman: The Golden Circle)
Pitch Perfect 3
(Big Hero 6)
Captain Marvel
(Thor Ragnarok)
(Avengers: Infinity War)
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
(Spirited Away)
(Breakfast at Tiffany’s)
How To Train Your Dragon 3
Crazy Rich Asians
The Death Cure
The Mummy (2017)
(Monster’s University)
Avengers: Endgame
Detective Pikachu
Bohemian Rhapsody
The Rim of the World
The Secret Life of Pets 2
Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse
Spiderman: Far From Home
Truth or Dare
Ender’s Game | Orson Scott Card [Fin]
The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang [Fin]
Turtles All The Way Down | John Green [Fin]
Challenger Deep | Neal Shusterman [Fin]
The Bear and the Nightingale | Katherine Arden [Fin] 
Shards of Honor | Lois Mcmaster Bujold [Fin]
(Throne of Jade | Naomi Novak) [Fin]
The Wicked King | Holly Black [Fin]
Vengeful | V.E. Schwab
Elantris | Brandon Sanderson
Vengeful | V.E. Schwab [Fin]
Elantris | Brandon Sanderson [Fin]
(Black Powder War | Naomi Novak) [Fin]
(The Amulet of Samarkand | Jonathon Stroud) [Fin]
Once Upon a River | Diane Setterfield
(The Golem’s Eye | Jonathon Stroud) [Fin]
(Ptolemy’s Gate | Jonathon Stroud) [Fin]
The Screaming Staircase | Jonathon Stroud
Once Upon a River | Diane Setterfield [Fin]
The Screaming Staircase | Jonathon Stroud [Fin]
The Girl In the Tower | Katherine Arden [Fin]
The Whispering Skull | Jonathon Stroud
(Empire of Ivory | Naomi Novak) [Fin]
The Two Towers | J.R.R Tolkien
Winter of the Witch | Katherine Arden
Saga, Vol 1 | Brian Vaughn
Saga, Vol 2 | Brian Vaughn
Saga, Vol 3 | Brian Vaughn
Saga, Vol 4 | Brian Vaughn
Saga, Vol 5 | Brian Vaughn
Saga, Vol 6 | Brian Vaughn
The Whispering Skull | Jonathon Stroud [Fin]
The Slow Regard of Silent Things | Patrick Rothfuss [Fin]
The Two Towers | J.R.R Tolkien [Fin]
Winter of the Witch | Katherine Arden [Fin]
Forest of a Thousand Lanterns | Julie Dao [Fin]
King of Scars | Leigh Bardugo [Fin]
The Hollow Boy | Jonathon Stroud [Fin]
Mistborn | Brandon Sanderson [Fin]
The Well of Ascension | Brandon Sanderson [Fin]
The Creeping Shadow | Jonathon Stroud [Fin]
The Empty Grave | Jonathon Stroud [Fin]
Hero of Ages | Brandon Sanderson [Fin]
Everything I Never Told You | Celeste Ng [Fin]
The Kiss Quotient | Helen Hoang [Fin]
The Two Towers | J.R.R. Tolkien [Fin]
The Near Witch | Victoria Schwab [Fin]
The Trials of Apollo | Rick Riordan [Fin]
Alloy of Law | Brandon Sanderson [Fin]
The Gentlemen’s Guide to Vice and Virtue | Mackenzi Lee [Fin]
Shadows of Self | Brandon Sanderson
The Dark Prophecy | Rick Riordan
Sabriel | Garth Nix [Fin]
Shadows of Self | Brandon Sanderson [Fin]
The Dark Prophecy | Rick Riordan [Fin]
(Victory of Eagles | Naomi Novak) [Fin]
Warbreaker | Brandon Sanderson [Fin]
(Tongues of Serpents | Naomi Novak) [Fin]
The Bands of Mourning | Brandon Sanderson [Fin]
What If It’s Us | Becky Albertalli & Adam Silvera [Fin]
A Court of Thorns and Roses | Sarah J. Maas [Fin]
Carmilla | Kim Turrisi [Fin]
The Alchemist | Paulo Coelho 
The Eye of the World | Robert Jordan
The Hundred-Foot Journey | Richard C. Morais 
Three Dark Crowns | Kendare Blake
Mistborn: The Secret History | Brandon Sanderson [Fin]
The Eleventh Metal | Brandon Sanderson [Fin]
The Alchemist | Paulo Coelho [Fin]
The Eye of the World | Robert Jordan
The Hundred-Foot Journey | Richard C. Morais [Fin]
Three Dark Crowns | Kendare Blake [Fin]
Saga Vol. 8 | Brian Vaughn [Fin]
Saga Vol. 9 | Brian Vaughn [Fin]
Codename Villanelle | Luke Jennings [Fin]
Borne | Jeff Vandermeer [Fin]
Crucible of Gold | Naomi Novak [Fin]
The Time Traveler’s Wife | Audrey Niffenegger [Fin]
The Lady’s Guide to Petticoats and Piracy | Mackenzi Lee [Fin]
The Wise and the Wicked |  Rebecca Podos [Fins]
Sweetbitter | Stephanie Danler [Fin]
Blood of Tyrants | Naomi Novak [Fin]
Adventure Zone Ep 1
EOS 10 s4 1-4
EOS 10 s4 4-7
The Penumbra Podcast
Adventure Zone Ep 2
Welcome to Night Vale Eps 30-54
The Bright Sessions -Bonus Eps-
Welcome to Night Vale Eps 54-59
The Penumbra Podcast (Second Citadel eps + last two Juno)
Welcome to Night Vale Eps 60-
The Magnus Archive Eps 1-11
Voltron s8
The Flash
Black Mirror: Bandersnatch
The Umbrella Academy
The Flash
Black Mirror
Russian Doll
The 90s
The 2000s
(Sailor Moon)
The Dragon Prince
American Gods
American Gods s2
Voltron s8
World’s Weirdest Homes
Game of Thrones s8
Brooklyn 99
The Bold Type
Cupcake Wars
Schitt’s Creek s1-3
Game of Thrones s8
Schitt’s Creek s4
Good Omens
The Terror
Black Mirror s4
Rick & Morty s3
Stranger Things s3
Schitt’s Creek s4
Pokemon Go?
(Kingdom Hearts: DDD, 54 hrs) [Fin]
Pokemon Let’s Go Eevee
Detroit: Become Human [Fin]
Kingdom Hearts 3 - Monstropolis, 20 hrs
Life is Strange, Episode 2, 4 hrs
Kingdom Hearts 3, 56 hrs [Fin]
Pokemon Go
Life is Strange, Episode 5, 20 hrs [Fin]
Life is Strange -Before the Storm- Episode 1 complete, 5 hrs
God of War (3 hrs)
God of War (35 hrs) [Fin]
Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey (40 hrs)
Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey (43 hrs)
(Final Fantasy XIII)
Portal 2 [Fin]
Final Fantasy 15 - Episodes Prompto, Ignis, Gladio, and Ardyn [Fin]
Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey (70 hrs)
Life Is Strange -Before the Storm- Episode 2 complete, 15 hours
Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey (120 hrs) [Fin]
Rime (1 hr)
Final Fantasy XII: Zodiac Age (1 hr)
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD (2 hrs)
Rime (25 hrs) [Fin]
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD (35 hrs)
Witcher 3 DLC: Hearts of Stone [Fin]
Witcher 3 DLC: Blood and Wine (10 hrs)
What Dreams May Come by Lenore | Crimson Peake | Edith/Thomas | 5k |  Ghosts are real, and there are things that tie them to this world. Sometimes it's because they want to linger, and sometimes it's because they are trapped. Sometimes ghosts need the help of the living before they can be truly free.
and prove your body wrong by paperclipbitch | The Defenders | Matt Murdock/Jessica Jones | 1k | Neither of them can read minds, but they both fake it for their day jobs.
these roads will take you into your own country by notbecauseofvictories | American Gods | Shadow/Laura, Gen | 5k | Here’s a joke for you: a Muslim, a zombie, and a leprechaun walk into a bar in Misery, Indiana. No one stares, because no one in the puckered, shitty asshole of Misery, Indiana gives a fuck. The Colts are playing.“Fucking new gods,” the leprechaun mutters, hunching his shoulders almost up to his ears. “Gridiron and Pepsi commercials.”
Small Step For Man by Toft [archived by yuletide_archivist] | Greek Myth | Artemis/Apollo | 4k | "It's all right, sister," Apollo whispers, and his arm is warm around her shoulder. She forgets, he is her twin, he is her other half; he knows her almost as well as she knows herself. "We're still the same."
learning curve by Yuu_chi | Detroit | Hank/Connor | 15k | “While sexual activity is not my default purpose, I do possess the capability,” Connor says without so much as batting an eye, unaware that he’s completely shattered Hank’s world view in one single sentence.
machine learning by kriegersan | Detroit | Hank/Connor | 31k | “This kinda shit doesn’t go away overnight. It’s only been a few months, Connor. We’re only just starting to know what this is gonna look like.” Lt. Anderson throws back his beer.“You think I don’t know that?” He sounds defensive. He tempers his voice. “I’m simply processing.”
eighteen wheels on an uphill climb by blackeyedblonde | Detroit | Hank/Connor | 73k | Hank is going to die. He’s going to die right here in Kentucky, 53 years old, halfway to broke, and tragically sober. Survived only by a nine-year-old St. Bernard and the 31-year-old twink who delivered the fatal blow.
Fuck pride (pride only hurts, it never helps) by ImogenGotDrunk | Detroit | Nines/Gavin | 40k | What Gavin cannot deal with is Connor’s replica; two inches taller, blue-eyed, and with a mouth that Gavin doesn’t know whether to punch or take between his teeth. The RK900 model has been assigned as his partner for the foreseeable future.
linguistics, semantics by pseudoanalytics | DBH | Hankcon | 49k | "So, what? Cyberlife gave you a preference for ugly, old, washed-up bastards?" Connor intentionally allows himself to appear unamused. "Absolutely not." He waits for Hank to look at him again before delivering his punchline. "I believe I developed that for myself."
Skin Deep by bughnrahk | DBH | Hankcon | 50k | Hank is 53 years old. He's never had a soul mark, doesn't have a soul mate. And he's fine with that. He cheated the system once and it cost him everything he had. Never again.When August 2038 rolls around and the number '313 248 317 - 51' appears on his arm in perfect Cyberlife Sans font, exactly where a soul mark should be, Hank wants nothing to do with it.
Watch Me, Watch You by elefseus (oscillos) | DBH | Hank/Connor | 82k | WIP | "How do you go about living when everything you've ever known changes? Can you?"
the most formidable lies by fshep | DBH | Connor/Gavin | 15k | WIP | Gavin is given an ultimatum: agree to give his mother’s coworker’s son a chance, or introduce his family to his new boyfriend, Connor, who isn’t his boyfriend at all.
and we'll figure it out by consumptive_sphinx | Temeraire | Lawrence/Tharkay | 1.5k | Everyone is born with their soulmate's name written on their skin, somewhere. Laurence has two names. Neither of them are in a script he can read.
Propriety and Fate by esama | Temeraire | Lawrence/Tharkay | 3.5k | It isn't as if one can go and talk about such things
Watercast by Fishwrites | Voltron | Keith/Lance | 205k WIP, Chapter 15 | Shiro has been a Galra prisoner for over a year; with his flight feathers clipped and unable to fly. Desperate to escape, he jumps overboard while being transported to the capitol on a Galran ship. Lance is a merman who saves him from drowning. Keith thinks Shiro is about to become mermaid dinner. Hunk just wants Lance to stop going to the surface all the time, dammit!
Afterlife by jaegermighty | Haunting of Hill House | Gen, Luke-centric | 6k |  Leigh and Steve name their daughter Eleanore, with an 'e' on the end which is more old-fashioned, they say. Eleanore Olivia Crain. Lots of dead people in that name; Luke's not a fan. Not that anyone asked his opinion.
in memoriam by oxymoronic | Bartimaeus | Gen | 1.5k | Kitty Jones has but a little strength left in her body, and she has decided on this lazy summer's night to spend it on the question which has plagued her for half a century.
Second Chances by rootbeer | Teen Wolf | Sterek | 2k | "A lot of times the ‘markings’ were common, simple things you said to strangers all the time. 'Excuse me'; 'thank you'; 'hello'. Some got extremely romantic things like 'it’s you isn’t it? I’ve been waiting for you' or 'Wow you’re really pretty'. And they were always the first words their soulmate would ever say to them.Of course, having 'You are the fucking worst kind of person in the world' tattooed down your side, didn’t bode well.
have your cake and eat it too by keskasi | Naruto | Naruto/Sasuke | 7k | “What’s it like to give a blowjob?” Naruto asks.
Timing it Right by DragonBandit | The Bright Sessions | Mark/Damien | 14k | Damien's gold rises at Whitney. Mark tries to make things right.
and maybe you'll find a way to keep me a floating when i can't by LazyBaker | Stranger Things | 3k | Billie’s tough. Nothing but sharp edges with sharper teeth. She’s all bark and all bite.
A thousand by Ever-so-reylo (Ever_So_Reylo) | Star Wars | Reylo | 3k |  “I’m going to kill you, now.” The problem is—really, the crux of all of Rey’s problems at the moment—he actually thinks he means it.
He Who Is Made Of Iron by MayContainBlueberries | The Queen’s Thief | Gen, Costis centric | Tea reminds Costis of his childhood.
for my wild by vixleonard | GOT | Arya/Gendry |��Set post 8x04, Arya tries to find out who Arya Stark is now.
Almost Cool by blacktofade | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Shane/Ryan | 30k | While filming the Yuma Territorial Prison episode, Shane gets bitten by what he thinks is a bat. Spoiler alert: it's not.
Two Worlds Collided by blacktofade | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Shane/Ryan | 10k | There's a new guy at work and Ryan belatedly realizes they've actually already met once before.
Keeping Out the Cold by blacktofade | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | After a strange ghostly encounter, Ryan and Shane begin sharing visions via a telepathic bond. AKA: the In Your Eyes AU that no one asked for.
Bringing Things Together by blacktofade | Buzzfeed Unsolved | 7k | “Look,” Shane says over the phone. “Mistakes were made.”
Pride by astolat | Game of Thrones | Jaime/Cersei/Brienne | 22k Jaime didn’t understand why Cersei suddenly insisted on trimming his hair and shaving his beard, but he also didn’t care to fight her on it, even though he’d just as soon have kept the beard: it was bitterly cold in the small tower room with its arrow-slits. At night, even curled together under the two blankets they’d been allotted, it took the better part of an hour before their bodies could warm the bed enough to sleep.
L'aura è tua messaggera by Rosyredlipstick | PJO | Nico/Will | 9k | Or, how the Stoll Brothers accidentally got Nico di Angelo and Will Solace together.
Competition by astolat | GoT | Jaime/Brienne | 11k | Almost the instant Brienne was out of earshot, Bronn turned to Podrick, jerked his head towards Jaime and asked, “Has he fucked her yet?”
Skin and Scales by Ernmark (M_Moonshade) | The Penumbra Podcast | Arum/Rilla/Damien | 17k | The man glares, and this time, Damien is certain it isn’t a trick of the light: those eyes are violet as amethyst. He wears disdain like a second skin–- or, perhaps, like the scales that he is missing.“Lord Arum?”
I will become yours and you will become mine by spiderwebsitar | DBH | Reed900 | 24k | After an argument with his new partner, Gavin Reed wakes up five years in the future married to an android who won’t stop making fucking waffles.
Numerology by Hth | Schitt’s Creek | Patrick/David, Sebastien/David | 20k | Still, it's true that Patrick can have his shy side. He likes to be a gentleman – Mr. Order Whatever You Want I'm Paying and Mr. Here Let Me Fix That For You and Mr. No David Not In the Backseat I Want It to Be Special – so David can't entirely rely on Patrick's willingness to charge forward for the greater good.
someone you like by caela | She-Ra | Adora/Catra | 5k |  catwithabat u think ur so hipster but u just look like a lesbian 27m she_ra @catwithabat bc… i’m a lesbian. lmao 5m
Ugly Words and Pretty Things by Ias | The Terror | Crozier/Fitzjames | 4k | There are words for a man like that.
Sands of Time by tirsynni | LoZ | Link/Ganondorf | 97k | Link awakens in the desert with no idea how he got there, to encounter his worst enemy...except it was the King of the Gerudo, not the King of Evil, he faced.
death shall be no more by Ias | The Terror | Fitzjames/Crozier | 5k | "I'd rather we leave our tents behind and sleep two to a sack like the orphans we are, than to leave one man alone with last burdens."
and then redemption by spidermooned (softlyblue) | Marvel | Spiderman & Loki | 7k | "Kid," says Tony Stark wearily, "Please gimme a reason Loki's been spotted talking to Spiderman that isn't 'I wanted to be his friend'. Please. Tell me you can do that."
so many ways to talk about longing by lymricks | Stranger Things | Harringrove | 3.6k | Steve wakes up--in a pool lounger--to Billy Hargrove looming over him. Billy pushes his sunglasses down and Steve thinks sleepily that it must be so that Steve gets the full impact of Billy’s narrow-eyed glare. “Harrington,” Billy says. “We’re fucking closed.”
sun gutters by lymricks | Stranger Things | Harringrove | 5k | Steve can feel Billy’s eyes on him. “You should get here early,” Billy says, casually. “Tomorrow. At six.”
Finders Keepers by blacktofade | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 3k | Ryan wakes with a hangover and an empty bed, and only one of them he expects.
Back Room by forthegreatergood | Good Omens | Aziraphale/Crowley | 5.6k | Aziraphale actually does have quite an extensive collection of pornography in the bookshop. Like most of the questionable things in Aziraphale’s life, it’s Crowley’s fault.
killed with kindness by veterization | Persona 5 | Akechi/Akira | 52k | Goro can't quite figure out why so many people keep acting like they're his friend.
On mandated uniforms and workplace entertainment by Thei | Stranger Things | Harringrove | 2k | Robin loves this job. Besides an income, it also provides her with quality entertainment. Especially when she's working with Steve, and Billy Hargrove shows up.
don't make a shadow (of yourself) by lymricks | Stranger Things | Harringrove | 11k | WIP | And Billy, curled in a cheap plastic seat with his eyes squeezed shut, wonders, could it really be this easy? Just get on a bus and go home?
paper thin by sarcasticfishes | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane/Sara | 9k | Shane’s new neighbors are a morning-sex kind of couple.
your love is three times better by sarcasticfishes | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane/Sara | 14k | Ryan grimaces as he types out the words, >It’s Valentine’s Day. Don’t you want to do romance stuff?
you, through half-shut eyes by brawlite | Stranger Things | Harringrove | 8k | Two parts sugary sweet summer vibes, one part snarky instagram stories, and three parts mutual pining.
damn.nation, now available on itunes by antistar_e (kaikamahine) | Good Omens | Crowley/Aziraphale | 11k | When lowly tempt-pusher Amphora (formerly of Stairwell 7B North, before she Fell,) gets the notice that end times are nigh, she gleefully quits her job and cancels her Netflix subscription and takes her place among the legions of hell.This, it turns out, was a bad plan.
The Dragon and Her Wolves by hapakitsune | Game of Thrones | Sansa/Dany/Jon | 60k |  When the truth of Jon's birthright is revealed, control of the North and Daenerys's claim to the Iron Throne are both called into question. To preserve their tenuous alliance and secure her rule, Daenerys puts aside her personal feelings to arrange a marriage of political convenience between Jon and Sansa Stark.
Bonded by softestpunk | The Witcher | Emiel/Geralt | 13k | Regis is punished for Dettlaff's assumed death, Geralt comes to the rescue, and the two of them gain something neither of them would ever have dared hope for.
Something We Were Withholding Made Us Weak by triedunture | Good Omens | Aziraphale/Crowley | 17k | "Yes, exactly. Retire." Aziraphale reaches for the last remaining tartlet brimming with summer berries. "Somewhere along the south coast, perhaps."
something happens and i'm by brawlite | Stranger Things | Harringrove | 10k | Billy loves his job as at the Hawkins Community Pool. It's even better now that Steve Harrington's a lifeguard, too.
break up with your girlfriend ('cause i'm bored) by thecopperkid | Stranger Things | Harringrove | 15k |  @umissedconnections: Bambi eyes. m4m. i was rippin cigs in the sae p-lot. u made urself puke 2 make room 4 more beer. incredible? ur my hero PLS say ur into guys
I’m Gonna Keep You in Love with Me (for a While) by beethechange | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 22k | “Okay,” Shane says finally. “Okay. Here’s what we’re going to do. We’re just going to—we’re going to be married. The only way out is through.”“Um,” Ryan says, because this plan strikes him as counterproductive to their shared goal of not being married.
YELLOW SQUARE by dejavu (suggcest) | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 16k |  “Since being the scene of those two, grisly double homicides in the early 1950’s, the Bringle House Bed and Breakfast has sat empty, waiting for the next couple stupid enough to try to stay all four nights.”
darling it's a faded notion by varnes | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 28k |  Ryan and Shane get cursed by a ghost, and now they can't be not-touching. It's ... not great.
Things That Go Bump in the Night (and 7 till 12 at weekends) by HoopyFrood | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 4k | Shane works at a Haunted House. Ryan is Ryan. Things go about as well as you'd imagine.
Everything's Weird and We're Always in Danger by beethechange | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 15k | “It won’t go away,” Ryan says miserably. “I’ve been like this since we got here, basically, and it won’t fucking—”
Muscles Better and Nerves More by beethechange | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Shane/Ryan | 26k | “I’m serious,” Ryan says. “Don’t go fucking up my body. I want that shit back in the same condition I left it.” 
(Marvel) Avengers | True North 
A Sad Man With A Box
►Dance to 2018
Collab Parts (2016-2018)
just a machine? [Detroit: Become Human] *HBD Pteryx*
【Detroit|Become Human】Way Down We Go
She-Ra AMV | I'm Just Your Problem (Catradora)
multifandom || 2018 (the way I remember it)
Detroit: Become Human || Paralyzed
in the end | connor & hank | detroit: become human
BELIEVER - Connor ( Detroit:Become Human ) GMV
who are you? | Connor | Detroit: Become Human
Detroit Become Human - Connor ~ Blood in the Water
Connor - I'm So Sorry by Imagine Dragons [Detroit: Become Human] GMV
» whatever it takes (connor; detroit become human gmv)
Detroit: Become Human / Connor and Hank / Uptown Funk
Would You Kill?| Connor RK800 [Detroit: Become Human]
Rude Boy | Connor | Detroit: Become Human
hold on | connor & hank | detroit: become human
Interstellar | STAY
sabrina spellman *:・゚✧ [look what u made me do]
Stranger Things || Blood in the Water
(GoT) Margaery Tyrell || The Queen
Kingdom Hearts 3 EPIC AMV/GMV - Part of the Journey is the End
My Hero Academia AMV - The Greatest Show
Endgame | The Man Who Killed The Avengers
MARVEL || Not Today
Luke & Nell || There's no without
MARVEL || Blood On ME
What is a STORY?
TUA | Swallow Us
(SW) Obi-Wan Kenobi | Whispers of the Past
Quentin & Eliot || Beautiful nothing
queliot; peaches + plums
Way Down We Go | Red Dead Redemption 2
Marvel || Together
steve x bucky || answer
part to act on [Harry Potter]
marvel || supercharged
(Marvel) Avengers || The Big Three -- Iron Man/Thor /Captain America
Guardians of the Galaxy
CAOS || Welcome To The Jungle
Marvel || Rise or Fall
Avengers | Sacrifice [4K]
(Marvel) Tony Stark | I love you 3000
(Marvel) Captain America || I Stand Alone
(GoT) Daenerys Targaryen | See What I've Become
Ser Jaime Lannister
Arya & Sandor // Thank You [+8x05]
Kingdom hearts 3 |Dearly Beloved| AMV |
(GoT) Cersei Lannister || The Queen Of The Seven Kingdoms
(GoT) The Dragons || They're My Children
(GoT) Melisandre || A Champion Of Light And Life
Bioshock & Infinite - Never The End (Epic and Beautiful Fanmade Video)
Bioshock Infinite : Constants and Variables : Music video/Tribute
Crowley & Aziraphale ][ Don’t Stop Me Now || Good Omens
Crowley ][ Rebel Just For Kicks || Good Omens
i'm the bad guy | villanelle.
mission accomplished • connor RK800
The Haunting of Hill House || Empty hands
Mad World ✘ The Umbrella Academy
(GoT) Daenerys Targaryen || The Last Dragon
Steve Harrington [Burn The House Down]
max&eleven | my blood.
Billy Hargrove [Bury a Friend]
Max Mayfield [Rebel Just For Kicks]
billy hargrove | gasoline.
Stranger Things | Heroes
billy hargrove | lovely.
stranger things 3 | blood in the water.
Steve Harrington; I Need A Hero
Kilgrave ][ Bad Guy
billy&steve [harringrove] || a little death (+s3)
Avengers | Sacrifice [4K]
Stranger Things || Shelter
Kilgrave ][ Rule The World || Jessica Jones
Ben & Rey | What do you see?
Billy Hargrove - RIP to my YOUTH
a thing about life.
(SW) Obi-Wan Kenobi | Whispers of the Past
The Avengers | Unreachable Star
Steve Harrington || Another One Bites the Dust
Dark Night - Kara | Philip Sheppard
Carousel - Kara | Phillip Sheppard
They All Look the Same - Connor | Nima Fakhrara
Curse of the I-5 Corridor | Neko Case
Way Down We Go | Kaleo
Gasoline | Halsey
Sleep All Summer | Neko Case
Hold On, Hold On | Neko Case
Dreaming at Daybreak | Ann Licater
Can’t Leave | Whiskey Charmers
Voodoo Mon Amour | Diablo Swing Orchestra
Undo - Transviolet
Xuanzang - Gareth Coker
Almost - Hozier
Movement - Hozier
Dancing in a Room - EZI
Snow Dancer - Antti Martikainen
Burned Out - Dodie
Epic (pt 2) - Anais Mitchell
Mercury - Honey and the Sting
Spanish Sahara - Foals
Obstacles - Syd Matters
If You Still Believe - SIE Sound Team
The Expanse - Through Juniper Vale
The Woods - San Fermin
Sophie - The Altogether
Tom Thumb - Bitter Ruin
Wolves of the Revolution - The Arcadian Wild
Mitchell: Epic III - Cast of Hadestown
Hamilton soundtrack
The Spine - Transistor soundtrack
Don’t Think Twice - Utada Hikaru
Face My Fears - Utada Hikaru
Take On Me - Hidden Citizens
Moonlight Sonata - Hidden Citizens
Waves - chloe moriondo
Alligator Teeth - Mother Falcon
We All Become - Darren Korb
Ashes - Bear McCreary
Journey and Transistor soundtracks
The Sailor Song - Autoheart
It’s Quiet Uptown - Kelly Clarkson
Fernando - Cher
Dinner & Diatribes - Hozier
The Fly By Night - Taktsugu Muramatsu
Wake Up, Moving On - Kevin Penkin
Austin Wintory Radio
Resurrections - Lena Raine
Fight For You - Hidden Citizens
Mine - BazziIn the Flame - Darren Korb
Paper Boats - Darren Korb
Thedas Love Them - Trevor Morris
The Dawn Will Come - Trevor Morris
King - Blue October
Lemonworld - Ocean Alley
Still Feel - Half Alive
Carry On - Kygo
Longshot - Catfish and the Bottlemen
Call Off Your Ghost - Dessa
Sucker - Jonas Brother
Power Over Me - Dermot Kennedy
A Hole In the Earth - Daughter
Lunatic Fringe - red Rider
Ummah Oum - Kaya Project
The Fortress - Kaya Project
Good Omens Opening Title - David Arnold
A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square - Tori Amos
A Future for the Krogan - Christopher Lennertz
Ганджу - brain tumor
last piece | Lykke Li
Bite - Charlie Cunningham
Wait For Me - Hadestown
Nightmare - Halsey
Kaya Project albums!!!
Birds - Imagine Dragons
Crazy - Patsy Cline
Can’t Help Falling in Love - Elvis Presley
in waves playlist
in waves playlist
Rime soundtrack
2017 soundtrack
bury a friend - billie eilish
bored - billie eilish
the seed - aurora
how do you - elderbrook
quicksand - x ambassadors
what’s up danger - blackway 
bad guy - billie eilish
sunflower - post malone
scared of the dark - lil wayne
elevate - dj khalil
be still, my tongue - snorri hallgrimsson
dark matter - les friction
must’ve been - chromeo
magnets - disclosure, lorde
secrets - the weeknd
feels like summer - childish gambino
the hunter’s mark - erutan
johanna in space - stephaen sondheim
children of dust and ash | Bartimaeus |  Bartimaeus/Kitty(/Nathaniel) | 1,801 words |  Kitty summons Bartimaeus on a chilly fall day in her thirty-eighth year. 
sweet music playing in the dark | DBH | 1,102 words | “I noticed some time ago that you seem to have an appreciation for jazz.” Connor pauses, his fingers hesitating over an old Billie Holiday album. “I’d wondered if that meant you enjoyed dancing as well.”
Radio Ga Ga | Stranger Things | Harringrove | 1,143 words | There’s always another party in Hawkins, Indiana. It would be almost boring if it weren’t for Steve Harrington.
Sunlight | Marvel | Loki/Thor | 765 words | They aren’t quite out of the solar system when Loki appears at the arm of Thor’s chair, hair shorn short and a furious snarl on his face. 
like the bough of a willow tree | Detroit Become Human | Hank/Connor | 1,214 words | There’s a human lost in his woods.
knocking on heaven's door | Stranger Things | Harringrove | 1,748 words | “Just, get in the fucking car. I’ll drive you home.” Billy looked at him, very seriously, and said, “What if I don’t want to go home?”
like the bough of a willow tree | DBH | Hank/Connor | 1,286 words | There’s a human lost in his woods. Fae!Connor   
hankcon valentine’s exchange fic | DBH | Hank/Connor | 985 words | slow dancing and kisses in the dark basically
Sunlight | Avengers | Loki/Thor | 746 words |  They aren’t quite out of the solar system when Loki appears at the arm of Thor’s chair, hair shorn short and a furious snarl on his face.
Untitled Original | Ghost + rain | 817 words
Reverse BB | 5.6k
in waves playlist
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