#Kate's 1000 Word Challenge
licorice-tea · 7 months
The Object Of All My Desires
Pairing: Trafalgar Law x reader
Content: so much angst, unrequited feelings (or so law thinks!), pining, yearning, (verbal) fighting, cursing, reader refers to law as a “stalker”, which is valid tbh bc he’s being a little weird, but not really, strawhat reader
Word Count: 2.5k
A/N: oh my god i spend so long on this and i just kept hitting mental roadblocks! but then, tonight i got the inspiration to write like ~500 words and finished it up. there were only meant to be 2 parts, but similar to the second season of bridgerton (which it’s inspired by) there will be a 3rd! (the 1st part is based on the first meeting of kate/anthony, this part is based on that entire pinning phase+the confesssion, and the last will be shorter and basically be a resolution of everything.) also, im looking for beta readers! pls dm or comment if you’re interested!!! and if you’d like to be tagged in the next lmk! thanks for reading <3
Part 1 • Part 3
The second time you and Law were around one another long enough to have to face the other and, god forbid, speak, would come 2 years after your first meeting. After all your training apart from your crew, you had finally united and started traveling together again. You and your nakama took on all the challenges Fishman Island had thrown at you and soon moved on to the next adventure: Punk Hazard. It was there you met the standoffish Captain of the Heart Pirates again, and he proposed an alliance to Luffy between your two crews. So here you are; in an alliance with a captain you’d managed to piss off 2 years ago, and who clearly still carries that grudge with him.
Law already doesn’t like being part of the alliance with Straw Hat- but you only make it 1000 times worse. It’s unbearable having to be on the same ship as you, let alone sit at the same table over meals or pass each other in hallways. Not to mention, you seem to make everything a competition. And he doesn’t want to be in as childish a feud as the one that the swordsman and the love cook have, but you’re forcing him to act that way. You’re absolutely insufferable, and how he ever found you remotely intriguing or pretty to begin with is beyond his comprehension.
And yet, Law can’t pull himself away from you, nor you from him. He lingers in dark hallways just to pass by you as you go about your errands on the ship. He stares long enough to burn holes through you, then turns away milliseconds before you catch him (or so he thinks.) But every time you approach the reserved man, he exudes an air of annoyance.
It all makes you wonder, “What’s his deal?” Besides your little tiff back in Sabaody 2 years ago, you’ve never done anything to offend him in his time on the Sunny… Maybe you just need to clear the air. Yeah, that’s it; confront Law and ensure there is no bad blood between the two of you. No grudges, just goodwill.
You hope.
The Strawhats and co (Law) are docked at a small island, just for a day or so. Frankly needs supplies, Sanji; ingredients, Chopper; medicine, Zoro; booze, etcetera. And since most of the others have something specific they’re in search of, you have a free day to explore and shop!
You bid Brooke goodbye and thank him for watching the ship, then make your way up the dock and into town. It’s a quaint area, but the market near the entrance of what resembles a town square is overflowing with interesting bits and baubles.
Though you are happy to have this time to yourself, you’re not alone. Law is a mere 20ish feet away. He doesn’t greet you or even make eye contact, instead choosing to lean into shadows and stand behind vendor booths. You can tell that he’s trying to go unnoticed, pretending to be interested in whatever wares the shopkeepers have for sale every time you turn back to check for him.
And it’s fine, for a while. This could be a good opportunity to try and talk to him and ensure that the two of you are on good, if not neutral terms. It’s a little strange that he’s following you now after the two of you have had close to no interactions during his week or so on board the Thousand Sunny, but you don’t mind.
You cannot, however, pass up the opportunity to harmlessly scare him when he gets momentarily distracted by one of the little shops. While Law is reading titles of comic books (how strange…), you double back so that when he looks up, he can’t find you. He scans the marketplace, but to no avail- you must have run off somewhere.
Then you tap his shoulder, and the man nearly jumps out of his skin as he whips his head around to see who it is.
“You really like stalking me, huh?”
“…I’m not stalking you.”
“No? Well, whatever you want to call it, it’s the second time it’s happened.”
“What are you-“
“Sabaody, 2 years ago.”
“I wasn’t stalking you then, either.”
“Fine; following me through at least 3 groves while trying to be quiet and stay out of sight.”
Law scoffs. “Whatever.”
“Hm…” You lean to the side to see what’s behind him; display shelves with various comic books. “What were you looking at?”
“Nothing, I wasn’t even looking here.”
“Ah, so it’s ok for you to lie to my face, but not me to you. Got it.”
“What the hell are you talking about?”
You nearly laugh. 2 years ago, after proceeding to follow you through several groves of the Archipelago, Law had insisted on knowing if you were a pirate or not, and the conversation had somehow escalated into an argument. It was a stupid little thing. But, you find it funny now, which is why you’re attempting to make jokes about the encounter and ensure him there are no hard feelings reserved over it. “Again, Sabaody.”
“Well… maybe you should stop carrying a grudge over that.”
“I’m not.”
“You are.”
“I only bring it up because I think it’s funny.”
“I think it’s childish.” Law doesn’t know why he says this, to be honest. He wants to come off as smart and witty, though he might not have executed it very well.
With a scoff, you cross your arms. “Law you’ve refused to even look at me in your time with my crew. When I try to talk to you, you act like you don’t hear me or straight up ignore me. Then you go and stare at me from across as if I can’t see you. And I’m childish?”
“Yeah, you are, and I don’t like you. Is that what you wanted to hear?”
“Better than you being an awkward asshole with no explanations as to why.”
“I’m not fucking awkward, shut up.”
“Oh no, you just follow people around for the better part of an hour without talking to them. Very charming.”
Law huffs, unamused, and storms off without another word.
You sigh and continue browsing the stalls. “Ok, so, maybe there is some bad blood between us….”
Things are awkward between you and Law for the remainder of the evening. Not only is he avoiding you, but you’re also avoiding him. And though you still try your best to be at least a little friendly, he straight up ignores all of your attempts. Whereas before your little confrontation in the marketplace, the stoic man would have at least responded with an eye roll.
When it’s dinnertime, you take your seat next to Robin as usual. Casual conversation and laughter flow around the table easily and seemingly endlessly… until Law walks in. He sits in the only empty chair, next to Chopper’s, and nods at Sanji in thanks for the food. And you, foolishly, try to incorporate him into the conversation. Maybe you do it to try and heal the small rift between the two of you, or maybe you simply want to provoke him further (though you'd never admit it.)
“So, Law, how was your day?”
Everyone pauses their conversations to not-so-discreetly listen in. They had also recognized the growing tension between you and the ally captain, for seemingly no reason at all.
“Mind your own business.”
“Hard to do when you’re always in mine.”
He nearly spits out his drink.“What?”
“You heard me.”
“I’m starting to get sick of your behavior, y/n.”
“So sick that you just can’t seem to leave me alone?”
“Watch the way you speak to me-“
“My apologies Law, I’m so used to being watched by you rather than having conversations, I must have forgotten my manners-“
“Shut up!”
“Fuck you!”
Now that both of your voices are raised, the crew sees it fit to intervene.
“Watch how you speak to them, Trafalgar-“ Sanji warns.
Similarly, Robin tries to talk you down. “Y/n, he’s our ally-“
The attempts to calm what had nearly turned into a screaming match prove futile, as Law storms out. You scoff and cross your arms. He’s so infuriating, it makes you sick to your stomach.
Silence passes as your crewmates look between each other, none wanting to be the first to… console you? Admonish? Give advice.
“You two should talk, y/n.” Says Robin, ever so mature.
“If he wants to talk, he can come to me instead of constantly staring at me from across the deck without saying anything.”
“Well, he’s clearly not very good at showing it, but you realize that he likes you, don’t you?”
You blink and turn to look at her. This must be another one of her dark jokes. “Very funny, Robin.”
“Oh, y/n, come on!“ Usopp groans; he’s had enough of the yearning and tension. “You seriously didn’t know?”
“No! Because he doesn’t like me. He’s been holding a stupid grudge against me since the first time we met back in Sabaody-“
Nami backs up Usopp’s point; “A crush, y/n. He’s had a crush on you and he’s too shy to talk to you normally-“
“So, what, it’s ok for him to just watch from afar but then act like a jerk when I try and talk to him?”
Surprisingly, Chopper speaks up next. “…Maybe your intentions came off different than intended?”
This makes you bite your lip in thought. Perhaps they had.
Nami pats your shoulder, “Now, go work this out so the rest of us don’t have to deal with all your unresolved tension.”
You unintentionally pout; the last thing you want is to talk to Law right now. But, your crew urges you on, and all but pushes you out the door.
You find him pacing back and forth on the starboard deck of the Sunny.
He whips around and you swear you see his scowl become even more pronounced than usual. The crease between his brows deepens, as the corners of his lips turn into a borderline pout. “Not done tormenting me?
“Tormenting? I just… I came to talk to you.“
“I find that hard to believe. From the moment we met, you have been nothing but rude and a nuisance to me.”
You scoff, all plans of reconciliation forgotten. “Believe me, Law, the feeling is mutual.”
“Fuck off.”
“This is my ship, so why don’t you fuck off? Jump overboard for all I care.”
“Maybe I will if it gets me away from you.” Law turns on his heel and storms off the open deck and into a hallway.
“Good luck swimming, asshole!”
Your rebuttal brings him right back to his former position, face to face with you so that your screaming match can continue “I hope you know that every moment I have to spend on this ship is torture, y/n, all because of you.”
“I haven’t done shit to you, Law.”
“Then whose fault is it that I feel this way? Go on, name someone else so I can take it out on them instead.”
“It’s your fault if you feel any type of way about me besides amicably. I’ve been nothing but kind, and-“
“Bullshit. Whether you know it or not you’ve done… something to me, I can feel it.”
“Oh yeah? And since when do you know anything about how you feel, all you do is brood.”
“I don’t brood. And I know that you are the bane of my existence.” He spits back, making sure to emphasize the word bane.
You hold your breath, refusing to play into this childish argument any longer. Or maybe it’s because, even if it’s just a little, his words genuinely hurt. You realize then, that you don’t want to be the so called ‘bane of his existence.’ He takes your silence as an opportunity to continue, though at a much lower volume than before.
“… And the object of all my desires.”
After a moment of disbelief, your scowl turns to a raised brow. “Excuse me?”
“Every one of my waking hours is plagued by thoughts of you. It doesn’t help that I can’t go anywhere on this goddamned ship-“
“Don’t you talk about the Sunny that way-“
“- without seeing you!”
“Well you must enjoy being around me if you’ve decided I’m,” you create air quotations with your hands, “the object of all your desires.”
You feel so out of your depth now. All you know to do is to bite back with witty remarks, even when he opens up to you. And he seems to do the exact same.
“It’s a nuisance.”
Your lip trembles, but you refuse to cry in front of Law while he plays this sick mind game with you. “I didn’t know liking me was such an awful fate.”
He lets out a shaky breath. “There are so many other things I should be focused on, but all I think of is you. It’s not awful, but it’s making me weak.”
“You’re such a prick, Law.”
He’s bewildered, mouth gaping as he tries to understand what could’ve been wrong with what he’s just confessed to you. “I’m saying I like you, y/n, I- Do you hate me that much?”
“No, I don’t hate you, idiot! But you- when you started traveling with us, you made me feel like I had done something to offend you, and then when I confronted you about it in the market you started to really hold a grudge, then you - I just- that’s not how you treat people!”
“Are you messing with me right now, Law? Is this another play to try and gain the upper hand in this… ongoing thing we have?”
“No, I wouldn’t…” He trails off and shakes his head. He probably would, if he weren’t so enamored with you and on the condition he possessed the social skills to pull off such an elaborate scheme. “It’s not.”
You’re silent again, but both you and Law are refusing to break eye contact. He must notice your still watery eyes and trembling bottom lip because he steps forward. His hand travels to your arm, then your chin. Forced to look at him, you are pained to see a similar unhappy look in his eyes. Minus the tears. You could almost take him for sorry if it weren’t Trafalgar Law, of all people. So instead of falling into his arms like you suddenly feel a desperate need to; you step backward.
You fold your arms over your chest as you look off somewhere- anywhere besides his eyes. “Law, nothing good can come of this.”
“This? What is this, y/n?”
“These.. feelings.”
“You feel the same?”
“I didn’t ask to feel this way!” You bite back, “But… yes, I do.”
“So what should we do?”
“We aren’t going to do anything, Law. You just stay in your lane, and I’ll stay in mine.”
“I thought you didn’t like that I was avoiding you?”
“Well now that I know why, what else can be done? Nothing can happen between us, Law. And we can’t allow feelings to complicate this alliance. I can’t allow that, at least; it’s too important to Luffy.”
He searches for reasoning that will trump yours but comes up with none. And so, with a heavy heart, he concedes. “Okay.”
“Nothing happened.” Law confirms.
“And nothing will.”
You nod and start walking away. “Goodnight, Law.”
“Goodnight, y/n.”
And once you’re back safely in your room, the tears start to spill. You hate this- you hate him. You hate the way he makes you feel. You hate that you’re in love with him, and it took you this long to realize.
The tears don’t stop until you’re knocked out, and by the time you wake up, they’ve stained your cheeks.
Taglist: @augustanna @lavanderdreamve @pinksaiyans @khaleesihavilliard @jennapancake
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jandjsalmon · 1 month
2024 FRC - August 🌞
I hope you've all been having a wonderful summer. Ben had his first College Football game this weekend so that was super fun. He's a rookie so he didn't play - but his goal is to get on the field in the next two games. It was VERY sunny (which 1000% isn't good for my rosacea) and I may have made a fool out of myself by extensively talking to his Head Coach about my love for Hawkeyes basketball (when I think he thought I was talking about Hawkeyes football) but I'm hoping that he didn't know Ben was my son. I'm trying not to fixate on that. Never good for intrusive thoughts. lol.
Anyway, as for the @fanfic-reading-challenge - I'm still working on the 5 monthly tasks and reaching 15 million words - but the rest of the challenge is complete. It's been a fun one. 🖤
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I was able to reread quite a few favourites this month since I (basically) have completed the challenge - and I started reading some Twisters fic and they've been a delight - so I thought I'd share a couple with you (in case you're looking for something new to read).
White Liar by @spinnaker1509 (Kate/Tyler - NR 8/8)
Why you should read this: SOULMATES! And it's such a fun way to find your soulmate. They lie to you - the lie emblazons itself on your body. Kate is quite the prolific liar! A really fun fic.
we could be the way forward (and I know I'll pay for it) by fathomless (Kate/Tyler - M 6/6)
Why you should read this: A spectacular post-canon fic. Hits you RIGHT IN THE FEELS - and there is SO MUCH yearning! I have to have a happy ending though - and this one delivers.
City Girls and Wind Shear by @corrieander (Kate/Tyler - T 7/7)
Why you should read this: More Soulmates! You know I'm a sucker for soulmates. This time it's your "first words" and imagine how confused country boy Tyler was with 'New York' tattooed on his body. It's a delight. Angsty but definitely with a happy ending.
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Have a wonderful September! See you back here next month. 🌪️
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Chance Meeting
Written for @avengerscompound’s Kate's 1000 Word Challenge.
Prompt: Petrichor - The pleasant, earthy smell after rain. ClintxReader.
Warnings: Drinking, break up, reader being clumsy. If I missed anything, please let me know.
On a Friday night, you can typically be found in your sweatpants and baggy sweater curled up on your couch watching the latest serial killer documentary. But not this Friday night. No, your friends weren’t going to let you spend this one alone.
It had been a year since you had a particularly rough breakup. He said that he felt guilty because you kept lending him money or buying things for him when he couldn’t pay you back for them. He told you. “Your goal in the world is to save everyone.” You didn’t understand how that was a bad thing, how could wanting to help people be a bad thing? Maybe some people didn’t want to be helped? That phrase turned over and over in your head as you tried to figure out where you went wrong.
This caused you to keep to yourself, only going to work and the occasional girl’s night when your friends forced you out. That’s what was happening tonight. You had heard the knock on your door and suddenly you were surrounded by your friends and had a dress shoved into your hands with the insistence that you “put it on, immediately!” One of your friends grabbed your makeup and the other started on your hair as you shimmied into the dress. The soft deep purple fabric surrounding you.
It took almost an hour, but eventually you were ready. You and your friends stared at your reflections.
“Hot damn, we look fantastic.” Your friend Andie said giggling, “No one will be able to stop staring!”
Lily nodded, bumping you with her shoulder, “Good thing too, because someone needs to get some tonight!”
You groaned and let out a dry laugh, “Guys, please, that’s so not going to happen. I’m probably just going to sit at the bar and drink until you guys find someone to go home with and then I’ll head home, alone, and watch something.”
That was met with “Boooooo” from your friends. You laughed at their reaction and grabbed your phone and purse leading the others out the door and out to get a taxi.
After getting to the address that Lily had given the driver, you stared up at the building. “You have got to be fucking kidding me. This can’t be the right place!”
“Nope, this is it. Did I not tell you that my work had gotten invited and I got to bring guests?” Lily said, wide smile on her face.
“Lil! This is the fucking Stark Tower! As in, the Avengers live here!” You couldn’t believe it, “You mean to tell me, it conveniently slipped your mind that you were dragging me to the Stark Tower for a party with the Avengers?”
“Yeah, that must be what had happened.” Lily grabbed your hand and started to drag you inside. When you started to refuse, Andie grabbed your other hand and the two towed you in.
Lily flashed her invite to the man at the front and you all were ushered to the elevator. You started to wring your hands together and Andie grabbed them gently.
“Hey, this will be fun, just try to relax. We can hit the bar first.”
You smiled at her, grateful for the comfort, “Bar first, I like that Idea.”
The elevator stopped and you took a deep breath. When the doors opened, you were in awe, the room was decked out in lights and silver and gold decorations. You saw the logo of Lily’s work up on a podium.
“Wow, this looks great!” you said, still taking everything in.
“Thank you! We wanted it to look the best for the company tonight, we are honored you let us host this for you all.” A woman with red hair said, walking up to you. “I’m Pepper Potts, Mr. Stark’s assistant, and the only reason he ever gets anywhere on time.”
Your eyes widened, “Ms. Potts, it is so nice to meet you, you’re practically a legend. The fact that you can keep Tony in line is amazing.”
Pepper smiled at you, “Well, thank you again, and please, call me Pepper. Everyone does.”
All you could do was smile and nod at the woman as she excused herself and went to mingle more.
You turned to your friends, eyes wide, “Guys! I just had a conversation with The Pepper Potts! She is amazing. I want to be around her all the time. I felt more organized and productive just being around her and I wasn’t even working on anything!”
Andie laughed, “Look at you, meeting new people and immediately fangirling over them. I knew this was a good idea.”
You gave Andie a playful shove, “Shush, we’ve only been here like fifteen minutes, this was probably the best thing that will happen all night.”
The three of you went off to find the bar and you ordered yourself a drink as you sat on the bar stool and observed the party.
There were people dancing in the middle of the room as the DJ played music just loud enough that you knew you’d have a sore throat from trying to talk with Lily and Andie.
After a couple drinks, you were feeling loose enough that you grabbed Lily and Andie and dragged them to the dance floor, the three of you dancing like you were the only people there. Laughing with each other and twirling each other around. It felt nice, you hadn’t let yourself feel this free for a while.
Eventually, you decided you needed a break, promising that you would find them again, you headed back to the bar and ordered another drink before going on an adventure around the room.
As you were walking around, you were so preoccupied taking in your surroundings, you didn’t notice the man walking in your direction until it was too late. Crashing into him and losing your balance. You expected to fall and anticipated the pain on your tailbone, but that never happened. You looked and saw the arm around your waist.
“Hey, you ok? I didn’t see you there, I didn’t mean to run into you.” The man rattled off without taking a breath.
You shook your head, trying to reassure him, “I’m ok, maybe a little twist in my ankle, it’s nothing I’m not used to. I think it’s partly my fault too, I wasn’t paying attention.”
The man pulled his arm away, “Well, if we’re both at fault, then I guess that cancels it out! No one is at fault! I’m Clint by the way.”
You laughed, “I like your logic, Clint. I’m Y/N.”
Clint smiled at you, “I was about to join my friends, you want to come with? I promise they’re a lot of fun.”
You glanced around to see your friends dancing and watching you. When you locked eyes with Lily, she gave you a big smile and a thumbs up. “Well, I was going to say that I needed to check in with my friends, but it looks like they’re more than ok if I go with you.”
Clint looks over towards your friends and gives them a slight wave, “I’m glad they trust me enough to take you away.”
“Honestly, at this point I think they’d be ok if I went with any guy, their expectations are super low when it comes to me.” You said with a shrug and Clint gave you a questioning look. “Bad break up, they just want me to get out there more.”
Clint nodded in understanding, “Ah, makes sense. Well, I promise, nothing bad will happen with me around.”
“Thanks Clint. Now, where are those friends of yours?” You asked.
“Right this way, ma’am.” Clint said, offering you his arm.
You and Clint walked along the wall until you came to a door open a crack. Clint pushed the door open and the brightness of the room made your eyes take a moment to adjust. When they finally did, you let out a gasp.
“Y/N, these are my friends, Steve, Nat, Thor, and Bruce, Tony is still out in the crowd entertaining, I’m sure he’ll come in in a bit.” Clint said gesturing to each person as her introduced them. “Guys, this is Y/N.”
You stood there in shock before turning to Clint. “Wait, that means you’re Clint!”
“Yeah, I said that when I introduced myself.” Clint said nodding slowly.
“No! That means you’re Clint Barton, aka, Hawkeye, aka, one of the coolest Avengers like ever.” You turned to the others, “No offense guys.” You turned back to look at Clint you looked at him more closely. You could see his features better now that you weren’t in the dimmer event room.
“Well, yeah, I guess that does. But tonight, I’m just Clint, just like they’re just Steve, Nat, Thor, and Bruce.” Clint said, giving you a small smile.
You nodded, “Right, you’re right, I’m sorry, I just couldn’t believe that I didn’t notice it before.”
Natasha laughed behind you, “Don’t worry about it Y/N, come on over and sit, we were just about to start playing a game.”
 You smiled at Natasha and went to sit on the couch. Before you sat down, you properly introduced yourself to everyone and then sat down by Thor and Clint came to sit next to you.
You weren’t sure how long you had been in that room, all you knew was that you and the Avengers were learning plenty about each other. You learned juicy secrets about everyone while playing Never Have I ever, and they learned that you are a terrible liar while playing Two Truths and a Lie.
At some point, Tony came in with a tray of alcohol and you took one of the drinks, nursing it. You were making sure that you had plenty of water too. You knew if you didn’t, you were going to hate yourself in the morning.
By the time the Avengers mini party was starting to wind down, you had all of their phone numbers and other ways to contact them. Thor’s was the best, he gifted you a small ring with a raven on it. He explained that if you ever needed him, all you had to do was turn the raven and a messenger bird would come and take your message to him. He also gave you his phone number, but you thought this way was more fun.
When Clint gave you has number, he made sure you knew that he didn’t mind if you contacted him even when it wasn’t an emergency. You smiled at him, “Does that mean you want to talk to me more?”
Clint brought a hand up and rubbed the back of his neck, “Yeah, I’d like that. I mean, if you want to.”
You gave him a quick peck on the cheek, “I think I will.”
You didn’t know it, but Natasha had watched the entire interaction with a grin on her face. She was happy for Clint, but she also knew that if he ever messed this up, she’d have to fight him. You were already one of her favorite people.
When the party was finally over, you got up and stretched. Clint was up and by your side in an instant.
“I think I need to head home, it’s been a long night.” You said while stifling a yawn.
“Do you want me to walk you home, or drive? I’m not sure how far it is.” Clint asked.
“We can walk, it isn’t too far, maybe a fifteen minute walk. My friends just hate walking, so we took a cab.” You said, shrugging.
You said goodbye to everyone, giving out hugs and promising to keep in touch with everyone before turning and taking Clint’s arm and walking out the door.
“How much does someone want to bet that they’re planning on going on a date by the time that they get to her house?” Natasha asked after the door had closed.
“No way, Clint won’t go for it. He’ll get too self-conscious and back out of it.” Tony said.
“You’re on. Fifty bucks?” Nat said extending her hand.
“It’s a deal.” Tony said shaking Natasha’s hand.
As you and Clint walked down the street arm in arm, you talked about everything, family, jobs, conspiracy theories, everything.
When you were about halfway home, you heard the sound of thunder. Looking up at the sky, you saw that clouds had rolled in and they were looking heavy with rain.
“Shoot, looks like we’re going to get caught in the rain.” You said, looking around for a place to take cover.
“Don’t worry, I brought my jacket, you can use it if you want. It has a hood.” Clint said, shrugging out of his jacket and holding it open for you.
You put in on and wrapped it closer to you, “Thank you, Clint. But now you’ll get all wet.”
“I don’t mind it. I’ll just grab a cab to get back after I get you home.” Clint said looking at you.
“Well, we better hurry then. Don’t want you to melt.” You said giving a laugh.
The rain started to fall within minutes. You reached down and took off your shoes so you could walk a bit faster. It was absolutely pouring when you got to your apartment complex and you both stood under the awning laughing as water dripped down your faces.
“Well, looks like we couldn’t beat it.” You said, slightly out of breath.
Clint laughed, “I never thought we would, but it was fun to try.”
You both stood under the awning, watching the rain slowly let up until it was just a drizzle, until finally it had all stopped. 
You laughed along with Clint, “We needed this, it hasn’t rained in a while, the flowers will enjoy it. Even if it was just a burst or rain.”
Clint took a deep breath and smiled, “This is my favorite moment in nature, when we haven’t had any rain and then it finally pours and there’s just this earthy smell surrounding everything. It’s one of the best scents that exist, in my opinion.”
You looked up at Clint, eyes wide, “It’s called petrichor! It’s my favorite scent, along with lemon. But it’s just so calming and you can’t help but feel relaxed with this scent all around!”
The two of you looked at each other and your smile grew even bigger. Clint brought a hand to your face and moved the hair that was sticking to your face behind your ear. When his hand came to rest on your cheek, you found yourself letting your head rest in his hand.
“Clint?” You ask softly and Clint hummed in response, “Can I kiss you?”
Clint’s eyes snapped to yours and he gave a slight nod. You brought your hands up and placed one on his cheek and wound the other around the back of his neck. You slowly brought your lips to his and closed your eyes. It was a soft kiss at first, then Clint brought a hand to your back and pulled you closer to him, causing you to gasp into the kiss. He kissed you harder and you felt yourself moving backwards until your back hit the brick façade of the building.
You broke the kiss and looked at Clint, “Would you like to come upstairs? I’m sure my neighbors would prefer if we don’t put on a show on the front stoop.”
Clint laughed and brought his forehead to yours. “How about we take a raincheck? I really like you, and I don’t want to rush into anything. Don’t get me wrong, I really want to go upstairs with you. But let me take you on a date first. Ok?”
You smiled and blushed, “I can agree to that. Date first, upstairs second.”
Clint laughed, “Exactly. Now, you need to get upstairs before you fall asleep out here. I know you’re tired.”
You gave a slight pout. “You’re just trying to get rid of me,” You laughed “I’m kidding, I’m kidding, I am pretty tired. Wait! When are we going on our date?”
Clint gave you a kiss on your forehead, “How about tomorrow night? We can go to dinner and maybe take a walk? If it’s not raining, of course.”
You gave a small shrug, “I don’t know, I think I enjoy walking through the rain with you.”
You gave Clint another kiss before starting towards the door. “Let me know when you get back to the tower, ok?”
Clint grabbed your hand and gave it a kiss, “I absolutely will. Good night, Y/N.”
You smiled at the man, “Good night, Clint, I’m glad I ran into you. Literally.”
When you got up to your apartment, you checked your phone and saw a few messages from your friends, after letting them know what happened, you saw another message from Natasha.
Natasha: Hey, I’m glad I got to meet you! The group wanted to let you know that they enjoyed meeting you!
Natasha: Also, are you and Clint planning on going out? I need to know. For reasons.
Me: I’m glad I met you guys too!
Me: Is the reason, possibly, because you bet someone money that we would be?
Natasha: …….yes….. Come on! I have to be right, you guys are totally going to go out.
Me: Yes Nat, we’re going out tomorrow night.
You laughed when a text from Tony came in.
Starky-Man: You just lost me fifty dollars.
Me: Well maybe don’t bet against happiness next time.
Starky-Man: Whatever, I’m happy for you kid.
Me: Thanks Tony, I am too!
You smiled at your phone as you thought about just how unexpectedly your night had turned out. When your phone pinged again your smile got even bigger.
Heart Eyes: I’m home, safe and sound.
Me: Good, I’m glad.
Heart Eyes: Get some sleep Y/N. I’ll see you tomorrow.
Me: See you tomorrow. Good night, Clint.
Heart Eyes: Good night, Dear.
You put your phone on the charger and got yourself ready for bed. When you were finally slipping under the covers, you closed your eyes and fell into what you had to say was the most peaceful sleep you had in a very long time.
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Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Reader
For @avengerscompound​ writing challenge
Rating: Mature (smut, 18+ only)
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It was a routine that started by accident. You were placed with Clint Barton and Bucky Barnes for a mission that took you into the Swiss mountains. It was your first big mission out in the field after years of proving yourself at SHIELD as a technician and analyst, so you were both excited and nervous. Luckily, you had the best teammates you could ask for; you had known Clint for a long time and became close with him, and you hit it off immediately with Bucky.
The mission itself was uneventful: the three of you were able to get in and out with the information you were after without a hitch. And that brought you to a cozy cabin in the mountains, courtesy of Stark loaning some of his vacation homes to use as safe houses. It was a beautiful house, and a warm welcome in the middle of the freezing snow. But what drew all three of you was the fireplace.
It was a rustic centerpiece to the main living room area, complete with a brick archway with grey stone accents. The fireplace itself was large enough to heat the whole space, and directly in front of the nook was a large fluffy area rug with a small two-person couch on either side. It was the perfect homey space to lay and roast marshmallows or read or just snuggle up with a blanket and nap.
“I could get used to this,” you commented with a chuckle as the three of you set your gear down.
Bucky and Clint shared a glance that you missed as you took in the beautify of the space.
“How about something to eat?” Clint spoke up from behind you, “Let’s hope the kitchen is stocked up.”
You turned back to face the boys in agreement. The rest of the evening felt like a normal gathering for you all, instead of agents on deadly missions. You all ate in front of the roaring fire and talked and laughed together. Before the three of you realized, it was almost three in the morning. But, instead of going up to the bedrooms, you all decided to stay in front of the fire together where it was warm. It didn’t take you long to fall asleep on one of the couches while wrapped up in a blanket.
The boys, however, stayed up for a bit longer. Once you were fully asleep, Bucky moved over so that he sat right next to Clint on the floor and cupped his face with his hands.
“Alone at least,” he said in a low voice before he kissed Clint passionately, who eagerly kissed back with the same energy. Hands roamed over each other as they pushed their bodies together as much as they could.
When they finally broke away for air, Clint spoke, “I like the girl and all,” he motioned to your sleeping figure, “But it’s been so hard keeping my hands off you.”
Bucky and Clint had been paired for missions many times over the years, and with time the two men grew very close. After one particular mission where Clint got hurt, Bucky came face to face with his feelings. To his surprise, Clint confessed that he felt the same way. And that was where they shared their first kiss: in a dingy warehouse in the middle of nowhere with Clint all bandaged up. Bucky couldn’t think of a scenario more appropriate to the two of them. 
They decided to keep their relationship a secret, however, so no one knew that they were together. Until now.
You were a light sleeper, and you didn’t stay asleep on that couch for very long. And when you woke up to turn over, you were met with a sight you did not expect. Clint and Bucky didn’t hear you wake up, and you watched them embrace each other for a moment. They sat interlocked in each other’s arms as they watched the fire in a peaceful silence. You weighed your options before you decided to turn over quietly with a soft smile on your face, and somehow the room felt warmer.
Two months later, you and the boys were back at that cabin. This time, however, the atmosphere was completely different from before. The mission did not go as smoothly as you had hoped, and the three of you had to evacuate before you could get the information you were after. 
Clint led the way, and you and Bucky threw your bags down in the foyer. None of you spoke, and the tension was palpable in the room. You lingered in the doorway with your arms crossed as you replayed that happened over and over again. You tried to pinpoint exactly where it all went wrong, but no matter how you think it over, the result was still the same.
“Fuck,” Bucky’s voice rang out as he slammed his fist onto the table in the middle of the room. His feelings were echoed in both you and Clint as the three of you handled your anger inside your own heads.
You let out a deep sigh, “I’m going upstairs. Take a shower,” you finally said before you disappeared and left the two men alone.
Bucky moved over to Clint and cradled his head in his hands. The archer breathed deeply before his eyes met Bucky’s. They breathed together in silence for a few minutes, a routine they started a while ago after a rough mission. Once they both calmed down, Clint put his hands on top of Bucky’s, “Shall we?”
The Winter Soldier nodded before they made their way upstairs hand-in-hand.
However, nobody stayed in the bedroom for long. As the hours passed, the cabin got colder. You were the first to wake, and you dragged yourself down to sit at the fireplace. WIth a fluffy blanket wrapped around you and a fire that now roared, you were able to get cozy enough to attempt to sleep again. But, the place wasn't quiet for long, and your two companions soon followed you to the cozy nook. They thought you had fallen asleep, so they felt comfortable enough to lay in each other’s arms.
They almost jumped out of their skin when you sat up. “It..It’s not what it looks like,” Clint stammered, and both of them were red with embarrassment.
You smiled softly at them, “It’s ok, guys,” you shifted your position, “It’s ok. I already know.”
Confusion laced both their faces, “What?” Bucky asked.
It was your turn to feel embarrassed, “I saw you last time we were here,” you looked down and fiddled with your hands, “I’m sorry, maybe I should have said something. I just didn’t think it was a big deal or anything.”
Clint and Bucky glance at each other, “Did…” Clint cleared his throat, “Did you tell anyone?”
“No,” you answered immediately, “It’s not my place to say anything. We all keep secrets, I get it. I just want you guys to know that it’s ok,” your voice was reassuring, and you could see them both relax.
“We just wanted to keep it under wraps,” Bucky spoke, “At least for now,” his eyes were soft as he looked at you. You wondered if there was something behind his eyes or if you just imagined it. Maybe it was wishful thinking on your part; you did have a crush on both Clint and Bucky in the past, and maybe those feelings never fully went away.
“I understand,” you held your hands out to your partners, “Your secret is safe with me.”
Clint and Bucky took your hands as the warmth of the fire spread over the room and the three of you were able to sleep soundly that night.
A few weeks went by before you, Clint, and Bucky were sent out on another mission in an area close to that cabin safehouse. However, like the last time you were here, this mission didn’t go so well. The door to the cabin burst open, and Bucky helped you inside, your arm was slung over his shoulder to keep yourself upright. Clint was right behind you and he immediately rushed to get the med kit.
“I got you. I got you,” Bucky whispered in your ear as he took you over to the couch by the hearth. 
Your breathing was heavy, and you clutched at the bullet wound in your side. You groaned in pain as you fought back tears. Bucky could feel your body get warmer, and he knew they had to fight off infection before it got too bad.
“Clint!” he called out to his boyfriend, who immediately appeared with a med kit.
The blonde’s face was pale as he looked down at your form. It was his fault that you got hit instead of him. If only he paid more attention, then you wouldn’t have jumped in front of him. Clint should be more used to injury and blood by now, but it was different when it was someone he cared about. You and Clint had been friends for many years, and he considered you to be one of his best friends. His hands shook as he watched Bucky clean up your wound.
Tears welled up in his eyes as he wrung his hands, “I’m sorry,” he repeated your name. Clint was so lost in thought that he didn’t even hear Bucky call his name.
The archer jumped as he brought himself back to the present, “Yes?”
“I need your help,” Bucky’s voice was tough, but Clint knew it was to cover how scared he was, “Hold her still so I can finish this.”
“Got it,” he did as he was told and held your shoulders down while Bucky finished stitching you up.
You were barely conscious, and their voices felt so far away from you. The only thing you could say was, “I’m sorry,” in a hushed voice before you passed out  on the couch. Clint checked to make sure you were still breathing while Bucky set up a fire to keep you all warm.
Minutes felt like hours as Clint and Bucky stayed awake to watch over you. It must have been past midnight when your breathing finally evened out and your fever broke. Clint buried his face in his hands as he sighed in relief. Bucky draped his arm over him and pulled him close.
The archer let himself fall into his boyfriend’s arms as adrenaline felt their bodies. The only sounds in the room were the cackle of the fire and your deep breaths. Clint’s hand traced patterns on Bucky’s metal arm. 
“Hey,” Bucky’s voice broke through the silence, “It’s not your fault.”
Cint scoffed, “Yes it was. If I just paid more attention…”
“It's not your fault,” he repeated, “It’s not anyone’s fault. We do what we think is right, and hope for the best,” Bucky stroked Clint’s hair, “She’s gonna be ok.”
“That sounds familiar,” a faint smile came across the blonde’s face, “I do remember telling you something similar before.”
Bucky laughed, “Well, sometimes you can be wise, Clint.”
Your voice joined the conversation, “Emphasis on sometimes.”
They both jumped and scrambled to your side, their hands were immediately on you to check your wounds as you sat up slowly. The two voices overlapped as Bucky and Clint asked if you were ok.
“I’m fine, thanks to you guys,” you gave them a weak, but reassuring smile as you leaned into their embraces.
Silence filled the room again as you became aware of how much you touched the two men. You found yourself in the middle of their strong bodies, their arms wrapped around you protectively. As comforting as it was, your heart pounded in your chest, and you pulled yourself up to look between Clint and Bucky. You considered both of them good, close friends, but you wondered if there was something more there.
Sparks seemed to fly between the three of you. Bucky and Clint both leaned in close to your face, and you felt your breath catch in your throat. As if they could read each other’s minds, they both placed gentile kisses on your cheeks. Your eyes fluttered shut as you cupped their faces. The two men held hands in your lap as they continued to kiss all over your face and neck. 
“Wait,” you stopped them as you snapped back from your haze.
“What’s wrong?” Clint asked.
“Are you guys sure about this?” you gave them each a questioning look.
“We’re sure if you are,” Bucky said, and caught Clint’s eye for confirmation.
Clint nodded, “We talked about this after last time,” he admitted, “We just didn't know how to bring it up.”
You couldn’t help but smile, “And me getting injured is a good time?”
Bucky and Clint both stuttered as they tried to answer you.
“I’m kidding!” you laughed, “I just don’t want to get between you.”
“Well, you kinda already are,” Clint gestured to your bodies, and how their arms were still around you.
You slapped him playfully as all three of you burst out in laughter. The boys tilted their heads towards you as the laughter quieted down and you felt two pairs of lips on yours. It was a messy kiss as all three of you wanted to kiss each other at the same time, and you could feel the passion from them. Bucky and Clint wrapped their arms around you and gently lowered you down from the couch onto the large blanket in front of the warm fire.
Clint turned you so that you faced away from him and his fingers ghosted over your back. You shivered at his touch as you leaned into Bucky’s embrace and crashed our lips to his. Clint’s hands reached under your shirt and he slowly, carefully pulled it up to expose your midsection. He made sure to be mindful of the wound on your side. You broke away from Bucky to let the archer take your shirt off your body.
You then turned to face your friend and immediately connected your lips to his. Clint deepened the kiss and your tongues played with each other’s. Urgency suddenly filled the room as you, Bucky and Clint made quick work of removing each other’s clothes. You all took a moment to admire each other’s bodies before Clint pulled you close. You noted how hard they both were already, and you could feel your own wetness between your legs in anticipation. 
This time, Bucky was the one to run his hands down your back. You shivered as the cool metal from his one arm touched your hot skin. His strong hands nudged you to lean forward, and you let him guide your body down. You kissed down Clint’s torso, which caused him to moan softly as you made your way to his hardened length. 
You looked up at Clint with a question in your eye before you took him into your mouth. He looked down at you with lust-filled eyes and gave you a small nod before he took a handful of your hair. The blond cried out in pleasure as you took him fully into your mouth, and Bucky grunted in response as he started to play with your cunt. He started with a few flicks at your clit before he pushed a finger inside you. Your moan was muffled by Clint’s cock, and the vibration made him buck his hips into your mouth.
Bucky added another finger inside of you to stretch you out as his metal hand held your hips steady. He pumped his fingers in and out of you in the same rhythm as your head bobbed up and down his boyfriend’s hard length. All of your limbs shook as you held yourself up between the two men. Fire roared both in the nook and behind the two men’s eyes as they gazed at each other.
When he decided you were ready, Bucky pulled his fingers out of you and positioned himself at your entrance. He paused for a moment, “Ready?”
A muffled, “Mmmhmm,” came from your throat, since you did not want to let Clint’s dick go yet. Bucky and Clint locked eyes once more as the winter soldier slowly pushed his large cock into you. Your cries filled the room as Clint strocked your back lovingly. When Bucky was fully sheathed inside you, he paused for a moment to let you adjust.
You resumed sucking on Clint’s length and Bucky took that as the cue to move. He started slow and easy at first, but quickly picked up his pace. With one hand still on your hip, the brunette leaned forward and used his other hand to pull Clint towards him and kissed him with fervor.
The room was filled with the sounds of moans and cries from all three of you. You almost felt overwhelmed at the sensations: Bucky fucked you harder and faster and Clint fucked your face so passionately. The two men still kissed feverishly as their hips started to lose control. 
Clint broke away from the kiss first to cry out, and you knew his orgasm was close. He pressed his forehead to Bucky’s as he came while he screamed out both of your names. You happily swallowed his seed as Bucky continued to pound into you. Clint carefully pulled out of your mouth and lifted you up by your shoulders so he could hold onto you.
That change of angle was all you needed for your own climax. You held onto the blonde’s strong arms as you rode out your orgasm on Bucky’s dick. And, as if on cue, your orgasm triggered Bucky’s as he came inside you right after you did.
Completely worn out, you, Clint and Bucky all collapsed onto the fluffy blanket. Heavy breaths were the only sound in the room as you lay tangled in each other’s arms to catch your breath.
“That was,” you started between breaths, “Wow,” you chuckled, “Better than I never imagined.”
Clint cocked an eyebrow, “So, you have imagined this?” he teased.
You smacked him playfully, “Shut up.”
“I sure have,” Bucky chimed in, and you and Clint gave him a look. The three of you burst into laughter again as Bucky pulled you both into his arms. “How about for now, we sleep?”
“I won’t fight you on that,” Clint responded as he nuzzled into the makeshift nest you all made. You didn’t protest either, as you already started to drift off to sleep. Not only was that the best sex you ever had, but you had never felt more safe or secure as when you were with Bucky and Clint. You wondered how things would change after this, but for now, you just wanted to enjoy the moment. And it was a perfect moment.
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firefly-in-darkness · 4 years
Sweet Like Cinnamon
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Characters: Bucky Barnes & Y/N.
Summary: Bucky Barnes finds something he didn’t know he was looking for whilst hiding out in Bucharest.
Word Count: 1.2k.
Prompt: Vellichor - the strange wistfulness of used bookshops
Warnings: Hints of a panic attack. Fluffy and sweet.
Beta: The always lovely, Stacey - @princessmisery666 // all mistakes are my own.
A/N: This is for the amazing Kate aka @avengerscompound​ and their amazing 1000 challenge. 
Firefly’s Library & Masterlist
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Bucky pulled the left sleeve of his coat down, tucking his glove under it, adjusting the cap lower. With his eyes downcast, he walked through the streets of Bucharest, heading to the local market for groceries. His eyes darted around, taking in the surroundings, counting his steps and pausing as he reached the edges of sidewalks, looking left to right for more than passing cars. 
He weaved between the market stalls, looking at the produce, speaking the minimum to the vendors as they bagged the vegetables and fruit. 
A loud bang. He flinched. Felt the panic bubble in his chest. 
Curses shouted in the distance. 
He grabbed the bag. 
Dropped the coins into the older woman’s hand. 
Ducked into an alley. Leant against the stone wall. 
Eyes alert.
Breathe...1, 2, 3… 
His panic subsided as he saw the cause of the bang. A car had collided with a bollard; all parties safe. He was safe. He chuckled to himself, he was safe. Safe as a fugitive could be. 
Bucky stepped back out into the sunshine, his skin warming under the caress of its rays. He checked his surroundings once more before he returned to the rows of stalls. He carried on, walking past the vibrant fabrics and the smells of meats cooking that wafted around him.
A sign hanging above the door of a stone building caught his eye. Stack of books with a coffee mug atop it. With a side glance, he stepped through the door, the bell chiming above his head. The air was cooler than outside. He was greeted to the soft melody of piano music, drifting through the speakers dotted about the shelves. 
Walking further into the bookshop, his gaze was drawn to the rows of stacked books upon the shelves. Rows upon rows of fiction, non-fiction, fantasy and science. His fingers stretched out and gently glided across the spines, lost in the feel of the old books. The places they had been, the people who had lived their stories. 
The sweet smell of cinnamon and the bitter scent of coffee filled his senses. His mouth watering for the taste of the delicious buns that he spotted on the counter. Bucky glanced around the corner to see a few tables dotted around, one taken by an older man and his nose deep into a book.
The whistles from the machine frothing the milk had his eyes on the woman behind the counter, holding the coffee. With her back to him, he caught a glimpse of her profile; a sweet face with freckles dancing across her cheeks, and soft eyes framed by strands of hair while the rest of it was held back with a band, in a messy kind of natural beauty. 
A light purse of her lips as she concentrated on pouring the milk steadily into the coffee mug in her hands. She turned around, sending a beaming smile at the woman in front of her, handing the woman the mug in exchange for the coins that jingled down into the cash register.  
She leant forward, resting her chest on her folded arms to pass a sweet to the young boy in the pushchair, a soft smile and wink. 
“What do you say,” The woman ushered her boy, his small hands were already ripping at the wrapper.
“Thank you, Y/N.” He gave her a cheesy grin before setting off towards the tables.
She turned to Bucky, an equally as sweet smile on her lips. “Hi there, what can I get you?”
Her voice washed over him, warmth blooming in his cracked and frozen chest. Bucky was lost in her tender gaze, he was in awe. He moved closer, his heart thumping in his chest as he found the courage to speak.
“Americano, please?” His gloved hands resting on the edge of the counter.
“Coming right up, anything else? I saw you eyeing them up.” She pointed at the cinnamon buns.
He gave a half smile and nodded, watching her place the sweet treat on a small plate and slide it across the counter to him. Bucky’s gloved hand brushed her fingertips, a pleasant rush filled his bones.
“I haven’t seen you here before.” Her eyes narrowed, nose scrunched playfully, “Grab a book, take a seat and I’ll bring your coffee over.”
Bucky was silent. He couldn’t find the words after the way she had jump started his heart with a mere touch. He took the bun and headed to the shelves, grabbing the first book he could find in the Sci-FI section. Pulling out the chair in the far back corner, facing into the room and watched Y/N as she prepared the coffee.
He took off his right glove, opened the book and held it in his left hand, thumb holding open the pages as he brought the cinnamon bun to his lips. The sticky frosting stuck to his lips as he took the first bite, the soft bun fluffy in his mouth and the cinnamon melting sweetly on his tongue.
The sound of footsteps had him glancing over the top of the book. He watched Y/N stroll towards him, his coffee held firmly in her grip. Once she reached the table, she placed down the mug and offered him a gentle smile, then a whispered, ‘enjoy’.
Bucky licked at the frosting on his bottom lip, caught the blush that stained her cheeks at his action. His eyes flickered to her lips and couldn’t help but wondered if they tasted as sweet as they looked. He looked back to the mug and thanked her in just as soft a whisper. Her smile shone brighter and she turned away, walking back to the counter.
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Bucky leant against the counter, reading another sci-fi book whilst Y/N put away the day’s takings. He couldn’t help himself, he had visited the bookshop cafe nearly every other day for the last two months. And he, finally, mustered the courage to ask out the barista that had captured his heart.
He glanced up as she grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the entrance. Bucky didn’t refrain from giving her a lopsided smile at her touch. She flicked the sign to closed as they walked through the door. With a jangle of keys, the store was closed and secured. 
“Thank you for waiting.” She pressed a kiss to his cheek.
Y/N had him weak at the knees but with a surge of confidence, his hand snaked up to her neck and pulled her lips to his. She melted into him, arms wrapped around his waist. He pulled back slightly, still holding her in his embrace. 
Bucky exhaled the breath that he hadn’t realised he was holding. She giggled and pecked at his lips once more before taking his hand and half-heartedly dragging him down the sidewalk.
Bucky grinned, he knew that she would taste sweet.
Sweet like cinnamon.
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Moodboard created by the amazing Kate - @avengerscompound​, thank you so much lovely!
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thewritingdungeon · 4 years
A Matching Set of His & Hers Regrets: He Wants
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PROMPT: Illecebrous (adj) - alluring, attractive, enticing
SUMMARY: Hawkeye has a long and varied past. He’s been a carnie, a spy, a superhero, even a brainwashed soldier. He also was, no matter how much he hates to admit it, an ex-criminal. But no matter how hard he tries, he can't forget about one person in particular from his past, nor can he stop the flood of memories being around her again brings up.
WARNINGS: drinking, drunken flirting/kissing
A/N: A standalone scene from Clint's past written for @avengerscompound 1000 Words Challenge (and the HUGE thank you for the header!!). It involves my OC from my fic Discordancy, but this can be read completely separately from it. I just wanted to write a moment from Clint's life pre-Avengers.
The lounge, for once, is more nightclub than classy establishment. The mafioso bellowing at The Bartender from atop a table for another round had apparently thrown quite a bit of cash The Concierge's way to permit such antics, and from how smooth those last three shots Clint took were, he suspects that it's only the top-shelf spirits being brought out tonight.
By now, the alcohol has settled in his blood, blanketing him in a fuzzy warmth that relaxes in him that ever-present need for vigilance. He sinks back into the comfort of the leather booth, content to watch fragments of merriment as they catch his interest. Then, the sound of lively cachinnation hits him, bringing a broad grin to his face.
He knows that laugh anywhere.
With a roll of his shoulders, Clint stands up and slinks over to the wall; he wouldn't want her to see him too soon, after all. Eris is always teasing him, always initiating that little game of hers. And usually, he only likes being played with so much. But tonight is something different: Tonight is raucous and reckless. Tonight is a night without inhibitions or hesitations. Tonight, Clint is eager to play.
It's only too easy to lean against the cased entryway leading to an empty hall nearby and wait unseen. Despite how easily Eris always finds him, Clint prides himself on being able to blend in, to remain unassuming until the moment he decides otherwise. He drinks in another bright laugh of hers as it prickles against his nerves, bringing with it a heated itch to have her skin against his own, and waits one moment, then two—observes her as she plays her games with someone else for once.
It's different. With him, Eris is always bold and unabashed. Her desire sits encased in sugar glass between them: on full display and ready to be broken open and let loose at the slightest provocation. But watching her now is like watching another person all together; she coquets and deflects, demurely playing to the man's ego in a way that makes her seem lesser than herself. It rubs at Clint in all the wrong ways, bringing a furrow to his brow.
It also makes the decision to steal Eris away for himself all that much easier. While the goon is distracted getting her a new drink, he moves in to loop an arm around her waist and swings them both around the door frame into the dim mantle of the corridor.
"Hey, sweetheart. Fancy meeting you here." He brushes the whispers against the shell of her ear, voice low and smoky, and feels her fingers clench in the muscle of his forearm where it rests against the teasing border of shirt hem and bare skin. Eris twists in his embrace so that she stands facing him, able to see the wolfish grin he can't help but sport. "Looked like you were in need of a more, uh, let's say stimulating conversation partner."
"Oh, I'm sure stimulation was exactly what was on your mind," Eris teases back. Clint doesn't bother to hold in his chuckle at her forthright comment, instead choosing to skim both hands over the curve of her waist and stroke calloused thumbs across the smooth ridges of hip bone peaking out from low-cut shorts.
Instead of another line or retort, Clint simply leans down to flick at the cold metal encircling her lower lip with his tongue. It's all the encouragement Eris needs to grab him by the jacket and capture his lips with her own.
The kiss is sticky from both lipstick and the remnants of Tanqueray still on her tongue, but Clint just returns the affection with fervor. Both hands move to cup her face as he revels in the feeling of her against him, that urging itch further soothed with every eager kiss they share. Why he ever thought of refusing to play her game escapes him now; all that's left in his thoughts is sin as she breathes a quiet moan into his lips and threads her fingers into the short strands of his hair. He's never been more grateful for last week's job as he is now, where she had accidentally learned of his hair pulling kink.
'Accidentally.' Right.
A hard tug at his scalp drags him back into the present on a needy whine. He wants her closer, wants to cast away the many barriers of reticence and uncertainty and clothes between them until all that's left is sentiment and sweat-slicked skin. Desire drips from every profanity-laced movement between them, until they're both gasping to catch their breath.
"Have I ever told you how fucking beautiful you are?" he lets the words rush out of him unbidden. "Jesus Christ, the things you do to me."
The comment seems to shake something awake in Eris, and when he tries to capture her lips again, the hand knotted in his hair stops him short, earning Eris a growl of frustration.
"You've been drinking, Francis."
It's neither question nor accusation, but the use of the fake name he had assumed for their last job makes it feel like both.
"Yeah, and?"
"And it makes me wonder if this is something you really want to be doing."
That makes Clint snort as he leans back down for another kiss, this time getting a light brush in before Eris chastises him with a sharp nip, "Really? Of all the times to worry about whether I really want you, you choose now?"
The shrug she gives in response is one of practiced nonchalance, and Clint is just coherent enough to see her close off from him with that simple movement. "I just don't want the booze to be what's choosing me here. If I'm going to get you to return my feelings, then it's gonna be with you sober and realizing it."
She flashes him a small smile before pressing in for one more heated kiss. Then Eris slips out of his arms, the distance she puts between them more painful than Clint expected it to be. "Oh yeah, and good luck getting all that black lipstick off without a mirror."
She leaves him there with a wink and that wild laughter echoing in his ears, and though her words leave him feeling more off-balance than ever, he finds he can't bring himself to regret the stolen moment.
He only hopes that he'll remember it in the morning.
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nekoannie-chan · 4 years
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Pairing: Steve Rogers X Reader
Word count: 625 words.
Summary: You and Steve started working together until you were in a relationship with him, now you two share your hobbies
Warnings: None, is fluff.                                                                                      
A/N: This is my entry to the @avengerscompound ‘s Kate’s 1000 Words Challenge with the word prompt #14:
My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistake please let me know and I will correct it.
I don’t give any kind of permission that my fics be posted in other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don’t steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other’s people. The only exception is the ones I gifted ‘cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and is not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don’t own Marvel’s characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
My other media where I publish: Wattpad, Ao3, ffnet.
If you like it please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.  
Limerence: The state of being infatuated with another person.
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The Summer S.H.I.E.L.D. program for the new recruits started, Fury asked you to be one of the responsible for the program along with Steve.
Steve always was too gentle and nice with you, you feel in love with him since the first mission together, he always asked you to show him about this era, you love to spend time with him.
 You couldn't stop thinking about him, you had fallen in love, what you didn't know was that he corresponded to you.
 Your fame in the Agency was pretty similar to the Calvary, fierce, calculating, it seemed like you were never afraid, good strategist, but that was obviously because she was your tutor. Actually, she was soft with you, like a mother, when you two were alone, she always called you "daughter" and she was treating you like that.
 “So what you think about the recruits?” he asked you
 “They are a disaster, I don’t know who trained before, but they don’t follow the orders, we have a lot of work,” you answered.
 Steve and you started to figure a plan to the program will be successful, next week you two put it into action with positive results and even your group turned out to be the best at the end of the course compared to the other groups.
 “So are you free tonight?” Steve asked you.
 “Yeah I think so”
 “Do you want to take a walk with me or something?” he invited you.
 “Or something?”
 “Yeah, ell if you don’t want to do it then we don’t have to do it”
 “It’s fine, I wanna go”, you accepted.
 You walked around the park, Steve was telling you some stories of his childhood
 Some guys were playing music in the park, you two started to dance, you didn’t care if people were watching you, and then you kissed Steve.
 After that night you started a relationship, for you, it was like a dream, like in the fairytales or the love movies.
 Rumors started on the Agency corridors, but you don’t care, they did not know what was really happening in your relationship, probably many were jealous, you had seen how they tried in the past to get Steve's attention.
He was the perfect boyfriend, to him you were the only one so you had nothing to worry about.
 When you told Melinda you worried at first, sometimes she seemed to be the type of mother who was not going to allow any boy to approach her daughter, but she took it very well, she was even happy that you had found someone, although almost You were sure she had threatened Steve with harm if he ever broke your heart.
 On the weekends they used to go to one of the two and watch movies, you found that they loved it regardless of gender.
He appreciated each of the films differently, not only the story but also the settings, dialogues and even the clothes that the characters had, it was very entertaining and fun to watch movies with him.
“Do you wanna watch this?” you asked him at the same, you showed him the movie.
“Limerence”, he read the movie title.
He thought for a few seconds before speaking again.
“Well sounds good, let’s gonna watch it”, he accepted.
“I don’t understand the movie”, he said after the movie finished.
“She is a painter, so when she goes to Venice she falls in love with the gallery guy but she becomes obsessed with him, so I guess that’s the reason for the movie’s name”, you explained to him.
“Well I don’t really like it”, he commented.
“So…do you wanna watch another?”
“What’s the next on the list?”
“A horror movie”, you answered.
“Bring it on”.
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boxofbonesfic · 3 years
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“ᴡᴇ ʜᴜᴍᴀɴꜱ ꜰᴇᴀʀ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴇᴀꜱᴛ ᴡɪᴛʜɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴏʟꜰ ʙᴇᴄᴀᴜꜱᴇ ᴡᴇ ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴜɴᴅᴇʀꜱᴛᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴇᴀꜱᴛ ᴡɪᴛʜɪɴ ᴏᴜʀꜱᴇʟᴠᴇꜱ.” - Gerald Hausman
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The moon rises cold and clear, washing everything in bright, luminous white. There is a beast howling in your blood, and you will appease it.
You must.
Hello everyone, and welcome to the first (hopefully of many) Full Moon challenge! I write a lot of horror, and I’ve run a horror challenge before, and it seemed like folks had a lot of fun participating in it, so I came up with another one. I love werewolves and shapeshifter mythologies; I love reading about the uncontrollable chaos monster inside, the dark part of a person that maybe doesn’t hate the violence the change brings as much as they say they do—and that’s your briefing.
Craft a story centered around werewolves or shapeshifters or werethings that go bump in the night when the moon is heavy and full. This is not an A/B/O challenge, though I don’t mind a little healthy overlap. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to hit my inbox with them! As always, I reserve the right to not reblog any content I feel is harmful or offensive, etc.
1. This is a werewolf challenge, which means the theme must be paramount and clearly visible. Whether that’s a werewolf!Reader, MMC, family member, organization, etc, it must be present for your fic to be eligible. Use the tag #Beastyoumadeofme22 for your work!
2. *Most* tropes are welcome. Dark, Mafia, etc, but please no DDLG, watersports/scat, etc etc.
3. No extreme or explicit word limit, but if your fic is multiple parts, let’s keep it to three individual installments unless permission is otherwise granted.
4. Original works only, please! If it is part of an existing series or story, your fic MUST be able to be read and understood as a standalone piece.
5. You do not have to be following me to participate, but it would be nice!
6. You don’t have to pick a song, but I am only allowing two authors per song prompt. If we run out, I can add more!
7. I’d like to keep this challenge to xReader for now, so no OFC’s/OMC’s!
8. This challenge will only run for one lunar cycle, aka one month, from Friday April 1st to Saturday April 30th. However, if the response is good, I’ll run it every couple of months!
9. If this challenge isn’t sparking joy, it’s okay to sit it out! There will be more!
10. Your story does not have to include smut, but because I know my mutuals, audience and general blog content, it is 18+ ONLY. Which means Minors, Do NOT interact. (That being said, I obviously support monsterfucking %1000 👀)
Song list (optional)
Howl — Florence and the Machine (@helenaeisenhower) (@lokislastlove)
Wolf like me — Tv on the Radio
Tear you Apart — She Wants Revenge (@unfortunate-brat)
She Wolf — Shakira (@mrs-mischief-209)
White Demon Love Song — The Killers (@jtargaryen18)
Dead Souls — Nine Inch Nails
Red Right Hand — Nick Cave
Runs in the Family — Amanda Palmer
Feral Love — Chelsea Wolfe
O Death — Kate Mann
Trouble — Cage the Elephant
mercy — King Mala
God’s Gonna Cut You Down — Johnny Cash
Animals — Maroon 5
Hardest of Hearts — Florence and the Machine
Run — Hozier
Cry Little Sister — Marilyn Manson
Free the animal — Sia
Toes — Glass Animals
The Cure — Tegan and Sara
Tusk — Fleetwood Mac
Bad things — Jace Everett
Policy of Truth — Depeche Mode
My own summer — Deftones
Paradise Circus — Massive Attack
Angel — Massive Attack
Ugo — The Dead Pirates
The Hills — The Weeknd
Gods and Monsters — Lana Del Rey
Life 2: The Unhappy Ending — Stars
No Sunlight — Death Cab for Cutie
Walking with a Ghost — Tegan and Sara
Celebrity Skin — Hole (@boxofbonesfic)
Lose Your Soul — Dead Man’s Bones
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elwenyere · 2 years
For the Behind-the-Scenes fic asks…
On the Threshold (!!!!!!!!!! I love it so much!)
1, 7, 12, 24
Thank you!💜
Thank you so much for this ask, Elektra!!! I'm so happy you asked about On the Threshold: it's a huge treat to get to talk about this story, which has a really special place in my heart. <3<3<3 Questions are from this post.
How long did it take you to write this fic?
I have fics that flow out of me and fics that fight me, and this is one of the ones that fought me. I started writing it in late December and didn't finish it until late January (almost a month after the NYE holiday for which it was designed lolsob), partially because it grew to be much longer and more involved than I expected, and partially because it involved a new challenge for me: creating a compelling arc of slow-burn development - from first meeting to first kiss - over a period of several years.
7. What inspired the idea for the plot?
On the Threshold is unusual for me, in that the initial kernels of the plot came from personal experience. Indeed, I don't think I've drawn as much from my own life in any other fic I've written.
It was the holiday season, and I had been wanting to do something festive for Sambucky, so I started thinking about one particularly dramatic what-could-have-been moment from my past (see question 24 XD), and that spawned the idea of a 5+1 where Sam and Bucky keep almost getting together on NYE, but circumstances and misunderstandings always get in the way. The threads about grief and the way it changes you (which is another very autobiographical element in the story) ended up being woven into the fabric as I considered what some of those intervening events might be - especially for Sam.
12. Was there a scene you wished you could have included? Why didn't it fit in?
I had a lot of fun writing the disaster trio in the fic (Joaquín, Yelena, and Kate), and one of the things that frequently derailed me while I was drafting was that the three of them kept getting into extra shenanigans that were really delightful to me but that ultimately distracted from the central thrust of the story. During the scene at Clint's party in particular I probably wrote and deleted at least 1000 words of general silliness and tomfoolery.
24. Did you write every scene in order? What was the first scene you wrote, and what was the last?
For my sins, I never write in order, and this fic was no exception. The first scene that I wrote was one of the ones that came from personal experience, which is the scene at the airport, where Bucky checks his phone and realizes he missed meeting Sam outside his hotel room. From there, I worked backward, trying to figure out what kinds of earlier near misses would make that moment as dramatic as possible; and then I wrote my way toward the final get-together, which was the last scene I finished.
It makes me so unbelievably happy to know that the full story landed for you! <3<3<3
Thank you so much, Elektra!!! This meant a lot to me.
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katehuntington · 4 years
I reached a 1000 followers! That calls for a celebration!
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Besides writing and horses, I have one other passion. A passion that has brought me to tears, had me dance and sing at the top of my lungs. A passion that made me feel whole and is the soundtrack of my life in de good times and the bad. You guessed it: MUSIC!
I can hear you thinking; but what does music have to do with ‘going Dutch’? Simple. I’m Dutch, and so is a group of incredibly talented musicians. Very few are known globally, despite the amazing talent they possess. I want to do my bit and introduce my followers to music made in Holland by hosting a writer’s challenge. I made a selection of 75 songs, produced by Dutch singers and bands. There’s rock, country, pop, folk, soul, even some symphonic metal; plenty to choose from!
Writers can participate by choosing a song from the list below. But that’s not all. Non-writers can send in a request! I have gathered a team of writers; @winchest09, @girl-with-a-fandom-fettish, @kittenofdoomage, @talesmaniac89, @dissect-me and myself. Your request will be written by any of these skilled artists. That way, everyone can join the celebration!
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Your fanfiction is based on Supernatural or their actors.
When you have found a song you like, send me an ask or a message. If the song is not taken yet, I will confirm and scratch it off the list in this post.
You’re allowed to pick more than one song.
Drabbles, one shots, full blown series; you are free to type down as many words as you would like! No word limit.
Use the title of the song you have chosen as your fanfic title. 
Use (a part of the) lyrics in the story. One sentence is enough, but if you want to use every word sung, knock yourself out.
Mention @katehuntington when you post the fic and use the hashtag #Kate Huntington’s 1K celebration in the tags. You will be added to the masterlist and I will share your story. If I haven’t reblogged within a week, shoot me a message to make sure I got your tag.
The deadline is January 31st, 2021. Why this date? Because I realize some of you will be working to fill out Bingo cards, so the time limit for this challenge is a month later. 
Please make sure to add trigger warnings and to use the ‘keep reading’ feature when the story is over 500 words long.
Your request is based on Supernatural or their actors.
When you have found a song you like, send me an ask or a message. Besides the song title + artist, give us an idea of what you want written (summary, ship, prompt, fluff/angst/smut, etc.) 
You cannot request a writer. 
You can request RPF, AU’s, A/B/O, but also Destiel, Wincest, and other ships. Every writer on the team has their specialty. However, if you request something neither of our writers is comfortable with, we will let you know so you can change your request if you like to. 
You will be tagged in the original post. Every writer will publish the request on their own blog.
All stories will be gathered in a special masterlist for this celebration, which will be updated frequently. The final masterlist update will be on February 1st, 2021.
Keep reading to find the songs selected for this challenge!
Uncharted - Kensington (@winchest09)
Before You Let Me Go - Kane (@soaringeag1e)
I Still Cry - Ilse DeLange (@holylulusworld)
Multicoloured Angels - Douwe Bob
Back in the Water - HAEVN
Soldier On - DI-RECT (@idksupernatural)
Time Has No Mercy - The Common Linnets @kalesrebellion​)
One Word - Anouk
Arcade - Duncan Laurence (requested by @roonyxx​)
Island - Kensington
Can You Handle Me? - Kane (requested by @karikatz12481​)
Radar Love - Golden Earring (requested by @deanwinchesterswitch)
Oblivious Desire - Danny Vera (@idksupernatural)
Inside My Head - DI-RECT
This Is What It Feels Like - Armin van Buuren (@idksupernatural)
Chronos Pt. 1 - Kensington
Lost - Anouk (@firely-in-darkness)
Tonight - Jett Rebel (@chocolateheart)
Walk Away - Raccoon
Damn Those Eyes - Kane (@deanwanddamons)
She Couldn’t Laugh - Twarres
Twilight Zone - Golden Earring (@idksupernatural)
Hold Me - Douwe Bob, Anouk (requested by @chocolateheart)
Home - Dotan (@girl-with-a-fandom-fettish)
Dreamer - Dinand
Kitty Kitty - De Staat (@kayteonline)
Calm After The Storm - The Common Linnets
Insane - Kensington (@missafairy)
Beat Me - Davina Michelle
Love You More - Raccoon (@winchest)
What Have You Done - Anouk
Ice Queen - Within Temptation
Let It Be - Kane
Going to the Run - Golden Earring
Sorry - Kensington
Waves - Mr. Probz
Sacrifice - Anouk
In Your Arms - Chef’Special (@girl-with-a-fandom-fettish)
Where the Heart Is - HAEVN (requested by @afangirlsbubble)
Wild Wild Son - Armin van Buuren
Sweet Goodbyes - Krezip
Roller Coaster - Danny Vera
Hurricane - Mattanja Joy Bradley
Numb - Dotan
Outlaw In ‘Em - Waylon
All For Nothing - Kensington
Shot Of A Gun - Kane
Promises of No Man’s Land - Blaudzun
Angels - Within Temptation (requested by @sinful-chihuahua​)
Back In My World - Alain Clark
Still Loving After You - The Common Linnets
Brother - Raccoon
I’m Not So Tough - Ilse DeLange
No Me - Kensington
I’m Out Of Your Mind - De Staat
Fortitude - HAEVN
Stand by Your Man - Mattanja Joy Bradley (requested by @janicho88​)
Nothing Really Matters - Mr. Probz
Saturday Night - Herman Brood
My Best Wasn’t Good Enough - Kane
Control - Kensington (requested by @fortheloveoffanart​)
What Have You Done - Within Temptation (@pizzamanhedelivers)
Lost Without You - Krezip (@becs-bunker)
Broken But Home - The Common Linnets (requested by @team-free-will-you-idjiot​
Nobody’s Wife - Anouk
Another 45 miles - Golden Earring
Let The River In - Dotan
Nicotine - Chef’Special (@talesmaniac89)
Stone Into The River - Douwe Bob
City Lights - HAEVN (requested by @lexisugar)
Streets - Kensington
Close To You - Michael Prins
This Is Who We Are - DI-RECT
Pressure Makes Diamonds - Danny Vera (@superfanficnatural)
Mona Lisa - De Staat
The list can also be found on Spotify and on YouTube. When you search “Kate Huntington’s 1K celebration: Going Dutch” on Spotify, you should be able to find it. The Youtube link can be found here.
If you are having trouble, you can shoot me a message and I’ll make sure to post the link to the Spotify playlist separately on my blog.
Have fun, lovelies! 
Love, Kate
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Follow Forever tags: @1000roughdrafts @adoptdontshoppets @afangirlsbubble @akshi8278 @angelsandwinchesters @atc74 @bandobsession98 @becs-bunker @caligraphee @canadianspnhunter @chumi-la-chula @coffee-obsessed-writer @deanwanddamons @cookie-dough-lova @dawnie1988 @dolanfivsosxox @demonsofhunting @dillpicklesunflowerseed @emoryhemsworth @fangirlxwritesx67 @fangirl-and-medstudent-help @flamencodiva @foreverwayward​ @heartsaved @hennessy0274-blog @hobby27 @hyperella @idreamofhazel @indecisive20something @ivonstiel @just-another-busy-fangirl @kathaswings @like-a-bag-of-potatoes @maddiepants @mariekoukie6661 @mogaruke @mrswhozeewhatsis @myheartbeatsjustforyou @notnaturalanahi @pisces-cutie @rainqueen @risingphoenix761 @sammyssupersmile @sheepdogs33456 @soupornatural @spnbaby-67 @spnimag @sunskittlex @supernatural-girl97 @super-not-naturall @team-free-will-you-idjiot @theyaremyveryownthoughts @thoughtslikeaminefield @tmiships4life @tranquility-or-chaos @trashforwinchesters @ultimatecin73 @unlikelygalaxygiver @uzum4k1-uch1h4  @vxxn128 @winchesterxtwo 
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winchest09 · 4 years
Our Virtual Lockdown - Lowdown
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Hey everyone!
Our lockdown livestream was once again one fulled of fun, laughter, fic recs, games and...one unplanned round of charades! Ahaha!
6 hours we were talking...SIX and again, I loved every single second. It was so nice to see so many gorgeous faces, and I’m so happy that so many of you joined us! We had 18 in our party at one point! I just hope that all of you had a blast and enjoyed yourselves.
Me and @katehuntington​ love holding these events and we are already planning the next live stream (date to be announced) but it will be in this month (May).
This is the lowdown for the third lockdown party!
Below you will find:
Everyone who joined - their tags, what’s coming up fic wise and their masterlist.
A Challenge to join
Blogs who want to help with your writing
Fic Recs
Supernatural DnD
Q + A’s with the writers.
So without further ado… *cracks fingers*
To everyone that joined...
You are the guys that make it the live stream what it is.  So below is a list of everyone who was on the chat last night accompanied by their masterlist and what they have coming up soon! In no particular order…
@katehuntington​​: Kate is currently working on the next instalment of Ride With Me, All I Want and a two part commission. We will see this on her blog soon!
Her masterlist can be found HERE
@flamencodiva​​​: This babe is currently working on Call of the Ocean, A revoluntionary war fiction, an ABO Greek Goddess fic AND an untitled angst filled fic including Dean, a girlfriend and secrets! She is also rewriting Underworld and Legend of Van Helsing.
She’s one busy gal and we LOVE IT. <3
Check out her masterlist HERE
@whatareyousearchingfordean​​​: Alex is currently writing the ending to her Jensen fiction Et Cetera and she already has a sequel in mind! At the moment she’s trying to decide her next move...Firefighter Dean OR Secret Service Dean? Head over there and let her know!
Her masterlist can be found HERE
@talesmaniac89​​​:  This beaut also has a lot that she’s working on at the moment. The next instalments of The Man in Apartment 43. The next chapters of Lost (which is a little darker), a fluffy Dean oneshot and a Castiel comfort fic.
Behind the scenes, she’s also working on a Heist AU, Another ‘Choose your own adventure’ fic and a Ghost Writer AU.
Check her out guys, her masterlist is HERE
@superfanficnatural​​​:  This babe is currently working on the next chapters of The Bringer of balance as well as the next chapters of The Choice! He’s posted a few oneshots in the past two weeks and is writing Male!Reader fics!
Behind the scenes he’s currently working on an RPF called Matchmaker, A reader knight of hell/demon dean fic which is a love hate relationship as WELL as a Marvel SPN crossover. OOFFT.
A new writer that is nailing it! Go and give him some love, his masterlist can be found HERE
@emoryhemsworth​​​: This beaut is currently working on a series which is based off of an album called ‘Losing Sleep’ Each song will be a chapter and we’ve already been treated to some of her plans! She also has some other goodies on her masterlist.
Check our her masterlist HERE:
@anathewierdo​​​: Is yet to create a masterlist but she is currently working on Call of the Ocean with Flamencodiva. Not only that, she’s also working on a Princess Diaries AU, a Serial Killer AU and after the livestream...a gunshow fic!
By gunshow we do mean The Winchester’s muscles.
@girl-with-a-fandom-fettish​​: This wonderful lady joined us briefly on the live stream and although she left before we could find out what she has coming up!
Check our her masterlist HERE:
Me: I’m currently working on two series, Life for Rent and Man’s Best Friend! I also have a couple of Dean series being worked on in the background as well as a couple of oneshots…watch this space!
To the new writers...
These guys were all new to the live stream this week and were welcomed with open, loving, spn fam arms! After speaking to these babes, we know that they are fairly new to writing to the supernatural fandom. They all have AMAZING idea’s when we played our prompt game and hopefully all of them will bite that bullet and post their ideas soon.
Remember guys - we’re all here to love and support you! My inbox is always open if you want to talk fics, want me to look over one etc.
Go and follow and give them some love!
@janicho88​​ @queenbeesback​​ @imjustadrummer​​ @malfoysqueen14​​
and to the readers that joined…
@leissa1287​​​ @waywardbeanie​​​ @dawnie1988​​
We love you, we thank you for reading and we thank you for all the support and love you give us constantly. Thank you for joining the chat and we hope you had an amazing time <3
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Ohhhh yes! One of our amazing writers, the darling @flamencodiva​​ is holding a celebration in regards to reaching 1700 followers!
Congrats babe!
Not only is she hosting a character take over on her blog she’s also posted a writing challenge for all us writers out there!
Check it out HERE
Need Help with a fic?
We’ve got you covered!
Need to has out a plot with someone?
The lovely @malfoysqueen14​​ has offered herself up to be a plot buddy to anyone that needs it. Stuck on a plot point, want to talk through a story line with someone? Give her a message! She’s here to help <3
Need help writing those all important fight scenes?
Give our babe @imjustadrummer​​ a message! They are filled with knowledge and even give us a demonstration on how to punch correctly on the livestream! Definitely one to have on your contacts list! <3
Need help with research for a fiction?
The most wonderful @waywardbeanie​​​ has offered herself up to be a researcher for anyone who wants help with their fiction. She has been a die hard SPN fan forever and she’s like the Ellen of our live stream.
Need a researching buddy? Give her a message! She’s a doll <3
Fic & blog Recs!
In our live stream, we want to highlight what we’ve been reading and the amazing authors behind the words. So below is a list of all the fics that we recommend for some good ol fic binging!
@deansdirtylittlesecretsblog​​: We were told of this lovely little gold mine by Alex and we just have to include it on here! This writer has so many fics on her masterlist...you’re gonna be there for a while!
Check them all out HERE
When You Least Expect It by @coffee-obsessed-writer​​
Summary: After a hard breakup, Jensen decides to throw himself into organizing a Music Festival in Austin that is meant to raise money for a few of his most cherished charities and organizations. As he throws himself into planning it, he stumbles upon a spirited, undiscovered performer, who he convinces to come aboard to help plan and coordinate the event with him.
What transpires after that takes both Jensen and his new friend, by surprise. But when their respective pasts come back just before the event kicks off in Austin, they will both have to decide if the unexpected feelings are worth perusing, or if they should just walk away and go on with their lives.
Dear Dean by @smol-and-grumpy​​
Summary: After taking Saint Lo, by sheer dumb luck, Lieutenant Dean Winchester from the 29th Infantry Division, Baker Company, received a truckload of replacements for his platoon that was falling apart. Little did he know, that one recruit would change his life forever.
Almost Paradise by @amanda-teaches​​
Summary: Dean finds himself looking at pictures of old loves. Will he ever be able to find that paradise again?
Turned Sideways by @crashdevlin​​​
Summary: (Rockstar AU)  When Y/n gets an opportunity to meet her favorite band backstage at their concert, she assumes they won’t even ask her name. But when she impresses the front man, Dean, with her voice and knowledge of their entire catalog of songs, it launches a chain of events that is sure to change her entire life.
Crash Into Me by @crashdevlin​​
Summary:  Dean meets and befriends a witch in NW Florida. This is their interactions over the course of season 8 through season 14.
Midwife Crisis by @ellewritesfix05​​
Summary: (Elle hasn’t written one it appears but in my words) - You were heavily pregnant with Dean’s child, hormones raging and Dean was receiving the brutal end of it. Needing a break, he fakes a case to get away. When your good friend Gabriel hears of this...he decides he needs to teach Dean a lesson with a little help from is prankster ways...
PHEW! I definitely think we have enough fics on here to last us for a few days…don’t you? ;) Please guys don’t forget to give these writers some love when reading their fics, comments, reblogs, asks. It means the world.
Interested in roleplaying & DnD?
@imjustadrummer​​ is setting up a Dungeons and Dragons campaign set in the Supernatural (main) universe!
If you’re into role playing, fancy bringing one of your OFC’s to life or just wanna be badass yourself...why not consider joining?!
All the information you need on this is HERE
Make some new friends, live out your dreams of being a hunter, angel or demon and HAVE FUN!
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We have three wonderful announcements to make this time! We have THREE blogs celebrating followers!
A massive congratulations to:
@flamencodiva​​: This beautiful mama has reached 1700!
@whatareyousearchingfordean​​: This absolute babe has reached 1000!
@superfanficnatural​​: This beaut has reached 200!
*pops the party poppers*
Q & A With The Writers!
During this live stream, we asked everyone to join in and ask questions to the writers you want to know more about...the write up is below :)
- If you could collab with any other writer on here, who would it be? Alex ( @whatareyousearchingfordean​​) : @superfanficnatural​  because of the male reader aspect/sides of things! 
Emory (@emoryhemsworth​) : I’d like to collab with @winchest09​ (Tabby)
- Has anyone ever guessed the plot twist of one of your fics before you posted it?
@talesmaniac89​ : This did happen once and what was once a fluffy ending got turned into a bad ending because it was guessed. It happened once that they managed to get it so i changed it. 
- What was the last line you wrote?
@katehuntington​ :  “The cowgirl smirks and gently pushes him into the tack box in order for them both to be out of sight. Once they are safe from Bobby’s eyes, she kisses him, short and sweetly, but it’s enough to make Dean’s head spin”
- Have you ever cried whilst writing a fic?
@superfanficnatural​ : I cried to one last time, the angsty fic i wrote. I  was trying to get into the mood, i was mad, so went fuck it i’m gonna break peoples hearts. And then i cried haha.
- Can you tell us what writers you really admire?
@emoryhemsworth​ :   All of you are included in this live stream, that’s a given but I am going to talk about people who aren’t in here.  @impala-dreamer​, @kittenofdoomage​, @supernatural-jackles​, @ravengirl94​ are just a few. In regards to Rhi (Kittenofdoomage), everything she writes is just gold. She’s not written anything that’s bad! For Beka (impala dreamer) I just love her as a person. Oh and @bringmesomepie56​, her fics are just amazing.  
- Have you ever amended a story due to criticisms you’ve received after posting it?
@flamencodiva​ : No, not really. My stories tend to evolve in the writing process. Underworld princess and Call of the Ocean were meant to be super different than what they are now. We realised we had changed certain plot points as we were writing but that was before we started to post it. 
- Are there any stories that you wished you’d ended differently?
@winchest09​ :  Yes and no. I’ve had stories which were originally meant to end a certain way and they changed over time. Sometimes I do wonder what the reactions would have been like if i had gone with the original ending for Shatter Me and if hadn’t have gone down the angsty road for Yesterday but then I think fics choose their own path as you write them. It felt right at the time. 
- What is your favourite genre to write for?
@malfoysqueen14​ :  Angst. Never mind the fluff, the smut, the crack, it’s all about the angst. The angst is my ultimate goal. 
- Where do you get your inspiration from?
@imjustadrummer​ : A daily situation, or films. If the kids I worked with have said something weird i’d be like…”oh yeah, hey that can be a fic!”  A lot of different places really!
- Funniest story you’ve written?
@queenbeesback​ : It was an online thing, where they met online and it took a while for them to meet up. That was quite light hearted. 
- What is everyone's favourite ships?
Everyone: Dean and Donna. Benny and Dean. Sam and Eileen. Dean and Jo. Charlie and Alex. Sam and Gabriel
- What’s your favourite trope to write?
@anathewierdo​ : Friends to lovers and enemies to lovers
- Which part of your upcoming fic was the hardest to write?
@imjustadrummer​ : Trying to work out all the clues and cleverness to it. Like codes and things, working out how to put in all the easter eggs in my upcoming fic. It’s like a treasure hunt so I need to ensure there is cleverness in there.
- If you could write only angst, fluff or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why?
@superfanficnatural​ : Oh that’s...ok...most definitely...Smuuuuttttt (pretty much how he announced it)
I think that’s it!
Thank you so much once again to everyone who joined the chat, we had 6 hours of laughs and i cannot wait to do it again. I’d appreciate it if you could share this to spread the love of the fics and authors on here!
Keep an eye out for the next date for our next livestream! It will be in a couple of weeks, date to be announced. If you guys have any idea’s or want something included, let us know. If you want to be tagged when we announce, let us know!
@deanwanddamons​ - tagging you babe as you asked so you can catch up on what we talked about <3 
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wordsnstuff · 5 years
Weekly Writing Challenge #5
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February 23rd - February 29th, 2020 || #wordsnstuffwwc5
How It Works – You have from the date this challenge is posted until the date specified above (one week from today) to complete a response to the following prompt and post it with the hashtag #wordsnstuffwwc5 in order to be considered a participant in the challenge. Those who submit a response by Saturday, 22nd, 2020 by 11:59PM PST will receive a shout out in the wrap up the following day. If you do not use the hashtag, you will not be considered. Tagging @wordsnstuff does not count as a submission.
Happy writing!
PROMPT: Write a scene in which one or more of your characters are apart of a royal family.
Word Count: 200-1000
Bonus: include an execution
To all participants, good luck and happy writing. These challenges are posted weekly, so if you miss out or don’t submit this time, you can do so next week.
x Kate (wordsnstuff)
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Wordsnstuff also has a newsletter, which you can subscribe to by filling out the pop up on wordsnstuff.tumblr.com.
I’d also really appreciate it if you would check out my separate blog dedicated to my current work in progress. I also run writing sprints over on snapchat.
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pollylynn · 5 years
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Title: Dear Prudence WC: 1000
He shocks pretty easily for a millionaire playboy, for man whose personal life is a matter of public—and occasionally police—record. At first, there’s absolutely nothing not fun about that—the way he goes all Home Alone at Lanie’s monologue regarding her preferred bedroom foodstuffs, how eagerly he hangs on every bondage-related observation she, herself, makes, and then his nonstop attempts to kick off some kind of interrogation about what she knows and how she came to know it? It’s all pure entertainment.
The opportunity to use him as dominatrix bait, to say nothing of the way he absolutely freaks out about it, is just the absolute cherry on top of the fun she’s having with this.
“I don’t think you can make me do this,” he grumbles on their way from the precinct to Dungeon Alley. “I am almost positive that none of the paperwork I signed had any legalese about dominatrixes. Dominatrices? Dommes.”
“Established precedent, Castle.” She keeps her eyes fixed straight ahead and clamps down on the grin playing at the corners of her mouth. She’s been waiting damned near a year to get back at him on this. “I thought you’d be excited that we’re dusting off one of your ‘investigative tools’.”
“Dusting off my tool?” Confusion creeps in to his sulky expression. “What?” 
 She clears her throat and lowers her voice to something closer to his register. “Guuuessss who’s got a date with a dominatrix!”
He’s not amused, which makes it all the more amusing. She relishes her role through the whole song and dance with the receptionist. She’s on fire with it, leaving him with no choice  but to play along. He does, though she suspects it’s method acting for him. He trails after her with his chin buried in the collar of his coat and his cheeks aflame as his head whips from side to side at the sights and sounds around them as they make their way down the narrow corridor.
Things shift dramatically with entrance of Lady Irena herself, though. It’s not precisely all in fun, then. It’s damned useful, for one thing. The dominatrix-cum-small-business-owner is tough as nails. Their information about what, exactly, Jessica Margolis had been up to activates the woman’s formidable shields, and it looks like the interrogation is going to be over almost before it starts.
But Lady Irena’s attention is strangely divided. She can’t resist him. She can’t resist the challenge of him, and isn’t that peculiar? Because, on the surface, he’s no challenge at all. His tongue is practically lolling out of his head, and his eyes can’t decide whether to come to rest somewhere on the intricate outfit she’s bound up in or the bare skin peeking through it. On the surface, Mistress Irena has him in the palm of her hand, so why is she bothering with the hard sell?
The fact that she is bothering is too useful for Kate to really question it in the moment. It exposes the weak spots, such as they are, in Lady Irena’s patent leather armor, but she files it away—the possibility that there might be something a little more complicated going on with the easily shocked Mr. Castle than she’s appreciated in the midst of all the fun.
He thinks he’s getting away with something, she realizes. A tell-tale grin flickers across his face as he takes in Mistress Sapphire’s vaguely police-themed get up. He sees her eyes narrow and he tucks it away, but it’s too late. She’s already seen that it’s a little too hungry, a little too knowing, and not at all easily shocked. She files that away, too, because now they’re on to motive and means for Tyler Benton.
They hash out that scenario on the drive back to the precinct. Mostly he does. She’s driving and getting Ryan and Esposito on the phone so that they have Tyler back in the box as soon as humanly possible, but all the while, she takes in the wild imaginings he can’t seem to turn off.
“I don’t think the cuffs were just about staging.” He’s practically rubbing his hands together. “No, not at all. I mean, come on, that’s an expensive ‘joke,’ isn’t it? A custom order when Love Shackle Barry is pushing the bargain basement faux fur cuffs?” He shakes his head. “No, no no, I don’t buy that for a minute. The murder, the staging—that rage wasn’t just about Jessica playing dominatrix with strangers. That was about Tyler realizing she’d been topping from the bottom all along.”
They pull up in front of the precinct at that exact moment. She throws the car into park at the curb. He’s still babbling as he reaches for the door handle. She jams her finger on the button, snapping the locks shut, and fixes him with a glare.
“What?” The mask of innocence—of shock at the seamy world they’ve wandered into—slides back into place, but it’s too late. He knows it’s too late, and still, he postures. “What?”
She invades his space from the driver’s seat, and there’s a metaphor for you. “What game are you playing, Castle?”
“Game?” She has to give it to him—he’s committed to the bit.
“Topping from the bottom?” She arches an eyebrow. “Not exactly in the vanilla vocabulary.”
“Novelist. I read,” he says cooly, but he knows he’s been caught. The mask drops entirely and suddenly it’s her cheeks aflame as his gaze drags up and down her body. “I . . . research.”
“Research.” She chews up the word and spits it out. She releases the locks with the side of her fist and slams the driver’s side door with more force than necessary.

“Research indeed, Detective.” The entirely too cheerful words are broken up by the jog he drops into. He races past her and sweeps open the precinct door with a bow. “The world needs to know: Does Nikki Heat prefer sticky or slippery?”
A/N: Happy Thanksgiving—to those who celebrate (and happy Thursday to those who don’t)—from the Love Shackle. Hmmm.
images via homeofthebutty
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kd-ohd-fanfic · 4 years
Drabbles and One Shots
Dance Lesson - Drake and Kate (MC) (18+)
Masquerade - The Softer Side of Neville Challenge
Happy Trails? - Picture Worth 1000 words Challenge
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avengerscompound · 5 years
Congratulations on your milestone. Can I please have the word prompt Scabulouos with Bucky please?
Thank you.  And it’s all yours.
Kate’s 1000 Words challenge
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rosewilsonworth · 6 years
My thoughts on Detective Comics #1000:
1. Jim Lee is overrated
2. The only highlight of this issue is Dustin Nguyen coming back to draw batman rogues
3. Batman comics get better art than they deserve
4. I take  that back:
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What the fuck?
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5. Tom King learn to write challenge
6. Christopher Priest finally wrote a Batman story in a Batman book, I’m so happy for him
7. I’m pretty sure that Zack Snyder ghostwrote the Dennis O’Neal/ Steve Epting story
8. I hate to say this but JTIV is the only writer I respect in this issue
9. Women:
Tom King: God I hate women so much it’s unreal
10. I wish Tony Daniel knew how to drew women, and people, and animals, things in general
11. Tom King learn to write challenge
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Tom King managed to butcher both Barbara’s and Kate’s characterization in a single panel with about 40 words
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