#Katarína Vavrová
arinewman7 · 1 year
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Katarína Vavrová
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Fly just fly
                ©️ Katarína Vavrová 
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而你的痛苦多半來自:自尋煩惱 ... 
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And a woman spoke, saying, “Tell us of Pain.”
And he said:Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.
Even as the stone of the fruit must break,
that its heart may stand in the sun, so must you know pain.And could you keep your heart in wonder at
the daily miracles of your life,
your pain would not seem less wondrous than your joy;
And you would accept the seasons of your heart, even as you have
always accepted the seasons that pass over your fields.
And you would watch with serenity
through the winters of your grief. Much of your pain is self-chosen.
It is the bitter potion
by which the physician within you heals your sick self.
Therefore trust the physician,
and drink his remedy in silence and tranquillity:
For his hand, though heavy and hard,
is guided by the tender hand of the Unseen,
And the cup he brings, though it burn your lips, has been fashioned
of the clay which the Potter has moistened with His own sacred tears. 
♡ღ 紀伯倫(Kahlil Gibran,1883-1931)
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maslimanny · 10 months
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i feel like i'm waiting for something that isn't going to happen.
Unsaid feelings
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itsloriel · 3 months
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Katarína Vavrová Artist
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innervoiceartblog · 4 months
Love is not a “learning how to” but a “remembering that you are.”
- Elizabeth Gilbert
An excerpt from Letters From Love 💞
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Artwork by Katarína Vavrová
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"What does it mean to have faith?
Faith is knowing
that you are exactly where you are meant to be
and there are forces that exist
outside of your control
that you can surrender to
and put your faith in
working in your favour at all times
no matter how much it may appear otherwise
from your limited perspective
and trusting that the same loving presence
that brought you into human form
will carry you through life
and once it is time,
through to the other side.
It is knowing that
all that is truly meant for you
can never pass you by
though it may come in a different form
than what you expected,
in a different way,
or at a different time.
And it is believing in the impermanence of your present fears, insecurities and struggles
and in the permanence of love and your true self,
which though may be temporarily hurt or wounded
can never be forsaken or destroyed."
Words by Tahlia Hunter
Artwork by Katarína Vavrová Artist
Tahlia Hunter
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rfsnyder · 7 months
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Katarína VAVROVÁ
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fyrenyx · 6 months
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“The mirror that you see, my dear, is a reflection,
and all reflections are distorted.
If you search for faults within yourself,
you will always find them,
but if you search for beauty,
you will always find it.
It all depends on what you search for,
and where you are looking.
May you always remember that there is beauty that lies in imperfection.”
Words by Tahlia Hunter
Artwork by Katarína Vavrová Artist
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ceekbee · 7 months
"No matter how much you may love others,
sometimes you will be the villain in their story,
either intentionally or unintentionally.
But know that this is true of all who have walked the Earth,
and what counts is not the temporary mistakes you make,
but the path that you choose to commit to and walk.
For a brief encounter or conversation
does not colour your character
or determine who you may become
as your character is continuously evolving in life
as you learn, mature, and grow.
Always remember
that the best apology
is inspired and dedicated change
and committing to becoming a better, more loving version of yourself
and you need not feel shame
when you have grown and evolved from the past
and your heart is in the right place.
And if others speak ill of you,
you may wish them well
and continue on your path,
letting your life be your message,
and knowing that the opinions of others
do not define your identity or future.
And though you may be the villain of another's story,
you may choose to be the hero of your own."
Words by Tahlia Hunter
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Artwork by Katarína Vavrová Artist
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lovelifeinlove · 9 months
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"Everything in your life serves as a mirror.
Some things and people reflect your beauty and greatness back to you
while others reflect back the parts of yourself
that are wounded and distorted.
You may live your life
thinking that you are unattractive, unsuccessful
or unworthy of love,
not realizing
that you have been surrounding yourself
with mirrors
that reflect your weaknesses and insecurities back to you,
and you are yet to find a mirror
that helps reveal to you the greatness and beauty
of who you truly are,
for when you change the mirror,
the reflection of yourself that you see will change.
And so may you learn to seek out the mirrors
that help you to fully witness your magnificence
and come to appreciate that
for the times
when you felt that you lacked worth,
you were worthy of love and acceptance all along,
you simply needed to find a new mirror."
Words by Tahlia Hunter
Artwork by Katarína Vavrová Artist
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arinewman7 · 1 year
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Katarína Vavrová
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ancestorsalive · 9 months
“Art is not separate from life.
Song, story, culture, family, place, language,
spirit, ancestors, all are linked.”
~ Genevieve Lacey.
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~ Artwork by Katarína Vavrová
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itsloriel · 3 months
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Katarína Vavrová Artist
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innervoiceartblog · 9 months
And on the path of self-acceptance,
These twelve illusions you shall shed:
The illusion of being unwanted:
For, in truth, there is no such thing as an unwanted soul.
The illusion of being unlovable:
For your true self is love.
The illusion of unworthiness:
For you are always deserving of love and success.
The illusion of being weird:
For there is no such thing as normal.
The illusion of needing external validation:
For your worth is never dependent on another's approval.
The illusion of being insignificant:
For your presence impacts all of humanity.
The illusion of being powerless:
For within you lies the strength to shape your destiny and influence the world.
The illusion of not being good enough:
For you were born good enough.
The illusion of being a burden:
For your existence is a precious gift, and your contributions add value.
The illusion of being unsuccessful:
For success is subjective, and your path is uniquely yours.
The illusion of being ugly:
Because that label only ever reflects the viewer being incapable of seeing beauty.
And the illusion that aging decreases your value:
For, in truth, you are not a body but a soul.
- Words by Tahlia Hunter
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Artwork by Katarína Vavrová Artist
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“If you have been feeling unhappy lately, my dear,
and wish to feel happy once more,
take time out today to do one little thing that brings you happiness
and reconnects you with the joy you once felt as a small child.
And in time, should you continue this practice,
the little things will add up
and before you know it,
you will be living a happy life.
For a happy life
is not defined by an absence of struggle or sadness,
but by an appreciation of the little things
that make life more beautiful and worth living.”
Words by Tahlia Hunter
Artwork by Katarína Vavrová Artist
Tahlia Hunter
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kaesileigh · 9 months
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"Everything in your life serves as a mirror.
Some things and people reflect your beauty and greatness back to you
while others reflect back the parts of yourself
that are wounded and distorted.
You may live your life
thinking that you are unattractive, unsuccessful
or unworthy of love,
not realizing
that you have been surrounding yourself
with mirrors
that reflect your weaknesses and insecurities back to you,
and you are yet to find a mirror
that helps reveal to you the greatness and beauty
of who you truly are,
for when you change the mirror,
the reflection of yourself that you see will change.
And so may you learn to seek out the mirrors
that help you to fully witness your magnificence
and come to appreciate that
for the times
when you felt that you lacked worth,
you were worthy of love and acceptance all along,
you simply needed to find a new mirror."
Words by Tahlia Hunter
Artwork by Katarína Vavrová Artist
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