#Kasper you actual genius.
alexthemacaronian · 15 days
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thedeadwritinggod · 5 years
Heartbreak hotel
Part 3 bitches. Let’s get it
Warning: Hints toward Cursing/Cussing, Suicide, Self harm, abusive relationships, Polyamory(idk if there’s a need for this one tbh-) but ye a h- Hope you enjoy!
Special warning: This chapter has an almost non-con kiss! (The kiss almost happens but does not.)
Just maybe, Skylar was worried for nothing. I mean, getting third wheeled with someone else is never as bad right?
It had started as a group but Kara isn’t the greatest with loud environments so they stayed seated with Ben there in case anything set them off. Annie was off dancing on her own while Vi and Star decide to be dumb together on the dance floor, they still manage to make it look cute though.
And somehow, someway Kasper and Skylar ended up dancing together.
Their hand felt cold on her belt as her hips shift and sway-she really is a great dancer.
She places a hand on their neck and swings her hips, pulling them closer together in the same moment.
Their eyes lock, hers are half closed and she smiles lazily-humming along to the music and there’s are wide and unblinking hypnotized almost.
She giggles lazily, drunk on the music and colors surrounding her. Their look softens, eyes falling to her lips where her lazy, soft smile rests.
‘Pretty lips...’ they bring their other hand to her side, rubbing her skin gently. Warm. Small streams of light escapes between their fingers.
“Say my name~ Say my name~” And she pulls them closer again, as she sings along.
“If you love me, let me hear you~” Pressing their foreheads together, eyes peacefully closing.
They lean in, still staring at her lips as they sway and dance together. Their eyes fall closed and-
They shoot back open and they pull away from her quickly, leaving her confused- “S-Skylar I....” their voice trembles, along with their body. They grip onto their arms-cold. Cold leather where they used to have her body, ‘breathe. Just breathe.’ But that hurts,like there’s this miasma, this blackness crawling up their throat and killing any breath they can try to draw in.
Their grip tightens as they back into something-someone? They can’t really tell- it’s hard to focus when it feels like there’s a pressure- a weight, on your chest...it makes it hard to breath-
‘D-did I just almost kiss her-‘
Meanwhile still on the dance floor Skylar blinks to herself, brought out of her previous state. She spots them. The flowers blue and white flowers that litter the ground, she starts to pick them up, following the trail.
Nearby, Annie blinks having seen everything
“Bitch. Did anyone else see that besides me?”
“Hell no- Annie. My dear bitch. I believe we have a new ship.” Star calls, having also seen that.
“Believe? You believe?!-“Annie says storming up to them “They almost kissed!”
“Kasper doesn’t seem to happy about it though.” Vi mentions, glancing at them.
“Yeah they really don’t...”
“Should we try an help?”
“Well sky’s already over there so-“
“K-kasper?” Skylar had kept follow the trail, ending up with arms full of flowers white and blue flowers though with all the lights they didn’t exactly look white and blue.
They look up, tears lining their eyes and eyelashes. “Di-did I-“ they get up and speed walk away....
A thick trail of Carnations and Acacia flowers lead back to the hotel after Skylar’s trudge home.
Rejection is never fun and well since they left...why should she stay and get third wheeled? It’s not like they’d actually notice anyway...
Well in reality of course they knew. They saw them.
The next day she almost doesn’t come to the window-she does though, guilt having struck all at once.
“Hey sky!”
“Did your sound sensitivity go off at all while we were out?”
They shake their head “Benny was there in case, but it really wasn’t bad.”
“Okay! Sorry I wasn’t there, won’t happen again.”
“It’s fine! Also-We won’t be around too much for the next couple weeks..We’re going on a bunch a dates since Annie’s been bursting with ideas!”
“Oh, hope you guys have fun! See ya-“
‘Guess I better prepare...least they told me.’ She shrugs
And the next day. Nobody came.
One day turned into two, two to three, three days to a week and...
She closes the calendar.
Weather she tried to prepare or not it was never enough.
It’d never be enough would it? She sits up in bed and pulls her headphones off, even in death you can’t escape sore ears I guess…
‘Pool being used..game room wouldn’t work...I could try ...No-‘
So she wanders the halls of the hotel. Empty as her mind.
Maybe they’d stopped now?
‘And maybe they’ve finally forgotten?’
Of course not….
‘Finally they forgot me...it was a long time coming I guess..’
‘They haven’t forgotten you dumbass. You’re just blowing this out proportion. Just like your “abuse”’ how the mind itself scoffs? She’s not sure...
‘Home was a hellscape though.’
‘You forget what Kara and Robin went through.’
“no..” Skylar mumbles aloud
‘I’m right then. Your mother put a hand on you sparsely, your father and siblings never. You’re fine.’
‘That doesn’t fix the fact you’re getting left..’
“Wow...thought the brain died when you did.” She rolls her eyes.
Yeah this was fine. She could deal with these two bickering incessantly. Yeah she could deal with that.
What she knew she couldn’t handle was the little voices- the tiny hands that grab and pulls at your psyche- begging, screaming for the pain to stop. That pain that your active mind is numb too at this point.
‘What did I ever do?’
‘Why won’t it stop?’
‘What’s wrong with me-‘
After dealing with those for four hallways already she sighs “I thought this would stop with my damn heart.”
“What would?”
She threw a glance behind her to see a familiar black haired person.. “Nothing ghosty.”
Kasper jogs up in front of her “That’s a bad lie.”
“Really it’s nothing.” She starts trying to walk away
“Still a bad lie.” Kasper walks backward in front of her
“Look can we just not..?”
“Not what?”
“Talk about this.”
“Talk about what?”
“Look Kasper I’d rather not lash out at you-“
“And why would you be lashing out at me?”
“That can happen when people feel lonely-“ she switches directions and Kasper follows her.
“Why ya feelin lonely?”
“Don’t know. Have been since way before I died and at this point I couldn’t care less why.”
“But you have friends here..?”
Skylar stops and sighs, sounding exasperated “over half of them aren’t my friends and that’s not how loneliness works.”
“Then how does it work?”
“Google it ya fuckin genius.”
Kasper stops, letting her walk away now. She’s talking to people. Good.
He knows enough about loneliness, just not enough about Skylar to see the effects. He pulls out his phone, staring at the small amount of contacts he has-then he puts it away. She probably won’t want him to tell anyone.
His attention is derailed by a soft sound and he strains to listen-Small, quiet, mutterings of words. Singing. Something about snow..?
He follows the voice-but can never seem to catch it, the he glances down at his feet..he doesn’t need to catch it anymore.
Tiny white flowers and larger yellow ones. Skylar.
// @the-lavender-creator
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somedaytakethetime · 3 years
oh :( your idea about Kasper never walking around shirtless is a bit more sad than mine (= Simon bites), but there are actually pictures of him in a swimming pool drinking beer with people, so I hope he's fine. He should be because he's fucking gorgeous 😍
Anonie, my sweet love, your idea? Genius! I'm holding onto that now... the thought of Kasper covered in bites and hickies because Simon feels the same way I do about his shoulders and tummy... 😏 I have new source material for my dreams...
He really should feel a million bucks because he's so so so pretty that sometimes I get overwhelmed thinking about it. Imagine being Stine and you get to wake up next to that every day... lucky bitch
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fmlfpl · 5 years
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Lineup Lamentations - DGW24
Our Transfers, Captains, and Starting 11s for the week!
OUT: Vardy, Pereira, Dendoncker
IN (for -4 points hit): Haller, Gomez, Mahrez
Time to move it around and shake it up.
***Disclaimer though - I only did the defense move as of the time of this writing. I want to see if there is any news when I wake up but if not these will be my moves.***
After spending the rest of Sunday bugging out, broadly speaking, about what to do with Periera I decided after further consultation to just get Joemez. The money seemed like it was needed elsewhere and ultimately I didn't feel that the 1.2m was best spent in looking for VVD goals. As shouted on the pod..cheapest route into the clean has always generally a good rule of thumb to follow. After that is where my brain melted.
Obviously I was extremely hot in the pants for Mahrez...and I did the Joemez with half a mind to do Tony M to Mahrez the following day. Then I realized that there were so many more doors before my very eyes!
My 11th starter has been really problematic for quite a while...mainly since I brought Kun in and have all these cheap fucks at the edge of my squad. I will be on suicide watch when Vardz bangs against Wet Spam but ultimately he felt like someone I could do without given their difficult incoming fixtures. Turning him and a dead spot on my team into two real things feels very solid for the immediate term and will let me bench defenders with questionable fixtures who I otherwise would have had to start.
Haller is really just a Dings placeholder...and feels very fun in this moment. Didn't really look at him until Monday but he's low key been putting up good underlying stats recently. Sure the DGW are rough on paper fixtures but who knows....I want to feel alive. I owned him earlier in the season and I don't really remember it being that bad? Or it was so bad that I blacked it out of my memory. Who is to say for sure?
Dings has Palace and Livp these next two...with a shout to be rested tomorrow to boot. Haller has Brighton GW25 so it seems like a pretty low cost punt for these two to maybe get lucky. I'm backing my eye test of Leic looking fucked up and binning Vardz although I am fully aware of the risk here. Could end up being a catastrophe..he's still really highly owned...but if he does blank against West Ham I expect a fire sale ahead of their difficult run.
Mahrez in is just..so good. The feels are strong with him and I'm rolling triple City attack right now. We'll see if this has me fly or plummet.
Schmeichel (WHU)
Woodman god I hope Woodman is in the actual Prem soon I love him so much. He'll keep the spot warm for the long eight day gameweek while Kasper thinks about what he's done on the bench.
Fucking hate watching him..just sits on his fuckin line all game like DDG. Not expecting a clean at all this week.
Finally only throwing three defenders out for the first time in what feels like maybe all fucking season. Dunno.
Alexander-Arnold & Gomez (wol, whu)
Back on double Livp defense after I conveniently got rid of Robbo right about exactly before they started their run of infinity cleans in a row like the genius that I am. Trent and Joemez in for the double..nothing really to say here.
Willians (BUR)
Alongside is another red - baby Will has a home banker against Burnley.
As long as they can keep their noses clean on set pieces a clean at home feels pretty good to me. Bwill can fucking chill and running up and down the wing against the likes of Hendrick or whoever the fuck will feel like a walk in the park compared to having to deal with Mo last game.
Salah (wol, whu)
Speaking of Mo, hi Mo. GLHF Mo.
Martial (BUR)
Tony M stays...I really had a hard time with him..but ultimately he's still playing up top and is now presumably on pens..for a sortakinda top six team.
I still feel like he'll trickle in points with goals here and there even though their fixtures are pretty mixed. Again, I still don't know what "good" fixtures look like for United nor do I expect to. As long as Martial is fit and starting he scores in this league. Looked good against Livp and has a home banker this GW. He stays.
Mahrez & De Bruyne (shu)
New boy Mahrez joins old friend ging god Kevin for the double up in mid on City.
Mahrez pretty sexy guy lately and it would've felt dirty to have been going so insane about him on the pod and not to buy him in my team. SheffU away is a rough fixture but the way he has been looking lately I back him to get points against anyone.
Maupay (bou)
Neal..oh Neal. I don't even know anymore with Neal. Another good fixture but ugh he's been frustrating. Another almost goal at the end of the game for him this weekend I was having flashbacks to that Everton chance a few games ago. He's still sooo good eye test and build up and IRL stuff but it's just not there yet for FPL points. The team doesn't create a ton in open play and he's a concern. Fixtures turn soon so he's on borrowed time. Would be nice if he could put up one nice score before I bin him. At Edward is always a good time and place to start.
Agüero (shu)
Kun feels hard to drop right now but who knows what his fitness levels are like. Either way he's on song and is going nowhere.
Haller (lei, LIV)
Last guy is Sebby Haller. As mentioned earlier has been putting up very solid stats lately and really just rolling the dice here on the big man up top with two games this gameweek. Stranger things have happened and I'm going with the high ceiling play in the DGW.
Salah (wol, whu)
Derek, that sweet summer child, really just put me in my place on the pod when we discussed this topic. When he uses the triple cap he wants “to go for it.”
Simple words from a complex and cultured man.
Mo has hat trick potential every game he walks on the pitch.
Sure, Trent has a pretty high ceiling also...but assists from corners and goals usually from direct frees are hard to predict. Mo is Mo...it was always going to be Mo.
OUT: Guilbert, Sarr, Jiménez
IN (for -4 points hit): Alexander-Arnold, Grealish, Haller
Fuck it man I don’t know.
I didn’t need to hit at all I’m doing it for pure fun with the chance of spiking something.
Guilbert and dead Sarr to Trent and Jack is very easy and obvious and good - I feel like I do not need to address those transfers at all.
Jim on the other hand my nemesis needed to be fucked off. I just can’t stand looking at him in my team at all anymore. He has home Liverpool same as Haller so basically cancels out there and then Haller has the additional fixture and the way better fixture next week too.
I might Wildcard next week but I don’t know, I’m living in the now and right now I want my big french love of life Haller to do some things.
Hitting while on a loss in the FML FPL Cup is probably very stupid but I am also probably definitely very stupid and bad at FPL... Don’t really know what I’m doing at this juncture and sorta don’t really care.
Come on Haller.
Ryan (bou)
Whatever fucking Mat with one T just cannot get it done anymore.
Cleans in GWs 1-15: 4
Bonus points in GWs 1-15: 11
Cleans since I got him GWs 16-23: 1
Bonus points in GWs 16-23: 0
Feels bad man.
van Dijk & Alexander-Arnold (wol, whu)
Delightful double.
I called that VVDong on last week’s lambs which is cool. I wish this game was H-O-R-S-E rules and I got a bonus for calling my shot but alas it’s not and it’s horrible... Well Hammers and Wolves aren’t as bad as Man. Utd. at set piece defending but they’re not great either so maybe Virge will be in the mood again and propel me to the moon?
Trent needs no words.
Hoping for the double clean and anything else is a bonus boner.
Söyüncü (WHU)
Still very cleanable but is anything really cleanable for Leicester anymore? TBD.
Is this GW1 darling SoyBoy’s final game in my side? Possibly. And if I Wildcard then definitely.
So much TBD.
Salah (wol, whu)
Mo hitting some form. He looks great lately.
De Bruyne (shu)
We just hold Kev.
Maddison (WHU)
Another of my Leicester triple to be fucked off next week if I Wildcard and Maddo may still go even if I don’t Wildcard... he was flying for a while and then getting demolished by City and Liverpool back to back may have fucked this team up.
Grealish (WAT)
Lol @ Me shouting Jack for GW1 team and the not having the confidence or balls to actually do the thing.
Here we are it’s GW24 and I’m just getting him for the first time when he’s already bagged a few double digit hauls and over 100 points. Fucking Lol @ Me that’s my season in summary.
Vardy (WHU)
One last hurrah? Another Fox another chopping block as far as I’m concerned.
It’s been not really a fun ride since everyone had Vardz and everyone capped Vardz almost every week so it’ll feel good to fuck him off soon.
Home Hammers come on go make a statement Leicester COME ONNNN.
Calvert-Lewin (NEW)
Backed the marriage of stats+eye-test and got paid for it with 8 points last week. Still love DCL for these next three fixtures NEW wat CRY - team looks pretty good and he looks good. Like the kid.
Haller (lei, LIV)
It’s a punt. Nothing more then that.
It’s also a stupid punt draining 4 points from my team but it’s 4 points I’m willing to gamble with clearly.
Maybe he does a thing. Ya never know. Leicester been the opposite of solid since the Ndidi injury and Liverpool I mean again - ya never know.
He’s class and his stats are great just need those to turn into some points come on Seb. 
Allons-y! Alonzo!
Salah (wol, whu)
Ride together, die together.
We’ve always been Mo boys gotta say.
I don’t think either of us have owned Mane in actually years (the s makes it plural). It’s not smart but we’re just Mo boys I don’t know what else to say. Did you see his bod? I mean...
Pens and form and eye-test and maybe it’ll be a 4231 with him up top vs. Wolves like it was last time which would also be great for us.
The machine... go on... it’s fucking time...
Got some catching up to do in the Golden Boot race too.
It has to start somewhere. It has to start sometime. What better place than here? What better time than now? All, hell, can’t stop us now.
The words of Random Slacker are not officially endorsed by this website nor any employees of FML FPL LLC.
OUT: Abraham & Hayden
IN: Greenwood & Moura
Time to stop being a passive little bitch and spend the transfer I've been floating since I WC'd in GW13.
I suppose I haven't had too many fires to put out considering I've been floating for actual 10 GWs, but Tamela looking like a ball-fumbling fuck and the death of Marcus Rashford (F) is enough to push me into a new 3-5-2 formation for the first time this season.
Is 90% of the reason I'm getting Lucash because I'm a Mou fanboy? I sink so. I like the 7.1 for a forward shout, even on a team looking diabolical. After all, I have Tony too, don't I?
Wait, do I have 5 strikers now? Seems good.
Ryan (bou)
Ryan has been pretty awful since Alon killed him by bringing him in, but let's see how he gets on against a relegation zone Bournemouth.
I've stopped expecting cleans from him altogether, how about some saves pls? Kill for a 4 pointer from the 3 point merchant.
Stephens (cry)
I got on the Stephens train last week and now I'm giving him the start ahead of Soyboy amidst a horrific Leicester team that can't defend for its life without Ndidi. Go on, Jack. Clean against Woy's boys one time.
Gomez & Alexander-Arnold (wol, whu)
The double festivities begin.
It's hilarious to watch people trip themselves over whether Gomez is a good pick, worrying about his place in the team when he's getting points for fun. Was said on the pod this season that sometimes people go into "wait and see" mode when they should be getting the player in and squeezing the points while they can. Is 5.2 for a player that cleans every week good?
He's nailed and first choice alongside VVD until proven otherwise.
As we say in the South, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
*laughs in clean sheet points*
And what can I say about Trent? He assists like a midfielder with the right foot of a forward and the clean sheet points of a defender.
Trent is a god and if you don't own him you probably enjoy watching other people do your partner.
Mane (wol, whu)
Do I wish this said Mo instead of Mane? Perhaps.
Do I want to be like my ML rival schmuck who's spent 4 (FOUR) transfers this year switching between Mo and Mane like a coked up fiend? Absolutely not.
While I reckon Mo is the slightly better pick right now based on pens and my personal eye test, that only happened recently.
Mane has been on another level for a while now and I expect them to keep trading points throughout the upcoming amazing run.
Go on Sadio, double gameweek me into glory.
De Bruyne & Mahrez (shu)
Goddammit, as I type this why are all of my players away?
Our resident ginger goes to one of the toughest places in the league. Hopefully he'll do some Kev magic to break them down and not play DM.
And sometimes in life the stars just align perfectly, like transferring in Algerian legend Riyad right before he hauls for a 17 pointer and cuts my rank in half.
Shoutout to my boy Al on Slack who followed me on the punt that everyone wants to take now.
Even though he got a 1 pointer last week, he's still averaging 9 in my team if my math is correct, is that good?
I'm happy to own Mahrez for at least a few more, because truth be told he's even a shout to return off the bench when he doesn't start. It's happened before this season and it could happen again.
Stats are through the roof and eye test off the charts.
C'mon Mahrez, do the best you can under Fraudiola's audacity to ever bench you.
Martial (BUR)
I finally get to write about a home fixture and it's Manchester United. Fuck.
I'm not in the soothsayer game, so I'm not gonna try and predict how they look without Rash.
Instead, I'm just gonna hope that Tony keeps Tony'ing which means constantly dancing in and around the box like the beautiful French boy he is when fit.
I still believe.
Moura (NOR)
Finally, a home banker.
Queue Tottenham lose 1-0 and Mourinho blames the color of the match ball.
Hoping Norwich get absolutely duon (if Spurs 2.0 without Kane are even capable of such a thing) and Lucas is in and around the points. Doesn't get much better than this fixture wise.
Vardy (WHU)
Still a steady hold for me until it's absolutely obvious to get rid.
Bring your vodka and your charlie because WHU are diabolical.
Ings (cry)
3 blanks from 11 starts in my side.
How much trouble will I be in if I name my first born Daniel?
What was at first going to be a ride-the-fixtures absolute punt is now easily a season long hold. Just knocked on wood so he can stay fit all season and keep ticking along.
Alexander-Arnold (wol, whu)
The novelty of triple captaining a defender was too much to resist. When will this ever happen again? A defender is actually explosive enough to TC, playing for one of the best teams in PL history, with 2 good fixtures in a double gameweek and a 6 day break. Perfect storm.
This isn't just any defender, it's a guy who starts every game with a base score of 6 + any assists/dongs he gets. With 13 returns on the season, he gets a lot.
If City had this double and Trent played for them exactly the same way, perhaps I'd TC my City attackers. They're a relentless attack that wants the sixth when they're up 5-0, whereas Livp are content with turning cruise control on when they're up a goal or two. For those reasons, and the clean sheet potential, I personally see more upside going for Trent than Mane.
Here's the worst-average-best case scenario I envision:
Worst case: 8 points from a clean and blank. Surely they clean once at least, right?
8 x 3 = 24.
Not ideal.
Average case: ~12 points from two cleans or a blank and a double return game.
12 x 3 = 36.
Best case: Fuck me x 3 = triple fuck me.
Feels weird to be putting my faith in someone even younger than me but here we are, I'm TC'ing a defender, and now it's on lambs which means no going back.
I've never felt more alive.
0 notes
bluemoostudios-blog · 6 years
Apologies for hijacking Kasper’s meet the dev’s schedule for a second week but I have quite a lot that I want to discuss and my mountain of failed drafts have delayed this post. Unfortunately, it’s all a bit bleak and there isn't that much that I can do to put a positive spin on things. So if you aren’t interested in the state of social media then turn away now, I'll leave you with the very best wishes for a happy and prosperous New Year from all at Bluemoo.
Still with me, thank you, I’m grateful that you are willing to consider what I have to say because the future of social media faces a very real threat. This is going to be a long read so just for giggles I’ll try to make things more entertaining by seeing just how many of the unspoken rules of social media that I can break in a single post. I’ve broken one already, never start with an apology, can you spot the rest? For sure it’s a flippant attitude in which to address a serious issue but when the world stops making sense it’s probably best to take a step back and have a good ol’ laugh.
The fact is; the European Parliament has voted in favour of articles 11 and 13; a farcical knee-jerk reaction to so many issues that require far greater consideration, debate and perhaps punitive measures. If you aren’t familiar with the EU’s copyright plan then I’m sorry. I’ll return it, if you like, but only when it doesn’t evoke visions of hot baths and razor blades. In the meantime, I hope that you take the time to look at the proposals and if enough people disagree with them then maybe we can stop it coming to pass. I have a feeling that common sense will prevail, partly because I maintain a belief in our collective intelligence but mainly because the alternative may well signify the death of Headshed.pro.
Still, something has to change; something has to be done, doesn’t it? We can’t be happy when algorithms bombard a woman which has lost her unborn child with adverts for baby related products. It’s just not an acceptable way for humans to communicate with each other, is it? Maybe you can write it off as an unfortunate bi-product of a world that demotes people to mere consumers. But we all know that that is just the tip of the data mining iceberg. “Hang on!” I hear you say “That has nothing to do with the copyright plan” Well I for one disagree. The powers that be, the ones that we voted for, appear intent on clipping the wings of the behemoths of social media and I have a feeling that a large part of the intent behind articles 11 and 13 is retrospective punishment for past misdemeanours. Paint me cynical if you like, most people do.
I still maintain an admiration for Mark Zuckerberg’s endeavours, he took an idea that was basically 'Friends Reunited' and sold it to a quarter of the world’s population. Genius.
In developing our business plan for Headshed.pro we have spent an astronomical amount of time looking at the ground breaking work of those that went before us.  Recently, I find myself drawing a parallel with Zuckerberg and Tottenham Hotspurs’ Harry Kane. Admittedly, I’m a proud supporter of Arsenal Football Club and yet, I’ll happily acknowledge Mr Kane’s undeniable world class talent. That’s why it saddens me that on the day that his achievements for Spurs and England were recognised with an MBE, he decided that it would be a good idea to try to deceive the referee by diving in the box. What a wanker. And yet, in the same game, Harry went on to score one of the most subliminally beautiful goals that I have ever witnessed. For all of the Kanes and Zuckerbergs out there, please take note, the world is watching your next move… you represent the best of what we have and as such you have a responsibility to do the right thing.  
Whilst we at Bluemoo are forced to deal with the hangover of more than a decade of unregulated piss taking from the established giants of social media, I’ll personally promise you that we have just one goal. Headshed is quite simply a forum for gamers that are seeking the tools that will make the process of developing game winning strategies that much easier. We won’t sell your data, we have no interest in your buying habits and we won’t collate and/or sell any of part you that defines you as target for third party marketing. We don’t need to engage with anything more than your desire to be a better player of team based video games. It’s a wanker free business plan, we promise you that. 
Sadly, our promises are probably not enough to secure the success of Headshed. It’s not enough for us to say that we will be different; we will have to live with the world’s reasonable distrust of those that have gone before us. Those intrepid pathfinders. That’s fair enough. We aren’t complaining, it is what it is. The fact is; there is a financially viable social media platform that serves its patrons without exploiting them, we have the spreadsheets that prove it. The problem that we have right now is timing. I don’t think that I could imagine a worse time in which to attract investors. For us at Bluemoo, I envisage a time that is best described as “wait and see."
It’s simply not always possible to have a viable contingency and stupidity is surely the hardest thing to plan for. Rest assured we have tried; Connor has already considered a workaround, actually it’s so much more than that. We couldn’t wish for a better CTO/strategist/entrepreneur however, his thoughts are, in my mind, very much a plan B as I stubbornly cling to my faith in humanities’ collective intelligence and our ability to do the right thing. And in the same token I refuse to be deterred from our plan A and hey, it’s just Europe right? The rest of the world is still a pretty decent marketplace.
What gets me is the feeling of one step forwards and two steps back. 2018 was such a definitive year for Bluemoo. We started the year with the primary focus on developing the first of many amazing environments that deliver Headshed’s strategic video game planning tools and ended the year with Headshed.pro as the sole short to medium term objective. Strangely enough, I mustered very little resistance to this sea-change. Smart move and I’ll stand by that. The ingenuity that I have witnessed over the last year has been breath-taking.  I’ll admit that I sometimes limit my understanding to just knowing how it works and not what makes it work but I often have seen real beauty in the structure and programming. I’m not about to write off this amazing effort as a waste, due to bad timing, but I’m struggling to justify further effort until I can be sure that the powers that be, the ones that we voted for, get their shit together and take the time to develop a better understanding of the social media sector.   
  Ok Kasper, I hear you, I’ve been waffling on for far too long already and I haven’t even touched on the subject of Brexit! I will just say that it wasn’t just racists that voted to leave, morons did as well. I also imagine the voices of our legal advisors that would wish this post ends right here, right now. So I’ll hand back this forum schedule to those that are less likely cause litigation and wish you all a very happy and prosperous New Year from all at Bluemoo. PS. How many unspoken rules of social media did I manage to shit on in this single post? If you counted more than ten, well done maybe you should consider a role in European Union Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market.
Keith Anderson, MD
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avaliveradio · 5 years
Behind The Music with Aantdoe on Artistic vision and New Single Get Away
Aantdoe is an Army/Combat Veteran with a love for making GREAT MUSIC!!! Listen to this Behind The music episode with Jacqueline Jax as they discuss artistic vision, point of view, the hiphop scene in Philadelphia and the importance of brand to any artist today. New music is also showcased and history on the artist discussed.
Artist: Aantdoe
Song name: GetAway
Music Genre: Hip Hop
I live in... : Philadelphia P.a..... West Philly aka Da Bottom
Link to play: https://open.spotify.com/track/0bXwBIuYkKXqVUvvTKw5xy
The Song is a dedication to all the fellas out there that have an outstanding woman by their side and they're not ashamed or proud to give her the credit she deserves.
I love creating music and writing songs. The process of hearing a beat and starting fresh like a blank canvas. I'm a storyteller telling a tale that ALL people can relate to inspired by everyday life. These experiences seen through my eyes and often told to me by others.  
Old School rappers like Rakim, KRS One, Kool G Rap, Chuck D have inspired me along my path in developing my skills as an independent artist. The artists that inspire me do more than just make sure the words at the end of their sentence rhyme, they all take time to make sure there is some kind of message. This is exactly what I strive to do with my songs. Do I think about money when I'm creating? Who wouldn't like to get paid doing what they love but my focus is on getting the music right and telling stories in my own unique way.
How do you think this release represents your current direction?
This song is one aspect of my vision and the direction that I am choosing to go in my journey as an artist. Hip Hop doesn't always have to have a negative tone or degrade human beings. Some artists actually have a positive message that they want to address and I am one of those artists. 
GetAway is just one step of many to come. I have a feature from San Antonio artist Kasper Genius on this track. I had an opportunity to work with him while visiting a mutual friend. Our rap styles just meshed so now he's the first person I called when I needed another verse for GetAway… And the rest was history!!!
What most inspires you?
I'm a Rapper from Philadelphia PA who loves making Hip Hop music but more of an adult version. I'm not just rapping about jewelry, cars and clothes and how many women I've slept with. I rap about real-life situations that all ages can relate to but mainly focused on a more mature crowd. I like to call it GFR or GROWN FOLKS RAP. Creating music for me is my way of dealing with the many stresses of multiple combat tours. Music is my medicine.
The music business is 95% business and 5% talent in my opinion. It also helps to connect with the right people. Talent alone gets you to know where these days and as far as being an artist it's 10 times harder now that the internet is pretty much the primary way to get discovered. There are so many vultures out there preying on the artists, taking their money and giving them nothing but false hope in return. It's a tough landscape. 
Website & social media links:
https://www.instagram.com/aantdoemusic/ https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=1cufqi8lblhn3&utm_content=52tzwx5 https://twitter.com/Aantdoemusic https://www.facebook.com/AantdoeMusic-2369559169743353
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