westallenweek · 9 years
Sorry guys, apparently my tumblr app was malfunctioning without my awareness (ugh this software update made all my apps weird for some reason) and none of the posts I made or the posts reblogged this week actually ended up on this blog... 😓 Thanks to everyone who participated! Sorry it looked like I abandoned you/flaked on you 😢 I will go back through the tag and reblog everything again! (But not now because I have to work soon.) Sorry again 🙈
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westallenweek · 9 years
Westallen Week 2: Day 1
Wedding Day Surprise or Body Swap
Note: this one shot it significantly longer than the rest. Don’t expect them all to be this long, I just had a lot of detail to put in here.
Keep reading
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westallenweek · 9 years
A Family Affair
NOTE: For Westallen Week - Day 1 - Prompt “ Wedding Day Surprise”
Barry’s not sure what to think when Joe, Wally, Cisco, Ronnie, and even Dr. Stein rush into his room just as he finished getting ready to blindfold him and usher him into a waiting car ( though he’s sure to ask them to watch the hair because contrary to popular belief it wasn’t as easy as it looked to achieve that perfect windswept appearance ).
By the time they allow him to see again the speedster finds himself at Iron Heights, even more confused than when they first ‘kidnapped’ him. Instead of going to the regular plexiglass windows and telephones he’s gotten used to as an adult, the groom is led to a room he hasn’t been to since he was a kid, the large square one with round tables that’s supposed to be a little less damaging on an impressionable mind.
“Uh, guys,” he starts, wringing his hands together in agitation. It’s not that he didn’t want to see his dad on his wedding day—god, he wanted that more than anything, to see the pride in his eyes, to get some last-minute advice. But then he’d be reminded that his dad was behind bars and couldn’t be there in person, and that’d lead to being reminded that his mom couldn’t be there, either, and he’d just ended up being depressed on what was supposed to be one of the happiest days of his life. Then his mood would rub off on Iris as it always did (and vice versa), and, holy crap, Iris would kill him if he was late on their wedding day.
But before the forensic scientist could vocalize how much he thought this visit was a bad idea, the door to the room opened and Barry turned to see his dad escorted by a couple of officers, dressed up in a tux—second-hand, but still. Bypassing the wardrobe change for the more important presence of father, Barry walked by to Henry and gave him a tight hug, which the older Allen returned ten-fold. When they pulled away, the former doctor held his son out at arm’s length, committing the sight of his son on his wedding day to memory.
“Hey, slugger, you clean up nicely, huh?” Henry joked as he patted Barry on the side of his arm.
Barry laughed, already feeling his eyes begin to water. “I figured the occasion called for it. But I can say the same about you. What’s this about?”
It was Henry’s turn to look confused, and the older man moved his gaze to Joe. “You didn’t tell him?”
At that moment, Caitlin, Linda, and Mrs. Stein entered, followed by a minister, before finally—
“Well, that would ruin the surprise, soon to be father-in-law.”
Iris appeared around the door, looking breathtaking in her wedding dress, and Barry could’ve sworn his heart stopped for a moment. She didn’t have her veil or her bouquet, not being allowed through security and all, but it didn’t take anything away from how gorgeous the reporter looked. After he got over his stunned state, Barry looked freaked out, because oh, god, wasn’t it bad luck to see the bride before the wedding?
“Iris, honey, what are you doing here?” Barry asked as he quickly closed the difference between them, running his hands down her bare arms comfortingly once he did.
She tiled her head and gave him a look that said, ‘Really? What do you think?’ “I’m here to get married, silly, unless you changed your mind?”
“No, god, of course not. But, the church…?”
“I never had any of that stuff booked in the first place,” Iris explained, loving the ‘I’m not following,’ look her husband-to-be gave to her because it made what she was about to tell him all worth it. “I never went through with all those wedding plans we made, Bar. None of it meant a thing if all of us couldn’t be there.” She looked meaningfully at Henry before returning her gaze to Barry. “I know how much it would mean for your dad to be here for this, and if he couldn’t come to the wedding, I thought, why not bring the wedding to him.”
Barry didn’t think he could love the woman in front of him more than he already did, but Iris never ceased to amaze him. She was right, of course, rarely was she not, but… “Iris, I…this means more than I can ever say, but you deserved all that fancy stuff. I want that for you.”
Iris shrugged, brushing it off. “That’s all it is, fancy stuff. There for a day. But family is forever, family means everything. We can always do a ‘proper’ wedding in the future. But right now, all I need for this special day is here in this room.”
If Barry grinned any wider she was sure he’d break his face in two; a look around at the others showed they were all as misty-eyed as the two of them here. Squeezing Iris’ hands tightly, the speedster squirmed, wanting so badly to kiss the daylights out of his fiancée but wanting to do something right that day, so he turned towards the minister. “You better marry us ASAP, sir, because I can’t wait a second more to make this woman my wife.”
The room filled with laughter before the priest opened his mouth to do as the man requested, and as the two gaze deeply into each other eyes they mouthed, “I love you,” to one another.
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westallenweek · 9 years
Fic: Whatever you do, don’t cry
Pairing: Westallen
Note: A short ficlet for westallen week day 1 with the prompt “Wedding Day Surprise”. I’m cheesy, sue me.
He’s certain that he has never felt as happy as he does today. Barry had imagined Iris as his wife since even before he could remember. Well before they even started dating, but he’s never told her that.
He had planned his proposal for the Jitters rooftop, their spot, but instead it had caught them both off guard. The lab was where he had ended up proposing. She found the ring in the clothes he left behind whilst speeding off in the Flash suit.
He can’t believe it’s finally happening. He’s all nerves as the wedding march starts to play.
When she walks through the doors, he takes a deep breath taking in her presence. It’s been far too long, Barry hasn’t seen her since 6am that morning.
She grins and gives him a subtle wink as Joe walks her down the aisle. He smiles widely back, his heart pounding erratically in his chest. He tries his best not to cry. But it’s difficult when he think about how truly amazing his life is.
“Can I have this dance, Mrs West-Allen?”
A soft smile in response and Iris takes Barry’s hand and as he leads her to the dance floor. “Bear, I really need to tell you something.”
“Hmm?” He leans his forehead on Iris’, gently swaying to the song.
“I’m pregnant.” Iris murmurs. He moves back in surprise. Did he hear that right? She bites her lip and blinks up at him awaiting his response.
Barry hand is over his mouth as he tears start to fall. “Iris are you being serious?” Iris only nods in return.
He truly didn’t think he could be any happier today, he was wrong. He’s visibly moved and he wears a tender grin as he sweeps her into a hug.
When he finally pulls away, he stares at Iris lovingly. Before he turns his head and looks back at the guests and at then at Joe, still smiling yet embarrassed. “I think everyone’s wondering why I’m crying during the first dance when I held it in so well at the alter.” Iris laughs and places her hands on his face making him look back at her. And she kisses him.
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westallenweek · 9 years
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WestAllen Week 2 
Friendly reminder that WestAllen Week 2 starts September 28 - October 4 (aka tomorrow)
Day 1: Wedding Day Surprise or Body Swap Day 2: Sleepovers or Leaving for College Day 3: Comics/Newsflash or Favorite Fanfic Tropes (fake dating, truth spells, amnesia, etc) Day 4: Caught in the Act or Household Chores/Domesticity  Day 5: Road Trip or Dance Lessons Day 6: Thirst (check out some great prompts if you need ideas​) or Myth AU Day 7: Anything goes
You may create fanfic, fanart, graphics, gifsets, etc based on the prompts listed above. And all prompts can be crossovers/AUs/smut.
Also The Flash Production Office holds weekly Fan Art Fridays and they hang up a lot of their favorite pieces on their walls! I’ve seen a lot of lovely WestAllen fanart on their walls and the cast & crew have seen it too, so consider that incentive to create more art ;)
Tagging system: You must tag everything as #westallenweek and #westallen and #westallenpw and tag any smut - beyond that you can tag however you like
If you have any questions, feel free to send an ask here or at eaglesforthecup 
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westallenweek · 9 years
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WestAllen Week 2 
September 28 - October 4 (aka the week leading up to the Season 2 premiere)
Day 1: Wedding Day Surprise or Body Swap Day 2: Sleepovers or Leaving for College Day 3: Comics/Newsflash or Favorite Fanfic Tropes (fake dating, truth spells, amnesia, etc) Day 4: Caught in the Act or Household Chores/Domesticity  Day 5: Road Trip or Dance Lessons Day 6: Thirst (check out some great prompts if you need ideas​) or Myth AU Day 7: Anything goes
You may create fanfic, fanart, graphics, gifsets, etc based on the prompts listed above. And all prompts can be crossovers/AUs/smut.
Also The Flash Production Office holds weekly Fan Art Fridays and they hang up a lot of their favorite pieces on their walls! I’ve seen a lot of lovely WestAllen fanart on their walls and the cast & crew have seen it too, so consider that incentive to create more art ;)
Tagging system: You must tag everything as #westallenweek and #westallen and #westallenpw and tag any smut - beyond that you can tag however you like
If you have any questions, feel free to send an ask here or at eaglesforthecup 
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westallenweek · 9 years
what about a thirst day? i think you and @itsstillbeating had some good prompts for that
Ooh. I do really love those prompts. Thirst day sounds great lol. Thanks for the suggestion!
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westallenweek · 9 years
Poll for preferred dates for WestAllen Week2 is now up.
Keep in mind that Thallen Week is May 25-31. June is the only option because I’m also going to host blackvibeweek and killervibeweek (those sites are still under construction) and I’m trying to spread out the weeks.
Prompts are still officially TBA, though I already have some lovely suggestions. Please send some more my way if you have any :)
I will give you guys until May 5 to vote on a date and to send in prompts (so a week) and then I’ll make an announcement.
Thanks everybody!
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westallenweek · 9 years
Thallen Week is May 25th-31st so we should do it either Jun 2-6 or after that (I prefer after as someone who would make stuff for both ships)
Alright! I can push it back to give people more time. Thanks for the heads up on Thallen Week! I'll make a poll about dates sometime soon. I know people have finals around that time and I want to be as accommodating as possible.
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westallenweek · 9 years
Has anyone ever done a role reversal? Where Barry swaps with Iris and so on??
There's a fic where Iris is the Flash called Her Own Hero by TheFlashFic. It's great. I recommend a read :)(Sorry, I accidentally hit the answer button too soon)
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westallenweek · 9 years
What about Becky Cooper as a prompt?
WHO SENT THIS 😂😂😂 I love you, nonnieI'll try to work this in, probably as an either/or day so people aren't too restricted. Thanks for the suggestion
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westallenweek · 9 years
A Myth!AU day for Westallen!week?!
panromanticbarryallen westallenweek
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westallenweek · 9 years
I'm thinking a general myth au day so it could be from one of your myth-verses, but it doesn't have to be
suggustion for the prompt; maybe do something with @panromanticbarryallen and @bisexuallindapark's mythological au?
You see this panromanticbarryallen and attoseconds
Thanks for the suggestion, nonnie. I’ll be sure to add a Myth AU day.
If anyone has any more suggestions, please send them my way :)
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westallenweek · 9 years
suggustion for the prompt; maybe do something with @panromanticbarryallen and @bisexuallindapark's mythological au?
You see this panromanticbarryallen and attoseconds
Thanks for the suggestion, nonnie. I’ll be sure to add a Myth AU day.
If anyone has any more suggestions, please send them my way :)
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westallenweek · 9 years
Hey guys! So I got a request to hold another one of these, which I think is a great idea! WestAllenWeek2 will be held either May 26-Jun 1 OR Jun 2-Jun 8 – if you have a preference or think it should be a different date entirely, shoot me a message. For those who don't know, WestAllen Week would be a week devoted to fans writing, drawing, creating graphics, or making gifsets, etc. based off a prompt of the day. You can check out my tumblr if you'd like an idea of what goes on. If you have any prompt suggestions, send them my way!
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westallenweek · 9 years
Would you be willing to establish a second WestAllen week for the week following the season 1 finale? My prompts would be: Wedding Day Surprise, Sleepovers, Leaving for College, Amnesia, Caught In the Act, Road trip, Dance Lessons (all stories can be Crossover/AU/Smut etc)
Hi, nonnie! I’m willing to establish another WestAllen week for sure! A week (or maybe two) after the finale sounds good to me :)
Love your prompt suggestions. If anyone has any more prompts, send them my way. Any prompts that don’t get chosen, I will send over to @westallenpromptfill for any writer to fill during the summer hiatus
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westallenweek · 9 years
You want a fan fiction of Westallen soo bad, yeah? Why don't you just write one?! :) You could post it on Wattpad. Pks give it some thought
Hi nonnie. Sorry this reply is late.
I do write WA fanfiction. I just post it on my other blog eaglesforthecup. I haven’t posted any fics in months, but I’m in the process of writing a multi-chaptered fic and a few one-shots. 
I don’t have a Wattpad. I know nothing about Wattpad :O I suppose I could get one though :)
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