#Karine de la Peña
livelaughwhump · 2 years
Worthless - Part 10
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Content: degradation, dehumanization, self-deprecation, internal victim blaming, self-deprecation, panic attack, hurt/comfort, angst and fluff, threat of punishment
Why are you so fucking worthless?
Why can't you do anything right?
Is it really so hard to just be good?
Or are you just too stupid to do as you're told?
Dumb, useless dog
Elliot's head was full of fog. His arms were wrapped securely around his small, shivering body, and his eyes were stinging with salty tears. He felt pathetic and miserable.
"Elliot?" A soft, reassuring voice cut through the haze in his mind. "Elliot, sweetheart, come back to me."
Elliot hadn't realized how tightly he had been clamping his eyes shut until he slowly forced them open. His vision was blurry, but he was able to make out the shape of a person kneeling in front of him. He couldn't help the first thought that came to his mind.
Elliot whimpered. "I'm s-sorry, Master. I-I didn't mean to-to cry."
The person across from him didn't speak. As Elliot's vision cleared, he was able to recognize Karine's features. His eyes widened as he realized his mistake. "K-Karine?"
Karine smiled, but it was clearly masking sympathy. "Hey, buddy. How are you doing? Are you okay?"
Elliot looked away from her and shook his head. "I'm so sorry, K-Karine. I-I thought you were..." he broke off, unable to bring himself to finish his sentence.
"It's okay, buddy. I'm not mad."
Elliot didn't believe her, but he didn't dare try to accuse her of lying.
More tears flooded Elliot's eyes as his mind caught up to his situation. He remembered where he was and what had happened to cause his meltdown.
"Oh, Elliot," Karine said. She quickly crawled over to him and wrapped her arms around him. Elliot flinched, not expecting the oncoming attack, but once he realized what was happening, he relaxed into her embrace and buried his face in her shoulder. "I'm so sorry, sweetheart. Landon's a jerk. If I had known he was going to hurt you, I never would've sent him in here. I'm so sorry."
Elliot sobbed and shook his head. "N-No, it-it wasn't his f-fault."
Karine gently rocked him back and forth, carding her fingers through his newly-clean hair. "What do you mean?"
"He-He got angry because-because I was bad. I wasn't listening and I was running my mouth and he got angry. I made him mad. It's not his fault. Please don't be angry at him. It was my fault. Not his."
Karine stopped rocking him. He looked up at her, only to find a cold expression on her face. He suppressed a flinch and whimpered.
Karine gently shoved him off of her lap and stood to her feet. "Come with me, Elliot," she said. Her voice was completely apathetic, which frightened Elliot more than it probably should have.
"Wh-Where are we g-going?" He stammered. The second the words left his lips, he regretted them. How dare he question their leader's authority. Even if she weren't the leader, she was a human, and therefore, inherently above him.
"I'm going to punish you," she said as she opened the door.
Elliot's eyes widened. If Landon didn't even want to punish him, he certainly hadn't expected anyone else to. He gave a quiet yelp and absent-mindedly started to crawl after Karine on his hands and knees. It felt natural. It felt like he was bring good.
Good doggy
Elliot kept his head down as he crawled. It wasn't his place to see where he was going, only to follow orders. So, that's exactly what he did.
Eventually, the hard floor turned into soft carpet and Karine stopped. Elliot followed her lead and got into a kneeling position, keeping his head bowed.
Elliot clamped his eyes shut and tried to prepare for whatever was coming. Perhaps she would whip him or cane him or kick him. Perhaps she would strip him and pour freezing water over his head and then beat him for getting the carpet wet. Perhaps she would force him to choose from a variety of options. He didn't know.
However, nothing he could've thought of would've come anywhere close to what Karine did. Her shadow loomed over him and Elliot flinched as she wrapped a warm, fluffy blanket around his quivering shoulders.
Elliot was so confused. He unintentionally glanced upwards, an expression of confusion plastered on his face. Karine smiled genuinely, but Elliot shook his head. "I-I don't understand." He was too stupid for these mind games. Wasn't she supposed to be hurting him?
"Broderick told me that you said you wanted to be alone," Karine explained. Elliot nodded to show that he was listening. "So, as your punishment, you're going to spend the evening with us watching a movie."
Elliot was so confused. How was that a punishment? He didn't deserve to be wrapped in a soft blanket and cuddled while he watched a movie. He deserved to be locked up and chained and forced to scrub the whole house clean until his hands were red and raw from all the chemicals. He didn't deserve to be warm and comforted. He deserved to be pushed around and beaten and used.
Elliot shook his head, his chin beginning to tremble. "But-But I'm a bad pet. I don't deserve this."
Karine waved away his statement. "That's not for you to decide, Elliot," she said. "This is your punishment. I don't want to hear any arguments. Do you understand?"
Elliot lowered his head shamefully. "Yes, ma'am."
Karine fell backwards onto the couch as she said, "Good, now come here." She easily lifted him off the ground and positioned him comfortably beside her. Karine looked into his deep blue eyes. He looked as though he was about to cry and Karine suddenly felt extremely guilty. She brushed a strand of his hair behind his ear and said, "I'm sorry for scaring you with the punishment thing." Elliot glanced up at her. "Truth is, I'm worried about you and I hate seeing you so upset. I don't care what you think you did, Landon shouldn't have yelled at you like that. I could hear him from here. He was way out of line."
Elliot frantically shook his head, but he didn't say anything.
Karine wiped away the tears lingering on his cheeks. "You're not being punished, El. You don't deserve punishment." Elliot didn't believe her. He was bad. He knew he was bad. He needed to be punished. Karine wiped away his tears again and readjusted the blanket around his shoulders. "You're a good boy, Elliot," she said.
Elliot's eyes flew up to meet hers at the mention of those words.
A-A good boy? I'm a good boy?
Elliot's tears only seemed to fall harder with that thought. "R-Really?"
Karine smiled. "Yes, buddy. You're a good boy. You haven't done anything wrong, I promise. You're still good. You'll always be good."
Elliot burst into a heavy stream of sobs at that. He couldn't remember the last time he'd heard those words. The level of sheer relief he felt upon taking in those words was indescribable. All he wanted was to be good, and here she was telling him that he was.
"Oh, Elliot." Karine wrapped her arms around him again, rocking him back and forth as he sobbed into her shoulder. He was shaking and babbling incoherently. Snot and tears were cascading down his face and his cheeks were flushed and warm to the touch. "Trust me, buddy, you've earned this. You've been so brave these past few weeks. You deserve a chance to just relax. Let us comfort you."
Elliot sniffled as the intensity of his sobs died down. "Th-Thank you, K-Karine. No-No one has been this-this nice to me in so long. I-I am so gr-grateful."
Karine squeezed him a little tighter. "Of course, sweetheart. You deserve every good thing life has to offer, and I will make sure you believe that someday."
Elliot hesitantly snuggled up a little closer to Karine, still sniffling. Karine smiled and rubbed her hand up and down his thin arm. "You're okay, Elliot. I promise, you're okay."
. . .
It wasn't long before Broderick and Yvonne both joined Elliot and Karine on the couch. Broderick brought a variety of snacks and Yvonne brought four fresh cups of tea. Karine flipped through their movie options, and while Elliot had asked to help, he was told that his job was to relax and get comfy. So, that's exactly what he did.
Eventually, the group decided on an old movie that none of them had seen yet, and as the four of them settled down to relax, Karine turned to her companions. "Where's Landon?" she whispered.
Elliot tensed. She clearly hadn't meant for him to hear her, and he suddenly felt guilty for eavesdropping.
Broderick shrugged. "He left soon after you kicked him out of Elliot's room. He's been gone since then."
Karine scoffed. "Good. I don't think I'd be able to keep from kicking his ass if he showed his face here right now."
Elliot twisted beneath his blanket in order to look up at Karine. He craned his neck until his eyes met hers. "Please, don't blame him, Karine. I swear, it really was all my fault."
Karine shook her head. "You don't have to defend him, Elliot. He shouldn't have yelled at you."
"But he was right. I was being bad. I wasn't listening."
"Elliot," Karine softly began. "We can talk about this later. Right now, I think we could all use a night to relax, okay?"
Elliot hesitated. He wanted to keep arguing that Landon wasn't at fault, that Elliot had been a bad pet and ignored Landon's instructions. Despite that, he knew he couldn't ignore Karine's. So, he shut his mouth and fixed his gaze on the television again.
The room was silent for a while after that, save for the gentle humming of the television. It wasn't until the movie was halfway over that the silence was finally broken.
Elliot jumped and tensed as the door to the safe house creaked open. He glanced over his shoulder just in time to see Landon trudge through, several brown bags on his arms.
Elliot hunched his shoulders and Karine pulled him tighter against her. Landon gently set the bags down and sighed, only then noticing the rest of the group staring at him, the movie forgotten in the background.
Landon smiled sheepishly. "Hey, guys."
Karine glared at him. "Where the hell have you been?"
Landon nervously rubbed the back of his neck and said, "Um...well, I-I felt awful about what happened earlier, so I-I picked up some food from that Spanish place that Elliot used to like so much." He gestured to the bags at his feet. "I hope it's still your favorite." Elliot's face turned pink and Landon's awkward smile faded. "I just...wanted to do something to say I'm sorry. What I did was really shitty, and-and I'm so sorry, buddy. Can you forgive me?"
All eyes turned toward Elliot, who shrunk beneath the weight of everyone's expectant gaze. He tried not to pay attention to it and instead fixed his eyes on Landon. "It-It wasn't your fault. I-I wasn't listening, so-so you shouldn't have to-to apologize. I-I'm the one that should be s-sorry."
Landon sighed and smiled. "I wasn't mad at you, buddy. You did nothing wrong. I was mad at-at that bastard that did this to you. If I could bash his head in twice I would, but...but I shouldn't have taken my anger out on you, buddy. I'm sorry."
Elliot lowered his head to hide his burning cheeks. "It's-It's okay. I for-forgive you."
Landon smiled and glanced over at Karine, who wore an expression that said, 'he may forgive you, but I dont.' She turned back around to face the TV, her arm still wrapped protectively around Elliot.
Elliot sighed contentedly and leaned into Karine's warm touch as Landon set out plates and bowls full of Elliot's favorite foods. Elliot smiled, and for once, the voice in his head had nothing to say.
Sorry this one took a little while to come out. I haven't been super happy with any of my writing lately, and this chapter was no exception.
Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed another Karine chapter! I promise, Yvonne's is coming next.
@l-antre-des-merveilles @pigeonwhumps @nicolepascaline @burningkittypoet @whumpinggrounds @suffering-and-misery
Please let me know if anyone wants to be added to or removed from the taglist😊
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minarquia · 6 years
Revista austriaca de prensa: 3-VI-2018, por Mises Hispano.
Mención a Hayek en la entradilla a una entrevista a Carlos Peña en Cinco Días.
Diego Sánchez de la Cruz  entrevista en Libre Mercado a Karin Svanvorg-Sjövall, que menciona a Hayek.
Alexander Guerrero cita a Hayek en La Patilla.
Manuel Gil cita a Jacques Rueff en La Información.
de Biblioteca Mises https://ift.tt/2xF7Yc0 https://ift.tt/eA8V8J
de nuestro WordPress https://ift.tt/2xBJGj3 Difundimos las ideas liberales, libertarias, minarquistas y anarcocapitalistas. https://ift.tt/eA8V8J June 03, 2018 at 09:00AM
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lanetasiempre · 4 years
Hoy en día es indispensable que un artista tenga participación en las redes sociales, con el pleno auge de la interactividad y la era virtual muchos actores han tenido que migrar a las plataformas digitales para aumentar su popularidad.  Tal y como sucedió con el actor venezolano Vicente Peña quien eligió Instagram como enlace de comunicación con sus seguidores.
En la segunda parte de la entrevista en exclusiva con La Neta, el talentosísimo actor nos cuenta a detalle, porque el Instagram es su red social favorita y cuál es el tipo de interacción que posee dentro del infinito del Internet.
Activo en Instagram
Con naturalidad, simpatía y encanto, Vicente nos deleita a través de la red social de la camarita, donde expresó que es su preferida, ya que el contenido es muy variado, aclaró que puede estar informado y lo mejor es que le brinda la cercanía que necesita con su audiencia. El secreto del actor venezolano es mostrarse tal y como es, ya que para él es sumamente importante ser real con el público.
“Yo hablo, como hablo yo en la vida y ya (Peña, 2020)".
Vicente recalcó que no es de escribir mucho en Twitter pero si de retwittear alguna información que le parezca interesante, similarmente, expresó que no utiliza el Facebook porque lo estresa.
Sinceridad ante todo
El actor venezolano destacó que gracias a las nuevas tecnologías hay espacio para todos dentro de la era digital, por lo que respeta el estilo de contenido del animador o del youtuber. Asimismo, nos confesó que su estilo va hacia la sinceridad.
“La mejor red social para que un actor proyecte su trabajo es el Instagram”  (Peña, 2020)
En cuanto al TikTok nos contó que le parece una red social muy interesante, no obstante, afirmó que es nuevo en la plataforma, razón por la cual no planifica el contenido para subirlo dentro de ella, simplemente sube un vídeo cuando se siente identificado.
El poder de inmortalizar un personaje
Vicente con una enorme sonrisa nos reveló que se siente muy privilegiado de haber participado en dos grandes producciones como lo son “Papita, maní, tostón” y “El Amaparo”  asimismo, recalcó que lo mejor es hacer las cosas sin pensar si tendrá el éxito o no.
Por su parte el actor nos contó la historia del personaje “el muelde muslo“ originado del teatro, específicamente de la obra Vino La Reina escrita por Karin Valecillos y dirigida por Jesús Carreño.
“Luis Carlos el director de la película Papita, maní, tostón, fue a ver la obra, porque yo había hecho una película con su hermano que se llama, Paquete #3.” “De allí Luis Carlos me dice ¿Eres capaz de hacer eso que estás haciendo en la obra en la película? Bueno, vamos a darle y es muy rico porque es un personaje que hace la diferencia entre el teatro y el cine (Peña, 2020)"
El actor finalizó la entrevista comentando que gracias a la interpretación tuvo en la cinta El Amparo pudo recibir dos premios de cine, el primero fue el de mejor actor del Festival de Cine Venezolano y el  segundo como mejor actor de reparto por Academia de Ciencias y Artes Cinematográficas de Venezuela. 
via La Neta – La comunidad más grande de influencers emergentes y creadores en español
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cubanoti · 4 years
Cuba: A escobazos agreden a los hermanos Leyva en plena vía pública (+VIDEOS)
Los activistas cubanos Ada Iris Miranda Leyva y Fidel Manuel Batista Leyva, fueron agredidos de forma violenta por un grupo de represores, acusados de ser “chivatos” de la Seguridad del Estado. Con una escoba se ve cómo una mujer arremete repetidamente a los activistas, mientras desde una ventana toda la escena quedaba grabada.
Los agresores fueron identificados por opositores en la isla como Daylan Cabrera, Oscar Ramírez y Elia González Peña, todos acusados por los activistas de ser “represores chivatos de los grupos de respuesta rápida”, residentes de la calle. En su página de Facebook, la activista cubana Ada Iris Miranda Leyva, compartió detalles sobre lo ocurrido, asegurando que:
“Estas escorias pandilleras comunistas están dirigidas y protegidas por los esbirros asesinos de la seguridad del estado y el MININT (Ministerio del Interior)”. Los Leyva habían salido para comprar agua según refirieron en redes sociales.
Además asegura la activista opositora cubana que otros represores participaron en la agresión identificados por Leyva como: Roxana Martínez Torres (hermana de la represora Lizania Bermúdez Torres), Anna Karine Rodríguez Martínez, Mario Osorio Silva, Yoel Cruz Rodríguez, Yunior Mojena Vega, Virginia Celestina Ladrón de Guevara Cruz (presidente del infame CDR), Carmen Sánchez Recio (delegada de circunscripción) y su hijo, Pedro Bermúdez Ávila, Yadira Rodríguez Font, Yosvani Córdova Guillén, Luis Pablo Suárez Ladrón de Guevara, Magda Lianys González Almaguer, Olga Lidia Ladrón de Guevara Cruz (madre del represor Onier Íñiguez Ladrón de Guevara), Luis Alberto Carballosa Pelegrino (padre del represor Luis Alexis Carballosa Saavedra), Fidel Raúl Hornia Miranda, Alexis Pérez Rodríguez.
Refirió también en su denuncia que su madre, también opositora cubana, Maydolis Leyva Portelles, junto a sus niños Tahimí Rodríguez Miranda (13 años) y Alain Michel Rodríguez Miranda (12 años) fueron víctimas de pretensiones de golpiza, “graves amenazas de muerte y fuertes ofensas morales y políticas”, dijo en su publicación.
“Responsabilizamos por la Vida, Libertad e Integridad Física y Moral de nuestra familia al dictador asesino Raúl Castro, su testaferro Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, los esbirros de la seguridad del estado, el MININT, la policía, las FAR y los violentos grupos de respuesta rápida” dijo la activista.
Los hermanos Adairis y Anairis Miranda Leyva y Fidel Batista Leyva. Foto archivo
Agresiones y repudio contra la familia cubana por opositora al régimen
Durante el mes de junio, la familia denunció haber sido víctimas de varias agresiones por los denominados grupos de “respuesta rápida” del régimen cubano, que suelen agredir a los opositores cubanos mediante actos de repudio, ofensas, amenazas e inclusive arremetidas contra sus viviendas.
«Nos mandaron a salir de la vivienda y nos sujetaron para que nos dieran golpes el grupo de respuesta rápida. Uno de ellos, llamado Oscar Ramírez González, esposo de Dailen Cabrera traía un cuchillo escondido en la espalda e intentó apuñalar a mi hermano Fidel Manuel Batista Leyva aprovechando que un policía lo tenía llaveado», aseguró Ana Iris durante el pasado mes de junio.
Cualquier miembro de la familia opositora puede ser objeto de estas agresiones, según ha referido la cubana, quien ha sido atacada en diferentes ocasiones, cuando se dispone a salir de su vivienda, e inclusive han amenazado a la cubana con quitarle a sus hijos.
RECOMENDADO: A machetazos presunto enviado de la policía de Cuba intenta asesinar a activista UNPACU en Las Tunas (+VIDEO)
Redacción Cubanos por el Mundo
Skyline in La Habana, Cuba, at sunset, with vintage cars on the street and people sitting on the Malecon. Copy space
https://cubanosporelmundo.com/2020/07/07/escobazos-familia-cubana-opositora-via/https://cubanosporelmundo.com/2020/07/07/escobazos-familia-cubana-opositora-via/ Cuba: A escobazos agreden a los hermanos Leyva en plena vía pública (+VIDEOS) Cuba: A escobazos agreden a los hermanos Leyva en plena vía pública (+VIDEOS) Los activistas cubanos…
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araucanianoticias · 4 years
Municipalidad de Loncoche firma convenio para ampliar apoyo a adultos mayores en medio de la pandemia
Municipalidad de Loncoche firma convenio para ampliar apoyo a adultos mayores en medio de la pandemia
Por un monto superior a los 100 millones de pesos, la Municipalidad de Loncoche y el Servicio Nacional de Adultos Mayores, firmaron un convenio para ampliar la cobertura del Centro Diurno de Personas Mayores, y así entregar más apoyo a las personas mayores de la comuna.
En la firma estuvieron presentes el Alcalde de Loncoche, Ricardo Peña, junto a la coordinadora Regional del Senama Karin Mella y…
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tuseriesdetv · 7 years
Noticias de series de la semana: En marcha otro spin-off de 'Juego de Tronos'
No son cuatro spin-offs, sino cinco
George R.R. Martin ha confirmado en su blog que Bryan Cogman, guionista habitual de la serie original, está escribiendo un quinto spin-off de Game of Thrones. Cogman, que llegó en la primera temporada como ayudante de Weiss y Benioff, está al frente de episodios como 'The Laws of Gods and Men', 'Stormborn' y 'Kissed by Fire'. Recordemos que si alguno de los spin-offs recibiera encargo de serie, no comenzaría su producción hasta al menos un año después del final de Juego de Tronos. [Fuente]
Veep y Better Call Saul no llegan a los próximos Emmy
Parece ser que la séptima y última temporada de Veep y la cuarta de Better Call Saul no podrán participar en la próxima edición de los premios Emmy. Saul no pretende aparecer en nuestras pantallas hasta septiembre de 2018 y, aunque Julia Louis-Dreyfus vuelve al trabajo en octubre, no veremos a Selina Meyer asomarse a HBO a tiempo. Deberían estrenarse antes del 31 de mayo para ser consideradas. [Fuente]
Accidente tras grabar Riverdale
KJ Apa (Archie) ha tenido un accidente de coche después de trabajar más de catorce horas. Al parecer, se habría quedado dormido al volante en un viaje de cuarenta y cinco minutos hasta su casa pasada la medianoche. El hospital local al que fue llevado le dejó marchar, ya que no sufría heridas graves, pero el coche quedó inutilizable -y la parte del copiloto destrozada- tras chocar con un poste. Cole Sprouse (Jughead), que tenía intención de viajar en ese coche pero cambió de idea en el último momento, ha pedido a la producción un transporte para el equipo que trabaja hasta tarde. El estudio ha declarado en un comunicado que las jornadas de trabajo no son siempre iguales y que los actores tienen permitido pedir un taxi o pasar la noche en un hotel. De todas maneras, SAG-AFTRA, el sindicato de actores, analizará la seguridad del set de la serie. [Fuente]
Parón en For the People
Con dos episodios ya grabados, se ha decidido paralizar la producción de For the People para mejorar los guiones y adaptarse al nuevo ritmo derivado del cambio de actrices protagonistas. [Fuente]
Renovaciones de series
HBO ha renovado The Deuce por una segunda temporada
Netflix ha renovado BoJack Horseman por una quinta temporada
Global ha renovado Private Eyes por una tercera temporada
BBC One ha encargado la adaptación de 'Career of Evil', tercera novela sobre Cormoran Strike
Incorporaciones y fichajes de series
Sean Penn (Mystic River, Milk) protagonizará The First, escrita y producida por Beau Willimon (House of Cards), sobre la primera  misión humana a Marte. Se desconocen detalles de su personaje.
Mark Bonnar (Catastrophe, Shetland) será Neil Sommer, un científico que conecta personalmente con Laura (Katherine Parkinson), en la tercera temporada de Humans.
Russell Tovey (Quantico, Looking) será el superhéroe gay conocido como The Ray en el crossover de DC. Además, le pondrá voz en la serie animada Freedom Fighters: The Ray de CW Seed.
Emma Kenney (Shameless) se une como regular al revival de Roseanne. Será Harris, hija de Darlene (Sara Gilbert) y David (Johnny Galecki).
Rebecca Mader (Zelena) volverá durante varios episodios de la séptima temporada de Once Upon A Time.
Sam Waterston (The Newsroom, Grace and Frankie) volverá a ser Jack McCoy, papel de Law & Order, en la decimonovena temporada de Law & Order: SVU.
Karin Konoval (The Planet of the Apes) volverá a The X-Files en su undécima temporada interpretando un nuevo papel. Su Mrs. Peacock, del episodio titulado 'Home', es de sobra conocida por los fans.
Matthew Broderick (Ladyhawke, Inspector Gadget) será el narrador del especial A Christmas Story.
Indira Varma (Game of Thrones, Luther), David Gyasi (Man in an Orange Shirt, Cloud Atlas), Karla Crome (Misfits, Under the Dome) y Tamzin Merchant (Supergirl, Salem) se unen a Carnival Row. Serán la matriarca de la familia que dirige la ciudad, un adinerado fauno viviendo en un barrio de humanos, un hada que se ve obligada a prostituirse y una joven de familia aristocrática.
Hiroyuki Sanada (Helix, Extant) se une como recurrente a la segunda temporada de Westworld. Se desconocen detalles.
David Lim (Quantico), que entró como recurrente en SWAT, ha sido ascendido a regular antes del estreno. Interpreta a Victor Tan.
Tamlyn Tomita (Teen Wolf, Berlin Station) ha sido ascendida a regular antes del estreno de The Good Doctor. Interpreta a Allegra Aoki, presidenta de la fundación que controla al hospital St. Bonaventure.
Michael Maize (Mr. Robot, National Treasure: Book of Secrets) será recurrente en la cuarta temporada de Gotham como Grady, miembro de la banda de Merton (Michael Buscemi).
Michael Maize (Mr. Robot, National Treasure: Book of Secrets) y Debi Mazar (Younger, Entourage) serán recurrentes en Happy! como un traficante de armas y una madre vengativa y calculadora.
Larenz Tate (Tate) ha sido ascendido a regular de cara a la quinta temporada de Power.
Daniel Cosgrove (Billions, Days of Our Lives) será recurrente en You como Ron, agente de la condicional, vecino de Joe (Penn Badgley) y padrastro de Paco (Luca Padovan).
Troy Doherty y Leo Oliva se unen como recurrentes a la quinta temporada de The Last Ship. Serán Clayton Swain, cadete y protegido de Tom Chandler (Eric Dane), y Peña, miembro del equipo de Octavio.
Alex Meneses (Telenovela) será recurrente en la cuarta temporada de Jane the Virgin como Katherine, dueña de The Cortes Hotel Conglomerate y posible inversora del hotel de Rafael y Petra.
Erik Palladino (NCIS: LA, 666 Park Avenue) será recurrente en la segunda temporada de Six como el comandante Hughes.
Sam Taylor Buck, Daniel Mays (Line of Duty, Born to Kill), Sian Brooke (Sherlock, Doctor Foster), Amma Ris (Chewing Gum), Ilan Galkoff (Wizards vs. Aliens) y Alfie Taylor serán el Anticristo, sus padres y los amigos que le ayudan a reprimir sus impulsos en Good Omens.
Pósters de series
        Nuevas series
La primera serie original de HBO España será Patria, la adaptación de la novela de Fernando Aramburu (2016) sobre el conflicto vasco y sus consecuencias. Escrita y producida por Aitor Gabilondo (El príncipe, El comisario).
ITV encarga el drama familiar Butterfly, escrita por Tony Marchant (The Secret Agent, Public Enemies), sobre una niña de 11 años que nació en el cuerpo de un niño y toma la enorme decisión de mostrarse al mundo tal y como es no sólo dentro de casa. Anna Friel (Pushing Daisies, Marcella) interpretará a la madre de la niña.
Natasha Lyonne (Orange Is the New Black) escribirá y protagonizará una comedia aún sin título en Netflix. Creada por Lyonne, Amy Poehler y Leslye Headland, trata sobre una joven llamada Nadia en su viaje como invitada de honor en una fiesta aparentemente ineludible de la noche de Nueva York. Ocho episodios.
CBS ha dado luz verde directa a trece episodios de FBI, sobre el funcionamiento interno de su oficina de Nueva York, escrita por Craig Turk (The Good Wife, Private Practice) y producida por Dick Wolf (de las franquicias Law & Order y Chicago).
HBO Europa encarga su primera serie escandinava. Gosta (8 episodios), escrita y dirigida por el director sueco Lukas Moodysson, habla sobre un psicólogo infantil de 28 años que consigue trabajo en un pequeño pueblo y trata de aplicar sus teorías de amabilidad universal con resultados sorprendentes.
Showtime ha adquirido los derechos del thriller The President is Missing, novela escrita por el expresidente Bill Clinton y James Patterson que saldrá a la venta en junio de 2018.
Diane Kruger protagonizará y producirá una miniserie sobre Hedy Lamarr, actriz austriaca que inventó el espectro ensanchado (base de funcionamiento del Wi-Fi o el Bluetooth).
The CW desarrolla la adaptación de The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, companion series de Riverdale protagonizada por la bruja Sabrina Spellman con un tono oscuro al estilo The Exorcist o Rosemary's Baby. Dirige Lee Toland Krieger (Riverdale, The Age of Adaline) y escribe Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa (Riverdale, Glee, Big Love).
Fechas de series
The Last Post llega a BBC One el 1 de octubre
Porridge llega a BBC One el 6 de octubre
La segunda temporada de Zapped se estrena en Dave el 12 de octubre
The Punisher llega a Netflix el 13 de octubre
Syfy retrasa una semana, hasta el 6 de diciembre, el estreno de Happy!
Tráilers de series
The Last Man on Earth - Temporada 4
Jack Ryan
The Punisher
Ghost Wars
The Last Post
0 notes
estefi1world · 7 years
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#ULTIMAHORA #OrgulloVenezolano La película venezolana @elamparofilm nos representara en los #premiosgoya #Venezuela #arribaVenezuela 💛💙❤ #Repost gilkaemiliana: Me honra contarles esta buena noticia .... @elamparofilm  ópera prima de Rober Calzadilla escrita por Karin Valecillos, recibe dos gratas noticias, será el film que represente a Venezuela en los premios Goya, para que luego la academia del cine español escoja entre las candidatas de todos los países, a las 5 películas que competirán en la categoría de cine iberoamericano, además  ganó el Premio al Nuevo Talento otorgado en el Festival Internacional de Cine de Duhok, en el Kurdistán  Irakí, esto, sumado a los cuatro premios que obtuvo en días pasados en tres festivales internacionales. Mejor Película en el Festival Internacional de Cine Latino de Sídney , Premio de la Crítica Especializada en el Festival Internacional de Cine de Viña del Mar, Premio Especial del Jurado y Premio Argentores a Mejor Guion en el Festival de Cine de las Alturas en Jujuy, Argentina, convirtiéndose así en la película más premiada de 2017. El Amparo sigue cosechando éxitos desde su estreno en 2016 durante el Festival de San Sebastián. La cinta protagonizada por Giovanny García, Vicente Quintero, Vicente Peña, Rossana Hernández y Samantha Castillo es una producción de Tumbarrancho Films y Películas Prescindibles a cargo de Marianela Illas y Rubén Sierra. El largometraje que ha participado hasta la fecha en más de cincuenta festivales en todo el mundo obteniendo veinticinco importantes premios se estrenará en octubre simultáneamente en Venezuela y Brasil, donde ganó Mejor Película y Mejor Guion en la Mostra Internacional de Cine de Saó Paulo. El público venezolano podrá ver el laureado film a partir del próximo 13 de octubre. El Amparo es una de las tres películas venezolanas preseleccionadas para los Premios Fénix 2017. El Amparo es una historia inspirada en hechos reales, relata la lucha de los sobrevivientes de la masacre del Amparo, donde catorce pescadores fueron asesinados por las fuerzas del Estado. 💪💪💪❤❤💛💙❤
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livelaughwhump · 2 years
Worthless - Part 13
Masterlist | Previous
Content: mention of past noncon, mention of sexual harassment, dehumanization, degradation, self-deprecation, self-hatred, pet whump, recovery whump, hurt/comfort
Landon gently closed the door to Elliot's room, careful not to wake the sleeping boy inside. Landon's face was ghost-white and he was staring far away into space, unable to process Elliot's revelation.
"Hey," a voice called out to him. Landon sluggishly turned his head to face the living room where Karine, Yvonne, and Broderick were all gathered. Karine was smiling deviously at him as she said, "That was cute in there, reading to Elliot like that." Landon was silent. "I didn't know you were so brotherly," Karine mocked.
Landon didn't have the energy to retort. His muddled brain could hardly process her words.
Suddenly, Karine's smile disappeared. "What's wrong?" She asked. "What happened? Is Elliot okay?"
Landon didn't answer her question. Instead, he responded with, "Did any of you know?"
All three team members exchanged confused glances with one another. "Know what?" Broderick asked.
"Did you know that-that Elliot was..." he broke off. He didn't want to say it. He couldn't bring himself to say it, but he also knew he couldn't dance around it this time. "That Elliot was raped?"
The silence in the room was deafening. No one so much as breathed. Each team member wore an expression of shock and horror on their face, struggling to process what Landon had revealed.
Yvonne was the first to break the silence. "Wh-What?"
"What the fuck are you talking about?" Karine snapped. "Landon, you can't just say shit like that."
"I'm sorry," he said. "I just-I just didn't know what else to do."
Broderick hesitated for a moment before he said, "I knew." All eyes turned to him, wide and shocked and confused. Before anyone had the chance to speak up, Broderick said, "I found out when I gave him a bath. After I told him to-to undress." Tears had started welling in Broderick's eyes as he recounted the story. "He-He thought I was going to..." Broderick choked on a sob and buried his face in his hands. "I'm sorry I didn't...tell anyone," he sobbed. "I-I-I was just so s-scared. I'm sorry."
Karine's jaw was practically on the floor and she turned to face Landon again. "And how did you find out?" Her voice was shaking ever-so-slightly.
Landon swallowed the lump in his throat and calmly explained what had happened, despite the despair and rage mixing in his gut. His teammates listened intently, their expressions staying consistently appalled.
A loud sob escaped Yvonne's throat. Tears were streaming down her face. "Oh, Elliot," she cried. She broke into a fit of sobs and Broderick gathered her into his arms, both of then crying into the other's shoulder. "H-How could we let him go through something so-so horrible? How could we let this h-happen to him? Poor Elliot."
"It's not your fault, Yvonne," Landon tried to reassure her. "I-I didn't know Christian, but even though you did, you didn't know he was capable of-of something like this."
"Yes, we did," Karine mumbled. All attention fixed on her, but her eyes were only focused on Landon. "Did we ever tell you how we know Christian?"
Landon shrugged. "I don't think so. It was never really important."
Karine nodded and clenched her jaw. "It wasn't," she agreed. "But now it is." Landon waited patiently while she gathered her bearings. She took a deep, quivering breath. "Christian was our previous gunslinger," she admitted. "Before you joined the team."
Landon's eyes widened. "You-You mean he-he lived here?"
Karine nodded. "Your room used to be his. Right next to Elliot's."
Landon shook his head. "I-I don't understand. Why would you let him anywhere near Elliot?" He exclaimed.
"Because we didn't know what he was like," Karine andwered. "We didn't know for a long time. Not until Elliot finally told us that-that Christian was harassing him."
Another sob escaped Yvonne's throat as she buried her face in Broderick's chest.
"Apparently, it had been going on for years, since Elliot was eighteen. He said it started out as casual flirting, which Elliot had even joined in on because he thought it was just a joke. Then, it got worse. Christian started cornering Elliot, trying to kiss him, groping him. Elliot told him to stop, but Christian wouldn't listen, and-and it just kept getting worse." Karine paused to swallow hard, clearly fighting tears of her own. "Elliot didn't tell us until he was twenty. He didn't even tell Lyra because he was so ashamed. He-He finally told us because-because he was afraid that Christian would try to..." Karine broke off, tears beginning to slip down her face. "We kicked Christian out because of it. We knew what he was capable of, but-but we never expected him to actually take Elliot. We-We should've been more careful. We should've noticed what he was doing to Elliot." Karine's lip was trembling. "We never noticed. It was going on behind our backs for two years, and we never..." Karine sniffled and Yvonne rested a gentle hand on her shoulder.
Landon stood there, slack-jawed. He couldn't believe they had never told him, but he also couldn't blame them. They clearly all blamed themselves for what happened. It wasn't fair to be angry at them.
"We can't treat him any differently because of this," Karine said, scrubbing at the tears on her face. "We already knew that Christian did horrible things to him. This doesn't change anything."
"I wish I could agree with you," Broderick finally spoke up. "I haven't spent much time around him since I found out, because-because I'm just so scared. I don't want to accidentally hurt him again."
"But we can't ignore him either," Yvonne said. "That's not fair to him."
Almost simultaneously, each member's phone dinged, alerting them all of a text. They all shared a confused look before each opening the message they had received. It was from Lyra, and it read:
Hey, guys. On my way back from the mission. I should be home in a couple hours. Hope everything went okay while I was gone! See you soon
Everyone in the room stopped breathing as a realization settled over them.
"How are we gonna tell Lyra?" Yvonne asked.
No one knew how to answer. Landon glanced over his shoulder, in the direction of Elliot's room, where he hoped the boy was still peacefully resting. The mere thought of telling Lyra what happened to Elliot made his stomach churn.
"I-I shouldn't have even told any of you. It wasn't my place, but I-I didn't know what else to do." Now, it was Landon's turn to start crying. "Karine, what do we do?"
Karine shook her head. "I don't know."
. . .
When Elliot awoke, he was alone and the room was dark, but a bit of light seeped in from under the door. Elliot stretched and gently pushed himself out of bed. He could hear distant chatter on the other side of his door, but none of it made any sense.
Elliot squinted as he opened the door, unused the bright, yellow light from the kitchen. The voices were a bit clearer now, but he still couldn't make out what they were saying, not that he would try to.
Only bad dogs eavesdrop on humans. Are you a bad dog?
Elliot lowered his head as he rounded the corner into the kitchen.
All conversation stopped the second he entered, and the sudden shift made Elliot unintentionally glance up at his teammates. Karine, Broderick, and Landon were sitting at the small kitchen table in the corner, while Yvonne was cooking beside the stove. All eyes were fixated directly on Elliot, who's first instinct was to drop to his knees and beg for forgiveness. Instead, he remained frozen in place, tears welling in his eyes.
What's going on? What have I done wrong?
Elliot lowered his head once more and sniffled.
"Oh, Elliot, don't cry," Yvonne's voice said. Elliot didn't look up, but he tried to stop the tears from falling. Yvonne was suddenly at Elliot's side, tilting his head up and wiping away his tears. "It's okay, it's all right."
Elliot swallowed the lump in his throat. "Are-Are you all a-angry with me?"
"Oh, no, darling, everything is fine. I promise."
Elliot glanced at his other teammates. Broderick was no longer looking at him, Landon held a look of guilt on his face, and Karine was staring at him with sympathy. Elliot was so confused.
Elliot's lip was quivering. He looked back up at Yvonne. Yvonne wasn't that much taller than him, but he still felt incredibly small standing next to her.
Good. It's because you're beneath her. You're beneath every human, you ugly mutt
When he looked back up at Yvonne, his eyes widened. There were tears on Yvonne's face and Elliot felt his heart drop. What had he done wrong?
Yvonne wiped away her tears and sniffled, forcing a smile onto her face. "Don't worry, darling. You-You haven't done anything wrong, it's just..." Yvonne broke off, appearing as though she was on the verge of tears again. "Oh darling. Can I give you a hug?"
Elliot was beyond confused, but it wasn't in his nature to deny such a request. He nodded slightly, struggling to keep the confusion off of his face as Yvonne wrapped her arms around him and sobbed into his shoulder. Elliot's eyes went round. What was going on?
"I'm so proud of you, Elliot," Yvonne mumbled between sobs. "You've gone through so much, and-and-"
"Yvonne," Karine interrupted. Yvonne let go of Elliot and looked at the team leader. Karine quirked an eyebrow and Yvonne muttered a quick apology before returning to the supper she'd been cooking before.
Elliot looked over at the rest of his team, his brows furrowed in immense confusion. "Wh-What's going on?"
"Nothing, buddy," Karine said, patting the chair beside her. Elliot reluctantly sat down, stiff as a board. "We're just really proud of how well you've done these past few days without Lyra here." Elliot blushed and looked away, frowning.
What had he done well? He couldn't even count how many meltdowns he'd had, he'd made Landon angry, he'd accused both Broderick and Landon of wanting to fuck him. The only thing he'd done right was his chores.
Karine rested a hand on Elliot's back, and Elliot suppressed a flinch. "Lyra's going to be very proud of you." Elliot didn't say anything to that. He didn't believe her. He was sure Lyra would be immensely disappointed when they saw him. "Speaking of Lyra," she said. Almost immediately after she said it, Elliot heard the sound of the front door opening. His eyes widened and he turned to look through the doorway of the kitchen, which faced the front door. Sure enough, it was Lyra that walked in, a black duffle bag slung over their shoulder.
Elliot froze, suppressing the urge to run to them and throw himself into their arms. He knew better than that. If they wanted to see him, they would approach him themself.
As if on cue, Lyra dropped their duffle by the front door and hurried into the kitchen, grinning from ear to ear. Yvonne was the first to give them a hug, quickly followed by every other member of the team, save for Landon. Elliot remained seated, head down. He couldn't initiate anything. It wasn't in his nature.
"I missed you guys!" Lyra exclaimed as she greeted each team member individually.
"It's only been three days," Landon commented.
Lyra rolled their eyes and looked at Elliot, who still refused to look up. "Elliot?" They said. Elliot glanced up, trying to keep his expression neutral. Lyra smiled at him and opened their arms. "Can I have a hug?"
Elliot nearly burst into tears upon hearing that. Immediately, he jumped up from his resting place and wrapped his arms around them. He buried his face into their shoulder, loud sobs escaping his throat.
"Oh, sunshine," Lyra whispered as she hugged him back. "I missed you so much."
Elliot wanted to respond, to tell them that he missed them too, but he couldn't bring himself to speak between his sobs. Instead, he relished their presence and the warm feeling of their arms around him.
. . .
Lyra sat on the couch, holding Elliot as tightly as they could without hurting him. His head was resting on their chest, the smallest hint of a smile on his face. They hadn't asked how things had gone while they were away. They figured that was a conversation for another time.
Elliot hadn't spoken much since they walked in, which was about what Lyra had expected. They'd only been gone for a few days, but they could only imagine all that had happened in that amount of time. They just hoped the rest of the team had treated Elliot well.
Suddenly, Lyra's ring tone sounded, startling both her and Elliot. Lyra cursed silently and smiled down at Elliot before reaching to check her phone. When she saw the name displayed, her eyes widened.
"Sorry, sunshine," she said, gently petting Elliot's hair. "I have to take this, I'll be right back."
"Is-Is everything okay?" Elliot asked, concerned.
Lyra nodded. "Everything's fine, El. I'll be right back." Lyra gently pushed Elliot off of her lap and rushed to her room to answer the call. "Gary?" She said. Gary was the director of the mission she'd just returned from.
"Hey, Lyra, how's it going?" Gary asked.
Lyra ignored his question. "Has there been any development? Have you found a new lead?"
There was silence on the other end for a bit before Gary said, "Sorry, Lye, I-I didn't mean to give you false hope. I was just calling to make sure you made it back okay." Lyra's heart plummeted. They wanted to throw their phone at the wall. The mission hadn't gone as they had hoped, and much of the frustration still lingered.
Lyra sighed. "Yeah, I made it back. Everything's fine."
A couple awkward seconds of silence followed. Then, Gary said, "How's Elliot?"
Lyra shook their head, even though they knew he couldn't see them. "He's-He's no worse. Still really jumpy and-and quiet, but-but He's doing okay. I'm sure he'll be fine...eventually."
"Well, how are you?" Gary asked. This took Lyra aback. "I know the mission didn't turn out how you wanted."
They shook their head again. "I'm fine, just...just frustrated. I'm not sure how I'm going to sleep at night knowing Christian's still out there."
"We'll find him, Lye," Gary said. "This mission may not have gotten us very far, but we'll find him, I promise. We're not going to let him get away with what he did to Elliot."
Lyra sighed. "Thanks, Gary, but it took us nearly a year and a half to find him last time. That's plenty of time for Christian to find a way to steal Elliot back, and I refuse to let that happen again. I promised Elliot that I wouldn't let anyone hurt him again."
"You're gonna have to trust me, Lye. I'll do everything I can to make sure Christian is found and apprehended."
A sudden knock at Lyra's door startled her. She sighed. "I've gotta go, Gary. Please, keep me updated if anything new comes up."
"Will do, Lye. I'll talk to you soon."
Lyra nodded. "Yeah, I hope so." With that, she hung up the phone and went to open her door. On the other side stood Karine, Broderick, Yvonne, and Landon. Lyra felt her stomach sink. "What's wrong?"
Each member of the team shared a somber look with one another before Karine fixed her eyes on Lyra and said, "We need to tell you something."
I don't love how this turned out, to be honest, mostly because I didn't really have time to proofread it, so sorry for any typos or anything
@l-antre-des-merveilles @pigeonwhumps @nicolepascaline @burningkittypoet @whumpinggrounds @suffering-and-misery @make-them-scream @honeycollectswhump @rabass
If anyone else wants to be added to or removed from the taglist, please let me know!😊
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livelaughwhump · 2 years
If it's not already planned and you have time. How would Karine react to seeing Landon reading to Elliot who is half asleep in his arms? (also I was wondering if I could be the cat anon from the drabble and comfort things)🐈
Of course, you can!😊
Thanks so much for your request!
This is pretty short, but I can't think of any other way she would react. I'll probably make this a little bonus thing for chapter 12
Since her conversation with Landon, Karine couldn't help but worry. Although she was the one that told Landon to talk to Elliot, she couldn't shake the fear that came with leaving them alone together. Landon wasn't naturally comforting, as was evident by his last interaction with Elliot, and Karine didn't want to add anymore distress onto him.
It was that fear and unrelenting anxiety that led to her sitting outside Elliot's room with her ear pressed to the door.
She couldn't hear much, which she took as a good sign. There was no shouting or crying or begging and Karine released a heavy sigh of relief. All she could hear on the other side of the door was Landon's muffled voice speaking very softly. Karine was impressed. It was rare for Elliot to be alone with anyone without crying, let alone Landon.
Curious, Karine very carefully pushed the door open, peering inside to make sure everything was truly all right, and what she found brought tears to her eyes.
Elliot was wrapped in a thick, soft blanket and was curled up beside Landon on top of the bed. Landon's arm was wrapped around Elliot's shoulder, holding the younger man close and rubbing his arm comfortingly. Landon was sat beside him with a book on his lap, softly reading aloud while Elliot listened intently. Elliot's head was resting on Landon's chest and his eyelids were fluttering, as though he was struggling to keep them open. Neither of them noticed Karine's presence.
Karine watched for a few seconds before quietly shutting the door. She smiled silently to herself for a moment before pushing herself to her feet and leaving the two men in peace.
If anyone else has any requests, suggestions, or questions (for me or my characters) please fell free to send them to me!
(I'll tag the taglist, even though this is short, because I think it's cute)
@l-antre-des-merveilles @pigeonwhumps @nicolepascaline @burningkittypoet @whumpinggrounds @suffering-and-misery @make-them-scream @honeycollectswhump @rabass
If anyone wants to be added to or removed from the taglist, please let me know😊
Or if you only want to be tagged in main chapters
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livelaughwhump · 4 months
27, 34, 37 for the ask game, Karine
From this ask game
27. What do you think about whumpee?
"Elliot is one of the smartest, sweetest, most genuine human beings I've ever met. He's such a great kid and I wish there was more I could do to help him out of this."
34. Isn't there someone you're forgetting to take care of? (Yourself, stupid)
"Honestly, no. Since there's so many of us, we all have plenty of opportunities to take care of ourselves. Lyra’s really the only one that doesn't take advantage of those opportunities."
36. Have you ever killed? Would you?
"I have on missions, but only when it's absolutely necessary. I've never liked killing and I never will, but if it came down to it, I would kill anyone to protect my family. However, there is one person on this planet that I'd be happy to kill."
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livelaughwhump · 1 year
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I made some really cute picrews of my whole (current) Worthless cast!!
I have another picrew for an upcoming character, but I won't share it yet since we haven't met her😊
In order: Pre-captivity Elliot, In-captivity Elliot, Post-captivity Elliot, Lyra, Karine, Yvonne, Broderick, Landon, Christian
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livelaughwhump · 1 year
Hello, I just binged your entire "worthless" series and I gotta say that was an absolute ride /pos
I couldn't help but notice in the feeding tube drabble that Karine mentions she doesn't like hospitals and I'm kind of curious why 👀 will that be answered in the main storyline and if not could you potentially tell me why? Thank you so much!!
Hi, I'm so glad you liked it!!
Karine's backstory, as well as everyone else's, will probably be revealed at some point. I'm just not sure how or when, so I'd be happy to tell you about it now!
Just warning you though, it's a little dark.
Basically, Karine has always had very poor experiences with hospitals. For context, her father left before she was born and she was raised by her grandparents for most of her life. This is because when she was five, her mother was shot as a result of a hate crime. (Her family emigrated from the Philippines before she was born) Her mother was then taken to a hospital and died shortly after arrival.
Karine went to live with her grandparents after that. When she was eighteen, her grandmother fell seriously ill and was taken to the hospital. Instead of treating her, however, the hospital staff simply made her comfortable and she died within a few days.
So, in summary, Karine knows that a hospital is supposed to be a place where one goes to heal, but based on her experiences and the trauma she got from them, she views hospitals as a place where one goes to die.
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livelaughwhump · 1 year
hey sorry i was thinking could you maybe do a post where you tell briefly each characters backstory from worthless. like maybe not in detail but i remember for example you answered an ask about karine's fear of hospitals and her mom (i think) and about landon too so i thought you could gather them all in a post when and if you want and have time
i hope this doesn't sound impolite i really like your story
Of course! It doesn't sound impolite at all! I've actually been meaning to do something like this for a while, so thank you for the suggestion!😊
Worthless Character Backstories
Elliot Córdova (he/him) - Elliot was abandoned when he was very little because his parents were too young to raise a child and couldn't take care of him. He grew up in the foster system and was bullied relentlessly for his height, his race, his dyslexia, etc. The bullying got so bad that he eventually started skipping meals just to avoid his bullies. This led to him becoming very malnourished, which stunted his growth. He met his best friend and honorary older sister, Lyra, when he was seven and hardly left their side ever since. He was never adopted.
Lyra Beckett (they/she) - Lyra had a very loving family growing up. They were an only child and were incredibly close to their parents. However, when she was eleven, her parents were killed in a car crash on their way to pick her up from a friend's house. She was then put into the foster system and ended up rooming with Elliot, who eventually became her best friend and honorary little brother. Lyra protected Elliot from his bullies and tutored him in most school subjects that he struggled in. They began developing vitiligo at age fifteen and tried to hide it, as they were ashamed of it. Eventually, however, Elliot convinced them to be proud of it and they never hid it again. They were never adopted.
Karine de la Peña (she/her) - Karine was raised by a single mother until she was five, when her mother was killed in a shooting. She was then raised by her grandparents, including her veteran grandmother, who taught her everything she knows about combat. When Karine was eighteen, her grandmother died and she was left with only her grandfather. After that, she developed a serious drug and alcohol problem that landed her in rehab on more than one occasion. When she was twenty-three, her grandfather got very sick, but she couldn't see him due to being in rehab. Her grandfather eventually recovered and Karine swore that she would never find herself giving into her addiction again, and she has stayed true to that ever since. She is still very close with her grandfather.
Yvonne Freed (she/her) - Yvonne is one of six siblings, three girls and three boys. She is the second oldest, after her older sister, whom helped her raise their four youngest siblings. Yvonne's parents worked incredibly hard in order to provide for the family of eight, but were not home very often, which left Yvonne and her older sister to care for the younger four. Yvonne was bullied severely, growing up, both for being autistic and for her albinism. She quit school when she was sixteen in order to care for her siblings, but still had an affinity for learning and would teach herself whatever she could in her free time.
Broderick Abara (he/him) - Broderick is the oldest of three. His younger brothers are twins that were born when Broderick was twelve. Broderick's father was a military veteran that always wanted Broderick to follow in his footsteps, despite Broderick's desire to go to medical school. To compromise, when he came of age, Broderick went to Afghanistan to serve as a military medic, but was gravely injured on duty. Due to his post-traumatic stress injury (PTSI), he was honorably discharged from the military and sent back home. His father was furious about it and insisted that he would've rather that Broderick had died than be sent back before his service was completed. Broderick then moved out of the United States and has not spoken to his father since. (His mother also divorced his father and took custody of the twins)
Landon Copeland (he/him) - Of every "Worthless" character, Landon's life was the easiest and least traumatic, including compared to his sister's. Landon grew up in a loving family in a nice neighborhood. He went to a good school, was never bullied, and has always had a very close relationship with his little sister. He played many different sports all throughout his childhood and got into university on a basketball scholarship. The hardest thing that ever happened to him was when his parents got a divorce when he was fourteen, but he always maintained a fairly good relationship with both of them.
Colleen Copeland (she/her) - (MASSIVE TW - attempted suicide) Colleen is three years younger than her brother, Landon. Just like Landon, Colleen had a relatively normal childhood until she was fifteen. She had a loving family, a very close relationship with her brother, and a close-knit group of friends. Her parents got divorced when she was eleven, which didn't bother her much, as she had never had a great relationship with her mother. When Colleen was fifteen, she began to develop serious anxiety and depression. Her brother and father did everything they could to support her, but her mother brushed it off as attention-seeking behavior. Once Landon had gone off to university, Colleen's depression continued to worsen until it got to the point where she tried to take her own life at the age of sixteen. After hearing the news, Landon quit university in order to help Colleen through the rest of her high school years. Once she turned eighteen, Landon went back to university with her, where Colleen eventually met her future (ex) husband, Andrey, whom she'd end up having two kids with; Kiernan (age 7) and Jamari (age 5)
So yeah! Those are every character's backstories! Except for Christian, of course, because I just don't feel like he needs a backstory. Nothing happened to him that turned him into a whumper, he just is that way. The only reason I might create a backstory for him is to flesh out his character a little bit more, but he hasn't been in the story nearly enough for that to be necessary, so he's just gonna stay without for now.🤷
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed getting to know my characters a little better! I'm very proud of them, and I promise, their backstories will all come into play at some point in the main story! Thanks so much for the ask!🥰
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livelaughwhump · 10 months
Hey Karine, couldn't you guys give Elliot a disguise and take him with you on missions and have at least two people with him at all times? That way you guys could go on missions and have Elliot safe.
From this ask game
"Theoretically, we could, but I'm afraid it's not that simple. Some of our missions are very dangerous and my biggest concern is putting Elliot in a situation where he might witness something traumatic that could set him back in his recovery. I don't want him to have to go through anything he's not ready for."
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livelaughwhump · 2 years
if i remember correctly you said you were looking for piccrews? not sure if you already know this one but i really like this one (i hope the link thingy works hahah) <3
Oh, thank you so much!! I completely forgot about that😅
Anyway, I made my girls!!
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livelaughwhump · 2 years
what are all of the Worthless' characters nationalities?
- 🐘
Lyra, Yvonne, and Broderick are all of African descent, but Yvonne is albino (which has nothing to do with her ethnicity, but I felt it was important to mention)
Elliot is Cuban
Karine is Filipino
Landon is Canadian
And Christian is American
Thanks for asking!😊
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