#Kanjani 8
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tomatoliciousheya · 2 years ago
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spurious · 1 year ago
Fic Writer 20 Questions
Thank you for the tag, @wonkyelk & @sga-owns-my-soul!
How many works do you have on AO3?
103, a number which recently shot up due to me posting all of my random tumblr ficlets to my AO3 account lmao. Previously it was, like, 70.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently it's pretty much all SGA all the time over here. I am enjoying dabbling in Genshin when the mood strikes though, love the yuripeans <3
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Twenty Questions
Ink and Wings
Five Times Rodney (and John) Visit the Millers
Solitary in a Wide Flat Space
Abercrombie & Rodney
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I try to, at least, though sometimes my responses are painfully delayed. I like hearing what people think about a story, I want them to know their comments are loved and appreciated, and sometimes you end up getting into a discussion like back in the Good Old Days on LJ.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Man I really do not write a ton of stuff that doesn’t end happily /just went through all my fics
Angstiest ending of things I've posted is probably either the Kanjani superheroes AU or the apocalypse akame fic? Has my tolerance for writing lengthy angst lessened with age?
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
As I said above, most of my stuff seems to have relatively happy endings. If I were to pick I might say O I Think We Should Be Brethren, because it takes the longest and hardest journey to the ending, which makes it feel more impactful to me.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I got one "hate" comment on the Kanjani cannibalism fic from someone who thought I was sick and needed therapy, or something to that effect. Otherwise, nope.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yes. I would say my smut wheelhouse is kinky porn with feelings, I guess?
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I do not.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I believe one or two of my fics in Johnny's fandom were translated into Russian and/or Chinese?
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Not to completion!
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
how dare you make me choose between my children
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Story I started for a fic exchange in, like, god...2014 or so? In which Yoko kisses Hina, then hits his head and wakes up in a world that's just a shamelessly silly amalgam of J-drama tropes. Sometimes I read through the doc and go "man i wish the author would update"
16. What are your writing strengths?
Sensory description, wanky poetic bullshit, smut, scenes with no more than two people in them, banter-y dialogue
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Endings, complex plots, ensemble casts, scenes with three or more people in them, transitions, being a complete baby about taking criticism, endings, endings
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I don't see a reason for it? You either need to add a gloss with a translation (if your POV character and audience are intended to understand it), at which point you may as well just write "Screw you, McKay," Zelenka said in Czech; or you want it to be incomprensible to the reader, at which point you may as well just write Zelenka muttered something in Czech as he stomped away. If your reader happens to understand the language you've written in and you're not confident in it, they'll be annoyed by the weird grammar you've gotten from google translating it, and even if you are, you're losing the effect of someone having said something that your POV character shouldn't understand.
......................apparently I have an Opinion on this? who knew.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Cardcaptor Sakura, when I was like 13? I may have posted it on FF.net but if there's a god it's been lost to the sands of time. I do not think it was very good.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Shouldn't be surprising at this point for me to pick O I Think We Should Be Brethren for this, right? I just think it's neat.
Tagging (I've seen this one circulate a fair bit so apologies if you've been multiple-tagged): @audioletter @sparrowsarus @texasdreamer01 @luredin @alienfuckeronmain
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12uminoumi12 · 5 months ago
Song: March
By: ウミ の 海
Secret Agent Man single
February 23, 2000
Secret Agent Man
KJ2 The Great Escape album
June 6, 2007
pacific album
November 7, 2007
color album
November 19, 2008
PUZZLE album
April 15, 2009
Half Down
8UPPERS album
October 20, 2010
FIGHT album
November 16, 2011
JUKE BOX album
October 16, 2013
Kanjanism album
November 5, 2014
Ice cream
Kanjani 8's genkigaderu CD!! album
November 11, 2015
Banana juice
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brisasecia · 6 years ago
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bagira2333-news · 6 years ago
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ShigeMaru 💚🧡
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owarinaki · 3 years ago
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Kanjamu SP 20211027 Mr.Children recap 2/2 END
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shakeshakeshakeshakego · 7 years ago
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eggsma · 6 years ago
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Ryo Nishikido
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tomatoliciousheya · 2 years ago
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cloudiayang · 7 years ago
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Ryo took a photo with fans after the screening Hitsuji no Ki in Taiwan
There are fans of Kanjani8 since their Jr or Sochizuka days that have never or will never have a photo/selfie with Kanjani8 members due to Johnny’s rules. These fans are lucky. 
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yesyokocho · 7 years ago
KJ8 Yokoyama You Birthday Appreciation Post
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lovetoshayabai · 8 years ago
7 true-life situations of a fan of Japan. VIDEO WITH ENG SUBTITLE! DON’T FORGET TO TURN ON THE SUB! Every single time fans of Japan are asked the same question. Then joking the same jokes, than cause us wonder, annoyance or even pity. Don't forget to share this video with your friends, especially with initiators of these situations. And surely don't forget to leave the comments about your experience.
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sofarraway · 3 years ago
Reveal your Watch & Rewatch drama list Tagged by @mixmetawin thank you!
currently watching: I don't think im gonna continue watching most of these tho, it's not engaging enough for me
1. Monster -> an anime that's been on my watchlist since I was in elementary school sksksk. But I think i'm gonna read the manga instead, since i want to experience the real charm of the charas!
2. Friends -> lmao my mum made me watch it and i kinda like it! I love Chandler :D
3. What we do in the shadows -> a lot of people have been recommending it and it's funny af ngl, my kind of humor sksksks
4. Beastars -> another anime that is kinda the fucked up ver of zootopia :D
5. The Guest -> the main chara is too frustrating for my liking
6. Tracer -> was waiting for the drama to end so I can binge watch it sksksk love siwan's chara in it!
starting soon:
1. Run On -> want to watch it because siwan was in it
2. The Throne -> my irl bff recommended it to me, but I heard it's so emotionally draining so i keep it for later hehe
1. Strangers From Hell (stucked on ep 8 sksksk)
2. Lovely Writer -> that one thai drama that is so high in quality to the point that it ruins the other BL dramas for me sksksk
I actually want to rewatch a lot of J-Drama that I watched when I was younger, which are:
1. Kimi wa Petto (Matsujun!) -> I was so young when I watched it the first time, so I didn't really understand what the therapist said most of the time. I want to watch it with my current state of mentality to understand its true meaning! Hehe
2. Proposal Daisakusen -> it's like the most calming and peaceful yet slowburning j-drama ever
3. The Quiz Show -> I really miss Sho and that llama guy from kanjani I forget his name SKSKKS
I tag @somebodycallixii @daxianme @blackbirdink @kdreader02 and @moonjosjongwoo hehehe
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kanjani8-argentina · 8 years ago
Letra: Ishiwatari Junji Música: Tsutaya Ko1.
“ore no konomi no You to You” “iya ano ko ore ni muchuu” “dokina shuyaku ga sou dori” “yabai... Pretty Girl me ga atte ugokenai” kimi wo tanoshimaseru no ga oretachi no tanoshimi Woo machi ni matte Weekend! Move your body! ii toko nashi no Everyday tasukedasu ze kanarazu nagai getsu kara kin no deguchi no nai sono meikyuu Take you! meikyuu Take you! A to Z no Everything horesashitaru ze kanarazu sameta Haato tokashite dakishimetai ima Take you! hora ii kao shiteru Tonight, donai? do.na.na.na.i.i Tonight, donai? tanoshima Night! Yeah, ah, ah MC to iyaa ore desu nariagare Big ni (Oh, yeah) I love money, haranchu Dirty, ride on a new Cadillac! (Oh, yeah) furarerya yogore mo enjiru zenbu Entertain you (Oh, yeah) tama ni wa boro dashimasu kedo subereba subetta de Tatsy donai? donai? donai no Party donai? donai? koyoi no Party donai? donai? donai no Party donai? donai? do.na.na.na.na... “dame da... Pretty girl ii boke wa ukabanai” kimi wo tanoshimaseru no ga oretachi no tanoshimi Woo kurai kao wa yoshina yo Move your body! ii toko nashi no Everyday tasukedasu ze kanarazu nagai getsu kara kin no deguchi no nai sono meikyuu Take you! meikyuu Take you! A to Z no Everything horesashitaru ze kanarazu sameta Haato tokashite dakishimetai ima Take you! “machigai no koi demo suteki yan......?” niichan neechan Skake your hips! wakashitaru wa kanarazu maji de? chotto dokan to iisugi to chau? demo eikyuu Take you! eikyuu Take you! jiichan baachan Shake your hips! odorashitaru wa kanarazu ireba katakata natte ii Rizumu yan ima Take you! hora ii kao shiteru Tonight, donai? do.na.na.na.i.i Tonight, donai? do.na.na.na.i.i Tonight, donai? do.na.na.na.i.i Tonight, donai? tanoshima Night!
Kanji: Blog | LJ
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owarinaki · 3 years ago
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Kanjamu SP 20211027 Mr.Children recap 1
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ookami-seinen · 4 years ago
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I'm too lazy to keep going.
Like for a starter
Comment who or how many
Any au ideas you'd like let me know. I'll do anything.
For those who don't know members of japanese bands I have all members to
Hey say jump : yamada ryosuke, takaki yuya, inoo kei, arioka daiki, yabu Kota, Nakajima yuto, Chinese yuri, yaotome hikaru
Arashi: Sakurai sho, ninomiya kazunari, aiba masaki, Matsumoto Jun, Ohno satoshi
Kanjani 8: Yokohama yu, ohkura tadayoshi, Yasuda shots, maruyama ryuhei, Murakami shingo
Sixtones: shintaro morimoto, Tanaka juri, koichi yugo, Jesse Lewis, Houston matsumura, kyomoto taiga.
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