#Kaname x Yuuki
Zero offered Kaname forgiveness for his sins, he really had great character development!
Of course, he couldn't forgive him for hurting Yuuki.
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Kaname says that he understands and reaches out his hands to Zero, offering and pulling him in a hug.
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This is one of the most emotional scenes for me. Kaname embraced Zero. Embraced the boy who's life went twisted because of him, who hated himself and lost his family, and felt deeply misunderstood. He tried to offer some comfort to Zero; Kaname knew that this wasn't enough, but he threw his heart into the furnace in order for Zero to live in peace with Yuuki.
And Zero didn't back away from the hug. He accepted it and stayed there, despite all of Kaname's wrong-doings.
Kaname wasn't ready to forgive himself, but he could at least offer Zero some affection before taking his final breath.
He wished for Yuuki and Zero to be happy.
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Blood Lust of Beasts Chapter 2
Fandom: Vampire Knight
Pairing: Kaname Kuran/Zero Kiriyu
Characters: Kiryu Zero, Kuran Kaname, Cross Yuki, Aido Hanabusa, Cross Kaien, Wakaba Sayori, Yagari Toga
Status: Ongoing
Chapter 1
The days passed much as they did in the Academy, mindlessly boring and awfully long. The weather had taken one look at Zero’s inner turmoil and said fuck you to you too; endless days of humid sunshine followed that terrible night, the accompanying breeze pitifully weak, and Zero felt the murderous rage within him boil over.
He made a habit of snarling at any unsuspecting victims who erred even slightly in his presence. It felt as if someone had pressed the on button for the jittery tenseness that followed him around like his own personal storming cloud and forgot to switch it off.
Yuki had done a blatant 180 degrees spin the second she spied him stomping in her general direction. In her defence, Zero had been particularly harsh when she’d dared take over his breakfast duties and nearly burned the whole kitchen down. It was a reoccurring happenstance, Zero learned to deal with it during that awful time when he’d had no other choice but to cohabit with two deranged humans. Dealing with it meant a disappointed sigh and an impromptu cleaning spree, not the screaming match that awoke Cross’ serious side – he had swept into the room decked out for a fight in an all-black outfit, long hair falling loosely over his shoulders only to pause in the doorway and stare at the pans raised high above their heads clutched like weapons. Cross rubbed his eyes, muttered something about never drinking with Yagari, and trotted back to his room.
It worked in his favour in a way because Yuki did not have the courage to bemoan his avoidance tactics; he skipped changeover duties enough times that Cross felt compelled to appoint Sayori as an honorary prefect. Sayori, a perfectly lovely girl by his standards, against a throng of crazy fan girls? She would turn into a wind chime, blown this and that way.
However, it seemed Yuki had had enough.
His duty, his little sister, the person he would not fail, not this time around, not like he had failed Ichiru. She stood over him, hands on her hips, a mighty scowl in place (she learned that from him, goddammit.)
“Zero Kiryu, you will get your lazy butt up this second or so help me I will find that secret stash of manga you think I don’t know about, and I will distribute it. Then I will insert a note in each book that will give up your identity and you will have no choice but to suffer the admiration of – “
Zero was up within seconds. He pressed his hand to her mouth to prevent other rubbish from escaping the airheaded mess. Honestly, she should have been born blonde, then Zero could have teased her with so many horrible references, just as he had teased Ichiru (never mind they were identical twins).
“Fine, but if I hear even a word – “
“Yes, yes, you will end me and all I hold dearest. But Zero, you cannot harm Mr Cat.”
She clasped her hand around his wrist, dragging him. Zero deliberately slowed down, Yuki grunted at the increased weight. She soldiered on, placing his arm over her shoulder for a better grip. Zero admired her grit, he really did, if only it had been directed at a more productive endeavour.
“He’s a cactus.”
Oh, almighty god, what terrible sin did he commit to have this nonsense in his life? He just wanted to kill vampires, was that too much? Perhaps taking on the duty of protecting one Yuki Cross had been his misstep.
“Zero you mustn’t judge.”
He sighed, long suffering. Somewhat done with this nonsense he slapped a hand over his face to shield his eyes from the world; if he can’t see it, it cannot see him either. Although, Zero still heard the buzzing conversations of the honeybees loitering outside the gates. If he had to rate the things he hated in life, then this aspect of his duties had to be at least third on the list. Above it, the second and first place would be staunchly taken over by Shizuka and Kuran. Maybe he should reserve a special place for Ichiru too – the backstabbing little bitch, he could have at least warned Zero he was going to let a bloodthirsty, crazy ass vampire into their home. If Yuki turned out anything like him, Zero would just say a giant fuck you to the world and hide his sorry ass in a hut in the middle of the woods.
Yuki patted his head, but Zero ignored the pinched mouth and creased eyes silently asking for his wellbeing. If she truly cared, she wouldn’t subject Zero to this hell.
The volume of the shrieks increased tenfold as they noticed not only his presence but the dramatic procession of vampires strolling out of the Moon dorms. Zero glared at his side made up of screaming, overly excited, sexually frustrated girls; blissful silence fell over them.
“If I hear as much as a peep from any of you, I will gladly inform you that I’m hosting school wide detention camps.”
Not even the day students have been spared from Zero’s ire. They looked down or over his shoulder nervously, shuffling in place but not daring anything that could enrage Zero. He smiled. Tilting his head to indicate the other side of the path, where Yuki’s charges were making nuisances of themselves, the girls quickly caught his meaning and laboured to shush their counterparts.
The vampires glanced around either side at the morose girls but did not comment. Hanabusa Aidou couldn’t count, he was a waste of brain cells.
Zero hoped against all odds that Kuran would be absent. He was not. In fact, to his growing horror, he had stopped to chat with Yuki, who blushed bashfully (what the fuck). Sometimes, when he really looked, Yuki transformed from the cute little sister he had raised with an iron fist to one of the many girls idolizing Kuran. She lost herself in him in a way that terrified Zero and he was helpless to it.
The girls were filtering out, most of the night class had gone too. Zero could not use them as a shield! If he were to leave now, it would be too obvious that he had in a way been evading the pureblood. Avoiding his gaze would do - Zero wouldn’t have to acknowledge him, Yuki’s admonishments be dammed.
He turned his head, using his hair to cover his eyes. Kuran’s light footsteps were too close for comfort – Zero had the sinking feeling that he was heading for him. But he only passed by, closer than expected, yes, still he kept walking. Zero could practically feel his eyes burn a hole into him. He dared a peek, the vampire’s head was turned, his brandy brown eyes dissecting Zero with the careful inspection of a serial killer. Zero blanched.
His pride can eat shit!
Zero power walked, the quicker the better.
Zero sped up.
“Kiryu,” his tone hardened.
Zero was close to sprinting. Just give him another damn minute.
“Kiryu, if you do not stop – “
He’ll start at the border to patrol the perimeter of the academy, better there where the chances of bumping into nefarious vampires – oh look a lovely vampire! Kuran had followed him. Zero glared at the hand wrapped around his wrist pointedly. Kuran did not get the hint. He used the sudden momentum of swinging Zero around to pull him in, too close for a public venue.
“For once in your life Kuran, leave me alone.”
“People are watching,” Kuran hissed.
He pushed past Zero’s boundaries, within his very actions a mask to hide as much of their conflict as possible. His nose almost brushed Zero’s cheek.
“Just fuck off,” Zero snarled.
Kuran seemed to take that as an invitation to further invade his space, his cold breath caressing the skin under his jaw. Zero turned his head to the side, hoping to increase the distance but the vampire just slotted into the empty space, his breathing a heady thing in his ear. Zero pushed at Kuran’s chest.
“Like you said, people are watching. Let me go.”
This day was becoming a surreal nightmare, or a practice in patience. Whichever it was Zero was so done with it. He was tired of Kuran and his bullshit.
Zero jerked his arm, Kuran strengthened his grip; like a tango, one written by a fucking teenager. He took a step back, opening his stance, it gave the impression of a wider space between them. In a way it worked to avoid the suspicious eyes following their movements. This was a terrible place to have this sort of confrontation. Even Yuki was watching them intently.
“You are avoiding me.”
Zero whipped his head around, brows furrowing, he could feel a headache building underneath the bridge of his nose. He scowled. Fucking Kuran.
“Given the situation last time, yes I thought that was a normal reaction,” Zero said, voice lowered but still loud enough that at least a couple of his inner circle did a double take.
“Do not make a repeat of it, you have a duty to fulfil.”
Kuran’s thumb rubbed gently over the blue veins showing on his pale wrist. Zero startled, a curse dying swiftly as the pureblood crushed it until bones creaked and the skin turned a deathly pale. Before he could find the right words to hurl at him, Kuran swiveled away, his inner circle trailing after him like puppies. He ignored the obvious stares they kept throwing over their shoulders; if they had questions they could very well ask their lord.
Fucking Kuran.
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reallyromealone · 1 year
Vampire knight x male reader
So context
Reader has no like relationship with the other vampires
Yuuki is just human
And I removed all the incest shit from it
I'm rewriting my teenage fic series and making it make sense and not cringe lol
(name)s memories were always hazy, like it was just beyond a curtain.
(Name) looked confused as he stood in a courtyard, he was just with Ichigo walking to class... How did he get here?
Crouching (name) pulled out (candy) from his pocket and began snacking on it, He was told if he got separated to just wait till he was collected by the others. (Name) never really ventured around the school, often he stuck close to the others as they herded him away from anything they deemed unworthy. (Name) was curious as he glanced around his surroundings and took in the landscape before wandering to a fountain and remembered a human thing Senri taught him and pulled a coin from his pocket and chucked it in said fountain.
Now what?
(Name) stared at the fountain confused as he waited for something to happen but nothing did.
Dang he wished something did happen, humans were weird.
"There you are!" (Name) perked up and saw Aido said happily as Kain followed behind "you know Lord Kaname doesn't want you wandering" Aido said fondly, the sleepy omega clinging to Kain for warmth and Aido playfully pouted as they returned back to the others who looked relived at (name)s return "you worried us" Kaname chastised softly to the other who just stared off "we warned you it's not good to wander off, what if something happened?" (Name) just fidgeted slightly and Kaname sighed "if it happens again you will be punished" not like how he would Aido, the blond alpha usually doing things he very much shouldn't be doing and causing problems for others.
No, (name) was actually the least of Kaname worries in that aspect and usually his punishments were taking away things like his snacks and such, nothing crazy serious but (name) usually sulked about it.
(Name) pouted but let Kaname lead him away, the brunette Alpha keeping a hand on (name)s back as they went to class.
Omegas were extremely far in-between, male omegas were a rarity like no other and even more so amongst vampires, a male Omega vampire had a special ability; their pups would always be pure bloods no matter what.
Though there wasn't enough male omegas in the vampire community to test the theory, (name) was the first in many generations and he wasn't exactly Dam materials Ruka noted to herself as (name) passed out infront of his work.
She couldn't blame him though, they didn't need to be here but Lord Kaname wanted a better relationship with humans so they had to be. Lord Kaname was always protective of (name), keeping him close.
The night class tended to (name) as they would lord Kaname though the Omega didn't seem to notice, more interested in sleep and occasionally sneaking into their rooms because the Omega wanted contact.
(Name) sat beside Aido and Kain during the rest of class as the two blonds kept the sleepy vampire awake in hopes he would retain some information.
"You can nap when we return to the dorms" Kain said to (name) who pouted but tried to pay attention to the class but was not succeeding in the slightest.
Kaname smiled softly at (name) who offered him various sweets, an adorable sense of determination to find a suitable snack as Kaname gently declined his treats as class ended, The sound of screaming girls so late-- or early depending on who you asked was shrill and unpleasant to (name); Kaname keeping him close and away from the hands of the day class students.
Yuuki never knew what to do with (name).
Her dad told her about (name), the Omega was found alone with no memories and taken in by Rukas family but he never went into detail on why (name) was so important, smiling at his daughter with a hint of sadness "he gets to choose what he wants in life... I don't think he's gotten that before this"
(Name) perked up as he saw Yuuki, he enjoyed her company as she was often quite kind to the sleepy vampire and even taught him how to knit, the Omega making blankets after that for his nest.
"Hello (name)--Stay back-- how are you?" Yuuki struggled to keep the fans away as the night class kept a v e r y close eye on the Omega who wandered towards her "Shiki is taking me to get treats..." (Name) whispered slowly before looking at the fans "(name) come now, he have to get to the dorms" Ichigo called out and (name) bid Yuuki goodbye before wandering back to the others.
Though he didn't get far.
A day student reached out and grabbed (name), pulling hard enough to rip his uniform and then hell nearly broke loose.
(Name) was pushed behind Kain and checked on by the other night students as a gun fired, Zero finally making his appearance and glaring down the startled day students "you all have somewhere to be, so fucking get to it or I swear to god I'm going to make your lives miserable" zero seethed out and the day students went quiet for a moment before complaining to the white haired teen.
(Name)s vision was blurry, he vaguely remembers getting lifted before things faded out.
(Name) woke in his bed, soft blankets and familiar scents as he slowly sat up and stretched as Kaname entered the room, holding a glass filled with red liquid "you haven't been eating, you know you need the strength so close to your heat"
(Name)s room was shrouded in darkness as he had blankets over his shoulders "drink" Kaname instructs the Omega who took the glass "... I lost my pills... Yuuki was going to help me look" (name) whispered as he took a sip, though the liquid tasted closer to cranberry and battery acid his hunger was satisfied even slightly "why didn't you say anything?" Kaname interrogates lightly and (name) shrugged "forgot... I'm sorry..."
Kaname gently traced (name)s cheek and sighed, he couldn't be to mad at (name).
"The sweets you consume won't satiate you, if you lose them again tell me" Kaname said to the Omega be was set on making his mate, (name) nodding and leaned into his touch as he always did.
(Name) craved contact from the others, a sleepy distant expression painting his face.
The 18 year old was so tired, he never knew why though.
"You have tomorrow off, I'll have new pills for you then" Kaname said and gently pushed (name) into bed "sleep" his voice gentle but firm as he left the room, (name) watching him leave before falling asleep.
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chatterbox-73 · 17 days
Simptember 2024.
Day 5 - love bites.
Zero Kiryu x fem!reader
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This story is a smut story for simptember, I’ll be writing more characters x reader one shots for simptember and if you want to see a character please let me know...
You must be 18 years or older to read this...
Summary: you offer yourself to zero in hopes it keeps him away from your sister, so that both yuuki and he can be safe. Though you didn’t expect what you received from this arrangement.
Word count: 1.5k
CW: NSFW and adult content, nipple play, unprotected sex, pull out, missionary, bitting, drinking blood, slight manipulation.
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You laid on the couch adjacent from the fire place in the headmaster’s living room, you had finished patrols much later than you were expected to and so now you found yourself locked out of the girls dormitory, “you can’t sleep on the couch tonight… go up to your room” you heard a voice from the door and found it to be your adopted father, “yeah I will…” you sighed and stood walking over to him, “…let me do one more sweep of the school, then I’ll go to bed” you watch the man sigh and slightly roll his eyes, “where did you learn to be so stubborn and ignorant? Yuki’s such a good girl, so what happened to you?” The man huffed, you chuckled and rested a hand on his shoulder, “yuki is too much of a good girl, she basically become a walking blood bag for Zero and it’s only a matter of time until Kuran takes her” you look at the headmaster from the corner of your eye, the man nod and focused on the fire burning away in the room, “stop Yuki from offering herself to zero…” he turned to you and swallowed thickly, before grabbing you and offering a sad expression, “even if you need to offer yourself in her place… please” he looked away from you in shame, “I hate myself for doing this, you know that?” He sigh and further leaned into the doorframe, “yeah, I know… but you don’t want to let down that woman…” you began to walk away before stopping for a moment, you looked over your shoulder at the man and met his gaze, “…are you sure she’s worth it? Or maybe you’ve allowed yourself to fall prey to a truly evil demon” you knew it was cruel but sometimes the headmaster would forget himself, actually you were sure he had begun to forget himself and no longer wished to remember.
You walked through the darkened courtyard until you reached the boy’s dormitory and to your surprise the doors were unlocked, you let yourself in and made your way to zero’s room, you didn’t bother knocking as you walked right in, the silver haired man jumped slightly and pointed his gun at you, “what do you want?” He hissed and slammed his gun on his side table, you shut the door behind you and locked it before walking over to him and sitting just in front of him on his bed, “I got locked out of my dormitory and the headmaster house is all locked up too…” you pout and move so that you were facing away from him, “but if you don’t want me here, I’m sure Kaname Kuran would be more than willing to open his bed for me…” you sigh and look back at zero with fake concern, “the only problem is, it’d break poor sweet Yuki’s heart… but you’d have your chance to comfort her and have her completely” you hummed and Zero glared at you, “what exactly are you asking me here…? Do you want a place to crash or are you trying to find a man to spend the night with?” He grumbled and raised a brow, “I’m looked for whatever I can get away with” you chuckled and began to straddle Zero, while you began to unbutton your shirt, you eyed the man for any reaction, “getting naked in front of me? This is harassment” he hummed watching your cute lacy bralette, “you’re right, I’m sorry… will you take me completely?” You asked and Zero’s hands moved to your waist as he nodded, “your skin and hair is damp, how?” He asked and grazed a thumb over the waistband of your skirt, “I’d like to think you’ve figured out why I’m here and perhaps realised I might have been lying, so that I might get what I need” you whispered and pressed your body to him, Zero clicked his tongue and rubbed his hands over your thighs, allowing them to disappear under your skirt, “so you lied so you could get off… you have a hand and fingers for that” he tilted his head and began to unzip your skirt.
“Of course I could use my hand however I’m not here for me zero” you spoke in a serious tone while you helped Zero remove your skirt, you laid back and looked up at him as he gave you a confused look, “what are you doing here, then?” He asked with a frown, “the headmaster wants me to keep you from feeding on yuki, I’m here to seduce you and so that you desire me and all I can offer” you answered honestly and Zero leans over you, he grabbed your shoulders and held you down, “what the fuck?!” He growled and got in your face, “I’m sorry but by allowing her to feed you, you’re endangering her and yourself… how could you be so foolish?” You shout and zero blinks, he leans back and lets go of your shoulders, “you’re right, it’d be better if I left…” he sighs and you sat up, wrapping your arms around his neck, “no we still need you… we still need you to protect her, to protect the school… stay and I’ll allow you to gorge yourself on me…” you whisper, Zero’s hands brushed through your hair, “if you’ll except me” you looked off to one of the four blank walls in Zero’s room.
Zero’s thumb ran across your lips before he guided you to lean your head back, his lips light pressed to your pulse, “who implied I wouldn’t want you? Because I didn’t” he said before he trailed his tongue down to your collarbone, only to give the skin a little nip and licking up the fresh droplet of blood forming on your skin, before sucking on the spot until the blood stopped flowing.
Zero’s fingers fiddled with your bra clasp for a moment before the martial fell from your frame his hands began to roughly fondle your breasts, occasionally pinching your nipples, “fuck… they’re so damn soft” he groaned and gripped one of your breasts before leaning in and bringing his tongue to rest on your nipple, zero’s teeth gently grazed your breast as he licked over the sensitive nub, a shiver ran down your spine as you felt him press himself against you as he began to suckle on your nipple, you moaned loudly not caring where you were just how good you felt.
You laid back and hummed as Zero climbed over you, your hands traced up his bare arms “your chest and arms look bigger” you hummed as you squeezed his biceps, before coming to trail you hands up until your fingers interlocked behind his neck, you pulled Zero down and pressed your lips to his, it felt hot and suffocating, but oh so satisfying. You began to feel Zero’s hands grip your panties before pulling them off and discarding them across the room, he then pulled away from the kiss, “I’m going to get started now” his lips still hovering over yours as he spoke, you nodded and felt Zero shifted as he undid his pants and pulled his member from his pants, you gasped as he rubbed his tip between your folds, making his tip catch on your entrance, “damnit… you sure about this?” He groaned and pressed his tip against your open but not quite letting it slide in yet, “yeah, I’m sure… I want this” you huff out between deep breaths and zero looks into your eyes for any hesitation but finds none, to this he pressed forward and sheaths himself.
You slowly and sensual, it’s nothing like you expect, but exactly what you needed, your legs wrapped tightly around Zero and your nails dug into his back, his hips moved in strong and slowly thrusts that were angled upward, his hand grabbing tightly onto the bedsheets as his arms rested either side of your head, zero had captured your lips and tongue in a erotic dance that was yet to end, all your moans and gasps were swallowed by him before they even had a chance to escape. You body start to feel light and your opening began to squeeze, zero pulled away from the kiss and groaned “you’re close… just wait a little longer” he pulled back and grabbed your hips before he picked up his pace slightly, you gasped struggling to hold on any longer, “release for me, finish all on me” zero hummed and you did just that, you pressed your head back against the bed and you whined as your body seized up, zero quickly snapped his hips into your a few times rather franticly before he pulled out and pumped hot squirts of release all over your chest, “god damnit… shit” he groaned loudly and watched and as his shaft rested comfortably between your breasts, he brushed a hand over your face and stood to get you a damp cloth so he could clean you off.
You laid naked curled up into zero’s side, you spent the night until the early hours of dawn talking with him, “let’s skip class” Zero hummed as he closed his eyes and kissed your cheek, “this is way they kept you down a year, but I’m too tired to care” you chuckle before you closed your eyes and began to drift off to sleep, listening to the sound of Zero’s heart beating steadily in his chest, “very funny… now go to sleep… beautiful” he grumbled and lightly kissed your lips.
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Simptember Masterlist (Coming soon)
Day 4 - Tamaki Amajiki: Comparison
Day 6 - Shigure Sohma: Taste
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j-uurikuran · 1 year
Genre: Fluff
Pairing: Haruka x Juuri and Little Yuuki x Young Kaname
Setting: When Yuuki is just a little Vampire.
Status: Complete
Type: Standalone
Disclaimer: All related Vampire Knight names and characters are copyrighted © by Matsuri Hino. The plot line for the story though, belongs to myself.
••●───── 🕸️⋅🕷⋅🕸️ ─────●••
"Brother!" Kaname stirred from his seat on the couch where he was enjoying a book, his chocolate brown eyes peering over the top of it as little Yuuki ran over to him and clambered up to be seated next to him, her small hand tugging at his brown jacket.
"Is something the matter Yuuki?" Kaname asked his facial expression never changing though Yuuki could detect his concern and she giggled into her stuffed rabbit.
"No Kaname, nothing bad," Yuuki's eyes brightened when Kaname placed his book on the floor and patted his lap to get her to sit there and she gladly scurried on and cuddled into him, "Kaname, what's a kiss?" she tilted her head to the side so innocently that even Kaname couldn't stop the light blush that appeared on his cheeks.
"Surely you know what a kiss is, after sharing many with me?" Kaname asked gently stroking his thumb across little Yuuki's cheek, a small angelic smile on his lips as he leaned down and brushed his lips across her cheek making her gasp and giggle again.
"That's a kiss?" Yuuki asked and beamed excitedly when Kaname simply nodded, amused by her reaction and jumped a little when a grinning Yuuki threw her arms around his neck.
"But Yuuki," Kaname started shuffling the girl in his arms so that their eyes met, "why did you want to know?" he asked gently brushing Yuuki's long brown hair out of her eyes.
"I read it in a book Mother left on the couch," Yuuki explained blinking a couple of times before she cuddled into Kaname again, smiling happily when he wrapped his arms around her protectively and lay his head against hers.
It was only a draft of cold air that broke the pair apart and Yuuki gasped loudly again as she hurried down from Kaname's lap to greet their parents, their scent filling the young Pureblood's nose like a comforting cuddle.
"Mother, father!" Yuuki squeezed her toy rabbit in between her arms as she cuddled against the legs of her mother, Juuri while under the smiling eyes of Haruka who shuffled the umbrella in his hands and gently placed it down against the wall.
"Ah!" Juuri smiled bending down, grabbing Yuuki around the waist and sitting the little girl upon her hip, "and how is Yuuki today?" her mother's smile was beautiful at that moment and Yuuki couldn't help but stare in awe, her little fingers reaching out and touching those lips that had placed loving kisses on her forehead.
"She adores you," Haruka's deep voice sounded from behind the two females and Juuri looked over at him with a blush on her cheeks, giggling when Yuuki squealed upon seeing Kaname arrive in the entrance to greet his parents.
"Did you travel safely?" Kaname asked a little too seriously for his age and Juuri placed Yuuki on the floor before tapping Kaname's head in a playful manner.
"Oh Kaname I wish you wouldn't be so formal with us," she then cuddled him into her arms with an adoring smile on her face before swaying Kaname from side to side making both her and Yuuki laugh whilst Haruka gazed upon the sight of his perfect little family.
"Formal?" Kaname sounded a little confused, but it went unheard as Juuri then pulled away from him and wrapped her arms around Haruka's arm, beaming up at him as he just smiled silently as usual.
"Mummy, today I learnt what kisses are!" Yuuki tugged on her mother's white and pink dress trying to get her attention and it worked as both Juuri and Haruka were now looking at her curiously.
"Oh really?" Juuri asked bending down until her hands were on her knees, her face level with Yuuki's, "and what did Kaname say they were?"
Behind her, Haruka moved to Kaname's side and placed a hand caringly on his son's shoulder, smiling when the brunette looked up at him.
Yuuki didn't reply and simply leaned over and kissed her mother's cheek sweetly, giggling straight afterwards and blushing a bit when Juuri straightened up and cupped her cheeks, swaying from side to side.
"Oh I just got a kiss from Yuuki, Haruka you must be so jealous of me," a little flirtatious eyebrow lifted on her beautiful face and a deep chuckle sounded from the man behind Kaname.
"Only those of true beauty get kisses from our little girl," Haruka pointed out with a wispy tone that made Juuri blush slightly and she watched as Yuuki then went to both Kaname and her father, kissing their cheeks just so that they knew that she thought they were true beauties too wanting everybody to be equal in her family.
"Come Yuuki, we'll read together," Kaname said gently as he held his hand out to her, which she gladly took and padded after her big brother as they walked back into the room and over to their favourite spot on the couch.
"Oh look at them," Juuri sighed and cuddled her husband's arms lovingly, her free hand lifting and running her nails across his cheeks gently as she gazed at his handsome face, "they act closer than we ever did," she chuckled and grinned when Haruka smiled again and placed a kiss on the top of her head.
"You were even more stubborn back then," Haruka teased in a gentle tone and Juuri's face flushed before she gently pulled her husband's face down to hers and kissed his kips tenderly, "Juuri," he whispered when they pulled away from each other, his hand squeezing the one on his cheek lovingly as he gazed into his wife's eyes.
"Oh don't look at me like that with those eyes," Juuri playfully pushed her husband in the chest and laughed when Haruka grabbed her around the waist and pulled her back against him so their lips could meet again.
"Then don't tease me with such short kisses," Haruka replied quietly, aware that his children were in the next room and he captured his wife's lips in a sweet, almost delicate kiss that made both of them swoon against one another.
"What's snu-snugger-ling?"
Both Haruka and Juuri pulled away with a smile at the sound their young and curious child and walked into the room to find Yuuki pointing at the book Kaname had been reading a little while before the kissing explanation had taken up his time.
"Snuggling is when you grab a hold of somebody you love very much," Juuri started and then wrapped her arms around Haruka's waist, "and then get all close and squashy with them like this," she then buried her head in her husband's chest and cuddled up into his body, sighing at the scent of him.
Yuuki stared at them as if she was taking mental notes and started to do the same with Kaname who was blushing darker by the second every time Yuuki's head nuzzled against his chest.
"They are so sweet," Juuri sighed quietly to the much taller man she was still snuggling with and closed her eyes as Haruka began to pet her long hair gently.
It was times like this that Haruka and Juuri truly loved being a family, being this close to each other just seemed to fuel them completely even though they were having hard times at the current time. The sheer innocence of seeing their children play and learn together was the thing that both of the adult Pureblood's practically fed off of.
"Hey…what's sex-uo intercus?"
However, they still wished their daughter was a little less curious when it came to words she didn't know.
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mywitchcultblr · 10 months
This is an old fandom but people who fight over Kaname x Yuuki vs Yuuki x Zero in the context "ship that is less problematic" is hilarious because it's basically Jon x Sansa vs Jon x Daenerys in ASOIAF fandom. Guys... None of your ships are 'healthy' please just enjoy your food in peace and stop bothering each other BRUH
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eternalpassions · 3 months
do you think ren x nana o. and yume have any similarities to each other?
Honestly I kinda don’t remember much about Ren x nana because that wasn’t really the stand out of the manga for me lol. There’s so many characters and side stories. And two protagonists so I feel like everyone reads the story for their own favs. For me I’m invested in Nana K so I can’t remember too much on Nana O. lol
I feel like they have some similarities like being very intense and sexual ships. And it’s my interpretation but I believe the time apart between Nana O and Ren changed their relationship similar to how the time between Kaname and Yuuki changed their relationship.
They have the love triangle in between them. But I like Nana and Ren bc the author gave the guy in between them another love interest which is what should’ve happened to zero lol. Like if yume wasn’t meant to be I wish he was killed of the way Ren was lol. Not killing himself to make another ship happen 🌚 I think both ships have a toxic passionate style
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anotherworldash · 1 year
What is your take on Kaname and THW ship if it isn't romantic? How does it compare to Yume?
hello i'm glad you asked! i've been thinking about thie series for a while! and to answer it:
(this is my personal take and you can agree to disagree but i will stand by my opinion. if you ship THWxKaname and aren't happy with my answer please just kindly leave my blog without trying to convince me)
i don't think kaname loves THW romantically although they were in romantic relationship. in the sense of... it's clear there's a panel where she kissed him on the lips so their relationship were romantic.
i think they were together because: at that time, both were looking for companion with same goal in mind. their action were quite controversial. so, they did bond overtime.
but he wasn't attracted to her that much. he didn't have the hots for her like he did to yuki. yeah i'm not even joking on this part. haven't we read enough how much kaname yearn for yuki physically? kaname is literally so horny when it comes to yuki. we've seen how they kiss or drink blood.
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(with this description, i'm pretty sure attraction is a big part of relationship for a man like kaname................ god i love him . taken from volume 10 btw)
so THW's kiss with kaname is a pale comparison. in my personal opinion, it's rather one-sided. (THW leaning in for a kiss and kaname's somberly touch her flowing braids... i feel like this could be any woman x kaname if she is the one giving him direction/power/companionship at that time., i think it's expected when two opposite gender that respect and doesn't hate each other spend a lot of time together. he's got his 'he's just a man' moments if you know what i mean when he take blood from ruka)
let's say he had a slight attraction to THW. still, it's already over once she's dead. he also had completely moved on from THW, yuki herself asked if kaname is looking for replacement for her and he said 'no one can be a replacement to anyone'. he didn't lie when he said this. there's literally no need for him to lie. he did regret losing THW but that's it.
(let me add some personal opinions/headcanon : i also don;t think THW and kaname had done anything more than a kiss. i long wondered how did kuran family has descendants if kaname didn't have a child himself back then with THW? if he had one then surely he would had a reason to live , or at least the child will appear in his memory. but, no that just doesn't exist. the more accurate guess would be : perhaps kuran family doesn't consist only ancestor kaname, but he had other siblings/family member who procreated and that is where yuki/rido/juri/haruka came from. the reason why they weren't in picture was because they didn't agree with kaname's goal to live alongside human. so they separated way) (ya know this could be provven wrong in the future VKM chapters as the series is still ongoing but i will stand by my opinion for now as it makes the most sense. if you think about it, someday ai's descendant will call rido as 'kuran ancestor' too.)
rather than in love, it's more appropriate to say kaname is still in the same page with THW when it comes to problem solving. because, they were doing the same quest together. and he actually agree that her plans to kill are purebloods and her decision to sacrifice herself were GOOD SOLUTIONS. when all plans failed, he remembered he could use her solutions.
this is the space where Yuki came in too late to save Kaname. it's not entirely Yuki's fault because Kaname deliberately keeps Yuki away from this problem because he knew how she'd sacrifice herself for him and he don't want that.
when it comes to yume, eventhough kaname sees yuuki as his lover and beloved, he was unable to see her as his equal. perhaps it's due to big age gap between them. therefore, kaname already has this mindset that decide yuki can't handle this much of a problem. and even if she can, he wouldn't let such a baby get involved in this problem.
the point in his struggle is he wants her to live and be free, just like he wanted himself to live and be free. kaname longs for the mortality and carefreeness that might set him free from his responsibility and burden (but he can't, so he try to at least give it to yuki. but OOPS, he turned yuki back into a vampire and now he's gotta keep those purebloods and opposing vampires in check...cause they're not endangerin only him, but yuki as well. not to mention the furnace and vampire hunter weapons are getting less effective.)
kaname meant it when he said yuki has became a hindrance for him. this is exactly why at the end of series, he wanted zero to be with yuki.
originally, that is not what he wanted, he wanted yuki for only himself. this is shown where he turned yuki back into vampire. although this was initiated by yuki. let's admit he partly agree so he could have her by himself. and show zero that yuki is HIS. that was not a part of his original plan.
but then he realized things have gotten too complicated and the price is too high to pay. (the price is yuki's safety and happiness that he fought for long and many times. he also saw that yuki wasn't as happy as she used to be in her new life as vampire and he felt guilty for it)
by the time he said she is a hindrance, he already hated himself. perhaps he already hated himself from a long time ago and now he got to see for himself how far his course of actions have gotten everyone in trouble. he didn't feel like he deserved yuki's warmth for a slightest. for him, it's already over. everything is over. his life is over. he wants nothing but redemption. i think this explains why he's so nonchalant when yuki held him tight. but, he still talked to her once he heard yuki erased zero's memories to chose him.
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<Additionally, it explains why he decided to leave after their night together. Things have gone wrong so many times. Why would it work this time? It's the state of a depressed mind.>
ultimately he just want to protect yuki and prevent her from perishing like THW. because, he might not 'love' THW romantically or passionately but her sacrifice showed him how regret feels. he learned from it and try his best to prevent it in the future.
this is also why he rushed to throw his heart into the furnace, he didn't want yuki to change his mind again knowing her safety is at stake. especially when he know yuuki is too empathetic and caring of others.
kaname has this mindset : "If you want to marry an Angel, you must first create Heaven for her. Angels don't live in Hell".
as her ancestor,brother,husband,lover, he feels responsible to yuki's wellbeing.
unironically, he's a simple logical man. he's got a goal in mind and no price is too high to create heaven for yuki, a safe place she can live in. even if the cost is his own life and happiness
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averyaddamsromance · 2 years
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
Tagged by @diamantdog and @realmermaid333 my friends I am not tagging you another time but I do wish to get to know you better too!!
first ship: Mulder and Scully from X Files of course!
three ships: Wednesday x Tyler (current obsession 24h);
Rhaenyra and Daemon Targaryen; Kaname and Yuuki Kuran (Vampire Knight)
last song:  The Devil you know by Kovacs
last movie: Great Beauty by Sorrentino (I watch it regularly when I can)
currently reading: wyler fics (me too lol)
currently watching: The Sandman (re-watching it)
currently consuming: Poke Bowl Salmon
currently craving: chocolate all the time every moment of my day all the tiiiiimeeeeee
tagging: @wincestation @grim-reaper-barbie13 @anotherbluesunday @ravennevermore13 @therulerofallpotatos @tmwillson3 @weyler-central @ihartsailormoon @chinita-inzunza @elleytak-blog @light-miracles @astro-ambassador @gardenoblues  @fandom-geek17 @chrissyglikesbooks 
If I forgot some of other great people I apologise guys! Leave a comment and I will see you! Love you all!!
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yume4evere · 7 months
Isn't the Japanese poll on X choose 60% didn't changed against 40% changed? They choose Yuuki's feeling towards Kaname didn't changed even after she married Zero.
A lot of people believe that Yuki has changed, especially about her feelings towards kaname.
Because in the previous chapters Yuki is no longer honest about her thoughts and feelings towards him, all they saw is Zeki and Their happy life.
Other than that, there is no evidence that Yuki still cares as much as before.
Although they voted that they preferred the main story and that they preferred Yume as a couple, they also voted that Yuki's feelings had changed.
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medea10 · 8 months
My Review of My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999
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Humor me. Who else thought this was going to be a sequel to Ore Monogatari (My Love Story) where Takeo and Yamada go all the way? I can’t be the only one with that sick thought. Okay completely unrelated anime, let’s see what you got.
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Akane Kinoshita is out with her boyfriend Takuma…and she gets dumped. Yep, not even 30 seconds into the first episode and she gets dumped. He’s leaving Akane for a girl he met in an online game that he and Akane were playing together. After the breakup, Akane went on the game she got into because of her ex and went on a killing-spree of monsters. Just then, she meets another player named Yamada who looks like Saitama if he had a weird afro on. It takes him two minutes just for a simple reply. Akane gets annoyed and basically tells him off. After some time from the breakup, Akane decides to go to this on-site event for the game she was playing. Never mind getting freebies for the game, she’s going merely for the fact her ex might be there and wants to flaunt the goods to make him regret leaving her.
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Things did not go according to plan. Akane trips and falls down on her way to stalk her ex. The person she bumped into is a handsome young man of few words. Akane realized that this mysterious boy is that Yamada she met in her game prior to this event. Well, Akane is face-to-face with her ex. What does she do? Lies and says Yamada is her boyfriend and even bribes him to keep up the farce. Yamada is quite aloof and can be blunt with the things he says…if he says anything. But what Akane doesn’t know is that Yamada is a pro-gamer.
While the boyfriend lie is merely for whenever Akane’s ex is around, Akane has a nice friendship with not only Yamada, but his inner circle as well.
BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: Even though this was a Crunchyroll exclusive (in association with Aniplex of America), this didn’t see a dub until a good six months after the series had started. Normally, I’d be concerned. But this did happen during the actor’s strike, so I’ll think no more on the matter. And that’s all I’ve got here. Here’s what you might recognize these folks from.
JAPANESE CAST: *Akane is played by Inori Minase (known for Rem on Re:Zero, Prushka on Made in Abyss, Makinohara on Bunny Girl Senpai, Ruruka on Danganronpa 3, and Hidomi on FLCL: Progressive)
*Yamada is played by Kouki Uchiyama (known for Soul on Soul Eater, Yurio on Yuri on Ice, Rui on Demon Slayer, Shigaraki on My Hero Academia, Ikuya on Free!, Ichijou on Nisekoi, and Yuuki on Shiki)
ENGLISH CAST: *Akane is played by Abby Trott (known for Nezuko on Demon Slayer, Shizuka on Zom 100, Machi on Hunter x Hunter, Veronica on Seven Deadly Sins, Inui on Aggretsuko, and Fou on Fate/Grand Order)
*Yamada is played by Stephen Fu (known for Weather Report on Jojo’s Pt. 6, Naofumi on Shield Hero [season 2+], Douma on Demon Slayer, Henry on Black Clover, Kaname on Darwin’s Game, and Pax on Mushoku Tensei)
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DISLIKED CHARACTER: No, it’s not Runa. As much as I love to dunk on those little girls who latch onto the hot character and glare at the obvious main attraction, I actually hate jerky ex-boyfriends who quickly dump their girlfriends over trivial shit more. Yeah, Akane’s ex can kick rocks for all I care. While we only see him two times in the whole show, his breakup with Akane really messed her up.
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SHIPPING: Yamada is oblivious when it comes to females. He didn’t even know a girl was confessing to him in the second episode. There’s no way in hell he’s going to fall for Akane. Never mind, dragging her drunk ass to his home in the first episode. As it turns out, Akane and Yamada had quite the cute friendship for the greater majority of this season. And as the series progressed, several of their friends were all for them getting together (even if the two characters aren’t going to do so). But we have to remember that Yamada is going to do what Yamada does. He can be blunt and slow to respond. Yet he somehow acts differently when it comes to Akane. The blunt and slow responses are still there, but he almost acts on a weird impulse at times with her.
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Elsewhere, Yamada is quite the favorite around school and elsewhere. There are so many girls at his school that think he’s cute. And then there’s Runa! A lot of insecurities to unpack with this little one. But the fact that she at first wanted to keep Yamada all to herself and push Akane on some rando guy really speaks volumes. That action of Runa’s almost landed her on my dislike category. But I left her off because I grew to like her throughout the rest of the series. She even became a Akane x Yamada shipper. I thought it was adorable when she tried to have Akane bump into Yamada while eating a piece of toast.
But what about Yamada’s silent classmate, Yukari? And what of the girl from Yamada’s past that liked him? The girl from Yamada’s past is someone we’ll never see again. Yukari on the other hand…well, that’s a topic for the ending.
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ENDING: Does Akane like Yamada for real? That’s a pretty big question for her as she kinda sees him in a new light after Yamada took care of her when she was sick. There is one big thing that seems to be holding her down and that’s the way things were left off between Akane and her ex. As most people do when they’re dumped, they go through a myriad of thoughts to narrow down what they did wrong. However, she still wants to tell Yamada how she feels. It’s just that the timing never seemed right with the two of them.
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Meanwhile, let’s move onto Yamada’s silent classmate, Yukari. We see her a few episodes towards the end of the season. She’s on speaking terms with Yamada in class. And she recently joined the FOS guild that Akane, Eita, and Yamada are in. Her reasons for joining the video game guild were to of course get closer to Yamada. And in the second to last episode, Yukari let it slip out to Yamada that she likes him. Oooooh, right before Akane got the chance to. I sure hope the hint Eita dropped about Yamada about to get confessed to will make a dent. I think it did!
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Yamada meets up with Yukari after the confession. Yukari spills everything out and admits how long she’s liked him and every reason in the world she likes him. And Yamada still rejects her! It wasn’t like those airhead replies he gave to the other girls that used to confess to him. This was genuine as he even says that there’s another. Yukari knows it’s Akane and he confirms. Called it!
The guild met up for a dinner with special food and drinks. Eita thought it’d be perfect for Akane and Yamada to have some alone time during the dinner. Things didn’t go according to plan. Yamada was late to arrive. And by the time he showed up, Akane was drunk. Déjà vu from the first episode. Yamada drags her to her home and that’s when Akane asks if he likes her. Yamada says yes. And to make sure that this is real, he promises to remind her when she sobers up that this is true.
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Yamada x Akane is official!
This was a cute story despite how things started. It’s not like we haven’t seen similar things happen in other animes. Akane wasn’t even trying to become Yamada’s girlfriend after that time in front of her ex. It was just a sweet friendship that eventually blossomed into a relationship in the end. I always respect a story like that. One has to wonder if the anime will continue with a second season or if it will stay as is with the happy ending given in the 12th episode. By the looks of things, the manga is still on-going with at least 100+ chapters at the moment. I honestly think that the anime will stay with just this season. Well, if you’re looking for a cute slice of life, romcom, maybe check this out. It’s a short series.
Crunchyroll has every episode for streaming.
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A VK edit from me :) please do not repost
Zero is so taylor coded and kaname is so lana ❤️
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kuranalex · 2 years
wasn't hino like kaname and yuuki belong together in one of her vampire knight covers ?!? but sidehoe zero is getting all the happiness from the woman who supposedly kaname belonged with??
yuki and kaname belong together, that's canon girl. zeki is earthly, yume is eternal. Yume is love, desire, longing, yuki and zero are so X that no one cares what happen w them, nothing about them change anything about yume and that has been Hino's biggest failure with VKM, her game is over.
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paradoxoflucidity · 8 months
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hello? has this message reached you? if you have seen this, then there is somebody in the dream world who is calling out to you ; they are wishing to meet you once again.
PARADOX OF LUCIDITY is a 18+ multifandom role-play group based on Discord. P.O.L focuses on the aspects of having fun while writing with a world built around your characters. Our rules are more laid back and emphasizes the joy of writing with others exploring your characters in a new situation. Won’t you join us?
rules | masterlist | discord invite
( ACE ATTORNEY . ) - any characters from ace attorney
( BALDUR'S GATE . ) - any characters from baldur's gate 3
( BANG DREAM . ) - takamatsu tomori, kaname raana, shiina taki
( BLEACH . ) - ichigo, urahara, shuhei, shinji, renji, rose, gin, izuru
( BOKU NO HERO ACADEMIA . ) - izuku midoriya, toshinori yagi, todoroki shoto, eijiro kirishima, hanta sero, any characters from class 1-a
( BUNGO NO STRAY DOGS . ) - nakajima atsushi, ryūnosuke akutagawa, doppo kunikida, any characters from bungo no stray dogs
( CHAINSAW MAN . ) - power, aki hayakawa, any characters from chainsaw man
( DEVIL MAY CRY. ) - any characters from devil may cry
( ELSWORD . ) - any characters from elsword
( ENSEMBLE STARS. ) - hokuto hidaka, suburu akehoshi, makoto yuuki, izumi sena, hiiro amagi, chiaki morisawa, any characters from ensemble stars
( FAIRY TAIL . ) - any characters from fairy tail
( FINAL FANTASY . ) - zenos yae galvus, any final fantasy characters
( FIRE EMBLEM . ) - male!robin, lucina, lissa, owain, any characters from fire emblem: awakening
( FRUITS BASKET . ) - any fruits basket characters
( GENSHIN IMPACT. ) - any fontaine characters, any characters from genshin impact
( HONKAI STAR RAIL . ) - kafka
( HORIMIYA . ) - gon frecces, leorio paradinight, kurapkika
( HUNTER X HUNTER. ) - any horimiya characters
( HYPNOSIS MICROPHONE. ) - rei amayado, ramuda amemura, gentaro yumeno, rio mason busujima, samatoki aohitsugi any characters from hypnosis microphone
( IRIS . ) - father tyrant
( KISEKI. ) - any special support section members
( LEAGUE OF LEGENDS . ) - jayce tails, zed, sona, heartsteel members, any characters from league of legends
( MYSTIC MESSENGER . ) - saeran choi, any characters from mystic messenger
( NICHIJOU . ) - any nichijou characters
( ORIGINAL CHARACTERS. ) - any original characters
( PARADOX LIVE. ) - allen sugasano, naoakira saimon, yohei kanbayashi, shiki ando
( PERSONA . ) - zen (persona q), any phantom thief/persona 5 characters, any s.e.e.s/persona 3 characters
( PROJECT SEKAI : COLORFUL STAGE. ) - kohane azusawa, hanasato minori, kiritani haruka, momoi airi, hinomori shizuku, kagamine len, kagamine rin, arata tono, any 25nightcode vocaloids
( REVUE STARLIGHT. ) - karen aijou, mahiru tsuyuzaki, tendou maya, claudine saijo, junna hoshimi, nana daiba, kaoruko hanayagi, futuba isuragi
( SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI. ) - yuko takao, isamu nitta, chiaki tachibana, any shin megami tensei characters
( TOWER OF GOD. ) - any tower of god characters
( TWISTED WONDERLAND . ) - sebek zigvolt, malleus draconia
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theancientking · 1 year
Hi! Welcome, this is Nocty-mun, I do hope that you find your stay rather enjoyable and won’t shy away from sending me all sorts of things. Thank you for taking your time to read the rules, I know there’s a few but they’re important:
♔ I don’t force ships, as that doesn’t make sense to me. But if you want to ship our muses we can definitely try that out and see where it goes.
♔ We don’t need to be mutuals to interact or send asks, subs, etc.
♔ I only follow the people I have actively interacted with. So if we just met, I might not follow you so soon until we’ve got some traction going.
♔ If I drop a thread, there’s reasons. I’ll let you know.
♔ I multiship and platonicship. Chemistry is key.
♔ I do not Ship Yume ( Kaname x Yuuki) I have my reasons please respect this.
♔ I will not tolerate any mun/OOC-drama. But I love IC drama~
♔ RESPECT all and all will be well. I don’t like getting hate posts or anything of that matter.
♔ I have nothing against jumping into a thread, but I do like to flesh out the details of a Thread with a good plot beforehand so I know what I’m working with.
♔ No random smut, God-modding, power-playing, controlling the plot, assassinating e/o unless that was planned beforehand. You know, common sense, I don’t have to spell it out.
♔ I expect well-written, posts quality over quantity. As long as the content is legible. Please refrain from text-stylized and poor writing/grammar, etc.
♔ I am willing to deviate from Canon quite a lot. Esp for plotting.
♔ Don’t fuss over when I reply/read your posts. Some days are busier for me and I post when I can. My energy can also tank when days are tough, I’ll have some energy for doodling or quicker 1x1 in discord and not much else. As for my discord ask and I may share it.
♔ Feel free to send me memes or anything you wanna RP, anytime it’s fine by me. If you have concerns or wish to end a thread, also please let me know! –These rules could change in the future, I’ll post an update when I have.
TRACKING: theancientking.tumblr.com
DISCLAIMER: Kaname Kuran “Vampire Knight” © Matsuri Hino
ICONS: Some icons, manga caps, graphics are mine unless otherwise noted, if you wish to use them PM me. If you don’t, I’ll be contacting you and I will NOT be happy.
ROLEPLAY: will roleplay with anyone; canon, canon-divergent, AU, Crossover, etc. But if it’s a verse I’m uncomfortable or unfamiliar with, I’ll let you know. Mature themes are bound to happen, graphic a bit as well. If we are in a Rp that is uncomfortable for you or reaches topics you don’t wish to write about, please tell me. I’ll do the same. ^^
THREADS: from one-liners to novellas —anything goes.
REPLIES: Replies might delay due to schedules, but trust I’ll reply asap.
STARTERS: Feel free to send ‘em!
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animeesp · 4 years
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Kaneme X Yuuki
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