#Kamen rider fake text
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wik-fox · 4 months ago
Welcome to my page. These are the riders and scenarios that I will write for. Feel free to request any other rider or scenario. There are something’s I won’t write, so please be aware of those.
Will not write: r&pe, anything to do with minors romantically or s$xually
• Riders
Igarashi Ikki
Igarashi Daiji
Kadota Hiromi
Karizaki George
Ukiyo Ace
Azuma Michinaga
Kurama Neon
Sakurai Keiwa
Hino Eiji
Goto Shintaro
Date Akira
Hidari Shotaro
Terui Ryu
kiryu Sento
Banjo ryuga
Sawatari Kazumi
zero one
Hiden Aruto
Yaiba Yua
Fuwa Izamu
Amatsu Gai
• Scenarios
How you met
You meet again
How they ask for your number
You hang out with them
They sneak you inside and you get caught
You meet the other riders and their friends
They ask you out on a date
They accidentally call you a pet name
You accidentally call them a pet name
You’re not dating but you’re not just friends
You accidentally confess
They accidentally confess
Another person tells them you like them
Another person tells you they like you
You get into an argument
You make up
You have a phobia
You get hurt by accident
You get jealous
They get jealous
You steal some of their clothes
They are away for a fight
You are captured by the enemy
They come home hurt from a fight
They accidentally miss a date or anniversary
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ssremitm · 9 months ago
Can’t stop thinking about making felt kamen rider chibis.
I honestly got inspired by seeing someone make some Ankh and Eiji felt chibis and I was like “I can do that” but I don’t sow or anything so it’ll be a fun first time experience. And if it goes well I’ll probably end up selling some
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pleuvoire · 2 years ago
i've been meaning to ask for a while.. what are some of your favorite kamen rider fics? i've been looking for good recomendations and i trust your taste
unfortunately i don't have as many recs as you might expect because i'm highly picky and i don't read kamen rider fic all that much 😔 i kinda lost the habit because i feel like a lot of people in the tag have a different vision than i do. but let me dig a few up that i remember
first though to get this out of the way. i do in fact recommend my own fics. hi. here's all my kamen rider fics if you haven't checked them out already. at the risk of sounding conceited, i think they are really good. do let me know if you enjoy them as i love feedback
other general author recs! ihasa is prose/description goals to me, and i love their kuuga stuff in particular. bladebrave, parad, and realxeyez are all my friends who have written some great stuff and i will always hype up their excellent character takes. now for more specific fics. bolded are my favorites
impressions by estelraca - an interesting crossover take on how tsukasa lost his memories. ft lots of godai and ichijou which makes me happy because i love them :) a bit confusing in places but i liked it a lot
hanging tree by rainbowfootsteps - this is by my friend rain and was inspired by a wip snippet i posted which makes me very happy. a gloomy look at how a previous round of the rider battle might have ended
what do you call a male femme fatale? by chancellorxofxtrash - written for me for the toku holiday exchange and i was delighted to receive it. kirihiko/shoutarou fake dating
the other kind of yummy by laylah (explicit) - the most "yeah, that is exactly how it would go down" take on ankheiji having sex i've ever seen. foundational text to me
my madly-blooming feelings by shoceted - literally just now discovered this one going into the gouchase tag to retrieve another fic to add to this post (see below) AUGH IT'S SO GOOD. gouchase hanahaki disease. GOD THIS AUTHOR GETS IT. THEY GET IT
sick by oneatatime - makoala sickfic, pre-canon. pretty short but made me think "wow, this author really gets these characters" and more than that made me feel like i had a much deeper and better picture of their relationship, which is quite the feat
NOW HERE'S THE THING... a lot of the best kamen rider fics i've read are in chinese. i don't speak chinese past the beginner level but i've found deepl does the trick well enough to understand it. if you are also interested in reading chinese fics through deepl or another machine translator, here are a few more...
羚羊有一百条命 (antelopes have 100 lives) by ephedrine - satosano psychological horror and probably my favorite ryuki fic
run wolf run by liliamt - yuutaku high school au but takumi... is a werewolf o_O short but sweet
20th century boy by acetylcholine - overview of a year with ren and shinji. the prose in this is so, so gorgeous even with machine translate. some other equally beautiful works of theirs i like include special needs (yuutaku lesbians au), insomnia (heartbreaking faiz angst), it (kenhaji shape of water au), and like father like daughter (bittersweet kenhaji angst, and was a big part of the inspiration for my fic in the gaps of sunlight)
生活碎片 by fireworkinstar - post-canon gouchase that ends in them eloping. it's adorable
ok it's late and i'm getting sleepy. huh that is more recs than i expected to have. if i remember or discover any more i will add to this post, making this has inspired me to go digging for more fics and also actually read more of the many many chinese rider fics on ao3. goodnight
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2030kamenriders · 2 years ago
So... I think I'll leave these pages like this. I was considering adding more, but I'm not sure what to add that will fit properly here.
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A transcript for the text elements on the pages. For some reason I can't find the "underline" button right now on mobile, so anything underlined will be in italics instead:
Left page paragraphs:
"BEGINS NIGHT (December 2008)
"The task was no easy one, that's for sure.
"And yet, who would expect it to end up like this?
"We were supposed to save Raito that night. If we had, he wouldn't be this.
"But what is this? It's not the typical design of a dopant, is it? The two halves stitched together... perhaps 2 gaia memories? It must be.
"We have to find a way to reverse this, before it's too late."
Polaroid labels (on polaroid) and additional notes (surrounding polaroids):
Shotaro: label reads "Hidari Shotaro (Half-boiled kid)". Additional notes read "dead? alive? (probably severely injured at least)"
Detective Narumi: label reads "Narumi Sokichi" in fake typewriter font. Additional notes: "He's been really quiet since the night it all began."
Shroud: label reads "Shroud" in cursive letters.
Sonozaki Family: labels read "Saeko", "Wakana", and "Raito". Raito's name is highlighted and underlined multiple times. Additional notes are a highlighted sentence that reads "Ryubei you are going to PAY"
Akiko: label has a drawing of a flower and reads "Akiko Narumi (Sokichi why is your kid here)". Additional notes include a coral sticky note that says "I'm 20." There's also the note "Sept. 6, 2009: Akiko shows up in town."
Arrows connecting polaroids:
Sokichi and Akiko: family
Sokichi to Shotaro: boss
Sokichi and Shroud: partners
An unlabeled green arrow connecting Raito to the green half of Another W
Extras: the title of the newspaper article Akiko is holding up is "Not My Kamen Rider".
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cina-full-moon-xanadium · 4 years ago
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I have my reasons
For one thing, while the title of the episode is literally “8 Kamen Riders”, in the text itself Rider #1 and Rider #2 literally call out the Shocker Riders as fakes. They’re imposters, they’re not actually real riders -- they also have Kaijin-like powers, which has its own set of implications. They are built with a specific purpose in mind, which I’ll get back to later. 
But the major thing really is to consider what actually makes Kamen Rider Kamen Rider here. Because the origins of his powers, of his suit, of all that stuff? It’s just bog standard Shocker Kaizo Ningen remodelling. He is just someone who escaped the brainwashing -- at the end of the day, he is exactly the same as any other monster Shocker sends out! A lot less monstrous in appearance sure and with a handy henshin belt, but that’s just what this Shocker monster happened to look like this time. If he hadn’t escaped brainwashing he would simply be Batta Man. 
What makes Kamen Rider different is that he chose to be Kamen Rider, and that’s it. He is simply a monster that chose to be good, and most especially in the Showa Era that is the number one definition. It’s actually a bit of an issue I have with modern Rider making every main villain someone who’s called a ‘Kamen Rider’ just because they have a henshin belt -- unless it’s for a specific purpose and point (like in Ryuki, and I would somewhat argue in Build), it’s frustrating because that just isn’t Kamen Rider. 
You’d call the Shocker Riders Kamen Riders? Why? Because they’ve got some fancy henshin belt (even though we never see them transforming)? Because they look like Kamen Rider in an attempt to copy his abilities and fool his allies? Because Shocker said so? No. The Shocker Riders are not any different from any other Shocker Monster. 
What makes a Kamen Rider is the decision to stand up for others, to fight against evil and be a hero. 
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luckyfirerabbit · 5 years ago
Modern (non vampire) Strigana Au
(A great deal of this came out with my husband’s help @kamen-rider-zed, he’s my primary sound board and beta reader, so shout out to him) Also this quite long, so under the cut.
Still takes place in Styria, just modern day.
Carmilla is the owner of several developed properties, including the apartment complex where the others come to live. To her, wine is a legitimate food group.
Lenore is computer nerd/livestreamer. Works from home, kind of a space cadet but still as devious as always. Loves animals and had a tendency to bring home strays with the intention of keeping them or rehoming them. She also moonlights as Striga’s lifestyle assistant.
Striga is former military, medically discharge following a training accident; gunshot wound to the head, left her in a coma for several months and with short term amnesia that is unpredictably recurring. Tried to make it in the culinary industry following her discharge, but the rebounding memory loss saw to the end of that. Still an amazing cook, but hard to hold down a job when you keep forgetting you have one. Eventually she hooks up with another veteran -Welsh- who hooks her up as a bouncer at her club. She understands that Striga has issues and is patient with her. And Lenore helps Striga with a well honed system, namely by regularly texting her, making sure she’s together, and helping her get back home when she blanks.
Morana is a lawyer between jobs, primarily because she wants to get out from under her parent’s money and make a name for herself without them. Which also means going without their connections. So she lives out of her car for a while. She has a well versed background in the arts, namely dance, so she tries to get a side hustle with some of the local clubs, but they don’t exactly fit her particular style. What to do, right?
This is where it gets a little hazy, because I don’t have all the details, and if this ever gets written, it’s going to be a silly romance with over the top plot points and stuff. Anyway; Lenore and Morana know each other from somewhere, maybe they had some classes together at university or something. But Lenore invites Morana to come and stay with her and Striga, partly because it’s a good thing to do, and because Lenore is scheming her ass off from minute one because Morana is Striga’s TYPE.
Possibly a fake dating scenario? Lenore is kinda loaded from the live stream gig, and says she’ll pay Morana to ask her lonely-ass roommate out? I don’t know, all I know is that if that’s the case, Lenore is only able to convince Morana to do it by showing her a video of Striga crushing a watermelon with her thighs for a charity event. Something ridiculous like that.
(Unlike Shatranj, where Striga is a clueless demi, in this AU she would be the Useless Lesbian) Striga would come home to the new roommate, hearing her and Lenore discussing sleeping arrangements, and upon seeing said new roommate, Striga goes all monkey brain and blurts out “she can sleep in my bed. I will take the couch.” And she refuses to hear any arguments to the contrary. She simply insists that the couch is just fine, even though it isn’t even close to being big enough for her.
Proceed to Morana being a huge flirt and actually falling in love with Striga and her cooking and her biceps and Striga’s secret love of musicals and movies that Morana just-so-happens to share. “What were your plans today, Striga?” “Oh, I was thinking about watching Fiddler on the Roof and being mad at god for the rest of the day, why?”
Then there’s Striga who is just STUPID because of this beautiful woman in her house that she doesn’t know how to talk to but gets her movie references and accidentally heard her singing and JOINED IN for some reason. Whenever Morana does something SOFT, Striga mutters under her breath in Ukrainian “Marry me”, not realizing that Morana UNDERSTANDS (because I love secret multilingualism tropes) and that just makes Morana fall HARDER.
Then there’s the club where Striga works; Welsh wants to start open auditions on the weekends “We need fresh faces” she says. Striga doesn’t think anything of it until she sees this gorgeous dark-skinned and blue eyes woman on stage in a veil and jewelry making her HIPS do THINGS and then it hits her omg that’s my roommate and well shit, now what? All she can think to do is offer Morana a ride home (maybe she took the bus to get there?) And Striga rides a motorcycle because I said so there’s waist holding because those are the rules.
The flirting eventually turns mutual and it starts getting real and Striga feels like Morana might be the one, and life is good and she feels something like normal and she’s happy and it’s all because of her. But then the memory loss happens and she forgets all about her and it’s awful and Morana’s heartbroken. Never mind how often Lenore assures her that the phases are typically temporary. “Usually we just stuff her with a couple edibles and a xanax to knock her out and when she wakes up again she’s fine.”
Which is all well and good, but Morana begins to question whether or not she could live with that long term. How does one cope with being forgotten by the one you love?
But since I am an absolute romantic bastard, everything works out and Striga and Morana find a way and love each other and it’s awesome and soft and gay.
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venus-says · 5 years ago
Kamen Rider Zero-One Quarantine Specials
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This post was NOT presented by ZAIA.
I wasn't sure if I was going to watch these things or not since I knew they were just recaps and let's be honest, who watches recaps, am I right?
FOMO afflicts this guy here in weird ways, and this time was one of them. And you know what? I don't regret the decision of watching them because it wasn't all that boring (different from the Kiramager one I watched, but this post isn't about that), still wasn't enough to make a post about. But then I saw the first part of the Project Thouser Blu-Ray specials had been subbed already so I thought that could justify making a post and I could bundle up the thoughts I had concerning new things that were revealed in the recaps. So here we are.
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Talking about the recaps first, I liked how they framed for at least the President Specials to happen, it felt like those two episodes were more though out while the Shooting and Super Job Wars was more of a silly thing with a bunch scenes glued together. In fact, I wish this plot of The Ark trying to fool Aruto in order to gain data with a fake Is of sorts was brought into the show, I think it could be a pretty interesting set of episodes, if not like this at least have the information that was given us appear in a clear way in the show. (Knowing Kamen Rider they will probably make these episodes canon and they won't do that because they will deem redundant, but WISHFUL THINKING)
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I think what makes these recaps interesting and worth watching is the extra bit of input we get that was only possible for them to show us because it was being given by another perspective that wasn't the one of the protagonist. And is having these tiny pearls of extra knowledge, like knowing that Naki was implanted on Fuwa after he had already become a rider, that make these episodes more than just a "this is what happened so far" thing. I also like the clever use of reused scenes but with a new voice-over, again this is used in a much better way during the President specials, I feel like because of when this takes place the Shooting one has fewer scenes to use so they repeat way more and don't make a lot of sense, but I still like that this was added in.
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But the biggest thing of these specials is really the preview of what the final villain, which I'm assuming will be The Ark in humanoid form, looks like. That was another neat thing that made this special actually feel special because it was a surprise and a reward for those who decided to watch it. Oh, we also had some gorgeous eyecatches (?) during these episodes that can be used as some pretty cool wallpapers too, I hope they released those arts somewhere on the web.
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Moving on, the Project Thouser special was a very good surprise.
Judging by the name, I expected it would be more of Gai's side of the story, kinda like what they did for Alain in the Ghost DVD releases, but no! Yes, Gai is there, and yes, the background for everything that happens in the episode is to conclude the project to make Thouser possible, but this episode was more for Naki and about them than anything else, and I Like That!
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This episode covers from the beginning of the story up until the moment where Horobi defeats Fuwa putting him in critical condition which allows for Gai to put Naki's data on his chip, which is a surprisingly short time in terms of episodes, I believe that's only 8 or 9 episodes, but that has a lot of things happening. One thing I think is interesting is that Gai says Naki was found with a forceriser after the Daybreak Town events so this means Horobi wasn't the only one involved and responsible for all that, this also can imply that a Kamen Rider Naki is a possibility, and I would be very happy if we could see that happening (though my expectations are low).
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But even more interesting than the speculation and new background information was seeing Naki's internal turmoil. This wasn't said in-text, but I think we can all assume that after they were recovered Gai asked to reprogram them so the new Naki we see here has definitely things on their code that forces them to follow Gai's order, but even despite these conditions they achieved singularity and it wasn't an easy process. It made them confused, it made them question their own existence and role, and I'm very glad they brought in a non-binary person to portray a character like that because what Naki was going through is very similar to what a lot of people in the LGBTQIA+ community goes through and what I believe also goes in the minds of people who are discovering themselves in their gender identity in different degrees. I don't know if this was what they had in mind when they brought Satsuki Nakayama to portray the role, it's very likely that it wasn't, but I appreciate it being there and it gives an extra meaning to everything, even if it wasn't the creators' intentions.
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And I believe that's all I had to say, I gotta be honest, I'm surprised this post came out this long, I wasn't expecting it. Well, I hope you folks liked it. Did you watch any of these? If you did, let me know what were your thoughts about them. Stay healthy, stay safe, never stop resisting, thank you so much for reading, and until the next time. See-ya~
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kathillards · 6 years ago
rangerstop day one
so we avoided the megaforce rangers all day bc we wanted to surprise them at our photo op so for most of the con we wandered around looking at art and toys and bought so much shit oh my god there are so many talented artists here one lady was selling POTTED CLAY DOLLS and i almost bought a kat doll but. restraint. because i spent $80 at ceevee’s table and i still want more from him (he also remembered me from morphicon I LOVE POWER RANGERS YOU GUYS. I LOVE POWER RANGERS SO MUCH. I DONT HAVE ANY MORE ROOM ON MY WALL FOR THESE PRINTS BUT IM GONNA FUCKING MAKE ROOM.)
FIRST UP mike ginn because i got ceevee’s huge rpm gold and silver prints to get signed by them and the minute i got up to his table he was like “oh hi didn’t i see you at morphicon” and i was like YES and he was like “and weren’t there a bunch of you” and i was like YEAH LOOK ITS MY FRIENDS and he was like “and one of them was like super shy” because at pmc abbey had told him that our friend tabby loved him but was shy so he called her “shy tabby” and we all pointed at tabby who was trying to hide from him and we were all laughing and he just pointed at her for a minute to tease her and then he walked around his table and got behind her and pretended he was gonna jump at her it was so FUNNY AND CUTE HE LOVES HER HES THE CUTEST and he wanted us all to be in the pic i bought and i mean who am i to say no to mike ginn, the greatest gold ranger of all time
SECOND well li ming was busy (bc she’s a LEGENDARY RANGER BITCH WE STAN THE QUEEN OF RPM) so we turned around and jessica rey was there and SHE WAS LIKE “DIDNT I MEET YOU GUYS AT MORPHICON” because we talked to her for like literally 20 minutes at pmc just shittalking jdf and we were like HELL YEAH ugh she’s the cutest and we again talked to her for like 20 minutes (no shittalking this time) about what we loved about wild force and she was telling us about the alyssa’s father episode bc duh thats our fave and how the actor who played her father was like a famous actor but she knew him bc he was the real dad of one of the PAs and she didnt know he was famous and it was so cute shes so cute and tabby bought a white tiger hat from her (and a bunch of other things BUT THE HATS WERE HAND-CROCHETED THEYRE SO CUTE) and she was telling us just like. shit that happened in her day. and we LOVE her shes so great. AND THEN while we were talking to jessica, ann marie crouch came back bc they’re sharing a booth!! and she was dressed in her princess shayla outfit!! so kat and ben started talking to her god shes so nice and beautiful and she was selling little christmas ornaments of her flowers from her headband they’re so pretty and i told her “wild force rangers are ON POINT with the merch bc everyone else just has headshots” and she was like omg did you hear that w/ her handler and they high-fived (bc her handler made the ornaments) AND THEYRE SO CUTE. JESSICA TOLD US TO COME BACK SO WE WILL bc we have more things to get signed by them. she was also wearing a white tiger wild force hoodie she looked so cute.
THIRD then li ming was free and ofc i had to get her to sign my rpm silver print and shes SO NICE AND PRETTY AND she asked us what the japanese on the print said and we were like “it says you’re the best rpm ranger” and that gem’s said “my sister is cooler than me” and she laughed and we told her how much we loved her in the anniversary and how she was the strongest and most powerful rpm ranger and how she was the REAL LEADER gosh i love her and then we took my photo and SHE LET ME HOLD HER RPM TOY GUN THING i love herrr
FOURTH oh god okay so abbey couldnt be here but we wanted to get her shit so we went to sean cw johnson’s table bc duh and sapphire steph (of sapphire management, she handles like. a lot of rangers. SHES SO COOL) was handling him and we were talking to her and kat facetimed abbey to show her all of sean’s merch and he had these little coins that we got for abbey and asked if he could sign them and we were just talking to steph i dont even know about what i love her and abbey was on the phone and we were like telling them that she loves lightspeed thats why we’re facetiming and SEAN ASKED TO FACETIME HER AND SAY HI bc she was right there and also i showed him  and steph abbey’s little carter art of “get in losers we’re going demon hunting” and they both LOVED IT and then he was like “wait ive seen this art before” and i was like “yeah bc you fucking replied to my tweet about how dino charge is better than lightspeed” and he was like “oh yes i do remember that you said it was worse than watching paint dry and you wanted to gouge your eyes out with a spoon” and i was like I DIDNT SAY THAT I WASNT THAT MEAN (i was pretty mean, im so sorry sean i love you) im not gonna link the tweet bc I CANT BELIEVE HE FUCKING REPLIED TO IT AND REMEMBERED bc he was like “i’m not even on social media” and i was like “well you popped up in my notifs soooo” and he was like “no i respect your opinion even if you’re wrong” lmao and he asked what i didnt like about it and obviously i couldnt say “too many white people” to his face so i said i watched 20 episodes it was boring and we HATED captain mitchell bc we hate shitty mentors and we only love rangers and he was like “okay that’s fair” and i was like “and i didnt like that carter had this whole hero worship thing of captain mitchell when he was a shitty dad and like... is this your king???” (i literally said that why am i like this) and he was like “oh well he was kind of my king” and steph was cracking up at the black panther reference she was like “you guys are a hoot” oh and then we got him to do a video shout out where he says abbeys fave line “freeze missiles? sounds cool” and we were like DO IT LIKE YOU MEAN IT, YOURE AN ACTOR so he pretended to get in character and it was so cute and he told me also “i respect that you’re not fake and you stand by your opinions” and i was like ya cuz lightspeed sucks (no i didnt say that) cuz he was like “some people will be like ‘time force is overrated’ and then go up to michael copon (his booth was behind us) and be like ‘oh i’m a huge fan’” and we were like oh we’d never do that and he loved us even though i was so mean to him IM SORRY SEAN I WILL BUY SOMETHING FROM YOU TOMORROW as we were leaving he said to me “tomorrow you can be fake its fine” hes literally like. so cool. and also handsome. but lightspeed is still boring im sorry.
FIFTH we were wandering around again looking at toys and shit and tabby and ben wanted dino bite cafe shirts so we went to marvels by mossers which was right next to brennan and the sudarso brothers and we started talking to the guy there (aiden, not mosser) about, you know, the stuff they were selling and whatnot he’s so cool like they’re all so cool we talked for ages?? bc tabby had to go to the atm to get money and she took forever so we were just standing around saving her spot in line and aiden asked us like how we became friends when we’re all from different states and we told him we met online bc we love power rangers and we met up at morphicon and loved it so much we came to rangerstop and he was like oh thats so cool (this will be important later ok) anyway im just saying WE HAVE SO MUCH FUN JUST TALKING TO PEOPLE LIKE JUST. JUST TALK TO THEM. EVEN IF THEY’RE NOT POWER RANGERS. like this guy wasnt even a pr fan but he was so chill anyway i love everyone in this bar.
then we went out to eat but got distracted by gazbot’s booth of his HELLA COOL PRINTS and we bought abbey a balance print and an alpha print and kat bought all the six megaforce rangers and tbh tomorrow im gonna go back and get ninja steel blue BECAUSE while this was happening peter texted me “saw you and said hi but you seemed busy haha” becAUSE i did not stop to say hi to him (because he had a line!) while we were by marvels for mossers anyway i felt bad but we were hungry so went out to the food trucks and we saw two ranger actors whom we will not name come out to smoke together which was HILARIOUS (we love them anyway its ok) and THEN
SIXTH we came back inside bc i wanted brennan to sign my dino charge red print that i got from ceevee (also a shoutout to his handler who is really cool and talked to us and just. guys. i love everyone. i love EVERYONE.) and hes sooooo pretty god and his handwriting is so cute it looks like a child bc he’s left-handed and i asked him why the other dino charge rangers werent there and he was like “well davi’s filming and michael and camille dont really do cons” lmao and i told him i went to school w/ michael and camille and he was like “oh cool my sister-in-law went to that school” when i told him what university it was anyway hes just so pretty. im blanking on most of our conversation. then ben talked to him bc they’re both left-handed and reminded him that he instagrammed ben’s art and they message on insta and it was very cute #bennan for life bitches he also signed ben’s dino charge hat
SEVENTH so you know yoshi and peter are right next to brennan so i was with taylor (@ crossbuild on twitter, rocking the ryuga banjou cosplay) and she wanted to meet the sudarsos so we went over to say hi and peter came over and hugged me and we talked and he was like “since i dyed my hair blonde ive gotten like three more roles” and i was like “blonde privilege” (he looked. surprisingly good with it.) and he was telling me that he and yoshi are playing monkey demigod brothers?? or something and that’s why they both dyed their hair blonde and we also talked about kamen rider (bc taylor mentioned it) and he said he wants to watch wizard and i was like YES WATCH WIZARD ITS MY FAVE and he was like “everyone says bad things about it!” and i was like FUCK THEM JUST BECAUSE ITS SLOW-PACED and he was like “no you know i love slow pace” and i was like yes its very episodic but its SO GOOD THE CHARACTERS ARE SO GOOD they just had an issue w/ the lead actress being an idol and he was like “oh well so is lupinyellow” and i was like DO YOU ACTUALLY WATCH LUPATO bc he does keep up w/ sentai but hes always behind and he was like “dont spoil me im three eps behind” and i was like “well thats pretty good for you and also nothing happens in lupato” and he was so offended on its behalf and i was like “name one thing thats happened peter” and he was like “uh gold showed up???” and i was like “that happens every season” but then i was like “dont get me wrong i love lupato its my fave show of all time” (because it absolutely fucking is) and he was like “i thought so i was so confused” lmao (bc like. im always tweeting about how much i love lupato.) anyway yeah i asked him which kamen riders he’d watched and he was like “you know this pearl” which i did i just enjoy pretending i dont know anything about him. watch wizard y’all. and meanwhile, while i was talking to peter, ben and the others were meeting yoshi and ben was getting his dino charge dvd signed and he gave yoshi his art of koda WHICH YOSHI LOVED and ben was gonna pay $30 for the autograph but yoshi was like “no take it back” and he was like “you’re not gonna sell th dvd right” and ben was like “no i’m keeping it forever” and he was like “ya then you’re not paying for it” bc he LOVED THE ART AND HE LOVES BEN AND US hes so handsome irl like fuck man. who allowed dino charge rangers to exist in the mortal realm. he also gave me and ben cheetos later (he offered them to everyone, we were the only ones who accepted. i love hot cheetos.) 
EIGHTH we went to the alphas to get the alpha print signed for abbey and first of all, david fielding’s (zordon) handler was there (david wasnt there) and we were talknig to him and he was like oh im a HUGE power rangers fan i have boxes in my basement full of old power rangers toys and we were like “oh big mood” he was cool too man everyone is so cool i just love. to talk to them. and kat was getting the alpha print signed by romy and she was SO SWEET and we told her how much abbey loved alpha and went to search her art on twitter to show her and she LOVED ALL OF IT she was so sweet her handler was so sweet too and then we went to peta’s booth AND SHE HAD ALPHA GAY PRIDE SHIRTS AND STICKERS so we’re gonna buy those for abbey tomorrow
after that we were hanging around the nearby toy booth avoiding the megaforce rangers who were RIGHT next to the alphas (all together bc they’re codependent losers and we love them) and AIDEN FROM MARVELS BY MOSSER CAME OVER WITH A DINO CHARGE IRON-ON PATCH AND JUST SHOVED IT IN BENS HAND AND SAID “i want you to have this for free because i loved talking to you guys and you deserve it and i love when people meet like you guys did” bc of our little story of how we became online friends and met up and love each other and LIKE. BEN WAS ABOUT TO CRY. I LOVE US AND EVERYONE AT THIS CON. 
NINTH so we went back across the room to the sudarsos bc ben wanted to give peter his preston and marv art so i was like “we have something for you” and shoved ben at him and he LOVED THE ART (of course bc ben’s art is amazing) and was like “i’ve seen this on twitter dont i follow you” and ben was like noo you dont and i was like “no, i just retweet ben all the time so hes on your timeline anyway” AND THEN HE PULLED OUT HIS PHONE AND FOLLOWED BEN IN FRONT OF US and then also later he took a SELFIE w/ the three pieces ben gave him and tweeted about finally getting to meet this amazing artist and @-ed ben and it currently has like 100 likes so ya ben’s famous now go follow him @brodyromero 
AND THEN FOR THE MAIN EVENT THE MEGAFORCE PHOTO OP THAT WE BOUGHT AND WANTED TO SURPRISE THEM TONIGHT AND we also went to walmart earlier and got rainbow cupcakes for them and a candle that says 5 to celebrate their 5th anniversary bc we are that extra. side note, there was an ADORABLE little boy in line behind us in a pink mmpr diamonds t-shirt and he was freaking out at everyone and saw a blue ninja steel cosplayer and went OH MY GOD ITS NINJA STEEL BLUE and he was the only valid fan at the entire con and we let him cut in front of us (well we let everyone cut bc we wanted to be the last people in bc we are dramatique)
TENTH THE MEGAFORCE RANGERS so like the whole day we’ve been stressing “what if they dont remember us what if they dont care what if they dont” and then we entered and the literal second they saw us it was like. azim’s WHOLE FACE LIT UP AND HE WENT “OH MY GOD YOU GUYS CAME ITS MY GIRLS” (cuz remember we’re #azimsangels as per his hashtag) and HUGGED US ALL IMMEDIATELY oh hes such a good hugger and they saw our cupcakes and we were like “its for you for your fifth anniversary!” and they were so happy and surprised and ciara was like so jumpy and she like hugged us all SO BIG SHES SO CUUUUUTE they are all so fucking cute cameron remembered us too and came to give us hugs and kat got pity hugs from christina and john mark, the dignified ones (they were very nice, its just everyone else was clearly high and super jumpy and SO HAPPY TO SEE US) and andrew was just there looking gorgeous. sorry i cant say anything about him bc if u look into his eyes u black out and that happens to all of us. idk if he said anything. hes too pretty to exist. and we were like WE CAME TO FLORIDA TO SEE YOU GUYS because we loved meeting you at morphicon so much (which is TRUE we planned this all so last-minute bc we were like. fuck it lets go to fucking rangerstop we wanna see the megacast again.) and god they were so HAPPY. AZIM WAS SO HAPPY. CAMERON HUGGED ME SO TIIIIGHT. azim like crushed us all in a group hug the second he saw us. and then we took the photo and ciara literally just JUMPED into ben and kat and tabby’s laps bc they were sitting on the chairs and i got in the back in the middle of ALL FOUR BOYS like oh my god i cant even look at myself in the picture we got bc i’m surrounded by the literal hottest guys in the world like what the fuck. andrew gray TOUCHED ME. like holy fuck. and christina posed w/ the cupcakes and cameron held the 5 candle and was like “COME ON JOHN LETS BLOW IT OUT” and that was their pose and the rest of us were just cheesin and god its so cuuute im gonna make them all autograph it tomorrow and i also got megaforce red and silver prints from ceevee to get andrew and cameron to sign. and then after the pic christina tried to give us back the cupcakes and we were like NO THEY’RE FOR YOU THEY’RE YOUR BIRTHDAY GIFT and cameron literally started jumping up and down like a little kid he was like “WE GET CUPCAKES” and i was standing next to him so i said “we got rainbow ones so everyone was kind of represented except you sorry” and he looked at me and was like “yeah because nobody cares about silver” and i was like nooo its bc its hard to put silver on frosting and he was like yeah thats true AND THEN as we were leaving and they were like thank you for the cupcakes!! he was like “are there drugs in them” and kat was like “no” and tabby was like “yes” and i said “next time, for your 10 year anniversary” and andrew was like “ten years!” all chill like. i love him. king of red rangers. cameron said “love youuuu” to us as we left. i would quite literally die for all of them.
afterwards we were waiting around to get our reprints and azim came out and stopped to talk to us and we were like “where the fuck is your girlfriend we only came to see her” and he told us she’s flying to london :( and then he was like “are you guys coming tomorrow come hang out at our booths” (we were like “we have shit for you to sign we’re not just gonna loiter” and he was like “no just come hang out”) and he said “i wanna tell you guys the most heartwarming story that’s happened at rangerstop, a four year saga” so he like. REALLY wants us to come back tomorrow like what a cliffhanger that was!!
we also saw catherine and li ming bc the 25th anniversary photo op was right after us they’re so pretty!! im gonna visit catherine tomorrow and get my PINK RANGER W/ DRAGON SHIELD PRINT SIGNED BY HER ugh ceevee’s art is literally so amazing bitch. fuck. and then steve was also there and tabby was like “we love you steve!” (she said that for every actor that passed us but nobody heard her EXCEPT STEVE) and he stopped and turned back and was like HEY GUYS, love him. AND THEN SELWYN ALSO SHOWED UP FOR THE PHOTO OP and then on our way out of the photo op hallway he was ahead of us getting water in the hotel lobby so we stopped and said hi and introduced ourselves and i was like “we met you at morphicon” and he was like hmm (he was the only one who didnt rmr us at all clearly BUT HES STILL SO VALID. I LOVE YOU SELWYN.) and he was like “why don’t you guys get a picture with me” and we were like “well we’ll be here tomorrow to see you” and he was like “no we gotta do it right now” so he and tabby took a selfie LITERALLY THE CUTEST. HES SO HANDSOME. I LOVE POWER RANGERS.
also psycho red is hot
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theblackstarsaga · 6 years ago
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The Flavor Text, as I refer to them because I was a nerdling who played Magic in my YOUTH™. They’re further inspired by the bits of in-universe text at the beginning of chapters in Frank Herbert’s Dune. The thing is/was/forever will be that the flavor text wasn’t always so great, or wasn’t substantial enough, and as the book got BIGGER THAN THIS BUS I cut them down to one per PART of the Book.
Sol-Love, the colony world in the 2nd Jupiterian Cluster of Artificial Colonies, and home to Freyja and the DMD is derived from Soul Love, a David Bowie song. (That’s currently 3 Bowie References thus far. If you’re drinking at home, prepare yourself.)
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Kaijin – I used Kaijin purposefully, because Kaijin is a term usually reserved for the foes of Kamen Riders and Super Sentai members. It’s more Monster/Mysterious Thing plus Person. There’s an intelligence behind the Kaijin, even if we don’t understand it at present.
Jaina Palence is literally just messing up the name Jack Palence who starred in a weirdly influential tv take on Dracula produced by Dan Curtis! Dan Curtis is also behind the soap opera Dark Shadows. Both of these play with the idea of the vampire being infatuated with the reincarnated version of their love (though Barnabas goes back and forth with this shit), and this take on Dracula would later find its broadest influence in Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992). Although the reincarnated love aspect, given Dan Curtis’s infatuation with Universal Horror, is undoubtedly sourced in The Mummy (1932).
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Jaina is a Representative of Yosei-62, an overt nod at Yosei Gorasu, better known as Gorath to English speaking audiences. The film was released on March 21st, 1962.
The capital Xillen – and it being the only functional Artificial World (a far FANCIER version of the colonies) would make it Planet 10, (because I grew up with Pluto and this is scifi nonsense), or Planet X. Xillians were the dub names for the X-Seijin from Godzilla: Final Wars. I guess maybe that works retroactively, but whatevs.
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In the Year 2525 is the title of a Zager and Evans song that was the ONLY reason it’s set in the year 2525. Because I like the song and my playlists and long walks are what birthed this terrible monster!
AH! The Church of Humanity!
What in the every loving hell are these things? Future Legend (The original title for the series) was still appropriate because it involved the idea of using these fantasy or mythological tropes with the same sort of language and mystique BUT IN THE FUTURE!
So we get things like Clerics, Arch Deacons, Paladins, etc.
Church of Humanity is also because of my own personal crisis of faith I went through growing up. As a kid, who mostly only read Revelation because it is the END OF EVANGELION of the Bible (Plus Dragons), my relationship with religion was that we should like, be nice to eachother. I thought that was the BIG IDEA. BOY WAS I WRONG. Growing up in a highly conservative area I saw religion as a tool for exclusionary and manipulative tactics which disgusted me to no end. So I imagined a better future…like Star Trek, but with more armor and war and death and telepathy. The Church of Humanity was then a forward thinking reorganization of religion in space, a place in which blind and zealotry-ridden faiths had yet to really sink its teeth into.
“The Church of Man, Love.” A Lyric from Moonage Daydream – Waste Bowie Not, Want Bowie Not – became the Church of Humanity, and I felt COH has a solid tone about it when read aloud. It’s that fucking H man. It’s a very satisfying mouth feel.
There are a lot of mythological and historical references, but I’m gonna mostly go for the WEIRD NERD THINGS. Because I care about it more, probably.
Freecloud, the primary Venusian colony is UNSURPRISINGLY taken from The Wild Eyed Boy from Freecloud. There is a specific Wild Eyed Boy, but MORE ON THAT IN A FEW YEARS OR SOMETHING.
The Enoch’s Cruiser model – CFX-JC07 is just abbreviating Crucifix Jesus Christ 07. 07 Because 2007 was a weird year for me, and the rest is obvious.
Javin’s name, and this is dumb, came from a much older series of stories I had worked up during my teenage years, but here its attributed to a much nicer person.
The Garbage Hauler numbers is full of nerdiness.
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RC-G4R is the hauler’s model number. There’s not a great amount of intelligence but its Wreck-Gar, Wreck-Gar was the leader of the Junkions in the 1986 Animated feature Transformers: The Movie.
The ID number – J3K10N1986 – Junkion and 1986 the year in which Transformers: The Movie released.
Star Lane registration GRW020163 – Is my mom’s initials and her date of birth. I had too many fake numbers to come up with and just sort of went wherever with it.
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KUBRICK – Well, Kubrick is probably my favorite filmmaker, and his association with scifi via his seminal 2001: A Space Odyssey, led to there OF COURSE being a colony named Kubrick, it’s located in the 1st Jupiterian Cluster along with Yosei-62 (Jaina’s home colony) and Helena (Gerard Kil’s home colony).
Skell Tahl, and circling cover fire? Definitely not a reference to the Chant of the Ever Circling Skeletal Family.
Bowie References – 7
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flowercuco · 6 years ago
Veil Episode 2 Part 3.5+4
Previously, we played what was supposed to be a short session that I didn’t summarise in which the gang sans Synch took crescent moon to go shopping for some casual clothing! 
A lot of things happened in that one but the important take-aways were...
Ariel and Fortuna were told about the kamen rider man having kidnapped Crescent Moon’s mother figure, Heartful Vale, Ariel cried about the date that she had with Crescent moon, Will asked Fortuna to talk to Ariel and Crescent Moon about their budding relationship, unaware of her part in the equation, Will continued to harass Old New Underground teens, and Blessed Lee Outrageous tried to get Senza to talk to Denno’s Coil, but framed it in such a way that made it seem like he was trying to get her to perform emotional labor so she told him to fuck off.
Also Fortuna drank 5 Crescent Shooting Stars, the Constellation Coffee exclusive Crescent Moon themed drink, winner her Official Crescent Moon Wolf Ears. That was that session more or less, then they went to Quid University.
Synch started the focus of our next session, today, waking up before everyone else at the place the Eyes on the Inside are staying at, leaving a note for Burning, and then leaving out the window, having stolen a Crescent Moon shirt from him. They then checked their texts and took a taxi to the school to meet up with the others.
Quidama-Dre University is, a very interesting school, described as a mix between being extremely brutalist utilitarian and also having a large number of post-modern buildings, the kind that look like they’re melting or glitched or have other various things like that. There’s also a hideous modern art piece. 
Crescent Moon is in awe at the sight of all of these people, and having only seen such numbers when people were there to see her, and not just hanging out or being there or just living their own lives. However, rather than try to go off or observe and wonder, or try to steal the costume of the mascot, Qutie the Chakat, Crescent Moon instead is struck by the look for horror on Fortuna’s face of dread at having to solve her problems. Crescent Moon asks whats wrong, causing Fortuna to give an about face as she says that she just has to deal with her responsibilities and then gives Crescent her number, so that she can give any advice related to love.
Synch arrives as Fortuna leaves to deal with her duties, informing the party about getting their texts. Senza hands Synch a fancy looking box, claiming that as there is a Thicker than Blood event on campus, this will help convince them that Synch’s ruse (that they’re dating Senza) is legitimate. Synch checks if its ticking (it is) and decides to open it, finding a rather fancy watch that has some gears, an arcane weird knob, and a very particular kind of aesthetic. Synch says they’ll wear it later, which Senza uses as an opportunity to chastise them, asking if they even know what time it is. 
Crescent walks up and asks the group whats going on, and Senza vaguely gestures at the fake dating situation, then starts to lead Crescent to the quad, to show the idol more people, and fufill her curiosity.
Fortuna has at this point gone to her lab and corners her T.A., a horned dude with a flannel shirt named Pierce, who is the T.A. Fortuna has worked with the most, and coincidentally actually likes Crescent Moon the least of all of Fortuna’s T.A.’s. Fortuna wants Pierce to not go to the concert like the other T.A.’s so that they can administer an important test instead of Fortuna having to do this, when she is planning on still protecting Crescent Moon then. Her angle to convince Pierce to do this is to introduce him to the virtual idol, to which he isn’t convinced, not really believing her and going back to doing what he was doing after posting about how nonsensical the situation is online. Her problems remain unsolved....
Upon seeing that the quad is overrun by Thicker than Blood, for the purposes of their recruitment event, Ariel pushes for the group to visit the library, partially so that they can also do some research. On their way there, Senza and Crescent moon are caught on camera, and when they arrive at the library, Senza gets a call from a friend in the literature department who asks if she’s with Crescent Moon. Senza figures out that she was caught on camera with the idol, hangs up, and tells the group about this. Synch blames Senza for their lack of subtlety and Ariel decides to do their research and asks if theres anything they need to know first, to which Synch says yes, but that they need to talk privately first. Senza also wants to speak with Ariel, but Will needs Senza’s help dealing with people who have maybe noticed Crescent Moon, as she’s a teacher.
Synch and Ariel talk about the Angelic Threads, the group that created Ariel, the very name adding even more disgust and contempt for them. They want to make them pay for what they’ve done, but they assume that Synch isn’t going to help. Ariel then tells Synch about the things they learned last night involving the masked armored man. Synch asks about when the picture was taken, then whines when there isn’t an answer. The two agree that maybe this situation shouldn’t be underestimated and that they shouldn’t have gone to such a public place, that the people following Crescent around seem to be extremely dangerous.
Meanwhile, Will is making some mild success at making Crescent Moon more inconspicuous while Senza attempts to use LACUNA to hack into some of the libraries filters to prevent people in the library from talking about the idol. What happens instead is that LACUNA uses the access to the libraries systems to spy on Synch and Ariel, learning all of the secret information they gave each other. Ariel notices that they’re being watched, or something, and learns that LACUNA is watching her. Senza opts to warn the friend that called her about things going wrong soon and then takes Ariel into LACUNA’s reading room so that it will be easier to try get the important information that they desire. 
Ariel begins with information on their attacker from the other night, finally allowing me to name the kamen rider man as Blood Root and learning that he was an alleged psychic who Snow Vision Structure apprehended, and was presumed killed. Ariel then tries to find out stuff about the Angelic Threads, discovering through various means, that these people call themselves Angels and desire to advance humanity as a means to Open Heaven. Ariel also discovers that they have agents in at least the Investigative Bureau, Snow Vision Structure, and the Seat of Judges. Senza, who needs more time to process this says that they should begin to leave when Ariel asks why Senza was spying on them. When she stumbles on explaining, not wanting to give Ariel the details on LACUNA, Ariel gives up and lets it go for now.
Synch is found by a harried Blessed Lee Outrageous who warns Synch about TtB going after them on Denno’s orders. When they ask why, he says that he doesn’t know, but he doesn’t trust it. Synch calls Denno’s a bitch and tells the group about it as Blessed Lee runs away. Senza tells Synch that she didn’t tell them about Blessed Lee’s previous conversation because it seemed to be about something more personal and less weird. 
Fortuna’s troubles meanwhile are that she once again fails to convince Pierce to do her job, citing the ability to have him work with Emperor Epoch, who’s lab focuses on far more interesting and real archaeology rather than hers. She could set up a transfer as he owes her a favor, but Pierce once again is disinterested. At this moment, Bicker Boulder, the Investigative Bureau person who requested an interview with Fortuna asks for her time, seeming very worried for one reason or another. The two go into Fortuna’s office and Bicker asks about Denno and Senza, saying that she saw something but wants to speak with Senza about it, as she isn’t sure about other things. At that moment, Pierce tells Fortuna that some TtB goons came looking for her, but they sent them away. Fortuna thanks Pierce and then asks Bicker how badly she wants to come with her. When Bicker affirms her desire, Fortuna locks her door from the inside with a chair, takes a coffee maker, and prepares to leave via the window. 
She falls, breaks the coffee maker, and Bicker follows and drags and then lifts her up.
Senza was prepared for this situation and gives out disguises for the group, giving Crescent Moon a rather fashionable disguise while the others get less pretty people. They all appear to be just normal college students. She also sends out a distraction, a fake Crescent, elsewhere on campus. The group manage to elude Thicker than Blood but overhear some of them running and trying to find Fortuna. Senza offers to go find her and Synch follows along. Will doesn’t have a reason to think this situation is serious, something that she will learn she is wrong about later. 
Synch and Senza arrive at Fortuna’s lab, a bit messy but otherwise empty, finding the door to her office blocked. Synch uses their detective vision (psychic powers) to discern that a lot of nervous and scared people were around, with a group of people trying to come into the lab, leaving, then trying to go into the office before another person came in and they all left. Synch then explodes the door open and sees the Fortuna shaped marks on the floor outside the window.
When the duo go down there, there’s a Thicker than Blood person upset over the lackluster trail, who asks what Senza (in disguise) wants. She explains that she was sent by Senza to find Fortuna, to which the TtB guy tries to use to his advantage, asking her to guide her to her professor. Senza says she will, guides him to the woods, and then neutralizes him, tying him up to a tree and confirming via his confiscated walkie-talkie that Fortuna hasn’t been apprehended yet. 
Synch and Senza unite, the former secretly using their psychic powers to make the captive less scared and more peaceful, so that the latter can interrogate them. They explain that the reason that all of them are so hectically going after the group is because Denno cut a deal with someone scary looking, who made an example of one of them via the nanomachines that all of the Thicker than Blood people consume as a part of their initiation. Senza uses LACUNA to isolate the nanomachine’s signals, neutralize them, and then figure out where Denno’s Coil is. He’s on his way to Snow Vision Structure, because, of course he is.
Senza then gets a text from Fortuna, saying that she’s ok she just fell.
Back at the apartment, Will, Crescent Moon, and Ariel, in that order, are watching television. Will texts Ariel that she wants to talk about work and they agree and then leaves. Will excuses herself as well and in the other room, asks about what she found with her research. Ariel decides to lie about finding nothing of value, which is obvious to Will, who can read body language. Will attempts to ask about why and how, to which Ariel just talks about having done her normal methods and getting nothing, which Will sees and pierces through, learning that Ariel is angry at her and wants her to go away. Will realizes that appeasing Ariel will not work, says that she knows they’re lying, and that they just want to deal with things, they just want to keep Crescent Moon and everyone safe, that she should start acting like she really cares about fixing things. Ariel rebukes by going off on the Seat of Judges, saying that they only care about maintaining the status quo, and can’t help her, chastising Will for not knowing the name of her creators! Will responds with simply saying that it’s true, she doesn’t know anything, she can’t know anything because Ariel doesn’t tell her anything, and she can’t help if she doesn’t know anything in the first place. Ariel angrily reveals that they don’t trust Will because the Seat of Judges is in her creators pockets, something Will can’t respond to easily. Instead, she tries to use the obligation that she has on Ariel in order to get the information out one way or another. Ariel promises to tell Will the information later, when Crescent Moon is safe, so instead Will asks for the information on Blood Root, which they give.
Will goes into another room and contacts her hacker, Zed, and using him and the Seat’s database, discovers Blood Root’s location and discovers that he’s somehow shackled to SVS, being unable to go very far from them for very long, currently holed up in a warehouse both owned and not owned by SVS. 
She sends this information to Ariel directly.
We end on Denno inside a SVS vehicle, speaking with a mysterious and dangerous person with a chiselled body, long hair, and military clothing with a patch that has a stormy snow insignia that in a mysterious flash of the veil’s light, changes to the symbol of the Angelic Threads. Denno says that they shouldn’t have made all of the TtB so scared, to which the other man says that it was necessary to make them understand the gravity of the situation. He also says that their deal is still on, and to just not worry about it anymore. Denno asks if Senza and the others are going to be okay, and he laughs saying that Whitefall is committed to doing whatever it takes.
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astoundingbeyondbelief · 7 years ago
ABB when will we have the play by play breakdown of the Uprising trailer? I am dying to know what you think
I’m seldom much for verbiage when happenings this big hit the kaiju fandom – everyone has a take and I worry about my voice being indistinguishable from the rest. But since you asked: I present a ton of screencaps and speculation under the cut. Aside from what’s been discussed on here and my Discord groups, I don’t really know what other close looks have been like, so some of this may be a rehash.
Also, I’m going to have to make a second post, because if I try to fit everything onto this one, I think Firefox might actually explode.
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Poughkeepsie Avenger (that’s what I’m calling it now and forever, sorry) and an unidentified green Jaeger with a morning star are stuck in their hangers. I say “unidentified” because blueprints and toys show Titan Redeemer with the morning star, while the SDCC footage and trailer give it to Bracer Phoenix. Since both mechs are international efforts, rather than built by individual countries like the original Jaegers, perhaps the weapon can be easily switched out. Either way, the lack of Titan Redeemer in this trailer bodes ill for it.
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One of the Jaeger-Kaiju hybrids (which I have no choice but to call Mass Production Jaegers for now) swats a helicopter. I imagine this is an attack that will take out most of the PPDC’s trained pilots, forcing the cadets to fill their Drivesuits as kaiju descend on Tokyo.
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The legs of a mysterious Jaeger. We have toy photos of six Jaegers so far, and none of them match the gold-and-silver scheme here. I thought this left only the one with the Kamen Rider eyes in the SDCC promo, but upon closer inspection, some of the other Jaegers in that promo are slightly different from the ones we’ve seen as well. It does make sense that there would be a lot of Jaegers at humanity’s disposal: during the height of the first war, there were eight Shatterdomes, each fielding multiple Jaegers.
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A kaiju corpse in California that, like Reckoner in Hong Kong, was left to rot. I’m very intrigued by the promise of class divisions having a more prominent role in Uprising. The idea that the rich started stalling for time in Pacific Rim so they could live out their lives in peace (and to hell with everyone else) was a fascinating one, but mentioned only in passing. What does that neglect look like on the ground? To Jake, I imagine it feels a lot like Stacker’s neglect.
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A burrowing kaiju shows up in Tokyo. Seems to be different from the four others who appear later in the trailer.
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Jake and Amara enter a Shatterdome, with Bracer Phoenix front and center.
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Saber Athena, Guardian Bravo, Bracer Phoenix, and Poughkeepsie Avenger prepare to blast off. The rocket packs are probably swifter replacements for the Very Strong Helicopters which carried the Jaegers into battle in the first movie.
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Cherno Alpha blueprints on Jake’s right!
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A better look at the Mass Production Jaegers. Multiple eyes and plenty of bio-luminescence.
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I imagine this is the end for Marshal Quan (Zhang Jin), but it’s possible he’s saved at the last second and this is just deceptive trailer editing. I nominate Mako Mori as his replacement either way.
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Jake and some non-PPDC types under a Jaeger arm – likely one that fell defending California.
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There are at least four Mass Production Jaegers (the last is just visible behind the one closest to the camera). Quadruple event!
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Liwen Shao (Legendary Pictures favorite Jing Tian), Newt Geiszler, and Mako Mori serving looks. Actors on IMDb are credited as “Shao Tech” and “Liwen Security,” so I gather that she’s in charge of a company working closely with the PPDC. Newt is surely working for her; the NYCC panel mentioned that he’s gone into the private sector.
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Scrapper, Amara’s homemade Jaeger, gives the PPDC a headache. I love the interior – not quite on the level of del Toro’s “torture machines,” but certainly more interesting than Uprising’s other cockpits.
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Newt in front of a screen displaying another mystery Jaeger.
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The eleven people in this shot (nine cadets plus Jake and Nate) are probably the pilots for the five Jaegers on the site, as Bracer Phoenix has three. Here is the cadet list as best as I can tell, with character names in parenthesis.
Cailee Spaeney (Amara Namani)
Nick E. Tarabay
Shyrley Rodriguez
Levi Meaden (Ilya)
Karan Brar (Suresh)
Lily Ji (Mei Lin)
Ivanna Sakhno (Vik)
Mackenyu (Ryoichi)
Wesley Wong (Ou-Yang Jinhai)
Also, note the SIM POD text. These appeared in Pacific Rim: Tales from the Drift, but not the movie itself. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the footage from the trailer is a simulation fake-out.
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buildridernews · 8 years ago
Okay, as expected, any fake toy catalog listings would be followed up by legit ones. In this case, I still say it's up in the air, but it's coming from a source that people trust and has a lot of the same stuff... but also plenty of stuff that wasn’t included, different names that feel more legitimate, and stuff that feels more par for the course for Kamen Rider. I got a good feeling this is what we’re really getting.
Just to clarify, the Japanese text used for these collectibles literally translates to "Full Bottle" with katakana, so I GUESS that's the name intent. They also each name two motifs, one being animal. The other seems all over the place. The text doesn't provide any clear divide between the two names (ie: Gorilla Mondo instead of Gorilla & Mondo), I'm just writing what I see instead of improvising that.
Mid August: 
RHS-1: Kamen Rider Build (Rabbit Tank Form) 
DX Gorilla Mondo Full Bottle Set
We were told we'd see some August merch before the show, and this feels like something they'd sell. RHS being the Rider Hero Series which are vinyl figures. The collectibles here are not Build's main form, so that seems like standard before-the-show merch as well. Mondo may or may not be the Italian word for "World"?
Early September: 
DX Buildriver w/ Rabbit Tank Full Bottle 
DX Full Bottle Holder 
DX Drill Crusher 
RHS-2: Kamen Rider Build (Gorilla Mondo Form)
The DX Buildriver's functions: With the Full Bottle on the belt, turning the lever provides a gear rotation gimmick which activates LED and transformation sounds. Turning the lever again activates finishing move. There's also a bundle for the Buildriver and Full Bottle Holder. Oh, and the Drill Crusher is referred to as some kind of sword/gun combo.
Mid September:
DX Hawk Gatling Full Bottle Set 
DX Hawk Gatlinger 
BCRS-01: Kamen Rider Build (Rabbit Tank Form) 
RHS-3: Kamen Rider Build (Hawk Gatling Form)
The main figure line appears to be the Bottle Change Rider Series, which abbreviates to BCRS. RHS is Rider Hero Series, the vinyl figures. 
Late September:
DX Ninnin Comic Full Bottle Set 
DX 4 Koma Ninja Katana 
BCRS-02: Kamen Rider Build (Gorilla Mondo Form) 
RHS-4: Kamen Rider Build (Ninnin Comic Form) 
RHS-5: Night Rogue
Night Rogue, Knight Rogue, dunno yet. It's unusual for something that's not a Rider to receive a vinyl, so this may be a major character, like Mashin Chaser.
Early October: 
RHS-6: Blood Stark
ブラッドスターク / Buraddosutāku - you make sense of it. I'm finding it intriguing there's more than one of these in the vinyl figure line.
Mid October:
DX Rocket Panda Full Bottle Set 
DX Trans Team Gun 
DX Steam Blade 
BCRS-03: Kamen Rider Build (Hawk Gatling Form) 
RHS-7: Kamen Rider Build (Rocket Panda Form)
I don't understand these weapon names either.
Late October:
RHS-8: Kamen Rider Build (Fire Hedgehog Form) 
RHS-9: Kamen Rider Build (Lion Cleaner Form)
Interestingly, there will be some pattern of forms that are given vinyls only, rather than having some kind of collectible associated with it.
Early November:
DX Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Full Bottle Set 
DX Kamen Rider W Full Bottle Set 
BCRS-04: Kamen Rider Build (Ninnin Comic Form)
Legend Rider content confirmed! Underwhelming names! Hopefully Gaim, Ghost and Ex-Aid's handling of the collectibles will show promise for the sounds.
Mid November:
DX Closedragon 
DX Beat Closer 
DX Pandora Panel 
DX Build Phone 
BCRS-05: Kamen Rider Build (Fire Hedgehog Form) 
RHS-10: Kamen Rider Build (Key Dragon Form) 
RHS-11: Kamen Rider Close
Of course, we appear to have our secondary Rider here with Kamen Rider Close, who appears to be using his own gear since he doesn't have a form name or collectibles. The Build Phone is referred to as a bike transformation item, which sounds kinda cool - a roleplay toy phone could easily be the right size to turn into a motorcycle for the figure line. It's listed as a DX item only, which makes sense if it's a roleplay toy, and because various vehicles in previous Rider figure lines were given the DX prefix and nothing else.
Late November:
DX Kaizoku Ressha Full Bottle Set 
DX Kaizokuhassher 
BCRS-06: Kamen Rider Build (Lion Cleaner Form) 
RHS-12: Kamen Rider Build (Kaizoku Ressha Form)
Kaizoku is pirates, ressha is trains. Pirate trains. 
Early December: 
DX Rabbit Tank Sparkling 
DX Octopus Light Full Bottle Set 
BCRS-07: Kamen Rider Build (Kaizoku Ressha Form) 
RHS-13: Kamen Rider Build (Octopus Light Form) 
RHS-14: Kamen Rider Build (Rabbit Tank Sparkling Form)
And here we have what is no doubt Build's first power-up, which is probably some stronger version of his default. That checks out.
And if you want a less chaotic list, here's an overall rundown of what we're getting in different groups:
DX roleplay toys: 
DX Buildriver w/ Rabbit Tank Full Bottle 
DX Full Bottle Holder 
DX Drill Crusher 
DX Hawk Gatlinger 
DX 4 Koma Ninja Katana 
DX Transformer Team Gun 
DX Steam Blade 
DX Closedragon 
DX Beat Closer 
DX Pandora Panel 
DX Build Phone 
DX Kaizokuhassher
DX Full Bottles 
DX Gorilla Mondo Full Bottle Set 
DX Hawk Gatling Full Bottle Set 
DX Ninni Comic Full Bottle Set 
DX Rocket Panda Full Bottle Set 
DX Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Full Bottle Set 
DX Kamen Rider W Full Bottle Set 
DX Kaizoku Ressha Full Bottle Set 
DX Rabbit Tank Sparkling 
DX Octopus Light Full Bottle Set
Rider Hero Series (Vinyls) 
RHS-1: Kamen Rider Build (Rabbit Tank Form) 
RHS-2: Kamen Rider Build (Gorilla Mondo Form) 
RHS-3: Kamen Rider Build (Hawk Gatling Form) 
RHS-4: Kamen Rider Build (Ninnin Comic Form) 
RHS-5: Night Rogue 
RHS-6: Blood Stark 
RHS-7: Kamen Rider Build (Rocket Panda Form) 
RHS-8: Kamen Rider Build (Fire Hedgehog Form) 
RHS-9: Kamen Rider Build (Lion Cleaner Form) 
RHS-10: Kamen Rider Build (Key Dragon Form) 
RHS-11: Kamen Rider Close 
RHS-12: Kamen Rider Build (Kaizoku Ressha Form) 
RHS-13: Kamen Rider Build (Octopus Light Form) 
RHS-14: Kamen Rider Build (Rabbit Tank Sparkling Form)
Bolt Change Rider Series (Figures) 
BCRS-01: Kamen Rider Build (Rabbit Tank Form) 
BCRS-02: Kamen Rider Build (Gorilla Mondo Form) 
BCRS-03: Kamen Rider Build (Hawk Gatling Form) 
BCRS-04: Kamen Rider Build (Ninnin Comic Form) 
BCRS-05: Kamen Rider Build (Fire Hedgehog Form) 
BCRS-06: Kamen Rider Build (Lion Cleaner Form) 
BCRS-07: Kamen Rider Build (Kaizoku Ressha Form)
It seems like a very packed lineup, which isn't surprising with 4 months of content. There's also many vinyl figures, which I suppose might have something to do with the fact that they were dabbling in a new vinyl figure style. I guess we'll see soon enough what these will be like.
Also I am not ignoring the fact that these September releases mean something about Ex-Aid's episode count. Game Rider News will have a post about this shortly, mostly as speculation.
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buildridernews · 8 years ago
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I did Throwback Thursday posts for @fruitridernews and @gameridernews but Build isn't really old enough for it, so... here's something themed after those two posts: Fake Kamen Rider reveals. Specifically, the first two images are fake interpretations of what's behind the silhouette of Kamen Rider W (so watch out for that, I guess), some fake toy catalog artwork for Gaim, and a fake silhouette for Ghost.
Artwork is an important thing to consider. As I’ll explain in the full post.
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Kamen Rider toy catalogues do in fact use artwork. Specifically, I think these are design art done by a designer for the show, before a physical suit is made.
They're usually used for placeholders of things that are not yet at a stage where they can be shown off physically - I guess. Keep in mind the time at which they may have put together the presentation.
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Here's an example of some properly revealed artwork in a toy catalog for Ex-Aid. These are all colored and shaded, giving a good idea of how the suits will look, but sometimes they’re flat colors. Silhouettes are used to tease future forms, but they just reuse the armored forms as a placeholder in this particular case.
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This one also demonstrates another kind of placeholder: CGI models. The armors also use artwork using flat colors, rather than having any shading. The CGI model of the toy of course means they are a step closer to a final product.
Much like with Ex-Aid, there will no doubt be some kind of fake toy catalog reveal, but it's not always with art - sometimes it's just text, product listings. Those are harder to really figure out. But if all goes like it did with Ex-Aid, any fake toy catalog reveals will almost immediately be debunked by official reveals.
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