auraeseer · 4 months
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Another Booze & Vinyl with G&R, Appetite for Destruction.
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trashrattt · 9 months
The "Character with darker appearance is actually innocent but turned evil due to mind manipulation/control" gotta be my favorite genders out there
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ask-sebastian · 10 months
Merry Musical Owl 🦉
It's sinful Sunday, right?
(❗️🎧❗️ MDNI)
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trash-gremlin · 6 months
Out of all your ocs which one would be most likely to win in a game of chess, which in a game of hide and seek and which in an actual fight? 😼
ok ive answered all of them and also included information as to why i chose that answer
serious answer - Yelena Volkova. She probably doesn't know how to play chess being from the 1880's and all, but she probably picked it up after watching one game and then proceeded to dominate everyone else.
silly answer - Firefly because it keeps eating the pieces when they're opponent isn't looking.
Hide and seek:
Dexter OR Jack Tucker. Tucker is the only one serious enough about it to beat people away from his good hiding spot because he is the world's most competitive child. Dexter would probably complain about it the entire time and call it lame but still find a decent hiding spot and do surprisingly well. He would AT LEAST be in the top 2.
Actual fight:
I broke this one up into categories because depending on the rules I feel like a different character would win each time. For all of these except for the last one we're assuming no powers are being used (ie. no powers* for the guardians and no lycanthropy for the lycanthropes)
*this completely disqualifies Azrael and Lailah until the final category as their bodies are extensions of their powers. This also means we're assuming Ace/Ghost doesn't have the use of his wings. This was done because even without their "powers" they would absolutely body anyone in a fist fight.
best fighter (technique) - Alastair. He was trained into the royal guard since the moment he could walk, and is well-versed in both hand to hand and weapon combat. Even without the aid of Donaron enhancing his abilities he is a formidable fighter but he is also. like 13 years old. which is why i created the separate category for him because without the powers his bond gives him he can easily be overpowered by some of my other ocs.
wins the fight (bare hands) - This has gotta be Elijah. Working on the farm has built up some quite useful muscle! Other hard workers such as Elmer and Harry Dunnett just aren't as physically strong as he is, not even Roy Dunnett (in his prime of course, I don't think it would be hard to overpower a 60 something year old man). Of course i considered Omen for this as well, but at the end of the day, he's a cat.
wins the fight (weapons) - Now we know Alastair has trained with his sabres since a tot, and is very skilled, but he's no match for the quickest draw in the Wild West, Abigale Dunnett AKA Coyote. Coyote is of course never seen without her trusty revolver at her hip, and would catch anyone very off-guard.
wins the fight (powers included) - Surely it's gotta be Azrael or Lailah, right? WRONG. It's Saige/Jinx. Azrael and Lailah are both very physically strong, but Jinx's power is devastating. You know your done for when your opponents only power is to harm and destroy. She can't help it of course. They didn't choose it.
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jonasgroan · 2 years
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kamakazi girls screen grabs i took for some specific reason. 
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radarsteddybear · 2 years
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maretriarch · 2 years
starting to think this closing in on 80 hour dirty water fast w only monster was a Bad Idea, for some reason.
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feetonthegroundtx · 1 year
Breaking Battle in class 💗
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absol-used-thief · 1 year
Achievement Unlocked
Moth in my ear
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palmtreesx3 · 11 months
Watching your friend, Steve Harrington, go on Kamakazi Mission dates over and over again was getting kind of old. You're always there to listen, comfort and pick up the pieces but what if this time it's just too much? What if this time you've had enough and something that feels a little bit like jealousy rears its ugly head?
(3k) Warnings: 18+ Smut okay? Failed dating, angsty friendship, jealousy, unfaithful/cheating adjacent, physical altercation, female fingering, public hookup 
Just a wee one-shot after someone (🧱) had to come in my inbox and talk about being jealous and defensive about Stevie instead of the other way around.
Steve's an honest to god, good fucking guy, so it should be no surprise to you when you find out he gave Heather a ride home after her car broke down outside of Family Video. He doesn't even do it for the praise - not anymore at least - which makes it all the more infuriating. 
Watching her jump out of his car. You roll your eyes at how she maneuvers just the right way so that her hair literally bounces when she giggles. The way she has her arms crossed in front of her, hands clasped - innocent enough - but you clock how she bats her eyes a little more than necessary and how her arms dig into her sides, pressing her tits up just a little more out of her dress than before. 
It's enough to gag. 
He sees you staring, eyes locked on her all the way from his driveway. Gives you a wave from across the street and you wave back. Can you wave sarcastically? If it's possible, you just did it. Giving him a thumbs up, he narrows his eyes at you before turning to go inside his house. 
Later at the house party you find yourself at that night, you're 3 beers in when you stumble into the kitchen. She's there hanging all over him. Trying hard to get him to cash in on a thank you for that favor earlier. Steve's not leaning into her, but he's not pulling away either. He's holding back, but the look on his face is hopeful and the smile on his lips is actually goddamn genuine. 
You know he's been on endless dates lately, trying to find one girl that'll be enough, stick around for at least a few dates, be interested in more than just a fuck. He recounts every one of them for you and Robin in excruciating detail. And then lingers and festers in the details of how it went wrong for twice as long. Self deprecating commentary that is nowhere near the truth and you can't bear to hear one more time will bring up the rear. 
So Heather fawning all over him tonight because he carted her off in his chariot in her moment of need sounded just about right. As did the slug trail of his broken, bleeding, lovelorn heart that was bound to show up after she stopped calling, was always busy, or just flat out told him she was done with him. Whichever it was gonna be this time, you already saw the writing on the wall. 
You're quick to move to the counter, right next to where they stand, and slam down a shot glass, filling it to the brim with whatever amber liquid you reached for first. When Steve reaches out to make sure you're okay.. suggest you slow down even, he touches your hand to stop you and you're taken aback by the shudder that runs up your body at his touch. You look at him, and then over to her and all you snap out is some comment about how you're just pre-medicating. When this blows up in your face I want to be ready. You gesture between the pair. 
You're not sure why you're being so mean today. Sure you're sick of the same old song and dance with him, but today you're angry about it and that's…new. She doesn't even notice your little outburst, fingers aimlessly toying with the tufts of hair brushing his neck while she stares off into the distance of the party. Steve, however, notices and is left to wonder why you're being such a bitch about it tonight. Wonders if your problem was with him… or Heather. 
Another hour later you're leaning against the brick of the house out back, hot cigarette held between your fingers, smoke billowing in the air around you. The sickly sweet sounds of a giggle coming from between the hydrangeas caught your ear. A giggle straight from the mouth of that blonde haired bimbo you could pinpoint from a mile away. It sucker punched you in the gut knowing how this was going to all go, and the disgusting slurping sounds of her tongue down Steve Harrington's throat just a few feet away made your eyes roll. 
Here we go. 
Making sure you loudly push through the opening in the bushes, full with browning gloves of delicate petals, you scoff at the sight of the back of Heather's head, lips now tucked into the crook of his neck.
Jason's neck. 
Not Steve's. 
There's absolutely no reason for you to do what you do next. Not one that makes logical sense, really. Because you open your mouth and can not help but tell Heather where to stick it. You call her a few names, some of them not very pretty, before turning on your heel and swinging the sliding door open to go back inside. 
Your mild annoyance with Heather's antics is suddenly festering into a blind, boiling rage, which made the fact that she decided to follow you a really, really bad one. 
What is your problem? She asks me. 
And at first you don't know what it is. Sure she's acting like a sloppy girl throwing herself on Steve…or apparently anyone who might just fuck her even more stupid than she already is. But she's not the first girl you know to act like that. Not the first or the last Hawkins Hot Shot who thinks they're too pretty for this hometown. 
But then the words spew out and it's pretty clear why there's a fire lit inside you. Each step closer you get to Heather you're giving her hell.
My problem? What's yours? I'm so damn sick and tired of girls like you acting like this. 
Girls like me? What does that mean, huh? 
Yeah, like what? You wonder to yourself. 
Like Steve is some fucking goddamn pet that you can lead around on a leash. Pet when you want something. Tie up when you don't.
You're just another one of these stupid fucking girls. It's disgusting how you treat him. Disgusting, you know that?
You continue on with a drunken dissertation about how Steve Harrington deserves more than these stupid vapid girls and how not one of them deserved him. 
There's a small crowd growing, drawn to your loud voice and colorful language. And she's clearly tired of the show. Never really caring all that much about Steve, more about the hookup, now that she's got Jason in her grip Steve is an afterthought. 
Until he's standing right in front of her.
Heather. He says. Big brown doe eyes looking sad and disappointed… again. Makes your gut fucking churn. 
Pushing your way through the crowded living room you're out the front door before you know it, not wanting to stick around to hear whatever she had to say to him. You didn’t want to watch his face fall and realize it’s over before it even started
Leaning against the first car you see, you tisk your tongue as you realize that the one you landed on was his. Has to be, doesn't it? 
There's an odd silence there.The thick sounds of the music muffled by the walls of the house are there, but you pay them no mind. There’s squeals and drunk laughter and chanting, but they all feel so distant. It’s a silence that doesn’t actually exist. One you created. But then, what does crack through your bubble - the thing that breaks the silence…
What you said… did you mean that? 
You don't even look up. You nod your head. You explain that you're sick of it. Sick of hearing about all of these girls walking all over the nicest guy you know. Sick of the games they play. Sick. You didn’t look up from your shoes once. 
It's fine. Really. I deserve it. I used to be no better than them. 
Shut the fuck up, already! Don't you say that. 
Maybe. Maybe that's true. You demand that he stop beating himself up. Punishing himself for something - someone - who's been dead and long gone for years. You tell him how you can't stand these girls making a mockery of him when he's genuinely trying. Tell him how you're gonna fuck up the next one that thinks it's all a game. 
Shit. Well .. thats …  
What? Confusion clouds your brain. Not sure what he's trying to say. 
Steve. I just don't want anything to hurt you. Not a demodog… or a stupid girl. It's always the same and I'm sick of seeing you think you deserve it. Like, sometimes I think you fuckin do this on purpose to yourself. 
What do I deserve then, huh? What am I supposed to do? Because I don’t fuckin' know.
Steve…just stop it. You scoff. 
Gravel is kicked up behind you and the footsteps you hear are drawing closer to you, a smarmy and whiney voice comes out to greet you Well well well, thanks for that show in there.
Jason, I swear to God, you need to keep it moving. Fists curling at your sides without a thought. 
Didn’t know you got this little thing to fight your battles for you now, Harrington. Real cute. Total fall from grace, huh?
You’re on him quicker than he knows what to do. The last thing he expected was for you to wind up and clock him dead in the face. Jason falls backwards a few steps stumbling as he grabs at his face, covering the tender spot where you knocked him, the left side of his nose and just below the eye. He's not bleeding, per say. But you take note of the deep purple stain already pooling in the dip of his eye socket, so you know that mother fucker is gonna feel it for weeks. 
He doesn't need me to fight his battles, Jason. You say his name dripping with sarcasm. 
Then why'd ya punch me, you bitch? Sure looks like it. 
You hear him step forward. You just know the tense look in Steve's face and the way his jaw is set and clenched without even turning around. You know the blind rage he gets when he feels like he needs to defend one of his friends - someone he cares about. You're certain the muscles in his lips are ticking and twitching with anger. And you don't have time for his theatrics tonight. You've had enough of it already, so you reach your hand out and backwards, stopping him by his chest so he stops his advance. 
Instead you step forward. Not scared in the least of Jason fuckin' Carver and his buttercup yellow polo shirt. You smirk as you see a drop of crimson blood has fallen from the tip of his nose and onto its front, just knowing how he's going to have to ask his Mommy to get the stain out for him. 
I punched you because you're annoying me. Your face is stupid, you talk too much and you don't know when to mind your own goddamn business. Where's Heather anyway? You two are perfect for one another. 
You turn on your heels and walk to the other side of Steve's car, leaning against the side and not looking back at Jason and his idiot stuck up friends as they stumble down the neighborhood road away from the party.
Steve comes around the back of the car, looking at you. He hasn't said a word, so that's been great. Probably thinks you're certified insane tonight with the way things are going. 
Steve, I'm good. Jason is clearly not an issue anymore. You should go find Heather - 
But you're cut off before you can finish, because in a few long strides he's in front of you, grabbing at your shoulders to bring your eyes up to his. Telling you how it's hot when you defend his honor. 6. Talking about how hot it was when you were looking at him all jealous of another girl's attention and affection. About how he never noticed it before but now it makes so much sense. 
I don't do that. I didn't - 
Now it's his turn to scoff. 
You ask him what's so funny? And he literally doesn't answer you, just laughs some more with a shake of his head. Eyes roaming around your surroundings. He hasn't moved away from where he's standing in front of you. Somehow HE looks annoyed with YOU now and you're ready to pick a fight about it. 
Instead, all of the air is stolen from your lungs when Steve Harrington leans down and crashes his lips onto yours.
What was that for? You shove him back a little, but his feet are planted and he doesn't budge. 
The smile turning up the corner of his lips is irritating. Irritating because you don't know why he's smiling, but doubly so because it is really fucking cute. Oh nothing, just wanted to show my girl how much I appreciate her. 
Your girl? Steve, you are sorely mistaken. Did you hit your head? Heather is -.
Honey. Stop. Let's not do this.
He argues with you. Tells you how it all makes so much sense. About how none of the girls are you, so of course they didn't work. About how of course you're frustrated and feel protective. About how those dagger eyes you were wielding all night were, in fact, jealousy. Because you both feel the same way and neither was smart enough to notice. 
I'm done with Heather, honey. I'm done with all the Heathers. He waves his hand at the house party, still booming with noise and energy, but only focused on you.
The feverous press of his lips back on yours happens before you can even process what he's said. Pressed against the side of his car, his hands quickly slide up your side, finding a warm and comfortable home under the hem of your sweater. Cold fingertips dancing up your sides, thumbs squeezing where it's soft and dips into your tummy, knee sliding between your legs all in one smooth motion. 
He pulls his lips away to look at you, both of you panting deep breaths, chests rising and falling and eyes darting around one another's faces, trying to process what's unfolding for you both right now. 
He huffs out an apology. Says he shouldn't have. Says he wasn't thinking. Says he's never thinking straight. Goes to pull away. 
You grab his wrist as he tries to retreat.
They're all fuckin' stupid. Steve, they're all stupid. I've been telling you every time. Every single goddamn time. 
He looks back at you, still unsure. Eyes a little sad - wavering. Guard down further than you've seen it in years. 
And if any one of them got their head out of their asses, they'd have been so fuckin' lucky. 
He goes to speak before you stop him - Don't. Don't say it. Don't do that bullshit again. Just … 
Back against the side of the BMW he's pressed into you tightly. Hands wrapped around your hips, fingertips digging into the denim covering your ass as he squeezes. It really was like… the hottest fuckin' thing to watch you punch Jason Carver… for me. He brings your hand to his lips and kisses your knuckles where they're sure to be sore tomorrow. 
Can I say thank you? 
He asks you with pleading eyes. You ask him Didn't you just say it? He shakes his head. Tells you that's not how he wants to say it. Tells you that's not what he means. That he wants to show you instead. 
And once you nod your head at him, theres no time for anything. No time for thinking, moving, rational decision making. Because you're just there, in between Steve's car and some janky van parked next to it, as he's tugging at your button, crooking his fingers in your belt loops, making it just so he can slide his hand inside your underwear and maneuver his fingers to your core. 
He's so fuckin' gentle it makes your head spin. Featherlight touches around you, gently playing with the folds and petals of your lips, a slippery waltz on and around your clit, dancing with his fingertip. Eyelashes fluttering with your head tilted back and resting on his car door, unable to formulate words or phrases or noises - rendered utterly frozen and useless..
What stupid fucking assholes. Those girls took a pass on this? On this boy who just wants someone to be with. On all this care, and attention and - oh my God. 
You're pulled from your blissful thoughts by a deep pressure, a fullness you didn't expect from Steve's long and thick fingers entering you briskly. Mouth open and gasping at the twist and turns of them until he finds a spot that makes you twitch, a spot he likes. A juxtaposition to those gentle caresses, he's driving his fingers deep into your pussy now, reaching and rubbing. 
Still soft and careful but deep and forefull. He's not driving his fingers into you like the last guy who used his hand like a jackhammer. No, Steve is caressing your pussy and following through with a deep roll of his fingers on the upswing. Pushing back, pushing upwards, making your hips buck up towards him uncontrollably. You cry out when he scissors his fingers just a bit and then follows up with the quick addition of a third finger.
As abruptly as he's inside, he's back out again, rubbing and circling over you with his four, flat fingers, satisfying pressure on your clit making you forget about how you missed them being inside you for just a moment.
Shit, Steve…I-  someone's gonna see.
Let them. Fuck… let them. I hope they do. Then they'll know. 
Slipping those fingers right back inside, slick and squelching, toying with you, making you suck all of the air out of the world around you, he brings himself right next to your ear, pressed up against you. Cheek to cheek. You feel the muscles on his forearm tensing and flexing as he pumps into you ruthlessly. White hot pleasure swirling deep in your stomach, staccato breaths brushing past his ear, eyes squeezed shut your orgasm ripples through your body - tummy to toes, tingling running up your spine and back down again as you exhale from a breath you didn't know you were holding.
He hasn't pulled away yet. Hadn't looked at you. Fingers still inside, palm pressed up against the car just beside your face as he whispers They'll know I'm done with them now. Cause I've always had you. 
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theladyregret · 2 years
Sometimes when I’m at work and bored I like to think of how weird/interesting the entire idea of humanity from The Walking Dead universe progressing past the apocalyptic phase and just existing like normal with this infection. Like could you imagine humans from this universe used in a sci-fi setting where they meet aliens?
Just everything about humanity already and OH YEAH if we die for any reason that doesn’t destroy our brains enough our corpses will just keep going and immediately try to eat anything else alive around it because we all carry an inactive form of prion disease that activates upon death.
Aliens: Why are your bunks inside locked cages?
Humans: Oh, one of the early space missions a guy died in his sleep because of an oxygen leak near his bunk and ate everyone before they could wake up so...ya know, tradition.
Aliens: ...o-oh
On the other hand there would likely be common war tactics of kamakazi fighters who could easily weaponize themselves by dying on enemy ships.
I see peaceful relations with aliens being very difficult to maintain honestly lol
Even if we’re not trying to do anything hostile, who wants to risk exposure to something like that?
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noworldasgoodasmine · 3 months
Thank you for the tag @lunecrypt 💞
Last song: Ok Like - Twikipedia
Fave place: my balcony i keep thinking about this trail that has a rusty bridge with a ton of graffiti. The trees at that trail are also incredibly long
Fav book: N/A
Currently reading: picked back up Ghostly Matters Haunting And The Sociological Imagination but might drop it as far as books go. VNs Misericorde vol 1 i’m almost done with and Tsukihime og
Fav movie: Kamakazi Girls & PMM Rebellion
Fav tv show: Princess Tutu & Serial Experiments Lain
Fav food: lately lamb tikka masala
Tagging @quickteleport @lainpsx @yuritual
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theyadoretree · 2 years
robotboy character birthdays and zodiac signs
Hey guys. I have this idea where I can post the iconic cartoon network show RobotBoy zodiac signs and birthdays. Here we go. I mean, it's a fanon, I wish there was a canon.
RobotBoy: Taurus ♉
Tommy Turnbull: February 7, 1994 (Aquarius ♒)
Lola Mbola: August 6, 1994 (Leo ♌)
Gus Bachman-Turner: May 17, 1994 (Taurus ♉)
Donny Turnbull: August 13, 1992 (Leo ♌)
Debbie Turnbull: March 29, 1973 (Aries ♈)
Dwight Turnbull: November 28, 1964 (Saggitarius ♐)
Dr. Otomo Kamakazi: March 21 (Aries ♈)
Constantine: August 14 (Leo ♌)
Professor Akira Moshimo: January 2 (Capricorn ♑)
MiuMiu: February 11 (Aquarius ♒ )
RobotGirl: Scorpio ♏
ProtoBoy: Gemini ♊
Kurt: May 17 ♉
Bambi: Leo ♌
RobotMan: Scorpio ♏
Ambassador Kingsley Mbola: Leo ♌
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jamsofdeath0 · 2 years
The ultimate kamakazi is helping hand self destruct.
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ramrodd · 10 days
Luke Chapters 1 and 2 Were Added Later!!! | Dr. Bart Ehrman
I'll take Luke at his word and accept that Jesus and John The Baptist were cousins and that they were allied in the movement John the Baptist, John was probably an orphan early on and drifted into  the Qumran aesthetic and then began recruiting by baptism his movement, which, by the time Jesus took command, represented 30% of the Hebrew populaition in the region, Jesus was Mary's eldest son and part of the family catering business until he took command of John's movement. Between the age of 13 and 35, he prepared Himself for His destiny as a Kamakazi Messian in a way similar to Cain in the TV show Kung Fu while remaining attendant to Mary of Nazareth. His baptism was a change of command ceremony which He undertook when He was 35 in 30 CE for the same reason Dante began his transit of the Inferno, being half of the three score and ten life span allotment of the Bible, John the Baptist was the opening act for the Jesus of Nazareth, Messiah, road show, It is doubtful John ever condisered  Jesus a disciple, Their conversations are between colleagues in a joint venture. The Romans had a pretty good handle on the Jewish ntermural politics of the region and the Gsopel of Mark begins when Jesus takes command of John's movement, The timing of Mark 1:14 is off, but it reflects the fact that the Romans shifted all their intelligence assets from John the Baptist to Jesus and they substantially loose sight of the Baptist as a consequence. We know from John 3 that the Baptist was still free and active after Passover 31 CE and that the second teaching from a boat in Mark 4 occurs after John's arrest and that the feeding of the 5000 occurs after the Baptist is executed just before the Vernal Equinox of 32 CE. The 5000 is a lynch mob that follows Jesus with the expectation of storming Herod's palace, but Jesus pacifies them and transforms them into a militia the size and organization of a Roman legion, Josephus was probably given command of this milita and betrayed to to surrender to the 10th Legion, In any event, the Romans begin to lose interest in Him, expecially after Cornelius petitions Him to heal his servant in Matthew 6:5 – 13, which occurs after John is arrested and before Tabernacles 31 CE. What we know of the Baptist's fate in Mark 6:14 – 28 comes from Herod's reattionship with Pilate mentionsed in both the Gospel of Peter and Luke 23:12 Jimmy Tabor's axiom that Harmonization is the enemy of the Truth is Marxist bullshit. In any event, Tertullian reveals that the Roman soldiers had christened the Jesus Followers described in Mark 3:7 – 8 “Christians” The idea that Jesus was ever subordinate to the Baptist is purely the product of the Post Modern Historic Deconstruction dialectical Marxism of the Jesus Seminar's campaign to discredit Jesus in favor of a version of Pauline Theology congruent with Pope Benedics Pro-Life opposition to Pope Francis's Liberation Gospel and Projet 2025.
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usafphantom2 · 30 days
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Tap arrow ☝️ Kamakazie attack
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