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ask-my-memoir · 4 months ago
The Zoroark starts on his way to collect his axe. As he is walking, his ears pick up on more rustling coming from in front of him.
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It seems Kaine has revealed something about himself!
(Note to be added to character page!)
[ @ask-the-royal-absol ]
Thank you for the ask!))
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ask-the-shiny-pokemons · 25 days ago
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I to be honest, don't know what it's gotten into me.
After I saw Kaine's new ref, I really wanna do a post with my tall zark boi too!
[ Kaine belongs to @ask-my-memoir ]
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ask-my-memoir · 26 days ago
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2025 ref! I’ll eventually do a back view for that knarly scar. I’m slowly finding my way back here after being sucked into a hyper fixation black hole. Sorry for dipping so much y’all, I cannot control what the brain latches onto 😔
I feel like he looks different every time I draw him, but hey when I look back at his ancient refs I can tell I’m getting better so we still winning 🫡
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ask-my-memoir · 3 months ago
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Merry crinkle!! Even if you don’t celebrate I hope today is extra special for all of you! Stay safe and stay warm out there <3
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ask-my-memoir · 10 months ago
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Kaine: "You shouldn't just walk up on someone like that...."
The stranger has identified himself as "Kaine."
Kaine's character page may now be accessed!
[ @ecoxlar-maybe / @ask-amaryllis-academy ]
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ask-my-memoir · 4 months ago
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How he feels waiting on me to post lol
Just a doodle of him I wanted to share! Getting next post in shape to start lining, *shakes my fist* line art my beloved but also kinda my behated because it takes so long (honestly nah bgs and coloring does but oops I’m rambling okay bye!)
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ask-my-memoir · 24 days ago
❗️ Kaine!
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There was *something not so great that happened to him as a Zorua. (Points to his TH profile. I won't mention it here because it's kinda graphic.) He still has nightmares about it in the present day. It's the reason why he absolutely despises the Houndour line. Even the sight of one makes his blood boil.
If it were up to him (which it's not), he'd see to it that not a single one of them ever crossed paths with him again.
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ask-my-memoir · 7 months ago
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The Zoroark is off to collect his axe. He will then leave the area.
He has a sneaking suspension he'll bump into more nuisances on the way...
[ @ecoxlar-maybe / @ask-amaryllis-academy ]
What's left of inbox will be answered, after which asks will be closed for a perspective switch! Asks will then reopen.))
Thank you for the ask!))
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ask-my-memoir · 6 months ago
Y’all can thank @ask-the-royal-absol for this one…….. (yes I’m @ ing you this is your fault /lh)
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I’ve been wanting to redraw this form for a loooong time, and Mig mentioning his human form in the positivity ask was the icing on the cake……
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ask-my-memoir · 24 days ago
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He likes a good listener. Someone who pays attention to the little things. He himself is that way. It's something critical he looks for in anyone, whether it be an acquaintance, friend, or a potential partner. Hathaway is that way, which is one of the reasons he gives him the time of day.
It's a plus if you share his interests (writing and lumber / woodworking). Don't get this man started on either of those. He can talk at great length about either.
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ask-my-memoir · 3 days ago
⭐️ (star) - If your oc could wish for one thing to come true, what would it be and why? How would this change their life?
🥀 Kaine: He would wish for all the Houndour/Houndooms in the world to disappear - Nah, just kidding, lol XD. He'd wish for the world to be free of pain and suffering. It would change his life in more ways than one. He doesn't believe it would completely fix him, but it would definitely help with a lot of his issues, mentally and physically.
🩹 Hathaway: He would wish for the world to be a place where everyone could be free to be their true selves. To be free of judgment and hate. As for how it would change his life? It's kinda spoilery, but! Let's just say it would make him more comfortable being himself.
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ask-my-memoir · 3 days ago
( 🐥 for Kaine! )
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Honestly? He's not against the whole becoming a parent thing, but he does have some concerns. Namely, he doesn't want to be a bad parent, or worse, like his father. At the time he was separated from him by his mother, he was too young to remember much about him. All he knows is that "he's not a good person."
Maybe (and that's a *big* maybe), if the right person comes along, he'd be willing to try. Right now, though, he prefers his solitude.
(Believe it or not, he doesn't hate kids even though he's >:( all the time, lol)
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ask-my-memoir · 24 days ago
🍓! For Kaine!
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He can't say he hasn't ever believed in anything, but the events of his life have definitely put out what little bit of a spark was there.
Growing up, his mother would teach him about Arceus, but he never saw them as anything more than "someone bigger and stronger than mommy and daddy." He doesn't give it much thought nowadays and just lives his life day to day.
He's probably the least superstitious 'mon around. Nothing really excites him in that way. If he hasn't personally lived or experienced it, he won't pay it any mind.
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ask-my-memoir · 24 days ago
🥊 Kaine XD
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This guy can't even count the number of fights he's been in, lol. Considering he's lived outside for the majority of his life and was even considered to be a *Feral, he for sure is a self-taught fighter!
Kaine definitely is the type that has to be provoked. Pushing the right buttons will get you in hot water with him ridiculously fast. Don't get him wrong, though. He's all for the thrill. You get a good lick in, and it's like it invigorates him. He'll be all the more eager to pumble someone he feels is his equal in strength.
As for his win rate, he almost always wins with little to no effort unless the opposing 'mon is bigger than him or he's not well.
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ask-my-memoir · 25 days ago
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His bite is waaay worse than his bark, tread carefully, Laurice…
A small response I wanted to do just for funnsies!
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I to be honest, don't know what it's gotten into me.
After I saw Kaine's new ref, I really wanna do a post with my tall zark boi too!
[ Kaine belongs to @ask-my-memoir ]
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ask-the-shiny-pokemons · 25 days ago
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Just don't call anyone "shortie", or else...
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I to be honest, don't know what it's gotten into me.
After I saw Kaine's new ref, I really wanna do a post with my tall zark boi too!
[ Kaine belongs to @ask-my-memoir ]
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