#Kainai First Nation
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bleublancrage · 17 hours ago
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twicedailyquotes · 2 years ago
What is life? It is a flash of firefly in the night. It is a breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is as the little shadow that runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.
Chief Crowfoot (born Isapo-Muxika)
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whencyclopedia · 3 months ago
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Origin of the Sweat Lodge
The sweat lodge is a temporary or permanent structure integral to Native American culture and frequently used in spiritual ceremonies. The lodge is often a low, dome-shaped, structure heated by hot rocks which produce steam as water is poured on them, raising the temperature to induce heavy sweating among participants and physical and spiritual cleansing.
The sweat lodge is part of the seven sacred rites of the Sioux, and the Lakota refer to the rite of purification, in which the lodge plays a central role, as inipi ("to live again") as it is believed participants shed both physical and non-physical impurities through the ceremony. Once freed, or even in the process of liberation from what has been holding one back from becoming one's true self, a participant might receive a vision directing that person's future path (beneficial to themselves and others) or delivering a message for the good of the wider community or the world.
The sweat lodge is also an important aspect of the Sun Dance and of many other ceremonies in different nations. As with all civilizations, each nation likes to lay claim to being the first the gods favored with some important gift or discovery and so it is with the Origin of the Sweat Lodge from the Piegan people of the Blackfoot Confederacy. This origin story not only explains how the sweat lodge came to be but also how intimately the sun, moon, and stars – and, by extension, all of the universe – are intimately connected to human beings. It also emphasizes, as many Native American tales do, the cultural value of the primacy of communal over individual good.
The Piegan
The Piegan are a part of the Blackfoot Confederacy along with the Kainai and Siksika and once lived in the vast region stretching from modern-day Saskatchewan, Canada, through Montana, USA, and areas east and west. The Piegan are the largest band of the three and seem to have come originally from the Great Lakes region before becoming a part of the Plains Indians culture. The three nations are bound by a common language – Algonquin – but otherwise have their own distinct culture.
All three celebrate the Sun Dance and make use of the sweat lodge as well as observing other practices and rituals common to many, if not all, Native American nations, such as the recognition of 'medicine' – spiritual power – and the use of the 'medicine bag' – a pouch containing items of transcendent power which have meaning to the specific individual carrying it. The common term for a holy person of a nation, 'medicine man' or 'medicine woman', comes from that person's highly developed personal spiritual power, but every person has access to the spiritual world and the Great Spirit, and this relationship is both symbolized and maintained through practices such as the keeping of one's medicine bag. Scholar Michael G. Johnson writes:
religion included the wide use of "bundles" containing symbols (usually remnants of birds, animals, and objects) of the power of dreamed or vision experience. These personalized sources of power were opened at times, with accompanying rituals for group benefit, for health, hunting, and prestige. (105)
The sweat lodge was one such time a medicine bag would be opened by the person leading the ceremony for the good of the participants but, individually – and on a daily basis – the bag helps to maintain one's balance in life through the reminder of connection to all other living things and, in the story of the Origin of the Sweat Lodge, though the bag is not mentioned, it would have helped maintain the kind of relationship with higher powers that causes Morning-Star to look down and take pity on the young man who is the central character.
Whether a medicine bag is opened during a sweat lodge ceremony or remains closed is up to the person presiding over it and the perceived needs of the participants, but, opened or closed, the ceremony held – and still holds – tremendous spiritual and cultural significance.
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rubykgrant · 8 months ago
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I made a couple minor adjustments (because I can never just leave things alone), so here they are again; Vanessa Kimball, Donald Doyle, Dr Emily Grey, the Mercs (Samuel Ortez, AKA Locus. Isaac Gates, AKA Felix. Mason Wu, AKA Siris) and the Lieutenants of Chorus (Charles Palomo, Katie Jensen, an OC Molly Dahl/Volleyball, Antoine Bitters, Duri Matthews, John Elizabeth Andersmith). All finished! On the left are the signature/armor colors, and the right are their individual colors
I had designs for the Lieutenants already, but I made some adjustments/edits, so here they are again. Grey and Doyle gave me SO MUCH TROUBLE, but I’m finally satisfied with them. Al though we saw the faces for Locus, Felix, and Mason, I wanted to translate that into my pixel style, and also do versions of them later on (this is Locus when he’s done with Chorus, and moving on. this is Felix in the middle of Chorus, when he was actually thriving in his element. This is Mason after he’s had some down time, way after Felix literally stabbed him in the back). I do all of these in MS Paint with a mouse, which started because it was the quickest way to scribble something up and share it… but after practicing for a couple years now, my style has improved (at least a little). My favorite thing to do with character designs is give everybody different features with the shapes of their eyes/noses/chins/mouths, and hairstyles~
Design notes for the characters below-
For Kimball, I’m imagining her as Canadian First Nations (Kainai). During the most stressful parts of Chorus, she had to constantly worry about everybody just surviving, but now that things have settled down, they all have a chance to LIVE, and be themselves (she’s wearing jewelry for the first time in a few years, earrings with ammolite gemstones). She has dark hair parted and pulled back in two braids. She’s in her late 20s, and has defined features, not harsh or striking, but still strong.
I tried a few different hair colors with Doyle, and finally settled on him being a carrot-top, and a little curly. He’s got a mustache, and I REALLY tried to make sure it doesn’t look like “ginger Wyoming” haha. I ecided to give him a little cleft in his chin (he also has exactly ONE scar; he doesn’t like people to see it, because it gives the false impression he was injured while fighting, and they start thinking he’s “brave” or something. he got it from falling off his bike and getting scrapped by a tree branch when he was a kid)
With Grey, I like to imagine that she’s been giving her hair vibrant colors for years, a little splash of happiness in a weary world. Her hair is parted in the middle, a longer length falling to one side, the other pinned back with two hair clips. The rest of her hair is wound up in a bun. The hair in her bun is a pale yellow, most of her hair is a very light pink, and the longer length is a gradient of pastel purple-blue. She has a small, heart-shaped mouth with a little bit of color (bright cherry-punch lip balm), and smile lines around her mouth. I really wanted her to have unique and distinct shapes in her face. Across her back and left shoulder is an old scar from an explosion
Locus actually wasn’t doing so great Chorus, not eating or sleeping enough, what with the whole crisis involved; thinking of himself as a murder-machine unable to see the worth of kindness or mercy, and THEN recovering enough humanity to be horrified by his actions thus considering himself a monster without a purpose… y'know, that whole deal. Anyway, the Reds and Blues force him to be a person again, so he gained some weight back. While he has a very strong jaw, it’s kind of low where the angle is (so he doesn’t have a “long” chin, but a wide one). He also has pretty defined cheek bones, and other features as well. He’s letting his hair recover some of the naturally curly texture as well
Felix, on the other hand, was doing just fine and dandy on Chorus (and probably sneaking off planet to get some Charon’s Fried Chicken while everybody else almost starved). He's a little older that the first look at him, with deeper lines in his face. He still has an undercut, the upper parts of his are is a little longer than before, parted in the middle. He has a way of looking very relaxed, even when he’s ready to snap and kill somebody… which is partially natural talent, but also very practiced, because he KNOWS how to use his charm to manipulate people. Once people know who he really is, he just looks like an a-hole. For those who meet him for the first time; he’s seems like a dude who is really chill and likes to laugh
After things fell apart with Locus and Felix (mainly, Felix trying to kill him), Mason took some time to recover and stayed under the radar for a few years. Eventually, both he and Megan work together with their own private detective agency (similar skills, but less of a bounty-hunter, more locating missing/kid-napped people, and helping others escape dangerous situations). He has clear, sharp angles to his face (I wanted to try and emphasize that the features aren’t “scary”, but beautiful). He has a nick in his left ear, and over his left eyebrow. He’s grown a beard, and let his hair get longer (it was probably even more so while he was hiding, but he’s recently trimmed it a little). He has some salt-and-pepper going on, very distinguished~
Palomo is a kid who has recently gone through both an emotional groth-spurt and a physical growth-spurt, so he’s still sort of getting used to himself. He thought he was done with the awkward teen years, but now comes the awkward 20s! He’s a little bit of a string-bean, with striking features that still show his softer side. He keeps his hair short, and it just kind of spikes up (he’s a natural anime kid haha). I decided he wears glasses (clear frames). I’m imagining him as mixed Italian and Mexican.
I think a lot of people picture Katie with braids/freckles, and I’m no different. It just looks cute on her. She has a strong chin, with somewhat angular features, a little bit of a squared jawline, but not too defined. She’s sort of in the middle with the kids of Chorus, not very young, but still not part of the older group. She’s tall, just a bit more than Palomo. Her family is Jewish (from Poland and Russia back in the day, but her more recent relatives lived in Canada)
I’m calling the Volleyball Girl Molly Dahl, and her nick-name is Dolly (yes, because it rhymes, haha). She’s very cute, and looks younger than she actually is (older than Jensen by a couple years, so just barely out of her early-20s). Her features are very soft, and sort of “angelic”. She’s also very athletic, and better at unarmed fighting than most of the others. I imagined her being Black (background being Afro-Latina and Caribbean). She has her natural hair kept back in an afro with a pink headband
Bitters is not only older than some of the other kids here, but he even had more memories of life before Chorus (Bitters was LITERALLY bitter about how this was all the others knew, and he wished they could actually have a chance to be KIDS). Despite trying to go for a bored-rebellious attitude all the time, he’s secretly sweet and caring. He’s still young, and has a slightly slender, gentle shape to his face. He’s Black (Creole), and has coiled hair pulled back (a twist and short ponytail). He has his left eyebrow pierced
Matthews didn’t have much time to cut his hair back during the whole war incident, but later on Grif actually did something nice and told him his long hair was cool (now that he’s not actively trying to be a jerk, Grif actually LIKES this kid). Matthews decided to keep it long, coming down around his shoulders, parted off-center. I’m imagining him Korean, and so I gave him a first name to be part of that. He’s one of the younger kids, with a chubby body-type (although he’s the shortest of this group, he’s actually more of a medium-height; the rest of them are all just EXTRA tall)
I feel like Andersmith still cuts his hair like a dude going in for his first professional job interview (he actually looks a bit like a “prince charming” type, very strong features that are a little elegant). He’s one of the older kids, but because he’s tall, a few people assume he’s been around for a lot longer. Despite how serious he presents himself, he’s actually a very emotional person, and will passionately talk about how important hope and friendship is, and loves listening to the interests his friends have. I’m imagining him being mixed European and Southeast Asian (Norwegian and Filipino).
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scotianostra · 7 months ago
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On 26th August 1875 John Buchan, novelist and statesman who served as Governor General of Canada was born in Perth.
The son of a minister, John Buchan had two careers, first as a politician and secondly as a writer. He studied law at Glasgow and Oxford Universities. He performed well in a government post in South Africa in the aftermath of the Boer War and later became war correspondent for the Times newspaper in the First World War.
He was appointed Governor General of Canada in 1935 and was highly regarded in that role. He became Baron Tweedsmuir in 1936 and died in Ottawa in 1940.
His career as the author of adventure stories began in 1910 with "Prester John" set in Africa and "The Thirty-Nine Steps", set partly in Scotland, appeared in 1915. He published 30 novels as well as biographies of the Marquis of Montrose and Sir Walter Scott.
Buchan is said to have had a good understanding of native Canadian affairs and wrote about them in his last novel The Long Traverse the second pic shows him in Blood (Kainai First Nation) headdress.in 1937
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lochlander · 1 year ago
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Did you know you have to take pictures to post pictures? Wild. Anyway, this is Kainai, Montana Territory, my current foray into @princesspiratecat's Homestead Challenge. The rules are here, it's a blast, especially if you're like me and will take any excuse to research basically anything but especially history.
Kainai is inspired by a spontaneous trip I took to Glacier National Park in 2021 after I got vaccinated and was absolutely done being inside. Lorewise, the settlement of Kainai was first established in 1862 in the area of Idaho Territory that became Montana Territory in 1864. We're going to ignore that the first homesteads in Montana were claimed in 1868 nowhere near the Rockies because this is the sims, I didn't realize that historical fact until twenty minutes ago, and I have 24 birth dates written down that I refuse to do the math to change.
Currently, the year is 1870 and Kainai is getting ready for the arrival of its first schoolteacher...as soon as I finish the schoolhouse...
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piizunn · 2 years ago
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every day i’m beyond grateful to be one of the otipemisiwak and to call this land my mother
treaty 7, at the leighton art centre in millarville south of tsuut’ina first nation | 9/9/23
treaty 7 is home to the siksika (blackfoot), kainai (blood), piikani (peigan), îyârhe nakota (stoney), tsuut’ina (sarcee) first nations, and the otipemisiwak (métis) nation
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film-classics · 10 months ago
Fay Wray - The First Scream Queen
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Vina Fay Wray (born in Cardston, Alberta, on September 15, 1907) was a Canadian-American actress who attained international recognition for her roles in in horror films. Because of this, she has been dubbed as "The First Scream Queen".
After returning to the US, the Wray family relocated to Hollywood, where Wray attended Hollywood High School. In 1923, she appeared in her first film at the age of 16, when she landed a role in a short historical film sponsored by a local newspaper.
After appearing in more minor film roles, Wray gained media attention after being selected as one of the "WAMPAS Baby Stars" in 1926. This led to her being contracted to Paramount Pictures as a teenager, where she made more than a dozen feature films.
After leaving Paramount, she signed deals with various film companies. Under these deals, Wray was cast in several horror films, but her best known films were produced under her deal with RKO Radio Pictures, including The Most Dangerous Game (1932) King Kong (1933).
Wray died in her sleep of natural causes at 96 years of age in her apartment in Manhattan. Two days after her death, the lights of the Empire State Building were dimmed for 15 minutes in her memory.
Named as one of the WAMPAS Baby Stars in 1926
Granted an honorary princess status and given the name "Little Beaver," by the Kainai Nation in 1967
Became the namesake of a park and a fountain in Cardston, Alberta, her birthplace, during the town's jubilee in 1967
Presented with the Special Award at the Saturn Awards by the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films in 1975
Published an autobiography, On the Other Hand: A Life Story, in 1989
Awarded the Women in Film Crystal Award in 1989
Was the Guest of Honor in 1991, at the 60th birthday of the Empire State Building
Honored with a Legend in Film award at the 2003 Palm Beach International Film Festival
Received a star on Canada's Walk of Fame in 2005
Became one of the first four entertainers to be commemorated by Canada Post by being featured on a postage stamp in 2006
Listed at 84 in Playboy's "100 Sexiest Women of the 20th century" in 2012
Has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for her contributions in motion pictures at 6349 Hollywood Blvd
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fantastictyphoonpeanut · 2 years ago
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Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers, Kainai Blackfoot First Nation Canadian film director. (FTP)
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historicalbeauties · 1 year ago
Lily Gladstone (born August 2, 1986)[1] is an American actress. She[a] made her film debut in Jimmy P: Psychotherapy of a Plains Indian (2012), and went on to collaborate with filmmaker Kelly Reichardt in the independent films Certain Women (2016) and First Cow (2019).[3] Her portrayal of a rancher in the former earned her a nomination for the Independent Spirit Award for Best Supporting Female.
Gladstone appeared in episodes of HBO's Room 104 (2017–2020), Showtime's Billions (2019–2023), and FX's Reservation Dogs (2021–2023). In 2023, she played the lead role of Mollie Burkhart in Martin Scorsese's drama film Killers of the Flower Moon.
Gladstone is of Piegan Blackfeet, Nez Perce, and European heritage and grew up on the reservation of the Blackfeet Nation.[5] Maternally, she is a 1st cousin, 4 times removed of William Ewart Gladstone, British Prime Minister. One of her paternal great-great grandfathers was Red Crow, a Kainai Nation chief.
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LILY GLADSTONE for Interview Magazine (2023) photographed by Tina Tyrell
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dailyanarchistposts · 7 months ago
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Canada’s first national park
In 1871, AS A CONDITION OF BRITISH COLUMBIA JOINING Canada, the Canadian Government had to agree to build a transcontinental railroad linking BC to the rest of the country. Of course, the construction of a transcontinental railroad also established a claim to the remaining parts of British North America not yet integrated into either the Canadian or America nation-states. It comes as no surprise that Banff National Park was created in 1885, the year of the defeat of the Metis Rebellion, which cleared and opened the west for settlement, tourists and capital investment.
The official story goes that in 1882, Tom Wilson, a surveyor for the Canadian Pacific Railway, “discovered” Lake Louise, the most accessible centerpiece of the park, on the way through the Rockies. A year later the Cave and Basin Hot springs were discovered by three railway construction workers. People began to flock to the site, hotels went up and the town of Banff was born.
The truth, however, is that it was people from the Nakodah First Nation that guided Wilson to the Lake. In fact, they already had a name for it, they called it “The Lake of the Little Fish.” The Nakodah (also known as Stoney) are descendants of the Dakota and Lakota nations of the Great Plains and the Rocky Mountains, part of the large Sioux Nation.
The name “Stoney” was given them by white explorers because of their technique of using fire-heated rocks to boil broth in rawhide bowls. The Nakodah were familiar with the area, having lived throughout it for at least several hundred years. They knew the trails and passes as part of their hunting grounds. There is archaeological evidence pointing to human occupation going back at least ten thousand years, but apparently the Nakodah came from somewhere around the Mississippi after an outbreak of smallpox in the 1600’s.
In any case, by the time the Railroad was being built, the mountains were part of their home. I’m not aware of any uprisings to protect their homelands, however the “Stoney” were signatories to Treaty 7. (In order for the transcontinental railroad to make its way across Canada, it had to go through what were recognized as the traditional lands of different aboriginal peoples. So it was important for the Canadian State to negotiate Treaties with the distinct tribes living along the route to allow the railroad to be built.) Regardless, the whole territory was evidence of long term harmonious human occupation, much like Yellowstone.
Sadly, during the first decades, park managers would do regular predator hunts, believing that mountain lions, coyotes and wolves, for instance, should be killed to save deer and elk. And now, only a hundred and thirty years later, many of the Park’s eco-systems are threatened, as are several of the animals who live within it, and the Nakodah live on a reservation.
In its 2007 annual report the Parks Canada web site states: “Parks Canada continued to work with the Siksika Nation and Indian and Northern Affairs Canada to resolve the outstanding specific claim in the park.” The claim is by the Siksika First Nation. Furthermore, in May 2000 the Siksika threatened “ to occupy Castle Mountain in Banff National Park to pressure the federal government into handing it over. The Siksika, who live east of Calgary near Gleichen, say they’ve been trying since 1960 to gain control of a 68-square-kilometre parcel that was used by their ancestors for rituals.[4]”
The Siksika are part of the Blackfoot Confederacy, which consists of four different tribes, the Pikuni/Peigan, North Peigan Pikuni, Blood/Kainai, and Blackfoot/Siksika. Banff is the most heavily developed national park in North America, entertaining more than five million visitors a year and has been the site of fights between environmentalists and developers. Environmentalists claim that added development “will put added stress on a fragile lake region where grizzly bears, lynx and wolverines are already threatened by the presence of as many as 20,000 tourists a day.[5]”
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laresearchette · 1 year ago
Wednesday, March 27, 2024 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
NHL HOCKEY (SN) 7:00pm: Sens vs. Sabres
NBA BASKETBALL (TSN/TSN4) 7:30pm: Knicks vs. Raptors (SN Now) 8:00pm: Clippers vs. 76ers (SN1) 8:00pm: Rockets vs. Thunder (TSN) 10:00pm: Suns vs. Nuggets
TRIGGER POINT (CBC) 8:00pm: The police launch an investigation to find the bombers, whose skill and sophistication keeps them one step ahead; under pressure to get results, Helen makes a breakthrough.
ALLEGIANCE (CBC) 9:00pm: A chance encounter with a recently released convict lands Sabrina centre stage in a murder interrogation where it seems only she can secure a confession in time.
RED EARTH UNCOVERED (APTN) 9:00pm: Doc asks Hayley to investigate the Dog Soldier and Brave Dog societies, starting with the photographer who captured a stunning image titled Dog Soldier.
TELLING OUR STORY (documentary) 9:00pm: Future generations are tackling universal issues including ecology, discrimination, governance, and food sovereignty.
KINGS FROM QUEENS: THE RUN DMC STORY (History Canada) 9:00pm/10:00pm/11:30pm (SERIES PREMIERE): Joseph "Run" Simmons, Darryl "DMC" McDaniels and Jason "Jam Master Jay" Mizell meet on the streets of Hollis, Queens, and form RUN DMC; the hip-hop legends release their first single, debuting their unique lyrical style and vocal chemistry. In Episode Two, RUN DMC defies critics and legitimizes a genre of music that was once labeled a fad; as their fame grows and the explosion of "Walk This Way" alienates their core fanbase, the group struggles to find a consistent voice. In Episode Three, as "Down With the King" tops the charts, the group embarks on their personal journeys and tragedies; Jay is tragically murdered, leading to the group's demise; years later, Rev and DMC reunite to celebrate their legacy.
LANDS ENCHANTED (APTN) 9:30pm: Piikani Nation member Natoshia Bastien and Kainai Elder Joyce Healy goes through the mountains to Where the Moon Dances, a powerful sandstone formation with deep significance as a traditional women's site.
BIG BROTHER CANADA (Global) 9:30pm
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rubykgrant · 9 months ago
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Behold; Kimball, Doyle, Dr Grey, the Mercs, and the Lieutenants! All finished! On the left are the signature/armor colors, and the right are their individual colors
I had designs for the Lieutenants already, but I made some adjustments/edits, so here they are again. Grey and Doyle gave me SO MUCH TROUBLE, but I'm finally satisfied with them. Al though we saw the faces for Locus, Felix, and Mason, I wanted to translate that into my pixel style, and also do versions of them later on (this is Locus when he's done with Chorus, and moving on. this is Felix in the middle of Chorus, when he was actually thriving in his element. This is Mason after he's had some down time, way after Felix literally stabbed him in the back). I do all of these in MS Paint with a mouse, which started because it was the quickest way to scribble something up and share it... but after practicing for a couple years now, my style has improved (at least a little). My favorite thing to do with character designs is give everybody different features with the shapes of their eyes/noses/chins/mouths, and hairstyles~
Design notes for the characters below-
For Kimball, I'm imagining her as Canadian First Nations (Kainai). During the most stressful parts of Chorus, she had to constantly worry about everybody just surviving, but now that things have settled down, they all have a chance to LIVE, and be themselves (she's wearing jewelry for the first time in a few years, earrings with ammolite gemstones). She has dark hair parted and pulled back in two braids. She's in her late 20s, and has defined features, not harsh or striking, but still strong.
I tried a few different hair colors with Doyle, and finally settled on him being a carrot-top, and a little curly. He's got a mustache, and I REALLY tried to make sure it doesn't look like "ginger Wyoming" haha. I ecided to give him a little cleft in his chin (he also has exactly ONE scar; he doesn't like people to see it, because it gives the false impression he was injured while fighting, and they start thinking he's "brave" or something. he got it from falling off his bike and getting scrapped by a tree branch when he was a kid)
With Grey, I like to imagine that she's been giving her hair vibrant colors for years, a little splash of happiness in a weary world. Her hair is parted in the middle, a longer length falling to one side, the other pinned back with two hair clips. The rest of her hair is wound up in a bun. The hair in her bun is a pale yellow, most of her hair is a very light pink, and the longer length is a gradient of pastel purple-blue. She has a small, heart-shaped mouth with a little bit of color (bright cherry-punch lip balm), and smile lines around her mouth. I really wanted her to have unique and distinct shapes in her face. Across her back and left shoulder is an old scar from an explosion
Locus actually wasn't doing so great Chorus, not eating or sleeping enough, what with the whole crisis involved; thinking of himself as a murder-machine unable to see the worth of kindness or mercy, and THEN recovering enough humanity to be horrified by his actions thus considering himself a monster without a purpose... y'know, that whole deal. Anyway, the Reds and Blues force him to be a person again, so he gained some weight back. While he has a very strong jaw, it's kind of low where the angle is (so he doesn't have a "long" chin, but a wide one). He also has pretty defined cheek bones, and other features as well. He's letting his hair recover some of the naturally curly texture as well
Felix, on the other hand, was doing just fine and dandy on Chorus (and probably sneaking off planet to get some Charon's Fried Chicken while everybody else almost starves). He still has an undercut, the upper parts of his are is a little longer than before, parted in the middle. He has a way of looking very relaxed, even when he's ready to snap and kill somebody... which is partially natural talent, but also very practiced, because he KNOWS how to use his charm to manipulate people. Once people know who he really is, he just looks like an a-hole. For those who meet him for the first time; he's seems like a dude who is really chill and likes to laugh
After things fell apart with Locus and Felix (mainly, Felix trying to kill him), Mason took some time to recover and stayed under the radar for a few years. Eventually, both he and Megan work together with their own private detective agency (similar skills, but less of a bounty-hunter, more locating missing/kid-napped people, and helping others escape dangerous situations). He has clear, sharp angles to his face (I wanted to try and emphasize that the features aren't "scary", but beautiful). He has a nick in his left ear, and over his left eyebrow. He's grown a beard, and let his hair get longer (it was probably even more so while he was hiding, but he's recently trimmed it a little). He has some salt-and-pepper going on, very distinguished~
Palomo is a kid who has recently gone through both an emotional groth-spurt and a physical growth-spurt, so he's still sort of getting used to himself. He thought he was done with the awkward teen years, but now comes the awkward 20s! He's a little bit of a string-bean, with striking features that still show his softer side. He keeps his hair short, and it just kind of spikes up (he's a natural anime kid haha). I decided he wears glasses (clear frames). I'm imagining him as mixed Italian and Mexican.
I think a lot of people picture Katie with braids/freckles, and I’m no different. It just looks cute on her. She has a strong chin, with somewhat angular features, a little bit of a squared jawline, but not too defined. She's sort of in the middle with the kids of Chorus, not very young, but still not part of the older group. She's tall, just a bit more than Palomo. Her family is Jewish (from Poland and Russia back in the day, but her more recent relatives lived in Canada)
I’m calling the Volleyball Girl Molly Dahl, and her nick-name is Dolly (yes, because it rhymes, haha). She's very cute, and looks younger than she actually is (older than Jensen by a couple years, so just barely out of her early-20s). Her features are very soft, and sort of "angelic". She's also very athletic, and better at unarmed fighting than most of the others. I imagined her being Black (background being Afro-Latina and Caribbean). She has her natural hair kept back in an afro with a pink headband
Bitters is not only older than some of the other kids here, but he even had more memories of life before Chorus (Bitters was LITERALLY bitter about how this was all the others knew, and he wished they could actually have a chance to be KIDS). Despite trying to go for a bored-rebellious attitude all the time, he's secretly sweet and caring. He's still young, and has a slightly slender, gentle shape to his face. He's Black (Creole), and has coiled hair pulled back (a twist and short ponytail). He has his left eyebrow pierced
Matthews didn’t have much time to cut his hair back during the whole war incident, but later on Grif actually did something nice and told him his long hair was cool (now that he’s not actively trying to be a jerk, Grif actually LIKES this kid). Matthews decided to keep it long, coming down around his shoulders, parted off-center. I'm imagining him Korean, and so I gave him a first name to be part of that. He's one of the younger kids, with a chubby body-type (although he's the shortest of this group, he's actually more of a medium-height; the rest of them are all just EXTRA tall)
I feel like Andersmith still cuts his hair like a dude going in for his first professional job interview (he actually looks a bit like a "prince charming" type, very strong features that are a little elegant). He's one of the older kids, but because he's tall, a few people assume he's been around for a lot longer. Despite how serious he presents himself, he's actually a very emotional person, and will passionately talk about how important hope and friendship is, and loves listening to the interests his friends have. I'm imagining him being mixed European and Southeast Asian (Norwegian and Filipino).
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streetglider · 2 years ago
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https://www.galtmuseum.com/exhibit/everett-soup-journalist-cartoonist-activist Everett Soup: Journalist, Cartoonist, Activist Saturday, January 31, 2009 12:00 p.m. Sunday, April 26, 2009 1:00 p.m. Galt Museum & Archives 502 1 Street South Lethbridge Canada (map) Google Calendar ICS exhibit (6).jpg A travelling exhibit organized and circulated by The Nickle Arts Museum, University of Calgary. Curated by Dr. Heather Devine and Geraldine Chimirri-Russell Everett Soop [1943-2001] referred to himself as "the pit bull terrier of native journalism." Well-known historian Dr. Hugh Dempsey described him as "one of Canada's notable political cartoonists …a gifted writer, artist, and illustrator." Soop, a member of the Kainai First Nation, was a tenacious and determined critic of native issues at the local and federal levels and he expressed his opinions in cartoons and essays published in the Kainai News and many other native and non-native publications. He suffered from muscular dystrophy from the time he was a teenager and so it followed that he became an advocate for people with disabilities.
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The Top Churches In Calgary, AB
When you think of churches in Calgary, AB, you probably don't think about the city's rich history. You may not even know that it was founded by Father Lacombe in 1873. But the church plays an important role in the community and has been a part of many lives for generations. Whether you're looking for something traditional or modern, there are plenty of options to choose from if you want to find a church home here!
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Knox United Church
Knox United Church is an open, inclusive, and transformative community in downtown Calgary, and is a member of Affirming Ministries, a network of United Church congregations and ministries that declare themselves to be fully inclusive of people of all sexual orientations and gender identities.
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Knox United Church is located on the traditional territories of the people of the Treaty 7 Region in Southern Alberta. These territories include the Blackfoot Confederacy, (which comprise the Siksika, Kainai, and Piikani First Nations), the Tsuut'ina First Nation, and the Stoney Nakoda (including the Chiniki, Bearspaw, and Wesley First Nations). The City of Calgary is also home to Metis Nation of Alberta, Region 3.
First Alliance Church Calgary
Welcome! We want FAC to feel like home – even if it’s your first time checking things out. First Alliance Church is a community of people who gather from all walks of life and ages to connect, grow, serve, and share in Jesus’ name at 3 campus locations. As part of The Alliance Canada denomination, we want to make a positive impact in the city of Calgary and beyond by building lives that honour God.
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We believe the Bible is the truth, and that Jesus has invited, called, and empowered each of us to live on mission to reach the world with His love. Our statement of faith follows that of our denomination, The Alliance Canada.
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quotes121sworld · 2 years ago
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