avsar5133 · 8 days
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Allahümme salli ve sellim alâ seyyidinâ Muhammedin seyyidil #MURSELİN.
Allahümme salli ve sellim alâ seyyidinâ Muhammedin seyyidil #MÜCAHİDİN.
Allahümme salli ve sellim alâ seyyidinâ Muhammedin seyyidiş #ŞAHİDİN.
Allahümme salli ve sellim alâ seyyidinâ Muhammedin seyyidil #HAİFİN.
Allahümme salli ve sellim alâ seyyidinâ Muhammedin seyyidil #HAŞİİN.
Allahümme salli ve sellim alâ seyyidinâ Muhammedin seyyidit #TAİİN.
Allahümme salli ve sellim alâ seyyidinâ Muhammedin seyyidit #TAİBİN.
Allahümme salli ve sellim alâ seyyidinâ Muhammedin seyyidil #ABİDİN.
Allahümme salli ve sellim alâ seyyidinâ Muhammedin seyyidil #HAMİDİN.
Allahümme salli ve sellim alâ seyyidinâ Muhammedin seyyidis #SALİHİN.
Allahümme salli ve sellim alâ seyyidinâ Muhammedin seyyidir #RAKİİN.
Allahümme salli ve sellim alâ seyyidinâ Muhammedin seyyidis #SACİDİN.
Allahümme salli ve sellim alâ seyyidinâ Muhammedin seyyidil #KAİMİN.
Allahümme salli ve sellim alâ seyyidinâ Muhammedin seyyidil #KAİDİN.
Allahümme salli ve sellim alâ seyyidinâ Muhammedin seyyidil #MÜTTEKİN.
Allahümme salli ve sellim alâ seyyidinâ Muhammedin seyyidil #MÜSTAĞFİRİN.
Allahümme salli ve sellim alâ seyyidinâ Muhammedin seyyidin #NADİMİN.
Allahümme salli ve sellim alâ seyyidinâ Muhammedin seyyidiş #ŞAKİRİN.
Allahümme salli ve sellim alâ seyyidinâ Muhammedin seyyidil #HAFİZİN.
Allahümme salli ve sellim alâ seyyidinâ Muhammedin seyyidiz #ZAKİRİN.
Allahümme salli ve sellim alâ seyyidinâ Muhammedin seyyidil #AKİLİN.
Allahümme salli ve sellim alâ seyyidinâ Muhammedin seyyidil #MUHSİNİN.
Allahümme salli ve sellim alâ seyyidinâ Muhammedin seyyidil #EKREMİN.
Allahümme salli ve sellim alâ seyyidinâ Muhammedin seyyidit #TÜNZİRİN.
Allahümme salli ve sellim alâ seyyidinâ Muhammedin seyyidil #MÜBEŞŞİRİN.
Allahümme salli ve sellim alâ seyyidinâ Muhammedin seyyidit #TAYYİBİN.
Allahümme salli ve sellim alâ seyyidinâ Muhammedin seyyidin #NEBİYİN.
Allahümme salli ve sellim alâ seyyidInâ Muhammedin seyyidil #ÂLEMİN.
Allahümme salli ve sellim alâ seyyidinâ Muhammedin sahibis #SIRATEL #MÜSTAKİM.
Allahümme salli ve sellim alâ seyyidinâ Muhammedin ve alâ cemiil enbiyai velmurselin ve alâ cemiil melâiketil mükerremin ve alâ ibadilahissalihin. Min ehlis semavati ve aleyna maahüm ecmaine birahmetike ya erhamerrahimin ve sallallahü alâ seyyidinâ Muhammedin ve alâ âlihi ve sahbihi ve sellim ecmain.
Peygamber Efendimiz (s.a.v) Allah’a yemin ederek diyorki bu selavatı şerifeyi hayatı
boyunca bir defacık bir saatte veya bir Cuma gününde veya bir ayda bir defa
okursa Allahü teala o kimseyi sorgusuz sualsiz cennete gönderir.Her kimki bu
selevatı Şerifeyi yazıp üzerinde taşırsa bütün korktuğu şeylerden emin
olur.Cebrail (a.s.) Peygamber efendimize (s.a.v.) müjdeleyerek “ Bu selevatı
Şerifeyi hayatı boyunca okuyan kimse kıyamet günün yüzü ay gibi parlak olarak
mahşere çıkar ve insanlar hayrette kalıp; Bu bir peygambermidir? Yoksa
melekmi? Diye sorarlar” Ayrıca bu selevatı şerifede ismi azam olduğunu Cebrail
(a.s.)dan rivayet ederler.
Bu selevatı Şerifenin hasenatını saymakla bitmez.Birde
ölenleri kabir azabından korur.Bu Selevatı Şerifeyi okuyan kimseye Resul-u
Ekrem kıyamet günün şefaatçi olurken bu selevatı şerifeyi bilipte ve yanında
olupta başka mümin kardeşlerine vermeyen kimseyi şefaatinden mahrum bırakacağını bildiriyor.
" Okuyan ve paylaşan arkadaşlardan Allah razı olsun "
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cyborgamazon · 1 year
How have you fuckers been shipping shenko for 16 years...
...and you still can't spell his fucking name?
It's kaidAn. With two a's!
Not Kaiden.
Not Kaidin.
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simmie-stories · 2 months
Gen 4. Ariel #26 Tweenage Angst
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After going through puberty, Ariel became Socially Awkward and distant. Her father was so gloomy and strict, and she was aspiring for some independence (teen aspiration by ilkavelle).
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The next morning, she begged her father again: "Please, can't I go to normal school like the others?"
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But no, he didn't even let her swim alone these days.
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Kaidin had come by to apologize, but Alana was too upset. She declared him an enemy.
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I don't know why I'm still trying to achieve all these aspirations for the sisters...
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That evening, they tried to celebrate National Spirit Day with bbq, fireworks, hanging out by the fire, and singing.
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Note to self... do not put many fireworks next to each other.
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Andrina took out her stress on the unfinished school project autonomously.
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She was really upset about not getting into boarding school, and having to be home schooled...
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Likewise, Ariel couldn't sleep. She was having mood swings and kept waking up furious all night.
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Finally she went outside to sing to blow off the steam.
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vytisuza2222 · 1 year
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isausmanmohd · 2 years
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AJIYA MAGANIN WATA RANA(Kashi Na UKU(03); HUƊUBAR MAULANMU SHEHU IBRAHIM NIASSE(R.A); (SHEHU IBRAHIM NYASS(R.A) Yana Faɗa a Cikin Wata 'HUƊUBA' Tasa Da Yayi Wa Wasu Mutanen NIGERIA a Yayin Da Suka Je Ziyartarsa); .....CI GABA(Daga Inda Muka Tsaya); SHEHU(R.A) Ya Ci Gaba Da Cewa; "...Ku Yiwa Junanku Wasiyya Da Tsoron ALLAH Da SOYAYYAR MANZONSA(S.A.W), INA YI MAKU RANTSUWA DA ALLAH; SOYAYYA DA HIDIMA GA JANIBIN MASOYINA(S.A.W) SU NE 'KUREWAR SAFA'I KUMA ANAN MA'KURAR RABO TAKE. Soyayyar Nan Kamar Amarya Ce; Tana Da Sadaki Kuma Tana Bu'katar Hidima AMMA ROMONTA SHI NE ƘARSHEN RABO. Magabatanmu(ALLAH Ya Saka Masu Da Alkhairi) Sun Biya Sadakin Soyayya Mai Tsada Da; Mutuncinsu, Ruhinsu Da Jinanensu Kafin Su Sha Romonta, Sunnar ALLAH Akan Hakan Ba Zata Canza Ba. Dole ALLAH Ya Jarrabamu Kamar Yanda Ya Jarraba Su a "YAUMAL TAQAL JAM'ANI" Don Ware Muminai Daga Munafiqai. SHIN KUNA TSAMMANIN ZA KU SADU DA MASOYINA(S.A.W) BA TARE DA ALLAH YA WARE MASU GASKIYA DA HAƘURI, DAGA MAƘARYATA BA??? Ɗaya Daga Mafi Munin Jarrabawar Soyayya Shi Ne Kaidin Maƙiya - In Alkhairi Ya Bayyana a Tattare Da Ku Baƙin Ciki Ya Baibaye Zukatansu, Idan Jarrabawa Ta Zo Maku Ko Aibinku Ya Bayyana Ya Faranta Masu. ZAMU CI GABA(Gobe Insha ALLAHU) DAGA INDA MUKA TSAYA..... (Othman Muhammad✍️) ALLAH Ya 'Kara Tsare Mana Soyayyarmu, Ya Bamu Albarkar Masu Albarka Don Alfarmar MA'AIKI(S.A.W) Ameeeeeen🙏🙏🙏 https://www.instagram.com/p/CoZUKWgoOl3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thequeensrighthand · 4 years
The Escapade (Callé’s Side)
RP story written with @kaidin-ryscandor-ace-pilot 
Callé pulled her hood tighter around her. She had been sent by Padmé to go and find food for her and the other handmaidens. Well, really she had volunteered. She needed to get out of that stuffy Senate building. She had seen enough of it in the previous weeks since the battle on Naboo, so when Padmé asked if someone would get lunch, Callé was more than willing to go and stretch her legs. It would also give her time away from Padmé. It wasn’t that she didn’t love her best friend, because she did. However, ever since the incident with Obi-Wan on Naboo, her friend had been... smothering. Callé knew that her friend cared about her, but she just needed time.
Callé was near the store that she had found when she searched for nearby grocers when she heard a whistle behind her. She tried to ignore them, but the catcalls just kept multiplying. Their shadows surrounded her.
“Oh come on, sweetheart,” One of the harassers called out to her, “Come have a drink with us.”
Callé tried her best to keep going, trying to push through them. “ I really can’t do that. I’m on a deadline.”
“Deadlines can be extended,” this particularly creepy man said as he towered over her. Callé fumbled around with her robes in vain for her blaster.
“Hey,” a voice said, “I’d recommend that you leave her alone. Otherwise those officers over there?” He said, pointing to the Coruscant law enforcement across the way, “Will find out you’re harassing a minor.”   
“You sure about that, kid?” Another guy said, shoving the man. The man just brushed off the dirt. 
Callé knew the boy meant well, but she couldn’t stand to see someone get hurt at her expense, so she stepped in front of her would-be protector. 
“Hey! Leave him alone,”Callé said, finally finding her blaster in her skirts. “I can use this if I have to,” she threatened, but she knew it was a bluff. She’d forgotten to reload since she left Naboo, so she had enough for one shot, maybe two.
“I got this,” the boy said, getting back in front of her with his own blaster. “I say you all chill out and look over there. Seriously.”
Callé looked at the boy incredulously. That was his plan? Look over there?
It worked.
The boy grabbed Callé’s hand and ran through the streets, dragging her behind. The men followed, but the duo were faster. The boy pulled them into an alley with an abandoned speeder.
“That was close,” he said.
“Is this your speeder? Because I don’t know if my lady would condone stealing,” Callé smirked before peeking out into the streets. “They’re still a ways away, but they’ll find us eventually. What now?”
“We drive,” the boy said, helping her into the passenger’s side. Callé couldn’t ignore the fact that he had glazed over her first question, especially as she watched him hotwire the speeder. 
She gave him a concerned look. He barely looked her age. Did he know what he was doing?
“I’m a fantastic driver,” he grinned.
Callé looked at her sideways. She was in no position to complain since the boy had just gotten her out of a jam.
“Do you have any idea where you’re going?” she asked, watching the scenery whizz by. So much for getting better acquainted with the world at her own pace.
“Yeah,” the boy replied, weaving through traffic. “The name’s Kaidin Ryscandor. You got a name?”
“Callé,” she replied, “I’d shake your hand, but I’d feel better if you kept both hands on the controls!”
“Understandable,” Kaidin replied, pulling off into an area with stores. They had shaken their thugs and were safe. Callé took his hand as she stepped out of the speeder.
“Do you make it a habit of swooping in and rescuing people?” She asked as her feet hit the ground. “I hope I wasn’t interrupting any of your day plans.”
“Plans? Nah, I don’t have any plans,” Kaidin shrugged. “And, nah, I don’t make a habit of it.” He smiled, Callé caught a glint of mischief in his eyes. “Just protecting royalty.”
Callé chuckled at the boy’s presumptions. She looked down at her outfit, taking in the relative plainness of her robes today. “Oh, you’re a little mistaken. I’m not royalty.”
She was flattered, though, that anyone could think otherwise. “Well, if you don’t have any plans, maybe you could help me find some food? I was on a mission to secure lunch for my lady and those creeps just happened to derail that.”
“Well, I think you could be a princess,” He said, smiling at her with dazzlingly white teeth. “Not to worry, I know a place where you can get food.”
Kaidin adjusted his jacket and offered her his arm, “My lady.”
Callé rolled her eyes, but slipped her arm through his. “Lead the way, flyboy.”
She looked around at the buildings, finding that they extended impossibly high in bot directions. “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to Coruscant,” she murmured.
“It’s a confusing place, Princess,” he replied. “But, I’ve lived here all my life. It’s rather dull.”
They walked up to a food store and Callé was immediately overwhelmed by the amount of options. She took a basket and began to rifle through the shelves, pulling off odds and ends to make a nice lunch spread for her friends. 
“Have you ever wanted to go off-world?” She asked out of curiosity. She stood on the tips of her toes trying to reach a box of Nabootian crackers, but her diminutive height kept her from barely making the shelf. She felt a body behind her as Kaidin swooped in and took the item off the shelf with ease, placing it in her basket.
“Always. I want to be a great pilot and go across the galaxy,” He said with slight blush. “A stupid dream, but a dream nonetheless.”
“I don’t think dreams are stupid,” she replied with a gentle smile. “I think the galaxy is such a place where anyone can do anything should they set their mind to it.” She paused and looked back at the top shelf, “We are our own limitations.”
“Very wise,” he responded with a smile, “But, enough about me. What about you? Who is this lady you keep mentioning?”
“Ah, my best friend,” Callé nodded, “Queen Padmé Amidala from Naboo. We’re visiting the Senate to discuss some issues with the Trade Federation. We defeated them in battle and now she needs to sort out some treaty business.”
“Oh, Queen Amidala?” He asked, showing a hint of recognition, “Ah, you’re a handmaiden, then. Maybe you should be the queen.”
Callé gave him an unamused look as she paid for her wares. “I’m perfectly happy with where I am now. I’m not the best at negotiations. Nor do I enjoy having to put on a show all the time. I admire Padmé and what she does, don’t get me wrong, but I could never be the person Naboo would need me to be.”
“If you say so,” Kaidin answered, running a hand through his hair. “I wouldn’t amount to much either.”
Callé found that hard to believe. “Nonsense. After that stunt you just pulled, you could be the hero of the galaxy,” she said, winking at him before exiting the store. “You know, we’re always looking for pilots on Naboo,” she added.
They walked a little ways towards the speeder. “Hero of the galaxy?” he asked, with a devilish smirk, “You mean the hero of you?”
“Oh, you wish,” she replied, playfully smacking his arm, trying to deflect. She carefully placed her basket on the speeder bike, turning to face him, “Do Coruscant women usually swoon when you tell them you’ll be their hero?”
“No. Do I look like the type to make ladies swoon?” He shot back, “I’m like 16, Coruscant women aren’t usually around my age.”
Callé took in his scruffy appearance, appraising him. He was attractive with his boyish charm. She just wanted to reach out and push the hair out of his eyes. “You never know,” she teased, “So, hotshot, my mission’s accomplished, but I have some time to spare. What’s fun around here?”
“Nothing,” Kaidin replied, “But I am.” With a wink, he helped her onto the speeder. “Where to? I often go near that weird temple thing. They don’t know I’m there though.”
“The Jedi Temple?” Callé asked awkwardly. She wasn’t too keen on seeing Obi-Wan again so soon. Her heart couldn’t take it. “Are you sure that’s such a good idea?”
“What can they do to us? They’re peaceful aren’t they?” he said, narrowing his eyes at her, “Unless there’s someone there you don’t want to see?”
Callé had to play it cool. “Oh, no reason. I just don’t think my lady would like it much if I get in trouble,” she shrugged. “I have no business being there really.”
“I do annoy Kenobi a lot, though,” he grinned.
Callé tried to respond nonchalantly, “I’m sure that’s not hard, from what I’ve heard.”
“I’m sure he wouldn’t mind my presence,” Kaidin said.
Callé laughed as she tucked her hair behind her ear, letting her hood fall back, “Yeah? And how do you figure that?”
“Because he would have said otherwise,” he laughed.
Cal came to the conclusion that as the passenger of this vehicle, she didn’t have much of a say in where they ended up. She hit some form of acceptance. “How often do you go there?”
“Often enough. Master Yoda knows I do, but he doesn’t say much about it,” he replied. “Maybe they’re keeping an eye on my to be a pilot for them? Oh I hope I get assigned to Kenobi.”
Cal smiled a sad smile. “I don’t know if he’ll be leaving the temple for a while. He just lost his Master and got a new Padawan,” Cal commented before quickly adding, “or so I’ve heard.”
“Ah. Well, I won’t bother him then. I could go give him a hug, but he wouldn’t appreciate it.”
“Do you know all the Master Jedi?” Cal asked curiously.
“Not by name,” he replied, “Only Yoda and Obi-Wan. We should tell them bout the rescue, maybe then they’ll let me be a pilot for them!”
“Is there a reason you want to go to the temple so badly?” Cal asked with a raised brow.
“I’m forced to live day by day as a hustler. Gambling to steal from wealthy mobsters to survive,” Kaidin told her, “It’s nice to have stability.”
“Understandable,” Cal sighed. “I have to be back at the Senate building by two, though.”
“This won’t take long,” he told her.
 She quickly found herself at the temple, with some help from Kaidin’s apparent lack of respect for speed limits. Once there, they saw Obi-Wan surprisingly by himself, staring out at the sunset.
Cal sat back in the speeder, waving Kaidin ahead, “You run along, I’ll wait here.”
“If you’re sure,” Kaidin replied before setting off towards the Jedi.
Cal casually picked through what she had bought at the store, trying to seem disinterested. She pulled the hood over her head. She gently got out of the speeder and looked out over the city. They were higher up than she’d expected to be. She could barely make out the Senate building on the horizon. She took in a deep breath before heading over to Kaidin, hood pulled over her head, hiding her face in the shadow. “Kaidin, we should probably get going. I’m expected back soon.”
“Right. Of course, course, Princess,” he told her, before looking back at Obi-Wan and adding, “Bye, dad.”
Kaidin took Cal’s hand and led her back to the speeder. She held his hand like it was her lifeline, afraid that if she let go, she would render herself immobile. She wanted to turn around and run back to Obi-Wan, but she knew better. 
“Did you do what you needed to, flyboy?” She asked softly, but the teasing didn’t have the same bite that she wanted it to.
“I did, Princess,” Kaidin said. “Oh, since we’re friends you can call me Kai instead of Kaidin.”
“Alright, Kai,” Cal said, trying his name out on her tongue. “My friends cal me Cal.” She let a silence sit for a moment before asking, “Is he okay?”
“He puts up a good act,” Kai told her, “But his eyes tell his true feelings. He’s sad, of course, scared of failing in teaching Anakin... He’s got a lot on his mind right now.”
“I feel for him,” Cal sighed. “He needs to give himself more credit, though. I’m sure Anakin will turn out fine.”
“Same here,” Kai replied. “Let’s get you to the Senate, Cal.”
They sped off to the Senate building, pulling up to where they parked the speeders. She gingerly looked over at him, not wanting to leave, yet. “Will I see you again?” Cal asked.
“Of course,” He replied, casually taking her holopad and typing on it. “I added my contact in here. So just holovid me if you’re ever free, and we’ll go do something.”
“Why do I feel like you’ll be trouble?” Cal asked with a smile as she took her holopad back, placing it in the basket.
“Well, excuuuuuuuse me, Princess!” he replied, eyes alight with mock offense. “Trouble? Me?”
Cal rolled her eyes. “Yes, you. All the trouble,” she chuckled. “Don’t make me regret meeting you, Kai.”
“Oh, Princess, I think you already do,” he winked before kissing her on the cheek.
Cal blinked at the sudden kiss, feeling her face get hot. “I...um... I should head inside,” Cal blabbered as she gathered her things and walked towards the entrance. She caught Kai waving at her before getting on the speeder again. She let the doors fall closed behind her and made her way back up to the others.
“What took you so long?” Padmé asked when she returned.
“Something...unexpected came up,” Cal replied with a knowing smile.
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hyperpopplaylist · 8 years
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an plant child.. him
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minymsims · 6 years
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Hush, child, the darkness will rise from the deep
and carry you down into sleep.
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kdinjenzen · 3 years
My brother mentioned his male friend kaden earlier and it took me like a solid 10 seconds to remember that, in fact, Kaden can be a male name. I'm so used to thinking about you when I think of the name Kdin I forgot other people have that name ndjdjsj
Historically it’s leaned masculine with some variation, but NOT ANYMORE!
By sheer force of will I am turning
Cadan, Caedan, Caden, Caedon, Caedyn, Caiden, Caidon, Caydan, Cayden, Kadan, Kaden, Kadeen, Kadein, Kadyn, Kaedan, Kaeden, Kaedin, Kaedon, Kaedyn, Kaidan, Kaiden, Kyden, Kaidin, Kaydan, Kayden, Kdin, etc.
Into a gender neutral name.
Gender is no longer needed around here. We just gotta throw it in the trash.
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dustyphantom · 4 years
Pokémon Champion Headcanons because You Can't Stop Me
Steven's Metagross is very gentle outside of battle and loves children, but doesn't understand that most children are terrified of it
Iris is descended of Hoenn's draconid people, some of which left to form a settlement in Unova– the Village of Dragons(these peoples were the origins of most draconic settlements as well).
Lance is highly dyslexic and also color-blind
Cynthia and Clair once dated, but it didn't work out
Diantha once had a relationship with Lysandre, which also didn't work for obvious reasons
Leon was the youngest champion ever at age 10(Pokémon protagonists in the games are 11-16)
Wallace was a gym leader before he got all 8 badges, but got them before he became champion. He just never got around to challenging Tate and Liza his first go round.
As the oldest champion, Alder has some embarassing stories about some of the others when they were little(those who were close to the former champions, so Steven, Lance, and Cynthia)
Steven's mother(Adelyn) was the champion before him, but Drake temporarily took the position when she died and Steven was too young to be champion
Cynthia was the student of the Sinnoh champion before her(Acheron)
Lance was also the student of the champion before him(Mia), who was defeated by Blue.
Alder was elected to be champion because the champion before him(Lynn) was arrested
Wallace, Cynthia, Alder, and to some extent Steven all speak the native languages of their regions(Hoennian, Sinnohan, and Unovan respectively)
Wildass/Special interest HCs below the cut
Alder has twin daughters named Lara and Kaidin(Kaidin is Benga's mother)
Steven was born during a conference, the same one as where Alder was announced a champion
All of the Champion's aces have nicknames
Lance's Dragonites are named Wynrey, Vernon, and Hawthorne
Steven's Metagross is named Lazuli
Wallace's Milotic is named Mio
Cynthia's Garchomp is named Seliah
Alder's Volcarona is named Ishmael
Iris's Haxorus is named Nagaia
Diantha's Gardevoir is named Adria
Leon's Charizard is named Nike
Iris has the most extensive family tree, being related to the ancient draconids(this branch includes Lance, Clair, Zinnia, Alder, possibly N and Drasna, and of course Iris), and is cousins to Leon and Hop on the other side.
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ameliasnormandy · 4 years
It’s you this time, I believe it.  Mass Effect Fanfiction
              Commander Shepard stood strong looking over the ship. She knew that it was time for her to make a speech the question was what gave her the right to give them a speech this time. She took a deep breath, never letting anything out of her sight. “We are here, again. We all have made sacrifices. We all know the cost of what happened, and that is why being here is more important than ever. We are learning from past mistakes. We are fixing things before they get to the point that they had been. We are fixing things, so that our children, our family, our friends, will not have to face what they had been asked to face before, they will not be asked to face it again. I know that seeing me means something. I know that seeing me makes you think that again we have hope. I have heard that. I have heard what people say. I have heard about the fact that me being here gives all of you hope again, but the truth is we never lost hope. We never lost anything. You never lost anything. You need to remember that. We all need to remember that. We need to remember that whether I was here or not things could go according to plan. Things could go right. You could make things go right. You can do things just as well as I can. I need you to know that. I need you all to be aware of that. With all of that said we embark to protect those around us. Be prepared for anything and do not forget the past that we have come to endure.” With those words Commander Shepard put the com down.
              “Did you believe a word you just said?” Jack asked, walking behind Commander Shepard.
              “I believed all of it, and you know that I did,” Commander Shepard said, turning her attention for a moment toward Jack.
              “Too optimistic,” Jack responded. “The universe collapsed without you. We collapsed without you.”
              Commander Shepard stood and looked at Jack for a moment. “What do you mean?”  
              “Look around you, we all ended up falling apart the minute you died,” she said, storming away from Commander Shepard.
              Commander Shepard shook her head. She didn’t have time to think about what Jack had just said. She had to get this ship off the ground. Well, actually that was “Joker, are you ready to take control of the Normandy again?”
              “I am,” Joker said, giving her a smile.
              “Does it feel like you ever left?” Shepard asked, leaning into Joker just a little.
              “It never felt like you had left,” he said with a smile. “The galaxy is so lucky to have you back.”
“The galaxy could have done this without me. You have to know that everyone has to know that the galaxy could have done it without me.” Shepard’s voice is full of earnest. It’s easy to see that she wants him to understand, she wants the galaxy to understand that she is only one person and that they need to stop putting her on a pedestal that she doesn’t deserve. She was just a solider, and that much was simple. “Joker take us out.”
              Shepard started walking around her ship. It was hers again, and she didn’t know how to take that. It was a hard thing for her to understand. It was even harder to believe. Death was supposed to be permanent after all. There was supposed to be an end to everything and yet there didn’t seem to be an end to her. She never got that end. She didn’t know if she wanted it, but she knew that she had never gotten it. She wondered if it mattered now. She was alive and that seemed to be all that anyone cared about.
              Kadian walked up to her. “Do you mind if I talk to you for a moment?” he asked.
              She nodded. “What’s up?”
              “Not here.”
              “Where?” Shepard asked, looking at the ship. Her ship. The Normandy. Her Normandy. It was hers again, she needed to be prepared to say that. She needed to be prepared for people to be able to see that.
              “Your room.”
 Kaidin hadn’t touched a thing and barely had spent any time in there at all. It was like a shrine to the once great Commander Shepard. And she no longer felt like that person. She had talked to Joker about this, but she still couldn’t get over it and she didn’t know if she ever would be.
“Alright, I’m here. What’s wrong, Kaiden?” Shepard asked, shaking her head as she walked into the room.
              “I believe it’s you,” Kaiden said, turning around to look at her.
              “Thank you, Kaiden. I remember how hard it was for you when…”
              “I need to say something else before you start talking.”
              “Alright?” Shepard said. She was unsure where any of this was going. There seemed to be something that he needed to say, but she was unsure what it was or why it mattered so much. It was hard for her to see it. He had changed. He seemed more direct, a little less nervous of things when it came to her.
              “You should sit,” Kaiden said, pointing to a chair not far from them.
              “Kaiden what is this about?” Shepard asked, looking at the chair, but not sitting down.
              “Please sit.”
              “Kaiden, is something wrong?”
              “Sit.” Kaiden was making a demand and he had the right, so she was going to follow his demand if that was what he wanted her to do.
              Shepard wasn’t sure if she wanted to sit or not, but it seemed that she didn’t have a choice. So, as a way of appeasing Kaiden Alenko she sat down. “Alright, Kaiden, I’m sitting, what is wrong?”
              Kaiden was nervous. That much was clear to see. Shepard couldn’t figure out why he was nervous. They had put what happened while she was working with Cerberus behind them. It seemed that they had, but maybe that was wishful thinking and a looming death coming to head. He took a breath in. It was a harsh breath. It was one that seemed to have the entire weight of the universe in it. Shepard knew those types of breath all too well. “There are just some things I want to get off my chest.” Shepard almost spoke. She almost said something when Kaiden spoke again. “Please, don’t speak. I have been a confident man. I have always considered myself to be a confident person. That was until I met you.”
              “Me?” Shepard asked, trying not to say anything, but the word just slipped out.
              “You have made decisions to save this galaxy and time and time again you have never wavered on your choices. You have always done what you thought was best, and held fast to that convection.”
              “Thank you, Kaiden,” Shepard said, trying to give him a smile.
              “I’m not finished,” Kaiden said, taking a step away from Shepard.
              “I am sorry,” Shepard said, bowing her head. “Please continue.”
              “Thank you,” Kaiden said, taking another breath. It seemed that he just wanted to say what he wanted to say and be done with it, but the problem was that Shepard didn’t want to see him get off that easily, or at least that is what he thought. “This is hard.”
              “I can see that,” Shepard said.
              “It’s just, it’s you.”
              “Me?” Shepard asked. “Would you like me to leave the conversation?” Shepard asked, trying not to laugh, but it didn’t work.
              “Shepard you aren’t making this any easier.”
              “I know,” Shepard said, trying not to smile.
              “Please, I need you to take this seriously.”
              “Alright,” she said, with a sigh. “I’m focusing. Tell me what this is about.”
              “This is about you.”
              “I can see that.”
              “And that makes it so much harder.”
              “I don’t see how.”
              “Because you are you.”
              “What? I am just a person and you know that. You have talked to me. You have been with me through everything. You know it all. You know everything.”
              “Except your work with Cerberus, you know that is my biggest regret.”
              “You regret something?”
              “There are few regrets that I have in life and all of the things that I regret have to do with you,” he said, pacing in front of her.
              “Me?” Shepard said, straightening herself just a little bit.
              “What do you regret with me? You didn’t do anything wrong.”
              “I should have come with you.”
              “You believed that you were doing what you thought was best.”
              “And we see where what I thought was best got us.”
              “Are you blaming yourself for the Reapers. It wasn’t your fault. Kaiden, it wouldn’t have mattered if you would have gone with me or not, they still would have come. They still would have attacked.”
              “Maybe not, but I could have argued more for you.”
              “And what would that have done. You did what you thought was best. I am not going to lie and tell you it didn’t hurt, but it was the choice that you made and I supported that.”
              “This isn’t what I wanted,” Kaiden said, shaking his head.
              “And what did you want?”
              “I wanted you to be angry. I wanted to be upset.”
              “Because that is what I deserve.”
              “This isn’t about the time I served Cerberus is it?”
              “I left you.”
              It was then Shepard understood what everyone meant. “I told you to take him.”
              “I should have come back for you.”
              “I would never have accepted that. You took Garrus and I asked you too. He meant a lot to me. He was one of my closest friends. You know that I would never have accepted it if you would have left him for me.”
              “But you…”
              “Stop.” Shepard stood up. “I told you to go. I told you to leave. You didn’t leave me.”
              “How did you do it?” Kaidan asked her.
              “How did I do what?”
              “How did you make those decisions?” he asked, looking at her.
              “I still have a hard time thinking about it. There were so many good people we lost. So many friends.”
              “I’m glad we didn’t lose you,” he said, putting his hand on her shoulder.
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simmie-stories · 2 months
Gen 4. Ariel #25 Rampage on Ariel's Birthday
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Having returned to Atlantica, Ariel had a few hours left on her birthday to finish her 2nd childhood aspiration - Mind and Body. So she spent her birthday playing chess and keeping her needs in the green.
Phillip was having a meltdown thinking about Ursula, Attina, and sending away his daughters.
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The 3 older girls had been accepted into the boarding school, but the twins had been rejected. He had to figure out how to keep the 3 youngest girls safe.
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Alana had invited Diego over to tell him about leaving for boarding school.
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They ended up breaking up, as long distance would be too much.
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Finally, it was nearly midnight when Ariel completed her aspiration, so the sisters were mostly passed out by the time Ariel blew out her birthday candles.
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Ariel looks a lot like her father... I don't really see Aurora anymore after she lost her baby fat, except for the blue eyes.
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Alana had missed out on the celebration because Kaidin had come over to ask Attina out, not realizing she had moved abroad. Alana threw insults at him (they have a school rivalry going on).
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Darn it, now she can't declare him a rival because he's on a rampage.
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He finally ran away after destroying the throne room.
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Phlilip was disturbed... he needed to improve his security. There were too many intruders wreaking havoc on his palace.
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theoriginalladya · 4 years
Tell me everything about the mshenko prompt you wrote for me. *bats eyelashes*. You can pick a specific passage if you like.
from this meme
for this prompt
Honestly, I sat there the entire time thinking, OHDEARGODI’LLNEVERMATCHUPTOSWAPS!  HOWDIDIFALLFORTHIS???
Not buying it?  Hmm, let me see ... 
Something about the endings (shhh, I never had the original ones! :P) just never sat right with me.  No matter who Shepard takes with them through London and then deposits back onto the Normandy right before going up to the Citadel, the assumption/speculation(?)/stupid argument is that they are too injured to fight anymore.  If that is the case, then why are they (love interest or not) always well enough again by the time the Normandy crash lands to walk down out of the ship and stand beside Joker?  Something about it just doesn’t fit, you know?
So my first thought was, okay, Kaidan.  Because I knew I HAD to try mshenko just for you, and because god knows I’ve had Kaidan taken off to the Normandy in every single femshep playthrough I’ve done.  And I always wondered, what happened in the medbay once he got there.  
But then I remembered the MEHEM ending which I played back when I first got hooked on ME because I was on laptop.  (I miss my mods!!!!)  I was like, okay, so let’s toss that in because honestly, the idea of leaving Shepard behind just makes my stomach churn, and if I’m going to do an mshenko for you, I’m going to get maximum angst for it.  or something.
So, that decided, I started writing ... and Kaidan sort of just took over my brain.  He’s worried, concerned, can’t see or hear a damned thing about what’s going on outside the ship.  Where’s Shepard?  Why’s the ship creaking and groaning like that?  What the hell is going on???  
The other thing about him I headcanon/can’t get out of my head is that Kaidan always retains his field medic training.  So, once someone’s brought in, of course he’s going to get up and help because he’s just that stubborn and needs the distraction to keep from thinking about Shepard.  He’s good ... until he sees that it IS Shepard.
That was the moment that Caleb Shepard actually popped into my head.  Until that point, he was the default John Shepard.  But no, because my brain needs yet ANOTHER SHEPARD in it (#79 on LadyA’s Master Shepard Spreadsheet his incarnation is inspired by one of my werewolf NPCs who happens to be Irish).  And along with him came a flash of backstory - like, you know how they talk about seeing your life flash in front of your eyes kind of thing?  That kind of flash.  
Suddenly I had in my head the later bits and pieces of their relationship, including Caleb telling Kaidin he loved him in Gaelic and Kaidan not knowing what it meant at the time but finding out later and practicing over and over and over again to surprise Shepard AFTER THE GODDAMN WAR WAS OVER so they could finally have a LIFE together.  So, that’s why Kaidan is saying it in Gaelic, after having the brain fart of, OMG what do I say to him???
Panic hits, he starts saying it over and over because he wants, NEEDS, Shepard to hear it, to hear him say it back to him.  Then he sees Caleb’s lips start to curve upward as the Normandy lands on whichever planet that is (I have a couple of different ideas on that, but that’s another meme entirely :P) and all he can think is ... oh shit.
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turkmenogluavm · 2 years
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*SALAVAT-I ŞERİF* *Allahümme Salli ve Sellim Alâ Seyyidinâ Muhammedin Seyyidil MÛRSELİN.* *Allahümme Salli ve Sellim Alâ Seyyidinâ Muhammedin Seyyidil MÜCAHİDİN.* *Allahümme Salli ve Sellim Alâ Seyyidinâ Muhammedin Seyyidiş ŞAHİDİN.* *Allahümme Salli ve Sellim Alâ Seyyidinâ Muhammedin Seyyidil HAİFİN.* *Allahümme Salli ve Sellim Alâ Seyyidinâ Muhammedin Seyyidil HAŞİİN.* *Allahümme Salli ve Sellim Alâ Seyyidinâ Muhammedin Seyyidit TAİİN.* *Allahümme Salli ve Sellim Alâ Seyyidinâ Muhammedin Seyyidit TAİBİN.* *Allahümme Salli ve Sellim Alâ Seyyidinâ Muhammedin Seyyidil ABİDİN.* *Allahümme Salli ve Sellim Alâ Seyyidinâ Muhammedin Seyyidil HAMİDİN.* *Allahümme Salli ve Sellim Alâ Seyyidinâ Muhammedin Seyyidis SALİHİN.* *Allahümme Salli ve Sellim Alâ Seyyidinâ Muhammedin Seyyidir RAKİİN.* *Allahümme Salli ve Sellim Alâ Seyyidinâ Muhammedin Seyyidis SACİDİN.* *Allahümme Salli ve Sellim Alâ Seyyidinâ Muhammedin Seyyidil KAİMİN.* *Allahümme Salli ve Sellim Alâ Seyyidinâ Muhammedin Seyyidil KAİDİN.* *Allahümme Salli ve Sellim Alâ Seyyidinâ Muhammedin Seyyidil MÜTTEKİN.* *Allahümme Salli ve Sellim Alâ Seyyidinâ Muhammed'in Seyyidil MÜSTAĞFİRİN.* *Allahümme Salli ve Sellim Alâ Seyyidinâ Muhammedin Seyyidin NADİMİN.* *Allahümme Salli ve Sellim Alâ Seyyidinâ Muhammed'in Seyyidiş ŞAKİRİN.* *Allahümme Salli ve Sellim Alâ Seyyidinâ Muhammed'in Seyyidil HAFİZİN.* *Allahümme Salli ve sellim Alâ Seyyidinâ Muhammedin Seyyidiz ZAKİRİN.* *Allahümme Salli ve Sellim Alâ Seyyidinâ Muhammedin Seyyidil ÂKİLİN.* *Allahümme Salli ve Sellim Alâ Seyyidinâ Muhammedin Sahibis SIRATEL MÜSTAKİM.* *Allahümme Salli ve Sellim Alâ Seyyidinâ Muhammed'in ve Alâ Cemiil Enbiyâî Velmûrselin ve Alâ Cemiil Melâiketil Mükerremin ve Alâ İbadillahissalihin.Min Ehlissemavati ve Aleyna Meahûm Ecmain* *Bi rahmetike Ya* *Erhemerrahimin ve Sallallahû Alâ Seyyidina Muhammed'in ve Alâ Âlihi ve Sahbihi Ecmain.* *Cebrail Âleyhisselâm Efendimiz Âleyhisselâm'a müjdeleyerek “ Bu Salevatı Şerife'yi hayatı boyunca okuyan kimsenin kıyamet günü yüzü ay gibi parlak olarak mahşere çıkar ve* *insanlar hayrette kalıp;"Bu bir peygambermi dir?* *Yoksa* *melek mi?" diye sorarlar.* (Hacı Firdevs Türkmenoğlu Camii) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChFzVyPrbes/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fafatj · 3 years
Smlm di Tandes kebayang itu.
Trus liat Kaidin, kandas deh
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SONG #31 : POISON - Until you suffer some (fire and ice) Très cher et fidèle lecteur (j’utilise le singulier, car je sais que tu es unique. Singulier. Seul. Et je loue ta constance autant que ton mauvais goût), il m’importe aujourd’hui d’aborder enfin le cas POISON. Je considère le groupe californien comme l’archétype même du groupe de glam 80s : androgynie assumée, poseurs, party-songs et bécanes… On dit que Kim Fowley les aurait aidé à façonner leur image. Pourquoi pas. On dit que Slash avait auditionné pour devenir leur guitariste. Ils ont bien fait de ne pas le prendre. Tu me diras à juste-titre : « mais ce ne sont pas les premiers, MOTLEY CRUE, blah blah ». Vrai, mais eux sont des outsiders. Pas des winners. Qui se souvent de la vidéo intime de leur chanteur Bret Michaels avec Pamela Anderson ? Personne. Et pourtant, elle a précédé celle de Tommy Lee et a même ouvert la voie à toute une série de vidéos intimes de rockers. Et Pamela n’est pas restée sans respect pour le grand blond aux plaquettes huilées, puisqu’il s’est murmuré que si Tommy lui avait collé ses premières beignes, c’est parce qu’il avait trouvé une photo du membre de son ex (Bret) dans le sac de l’actrice. Ah, quelle divine époque où rien n’était encore dissimulable dans son téléphone portable. CC Deville, leur guitariste surprendra sa belle avec Bret et s’en ira quelques années se saouler au bar, laissant la place à un bel éphèbe de 21 ans, formé à l’école Schrapnel : Richie Kotzen. Le type est plutôt bien doté par la nature et son talent guitariste n’a d’égal que ses cheveux qu’envierait même Shiran Kaidine. Le beau brun composera la quasi-intégralité de « Native Tongue », quatrième album du groupe publié en 1993. Un album singulier qui bénéficie d’arrangements chiadés, de compositions superbes et – grand changement – d’un guitariste qui joue sacrément bien. Il chante pas mal non plus, ce qui ne gâche rien. Bref : il a tout pour plaire et la petit amie du batteur Rickie Rockett (celui qui nous agace en faisant tourner ses baguettes à tout bout de champ) ne s’y trompera pas, l’invitant à passer de délicieux moments en sa compagnie. Rickie voit rouge et convainc ses acolytes de virer Richie, remplacé un temps par Blue Saraceno, avant de rappeler CC Deville et de faire un come-back en basant tout sur leur glorieux passé. Classique retour aux sources et aux saveurs d’antan. « Native Tongue » dépasse de loin ses prédécesseurs, si ce n’est sur un plan : là où POISON excellait en matière de ballade (au moins deux pépites par disque, avec souvent un Bret au piano, des roses, etc.), cet album n’en contient pas véritablement, laissant davantage de place aux ambiances bluesy, soul et gospel (« Stand », que tu dois écouter également sans quoi on risque de se brouiller). Ce « Until you suffer some (fire and ice) » y est un moment d’apaisement qui nous donne à voir ce qu’était alors POISON : un groupe qui cherchait un nouveau souffle. Témoignage de cette époque : un clip pour lequel Capitol avait investi un budget au moins égal à un épisode de Beaumanoir. « The times they are changin’ », comme disait le frisé.
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