#Kaia means of the Earth in Greek - supposedly
charlottedabookworm · 6 years
I have no fucking idea where this came from. Tagging the usual enablers anyway. @hamelin-born @sparklecryptid @distressedherbalist
“Lib! Look!” Nyx hissed out, jabbing an elbow into his best friends’ ribs. He didn’t look over at the other man as he cursed, rubbing at his side. “Shit. What the fuck, Nyx? You have pointy elbows.” He said, glaring at him. Nyx just tilted his head slightly, pointing at what had caught his attention. “Look. Tell me you see it too.” “See what-…what the fuck?” His best friend sounded completely confused as he saw what Nyx had, and a part of Nyx relaxed a little from where he had tensed up. He probably wasn’t seeing things. “Who is that? And why does she look just like your grandmother?” “That is Lord Amiticia’s daughter,” Nyx said flatly, still shocked at the sight of the teenager who looked so much like his nana had. “And I don’t know.” But he had a pretty good idea. His Nana had been an only child, but his mother had had three siblings – two sisters and a brother. His aunt Celina – who Selena was named after – had died when he was five, he remembered going to her pyre. His uncle Helios had died during the fall, alongside his spouses, and the man had never had any children. But Nyx had never met his aunt Kaia, who had left Galahd before he was born and never returned. The last his mother had heard from her, she had gotten herself engaged to some Lucian. There was no proof, nothing outside of a slight resemblance and a coincidence and his gut instinct, but there was a part of Nyx that knew he was right. And he couldn’t just leave it, family – both chosen and blood – was everything in Galahd. “Fuck.” He said empathetically. He was going to have to sort this out, wasn’t he? Why was this his life? Lib, who knew him better than he knew himself at times and understood, just looked at him sympathetically and patted him on the shoulder with a smile. “Good luck, Nyx.” He growled, batting at his friends’ hand. “Fuck you too, Lib.” He said even as he stalked off towards the records room. (Two hours later, he finds what he needs. A marriage certificate between Lord Clarus Amiticia and one Lady Kaia Nikitas – and he has no idea why his aunt was going by his nana’s name instead of Ulric, but it’s all the proof that he needs. His aunt had married the Kings Shield. Fuck. He slams his head against the solid wood of the shelves. Fuck. The Prince’s Shield was his cousin. Why was this his life? Why?! When he asks, Libertus just laughs and says that he deserves it. He hates his friends) (By the time he leaves the records room, Nyx is decided. He needs to speak to his aunt)
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