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battle-scvrs · 4 months ago
When the owl landed on his desk with a letter from Rosmerta to say that she had closed the deal on the Three Broomsticks, Kingsley immediately sent one back to say he'd be there as soon as his shift finished to celebrate with her. The next few hours felt like they were dragging which was a feeling Kingsley rarely had at work given how much he loved his job, but he ached to go and celebrate with his friend. As soon as he could, Kingsley disapparated to Hogsmeade where it had already started to get dark out. Ducking into the Hogs Head first, Kingsley had to throw down a few extra knuts down to get the 'beef' stew to take out. Casting a warming charm to keep it hot as he made his way back up the high street, Kingsley strode up to the door of the Three Broomsticks and nudged it open with his foot.
Setting the tubs of food down on the nearest table, Kingsley's eyes searched Rosmerta's before he beamed at her. "You, my brilliant friend, are the only person on this Earth that I would risk my life for by eating Aberforth's stew. Come here, I'm so proud of you," he said, drawing his friend into a hug. @ofxsorcery
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battle-scvrs · 3 months ago
There had to come a breaking point in this war at some point, but it was difficult to ignore the assumption that many of the Death Eaters were unemployed pure-blooded socialites who didn't have to worry about keeping their activities to after-work hours. That wasn't to say that there weren't plenty of Death Eaters who were employed, in fact Kingsley had his suspicions about many of the ministry employees, but he doubted that so many of the other side were as exhausted as the Order were getting. "Many things can be said about my parents, but the manners that they raised me and Sade with were absolutely perfect," Kingsley acknowledged. "Oh, absolutely she does. More than anyone."
Kingsley curled his hand around the beer glass, letting the cold sink into his skin as he considered Edgar's words. "I just...can't risk losing her. What happens to Jasper if she's gone? What happens to me if she's gone?" he said, his voice strained. "I would never dream of controlling her, and if she decides this is what she wants then by Merlin I will put her through training more rigorous than auror training. But you know as well as I that it only takes one rogue spell and that's it...the vicious scar on my side is testament to that. I'm scared for her."
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He could agree with Kingsley, the nights were getting longer, and one they had finished with the ministry, they were off do order business. Things had been tense, especially with what happened with Frank, that they had their guard up more. "We can respect your mom." He laughed, a shake of his head. Edgar wanted to admit that he could tell the bars were getting busier, but his mind had been on other witches, that it was hard to keep from this thoughts, and considering his grandfather's death. "She deserves it." Ros worked hard.
Edgar could understand the worry when it came to his friends sister wanting to be part of the order, especially with have a toddler at home to take care of. He did his best to make sure the witch was out of harms way, but he knew it would only be a matter of time before she pushed for more. The wizard took a sip of his beer. "That is why we have to make sure she's trained properly." He knew how his own sister put herself in harms way at times, but it wasn't like this, grateful that she never asked to be part of what he did. "You know you are both safe with us."
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sushiwrote · 4 months ago
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¥. 1 NEW UPLOAD . ❘❘ ❙❘❚❘❙ ★   SYNOPSIS ❜ ℗   LOADING !██████ 50 % ❛ you can lie to me baby, tell me that i'm special.
they say in life, you reap what you sow... and sowing his wild oats is something desire kingsley has done very well for the last four years.
little is known about his past, but he has built quite the reputation for his magnetic charm, irresistible allure, and numerous hookups. the man, who is somewhat of a myth, has spent the last four years indulging in the pleasures that fame and fortune can offer.
as a renowned film production manager, his work ventures often take him all over the world.
his latest project, 'nothing to lose,' an action film with his best friend, superstar actor chase wilson cast as the leading male, has brought him to the vibrant yet mysterious city of lagos, nigeria, where his insatiable appetite for women and proactive fun leads him right to akua ( ah KOO uh ) adefolahan , an enticing stripper who happens to be the daughter of a powerful black axe mobster and has a more than interesting crew of friends.
the black axe, known for their ruthless control over parts of the city, is a secretive and tightly-knit brotherhood involved in various illegal activities, from extortion to smuggling. their influence runs deep, and crossing them can have deadly consequences.
unaware of the full extent of the danger he's stepping into, desire finds himself drawn into akua's world, where loyalty is everything and betrayal is met with swift retribution.
as desire's relationship with akua deepens, he inadvertently becomes entangled in the mob's affairs, making him a potential target for both the law and rival factions. the carefree lifestyle he's used to living is suddenly under threat as he navigates the murky waters of lagos's criminal underworld.
what started as a casual fling now holds the potential to unravel not just his career, but his life. when he stepped on african soil, he wasn't looking for love, but what he found was something far more dangerous.
in africa, there's a proverb as old as time. it goes, ' he who digs a grave for his enemy might as well be digging one for himself too. '
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... ♡  𝙶𝙴𝙽𝚁𝙴: 𝚁𝙾𝙼𝙰𝙽𝚃𝙸𝙲 𝚃𝙷𝚁𝙸𝙻𝙻𝙴𝚁  ⠀─ 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐨𝐜  𝐱  𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 !
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⠀ 困⠀⠀ ۪ 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝄒 ⸝. when desire meets danger ...
50%  LOADED...  ██████████  RETRIEVING DATA !
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✷ SCANNING . . ❘❘ ❙❘❚❘❙ for sol : TRIGGERS / DISCLAIMERS ! ❜ ℗
this story is intended for mature audiences only. it contains themes and content that may not be suitable for all readers. please review the following trigger warnings before engaging:
i. drug use/addiction , ii. graphic descriptions of violence , iii. crime/organized crime , iv. sexual content/sex for hire , v. death/murder , vi. betrayal , vii. manipulation/blackmail and or coercion , viii. explicit language , ix. adult themes , x. human torture , xi. psychological trauma / mental illness and more triggers may be mentioned.
in this book, you will encounter a blend of nigerian pidgin and english. nigerian pidgin is a widely spoken creole language in nigeria, and is being used in this narrative to bring authenticity, and a unique aspect to this body of work as it aligns with the cultural settings of lagos and its people.
any pidgin use will come with a definition/meaning for your understanding throughout the story.
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𝖔. 1 NEW 𝚂𝚄𝚂𝙷𝙸𝚆𝚁𝙾𝚃𝙴 UPLOAD . . ❘❘ ❙❘❚❘❙ ★ CHAPTERS ! ❜ ██████ 75% LOADED — “ there is strength in unity, and power in silence. under God’s watch, lagos is ours. “ 𝒃𝒍𝒄𝒌 𝒂𝒙𝒆 _
THE STORY: 000 / 001 / 002 / 003 / 004 / 005 / TBA.
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divinescannibalism · 10 months ago
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000 — space prince based npts !
requested by : @acespec-lesboy
001 — names ;
prin , vince , royal , rory , kingsley , archie , apollo , astro , astrophel , adel .
002 — pronouns ;
space/scapes, star/stars, royal/royals , ro/royal , prince/princes , pri/prince , high/highness , rose/roses .
003 — titles ;
the space prince , prns astro highness , the one who wears the crown , the royal of the astro , the star who is song of a king , the grace of the space
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thcactivist · 10 months ago
𝔀𝓮 𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝓭𝓲𝓯𝓯𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓷𝓽... — pov 001
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na fatídica reunião de ex-alunos, sabine sentia um misto de emoções. parte dela havia ficado nos anos idos e seria bom recuperar, ter um novo fôlego e frescor para a sua vida.
por outro lado, como sabine justificaria tantas mudanças em tão pouco tempo. o mistério da juventude sempre foi construir a própria personalidade e, sem muita explicação, viu a si própria destruindo tudo o que sempre defendeu por motivos familiares. a família deveria vir em primeiro lugar, não?
não apenas o choque de confrontar a sua essência, rever os colegas foi como se recobrar da realidade. todos estavam diferentes, com problemas e ninguém seria capaz de comprar tantos sorrisos falsos e conversas desconexas como algo bom. se cada um fingisse que não sabia que os outros estavam fingindo, o placar continuava o mesmo.
a volta para o estacionamento não foi tardia, afinal, quem conseguiria permanecer por ali depois do discurso horripilante do reitor? e como o homem seguia à frente da universidade, era um mistério bom de ser investigado; uma pena que suas preocupações eram outras.
os pais haviam alertado, o irmão já tinha sugerido, mas a rogers-sinclair usou o pouco da rebeldia que a restava para recusar o motorista particular da empresa naquela noite. em muitas outras ele havia sido seu fiel escudeiro, fosse para assuntos triviais ou de negócios.
em seu âmago, sabine sabia que aquele momento era apenas seu. encarar os próprios medos sozinha a levariam a outro patamar, confirmariam, inclusive, o seu sucesso constante na área mais importante da sua vida: a carreira.
os saltos já tilintavam do jeito errado no asfalto, deveria ter escolhido outro modelo para passar tanto tempo ali. um pouco afastado dos outros carros, a mercedes esperava por ela como um troféu.
sem se preocupar com os arredores ou se estava segura ali dentro, largou o corpo no banco do motorista sem perder tempo para tirar os sapatos, que foram jogados no único banco que tinha ao seu lado. o arranque do motor logo foi ouvido, sair dali era a sua primeira opção.
ainda tinha muito a absorver, muito a ponderar pelo tanto de conversas que teve, por tantas lembranças de uma sabine que não reconhecia de jeito algum.
o silêncio a seguiu até a garagem da sua cobertura, deixando que o carro falasse com ela e seus pensamentos flutuassem no pequeno espaço do conversível. silêncio este que cessou por um estranho bug no sistema elétrico, que fez o rádio disparar com uma música que certamente não fazia parte do seu repertório.
desligou o celular e pegou os próprios pertences, se deparando com algo que não era dela ali: um livro.
o primeiro instinto foi pegar o próprio smartphone e discar para a primeira pessoa que lhe veio a mente. celeste. ela entenderia o medo de sabine de ter seu espaço invadido em plena UCLA, talvez soubesse algo sobre pegadinhas dentro do reencontro?
folhear o item também não havia sido uma boa ideia, quem era gilbert kingsley e por qual motivo idiota a faria voltar para o hendrick hall? nem mesmo o olympic, seu dormitório, ela queria visitar.
desistiu de contatar a ex-namorada, não precisava que aquilo parecesse um precedente para se reconectarem depois de anos separadas. mas não deixou o celular de lado, logo procurando pelos detalhes da segurança do edifício e deixando um aviso de que queria rondas mais recorrentes por ali.
como se algo os repelisse, largou o livro no banco do carona e preferiu lidar com as consequências do reencontro no dia seguinte. a sabine de um futuro próximo poderia se esforçar para se reconectar com os colegas e descobrir de onde o livro veio. a sabine do presente, no entanto, só queria um banho quente e duas doses de melatonina para recobrar os sentidos.
o dia seguinte lhe aguardava, afinal, escolher viver naquela data de 2024 já tinha a desgastado demais.
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battle-scvrs · 3 months ago
Kingsley cast his eyes over Aurora with a surveying eye, and her nervousness was evident. He didn’t want to terrify the poor girl, but equally, he was not willing to send unprepared fighters out into the field only to have to knock on their loved one’s doors and deliver the news that unfortunately their daughter had died. Rolling his shoulders as he settled himself for a defensive fight, Kingsley watched her body language with interest. He felt her need to prove herself, but he wasn’t going to make it easy for her. Deflecting her charm with a lazy flick of his wand, Kingsley sent back his own disarming charm. “Disarm me any way you can – assume your opponent will defend with the intent to attack. Next time, I will defend with jinxes."
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Aurora was slightly nervous meeting with Kingsley. There was an intimidation that seemed to linger in the air and this need to make a good impression. It was important to show him that she was capable of taking care of herself, so that he would tell Edgar it was fine sending her back out on missions. "I know better than showing up late." Not that she would anyway, being prompt was one of her traits. Her eyes widen when he asks her to disarm him, glancing around where she could feel the magic of the charms surrounding them. Her wand secure in her grasp. She raises her arm, her gaze fixating on his wand. "Expelliarmus." She speaks clearly and sternly, flicking her wrist in the direction of where he is holding his wand.
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the-invisibility-bloke · 3 days ago
001 moonwater (regulus/remus) also wolfstarcest??
Ooh okay! Hmm. (Putting under a cut now because apparently I can’t shut the fuck up and I pity y'all's dashboards.)
001 | send me a ship and I will tell you:
when I started shipping it if I did: I wouldn’t say I particularly ship either one, but I’ve read a few good fics. Definitely a Starcest shipper but I generally prefer them with James in a trio (sorry!).
my thoughts: Moonwater: RUDE SHIP NAME, first of all. God, y’all are brutal. 😆 I definitely think Sirius and Remus were involved at some point, but my Prongsfoot feels make it hard to see Remus as anything but a consolation prize after Sirius loses James. That said, I like the idea of Remus as a safe haven for Regulus in a setting where Reg and Sirius had a ton of conflict, better yet if Remus/Reg are hiding the relationship because Sirius and Reg are already estranged at that point. I can see Remus holding onto this fantasy that he can draw Reg away from his family’s expectations. Wolfstarcest just makes sense if you ship Starcest because of course Sirius and Remus lived together after Hogwarts, in a very “and they were roommates” capacity, so Reg moving in with them is very plausible and... y’know... one drink leads to another, leads to making out on the sofa leads to sudden eye contact and “Come here, baby. Come sit with us.”
What makes me happy about them: I think the happy in either ship comes from Remus providing the unconditional love that neither of them had growing up. He’s the rock, he’s the grounding figure and the mediator and the voice of reason, because you know those brothers are volatile fucking hotheads. In an AU I imagine he’s the one who’d talk Regulus out of joining the Death Eaters or encourage him to leave, whereas I think Sirius would feel so betrayed he’d just turn his back to avoid facing the pain. WAIT THAT’S NOT HAPPY. Jesus. These are not happy ships, damn it.
What makes me sad about them: Um, baby boy dies. Sirius goes to prison. And then dies. Remus finally finds love again and then? Anyone? DIES.
things I look for in fanfic: I haven’t ravaged these tags yet so I wouldn’t say I’ve looked for anything, but I always prefer canon-compliant/adjacent so I like that sweet-spot era between graduation and... the dying. I prefer Reg to be a bratty bottom in any scenario, but not passively submissive. Not necessarily a power bottom, but a needy one for sure. I think Remus would be able to tame him in a clever way, outsmart him even, but Sirius ain’t got the patience, he fights dirty.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Sirius, of course, is bequeathed to Harry. Reggie goes to James because Barty and Evan are a Bad Idea. I honestly don’t know who I’d put Remus with, probably someone else in the Order, Kingsley would be a good bet.
My happily ever after for them: I could potentially see an AU happy ending for Moonwater if Remus managed to pull him out of the dark before it was too late, but as for Wolfstarcest, I’m too diehard of a Sirry shipper to imagine Sirius with anyone else later in life.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: For both, Regulus is the little spoon who tries to be big and they’re like “lol cute” and ragdoll him back around where he belongs.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: I think Remus and Reg would bond over intellectual shit, literature and magical theory and whatnot. I see Remus and Sirius being the classic rock bros who sit around getting high and listening to [self-insert favorite 70s musician] and talk about starting a band and Reggie makes fun of them and pretends not to like their stupid Muggle noise but he’s full of shit and they know it.
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awwbuzz · 7 months ago
all was well sub-plots
001 // ST. MUNGO'S
A new curse has been flying through the dark streets of London. The wizards behind it have not yet been apprehended, but it can only be assumed that their intent is nefarious. Drain, as it's being called by the public, is a curse that nullifies a user's ability to use magic. It doesn't happen immediately. It starts slowly, gradually draining the wizard's magical abilities over a course of days and weeks before leaving them completely powerless, and in some cases, comatose. While some say it's only fear-mongering, those at St. Mungo's know the malevolent truth. Drain, or better known by the Ministry of Magic as Desiccatum Magus, is a dark curse that is suspected to have been released from the Department of Mysteries' vaults. In a race against the clock, St. Mungo's is grappling for a cure. Most wizards have been able to be awoken, but none with their magic.
head potioneer, lyra malfoy the cursed the cursed the cursed cursebreaker cursebreaker
During a group Divination session in Lethe society, a horrible future wizarding war was predicted. The prediction mentioned specifically that it would be started by one person. They are described as someone of great political ambition, who comes from a bloodline of change bringers, there was a sword on the table before them (Possibly seen as the House of Swords, or as someone who is a warrior, or a former Gryffindor - as in sword of Gryffindor), there was a crown above their head and a throne behind them (interpreted as the KING in Kingsley) but most prominently they had the Acheron society symbol around them.
There were some who interpreted the figure who started this future wizarding war as fitting the Shacklebolt daughter. The Lethe society leadership decided and announced to the members that they would bring this prophecy to the Department of Mysteries where it could be properly interpreted and actions taken if necessary. Shortly later, Elivinia was found dead.
The daughter of Kingsley Shacklebolt, Elivinia, also a member of the Archeron Society, was murdered. Many speculate that it was the doing of someone from the Lethe society, but in truth, this was a convenient coverup. Elivinia was cursed with Drain due to being targeted over an old fallout between her father and Silas Avery. Nobody knows Elivinia was cursed, as she saw the wizard who cursed her and was killed before she could tell anyone.
Start a war the Shacklebolt daughter might yet - but not in the way anyone anticipated. Will the students be able to piece together the mystery?LETHE
The Light //
Founded in the first year of Grimoire University, the Lethe society has been focused on exploring the different schools of magic beyond what standard curriculum teaches. They aim to go beyond what is known, thinking in terms of how and why, to practice new avenues of magic and expand on existing ones. There is an intense focus on society and the ways it can be improved when it comes to Lethe, and they often practice group rituals to divine the future in hopes of avoiding disaster, are responsible for upholding some of the protective wards for spellcasting on school grounds, and have funded themselves for years through innovative transfiguration castings.
Lethe’s members are known as upstanding members of society, and aim to leave the wizarding world better than they found it through this quest for knowledge. They attract members that have strong feelings about honor and morality, and refuse to participate in any of the darker arts — as they believe these only hurt society, resulting in the schism that created the Acheron society.
Abjuration, Divinatory & Transfiguration
Potential members are called to join the same whether they seek the dark or the light. A golden drachma is placed on their pillow with instructions on where to find the entrance to the meeting place. It's the initiations that differ.
Lethe initiates are handed a golden goblet filled with a shimmering blue liquid and told to drink, what it takes is not up to the one who drinks but by the magic itself. A memory taken and sent to the keeper, the memory may be as small as forgetting the ending to your favorite book, but as big as forgetting someone who you once cared for. No one knows why the magic takes the memory it does, only that in order to join the Lethe one must forget.
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The Dark //
Ten years after the founding of Lethe society, it fractured into two different groups, of which one eventually became the Acheron society. There are many claims about the conflict being strictly about morality, but the truth is that it was about knowledge. While Lethe refuses to practice in any magic they do not see as improving, Acheron believes that all avenues should be explored, and that in the darker arts, much information can be found. Their vision is akin to fighting fire with fire, there should be no morality in the scholarship itself but more so on how it’s applied — if using magic with negative connotations can be used to create something new, it shouldn’t be banned.
Acheron members are known to be creative and resourceful above anything. They do not focus on morality as much, but their knowledge base is twice as large as a result. Acheron frequently hosts necromantic rituals to explore the world beyond death & in an attempt to figure out immortality, they have created ways to increase the intensity of many existing spells, and are working on a spell that replicates a similar effect to Polyjuice potion.
Necromantic, Illusion & Evocation
Potential members are called to join the same whether they seek the dark or the light. A golden drachma is placed on their pillow with instructions on where to find the entrance to the meeting place. It's the initiations that differ.
Acheron initiates are given a golden goblet with a black shimmering liquid to drink. And like the Lethe initiation it also takes from the drinker, but not permanently. For a week the initiate who has drank from the goblet will be unable to do anything but the smallest bits of magic. Forcing initiates to understand that the knowledge they seek may come at a price, and only those who are willing to pay it will find it.
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The turmoil caused by the Drain curse has caught the attention of the Brothers Grimm, a vigilante group of ragtag animagi. Not favoring the way the Ministry has tried to play down recent affairs, whether it has been to prevent hysteria or save their own skin, the Brothers Grimm vowed to bring the offenders to justice themselves. While in the past, their focus was on taking out wizarding gangs, after one of their own men was cursed, the group turned their sights on something larger and more sinister. Some see the Brothers Grimm as heroes and are rallying behind them. Others, for exactly what they are - dangerous and out for revenge. The Ministry has sent their best hit wizards to contain them to no avail. United under a common cause, they won't stop until they have justice.
 01. -- GRIMM.
Former auror turned vigilante leader. The oldest Grimm brother was always passionate about what he did. Maybe too passionate. The Ministry dismissed him due to his reckless behavior in multiple missions, deeming him too volatile to be part of the force. After months of feeling lost, he created the the Brothers Grimm with his brother and decided to take justice into his own hands.
 02. -- GRIMM
The younger brother and righthand man to the leader of the Brothers Grimm. He started the vigilante group with his older brother four years ago. He is the cool moon to his brother's hotheaded sun.
Before he joined the Brothers Grimm, he was part of a notorious gang. Balthazar saved him. He took him out of that life and showed him a new one, a better one.
They chose the wrong wizard when they cursed him. This is what set the Brothers Grimm's plans into motion. Before this, they focused their antics on taking out various gangs, drug dealers, and the vermin hiding in the cracks of Knockturn Alley. His powers aren't entirely gone yet, but they're fading fast.
A former Ministry employee who worked in the courts of Wizengamot. He joined ranks with the Brothers after a particularly troubling case in which the killer walked free. Nobody knows of his involvement. He uses her involvement and status with the court.
Owner of the Green Dragon, a pub and inn that serves as the meeting place for the Brothers. Warren opens his doors to his fellow vigilantes. They often meet there after hours.
An informant working in St. Mungo's. She was abducted, as the Brothers planned to interrogate her for details. What they didn't anticipate was that, instead of resisting, she wanted to join them.
The newest and youngest member. After his sister Elivinia, was murdered, he was the only one to suspect there was something more than the Prophecy at play. Wanting answers, he joined alliances with the Brothers Grimm. While they were reluctant to let him into their ranks at first, working in the Ministry, they decided that Shacklebolt would be a valuable asset. So they initiated him. He gained his animagus and now stands beside them.
While it was thought that all those with the Dark Mark were apprehended or died in the Wizarding Wars, a group of radical pureblood supremists exist in the cracks of society. Unsuspected by those around them, they lead every day lives among their fellow wizards - among the assembly of Wizengamot, the auror you thought you could trust. These are the minds behind what some are whispering to be the Fourth Unforgivable Curse: Desiccatum Magus, or Drain.
CONQUEST, SILAS AVERY (50S). The mastermind behind the curse's release. He pulls the strings of his lackeys like puppets, getting them to do his bidding, preying on what he knows each wants most. He believes magic should only be a privilege of pureblood wizards. They will reclaim it, no matter the cost. WAR, GREGORY GOYLE (50S) The one responsible for cursing the victims. While Avery sits on his throne and refuses to sully his hands, a lackey once again, Goyle carries out his commands. He is a hit wizard, whose position aids him in the mission and keeps suspicion at bay. FAMINE, --BLISHWICK (AGE) Working at St. Mungo's, he masquerades under the guise of a well-meaning potioneer, meanwhile relaying back what he learns to Avery like a snake. HE feeds on the man's approval like its the only sustenance he needs. DEATH, GALE YAXLEY (29). Wishing to protect Avery, who stood in as a father figure since Corban was apprehended for his crimes, Gale took the Shacklebolt girl's life to stop her from exposing the truth. Whether he truly believes in Avery's cause is uncertain. He is the wild card. FEAR, -- LESTRANGE (34). An Unspeakable working in the Department of Mysteries. Relentlessly loyal to Avery's cause, she was responsible for retrieving the curse from the vaults. She keeps the others in line should they overstep. It is said she knows a curse that can create illusions of the victim's worst fear to scare them to death.
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battle-scvrs · 3 months ago
Kingsley had been out on investigation work when he'd received an urgent summons to a sleepy muggle village in the Yorkshire Dales that was now the site of a major crime scene. "The obliviators have been called," finished off the message, and with a sigh Kingsley abandoned the trail he'd been following and apparated to just outside of the village. The Dark Mark was high in the sky and must have been visible for miles, which led to a countless number of muggles who's memories needed wiping - never mind the victims of whatever Death Eater had decided to use unknowing muggles as their playthings.
Moving through the carnage, Kingsley joined in the bustling groups of ministry workers who were slowly lowering the floating muggles. He joined in the work of getting the muggles down, but whilst he did so he quickly and harmlessly used legilimency to see if the Death Eater at fault happened to be unmasked in any of their confused memories. It wasn't something he would do on a magical being, but if he interviewed any of these muggles all he would get back was confusion and nonsense. Sometimes, needs must.
Just as he raised his wand to return another muggle back to the ground, a shrill voice broke his concentration and Kingsley drew a sharp breath. "Lestrange...always a pleasure," he said, not shying away from her closeness. He would not be intimidated by this woman. "Oh, and they were so inappropriate...you can't blame me for continuing to hold those against you now, can you?" he asked, quirking an eyebrow. "As the auror in charge here, I must insist that if you are questioning any muggles that I am present...just to ensure good practice is being followed," he said, a firmness in his tone that confirmed he would not be swayed. "This is an active auror investigation, and certain processes must be followed especially where muggles are involved. I'm sure you understand, you're a reasonable woman."
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Starter for: Kingsley Shacklebolt @battle-scvrs Where: a Muggle village, attended by Aurors and the Department of Magical Accidents & Catastrophes When: the middle of the day
As a Senior Minister, Bellatrix did not have to go out on active duties these days. But sometimes she inserted herself into the opportunity like a silver dagger slashing pretty pink flesh; wilfully and dishonourably.
So here she stood, the picture of elegance at a scene of terrible magical disarray. Muggles were floating around like inflated toys, caught in trees and windows and Merlin knew what else. Frankly, she couldn't care less. But her employer did care - and so did the Dark Lord. Aurors had been summoned, for her department had suspected foul play at the hands of Death Eaters.
The Dark Mark shining over the village post office did also slightly give the game away. That wasn't supposed to be there. Bellatrix now stood before it, a look of utter fury ripping her expression in two as she stared up at it and wondered which of her idiot allies had been so stupid to forget the most basic of commands. Eyes expanding in the sallow green haze, her hair whipped around her like streaming black ribbons, nails clenching into the palms of her hands. She was here to make this incident disappear from the Ministry's radar, but the Dark Mark made that work impossible.
Turning away, she headed forcefully towards the village square. She would rip the culprit's identify from one of these vile muggles' minds. That was the only thought in her head, until her sight fell upon Kingsley Shacklebolt and she smiled a smile of avaricious yearning.
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"Hello Kingsley, my old friend." Stepping beside him, she stood too close for comfort and delicately brushed some non-existent dust from his cloak. Her eyes lingered on his midriff, where she knew he must harbour a sumptuous scar slashed by her own wand. Oh, how she'd love to see it.... Lips twitching with the involuntarily thirst for it, she pressed them into a curve and looked up into his expression. "You don't still hold a grudge against me, do you? For those inappropriate conversations at Hogwarts?" With a tsk, she stepped back and waved her fingers towards the Dark Mark. True anger filled her expression once more and she channelled the emotion into a new purpose. "Whoever is responsible for that must be caught and punished. You will have your perpetrator when I've finished questioning these muggles."
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battle-scvrs · 4 months ago
There was a emotional war going on inside Kingsley's mind, and no amount of sitting and thinking about it privately would do him any good. It was almost selfish of him, but Kingsley figured if there was ever a time to be selfish was now. He'd heard whispers that Sade was angling for more missions within the Order and he'd be a liar if he said that didn't terrify him. He would never presume that he could control Sade or what she did, but that didn't mean he couldn't heavily warn against it. Kingsley apparated onto Sade's doorstep, knocking once as a courtesy before he pushed the door open and walked in. He'd timed it knowing Jasper would already be in bed, which meant that hopefully he could talk to his sister with minimal interruptions.
"Sade?" he called, his voice low so as to not wake his nephew. "Sorry for dropping in unannounced, but I need to talk to you. Urgently." @sadeshacklebolt
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oftristans · 3 years ago
closed . / @kingsley-adam​
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        ❝  i  don’t  think  i’ve  ever  been  so  thankful  to  be  at  hog’s  head  -  ❞   even  as  he  carries  a  rather  lukewarm  cup  of  butterbeer  in  the  palm  of  both  hands  ,  it  is  probably  the  first  time  he’s  managed  time  to  walk  off  campus  grounds  in  weeks  without  any  students  trailing  around  .  ❝  but  of  course  ,  to what  do  i  owe  the  pleasure  of  seeing  you  ,  my  friend  ?   if  it’s  something  sensitive  ,  ❞  a  head  roll  to  the  side  to  silently  point  out  the  stairs  that  went  upstairs  to  the  rooms  he’d  been  in plenty  of  times  .  
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lucianollivander · 5 years ago
Lucian frowned. 
         He hated when he was put on assignments with a partner. Particularly someone who was not from his department, nor specialty. He shot a look over the Shaklebolt with a sigh. To top it all off they were in muggle London for this assignment. He looked around, pulling out a small black notebook at had the details of the case. “It looks like there’s two people to find.” He said somewhat gruffly. There was a stiffness in his actions that came from feeling that someone was watching him do his job. He didn’t need someone to check his work. He was talented and driven. Lucian was unsure why the both of them had been assigned to the case. 
         “It looks like someone was drunk on a broom, was seen by a family or two.” He mentioned. At least that would be easy to deal with. Children’s memories were already so moldable to begin with. Combine that with the memory charm and it seemed like an easy days work. Lucian looked over toward the other, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. He wasn’t sure how to proceed from that. 
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rhaekingsley · 2 years ago
tw: foto fofa de um ratinho
💬 to someone : qual a chance dos fantasmas esconderem seres vivos também? 
💬 to someone : por acaso você viu a tina por aí?
💬 to someone : 
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💬 to someone : é a minha ratinha de estimação, ela sumiu... mas juro que ela é limpinha
💬 to someone : ela gosta de dormir dentro de meias na gaveta de meias
💬 to someone : pode dar uma olhada nas suas meias?
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seekingbenjy · 3 years ago
Desk Duty Castoff || Benjy and Kingsley
“Hey.” Benjy says, chucking a balled up wad of paper over the cublicle wall at Kingsley’s head. 
“They’re letting me off early for good behavior.”
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Benjy puts the box of his personal things back on his old desk. “Cleared for the field, mate. You think they’d know better than to give me the standard evaluation as if I haven’t had the responses memorized.”
He sets the plant Seamus got him for father’s day back on his desk. He’s digging around for the commemorative bobblehead of himself that he found in a charity shop and keeps talking.
“What’d I miss?”
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waiting4inspiration · 1 year ago
Tags for everything: @lovelywiseprincess @aworldwideapart @mrs-marc-spector @winter-soldier-101 @platonicasever @megzdoodle @emily-roberts @alexxavicry @animelover18 @lilostif16 @hallecarey1 @animusxy @bri3009 @babypink224221 @my-helping-hand
Tags for Marvel: @alexandra-001 @hc-geralt-23 @cryingb4by @cherryflavoureds-blog @1-800-call-a-milf @sageandravens @a-lil-bit-nuts @blvkwondaland @winters1917 @ovohanna24 @septic-mutation @hangmanscoming @one-shot-plus-size @viperchick47 @teambarnes72 @avadakadabra93 @junobutbored @evelyn-kingsley @s3v3ns-s1ns @downbadfor2dmen @casa-boiardi @jessybarnes
Дорогая 6 (The Winter Soldier/Bucky x Reader)
Summary: On the hike with Bucky, you find that you are losing yourself. Perhaps you're realizing that your situation is not all that bad, perhaps his words are finally getting to you. Whatever it is, you're certain you'll never see the compound again...
Warnings: +18 content, MDNI, dark content, angst, small fluff, Stockholm syndrome, manipulation, gaslighting, strong language, the smut you've all been waiting for, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), p in v, fingering, oral (f receiving), slight bondage, noncon/dubcon, let me know if I forgot anything
Word Count: +5k
дорогая Masterlist II Marvel Masterlist
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Bucky has not left your side since you stepped out of the cabin. He walks close to you, so close that you can practically feel his breath on the back of your neck. It does nothing but fuel the thoughts you had in the shower, making them return tenfold. 
You try to focus on the trees around you, on the sounds of the birds above you, and on all the other pieces of nature. But every now and then, your thoughts crumble when you feel his hand grazing your back when he steadies you on a steep or rocky path. 
You can feel his eyes on your back. He won’t walk in front of you and lead the way on the hike. Walking behind you will prevent you from trying to run away again. If he’s behind you, he can catch up to you pretty quickly. If you were behind him, you could sneak away and get a few minutes head start. No, he’ll stay behind you. 
Even though you want to keep going, keep on walking so that you can distract yourself from your own thoughts, Bucky makes you stop, saying that you need to rest and drink water. Reluctantly, you listen. 
Taking the bottle of water he offers you, you see him watching you out of the corner of your eye. After taking a good long sip, he sees him smile at you and nod his head. “See how nice this is when you’re not fighting against me?” he asks, but you don’t respond in any way. 
His hand reaches out to your face, turning your gaze to him, making you look at him. And you feel your heart skip a beat in your chest. “Don’t give me the silent treatment. I hate it when you don’t want to speak to me,” he says in a small whisper. 
“I want to speak to Bucky,” you say back, pulling your face out of his grip to look down at the bottle in your hands. “The real Bucky.” 
You look up at him after a moment of silence to find that he’s not smiling anymore, not smirking, or anything like that. He’s just looking at you, with an almost sad look in his eyes. Seeing some kind of emotion in his eyes, you can tell that this has to be the real Bucky. It makes you shift forward, your heart leaping in your throat as you stop yourself to try and reach out to him. You can only whisper his name.
“Yeah, it’s me,” he whispers, his words coming out in a small laugh that doesn’t make you feel better. 
“Bucky, what’s happening? Why are you doing this?” you ask, feeling tears coming through your eyes that you try to fight back. 
He shakes his head at you, casting his eyes to the ground as he folds his hands together. “Because ever since you joined the team, I’ve wanted you. God, I wanted you so bad but I didn’t have the guts. I’m not…as fearless as my other self,” he adds, looking back at you with small tears in his eyes. “When my programming was triggered and I saw you, something else snapped in my mind. I can’t explain it, but it’s like I can choose who I want to be. Me, or the Winter Soldier. I chose to be him after the mission, thinking that he would at least tell you how I felt. I didn’t expect him to bring you here.”
Your hand reaches out to him and you can’t stop yourself from moving closer to him. “It doesn’t have to be like this, Bucky. We can go back to the compound and forget this ever happened. We can work this out, get you back to being you.”
He laughs, shaking his head, and looks back down at his hands. “I told you we can’t go back,” he whispers sadly, looking back up at you. “Do you have any idea what they’ll do to me if we go back? What they’ll do to us?” he asks, his hands grabbing you roughly, shocking you, and making you gasp. “They’ll separate us, do tests on me, God knows if they’ll even allow me back on the team.”
“It doesn’t have to be like that, Bucky. I’ll talk to them, convince them not to do anything to you-”
“Will you?” he asks, his voice going rough and dark as his hold on your hands tighten. “Would you ever want to see me again if we go back? You see, while we’re here, you have no choice. I’m there when you wake up and I’ll be there when you fall asleep and no one can separate us. Why would you want someone to separate us, (Y/n)? Do you really hate me that much that you don’t want to see me again?”
You shake your head, opening your mouth to argue against him. But you can’t say anything because you don’t know what to say. Honestly, you don’t know what you’d do if you convince him to go back to the compound, whether or not you’d want to see him again. He did kidnap you, almost kill you, almost starve you, threaten you, scare the shit out of you. Why wouldn’t you want to see him after that? But why wouldn’t you? You feel sorry for him, for what he’s going through. He shouldn’t be going through this alone. 
But why are you feeling sorry for him? You shouldn’t.
Groaning to yourself, you pull your hands out from his hands and run them over your face. Bucky moves in front of you, kneeling on the ground as he places his hands on your knees. “Do you see how complicated things will be if we go back? We’re happy here. Aren’t you happy?”
“I don’t know,” you whisper, staring down at him with wide eyes. “I don’t know. I don’t know what to think anymore. You keep on…” you stop.
“I keep on what?”
“Keep on putting thoughts in my head. I don’t know what to think anymore.”
“Then don’t think anymore. You don’t have to think anymore. Just feel,” he whispers, his hands reaching up to cup your face, making a shiver run down your spine as you remember the feeling you had in the shower earlier today. 
Before you can say anything again, he leans up and pulls you closer to him, pressing his lips to yours again. You tense up, your hands gripping each other as you stare at his face again, like you had this morning when he tried to kiss you. 
He breaks the kiss and keeps his face close to yours as his hold on your face tightens. He can tell that you’re overthinking this and that’s what’s making you hesitate. “Don’t think about it. Just give in to what you’re feeling,” he whispers, his thumb stroking the top of your cheek. 
As he leans in again, you close your eyes and decide to just go with it and see how kissing him really makes you feel. 
Something changes inside of you. It’s as if you can feel your insides stirring, your stomach irritated with butterflies as you lean in to kiss him harder. A little unwanted voice in your head wants this, pressuring you to kiss back deeply, telling you to ignore the other voice trying to tell you that this isn’t right, and trying to remind you what he’s done to you. 
But God, the feeling inside you as you kiss Bucky. Your hands involuntarily reach up to touch the side of his face as you lean closer to him. He stands, pulling you up with him, and his hands come to rest on your hips as his lips move against yours. 
Your head feels fuzzy, like you can’t pin down a single thought. Everything just blurs together and all you can feel is the stubble growing on his face - a prelude to a beard - and the way his hands tightly grip your hips as if to stop you from going anywhere. 
It’s only when you feel his hands sneaking to the hem of your shirt, his fingers slyly curling under it that you pull away to break the kiss. You breathe out a heavy sigh as you try to pull away from him, but his grip on you keeps you in his place. You don’t have the courage to open your eyes and look at him, but you can tell that his eyes are open and that he’s staring right down at you. 
“See how it feels when you just give in and not fight against yourself?” he asks in a whisper, his face still close to yours as his eyes stare into yours. “Imagine what it will feel like if you just give into me completely, Дорогая.”
His words send a shiver down your spine, making you breathe out an audible shaky sigh as his flesh hand traces your jawline and then runs down the length of your neck. It’s as if your knees go weak at his touch, his words from the night he brought you here ringing in your head. 
“But I won’t fuck you. Not until I know you’ll be begging me to not stop instead of begging me to stop, Дорогая. And I won’t fuck you until I have you moaning at that name instead of hating it.”
You won’t deny that you’ve gotten used to being called by that nickname, sometimes you even expect for him to call you that instead of using your name. And you wonder if his words are coming true now. 
He steps back away from you, smiling down at you the way that Bucky would as a way to greet you in the morning at the compound. He then holds out a hand for you to take the lead on the trail again. But you don’t want to carry on walking. You want him to kiss you again because when he kissed you, everything didn’t matter. You had forgotten about your situation, about everything else wrong in the world. 
You want him to push you against the closest tree and kiss you, making you forget about everything again so that you can live in a moment free of any worry and pure bliss. 
But you carry on walking, reveling in the feeling of his hand touching the small of your back as he walks close behind you. 
The trail loops back to the beginning where you and Bucky make your way back to your safe-house cabin. The rest of the walk is done mostly in silence, neither you nor Bucky speaking. If it weren’t for the sounds of leaves brushing against each other in the wind and the sounds of the birds singing above you, it would have been awkwardly silent the entire walk. Yet, the only thing on your mind is his presence, his touch, and the steady breathing from him that sounds close behind you. 
As the sun begins to set, everything gets a bit darker, you two hear a howl in the distance from local wolves that live in the woods. It makes the both of you freeze for a moment. And though the wolves are far away, you feel a sense of fear fill you, thinking about what could happen if they come upon you two while still in the open. You don’t have any weapons to defend yourself and you could be outnumbered very easily, depending on the size of the pack. 
Bucky places a hand on your back again, making you jump slightly as you turn to look back at him. “Don’t worry. We’re almost home.,” he comforts, running his hand up and down your back as he smiles at you. 
You know that he will be able to easily fight the wolves off with his metallic arm. He can protect you and you start to feel safe knowing that he’s here with you. You feel safe with him, and it gives you the courage to continue walking.
Arriving home soon as Bucky had said, you breathe a sigh of relief when he closes the front door behind him once inside the house. You put your stuff down neatly by the door, wiping the sweat from your hands on your legs as you stand up again, turning to face Bucky. 
He’s watching you closely, a small smile on his face as he takes a step towards you. “Thank you, for not running away,” he chuckles, his laugh making you smile lightly as you drop your gaze to his feet. He lifts your gaze back up to him by placing two fingers under your chin. “I enjoyed myself today.”
And you don’t know what comes over you, but you lean forward to place your lips to his. Perhaps it was the sound of wildlife outside that reminds you of the wandering wolves you heard, reminding you of how safe you felt with him closeby. Maybe it was the feeling of forgetting everything when you had previously kissed him. Whatever it is, you don’t pay it anymore mind the moment he kisses you back.
Your arms go up to wrap around his neck, pulling him closer as your hands go to his hair. His lips move against yours, his tongue urging you to open your mouth, turning the kiss more passionate, more intense. 
His hands resting on your hips grip them tighten as he pulls back to end the kiss. And when he tries to step away and say something, you hold him in place and shake your head. “Bucky,” you whisper, the carefree courage still inside of you pushing everything else out of your mind. You don’t want him to leave you. 
“You should get some rest,” he whispers, resting his forehead against yours as his hands come up to cup both sides of your face. “Дорогая.”
You shudder at the nickname, releasing a shaky breath as you take a small step back. You wait for him to stop you again, pulling you in for another kiss to finish what you might have started when you went in for the kiss. You expect him to take control of you again. 
But he lets you go. Even though it seems that his hands twitch to grab you again, he lets you walk to the room, silent and timid, his eyes scanning over your body as you walk. The desire grows in his body. 
When you’re out of the room, Bucky takes a deep breath and runs his hands through his hair as he turns around. “Fuck,” he whispers to himself as he rests his hands on the cabernet by the front door. He closes his eyes and all he can picture in his head is having you bent over the back of the couch, naked under him as he fucks into you at a relentless pace, taking what he wants as you whimper beneath him. 
“You want her.” Hearing his Winter Soldier self whisper in his head, his gaze snaps up to the mirror hanging on the wall in front of him. And his image in the mirror seems to reflect the HYDRA assassin inside of him. “Take her. It’s clear she wants you too.”
He shakes his head, his hands gripping the edge of the cabernet tightly. “I-I don’t think I have that kind of courage. She’s just warming up to being here,” he says, staring at himself in the mirror. “I don’t want to go back to having to tie her up again if this doesn’t go right.”
The Winter Soldier chuckles in his head, but Bucky can see his wicked smile in the mirror. “That’s why I’m here. You need to be fearless and I don’t know what fear is,” he says, leaning a bit closer to the mirror. “Let me take over and I can give us both what we want.”
Bucky stares at himself, swallows roughly and then nods his head. “Okay.”
You don’t know when you fell asleep, but you did. Hearing the bedroom door open wakes you, but you don’t register it for a moment as you turn over on the bed. You open your eyes as you shift to get comfortable and your heart drops when you see a figure standing in front of the window, blocking the moonlight from filtering in through the window. 
Gasping in shock as you shoot up in your place, your breath catches in your throat when he moves towards you, kneeling on the bed so that you can see his face. It’s Bucky. But the look in his eyes tells you that it’s actually the Winter Soldier. 
“Easy, Дорогая,” he whispers, crawling over you with his hands either side of your body. “You really think you’d get away with that innocent kiss?”
Your whole body screams at you but you don’t know if it’s telling you to run or just give in to avoid his wrath. But all you can do is freeze in place as you stare up at him creeping closer and closer to your face. 
“Then again, it wasn’t so innocent, was it?” he whispers, smirking at you in the dark as his face comes close to yours. “I could feel how much you wanted me to fuck you right then and there.”
Words don’t come easily to your lips, leaving you just sitting there. “Bucky,” you call, your hand reaching up to grab his bicep. You don’t want the Winter Soldier to be in control at the moment. For some reason, you don’t feel safe now with him hovering over you. You’d feel safe if he was there in the woods with the threat of wild wolves, but you feel as if you need Bucky to be present in this moment for you to feel safe. 
“Bucky’s right here, Дорогая. Right in the back of my mind, watchingyou, wanting you,” he whispers, pushing his body against yours where you can feel his hardness pressing against the inside of your thigh. “Needing you.”
You quiver under his words and under his gaze as his foot pries your legs open. Your hands rest on his shoulders as you shake your head, trying to get a decent thought to come through. “Wait.”
“No more waiting. I’ve waited long enough for this,” he growls, grabbing your hands off his shoulders to pin them down to the bed. When you try to fight back against his hold, his grip tightens around your wrists as he forces you back down on the bed. 
“Not like this-”
“If not now, Дорогая, then when? Don’t make me get those handcuffs out again,” he growls, staring down at you as you freeze under him again. 
You don’t want to be tied up again. The first days you were here and cuffed to the bed were the worst days. You hate the idea of going back to that. So, you have no choice but to do what he wants. 
He leans down closer to your face, his lips barely touching yours as he stops for a brief moment. “Don’t think about it,” he whispers before he presses his lips to yours. 
The kiss is different from the one Bucky gave you. This one is more intense, it makes your heart beat faster in your throat and all you can think about is what the Winter Soldier has in mind for you now. What he will do to you if you give in and what would happen if you continue to fight back. 
Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
His lips leave yours only to find a place on your neck as his hands travel down your body, keeping you down on the bed as they make their way to your hips. His burning fingers, each side contrasting from the metal digits of his left hand and the flesh of his right, dig under the hem of the shorts you’re wearing. Your legs twitch at the thought of him undressing you. His bionic hand slips in under the elastic band, making its way to your cunt like a homing missile ready to wreck your body. 
His kiss leaves a mark on your neck, something you can feel throbbing on your skin before his lips before moving down your collarbone as he begins to descend down your body. It’s a natural response that you know he won’t appreciate, but your hands push on his shoulders, trying to stop him from going any further down your body. 
He growls at your resistance, grabbing your hands again and holding them firmly as he sits up, still straddling your hips. “Seeing how you can’t be good now, guess I’ll have to intervene,” he says, holding your wrists in one hand as his other goes to undo his belt. 
You shake your head and try to pull your hands out of his hold. “No, please. Don’t do this,” you beg, watching in shock as he wraps the belt around your wrists.
Then he moves your arms over your head, looping the belt once more around the pole of the headboard. “Fucking keep them there,” he orders when he looks back down at you. The look in his eyes tells you that even though you can slip out of the makeshift cuffs, it will be better if you don’t even try. 
You nod your head, tears starting to well up in your eyes as he strokes your cheek with the back of his hand. “Good girl, my Дорогая.”
Trembling at the nickname makes him smile down at you, his hands on your hips pushing up your flimsy t-shirt to just below your boobs, exposing your stomach. As he returns to where he was before you tried to push him away, his hands coming to your hips again to slowly pull down your shorts and panties. His eyes flicker back up to yours, a wicked smile growing across his face as he pushes your legs even more open. 
With your lower half exposed, he crawls back over your body, his face coming above yours as he stares down into your eyes. “Say his name so that he can hear that you want him to do this to you,” he whispers, his hand cupping your pussy, fingers just teasing you at your entrance. “Beg him to fuck you.”
Your eyes screw shut as he slips a finger through your folds, brushing over your clit, and making your body tense up as you take in a sharp breath. “Bucky, please,” you whimper, a tear escaping your eye and rolling down your cheek. You moan as he slips a finger into you, curling as he thrusts them into you at a slow pace. “Oh God.”
“Fuck, you do want this,” he mutters before pressing his lips to yours, catching your moan before it leaves your mouth when he rubs his thumb in a circle on your clit. 
Your body arcs, pressing against him and his hand as he picks up his pace. You want to grab his wrist, have some control on his hand as it fucks into you roughly. But you can’t with your hands still bond above your head. All you can do is kiss him back.
Once again, you’re at his mercy.
His thumb continues to rub your clit, making you moan into his mouth, your body trembling in pleasure as you feel your climax rising. He can feel you clenching around his fingers, your thighs pressing together the faster his fingers thrust into your soaking pussy.
“I shouldn’t let you cum,” he whispers in your ear, his hand stopping and he pulls his fingers out of you, making you whine at the emptiness you feel inside you and the sudden loss of pleasure, your climax now ruined but leaving you wanting more. “Seeing as how you don’t want this at all.”
“No, no, no. Please,” you beg, pulling against the belt tying you to the headboard. “Please.” You almost cry out, pressing your lower body against him. 
He chuckles, standing up on his knees so he can get a better view of you pleading and begging for him to fuck you. “Since you asked so nicely. But you’re wearing too much for me.”
And without another word or breath, his hands rip your shirt, the tearing sound causing you to gasp as the rags fall on the bed. He licks his lips at the sight of your exposed breasts and when you quickly glance down to his crotch, you see a prominent bulge in his pants, straining to be released. “I should fuck that beautiful mouth of yours,” he growls, cupping the side of your face to run his thumb over your bottom lip. “But soon. Right now, I want something much sweeter,” he says, glancing down to the spot between your legs. “After all, you did beg me to fuck you.”
Did you? Did you beg for him to fuck you? You can’t recall saying anything like that, but you can’t think straight at the moment. 
You watch him undo the zipper of his pants, shoving them down past his hips and disposing them to the side. His cock is hard, springing up straight against his stomach. He’s big too. And thick. It makes you swallow roughly and flinch slightly at the thought that he will fuck you relentlessly with that and nothing you say or do can stop him. 
“You can take it,” he moans, pushing your legs open to position himself between them. “I know you can,” he whispers, guiding his cock to your entrance. 
He pauses for a moment, the head of his cock teasing your entrance, and his eyes locking with yours. His hand comes up to wipe a tear from your cheek. Then, he slowly pushes into you, making your mouth fall open and your chest filling with air as you stretch around his girth. “God, you’re so tight,” he mutters, his head falling between his shoulders to glance down at where your cunt swallows his cock. “Fucking perfect.”
“Bucky,” you whimper, your hands grabbing the belt around your wrists as you shift to get some kind of movement going.
His lips crash down on yours as his hips begin to thrust into you. He pulls out of you slowly so that just his head remains inside you before slamming into you, groaning at how you clench around him every time. His hand grabs your thigh, gripping it tight enough to probably leave a mark in the morning. He places your leg around his hip, allowing him to thrust deeper into you, causing new levels of pleasure and arousal to fill your body. 
You can feel the sweat starting to coat your forehead, and a mixture of sounds from you and Bucky moaning in ecstasy to his hips slapping against yours fills your ears. All you can think about at the moment is the pleasure filling your body, leading to your climax growing again. All you can think about is that you need this. You need a release. 
You grind your hips against him, meeting his thrusts as they grow faster and harder, your face falling in the bend of his neck seeing as how you can’t touch him even though your fingertips burn to touch him. 
Your voice makes his head snap up to you, his eyes telling you that it is Bucky above you now. The Winter Soldier is gone. Bucky doesn’t say anything though and he continues to thrust into you, fucking your cunt and making you moan his name again. 
“(Y/n). Fuck, you take me so well, doll,” he growls, pressing his lips to yours in a sloppy kiss that makes your heart pound faster.
He angles his hips in a certain way that hits your sweet spot, almost making you scream in pleasure, your body convulsing and trembling on the bed. “Right there?” he asks, repeating the movement and causing a loud moan to leave your lips as you throw your head back against the pillow. “Right there.”
“Yes. Fuck,” you moan, your eyes screw shut as he sucks on the mark on your neck. “Oh God,” you whimper when he does it again, thrusting into you roughly. 
You can feel your release coming, your walls clenching around his cock, milking him toward his own climax. “I can feel you’re close,” he whispers, his lips coming to your ear as he places a hand on the base of your neck. The fear that he could wrap his hand around your throat and choke you makes your heart skip a beat. And yet, it only adds to the pleasure building inside of you like adding fuel to a flame. “You gonna cum around my cock?”
All you can do is moan, your head weakly giving a nod as his thrusts turn harder and deeper. “Say his name. Scream it. Tell him that you’re his.” 
It’s the Winter Soldier speaking and you don’t know who is fronting at the moment. But that’s not what you care about. All you care about is the pleasure you feel in your body, building and growing making it feel as if your body is on fire. 
You have no control over your voice as you scream his name, your climax reaching its peak as immense pleasure washes over you, clouding your already foggy mind. Feeling you clenching around him and the sound of his name leaving your lips makes Bucky fall over the edge himself. You feel him spilling inside of you, his hips stuttering lazily against you to ride out his high, uncaring about how you whimper at the sensitive feeling between your legs. 
He pants above you, his face buried in your neck as he stills inside of you. Slowly, he lifts his face to look at you, blinking as the hair curtains his face. “I’ve wanted that for so long, this almost seems like a dream,” he whispers, resting his forehead against yours. 
Your shoulders begin to ache at the position of your arms, your eyes falling shut as you let out a shaky breath. “Things could have been different if you had said something,” you say, your voice hoarse. 
“But things are perfect now. No use thinking about the past when we have a whole future to look forward to now,” he says, nuzzling your face before placing a quick kiss on your lips. 
With that, you know that you’ll never see the compound again.
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alamoody · 3 years ago
The idea of friends and Alastor Moody was a rare thought, he wasn’t seen as a social creature and certainly wasn’t one to share much about his life. However, there were a few that he’d allowed in, the Aurors who’d been part of the Order were the lucky select group, though only one now remained fully intact Kingsley Shacklebolt. While his friend had returned from his mission with the giants not much of their time had been used for casual catching up as one would expect from a friend returning. No, their time spent together had been mostly spent debriefing, dealing with the fall out of the tragedy that befalls Frank and Alice both in the Auror department and within the ranks of the Order, and then the most recent murder of Dumbledore founder and leader of the Order. It’d been a lot and left little room for other focus, but even the most hard working would need a break away from the constant losses as his wife would remind him when he’d brought work home too many nights in a row.
In a shocking twist, Alastor had actually taken the advice, the meeting he’d invited Kingsley to his safe house was a much lighter one. It could be colored in protectiveness and darkness if you looked at the climate the question was coming in, but at its base, it was still a question regular mates would pose even not in a raging war—the topic of godfather a tradition, but all the more important to Alastor at the moment. Dolly’s godparents now face a fate worse than death in the halls of a makeshift hospital wing. A knock on the door brought him away from the thoughts that’d surely have spiraled though he rarely let anyone know about them. Alastor walked to the door, checking it was Kingsley before opening the door and welcoming him in. As much as he expected it to be Kingsley knowing few knew the location of his safe house it was always best to be sure. 
“ Kingsley come in,” Alastor greeted swinging the door open for him to enter the home waiting for him to step in before peeking out the door and scanning the surroundings before closing it. “ Karina is at work, so it’s just us and Dolly for now, but she’s laid down for a nap.” 
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