emile-hides · 11 months
I'm being so normal about Piranha Plants on Parade
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with-love-from-hell · 3 years
STORMMM!!!! I love all of the stuff you've given about your Mc so far. Thank you for feeding meee. I have a few more questions though!!!!
1. What hobbies does your Mc have?
2. What do she and Lucifer do together when they have time/when they're busy
3. Pet peeves?! (Not just of lucifer but all the brothers)
4. (Bc im a thirsty bitch and I love your Mc pairing) can you do a smut alphabet with StormxLucifer sometime? 😶😶😶 i would also love to see self-insert fics eventually but obviously you don't gotta do that.
Love you bb 😍
Lmfao welcome back Sarah! I love how interested you are in my Mc 🤣🤣
I will do a smut alphabet sometime in the future for a request if you'd like. But I'll answer your other questions now! (Ps: luv u 2 boo 😚)
Storm's solo Hobbies
Storm really really really loves to read. This is part of the reason why her and Satan get along so well. She loves reading books on philosophy, horror stories, fan fiction from her favorite shows/movies, graphic novels/comic books...pretty much anything she can get her hands on. Her favorite books/stories are The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka, Under the Dome by Stephen King, and The Pendulum by Edgar Allen Poe.
Storm really loves to sing, but she often does so in private because she gets too nervous in front of others. Lucifer actually caught her singing in the shower once, and now has her sing for him from time to time because he loved her voice so much. He's the only one she will voluntarily/knowingly sing in front of unless she is very intoxicated
Storm really loves to paint. She typically doesn't have a purpose in mind when she puts her paint to paper, but often times she is influenced by strong emotions. A lot of her works are very abstract and she doesn't share them with anyone really. She keeps them in a file organizer in her room. I have a feeling someday someone may find them though. Lol
Storm is a big fan of interpretive, exotic, and pole dancing. She moves very gracefully and finds the intense emotional movements relaxing. She absolutely refuses to do these in front of others because she'd sooner die of embarrassment but sometimes Mammon, Lucifer, or Levi will sneak in to the work-out room to watch her.
Storm also likes to write poetry. Usually this is how she gets her anger out and is able to remain so calm lol.
She likes doing some other stuff too (cooking, listening to music, going on nature walks/hikes, stargazing) but the ones above are her go-tos.
Lucifer & Storm's hobbies
Going to plays/musicals/shows/operas. Thats one of their favorite things to do with each other. Lucifer loves having an excuse to get Storm all dressed up in fancy clothes and show her off in addition to watching her so thoroughly enjoy the plot of a show, and Storm loves the theater!
Fancy dinner dates. Lucifer likes this one for the same reason as above, plus he just likes to spoil Storm to no end. She feels guilty about how expensive the things Lucifer does with her are at first, but he does tone it down when she expresses her discomfort with him spending so much on her (despite the fact that he can absolutely afford it and takes no issue with treating her like a queen)
Stargazing! Storm especially loves this one. The skies in Devildom are so interesting to her, and the various different constellations that litter the sky are very pretty. Lucifer likes this one as well, as it gives them some peace and quiet away from his brothers, and also an excuse for him to cuddle her (as if he needed one though lol)
Rock concerts. Storm really abhors loud noises normally because they often trigger headaches and exacerbate her tinnitus, but concerts are the one exception she is willing to make to that rule. She LOVES going to rock shows. They don't have to be in huge arenas, but she isn't opposed to that either. She may bring a set of ear plugs just in case the sound gets overwhelming, but usually shes fine! Lucifer at first sees this as a little barbaric (especially considering the first concert she took him to was fucking Korn), but it grows on him- especially when he sees how happy she is. He even begins to adopt her music tastes a bit and will stock his music library with music she enjoys. This is a thing they doo a bit more sparingly because of the noise issue- but they try to go to them at least once every couple months or so.
When they don't have much free time, they often just play a round of chess or cribbage, listen to music together while snuggling by the fire, or going a short walk with Cerberus.
Pet peeves
Lucifer: How he treats his brothers really pisses her off lol. Especially Mammon. She will put her foot down with him and often stand up for them when she feels he is being unreasonable. While Lucifer very clearly serves as the Paternal family figure, she serves as the Maternal side for his brothers...so they do listen to her when she tells them to do something/to stop doing something. Plus, she's got the power of the pacts. She will lessen the stress on Lucifer by helping keep them in line without violence and his behavior will change when she tells him how much it upsets her. Mammon may still be strung up from the ceiling from time to time, and someone may go without dinner here and there, but the punishments are way less harsh than they used to be- and the added fear of disappointing mama Storm helps alter their behavior- at least somewhat. (That's not to say there aren't still ridiculous antics that go on though. Lol)
Mammon: It really gets under her skin when he calls her worthless- even if he doesn't mean it (which he never does). It just brings up a lot of her insecurities whenever he says it, and reminds her of past abusive situations where the word was used to describe her. She doesn't mind most of the rest of his insults, and after she talks to him about it, he does it way less- but sometimes it still slips out. He is always immediately apologizing when it does though.
Levi: The yoda voice. At first she thought it was cute...and then he just...wouldn't stop...God...please make it stop.
Satan: The way he dresses. Like me in real life, I Hc that storm has pretty significant OCD traits. She primarily experiences contamination, order, and symmetry obsessions, and the way he wears his jackets trigger it SO HARD. like, she is aware that this is not his fault, and its for her to come to grips with, but she can't help but find that right eye start to twitch when she looks at his clothing for too long. She is trying her best to overcome it, because she really does love Satan a lot and he is one of the brothers she is closest too...but when he starts wearing his human world attire? Boy look out...
Asmo: Hugging her without permission- especially when he runs up on her unexpectedly. God she hates this SO MUCH. She has a very, very sensitive startle response as a result of her trauma, and the first time he does this she damn near has a panic attack. This is mostly from past trauma, but she tries to grit her teeth through it because he is always so genuinely happy to see her. After Lucifer gets her to finally start enforcing her boundaries, she will tell him how much it bothers her and he will do his best to stop. It takes awhile for him to actually commit it to memory, but he doesn't like making her uncomfortable so he will stop.
Beel: Talking with his mouth full. Look, Beel is always hungry, so he's always eating. But sometimes he gets a little too excited to spend time with Storm, so he tries to kill two birds with one stone by talking to her while he is eating. And this absolutely grinds her gears. She will politely remind him to wait to talk until he's done eating when it happens, but Beel will always forget.
Belphie: Falling asleep on her while she's talking. She knows that sloth is his sin, but it really irks her when she is in the middle of a conversation, or trying to ask for his advice on something, and he just zonks the fuck out. She won't dwell on it for too long because he is just so damn cute when he's asleep, but fuck if it doesn't drive her nuts.
Diavolo: Pushing work onto Lucifer last minute. Come on now, they had a date planned!! And hes just NOW remembering he needed that report by tomorrow morning that was originally not needed until Friday? Ugh.
Barbatos: When he brings up stuff about her past in conversation that she doesn't know that he knows about. Barbatos often forgets his foresight abilities and will often mention something casually in conversation about Storm's past or ask her a question about something from her past. Bonus irritation if it has something to do with her trauma or something super embarrassing.
Simeon: Overall, Storm doesn't have many qualms with Simeon...and that's the problem. Her pet peeve for him is that he's perfect...too perfect. She hates that her mind always wanders to what terrible thing is hiding underneath his lovely exterior. She gets so annoyed at how suspicious it makes her because she cannot believe someone is genuinely this loveable and pure.
Luke: When he tries to force-feed her his sweets. Again- like me- Storm has an eating disorder and struggles with her body image. She especially has a hard time with sweets and Luke will often relentlessly beg her to try what he makes, even going so far as to shove whatever it is in her mouth. She has a really hard time saying no to people, especially if they continue pestering her after the first no. And Luke will just keep giving her sweet after sweet until she feels terrible. Sometimes it could trigger a purge, but she knows he doesn't intend for that. Because he is so young, she just grits her teeth through it. Eventually, Lucifer gets involved and requests for him to stop if she tells him no, or just save something for her to try when she feels up to it. And he does listen!
Solomon: When he tries flirting with her. Storm does not care much for Solomon, mostly because he ticks her boxes for most of her pet peeves (he acts like he knows everything, he talks down to her, he's manipulative, etc), but the worst thing he does that she HATES is when he tries to flirt with her. He does it because he knows it gets under Lucifer's skin, and he likes seeing her get flustered. She tries so hard not to give him the reaction he wants, but fuck if it isn't damn near impossible- especially when he makes a crass sexual joke about her. Eventually she will get him to stop when she sobs to Simeon telling him how triggering it is for her past sexual trauma and Simeon relays this to him and scolds him for not listening the first 80 times she told him to stop, but she still never really feels comfortable around him alone after that.
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sujus-girl · 7 years
Disclaimer: This is just for fun, so please don’t take it too seriously. This is not an official profile or anything like that!
I actually had a lot of fun making my guide to JBJ, so I was like?? What other group do I love that doesn’t get the attention they deserve? …. PENTAGON
Are y’all ready to cringe? To sigh? To question what is going on with these children? Then, without further ado, I present to you: Pentagon: My Shitty Guide to 10 Toddlers
Group Name: Pentagon
First appeared on a show called Pentagon Maker, which was called a survival show, but SPOILER ALERT: Cube decided to do the right thing and debuted all 10 members together
If I’m going to be 100% honest, I still dk where to find the full episodes, but there are a ton of clips on youtube, and, honestly, I was satisfied with just watching those
Beware because they’re very. Very. very. Loud
The fandom name is universe and i just think that’s so cute OKAY?
Ofiicial Music Videos: Gorilla, Can You Feel It, Critical Beauty, Pretty Pretty, Run Away, Like This, Violet
Personal Favorite Non-Title Tracks: Thank You, Beautiful, You Are, Spectacular, and Lose yourself
Aight, we have ten members to go through this time, so BUCKLE UP, MY FRIENDS
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Jo Jinho
The oldest member of pentagon
Vvv smol baby. Is only 5’6”
Is scared very easily lmfao
May be smol but has A HELLA SET OF LUNGS
High note king that leaves almost everyone shook
Used to be in SM the Ballad, but left and became a trainee again under cube entertainment
I guess he gave vocal lessons to cube trainees like Yoo Seonho (someone pls KINDLY let me know if i’m wrong)
Drops a bunch of covers and spoils Universe with his voice, thx boo
Usually gets paired with hongseok for stuff?? Idk
Has a room by himself in the dorms, lucky boi
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
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Lee HwiTaek (Hui)
The leader of this mess
Got pretty popular after the song Never was released, then continue to leave people quaking after Energetic was released
Is an A+ Singer and Producer, we love a talented man
Is vvvv scared of everything and also has a lot of tears (we love a man in touch with his emotions)
A former JYP trainee
Got7’s JB said that one time, Got7’s Mark got into a fight with him, Hui, and B.A.P.’s Youngjae and Day6’s Brian had to translate the argument LOL
Also in a subunit called Triple H that consists of him, E’Dawn and Hyuna
Also has a room to himself
Has a fanboy named Yoo Seonho that loves him vvv much, and they even went to vietnam together
also appeared on this variety show called hyena’s on the keys and flaunted his composing SKILZ
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
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Yang Hongseok
A former YG trainee
Was on the show that created iKon, and it was…. Oof
He was new at the time, so it was kinda awkward and tense, but it got better
Is obsessed with working out, and has the abs of a greek god as a result
Reads books in his free time, and enjoys studying foreign languages
He moved around when he was younger, so he can speak Mandarin and English (we love an intelligent man)
Apparently the mom?? Cooks and cleans for the babies in the dorm
Shares a room with E’Dawn
Also really likes Iron Man… and Jinho
The members say he’s the worst at dancing in the group LOL
It’s okay though, cause he’s vvv talented in other aspects
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
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Kim HyoJung (E’Dawn)
“I have no fear” not even two seconds later *HIGH PITCH SCREAMING*
Can reach an octave i didn’t think human possible
A little weird, but that’s okay!
Is also in Triple H with Hui and Hyuna
Hongseok’s roommate
Is really good at dancing, wow
Kinda looks tired 24/7, but we’re pretty sure that’s just his face. Like you know how some people have resting bitch face? E’Dawn has resting tired face.
Sry, i just really like tattoos, lol
But yeah! E’Dawn has multiple tattoos! Since it’s like 1 in the morning and I’m kinda tired, I’m not gonna try and think of all of them, but they should all show up if you just google e’dawn tattoos lol sorry
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
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Go Shinwon
Has trouble keeping his clothes on apparently
Like for real, just casually pulled his pants down and took his shirt off multiple times in pentagon maker
Is scared of animals because one time because… um…. let’s just say that there was an unfortunate incident with his pet hamster when he was in like middle school... yeah
Was eliminated during Pentagon maker, but four remaining members broke into cube late at night and put up posters saying they wanted pentagon to debut as ten
Gets mad real easily
Has broad shoulders… Like real broad. Edawn and yanan fell asleep on his shoulders and they were comfortable
Shares a room with Kino
Also really likes Mcdonalds?? Like, this boy put on a burger hat and ate a mcdonalds burger.
Really hates bugs LOL
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
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Yeo Changgu (Yeo One)
Has a visual that a lot of foreigners seem to really like? That’s just something I noticed, I know it’s not the general consensus
Is also an actor, he appeared in a webdrama called Spark and was the main actor for a historical drama not too long ago
Shares a room with yanan
Is yanan’s biggest fan
Has a laugh that can revive wilting flowers tbh
Talks a lot too
Sucks at table tennis
He and hui put ducktape on their legs and ripped it off
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
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Yan An
“Annyeong chingudel”
He’s from Shanghai
Hella model vibes, amirite or amirite
He injured himself when preparing for the Ceremony album, and he had to sit out and everyone was vvv sad and vvv worried
Got better and is back, and more random than ever
Sometimes says things that are real funny, even if he doesn’t intend for it to be
“What are you talking about, this is plastic”
“You… You’re in big trouble!”
“Korean name is Yanan. Chinese name is Yanan. English Name? Yanan.”
Also once called Jinho a foreigner, even tho Jinho is Korean and they were in Korea?
May be tol and handsome, but he’s really just a big toddler
Scared of roller coasters
Roommates with yeo one who loves him v much (yeo one has the right idea, y’all)
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
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Adachi Yuto
A japanese prince
AN ATHLETE! Played baseball and used to do soccer
A former JYP trainee
Good friends with Yuto (U) from ONF because they both used to be JYP trainees and also NCT’s Yuta
Shares a room with Wooseok and will laugh at anything he says
Milk couple
Can’t eat spicy food for shit
Hella tall
Also appeared predebut at ISAC 2015 for futsall
A bby that is afraid of many things. Especially the dark. On pentagon maker, the crew turned off the lights and he real cutely went “pd-nim~” and i almost cried it was so cute
“What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?” “Ice cream.”
Says he can’t do aegyo, but he hella cute already, so it’s okay
Also once danced shirtless and i almost sued, you a child Boi (i say as I am younger than him)
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
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Kang Hyunggu (Kino)
A whole cutie
I legit that he was my age or younger cause he was just so adorable
Only 4 days younger than yuto and 4 days older than wooseok, but he a whole baby
They did a vlive for wooseok, yuto, and kino’s birthdays and when they were getting into teams, hongseok was chosen to be in kino’s team but he said it so emotionlessly that kino got all pouty LOL
A dancing king
“I was going to go easy on you, but you called me Hyunggu”
Has a lot of friends in k-pop, he vvv popular
Shares a room with shinwon
A laugh that motivates me to be a better person
Saved the entire world by eating watermelon in front of cameras BLESS
“Get it Kino Beauty”
Proceeded to destroy yanan’s face with makeup RIP
Makes funny faces that i sometimes screenshot and send to my friends at 2 in the morning
ALSOALSOALSO, he had this little dance solo in Critical Beauty and I was LIVING for it
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
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Jung Wooseok
The baby of the group
He was sleeping backstage once and yuto put a chocopie in front of his mouth and he sleepily tried to eat it and i was :((((( he was so cute
Really likes yuto, they’re usually paired together for stuff. Like dorms
Really likes anime, legend has it that if you play samurai heart at exactly 1:23 AM, wooseok will appear behind you and sing along
Imitates an opera singer and achieves an octave that i would imagine isn’t humanly possible for someone with a voice as deep as his
Has a fanboy names Lai Guanlin from wanna one, and he will not let anyone forget about his precious Wooseok
Once did an eating broadcast with super spicy food and accidentally got some in his eye and the rest of pentagon thought it was the funniest thing ever RIP
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
That was a journey! We’re almost done, though!
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Videos Of Pentagon to Watch! Weekly Idol with Victon and Momoland! (X) This crack (?) series that I live for (X) The VLive that was all sorts of mess (X) Triple H Weekly Idol (only Hui and E’Dawn) (X) This clip from Pentagon Maker that was all sorts of mess, even with only 4 members (X) Hui, Wooseok, and E’Dawn trying to cook (X) This other VLive that was all sorts of mess (X) Pentagon Heyo TV (Mafia Game Cut) (X)
AND THERE YOU HAVE IT! A VERY SHORT, SHITTY GUIDE TO PENTAGON! I hope this helps anyone wanting to get into Pentagon, or even just makes an Universe smile! Now go and bask in the glory that is Pentagon’s craziness! Bye!
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@hiphopraisedmetheblog would like to send a Big Birthday Salute to @missyeahoe Lola Mitchell (born August 7, 1979), better known as her stage name Gangsta Boo or Lady Boo, is an American rapper from Memphis, Tennessee. She was the first female member of the Memphis-based hip hop group Three 6 Mafia. She left the group and label months after the release of her second album, Both Worlds *69, due to money disputes and issues regarding promotion of her album sometime in 2002.Her first solo album, Enquiring Minds, was released in 1998 and reached number fifteen on the Billboard Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums chart and number 46 on the Billboard 200. The album featured the surprise hit "Where Dem Dollas At!?" Gangsta Boo released her second album Both Worlds *69 in 2001, which reached number eight on the R&B/Hip-Hop chart and number 29 on the Billboard 200. In 2003, she released her third album, Enquiring Minds II: The Soap Opera. The album peaked at number 53 on the R&B/Hip-Hop chart and 24 on the Independent Albums chart. In 2009, Gangsta Boo released her third official mixtape The Rumors (following her previous mixtapes Street Ringers Vol. 1 & Still Gangsta). She also released two mixtapes with DJ Fletch, Miss.Com (No DJ Version on iTunes) and 4 Da Hood. On Monday, June 27, 2011, she released her new mixtape with Trap-A-Holics, Forever Gangsta. In 2013, she joined the Three 6 Mafia spin-off group Da Mafia 6ix, and was significantly featured on their debut mixtape 6ix Commandments.She departed from the group in 2014. On October 14, 2014, Gangsta Boo teamed up with Beat King and released a collaborative mixtape, Underground Cassette Tape Music. -------------------------------------------------------- Posted based on the "fair use" statute/ act. Strictly for Non-Profit and entertainment purposes only.  Subject to copyrights( writing and teaching purposes #gangstaboo #memphis #hiphopraisedme #hiphopraisedmeblog #hiphopraisedmetheblog #TheknowledgeTheCultureThelifestyle #blogging #vlog #blogs #news #reviews #journalism #entertainment #author #literature #music #fashion #modeling #culture #education #history #acting #instagood #photooftheday #explore #followme #followbac (at Memphis, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDlwcZAAk-6/?igshid=147xy2k7ltsn4
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