#KHR drabble
rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
Concept, Skull gets hella drunk one night, and the others are doing general drinking games/teasing type of stuff. They decide to crack on Skull cause he's the youngest and so he's probably not got much experience. Cue Skull whipping out an unnecessarily erotic comparison between what he's like as a sex partner and his abilities with a motorcycle.
Reborn refuses to let Skull get on a motorcycle around him ever again, he can't embarrass himself with his thirst like that in front of others.
So I, of course, had to tweak it just a bit:
The thing is, Skull's never been much of a drinker.
And, despite what Reborn and Colonnello like to say, it's not because he's a lightweight.
No, it's always been the opposite problem with Skull.
It takes a staggering amount of dangerously high-proof alcohol to get him actually drunk.
So much so that Skull had only ever been actually and fully drunk once in his life. He'd never bothered again because, well, most bars wouldn't serve that amount of alcohol to a single person and, most importantly of all, it was an outrageously expensive ordeal.
He'd always had better things to spend whatever money he might have on than trying to get wasted.
Skull's long suspected some kind of Flame fuckery at work but hasn't bothered to really look into it.
Still, whenever drinking had come up with the Arcobaleno before the curse Skull either hadn't bothered to drink at all or had gone for the kind of fruit-filled or extravagant cocktail that always got him a lot of ribbing.
Because if he wasn't going to be able to get drunk but they weren't going to let him leave, then he should at least be able to drink something interesting that doesn't taste like actual paint thinner.
But now? After a handful of decades in the Mafia and with all of the money he's actually managed to accumulate plus an entire case of the specially formulated liquor Verde had cooked up?
Now Skull is well and truly on his way to being wasted.
Which is the perfect time for Skull to remember that, unlike what most would probably think, he's not the loud and overly obnoxious or casually violent type of drunk.
No, that's Colonnello and Fon in order.
Instead, Drunk Skull tends to be way more honest and mouthy than Sober Skull.
"Boo," Colonnello tosses a handful of pretzels in Skull's direction even as he folds yet another hand of cards to Reborn. "You suck Skull, thought you'd be more interesting than this when we finally got you wasted. Come on, be entertaining."
Skull's not sure why anyone's willing to play poker, even Mafia Poker, with Reborn when the fucker so obviously counts cards no matter how many decks are used.
"Save the pigtail pulling for Lal, okay Nello?" Skull finds himself saying, eyes on his own game of Mafia Solitaire and one hand playing with his glittery purple crazy straw. His tall glass of violently green alcohol is a little less than half full and Skull is feeling more than a bit loose. "I'm not gonna fuck you no matter how drunk I get, you're not really my type."
"Hey!" Colonnello squawks, the beer bottle in his hand suddenly hurtling in Skull's direction. "My heart and body belong to Lal alone, asshole."
Skull catches the bottle and then casually tosses it toward the recycling bin that's just visible in the kitchen from where he's sitting. It goes in of course, Skull hadn't filled in for the knife-throwing act as a teenager more than once without learning how to aim his projectiles.
"I've seen your dick, Nello," Skull can't help but tease as he lays down an Ace Of Knives, "that's not as much of a flex as you think it is. Be happy to give you some tips though if you're ready to stop disappointing Lal."
Colonnello looks appropriately scandalized, Reborn's sporting that little smirk of his that's basically a laugh, and beside Colonnello Lal Mirch just snorts into her whiskey tumbler, obviously amused.
Which is both true and false. Skull's absolutely seen Colonnello's dick enough to last him a lifetime but he's not actually as tragic as Skull's making him out to be. Not that Skull will ever admit that.
If there's one thing he's good at after all it's committing to The Bit.
"Brave talk from the group baby," Colonnello cuts back. "Bet you've never even touched a woman, and no your mom doesn't count."
There's a round of immature snickers around the table that Skull honestly can't find fault in since even Verde, Viper, and Fon had joined in.
But, for once, Skull is nowhere near ready to back down.
"Well if my mom doesn't count, then your mom probably doesn't either huh?" Skull bats his lashes at Colonello. "If so then you should probably tell her to stop calling me."
He gets a fist full of peanuts thrown at him this time.
"You know, Skull," Reborn practically slinks his way into the conversation, voice sly, "if you're interested in getting some actual experience I'm sure I know a few ways to help you out."
And as is so often the case with Reborn, Skull's not sure if that's an offer or a threat.
Probably both if he's being honest.
Either way it's also a taunt Skull just can't let stand like he normally would.
"Yelena and Drago Marckovich," Skull lets his tongue wrap around the names.
"Oh?" Reborn's attention is, as always, like being put underneath a combination spotlight/microscope. "And who, pray tell, are they?"
Skull leans back in his chair, aware of how he's somehow gathered everyone in the room's attention.
Which, to be fair, is what he does best.
"They were fraternal twins whose parents ran our high wire act," Skull tells them all. "Drago was one of the group's apprentice mechanics and Yelena was a contortionist."
Skull takes a sip of his drink.
"They were eighteen, gorgeous, and never did anything apart. They're the ones who helped me put my first bike together from the ground up too." Skull can't help the happy little sigh he huffs out. Those really had been an excellent six months. "Couldn't have picked a better pair to lose my virginity to. Taught me how to do all kinds of tricks, both on and off the bike."
There's a moment's silence.
"Bullshit," Colonnello barks out, one hand slapping down onto the tabletop. "No way in hell you bagged twins."
"Absolutely not," Skull agrees readily only to cut Colonnello's smug look off at the knees. "I was sixteen and had no idea what I was doing. They bagged me. Wasn't like I was going to say no."
Across the table, Lal actually hoots with laughter.
"They taught me the foundation for everything I know," Skull keeps going. "Yelena? Now she was all about taking those curves and corners you know? Girl could get in and out of the tightest spaces, taught me how to do the same."
Lal is outright giggling now and Colonnello's all flush faced with his mouth hanging open.
"And Drago?" Skull pauses, flicks his tongue out to play with his lip ring. Cuts his eyes just a bit in Reborn's direction. "Well let's just say he really lived up to his name. He helped me with my stamina. Helped me learn how to really ride."
The twins had been kind and fun and when their arrangement had run its course they'd parted as friends which is something Skull will always be thankful for.
"Of course," Skull waves his straw carelessly through the air around him, "when I left to strike out on my own I had to refine my technique on my own, develop my own skills and tricks, that kind of thing. Luckily there was never a shortage of eager and willing volunteers to work with. I learn better by doing and I've always been good with my hands anyways so it was fun, finding new bodies to work with and figuring out all the ways to lay each one of them out and make them purr."
Skull tosses back the rest of his drink and pushes himself up onto his feet.
"I grew up in the circus and had my own traveling stunt show by 19," Skull tells them all, more than a bit amused by the turn the evening had taken. "I've fucked my way across six continents, various oceans, and a wide variety of islands."
Skull shoves his hands into the pockets of his low-hanging sweatpants and ambles towards the veranda door.
The cool grass, wide open sky, and quiet of the garden out back are practically calling his name by this point.
There's a moment's silence and then he hears a chair scrape across the floor loudly behind him.
Skull keeps walking, doesn't bother to look back.
The fedora that drops down on top of his head isn't as much of a surprise to Skull as it might have been five or so bottles ago.
"I could stand to hear a bit more about your ,,, unexpected expertise," Reborn practically purrs from Skull's side, one large, warm hand splaying itself possessively across the small of Skull's back.
"Jealous?" Skull can't help but snip back.
"Oh no," Reborn's grin is more than a bit dark and his eyes are a hawkish sort of golden. "Jealousy implies a lack of skill. And trust me, bellissimo, that's one thing you'll never have to worry about with me."
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upsilambic · 26 days
More from the Reverse Trope Writing Prompts
True Hate's Kiss -Version 2 - Xanxus and Tsuna
A collective groan erupts from the crowd of spectators. They have been arguing for nearly an hour already, and they are running out of time.
"No?! What do you mean 'no'?" Desperation has sharpened the edges of Gokudera's words to a fine point. It's clear he's on the verge of physically lashing out. Yamamoto and Ryohei subtly flank him in anticipation if they need to hold him back.
Xanxus, on the other hand, in a display of massive indifference, lounges in his chair and does not even crack open an eyelid in response to the distress swelling in the room. He also doesn't bother to elaborate on his answer. His second in command does this for him. Sort of.
"It means the opposite of 'yes', brat. Obviously." Squalo uncrosses his arms and draws an imaginary line in the air with his sword that Gokudera is not to cross, literally or figuratively. But while Squalo would defend Xanxus to the death from everyone else, the set of his shoulders and scowl on his face belies the fact that he is seriously contemplating using his sword to jab some sense into his stupid, stubborn boss.
"Boss. Boss! Let me do this for you! I will kiss the Usurper so you don't have to sully your lips!"
This heartfelt declaration from the Varia Lightening elicits more groans and a few "Shut up, Levi" 's, but there's not much heat in the words. They've had some variation of this argument a few times already, and no one feels like having it again.
Gokudera kneels next to the bed and gently brushes some hair from Tsuna's sleeping face. He casts his gaze over the rest of Tsuna's guardians. "Isn't there something else we can do?"
Yamamoto rubs the back of his neck. "Well, the sorceress was pretty clear. Tsuna has to be kissed by someone who hates him to break the spell."
"Lots of people have tried to kill the Tenth! There has to be more options!"
"Sure, but..." "But what?!"
Yamamoto shrugs. "Everybody likes him now. Except for, well, you know." Everyone in the room very carefully avoids looking at Xanxus.
"If we don't find a solution soon," says Gokudera, his voice barely above a whisper, "we'll not only lose the Tenth, but the whole flame system is going to start shutting down."
"I know." Yamamoto catches Squalo's eye. Squalo sighs heavily. Time for a Hail Mary.
"VOI Shitty Boss, you ever gonna do this or are your damn lips broken?"
Xanxus finally opens his eyes in a heated glare. When he speaks, his voice is low and dangerous. "The hell did you say, Trash?"
"I'm loud. You heard me."
"You think I can't do this?" Xanxus stands and stalks over to Tsuna's bed.
"I think you're delaying." Squalo makes an impatient face. "Let's get this show on the road! We've all got better things to do than sit here and watch Sawada drool in his sleep!"
"The Tenth does not drool!"
Squalo waves a dismissive hand at Gokudera, but his eyes never leave Xanxus. He smirks. "The sooner you do this, the sooner you can hold it over his stupid head that he owes you his life."
A slow grin spreads over Xanxus's face. "Yeah." He none too gently lifts Tsuna's chin, leans forward, and quickly checks to make sure there really is no drool.
In that pause, a small voice speaks out. It's Fran.
"You can use my chapstick first, if you are embarrassed by your dry lips," he offers.
There is an almighty scuffle as Varia and Vongola work together to tackle the young mist to the ground lest he undoes all the progress they've made.
Xanxus's eyebrow twitches as he watches the scene. He swears to God that when he is done saving the world, he's killing them all.
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noirs-pages · 4 months
Tsunayoshi 1
Summary: The future Vongola Decimo, Tsunayoshi Sawada, falls from the skies and lands right at your feet. Reborn follows, and tell you this is the man you’ll be expected to observe and record from his life until death.
(Ah, an old childhood favorite of mine. This was one of the shounen’s I grew up with, alongside D. Gray-man. It was on my brain, so I may as well. Oh, and everyone’s aged up. So no high school. Keep in mind it’s been years so I can and will probably get details confused.)
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This skinny and rather pathetic sight of a man fell from the sky like a comet in nothing but bruises and underwear. Right in front of you, while you were enjoying a nice cold treat on this hot day. The weather and climbing temperatures had you pretty miffed most of the day, as this was one of your busiest days in university, so you figured you deserved a little treat from one of the many mobile carts and trucks that are always on the road towards the place.
The treat was nice and distracted you from the heat, but now you have this sight in front of you.
“Oh.” You said, because what else were you supposed to say? You’re not really a screaming or yelling kind of person. Lots of weird things happen and it’s always been your motto to just, take things in stride. You’ll be better for it.
You took another bite of your treat before it cooled down too much.
“You okay?” You poked the prone man with your shoe.
The man laying flat on the ground groaned and lifted his fluffy head. “Huh? Wha–” And then he ate rocks just as something else fell from the sky and landed gracefully on that poor dude’s head. He was out like a light.
“Ciao.” A very clear and very childish voice entered your ears, and your annoyance came back. Not in full force and certainly didn’t show on your face, lest you wanted a bullet between your brows.
“…” You took another bite of your treat as you started at little hitman Reborn. He didn’t say anything, but the smile on his face said all. Yeah, he’s not going to let you just walk away and attempt to find peace in this way too hot day. “So,” you took another bite, this stuff’s good, “This is the potential future Vongola Decimo, I take it?”
“Believe it or not,” Reborn kicked himself off this man and landed right in front of you, “this weak Tsunayoshi Sawada is the real deal, as unbelievable as that is. But, that’s why I’m here.”
You knelt and slipped a hand under this Vongola Decimo-to-be’s chin. You lifted his head and made sure to take a good look at what has been presented before you. Evidently, this was enough to bring this man’s consciousness back. He groaned, blinked, then realized you were right there.
Blood rushed to his cheeks, then over his ears, and soon his entire body was covered in a funny red flush like he just came back from a sunny beach sunburned. His eyes widened, his mouth stammered and his attempts to scramble were weighted down by all the bruises and likely heavily sore muscles.
Yikes, so this is what Reborn’s tutelage does to people. Glad you’re not on that side of the fence. But oh boy, this poor man.
You let go, let the squirming man have a break–passed out once more, jeez–then turned to Reborn. “He’s going to be eaten alive.”
“But he’ll survive,” Reborn jumped onto the nearest bench and sat down, petting his strange little lizard friend, “As long as he has the will, he has no choice but to improve. And you’ll be the one to record it all.”
“Yeah, yup, I know that,” You remember the ‘deal’ that was made between your family and Reborn. Well, it was less of a cordial deal and more Reborn just threatening your parents, and then them challenging him back because they can never resist the thrill of a good fight especially when they’re stuck archiving vasts amounts of information from the database crafted by your family. “Well, I better remember to fill up my pen later.”
The battle was lost, obviously since none of you are hitmen, but what Reborn wanted was strange. He wanted you, your eyes and your hands to record everything that is to happen regarding the future Vongola Decimo, even though he could’ve easily requested for free and unhindered access to your family’s database, or even several of your family’s observers and outfield recorders to help with the job.
You. Just you. Perhaps it has something to do with your status as family heir, or your family’s rather interesting history in regards to the Vongola’s. Well, honestly, you suspect Reborn’s trying to break your family’s vow of neutrality and have loyalties skew towards the Vongola’s, but you’ll never get a straight answer out of him.
“Don’t worry though,” said Reborn, black eyes ever observing through people’s veils, “I did promise that you won’t be bored. Just put up with him for a little bit and keep a very close eye on him.”
Is that really something he should be saying to you? You don’t even know this passed out man well enough to dislike him and therefore ‘put up’ with him.
“I will, I will,” but, the sooner you let things go as they may, the sooner you’ll go home with unhindered access to that juicy database.
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fuujinlol · 3 months
More 10048 propaganda:
Both of them have wildly fluctuating moral compasses when it comes to weapons manufacturing. Please help me destroy the world Spanner-kun. I'll fund you building giant Gundams to do it. Just like in the animes.
They can both pretend the other is Shoichi. While Shoichi is. Oblivious. It's OK to moan out someone else's name if you both do it. I guess.
Tsunayoshi-kun was able to defeat him using a perfected X-burner that he was only able to acquire through Spanner. Spanner ultimately is the one who defeated Byakuran really. So in order to avoid that fate in the future, he must be SEDUCED
Listen the Millefiore may be a different family now in present day, after Byakuran's defeat. But it's still a famiglia destined for greatness. No way can the Vongola just POACH their talent!!! To avoid that he must be SEDUCED
If Spanner joins the Vongola instead who will help perfect all this other world technology Byakuran still half remembers? And what if Shoichi wants to go with him!!!!! To avoid that he must be SEDUCED
Byakuran could and would happily dress up in a sailor schoolgirl uniform and call him 'Spanner-senpai'. I bet he'd like that sort of thing. Maybe not from Byakuran though
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Repeat - [Evillious x KHR]
An abandoned child takes revenge. [Inspired by Nemesis as Tsuna.]
Byakuran (Ten Years Later)
Irie Shoichi (Ten Years Later)
Sawada Iemitsu
Sawada Tsunayoshi (Nemesis Sudou)
Drabble - 100 words
Ten Years Later Verse
Bad Ending
Inspired by “The Muzzle of Nemesis” by mothy akuno
Canon Divergence
Sawada Tsunayoshi is not Vongola Decimo
Crossposted on AO3.
A dome of pulsing rainbow flames surrounds the Vongola mansion, protecting its inhabitants while repelling the invaders.
“You’ll never break this barrier,” Shoichi says, clutching his bleeding stomach. “Only Vongola can pass through unharmed.”
Sky intuition confirms the truth of his words. Impressive, Byakuran smiles beatifically, but I’ve already won.
In the Vongola Don’s office, Sawada Iemitsu frowns as he faces the intruder.
“You—How did you pass through the shield?”
The assassin’s lips twitch as they cock their gun.
“...I used to be Vongola.”
Something flashes in Iemitsu’s eyes, but it’s too late.
Iemitsu’s body slumps, lifeless.
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zoroara · 1 year
So, yesterday, at really an ungodly hour because there’s something wrong with me. I got to writing a rewrite of the rain battle, I didn’t feel like writing dialogue at *checks notes* 2 am. All of this is in Yamamoto’s perspective. What my goal in writing this was, was to make Squalo more consistent within the narrative and the fight but still have him lose. He goes from perfectly predicting movement to just straight fumbling shit. Going from surviving a 2 day battle with Tyr still standing with extreme injuries, to being dropped by one good thwack on the back of the neck.  I also wanted to a get a bit of how much more crushing it would be to Yamamoto if it went this way, Squalo being both a tale of caution about pride, but also a solemn reminder that it’s not a game. (Note, in this narrative Squalo likely isn’t dead, I’m just using things that happened in canon for the same fake out death. That doesn’t mean however Yamamoto doesn’t have to deal with that feeling for like at least 3 days till it’s revealed Squalo’s still alive and at that point it’d be damn hard to shake even if he is alive) This is long enough so the story is under the cut:
      It was a fight that Yamamoto was looking forward to, to re-challenge the man that had so thoroughly wiped the floor with him and his friends. The previous battles they were a grim reminder of just how dangerous this would be. He was both excited and nervous. But he wouldn't let it show. Plus he had a new skill set, his dad's sword style, it was perfect. It couldn’t be beaten. He had been re-assured of this, he was proud of it.
      Entering the battlefield was simple enough but there was pressure in the air, the sharpened teeth of the other swordsman glinted in his crooked smile. It was enough to send chills into anyone. The two of them readied their blades and within seconds there the fight went from 0 to 100, it was disgustingly one sided, all Yamamoto could do was make light attacks against him in the hopes of damaging Squalo at all.
      The man could see his sword movements even before he had fully committed to them, his movements were as quick as lightning and his reaction time matched his speed. The shark was a absolute monster. Varia Quality, indeed. As they fought it didn't take long for Yamamoto to forget about the real shark that would release as the water rose higher and higher. He just needed to survive now. While he had once thought this as a game he couldn't help but feel nervous, no.... scared.
      But he couldn't let that creep in he needed to focus. Every sword strike either dodged or countered, it didn't matter whether Squalo had seen the move before or not, he'd react all the same. Finally the Captain of the Varia kicked Yamamoto over, only for Yamamoto to find that he was floating. As he stood once more he could only ask himself.
      When did the water get so high?
      It was to Squalo's waist, and as the swordsman laughed Yamamoto spotted a shadow in the water. Before he could warn his opponent.... He found the words caught in his throat as he watched the smile on Squalo's face sour and become a painful twisted grimace as a giant shark crushed his lower half in it's jaws.
      They lock eyes as the massive beast drags the long haired man into the water. in a quick move he grabs the ring off his neck and throws his ring to Yamamoto. Forcing a crooked smile despite the pain he was in and yells at him.
"Your swordskills aren't bad, next you should get rid of that naiveness of yours."
      That was the last thing Yamamoto heard before Squalo was dragged underwater and it was coloured with the captains blood. In a panic he grabbed the ring. It was the last thing that Squalo did. Throw that ring for him. He had to now. Didn't he? He had to take this seriously.
      He was frozen when he returned to his friends side only, to hear the now ex-captain’s boss laughing. How could he not care. How could he find it funny. Yamamoto once thought this was a game. But clearly... So did that horrible person. How could he have taken this so lightly. Hearing later that the only thing of Squalo recovered was his prosthetic arm... only made it ache more. That's when he decided. This is something he needs to be serious about.
No matter how it feels. Right?
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swimmingwolf59 · 2 years
A ficlet I wrote about Kusakabe and Hibari’s early friendship! You can read it on ao3 here. Hope you enjoy!
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Katekyou Hitman Reborn! Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hibari Kyouya & Kusakabe Tetsuya Characters: Kusakabe Tetsuya, Hibari Kyouya Additional Tags: hurt/comfort i guess?, slight angst, Beginning of Friendship, Rain, Birds, Bonding Series: Part 2 of 1k (ish) khr drabbles Summary:
It’s pouring harder than Kusakabe has ever seen when Hibari shows up on his doorstep.
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lightning-will-bovino · 3 months
Life of the smallest Bovino
Many stories had different interpretations of Lambo's parents and his blood family. Including the Ten-Year Bazooka. So I would like to give my own headcanon and twist.
Lambo is technically a bastard(/out-of-wedlock) child thanks to his paternal side. The man accused the wife of cheating, not knowing that she was pregnant. The man was taking word of mouth from a close female friend of his that the wife was "cheating".
In Italy, it takes a year to officially divorce so Lambo was born during trial but was kept a secret. It wasn't hard for the woman to keep it a secret since her belly and thankfully her belly doesn't show. Sadly she died during childbirth and Lambo is under his Grandfather's guardianship (the Don of the Bovino Famiglia). The man never knew about his son and married his female friend (the same one that said the wife was cheating, so yeah, the woman was set up.) Lambo knew of this when he came of age (18) and knows he has half-siblings. Lambo's reaction? He doesn't care and it prefers it stay that way.
When he was around 5, a mysterious purple bazooka showed up one morning, next to Lambo with instructions and blueprints. They were both written in Japanese but blueprints and instructions were written by two people. While the Don and the heir candidates were reading the letters, Lambo used the bazooka. Oddly enough Lambo was in a new Mansion while a party was ensuing. People rushed towards him and the first one to come close to him to kneel in front of him was a brown hair man. That's when he meets the Don of Vongola, Sawada Tsunayoshi. (He didn't know that was Tsuna until a decade later.)
The man was nice, a silver-haired man was loud, and a tall man with black hair and a nice smile was laughing. The brunette picked him up and assured his Grandfather, who was in a wheelchair, that there was no worry. The next few minutes were chaotic. Someone else yanked him out of the arms of the brunet into a squeezing hug, he screamed and yanked on the person's fingers. During the yanking, a green light shone brightly causing the person that manhandled him to drop him. Chaos ensues, and during that time Lambo returns back to his Grandfather's office. His Grandfather is hugging him while crying until one of his cousins comes into the office to inform everyone it's time for lunch.
During this time, Lambo was taught Japanese both in writing and talking while the Don followed the instructions of the letter and having his scientist to look over the blueprints. He told his Grandfather everything that happened when he traveled to the new Mansion, including holding a funny ring that was shining brightly with a green light with a seashell and a thunderbolt as its design. (All his experience was told to the CEDEF which made Iemitsu decide to have Lambo as a Guardian in exchange for Lambo to be protected.)
Months after, Lambo Is sent to Japan. His other cousins teased him that he couldn't beat Reborn and Lambo took that seriously.
The instructions had not only the address of Sawada and Irie but also how to get in contact with the head of CEDEF. To also have the Bazooka fully stocked and have Lambo keeping it close since it's being charged by his Lightning Flames (similar to a box weapon).
When the future was rewritten, the letters, blueprints, and the original bazooka disappeared, leaving behind a copy of the bazooka the scientists were able to replicate.
The real reason why the Don of Bovino cried when he got the news of Lambo being the Vongola Guardian was because seeing his grown version of his grandson, who is the spitting image of his daughter, wrapped in bandages and half-blind broke his heart. Knowing that his future change is enough for him.
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Away from Ears and Eyes
Vongola is hosting a ball and everything is beautiful. People are dancing to a live orchestra, eating delicious platters of food, new bottles are being opened to pour, and light laughter in their conversations.
One would think no one could be sad in such event.
Except La, is experiencing that sad loneliness as she views the active party with a blank face from her corner. It's starting to feel suffocating in her long emerald dress. Not liking the growing suffocating feeling, Lambo walked towards an open balcony away from the activity, ordered the guards to not let anyone in except the Famiglia as she closed the double doors, and finally be able to breathe. She kick off her stilettos as she sat down on the stone bench.
Not one minute passed that she had company.
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lanshappycorner · 6 months
Hi everyone! I have decided that I will no longer post art. I have decided to repurpose this account to pursue my true passion. Writing x readers🥰 I am here to make your dreams come true Y/N ♡
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Here are my rules 🥺
♡no spicy content !!!! i am only 10 years old
♡i will write for readers with ANY gender👍 however all the readers in every situation i write about will be british
♡i will write for FE engage, TWST, ENST, FRAGMEM, KHR, etc I have many interests you can ask me if you're curious 🥰 90% of it will be ooc though because i do not care about anyone but my oshis🥰🥰 request at your own risk
♡i WONT write for anything you wouldnt ask a 10 year old to write please keep my age in mind before requesting anything that may require me to contact my therapist or lawyer afterwards thank you☺️
♡you can request drabbles or hcs but be aware that I will not write drabbles longer than 5 sentences and hcs may range from 2 bullet points to 53 so if your desired hcs r not as long as you would like them to be that is not my problem please try again on a better day
♡i will also matchmake you with a random character from a requested fandom based on your personality however i only need THREE things from you in your ask, 1) your favorite number 2) your favorite sea creature and 3) your favorite invention created during years 1760 – 1840 the industrial revolution🫶🫶
And that is all ^^ I hope you will enjoy your time on my blog and I hope to receive many requests! Thank u ♡
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whiskeysmulti · 3 months
Omerta (A Dino x Squaletta drabble)
Word Count: 301 Characters: Dino x Squaletta Summary: Dino's taking a vow of silence regarding his feelings for a certain swords woman.
From this ASK!
They'd known each other since his academy days, so what made it so awkward after all these years? Dino hadn't exactly faced his feelings yet and honestly he wasn't sure what it was that he felt for the shark woman, but something about Squaletta had drawn him in since they were younger. She was attractive and strong and he knew a lot of other men had their eye on her, but he wasn't about to let someone else snatch her up, not Xanxus, not another boss, no one.
Was it love? possibly. At least from Dino's end it might be. He didn't know how she felt for him or if Squaletta had feelings at all for him. She was always rather rough in general so he couldn't blame her if it wasn't romantic. Dino always was a pipsqueak to Reborn, and a loser to so many with how clumsy he was, she could certainly find a better guy, right? Over his dead body.
Perhaps it was just jealousy in his eyes, or maybe because he felt other men would never be good enough for her, but Dino couldn't stand the thought of someone else taking her from him. She wasn't property, he'd kill someone if they treated her like that, so why not let it be him to treat her right? Dino was a loser to begin with, why would she even look at him as attractive?
Why did he care anyway? There was one little fact he'd overlooked and tried to deny this entire time. He wanted her and he wasn't ready to say it. Maybe the next time he saw her he could get up the courage to say something, but for now Dino would invoke the Omerta on his love life and wait until the time was right.
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upsilambic · 27 days
From the Reverse Tropes Writing Prompts
True Hate's Kiss
Levi stares down at Squalo's motionless form and grits his teeth. He wants nothing more than to let the smug, self-sacrificing, bastard die already. He could sit back and wait a few more minutes. No one would be the wiser, and the biggest obstacle in his life would finally be out of his way.
But that isn't what he does.
It rips Levi's heart out to know that of the two of them, Squalo is the one Xanxus would miss the most. The bitter frustration he feels when he is forced to acknowledge that Squalo is the one in whom Xanxus places the bulk of his trust is almost more than Levi can bear.
He does though because he is better than that. He's still Quality.
Levi might not understand why Xanxus puts up with the long haired loudmouth, but he knows, he knows and it kills him, that he would be disappointing Xanxus by coming back alone.
It is for the Boss's sake and no one else's that he gives Squalo CPR.
Later, Levi finds he can practically walk on air when Xanxus gives him a slight nod and curt "Good job" when he gives him the mission report. The only thing that can come close to hearing Xanxus's praise is the grudgingly look of if not respect than at least acknowledgement from Squalo for saving his life.
Runner Up: Mukuro and Hibari. I feel Mukuro would land a big wet one on Hibari purely out of spite.
Also Retirement Home AU: I would dearly love this this for the Varia. If they could live that long. Can you imagine how much more bitter and crotchety they would be 😂
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ciaossu-imagines · 3 months
NSFW headcanons
Being asked to be a godparent
Morning & evening routines
Cuddling headcanons
Celebrating his birthday drabble
How he would feel about age gaps in relationships
Comforting a s/o who had lost a family member
Dealing with a mosquito in his room while he's trying to sleep
Does he eat food past the expiry date?
Under the mistletoe with his crush
Playing Mario Kart
Do they have a daddy kink or not?
Vampire AU! headcanons
Reaction to being beaten in cards by someone who was cheating
Reaction to finding out his daughter is pregnant
Reaction to being sent accidental nudes
Going to an amusement park with the rest of HOMRA
Cooking with his s/o
Which KHR Flame type would he be?
How he'd deal with a s/o who has dystonia
Comforting a s/o who'd had a seizure
Going trick or treating with the other HOMRA members
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hell-drabbles · 3 months
hi!! what fandoms do you write for?? ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱
I write mostly for twisted wonderland @twst-drabbles, but I have a side-blog dedicated to original stuff @noir-drabbles, and another blog for fandoms that randomly enter and exit my head(such as Obey Me, KHR, Trinity Blood, Demon Slayer, etc) at @noirs-pages. I need to write down a list of media I'm familiar with and put that on the blog. But yeah go on ahead and ask at @noirs-pages for any animes you think I might be familiar with because I've watched a lot.
I'm familiar with Hunter x Hunter, Black Jack, D. Gray-man, Shugo Chara, Eye Shield 21, One Punch Man, Mob Psycho 100, Vampire Knight, and way more I'm sure, just can't recall on a whim.
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cheshiresense · 2 years
Your two 1002701 'Verses and all that is "Fated Skies" are all amazing! Thank you for sharing. But I'd like to ask if you're still writing for them, whether continuations or something new? Or have you lost interest in doing more?
I'm glad you liked them! The two on this blog prob won't be added to, they were just ramblings from discord that I crossposted over here, although if I randomly get inspiration from rereading it for whatever reason, I might add to it. For Fated Skies, I wrote it in drabble format so it doesn't really leave a cliffhanger, if I think of more and they're similarly short, I might add them to it. Otherwise, 1002701 is one of my fav ships in KHR so I'll probably write more for it sooner or later when I inevitably wander back into this fandom.
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zoroara · 2 years
oh oh oh drabble time
squalo and vittorio + music
cause we talked about it briefly one day, so i wanna know more
:3c alrighty~
It wasn't really a day that'd be out of the ordinary, Vittorio had dragged Squalo out the day before so admittedly he was a bit surprised that the shark showed up in the morning, he usually has a decently bad hangover. But as of recent Vittorio had been actually keeping track of the drinks that Squalo had so maybe that's why he had recovered better than usual. "What are you looking for round two~?"
"Voooooi! I'm not here to waste my damn time on goin' out. Not this fucking early." Squalo huffed, and let himself in through the doorway. Which only got Vittorio a little more curious as to what he wants here.
"So are you going to tell me what you're here for, or shall I guess~" He gives a playful smile which only gets him a scowl from the captain. They raise their both of their hands, keeping the smile on their face. "Oh come I'm trying to lighten whatever mood you're in."
"I'm not in a damn mood an' I know you know that. But anyway I remember what I said I'd do yesterday" While Squalo may have, Vittorio certainly didn't. A lot of things were talked about. Of course if Squalo came in here for this it was probably serious... Right? They take a seat in their chair and wait. "Okay to put this lightly you've lived under a rock for the entirety of your life. I'm gonna fix it." "....I'm sorry? What?" That is not at all what Vittorio expected to hear from Squalo. He thought this was something serious. This was about him not listening to music wasn't it, was it that strange that he didn't know any of the supposedly popular songs the drunken shark listed that it stuck out to Squalo that much that he remembered today?!
"Vooooi... I said I'm gonna fix it. Though this is more in my taste. Cause ya know I'm not going to recommend shit that sounds bad to me. If you want more variety go bother someone else." Squalo then took out three CD cases, placed them on Vittorio's desk, with a note that appears to have even more things to look up. Is he being given homework. What if happening. "I don't have time to stick around. But you better be able to tell me what you think of them by the next time we talk."
"If I didn't know better I'd joke that this is a very strange threat." But really, even if Squalo is being so indirect yet clearly picked out these for him... It must have been important enough that Squalo wanted to share with him. "I'll listen to it while I work. Promise~"
"You fuckin better, and keep those in good condition I'll skin you alive if you scratch them." Ah, so these were very important. He nods to the shark as he leaves. He looks over the CDs and the note. He even separated the song recommendations by genre on the paper.
Not that he really knows what that means admittedly but he supposes he'll learn through this. A lot of them seem to fall under the apparently large umbrella of the metal genre, though there seems to be a some that are under a rock genre, and a few at the very end that seems more like songs that Squalo randomly threw in just in case Vittorio liked neither.
"Well I can tell which he prefers... Hopefully in the case I don't agree he doesn't stay mad at me too long~." Selecting something randomly he puts it on as he works. It certainly does remind him of the captain.
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