#KH1 is not indicative of the emotions the characters feel NOW
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passive-t-u-m-b-l-r-user · 1 year ago
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God forbid Kairi have to find a new dream that isn’t being with Sora
#bringing out OPs tags because I don't feel like whispering#poly is never a 'solution' to a love triangle#poly only works if all parties want it#Kairi and Riku have both shown jealousy towards the other over their relationship with Sora#not a great foundation if they wanted to be together#which people conveniently forget they don't#KH1 is not indicative of the emotions the characters feel NOW#They've had some time to sort out their confusion about what they want#Riku has never shown anything that could even be CLOSE to romantic interest after KH1 and Kairi has NEVER shown interest in Riku PERIOD.#I get it. It's hard to see because they're BROS™️ and that's just how bros are#Do your self a favor and imagine the series exactly the same but with Riku as a girl. Does the narrative change for you?#Then maybe you have some biases regarding gender and sexuality#Sora has tried imagining himself in a romantic relationship with Kairi... but he hesitates. He wasn't just surprised about the paopu fruit.#She had to recontexualize it for him in order for him to be comfortable sharing one with her. Why do you think that is?#Sorikai does not solve Soriku because Rikai would never happen and Sora doesn't want the relationship with Kairi that she wants#Regardless of sexuality they are on two different wavelengths regarding what they want#“A little charm in hopes that we'll never be apart again.” - Kairi VS “Even though we're apart-we're never alone. Right Kairi?” - Sora#Sora does love Kairi. Just not the same way Kairi does for Sora.#Not to mention that Sora has changed since KH1. Kairi doesn't really know who he is anymore and is basing her feelings on the past.#Sora has darkness in himself that Kairi doesn't see.#And Riku is consistantly shown to be the light to lead him back#... I said I wouldn't whisper and here I am putting everything in the tags#... too late now I guess#Soriku
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lightandfellowship · 1 year ago
As much as I would have liked Sora to share a paopu fruit with Kairi and Riku, I think a valid reading of the canon events is that Riku has no anxiety about Sora leaving him anymore, and thus would never think to share one with him; it's just not necessary to him when his resolve to stay by Sora's side and "protect what matters" is so set in stone now. It shows how much he's grown from his insecure, jealous self in KH1. He doesn't need to "intertwine their destinies" in order to be with Sora; he simply always will be, because he's decided it.
Kairi, on the other hand, does still have some anxiety about her friends leaving her behind, so she was more likely to resort to using an unconfirmed legend like that in the hopes that it would actually work and prevent Sora from leaving her again. Rather than believing that they'll always be together simply because they want to be and because their connection is strong enough to accomplish that on its own, Kairi feels that she has to turn to the forces of destiny in order to guarantee that she remains with Sora (an understandable train of logic considering how many times they've been separated). IMO, it shows that her character is still on the road to achieving the same level of confidence and fearlessness toward her relationships that Riku now has.
(This is all assuming that she genuinely believes in the power of the paopu fruit, that her intent was to utilize the legend, and that it wasn't simply a symbolic gesture; a way for her to show Sora how much he means to her. Which, it might be! But I like the interpretation that her being the one to initiate the sharing of the paopu fruit indicates the secret emotions that she's struggling with.)
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angel-with-a-pipette · 6 years ago
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I’m sorry I am replying late, but... I genuinely have problems answering this appropriately.
You see, I look at Sora and I am happy. Just seeing his face makes me happy and I could gush about something he did and said or just the way he looks all day, but your ask made me think. Yeah, why do I love him so much? Can I even explain it? Is there an actual reason?
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(Warning: Long post is long. Tons of screenshots. You have been warned)
It’s everything about him. It’s the fact that I got to see him grow in the last 12 years, from a 14 year old awkward and goofy but cute boy to a 15/16 year old handsome young man who had to mature far past his age with everything he has been through. But his personality is just so delightful, too.
He is a funny person:
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He has sass:
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He radiates confidence:
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But despite being thrown into these crazy adventures and being forced to make very adult decisions and having to fight the fight of adults, he still retains his childlike wonder:
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Actually, he really keeps the child inside of him alive and it’s precious how playful he is. It’s also telling how we get to see more of this playful side after he’s been nearly norted :/ 
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It’s like he is trying to live life to the fullest now - and he is so genuine and uninhibited about this. Not to mention downright precious:
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He’s the type of person people like to surround themselves with, he shines as bright as the sun with only a smile:
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But most of all?
It’s his love.
Sora has practically become a symbol of love and hope in this franchise.
He is always ready to help people despite not even knowing them:
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He is even ready to help somebody who attacked him prior. He can immediately tell Elsa was just scared and doesn’t hesitate to protect her:
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And he doesn’t leave Riku behind even though he turned into a villain right before his eyes:
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Heck, he’s even friends with a bunch of stuffed animals! 
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And gladly so, he is even super upset when he suddenly vanishes from the Winnie the Pooh book cover, indicating that his connection to them might have been harmed:
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And if that wasn’t sweet enough - can you picture a 15 year old boy starring in a musical just to cheer up his mermaid bestie? Because that’s what Sora absolutely does:
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And don’t even get me started on how sweet he is to little creatures and kids!! He even tends to crouch down to their level to make them comfortable:
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Just look how sweet he is to Hiro who clearly looks up to Sora:
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Upon witnessing Will’s death, Sora freaks out and goes to punch Davy Jones because he is done witnessing unfair deaths:
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But not only Will - Sora has such a big heart that seeing Flynn die shortly after meeting him devastates him as well:
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And when he is revived, Sora is more than relieved, so relieved in fact that he has to hug Donald and Goofy:
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It’s so rare to see a male protagonist be so openly affectionate with his friends in general and it’s such a fresh breath of air:
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He also doesn’t hesitate to show tears of relief and happiness:
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(okay, he was a little flustered about that xD)
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And he is so incredibly selfless, too, willing to give his life for Kairi:
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He even expresses the wish to help Strelitzia Nameless star despite barely clinging onto life himself, if that isn’t selfless, I don’t know what is:
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Sora insists that his friends are his power and he values them most:
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And he pretends he is alright just for their sake, not allowing his sad feelings to surface if he can help it:
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He even goes as far as to doubt his own self-worth without them:
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And it’s the connection to them that shows Sora ultimately that everything can have a heart and he acknowledges it:
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And of course, one thing that gets overlooked a lot: His love for Kairi. How he started out crushing on her, but still feeling so protective over her that he just had to share a paopu with her, no matter how, as long as he did it before Riku could:
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He promised to return back to the Island with Riku in tow, but he can’t hold his promise. Sora feels guilty about it and doesn’t even have it in him to rejoice until she hugs him first:
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And in KH3, they finally confess their feelings for real, by sharing a paopu fruit:
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She is his light.
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Their love is so sweet and wholesome and innocent and it just melts my heart when I look at them. Sora is so clearly in love and it suits him so well:
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Needless to mention that Haley Joel Osment’s performance for him just adds to the richness that is Sora’s character. Without him and the emotions he is able to emote, I doubt Sora would have such an effect on me. In fact, I didn’t originally play the English version of Kingdom Hearts and while I always had a fondness for Sora, I only really fell in love with him in the last years, when I played KH1 and 2 FM for the first time, when I got to play CoM and BBS for the first time and especially now in KH3, his arguably best performance since KH2. With every scene, my love for Sora just grew.
Also, how can you not squeal at these images?
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He’s the good this world needs. The unconditional love, the happiness, the helpfulness. If more people were like Sora, I truly believe this world would be a better place.
I’m sorry, I don’t feel like I did a good job at explaining at all ._. I also don’t feel that I remotely did Sora justice :/ There are so many other people who’d be more eloquent than I am, sorry ><
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semi-imaginary-place · 6 years ago
KH3 is like half a game, it feels incomplete and clunky. It sets up events that never happen and tries to force moments without having the build up to support them. The game does some things really well and reaches some truly heartfelt emotional beats and solid character moments.
3:48 PM - 31 Jan 20191 reply0 retweets1 likeReply 1 Retweet  Like 1 View Tweet activity
The Disney (and Pixar) worlds were pretty well incorporated and mostly able to contribute thematically to the game unlike sometimes in past games were the worlds were kind of just dropped into the game.
The Toy Box much like Halloween Town brings up how dolls/toys/those who begin as inanimate objects can gain hearts. Monstropolis allows a plausible  entry point for Vanitas with the connection between fear induced scream  energy and the negative emotions of the unversed.
Of all the worlds, I enjoyed Sora's time with the Big Hero 6 gang the most. Their interactions felt genuine and I had a lot of fun watching them. It also had the most complete arc of the worlds with the continuation of the movie's theme of living after loss.
Most of the worlds' story arcs felt incomplete. Starting in Olympus we are left hanging with Pete finding Pandora's box and the city in ruins. The story just kind of ends. There also was not enough time and build up to give significance to Hercules' choice to rejoin the mortals.
In Twilight Town, with all the discussion surrounding hearts and data from Coded to KH2 to KH3, that a whole other Twilight Town exists was completely dropped. It felt like the game was leading the audience somewhere and then never followed through.
With the Toy Box, the Sora, Goofy, and Donald leave and don't come back with Woody, Buzz, and the others still stranded in another world just hoping to one day meet Andy again. The search for Andy and the other toys is the main arc for this world and its never resolved.
While some worlds aren't quite as obviously half a story arc, all of them could have used more time. Many of them assume you have already seen the source material. In Frozen, Hans being the villian is the big twist but with the first half of the movie cut, there's no impact.
Pirates of the Caribbean makes no sense to anyone who hasn't seen the movies. I wish there was a scene of Sora unlocking Tia Dalma given how it was setup to happen. There was good characterization for Sora here though on how both he and Jack are free spirits.
The Winnie the Poo part while sweet (because I love Winnie the Poo sections) doesn't go anywhere. Sora just loses his connection with Poo and disappears from the cover, and then a few mini games later he's back. Sora's comment on how their bond has weakened never goes anywhere.
In the other games you search for lost pages or help Poo regain his memories, here there is no story. It's a lost opportunity to do, well something,  but that can be said of much of the game. They could have used this part to talk about how relationships must be nurtured.
The ending also fell a bit flat because of the buildup-payoff problem. The game tries to show the characters despairing only for someone to swoop in and give them hope. The problem is that in the Keyblade Graveyard they do this so many times it loses its impact.
Given the amount of stuff this game should have resolved, not enough time was spent on that. Instead precious time was spent trying to create sequel hooks. In doing so, the cohesiveness of the game as a unit was compromised. The game was too short for all they tried to achieve.
At times the narrative would point "Look! its a  happy/sad/intense/etc. scene", but without a proper build up, these  scenes lacked emotional weight.
I'm conflicted on KHUX in KH3.  I liked Chirithy reuniting with Ven, Laurium possibly remembering, and Strelitzia's maybe cameo. The black box stuff could have been cut. Its to connect  KHUX with future games, but it does nothing for the Xehanort saga and bogs KH3 down.
Then there is the mysterious girl with connections to Lea, Isa, and Ansem that we are only hearing of now. Who is she? Is she Ava? I don't know but they should have saved it for another game.
I thought all the keyblades of the Union members coming to help was a nice touch, but why did Ephemer of all people show up? He was a Dandelion; the player was the one who chose to stay (except the player has no canon appearance in khux which makes them hard to depict).
On one hand I got really excited looking for my KHUX username but on the other hand it was a little too 4th wall breaking and took me out of the game. The other 4th wall leaning scenes with Axel didn't do it for me either.
I did like the definitely-not-instagram loading screens. They were just this side of absurd to be amusing. It was cute. Humor is a subjective thing but I didn't like the increase in jokes in this game. It broke immersion for me.
Some were funny like Verum Rex. Others though felt forced. KH3 had more Donald, Sora, and Goofy poking fun at each other. At first it was fun, but then they kept doing it and it got old.
Maybe its because of all the jokes and narrative problems broke my immersion in the game or maybe its because I'm older now, but KH3 wasn't as magical an experience for me as the other games.
I don't mean magic in how many spells Donald can cast but in that sense wonder, that the extraordinary is possible. That sense of magic is why the Roxas prologue of KH2 is one of my favorite parts of the franchise.
Part of it also is that the section where Sora goes saving everyone's hearts from the Lich after they "died" didn't reach me emotionally. Which is a shame since the part right before where Sora runs around in the Final World and talks with the stars is one of my favorite parts.
I was surprised we didn't see more Dives to the Heart and battles at the center of the heart given the Terranort, Ventus-Vanitas, Xion, etc. After Sora got the power of awakening I was expecting him and Riku to use that to free Xion and Terra.
And then we would get an epic battle where Terra finally kicks Xehanort out of his own body. I also wanted to see Aqua beat up Xehanort. Aqua's suppose to be super strong from spending 10 years in the Realm of Darkness.
Kairi deserved better. Kairi deserved more. 3 games (II, 3D, III) on how Kairi trains to become a keyblade wielder and she doesn't get to do anything. Why was she kidnapped anyways? The answer is to give an excuse for Sora at the end to have a "I must do this alone" moment.
Kairi was kidnapped just so Sora could angst over her and so he could go save her. She deserved better.
The developers really pushed the Sora-Kairi romance this game. I was disoriented since we since the last game we saw a lot of romantic indications was 17 years ago in KH1. Riku got third-wheeled this game.
Enough complaining, parts that worked pretty well/were well executed: Big Hero 6, Monsters Inc, Sora finding the Door to Darkness in Destiny Islands and Aqua returning to the Realm of Light, Sora's interaction with other characters(Rapunzel, BH6, Jack, etc), the Final World.
Visually the environments are amazing! I was so happy running around everywhere. Its pretty. (and the heartless are cute)
KH3 was on the low side for number of worlds visited. Again, I'm surprised how (comparatively) short the game is. There was a lack on Final Fantasy characters as well (or well videogame characters given how TWEWY was in 3D).
I would have loved to see a Moana world. Moana, Maui, and Sora interactions would have been great. Thematically it would have worked too since Moana's plot centers on how Te Fiti losing her heart changed her.
In every KH there's always been some wham moments and that didn't happen to me at all in KH3... until the every end with Luxu. Many of us have been suspicious of Xigbar for a very long time. His organization chair height is too high. He seems to know more than he should...
As much as I am complaining, I do like the Kingdom Hearts III. Its a good game.
I've said it before, but KH:coded is a thematic summary of the entire series and one of the important points in that game is how Data Sora understands hurt. Data Sora understood how to live through hurt and this is something we see Sora learn as well through the games.
In CoM Sora did not understand this. All the way to 3D he did not know how to deal with hurt so when Roxas shared all his pain, that contributed to Sora sinking into darkness. In KH3 though Sora has grown and can accept hurt.
I would have though liked to have seen a more overt conclusion to Sora's relationship to darkness. Sora has always had darkness in him, he's not a princess of heart (or Ven) and there were hints before KH3 that he was falling to darkness.
Anti/Rage form are a manifestations of that darkness. Maybe this was just sloppy character writing, but Sora is noticeably meaner during KH2 and at the end he says "maybe the darkness has gotten to me, too". In KH3, besides rage form Sora's darkness isn't directly addressed.
Back to UX. The devs connected the epilogue, the secret reports, and UX well. That's all that was needed really. From Backcover we already know the black box is important. KH3 shouldn't have wasted time focusing on it.
And about X girl )Shuld?? idk). It really is awkward how they bring her into KH3. If she's the reason Lea and Isa got into this mess they should have dropped a line in 358/2 or one of the other games something like "Don't forget we're doing this for her"
Another good scene was Aqua giving Ven head pats. This gave me life.
Scala ad Caelum was built inverse on top of Daybreak Town. I didn't notice! Never mind what I said earlier, there's the "oh shit... what" moment. I'm just going to sit here mind blown thinking of all the implications...
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bluerosesburnblue · 1 year ago
The issue being that I don't think that the KH3 characterization is bad, precisely because of the context from DDD, which was also a large part of the post that I linked to. That you are missing a large part of Sora's development without DDD, causing people to misunderstand what's being represented in KH3. It's like you skipped to the end of a book and went "the main character's acting totally different from the middle, that's OOC!" when you skipped over key scenes for their development at the 3/4 mark. All Kingdom Hearts games are in a single continuity, and there is no "side game" that you can skip without missing large chunks of who these characters are. If you know the context and still don't like it, I don't have a problem with that, but you not knowing the context surrounding what you're speaking about doesn't make it bad, it just makes your stance weak
It's hyperbole that's also just wrong. It implies that he's sad and that Pete is needlessly picking on him, as opposed to angry and frustrated with himself after being rightly called out, which is obvious with the previously stated context you're missing by skipping DDD. As for the finale scene, that's a false equivalence because obviously people are going to react more strongly to almost all of their closest friends getting killed and their own imminent death as opposed to two guys who you've known for maybe a month ditching you for your friend who stole your stuff. "My friends are my power" is harder to pull off when those friends are dead. And, again, you are missing the context from DDD, where the entire finale of that game was about tearing down Sora's self-confidence by having his good nature taken advantage of. The very traits that let him get through KH1 nearly get him possessed by Xehanort. I cannot stress enough that you are missing the entire point of his characterization in KH3 if you are not aware that DDD was his biggest failing, a game dedicated to tearing his character down, which he has not gotten over yet because KH3 happens immediately after DDD. And by immediately I mean, like, a week or two later at most, maybe not even that
The only reason he's asking is because he doesn't believe that's our Riku, but it looks like Riku and sounds like Riku and is claiming to be Riku. And, again, he doesn't remember that Repliku exists, so the idea of this Riku being a copy won't occur to him. You see a guy who looks exactly like your best friend, but a whole year younger and you're going to ask the same thing, i.e. "Is that really you and if so why do you look like that?" If he thought it was post-KH2 Riku as we know him, he wouldn't bother asking that question, he'd just cut straight to "why are you here with the Organization when you should be in the Realm of Darkness with King Mickey?" Your point was that it doesn't make sense for Sora to think that post-KH2 Riku would be a villain, and he doesn't indicate that he thinks that this is a post-KH2 Riku at all, just a Riku. When time-travel and possession are both on the table, it's a valid question to ask. This point wasn't even hyperbole, you were just wrong
Your first example was you over-exaggerating a very minor emotional moment as a reason that you didn't like KH3 Sora, and KH3 Sora being "over emotional" is a common reason for disliking the character, that's all I meant by that (hence the use of "nobody" rather than "you"). That you're playing into a common argument I've heard, which you've now doubled-down on in this response and that I personally feel has a valid narrative reasoning for, which I've already explained. This wasn't even an argumentative point, which is why it was in the tags that elaborated on my own opinion, rather than actually part of the main argument, which stuck to factual analysis
Then watch DDD and go back with the context you're missing before casting judgement on the whole thing with faulty info and claiming that it makes no sense. You say you've seen it multiple times to solidify your stance, but that doesn't matter if you're approaching it with the wrong or incomplete background information. Additionally, the fact that you completely misrepresented the scenes that you brought up as reasons why you didn't like it made your bias very obvious and cast your reasoning, or at the very least your memory, into doubt. This poll closed a year ago, if you didn't want your stance to be scrutinized, you shouldn't have jumped on to make it known or made your own post
I didn't address the "generic nice boy" point because it's literally just your opinion and I said that you were entitled to not like parts of his KH3 characterization for your own reasons. You don't like that he has less bite? Fine. My issue with your post was that the two points that I did address were, factually, not what happened and that was all I intended to debate in the hopes of showing you another side of his characterization that you might have been mistaken on because, again, the information that you presented showed a faulty understanding of the context. If this whole thing had just been your opinion, I wouldn't have bothered responding at all. I'm just here to correct misinformation that you put on my post
Pre-Remind KH3 wasn't the greatest thing ever, but Sora was way better than he was in DDD, where he came off as really slow.
I find Dream Drop Distance to be the absolute worst game in terms of Sora's characterization, and I can't fathom why that's the interpretation of his character that they decided to go with. Sora has never been "Xehanort on 5D chess" levels of smart, but he's not stupid, either. But DDD constantly throws in these... I don't know, "jokes" about his intelligence, like not understanding that "Dream Eaters" is obviously not Neku's name
Did they want to make Sora look stupid to justify having him fail the Mark of Mastery exam? To build up Xehanort? To build up Riku? I have no idea, but I can't say that I agree with the decision. If your smart characters only look smart because you forced everyone around them to act stupid, then you're not writing your smart characters well
Also, since I just noticed I can do this...
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nyctoheart · 7 years ago
I hope this isn't an intrusive question, but what are your thoughts on the way the stories and characters of kingdom hearts are written and handled? I tend to see several common responses with the stories being convoluted and inconsistent with it's lore, with retcons and time travel being confusing. I've also noticed that some fans preferred the more simple structure of the first game in comparison with the later games, as well as some criticism with director Tetsuya Nomura and his decisions.
In all honestly, friend, I am actually someone who is much easier to please when it comes to KH’s plot than others LOL. Under a read-more because I typed a lot haha!
I do joke about how complicated KH is, like a lot of us do, but in all seriousness: while KH’s plot is very hard/tedious to explain to others, I also feel that when one plays/watches the games one at a time, it’s very self-explanatory and really feeds you the plot one beat at a time. Yes, I do think that things such as the ansem/xehanort reports through out the games really help flesh out the more “technical” side of KH- like nobodies or heartless, but I still don’t think they’re vital to the core of the plot- If anything I feel like they just elaborate more on the more basic information we’re told by- say- Yen Sid. Though I would still say that by a landslide DDD is the most complicated game, and I had to watch the cutscene of Braig and Young Xehanort explaining things to Sora number of times to fully comprehend what they were saying LOL. 
I have heard people talk about how they don’t like what 0.2 did with KH1′s ending, or that Marluxia and Ven are in KHX (or that they don’t like KHX at all), but in terms of those kind of things, I honestly have been dying for a backstory for the later half of organization 13 as well as ventus so much that heck yeah I’m excited to finally get answers for them (even though this wasn’t what I was expecting at the time LOL).
And tbh I even forgive the inconsistencies/retcons. Like, I have wondered if, hypothetically speaking, Nomura completely remade KH1 today, would he make Ansem-possessed Riku have yellow eyes? Would he take out all the parts that heavily indicate there’s only one keyblade and that it chose Sora alone? etc? Well, either way, the game is what the game is, we understand the inconsistencies and why they are they way they are. And honestly, they just don’t really bother me haha!
In terms of overall plot- my only concern is how cramped KH3 will be with it. Even before KHX was even announced I remember thinking about how much KH3 has to go over and conclude. So inserting KHX (and unchained x and union x) into the mix, as well as still going over the Disney world plots, a part of me worries the plot will be crammed- one load of information after the other. I still want emotional reunions and even the lighter scenes to take their time. I don’t know if this makes sense LOL
And I guess my other problem (that deals with the titles already made) is that I think Nomura missed out a lot with his female characters. For example, KH is constantly talking about how much the little bit of light can do for just one person. “This person is bad for now, but I know they can still be saved because there’s still a little light in them” or “fragments of light in the hearts of children saved and recreated the worlds” yada yada yada. So it’s just such a shame that title after title Kairi is pushed to the side even though her heart is 100% Pure Light. And hell even the Seven Princess in total. Bring em back!! Let them do some damage! You think Aurora wouldn’t be down with bringing Maleficent down for good??? Or like finding that small bit of light in her heart?? idk its such a shame to me personally. The Seven Princesses of heart are literally the most powerful, untapped-potential figures in the entire series, but they’re “damsels in distress” so that doesn’t matter :// those DDD hints of kairi fighting better not be abandoned in KH3
But still, one last thing I have to say is that if Nomura hypothetically traveled back to the time of planning the original Kingdom Hearts, that if he planned all the titles with the future of the series in mind, characters and retcons in all, each title would be an even better game. And that’s why I always love writers who plan.. way.. way.. ahead…
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daylighteclipsed · 1 year ago
#Poly is never a ‘solution’ to a love triangle. #Poly only works if all parties want it. #Kairi and Riku have both shown jealousy towards the other over their relationship with Sora. #Not a great foundation if they wanted to be together, which people conveniently forget they don’t.
#KH1 is not indicative of the emotions the characters feel NOW. #They’ve had some time to sort out their confusion about what they want. #Riku has never shown anything that could even be CLOSE to romantic interest in Kairi after KH1. #And Kairi has NEVER shown romantic interest in Riku PERIOD.
#Sora has tried imagining himself in a romantic relationship with Kairi… but he hesitates. #He wasn’t just surprised about the paopu fruit. #She had to recontextualize it for him in order for him to be comfortable sharing one with her. #Why do you think that is?
#Sorikai does not ‘solve’ Soriku because Rikai would never happen and Sora doesn’t want the relationship with Kairi that she wants. #Regardless of sexuality, they are on two different wavelengths regarding what they want. #“A little charm in hopes that we’ll never be apart again.” - Kairi VS #“Even though we’re apart, we’re never alone. Right, Kairi?” - Sora.
#Sora does love Kairi. Just not the same way Kairi does Sora. #Not to mention that Sora has changed since KH1. #Kairi doesn’t really know who he is anymore and is basing her feelings on the past.
@passive-t-u-m-b-l-r-user Yup yup yup… Soriku also doesn’t need ‘solved’ because there’s nothing wrong with it. Two men can date each other. Men and women can be friends. It’s not the end of the world if Kairi’s love is unrequited and she has to move on.
Not only is that rarely ever the outcome of a situation like this in fiction, but also Kairi continuing to want nothing else but Sora does nothing for her character. Especially when Kairi is attached to the memory of Sora more than the real guy and that attachment to the past has been hindering her growth.
I get being frustrated with the way her character is written, but pushing Kairi into Sora and Riku’s relationship doesn’t do anything for her or them. I’m not gonna police what people do in fanon, but I’ve seen fans advocate for this in canon and good christ, dude.
God forbid Kairi have to find a new dream that isn’t being with Sora
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