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gardenerian · 1 year ago
Hope this fandom is doing well. I guess it was sorta inevitable but this summer felt so quiet on here in this Gallavich bubble. A bittersweet thing but the memories still live on.
hi ❤️ i'm sorry if i played any role in making you feel this way. my brain has just been so..... quiet? lately? weird, right? if you can believe it, i just don't feel the need to run my ridiculous mouth and i don't think anyone needs to hear the crickets and/or circus music in my head 😬 but i'm still so in love with you all and i love to pop in and see what's going on. i don't quite know wtf this blog is right now, but it always comes back around 🍅 i'm still haunting the fanfic library and SCN, you can't get rid of me so easily.
but it seems to me that the summer has been pretty productive! gallavich week was a good time, then we had AUgust and kinktober is right around the corner. and the tropes challenge is also upcoming. so there's been plenty of art and fic posted from what i can tell! gallacrafts and galladrabbles are going strong. we're still here, still queer, etc. 🏳️‍🌈 much love much love ✨
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quillkiller · 8 months ago
not to sound like a bitter old hag but the normalisation of the word feminism with none of the things feminism actually stands for / the tiktokfication and choice feminism-ing of the concept has really set us back YEARS…
the people in your askbox need to realise that we all live in a society (we live in a society😔) and therefore we all partake in and exist within the societal structures that have been created by yes! the patriarchy amongst other things, whether we like it or not, whether we’re aware of them or not etc etc. the patriarchy isn’t something you can opt out of and understanding that you can do things that make you happy despite that meaning you’re also doing it because of the values society has instilled in us from before we are even born will make your life easier!! both things can happen simultaneously (and do whether you’re conscious of it or not)!! shocker!! it is up to you as an individual aware of these structures to decide which ones you want to partake in and which ones you don’t but at the end of the day partaking in any of them IS a consequences of the structures because they are in fact inescapable!!
i think these people need to read some judith butler or vygotski or actual feminist literature instead of watching choice feminists on tiktok bc they’re not getting your points at all😭
anyway du har helt rätt i allt du har sagt och människor behöver lära sig självreflektion och låta dig vara ifred!!
kat i’m kissing you on the forehead for this brilliant addition !!!!!! i’m not even going to add anything because i agree with everything you said 120% <3
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stupendousbookworm · 4 years ago
Hogwarts Mystery Asks Challenge! part 1
1. What's MCs favorite subject and why?
Ara likes Transfiguration because it's a subject which she's rather good at
2. What does MC think about Dragons?
Dragons are a fucking mood
3. Did MC get the permission slip for Hogsmeade from the parents without any problems?
Yeah, thankfully, Andromeda signed it without any hassle
4. Butterbeer or pumpkin juice?
Butterbeer, of course
5. Does MC sleep with a stuffed toy?
Yes. She sleeps with a stuffed bear named Sir Boo Boo
6. Sandwiches or soup?
7. Who does your MC hate the most?
Her family
8. What is MC's weakness
Her loved ones. She'd die for her loved ones
9. What is MC's opinion on magical creatures?
Magical creatures are, well, MAGICAL!
10. Angel or Devil?
11. Pessimistic or Optimistic?
Pessimistic most of the time
12. Which house does MC find chill?
Slytherins are so chill. Like, they're smart and cunning, what more could you ask for?
13. Selfish or Sharing?
Sharing (unless it's chocolate. Then you can fuck off)
14. How does MC eat kit kat? breaking the sticks or eating it as a whole?
Like me, Ara eats her kit kat as a whole >:)
15. What is MC's element?
16. Does MC have a part-time job for money?
Yeah, sometimes she works are Honeydukes for cash
17. Who is MC's heart throb? Why?
Talbott Winger. His personality just attracts her.
18. Does your MC like Rowan?
obviously. they're BESTIES
19. Who does MC have a platonic relationship?
20. Who's your MC's non-NPC bestie? Any other MC?
Adel Young @adellovesrowan
21. Does MC prefer Muggle or Wizard Music?
Muggle music rocks
22. What is MC's blood status?
Pureblood (Blood Traitor)
23. How is MC's relationship with their family?
Horrible. Literally, just horrible.
24. What does MC think of Muggles/the Muggle world?
Muggles are cool af, although they are a bit daft at times
25. What is MC's favourite magical creature?
26. What's MCs favourite part of the Creature Reserve? (Grasslands, Forest, etc.)
Dark Forest
27. If MC could be any creature what would it be and why?
A bird? Because she already is one lmao
28. What is MC's favourite season? Why?
Winter. No heat, there's snow, and hot chocolate.
29. Was MC's Patronus what they expected it to be?
No..? She expected something else, and she got a smol little bird
30. Who is MC's favourite Professor?
McGonagall. We stan our queen
31. Who is MC's least favourite Professor?
Trelawney. She's a barmy old hag
32. What's MC's favorite thing to do when they hang out with their friends?
Just... talk to them, ya know? Those moments hit hard
33. Does MC like puns?
Siriusly, she loves puns
34. What's their favorite thing to do when they're on a date?
Vibe with hot chocolate at midnight. That is the best date ever
35. Favorite place in Hogsmeade?
Maestro's Music Shop
36. What's MC's fashion style?
Indie goth? idk
37. What is MC's most frequently used spell?
... Ducklifors- turns a person into a duck
38. What is MC's favorite snack/candy?
Chocolate frogs and Fizzing Whizbees
39. What is MC's favourite game? Is it from the Muggle world or the Wizarding world?
Quidditch i guess?
40. If they had to live in either the wizarding world or the muggle world which one would they pick and why?
Wizarding world, because most muggles think she's a freak anyways
41. What other wizarding school would MC most want to visit?
Beauxbatons. Just because she wants to make fun of those kids
42. What do they think of their parents?
She hates them
43. What's MC's favorite summer activity?
44. What is MC's favourite holiday?
45. What is MC's least favourite holiday?
46. Does MC go home during the winter and/or Easter Break?
47. Would they like memes if they would have lived their teenage years today?
48. What cell phone would MC have?
An Apple iPhone to spite everyone
49. If MC could prevent one thing in the timeline what would they prevent?
Rowan's death
50. What would MC think of you?
She would be disappointed. Mate, I'm a teenage sleep-deprived nerd, there's no way she'll like me XD
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alive-and-kicking-remix · 4 years ago
Bakugou Headcanons (UA= Universe Altered)
Still Canon compliant, just more....me!
If someone dared to tell him he couldn’t do something, he would become a flipping master at it out of pure spite
His parents are mostly likely distant because as canon says, they are a model and a fashion designer respectively, which means that they probably have to travel the world and leave Bakugou alone pretty often
For you angst lovers:
His mom abused him physically (belt, lunches, kicks, breaks bottles over his head, etc.) and verbally (calling him a villlain, monster, what ever you want)
His dad on the other hand kept on saying it was his fault for being such a disappointment and making her need to teach him a lesson
My UA, or no UA
The whole reason he bullied Izuku was because if he didn’t, then his mother would teach him a lesson for being so weak, and because Bakugou cares for Izuku, he bullied him (“he didn’t like the old hag’s lessons, they weren’t very fun...they hurt”)
Bakugou’s friends that were in canon (the wings and the hand guy) were seen as ‘villains’ for their quirks because they were ‘scary’. The kids are shown below👇🏽
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The winged kid was abandoned by his parents and went around multiple foster homes, of which none were good. At the age he is at, the people that had him this time wanted him for the money, and so he stayed
The hands guy was frequently called ugly, freak, monster, thief and anything else you can think of because he can make his fingers extend any amount of length he wants as long as it’s in his sight (my hc again), so whenever something went missing he was always blamed
In the end, they had a plan, the two of them (winged=Tsubasa, hands= Ichiro) would get jobs until they had saved enough money while Bakugou would slowly leech money from the old hag’s bank account, so that at 18 they would be able to buy an apartment w/ Bakugou away from their parental figure
A happy ending would be fun, don’t you think?
Going off off my personal hc that Bakugou can sing, and the fact that there isn’t enough PolyBakusquad fics, might as well make it one (no more M*neta, we’re replacing him w/ Shinsou)
The class wants to go to the mall, but Bakugou refuses and says he has plans
Those plans involve going to the newly purchased apartment (they’re in 3rd year) and hanging w/ his childhood buddies
Instead of staying at home, the said childhood buddies manage to convince him to go to the mall w/them, and he agrees while on the inside he is desperately praying for his class not to notice him if they see him
Now I can just see these 3 troublemakers playing t or d on the way there, and just before they get out, Tsubasa says to Bakugou, “I dare you to go on the stage that’s there for Saturdays (or some other excuse) and sing a song”
Bakugou agrees, but only if the other two get up w/ him, cause he a blasty baby that wants to protect his reputation and dignity
So they go up to the stage and start the music
Meanwhile, the Bakusquad is leading the class inside the mall, but they are attracted to a huge crowd gathering around the stage
They are surprised to find their blasty boy setting up a mic and are about to call out to him, until they hear him start singing
hot girl bummer by blackbear is the song he sings
And that is when the Bakusquad knew just how whipped they were for their kitten (you know, Katsuki —>Kat—> kitten/kitty)
Now move it, Extras:
Tsubasa Yung nicknames: Tsu (Baku) and maybe Sora (Japanese for sky) from Ichiro because he has wings?
Bakugou Katsuki nicknames: Tsuki (friends), and Kat, kitten, kitty, Blasty, are all from his lover(s)
Ichiro(means firstborn, and he’s an orphan and the oldest one in a fucked up system) nicknames: Hands from Baku, and maybe a term of endearment like ‘honey’ from Tsubasa
(Step by step by step) Hah?
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martiniblves · 6 years ago
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mijoo and her iconic entrances DFKLSJGDF
yes, i really am recycling the intro some of you probably Just caught when you followed me DGSFLJLGSD
hey y’all, i’m kat, english student and an old hag :/ also slowly coming down from an anxiety moment, hence only deleting old shit now and potentially going rogue from my blog for the night after posting this ( aka, best if y'all send me your d*scord users bc it's much easier for me there ) sfdgjgfd i’m super excited for this group and can’t wait to read all about your muses !  and hoping you feel the same, i’ll get right to introducing avalon bay’s resident messy brat, dahlia !
[ lee mijoo ] dahlia kim, twenty-four, cis female, she/her, radio dj — a world-class traveler in the making, self-proclaimed “ reformed ” groupie, has been a tennant at avalon bay for two years, her cherry blaster obsession is the sweetest thing about her, she slept with an ex-best friend’s roommate and crush as revenge. [ kat, 22, nt, she/her ]
she often goes between dahlia and dia, first and foremost sdfglkj
came from a super small town in upstate new york where there wasn’t much to do or much to see, so growing up she had an adventurous streak that would run rampant when she was able to go off by herself, able to drive, and finally able to leave it behind
her family life was rather average, her parents scraped by financially but her and her two younger siblings never really went without — aside from a toy or two at christmas or a brand new car for their sixteenth birthdays sfgkljgdf
gets on fine with them, but her and her little/middle sister have had an on-and-off contentious relationship that, at the moment, is very much ON SDFGFG
small town life was.. okay overall, she was social Enough and polite but never really maintained any close relationships with her childhood pals once high school came and went, mostly bc the town was full of gossips so everyone thought poorly of each other and passed it onto their kids LSKFDGJGDFL
and yes, i’m kinda basing this off of the antics of adults from my hometown, what about it ??
she spent most of her formative years with her head in the clouds and music always around her or on her mind
so you bet she wound up taking guitar and piano lessons when she was a kid and well into her teens, and dare i say she was pretty good at it fsdglkjgdf
having that skill gave her the boost of confidence she needed from middle school onward, having been a tad reserved before then
idk what else to add bc i honestly can’t think of anything else about her past Before moving away. dull as hell probably, more than it’s already been said LKGSDF
upon moving to the city, she attended nyu just to keep her parents from completely losing their minds over her not.. wanting to go on a sure path, majoring in communications and spending much of her time as a dj for the campus radio station’s late night shows
soon began searching for dj gigs at major radio stations once she’d graduated and landed a spot as an intern to meet with artists the station wished to interview, etc, and even had an opportunity or two to interview them herself
through that job, she became more exposed to the groupie lifestyle and — having always been somewhat intrigued — soon became one ( of sorts ) 
sorry if you’re a fan of h*lsey bc this might come across as a dig, but this is where she becomes the chill version of groupie!h*lsey that h*lsey wishes she had been DFLSKJDGSFL
she liked the attention from drummers, singers and rappers alike — plus having sex with talented, rich people whenever they were in town didn’t hurt one bit — and she kept it all separate from her job, although it did help the station land more interviews, tickets for contests, etc
wasn’t big on hard drugs, but she never shied away from a bong being handed to her or a couple of xanax tablets, just so we’re clear here sdflkgjfdgk
however, the no-strings set-up quickly shifted for dahlia upon meeting a rising indie band’s lead singer
he was smooth as hell, which she already knew alongside his tendency to get bored easily with fangirls-turned-groupies like the rest of the musicians she’d met, so when she played along with his game, it didn’t take long for him to maintain an interest in her and for them to forge something of a friendship
she’d never admit it to anyone, but he was her first love as the initial sexual attraction very quickly became romantic after long conversations about music and aspirations, mundane happenings in their lives separate from their encounters and who should’ve won immunity on the recent ep of masterchef; dia knew he wouldn’t settle down now and she knew that while she was his number one at that point, she wasn’t the only one he had. a couple of months passed where it seemed like he was going only to her, that his interest rarely waned to the other girls that would swarm him, which led her to believe he was at least somewhat into her and to her confessing when they were both drunk one night — only to be shut down but not shut out
dejected and heartbroken, she still couldn’t quite distance herself from him like she knew she should and the front she put up — that she exaggerated her feelings and would get over it — made him none the wiser
however, he couldn’t get over the thought of his fwb still being in love with him and cut ties with her abruptly before his nth departure from nyc
it took her right out of her bubble, left a horrible taste in her mouth to even go back to being a groupie for others over how poorly it all went with him, so she abandoned the sexual aspect and potential intimacy of it — but not before taking herself completely out of that lifestyle for a few months to get over him
which.. lbr, she’s only 90% of the way there to this day sfdlkkdfsgl
upon going back, she showed up to shows and parties solely as a friend of the performer.... before that got old Quick and she realized how soul-sucking it was for her sexually frustrated And repressed ass KFSLJGS
though ask her pals and they’d think she’d given it up altogether, hence her supposedly being reformed
.. at least she isn’t indulging in drugs like she occasionally used to, so that counts for something lksdfjlgdf
as for her time in radio, she got promoted to a morning slot as a dj with a couple of co-hosts last year, though once an afternoon slot opened, she high-tailed it out of there
anything to get back to her chill, late night roots and this was the first step
lastly, she moved to avalon bay 2 years ago, after uni was done and she had to move out of the dorms. in that time, she’d become best friends with another girl and had a massive falling out bc the other was. well. changing for the worst sgfjgfd
she became selfish, judgmental, advantageous and disloyal, and soon dia had enough of her hypocritical and generally nasty antics ( and not without a brutal argument that left both of their egos bruised )
dahlia isn’t always one for petty revenge, but when the ex-bff’s roommate and crush — who dia had a slight interest in as well — bumped into her in the hallway of their dorm one night, she took her chance to knock the other down a peg by initiating a flirtatious conversation that quickly turned sexual
with her ex-bff being on the other side of the wall of said roommate’s room
safe to say that their ( final ) conversation in the morning was a fucking disaster SDFLGKJGFDK
it’s not something she’s entirely ashamed about, but dia doesn’t feel the need to disclose what happened
she loves her friends, would die for them, would kill for them. let’s get that straight first and foremost !
does that mean she’s the nicest or even the most tolerable person ?? fuck no SFGLJGKDF
i described her to one of my pals as a “ chaotic free-spirit with a mean streak when she doesn’t get her way, ” which. could also describe a couple of my bitchier muses tbh FLDKGJDS
but she’s stubborn, irritable and has a sense of high self-worth and self-preservation
she obviously has an attitude that can and will come out if you hurt her or someone she cares about/someone she thinks doesn’t deserve it
or if you think you’re a god or something
and it can get ugly.. as explained above dfskgdgkf
however, we love confident women on this blog and here you have one !
she’s chill for the most part, so you ( probably ) won’t have anything to worry about if you stay on her good side gfsdkljgfd
passionate af about radio and music as a career, wants to have a gig like zane lowe’s beats hosting job or even annie mac’s one day
although she also wishes to put out music of her own at least Once before she dies dfgsljdfgk
bit of a wild child, likes to party and just do her own thing — partially bc she’s scared of getting older and having to give that all up/being forced to act her age
doesn’t mean she doesn’t like her quiet nights in though !
closet romantic, just wants to be swept off of her feet..... but no one needs to know that, at least she doesn’t think so FSDJKGFD
won't let you see it anyways, at least unless she's Interested and knows you're not someone who's only useful for her in the short-term
also quietly doting, will never be the mom friend bc it’s too much responsibility and patience, but will always be a good shoulder to cry on who tells you your feelings are valid before she tells you to toughen the fuck up and amend a situation yourself, might even tell you how
some exceptions may apply FDLSJGSFLK
a bit vulgar at times, just warning you now fgldskf
wants to see the world and has travelled a little as it is bc of her connections. loves it
has a pet succulent bc she Knows she can't look after the big fluffy dog of her dreams rn
named him bobby after one of the characters from the love island game DFLKGSJF
i honestly dk what else to add rn, plus i’m eager af to post this so we’ll end it here ! cute extras can always be posted later !
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sacroms · 7 years ago
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( i’m late aF.. two day canada day celebrations fucking me up, nice ! )
hey guys, i’m kat !! 20, from the nt.. i’m a uni student and i’d say more abt myself, but i’m trying to post this quickly out of pure shame for being almost a whole 24 hours late; basically y’all — and me — have waited long enough dgsjk so below you can read up on st. joan’s resident icy brat romy, a bitch who overworks and doesn’t know how to chill long-term !! plots page is HERE — need a bit of editing tho — for your reading pleasure, stats and.. this blurb you’ll read below !
⌈ BAE JOOHYUN, SHE/HER. ⌉ THE DYNAMO.┊✧* ·  ˚  ━━━━ TWENTY-TWO year old, SAEROM “ROMY” CHO, is a spy-in-training at saint joan’s. i wish they’d stop listening to KELELA. i’ve heard they can be SEDULOUS and UNEQUIVOCAL when they want to be. they’re skilled at MULTILINGUALISM and not the greatest at UNDERWATER SPECIAL OPERATIONS. anyways, i hope they’re ready for the real world. ( kat, +18, she/her, n/a. )
honestly she is.. fucked sgjfsgdkl
i’ve used a variation of this muse a couple of times so.. this’ll be fun i’m sure sgdfj
this is her as popular vines
so saerom cho, daughter of a former mi6 operative and just.. an average baker ksfgjdkdgf from orléans, france
me: it's bc i thought it’d be cool for her to be there bc of the connection to the school
my conscience: fuck off, you just want her to have a french accent without projecting your patriotism this time, you hag 
me: .. yknow actUALLY it’s a cute homage to the Cutest parisian i know, [redacted] - i 
has a younger sister who’s still in hs, they’re close or whatever dgsfjdgf
won’t go too into detail abt her bg rn aside from her former spy mother !
so her mom had been an agent for mi6 for some time before an injury on a mission rendered her incapable of maintaining her post, and took up an alias to protect herself in case her identity posed the risk of being identified by those the agency was investigating ( tho she didn’t attend st. joan’s so romy’s not a legacy, js )
anyways romy didn’t know abt this until a few years back, not that her mom was discreet abt where she worked before she lived a domestic life, but the job itself
and it’s how she came to be interested in this line of work as well — not enough to get involved JUST yet
it was when a representative from st. joan’s met her one day, knowing of her mom’s bg, to ask her to join the school. romy laughed in their face immediately
bc she didn’t trust them, that is, but turns out they were legit !
and.. initially she declined, or rather, said she’d think abt it. bc how was she capable of any of this ?? aside from being multilingual and an athlete in high school ( gymnastics with a couple of years of track under her belt ) not.. to sell herself short or anything but anyways
brief bg info abt her stint in those sports — she was suPER involved in them, but with gymnastics it was a whole other level of investment. i say she’s v driven and hardworking now, but she’d bust her ass in the sport on top of her education, the poster child for reckless devotion and ambition ( this is especially important for later )
but temptation got the best of her and soon enough she begins attending st. joan’s !
do you see how half-assed this looks ?? fucking slow ass here rushing to present something mediocre GSJSDFGKL
she’s been here since she graduated from secondary school and has become — in her opinion — well-trained in most areas taught at the academy
.. except underwater special ops, a bitch has a fear of large bodies of water. or being submerged for longer than she thinks she can handle. so imagine her failure fearing ass having THAT issue ! she hates it !
uh.. yeah let’s do some quick personality points instead, my dumb ass is Struggling
personality and other shit
she is.. a mess rly
inflexible, independent, charismatic, etc
most of her actual personality is further down oops dsfgjklfg
kinda detached ?? like she doesn’t want too many distractions and she deems relationships as the fucking Worst for it.. just trying to be level-headed by not taking up too many hobbies, social obligations, etc, while not destroying her social life ?
idk it’s hard to explain, she’s an enigma even to me in that area
only dated once. when she was like eighteen. with some dusty dude she quickly ditched.
not.. super sexually active either ( rip ?? )
in whatever she’s applying herself to, she’s domineering and blunt, v strict on herself though she’s slacked off a bit over the years.. so imagine how self-disciplined — in the worst of ways — she was when she was younger and involved in gymnastics
with a rigorous work ethic like hers, her being captain of gymnastics team implied that she’d be strict too with what little power she has.. but she was kinda chill overall ?? and the same could be said here at st. joan’s, gives 120% in almost everything she does
uh.. her attitude carries over with her fellow trainees tbh. she has no time for people who are Committed to their future job but show poor performances bc of laziness, distractions, etc. even more so for those who lack in commitment as well so brace your kids for hurricane romy ??
call her ice queen. try it. try it. GKFDJKGDSF
she rly just has a hard shell where it matters, aka her career and school and stuff, but is a semi-precious gem overall
kind of dramatic and a meme ngl, curses quite a bit, whips out french far too often — especially if she’s shit-talking bc you made an ugly choice but is trying to be a Supportive Friend
unwinds with the usual netflix and wine, but also dance
oH also is fluent in french, korean, english and italian ( spent some time during her summer breaks in different parts of europe, but italy was a staple for the family ), but is also knowledgeable in portuguese, and a bit of another couple of languages
ok idk what else to say rn, accept this pls
KDFJGSKFL uh, let’s end this disaster there. if anyone wants to plot, im me !! ( ps, if you prefer d*scord like yours truly, just ask for it or send me yours ! )
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