specialagentlokitty · 10 months
Beckett x reader - cold love
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Staring at the small group in front of you, you laughed slightly, shaking your head.
“Oh hell no.”
“(Y/N) please you’re the only one who fits this guys type.” Beckett said.
“Seriously? Not even for free concert tickets?” Castle grinned a little.
“I have money castle I can buy my own no issue.”
Gates sighed and they all turned to her.
“Detective (L/N) you may be the only person who can get close enough to our suspect. We may only have one shot at this.”
You looked at your captain and nodded your head, knowing that this wasn’t a request for you to think about it.
She was telling you that you needed to go undercover.
You were angry about it of course, but you knew there was no arguing in a situation like this.
So, you just went to go and get ready for uncover.
“Can you even dance?” Ryan asked.
“Yeah, I’ve seen you dancing, you’re not good at it.”
You glared at the two men, sticking up your middle finger at them.
“Yes, I can dance. Okay?” You snapped.
You adjusted your blazer and walked into the conference room to adjust your tie and such, and the door was opened and closed.
“We’ll have eyes on you at all times and if anything happens we’ll be right there.” Beckett said.
“That doesn’t make me feel better but thanks I guess.” You grumbled.
Beckett sighed, walking in front of you.
She swatted your hands away from the tie and she began to do it for you.
“I know you don’t like this, but it’s our only hope.”
“Well you better hope he kills me, because I’m so pissed with all of you right now Beckett.”
With that, you snatched the ticket from her hand and marched your way there.
Of course while you were there you spotted everybody immediately, Castle, Beckett, Esposito, Ryan, and a few plain clothed officers scattered around the room.
You were stood where your ticket told you to stand, and you waited patiently.
Of course, as a masked event this would make everything harder, and the dancers couldn’t talk to one another to remain anonymous to everybody.
It was all about swapping dance partners until you found your suspect, and alerting your team.
Every five minutes, a bell would sound, and you swapped to the right.
Beckett was stood at the bar, narrowing her eyes a little as you swapped partners again.
“I really didn’t think (Y/N) could dance.” Castle whispered.
Beckett carefully watched you.
“There’s something about it…”
“What do you mean?” Castle asked.
Beckett glanced at him before she turned her attention back to you.
“Familiar… I’m sure it’s nothing.”
Beckett saw the slight movement of your hand, and nodded her head to castle.
“We’ve got our guy, let’s go before (Y/N) gets hurt.”
Cops slowly to surround you, and before you could do anything there was a knife to your throat.
People ran screaming, and everything seemed to become slow motion and all so fast at the same time.
A pain.
Suddenly you were on the floor, gasping for air as you stared up at ceiling, you reached out, grabbing somebody who came over and you pinned them to the ground.
Sitting on them, you stared down, blood hitting their skin.
“You’re okay..” Beckett whispered.
You clenched your jaw a bit.
“I told you I didn’t want to do this.” You hissed.
Slamming her into the ground you stood up, pushing anybody away who tried to help you and you headed to your car.
You drove back to your apartment and went to the bathroom, looking in the mirror.
The wound wasn’t back, it was a cut but nothing serious enough to need hospital attention, you just put a bandaid over it and went to get changed.
You were furious with them for making you go undercover.
They knew why you didn’t want to, but yet you still had no choice, so for days you refused to go into the office.
But you eventually you got bored of being holed up in your apartment and you went to the only place you could think.
The air inside was cold, but it was refreshing for you, it was nice.
Your foot stepped on the ice, and you walked out, taking a deep breath.
“I knew there was a reason your dancing was so familiar.”
You glanced to the edge of the rink.
You pulled the headphones out of your pocket and put them on.
“(Y/N) come on.” Beckett sighed.
She watched as you secured your phone in your pocket and she sighed creating on the edge of the rink.
She was right.
The reason why you seemed so familiar when facing it was because it was.
She had seen you dance before, but she just never realised it was you.
But every single move you made she knew it, she would know what your next move was going to be.
She was in awe as she watched you move with such each, fluid motions.
Beckett smiled a little bit, resting her chin on her arms as she watched you.
When you stopped, she saw you looked at her and she gestured for you to take your headphones off.
You pulled them down and skated over.
“This is why you wouldn’t dance, because someone would recognise you right?”
“World famous as a kid, it’s a hard thing to get rid off…” you mumbled.
“Come on, it’s not that back. You were really good you know. i used to want to skate like you do.”
You scoffed a bit.
“It’s not as easy as you think.”
Beckett sighed.
“I’m sorry we made you go undercover, especially after last time. But I want you to know I’ve always got your back.”
“That’s not the point Beckett, I said I didn’t want to! And you still made me!”
You pushed yourself away.
Beckett called out for you and she placed a foot unsurely on the ice.
“Beckett seriously? You’re not even wearing skates.”
Beckett placed another unsure foot on the ice.
“Hey stop before your dumbass falls over.”
Beckett slowly stood up and you realised she was wearing skates, she just couldn’t skate, because you watched her wobble a bit before she fell over.
Sighing, you made your way over and held your hands out to her.
“I’ll be here all night.” She grinned.
She let you help pull her up, and you crossed your arms, skating away from her.
“No! Seriously! Come on!”
“I’m still pissed at you.”
“Don’t leave me stranded I know you love me!”
You made your way back over to her, grabbing her hands and gently pulled her along after you.
“Oh… no.. no.. not away from the sides!”
You laughed a little at Beckett.
“You want a penguin to help you? Maybe a harness?” You taunted.
Beckett slapped your shoulder.
“Just… don’t let me fall over…”
You rolled your eyes a bit.
“No promises.”
Beckett looked at you as you looked behind you to make sure the coast was clear, and she ran her finger along the bandaid in your neck.
“I’m so sorry…” she whispered.
“It’s just a scratch.”
You turned your eyes to her.
Putting an arm around her waist you moved your other hand to her face, gently running your thumb along her cheek.
“It’s okay…”
“It’s not. You didn’t want to go, we shouldn’t have made you it was wrong, and I’m so sorry.”
Smiling, you placed her head on your shoulder, still skating backwards with her in your arm.
“Kate it’s okay, I’m not angry at you anymore. Gates, sure. But not you.”
Beckett furrowed her brows, lifting her head.
“You’ve been ignoring my calls for days.”
You laughed a little.
“Yeah, I lost my phone somewhere.”
She sighed, shaking her head as little.
“Of course you did.”
Kissing her forehead you smiled softly at her.
“I love you Kate, I couldn’t stay mad at you. But you suck at ice skating.”
“Okay I’m not a world pro like you.” She huffed.
You smiled at her, leaning forward to kiss her before you pulled away.
“I still love you.”
She wrapped her arms around your neck, and you settled yours on her waist.
Beckett smiled softly, placing her forehead on yours.
She knew that you wouldn’t be angry at her for long, but she still felt bad about it, but after everything that had happened between the pair of you she couldn’t bare to even think you would be mad at her even a little bit
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elseishollow · 5 months
who I write for.
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blair waldorf; tell me how.
serena van derwoodsen.
nate archibald; sweet nothing, love languages.
sam seaborn.
cj cregg.
josh lyman.
donna moss.
toby ziegler.
doug ross.
abby lockhart.
dan egan (derogatory).
amy brookheimer.
wes gibbins; cappuccinos.
michaela pratt.
donna paulsen.
rachel zane.
pepper potts.
peggy carter.
sabrina spellman.
zelda spellman.
spencer hastings, andrea martel, kara danvers, jake ballard, cheryl blossom, roy kent, kate beckett, karen page, seth cohen, patrick jane, teresa lisbon.
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oneshotnewbie · 2 years
HI IM A NEW ANON AND I WOULD LIKE TO ASK YOU!!! so, you do kate beckett x reader right....! may i request if possible
kate beckett x fem!reader angst to fluff?
lmk if u want me to be more specific <33
- ❤️‍🩹anon
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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️ This one-shot includes the topic of torture, blood, physical violence, cutting & stabbing. The plots are presented. If this triggers you too easily or you just can´t handle the subject, I urge you NOT to read this work. I am NOT embellishing this topic under any circumstance. Read at your own risk.
Summary: When the young NYPD detective is captured along with her partner, the culprit takes a liking on you. The aftermath of this mission had certainly been the worst she had ever experienced with you, but she had to admit that there was also a good side to it.
Kate and you were brutally tied up and hung with your arms over your head from a steel beam in a basement. Deep cuts adorned your body and the spot on your stomach was spattered with copious amounts of blood that still seemed to ooze slightly from your injury.
Kate had small scrapes and scratches all over; a laceration on her left temple, the contents of which had already spilled down the side of her head and was slowly drying up.
On a mission to capture a serial killer, Kate and you split up teams with Esposito and Ryan to catch him faster. Unfortunately for both of you, after a good half hour in the forest, the enemy cornered you with heavy weapons and his followers before he tortured you and hanged you like cattle for slaughter.
Both side by side.
The detective lifted her head slightly and turned it wearily to check on your well-being. She knew she had to act as soon as possible to get you out of here and have your wounds tended to. Kate had learned so much from you over the last few years, completed a little emergency aid training and knew that she would be able to provide you with emergency support on the way back.
All she had to do was free you both.
"Y/n? I will get us out of here. You just need to hold on for me, please," the brown-haired one whispered, but you were about to lose unconsciousness and her words only came to you in a blur. The loss of your blood was immense.
"Oh, how sweet. I am about to cry. Two detectives in one go, one more valuable than the other," spoke a dark voice from the blackness of the shadows, which watched both with a wide grin. "After so much trouble with you two and the danger I put myself in abducting the two most notable homicide detectives, I deserve a reward. Don´t you think so?"
The grin on his face widened as he got closer to you; he pulled something sharp out of his pocket. You had your eyes slightly open and were struggling not to pass out. "Let´s see.. how about your partner´s life, Kate?"
Panicking, the addressed looked at you with a shocked look before her gaze turned malicious and glared back at him. Kate hoped that Javier and Kevin would find you both as soon as possible, otherwise things looked really bad for you.
"Do not dare to touch her or.." he had the dagger, streaked with your blood, dangerously close to your drooping head, the blade grazing your cheek but not cutting it. "Anything else to say? You are both hanging here, what do you want to do?"
His expression darkened at your partners contradictions.
The brunette knew her team was racing towards her. All she had to do was keep in touch and chatter with him long enough for him not to hurt you. Desperate, she watched what was happening, the perpetrator had completely turned to your weak figure. She knew that she was the only one who could prevent his plan.
Kate could not leave you to your fate, but her hands were tied. If she could not do it with her hands, she had to use her feet. "Leave her alone you fucking asshole!" with a quick swipe, she slipped her left foot between his legs, and when the unsub lost control of his body, she slapped him in the face with her right heel, shattering his nose with a deep crack and leaving a massive laceration at his eye.
Pure anger was reflected in the man´s face. He scrambled to his feet and was level with your partner again. "If I had more time, I would torture you until you beg me to kill you," the pointed instrument meant to take your life, stabbed into her thigh; her eyes widened and she cried out in pain.
A nasty grin and a devilish laugh sounded like an echo through the basement. He was bubbling with lust for revenge, after all, Kate had violated his masculinity. "If you think that is all, you are wrong. Kate, you just unlocked the ticket to death for your little friend."
With all your might, you tried to look up and understand what was happening. Your best friend had wanted to protect you and got herself in trouble in the process. You had heard everything, but in your situation could not do anything about it; you were to weak. You tried to pull yourself together, but only a faint whisper of her name left your lips.
"You my dear, you are having a really shitty day today," he roughly pinched your chin between index finger and thumb and yanked it up with a sharp jerk.
Painful eyes looked at him. With one quick movement, he had hit between your ribs, which burst with a loud crack in your body. An agonizing and loud scream erupted from your mouth, joined by Kate´s as she watched you being tortured.
The offender pulled your hair, some of it fell out of your bun and slammed it heavily against the wall behind you. The pain raging in your body made you lose consciousness. You stopped noticing how Kate kept saying your name and how your team found her and you a few seconds later.
Kate slowly opened her eyes and had to take a deep breath. The cold, disinfectant-scented air crept up her nostrils, causing small wrinkles to form over her nose, making her feel like she was suffocating.
Careful and still a bit shaken, she let her eyes pan around the room and did not have to think twice about where was was. The pinching bandages around her wrists indicated that she was in the hospital.
The sunset flooded the room with a bright but glaring pink light and as she sat up, she felt the strong and largest bandage on her thigh and remembered- both of you were held captive and badly injured.
Slightly panicked, she looked next to her and saw you laying in the second hospital bed that stood in the bare and hardly furnished room. So lifeless and only covered up to your belly button. Your upper body was wrapped in large bandages and there were butterfly plasters and stitches on your head and face.
Your hair lay open on the white bed linen of the pillow and almost completely covered it, your chest rose and fell evenly and firmly.
A pang ran through her stomach and it felt like her throat was being constricted. Kate felt guilty- because of her wrong decision to separate the team, you had taken bad injuries.
The detectives cries of your name still echoed through her mind and she remembered the breaking of your tender ribs. Her hand clenched into a fist; if she ever caught that bastard, she do get back at him and get revenge for you.
Her thoughts were interrupted when she caught uncontrolled breathing and a gasp of pain. The brunette looked over her shoulder at you. Your whole body was tense, your fists gripped the sheets and your eyes were squeezed tight. "Y/n?"
Kate pulled the covers off and walked over to you. Her hand gently grabbed your shoulder and made you flinch abruptly. You jumped quickly, opened your eyes and raised your eyebrows sharply. "Kate.. are you alright? Are you okay?"
The addressee hastily shook her head at your question. How could you care for her well-being now when you were in pain yourself, even worse than her? "Yeah, but not you," she leaned down and cupped your face in her hands. "You are not allowed to move much, okay? Your injuries are massive."
The young brunette threw the blankets a little further away from your body, sat down on the spot on your bed and just looked at you. Just like before, she felt angry and guilty again. She gently brushed your hair aside to get a better look at your battered face. Her hands went to your cheek and her fingertips graced the corners of your cracked and dry lips, which were slightly parted.
"You tried to protect me. He could have killed you and there was nothing I could do for you," you coughed and tried to sit up when a sharp pain ignited in your chest and caused you to fall back onto the bed. With your eyes narrowed, you held your hand to your ribs while the other rested on your stomach.
Kate´s eyes turned sad and moved closer to you. She raised her hands again and covered yours with hers. Her heart started beating faster and she tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. "I could not have just let him hurt you."
"Next time I will protect you,"
The detective laughed out loud and got up from her seat. She stood by your bed and gave you a piercing look, her worried eyes boring into yours. A big grin spread across her face and her body started going crazy. It began to flutter inside her; the feeling you triggered in her, dulled all her senses and she had to pull herself together to let something rational come out of her mouth. "Until then, you can close your eyes and rest, how about that? Can you move over just a bit?"
You did as you were asked and gave her a small space to squeeze into. Thrown the blanket jerkily over both of your bodies, she watched as your body seemed like it was about to collapse. You cuddled into her and nuzzled your face into her chest, listening to her rapid heartbeat while her fingertips traced your waist, drawing slow circles over your hipbone.
Kate did not know what was wrong with her, but for several months, a strong warmth spread through her body every time she was near you; enveloping her heart. Year by year with you as her teammate, she grew fonder of you and could not see you suffer like that for a second.
She wanted to protect you and this field duty had made her painfully aware that you meant more to her than she had ever imagined. She wanted to be closer to you than just your partner. Before she, too, went through the infinite tiredness, she gently stretched her head forward to your sleeping figure and planted a precise but gentle kiss on your forehead.
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the-fandom-abyss · 4 months
Okay so I’m currently watching Castle and the love I have for Kate Beckett has been reignited.
I have been trying to come up with wips for this woman but I have drawn a blank.
So I would love for as many ideas/requests as possible for this lovely character so I can write for her!
Pretty please 🥰
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donnydamakkk · 1 year
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࿏━━━━━━ ◦ FICS with OCS ◦ ━━━━━━࿏
nothing yet.
࿏━━━━━━ ◦ FICS with CHARACTERS ◦ ━━━━━━࿏
nothing yet.
࿏━━━━━━ ◦ FICS with READER ◦ ━━━━━━࿏
nothing yet.
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chaxan08 · 3 months
British Titles
I usually don't share posts of this type, but I've taken the liberty of doing so because I've read several fanfics and seen too many posts both here and on TikTok, in which it's more than evident that many people don't know how British noble titles worked in the 18th and 19th century. This is something I've seen more in the Bridgerton fandom, but many content creators or writers from other fandoms have made the same mistakes when interpreting noble titles.
First of all, I would like to clarify something. English and British noble titles are not exactly the same, although they are related. The following explains the difference and the historical context:
Historical Context.
Before the formation of the United Kingdom, England had its own system of noble titles.
Titles such as duke, marquess, earl, viscount, and baron were common.
2. Great Britain:
In 1707, with the Act of Union, England and Scotland united to form the Kingdom of Great Britain.
After this union, noble titles became titles of the Kingdom of Great Britain.
3. United Kingdom:
In 1801, with the incorporation of Ireland through the Act of Union, the Kingdom of Great Britain became the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
This further expanded the scope of noble titles.
Noble Titles.
Despite these political changes, the titles themselves (duke, marquess, earl, viscount, baron) remained consistent in terms of hierarchy and honor. The main difference was the realm and origin of the title:
English Titles:
Referred specifically to those created in the Kingdom of England before 1707.
Examples: Duke of Norfolk, Marquess of Winchester, Earl of Derby.
2. British Titles:
Refers to those created after 1707 in the Kingdom of Great Britain and later in the United Kingdom.
Examples: Duke of Marlborough, Marquess of Rockingham, Earl of Chatham.
Differences and Similarities.
The hierarchy and responsibilities of the titles remained the same, regardless of the change in the kingdom's designation.
Titles granted by the British crown maintained the same forms of address and privileges.
2. Differences:
British titles cover a broader scope, including Scotland and Ireland (later Northern Ireland).
English titles were specific to the Kingdom of England before the formation of Great Britain.
In short, while English and British noble titles are part of the same hierarchy and nobility system, the main distinction lies in the political and historical context in which they were created. During the 18th and 19th centuries, this difference was based on whether the titles originated before or after the unions that first formed Great Britain and later the United Kingdom.
Now then, with that said, I want to mention that my main reference for this is the article 'ENGLISH TITLES IN THE 18TH AND 19TH CENTURIES' by Jo Beverley, who is a Member of the RWA Hall of Fame for Regency Romance. Here is the link if you want to read the original article: On Titles (jobev.com)
It is also important to mention that, as Jo Beverley said, this brief run-down of English titles is for use by fiction writers. It is by no means comprehensive, but covers the more common situations arising in novels set in the above periods.
Now, the peerage basically runs according to primogeniture, ie the eldest son gets nearly everything. If a peer has no eldest son, the title and possessions that belong to it go to the next male heir, probably a brother or nephew.
There are a very few titles that can pass to a female if there is no direct heir, but they will revert to the male line when the lady bears a son. (Such as the monarchy.) Some titles can automatically pass through a female heir (when there is no male heir) and most can be revived by subsequent generations by petitioning to the Crown. But that's getting into more complicated areas. If your plot depends on something unusual, please do research it thoroughly before going ahead.
As Beverley said, this is a bit more complicated and requires further research if it's something you wish to incorporate into your work, especially if it's set in the 18th or 19th centuries. In the 20th century, this was more common. A clear example would be Lord Mountbatten (1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma), who had no sons, only two daughters. Therefore, he passed his title to his firstborn, Patricia Knatchbull (née Mountbatten). Thanks to this title, the Countess was entitled to a seat in the House of Lords, where she remained until 1999, when a House of Lords Act removed most hereditary peers from the chamber.
But returning to the main topic, the eldest son is called the heir apparent, as he is undoubtedly the heir. If there is no such son, the next in line is called the heir presumptive because, however improbable (such as the duke being on his deathbed), there remains a possibility of a closer heir being born. Therefore, an heir presumptive does not hold the title of heir, if there is one. (See below about heir's titles.)
If a peer dies leaving a wife but no son, the heir inherits unless the widow says she might be with child. It is for her to do that. If she stays silent, it is assumed that she is not. If she's pregnant, everything waits until the child is born.
These last two paragraphs can be perfectly illustrated by an example that many know. In 'When he was wicked', after the death of John Sterling, Earl of Kilmartin, Michael Sterling is not immediately named as the new Earl upon his cousin's death, as Francesca announces her pregnancy. But since she had a miscarriage, there was no longer a possible heir to the late Earl of Kilmartin, and therefore, the title is immediately inherited by Michael.
Continuing with the main topic, an heir must be legitimate at birth to inherit a title, though that could mean a marriage ceremony performed while the mother is in labor. A peer may raise bastards with devotion and/or marry the mother later, but a bastard child can never be his legal heir.
It's also crucial to mention that peers automatically had seats in the House of Lords. Note, however, that courtesy titles (those held by heirs) do not give seats, or any of the other privileges of the peerage.
Something else that is highly important to clarify, as confusion is quite common, is that most peers do not use their surnames as their title. Thus, the usual pattern would be something like Sebastian Burgoyne, Earl of Malzard. He is Lord Malzard NEVER Lord Burgoyne. (Or, for that matter, Lord Sebastian.) As an author, you might like variety, but take as a general rule is that no one ever had two forms of address.
Leaving aside royalty, this is the highest rank. His wife is the Duchess. They will be duke and duchess of something.
If we use the famous main couple from Bridgerton Season 1, the example would be: Duke and Duchess of Hastings. Address is "Your Grace", though familiars may address them just as Duke and Duchess. Like, "Fine weather for shooting, eh, Duke?" or may address the duke by title. "Care for more port, Hastings?"
The duke will also have a family name, that is, a surname, but he will not use it in the normal course of events. And something crucial that is also commonly confused, the duchess does NOT use the surname at all. Continuing with the same example, if Daphne Bridgerton marries the Duke of Hastings (whose surname is Basset), she will be the Duchess of Hastings and will informally sign as Daphne Hastings, NEVER as Daphne Basset.
The duke's eldest son is his heir and will have his father's second-best title as his courtesy title. Nearly all peers have a number of titles marking their climb up the ranks. The heir to a duke is often the next lowest ranking peer, a marquess, but the title could, however, be an earldom, or even a viscountcy. For example, the eldest son of Daphne and Simon, the Duke and Duchess of Hastings, holds the courtesy title that his father had when the Late Duke of Hastings was still alive: Earl of Clyvedon.
Important note, a courtesy title does not give the holder a seat in the House of Lords or other privileges of the peerage.
If the heir has a son before the heir becomes duke, that son will take the next lowest title as a courtesy title. If the heir dies before his father, his eldest son becomes the heir apparent and takes his father's title.
Apart from the heir, a duke's sons are given the courtesy title Lord with their Christian name. (Lord + firstname + surname). Continuing with the example of the Duke and Duchess of Hastings, assuming that like in the book, they also have David and Edward in the series, their courtesy titles would be: Lord David Basset and Lord Edward Basset. They are NEVER Lord Basset or Lord David Hastings and Lord Edward Hastings.
All duke's daughters are given the courtesy title (Lady + firstname + surname). And continuing with the same example, the daughters of the Duke and Duchess of Hastings, Belinda and Caroline, would be: Lady Belinda Basset and Lady Caroline Basset. Also, they are NEVER Lady Basset or Lady Belinda Hastings and Lady Caroline Hastings.
And also, if they marry a commoner, they retain the title. Let's say Lady Belinda marries Mr. Sticklethwait, she becomes Lady Belinda Sticklethwait. But if she marries a peer, she adopts his title. If Lady Belinda marries the Earl of Herrick, she becomes Countess of Herrick, Lady Herrick. And if she marries the holder of a courtesy title, then she may use his title or her birth title as she wishes.
I make this clarification because it's the most common mistake in these types of novels. Note that in all cases, titles like Lord or Lady with both first and surname (eg. Lady Anne Middleton) and Lord or Lady "last name" or "title" (Lady Middleton) are exclusive. No one can be both at the same time. Moreover, Lord or Lady "firstname" is a title conferred at birth. It CANNOT be gained later in life except when the father accedes to a title and thus raises his family.
So, Lady Mary Smith is not Lady Smith and vice versa. Lord John Brown in not Lord Brown and vice versa. If Mary Smith marries Lord Brown she becomes Lady Brown, NOT Lady Mary. (If she marries Lord John Brown, she becomes Lady John Brown. Yes, it may sound odd to modern ears, but the past is, as they say, a different country. That's the charm of historical fiction.)
This is the next rank. (As above, it can be spelled marquis or marquess, but in either case is pronounced markwess.)
Similar to the duke, he will be the Marquess of something, for example: He is Richard Byron, the Marquess of Salisbury, or Lord Salisbury, or simply Salisbury to his family. His wife is the Marchioness of Salisbury or Lady Salisbury. She would sign with her firstname and title, for example: Diana Salisbury, NEVER Diana Byron.
His heir apparent takes his next highest title as a courtesy title (eg. Earl of Cranborne). All other sons have the title of Lord with their first and surname (eg. Lord Arthur Byron and Lord Albert Byron, NEVER Lord Byron or Lord Arthur Salisbury and Lord Albert Salisbury). All daughters have the title of Lady with their first and surname (eg. Lady Alexandra Byron and Lady Amelia Byron, NEVER Lady Byron or Lady Alexandra Salisbury and Lady Amelia Salisbury).
He will nearly always be earl of something. His wife is the Countess. If we take another famous couple from Bridgerton, they would refer to him as "the Earl of Kilmartin" or "Lord Kilmartin," or simply "Kilmartin" among family. His wife will be the Countess of Kilmartin or Lady Kilmartin, and she will sign as Francesca Kilmartin. In the same way as with the wife of a duke or marquess, considering that the Earl of Kilmartin is named John Stirling, Francesca will NEVER be called Francesca Stirling. That's why in the series, when she introduces herself to Michaela, she says that her name is now Kilmartin and NOT Stirling.
It's important to mention that some Earls do not use 'of' like Earl Spencer, and in that case, the family surname is the same as the title (following the previous example, the surname would be Spencer), but this is quite unusual and I think it should be avoided in fiction unless it's a crucial plot point.
As with a duke or marquess, the earl's heir will take the next lowest title as a courtesy title, and the heir's son, the next again. Continuing with the example of the Kilmartins, it's not very clear what the courtesy title for John Sterling II (son of Francesca and Michael in the books) is, but if Michael Sterling is the Earl of Kilmartin and has a subsidiary title of Viscount, then their eldest son, John Sterling II, would use the courtesy title of Viscount Glenmore or Lord Glenmore. If there is no specific subsidiary title, then the eldest son would simply be known as Lord John Stirling.
All the daughters of an earl are given the courtesy title: Lady + their first name. Again, using the Kilmartins as an example: Lady Janet Stirling and NEVER Lady Janet Kilmartin. Younger sons of an earl, however, are merely "The Honorable" which is not used in casual speech. So, assuming in the books Michael and Francesca had another son, for example, Michael Stirling II, he would simply be The Honorable Michael Stirling, but in casual speech, he would simply be referred to as Mr. Michael Stirling or just Mr. Stirling.
His wife is a Viscountess. He will not use 'of'. He will be, for example, Viscount Bridgerton, usually known as Lord Bridgerton, or just Bridgerton. His wife will be known as Lady Bridgerton and will sign herself Kathani Bridgerton.
His heir has no special title. All children are known as "The Honorable". Continuing with the example of the Viscount and Viscountess Bridgerton, their children would be called:
*The Honorable Edmund Bridgerton, and simply be referred to as Mr. Edmund Bridgerton.
*The Honorable Miles Bridgerton, and simply be referred to as Mr. Miles Bridgerton.
*The Honorable Charlotte Bridgerton, and simply be referred to as Miss Charlotte Bridgerton.
*The Honorable Mary Bridgerton, and simply be referred to as Miss Mary Bridgerton.
This is the lowest rank in the peerage. His wife is a Baroness. NOTE that the terms baron and baroness are only used in the most formal documents, or when the distinction has to be made elsewhere. General usage is simply to call them Lord and Lady.
She will sign with her name and title. The children are known as "The Honorable".
Using another character from Bridgerton, if we assume that Colin and Penelope Bridgerton's son is named Elliot, then Elliot Bridgerton, the new Lord Featherington, would sign as Lord Featherington and NEVER as Lord Bridgerton. Therefore, his wife would also sign with his title, that is, Featherington. For example, if the wife's name is Elizabeth, then she would be Lady Featherington and would sign as Elizabeth Featherington, and NEVER as Elizabeth Bridgerton or Lady Bridgerton.
The next in the ranking—and not of the nobility—is Baronet. A baronet is addressed as Sir + first name + surname. For example, using another couple from the Bridgerton universe, Sir Phillip Crane. His wife would be called Lady + surname. For example, Lady Crane and not Lady Eloise Crane unless she is the daughter of a duke, marquess, or earl (which is not the case). She would sign with her full name, as Eloise Crane.
His children have no special distinction. However, the title is inheritable. So, continuing to use Sir Phillip as a reference, when he dies, his baronetcy will pass to his eldest son Oliver, who will then be called Sir Oliver.
It's worth mention that although in the series Oliver is NOT Sir Phillip's biological son, he still married Marina before the birth of the twins and acknowledged them both as his own, so the baronetcy title will pass without any issue to Oliver. In the event that he did not acknowledge them as his children or that Sir Phillip and Marina married after the birth of the twins, then the title of Sir Phillip would pass to his next legitimate son, Frederick (son of Sir Phillip and Eloise in the books).
A knight is essentially treated the same as a baronet, but with the difference that it is a lifetime title only. His wife will be Lady + surname.
When a titled lady is widowed she becomes a dowager, but the practice has generally been not to use that title until the heir takes a wife, since there can be confusion about who the true Lady Bridgerton is, for example.
And even if she has a daughter-in-law, in general usage she would still be referred to by the simple title unless there was likely to be confusion. So, if the Dowager Viscountess Bridgerton was at a house party while her daughter-in-law was in London, people would not be constantly referring to her as the Dowager Viscountess.
Female titles in their own right
There are a few, very few, titles that can pass to a daughter if there is no son, as in the Royal Family, for example. In this case, the usage is the same as if they were the wife of a peer of that rank, but their husband gains NO title from the marriage, just as the Duke of Edinburgh was not king.
A Peeress in her Own Right retains her title after marriage, and if her husband's rank is the superior one, she is designated by the two titles jointly, the inferior one last. Or she can say what form she wants to use. (eg The Marchioness of Rothgar is also the Countess of Arradale by right. She chooses to be Lady Rothgar and Arradale in the most formal situations, Lady Rothgar in general, but Lady Arradale in private, especially when attending to her duties as Countess of Arradale. Unusual situations do tend to get complicated.) Her hereditary claim to her title holds good in spite of any marriage, and will be passed on.
Since the husband gains no title from such a marriage, it's possible to have the Countess of Arbuthnot married to Mr. Smith.
Her eldest son will be her heir and take her next lowest title. If she has no son, her eldest daughter will be her heir, but until she becomes the peer she will hold only the title that comes from her birth — eg. Lady Anne — if any, because an eldest daughter is always an heir presumptive. There might still be a boy.
The most common errors observed in novels:
Interchanging courtesy titles like Lady Mary Smith and Lady Smith.
Interchanging peerage titles, as when Michael Downs, Earl of Rosebury is variously known as Lord Rosebury, Lord Downs, and Lord Michael Downs.
Applying titles that don't belong, as when Jane Potts marries Viscount Twistleton and erroneously becomes Lady Jane, a title form that can only come by birth.
Having the widow of just about anyone, but especially a peer, remarry before time has elapsed to be sure she is not bearing a child. Or rather, whose child it is that she bears!
Having the heir presumptive assume the title and powers before the widow has made it clear that she's not going to produce an heir.
Having an adopted son inherit a title. Legal adoption was not possible in England until the twentieth century, and even now an adopted son cannot inherit a title. Even if the son is clearly the father's offspring, if he wasn't born after a legal marriage, he cannot inherit the father's title. However, since they didn't have DNA testing, a child was assumed to be legitimate unless the father denied it from the first. Even if the son turns out to look suspiciously like the vicar, the father cannot deny him later. This, I assume was to avoid the chaos of peers coming up with all sorts of excuses to switch heirs on a whim.
Having a title left in a will, which follows from the above. A title cannot be willed to whomever the peer in question chooses. It goes according to the original letters patent, which almost always say that it will go to the oldest legitimate male in direct descent. The property can be left elsewhere, unless it is entailed, but the title goes by legitimate blood.
Having an heiress (ie a daughter without brothers) inherit a title and convey it to her husband. It could be done — anything could — by special decree of the Crown, but it was not at all normal.
Now, when you've arrived at the title you want to give your character, perform an internet search to see if it exists. You can also check The Peerage or do an advanced search on Google Books. You wouldn't want to give your fictional character a title that was already in use at that time. Additionally, some readers will be knowledgeable about the real nobility and it could disrupt the fictional reality you're trying to create.
If you really like the title but it already exists or existed, you can modify it while still retaining its appeal. For example, if Lord Amesbury exists, you could create Lord Aymesbury or Lord Embury. If your character's family has been in Suffolk for generations, names of places in Suffolk can provide ideas for names.
I hope this helps, although I'm sure it can be subject to debate and improvement.
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skyrigel · 4 months
Hey Rigel I love ur work like so much 💓 can I request Anthony bridgerton where he is getting married and realises his love his y/n or smth similar with him getting jealous and angry when y/n and Benedict or colin fake date like tht or anything if this doesn't make sense 😭
Enchanted | A.B x you
Pairing: Anthony bridgerton x fem!reader, Benedict x fem!reader x colin ( platonic) wc - 3.8k
Synopsis: When Aubreyton's CEO strikes a match with Miss Edwina sharma, because she's nice and kind and witty, ofcourse nothing could go wrong, except you have feelings for Anthony.
Warning :CEO! Anthony x assistant! reader, Asshole! Anthony, Benedict x sophie, Polin, bridgerton's chaotic dynamic, reader and Benedict share one brain cell that's mostly with you, alcohol, fake marriage( Anthony and reader), social media au, office au, modern setting, forced proximity, jealousy jealousy, mutual pinning, fluffy fluff, bit angst, arranged marriage, bit Collen Hoover bashing but it's a joke ( maybe not ) no Edwina bashing, scary Kate sharma, yes!!! ( Might add more later )
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" Your brother is an idiot." You said, gritting your teeth as your mail blew with applicants, beautiful young ladies with peculiar yet remarkable talents.
" That." Benedict catched the grape midair with his mouth," we know of." He added with a cocky grin.
" Read another ! " Colin peppered, stealing your cookies which you ignored, sighing as you opened another mail.
" Tiana Young, twenty-one, I like to read, write and sing, my favourite author is Collen Hoover—" Benedict snorted, " —I like children and hope to be a mother, I am very soft spoken and good natured, my neighbours call me Ti, because I am a tea kinda person—"
" What's a tea kinda person ? " Colin bited the smuggled cookie, Benedict pulled the remaining to his side hastily, you felt your appetite long gone.
" It's like...they are like tea..." Benedict said, more in doubt as he looked for affirmation.
" Like milk tea or another tea ? " You asked, perhaps tea could takeaway your headache.
" What's an another tea ? " Colin's hand began to pull the tray, Benedict frowned but said nothing, taking one hurriedly and breaking it into two parts, offering you the bigger one.
" No thank-you, let me fix this Tiana's appointment." You exhaled, copy pasting a paragraph how (un) grateful you were to her for reaching out, she would soon have her appointment date and bla bla bla.
" I knew my brother was workholic but this wife hunting thingy is so exhausting." Benedict wiggled his eyebrows, you knew he was being kind but he wasn't helping at all.
" It would have been over if his requirements weren't so high, like he's not looking for a wife but some utopian woman god has yet to create ! " You were ranting, you knew, but this was the only way you could stop yourself from punching Anthony for putting you into this misery.
" Why can't he just fall in love ? " Colin looked at you and Benedict seriously, his mouth covered in crumbs, " Come on, love is like...like a force to be reckoned with ! " He beamed, ofcourse it was a force, didn't Penelope wrote something smiliary in her latest book, you somehow felt your heart shuddering, what would happen if Anthony were to be in love, some intelligent, beautiful woman, some utopian goddess of his, you didn't like the idea one bit, so you laughed it off.
" Brother in love ? " Benedict was in stitches, banging his palm on the table, shaking few very important papers that laid without any significance. They will be probably used as napkin if you weren't there.
" It's not funny." Colin got up, taking his coat, he rolled his eyes when Benedict refused to stop laughing, you shaked your head helplessly as another mail popped up, Jasmine had written a essay about global peace and increasing capatilism, you groaned, damn you Anthony bridgerton!
" Good evening Anthony." You tapped save on your screen as Anthony entered the office, a beak of sweat trickling down his neck line, okay, someone got either fired or roasted down to their very existence, you preferred the former.
" Good evening y/n." He looked up at you, he worried his jaw to say more but decided against it as he settled on his chair, it was very comfy and very big, years of working with him but you couldn't fathom the courage to ever have a taste, perhaps Benedict would help, maybe then.
" There are twelve appointments I have scheduled for tomorrow, Miss Becka—"
" Cancel them."
" What ?! " You almost shouted, you didn't waste your whole day to adjust and fit these pretty woman according to the time and weather and place and Anthony's mood so nothing went wrong, did he just said cancel them like it was nothing, this—
" We are going out Tommorow, it might take all day so cancel them." Anthony ran a hand through his hair as he exhaled sharply, your brain short circuited at the words more and more made some meaning, we ?! Did he, for heaven's sake said we ?
" You and me ? " You blurted and lowered your gaze when his eyes snapped to you, a deep color blazed your nose as you fiddled with your skirt.
" Yes, me and you." He confirmed and you could swore, that was a smile, a small, thin, almost unrecognisable on his always stern face, but that was a smile.
" Why ? " You closed your laptop, tucking the strands of your hair that usually came out after a long day, behind you ear.
Anthony pressed a key and it beeped, he shifted his face to you, thinking that he was almost frowning and finally, he said with a neutral face.
" I have found a match." His face gave nothing away, " Miss Edwina will be most suitable for marriage." He said it like it wasn't his marriage he was talking about, " she's very graceful and witty and would make a amiable wife and a kind loving mot—"
" Right." You snapped mid course, his mouth was hanging open with words lost in void, you knew very well Miss Edwina was a fine young lady, she was beautiful and kind and sharp at wits, ofcourse this ended your torment or perhaps began another, but not now, you needed to think.
" I..I promised Benedict for dinner. " You muttered, feeling your whole body numb as you stumbled out of your seat, Anthony watched, something glazed in his eyes but you couldn't place it, you might if you looked longer but you had no courage left now. You were almost at the glassy door, he was watching you intently and you felt his gaze burn at your back.
" You like my brother quite very much." He startled you, you paused, heart beats echoing through your throat. It was like he was accusing you, almost jabbing his finger on your chest. What does that mean ?
" What could I say ? He's very amiable." You turned to smile at him, it trembled on your lips and Anthony scoffed slightly, mouth curving in disdain but it was gone as soon as it crossed his face. Damn you !
" Have a nice day sir." You closed the door behind you, covering your face as a muffled scream cut through your cartilage.
" Miss Edwina ?! " Benedict almost screamed as you narrowed your eye sternly at him, he lowered his voice in a whisper, ducking his head down towards you, " sorry but Miss Edwina ?! "
" I know, I know." You swigged another gulp of the dizzy bubbling liquid that will give you a terrible headache tommorow but right now, you just wanted this uneasiness feeling to go away.
" Didn't her scary sister vowed to ruin him or something like that ? " Benedict licked his thumb, eye's watering at the spice, you loved this place's Chole bhature very much, last time Benedict cried when he accidentally bited the green masala filled chilly.
" Yeah, she refused to take ahead the Mayfair deal, or something like that, not that it would ruin anything and—" You sighed, leaning back your head as the soft music tickled your senses.
" What ? " You heard his faint murmur.
" Well Anthony was right, as soon as our team announced his engagement, ofcourse not revealing the bride, he's well trending—"
" He's always trending." Benedict groaned, chugging water as his lips were swollen with spiced heat.
" Yes, but not for thirsty things, i meant that Aubreyton is trending and our shares are touching the sky and it's a whole profitable season ahead." You ended breathlessly, you stared at him for full second before both your eye's crinkled with smiles and laughter that came from your hearts, it lightened the air somehow as well as your heart.
" You do remember I am part of the executive board ? " Benedict tilted his head with a warm smile and you shaked your head, feeling tipsy.
" Like you do anything except torment me and poor Colin ! " You pouted, feeling your cheeks flush as Benedict threw his head back and laughed.
" Poor Colin ? " He cooed, " he's probably getting laid tonight." He added with a wink, you slapped his shoulder nervously.
" Penelope replied ? "
" Ofcourse, my dear little brother wrote a whole ass three page message, with a picture of all her books that too hardcover and first editions."
" Wow." You said, impressed, Colin was head over heels, it was only a matter of time since the dazzling author knew.
" And what of Miss Beckett ? " You wiggled your eyebrows like Benedict did when he teased you, he turned a beetroot red as he fumbled with the last contents of his glass.
" She refused for a live in relationship." He said, his face grew sad and you mentally winced for putting him there.
" Oh." You nodded, Sophia lived with her evil mother who liked to see her suffer and she was, afterall, too good of a girl.
" Benedict..." You whispered when he closed his eyes softly, hiding his face behind his palms.
" I am not crying." He was. He sniffed as a few heads turned towards the pair of you, many with sympathy, probably thinking you had refused to marry him or something.
" Hey, hey, hey..." You pulled yourself as you dizzily tripped over to his side, wrapping your arms around him as he melted in your embrace.
" She doesn't understand..." He said it so muffled that it was unable to make out what he said, but you understood it anyway.
" She will, she loves you so much." You kissed his head and he nodded, tears streaking your shirt as he finally emerged with red, sticky face and puppy bright eyes.
" I think i drank too much." He admitted, you nodded, feeling yourself floating too.
" Let's call a cab, we shouldn't drive." You suggested, fiddling with cash as you payed the bill, leaving good tip for the teenager waiter, who smiled kindly at every inner joke Benedict shot.
" Uh huh." He focused hard on his phone, sticking his tongue out like he did when he was really, really drunk and or just really, felt the need to, or he was about to do something stupid, which he did.
Twelve minutes later, Anthony bridgerton was standing outside the restaurant with a heavy frown and it was strange to see him in normal clothes, like that grey t-shirt felt odd yet gorgeous and those sweatpants, you were way too drunk, you realised.
" You'll make a fine gentleman." Anthony curted his mouth, his words dripped with sarcasm that you and Benedict were too drunk to catch on.
" Thankyou, the cab idea was mine." He said smugly, ducking out when you smacked his ass with your purse, Anthony watched with wide eyes.
" Liar." You jabbed at him, he started to giggle and stumbled, taking you along before Anthony grabbed you by the waist and pulled you away from him, Benedict winked at you when Anthony closed his eyes, frustration or whatever that dazed him, his touch was electrifying, like current jostling in water.
Anthony pulled away his arms from you, his eyes strained like it pained him just the same it hurt you.
" You are wasting my time brother, get in the car." He glared, " come." He said to you, his gaze softened but that could be alcohol, you weren't reliable narrator especially when it was Anthony bridgerton.
" Well you could have refused." Benedict ran and sprawled inside like a bear, covering the whole back seat with his wasted body.
" Yes well, I didn't come for y—" he clamped his mouth in a thin line, nerve twitching on his forehead as he breathed hard, eyeing you as you ran after Benedict's seat thievery, you opened the door and his head almost snapped when he looked up you, it was a nauseous enough to make you vomit.
" Move." You pulled his hair, in no hell you will sit in the front seat, not like you haven't, but you were drunk and you were angry and you hated Anthony and you wished so much to just, to just, just once, once just, kiss him hard, that's alcohol, bloody alcohol.
" Leave this idiot." Anthony was suddenly behind you, he touched your elbow with same electric touch, guiding you to the empty front seat as he opened the door, you could feel Benedict wiggling his eye, you will deal with this bastard later.
" I was thinking—" Benedict started, once Anthony started driving, he was shut real quick when Anthony glared with words.
" Stop thinking." Anthony rolled the steering wheel and you looked away, those veins taunted and lured you, it was maddening and the streets were much dull and undistracting.
Benedict giggled at something he probably said in his head, you chuckled when he burped, he did too, only Anthony didn't.
" Don't you have a date tommorow with Mr. Dorset ? " Benedict craned his neck to get a view of you, two Bridgerton's eyes were too much to take as you thought hard, well yes a date, with Mr. Dorset, yes, you did remember.
" Ofcourse." You said, Anthony drifted a turn that jerked your head forward and you would have got a concussion if it wasn't his big palm that came for rescue.
" Are you okay ? " He asked, slowing down the car as his fingers pushed you back until the back of your head was pressed against the seat.
" Yeah." You confirmed, nothing was more threatening than his touch. He should bloody know that.
" Are you okay ? " Benedict mimicked and you realised he was down there, squashed on the car floor, his face hidden somewhere.
Anthony ignored him as his expressions hardened, he was breathing hard as he worried his lips, thinking and thinking.
" You do know it might take all day." Anthony finally said and you cocked your head to his side, you were drunk and well, sleepy too.
" What ? Well, it's a dinner date." You assured, Mr. Dorset wasn't letting go and a Thai curry wouldn't hurt anyway.
" Yes well, it might be very late." He was frowning now, his eyes were on the road but he would glance between nano seconds.
" Really ? " You pouted, you were way too gone now, it didn't matter, Anthony's eyes stopped at your lips and when he looked up, something changed, like it must have changed a long ago but it's colours were only visible now, like moon hiding behind the clouds, beaming but not seen and when it's finally high, hanging at sky, you blinked, expecting it to be gone, like everything, but when you opened your eyes, it was still there, as clear as ever, shimmering at you. That's alcohol, bloody alcohol.
" Yes.." Anthony gulped hard, pulling at Benedict's apartment, how much he wanted sophie to built a home with him, soon, you thought, soon.
" Oi y/n, I think I found your lipstick." Benedict hopped up, his face had lines where because he didn't bother to get up once he had fallen, with a shade that you never used in your whole lifetime, Anthony looked away when you tried to catch his eyes.
" That's not mine." You said, feeling anger creep up your neck, not knowing why, it's not that you were the only one who sat in his car and ofcourse you weren't his girlfriend, you weren't his friend even, he was your boss, you were his assistant, that's it, that's fucking it, you really wanted to punch his face, that's bloody alcohol, you would never drink again.
" Benedict, my brother." Anthony took the lipstick away which Benedict was trying to apply on himself, " get the fuck out."
" Goodbye to you too brother." He leaned to smooch Anthony when he hastily pulled away, growling.
" Bye bye sweetheart." Benedict smooched your cheek then and his lips only touched your warm skin before Anthony pushed him back in the back seat, it was, kinda rough.
" You are drunk." He told Benedict who shrugged, blinking heavily.
"He always kissed me goodbye." You glared at Anthony, this freaking bastard, chew on your lipstick, Idiot. You leaned down to kiss Benedict's cheek and he giggled softly, eyes locked with Anthony, his wide bastard grin flashing, glittering as Anthony eye rolled.
When Benedict was dropped, it was your turn, Anthony stared ahead like a statue, you were suffering in your own head.
The silence became heavy in air as the music was either tragic or too loud for your head and Anthony sensed the discomfort, turning it off altogether.
" What are we going to do actually? Venue deciding or something." You finally spoke, remembering how much you stared and stared when the article popped up, Anthony bridgerton looking for a wife !! You remembered the qualification list, should be well spoken, should be linguistic, should want kids, should be family loving, should be this, should be that, should have good enough hips to bear a child like what ?!
You remembered days and days when he would have his appointments, yes appointments, most of times he was out within five minutes, a frown on his face.
" She doesn't know algebra." He said one time when he came out within two minutes and you shrugged, well algebra was hard afterall.
And now Miss Edwina had ended all your miseries and torture, no lists, no more algebra's and Collen Hoover's, nothing of that anymore, Anthony would be a husband soon and perhaps he would love her, or already love her, he was so determined even when Kate sharma threatened to cut deals with Aubreyton if didn't stop sending flowers, well that was your doing, sending flowers because it was your idea, but well, it didn't matter.
" Well not the venue, but wedding ring and wedding dresses, Mother say we match and cake tasting and flowers—" we.
" When's the wedding ? " You looked at him scornfully, Anthony's eyes lowered at you as he stopped the car.
" Next week." Fuck you Anthony!
" Shouldn't you decide that with Miss Edwina herself ? " You were glad, but you had this feeling that he would be taken away from you, once married, he might not be yours, he was never yours, but still, why not start now ?
He frowned like it wasn't the most sensible and obvious thing.
" I..." He hesitated, " Miss Edwina might not want to go, since the wedding is too near and also, to keep it a private engagement."
" Oh." You didn't get a thing, your mind wasn't working as Anthony leaned down to open your door, you freezed, only your heart thudded loudly, could he hear ? What he did to you, well it wouldn't surprise you if he knew and still chose to torture your poor soul. " Why not state it publicly ? "
" I can't deal with the fanfictions." He said in matter of factly way. " And paparazzi giving Edwina trouble." Don't say her name, don't.
" Fanfictions ?! " You laughed so loud that he actually stopped thinking whatever he was, and just looked at you, as if taking in every detail, savouring them, drinking every bit of you in, he looked like he was mesmerized but that was just alcohol, just your silly heart, just you, who had read all those one shots, about you and him, ofcourse you weren't going to admit it and ofcourse you would be quite dammed if you ever saw Anthony getting shipped with Edwina Sharma, they are getting married in a week idiot, yes, but not today, not now, later, when it was time, please, not now. Later, now he was yours.
" You have a good choice either way." He was, for no reason, walking you to your door, you remembered how Benedict was practically kicked out earlier, he would tease you so much if you were to ever tell him.
" Oh please." You chuckled, rubbing your hands together in the chilly air, " I gifted Benedict onesies on his birthday."
Anthony smiled, it didn't leave his face until he caught you staring and you noticed how different he looked, when those lines were of joy instead of worry, he looked young and his boyishness made your heart do cartwheels.
" That was just a joke." He amused, " wasn't it ? " His smile faltered when you shaked your head in a no, fumbling for you keys.
" It wasn't so bad." Anthony said, somewhat traumatised, " Benedict wore them anyway."
" It had penguins ! " You cringed at the memory, a drunkish Polaroid like, blurred and saturated, it was vivid but just like yesterday, Anthony didn't dance until you were both so drunk, perhaps he smiled back than too, and looked just as dazzling.
" You are good y/n." Anthony said sincerely, " stop being mean to yourself." You opened the door but your hands freezed at the doornob, why Anthony had to cut the right wires, why he had to upside down your whole world ?
" Well, same to you Anthony." You said, he lingered on the doorway more than he should, it was alcohol, it really, really was but no amount of gaslighting could blur the memory away, you always remembered how brave you were that night when you leaned down, one step not much, and placed a small, chaste kiss, just a brush of your lips against his blazing skin. A touch to his soul, it sparkled and rose and busted into a thousand orbs and sprinkled like glitters on you and him.
" Good night." You whispered, Anthony stared, too stunned to say anything, then he smiled, small and enchanting.
" Good night y/n." His smile stayed.
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nightingale2004 · 2 months
OK, bridgerton people, I finished up the last season, and I have a LOT to say
First off, I think it's COMPLETELY UNREALISTIC that Daphne and Simon, along with their beautiful children, are not with the other Bridgertons soaking up all this drama and scandals that's been going on in ther family. SERIOUSLY WHAT HAPPENED?! was there a problem with the actors? Or something? Like what happened that made the actors and the children NOT MAKE AN APPEARANCE IN THE SEASON OF BRIDGERTON?!
Secondly, I also find it unrealistic that Anthony and Kate literally missed out ON PENELOPE'S LADY WHISTLEDOWN REVEAL?! LIKE, SERIOUSLY?! I get that Anthony wants to be with Kate and get to know her culture, but Anthony and his amazing Goddess wife Kate have missed out on the biggest reveal and scandal to hit their family! I so badly wanted to know what their reaction was going to be and their thoughts that Anthony's little brother is F*cking married to a gossip writer. Including Benedict.
I need to know! I can literally already imagine both Kate and Anthony reading the letter that Penelope is Whistedown and their reactions (to me) are hilarious 😂
Thirdly, I kind of wanted the secret identity of Lady Whistledown to be a secret a little while longer. Like maybe after Benedicts season. That's just my personal opinion. But I did want the queen to still find out and have Penelope and Charlotte have a private alliance. Penelope still gets to write under the approval of the queen as long as the queen looks at it first and maybe becomes the queens eyes and ears.
Lastly, I would like to acknowledge the haters here who don't like the change of gender of Michael Stirling, aka Michaela Stirling, and are fearing for their lives that Sophie Beckett will become Stephen Beckett.
Firstly, we are not the creators of this fantastic world. OK? The author is, Netflix is making this show into a reality, and those of us that actually like the show are actually OK and loving with how things are going especially the reveal that not just one but THREE bridgerton siblings ARE a part of LGBTQ+ community. Can we all just take a moment and not go backward to the "Annabeth shouldn't be black" incident. I know these two incidents don't relate because one has to do with race and the other has to do with gender but can the haters just stop. I believe the authors and creators of this AMAZING show know what they are doing, and the bridgertons along with Queen Charlotte are one of the few shows I like that haven't been canceled yet. So consider this a freaking win people.
If the creators want to change a few things, then let them change a few things, we are fans, and we have something called fanfics to which we read and write if there's something we don't like or can't live with when it comes to a fandom series. As long as the creators of the show keep giving us our daily dose of drama and do the bridgerton books justice than I for one am going to keep on watching and being invested in this fandom.
And haters one final message to you, if you don't like the shows, THEN STOP WATCHING THE SHOWS!!!!!!!
I have said my peace. And there is plenty more to come
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junkdrawerfics · 7 months
the flustered detective
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Kevin Ryan X Reader
Listen, I know this isn't Twilight, and I know this is like, a super random character that probably has such a small following, but I love him sooooo much, and had to write for him. So sue me, I'll probably write more for him.
Summary: You make Detective Ryan very nervous and everyone knows it. Even you. So yah, that's it, just a cute little fic about flustered Ryan.
Word Count: 1001
“Just go talk to her, man.”
Ryan jumps, jolted from his thoughts as his partner slaps him on the back. He casts Esposito a scowl, straightening his ruffled vest.
“I can’t just…talk to her,” he sighs out, defeat burning behind his tone, “I can barely get a word out when she’s around me!”
“I know,” Esposito snickers, “it’s pretty pathetic, actually.”
The glare leveled at him is deadly. Esposito holds his hands up defensively, inching away with a smirk still glued to his face.
“Sorry. Just saying. You need to man up and grow a-“
“What does Ryan need to do?” 
The sound of high heels clicking along the precinct floor makes both men go stock still. Beckett rounds the corner of her desk, fine brow raised as she lets her gaze drift between the two detectives. Castle pops up behind her, smiling ear to ear, which is never a good thing.
“I believe Espo here was trying to give our friend, Ryan, a little advice on his women troubles,” he hums, eyes crinkling at the corners. “Don’t worry, Ryan, I’m sure we can-“
“No, no no,” Ryan jumps to his feet before Castle can come up with another wild concoction of a plan. “I do not need advice from you-“ He points a finger at Javier and then spins to Castle. “And I definitely don’t need help from you, mister three divorces.” 
“It was two actually…” the writer mutters, looking at his shoes like a kicked puppy. 
Ryan gives him a pointed look, as if what he said sounds any better, “My point exactly. Listen, guys, I’m fine! I am perfectly capable of talking to (Y/n) myself.”
“Talking to me about what?”
The group freezes. Except Kate, who watches over the rim of her coffee cup, eyes dancing with amusement as Ryan goes beet red. You glance between the four, eyes wide with confusion as the men pass each other “looks”. They’re always so secretive, like they’re kids trying to carry out an awful plan. It’s more endearing than it is insulting, though. Esposito makes a show of shoving Ryan’s shoulder, making him face you before he saunters off to the break room.
“What’s going on, Ryan?” You ask as Beckett drags Castle off by the ear, against his dramatic protests.
“Oh, uh, with, with us? Nothing, we just um,” he coughs, blush spreading all the way to the tips of his ears. How cute. You fight back a smile, settling with a look of amusement that only seems to fluster him more. “We were just talking about a case! Yah a case. And I was going to…ask for your help?”
“Really?” You hum, head tilting ever so slightly. Ryan’s jaw clenches and he nods, lips pressed together tightly. You almost want to tease him a little more, see how far the blush goes, but you’re afraid his poor heart might give out. “Okay. I can help with your case! As long as Kate’s onboard.”
“Yah, yah, she, um, she’s totally onboard.” Ryan cringes at the lie. Hopefully Beckett won’t mind. 
“Great!” You smile, sticking out your hand. “I look forward to working with you, Detective Ryan.”
He nods again, rushing to take your outstretched hand. You giggle as he fumbles. Heat creeps up Ryan’s neck, and man, he wishes he could just say something smooth like Javier, or witty like Castle, but all he can do is laugh awkwardly, heart racing a mile a minute. Just because he’s holding your hand.
He’s a grown man, he chastises himself, a detective for the NYPD. He can break down doors and take on criminals, hell, even face torture, but the feeling of your hand in his? That’s what makes him crumble.
The man looks to be seconds from passing out, you realize, chest aching with something fond. You give his hand a gentle, reassuring squeeze.
“Hey,” you whisper, and those gorgeous blue eyes snap up to yours, wide and uncertain in a way you’ve never seen. It makes your chest ache even worse and your smile turns uncharacteristically soft for just a moment. “Easy tiger. You're doing great.”
That seems to help. Ryan forces his muscles to relax, taking a deep breath and nodding slowly. You give his hand one final squeeze. Your hands are so small compared to his, and not covered in calluses or scars, a thought he tries not to linger on as you slip away back to your desk. Just in time for his team to make a reappearance.
“Sooo?” Javier leans in front of him, eyebrows wagging, “What did you say, mister ‘I can talk to her myself’?”
“I um.” Ryan passes a hand over his neck, trying to get rid of the tingling sensation in his palm. Or maybe trying to lock it in his memory. “I may have…invited her onto the case?”
His partner's face falls. Esposito shakes his head, muttering disappointment under his breath, “Are you serious, man?”
“Yah, are you serious?” Kate presses, faking a frown. It’s impossible to be mad after watching that…ordeal play out. But she’s not one to miss an opportunity to mess with them. Just a little payback.
“It just-“ Ryan slumps back into his desk, shrugging his shoulders in defeat. “-happened. I didn’t know what else to say, okay? I just- I have the words in my head, and then she’s in front of me, and it’s like-“ He purses his lips, blowing out a sigh of frustration.
“It’s like everything gets scrambled and nothing fits together anymore,” Castle murmurs (casting a knowing glance towards Beckett, who returns it with a warning glare).
“Exactly. I just…I like her so much, you know?”
Ryan just about socks Esposito in the face, glowering up at him, “Very helpful, Javi.”
“I understand, Ryan,” Kate offers.
“You do?” He perks up hopefully.
“Yah. I remember I had a hard time talking to this one guy I really liked…you know, back in middle school.”
Ryan groans, “I have no sanctuary.”
When I tell you I would die for this man-
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annoyingvoidzombie · 2 months
An Offer From a Gentleman is next aka BENEDICT BRIDGERTON TIME ♥️😍
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charlie-lynchs · 9 months
The Blame Game
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POV: based on 8x12 from Castle, but instead of wives and husbands, there are mothers and daughters
(You should watch the episode first or you will not understand everything)
Age: 17
Name: Charlotte “Charlie” Johanna Beckett
Warnings ⚠️: kidnapping, blood, death, weapons, (child-loss)
Beckett-Castle Apartment:
Charlie was awaken by the coffee machine downstairs, so she knew one of her parents is awake. Like every other Saturday she takes her time and takes a comfortable shower. She puts on jeans, a T-Shirt and a hoodie and makes her way downstairs.
While walking down she sees her dad making breakfast and her mom reading the newspapers. As she walks down further Rick looks up. “Good Morning Kiddo.” He greats her with a happy mood. Now Kate also looks up and smiles at her. “Morning Dad.” she smiles at him. “Hey what about me?” Kate says with a smile. “Morning to you to Mom.” Charlie says and sits down next to the Captain. Charlie hopes that they could have a calm family morning but already knows that it’s only a matter of time until her mother’s phone rings and she has to go the 12th precinct. “So Charlie, what are your plans for today?” Kate says while looking up from the newspaper. “Um I got a message. My friend asked me to get a important package for him, that a relative has.” Charlie said while eating her scrambled eggs. “Do you need me to drive you?” Kate asked. “Na, I just take the sub. I bet that any minute you have to go to the precinct anyways.” Charlie said looking at her mom with a hint of disappointment in her features and like she can see the future Kates phone starts to ring. “Beckett, yeah I’m on my way.” she picks up her stuff. “I’m sorry guys but I have to go. I will make it up to you Charlie promise.” Kate said kissing Rick and then kissing Charlie on the head. “Yeah Yeah, bye” Kate walks out. Charlie stands up “Well then I will go to, the sooner I go, the sooner I’m back.” Charlie puts on her jacket and makes her way to the subway.
When she stands in front of the building her phone rings and “Mom<3” shows up on the screen. “Hey Mom, what’s up?” Charlie answers the phone. “Hey Baby, did you pick up the package already?” Kate asked walking into her office with the file from the new murder that happened. “No I’m standing in front of the building.” Charlie said looking up the building. “Ok, what do you want to do after that” Kate asked now sitting in her desk. “Go home and watch Brooklyn 99 all day.” Charlie said. “God you’re so obsessed with that show.” She says with a chuckle. “Well it’s a good show. I’ll text when I get home. Bye mom love you.” “Bye love you too baby” Charlie ends the call into the building. Walking up the stairs she noticed how old and dirty the building is and Charlie started to fell uncomfortable. Suddenly there is a sting in her arm.
“How far we on the murder guys?” Kate asked walking out of her office. “We have a white van that a witness saw driving shortly after murder. So the car of the murderer. Ryan is trying to track it down, I try to find relatives or friends while this happens. Two co-workers from her are on their way right now.” Javier explains. “Ok, keep me updated.” Kate said. *ping* Kate picks up here phone and sees a message from Charlie. “Urgent! Meet me at 143 Nicholas ST. ASAP”. Kate didn’t wait longer and made her way out of the 12th precinct.
Charlie wakes up, positioning herself upwards, she noticed that she is in an elementary classroom looking to her left, 3 other girls in her age are also waking up. “Ow, where am I. Who are you guys” the red haired girl next to her asked. “I can’t remember how I got here.” The girl with blond hair behind Charlie groans.”Guys I don’t know who you are but I don’t have my phone.” the black skinned girl says. Everyone looks after their phones but no one has one. “ I know this is weird, but we have to stay calm. To make things easier for us. I’m Charlie Beckett and 17 years old.” Charlie introduces herself. “I’m Rhiannon, also 17 years old.” The black skinned girl says. “I’m Sarah with a h, also 17” the red haired girl says. “I’m Maddie, 17” the blond haired girl says.
“After that is settled. I guess it is not a Coincidence that four 17 years old are locked into the same room and whoever is behind this is watching us with that camera.” Charlie said. “Are some kind of sherlock?” The red haired said with an attitude. “No, I’m just good at combining things. I guess it’s given from parents.” Charlie looking around the room. “That’s why your name sounds so familiar. You’re the kid of the Captain Kate Beckett and the writer Richard Castle. That’s so cool” Rhiannon says. “Wait your mom is a cop. Then get a massage to her and they can break us out of here.” Sarah said. “How am I to do that without a phone. Let’s just solve this puzzle.” Charlie said and everyone but Sarah gathers around it. Sarah smash’s the glass of the axe. “Fuck it I’m breaking out of here. What its made out of rubber. Shit.” Suddenly Bees fly out of the box and sting Maddy. “I’m allergic.” She says before she collapse. “The antitoxin has to be in this puzzle.” Charlie says starting to solve it with the help of Rhiannon. They finish it and give Maddy the antitoxin, it was close but she survived it. “Well now we know it’s not only a game. It’s about death and life.” Charlie says while looking everybody. Then with a crack the TV in the room turns on. “Look the room it’s identical to ours.” Maddie says. “That’s my Mom. Susan” Rhiannon says shocked. “That’s my Mom, Helen” Sarah said. Charlie stares at the woman with her back turned to the camera. Suddenly that woman turned around to look at the TV. “Mom.” Charlie said without taking her eyes off the TV.
“Look the room it’s identical.” Helen says while looking at the Tv. “Wait a moment that is my daughter Sarah” Susan said starring at the TV disbelieve. “And that’s my daughter Rhiannon.” Helen says. “That’s my kid. Charlie. They must have abducted them first and send the messages with their phones. To get us to that building.” Kate explained. “Charlie? Charlie? Can you hear me Charlie?” Kate tries to communicate with her daughter. She won’t show before these strangers she just met, but inside she is freaking out and is scared for her daughter’s life. But Charlie does not move meaning they can’t hear them. The TV turns black. Kate looks at Helen noticing something on her neck. “What do you have on your neck Helen?”. Helen looks at her neck, there is a weird looking symbol. “I don’t know, but you have it to.” Helen says pointing at Kate side. Susan doesn’t have one.
“Rhiannon did you see something on your mom’s shoulder?” Charlie asked. “Yeah she had that weird looking symbol that Maddie and Sarah have.” Rhiannon exclaimed. “Are you sure?” Charlie asked.  “I didn’t take my eyes off her.” Rhiannon nodded. “Following that pattern. My mom has one and I don’t. Your mom has one and you don’t. Your mom doesn’t have it but you.”
“There were 4 kids but only 3 of us, what happened to the women in that chair.” Helen asked while pointing on one chair.
Both groups found out by now that the wood stick from the axe is the key for the door, but the didn’t open just a cabin with a gun in it. “2 will die, 1 will be freed” Kate reads. “They what us to go against each other.” Helen says and Kate nods. Kate places the gun in the holder an walks away. Susan takes it and points it at them. “Susan what are you doing. That doesn’t bring us further. You don’t have to do this.” Kate says trying to calm her down. “It’s called surviving. It’s an instinct.” Susan claims.
In the same time the TV for the girls turn on and they see how Susan points the gun. Without thinking twice Sarah jumps to the desk and takes the gun and points it up. “My Mom is right. I’m not dying today.” Charlie steps in front of the group. “Sarah we had a deal no one takes the gun.” Charlie said, suddenly Maddie steps in front of her “shot me.” Maddie said looking at Sarah. Sarah pulls the trigger and it fires backwards, she lays on the ground not moving. “Oh god is she dead” Maddie asked. “Yeah, who ever build this room, manipulated the gun so that it kills the shooter. Now let’s find a way out of here.” Charlie exclaimed.
Susan was tied up and sitting on a chair. The TV turns on and they see Sarahs dead body and Charlie with the gun in her hand. “Oh my, Sarah. Your daughter killed my child!” Susan screamed and cried. “I’m so sorry, I’m sure there is an explanation.” Kate said sure that Charlie could’ve done it.
Both groups found their way out of the classroom. The mother’s in a more elegant way with building a bomb. The girls used brutal force breaking the door open.
“Stay right behind me.” Kate said with the gun in hand. They start walking when a shadow showed on the wall. Kate nod so the other lean against the wall. She turns around the corner.
“Don’t fire that.” Charlie said with her hands up. “It’s build to kill the shooter. That’s how Sarah died.” Charlie explained. Kate doesn’t hesitate and pulls Charlie into hug. Charlie closes her eyes and breath in the scent of her mother perfume. “I’m so glad you’re ok. I had a heart attack seeing you in that room.” Charlie just chuckled on that statement. “We should keep going.” Maddie said while looking around. “She’s right” Kate took Charlie’s hand not planning on letting it go for a while. “There is the exit.” Maddie said running into the room. “No wait that’s a trap.” Both Kate and Charlie said. But the doors closed on both sides. Three leather on the wall. Kate takes the card. “…only one of the better half can go. They want to separated the couples.” Kate said looking at Charlie. “We’re 6 people, 3 leathers. They want us to give each other up.” Charlie said. “I’m staying here.” Maddie said pushing down the leather everybody turns away scared that something blows up. Kate shields Charlie, but nothing happens. “So who is stay staying with me?” Maddie asked. “I will” Kate said looking at everybody. “If you stay, I stay.” Charlie said. Kate wanted to argue but Charlie did their secret sign they have since Charlie was small. They close their fingers after one another into a fist and it says thing like “trust me” but also “I’m scared”. Kate just nods. “Wait, that’s against the rules” Maddie said. “Screw the rules.” Kate yells. Both of them push the  leather and the doors open. “Thank you. We will call for help.” Helen says having Rhiannon in a side hug. They run out. Maddie suddenly lets go of the leather and the door closes. “Sorry guys I thought we could run out.” Maddie said.
“Really or are you just mad that we broke your rules?” Charlie asked letting go of the leather. “You did say there would be consequences” Kate said also letting go. “We know it’s you.” Charlie said.
“Dammit” Maddie sighed and gets out a remote opening a side cabinet with a rifle. Kate tries to run before she could take it. “Don’t move.” She points it at them. “What gave me away.” Maddie asked looking at Charlie. “That you weren’t scared at all when Sarah pulled the trigger and how you ran into the room even though everyone knew it’s a trap. So let me asked a question. Why?” Charlie said.
“My dad used to test us. Me and my mom. Lock us in rooms and let us to tests. He abused but no one helped us. They didn’t care.” Maddie said.
“Maddie we can help you.” Kate said trying to step closer but Maddie didn’t let her.
“Help me? Because you’re a cop. Yeah no. I tried talking to one but he just talked to my dad for 5 min and left.” Maddie explained. “And that’s why you punish my mom because of a time she wasn’t even captain yet?” Charlie practically yelled at her but Kate held her back with her hand.
Charlie was hit with a idea. She stepped back at the leather. “So you kidnapped a person from every job that didn’t help” Charlie said while quietly unscrewing the leather. “Enough talking. Let’s finish the experiment. One of you is going to die. Come choose.” Maddie said. “I’m not choosing” Kate exclaimed. “Me neither.” Charlie said. “One of you choose now or I’ll start to shot your body parts.” Maddie said exclaimed pointing the rifle at Kates foot. “Ok, ok. I’ll choose” Charlie said.
“I chose no one dies!” Charlie yells hitting Maddie with the leather and Kate secures the rifle. “Stay down.” Kate said.
At the same moment the police comes in and Rick runs in. “Oh thank god. You guys are ok.” Rick said bringing them into a family hug. “Let’s go home” Kate said taking Charlies hand.
Back at home Charlie and Kate both took a long and hot shower. When Charlie walks downstairs in her pjs she only sees her mom also in her pjs waiting for her. “Where is dad?” Charlie asked. “Oh he is in his office. He said he wants to give us some girls time after what happened. So I ordered pizza and the couch is waiting for us.” Kate said while opening her arms for Charlie to come to her. Charlie didn’t wait any longer and threw herself onto Kate and they both fall onto the couch laughing. Kate turns the TV on and plays Brooklyn 99. “Really Mom? You hate the show because it’s so unreal.” Charlie said. “Well seeing you laugh while watching it makes up every mistake in the show” she says. “I love you Mom” Charlie said cuddling more into her mother. “Love you too Baby, more than you think.” So the mother-daughter duo watched TV the hole night and fell asleep during that. The next morning Rick took a picture of the both of them and both of them make it their background on their phone.
Hope you liked it. English is not my first language. So sorry for every mistake.
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specialagentlokitty · 10 months
Beckett x teen!reader - makeshift family
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Beckett x teen reader is her next door neighbor prompt 12 - @witchreporter 💜
12: “I got you something.” “Really?!”
You heard the sound of your apartment door open and you grabbed your baseball bat, slowly setting your console controller down.
“Don’t even think about it.”
You tossed it aside and grinned, jumping around and faced the entrance to your living room.
Beckett laughed a little, walking over to you.
“Hey, I heard you left school early so I came to pick you up come let’s go.”
“Where we going?” You asked.
“Well, I have to finish some paperwork, and while I’m doing that we’re going to talk about why you left school early, then go and get something to eat.”
“I’m not getting out of this am I?”
Beckett shook her head, gesturing towards the door.
“Nope, let’s go kid.”
You got up, turning your tv and everything else off, making your way to the door.
She stopped in the doorway to look at you.
“I have a parents evening next week, will you go?” You asked.
Beckett nodded her head.
“Yeah, sure. If you want me to.”
You nodded a little.
“Yeah, I’ve never been to one and I kinda wanna go. And I wanna see what my teachers have to say about me.”
Beckett laughed slightly, placing a hand on your head to guide you out of the apartment so she could lock the door for you before handing you your keys.
You ran down the steps, jumping down a few of them.
“Hey! I’m not taking you to the hospital if you get hurt!”
“You’re my legal guardian you have to!”
“I’m your non legal guardian!” She called back.
You grinned, running to her car, jumping in the front and Beckett shook her head as she got into the drivers side.
“Behave at the precinct.”
“I’ll be as good as gold.” You grinned.
“That means no pranks, you leave the guys alone and no running away like last time, I really don’t want to deal with Gates on my ass about you running riot all over the precinct.”
You pouted a little, slumping in your chair.
Beckett smiled, patting your shoulder.
“Sorry kid.”
Getting to the precinct, you jumped into the elevator, jumping slightly while it was moving.
“(Y/N).” Beckett warned.
You grinned a little, going to run out of the elevator when Beckett grabbed the back of your jacket, holding you in place.
She began to walk, still holding into your jacket while you walked in front of her.
“I’m going to get a set of toddler reins for you.” She said.
Beckett walked over to her desk, sitting you down in a chair and she handed you some papers.
“One of your teachers dropped these off for you.”
“I don’t like homework.”
“Yet you’re going to sit there and do it, otherwise I’m taking your Xbox again.”
“No! Come on!” You whined.
“Tough love kid.”
You pouted, leaning over her desk as you began to work on your homework.
“I need to go out, but Ryan and Esposito will be here.”
“That’s cool.”
Beckett set a cup down in front of you, and she ruffled your hair a little bit.
“No trouble, okay?”
You looked at her.
“I’m trusting you!”
With that Beckett left, and you picked up your homework, wondering over to another desk and setting it down.
“Ryan!” You yelled.
The man jumped, nearly dropping his cup.
“Jeez (Y/N), I thought Beckett said no trouble.”
“That’s not trouble, I need help.”
“With what?”
You gestured to your homework and he picked it up.
“Sorry kiddo, I don’t know Spanish, Espo is your best shot.”
“Where is he?”
“Try the break room.”
You nodded, taking the papers over the the break room, rolling them up along the way and you smacked the detective in the back.
“Dude seriously?”
Esposito turned around and you grinned a little at him holding the papers up.
“Spanish? Thought you dropped that class last year.”
“Yeah they won’t let me, will you help me?”
“Yeah, sit down.”
You sat down and Esposito went through your homework with you, explain the words, how to say them and what they meant.
While you were doing that, Castle walked in.
Of course your recognised him but you hadn’t fully met him yet, it wasn’t often you were taken to the precinct, so you had no way of meeting him.
“You never said you had a kid!” Castle gasped.
“Not my kid.” Esposito said.
“Ryan? He seems a bit young to have a teenager.”
“And I don’t?”
You snickered a little, checking over your homework.
You picked up your papers and grinned at Esposito.
With that you wondered away, heading over to Beckett with your homework.
“Will you stop beating my detectives?”
You handed her your papers and she handed you a shopping bag.
Sitting at her desk, you put the snacks and drinks on the desk and began to eat.
“Good job. I’ll let your teachers know tomorrow you’ve done them, but next week we’re having a meeting with them about this behaviour of yours.”
You nodded a little bit.
“Beckett has a kid!”
“I don’t have a kid!” Beckett yelled back.
You looked up to see Castle, Ryan and Esposito walking over.
“Then who’s that, because that’s a kid.”
“This is a kid who’s gonna throw a pen at your bigass forehead if you call me a kid again.”
“Sorry detective…”
She smirked a little bit, and sat down on a chair next to you, taking one of your snacks for herself.
“This is (Y/N), my neighbour, (Y/N), this is Richard Castle, you’re not going to throw anything at him.”
“So, you stole your neighbours kid?” Castle asked.
“No.” Beckett sighed.
“So… do their parents know you’ve stolen their kid? Do I need to call the police?”
You glared at him a little, and you got up, grabbing some snacks and a can of pop and made your way out of the room.
“(Y/N) don’t go!” Beckett called.
“Castle you’re an idiot!” Esposito hissed.
“What?! What did I do?!”
Beckett sighed, running a hand down her face.
“Castle family is a touchy subject for (Y/N), they’ve been living on their own for years in that apartment. I just look after them, get shopping for them that kind of stuff.”
Beckett gave him a look and she packed everything back into the plastic bag and stood up.
“I know you didn’t mean it, I’ll go talk to them.”
Beckett made her way back into your apartment, and you were sitting on the couch playing games again, this time with headphones on.
Beckett set the bag in the kitchen and went back to her own apartment next door before coming back over.
Grabbing the nerf gun by the door, she fired it at you, watching as the rubber bullet bounced off the back of your head.
“Damnit detective.”
You pulled your headphones down, and she grinned as she walked over.
Beckett sat in the table in front of you.
“I want you to know Castle didn’t mean what he said.”
“It’s fine, he didn’t know. It’s just.. a touchy subject…”
“I know kiddo, I know. I also know it’s hard on you.”
“I’m fine by myself, plus I’ve got you. It doesn’t really matter does it? I know you care about me, that’s all that matters.” You grinned.
Beckett laughed a little bit.
“Course I care about you, I’ve watch you grow from just some kid living alone to a near adult navigating life.”
You smiled at her, and she muted your tv.
“I got you something.”
You sat forward with with an excited look on your face.
Beckett pulled a neatly wrapped box from behind her back.
You looked at her and the box and she gently nodded her head.
“Go ahead, it’s for you.”
You took it, trying to figuring out how to unwrap it, and after a few minutes of struggling you held it out to her.
“Sorry, I forgot you hate wrapping paper.” She laughed.
Beckett tore the paper for you and handed it back, and you saw a photo frame of you and her from a trip you took to the mountains a few months before.
Under it was a game you had been wanting for weeks.
You set the game, looking to at the photo.
“I thought it was lost…”
“No, we managed to recover it.”
Setting the photo down you leant forward and you hugged her tightly.
Beckett smiled a bit, hugging you back gently.
“Thanks Beckett..”
“Of course, I know it’s not much.”
“No! It’s perfect!”
Beckett smiled, watching you set the photo on the table and you put the game into the console, handing her an extra controller.
Did she know how to play games? No. But even if she sucked at it was worth it to spend some time with you and help you forget how much you hated spending the holidays alone
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eleanor-bradstreet · 2 months
Let Me Be Your Anchor
Chapter 17: The Country Visit
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Benedict Bridgerton x Sophie Beckett An Offer from a Gentleman reimagined Chapter rating: G Word count: 9.5k
Masterpost Previous chapter
Author's note: Thank you for your incredible patience, dear readers. I am still alive. Life has been life-ing me pretty hard but I think about finishing this fic every damn day. This chapter and the next one are the two big exposition bois that I hadn't written, hence the long wait for them but after that, several chapters are fully completed. I hope you enjoy the family shenanigans in this one. Also, I fully recognize that every time I mention Kate I simp for her ethereal beauty, for which I shall not apologize because she is a goddess and should be described as such. 😜 Enjoy! 💙
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The endless procession of carriages marking the arrival of the Bridgerton family at Aubrey Hall brought with it an array of feelings for Benedict. An anxiety and sadness that his family would serve as a wedge between him and Sophie, and an undeniable eagerness to embrace them all, having been apart for so long. A familiar warmth flooded his heart as their voices began echoing in the entry hall and he dashed to meet them.
Anthony was the first to reach him, smirking. “Ah! Our invalid.” He hugged his brother tightly, leaving a possessive hand cupped behind his ear as he looked him over. “Are you alright?” The concern in his eyes betrayed how deeply the steely-faced Viscount truly cared.
“Never better,” Benedict grinned.
“Good,” Anthony clapped him on the shoulder and began to drift toward his study. “I’m pleased to see you haven’t burned the place down. I’m off to meet with Dewitt.”
His sister-in-law Kate glided along behind her husband, resplendent even in traveling clothes. Flashing Benedict a warm smile, she squeezed his arm as she passed. 
Daphne and Simon had joined the throng and Benedict paused a moment to observe everyone. There was comfort in the chaos of the reunion. Seeing them felt like snapping back into reality, as if he had been living in a fantasy world tucked away with Sophie and her faerie-like enchantment over him. He wondered if anyone would be able to detect something amiss. Though he had managed to be discreet about all manner of outrageous activity in the past, he had never attempted to hide something so close to home. 
“Benedict, dear.” His mother extricated herself and approached him with open arms.
“Mother,” He folded into her embrace.
“I have missed you.” She rested a hand on his cheek. “You are feeling quite well again?”
“Perfectly,” he smiled. “I’m the picture of health.”
She pulled back and appraised him, her eyes brightening. “I should say so. You wrote that you had hired a nurse to help you? We owe her our thanks, no doubt.” 
Benedict felt the color rise in his cheeks. “Yes, well, not a nurse exactly. She is a very skilled maid and…”
“Well how serendipitous!” His mother exclaimed. “I must ask you, do you know if she has experience as a lady’s maid?” His stomach clenched, already apprehensive of where this may lead. “I don’t know. Possibly?”
“Oh, I do hope she does.” Taking him by the elbow, Violet moved to a corner of the hall and dropped her voice to the exasperated tone Benedict knew was reserved for bemoaning his siblings’ misdeeds. “Just before we left, Eloise’s lady’s maid took ill and stayed behind. Though in truth I wonder if she did not bow out so as to avoid your sister’s moods.”
Benedict couldn’t help but snicker, unabashedly proud of his sister’s obstinance. 
“What is her name again?” Violet asked.
“Sophie,” Benedict tried to keep his voice from wavering. “Sophie Beckett.”
His mother’s face lit with a smile. “Excellent. I shall call for her during tea.”
“Oh…um…perhaps…” A dozen half baked protests swirled in his mind and he stuttered as he tried to land on one. 
Her plan already happily cemented, his mother began to shoo him down the hall. “You should go and help Anthony, dearest. Oh, and make sure Colin stays away from the kitchen as best you can. We’ll need to have some biscuits saved for our guests. Plenty to do, dear. Off you go.”
Anxiety spiking through his every nerve, Benedict stumbled away blindly. He fought to find composure, reminding himself that if he and Sophie were to remain undiscovered, he must not get flustered over the details of her employment. He must act as if she were any other maid, though of course she was anything but.
The Bridgertons had only just arrived and Sophie was already second-guessing her decision to remain at Aubrey Hall. She had been so wholly focused on Benedict that she had failed to consider what risks there were in being seen by his family. When all of the servants had formed their customary lineup at the front doors to welcome them home, she had tucked herself behind Lizzie and admired each well appointed carriage and each handsome brunette Bridgerton that stepped out of it. Then he appeared and her blood ran cold.
Colin Bridgerton. The only other person with whom she had interacted at the masquerade ball. Living on gauzy dreams of Benedict for years, she had forgotten about it entirely. What if he had a keener eye than his brother? What if he remembered her voice? Would he be able to recognize her from that brief, masked encounter in a shadowed garden so long ago? Reason told her it was highly unlikely but she resolved to avoid him nonetheless. She turned her face as he jogged up the steps and he took no notice of her. Once everyone had gathered inside Sophie was introduced to the housekeeper Mrs. Wilson, an older woman of stern stature but kind eyes. Accepting Mr. Dewitt’s explanation of her employment, Mrs. Wilson’s first task for Sophie was to iron more linens for the guest bedrooms. 
Hard at work in the belly of the house, Sophie’s mind raced. While in proximity to the Bridgertons she was at twofold risk of discovery. Discovery not only of her scandalous relationship with Benedict, but of her trespassing into their London home years ago. How would Benedict react if either came to light? Surely it would be the end of their trysts, the end of her employment, perhaps the end of her freedom if they chose to prosecute her. Perhaps she should remain in the servant’s level for the entirety of the country visit which effectively ended their dalliance anyway. She began to wonder if she had already shared her last encounter with Benedict. Had already felt his caress for the final time, had already tasted their last kiss…
“Staying on then, are you?”
Anne suddenly appeared in the doorway and startled Sophie out of her thoughts. Even after weeks of working alongside one another while Sophie extended every kindness, the fellow maid had never warmed to her. She wore a perpetual grimace and seemed immune to any kind of cheer.
“Yes,” Sophie swallowed and turned back to her ironing. “The family has permitted me to stay and assist with the visit.”
Anne smirked. “You mean Mr. Benedict has permitted you to stay.”
Sophie ignored the flutter in her stomach and answered matter-of-factly. “Yes, it was his decision initially.”
Blocking the exit, Anne crossed her arms, leering. “He seems quite taken with you. I’ve never seen any member of the family so invested in a maid before. Kindnesses exceeding what is customary.”
Sophie knew the steam from the iron was not the reason she felt flushed. But she had a lifetime of experience dealing with manipulation. She wouldn’t be shaken so easily. The trick was to answer with ruthless exactitude; never lying, but never giving her tormentor what she knew they wanted. “Well, my hiring was anything but customary. He was in need and I was available to assist. I believe he is only trying to express gratitude.”
“Gratitude, yes.” Anne arched a brow. “You spend a lot of time upstairs…accepting his gratitude.”
Stiffening, Sophie forced a breezy tone. “I am on hand if he should require anything. He often requests that I read to him.”
“I know how to read and in all these years he’s never once asked me.” Anne’s pout and petulant tone assured Sophie that she was none the wiser to the actual truth. She may have been ready to brandish threats but had no proof. This line of accusation was fueled purely by jealousy which she had been riddled with from the day they met.
Sophie pursed her lips. “Well, it does require a degree of wit and character to truly make the passages come to life.”
Before Anne could respond, Mrs. Wilson appeared at her side.
“Miss Beckett, if you would follow me.”
With a nod of assent Sophie brushed passed Anne, flashing her a warning look that dared another challenge.
Sophie’s nerves rose steadily as she walked silently behind Mrs. Wilson, the both of them winding their way through staircases and halls until they reached the closed doors of the drawing room. Sophie swallowed hard, wondering what awaited her inside. An array of accusatory scowls and a note of dismissal? A fuming Viscount shaking a piece of her waylaid clothing at a shame-faced Benedict? The sins they had committed in that room…
But when Mrs. Wilson pushed open the door she was met with the lovely tableau of ladies at tea. The Viscountess and Lady Bridgerton sat in all their finery on opposite sofas, sipping lightly from china cups. Miss Francesca played a flowery tune on the piano in a far corner. The youngest Bridgerton, Miss Hyacinth, was practicing her penmanship with a governess at a table. The room was sunlit and nothing but welcoming.
Mrs. Wilson ushered Sophie to stand before the sofas and she curtsied deeply.
The elder Lady Bridgerton rested her saucer and looked up.
“Ah, you must be Miss Bennett.”
“Beckett, ma’am.” Sophie dropped her eyes respectfully. “Sophie Beckett.”
“Oh yes, I’m sorry.” Lady Bridgerton chuckled and Sophie could not help but notice how the blue shade of her eyes matched Benedict’s exactly. “Miss Beckett. I must thank you for caring for my son during his illness. How fortunate that you were at hand in his time of need. Our family is indebted to you.”
Once again, Sophie was struck by the kindness that seemed inherent to the Bridgertons. She had never been treated so well by any employer. “No, I am indebted to him, ma’am. Your son…saved me from a most unpleasant fate, then gave me employment here while I am between positions. He has been more than generous and I have very much enjoyed the hospitality of your home.” 
There was a world of story hidden behind her words, but she was confident it would remain there. Discretion was one of the many skills she had learned through the hardships of her life.
Then the Viscountess addressed her. “It sounds as if your debts have been mutually paid then.” She was so impossibly beautiful, Sophie found it difficult to hold her gaze despite her warm smile. “Miss Beckett, have you secured a new position yet?”
“Not yet, my lady.”
“Would it be your wish to remain in our employment?”
Benedict’s mother jumped in to explain. “My second daughter Eloise is without a lady’s maid at the moment. I’m afraid we are short-staffed to prepare her for the ball we are hosting. Have you any experience upstairs?”
Sophie’s thoughts began to race. She had intended to remain for the country visit, but as a housemaid relegated to the servant’s level. To work upstairs would complicate her plans to stay out of sight. And yet when she tried to dredge up the white lies she used to deceive the Cowpers, she found that she could not. The gentleness in both women’s eyes compelled her to tell the truth. “Yes, ma’am. It has been some years but I have dressed young ladies for the season.”
Lady Bridgerton beamed. “Excellent. I thought you might. You speak very well. You seem to be precisely what our family needs at every turn, don’t you? A blessing indeed.”
“If you should like to remain as a lady’s maid for Miss Eloise, we will increase your wages and keep you on during our visit,” said the Viscountess.
Lady Bridgerton nodded. “Yes, and we will provide a letter of the highest recommendation for your next position.”
Sophie paused a moment, considering their offer. Clearly Benedict had not told them of his own offer to refer her and pay her handsomely once she found a new position. An offer of employment had never materialized from the Stirling household in Scotland, something she had been quietly celebrating since mending things with Benedict. A recommendation from a Viscountess would carry more weight than that of a second son, and raised wages from a higher position could set her up nicely for the future when and if she ever needed to leave the family’s employ. Weighing the benefits against the risks, she reasoned that Colin Bridgerton and any other member of the ton were unlikely to recognize her for the same reason Benedict could not. Their own bias against her lowly position. If anyone questioned her, she had only to point at her servant’s uniform to undermine their suspicions. Who would truly believe the trajectory of her life? From faux debutante at a Bridgerton ball long ago, to a servant in the very same household. It beggared belief, sometimes even from herself.
Working upstairs also afforded her more opportunity to see Benedict, if not speak with him directly. She knew they were enforcing distance but her heart already ached to at least see him from afar. To see how he interacted with his family and how he navigated society. At Eloise’s side she could safely observe him without seeming out of place. She was resolved.
“Thank you, Lady Bridgerton.” She curtsied to the Viscountess and then her mother-in-law. “Lady Bridgerton…both of you. I should very much like to stay.”
Next she knew, she had been outfitted with a smarter uniform and marched back upstairs to the family wing by Mrs. Wilson.
The housekeeper bustled along in front of her, all business. “Mrs. Wiggin tells me that you have been of great help around the house. There will be no more cleaning and tea service duties for you now that you are to attend Miss Eloise. You will be responsible for waking her, dressing her, chaperoning her on outings and tending to her needs.” 
“Yes, I understand.”
They moved past Benedict’s bedroom and rounded down another hall before stopping in front of a door. Mrs. Wilson turned to her with a serious look.
“I should warn you. Miss Eloise is…spirited. She has had four lady’s maids since her debut, if you take my meaning.” She raised her eyebrows pointedly. “Perhaps you should count yourself lucky that you are only standing in for the visit.”
Sophie felt a pang of apprehension. Benedict had not spoken much about his siblings during their time together, and certainly not in any way that would indicate they were anything but kind and playful. She had noted Eloise’s curious absence from teatime and had also begun to recall hearing her name in the Cowper household years ago. Cressida held a very poor opinion of her but then, that did not make Eloise more notable than any other young lady of the ton. There was certainly no way Eloise could be worse than Cressida.
After a quick rap on the door, Mrs. Wilson pushed it open and they stepped inside. Seated at a large and cluttered writing desk in the middle of her well-appointed bedroom, Eloise startled at their appearance and quickly shuffled papers over whatever it was that held her focus. She stood, trying to obscure the desk behind herself. Instantly Sophie understood why Eloise may be regarded as ‘difficult’. Prim and proper young debutante she was not. She had the stance and smirk of one who did not much care for etiquette and tradition. Her hair was unfashionably short and fringed and the jacket she wore over her pale sage dress had a rather masculine crop. The room was untidy and filled with the kind of ornaments one would expect in a man’s study -  piles of books, ink stains on parchment, busts of authors, and a large telescope facing a window. 
Mrs. Wilson regarded her with exasperation. “Miss Eloise, this is Sophie Beckett. She will be serving as your lady’s maid while we are in the country.”
Sophie curtsied and smiled.
“Excellent. Pleasure to meet you.” The sarcasm was thick in her voice. She forced a grin as Mrs. Wilson bowed out of the room. Her affectation continued as she rolled her eyes. “I am so delighted that a stand-in was found to assist me with the crucial undertaking of buttoning my frocks.”
Sophie quirked her lips, entertained rather than daunted by Benedict’s rebellious sister. “I am certain you would be capable of managing such a task yourself, Miss. But is there not some pleasure to be found in conversation with a confidante throughout your day?”
The young woman cocked her head, assessing Sophie carefully. “Confidante? I’ve never had a lady’s maid describe herself as such before.”
“What are we for but safeguarding the secrets of our ladies?” From the smell of tobacco in the air, she deduced what Eloise had been doing at her desk. She jutted her chin knowingly at the mess of papers. 
A wry smile began to spread across Eloise’s face as she sat and uncovered the tobacco pouch and collection of rolling papers. Sophie felt a surge of victory at already winning a degree of trust.
Eloise toyed with the half-rolled cigarette she had been making. “I know ladies should not smoke, but if I will not be allowed more privacy while we are in the country, at least you could spare me a little indulgence.”
Sophie moved to her side and delicately plucked the cigarette from her grasp. “I believe you should roll them more tightly. Like this.” Carefully, she worked at the paper until it was shaped securely.
Eloise’s eyes boggled. “Do you enjoy them yourself?”
Sophie shook her head. “Not me, no. But I have worked with many people who do.” She handed the token back.
“Thank you.” Eloise could not seem to look away from her remarkable new lady’s maid who not only failed to chastise her for unladylike behavior, but even assisted her with it. She tucked the cigarette safely into a case on her desk. Her posture eased and she leaned back to get a better look at this rare woman. “Where do you come from?”
“North of London originally, but I have lived many places and worked in many houses.” 
Eloise’s eyes lit with recognition. “Are you the one my brother hired recently?”
Sophie tried not to blush at the mere mention of Benedict. “Yes. Mr. Bridgerton assisted me in a difficult situation then fell ill. I was able to return the favor by ensuring he recovered here.” Considering what a rulebreaker Eloise appeared to be, Sophie wondered what such a woman would think of her brother’s salacious dalliance with a maid. She would never reveal it of course, but she got the impression that Eloise may not be scandalized by the concept.
“And now I am your problem in place of him.” Eloise smirked.
Sophie chuckled. “I would not use that word, Miss. I have enjoyed his company and look forward to getting to know you and your family better.”
To demonstrate her readiness she began tidying, brushing loose tobacco dust from the desk and dropping it into the fireplace. She moved to the vanity and began straightening the hairbrushes and tincture bottles which were woefully disarrayed.
“Well I doubt there will be much time for chatter with the guests inbound in two days. This Hearts and Flowers ball always brings chaos to the house.” Eloise groaned from her seat.
Sophie already anticipated her answer but asked. “It sounds as if you are not looking forward to it?”
Eloise shrugged. “There are some acquaintances I am eager to see, but plenty that I would rather avoid. I’m not even sure I know who is on the guest list this year.” 
“Could you ask the Viscountess?”
“I fear she would misinterpret my intentions and believe I was searching for an eligible suitor, which is a conversation I’d like to avoid entirely, thank you very much.” 
Sophie had to keep from laughing at how utterly dejected Eloise looked, arms crossed and posture slumped. Then she had an idea, a way of both solving the conundrum and earning more trust.
“Copies of the list are provided to the staff so that we might prepare rooms and meals. Would you like me to secure one for you?”
Eloise brightened, once again agog at her new companion. “That would be helpful, thank you Sophie.”
“You’re very welcome, Miss.”
The smile they shared was filled with affinity. Here was another woman who kept secrets, who broke rules. A woman not unlike herself, Sophie thought, yet also similar to Benedict in her ease and good humor. Working for Eloise was a world away from working for Cressida. Sophie could not imagine two young ladies at further ends of the spectrum regarding propriety and appearances. Like her brother, Eloise’s disposition was rare within society and Sophie began to wonder if every last Bridgerton was so uniquely charming.
Sophie spent the evening acquainting herself with Eloise’s wardrobe and toilette, straightening her room as she went. She had half a mind to call Anne upstairs for the task so that she might acknowledge Sophie’s promotion, but it seemed too spiteful. She still aimed to keep a low profile among the staff and family both. She was able to procure a copy of the ball guest list from Mrs. Wiggin and on her way to deliver it to Eloise, she made sure to scan the names herself.
The Cavenders had not been invited, which she suspected Benedict had a hand in. The Cowpers were also noted as sending their regrets. Just seeing their name in print made Sophie break into a cold sweat, but she remembered that they often visited Penwood at this time of year which likely explained their absence. Fortune seemed to be on her side for avoiding any risky encounters, and there was a spring in her step as she returned to Eloise’s room to prepare her for bed.
The next day was for the Bridgertons to enjoy the estate before guests arrived. Eloise proved difficult to rouse but quick to dress in the morning. Caring very little for ostentation, she was satisfied by the simple frock and hairband which Sophie supplied. After breakfast Eloise requested her company for a walk through the grounds. Sophie took the gesture as one of generosity and trust. As they walked through the gardens where she and Benedict had shared so many passionate moments, she fought to concentrate on what was being said. Eloise was an effortless companion in that she never left a lull in the conversation. Indeed, Sophie spoke very little except to express her general support of Eloise’s many plans for reforming society and her own path in life. She longed for an education, for adventure, for advocacy. She fretted for the plight of women, though Sophie suspected she had little understanding of the tribulations faced by the working class. Nonetheless, she was impressed with the young woman’s drive and eager to have further conversations on all Eloise had read and experienced. The spirited nature she had been warned of was proving to be nothing but charming.
The highlight of the day was the family’s annual pall mall game, which Eloise explained the rules of as Sophie accompanied her to the back lawn. They arrived at the site of the game before anyone else and Eloise unabashedly outlined her devious plans. Grabbing the fifth wicket from a stack, she hitched her dress and began marching across the grass to place it in the most inconvenient location possible, somewhere between a dense thicket of bushes and the infamous ball-pit of the lake. She assigned Sophie to stand guard several paces away and then disappeared into the brambles, wicket in hand.
Sophie kept her back to Aubrey Hall, snickering to herself as she enjoyed the cool breeze. She remembered Benedict’s retelling of last year’s game and now had a clearer picture of Eloise’s ruthless, even deceptive competitiveness. She also wondered when the last time was that she assisted in any task purely for the sake of fun. It was a light, sunny feeling. Which all came crashing down when a man’s voice rang out behind her.
“You there!”
She spun and saw Colin Bridgerton striding toward her, eyes stern. Oh god, he had recognized her. She could already hear the anger in his voice, could already feel his grip on her arm as he dragged her to the Viscount to expose her. She had been a fool to think she could stay hidden. She felt as paralyzed as a deer in the sights of a stalker.
All she could do was blanch, voice wavering. “Sir?”
He stopped short in front of her, eyes scrutinizing her face. “You…”
This was it. The end of her silly dreams…
“You’re not the lady’s maid from London,” he said at last.
Sophie nearly swayed on her feet as the wave of nausea halted. He didn’t recognize her. She was nothing but another nameless maid to him, just one he hadn’t seen before. Her assumptions had been correct. He was as blinded by her class as his brother. 
“No, sir,” she affirmed, finding her voice again. “I am newly retained to see to your sister while you are in residence.”
“Ah.” A smirk crossed his face and she could see he held his hands behind his back, bouncing on the balls of his feet. He scanned the lawn around them, quipping. “Can you see her now?”
Sophie felt certain that this was all a ploy in the great pall mall rivalry. Well, her allegiance was set. Pursing her lips, she answered. “She is placing the fifth wicket, sir.”
“And she asked you to stand guard.”
“Yes.” Sophie sensed the budding good humor of their conversation. “Do you suspect me of underhanded behavior?”
Colin grinned. “I am accusing my sister of it. I’m sure you are innocent and have been lured into her deceitful enterprise unknowingly.” Once again he searched the horizon. “If you could just tell me where she is…”
“A lady is entitled to her privacy, wouldn’t you agree?”
Colin’s eyes snapped back to her, surprised at her direct tone. 
“Do you believe I am so dimwitted as to allow myself to become embroiled in a scheme against my will?”
He bowed his head in apology. “I meant no offense. Most maids are unused to dealing with Eloise’s…spirited manner.”
There was that phrase again. Now it was Sophie’s turn to smirk.
“I have dealt with far worse than Miss Eloise, I assure you.”
Colin assessed her again carefully. “Well, you are clearly strong of spirit and quick of wit. What about sweet of tooth?”
Finally revealing what was behind his back, he held out a pastry. Something covered in chocolate and delectable looking. “Have you ever had an eclair?”
In truth, she had not, but her loyalty was not so easily bought.
She arched a brow at him. “A bribe? Is pall mall victory really so viciously contended for?”
He chuckled. “You have no idea.”
Their stalemate was broken by the reappearance of Eloise.
“What are you doing here?” Shaking leaves from the hem of her dress, she scowled at her brother. “Looking for the wicket? Well, you’ll have to find it during the game, along with everyone else.”
Nose in the air, she swiped the eclair from his outstretched palm, shoved it whole into her mouth and marched onward to the house. “Come on!” She ordered, her words muffled.
Barely containing her laughter, Sophie followed her mistress, leaving Colin gaping by the waterside.
Everyone had gathered in the sprawling back garden and were buzzing with the anticipation of play. Lady Bridgerton and a contingent of nursemaids were bouncing the grandchildren in their laps on a covered dais while the Viscount, his siblings and their spouses gathered to select their mallets. Eloise dashed into the crowd and secured the orange while Anthony and his wife seemed to bicker over the imposing black mallet. Sophie skirted the scene and started back up the large stone steps into the building but paused to find Benedict among the gathered chestnut heads. He stood slightly off to one side, hip cocked and hands rested on his lavender mallet as his eyes trailed up to hers.
It was the first time they had seen each other in two days and their shared gaze was heavy with yearning. In that moment, the noise and bustle of the Bridgertons fell away and they felt like the only two people on earth. As tenuous as their arrangement was, Sophie couldn’t help but feel magnetized to him; the only constant in her ever-changing circumstances. 
Benedict stared at her as a man transfixed, his chest tightening in that indescribable way. She looked happy, light-hearted, and it made her glow from within. He wanted to capture that light, to infuse it into her portrait…
“Brother!” Anthony barked in his ear, startling him out of his reverie.
“Are you playing or lollygagging?” Eyes burning with signature intensity, the Viscount bade him follow and Benedict forced himself to plod across the grass and away from the captivating woman on the stairs. No one seemed any the wiser as to what had caught his attention, but he wondered how long he could try to ignore Sophie when a single glimpse of her caused such turmoil within.
Darting into Aubrey Hall, Sophie stationed herself by a window to watch the game unfold. Though she could not hear any of the exclamations from the field, it was evident how much joy and fierce competition it stirred. Taunts, encouragement, cheers, laughter. The grounds were alive with the fun of it all. Every sibling and spouse demonstrated their skillset, some adept at the technical approach and others more determined to settle grudges by disrupting their opponents’ efforts. They moved numerically from wicket to wicket, varying in pace, sometimes disappearing from view to find the far-flung goals. Sophie could only imagine where Eloise had hidden hers. Colin was disqualified early but seemed entirely content to join his mother for cakes and tea while wiggling his fingers at his nephew Edmund.
After nearly two hours, the finalists lined up at a hoop approximately five feet off the ground, which Sophie understood from Eloise was the last goalpost. To be deemed the victor, one had to shoot their ball through the hoop by any means other than their hands. The Viscount’s shot went wide. The Duchess’ did not achieve sufficient height. The Viscountess was prowling with anticipation for her shot but Benedict was before her in turn order. Sophie watched in delight as he took the unconventional tack of balancing his ball between his feet then jumping like a frog to launch it through the hoop. To everyone’s amazement - including his - it worked and he crowed with victory, running about and whooping in the faces of his siblings.
Sophie clapped from her spot at the window, laughing with glee. Of course she had been rooting for him and fate once again proved to be on their side. In the midst of her laughter she found that tears had begun rolling down her cheeks. Her joy was echoed by longing. Longing for siblings, longing for a family, longing for the kind of happy life enjoyed by the Bridgertons. But she wiped them away, recognizing that though she was still in the uniform of a maid, she was the happiest she had ever been. She still got to enjoy the beauty and comfort of Aubrey Hall even if she was not an esteemed guest from the ton. She still got to laugh at the shenanigans of the Bridgerton siblings even if she could not join in. And she still got to lay claim to Benedict as a lover, a man who pleasured and protected her, even in their odd arrangement. It was a happier life than she could ever have imagined while wretchedly scrubbing floors for the Cowpers. Tomorrow didn’t bear worrying about, because today she was happy.
At last the day of the Hearts and Flowers ball arrived. Carriages loaded with the top tier of society descended upon the house in waves. Aubrey Hall erupted with noise and movement as the guest rooms filled and the common areas became dotted with simpering debutantes, weary bachelors, drunken fathers and scheming mamas. The flower arrangements chosen by the Bridgerton women were dazzling. Garlands and swags of roses, lilacs and lilies. As she made her way to Eloise’s room, Sophie felt as if she were walking through both a verdant garden and a fine parfumerie.
As she picked out a shawl to match Eloise’s dress, trying to skillfully combat the young lady’s protestations against joining in lawn games, there came a knock at the door. When she opened it to find Benedict, her breath caught in her throat. He too seemed taken aback, stumbling over his words about lending his sister a book which he held out in explanation. Eloise sat at her vanity, thanked him and blithely waved him away. Turning to Sophie, Benedict pressed the small volume into her hands, his touch lingering too long on her bare fingers, eyes burning. Then as quickly as he appeared, he was gone.
Examining the book, Sophie saw a sheet of parchment jutting from the back cover. Clearing her throat, she slipped it quickly into an apron pocket and carried the gift to Eloise. As she finished dressing her for the day, it was all she could do to keep her fingers from trembling with anticipation.
The day passed in a blur, with the Bridgertons and guests mingling in every corner of the house and grounds. Sophie joined the cadre of ladies maids who bustled between the bedrooms, stitching loose threads, buffing shoes, polishing jewelry and trading rose water as they coordinated for the evening ball. Stealing the occasional glance out the windows, Sophie eyed Eloise chatting in an animated fashion with a young lady in yellow. She also heard through the servants’ chatter that the men had returned from a hunt with a stag and two does felled. She wondered if Benedict had made any of the killing shots. If only she could catch a glimpse of him in his hunting ensemble, with a long coat and top hat astride Danae. The mental image gave her an undeniably carnal thrill.
In what seemed no time at all, she and Eloise were stationed back at the vanity, dusk falling purple and soft outside as Sophie lit candles and proceeded to pin the young lady’s hair into a stylish coiffure. In a cluttered drawer she had found a bejeweled hairpiece in the shape of a geranium and nestled it gently within her upswept tresses. For her gown, Eloise had chosen one in a modest style, mint-toned and glimmering with silver accents. Sophie thought it suited her perfectly - beautiful but understated. Style with wit rather than ostentation.
As she dotted rouge onto her cheeks, she asked an amiable question to which she already suspected the answer.
“Are you excited for the ball, Miss?”
“Not particularly.” Eloise’s voice was tight.
“You’re not one for dancing?” Sophie wondered if Eloise was also cursed with two left feet like her brother.
The young lady rolled her eyes. “I’m not one for listening to stodgy men prattle on about how many carriages they own as if that will enamor me enough to marry them.”
Sophie grinned. Eloise’s frankness was unfailingly refreshing. But she knew better than most the discomfort of feeling out of place, and she disliked the thought of sending her off into an evening of drudgery. However, this was Eloise’s role; to attend balls and interview suitors, the same way her role was to primp her to do so, and they had to proceed no matter how much they both longed for something different. All she could offer was her own commiserating perspective. 
“If I may be honest, in my experience it is rare to find gentlemen among the ton who are both kind and interesting.” Then she caught herself. “Of course, I am counting your brothers as the exceptions.”
Eloise scoffed. “Well, I’m not certain about that. You don’t really know them.”
Sophie felt the blush rise up her neck and turned to hide it, busying herself with the face powders. But it was too late, Eloise had noticed.
“Though I suppose you’ve come to know Benedict.” She smiled wryly, now even more curious about her new lady’s maid. “I will say, it’s not a secret that he is my favorite brother.”
Sophie continued to fiddle with the contents of the vanity. “Oh? And why is that?”
“I suppose of anyone in my family I can be my true self around him without fear of judgment or reprimand. He is supportive. Since our father died it’s as if he has been the eldest brother to us all, while Anthony became our father more or less.”
At last Sophie turned and met her gaze, impressed by the first genuine show of emotion she had seen. She moved to affix Eloise’s earrings, smiling wistfully. “It is wonderful that they have been there for you.”
Eloise nodded. “Mmm. And we are quite similar. Benedict also disdains balls and playing the marriage mart.”
As she worked at the small fasteners, Sophie pondered for the first time how odd it was that Benedict remained unmarried. Considering he had been deemed the most eligible bachelor in London years ago when they first met, he must have gone to great pains to avoid the throng of ladies throwing themselves at his feet. But why?
“So the two of you do not wish to marry?”
“Well, I don’t think Benedict is opposed to marriage. But he’s a romantic.” Eloise explained. “The only thing that motivates him are his passions. So he is waiting for a love match, I’m sure. Which is even harder to find than a good dance partner.”
She snorted in laughter which Sophie half-heartedly imitated. It was no revelation to her that Benedict had a romantic soul. He was an artist after all. But the thought of him marrying for love rather than duty, of being blissfully happy with a woman of society who would carry his children and walk on his arm, it made her stomach turn. It was everything she wanted and precisely what she could not have. It was why she would eventually have to leave.
Eloise carried on, completely oblivious. “I certainly do not want to get married or bear children. Though I am struggling to determine what kind of life is available to a woman otherwise.”
With this comment compounding the sting, Sophie could not help but make a sour face and look away.
That was enough to draw Eloise’s attention. “I’m sorry Sophie, that was insensitive of me. Of course there are plenty of unmarried women who work, and working for a livelihood is…”
“It’s just that you are not of the class that is required or even allowed to do so.” After a steadying breath, Sophie turned back. Her woes were not of Eloise’s making. If anything, they made her see how they were similarly caged at either end of the social spectrum. Perhaps in the world the young woman envisioned, they would both have been able to break free.
“You have not offended me. I understand. I understand very well how the circumstances of our birth can restrict our path in life and I do not think that applies only to the lower classes.” Bending over her shoulder to meet her eyes in the looking glass, Sophie gave her a reassuring smile. “There are a great many injustices in our society, Miss Eloise. It seems like you may be of a mind to help resolve some of them.”
Tears sparkling in her eyes, Eloise’s voice was raspy but sincere. “Thank you, Sophie.”
With continued words of encouragement Sophie gave her a handkerchief, helped her to pull on her gloves and sent her down to the ballroom looking as polished as an emerald. She would wait eagerly to hear how the evening progressed, wondering if she would return as dejected as she set out. As she straightened the bedroom, the murmurs of the gathered guests grew louder downstairs, followed by the first strings of music. It was joyful, romantic, and she was instantly transported back to the night of the masquerade ball. The first and only time she had been able to experience such magic firsthand. A night where she held Benedict’s undivided attention, twirling in his arms despite not knowing how to dance. With a moment of privacy at last, she fished the parchment out of her pocket and unfolded it. It was a painting, a simple watercolor of delicate blue flowers with their name written neatly in a corner - Forget Me Not.
Clasping the paper to her chest, she fell back onto Eloise’s bed, beaming. Her mind flooded with images of Benedict and the hope that his love match would continue to elude him that night. He was only downstairs and yet he felt worlds away. But no matter the distance, she was incapable of forgetting him.
In the rose colored ballroom below, everything was progressing with the signature elegance of a Bridgerton event. Candles twinkled from every sconce and surface, reflecting the crystal of the champagne flutes and the embellishments of the ladies’ attire. Flowers trailed along every railing and entryway, lending a sweet fragrance to the air. Dancers twirled expertly in the center of the room while guests in all their finery moved between clusters of conversation and towers of brightly colored confections. The Viscountess, dowager Lady Bridgerton and Duchess of Hastings stood regally near the double staircase, surveying the scene with pride.
The Viscount found himself among a group of gentlemen listening to the details of a business proposition laid out by Lord Fife. It was unlike Fife to have anything worthwhile to say, but his latest venture sounded promising. Even Simon was showing interest, as he elbowed his way in and they sipped their brandies together.
“Where is my brother?” Anthony muttered, scanning the faces of the men gathered. “God knows what he’s been up to these days. He should hear this.”
Simon sighed. “You should know by now that you need to be more specific than that. Which brother?”
The Duke’s brows shot up. “Ah. I haven’t seen him tonight. Though I have some idea where he might be.”
Anthony knew to be wary of that smug tone. Tapping his eldest friend on the arm, they steered away from the crowd. “What do you mean?”
Simon kept his voice low, turning his back to the room. “It’s none of my business but…in his convalescence he seems to have taken up with one of your maids.”
“Oh god,” Anthony groaned, eyes rolling. “How do you know this?”
“We have seen it, Daphne and I. I’ve seen his eyes follow her out of a room and Daphne said she has seen…”
The Duke paused, trying to tread lightly. He knew how easy his friend was to anger.
“What has she seen?” Anthony pressed him, teeth clenched.
Simon took a deep breath. “She has seen them touching. More than would be appropriate. On more than one occasion.”
Anthony’s eyes went wide, his nostrils flared. “Unbelievable.”
Hoping to avoid a public outburst, Simon tried to calm him. “Come now, Bridgerton. He’s a man. Let him have his fun.”
Anthony’s jaw locked, telegraphing his aggravation. “True, we all have our fun wherever we find it. But it remains unbecoming of a gentleman to flaunt it in one’s own house.” His eyes darted to ensure no one could overhear them. He leaned closer, hissing. “I knew he was…eccentric, but I didn’t think his tastes would extend to the help.”
Simon rolled his eyes, knowing this was a far lesser scandal than many they had faced together. Such as the one where they found themselves on opposite ends of dueling pistols. “I didn’t mean to sour your mood, I only wanted to keep you informed.”
Hands on his hips, Anthony steamed for a moment before acknowledging that it was neither the time nor place to address the matter. In their new chapter as relations, Simon had developed a knack for dissipating the Viscount’s untimely frustrations.
Anthony clapped him on the shoulder. “And I’m grateful that you did. You are a true friend. Although, should I call you brother now?” He smirked.
The Duke pointed a wry but warning finger. “Don’t push your luck, Bridgerton.”
___ After three glasses of champagne, two hours of inane conversation, and one good-natured turn with his mother across the dance floor, Benedict had endured about all he could take of the ball. While he has happy for his family that everyone was enjoying themselves, his heart was not in the event. Indeed, it felt somewhere else entirely. As he mumbled pleasantries with the same tired acquaintances and ducked around corners to avoid the fawning advances of Miss Dolores Stowell, he began to wonder what exactly the point of his attendance at such events was anymore. His peers were all there to ostensibly find their spouses and their elders were there to supervise the chase. But he would not find his wife in that ballroom or any other. 
The lady in silver was long vanished and even the memory of her was starting to feel as insubstantial as gossamer. For how long could he keep searching in vain? For how long could he pin all hope on an imagined future with her? One full of the passion, happiness and companionship he longed for? Then Sophie flashed in his mind and he wondered if he was truly longing anymore. Thoughts swimming, he snuck unnoticed out of the ballroom and made his way to a secluded spot where he could think undisturbed. The portico roof over the front doors of Aubrey Hall rested just beneath an array of windows that one could easily climb through and drop out of sight as they sat with a panoramic view of the grounds. It had become a secret, almost sacred place for both heartfelt conversation and mischief which he had only shared with Colin and Eloise, the latter of whom he was surprised to see had beat him to the punch and was sat on a corner of the roof, smoking.
She looked up in alarm as he clambered out of the window and dropped beside her, but on recognition she smiled and wordlessly offered him her cigarette. He took a drag, settling beside her, the two of them staring out at the parade of carriages in the drive and the shadowed hills of the lawn beyond. The stars were bright and the air was peaceful, a stillness in sharp contrast to what Benedict felt within.
Eloise smirked at him. “No one catching your eye, brother?”
He handed back the cigarette and took note of her appearance. It was still odd for him to see his little sister grown and out in society. In his mind she would always be stubborn little El, smudged in dirt and tromping around with a slingshot in hand and one of Colin’s hand-me-down caps. But here in her gown and jewels with her hair pinned beautifully, she rivaled the elegance of every young lady within. 
“I should ask you the same. I’m surprised the men aren’t falling all over themselves to dance with you. You look very lovely tonight.”
She smiled, straightening a bit. “It’s all thanks to the new maid, Miss Beckett. I like her very much.”
He felt the heat rise to his cheeks and the grin that broke across his face was entirely too large and entirely uncontrollable. Perhaps his sister wouldn’t see it in the low light, but his hopes were dashed.
“Benedict?” She studied him, cajoling. “You apparently like her too.”
He swallowed, speaking the truth aloud for the first time. “I do.”
He was surprised to find that he was not nervous about dropping his ruse. Not around Eloise. If there was anyone in the family he could be honest with, it was her. While they had always been close throughout their childhoods, it was when they confessed their shared disdain for the confines of society that the bedrock of their adult relationship had been formed. Whether on the swings in the garden of Bridgerton House or here on the portico roof of Aubrey Hall, they confided in one another about their desires and their struggles. Sometimes explicitly but more often simply through a silent, innate sense for when the other needed support and they never failed to provide it, in blanket sentiments or merely in physical presence. Benedict had escorted Eloise to many a ball she did not wish to attend and had pulled her briskly from the orbit of unsavory suitors. He had sat outside her bedroom door to stave off reprimands after Lady Whistledown had exposed her unsanctioned visits to political rallies and brought scandal down upon her head. After he had left the Royal Academy in shame, fresh sketchbooks, charcoals and paints continued to appear on the desk of his bedroom though he had not purchased them. And when he sulked in heartbreak and frustration for months after losing the lady in silver, Eloise would prod him for walks in the sunshine or games of chess, anything to keep his mind off of his pain without ever ridiculing his behavior, while the rest of his family were convinced he had gone mad. If anyone would champion his pursuit of happiness despite the risks it incurred, it would be Eloise.
True to her character, she did not blink at his confessing attraction to a servant, but she did keep his feet rooted on the ground. “Be careful there. I can only imagine what the family would say about a dalliance with a maid.”
She was right, of course. If his family were to find out and reproach him, it would be easy enough to terminate a frolic that was just for the fun of it all. And yet, as he quested through his feelings, the odd sensation in his chest affirmed that he could not walk away from Sophie so easily. He was approaching something. Something he knew the name of but could not yet admit, not even to himself. But he knew it would rise to the surface soon enough.
“I don’t know if it’s a dalliance, El.”
He twisted his fingers as he sought for the words. “A part of me feels…I don’t know. Happier than I have felt in years.”
Eloise was quiet for a moment and then bluntly asked him the question he could not pose to himself. “You’re finally ready to give up on your lady in silver, then? For a servant?”
Her shimmering image rose in his mind, smiling coyly. He’d spent the last two years with one eye on every door, always waiting for her to enter the room. He felt silly sometimes, even stupid, but he’d never been able to erase her from his thoughts. Or purge the dream - the one in which he pledged his troth to her, and they lived happily ever after. It was a silly fantasy for a man of his reputation, sickly sweet and sentimental, but he hadn’t been able to help himself. That’s what came from growing up in a large and loving family - one tended to want the same for oneself. But the woman from the masquerade had become barely more than a mirage. Hell, he didn’t even know her name. 
“Maybe,” he exhaled, feeling a barrier begin to crumble. “She is at least here. I can see her and talk to her and I know who she is. But I also know what a scandal it would all cause.”
Then he tried to envision a future with Sophie. A life with her would be different from the picture of familial bliss he had imagined, but it didn’t mean they couldn’t forge their own kind of happiness. He couldn’t marry her, but that didn’t mean they couldn’t be together. It would mean compromise, but they could do it. And they’d certainly be happier than if they remained apart.
“So what are you going to do?” Eloise asked.
Benedict’s eyes darted over the horizon, dozens of possibilities tumbling through his mind. Anxious, joyful, heartbreaking, ecstatic.
“I don’t know yet.”
His sister rested a hand on his shoulder and gave him a light squeeze before she stood, dropped her cigarette and stubbed it out with her toe. She brushed off her dress and smoothed her hair, then looked down at him. 
“A word of advice. Don’t fear what others may think. When you find someone, whoever that person is and wherever they come from, if you feel drawn to them, hold onto that feeling. Nurture it. You are a man, and I dare say it would be easier for you to get away with than me. So do it. Live your life and don’t give a damn about society.” 
Then the fire drained from her voice as it became shaky with emotion. “It’s something I wish I had done long ago.”
Turning on her heel, she pulled herself back into the house through the open window and left Benedict alone in the night air, contending with his thoughts.
Marching back through the halls, Eloise wiped a tear from her cheek as her mind replayed her own flirtation with a different life. One that would have been harder, but also simpler than the one she was born into. A life of action and activism. A life of work but fulfillment. A life as the wife of a printer, filled with literature and love.
Any chance at that life had been dashed not only by her own fear of pursuing it, but by the acid pen of Lady Whistledown who had exposed her unchaperoned excursions and scandalized her family. That had been the hammerblow of certainty that if a young lady were to step one toe out of line from society’s expectations, woe would befall her. So ever since, Eloise had done her best to content herself within her gilded cage, waiting for the day when she would either be old enough to break free without censure or meet the man who miraculously defied her abysmal appraisal of his sex.
This was her destiny, one that must find her. But with Benedict able to navigate society more freely due both to his charismatic nature and his gender, surely he had a much greater chance of defining destiny on his terms. She would never forget how dejected he had been after the masquerade ball where he alleged to have met the love of his life. As he quested for her in the months that followed, Eloise watched the light of humor and charm that she so loved in him grow dimmer and dimmer until it almost seemed extinguished. But in recent days it had undeniably returned and she felt as if she had the old Benedict back. If Sophie was the cause of this change, then she would do everything in her power to support their secret romance.
Stopping in front of a mirror she dabbed her eyes, set her resolve, and returned to the ballroom.
The Viscountess stood near a throng of mamas, graciously accepting their compliments for the hostess. Wrapped in a shimmering sari of ombre blue and purple, she matched both the colors and grandeur of the decor perfectly. 
“Are you enjoying the evening, Eloise?” She smiled as she turned to her sister-in-law.
Adopting a cheery tone, the younger exaggerated a smile. “Oh yes, my dance card is full.” She shook the card on her wrist rapidly, trying to obscure the fact that she herself had penciled in all the names, including Robert Burns and George Washington. Clasping her hands behind her back, she continued. 
“I’ve met so, so many wonderful bachelors tonight, thank you. I am here to ask you a favor.”
“My temporary lady’s maid, Miss Sophie Beckett. I have grown quite fond of her and she is very skilled, as you can see.” She pointed proudly to her bejeweled coiffure. “Can I ask that she accompany us back to London? I know that the other maid will return, but she can take care of Francesca and Hyacinth.”
The Viscountess balked, stunned to hear Eloise express any praise for a lady’s maid, let alone the request to retain one permanently. Her sister-in-law was single-handedly the cause of the majority of staff turnover for the Bridgerton household. Whatever magic Sophie Beckett possessed, she was now determined to secure it for as long as possible. 
“If you both desire it, yes, we can take her on in London.”
Eloise beamed with excitement. “Thank you!”
Returning her smile, Kate wondered how far she could push her luck. “Now, would you like to meet Lord Gloucester? He is…”
“No!” Eloise nearly leapt away from her like a cornered animal. “Sorry, I’m incredibly parched. I must get a glass of lemonade.” Waving her off, she nodded her thanks once again and then disappeared into the crowd.
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Tagging: @angels17324 @broooookiecrisp @secretagentbucky @eg-dr3amer3 @time-to-hit-the-clouds @lyta2323 @autumn-grace @sadprose-auroras @the-other-art-blog @goldrambutan @colettebronte @heeyyyou @musicismyoxygen84 @faye-tale @ambitionspassionscoffee @starchaser325 @malna4903 @sincere-sarcasm @kmc198n @makaylan @queen-of-the-misfit-toys @alexandrainlove @chase-your-dreams-away
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shmaptainwrites · 9 months
Pay It Forward [Richard Castle]
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Pairings: Richard Castle x GN!Reader
Characters: Richard Castle, (mentions of) Kevin Ryan, Javier Esposito, Kate Beckett, Martha Rodgers, Alexis Castle
Summary: Reader jumps in between Castle and a suspect before a fight and ends up spending the night confronting her feelings for the bestselling author
Warnings: descriptions of injury (non-graphic), insecurity, hospital mention
Note: And yet another Castle fic, again honestly most of this was written a few consecutive late nights in a row so I don't really know if the progression makes much sense, but I like it so who cares ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ this has been in my drafts for months wtf is wrong w me
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Getting hurt in the line of duty was something in the back of the mind of every law enforcement officer. Even author Richard Castle suspected there would be an occasion or two where he’d bite the bullet (figuratively and literally). 
What he didn’t expect however was when following a lead an officer would jump between him and a suspect right before an altercation began. 
To be honest, you didn’t expect to do it either, but there was something about reflexes that you just didn’t have any control over. 
Castle tried to get in and give you a hand, but you yelled at him to stay back even though you knew you were in over your head. Your body was hopped up on so much adrenaline that it took you a moment to register when you were down. 
It wasn’t the worst you had been hurt, but you knew each of the small injuries added to one another would mean you’d be benched for the foreseeable future. 
“Shit!” you cursed as the suspect managed to get away. “Castle, call Ryan and Esposito I’m in no shape to go after this guy, make sure-ow,” you gripped onto your side as you sat up. “Make sure they have uniforms canvassing all the spots he might have gone to.” 
Castle nodded and quickly made the call for you before hanging up and putting his phone back in his pocket. 
“Hey, you don’t look too good,” he bent down next to you, noticing your split lip and a few other cuts you had around your face. Not to mention what looked like it could be a sprained ankle and a few bruised ribs.
“Been through worse, Castle,” you tried to push yourself up without much success. 
“I should take you to a hospital.” 
“No hospital,” you shook your head adamantly. “I’ll be fine.” 
“Like hell you will be,” he placed a hand around your back and helped you up, confirming his suspicions of a sprained ankle when you winced at the pressure you placed on your right foot. “If you won’t let me take you to a hospital, at least let me patch you up. I must have some things lying around at home we can make use of.” 
“Don’t even try arguing with me on this,” he gave you a stern look. “I signed my papers, you didn’t have to jump in like that.” 
You sighed, “I know, it just sort of happened.” 
“It’s okay,” he assured you. “Just let me pay it forward.” 
You nodded your head and Castle supported you as you limped to the car. 
During the ride to Castle’s place, Ryan and Esposito called to inform you that just as you had suspected your perp had gone to one of his usual hideouts and had been intercepted by uniformed officers. Not without a fight, of course. 
“Glad that’s over,” you let out a breath and massaged your wrist. You had used it to break your fall when he had knocked you down, but you figured it was nothing that some ice and a tensor bandage couldn’t fix. 
Castle agreed with you as he pulled into the parking of his building and got out to give you a hand. You knew it was better not to fight him right now so you let him. You sent out a silent thank you to whoever invented elevators knowing your trip up would have been much more uncomfortable without it. 
As you entered Castle’s apartment, you noticed it was quieter than usual. You sat down on the couch and looked around, 
“Where’s Alexis?” 
“She’s staying at a friend’s house tonight,” Castle said while bringing the first aid kit and two ice packs to the couch. 
You stayed quiet as Castle examined the cut on your forehead, his fingers carefully brushing the skin next to it. 
He then grabbed an alcohol wipe and gave you the time old warning about it stinging. You scrunched your nose as the wipe made contact with the wound, but as soon as it started it was over and he placed two steri-strip bandages to keep the wound closed.
“You seem like you’ve had a bit of practice with this,” you said. 
“Nope,” he shook his head. “First time.” 
You chuckled a little to yourself, “Happy I could be your first something, Castle.” 
That made him break his concerned face with a small smile before turning his attention to your wrist that was already on ice. 
Similar to your own thinking he used a tensor bandage to wrap it, 
“Are you gonna tell me why you didn’t want to go to a hospital?” he asked. 
You shrugged, “I’ve been ignored in one enough times to know when I can try my luck outside.” 
“I’m sorry you had to go through that,” he said while wrapping up your wrist. “I think by this time you know my door is open if you ever need anything.” 
“Yeah, I do,” you smiled. “Thanks, Castle, really.” 
He lifted your hand up to examine his work with a smile at a job well done before pressing a small gentle kiss to the back of your hand. 
“So it can get better, of course,” he winked and you shook your head with a light laugh at his antics. “Your ribs,” he pointed to your chest. “He hit you pretty hard there, do you mind if I take a look?” 
“Castle, I thought you were a writer not an MD,” you crossed your arms over your chest.
“Okay, you’re right I’m not a doctor, but I’ve hurt myself before. Many, many times. At least maybe I can tell you if it’s worth seeing someone about it. Hey, I mean Lanie went to med school you could probably just go to her if you need to.” 
“And deal with Perlmutter if she’s not in? That’s my nightmare,” you shuddered.
“Come on, just give me a look. I promise no funny business,” he assured you and crossed his heart. 
You sighed deeply and winced a little, only prompting Castle to send you a pointed look which you acknowledged. 
“Fine, but not a word of this to Beckett, Esposito, or Ryan. They’ll chew my ear off if they hear I took my shirt off in front of you.” 
“Mum’s the word,” he nodded and with Castle’s help you slipped your shirt off. When you finally caught a glimpse of Castle he wasn’t even looking at your ribs, but instead right at you. 
“Castle, come on you said no funny business,” you whined. 
“No, no,” he shook his head. “I wasn’t-,” 
“Then what were you thinking about?” you raised your brows. 
“Nothing,” he shook his head. “Not important.” 
He then turned his attention to your newly formed bruise and tilted his head a little, curiously examining it. 
“I think you should get this one looked at. Doesn’t have to be tonight, but that’s a nasty hit if I’ve ever seen one.” 
“Whatever you say Dr. Castle,” you sighed and laid back on the couch. 
You looked straight ahead for a while before turning back to look at him, only to see he was staring at you again. 
“Castle, you’re really bad at pretending not to stare,” you chuckled humourlessly. “Honestly, right now I don’t think I could care less.” 
“You make it kind of hard not to stare,” he retorted. 
“Oh yeah, how so?” 
“I just can’t seem to wrap my head around how someone who just got their ass kicked can still look so beautiful.” 
You snorted, “Really, you’re a writer, Castle. I expected more from you.” 
“I’m not lying,” he handed you your shirt back. “Shirt on or off, ass kicked or not.” 
“Tell me why I don’t believe you then?” you took a moment to slip your shirt back on with a little bit of difficulty, but you managed it nonetheless. 
“Maybe I haven’t given you much reason to,” he shrugged. “Can’t blame you there. Or maybe…” 
“Maybe what?” 
“You can’t see it yourself.”
“Can’t see it-Castle, what are you talking about?” you frowned. 
“I’ve been working with you guys for over two years, it’s kind of my job to notice things,” he started. 
“And what did you notice about me?” you ventured asking. 
“You have the capacity to do your job and excel at it like no one I’ve ever seen,” he said. “But not once do you believe maybe your hunch is right. It’s always, no, let's do Beckett’s idea that seems better, you even indulge me more than you indulge yourself.” 
You chewed on the inside of your lip, he wasn’t wrong. 
“I just hope that mentality doesn’t find its way into the rest of your life too.” 
You nodded your head, lips pressed tightly together, what he had said struck a chord with you. Resonated deep inside your heart where you knew he was right. 
“And why do you care so much about me, Castle?” you dared to ask him. “Why did I jump in front of you to just get my ass kicked by our suspect? Do you have an answer to that too?” 
“I might, but I don’t think you’re gonna like it,” he chuckled lightly. 
“Maybe we should save it for another time then,” you whispered. “I think I um…I need to get back home.” 
You pushed yourself up off the couch, but Castle blocked you before you could leave. 
“Just stay here,” he said. “It’s late, you’re hurt. I-I don’t wanna leave you alone.” 
“Castle, I know your mom’s living with you again. I don’t wanna impose-,” 
“It’s not,” he shook his head and put his hands on your arms. “I swear it. You take my bed, I’ll sleep in Alexis’ room tonight.” 
You had almost already had one foot out the door, you were so ready to get the hell out of there, run away from your feelings, but before your mind could catch up your hearts words made it to your mouth and you said, 
“Okay…I’ll stay.” 
Castle smiled and nodded his head a few times, like he was taking in the fact that you had just agreed with him, to be honest, so were you. 
“Just give me a sec, I’ll grab you some stuff to take up with you,” he said before walking off to the linen closet to grab you a towel, a pillow, and an extra blanket. He came around to the stairs and motioned for you to follow him which you did
The door at the end of the hallway upstairs was the one that he led you to, pushing it open and allowing you to enter the room while he placed the things he had grabbed for you on the bed. 
“Um washroom is over there,” he pointed, “Alexis’s room is the one by the stairs. D-Do you need something to wear?” 
“Uh, no I think I can manage in these,” you looked down at the t-shirt and joggers you were wearing, thankful you had changed into your civvies before going out of the precinct. “Thank you.”
“Yeah, no worries,” he nodded, walking back from his bed and coming past you. “If you need anything, I’m just down the hall.”
You nodded your head. 
“Oh, I almost forgot,” he pulled a package out of his pocket. “Toothbrush.”
You smiled as he handed it to you. clearly having thought of everything. 
“You sleep well,” he placed a hand on your shoulder and leaned in to press a kiss to your cheek. As he began to pull away, his eyes met with yours and before you could control your actions you could feel yourself reaching out to him. An arm wrapped around his neck, toothbrush still in hand, one hand holding his face, and before you knew it you had pulled him fully into you, your lips pressed gently against his own. 
At that moment, you didn’t care anymore, you didn’t care about fighting your feelings, about whether or not this would end terribly and whether it was a good idea in the first place. All that mattered is that you knew what you wanted, and you were going for it. 
Castle pulled away after a moment, looking again into your eyes almost asking permission. Giving you a chance to back out in case this was all some mistake. 
But when you leaned in again, he took his cue and met you in the middle. 
His hands were wrapped so gently around your waist, careful not to squeeze or press too hard, avoiding your sore spots. 
The second time you pulled apart it was for air, your foreheads resting against each other, the only sound in the room was your breathing. 
“Would you…would you stay with me?” you asked. 
He pressed another kiss to your lips and nodded. 
“Anything you want,” he whispered, and he meant it. 
You unwrapped your arm from his neck, looking down at the toothbrush in your hand with a small smile. 
“I’m gonna go…” you looked to the washroom and he nodded saying something about getting changed. 
After you finished brushing your teeth, you came back into the room just as Castle was about to slip on a t-shirt. 
“Now we’re even,” he said. “And not a word to Beckett, Esposito, and Ryan,” he teased you. 
“Come on, we both know you would love it if they knew,” you rolled your eyes and made your way closer to his bed. 
“Nah,” he shook his head and slipped on his shirt. “I think I’m okay keeping this one to myself.” 
When you sat on the edge of the bed, Castle stayed where he was, that same knowing look in his eyes.
“What are you staring at?” you asked, pulling your legs up and sitting cross-legged. 
He just shrugged and came to the other side of the bed, it was odd how you’d never noticed that look. Had he always looked at you that way? 
“Rick,” you said quietly and he nodded, showing you had his attention. “Why didn’t you ever say anything?” 
He chuckled a little, “I-Well I always thought you kind of hated me.” 
“I kind of hate everybody,” you leaned back against the headboard. “I hate you a little less.” 
He laughed and you did too, until you felt the ache in your ribs, prompting you to stop.
“I’ll take it,” he reached out to hold your hand and you took it, pulling him closer until this time he took the lead and cradled your face, kissing you again. 
“You know,” you mumbled in between kisses. “You don’t have to not say things on my account, ever.” 
“I’ll keep that in mind,” he assured you. “And you know you’ll always have a place here.” 
“I could get used to that,” you nodded, holding his face in your hands and pulling him in even closer, until there was barely any space left between you. 
He used the proximity to wrap one of his arms around the side of your waist that wasn’t bruised and pull you over more towards him, having you practically lean into his chest, until you both sunk down into the plush mattress. 
“I don’t think I’m doing your lip much good,” he murmured while brushing his thumb across where you had split your bottom lip. 
“It’ll heal,” you kissed his thumb which was still resting against your mouth. 
“And so will you, but not if we stay up all night.”
You let out a small chuckle, “Alright, Doctor Castle, I’ll rest,” you conceded, letting your head rest against his chest, just high enough that he could bend his neck and press one last kiss to your forehead. 
Closing your eyes, it felt nice to know that someone would be there to hold you when you woke up. 
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su-alteza-emia · 1 year
Characters i write for! [Ships, headcanons and "x reader"]
Request: closed (you can send but I'll write them when it opens again)
(the characters in purple are my favorites<3)
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Star wars.
Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Padme Admidala, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Han Solo, Cassian Andor, Jyn Erso and Din Djarin.
Natasha Romanoff, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Scott Lang, Stephen Strange, Wanda Maximoff, Peter Parker (Andrew's one, but i can try with the others!), Gwen Stacy, Eddie Brock, the moon boys, Shuri, Namor, Mantis, Dane Whitman, Matt Murdock and Jack Russell.
Logan Howlett, Peter Maximoff¹, Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr, Warren Worthington III, Ororo Munroe, Jubilation Lee, Remmy Lebeau and Anne Marie.
Ride the cyclone.
Mischa Bachinski, Ricky Potts, Jane Doe and Constance Blackwood.
The Bridgerton.
Anthony Bridgerton, Benedict Bridgerton, Colin Bridgerton, Daphne Bridgerton, Eloise Bridgerton, Kate Sharma, Sophie Beckett, Penelope Featherington, Simon Basset, Theo Sharpe, Edwina Sharma and The prince.
Fantastic beast and marauders era (i don't support JK Rowling)
Newt Scamander, Tina Goldstein and Queenie Goldstein.
Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, James Potter, Lily Evans and Regulus Black.
Dungeons and dragons: Honor among thieves.
Edgin Darvis, Holga Kilgore, Doric, Simon Aumar and Xenk Yendar.
Random characters:
Charlie and Bill Weasley and Morpheus (Dream).
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This part is for characters i can write but it's harder to me.
Star wars
Satine Kryze, Bo-Katan, Lando Calrissian, Boba Fett and Ahsoka Tano.
Peter Quill, Pietro Maximoff¹, Tony Stak, Clint Barton, Yelena Belova, Kate Bishop, Layla El-Faouly, Arthur Harrow, Valkyre and Frank Castle.
Jean Gray, Illyana Rasputin, Raven Darkholme/Mystic and Wade Wilson.
Ride the cyclone
Ocean O'connell Rosenberg and Noel Grubber.
Harry Potter (I don't support JK Rowling)
The golden trio, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom and Cedric Diggory.
Random characters
All the others Weasley and all the hargreeves (without Five).
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I mean if you saw my fandoms and you wonder if i write for someome there, just ask!
The banners are from here
¹: Some people are confused, but Pietro Maximoff is the Aaron Taylor-Johnson's version and Peter is the Evan Peters version.
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vera-keller · 6 months
hi victoria!! 1, 5, 27 from the pop culture asks for liv? <3
parm!!!!! happily <3
1. was your oc influenced or inspired by any particular fictional character(s) when you made them?
she absolutely was! her inspirations are all over the place though they include katee sackhoff's kara thrace from bsg, jessica chastain's maya harris from zero dark thirty, a smidge of brad colbert from generation kill and of course beckett mariner from lower decks who i straight up named her after because there is no such value as subtlety in this household. it is also my intention to include as many references to them as i can get away with so get ready to rumble honestly
5. what song(s) do you associate with your oc?
this was impeccable timing because i literally had this open in spotify >:) it's a work in progress but i present to you the preliminary olivia mariner playlist!
27. in a murder mystery, what role would your oc play? (eg. detective, sidekick, wacky suspect, rival investigator who gets in the way, red herring, true culprit)
rival investigator!mariner x detective!reader anyone? but also that being said i genuinely think from the bottom of my heart that to a certain extent she was put on this earth to be weird and offputting and therefore wacky suspect is a close second choice
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