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echoesofblue · 3 years ago
Rainy Snowdrop by Re:nG / Translation
レイニースノードロップ / Rainy Snowdrop
This is KAITO's official 15th Anniversary theme song for Magical Mirai 2021! Link to this song's page on Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki (romaji can be found here!): Rainy Snowdrop
Lyrics: KATABIRA Yuki Music & Arrangement: Re:nG Electric Guitar: SATORI Kento Illustration: Heiwa Movie: Andou Vocals: KAITO
声を上げろ 黙った僕の存在意義なんて どこにもないんだ
“Raise your voice.” There isn't any reason for me to exist If I’m silent
新しい靴おろすと すぐ土砂降りの雨で
I wear new shoes out And it starts pouring immediately
傘を持つとほら 嘘みたいに晴れるんだ
I open my umbrella, and look! The sky's clearing up as if it was a joke
昔からいつもツイてない星回り 鼻をすする音を雨がかき消した
It's always been like this, I have no luck The rain drowns out the sound of my sniffles
代わりはいくらでもいて 選ばれない自分
There are countless people who can replace me I am never chosen
俯き歩き見つけた花の名は そっと春を告げる スノードロップ
As I hung my head and walked, I found a flower whose name Softly announces the arrival of spring "Snowdrop"
青く揺れる理想と夢が また不甲斐ない僕を衝き動かすから
My ideals and dreams sway blue And rouse me from my spiritlessness
声を上げろ 黙った僕の存在意義なんて どこにもないんだ
“Raise your voice.” There won't be any reason for me to exist If I remain silent
踠けよ やりきれない世界で
Give it your all in this unbearable world
「どうでもいい」とか 「わからない」だとか そのまま歌うのは簡単だけど
“I don’t care” Or “I don’t know.” It's easy to keep singing like that, butt
答えがないような気がしても 諦めきれず探す日々は無駄じゃない
Even if I feel like there are no answers, The days I spend searching without giving up are not in vain
I remember you laughing as you say I'm thinking too much
流れ流され過ごせば楽になる でもそんな弱い僕は嫌なんだ
oing with the flow might be easier But I hate being that weak
エゴでもいい 偽善でもいい この歌声だけが二人を繋ぐから
I don't care if it’s egotistical, I don't care if it's hypocritical This voice is the only thing that will connect the two of us
声にならない痛みは 眠れない夜の祈りに変えよう
Let me take my voiceless pain And turn it into a sleepless night’s prayer
I’ll hold on to my hope and irrationality
「変わらずにいて」そう願うのは ワガママだと分かっているよ
“Stay as you are.” I know it’s Selfish to wish for that
あの日の君と僕は あの日のまま心に
In my heart, the you and I of that day Remain as we were on that day
もう雨は上がった 晴れた空を仰ぎ見る
The rain has now lifted I look up at the clear sky
過去も傷もこの苦しみも 手放さずに向き合うことを決めたんだ
I’ve decided to face my past, my wounds And this pain, without letting go
落ちる雪と 孤独に凍えた背中は 遠い記憶
The falling snow And my back frozen in loneliness Are now far-off memories
青く揺れる理想と夢が また不甲斐ない僕を衝き動かすから
My ideals and dreams sway blue And rouse me from my spiritlessness
声を上げろ 無力さを嘆いてないで 扉を開けよう
“Raise your voice.” Instead of lamenting my powerlessness, I’ll open the door
When my tears dry, I'll head into the future
Translator's Note:The snowdrop flower is one of the first flowers to bloom at the end of winter, and so is associated with hope, consolation and overcoming obstacles. Translator's Side Note: AAAAAAAAHHHH What a beautiful song! Re:nG-sama has done it again. I'm so glad KAITO is getting the love he deserves. Enjoy this song, everyone. HAPPY 15TH, DEAR KAITO!
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irosirabe · 3 years ago
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初音ミクシンフォニー2021お疲れ様でした! いい兄さんの日だったのでシンフォニーで使っていただいたイラストを公開いたします。 KAITO15th改めておめでとうございます。
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